06x09 - Queens of Talk

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "RuPaul's Drag Race". Aired: February 2, 2009 – present.*
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RuPaul plays the role of host, mentor, and head judge for this series, as contestants are given different challenges each week.
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06x09 - Queens of Talk

Post by bunniefuu »

- Previously on
"rupaul's drag race"...

You'll be performing a good
old-fashioned comedy show.

- I am so excited to see
the cast of "cocoon" is here.

- It's very dry.

It's almost kind of
like your vag*na, ok?

Tonight wasn't a character,
and I do like--i do talk like

That, and I'm sorry.

- No, you talk like this.

This is how you talk.

- This is all
too much for me.

You win.

You broke me down,
I feel like shit,

And obviously I'm annoying.

- Bianca del rio,
condragulations, you are

The winner of this
week's challenge.

- Joslyn fox...

Shante, you stay.

Laganja estranja,
sashay away.

- Wow. Holy crap.

- Girl, this has been a day.

- Oh, what did this
bitch leave on the mirror?

- Not much.
- That's it?

- Well...

- Well, I mean, no, she did
say that she felt like,

You know, the people here did
not like her, so, I mean, what

Of much do you really
expect from her?

I mean, come on.
She gone now.

It is what it is.

It's a new chapter, so...

- I feel sort of awkward
about the way it ended.

- It was just very dark
and ugly, and that was not cute.

It just sucks that she left
on that note, and we couldn't,

Like, really patch shit up.

I could have handled it
completely different.

- It wasn't a great
way to say good-bye.

- It was not.

- It wasn't her fault.

It was bianca that made the...

- Oh, it's always my fault.

- You know what is
your fault, bianca?

- What?

- Winning that
f*cking challenge.

- Yes, and I
stole your moment.

- Oh, you won.

- I'm stealing everything.
- Bam.

- This was trinity's
time to shine.

- Come on, bitch.

- I didn't go home,
and I got safe,

And ru got emotional.

- She did.

- I'm so surprised that that
went well, and I think ru

Pulled something out of me
that I didn't know I had,

And now my whole
mission is just to win

A f*cking challenge.

- Honestly, I have to say
as badly as I knew that I did

With this challenge, I really
didn't think I was gonna be

In the bottom two.

I really thought that I
fell kind of middle.

- Joslyn's just kind of
like coasting through

The competition.

She's like the dida ritz
of this series, really.

- Joslyn is not as polished
as some of the other queens

In this competition at this
point, so my guess is that

Joslyn's next to go.

- Bobby pin.

[Engine starts]

- ♪ Rupaul's drag race... ♪

- The winner of
"rupaul's drag race" receives

A sickening supply of
colorevolution cosmetics

And a cash prize of $100,000

With extra special guest judges,

Chaz bono,
cher's mom georgia holt,

And straight up
forever your girl paula abdul.

- ♪ "Rupaul's drag race" ♪

♪ May the best woman ♪

♪ Best woman win ♪

[Tires screeching]


- It's a new day, and we
are back to 7 girls.

It's just gonna keep getting
harder from here on out.

- Hey, come on,
everybody else.

Oh, wait, there
is nobody else. Aw.

[Siren wailing]

- Ooh.
- I'm scared.

- Ooh, girl.

The top 3 reasons
to become america's next

Drag superstar--

Number 3, free foot
scrubs from santino.

Number two, your p*ssy's not
only on fire, it could be seen

From outer space,

And the number one reason,
$100,000, hunty.

Now, here's rupaul.

[Engine revs]

- [Gasping]

- We're gonna box each other.

- We're gonna what?

- Box.

- How did you get that?

- Hello, hello, hello.

- Hey.

- Hello, mama.

- My queens.

Now, it's that time in
the competition when your

Charisma, uniqueness, nerve,
and talent could really use

Some fresh meat.

- Heh heh heh.

- Oh, scruff pit crew.

- Woof, woof,
woof, woof, woof.

- Oh!
- Oh!

- Sometimes it's two.

Sometimes it's four, but
this time there are 10.

[Wolf whistles]

Heh heh.

- Say hello to johnny scruff,
the founder of the gay social

Network scruff.

- Hello, ladies.
- Hi.

- So, johnny, thanks
for bringing the guys.

Are they all on scruff?

- Well, you'll have to log
on to find out, miss ru.

- I sure will, then.

So, ladies, for today's
mini challenge, you're going

To compete in
a game of hung man.

You know, it's like hangman
but bigger and longer

And a lot scruffier.


All right, ladies, the clue
is "a hot way to serve fish."

- A...


Another s.


- O.
- Oh.

[Buzzer sounds]

- Bianca.
- Is it casserole?

- Answer is...

[Bell dings]

- Yeah.
- Casserole.

Johnny, what is our next clue?

- "Cases of
history repeating."

- A...


I wonder where this is going.




[Buzzer sounds]

- Oh, courtney act.

- I think it's
flashbacks, ru.

[Bell dings]

- Flashbacks.

- Oh, yeah.
Oh, yeah.

- All right, the clue
is "what lady bunny has."



[Buzzer sounds]

Bianca del rio,
what's your answer?

- Fat ass.

- I'm sorry, bianca.
- Oh.

Right answer in life.

Wrong answer in this game.


Shut the front door.

Another s.

What are the odds of that?

This game is amazing.

[Buzzer sounds]

- Dela, what's your guess?

- No class?

- Answer is...

[Bell dings]

- Yeah.

- Lady bunny is like
school on the weekend,

No class.


- The next clue is
"big in germany."

- A...

[Buzzer sounds]

- Adore has buzzed
in with one letter.

- Popular in germany.



- [Gasps]

- You are--yeah.

- These queens are good.

- These queens are real good.

Here's the clue.

"She got a hot body."

[Buzzer sounds]

Oh, with just one b on
the board, what's your

Guess, dela?

- Butterface.

- Ooh, let's
see what we have.

[Drum roll]

[Bell dings]

- Yeah, she got a hot body,
but her face...

All right, bendela,
you're the winner.

- Yeah!

- You've won a year supply
of eyelashes from eylure.

Ladies, america's next drag
superstar not only needs to

Know how to sissy that walk,

She need to know how
to sissy that talk.

Now, for this week's main
challenge, you'll be hosting

Your very own talk show.

It's time for the return
of "the rupaul show."

- Yay.

- Now, I booked some extra
special guests for you

To interview.

My pal chaz bono!

- [Gasping]

- And his grandmother,
cher's mom, singer georgia holt.

- Oh, my gosh.

- I love chaz bono,
and georgia holt--

Mm, I'm a country boy.

I love my country music,
and she just has a voice

Like no other.

- I am going to be one degree
of separation away from cher!

- Gentlemen,
start your engines,

And may the best woman win.

- I've been read a lot on
the runway for my looks,

So the first thing I'm
gonna do is choose my look.

- So I notice that everybody
in the room is working

On their research, and joslyn
runs to her closet to pull out

3 Ugly dresses.

Really? I thought for sure
she'd have worn one

Of her non-bikinis.

This is a special event.

- The judges have been pretty
consistent in what they've

Said to joslyn about her
runway looks, but I don't

Think she's getting the note.

- Shit. I'm gonna be ok.

- Coming up...

We'll be joined by our
extra special guest judge

Paula abdul.

- [Gasping]

- I know this person.

- Shit's getting real.

- Ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha!

[Engine revs]

- Our main challenge today
is to be the guest host

For rupaul's talk show.

We have to interview chaz bono
and georgia holt,

And it is a little bit

- Can you imagine how many
times they've answered

These same questions?

- Right.

- So I'm just trying to
make it light and airy,

Like a fart.

- [Laughs]

- Hello, hello, hello.

- Hi.

- How are my hostess
twinkies doing?

- Research.

- Adore delano, how
are you doing?

- Ok, I'm freaking out
because I want it to

Come natural.

When I write shit down, it
gets like,

"Oh, god, I'm--"

- But this is the thing, and
this ties into the critique

You got last week on
the judge's panel, which is that

If you're prepared,
you'll be fine.

- Right.

- Adore's really confident
in certain areas, but if it's

Outside of her comfort zone,
she kind of crumbles.

I don't think she
trusts herself enough.

- Can I hear a little
bit of your opening?

- "Hello, everyone,
my name is adore delano.

"I'll be filling in for
miss rupaul tonight,

So I'm gonna"--
oh, what?

So--ok, wait.

- I'm a bit worried.

- Get back to
work, all right?

- This is gonna
be a hot mess.

- J-j-j-joslyn fox.

- Hey, ruzie q.

- Ha ha ha! Quick question.

How many straps are you
gonna wear for the interview?

- Zero.

- Ha ha ha!

Before this, did you know
anything about chaz

Or georgia holt?

- I love chaz with
his transition.

I think he's been very
forthcoming, and georgia I

Became familiar with after
the lifetime documentary.

You know, she lost the role
to marilyn monroe

For "the asphalt jungle"?

She's so beautiful.

Love her.
- Yes.

So your big opening--
have you worked on that?

- I have. I have.

Please welcome someone who
came out of cher's vag*na

And the vag*na
cher came out of.

- I'm just a little worried
about, you know, maybe talking

About cher's vag*na
could possibly offend

Mother and son.

- But that's where
the entertainment lies.

- You don't want to be
that queen that pissed off

Cher's family.


- Listen, we're down to just
very few girls, and, you know,

When the gumbo gets thinned
out, it's a little tough.

- I like gumbo, so...

- Ha ha ha!

You've got your work
cut out for you.

Get back to it.

- Sounds good.
- All right.

Ha ha ha!


- Hi, ru.

- So this is
a big challenge here.

- It is, yeah.

- Is this challenge gonna
allow the judges to see

The real you?

- Um, i...i think so.

I think it'll be nice to
be able to be bringing some

Version of the character,
but they can have a genuine

Conversation and
really be listening.

- Right, and because dela is
a character that you do, I get

A sense that you're
a bit of an introvert.

- I tend to be
very private myself.

- So the question becomes,
what are you afraid

Of people seeing?

- Certainly, I can be
more negative, you know.

I've struggled with depression
a lot in my life, not feeling

Good enough, not feeling
totally confident.

This character is somebody who
helped me to be more positive,

And I'm hoping that now I can
have her learn from me how to,

You know, have more of
the heart that I think that

The judges are describing.

- Absolutely, I think you're
right on the money there.

All right, get back to work.

- Thank you, ru.

- Courtney act.
- Howdy, howdy.

- Howdy, howdy.

You're gonna be
an interview star.

- I know. Isn't
that exciting?

- Talk show.
- Yeah.

I had a question.

I've been having so much fun
in the competition,

And I always feel like,
"oh, I'm on the right track.

I'm doing a good job."

And then when I get to the
judges, I kind of get good

Feedback but a bit
kind of lukewarm.

And I was just wondering if
you had any maybe specific

Points or things that I
could pay attention to.

- You're very polished.

You've got all of that, but
america's next drag superstar

Also has soft, tender
parts and who's also as

Hard as steel.

- Mmm.

- So fully rounded,

And this is the
perfect challenge to

Put that to the test.

- Ru's asking me to give
something more, like humanity

And vulnerability, so I need
to work out how I can bring

That into the interview.

- Trinity k. Bonet.

Oh, my goodness,
that breakthrough last week.

You must feel on top
of the world.

- I do. I do.

- What can you take from
that breakthrough and apply to

This challenge?

- I think the advantage of
this challenge is that I get

To be myself and have my own
sense of personality and play

With the questions
the way I choose to.

- Right, right, right.

- I'm actually really
excited about this.

- You've come very close,
but you haven't won

A challenge yet.

- No, and that's the goal.

Ru has given me quite a few
chances, so now that I feel

Like I'm in the game, I
really have to do this.

- All right,
ladies, gather round.

Now, tomorrow on the main stage,
we'll be joined by our

Extra special guest judge.
Paula abdul...

- [Gasping]

- Will be here.
Straight up, y'all.

- Paula abdul judgment--i was
on "american idol" on season 7,

And to know that she's
gonna be here tonight seeing

Me as a full-fledged beautiful
woman of the ocean, I'm really

Excited about that.

Like, hi, paula,
I'm a girl now.

- Now, in a few moments, you
will head to the studio to

Launch your tv
talk show careers.

It's gonna be a really big show,

So don't f*ck it up.

- How are you feeling?

- I mean, you know, it's
a lot to juggle.

How are you feeling?

- What'd he say?

- And he said that I'm very
polished, but they're not

Seeing any humanness to me.

- Like, obviously, we love
people who are, like, great

At things, but we also love
people who have weaknesses.

Do you know what I'm saying?

- 'Cause that's what's
relatable, but you're

An alien, so...

- [Laughs]

- I know sometimes I can
be too polished or a little

Bit stepfordy.

It's not like I'm not
willing to be vulnerable,

But generally speaking,
I'm just happy or happier.

I can't help it.

That's kind of how my brain
works, or I've--through a lot

Of meditation, I find that
my life is very carefree.

I have, like, a lot of
passion and enjoyment.

- See I'm already alienated
right now talking to you.

- Ha ha ha!

- Coming up...

- Hello, welcome
to "the rupaul show."

- Please welcome someone
who has come out twice since

Coming out of cher and someone
who's came back 66 years

After cher came out of her.

- Ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha!

[Engine revs]

- 5, 4, 3, 2...

- ♪ So here it comes
round again ♪

♪ Heartbeat fast
my head is spinning ♪

- Today's main
challenge is to guest host

"The rupaul show."

Hello, welcome to
"the rupaul show."

My name is adore delano.

- I'm the foxy joslyn fox.

- I am trinity k. Bonet,

And I am filling--
filling in for rupaul tonight.

- I'm the first up
to interview chaz bono

And georgia holt.

This is live tv, so I just am
kind of shaking in my heels.

This is such an honor.

Like, I'm freaking
out right now.

Just say--ow, my ring got
caught into my fishnet.

Ha ha ha! Let me see.


Oh, ok.

Well, let me
refer to my notes.

I'm still fresh.


So I read that you
were performing

At the age of 7.

Were you, like, the big,
like, childhood star of your,

Like, community?

- No, honey, we were
broke, and it was during

The depression.

- Party.

My mom always pushes me,
and so, like, I was wondering,

Well, did you have,
like, a stage daddy?

'Cause I call my
mom stage mama.

- I don't know how
to explain it to you.

We had no money.
- Oh.

- And there was no food.

So I would go and sing,
and people would give

Me nickels and dimes and...

- Right.

I'm having a really hard time
with this talk show shit.

I didn't know so
much goes into it.

I thought you just
meet your guest,

You have a party,

You have a cute little mug.

I'm like, "f*ck. Shit's
getting real."

Oh, that's amazing, though.

- It was during
the depression.

- Ok.
- Yep, yeah.

- That's amazing.
That's so cool.

- In your original book,
"family outing," you discussed

How at 13 that
you felt different.

- Right.
- Could you elaborate on that?

- Sure. As my
hormones started to go,

I had an attraction towards

Women, and so I naturally just
made the assumption that I

Must be gay and that must be
what all these feelings are.

- Now, of course,
in 1995, you came

Out publicly.

What was your
father's thoughts?

- He was comfortable,
but, you know, the first person

In the family that I
talked to was my grandma.

- Really?

- And, of course,
she was amazing.

- And then
the magical experience

"Dancing with the stars."

How was that?

- Bianca talked to me
a lot and kind of ignored my

Grandmother a little bit, so
I was throwing her these kind

Of balls of, like, "here,
let's include her in this."

- Was it liberating to
be in that moment?

You know, learning the dances
and dealing with all of it is

Pretty great.

Oh, great, so the stage
manager's telling me I've got

To wrap it up, and I haven't
asked miss georgia anything.

Thank you, guys, so,
so very much.

- Ha ha ha!

- Oh, my god.
I'm so excited, you know.

Not nervous excited,
but really excited.

And I have a ton of
questions for you guys.

Well, chad.

Chad, I know that you do a
lot in the lgbt community.

- Trinity kept calling me
chad, and golden rule--you got

To know the name of the person
that you're interviewing.

- Ok, so chad, are you
a boxer or brief type of guy?

- That, to me, was a problem.

- Ha ha ha!

- Chad, if you had
the opportunity to go out on a--

On a date with megan fox,
angelina jolie, or--

I need one more person.

It was kind of uncomfortable.

I don't know if it was me
or if it was them.

This interview was weird.

Ha ha. Well, thank you
chad bono and georgia holt.

- Georgia, obviously, you've
just released your first

Ever album.

You recorded the album 30 years
ago, and then 30 years

Later, you find these tapes.

That must be kind of cool.

- Cher asked me, "mom, what'd
you do with those tapes?"

And I said, "honey, I think
they're in the garage."

- This must be a pretty
well-organized garage.

Like, 30--
- ha ha ha!

- I mean, I've got things
from, you know, two years ago

I don't know where they are.

- I save everything.

- It's not an episode of
"hoarders" waiting to happen,

I'm guessing. Or is it?

- No.
- No.

I know that you've just done
the documentary "becoming chaz."

- Mm-hmm.

- And what was the decision
that made you want to go

So public with such
a personal thing?

- You know, there was
a number of years where I knew I

Was transgender but was afraid
to do anything about it.

And so it was important for
me to kind of give that back.

I figured there's other people
out there like me who are--

Who are stuck.

- That's so cool.

- Courtney came across
very professional

And very likeable.

I thought she had a lot of
charm, didn't you think, chaz?

- I did, absolutely.

- Ha ha ha!
- No.

I love australian women.

A huge thing for
australian women.

- So, chaz, are there any kind
of traits that you would say

That you really kind of
pulled from your mother cher?

- No.

- No? Heh.
Um, right.

Now, besides the drop in the
iq and remembering to put the

Seat down, has their been,
like, hard things that you've

Had to, like, adjust
to now being a man?

- No, not really.

- Ha ha ha!

- Georgia, are there anything
about, like, the music today--

Do you--do you consider,
like, maybe doing a tour

Of your album?

- Ha ha ha! Not at 87.

- No?
- No.

- Right, and I have one more
question for you, my dear.

Are you...

♪ Pure cherokee ♪

- Ha ha!

I don't know, she just
was fun to me.

- But she seemed to
be getting thrown.

Jewelry seemed to be falling
off of her, and she seemed

A little physically

- Well, georgia, what is it
like to have an album that you

Recorded 31 years ago
hitting the charts right now?

- It feels fantastic.

I started in singing when I
was 6 during the depression.

- My goodness.

- You're way too young
to know anything

About the depression.

- Well, I've
experienced other kinds

Of depression, but...

- Ha ha ha! Very funny.

- And, now, chaz, you
also have a recent project,

"Independence day."

- Yeah, we actually
close tonight.

- Have you gotten a chance
to see chaz's musical at all?

- I haven't.
- It's closing night.

- I know it.
I know it.

- Could you maybe hum
us a few bars?

Maybe georgia will just--
maybe she could get

A sneak peek right now?

- Very funny.

- I actually really
liked bendelacreme.

I thought she asked smart
and interesting questions.

- Thank you both so much.
- You were good.

Well done.
- Well done.

- Please welcome someone
who has come out twice since

Coming out of cher and someone
who's came back 66 years

After cher came out of her.

I'm so looking forward
to getting to know you

Better, georgia.

I'm a big fan of yours.

- Really?
- I love your cd.

"I'm just your yesterday"--
will that end up on cher's

New album?

- I don't know.

She doesn't remember
recording her part.

- Ok.

- And I don't remember
recording my part.

- Ok, well, I don't
remember what I had

For breakfast today,
so we're even.

Hee hee hee. Now, if it weren't
for a last-minute decision

At the abortion clinic,
the world wouldn't

Have known cher.

Are you pro life?

Has your stance changed at
all throughout your lifetime?

- I think--i actually--
I don't--i really don't

Know how I feel.

It was a little bit
embarrassing to me, and I was

Trying to think of how
to, you know, recover.

- Yeah, it was putting her
on the spot in a way that you

Don't--you know, why
would you ever ask that?

- Hee hee. I feel some really
good rapport between me,

Chaz, and georgia.

It almost feels like I've
known them all my life,

And they have no problem
opening up to me.

Thank you both very much.

I've got this one in the bag.

Hee hee. That's all the time
we have, and I'm all out

Of duct tape.

Keep it foxy.

- Coming up...

What animal are you?

- Like, a mortal
kombat character.

- You came in middle
of the pack to me.

- Ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha!

[Engine revs]

Ha ha ha!

♪ Cover girl,
put the bass in your walk ♪

♪ Head to toe
let your whole body talk ♪

♪ And what? ♪

Ha ha ha!

Welcome to the main stage
of "rupaul's drag race."

Michelle visage, can we talk?

- We can always talk.

- Santino rice,
let's have a kiki.

- Ha ha ha!

- And chaz bono
and georgia holt,

I hope my queens gave you
the star treatment.

- They did.
Thank you.

- I feel like a
h*nky tonk woman.

- That's the name of your
album, isn't it, georgia?

- Yes, it is.

- I love "love me tender."
It's fantastic.

- Thank you.

- And a pop icon who is
forever my girl, the one

And only paula abdul.

Hi, baby.

- I'm so happy to be here.

- Now, did you know that
you are the most lip-synched

Artist in
the herstory of "drag race"?

- That's fantastic news.

I feel honored.

- This week we challenged
our queens to become talk show

Hostesses with the mostesses,
and tonight they're going wild

On the runway in their own
animal kingdom couture.

I hope you're ready
for some jungle fever.


- Gentlemen, start your
engines, and may the best

Woman win.

Now sissy that walk.

- Up first, darienne lake.

Michelle, I didn't want to say
this, but there's an elephant

In the room.

- Yes.

- Elephants are lucky.

They're fabulous,
and I'm serving you all of my

Elephant glory.

- All that junk
in that trunk.

- Horton hears a ho.

- Ha ha!

- Adore delano.

Nice grill.

- You know what would go
great with adore's outfit?

- No.

- A chianti
and some fava beans.


- I'm f*cking serving
animal kingdom couture.

I'm feeling really sexy.

- "Silence of the queens."

- I think she's masking
a lot of pain.


- Bendelacreme.

- Oh.
- Ooh.

Waiter, there's a fly
on my runway.


- Be afraid.
- Yes.

- Be very afraid.
- Yes.

- I'm just buzzing
down the runaway.

I'm feeling the fantasy.

- She's got some
fly choreography.

- Yeah, she's a fly girl.

She bugging.

Next up, bianca del rio,
cheetah girl.

- Can a queen really
change her spots?

- You know the saying--
big cats are dangerous,

But a little p*ssy
never hurt anybody.

- That is some pointer
sisters hair right there.

- She's so excited.

- Hmm.

- Next up, joslyn fox.

She's a red fox.

- She's a cock.

- Yes, she is.

- Ohh!

- I've got my talons and my
feathers, and I'm showing off

Some skin, and I'm feeling
really good about it.

- I think it's some kind
of jungle p*ssy...cat.


- From atlanta, georgia,
trinity k. Bonet, the phoenix.

- She's awfully
plucked tonight.

- Yes.

- I am giving you birds of
a feather flock together

Rhythms, and I look
absolutely fabulous.

- Dressed to quill.

You better sissy that squawk.


Next up, courtney act.

- Oh.
- Mm.

- Oh, my goodness.

Heaven must be
missing an angel.

- Look at the size
of those wings.

- Yes.

Prepare for takeoff.

- I'm giving
some regal eagle.

I want to see this on blogs.

I want to see
this on facebook.

Ain't nobody gonna
top this shit.

- Mm, think I've died
and gone to heaven.

- Uh-huh.
- Yeah.

Baby, these girls are
giving production value.

- Ok.

- Now sissy that walk.

Welcome, ladies.

It's time for the
judges' critiques.

First up, darienne lake.

- Well, darienne, it's colder
in here than I thought it was.

- Ooh.


- Tonight your
look is inspired.

I love the gray hair,
and your face looks gorgeous.

As far as the talk show goes,
you seemed really nervous.

- Really?
- You did.

- Yeah, I got the sense that
you were a little bit awkward.

You came in middle of
the pack to me.

- All right, next
up, adore delano.

- Hi.

- What wild life animal
are you representing?

- Like, a panther,
but I also wanted to look like

A mortal kombat character.

- I'm not loving this look.

Love the face.

I love your makeup.

I love you, but all these
pieces--it's just not

Elevating it up enough.

- I'm hearing you converse.

I'm going,
"I know this person."

- Season 7 "american"--

- Yes, "american idol."

It's nice to see you,
but what I'd like is to

Not see this mask.

It's counterproductive to
the amazing personality that I

Remember so well.

- You just seemed really
nervous during our interview.

- I was.

- It just seemed like
you were really struggling

Through it.

- All right, next up,

Fly, fly, fly, fly.

Ha ha ha!

- I think you did a great
job with the interviews.

You were really up-to-date
on everything that both

Of us were doing.

You were kind of like
a breath of fresh air.

- There's a sense of
something's been dropped,

And it's so much
more endearing.

- All right, next up,
blame it on bianca del rio.

- Always blaming me.


- I love how you did the body
paint and the face paint to

Match with the dress.

I think it looks great.
- Thank you.

- But with the interview,
you weren't really focusing

On the other person that was
there, which was my grandma.

- I had some questions for
miss georgia that I wanted to

Ask, but time management
definitely was an issue.

- Is there a question you'd
like to ask georgia now?

- Well, I wanted to ask
them if they believe

In life after love.


- Thank you, bianca.
- Thank you.

- Next up, joslyn fox
on the runway.

What animal are you?

- I'm a glamazonian
warrior princess.

I'm friends with all
the animals,

And then I take them,
and I skin them alive.

I'm the diane sawyer
of the jungle.

- I'm not seeing what I
want from you with this.

It's not quite
animal enough.

- Now, on to the talk show.

You had me with you, then
decided to go all hard news.

- How do you feel
about abortion?

- Uh...

- We do not
discuss these things.

Really uncomfortable as
a viewer watching that.

- You say your character
skins animals alive.

Well, it felt like you were
skinning your guests alive.

- Ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha!

[Engine revs]

- We do not
discuss these things.

Really uncomfortable as
a viewer watching that.

- Georgia, were you offended?

- I was uneasy.
It made me uneasy.

- That will go down as one of
my biggest mistakes I've ever

Made because I just adore you,
and it breaks my heart, and I

Will never forgive myself if
I in any way offended you.

- Thank you, honey.
Thank you.

Everything you said was very
sweet, and I appreciate it.

I thought you were
really great up until

That one remark.

- Next up, courtney act.

- Howdy.

- I am secure enough in my
heterosexuality to say wow.

- Ha ha ah!
You look really cute.

I like hancock.


- The second I saw you on
camera, I was engaged, and I

Felt like you were a
girlfriend, and that's really

Important to a viewer to feel
like they can relate to you.

- Next stop, trinity k. Bonet.

- Your whole look, everything
is so well thought out.

Every little detail--
just gorgeous.

- As far as the talk show...

Rule number one, when you have

A guest, you need
to know their name.

You kept calling chaz "chad,"
and that in and of itself

Was uncomfortable.

- When my nerves get the
best of me, it takes a toll.

- Trinity, honey, I
started working on television

In 1949, but doing
the show today, I was nervous,

And I'm an old pro, you know?

So you'll get over it,
and you'll become so proud.

- That's good advice.
Thank you.

- Mm-hmm.

- I think we've heard enough.

While you unwind in
the untucked lounge,

The judges
and I will deliberate.

[Engine starts]

All right, just between
us chatty cathys,

What do you think?

Let's start with
darienne lake.

- I loved her costume, but
her interview--i think that

The nerves got to her.

I remember that she gave
a cher impersonation, and it was

Like you could hear crickets.


- Yeah, I mean, give me,
you know, chad michaels or--

- Totally.
- Don't waste your time.

- All right, next up,
adore delano.

- I was hoping to see that
same sassiness and smart mouth

That I came to fall in love
with on "american idol,"

But I didn't get
to see it today.

- She was so nervous,
she couldn't ground herself.

I think she probably should
have had her notes written

So that she wouldn't
be confused.

I can't remember what I
said 10 seconds ago.


- She epitomizes that young kid
who hasn't quite connected

The dots with her talent, her
intellect, and this challenge

Really showed that, you know.

You make one misstep, and--

- And then merle comes back?


Is that what
you're telling me?

- All right, let's move
on to bendelacreme.

- I thought her
costume was incredible.

She evidently has studied
flies walking across

The floor, because she
did it perfect.

- Yeah, we're
seeing bendela now.

There's this wall that's
been kind of knocked down,

And that translated
in her talk show.

Despite wearing the most
hideous color ever created...

- Ha ha ha!

- She was fantastic.

- All right, let's move on.

Bianca del rio.

- The thing about bianca
is, she's so smart

And professional that she made
it about that, and she forgot

All the things that you
actually have to do when you

Do a talk show, like
listen to the people that

You're interviewing.

- Yeah, it probably comes
with bianca del rio being more

Of a night club host where
if you ask a question to the

Audience, you really don't
care what they have to say.

Ha ha ha!

- But that just takes a
little bit of practice.

She's got all the important
ingredients to do this well if

She wants to do
this professionally.

- All right,
up next, joslyn fox.

- There was no animal

In that whatsoever.

She stuck some feathers
on her head and...

- Called it macaroni.

- Ok?

And I don't give
a friar tuck who you are.

You don't be showing
me that with a meaty tuck

Like that.

- That was a meaty tuck.

- As a talk show host, the
biggest thing with her hosting

Was her lack of tact,

With sensitive issues.

- But what I do appreciate
is the fact that when we did

Bring that up to her today,
she was tearful about it,

And I felt that that
was very genuine of her.

- All right, up next,
courtney act.

- Do the other queens just
shit backstage when she puts

On what she's gonna put
on for the runway?

Because that is so impressive.

- As far as the talk show goes,
I thought she did a good job,

But then one minute in,
she just plummeted energy-wise.

- I didn't feel
the energy dip, honestly.

- Nor did i.

- It was conversational.
It just worked.

- I agree.

I just thought she was
very, very likeable and fun.

- I would say that her
and bendelacreme were my two

Favorite, just neck and neck.

- All right, let's move
on to trinity k. Bonet.

- Loved her runway look.

It all worked together.

- But it's not strong enough
to make up for how abysmal her

Talk show went for her.

- Right.

With the biggest faux pas
of all, not knowing

The guest's name.

- Hello, she called him chad.


- So rule number one,
know your guest's name.

- All right, silence.

I've made my decision.

Bring back my girls.

[Engine revs]

- Ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha!

[Engine revs]

Welcome back, ladies.

I've made some decisions.

Bianca del rio, you are safe.

you are safe.

Courtney act, as a talk show
host, you were unflappable,

And on the main stage,
you soared.

you are the winner of this

Week's challenge.

- Thank you.


- You've won a wig wardrobe
from outfitters wig

And a year's supply
of hair care from aquage.

- Second win.

- Darienne lake...

You are safe.

Adore delano.

You, my dear, are
one wild child,

But in this week's challenge,
you were eaten alive.

I'm sorry, my dear,
but you are up for elimination.

Trinity k. Bonet.

On the runway, you are
a fierce, feathered firebird.

Unfortunately, on the talk show,
you laid an egg.

Joslyn fox, your runway look
is a bungle in the jungle.

In the challenge, you put
your high-heeled foot

In your mouth.

Joslyn fox...

You're safe.

You may join
the other girls.

Trinity, I'm sorry,
my dear, but you are up

For elimination.

- I'm freaking out because
I've seen trinity send a lot

Of b*tches home with her
lip sync since she turns it

The f*ck out.

I feel like I'm gonna faint.

- Ladies, prior to tonight,
you were asked to prepare

A lip-synch performance of
vibeology by paula abdul.

This is your last chance to
impress me and save yourself

From elimination.

The time has come for you
to lip-synch for your life.

Good luck,
and don't f*ck it up.

- ♪ Ooh, yeah ♪

♪ Ow, ooh ♪

♪ Work it, baby ♪

♪ Give me that vibe ♪

♪ You got that vibeology ♪

♪ That v-i-b-e-ology ♪

♪ Your body is
pumped next to me. ♪

♪ You got that sensuality ♪

♪ And, oh, I love
what you do ♪

♪ When you do what you do ♪

♪ You got me pumped ♪

♪ In the groove
when you move ♪

♪ I'm in a funky way ♪

♪ Oh, ah, ah ♪

♪ Horny horns ♪

♪ Ow! ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ Ah, give me that vibe ♪

♪ I'm in a funky way ♪

♪ Give me that vibeology. ♪

♪ Vibeology ♪

♪ Now you ask
what does it mean? ♪

♪ Why, it's the study
of the chemistry ♪

♪ Between you and me ♪

♪ You got that vibeology ♪

♪ That v-i-b-e-ology ♪

♪ Your body is
pumped next to me ♪

♪ You got that sensuality ♪

♪ And, oh, I love
what you do ♪

♪ When you do what you do ♪

♪ You got me pumped ♪

♪ In the groove
when you move ♪

♪ I'm in a funky way ♪

♪ Oh, ah, ah ♪

♪ Horny horns. ♪

- ♪ Vibeology ♪

- ♪ Oh, the vibes, the vibes ♪

- ♪ Vibeology ♪

- ♪ Ay, ay, ♪

♪ Ay, ay, ay ♪

- ♪ Go, paula, go, paula ♪

♪ Go, go, go, paula ♪

- ♪ Ow! ♪

♪ Vibeology ♪

- Yeah!

- That was the best!

- Wow.

Ha ha ha!

Ladies, I've
made my decision.

Adore delano...

Shante, you stay.

- Thank you.

- You may join
the other girls.

- Thank you.

- Gorgeous,
talented, and fierce.

The holy trinity.

- Thank you so much, and let
me take this time to say that

I am filled with joy right now
because I have the opportunity

To take everything that you
have given me and apply it to

My life and start my new
journey, and I thank you from

The bottom of my heart.

Thank you so much.

- Thank you.

Now, fly, my queen,
and sashay away.


- Thank you so much.


This is not a defeat for me.

To all my competitors,
you b*tches better bring it

And shine bright like
I know you all can.

- Condragulations,
my sickening 6.

It's the promise of a new day.

Now, remember, if you can't
love yourself, how in the hell

You gonna love somebody else?

Can I get an amen in here?

- Amen.

- All right, now,
let the music play.

- ♪ I want to dance, dance ♪

♪ I want to dance, dance ♪

♪ I want to dance, dance ♪

♪ Dance with you ♪
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