06x07 - Glamazon by Colorevolution

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "RuPaul's Drag Race". Aired: February 2, 2009 – present.*
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RuPaul plays the role of host, mentor, and head judge for this series, as contestants are given different challenges each week.
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06x07 - Glamazon by Colorevolution

Post by bunniefuu »

- Previously
on "rupaul's drag race"...

- Did any of the original 6
win two challenges?

- I think it's better
not to strut around

And be like a peacock
when you win.


- You're gonna face off
in a rap battle royale.

- ♪ My name says it all, ain't
no need to try to force it ♪

♪ Look at my body
in this brand-new corset ♪

- ♪ If you're looking for a dude
or in the precious mood ♪

- ♪ Just take a second
to see how this goes ♪

♪ Rhinestones-- ♪

- Uh-oh.

- You freaked yourself out.

- This is not something
that I'm accustomed to.

I lip-synch for a living.
That's what I do.

- Courtney act,
you're resting on pretty.

Don't be a cliché, my dear.

Adore delano, you are the winner
of this week's challenge.


- Trinity k. Bonet,
shante, you stay.

My dear milk, sashay away.

- Ooh, that was a tough one.

- Holy crap-ola.

- Oh, milk.
- Milk is gone.

- Aw.

- It's milkin' time.

- Aw.
- Poor leche.

- I'm in the bottom two again,
and I'm really frustrated.

It's hard when
so many of the challenges

Are something that
I'm not accustomed to

And so many of
the girls here are.

- Congratulations to miss thing
on her first big win.

- Yeah.
- You deserve it.

- You deserve it.
You look fabulous.

- Yeah, m*therf*cker.

- What am i, chopped liver?

- You were in the top 3.
Congratulations, madam.

- Yeah, congratulations.
- Finally.

- Showing your shit literally.

- Must be jelly.
- Jam don't shake.

- I purposefully didn't get in
the top 3 on this one

So I wouldn't have to
stay on my feet for as long.

- Aw.

- Some of dela's wins have
boosted the size of her head.

Hopefully she doesn't tip over.

- I was kind of like
a bit miffed at ru

Saying that I was
relying on pretty,

'Cause I feel like I've been
giving a lot of performance

And theatrics and other stuff.

Is ru not seeing
that I am doing my best?

I mean, perhaps just my pretty
was blinding him,

And that's all he could see.

I definitely think
that performance is
more important than look.

- But that's what just happened
with milk.

They didn't beat milk up
as much for the rap,

But they beat him up about
the runway look, and mine
was dead on.

But me and milk
were in the bottom.

- But don't you think at some
point they get tired of hearing,

"Well, this isn't my thing.
Maybe the next one"?

And it's always a situation that
you're not comfortable with.

Is it always your excuse?

I mean, do you not feel that?
- I don't know.

- That's all that I ever hear.

- Every time
she's in front of the judges,

She goes into
this long, drawn-out speech

About how she tries
and how this is not her thing.

I can be sympathetic
to a certain point.

It just gets old.

- It's not hard for you
to complain about something

That you're already good at,
so you don't know how I feel.

- I'm not being nasty about it.

I just think that does have
something to do with it.

Are you listening?

I'm trying to help trinity.

If she doesn't change her
attitude, she's not gonna
last long in this competition.

- Well, kiss my ass.

- ♪ "Rupaul drag race..." ♪

- The winner of
"rupaul's drag race"

Receives a sickening supply
of colorevolution cosmetics

And a cash prize of $100,000,

With extra special guest judges
lainie kazan and leah remini.

- ♪ "Rupaul drag race" ♪

♪ May the best woman,
best woman win ♪

[Tires screeching]


- Good morn-ting, la-ties.

- Good morn-ting.

- 14 Queens began
this competition,

And only eight remain.

- Milk's gone.

Gia's gone.

Who's gonna be next?

[Mouthing words]
not me.

[Shemail siren wails]

- Ooh, girl, you got shemail.

- A queen's empire has to start
with a strong foundation,

A smoky eye, and a cherry lip.

So put your money
where your mug is.

Hey, it's worth it,
and so am i.


- A makeup photo sh**t?

- Hello, hello, hello.

- Hey.
- Hello.

- Wow.

For today's mini challenge,

I want you to lend a hand

To michelle obama's
"let's move" program

By making fruits and vegetables
sexy and appealing.

♪ Oh, scruff pit crew ♪

- [Grunting rhythmically]

- Oh, my goodness,
get a load of that rutabaga.

- [Laughter]

- Delicious.

Now, you need to
drag out your digits

And then hand model this
farm-fresh produce.

I know I would nail
this m*therf*cker.

- [Laughter]
- literally.

Let's move.

[Energetic pop music]

- All right, first up,

seattle's premier hand model.

Does anything satisfy
like a banana?

One skin, two skin,
three skin, four skin.

Are you ready to bust
a butternut squash?

Joslyn fox showing off
a pair of cantaloupes.

Before you ball it,
clean it out.

Yes. Spank it.
Bad melon.

The mighty peanut
grows underground

In the rich soil of azusa,

- [Chuckles] rupaul ooh, that's
some rough nut play, girl.

Yeah, shuck it.

Mmm, you've got to cream
that corn. Cream it.

The true carrot connoisseur

Prefers the long,
deep in girth carrot.

That sweet potato is nice.

The darker the skin,
the sweeter the potato.


Just like drag queens,

Cucumbers are best enjoyed
when they're young,

Because older cucumbers
tend to get bitter.

- [Laughter]

- Nice work, ladies.

The winner is...
Laganja estranja.


This week, the main challenge
is personal.

I am launching
my first-ever makeup line...

Rupaul rupaul's glamazon
by colorevolution,

And I'm entrusting each of you
to help me market it.

I need you to create
30-second commercial campaigns

That target today's woman.

You'll be working in pairs,

And because I own 51%
of this damn company,

I'll be casting your teams.

- So we're gonna be paired up
with someone,

Which is good, I guess.

Depends on who it is.

- First up, adore and laganja.

You'll be marketing
toward mean girls,

Spoiled teenagers
obsessed with beauty

And texting and tweeting
and twerking.

- Secretly I am excited
to work with laganja

Because when
we're not competing,

We're, like, really cool, and
she's the coolest bitch ever.

- And because laganja
won the mini challenge,

You get extra time on set.

- Sickening.

- Next, courtney and joslyn.

Your target is hot mamas.

- Ooh.
- Ooh.

- I idolized courtney before
I came into this competition.

Meeting her
was an accomplishment,

So getting to work with her
is kind of surreal.

- Next, bianca and trinity.

- Didn't I say to the universe

That I do not want to work
with trinity again?

Thanks, ru, you shady bitch.

- I'm assigning you
glamorous working girls,

From hookers to c.e.o.s.

- I just don't want to work
with bianca.

I just want to work by myself.

I want a challenge where
I could just think on my own.

- And that leaves bendelacreme
and darienne lake.

- Really? Really?

- You'll target the cougar demo,

Mature ladies who only get
sexier with the passing years.

- I feel like there's been
a little bit of tension

Between darienne and I lately,

But I think that
she's super-talented,

So I think this is
a good pairing.

- Gentlemen, start your engines,
and may the best woman win.

- All right, well, I just--

I'm just writing, like,
stupid little shit.

- Ok.
- Something very bitchy for
the demographic kind of thing.

- Right, like the mean girls,
but, like, rich.

- Rich, bratty whores.

- Adore and I have an advantage

Because we've worked together
many times in the outside world.

I'm just really nervous
that adore will overshadow me

And that I won't be the star.

- "This sassy, sexy,
sickening product..."

- [Chuckles]

- We could say,

"Now that we got our hands
on this bitching makeup..."

- [Laughs]


So laganja has ideas,

And I mean, I was raised right,

So all I can do is
nervous laugh at them

Because I don't know how
to respond to them.

I'm not gonna say, "no, bitch,
that's an awful idea.

Mine is better."

But that was the truth
of the situation.

- "All the hot boys will be
kissing these coated lips,"

Or something like...

- Um...i don't know.

I want to be more mean.

Like, "sorry, stacy,
but your boyfriend's mine now."

- So, like, I'm putting
on the lip gloss,

Like, "I can sleep
with anyone I choose."

- So I'm picturing us maybe
to be, like, drunk lushes.

- Oh, ok.
- You know, like...

- Have pinot grigio
in the afternoon.

- Yeah, pinot grigio
in the afternoon.

- Ok, ok.

- I cannot even wrap my brain
around it at this moment

That I'm actually doing this
thing with courtney act herself.

She has so much respect for me,

And i, of course,
have the utmost respect for her.

I think, like, we should
do makeovers, like in drag.

- Does one of us want to be.
Like, a before,

And one of us want to be after?

- Imagine if you're the before?

- But the problem is no one
would ever believe that you
were the after, right?


- Coming up...

How are you gonna sell
your working girl?

- I'm just gonna put
my best foot forward.

- I don't want to hear,
"I'm just gonna,"

Because you've said that before,
and you know what?

- I'm not going to sit here
and sell you any promises,

Because I don't know exactly
what's gonna happen

When I get out there.

[Engine revs]

- [Laughs]

[Bell dings]

- [Laughs]

- Ok, girl, every bitch prop
we've ever needed--

Dogs, makeup, cell phone--
we're gonna give it to them.

- Yells.

- Today our main challenge

Is to come up with a concept
and sh**t a 30-second commercial

For rupaul's
glamazon by colorevolution.

- Hello, hello, hello.

- Hello.
- Hello.

- We're busy here.

- Is this the glamazon
school of modeling?

- Why, yes, it is.

- [Laughs]

Dela and darienne.

- Hi.
- Hi.

- You all are marketing to?

- Cougars.
- Cougars.

- Now, do you know any cougars?

- We are cougars.

- I'm too young and pretty
to be a cougar.

- [Laughs]

- And a lot of, you know,
cougars are delusional.

- Right, right.

So what do you have planned?

- Well, why don't you start,

'Cause we have
some of the notes here?

- Ok.

- We're definitely thinking
sort of that--

Oh, no,
I'll let you start.

- "Why don't you start?


- So how's it going
working with dela?

- We're working together as much
as positive and negative can,

You know, but, no.

- What do you mean?

- We're very magnetic.
Opposites do attract, so...

- So are you opposites?

- I don't think we are.

- I think we have different
working styles, but, um...

- All right.

So tell me about
your marketing campaign.

- We're marketing
to the modern cougar

And the cougar's body
as a temple

That has probably undergone
some renovations...

- Sure.

- But could use
a fresh coat of paint

To cover some of
the newly reworked foundation.

- Ok.

This product is very, very near
and dear to my heart,

So I want you to respect
the product.

- Yeah.
- I'm absolutely positive

It's gonna turn out fantastic.

- All right, good.
Just sell my makeup.

- Yes.
- All right, get back to work.

- Thanks.
- Thank you, ru.

- All right.

Hey, trinity.
Hey, bianca.

- Hi, hi, hi.

- So how are you gonna
sell my product?

- I am a c.e.o. With 4 children,
and she's a hooker.

- [Laughs]
- I'm on my way to a meeting,

And she's on her way
to a customer.

- Uh-huh.

- And as I'm explaining the
product, she tells the world...

- "Child, I'm..."

"Child, I'm on these streets
all night,

"And it's very important that
I keep my sassy, sexy look up.

"I use my rupaul--
I use my rupaul's...

Glamazon by colorevolution."

- You know, the judges
have called you out on
your confidence before.

How are you gonna
turn that around?

- I'm just gonna put
my best foot forward.

- I don't want to hear,
"I'm just gonna."

- I'm--i--i'm...

- Because you've said that
before, and you know what?

- I'm not going to sit here
and sell you any promises,

Because I don't know
exactly what's gonna happen

When I get out there.

- Am I the first person
to call you out on this issue

With projecting
and being more out there?

- This is--it's honestly
all new to me.

I've never had a problem
with the way that I talk

Or communication or anything.

- But it's more than just
the way that you talk.

It's a projection thing,
you know.

I'm trying to drag,
pun intended, yourself out,

'Cause when I see you lip-synch,
I see it there.

It's there.
- Exactly.

- You have to transfer
that exact same fire
into other areas.

I know you have it.

It's just you have to figure out

If you're willing
to let that wall down.

I'm counting on you
to help drag it out of her.

- I'm-a do it.
I'm-a do it.

We're gonna work it out.
And you got it.

- Get back to work.
- We'll do it.

We'll do it.
Come on, we can do this.

So all I'm doing
is encouraging this bitch.

I know she has what it takes
to do these challenges.

She just needs to apply herself.

- Laganja and adore.

- We're about to sh**t
our commercial

For rupaul's glamazon
by colorevolution.

- Our mean team girls.

- And I think we look
f*cking cool.

Like, if we went to school,
we would rule that school.

- Sell me some cosmetics.

- Yes, god.

You know, I may not be
as funny as adore.

Her personality
really does shine through.

I just really want the judges
to see

That I do have something
special and unique.

- All right, ladies, action.

- I know all the losers
sitting alone at lunch right now

Are feeling so much safer.

- Sorry, stacy,
but your boyfriend is mine now.

- And cut.
Laganja, I'm wondering if...

[In valley girl voice]
we could just have

A little bit more of,
you know...

- Oh, my god.
- Oh, god.

- Oh, like my rachel zoe voice.

- No.
[Bell dings]

- Nothing can satisfy our rich
tastes in advanced products.

- But now, thanks to rupaul's
glamazon by colorevolution,

Our faces stand out amongst the
trolls in our high school hall.

- Ok, moving on.


- Blow picture.
Oh, yeah.

Now, spin back to camera.


Look over that shoulder
at the camera.

Ha ha!

Ok, one, two, three,
look over the shoulder.

- We lost an earring.
- Work together.

Turn the other way.

- [Laughter]

- Cut.
That's a wrap, ladies.

All right, come on down.

Hot mamas.

- Will you be our mailman?

And this is your package.

- [Laughs]

So you are
some stay-at-home moms

Looking for some glamour,
is that right?

- We've modeled our characters
on the real housewives
of america.

- So what city
would your housewives be from?

- Glamazonia.

- [Snorts]

- All right, action.

- You know, I was watching
that "rupaul's drag race,"

And I didn't realize
that rupaul is a man.

- I've been wearing rupaul's
glamazon by colorevolution
for months.

- Oh.
- As a matter of fact,

I have a special delivery
on the way.

- And so what's gonna--
when does the mailman come in?

- All right,
I will yell "ding-dong,"

And whoever's house it is
is gonna say, "come in."

Ok, ready?

- Sure.
- Sure.

- Ok, and action.

- As a matter of fact, I have
a special delivery on the way.

- Ding-dong.

And then you say...

- Nice package.

- "Come in."
- Come in.

- Now, do you think
I should be saying "come in"

Since he's delivering...

- We kind of nailed it.

Courtney, first time,
every time.

- Coming up...

- Get the most kick with
a sexy high-gloss lip shine.

[Engine revs]

- [Laughs]

[Bell dings]

- [Laughs]

Well, look who's here.

- Hi, there, ru.
Hi, michelle.

- Just like jennifer coolidge
and jennifer tilly.

- Meets courtney stodden, yes.

- I am a beautiful woman,
and I feel pretty.

- And...action.

- Feel sassy with shadows
that accentuate

Your newly lifted lid.

- Get the most kick
out of your collagen

With a sexy high-gloss
lip shine.

- [Laughs]

All right, and cut.


- Cut.

All right, we need to wrap yours

In a way where jason
can take it off easier.


- Your head's gotten bigger
since last time you did this.

- Well, you're one to talk.

- [Sighs]

- Action.

- Wow.
- Oh, she's gorgeous.
- [Gasps]

I wonder how they got
that beautiful.

- It must be that glamazon.

- Oh, yes.
- Yes. Cut.

- Our ad is more tongue-in-cheek

But definitely has the potential
to sell makeup

To some other crazy drag queens.

- Hello.

- All right,
these are the working girls.

- Uh-huh.

- I have no idea
what's about to happen.

Trinity struggles with
her delivery and confidence,

So I'm f*cking scared.

- Action.

- I am the c.e.o.
Of a major corporation

And the mother of two,

And I use rupaul's glamazon
by colorevolution.

- Cut.

We're gonna do the same thing
with you, ok?

- You've got this, right, girl?

- I'm f*cking petrified

Because ru and michelle
will be directing me today,

And I just don't seem to do well

When they're sittin'
right in front of me.

- Action.

- I am a professional ho,

Client from client,
jumping out of car do's.

- Jumping out of condos?

- Car do's.
- Condos?

- No, car doors.
- Ok. Car do's.

- I think I'm trying
to just say it fast enough

'Cause you said 30 seconds.

- All right, but we have
to understand you, baby.

- Remember, trinity,
you know you can do this.

You got this, bitch.

- Bianca told me earlier,
"you're gonna be fine.

You're gonna be able
to do this, you know."

I decided that I would just
channel my inner bianca

And just blurt it all out
and just have fun with it,

'Cause if not,
bianca gonna k*ll me.

- I am a professional ho,
from client to client,

Jumping out of car doors.

But with rupaul's glamazon
by colorevolution...

- [Laughs]

- Trinity did
a really good job today.

Thank god.

I just hope that it's
good enough to keep us safe.

- That's a wrap, ladies.

- It's time to get
black and white.

- Today is elimination day,

And our runway theme
is black and white.

- What kind of runway looks
are y'all serving today?

- I'm serving
some klaus nomi realness.

It's a very different look
for courtney.

Although I did notice
that joslyn...

- With her light purple...
- Oh, joslyn.

Joslyn and I are serving,
like, the same...

- Tuxedo menswear.
- Tuxedo menswear look.

- So if you two both landed
in the bottom two

Performing against each other
in similar outfits...


Oh, my.

- Joslyn would go home.

- [Laughter]

- 'Cause she's
a second-rate courtney, yeah.

- I think it was low-rent.

- Shady.

- It's clear that courtney
does not see me

At the same level as her.

This is somebody that I idolize,
and I'm a little disappointed.

- On that note...

- Let's get pretty then, ok?
- Yeah.

- Come on, y'all.

- What are you doing?
- My eyebrows.

- Oh.
- What are you doing?

- Why you doing it
all in my hair-rea?

- Um...
- I'm just kidding.

It's all right.

- I mean, I know it's all right.

- Do you think they paired us up
'cause they were kinda like,

"Oh, darienne, you got a big
body, and ben's got a big head."

- [Laughter]

- You love to say that.

I don't know
if that's really true.

- No, it's just because
you made that comment,

Like, after--about
the whole winning twice,

And I was just like, "oh, ok."

- She told me she hated you.

- [Laughter]

- I really feel
some psychic energy

Between dela and darienne.

- I don't know what's going on,

But I feel like there's
some type of tension

That you can cut
with a cheese knife.

- How are you doing, girl-lina?

- I feel good.
I think we worked well together.

- We did work well together.
We didn't k*ll each other.

- [Chuckles]
- so that was good.

You know we didn't see
eye-to-eye to begin with.

- 'Cause I didn't know you.
- Right.

- I just felt like
your purpose here

Was just to come here
and be evil and mean.

- I apologize if I ever
came across that way.

I was angry with her because her
work ethic and her attitude

Wasn't the same as mine,

Which I learned you can
still work with people

If they come from
a different place.

- It's not only
my way or the highway.

I'm learning patience, bitch.

- I'm also obviously learning

That I have ways I guess
I need to just work on.

- I really think trinity
has come a long way,

And she's totally opened up.

She should really
be proud of herself.

I'm proud of her.

- This is honestly
the first time in a long time

I feel like I'm with
a group of girls

Who have taken the time out
to understand me...

- Yeah.
- And be patient with me.

I definitely am comfortable
with you girls.

- I am glad, you stank bitch.

- And I'm glad that this
is my season 6 sisters...

- There you go.
- And it's gonna be...

- Now, don't call me collect,

And if you go to jail, I know
somebody that can get you out.

- [Laughing]

- [Laughs]

♪ Cover girl,
put the bass in your walk ♪

♪ Head to toe,
let your whole body talk ♪

And what?


Welcome to the main stage
of "rupaul's drag race."

A woman who's never met
a lip liner she didn't like...

- [Laughs]
- michelle visage.

- Taste the rainbow, baby doll.

- Never tested on animals,
santino rice.

- Tens across the board, ru.

- From my big fat greek wedding,
lainie kazan is here.

- Hello, darling.

You look magnificent.

- Thank you.

And the queen of queens
leah remini is here.

We are so happy you're here,

And I can't believe I let you
sit next to michelle visage.

- [Laughter]

- This week our queens
were challenged to create

A pitch-perfect
cosmetics campaign

For rupaul's glamazon
by colorevolution,

And tonight
they're hitting the runway

Serving black and white drama,

Gentlemen, start your engines,
and may the best woman win.

Coming up...

- The lipstick should stay on.
- Yes.

- Well, I didn't get that.

- I thought you were
definitely stoned.

[Engine revs]

- [Laughs]

[Bell dings]

- [Laughs]

[Engine revs]

- ♪ Now sissy that walk.

Up first, laganja estranja.

- That's where my hair went.
- Uh-huh.

- I am serving a lizard
called laganja.

Mama, y'all can't take it.

- Peek-a-ru,
I can see your blackberry.

- [Laughs]

Very I dream of jeannie.

- Oh, yes.

Adore delano.
- Cruella delano.

- Yes.

- This is how I look.

This is how I work my body.

And I'm serving them
dead dog realness.

- You know, there is two sides
to every story.

- [Laughs]

It ain't all
just black and white.

There is a gray area.

- [Laughs]

Blame it on bianca del rio.

- Aw, that's so romantic.

- Poof, there it is.

- I am serving up
skunk cinderella realness.

This is my element.

I like a good ball gown, and my
shit ain't from off the rack.

- It's very drag
inauguration ball.

- It is.

- That is quite
an impressive tulle,
I might add.

Up next, trinity k. Bonet.

- Ooh.
- They look like dominos.

- Totally.

- Yes, honey,
she will deliver in 30 minutes,

Or your pizza is free.

- [Laughs]

- I look absolutely fabulous.

I'm serving you jack of all
trades night at the casino pits.

- She's rolling snake eyes.

- Domi-no, she better do.

- Now sissy that walk.


- Oh, my goodness.

Look at those tit-titas.

- Now, that's
an hourglass figure.

- I'm serving some evil queen.

I'm feeling the fantasy.

- I don't know what it is
around her neck,

But if it snows tonight,
it's going on my tire.

- [Laughter]

- Darienne lake.
- Blam.

- I own 51% of this company.

- I'm serving you black
and white pageant eleganza.

I want your eyes to cross.

- That's a bazoom.

- Darienne lake,
jump right in.

Don't forget your motorboat.


- [Laughs]

- Courtney act.

Oh, my goodness.

- Talk about serving fish.

- Yeah, honey,
she's serving rainbow trout.

- Uh-huh.
- Klaus nomi malone.

- Yeah. Ha ha!
- Wow.

- I've got my fish
on the platter.

I am serving it to those judges.

It's all come together, and I
feel like I've got it right.

- The invitation said
black tie only.

Didn't say anything
about pants, though.

- No.
- Ha ha!

- Joslyn fox.


- Ooh, whoo.
- Poof.
- Presto.

- Just a little necktie.

- I'm serving menswear.

I'm showing some skin,

But I still got that masculinity
and femininity.

I'm loving it.

- Bam.
- What?

- That ass is so perfect.

- I think she's strapped
for cash and fabric.

- [Laughs]
- ♪ now sissy that walk ♪

Welcome, ladies. It's time
to debut your campaigns.

First up, bianca del rio
and trinity k. Bonet

Targeting the working girl.

Let's take a look.

- I'm the c.e.o.
Of a major corporation

And the mother of two,

So in order to keep
my sickening appearance,

I use rupaul's glamazon
by colorevolution.

I am so much finer with
this glamorous liquid liner.

- I am a professional ho,
from client to client,
jumping out of car doors.

Can't even keep my lipstick on.

But with rupaul's glamazon
by colorevolution...bam!

With this gloss, I am the boss.

- So whether you're
a corporate c.e.o...

- Or a professional ho.

- You deserve a glamorous glow.


- Now, get back to work, y'all.

- Ok.

[Car horn honks]

- [Laughs]


- So how was it
working together?

- My gay mother passed away,
like, two years ago,

And her name was bianca, and she
reminds me so much of my mother.

Like, just shut up
and do what I say.

- [Laughs]

- And she just told me,
just embrace all the
opportunities I have.

Have fun with it.

- Well, the runway--

I think you are both exquisite,
and the infomercial was funny.

I thought your acting
was really good.

- Well, trinity, to me,
missed the boat

In a perfect joke for you
because you have lip gloss on.

You were selling working girls,

Don't you want to know
it's gonna stay on

After you do your stuff?

- Well, that's what she said.

- She didn't say it say it.

She said jumping
from car to car...

- I don't know
what she's doing in car--

This could be this.

- She has her lipstick on
'cause she's a professional ho.

- So the lipstick
should stay on!

- She said it lasts
through all that.

- I want to know, did it stay on
through the trick or not?

- Yes!
- Well, I didn't get that.

- All right then.
- You two must know each other.

- Yes.
- You think?

- All right, next up, laganja
estranja and adore delano

Targeting mean teen girls.

Let's take a look.

- We used to think we had all
the makeup that money could buy.

- But now, thanks to rupaul's
glamazon by colorevolution,

Our faces stand out amongst the
trolls in our high school halls.

- I know all the losers sitting
alone at lunch right now

Are feeling so much safer

'Cause we're too busy
painting our own faces

Instead of theirs--

With this long-lasting mascara,
of course.

Sorry, stacy,
but your boyfriend is now mine.

He just can't resist
this vitamin-infused lip gloss.

Because whoever said beauty
was on the inside...

- Is ugly.

- [Laughter]

- I think you sold it.

It was shockingly irreverent
but aspirational.

- I want to buy the product, and
that's the most important thing.

- I think your costume--
it's a little tacky looking.

- Your hair is uneven.

It's flopping, and the crotch
is a little low for me.

I absolutely love the way
you look, adore.

- Yay.
- Your waist is cinched.

You have legs.
You're not cutting them off.

Let's, like, savor this moment.

- I'm a real drag queen.
- Yes. Ha ha!

- Coming up...
- Not my favorite ad.

- I have no idea who you are.

- Am I on another show?

[Engine revs]

- [Laughs]

[Engine revs]

- Next up, bendelacreme and
darienne lake targeting cougars.


- The signs of age--

Cosmetic surgery can help you
rebuild your foundation.

[Bell dings]

- But no renovation is complete
without a fresh coat of paint.

- Shh, your secret is safe
with rupaul's glamazon
by colorevolution.

- Feel sassy with shadows
that accentuate that
newly lifted lid.

- Get the most kick
out of your collagen

With a high-gloss
lip shine.

- Blush helps to
accentuate cheekbones

And distract
from unsightly scars.

Your body is a temple.

Now, "pray," cougar, "pray."


- I feel like it's more of
a p.s.a. For plastic surgery.

- I thought it was about either
surgery or dr*gs.

- [Laughs]

- I thought you were
definitely stoned.

- [Laughter]

- Bendela, my issue is

I feel like every time we're
hiding behind another costume.

I have no idea who you are,

And I want to get to know more
of who you are as a person.

- Next up,
courtney act and joslyn fox

Targeting stay-at-home
hot mamas.

Let's take a look.

- I was watching
that "rupaul's drag race,"

And I didn't realize that
that rupaul is a man.

- Oh, you stupid bitch,
of course rupaul is a man.

And I've been wearing rupaul's
glamazon by colorevolution
for months.

- Oh.
- As a matter of fact,

I have a special delivery
on the way.

[Doorbell dings]

- Come in.

Nice package.

- And the makeup
doesn't look too bad either.

- [Laughs]

If it can make a man like rupaul
look like a glamazon...

- Imagine what it can do for
a stay-at-home mom like you...

Or us.


- What was it like
working together?

- We've got, like,
a little sister vibe going.

She's the little sister.

- I'm the low-rent version
of courtney, so she says.

- I may have used
that term once.

- You didn't know
that glamazon by colorevolution

Was makeup until the end.

- But, courtney, tonight

I think this klaus nomi
cocktail waitress look

Is amazing.

It's gorgeous.

- Uh, joslyn, are you serious?

You just wore this in blue,

And we just told you
there was so much going on,

And now you wore it again.

When you turn around,
the hairline--it's, boy.

- I could give a crap
about the hair.

I was mesmerized by the ass.

- All right, ladies,

While you unwind
in the untucked lounge,

The judges and I
will deliberate.

[Engine starts]

- All right, just between
us ad executives,

What'd you think?

Let's start with laganja
estranja and adore delano.

- I think as a group laganja and
adore had the best ad for me.

I really thought it was funny.

They sold the makeup product.

- While being bullies.

- But that was their character,

- But--yeah, it's pushed so far
that it's funny.

- But with that said,

I think adore was
the stronger one of the two

And pulled laganja through.

- All right, next up,

Bianca del rio
and trinity k. Bonet-nay.

- I think on the runway,
they were the most beautiful,
the best.

- As far as the infomercial
goes, they got the job done.

I feel like we saw
a side of trinity

We haven't been able to see.

We got to see trinity speaking
up and really enjoying it,

And that was refreshing.

- Not my favorite ad.

The before and afters--

It wasn't that big
of a transformation for me.

- I didn't even know
until this moment.

- [Laughter]

- All right, let's move on.
Bendelacreme and darienne lake.

- Well, the commercial--

I mean, it was a very strange
attack on the product.

- [Laughter]

- Very strange attack on the...

- In fact, I didn't know what
the product was, you know?

It was a butchering.

- I didn't know
they were selling makeup.

I felt like it was
all about the surgery.

The faces they were pulling
were not attractive at all.

We love those faces,
but not when you're
trying to sell cosmetics.

- Tonight on the runway,
I did not fancy bendelacreme.

- The hair looked like a penis
wrapped in a bandage.

- [Laughter]

- It was very weird.

- And I do not know who dela is
at all except a costume queen.

I feel like to be america's
next drag superstar,

We need to know that that person
is underneath all of that.

- Let's talk about courtney act
and joslyn fox.

- Courtney was really fun
on the runway tonight.

I love the look she was giving.

Joslyn--i can't even believe...

- But I think you can believe
she would wear that.

- Well, that's true.
That's true.

- Aren't you from south
plainfield, new jersey?

- Holla.
- [Laughs]

- The point, is you just wore
what you wore last week

After we so harshly critiqued
you, in another color?

And then put your boy hair on?

- I don't know why
when people get characters

Like stay-at-home mom,

That automatically means that
they have to be very matronly.

- I thought
they looked stunning.
- No, they didn't.

- They didn't overdo it.

- I thought courtney
was so, like, dumbed down.

- She was drab.

- I thought
they looked stunning.

- Well, she does
this realness thing.

That's what she was doing
in the commercial.

- Right.
- I don't want real.

I want a drag queen.

- Ok, but that
wasn't their commercial!

- [Laughs]

- Jesus, mary, and joseph,
am I on another show?

- Now, leah, you like this ad.
Tell us why.

- I actually didn't.

- [Laughter]

- Silence.

I've made my decision.

Bring back my glamazons.

[Engine revs]


[Bell dings]


Welcome back, ladies.

I've made some decisions.

Adore and laganja, this week you
mean girls ruled the school.

Condragulations, you're the
winner of this week's challenge.

- [Applause]

- Oh, my god, I'm shocked.
- So am i.

[Record scratches]
- oh.

Push her, please, for me.

- Such a nasty bitch.

- You'll each receive
a sickening supply of products

From lather,
clean skin for radiant life.

- Yes.
- I love it.

- You may step to the back
of the stage.

Bianca del rio,
trinity k. Bonet,

You're safe.

Bendelacreme, darienne lake,

Your kooky cougars got lost
in the lipstick jungle.

Courtney act, joslyn fox,

Your hot mommas didn't
bring it home to daddy.

Courtney act, joslyn fox,
you're safe.

Bendelacreme, darienne lake,
I'm sorry, my dears,

But you are up for elimination.

- I've been on the top
so much in this competition,

I can't believe that this might
be my last night here.

- Two queens stand before me.

- Ladies, this is your last
chance to impress me and save
yourself from elimination.

The time has come for you
to lip-synch for your life.


Good luck, and don't f*ck it up.

- ♪ The common road
seems just like a dream ♪

♪ It's a mystery to me ♪

♪ Fills me within
when we're together ♪

♪ Oh, baby, can't you see ♪

♪ I... ♪

- Miss darienne is turning it,

'Cause you know

Miss darienne had this song
on cassette when it came out.

She knows the words.

She knows the movement.

I'm banking on that bitch.

- ♪ I'm gonna take you
in my arms ♪

♪ You're taking me
to the point of no return ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh ♪

♪ It took so long ♪

♪ Well, I treasure now
the love you gave to me ♪

♪ I'd...i'd like to feel
the passion ♪

♪ To the point of no return ♪

- Dela is just catching every
beat and walking back and forth.

She's peeling out of her clothes
and feeling her ladylike ways.

- ♪ I'm gonna take you
in my arms ♪

♪ You're taking me... ♪

- [Laughs]

- ♪ To the point of no return ♪

♪ Hey, hey, hey, yeah,
uh-oh ♪

- [Laughter]

- ♪ Yeah, you're taking me
to the point of no return ♪

♪ No holding back ♪

♪ No, no holding back ♪

- [Laughs]

Oh, my god.

Ladies, I've made my decision.

Darienne lake, shante, you stay.

You may join the other girls.

Bendelacreme, I know
this didn't turn out
the way you had planned,

But I hope it makes you
an even fiercer queen,

Because your time here...

Is not over.

I want to see more.

By the power vested in me by me,
shante, you stay.

- Yeah.

- Whoo-oo!

- There's nothing I want more

Than to show you
exactly who I am.

Thank you.

- Condragulations, my queens.

Now, remember,
if you can't love yourself,

How in the hell you gonna love
somebody else?

Can I get a amen in here?

- Amen!
- Amen!

- All right,
now let the music play.

- ♪ I want to dance, dance ♪

♪ I want to dance,
dance ♪

♪ I want to dance, dance ♪

♪ Dance with you ♪
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