04x08 - One Less Fish in the Sea

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Below Deck". Aired: July 1, 2013 – present.*
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Show chronicles the lives of the crew members who work and reside aboard a superyacht during charter season.
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04x08 - One Less Fish in the Sea

Post by bunniefuu »

- Previously on "Below Deck"...

- Okay.
Yeah, that'd be cool.

What are you sending
money home for?

- My daughter.
- Oh.

- Yeah.

- I didn't know
you had one.

- Didn't you?
- Mm-mm.

It's kind of a red flag.

- It's been five months
of no sex.

- I'm gonna sweep her
off her feet,

and she's not gonna know
what f---ing hit her.

- Kyle and Sierra, they're going
fishing and for dinner.

- We're going.

- They want a themed
dance party on the yacht,

and Steve wants to surprise
Rachel by proposing.

- Rachel--
let me get on my right--

- Yes!

- Will you marry me?
- Yes! Yes!

- I have a flower order coming.
Do you want me to add to it?

- I would like that.

I would like
to take you for dinner.

- What's she saying?
- I would love to.

- That's very good.

- Kelley's like,
"Maybe if we, like,

"ram the tender into the pool
and push it out the way,

it'll happen,"
but every time he pulled back,

the pool just quickly swung in.

- What are you doing?

- Go ahead,
back out of there, Kelley,

as soon as she gets it loose.

- Guests are standing there
watching us,

and we're like, "Ugh."

- Jesus Christ, he could f--- up
a two-car funeral.

- Are you guys leaving me?
- Oops.

- It's f---in' embarrassing.

It's 7:40.

- Ooh, it looks even better
in the daylight.

Go like...
- Really?

- Yeah.
- It's so bourgie.

- That's how they do it.

♪ Love is in the air ♪

I feel it.
I feel it. I feel it.

Yep, that's
definitely love.

We all know Ben.

He's usually pretty popular
with the ladies.

- Can this be our Christmas card
next year?

Do you like salmon?

- I love salmon.

I love you, Ben.

- But I've never seen Ben
this way around any girl.

He seems nervous,
and it's really cute.

- Don't you guys
have a job?

- Kelley, Kelley, Lee.

- Go for Kelley.
- To the bridge, please, sir.

- Yes, sir. En route.

What's going on, Captain?

- I wanted to chat with you
about yesterday.

We had the guests
on the aft deck,

and that fiasco with the pool

was just a total embarrassment.

I know you felt it, because I
could see it by looking at you.

He's in charge
of the exterior.

He's in charge
of water activities.

He's in charge
of guest satisfaction

outside the interior.

I mean, it's not rocket science.

Your crew,
they're looking to you

for guidance and direction.

You're not always gonna be able
to be their friend,

and you're gonna have
to get their attention

and say, "Listen, no, don't do
what you think is right.

Do what I tell you to do."

- I am trying to take everything
Captain Lee is teaching me

as constructive criticism,
instead of getting defensive

or anything like that.

But at the same time,
it's too much at times.

- When you're out in the ocean,

you don't always have the luxury

of being nice about things.

You need it done,
and you need it done now,

because 30 seconds from now
is too g*dd*mn late.

- Fair enough.
- All right, pal.

- Thanks, Captain.

All right, ready with that.

Thank you.

- It's French toast.
- What?

- How cute.
- Look at that.

- Oh, my God.
That bacon's good, too.

- Mm-hmm.

- Okay, if you want
to stay here in the galley,

I'm gonna go around
and check the rooms...

- Okay.
- And start planning

the dance party.

- How are you?
Where has the morning gone?

It just whizzed past.

Hasn't it?

- One thing leads into another.

Did you catch up on sleep?

- Yes, I had
a really good sleep.

- Good.

- I'm seeing Ben
in a different light

and not with a big bravado

and confidence and being
very cheeky and witty.

I'm suddenly seeing
a very sweet side to him.

It's thrown me.

- I just don't think I'm very
good at sleeping, to be honest.

- I always have a kind
of mild tea before bed.

- I should probably take
some kind of sedative

immediately after service.


- Deck crew, deck crew,
let's put the slide out.

- Three, two, one.

- Wow.

- After yesterday,

I think Lee's just got it out
for the deck crew.

- How are the lines
looking up there?

- There's no tension
on 'em right now.

- All right, tighten 'em up
where there is tension.

- He's just watching us
and being like a hawk.

- I'm gonna miss Frankie.

- You are?
- He is so cute.

- No.
He's so not your type.

He reminds me of Turtle
from "Entourage."

- Yeah, he does.

- So what about you
and Kyle?

- I don't think he wants it
to be a group thing.

Can they come?
- Why don't you guys go?

All three of you go,
have a f---ing triple date.

- Because, you know,
you kind of have

somebody on land
that you're into.

- No, I was
gonna tell him.

I'm currently single,
but I met a guy

before I came on this boat;
he's not my boyfriend.

If a guy texts you on
Valentine's Day, he's into you.

I just want to, like,
go and chill out

and not k*ll the vibe before
we even get there, you know?

- Yeah.
- I want to catch the fish.


- Start back here.

Three, two, one.


- Oh, my God.

- Aw.
- Whoo! Ooh!

- Oh, ho-ho,
she got movin'.

- It's freezing!

- I can't believe
they go off board tomorrow.

Do you know what that means?

You're gonna go fishing,
and then we're going dancin'.

- Okay.
- Yeah.

- Sounds like a plan.

My horoscope said
I'm gonna be on all day.

- What did mine say?

- I didn't read yours.

- That's a good start
to a relationship.

F--- your horoscope.

- What does this do?

So Ben.
- Yes.

- Let's talk about tonight.
- Yeah.

- So I'm doing, like,
a white chapel wedding

Elvis/Vegas theme.

So will you be Elvis?

You've got the darkest hair.

- Oh, phht.

- Say something Elvis-y.

- No.

- You don't know
how good that looks

You should keep those
for everyday.

- Oh.

- Fine.

- Has Steve mentioned anything
about hitting golf balls to you?

- Not today, he hasn't.

- He's interested in
golfing on the yacht.

That's cool.

- I'll go talk to him
and see what--

- Yeah, see if he--
if he's still up for it,

if he wants to do it, because
we're running out of daylight.

- Okay. Hey, Steve.
- Yeah.

- I know you talked
about golfing.

- Yeah.
- Are you still...

- Sorry.
- Interested in doing that?

- Yeah.
- Okay.

So we'll get that
set up right now

before we start losing
all the light

so you can actually see
how far you hit.

- That's pretty awesome. Cool.
- All right, great.

- Thank you.
- No problem.

So we're gonna get this removed.

I'm gonna go get
the stuff up.

- No, he's not gonna hit
off the bunny pad.

- Oh, he's not gonna hit off--
- No, that's not gonna happen.

- Okay.
- No.

- Sorry. I thought that's--
- Go get the mat

and we'll set it up
right in front

of those two handrails.

- Okay. Roger that.

- It's really getting
kind of old.

I still have to come up
with a plan of action

every day for every activity

for everything
that's getting done.

It just doesn't seem
to be happening.

- So we're gonna
hit golf balls.

- F---, I was getting dressed
already for the night.

- Yeah?
- Yeah.

- Can you throw
something casual on?

- Mind if I hit one,

- Yes, I do.
- I played golf, Cap.

- I don't care.

- Captain seems to be
really on Kelley's ass,

and I understand why,
but at the same time,

I've been there myself before,
and it was not fun.

- So here's what we got.
- Okay.

- An antiquated 5 wood.
- Uh-huh.

You found these
on the bottom of the ocean.

- May have.

- I dove
and got 'em for you.

- I'm just gonna try not to hit
that or any of this.

Chipping paint's
like 10 grand.

I didn't break anything.

- Oh, there you go.

- This is great.
You feeling confident?

- No. Try to hit that boat.

- I tried it.

Into the wind,
it's challenging.

- It's impossible, huh?

- Oh, that sounded good.
- Good one.

- There you go.
- There we go.

- That's cool that
they set it up.

- Dude.
- Okay.

- We got a couple
playing through here.

- Hey, Nico.
- Hey.

- Are you an Elvis fan?

- Elvis Presley? Why?
- Yeah.

Would you like
to be Elvis tonight?

I mean, you are
the most handsome.

- Well...

- Like, look
into this reflection,

and just, like, really--

- Be him.
- Yeah.

- Be Elvis.
- Yeah. Hold on.

- Maybe I look like Elvis.

Chiseled jaw, great looks,

charming personality.

Oh, thank you,
thank you.

Thank you very much. A'right?
- Kelley, Kelley, Kelley,

would you be
at all interested

in being one of our Vegas
entertainers this evening?

I'm thinking...

- Oh, no!

- Ben, are you re--
can I seat the guests?

- Yes, please.

- How cool!

- That's so cool.
- Ooh.

- It was like--
it's like the Vegas--

- Oh, my gosh, how cute!

- And this is your bow tie.

- I don't know how
to make that into a bow tie.

She knows how to tie
a bow tie.

That's pretty impressive.

I'm not sure if Emily's
looking for a relationship,

if she's looking for nothing,
if she's looking just for fun,

like me.

But as of right now, who knows?

- Meow.

- I think Kelley is quite
sentimental and soft,

so I don't want to tell him

that I'm going
on a date with Ben.

Oh, look at that.

He's a lovely guy,
and I don't want to hurt him,

and I don't want this
to affect our friendship.

- Please take pictures.


- Babykins.
- Yes.

- Here we go.
- Thank you.

This is the eggplant with?
- That's it. Truffle, soy.

Spicy crab roll.
- Thank you.

- So when we were
talking about diamonds,

I was like,
"I want eight carats."

And he was like,
"Yeah, three is my max."

And I was, like, "I'll
compromise and give you four."

- Go figure.

I love it.

- Thank you,
thank you, thank you very much.

- Oh, my God, so good.

- I gotta give
the kids a little bit more room.

- Oh, yeah.

- Then stop staring
at the moose knuckle.

- Coming up...

- Ben, your lady is waiting
in the main salon.

- What lady?
- Emily.

They're going on a date.
- Oh.


- Yeah, you look great.

- Everything was good.

- Yeah, it was.

- F--- yeah.
- F--- that, dude.

- No, that looks good.


- Let's do this.

- So we'll go have
a little dance party.

Deck crew, deck crew,
we're on our way up.

Please start the music.

- Copy, baby.

- Come in, guys.

- Oh, we--
- Come on in!

- We got strippers.
Yeah, we got strippers!

- Come on in.
- Uh-oh.

- Welcome to Las Valor.

- What happens in Las Valor
stays in Las Valor.


Uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh.

Huh! Huh! Huh!

Huh! Huh!

- Yeah!
- Huh!


Elvis loves performing.

The more they have fun,

the bigger the tip, hopefully.

Enjoy your time together

- Hey.


- Look at that cross your legs.
- Oh!

- Whoo! Get it, Stace.

- Elvis is out, people.

- I'm waking up early.
- Good night, Kelly.

- Mwah.
- I'll see ya.

- Good night, boo things.
- Night.

- Ems, you're way above this.

- Well, I felt really bad
'cause I just, um,

put something
in the top of the bin

and it dropped out.

- Oh, gosh.

I'd love to just spend
the rest of the evening

with Emily.

- I empty trash bags
for a living.

- Yeah, it's
a nice feeling.

yachts don't work like that.

Emily's got me
a little rattled,

and, uh, I have high hopes

for--for this date.

I'm gonna hit the hay.

- You're smiling.
You can't stop smiling.


I'm happy about,
you know, tomorrow,

'cause I'm looking forward to...
- Yeah?

- Spend some time
with Benjamin.

I feel bad, 'cause...

- Why do you feel bad?

- Kelley wanted
to take me out too.

- Listen, this is the best thing
for that situation,

'cause it's never
gonna happen

with Kelley and you,

I wouldn't even bring it up.

- Ah, I get
to plan a wedding,

and you just have to say,
"Yes, babe."

- Yeah, like, okay.
- I love it.

- How'd you sleep? All right?
- Yeah.

- We should do
breakfast in here

'cause it's very windy outside.
- Okay, cool.

- Would you like some eggs?

- Love some eggs.
Let me make some room.

- You gonna let me throw him
a bachelor party?

- Okay, let's do this.
Let's bring it up.

- Copy.

- Cap, we're moving over
to 12:00 here.

- Perfect.

- Anchor's off the bottom, Cap.
Anchor's off the bottom.

- Roger that. Bring it up.

- Mm, have you got it on?

- Yeah, I want it on
all the time.

- I love that she
has tiny fingers,

'cause then it makes it
look so much bigger.

- Good morning.

- You look stunning
this morning.

- Thank you. You too.

So, Kyle, is your family
still in the U.K.?

- I'm not very close
to my family.

I left home at 15 and 8 months.

I signed the dotted line,
said good-bye to my dad,

and walked out the door
and joined the army.

- Why'd you be homeless?
- No, no, no.

And I'd be like,
"Well, ladies and gentlemen,

"at the end of the day,
what's my favorite nation?

A donation," you know?

- Ay.

- When did you decide,
"You know what?

I'm just gonna go to London
and work as a performer?"

- Wait, did she live
on the streets with you?

- No, no, she had a great job.
She was the lead design--

- Why didn't she let you
stay at her place?

- This is so romantic.

So you were homeless,

trying to create a life

in London for this girl?

- Yeah.

- I don't think Kyle's
embarrassed about anything.

I love it when people
have no apologies

for who they really are.

It's refreshing.

Wow, Kyle.
- Let's go, Kyle.

- I love you so much.
- I've got to rock and roll.

Be back in a sec.
- Okay.

- Right, where do you want me,
on the bow?

- Yeah, you're up on the bow.

- I just want to stay here

- Pull that line up.

- I'm on my mark right here.

- I think we look
pretty good right there.

- Lock it off.

- Nope, always do
a figure eight.

- Locked in, looking good.

Good on the bow.

- Go ahead
and shut the mains down.

- Deck crew, go ahead

and start grabbing
guest luggage.

- Nice job, deck crew.
Thank you.

- Any time Captain Lee's happy
with what the deck crew's done,

that makes me very happy.

- Sierra, we have to talk.

- About what?

- This is an intervention.

- What's going on?

- You have to give Kyle
a chance.

- Why?

- He is courageous,
generous, kindhearted.

- So why don't you date him?

- 'Cause I'm in love
with Ro.

He is real-life
British Ryan Gosling.

- He does look like him.

Looks aren't, like,
the end-all to end all for me.

I'm more focused between
what's a guy's ears

than what's between his head
and his knees.

- The lengths he went
for a girl he loves

is mind-blowing.

- Guess I'm gonna have
to wait and see.

- Attention all crew,
attention all crew.

I need everybody on the aft deck

in 15.

- Almost ready.
- Okay.

- Mm-hmm.

- There she is.

- I'm here.

- I never had anybody
wait on me.

You're so nice.

- Kelley.
- It was a pleasure.

- Great to meet you.
- Definitely a pleasure.

I had a great time.
Thank you.

- Put it here.
Thank you for everything, buddy.

Nice to see you
in South Florida, man.

- Thanks for everything.

Being out on the water,
snorkeling, getting engaged,

you set up a great trip.

- It's our pleasure.
You guys were great.

- You got a great crew,
- It was so awesome.

- And I really appreciate it.
Thank you.

Thank you very much.
- Thank you.

- And that is to show
my appreciation.

- Oh.
- Bye!

Thank you.
- Thank you.

- Let's go to work.
- Trip of a lifetime.

- Thank you so much
for taking me.

I love you.

- Do you know what
I really want to do today?

- What?
- I wanna get drunk.

You know, it's funny,
unless I have a girl with me,

I don't get wasted.

If I have a girl with me, I try
to get as wasted as possible.

- I'm really ecstatic
to go out tonight.

I go, like, porn star
when I'm drunk.

- Really?
- Oh, man.

All I really wanna do is
spend some time with Emily.

And I was like,
"Oh, it's on."

- Attention all crew,
attention all crew.

I need everybody
in the crew mess ASAP.

- Copy.

- I'm getting there.
- Hey, I want to--

- Whoa.

- Mm.

- That's all the room
you get.

Is this table moving?

'Cause that's a new thing
I've noticed.

I always put my leg up.

Clearly Kelley
doesn't know yet

Ben's asked me out on a date,

because he's lounging on me.

Bless him.

- How we doing?


- So all in all,
I think it went well.

Interior, you guys
just nailed it.


Exterior, we had some hiccups.

- Oh, f---!

- Coming up...
- Are you upset at me?

- No, I just don't want you
playing with Kyle.

You did not tell him the truth.

- You shouldn't be judging me.

Kelley, I'm not done
talking to you.

- Interior, you guys
just nailed it.


Exterior, we had some hiccups.

Okay, it might have been
a good idea

for us to be
a little more proactive.

- All right.
Can do next time.

- Okay.

Let's get rid of some money.

They tipped us 15 grand.

That's $1,350 apiece.

- 48 hours of work,
$1,350 each.

Very happy with that.
Can't complain.

- You guys can get busy
flipping the boat.

- What do you need?

- You can go fishing
for a couple of hours

- Thank you.
- And--

but I do expect you
to make it up.

You can go out
to dinner tonight.

- Sounds good.
- Thanks, Captain.

- Thank you.
- Thanks, guys.

- I need to charter a boat.

Do you want to start
getting ready?

- Mm-hmm.

- Maybe they are skinny.

I'm very, very happy,

that I'm going out
with Sierra.

I like fishing.
I like nice women.

So f---in' either way,
I'm winning.

- Pink is in.

- I love that!

- You're not going
to a baby shower.

You kids have fun.

- Ems, he's not wearing
that shirt. Burn it.

- It's cute.

- Let's do it.

Come on, we're gonna miss
the boat. We're late.

- Welcome aboard.

Okay, let's go try
to catch some fish.

- Champagne.
- Thanks so much.

- Kyle!

You better catch something!

- Well, the aim of the game
today is catch a bunch of fish.

Let's have a load of fun.

And then we'll go
get some dinner,

and then we'll meet up
with everybody else.

- Sounds good.
- You happy with that?

It's a deal.

Sierra doesn't know what
it's like to be romanced,

so tonight, I'm pulling out
all the stops,

and she's having it.

- Oh, I'm tired.

- So do you know
the plan for tonight?

- Do I know the plan?
- Yeah.

- Well, I'm going
to dinner with Ben.

- With Ben?

- Yeah, girl,
you little cheeky sod.

No to Kelley
and yes to Ben, hey?

- Who asked me first?

- Well, that's true.
- Kelley.

- Ben. Kelley didn't
already ask me anything.

I said, "Oh, they're
going on a date."

He was like,
"Oh, are they?"

I said, "Yeah,
they're going fishing."

He was like,
"Oh, we should go."

He wasn't like, "Oh,
let's go fishing tomorrow."

Kelley is gonna flip.

He really does like her,

so I'm staying out of this.

Like, I'm not gonna tell him.

He can figure it out himself.

- Two cool people...
- Two cool people.

Having a cool meal.

- How are you feeling now?

- Got your little throw.
- Do you want to sit here?

- Um...maybe.

- Let's try. Let's try.
- Probably not.

- Let's try. Let's try.

I'll sit on you.
- No.

- There we go.
- Well...

- Jump in.
- No, I'm good.

- Let me get
my arm around you.

- I'm great here.
- That's fine.

- Okay.
- I'm happy with that.

- This is fun.

It makes me slightly

the way Kyle is so persistent
and adamant

about being flirty.

But for me, I thought it
would be a cool opportunity

for two adults
to go and hang out

and get to know each other
outside of work.

- Are you a fisherwoman?
Do you love fish?

- Yeah, I'll bait my hook.

- Might bite the end off it.

- No, f--- that.
- Come on.

- Or I could be
in the hot tub, you know,

doing some yoga,
just like that.

- Oh, you're that bored
of me right now?

- No, not bored at all.

- Are we on?

Oh, no.
- No.

- This is not the kind
of fishing I expected.

Where you going?

- It's so late in the day.

- Kelley?
- Yeah!

- I'm in here.

- I'm coming in.

No, don't.

- So Ben's rooming with Kelley,

and Kelley likes Emily.

This is, like, a bad situation.

- Hey, sporty, what's up?

- Sh--, man.

- Hey, can you plug in
that iron?

- F---.
- Thanks, mate.

- Oh, my God, I have Wi-Fi here.
This is awesome.

- Yeah.
- There is, is there?

- Yeah, there is.

- I'm just gonna sip my wine
over here by myself.

- This is
the best date ever.

- Oh, it's fine.
I'm a boat person.

- How did the date go?
- Well, she f---in'--

She was texting
her f---in' guy friend

the entire f---in' time.

- What?
- Yeah.

- Why would she do that?

Is that first time
she's mentioned it?

- Yeah.
- And she waited for the date.


- My biggest belief in life is,

no one can blame you
for being honest.

So if you're truthful,
doesn't matter.

If you're a liar,
then it does matter.

- Did she make you
feel special at least?

There you go, buddy.

- Love you.

- Never leave me.
- How was it?

- Did you have fun?
- It was fun, yeah.

It was good
to be out on the water.

- I have no idea.

- I don't know. I wasn't texting
my boyfriend, actually.

- Yeah, d*ck--d*ck move.
- It was fun.

You're the meanest.


- Oh, hello.
- Ooh, yeah!

- You don't want it too perfect.
It's the Caribbean.

- Do you want to get him?

- I feel like he should--like,
I don't feel like you should

go get him for a date.
- Yeah.

- I'll get him.

Ben, your lady is waiting
in the main salon.

- Oh.
- Your lady? What lady?

- Emily.
They're going on a date.

- Oh.


Bro, like, I thought
we were buddies,

but you've just left me
in the cold dark.

- Hello.
- Hey, how are you doing?

- Good.
- Good, good.

- Yeah, you look great.

After you.

It's a very snazzy
little dress you've got on.

- Oh, thank you.

- I'm really thankful
for sharing time with Emily,

to get away from all
of the personalities

and just have a really
civilized, nice dinner.

- Emily's going with him.

- I do think it's a bit
of a harsh move, though.

- Mm-hmm.

It's funny, because he goes
through a girl every charter,

for every charter season,
different girl.

- So it happened before?

- Mm, every charter season
he's been on.

When did Ben
get interested in Emily

and Emily interested in Ben?

This is like a fly ball
to left field,

and I'm sitting out there
picking daisies.

- Oh, dude, that would have
pissed me the f--- off.

- I'm still taking her
for dinner.

- You're still taking her
for dinner?

F--- that, bro.

If she's texting--
texting a guy back home,

why waste your time?

Leave her here on the boat.

You're just like me; you're just
gonna end up getting hurt.

I'm not gonna let Kyle
get f---ed over, not now.

Tonight, it--I just want it
to be about the deck crew.

- Okay.

- Coming up...

- I need, like, a grilled cheese
before I go to bed.

- God damn it.
That's a fire hazard.

That can go bad.
I'm a bit worried about that.

- What do you have there?

- Someone left the toaster on.

- And the hits keep coming.

- It's very nice.
After you, Em.

- Thank you.
- You're welcome.

- Hello, good evening.
- Good evening.

- All right.

- There we go
with a wine.

- Oh, perfect. Nice.
Thank you.

- Oh, thank you so much.
- You're welcome.

- I think I know exactly
what I'm looking at.

I'm very decisive.

- I think you are, as well,
after that speedy decision.

- There's no pressure.
You take your time.

- Do you have
any questions so far?

- Oh, I've pretty much
made my mind up.

Okay, um, seared scallops,

- Yes.
- Okay.

I would love to get
the foie gras

and the--okay, I'll get
the scallops then.

- Yeah, try that too?
- Yeah, yeah.

That would be awesome.

- Yeah, I generally think

I'm on the f---in' road
to nowhere there.

- If she's sitting on a boat

and texting her boyfriend
back home--

- No, apparently wasn't.
I just--

- No, she told me she was
messaging her friend.

- Yeah, yeah.

- She said she was
messaging a girlfriend.

She's like,
"What are you up to?"

- Oh, it's a girlfriend now.
I'm sorry,

but she's lying
to your f---in' faces.

I'm sorry; she's got
a boyfriend back home.

If a girl texts while I'm
taking her out to dinner,

I will say, "Excuse me.
I'm going to the bathroom,"

and then walk the f---
out of that restaurant.

- Yeah.
- Okay.

- You tell her.
- All right.

- God, Kelley's being
such a prick.

- Why?
- He was like,

"Don't f---ing go out with
a chick that's, like, talk--

you know, texting
her boyfriend."

- Kelley, just, like,
doesn't know anything.

- We're all going
as a group.

So we can go.
Just don't sit next to Kelley.

- All right, well, if
Kelley's gonna be a d*ck,

than I'll just leave.

- I can taste the dill.
You like dill, don't you?

- I'm kind of a big dill.

No, I'm just kidding.

I don't actually
like dill that much.

- You don't?

- Dill has a time
and a place.

- Yeah.

- This is really nice.

- I value time one-on-one
with people

and also time on my own.

It's what surprised
people about

especially taking
this job.

- What did--like, what did
your folks say to that?

- I mean, I'm always one
to just plan things

and go ahead and do it.

They knew they wouldn't have
been able to stop me.

- Okay, so you're just
very independent, right?

- Yeah, I'm very independent.
- Mm-hmm.

- All in all, I wasn't happy,

and I just changed
my circumstances

and--and became happy.

It's nice spending one-on-one
time together with someone.

You know, we're getting
to know each other more,

and I know that I enjoy
his company.

It feels very easy and natural.

What did your parents think
of you starting yachting?

- Oh, they were glad
to get me out of the country.

- Were they?

- Hey.
- Hi.

Kelley, can I
talk to you?

- Sure.
- Hey.

- You all right?
- Yeah.

- Lauren said you're,
like, upset at me.

Are you?
- No.

No, I just don't want you
playing with Kyle.

- I didn't do anything

to play with him.
- Okay.

- I couldn't have been
more straight up,

'cause I feel like he...
- Yeah, but his feelings--

- Doesn't understand.
- No, I don't think he does.

You did not put the point across
well enough to him

for him to understand.
You did not tell him the truth.

That's it. End of story.
That's why I'm upset.

- Telling the truth--
- So I--

- About telling the truth?
- About telling the truth.

- Oh, okay. Gotcha.

- Yeah, keep smiling.
- All right.

Kelley, I'm not done
talking to you.

- I'm done.
- I feel like we don't

understand each other.
- I'm done.

- All right, well, I'm not
going out with you guys.

- Okay.

She's drama.

She's not coming out.

- I don't feel like that'll be
a fun time; I'm gonna stay here.

- No, no, please come out.
- Wait, wait, wait, wait...

- No. No way I'm going.
- Babe, you and me,

let's f---ing go out.

- We're not gonna have
fun 'cause--

- This is, like,
making more drama.

Like, this is what he wants.
- Making more drama?

- Kelley.
- Stop.

- Stop. Go.
- No, I'm just tired of her

lying to him because she said--
- Kell--

- I'm not gonna be treated
like this. I'm sorry.

- Okay. F--- it.
- Yeah, let's go to dinner.

- I'm sorry, I'm not gonna sit
there and let her lie to me.

- I'll step out of it.

Kyle got denied. It happens.
Let's move on.

- Let's go.
- Jesus f---ing Christ.

But now Kelley's
causing the scene.

He's way out of line,

probably because Emily's
out to dinner with Ben

and so he's just lashing out
on people.

- No, no, really.
- What's the problem here?

- I told her she didn't tell
Kyle that--that--

- It's--Kelley, it's really
none of your business.

- It is because
it's affecting my crew.

- No, no.
- She didn't tell him--

when he's coming to me--
- You shouldn't be judging me.

At all.
- I'm not judging you.

- I'm not doing anything
that affects you.

I've never been anything
but nice to you.

- Listen, he was just
sticking up.

You--nobody did anything wrong.

- Guys, can we just
go out to dinner?

- You're barking up the wrong
tree looking at me like that.

- It's gonna be wonderful.
- I'm sorry. I'll see you later.

- No, no. I'm here.
- No, I'm fine.

- I'm waiting here.
I'm waiting here.

- Lauren, come.


- He's jealous because
he just found out

that Ben is going to dinner
with Emily, very abruptly.

- You good?
- Yeah.

- And he's taking it out on you

and it's not fair
and it's not right,

but that doesn't mean
you've done anything wrong.

Jealousy's not a good look
on anyone.

You can't always get
what you want.

And part of growing up

is learning
how to handle rejection.

And that's just not a life skill
Kelley's mastered yet.

- Well, she started this.

She came up to me saying
I was upset with her.

- I'm going for you.

Let me get dressed
for a sec, okay?

- What is it?
- Three, two, one, go.

- It tastes like
cough syrup and ass.

- Oh, it does.

- You seemed slightly
nervous yesterday

when you were asking me
out to dinner.

- Well, I was because
you could have said no.

- It was a breath
of fresh air for someone

to actually verbally come
and ask me out for a meal.

- Did Kelley try and invite you
out or something last night?

- Kyle has this idea that
we're going on a date tomorrow.

Kelley's like,
"Oh, you know, we should go."

Emily is, like,
all weirded out.

Like, I don't know
how to handle this.

- I was very happy that
you did, actually.

- Well, I'm glad I did.
- Yeah, no.

- And I'm glad I'm sitting here

and not Kelley.

- So am I.
- Oh, perfect.

Emily's an absolute joy
to talk to.

She's very sophisticated,

incredibly intelligent.

It's nice to get
to know her better.

All right, we will--
I'll get the bill.

- Cheers!
- Cheers, mate.

To Kelley not being here.

- Oh, that's bad.

I'm just kidding.

- One shot.

- Why does all your stuff
taste like sh--?

- Thank you very much
for dinner.

- Oh, no, you're welcome.
Thank you.

- You should know better.

- Yeah. Definitely.

- Yours is
a little bitch p*ssy.

You have so much left over.
- 'Cause mine's--look.

'Cause it's stuck.
There we go.

- Okay.

- I don't know what
we're walking into,

so you might have
to protect me.


- Uh-oh.

- You can go to the table.
I'm gonna use the loo.

- Coming up...

- I just have one issue.
- What's that?

- The pizza trail
coming up the stairs

leading into my quarters.

- Things are out of control.

- Deal with it accordingly.
- I'm going to.

- All right, are we ready, Em?

- Yeah.

- You can go to the table.
I'm gonna use the loo.

You want to go
to the table together?

- Wow.
- Hi.

- Hey.
- Hello.

- Ben and Emily going on a date
did surprise me.

I knew nothing of this.

Like, what? We're roommates.
Hello, bro.


I'm so happy
to see you guys.

- How's it going, y'all?

- Look who's here, Ben.

- I see that. Hey, guys.

- Kind feel like
I got hit by a bus.

Like, I hate, like,

and, like, Kelley and I
got in an argument.

Kyle apparently flipped out,

and I think, like, to me, it
just seems like a little bit,

like, overbearing
and expecting too much, like--

- Hi, I was wondering
where you were.

- Thank you.
- Here, scoot in.

- It wasn't the fact
it was a date.

I know you have someone
back home that likes you.

I felt like,
I'm on a date with a girl,

and she's giving interest
back home while I'm with her.

- I respect that.
- And I always said

that I think the sun shines
out your ass, though.

I think you're amazing.

And it f---in' hurt me.
- Well, I'm sorry.

- That's how I felt.

Let's just call it a day now,

and let's just get on
with our lives.

- Okay, this is us
getting on with our lives.

- Oh, I feel better.

- It's super awkward, like,

you know, someone's emotional,
someone's piss drunk,

someone's trying to get to know
someone else,

someone's trying to diffuse
a situation from earlier,

and I'm stuck in the middle
of all this emotions,

and I'm like,
"I'm gonna order a pizza,

and I'm gonna go home."

I'm gonna pay for the pizza
and take it in a box to go.

- Sure.

- F---.

- I just hope this guy back home
is really what you need.

- I hope he looks after you.

Time and effort
is what you need.

- I can't believe
I'm not paying for this.

- I genuinely do believe that
every woman deserves the best,

but when she acts
the way she acts,

she's never gonna have that.

I'm gonna be nice,
but deep down, it's like...

For some f---ing miracle

Sierra comes knocking,

the door will be locked.

Once bitten, twice shy.

- Grilled cheese sandwich,

Let's do it.

Cheese, everything.
- What kind?


- Give me that sh--. No.
- No.

- You didn't even see
what I got in there.

- No, girl,
I've got your sh--.

I'm gonna eat
your pizza.

You think you're cute,
but you ain't getting that sh--.

- Kyle, come over here
for a second.

- Oui. Agree.
- Cut out early.

- Actually,
we should just leave now.

What about that?
- Go, go. Move, people, move.

- I'm fine with Ben and Emily,

but it's not something
I want to see tonight.

Screw this day.
Kelley's gonna have a fun night.

- Where did they go?

Oh, gone off.

- Cheers.

- I had a really good
time tonight.

- I did too.
- No, I honestly did.

- Did you?
- Yes!

- I just have one issue.

- What's that?

- Pizza trail leading
into my quarters, yeah.

- Well, we don't need
to live in filth.

- I don't appreciate it.
- Thank you for showing me.

- If the captain is finding
half-eaten pizza

on the way to his cabin,

things are out of control.

- I accept the fact that
you'll deal with it accordingly.

- I'm going to.

- Yeah, f--- the system!


- God damn it.


Oh, sh--.

That's a fire hazard.

- No, no.

That can go bad.
I'm a bit worried about that.

- What do you have there?

- Someone left the toaster on.

- And what's wrong with it?

- Uh, it's just
smoking a bit.

- Are you joking?

- No, I don't think he's joking.

And the hits keep coming.

- I finally have the captain
calmed down,

and could not be worse timing.

You don't run
in front of the captain

with a boat b*mb in your hands.

- The mistakes that
they're making

could be a lesson that
they would never forget.

- I will tell them that.

- Yeah.

- I'm asking you
what the situation was.

- The sandwich maker was on.

- I honestly wasn't here.

If I knew who it was,
I would tell you right now.

- And that's it.

- Hey.
- Dude.

- Where have you been?

- Yeah.
- Yeah.

Talk legit.

- Excuse me,
you need to realize

that we're talking about
a safety thing.

I'm sorry to interrupt.
- No, that's okay.

No, no, it's okay.
- Yeah.

- Nico?
- No, no.

- Who do you think
you guys are?

I'm a pretty generous
chief stew.

Everyone makes mistakes.

But if you're gonna be
rude to me,

I'm gonna be less forgiving.

- It was kind of nice to find

pizza laying on the floor

going up to my quarters.

- It's pretty embarrassing.

- We cannot find you.

We cannot find Sierra.

- What happened was,
I'm cleaning the crew mess,

'cause I just--

- Why are you cleaning
the crew mess right now?

- Do you know
what just happened?


- I'll show you the photo.

And then I was talking
to Nico

about what happened
to the grill, and it was like,

"Lauren, right now, we're
having an incident report.

I want to know,
was it plugged in?"

And she's like, "No, no."

- We'll talk about it.

Kate's trying to throw me
under the bus

in front of the captain.

So it was a little bit
of a d*ck move, yes.


- Ben's very good
at reading signals,

and he's very respectful.

And I feel like there's
genuine feelings there.

- Before tonight, I really
didn't know much about Emily,

and there was no real chemistry
between us.

And--and I feel there is now,

and I hope that we can
continue this.

- Oh, hi.

- The skillet was on me.

The pizza,
I don't know who that was.

- I know who it was.
- Here's the thing, Kate.

There's been times where
we've cleaned up on deck

that hasn't been always us.

- That's not exactly
what bothered me the most.

I don't mind doing it.
I don't like how

when there's
a safety issue, Lauren--

- At the same time,
though, Nico handled it.

He took the skillet out.

- It was a dangerous situation.

- Still to come this season
on "Below Deck"...

- Surprise!

- Whoo!

We're sorry.

- I came out to my father
to this song.

- Whoa, we're both gay?

To me, it's weird.
Like, he felt so hurt by me.

You're a queen.
- F--- off.

- Emily is the jewel
of the Caribbean.

- The poor connection
me or you?

It's hard to manage
a full-time relationship

with someone on land
in a different country.

- It's a lot.

- I'm really just asking
whether you think

Ems and I can work out.

- No.

- Somebody we all know and love.

- Hello, Dean.

- It just didn't have--
didn't have a lot of flavor.

- It's the only dish that
has ever been sent back.

- I don't know
what Ben's been doing.

His head is not in the game.

- Kate can go
f--- herself.

The root of all evil
on this boat is Kate.

- Do you think we're not
working hard enough?

- I'm wasted.
- Whoa.

- Oh, sh--.

- This is not your personal
f---ing party palace.

- Do you expect her to just
stand in front of them

all day long?

- Kate, Ben, I can hear you guys
on the bridge.

- I don't like working
with you anymore.

- You know what? Guess what.
- Don't come at me. Tell me.

- I can come at you
however the f--- I want.

- When I leave this boat, I'm
not talking to you anymore.

- Just stirring the pot.

- If you don't want to go
to your happy, groovy place,

you can go make beds
and clean the toilets.

- God damn it!

- My ass is about to be
handed to me,

and it might be the last time.

- What I'd like to do is
rip your f---in' head off.

- Nico just got promoted
to boatswain.

- What? Oh, dear.
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