06x06 - Get Better or Go Home

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Below Deck". Aired: July 1, 2013 – present.*
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Show chronicles the lives of the crew members who work and reside aboard a superyacht during charter season.
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06x06 - Get Better or Go Home

Post by bunniefuu »

- Previously

- Previously
on "Below Deck"...

- Charles Yim. New money.

- New money is more,
bigger, faster.

- Do you mind just clearing off
this nightstand?

- Oh, (BLEEP),
I didn't even see that.

- [gags]

It's all juicy.
- [gags]

[hip-hop music]

- It's definitely hard to take
a step down in position,

but it's one I was willing to
take because it's good money.

♪ ♪

- We can go over game plans, but
it's usually the same routine.

- There needs to be a game plan,
and there's no game plan.

Where did you go?
- To the doctor.

- What did they do?
both: What did they say?

- They said it's an infection.
- Infection?

I've gotta spend time
coddling her,

caring about her feelings
and her swollen ankle.

I don't care.
I've got work to do.

Now I've got extra work.

- The guests said they wanted
to go fishing in the morning.

♪ ♪

I'm the experienced
fisherman here.

I should be the one
that's allowed to go.

You and Chandler
are going fishing.

♪ ♪

I'm ----ing pissed off.

♪ ♪

[foghorn blares]

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

[pleasant electronic music]

♪ ♪

[alarm blaring]

- [grunts]

[minimalist hip-hop music]

♪ ♪


- It's fishing time.

[upbeat electronic music]

♪ ♪

- Okay.

♪ ♪

[soft music]

- Cool.
I'm ready to go fishing.

- If you guys are ready to go...
- Chandler. Okay, ready.

- Ow, my feet hurt
more than ever.

♪ ♪

- Uh, we'll just find
a good shelf out there.

Depth wise, you usually fish,

you know, 200 feet of water
for mahi.

I know a little bit
about fishing.

As long as you know
how to set up the lines,

it's not that hard.

- Okay.
- We're gonna catch lunch.

- Have a good day.

[motor humming]

- Let just stay in our cabin
all day, okay?

♪ ♪


[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

- Baileys as well?
- Yeah.

- ♪ Making my French toast ♪

♪ Since I'm French,
it's just toast ♪

- Who's doing lates tonight?

- You.
- Again?

- Yeah, we normally do it
for the whole charter.

- But I did lates last charter.

- In yachting,
you can't think of excuses.

You just get on with it.

On charter,
I sliced my foot open,

and I was still--I could barely
walk, and I was still working.

Like, you just need to work
through the pain.

- I'm not trying to, like--

I--I know my role.

I'm just--I'm in so much pain.
- With your foot?

- It just gets worse
and worse at night.

- Yeah, well, don't do
too much running around.

- Chandler, Lee.

- Uh, Captain Lee, this is Ross.

Chandler's left on the tender

to go fishing with Ashton.

[hip-hop music]

♪ ♪

- Uh, negative.
He did not mention that.

- Copy that.

I've got a boat out there that
I have no idea where it's at.

I don't know who's with him;

I don't know
what they're doing.

I don't know
what their situation is.

A pound of flesh
will be extracted.

[clears throat]

[soft music]

♪ ♪

- Yeah.

♪ ♪

- We can slow down.

♪ ♪

This whole situation
is just absurd.

[both laugh]

[hip-hop music]

- I still have to squeeze
loads of oranges, set the table,

clean up from staff
from last night.

- Kate's gonna be here.
She'll save you.

- Laundry's done.
- Yay!

- The Intrepid for the snorkel
trip, is that already...

- All that stuff's in there?

- Everything's ready to go?
- Yeah.

- No, you want
more out than that.

- More?
- Yeah.

♪ ♪

- Yeah.

- Okay, this is good.

♪ ♪

- [chuckles]

- Yeah.

[hip-hop music]

♪ ♪

- Uh, Captain Lee, Captain Lee,
tender approaching vessel now.

- Good morning, Chandler,
how'd it go out there today?

- Uh, uneventful,
but everyone had fun, so...

- I didn't get a radio call
that anybody was going fishing.

- Um...
I was in bed.

I sort of assumed
that he was briefed on

what the guests wanted to do.

This is a team sport here.

- Let's get the boat alongside
and get everything out,

and we need to get ready
to depart ASAP.

- Roger.

- He should have
already known that.

- Good morning.
Would you like French toast?

- Um, not right now.
- No? Okay.

- I think I'd ride the boat.
- [laughs]

- Can I help you guys?
- Thank you.

- Whoo!
- Good?

[percussive music]

- So are you guys ready
for some breakfast

after the hard fishing trip?

both: Yeah.

I've set the table upstairs,

so should I just start bringing
stuff up there for you guys?

♪ ♪

- Did they catch anything?
- No.

- Okay.

- Look at that.
- Boom.

- Hi.
- Yo.

- How are you?
- Great. How are you?

- So good.

- Good morning.
- Oh, it smells amazing.

- What are those? Mini...
- Mini French toast.

- Awesome.
- Excellent with the butter.

- Okay, let's pull up
the anchor.

- Roger that.
We're all set on our end, Sir.

- Not quite, I don't see
anybody up on the bow.

- I'm--I'm coming there
right now.

- Copy that.

♪ ♪

Let's get the anchor up.

[chains rattling]

♪ ♪

- We're off the bottom.

- ...where to put these.

- Uh, could I just get
a bump ahead, please?

♪ ♪

Anchor's at the waterline.
You're free to maneuver.

- Was free to maneuver
about 30 seconds ago,

you dipsh--.

- All I know is that it takes an
hour to get where we're going.

Once we get there,

the guests will hopefully
be swimming with stingrays.

- I think Ash is
gonna wrangle them

and wrestle them, probably.
- [laughs] Yeah.

- Is the Wi-Fi working
for you now?

- It's working, but it's,
like, in and out, you know?

- We have a very high
expectation for Wi-Fi.

- Kate, Kate,
can I meet you somewhere,

or are you busy?

- Uh, can we meet
in the wheelhouse?

- Copy.

♪ ♪

- Hi.

Are they going swimming
with stingrays before lunch?

- It's right next to where
we're setting up for lunch,

so I figured we'd kinda
do it all together.

That way, they can swim and...
- While we set up for lunch?

- Yeah.
- Okay. Thanks, Captain.

- Thank you, Captain.

[blues rock music]

- Oh, bro! Oh.

- What are these things?
- Mini brioche French toast.

- Mmm.
(BLEEP), that's good.

♪ ♪

- Hey, if we haven't already,
can we top off the Jacuzzi?

- Yeah, copy.

- So, as soon as we get in,

we're gonna load the beach
stuff into the rescue tender,

and then we'll use that
to shuttle the guests.

Two people will run
in beach gear...

- Yep.

- And it's gonna be set up
in, like, a foot--

like, knee-high water.

[hip-hop music]

- I don't know, the excursion,

like, we need to bring
everything with us.

Um... I'm not worried
about it at all.

- It's a cool anchorage.
- Nice.

[bright music]

- There you go.

♪ ♪

Is this our favorite anchorage?
- Yeah.

- Oh!

- Ready to drop.
On my mark, five sh*ts.

And drop.

[chains rattling]

♪ ♪

Let's lock it in.

♪ ♪

- Ross?
- Yeah, brother?

- Make sure you have
life jackets for everyone.

Cinch that down
to that other handle.

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

- I'm not okay!

- Why aren't you okay, Kate?
You want a hug?

- Ah...
- What's wrong?

Do you want a breast massage?
- Not today...

- Yeah? [laughs]
- Maybe tomorrow.

Is this inappropriate? Yes.

But it's also a compliment,

and I love it.

- [chuckles] Maybe Josiah
wants a breast massage.

- I'd love a breast massage.


- All right, do you guys have
plenty of drinking ice?

- I didn't touch provisions.

- When someone asks you
if we have enough of something,

just go look...

instead of saying,
"I didn't do provisions."

- Okay, so, you would like me
to go check ice? Okay.

[hip-hop music]

♪ ♪

- I'm so ----ing tired of him
speaking to me like that.

- Coming up...

- How the (BLEEP)
does that happen?

How does a boat this size

end up with not one
swinging d*ck onboard?


- Sweet. Nice.

[funky music]

- Do you mind if I grab an--
oof, I'm sorry.

- You can actually grab
the whole pack...

- Oh, thank you.
- And take it with you...

so you can use it
whenever you want.

- I'm gonna stick it up my ass,
so I can just fart it out.

- Yeah.

- Caroline?
- What?

- Stop talking about your ass.
- Whatever, bro. [laughs]

- We're in America,
we say ass, not "arse."

- You're talking
about your "ass."

- [grunting]

[serene guitar music]

- Oh, man,
this water is incredible.

- You got that shark there
and the stingray.

I've never done a setup
with sharks swimming around.

♪ ♪

Let's hope our chairs
don't float away.

It's exciting, you know?
It's different.

Good boy.

This is why we do
what we do right here.

It's the best part of our job.

I think the guests
are gonna love this.

- Oh, yeah.

- It'll be fine.
They got cover.

- So, they're gonna take you
to go swim with stingrays...

- Oh, my goodness.

- And while you guys
are doing that,

we're going to set up lunch,
which will be on the sandbar.

- Sweet.
- I have grandma bottoms on.

- It's hard to tell
if they're happy or not,

but also, I don't think they
know if they're happy or not.

Does that sound good?

- Yeah.
- Yeah.

- Are you ready to swim?

You guys can head on down past
to the swim deck.

Oh, look at that bathing suit.
Hey, mermaid. [laughs]

- What's up, bruh?

- All guests are loaded
on the tender.

- Copy that.
- Yeah!

- Okay, now let's go set up
an underwater lunch.

- If you don't--like,
I'm in a lot of pain,

so I don't know if--

obviously, where you send me,
I'll go.

- Please bring one of
those barstools over here,

see if it fits, and wash dishes.

- Thanks, Kate.
- [sighs]

[cheerful music]

♪ ♪

- Yep.

- Oh, here they are.

- Hey, guys!
- All here.

- Look behind you...
- Oh, yeah.

- Reef sharks are like
little kittens.

They're harmless.

Unless you're going to, like,
give them a punch in the face,

you're good to go.

[inquisitive music]

- They're not interested
in you.

♪ ♪

I would just say...
- Maybe no?

- For safety purposes, we
won't touch the sharks today.

- Are we safe to jump in now?
- Yeah.

[bright music]

- Look at this school
of sharks, guys.

- Oh, there's a baby shark.
- Whoa.

♪ ♪

- I've always wanted
to swim with sharks,

because I'm deathly
afraid of them.

Today is definitely
one of the better days

that I've had on this boat.

They're so cute!

- Okay.
- Let's do this.

- Oh, by the way, Caroline said
her foot's really hurting,

so I told her to pull a stool
into the upper pantry,

sit on it, and wash.

Caroline's still finding ways
to, like, not work,

and I'm still finding ways
to make her able to work.

I see your injured foot
and I raise you a stool.

- She should tell me those
things if she's worried.

- Tender, "My Seanna,"
tender, "My Seanna."

Where is Chandler?

♪ ♪

- Okay, any idea
what the holdup was?

♪ ♪

- It pisses me off to no end

when somebody doesn't
answer their radio.

Chandler should know better.

- Roger that, 1-6.

Kate, Kate, Lee.
- Go ahead.

- Chandler's on
his way back now,

so let's get everything ready,

so we can be gone
as quickly as he gets here.

- Copy.

We've got champagne,
rosé, Don Julio.

Just carry it
like a little baby.

- Yeah.

- I love making sushi.

The first time I did sushi

was in a restaurant
I was working at in Paris.

In Tahiti, it's kind of hard
to get some good sushi rice.

It's just chalky;
it's kinda flowery.

What's a guy gotta do

to get some quality
sushi rice around here?


♪ ♪

- Beautiful spot you picked.
- Good.

Seemed to take
an awful long time.

- Uh... we were going
as fast as we could.

What do we need
to get from the girls?

- Lunch.

- Kate, Kate?
- She's in the galley.

- I'm heading your way.

- Hi.
- I'll take the boat...

- Am I bringing those back?
- Yes, please.

- Have fun.
- Thank you.

- Caroline, Caroline?

Josiah and I are headed
to set up and serve lunch.

While we're gone,
can you please go around

and check all the guest rooms

- Copy that, thank you.
- You're the best.

This is crazy.
- What?

- Crazy beautiful.

[smooth music]

♪ ♪

- (BLEEP).

[exciting music]

- Okay, let's do this.

Gonna have to set this up quick.

- Do you guys need
anything else?

- We gotta shuttle them in.

- "Welcome to the interior,"
they said.

"You won't get hot outside."
- It's kinda nice.

- There's a stingray there.

Can't they k*ll you?
- Yeah.

- There you guys are.

♪ ♪

- If they're not impressed
with this...

- I'm taking Don Julio
to that beach over there.

- It's a pop-up float restaurant
in Tahiti.

- This is so cute.
- Yeah buddy!

- Hey!

- One, two, three...

- Start with some spicy tuna
and spicy salmon.

You got some sashimi.
- Okay.

- This is vodka orange
marinated tuna steak.

- Thank you.
- You're welcome.

- It's delicious.

- I've done yachting for
so long, that it's rare

that I encounter something
I haven't done before,

so this halfway underwater
lunch is exciting.

- It's so pretty here.

[clears throat]

How the (BLEEP)
does that happen?

Chandler, Chandler, Lee.

Do you know where the shutoff
valve is for the Jacuzzi?

[tense hip-hop music]

It's one of these.

- Oh, my God, now it's raining.
- Oh, no.

- It's gonna start pouring here
in a second.

- Son of a bitch if it isn't.

That's all I needed, is for it
----ing to start raining now.

Ross, Ross, Lee.

Ashton, Ashton, Lee.

I need somebody to ----ing
respond to me right now.

Oh, (BLEEP), I am pissed.

[clears throat]

[tense percussive music]

- Johan, Johan, Lee.
- Yes, go ahead.

- Do you know where the shutoff
valve is for the Jacuzzi?

- Yes indeed. I'm coming up.

- How does a boat this size

end up with not one
swinging d*ck onboard

for deck crew?

It's a major (BLEEP)-up.

I can't tell which way
that rain's gonna go.

- Just to hear them have lunch
and say, "Yes"--

- Oh, no.

Hey, Chandler,

considering it's about to start
raining pretty hard,

should we get them
in the tender now?

- I'm just worried about

the boat being
completely uncovered...

[hip-hop music]

- It's like Chandler is
trying to suck at his job.

Then you guys should
go back to the boat.

Should I take all the deck crew?

Yeah. But that's wrong.

Like, Captain Lee's
line-catching days

on the swim platform
are long over.

Hey, guys?

So, I just noticed
there's some weather moving in.

Best bet is probably to get
you guys on the Intrepid

and back to the yacht,
before it just opens up.

- Yeah, thank you.
- Sure.

- "To the choppa"!

- Hey, Ross, we're gonna
shuttle the guests back to you.

- Okay, copy.

[upbeat music]

- We'll see you
back on the boat.

I hope you guys make it. Bye.

- Bye.

- Should we just wash
everything in--

- Yeah. It's soy sauce.

He's coming back, right?

- Yeah, he's coming back.
- Okay.

♪ ♪

Where is the Don Julio?
- She drank it.

[hip-hop music]

- Whoo!

- All right,
we made it back in one piece.

- Yay, lunch is over.

- Ah! Thank you.
- No worries.

- Okay, all aboard.
- Take me to the yacht!

- Jacuzzi! Jacuzzi time!

- Just a gentle reminder,

there's a lot of equipment
in this boat, it's not me.

♪ ♪

- Hot.
- Ooh...

- Yeah, Caroline,
we've got guests

back here in the Jacuzzi.

You might wanna go up
and check and see

if they need anything, please.

- On my way.

♪ ♪


Drinks for anybody?
- Do you have water?

- Coconut water? You got it.

[soft percussive music]

Are they serious?

They want coconut water
with one blueberry?


Anybody else?

♪ ♪

Got it. Um...

- She wants
a virgin piña colada.

- Virgin piña colada.

- Just water for me.
- Water?

- Thank you.
- Okay.

All right, give me
a couple seconds.

I'll be right back
with all that, okay?

[exhales] Okay.

- Chef?
- Yeah?

- Do we have blueberries,
mint leaves, and raspberries?

- Frozen in the freezer

- Got it. Okay.
- Walk-in freezer downstairs.

- Thank you.

♪ ♪

They're all frozen, though.


[hip-hop music]

- Selfie queen, selfie queen.

- Oh, my God.

- Where's my drink?

- Yeah, actually,
where are our drinks?

- Hey, um, I don't know
how to make any of these drinks.

- Uh, do you know
when Kate is coming back?

- Let me ask.

Kate, Kate, Caroline.

[exhales] Okay.

[smooth instrumental music]

- All right.

- Caroline, Caroline?
- Go ahead.

- Hey, what do you need?

- Um, they requested
the two rum coconut drinks.

- Why is she--[mumbles]

Okay, I'll be right up.
I'll take care of it.

- Thanks, Kate.

- I just served underwater lunch
in shark infested waters,

and Caroline's
the one freaking out.

- We'll just set it right here
and hose them off.

- Let's get the boat alongside,
get everything out ASAP.

- Roger.

You never leave the boat

without at least
one deck member on it.

I know I screwed up,

and I'm expecting to get
a thorough lashing from Cap.

[hip-hop music]

- Yay.

♪ ♪

Jolie, I have
your piña colada, okay?

- Okay.

- Yeah.
- [toots]

What? [laughs]

[smooth bass music]


♪ ♪

[both laugh]

[hip-hop music]

- So, how was it?
- It was epic.

They loved your sushi.
They ate every single item.

- Awesome.

- Did you touch
one of the sharks?

- Yeah, I touched a shark.

I touched the stingrays
multiple times.

- How does one go back
to reality after this?


- Hi, how are you?
- Good. How's your foot feeling?

- Better. Better, thank you.
- Good, good, good, good.

So, why don't you go back
to sitting and folding?

- Okay.
- Thank you.

[bright music]

♪ ♪

- Okay, what are
you making tonight?

- Lobster salad, and then
we'll do a duo of foie gras.

- Okay, good.

- Chandler, Chandler, Lee.

- Go ahead.

- Yeah, do you have time
to come to the wheelhouse?

- Yeah, I'll be right there.

- Good.

[hip-hop music]

Have a seat.

♪ ♪

Got a couple of things
I wanna go over with you today.

- Okay?

- You know how I hate

- Yeah.

- And that's what I'm doing
with you right now.

You're missing a lot
of real obvious things.

You left the boat
without telling me.

I don't think
you should've been the one

to take them fishing today.

We've got an experienced
fisherman onboard.

And we filled the Jacuzzi up
about five times today.

♪ ♪

You're just--
the details, you're--

I don't know,
maybe you can enlighten me,

why are you missing them?

♪ ♪

- Coming up...

- The primary is having sex
on the crow's nest.

- Is that a massage?
Is it a spanking?

- Oh, look, he's going for it!

[all yell]

[tense hip-hop music]

- Maybe you can enlighten me,
why are you missing them?

- Well, Ashton's responsible
for the hot tub.

- How can you hold
somebody accountable

if you don't check it?

- I don't--okay.
- I check it.

- I'm all over the place
right now.

I--you know, these things get...

- Is it too much?

- No, it just gets left
to the wayside.

I mean, we're picking up
the anchor,

we're dropping tenders.

- I'm checking you,

and you're missing
a lot of stuff.

which means
you're not checking them,

which is your job.

- Okay.

- I don't understand the
issues I'm having with Chandler.

I don't know whether
he just got out of bed

and said, "I'm just gonna be
a total (BLEEP)-up today,"

but I'm not gonna
tolerate this sh--.

Not on my boat.

You should've left me
one person today.

I got a Jacuzzi overflowing.

I got raining coming down...
- Yeah, I--

- Basically, I got
my d*ck in my hand.

- No, I--I--yeah...

that was definitely on me.

- All of it was on you.
It's all your job.

- I don't like to be on
Captain Lee's sh-- list.

I'm here to make his life
easier, not harder.

But at the same time,

your crew needs to be
looking out for you.

They need to be looking at
everything on the boat.

There's just not enough of me
to go around.

- That'll be all.

♪ ♪

[dynamic percussive music]

♪ ♪

- [humming]

- Okay, here's the thing:

You're not gonna be on lates,
I'll be on lates.

It's fine.
I want you to get better.

- Thank you.

- Okay, so, now
let's take these items in,

scrape it all and wash it.

I would like you to be
sitting down while you do it.

Maybe the lower pantry's better,

because I think we could
organize some way

for you to sit down there.
- Okay, yeah, that'd be great.

- And I'll work up here.

- Okay. Such a sweetheart.

- Deck crew, deck crew,

can everyone meet me
in the beach club?

- Copy that.

♪ ♪

- Hello.

- So while we have
everyone here,

I just got my ass
chewed out by Captain...

[hip-hop music]

And it all falls on me.

I'm gonna start double-checking
everything that's going on.

So if it sounds like
I'm nitpicking

and micromanaging...

I am.

- I mean, that's bullsh--.

Chandler takes advantage
of his position,

and just passes blame,

and I feel like
it's his fault.

Don't blame me for your lack
of communication, bosun.

- We just need to get it
together as a team.

- Move.
- Yeah.

- Starboard?

[dynamic music]

- Okay, here is your...
- My pedestal?

- Yeah.
- Okay, thank you.

- Look, you can sit
right on it.

- That's awesome.

[exciting music]

- I'm not doing the table for
the guests, I'm doing it for me.

I'm just throwing a tea party
rave, it's no big deal.

♪ ♪

I want fairies too.
- We should hang them like this.

- Hang them.
- Then it gives the guests

something to talk about,

because all they talk about is
how many followers they have.

- It's, like,
swelling up even more.

[slow funky music]

- We're gonna k*ll it.

I put a lot of love
into each meal,

but dinner for me
is kind of the epiphany.

Breakfast starts off
the day good.

You're having some nice food.

Lunch, like,
"Oh, this is really nice.

You know,
we're getting into it."

And then dinner, it's like,
"Blow me away."

Oh, my God, love it.

What's happening?
- Oh, not much.

How late are you on?
- I don't know.

- I'm on straight through.

- He's getting the most rest
out of all of us.

- I'm a very light sleeper,
yeah. [laughs]

♪ ♪

- Chandler, Chandler, yacht.
- Chandler's on break.

- I'm knocking off. Thank you.

- Thank you.

I'm irritated...
- [chuckles]

- I'm irritated to the point
where I'm ready

to ----ing go talk to Captain.

And it would all not be
so ----ing irritating

if he wasn't a ----ing prick.

- What do you feel like
you wanna do?

- There needs
to be a change.

I feel like Ross
should be ----ing bosun.

- Yeah, I completely
agree with that.

The truth is the truth.
What's happening is happening.

- Every ----ing mistake
that was made today

is on Chandler.

[upbeat music]

- Okay, I'm good to go. You?
- Let's go.

- Hey!
- Look at the lights.

- I feel like we're in
a fairy tale.

♪ ♪

- Why don't you tell me
about your first course?

- Lobster--Lobster...
- Olive oil lobster.

- Orange beetroot.

- Is that done?
- Yeah.

- Caroline, can you come to
the galley for service, please?

- On my way.

♪ ♪

all: Cheers.

- All right, here we go...
- Nice.

- Thank you.
- The first dish of the night.

- The first course is gonna be

an arugula carrot tomato
lobster salad,

with an orange truffle dressing.

- This is a great salad.

- [laughs]

♪ ♪

- Okay, tell me what it is:
Seared foie gras, brioche...

♪ ♪

- Can I start going?
- Yeah, you can go.


- Supposedly Chef went all out.
This is it.

Oh, wow, foie gras?

- Two kinds.
- Two kinds of foie gras.

- "Foie-get" about it.


- Mmm.

- It tastes really good.

- That's legit.
- Mmm.

- Oh, my God, this is so good.

- They loved it.
- They loved it.

They were so happy.
- Really?

- Yeah.

Okay, Josiah--

you can go down, Josiah,
thank you.

- Okay.

- Let's go in the hot tub.
- Yeah.

- I think I'm out, you guys.
I'm gonna go to bed.

all: Good night.
- Good night, Jen.

[smooth electronic music]

- Have a good evening.
- You too.

♪ ♪

- How you doing, baby?
- I wanna go lay up there.

- We're gonna go upstairs
for a minute.

♪ ♪

- Can I get anything for you?


♪ ♪

- [muffled]

- I don't know, but it was
probably a blowie or something.

Uh, it's, like, 90% certain

that the primary is having sex
on the crow's nest.

- How are you certain?

- Uh...

I just...
- Let's go look.

- Call me if they are.
- [laughs]

♪ ♪

Come on, guys.

- Remember that
they're on a boat

with a bunch of humans
watching them.

- Well, they don't know
that we're watching them.

- How's it looking?
Doggy style?

[all exclaim]

- [gasps] Oh.

- But she's on the side, so...

- You know, sometimes
it works that way.

- She's right here,
and that's her leg right there.

- I mean, I'm a fan
of the dead starfish,

but this is next level.

- Oh, she had a full eagle
spread right there.

- [laughs]
- This is getting naughty.

both: Yep.

- Coming up...

- This is one of the things
that will piss me off,

is when you don't put
your tools away.

- I did put it away.

- I'm definitely under
the microscope right now.

My department isn't operating
the way it should.

- What the (BLEEP)?

- Oh, oh...

- Oh, oh...
- He said, "Wake up."

both: Oh...

- She's not that into it.

- Can't we change the feed?

- Ow. [mouths word]
- What is that?

- Oh, oh, oh, oh.

- Oh...she must wanna marry him.

Trap his ass.
- Yeah.

- She's definitely thirsty.

- I'm going to bed.

- Okay, good night.

[hip-hop music]

- Sweet.

♪ ♪

- ♪ Om ♪

♪ ♪

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

[alarm clock blaring]

♪ ♪

- All right, Cap,
we are all set back here.

I'm making my way
up to the bow.

- Attention, all crew:
We're about to get underway.

[bright synth music]

♪ ♪

- Lovely.

- I want the turkey bacon.

♪ ♪

- Delicious.

- I'm just gonna take a pause

and just eat whipped cream
right now.

So light and fluffy
and delicious.

- Okay, so, your foot's
very much bothering you, huh?

- I'm trying, I'm trying not--

- No--[sighs] Sh--.
Go fold laundry downstairs.

- No, no, no, no, I can--

- Listen, you're limping.
- Okay, okay. Okay.

- Josiah is like a show dog.

He's perfectly groomed,
he's got a shiny coat,

a graceful gait,

and just a fine specimen.

And then Caroline is like
a Chihuahua that's scared,

that you found in the street,
and it's, like, hungry,

and, like, you know,
somebody, like, closes the door,

and it, like, sh--s itself.


Oh, my legs hurt.

- My feet were
hurting yesterday.

- My feet are screaming.

- Attention, all crew:

Everybody needs to be
in their whites.

- Running out of room in my bag.

- This is so ----ing pretty.
We have to take it there.

- Yeah.

- Am I'm gonna block
his view of--

- Honey, I can figure it out.
Oh, it's hot.

Look, watch, you'll see.
- Don't stand right there.

- Dude, these are
the sickest photos.

♪ ♪

- Interior,
we're just about to dock.

- Are we in position?

- Everyone's in position,

Three, two, one, drop.

- I need some distances
back there, Ross.

- Stern: 150 feet to the dock.

♪ ♪

- How are we looking back there?

- Looking good.
- Copy that. Lock it in.

- You wanna just get them
up here first, bruh?

- Yeah, that's fine.
- We'll get them outside.

- Okay, can I get everybody
on the aft deck

for guest departure?

[music slows down]

- All right, peoples.

- Thanks very much.
- You're very welcome.

- Emily, thank you.
Hope you had fun.

- Thank you so much.
- Thank you very much.

- I have never been
so happy in my life

to get a guest off the boat.

Let's hope we don't find

any more "extra large"
latex surprises.

- Thank you very much, Captain.
- Thank you, buddy.

- Overall,
the experience was amazing,

so thank you very, very much.
- Good.

Glad you enjoyed it. Thank you.
- Yeah.

So we have something for you:

a little token of
our appreciation.

Thank you guys very much.

Had a great experience,
so, thanks, Captain.

- Absolutely.
- Thanks, Charles.

- Whoo--ooh! [giggles]

- Okay, guys, let's go to work.

[both humming]

- What size are you?
- He's a women's small.

- You're a women's small.
- [chuckles]

- Deck crew, deck crew, can you
please wash down the boat?

- Strip beds, please.
Caroline, keep folding.

I'm gonna go finish
my provision order,

and then I'll come help.

- I don't know
what the (BLEEP) is going on.

- With what?

- I'm just scared they have
all these diseases here.

Like, they're
gonna amputate my foot.

- Attention, all crew,
attention, all crew:

We are gonna convene
down in the crew mess ASAP.

- Sometimes
it doesn't hurt at all,

but then other times,
there's, like, a pop in it.

[hip-hop music]

- Cap's coming down.
Let's tighten it up, people.

♪ ♪

- That was an
interesting charter.

- Yeah.

- I think the only thing
that worked harder

than we did on that charter
was our bandwidth.

- Mm-hmm.
[light chuckles]

- I think we have
a lot of people here

that have a lot of talent,

and I think where we're having
a slight breakdown

is utilizing that talent

and communicating information
from one department to another.

- I agree with Captain Lee.

It was a sh--show of a charter.

But from this point on,
it's gonna be different.

- Overall, I think we had
a really good charter.

We, uh, ended up with $15,000.

$1,250 apiece. Nicely done.

- Thank you.
- You're welcome.

- Thank you.
- Thanks, Cap.

- So, you guys
can go out tonight,

spend some tip money.

We got a short turnaround...
- Cool.

- Let's finish out
the afternoon, stay busy.

Enjoy Tahiti.
Thank you, guys.

- It will be raining tonight.
- [Lee laughing]

- Pay up, Ross.

- Stop being angry.
- Are you okay?

It's fine, it's fine. I just...
- No, it's not fine.

- I don't know what's happening,
but it's not going...

- Same one?

- Captain, Captain, Kate.
- Go.

- We need to organize
another doctor's appointment

for Caroline.

- Not a problem, I'm on it.
- Thank you.

- Thank you.

- If we can get mast,
that crow's nest,

in front of the windows,
and most of the sundeck done,

then we'll be looking good.

The faster we get it done, the
sooner you can have your beers.

[lively music]

- [pants] "Shweating."

- Okay, bye, get better.
- Thanks.

- Get the good dr*gs.
- Okay.

[funky electronic music]

♪ ♪

- Like, this is, like,
one of the things

that will piss me off,

is when you don't put
your tools away.

Like, I just found your bucket

and your chamois
from last night.

- No, that's not correct.
- Did you hot-chamois?

- Yes, I did,
and I did put it away,

so you're gonna have to ask

whoever was on early mornings
this morning.

- Okay, well,
that's what happens

when you start not
putting things away,

is you get blamed for it.

I'm definitely under
the microscope right now.

My department isn't operating
the way it should.

I don't want this to reflect
badly upon me anymore,

and it's one thing
after another.

- Yeah, maybe check with
Ross and Ashton as well,

'cause I did put
all my things away.

- I'm not asking much.

Just put tools
where you got them from.

Plain and simple.
- [groans]

- What the (BLEEP)?

- ----ing ridiculous.

[slow hip-hop music]

- Oh, (BLEEP).

♪ ♪

- Here she comes.

Here, so, have a seat,

and tell us
what the doctor said.

- He said,
"I don't know what it is."

And he said,
"Be off of it for two days."

[electronic music]

- Well, I'm sure
you're in pain,

so why don't you go to
your cabin and rest it,

'cause we want you
to get better.

- Okay.

- It's frustrating that
Caroline now can't be

on her foot for two days,

but it doesn't really
make a difference.

Josiah and I have already
been doing all of her work...

- [sniffles]
- Don't cry.

We want you to get better.

But I'm not gonna carry
her weight all season.

- Okay, thanks, appreciate it.

- So then there were two.

Can you start folding
and laundry please?

- ♪ Laundry turns around ♪

[upbeat synth music]

♪ ♪

- [sniffles] Ow.

♪ ♪

- Ready, bruh?
- Just about.

- Let's see how far you can go.

♪ ♪

- No, I really wish I was going.

Hard-core FOMO.

- I don't think
you'll miss much.

- Why are you pissed?

- It's just,
everything's building up.

- I can guess: It's Chandler.

Has it been getting worse
or staying the same?

- It's just the same.

Every day, he's just
a pompous ----ing prick.

[knocking on door]
- Come in!

- How are you feeling?
- I feel really sore.

- Well, just stay horizontal,
'cause I want you to get better.

- I promise.
- Miss you.

- Have fun for me.
I'll rest for you.

- Yeah, I'll have a great time.

- All right, are we ready?
- Caroline, come on.

- Caroline's staying.
She's got elevator foot.

- ♪ Need some dancing shoes ♪

- Rhylee, you're looking hot.
- Thanks, Ash.

♪ ♪

Are my boobs even?

- No one's gonna be looking if
they're hanging even, I promise.

- I love our entire crew...
even Rhylee.

I'm serious.

- The fact that
you had to say that

makes me question
the authenticity.

- Let's go, guys, we're here.

- Come here, princess.
- Whoop, my ass is coming out.

- [mumbles]
- [burps] Excuse me.

- Rhylee, you can't be doing
that when you look like that.

Let's go, boys and girl.

- Yes.
- I like the colors.

- ♪ I got eyes on you ♪

- Welcome to Yakitori.

- Thank you so much.

- Thank you, sir.

- Cheers, guys!
- Cheers-cheers.

- I mean, you guys
are dressing him up.

I'm like, come on,
you don't want, like,

dad bods that go next-level
----ing Hercules over here.

- Some girls like dad bods.

No, honestly--

- Hi! Come over.

- Hey.
- I missed you.

- I missed you.
- Oh, yeah.

- Enjoy.
- Is it good?

- Bon appétit.
- Please chat to Rhylee.

She's hectically emotional.

She's at that point
where she's gonna pop.

- I'm irritated to the point
where I'm ready

to ----ing go talk to Captain.

- It would be a good idea
to let her know,

just be like, "Look, let's
play nice, let's have fun,"

because I don't want her
to explode.

- With the way
we left the workday,

I don't wanna be
the one to do that.

- We definitely have to figure
the situation with Rhylee out.

She's not going anywhere;
she's part of the team.

We need to just sort it out
and get past the issue.

I can already see
what's gonna happen.

She's gonna have
a few vodskies in her,

and it's gonna be (BLEEP).

- Are we going downstairs,
or what?

Let's go, let's go.

- My goal tonight is
not to set anybody off,

but if I get drunk

and stupidly do something,
so be it.

[lively club music]

- Ha-oh! Whoa!

♪ ♪

- [laughs]

- Yes, you can.

♪ ♪

- This is like, "Dirty
Dancing" Tahitian nights,

and any girl on the floor

is the Jennifer Grey
to Ashton's Swayze.

♪ ♪


[bright hip-hop music]

Yes, Ashton!

[all cheer]

- Shut that door!

- We're gonna ----ing party.

- They're all--
they're all back there.

- Party in the back! Oh!


- Party in the bus.

- Oh, no--no--
no, didn't say that.

You just shut up...
- [laughs]

- You, the South African
toddler dancer.

♪ ♪

- You must go,
because I can't move.

♪ ♪

- We're home.
- [yells, laughs]

♪ ♪

- Let's go have a drink.
Come on.

♪ ♪

- [lips sputtering]

[laughs] What is that?


Ugh-- [blubbers]

- My ----ing mother----ing
heat--feet hurt.

[dynamic music]

♪ ♪

- [muttering]

Get in there...shirt.

- [exhales]

[mischievous string music]

♪ ♪

[smooth instrumental music]

♪ ♪

- [moaning]

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

- Okay.

Ashton's looking for a hookup,

but that's not
happening, Ashton.

I'll have fun with you,

but I'm not gonna be stupid
with you when you're drunk.


- That's my Tahitian punch.

- Ah, Caroline, where in
the (BLEEP) did you come from?

Can you just--
you're supposed to be resting.

Can you go and rest?

Where's the toilet?

where's the toilet?

Is that it?

- [whispering]
- Are you serious?

Come on now,
that's just disrespectful.

- Hi, sorry.

- Do you want to lay down
in a guest cabin?

I want you rested,
because after two days...

- Yeah, I can,
but will you look at it?

I think it kinda went down
a little.

- Oh, I don't wanna know
right now.

After two days, we'll decide
if you can stay or go.

Let's take you down to
a guest cabin right now.

- Okay, can I just get my stuff?

- No, I think
you should just rest.

I can get it for you.
- I don't need it, it's okay.

- No, I will get it for you,

but I don't want you getting
distracted and then bumping it.

You know?

- [grunts]

- It's still swollen.

- Well, it is,
but I feel like it went down.

I really do.

- Okay, stay here...
- Okay...

- Two days.
- I can't leave for, like...

- No, this is your new home base
for two days...

- Okay.
- Because we--

if you're not healed
after two days...

- I--I know, I'm very aware.

- You know, so let's take it
very seriously.

- I know there's rank,
but I'm a human being.

I don't deserve
to be treated this way.

- After two days,
either you're better...

- [sniffling, sobbing]
- Or you're not.

[tense percussive music]

This isn't even a personal
thing with Caroline.

This is her foot.

It's seriously injured,
and she needs to give it

the proper rest
it needs to heal.

Get better or go home.

- [sobbing]

- Next on "Below Deck"...

- It's a four-day charter:

ten people,
two of them children.

- Hi.

- Master Pierson is not loving
the vegetables.

I don't know what pain you're
experiencing or what level,

I just need to know
if you can work at 100%.

- Chandler's just told me
something on the foredeck.

- Okay, got it,
I'm standing by.

- Where does this attitude
come from?

- Calm down, Ashton.

- Kate, it's Albert. We've had
enough of this experience.

- I'm so sorry to hear that.
Is everybody all right?

- We have towels, no water.
- You have one job, deckhands.

Captain, would you like
some dinner?

- No, I'm gonna eat
somebody's ass for dinner.

I am not gonna finish
the season this way.

I will make some changes,

and not all of you
are gonna be happy.
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