06x03 - I'm Also a Boat Captain!

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Below Deck". Aired: July 1, 2013 – present.*
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Show chronicles the lives of the crew members who work and reside aboard a superyacht during charter season.
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06x03 - I'm Also a Boat Captain!

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on

Previously on
"Below Deck"...

- I'm very relaxed
running the deck.

I don't like to micromanage,

and I don't like any hierarchy.

- Have you had--
you've never--

- Mm-hmm.

Let it go.
This one, Chandler.

Does it go ball first on bow
and then the--

- I really don't have time to
walk Rhylee through the setup.

- I just feel like--
like you could snap.

- [laughs]
- It's not a bad thing.

- That I could snap?
Yeah, that's a bad thing.

I have a very complicated
relationship with my parents.

I grew up in
a very toxic household.

- Us three are gonna go over.
- What would you have me on?

- Someone needs
to stay on here.

- In Alaska, I'm a captain.
I'm not stupid.

You can tell me one thing

and I should be able
to do it just fine.

- Remember the rules:

don't embarrass yourself,
don't embarrass the boat.

- We're just starting
to have a good time.

What's going on?
- No ----ing excuses tomorrow.

6:00 on deck.

- You're pissing everybody else
off for ----ing--

- Stop talking right now.

I will not put up
with this kind of disrespect.

You just straight up
lost your sh--.

- Sorry to speak while
you're ----ing interrupting.

[air horn blows]

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

- Listen here.
Chandler's your boss.

- You weren't in the van
when he told me

he wasn't my boss at that time

and I could speak
to him freely.

So understand that.
- What happened in the cab?

'Cause I'm Team Chandler,
so what happened?

- I have been on
Team Chandler all along,

until about 30 minutes ago.

- Well, what happened
in the cab?

- I said,
"May I speak freely?"

And I said,
"Well, in my opinion,

"if you make us all
get up at 6:00,

then you're gonna
piss the deck crew off."

And then he said...
- Yeah, duh.

- "Stop ----ing talking to me."

And I said, "Okay,
are you saying that to me

as a boss or as a friend?"
- Both.

- That's what he said.
- He was right.

- I said I will do whatever it
is he requires of us...

and then he stormed out
of the van.

- I understand why
she's frustrated,

but Rhylee just needs to shut
the (BLEEP) up, stop talking.

She needs to know her place.

- You seemed upset
about it earlier.

- Well, I'm upset with the way
that it went down

because I feel like I was
disrespected by Chandler.

- You just straight up
lost your sh--.

- [scoffs]

- I'm just telling you
right now, we're--

- I got it!

I said to you
in the ----ing van,

and I said it
just five minutes ago,

I will do what
you've asked me to do.

Sorry to speak while
you're ----ing interrupting.

- I don't know
who Rhylee thinks she is.

I have never dealt with
this kind of disrespect before.

I'm done.
- Good night, Chandler.

- Yeah, I'm gonna
----ing blow up

if I'm being ----ing spoken
to like a (BLEEP).

Maybe I'm just misunderstanding
the whole way...

- Point.
- He asked--

- I understand
what happened,

but now you are
the only person here

raising your voice,
and if I were you,

I would go to sleep.

'Cause you have to be on deck
at 6:00 am.

- I'm gonna do whatever
the (BLEEP) I'm gonna do.

I can say whatever the (BLEEP)
I want to say.

- So then it's okay to speak
to people disrespectfully?

I'm confused.
- Are you?

Or are you just being

- Just don't dig a hole deeper.
I would just stop.

I think Rhylee's
a little bit confused.

She has
no yachting experience,

and she needs to respect
everyone else above her.

And everyone else is
above her.

- I'm good.
I don't give a (BLEEP).

- Was that too much?
- Kate, you're never too much.

- It's just alcohol, bro.

- What is Chandler
pissed off about?

- All I know is that you've
gotta get your ----ing ass up

at 5:45.

- How are you feeling?

- [sighs]

Some bosun.

- I'll see you in a second.
Hopefully you're asleep.

♪ ♪

- This is bullsh--.

[upbeat music]

[alarm buzzes]

♪ ♪


- I can go on no sleep
and still do my ----ing job.

I do it all summer long.

It's not gonna affect me.

♪ ♪

- Good morning, cuzzy.
How are you?

So where did we start and where
did we finish yesterday?

It was like an hour and a half
of everyone waiting for you.

Then she got out of hand.

I'm glad she woke up and got
to work like a professional,

but she dug herself into
a deep hole last night

and she's yet
to crawl out of it.

We're gonna have
a serious conversation.

- Okay.

[lively music]

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

- [groans]

[somber music]

I got an email
from my mother this morning

and she's going through
early-onset dementia.

I've struggled with it,

especially because
she's in denial about it.

♪ ♪

Just hearing from her,

it just puts me back in this
very dark, sad place.

♪ ♪

It's heartbreaking really.

It's heartbreaking.

So if you just rinse it,
I'll come behind and dry.

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

- [laughs]

- Yeah.

- I will never punish
anybody that way.

- [laughs]

- I regret speaking to Kate
the way I did.

I know I have a temper,

but Chandler not
talking to me today,

I think he's a prick.

- Can you just keep pissing
people off more than I do,

so that the attention's
on you...

- No, no.
- Not on me. [chuckles]

♪ ♪

- [humming]

Peanut butter chocolate

- Do you know what time
they started?

- I think 6:00.
- 6:00.

That was a punishment.

- Okay,
who ----ed up?

- Well, Rhylee, rank doesn't
have a lot of value to her.

- It will.
- It should.


[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

- Let me know if you're okay
with the Jacuzzi as is

or if you want me to put a
little more elbow grease

into it for now.
- It's fine for now.

- Kate, Chandler, Adrian,

can I get you guys
up to the wheelhouse

for a preference sheet meeting,

- Copy.
- Morning.

- Morning, Chandler.

- Morning.
- Adrian.

Here's what we have
coming up.

Alan and Danielle.

- Yay!
I love them.

Alan and Danielle are, like,
the loveliest charter guests

I've ever had,
and unfortunately,

they had
the worst luck ever.

- We are without a chef.
He's packing now.

- Our chef quit.

What's in there?
- Grenadine, full French.

- Ooh, it's gonna taste amazing!
They're gonna love it!

- Our stewardess, she put
grenadine in their oysters.

- [retches]

- Wait, what?

- These people deserve
the perfect charter.

- 53rd birthday for Alan,

which is first day
of the charter,

and they got engaged
four days ago.

When they get on board tomorrow,
we'll get off the dock

as soon as we can and give them
long massages on the way down,

and then we're taking them
to this natural cave

that's really cool.

Alan wants impeccable service,

midnight pajama party,

Polynesian luau
dinner celebration on the beach.

- Should be fun for them.

- [laughs]
For them.

- We've got a lot to do
before tomorrow.

- Oh, gosh.

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

- Gonna grab
some lunch.

- Is it hard to plan
for guests in advance?

- Extremely hard.

- So you just order what you
think is probably gonna come up?

- So I use my third eye.
I, like, meditate on it.

- Oh, yeah?
- And I'm like,

"Allergic to fish."

- [laughs]
- Lots of fruit.

Then I--and it
always works out.

I order exactly
what they want.

It's incredible.
Like, I don't know how I do it.

- Whatever you're doing,
keep doing it.

It's working well for us.
[both laugh]

- Is this--

what is this?
- I'm just folding it.

It's a queen.
- Oh, okay, cool.

So are you excited
for charter two?

- Super stoked.

- What's going on?

- [hyperventilating]

- Sorry.

[dramatic music]

- What the hell?

- [sniffs, breathes heavily]

- Will you go talk to her?

♪ ♪

- Caroline?

- [sniffs, breathes heavily]

♪ ♪

- I am not sure where
I spoke to you disrespectfully.

- You don't have to like me,
but you will respect me.

- [hyperventilating]

- [hyperventilating]
- Caroline?

- Are you okay?
- Uh-huh.

Just give me
one second, okay?

- Are you sure.
- Uh-huh!

Thank you.

- Shall--shall I meet you
in the master?

- Yeah, I'll be right there.
- You sure?

- Uh-huh, yeah.
- Okay.

- Thank you.

I worry about my mom.


It's really hard to see
somebody lose their mind.

I can only control
what I can control,

and I can't control this.

You just feel helpless.

[dramatic music]


- Are you okay?
- Yeah.

I just had
a little rough patch.

This is home--like, stuff at
home, it's nothing on the boat.

- Okay.

- Is she sick?

- She's starting to go through
early-onset dementia.

- No. I'm just
so sorry for you.

- Do you mind if I take--
take five, and then I'm--

- No.
- Okay.

- Go cool off.
- Okay, thanks.

Sorry. I'm sorry.
- Don't be sorry.

- Okay.

- I hope she's okay.

Being on a yacht is like
being in a weird family.

Yes, there's
a lot of work to do,

but if someone's upset
about something,

you have to be there
for them.

♪ ♪

- Baby, so nice
to hear your voice.

It's good.
It's pretty hectic.

I'm in an open relationship
with my girlfriend.

You know,
I'm not ready to commit

for a lifelong relationship.

I'm very passionate about life
and all its forms.

I love the pleasures
of the flesh, as you would say.

I miss you so much.
I think about you all the time.

Felicia, my girlfriend, has
a lot of the same views as me.

Baby, I want to cuddle.

She's just so calm
and stress-free,

and that's what I need
in my life right now,

especially with all
the hecticness that's going on,

like all that aggressivity
last night.

Okay, sweet angel, well,
I'll try and call you back.

I love you.
Take care.

- [sighs]

I'm ----ing tired, bro.

- Deck crew, deck crew,
you can knock off.

- Copy.

[upbeat music]

- Just can't believe
the views here.

♪ ♪

[dramatic music]

- Hey, you have a second?

- Yeah.
- Let's go.

Obviously, I need to have
a conversation with Rhylee.

I just physically do not have
the mental capacity

to deal with whatever the hell
is gonna come out of her mouth.

I'm gonna keep this
short and sweet.

Last night, I think
some things were said that

both of us probably regret.

You know, I did not handle
that situation

as well as I should have.

So I apologize for that.

We're good.

But if anything happens like
that again, the disrespect,

I mean, would you talk
to Captain like that?

- I'm confused, 'cause when
you told me to shut up,

I shut up.

- And then it carried
on in the crew mess

for another hour and a half.
- I am not sure

where I spoke to you

- I don't have time for
this petty stuff on the side.

I'm here to work.

You don't have to like me,
but you will respect me.


- Yes, sir.

- Okay, we'll leave it at that.
- Okay.

- Thank you.
- Thank you.

♪ ♪

I work on boats.
I'm a captain.

So I absolutely feel like
I deserve respect, you know.

If you disrespect me,
I'm not gonna respect you.

You're not gonna demand respect
from me, you're gonna earn it.

I don't know what to do.

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

- The entire beer, brother.
- Yeah.

- What do you reckon, bro,
should we call it a night?

- Ready to get horizontal.
- [laughs]

♪ ♪

- That's all of the shirts
done now.

- Captain Lee's pants, they
don't receive an iron well.

- I literally just ironed
both of them.

- You did a very good job.
Those things are a nightmare.

I'm just very thankful that I
have Josiah as my second stew

because I couldn't
flip this boat without him.

Great job, Josiah.

- What's up, cousin?

♪ ♪

[lively music]

♪ ♪

[alarm buzzes]

♪ ♪

- [laughs]

- Rhylee! Have we got
smiley Rhylee today?

- Yeah, so far.

-Captain, Captain, Kate.
- Go, Kate.

- Tonight when we're on anchor,
do you think that we could

host the pajama party
in the beach club?

- I don't see a reason why
we couldn't do that.

- Copy.

- Hey, Ross,
you guys copy that?

- Yeah, copy.
- Okay.

- Are you okay?
- Yes.

I'm feeling better.
Thank you.

- All crew,
we have provisions.

[upbeat music]

- Peanut butter.

- Beads?
- Thank you.

- Your a**l beads came.
- Did they?

♪ ♪

both: Bacon!
- Alan and his fiancée

have had horrible experiences
in the past,

so I'm hoping my food
can get them the love

and that little spark
of craziness

that nobody else has.


- It's 10:06.

Let's get the master completely
done by 10:20, latest.

♪ ♪

- We can start uncovering
bridge aft.

- Okay.

- Gross.

♪ ♪

- Done.
- Done.

- Attention all crew, we've got
ten minutes to showtime.

Everybody needs
to be in their whites

and ready to rock and roll.

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

- [laughs]

- What are you laughing at,

- You.
You're, like, modeling.

- Oh, God.

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

- I'll do the flowers.

You guys do the champagne.

- Can one of you guys grab
these white chairs?

- I'm on it.

♪ ♪

- Come on, come on,
come on.

- It's a good day
to go yachting.

- Okay, so let's get everyone
on the same line.

Toes on this line.


[upbeat funky music]

- Oh, my God, Chandler.

- Deck crew, deck crew,

- We're coming into
a little squall area here.

We're gonna have some wind.

- It's a good day

- It's a good day
to go yachting.

- Oh, yeah.
Looks nice, huh?

- Oh, look how nice
everyone looks.

- Captain Lee,
good to see you.

- Welcome aboard.

- Welcome.
Nice to see you again.

- Kate, how you been?

- Hi, I'm Nikki.
- I'm Rhylee.

- Rhylee.
- Happy birthday.

- Thank you.
Appreciate it.

- Are you chef?
- Yes, ma'am. Adrian.

- Adrian,
wonderful to meet you.

- Welcome aboard,

Got some
special things planned

and I don't want
to waste a lot of time.

Kate's gonna give you
the grand tour of the boat.

We'll get your luggage on board

and we'll get out of here
and get the party started.

- Cheers.
- All right, after you.

- Thank you.
I'll lead the way.

♪ ♪

- Oh, yeah,
you're gonna like this.

- I mean, this is quite big
for a sundeck.

- Oh, my gosh, there's a bar
around the Jacuzzi.

- We'll just do
one at a time.

- There's even
one more level up.

It's called a crow's nest,
and it has a wonderful view.

- Beautiful.

- It's got a "handle with care"
sign on it, okay?

- And of course,
the ----ing wind picks up.

- We're gonna go in here
to the master.

- Ahh.
- Wow.

- Quite regal.
- This'll work.

- Nice!
- Very nice.

- Let's put 'em
on the outside.

We're gonna need the room
for the masseuse.

♪ ♪

- These four are
going in one set.

The two small ones
go in the closet.

- Do you want me still down here
helping with these,

or do you want me on dock
waiting for these lines?

- Do you need
any of this moved?

- No, we don't need--
- You can do all four?


- All right, we need to chop,
chop, 'cause we wanna leave.

- What section is this,
or do they go in the closet?

- 'Cause he said these two
go in the closet,

and then he handed me one

and told me to put
that one in the closet.

- Sorry, sorry, sorry.

- I am taking it easy.
I just said sorry.

- I am calm.

- I'm not frustrated.
I am calm.

So stop telling me to calm down.
I'm calm.

Rhylee is trying
to prove herself

as a hardworking woman,
which she is.

I clearly see that,

but we need to come up with
a plan to keep Rhylee in line.

This attitude that she has
is just unacceptable.

- Well, let's go to the--

[upbeat music]

- Stand by on the anchor.

I'm gonna go ahead
and cut the starboard side.

You can release the stern
at your will.

We're outta here.

- Whoo-hoo!
- Bon voyage!

[all cheering]

♪ ♪

- Oh! Hello.

- Is your name Ross?

- You can call me Josiah or--
- What's your desire, Josiah?

- AJ and the guests are
sitting at the table.

[upbeat music]

- So pretty!
- Yay!

- Caroline, Josiah,
can you come to the galley

for service?
- Copy.

♪ ♪

Pardon my reach, please.

- Nice.
- It's beautiful.

- So this is
a roasted chicken breast

on a bed of pearl couscous,

arugula salad
with a lemon ranch.

- Nice.

- Thank you.

- Oh, wow.
- Spectacular.

- The spinach is so good.

- This is great.
- Yeah.

- I'm happy.

- [chuckles]
Oh, Rhylee.

- What happened?
- So Rhylee was struggling

to get one of the stanchions
into the blocks.

I'm trying to be nice to her
and say, it's not a problem,

and she just ----ing
runs her mouth.

I'm like, "Just ----ing
calm down, and, like, listen.

I'm not trying to be ugly,
I'm trying to help you.'

- I'll have
another talk with her.

- Okay, will you go down
to laundry with your radio on

and stand by?
- Yes, ma'am.

- You guys can
change out of your whites.

♪ ♪

- No joke.
That was legit.

- Hi, ladies.

So they're just finishing up
with their lunch,

and then they're gonna
come on down.

- This weather's
not looking great.

- Ashton...

- Copy.

- I'll go ahead
and head down there.

- Okay, yeah.
I'll be right there.

We're gonna have a little
team meeting here in a sec.

So I don't want
to make it about one person

but it is about one person.

I just don't want it
to come off like

we're ganging up on--
on Rhylee.

Enough's enough.
It's always about Rhylee,

and it's always negative.

I'm just ----ing over it.

So the bickering
needs to stop.

We can't have this awkward
tension between the four of us.

- You know, Rhylee,

every time we say something
or every time we talk,

we just get this feedback,
and I'm irritated.

I'm walking on the deck,
I'm flipping frustrated,

I'm not enjoying
what I'm doing now,

and why?

With the pacer rails,
in that instance,

I'm trying to help you
and you're shutting me down

by telling me what's
going on in your mind,

just listen
to what I'm saying

and it would've made everything
a whole lot easier.

Who is this girl?

Who are you on this--
on this boat?

You're a flipping
junior deckhand.

I would never give my superiors
attitude like she does.

And that--that is what
just boils my blood.

- Deck crew,
deck crew, Kate.

- It's unprofessional.

We can't have it happening
when there's guests on board.

- We still have
some luggage up here.

If you could come
give me a hand.

- Stand by.

Originally I said
there is no hierarchy,

there's no pecking order.

That is changing now.

- Honey, let's go down
to the room...

- You want to go to the room?
- And check on our--

Oh, our luggage is
still not down there.

- Yeah.
- Ross is lead deck.

Anything he tells you,
you do.

He is gonna be second deck,
third deck.

This is all based
on experience.

This is not a democracy.

We just need to be functional.
- Copy.

- Would you like to chime in?


- Are all of you super busy
at the moment?

- Would you like
to answer Kate?

One of you?
- Kate--all right.

- Kate,
we're in a team meeting.

Can that hold off
for five minutes, please?

- Copy. Just as soon as you're
done with your team meeting,

the guest luggage
is in the main salon still.

- Okay, understood.

We'll get to it
as soon as possible.

- I'll just tell them
they can't change

because our deck crew
are having a powwow

talking about how
they feel too much

and work too little.

- Chandler, would you mind
taking out the trash, please?

- Trash is the last thing
on my mind.

- Thanks.


- Are all of you super busy

- Are all of you super busy
at the moment?

- Would you like
to answer Kate?

One of you?

- Kate, we're in
a team meeting.

- The guest luggage
is in the main salon still.

- Understood. We'll get to it
as soon as possible.

- Get the luggage out of
the main salon right now.

- We're on it.

- I feel like I really
got lucky this season

because it seems like
the majority of the drama

is on the deck crew
for a change.

- If I had glasses,
I would go, awooga!

- Yeah, yeah.
- [laughs]

- Why do these lists
never correlate?

[upbeat music]

- It's funny how
it always looks so much calmer

just 100 yards
away from the boat.

- So we have
four masseuses downstairs

ready to start
when you guys are.

There'll be hour-long massages
for each of you.

- This is why
I didn't wear underwear.


♪ ♪

- This is less than ideal

[mellow music]

♪ ♪

- Right here.

♪ ♪

- It ain't looking good.

- Oh, boy,
the wind's got us now.


- Where the hell
did that come from?

That thing just popped up
outta nowhere.

- It's getting a little rough
and windy there.

- Deck crew, we're coming into
a little squall area here.

[wind blowing]

- Oh, my God.

[indistinct chatter]

- Oh!

- Deck crew, deck crew,
let's cover this up.

- A bit windy,

[upbeat music]

- You guys
are such good sports.

♪ ♪

Do you want champagne?
- I'll take some champagne.

- Just keep bringing
all that stuff in.

- Alan and Danielle
just can't catch a break.

- Yeah, it does.
- Sure.

- We're all very lucky
they are as lovely

and easygoing as they are,

or else this would be
a nightmare.

- Go ahead
and get the anchor ready.

On my mark,
I want five sh*ts.

And drop.

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

We're almost through it.
It's lightened up quite a bit.

- I love looking
at weather Doppler.

It makes me feel like
a psychic.

- Yeah, we can open that up.
- Yeah.

- Today we're doing a party
for the guests in the last,

which means everything
needs to come out.

Let me give you a hand
with that couch?

♪ ♪

It's hours and hours of work

just to clear out
that beach club.

I know it's great for
the guests,

but God, it sucks for us.

All right, cousin,
I'm gonna go change.

- I'll be here, bro.
I'm fine. I'm happy.

- Okay.

- I've never understood
the purpose of that.

- It's when we
look at rain outside

and we know that they're not
gonna get off the boat

so we have to go...

- [laughs]

♪ ♪

- You're welcome.

all: Bye.
- Bye.

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

- Rhylee, Rhylee,
you can knock off.

- The ukulele player
arriving in 20 minutes...

- Mm-hmm.
- And we have an hour and 20

until dinner.
What you making?

- I think I'm gonna make veal
for the main course.

Alan wants to be surprised,

so I'm gonna do veal
wrapped in asparagus.

It's a great dish.

I know it's gonna
blow them away.

- I'm so impressed
that it's like

an hour and 15 minutes
until dinner, you're like...

"Still figuring it out."

- Going with the flow.

♪ ♪

- We have a lot of sh-- in here
that we have to get rid of.

[synth music]

♪ ♪




- Can't say I'm a huge fan
of using this space as a party.

- Yeah.

[upbeat music]

- Chandler, Chandler,

the ukulele player is
ready to be picked up.

- Roger.

- Okay, we're good.

- Are you ready?
- Yes, I'm ready.

- All right, let's go.

- Hey.
- Hey, guys.

♪ ♪

- You're doing great.
- Thank you.

[gentle ukulele music playing]

♪ ♪

- [laughs]
- That's beautiful.

- Maybe on this side.
- Let's go here, babe.

- Is this gonna hold,
do you think?

- It's like one of those
meditation stones.

Come on, Buddha,
get centered.

- Om...
- Meditate.

- Yamashiro.

- Om, that smells delicious.

- Black bean cake.
- And we're walking.

- Oh, yeah.
- All right.

- You blue angel.

- Thank you.
- My pleasure.

- Here we have
a panko breaded avocado

over a black bean cake
with a wasabi aioli

and radish carpaccio.

- Wow!
Oh, my gosh.

- Nice.
- Thank you.

- Mmm.
- Phenomenal.

[upbeat music]

- I think that might be
the best option right there.

I like it.

♪ ♪

- What can we get you guys
to drink with dinner?

You're gonna be having,
I believe, red meat, a veal.

- A v--ooh, veal?
- Veal?

- Do you guys like veal?

- Was it on
your preference sheet?

- No.
- I put bacon and steak.

- [groans]

- What is veal?
It's like a dead baby lamb?

So if nobody requested veal,

we're getting veal,
that means we are screwed.

None of us are getting
what we like for dinner.

- I just don't eat
any baby animal.

Like I--
- You don't eat baby animals?

- Yeah.

- Do you guys

- Do you guys
like veal?

- So pretty much none of us are
getting what we really like.

- You can sh**t, Caroline?
- Oh, yes.

- If I really think a chef
is going to fail at a dish,

I'll let him know.

So far,
Adrian has only shown me that

he is a very skilled chef.

So who am I to question?

Okay, you do ladies.
- Mm-hmm.

[upbeat music]

- Ooh.

♪ ♪

- Okay, so tonight I made
for you some veal scallops

which I rolled with a Brie

and asparagus...
- Oh, wow.

- On bacon, cabbage,
and red wine.

- How did you
come up with this?

- I knew you liked bacon.

- Love bacon but, you know,

nobody had veal
on their preference sheet.

- Well, you said,
"Surprise us," so I'm--

- That's right.

- Surprise us with something
on the preference sheet.


- I'm not really worried.

I know it's gonna
blow them away.

So I just go with it,
smile, and nod

and enjoy your dinner.

- Thanks.

- Thank you.

- Hmm.

- Huh.

This is really good.

- Mm.

Oh, my gosh.

- Everything we've put
in our mouths

since we got on this boat
has been great.

- Isn't he amazing?
all: Yeah.

- I'd like to make a toast
to you guys.

Here's to you
and your families.

- Thank you.
- Thank you.

- They loved your dinner.

- Even though it wasn't
on his preference sheet.

- That could have been
a disaster.

My angels told me.
They're like, "Make veal."

- I'm up until 9:00?

- You're up until 9:00.
- Yeah.

- Now that they're starting
the pajama party at midnight.

- I haven't had a break today.
I am tired.

- Isn't it better if you
let him wake up early?

That way, he can uncover,
and then when you come up,

you'll be ready to go
with the Jet Skis

and all the important sh--.
- So you're gonna be early guy,

'cause you're gonna go
down at 9:00.

- Yeah?

- The beach club's probably
gonna need the most love.

- Cool. All right, guys.
- Thank you very much.

- Cheers.
- Okay, so the cake stand,

dessert plates
for the cake slices.

- We're gonna
present the cake.

- Uh-huh.
- Peaches in the thing,


everything explodes.
- Are you serious?

- Yeah.
- You are serious.

Okay, so what--
what do you need from me?

- Food is like life,
it's all about balance.

I got a little bit risky
on the main course.

Let's play it safe
for dessert.

He loves peaches,
I'll give him what he loves.

- Oh, my God,
I love it.

- Do you like it?
- I love it.

- Then I'll come up in the back
and flambé the sh--.

Dude, dude, dude.

all: Oh!
- No way.

♪ Happy birthday to you ♪

[all cheering]

- And to finish it off.

- Oh! Watch out now!
- There we go.

Is that peaches?
- Yes.

- Drop that on here.

Seriously, you have redeemed
the other charter.

- Thank you.

- Thank you very much.

- Mm.
Oh, that's good.

- Oh!

- I love it.
- Okay.

- We're having a pajammy party.
- Let's go check it out.

- Let's do it.

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

- All right, come on down
to the beach club.

- Oh, my God, a trampoline!

- Hello!

[all cheering]

- Oh, get it, Lars.
- Here comes trouble.

[indistinct chatter]

- You know, the last two we
brought normal people on it.

- What happened?

- We don't know
any normal people.

- Yeah, true.
[both laugh]

- Okay, Caroline,
have one of the boys

take the trash to the forepeak.
- Okay.

- Usually the deck crew
and the late stew

end up going to bed
around the same time.

And then you're gonna be on deck
8 1/2 hours after you go to bed.

- Okay.
- Good night, you guys.

See you in the morning.

- Good night.
I'm going to bed.

See you tomorrow.
- Good night. See you tomorrow.

- What's the guest status?
Is everyone in bed?

- I believe so.

[light music]

- I'm gonna start
breaking everything down.

♪ ♪

This sucks.

♪ ♪

- Hey, Chandler,
do you mind taking out

the upper stew
pantry trash, please?

- I still have probably
another hour of work at least.

- I just mean
before you go to bed.

- But I'm just focused on
these skis at the moment.

The trash is the last thing
on my mind.

- Thanks.


----ing "A."

♪ ♪

Oh, my God.

♪ ♪

[lively music]

♪ ♪

[alarm buzzes]

- So I'm gonna just give you
a bunch of stuff to put out.

- That's perfect.
- We'll be staying here

for a little bit playing
or are we taking...

- If anybody wants
to go see this cave.

- Yeah.
- That'll be so fun.

- Who's going to the caves
from the deck crew?

- Ross and Alaska.

- Rhylee.
- Oh.

Having the guests off the
boat, it's a nice change,

and plus, I don't feel like
dealing with Rhylee's nonsense.

It's like a vacation.
We're going to the cave next,

so just clean everything up
and make it look presentable.

- That looks great.

- So this is about
a two-hour cave tour.

There's gonna be lunch
at 2:15 on the boat.

- This is a spread.
How about that plate of bacon?

The chef is just k*lling it.

- Hi.
- Hi.

Was this clean
when you got up here?

- Yeah, it was. Yeah.
- Good.

Where--where's her note?

- I don't remember seeing
a note outside our cabin.

- Note to self, tell her where
to leave the note to myself.

Oh, my.

♪ ♪

- What does it say?

- "Took longer than anticipated
to get through everything.

"I was hoping Chandler
would help out,

"but I think he was
too exhausted.

See you in nine hours."

I don't want a note, Dear Diary,
your thoughts, your feelings.

I want to know
the time you went to bed,

what you accomplished,
what still needs to be done,

that's it.

We'll get through
this charter fine.

- Yeah.
- And then we'll have

a proper sit-down
interior meeting

where she won't feel
singled out.

Good for morale.
- It's good for morale.

- Where's my Red Bull?
It's good for morale.

- Oh, yeah.

All righty.

- Yeah, all right.

- I'm absolutely excited
to go to the caves.

We do need to be back by 2:15,
so we want to make sure

everybody hurries up
and gets on board.

I work on smaller boats,
so being in the tender,

you know, now
you're in my world.

- All crew,
that's tender away.

All guests off the boat.

- Copy.

- That is incredible.

- Would you like
the other guests included?

- Okay.

- Ready for lunch?
- Making that sushi.

- Is it on their
preference sheet?

- Everybody's
except the primary's.

- What are you
gonna do for him?

- Beef and chicken sushi
as well.

- Can you keep an eye on how
long it takes us to get there?

- Yeah.
- Kate wants us on board

with the chef's orders
by 2:15.

- Oh!
- Whoo-hoo!

- Aah!

- Hold on, Ross,
we want to move to the back.

She needs to sit in the back.
She's getting a little sick.

- Okay, all right, we're getting
a little seasick up here.

- Is it less bouncy back there?

- It is less bouncy in the back,
yes, ma'am.

- I don't want to get sick.

- Can you trim down any more?
- I'm trying. I'm trying.

- I get seasick
all the time fishing,

but I just ralph and rally.

- Yeah.

- Are you seeing it, Ross?
- No.

- I think it's up ahead
a little further.

It's where those little rocks
are right there.

- These conditions
are horrible.

- Yeah.
It's that over there, Ross.

- Yeah, I know. I can't--I'm
not gonna go through there.

- Okay, I'm just
pointing it out.

- All right, thank you.

- I mean, I'm trying
to help Ross see.

I don't know
what the problem is.

It's like, heaven forbid,

the junior deckhand
tells you what to do.

- I want to swim.
- It's 1:00 now.

We have to be back at the boat
by 2:15 for lunch,

so I don't think swimming's
in the works for right now.

- I brought snorkels
if you guys want them.

- Two snorkels.

- You got it.

Just shut up.

- All right, Rhylee,

- All right, Rhylee,
give them the call.

We can start coming back in.

- You want them
out of the water now?

- Yeah.

- Yes, I'm listening.

- Okay...

- I haven't said a word.

- On your port side.

- I feel that Rhylee
doesn't really have faith

in my abilities.

She has been questioning
my judgment all day long.

And to make things worse,
I've got waves crashing

there's reef around.

It's very frustrating.

- Can you put your foot
up here?

- Yeah.
- I've got it.

- Let it--

- No worries.

Just steer clear of
these props right here.

One more on board.

- Thank you.

- We are.
We are coming.

- Rhylee.
- Yeah, I got it.

Watch--watch the props, guys.
One at a time here.

- One at a time.
- No, no, no...

- Perfect.
Nicely done...

- All right, thank you.
- Thank you.

- Ross is flustered with me.

He's flustered because of
the weather picking up,

but guests should not feel you

lose control in a situation.

I am very capable
of getting them on board,

so long as my captain over here
is also on the same page as me.

- That was awesome.
- Nice.

- Thank you.
- Of course. No problem.

- You guys are awesome.

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

- [indistinct]

- Should we keep it up
and then slide this down?

[light music]

♪ ♪

- Caroline,

- Caroline was on late,
so can I help you, Captain?

- I would rather not have her
walking around outside

on deck out of uniform.

Find her and tell her.
- Copy.

Hi, honey.
- Hello. How are you?

- Remember, you have
to wear your uniform.

I mean, if you have a more
uniform-looking sweater,

that'd be good,
but that one is clearly not.

- The sweater that I wear

is a normal uniform
on any luxury yacht.

The sweater that
Caroline is wearing

is a red monstrosity.

She looks like a Muppet
came out of a cave.

[lively music]

♪ ♪

- What are we taping?
- These balls.

- How was it?
- It was good.

- Yeah?
- Clear.

- Hi. Do you guys want to
freshen up?

Lunch is about ready.
- Okay.

- Good job, Rhylee.

- So ten minutes?
- Yeah, not even.

- I think they're
freshening up.

- I'm sorry I wasn't
communicating with you

on the bow.
I was trying to, like,

talk to you with hand signals.
- That's okay.

You know, you delegated me
to help them up off...

- Yeah.
- You know, out of the water.

We still had a drift though,
you know.

We still were close to
the rocks, so I was just--

I didn't know if you were
just not confident in me

being able to do that.

- No, I have to
step in sometimes.

I know what needs to be done and
I know the safest way to do it.

So if I--if I'm just
saying something--

- Okay, well, next time
if I think there's

an unsafe situation,
I'll just keep my mouth shut.

- But what's
your unsafe situation?

- When you had me
on the back deck

bringing them up out of
the swim deck,

then you left the wheel

and we were very close
to the rocks.

It felt like you didn't have
confidence in me

to get them up off
the swim deck.

I'm also
a boat captain, okay?

I also work on boats
for a living.

- Okay. If I feel comfortable
in those situations,

and you can let me know,
that's fine.

- I did and you didn't--
- But if I feel--okay, sorry.

And I'm telling you,
if I feel comfortable,

then I feel comfortable,
all right.

Let's talk about this later
because I've got--

we've got sh-- to do.
- Okay.

Well, I understand
it's another opinion.

- You need to--you need to--
- I understand--

I understand it's another
opinion. I'm not--

- Yeah, I understand it's a--
I'm sorry.

Go ahead and tell me
to ----ing, what?

- No, you need to--
I'm not telling you to--

- You just did.

- Dude, all right,
go to the--go--let's...

- Yes, sir. Yes, sir.
- You go sort the

beach club out.
Oh, (BLEEP).

There's no reasoning
with Rhylee.

She's a strong-minded woman.
I respect that.

I respect that she doesn't want
to be disrespected

at the same time, but listen
here, love, enough's enough.

Now, you're disrespecting me.

- I was Japanese
in another life.

- I'm feeling that.
I can tell.

Thank you.

[lively music]

- Oh, neat.
both: Hi, guys.

- Hi.
- Hey!

- Oh, my God.
- Wow, look at this.

- Ponzu chicken
and a sesame beef.

- This guy.
- Yes.

Oh, my goodness!

Salmon, tuna, yum.

- Oh, my God,
these are ridiculous.

- How is everything so far?
- Amazing.

- Wow.

- Chandler, what's-her-name,

she's just not
cooperating well, dude.

She can't take construction.

If I go on another tender ride,
swap her out.

Either you need to talk to her

or I need to ----ing
nip it in the butt.

- Let's--let's get through
this charter

and we'll figure out
what we need to do.

- Okay.

Chandler's decision making
----ing puzzles me.

It's ----ing frustrating.

Definitely takes a lot
for me to get rattled.

You know, I usually give people
the benefit of the doubt,

but I'm starting
to lose it with Rhylee.

This behavior
can't be tolerated.

You busy?

It's not my place to say
what I'm about to say, but--

[dramatic music]

- Next on "Below Deck"...

- Are you ----ing
kidding me?

- Rhylee, we need you
back here.

Did she not see all of us
run out in our outfits?

- I'm ----ing treated like
I'm a ----ing piece of sh--.

- I actually had a couple issues
with Chandler last night.

- I have no idea what
she's talking about.

- He's got more responsibility
than drying dishes.

- Okay.

- It's just fun
to flirt with him.

I could use
a very good (BLEEP).

- I guess I just felt
left out.

- We don't want to be
mean girls.

You can sit with us,

If you could fire anyone--

- She's a moron.
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