06x12 - Check Yourself!

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Below Deck". Aired: July 1, 2013 – present.*
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Show chronicles the lives of the crew members who work and reside aboard a superyacht during charter season.
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06x12 - Check Yourself!

Post by bunniefuu »

- Previously

- Previously
on "Below Deck"...

- Who made this bed?
- The two of us.

- Are these not coming off?

I was chief stew
on my last vessel.

I can really revamp
an interior.

- Cheers.

- I've planted some seeds
with Laura.

You just let the seed grow,
and eventually, we'll hook up.

- I'm dirty, sorry.

- How's it going?
- Nice to meet you.

I get a hot new roommate.

- But you're still
pretty young, though.

- I can still snag somebody.

- A lot of ----ing corners
being cut around here.

- [gasps]

- Oh, my God, look.

Have you ever done turndowns
before in your life?

- I thought we weren't caring.
I thought that was the vibe.

- Oh sh--.

- Man overboard.
- What?

- Get the life ring!
- Slack out, slack out.

- Ashton's on the line.
Make a tow line.

- Here take a line.
- Hurry, he's drowning!

- In that moment,
I mentally prepared myself

for my foot to be ripped off.

Come here, brother.

[horn blares]

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

- Hey, Rhylee, what should I do
with that drop cloth?

Are we going to wash it?
- Uh, let's go ahead,

and I'll wash it down
in check the space.

- Okay.
- I love being the boss.

I mean, it's not like
I want to get out

my whip and chain, and--

maybe I do with Tyler,
I don't know.

[upbeat music]

- Hi.
- Hi.

So have you been
to laundry lately?

- Yeah, I think we're in
a good place, eh?

- Okay, we're all
going to knock off.

- You!
You, you, you.

- Oh, God.

- I would really
like to tell Laura

that she clearly
is full of sh--

and that she doesn't know as
much as she thinks she does,

but I don't have time
to like her or dislike her.

I've got a lot to do.

At least we have us, you know?

- Yeah.
- The normal ones.

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

- Cheers, bro.
- Cheers.

- I don't think I've had
a proper chat to you.

Like, you know, there was
a quite a special moment

when I got back onto the boat
and you gave me a hug.

It was like safety, you know?

Like, when you were holding me,
I felt safe, Roo.

[tense music]

- And I think, you know,

it's obvious, that you mean--
that I care about you.

And that we've become close,
but it was just--

I just needed to--I don't know.

I needed to just ----ing
grab you just to be, you know?

- Yeah.
- And then, also,

I wanted to ----ing clip you

around the ears
at the same time.


- Yeah.

- Okay.
- You roll.

I'll finish organizing.
- Okay.

- Rhylee is my boss,
but I'm excited to see

what she's like not at work,

maybe without clothes on.

- Are you excited
to go out tonight?

- Yeah, this'll be
my first time

hanging out with all you guys.
- Right?

We can all relax and let loose
a little bit.

- Yeah.
- But don't let too loose.

Just wrap it up.
- What does that mean?

- However you want to take it.

- I don't want to
have a baby in Tahiti.


[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

- Yeah.
- Why?

- It's easy to access.


- Hi.
- Let's take off, let's go.

- Your ass looks really tight
in those jeans.

- Thank you.
- Are you wearing underwear?


- You look hot, babe.
- Thanks!

- There's a pretty incredible
vibe going out.

You know, like,
I've dodged a b*llet

and we have new crew members.

It's just, like,
a fresh breath.

- Are we here?
- What?

- Why didn't we just walk?

This place is cute.
- Yeah.

- Don't put baby on the end.

- May I please have
tequila and Perrier?

I'm a tequila soda gal.
- I'll just have a light beer.

- Gin and tonic with lime.
- Gin and tonic.

- Work hard, play hard, right?

- I was literally
just saying that.

- Hold my hand.

What do you think
a della nonna salad is?

- It sounds naughty.
- It does.

- I think that's
what I'm going to get.

- I think I'm going
to get that too.

- I am trying to figure
Laura out, if that's possible.

I'm in an open relationship
with my girlfriend,

so it's fun to have
somebody to flirt with.

- Maybe I should stick
to the water like a good girl.

- Yeah, that's advisable.

- [laughs]

- And she apparently
enjoys it,

so we'll see where it goes.

- Thank you.

- No, you look great.
- Oh?


- Do you know what I want?

- Oh, I'd love
some chicken right now.

- I would love--

- Ooh, I'm getting
a Greek salad.

The bro drinks are always
the best drinks.

You know why, Rhy?

Yeah, sometimes,
I'm hilarious, and--

Mahi mahi!


- Laura, are you okay, hon?

Because you need
to settle down.

- [laughs]

- I don't know,
maybe she just loves

the sound of her own voice.

- Crazy!

- Tyler, where are you from?
- Washington.

- D.C., state?
- Uh, state.

- So then what happened
after high school?

- After high school,

I was supposed to
go to college for track,

and I got in a car wreck.
It was gnarly.

Like, ten of us
went over a cliff.

None of us died.
- Holy sh--.

- It just ruined
my athletic career.

- Wow.
- Oh, my gosh.

- I didn't break any bones,
but I had to

go to the hospital
and the whole deal.

I got road rash
everywhere on my body,

and I couldn't do sports,
because I was on crutches

and I was picking rocks
out of my skin.

- So did you have to,
like, shift gears,

decide what to do
with your life

all of a sudden?
- Yep.

I started forest firefighting.
- In the Woodland?

- In the Woodlands, yes.

I think the accident
really opened my eyes

about playing it safe,
and I decided

that I was going to live every
day like it would be my last.

And then I got into yachting
when I moved

to southern California
to surf and be a beach bum.

- Right here, thank you.
- Merci.

- Thank you.
- Enjoy your meal.

[upbeat music]

- Yes.

Home sweet home, right here.

- Do we really want to go out?

We have a big day tomorrow
flipping the boat.

- What's wrong?
- Nothing is wrong.

I'm offering suggestions.

Do we go out, or do we
go back to the boat?

- Go out!

- But you just got here,
so I'm not really asking you.

[tense music]

♪ ♪

- Definitely a bit of
an awkward moment.

I just--I just work here.

- That's right,
I did just work charters,

but I was working pretty hard
before I got here.

- I honestly think
it was impossible

that you were working
the same situation.

- I didn't say I was, hey.
- Right.

So why even bring it up?
I don't know.

- It's pretty uncalled for
that Kate disrespected me

in front of the entire crew.
It's not a good feeling.

- I'm asking you guys.

- You want a ciggy?
- Yeah.

- Let's have a ciggy, bro.

- I want to say Laura,
but like,

I'm not going to, like,
force it.

We connect and we chat on
different levels,

which, like, is a lot more
intense than just hooking up.

Does that make sense?
- Yeah, absolutely.

- Oh, thanks so much.
- How was your dinner?

- Oh, it was good.
And yours?

- Nothing.
- What's on your mind?

- Yeah, yeah, yeah.
See you.

[tense music]

- [laughs]

- No, I'm so sensitive.
I shouldn't be so sensitive.

- I was out on the beach there.

He's like,
"Hey, hey, give us a moment."

I was like, "Okay."
- He said that, really?

- Yeah.

- He's like the Terminator.
- What?

- He's back from the future
to (BLEEP) every girl he can.

It's like, a mission, you know?


- Out of all the boats
I've ever worked on,

regardless of my role,
my hierarchy,

I've never, ever
been disrespected.

- And now it's happening, and--

- And it's just a bit
of a punch in the chest.

- It's just a shame.

It's a ----ing damn shame...
- I got you.

- When people are like that.
- I got you.

I got you, okay?
You'll be fine.

- So should we
migrate to the bar?

- Let the games begin.

- It's good that I can just
pick my wedgie,

like, through my outfit.


- I love it!
Walking distance to the boat.

- I need to go to the bathroom.
- Yep.

I got to take a piss too.
- Let's go to the bathroom, eh?

[tense music]

- Mm-mm.
- No.

- You guys are dumbasses.
You're literally a dumbass.

- God, there's some thin walls
in this Tahiti place.

- [laughs]

- We love you, Rhylee.

- Awkies.

- Hey, guys.
- What's up, g*ng?

- What did we miss, boys?
- So he walked in, I was like,

"Hey, bro, you'll be
doing me a favor."

Rhylee's in the bathroom--
- Yeah.

That was the stupidest--
that was the stupidest thing

you could have
----ing done, right?

- Very sorry.
We were just joking around.

- Yeah, no,
that was ----ing stupid.

- It was--
- Was it joking?

Ross comes in there with Tyler,

and Ross is like,
"You're doing me a favor."

- It wasn't like that.
- Shut the (BLEEP) up.

I'm speaking.
- Oh!

- Coming up...

- This is so refreshing
and so nice.

- Good, I'm glad.

- Ross comes in there

- Ross comes in there
with Tyler,

and Ross is like,
"You're doing me a favor.

You're doing me a favor."
- Uh, it wasn't like that.

- Shut the (BLEEP) up.
I'm speaking.

- Oh.
- First of all, Ross,

you're the one
that ----ing kissed me.


Secondly, mother----er.
- Now, listen, shh.

- I'm not going to "shh!"

You're not going
to make me a fool.

- I'm not talking.
Let's not talk, let's not talk.

- Somebody's doing him a favor.
- I'm out.

- And that's not
making me a fool?

The fact that he's painting
me in this negative light,

it's belittling to me.

I'm going to the boat.
That's bullsh--.


- Let's go back, guys.

- This is the least wild yacht
crew I've ever worked with.

- But you haven't
caught us at the club.

- Not one man is left behind.
- These are our people.

- [grunts]

- What, no, but where's--
where's ----ing Rhylee, though?

- She walked back to the boat.
- Sweet Tyler--

- Rhylee's in your room.
She's waiting for you.

- Ah, (BLEEP).

- [exhales]

- "My Seanna,"
I missed you so much.

- Aw, thanks, Ty.
- Are we going to go--


[upbeat music]

- Rhy?
- Where is everybody?

- Uh, up top.

- Is that a dildo?
- Maybe.

- I've never used a dildo.
I think those are weird.

I think Tyler retreated back
to see Rhylee.

- Top of this.

[bright music]

- No, no, no, no, no.

- ♪ Higher, and higher,
and higher, and higher ♪

- Okay, good night.
- No, no, where are you going?

- I'm going to bed.
- All right.

[groovy music]

♪ ♪

As I walked away.

- I've got Kate's back 100%.

I know Laura's new,
and it's mid-season,

but you don't come on the boat

and just start bitching about
your chief stew.

[indistinct chatter]

- Oh, Laura!

- What's going on?
What do you mean

do I not like you?

- You guys don't like me.

- Because you were so mean
in front of everybody.

[tense music]

You have no problem
saying your opinions about me

in front of
the entire crew so...

- Kate, like, this is not fair.
- Can I go to bed?

- Let's--can we go chill
on the sun deck?

- Yeah, yeah.
- Let's go, come.

- Please, I need some air.
- Bring your water.

- What is wrong with people?

♪ ♪

- Honey, I'm home.

Did I not
handle that so well?

- No, you were everything.


- Who's knocking on our door?

- Oh, I was just coming up here

to have a drink with you guys.

- It's ----ed up that I'm
being att*cked for no reason.

I ----ing hustled
all charter hard.

Um, so why do I deserve
you attacking me?

You--I don't deserve that.

- After what Caroline...
- I know.

- Spewed to the crew,
I'm very sensitive

to people thinking that just
because we work well together,

it's an alliance.
It's not.

I want to be inclusive.
However, I think

other things that she says
are bullsh--.

- She's threatened
because I came in.

She's like, "Oh, you tell me
you were chief stew."

- She was never chief stew
of a boat this size.

Not possible.
- Yeah, I was.

And, like, to be honest, no.
Your vessel, like, no.

It's not up to standard
in yachting.

- She also dropped
seven champagne glasses

right before guest arrival.

You know what,
accidents happen.

But you know what is
not an accident?

All the negative comments
she's said since she's arrived.

- There's ----ing
sh-- everywhere.

Like, sorry to say to you.
I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

- I don't trust her.
- All right, guys.

I think Kate's being
a little rude to Laura.

Am I surprised?
(BLEEP) no.

- What Kate did tonight
was not about you.

It was about Kate.

Kate took you on
out of insecurity tonight.

She felt threatened.

You are completely right
to be upset,

but I'm going to be that guy
that's going to stand there

and say, "Hey, you are
stronger than that,

and you--you are
better than that."

Let it go.

- You know what, you are--
wow, yeah, you're right.

What would I do without you?


I thought that Ashton
was a typical

South African bro jock
and a bit of a player.

I didn't really realize, like,
he has wisdom.

He has depth.

He's making me feel like

I'm speaking to
a friend from home.

I feel what your
tough love is doing.

This is so refreshing
and so nice.

- Good, I'm glad.

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

- Good night.

- Are we going to go up
to the crow's nest?

- Yeah.

[tense music]

♪ ♪

- I am so sorry.
I didn't mean to do that.

- Are you ready,
already, to go?

- Yeah.

- Okay, are you ready?

- Whatever.
- "You're thrashed!"

- You've got your bum
in my face.

I love it.
- Obviously.

[bright music]

♪ ♪


- Coming up...
- What the hell

happened last night?
- Where?

- In the ----ing sky lounge.
- Oh, (BLEEP).

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

[alarm blares]

- Hey, baby.
How's it going in here?

- I'm not sure
how to read Laura.

I mean, we hold hands, hug.

It usually means
that somebody's interested,

or they're trying to get the
attention of somebody else.

She could be using me as a game
to get to Ashton.

Who knows?

- I'm going to shower.
Do you need the washroom?

- Hey, there he is.
- Hey.

What's up, bro?

- It's, uh--

- You are a good cuddle buddy.
- Am I?

Yeah, I practiced it.

- I feel good, I feel happy.

Smiley Rhylee's
around this morning for sure.

Like, you do what I do,
but you do it better.

[both laugh]

- Okay, thanks?

- What happened, bro?

- How are you feeling
this morning?

- [sighs]

- [laughs]

- [laughs]

- [laughs]

[groovy music]

♪ ♪

- What's up, gimpy?
How's it feeling?

- Yeah, it's all right.
- Yeah?

- Not too bad.
- A little brace.

- My ankle today
is feeling a lot better.

I'll give it a go and see--
see how it supports.

- Okay.
- Yeah.

- Yeah.
- But I'm good.

The scary thought of
not being able to continue

is not there anymore,
so knowing

that I can continue, I'm happy.

- Take it easy.
- I will.

- Don't get carried away.
- I won't.

- Oh.
- Mm.

- Oh.

- Tyler, Tyler,
can you wash the main deck?

- I already got you.

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

- Hey, bro, so what happened
between you

and Rhy-Rhy last night?

- I asked her,
I was like, "Did we kiss?"

And she's like,
"No, we never even kissed.

I wouldn't let you."

I was like, "Wait,
so we just cuddled?"

She was like, "Yeah, you
couldn't get in your bed."

I think that's what she said.
- My man.

- How's it going?
- Well, thanks.

How are you?
- Good, thank you.

[tense music]

I now realize it wasn't
the best time to tell Kate

that Laura thinks we hate her.

Maybe I should have waited
until we were all sober.

My bad.

- Josiah, Josiah, Kate.

You have to flip
all the rooms.

Laura, can you start folding
in laundry, please?

- Copy.

- Laura has been slowly
getting on my nerves

since the day she arrived,

so I'm not really that sorry
that I got frustrated.

Hey, new girl,
I'm the chief stew,

and I have a voice too.

- Weird.

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

- How are you guys doing?
- Hi there.

- Great, how are you?
- Feeling great.

How are you feeling
with sunglasses inside?

- Good, I was up at 6:00.
- Why?

- I couldn't sleep.
- Which bunk did you sleep in,

yours or Rhylee's?
- Not mine, Rhylee's.

- Shut up!
Tell me everything.

- What, I don't remember.

- I didn't think that it was
going to end like this.

Did you fork?

- I definitely probably tried,
like, a thousand times.

- Were you guys snuggling?
- Yeah, big spoon.

- Oh, this is so great!

- Do you know
where Ashley slept?

- Stop it!

- In the crow's nest.

- Crew hookups
are good for crew morale

because all
of your crew members

have a little extra bounce
in their step.

- Awkward angle.

- It's infectious, like STDs.

- Oh, my Tahitian God!
- I need a shot of vodka.


[upbeat music]

- Can you go get me a hose?
- From the sun deck?

- Yeah.
- Is there a longer one?

- Do we need any of those?
- I already took some there.

♪ ♪

[bright music]

- This is wack.

You know when you're sleeping

and a mosquito
is buzzing around you

and you can't seem to find it?

That's how I feel
about Kate's negativity.

It's, like, there,
but I can't, like, k*ll it.

She needs to learn that you
cannot treat people this way.


- Kate, Adrian, Ross.

Can I get you guys
up to the wheelhouse, please?

- What's up, sports fans?

- All right,
charter number seven.

- Jeez.
- We have co-primaries

all the way across the board.

The guests are arriving today
on Air Tahiti Nui.

- All right.

- Helen and her
fiancé, Richard.

- I think that Richard
might be at the top

of the Mafia hierarchy.

- Bruce and Doreen,
who are longtime

mega yacht owners.

Dr. Craig, Linda,
Kathy, and Jamie

complete this group of
adventurous entrepreneurs.

Three sets of friends
all joining in as co-primaries

and travelling together
for the first time.

That ought to be interesting.

- Usually, you prioritize
the main guests.

Right now, everybody's
the main guest,

so it's going to be
really interesting.

- The guests have all requested

a Polynesian-inspired
dinner party

with the yacht crew performing
Tahitian-style entertainment.

- Can't be pouring wine if
I'm dancing in a hula skirt.

- Right.
That's it, kids.

- Thank you.
- Thank you, sir.

- Bye.

[groovy music]

♪ ♪

- How's it going?
- Um, do me a favor,

and tell me what the hell
happened last night.

- From where?
- In the ----ing sky lounge.

[dramatic music]

- Oh, (BLEEP).

♪ ♪

- Coming up...
- I don't understand

why you're just being
so aggressive.

You just have to relax, man.
- Please, Laura.

- Like, I don't understand why.
- I'm not relaxed

because you're not doing the
job that you said you could do.

Just do the turndowns.
- Okay, bye.

- What the hell

- What the hell
happened last night?

- From where?
- In the ----ing sky lounge.

- I just overheard you
saying to Ashton,

"See, I told you
they don't like me."

So you were talking about me
and Kate, so I went down

and said, "Laura just came out
and said she doesn't like us."

But it was probably
all my fault.

- I think it
was misinterpreted.

- I wasn't really keen
on Laura when she came in,

but, absolutely, I've changed
my opinion of people,

and Laura seems like
a lovely girl.

I'm just hoping that
we can squash this issue

because I do not want
another Caroline situation.

- I just really
don't want chatter,

like, behind our backs
and sh--.

I just hate that sh--,
you know?

- Yeah, there's no point.
- Okay, cool.

- Yeah.
- All crew, all crew.

Dinner is ready.
- Yeah, copy.

[groovy music]

- Are you using capers at all?
Like, in your dishes?

- I have some.
- I love capers.

- So if, like, you want to
beat me up one night,

I'll just give you capers
and it'll calm you down?

- Maybe, I'm not aggressive.
Am I, Ross?

- Not at all.

- You almost beat him up
last night.

- You misunderstood
the whole thing.

- What did I misunderstand?

- When I said,
"You'll be doing me a favor,"

I meant the guys have been
giving me sh--...

- I took it, like,
you were, like...

- No, never.
- I'm coming onto you.

- No.
- Yeah, then I took it

the wrong way, and I'm sorry.
- It's all right.

I understand why Rhylee would
be upset with me right now.

- You guys are dumbasses.

- That's a d*ck move
on my part,

and I'm super regretful
right now.

- Y'all are so cute, aw.
- Ooh, yeah.

- [laughs]

[soft music]

- Honey, I'm home.

♪ ♪


- Nighty-night.
- Nighty-night.

[mischievous music]

♪ ♪

[heavy breathing]

[both laugh]

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

[alarm blares]

- Last night was definitely
a great time,

but I only got
two hours of sleep.


- All right,
let's go clear the salon.

Get the master tidied.

- You two can just jump
on the bridge take off.

We'll start uncovering
up to the chamois,

and then we can dry
the rest of the boat.

- Sounds good.
- All right.

[upbeat music]

- Make sure
the table legs are done too.

- Okay.

♪ ♪

- Hey.

When I'm on charter, I don't
often speak to my girlfriend,

but with everything
that's happened with Laura,

it's really nice to have her

and be able to
reach out to her.

Being in this relationship
versus past

open and long-distance

she doesn't
expect anything from me.

When she hears from me,
she's happy.

When she feels like
messaging me, she does.

Of course,
that physical contact.

Those cuddles,
those sweet attentions.

I miss it.
I miss every part of it.

- All crew, all crew,
can you give me a hand

with the provisions
on the dock, please?

Thank you.

Oh, there it is.
Uh, that can go upstairs.

- What's this?

- Crew mess?
- Yes, please.

Kate, three of these
to the beach

and then some upstairs?
- That's perfect.

- Okay.
- Charter seven.

Everyone gets it.

- Ew, why does the laundry
smell so sh--y?

- Laura, is that you?

- Is that a little bird
that I hear over there?

- Help me, help me, help me.
- I'm actually really good

with this type of thing.

Does that hurt?
- It's done?

- Yep.
- That's good, thank you.

- No worries.

[upbeat music]

- Attention all crew,
attention all crew.

Guests will be arriving
in 20 minutes.

I need everybody
in their whites.

- I hate this so much.

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

- No one will ever know.
- No, yeah.

- All crew to the aft deck.
- Copy.

- I'm going to get the leis.
I'll see you guys out there.

- [groans]

- Incoming.
- So beautiful.

- Oh, my gosh!
- Can you believe

we're finally here?
- Wow!

- Home for the next few days.

- Welcome aboard.
- Oh, my.

- Thank you, thank you.
- You're welcome.

Hi, Captain Lee.
- Welcome aboard, I'm Kate.

- Ashton.
- Ashton, how are you?

- Nice to meet you.
- Welcome, Tyler.

- Welcome aboard
motor yacht "My Seanna."

Kate's going to show you
around the boat,

give you a tour so we can
get your party started.

- Awesome.
- We'll do the exterior

of the boat first.
Watch your step.

- Get out of your whites
and get the luggage.

- Right this way.

[upbeat music]

- Bridge deck, aft.

Most of your meals
will be at this table.

- This is beautiful.
- We'll go on

to the guest quarters.

- What do I do
with my ear piece?

- Don't worry, I'll get you.
- Sweet, thanks.

- Looks Italian almost,
doesn't it?

- I think it is.
- Now, this is

the master stateroom.
- Stunning.

- And a massive
two-sided bathroom.

- Is your leg all right?
- Yeah, I'm fine.

I'll tell you
if I'm struggling.

- So this is one of
the guest staterooms

with two queen beds.
- Oh, yeah.

- You and Ashton
will be up on the bow.

Me and Rhylee
will be back here.

- Bartender?
- As long as I can find ice,

I'm in good shape.

This is probably
against the rules,

but I'm not worried about it.

- Richard looks like he's
in the Italian mafia, 100%.

- I sweat olive oil and garlic.

- Forget about it!

Isn't that what they say
in Italy?

- Forget about it!

- When we start dropping,
I'll drop that one first,

and then you get ready
on this one,

and then I'll release
the last line.

- Ross, Ross, Lee.
We got everybody in place?

- Ready on the stern.
- Standing by on the bow.

- All right, distances
are going to be critical here.

Make sure I know
what they are.

- Copy, Cap.

- Okay, let's get out of here,
bow to stern.

- You can go.
Release that one.

- Rhylee?
- Yo.

- We can drop that line there.
- Yeah.

- All right,
let's go, let's go.

- All bow lines
on deck, Captain.

- Let's get that stern line
off in a hurry.

- All stern lines are clear.
You're good to maneuver.

30 feet on your bow
to the sun reef.

40 feet astern.
- All right, we're out of here.

[upbeat music]

- Should we go inside now?

- No, they're just
friendly boaters.


♪ ♪

- What are you making
for lunch?

- Seafood salad.
- Are you excited to see us

Polynesian dance?
- No.

- Oh, do you have coconuts?
- Yeah.

- We have to make
a coconut bra.

- Are you going
to be wearing it?

- Yeah.
- You two, stop flirting.

- Oh, if I was flirting,
you would know.

- What's your flirting move?

Pretend I'm a real hot girl
with big boobs.

[high-pitched voice]

- Ooh, I like your papaya.


[relaxing music]

- It's amazing.


♪ ♪

- I like how this is
a sandwich-salad combo.

- Mm.
- Isn't the table beautiful?

- Rhylee, Rhylee,
can you come to the galley

and carry some plates
up to the sky lounge for us?

- Yes, ma'am.

- What?
- What?

- I appreciate this
configuration much more.

- "Yes, ma'am."
- Laura knows

how to do laundry,
and that's all

I really need
from her right now.

Life can be a lot easier

when you're not
a bitch to your boss.

- That looks amazing.
- Perfect.

Okay, let's go.
- Okay, guys, we're walking.

[groovy music]

♪ ♪

- Coming up...

[both gasp]

- Black is chic,
but it's also, like,

106 degrees in Tahiti.

- Okay, guys, we're walking.

- Okay, guys, we're walking.
- Blue shirt.

- Do you want me to follow you?
- No, thanks.

- I'm right here,
and I'm actually

trained to do this job.

It's just the biggest
slap in the face,

and I'm so over it.


- Pardon me.
- Oh, that looks amazing.

Thank you.
- Hello, everybody.

So this is tomato mozzarella
on ciabatta,

passionfruit roasted scallops,

garlic prawn, and a
passionfruit tropical glaze.

- A lot of passion
mixed in there, huh?

- Yes, sir.

- Wow, very lovely.
- Yummy.

- The grapefruit
with the balsamic was amazing.

- Perfect for lunch.

- Deck team, deck team, let's
meet on the main deck aft.

- Copy that.
- Copy, on my way.

- If it's going to
stay sunny out,

I'm going to put
my bathing suit on.

- I need to move around.

- Have you ever
dropped anchor before?

- Not on a boat of this size.
I'd like to learn.

- Just shadow him.
- I'll get it ready to go now.

- All right.

I mean, give me
a ----ing break.

Like, I haven't been
on that anchor

since I've been here,
and he's beneath me

on the totem pole now.

I can't catch a break
with this crew.

- Okay, cool.
- Sweet.

Let's go up to foredeck.

- Okay, the sun
is finally out, yay!

- I know.

- But I'm scared of him.

- Hey, Cap, can I prep

the port to starboard
anchor, please?

- I will do
the starboard anchor.

- Cool.

- On my mark,
I want you to give me

four sh*ts, Ashton,
on my mark.

- Copy, Cap.
Four sh*ts.

- All right, drop.

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

- I'm impressed with Ashton.

He just went through
a near-death experience

and now he is
stepping up to the plate.

That's the kind of initiative
that you like to see.

[chain rattles]

- Nice work, Ashton.
Lock it in.

- Easy peasy.

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

- Jamie, you look
so comfortable there.

- She's in heaven.
- How are you ladies doing?

- We're thinking about maybe
going for a ride in the tender.

- We can do that if you like.
- Thank you.

- Kate, Kate, Ash.

We're going to do
a little cruise with a guest.

Could I take one of
your team with me?

- Take Laura, you and her
on a sunset cruise.

- Copy that.

- Yeah?

- The guests have just asked me

if they can go on
a bit of a tender cruise.

- Take them, you know
how to drive the tender.

- Yeah.
- Laura, Laura, Kate.

- Go ahead.
- Can you meet me

in the sky lounge, please?

- Copy, I'll be right there.

- Hi, so you're going
to go with Ashton

take the guests
on a tender ride.

- Okay, so thoughtful.

[groovy music]

- Get out of here, bye.

Get Ziplocs,
fill them with ice.

Get more "My Seanna" cups.
- Yeah.

- I would get--
- Some paper towels,

random stuff.
- Pardon?

- Paper towel, maybe?

- No, we're just focusing
on drinks right now.

[groovy music]

- Careful, because
it's going to spill.

- You guys ready to go?
- Yep, we're ready.

- We're ready.
- Here we go.

- You good?
- All guests on board.

- Copy, thank you.

Have fun, you guys.
- Thank you.

- I have--I have staged
the remote right here.

- Perfect.

Okay, look, now,
while that's here and I'm here,

you can go get that
compressor hose ready to go.

Just turn that thing off,
you know?

- I wouldn't say
it's important for me

to keep work and play separate,
but I'm really good at it.

When I think about work,
I just do my job.

When we're not working, I think
about having sex with Rhylee.

- Good, you got it out.
That's awesome.

- I did, thanks.

- It's time to play.

[both gasp]

[both laugh]

- I mean, black is chic,
but it's also, like,

106 degrees in Tahiti.

But it hides the bloodstains.

So weird.

- Are you getting the yacht
in the background too?

You are?
- Yeah, that's awesome.

- Look at that,
you know those people

are not on their cell phone.
I'm very fascinated by this.

- How's your rosé?
Would you like a top-up?

Do you want a Dr. Pepper?

Would you like
Red Bull and soda?

Would you like some snacks?

- Did you see the waterfall?
- Oh, wow.

If this is a punishment
from Kate, I'll take it.

This is amazing.

Fresh air, beautiful
Tahitian islands, and Ashton.

No problem.

- Do you know any history
of the Tahitian islands?

- I was hoping you weren't
going to ask that

because I'm probably the worst
tour guide for this trip ever.

[upbeat music]

- Motor yacht "My Seanna,"
we will be

at the boat
in a few minutes.

- Copy.

[groovy music]

♪ ♪

- Thank you.
- Pleasure.

- Thank you.
- Thanks, guys, enjoy dinner.

- Hi, how was it?

- It was amazing!
- It was so great!

- And we'll probably do dinner
around 8:30,

if that works for you guys.
- That works fine, that's fine.

- Hi.
- Hey.

- I'm going to go change
to my blacks.

Oh, and Adrian, by the way,

I just confirmed
with Helen and Richard

that dinner for 8:30.
- Perfect, thank you.

- See you guys in a bit.
- Okay.

- I keep getting confused
what floor I'm on.

[groovy music]

♪ ♪

- How you doing?
- I'm doing fine.

How's it going today?
- Great.

Ashton's been all over it.

- How's the new kid working?
- He's great.

He--he's just
got initiative.

- Hi.
- What's up?

- Rhylee doing all right?
- Rhylee's great.

I've never seen her
so happy so...

- Good, let's keep it through
until the end of the charter.

- Yeah.

- What's your favorite nut?
- Uh, cashews.

- Really?
- And pistachios.

- Those are my least favorite.
- What are your favorite?

- Pecans and macadamias.
- Really?

[both laugh]

- I'm playing it easy
with Laura.

I'm enjoying
getting to know her.

I think the seeds
have all been planted,

and I think the garden's
growing at the moment.

Out of all the things
you could talk about!

Your favorite nuts.

- Coming up...
- You need to seriously

figure your sh-- out.
This is enough.

You need to check yourself!
You need to check yourself!

[groovy music]

♪ ♪

- [vocalizing]

- You always do
the finishing touch.

- You want me to get your hair?
- Thank you.

- Ready to go?
- It's time to eat.

- I'm going to go down
to the king...

- Yep, and start--

- What are we cooking,
good looking, eh?

- Seafood.
- Ooh.

- Cool.
What's going on with Laura?

- She's a sweet girl.

Yeah, I can't act
like a hooligan

and bounce around
between girls and stuff.

I have a lot
of respect for her.

Like, I won't do that.

- So you're going
to stay with her?

- I need to figure out
what the vibe is,

because I think
there's a lot more to her

than what she's letting
everybody in on.

- I'm still trying
to figure her out.

Laura didn't seem into him
at the beginning.

I think Ashton
took it as a challenge,

and he's trying to get one
more point for the scoreboard.

I feel bad for Laura.

She doesn't know
what's coming for her.

Wow, that's going
to be interesting

seeing you at the club
just, like, biting your hand.

- [laughs]

[groovy music]

♪ ♪

- Are you guys ready
to have dinner?

I'll let Adrian know.
- Yes, okay, fantastic.

Thank you.
- Adrian, Adrian.

The guests
are seated at the table.

- Copy that.

- Absolutely gorgeous.

The color of that red
is beautiful.

- Thank you, it's super fun.
- Beautiful.

- Forget about it.
This is very nice.

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

- Hey.
- Are all the turndowns done?

- Yeah.
- Wow, you're fast.

- Fast like, cool.

- Mussels stuffed with crab,
chorizo, and sheep cheese.

- This looks really pretty.

Is it ready to go
after the paprika?

- Yeah.
- Thank you.

[upbeat music]

- So for your first course,
Adrian has prepared

crab, chorizo, and Ossau-Iraty

with a saffron-coconut mousse
in a mussel shell.

- Are you kidding me?
This is amazing!

I love crab.
- So good.

- My palate
is very happy right now.

This chef is top-notch.

- I'm going to go
check the turndowns.

[tense music]

What the (BLEEP)?


Ugh, idiot.

Oh, nope.

Is this bitch for real?

Here we go again.

Laura, Laura, can you
please come to the master?

- Copy that.

Hi, what's up?

- I think you might be
a little confused

about what "turndowns" means.
- Here we go.

- I thought because
you had so much experience

that I didn't
have to explain it.

Come on.

[intense music]

Okay, so what's the deal
with the bathroom?

- What's the deal
with the bathroom?

This wasn't like this
when I came in.

- But the master's
also like that.

- Okay, they might
have gone up,

but this towel was not on
this door when I came in.

- Okay, and then this one
was like that,

and then, that one
was like that.

- I don't understand why you're
just being so aggressive.

- I'm not being aggressive.
- But you are, though, Kate.

I don't understand why.
Like, you are.

You don't see--
- I'm in a rush

because I'm serving dinner.
- I understand.

Okay, that's cool.
- Okay.

I'll try a different way.
- You just have to relax, man.

- Please, Laura.
- Like, I don't understand why.

- I'm not relaxed because
you're not doing the job

that you said you could do.

- Okay.
- So I'm not relaxed.

- You need to settle down.
- I will settle down--

- Say, "Laura, do the towels."

I'll be like, "Oh, yeah,

You're like,
"Oh, are the turndowns done?"

- I have to go serve dinner.
Just do the turndowns.

- Okay, bye.

[tense music]

- Oh, my (BLEEP).

- What a ----ing bitch.

The difference between my
chief stewing style and Kate's

is that I would never make
my stewardess feel like sh--.

I have lived and worked
all over the world

and I've never
experienced this before.

It's unprofessional.

- I am actually
going to freak out.

- She didn't like that I asked
her to redo the turndowns.

I would like to know
how she, as a chief stew

of a boat this size,
would have asked her stewardess

to do it again.

- Yeah, she said she was
very brutal as a chief stew.

- Oh, was she?

Did they do turndowns
on that boat?

- [laughs]

- I feel like I am in
"the Twilight Zone" right now.

You have no problem
criticizing how I do my job

and you cannot even do yours.

So sorry, that's not okay.

Laura, Laura, can you come
to the galley for service?

Pretty please.

- Okay, okay, okay.

- This is one of my
top five dream meals.

Seafood pasta.
- Let's roll.

[upbeat music]

- That's incredible.
Oh, my gosh.

- This is like--I feel like
I'm eating a painting.

- So this is
seafood tagliatelle

with almond and curry tuile
to go on top of it,

some king crab,
New Zealand mussels,

local freshwater prawn

with a mussel
creamy tomato dressing.

- Wow.
- Sounds great, thank you.

- Adrian, the way
you described it,

like, my mouth is,
like, watering.

Can I, like,
wash your knives tomorrow?

- Yeah, with pleasure.

- I'm jumping
in the kitchen with you.

Is that--can--may I do that?
- Yeah, that's fine.

Enjoy your dinner.
- Thank you, Adrian.

- You're very welcome.
- Delicious.

- Oh, my God.

[contemplative music]

- Mmm.

- A word, Kate, please?
- I'm sorry.

I'm in the middle
of dinner service.

- Yeah, I just need a second.

- Shh, shh, shh.

- Well, then, have a word
with me in the pantry.

- Shh, shh, shh.
Listen, your voice carries.

- Sorry?
- I want to hear

what you have to say,
but not while the guests

are eating dinner right there.
Come on.

I'm going to listen to you,
just downstairs.

- You are another type
of person, hey.

Like, this is insane, dude.

You need to seriously
figure your sh-- out.

Have some respect
and appreciation

for me constantly cleaning up
after you all ----ing day.

This is enough.
There is hundreds of other ways

that you could have
approached that situation.

- Shh.
- Like, you go through

the cabins before
the end of your shift.

You had no right to do that!
- You told me--

- You need to check yourself!
You need to check yourself!


- Next on "Below Deck"...

- You're trying to do
too much on your own.

- Got it.
- You sure?

- Got it, I said I got it
five ----ing times.

- I'm just ----ing over it.
- (BLEEP) off, Ross.

- You've been enjoying
your trip so far?

- Yes.
- Obviously, she has a crush

on me, and she's married
to Tony Soprano,

so I'm cringing.
- I like that.

- I understand
we had an issue last night.

[tense music]

- We can fire her
or I'll quit.

- Don't start dancing
with all these other girls.

- [snores]

- No!
Wake up!

- Yeah, I've got feelings
for Tyler.

♪ ♪

- You were dancing
with other girls all night,

and I'm not going to be
a tally on your checklist.
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