06x10 - Drag My Wedding

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "RuPaul's Drag Race". Aired: February 2, 2009 – present.*
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RuPaul plays the role of host, mentor, and head judge for this series, as contestants are given different challenges each week.
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06x10 - Drag My Wedding

Post by bunniefuu »

- Previously on
"rupaul's drag race"...

You'll be hosting your
very own talk show.

- I am one degree of
separation from cher!

- Were you, like, the
big childhood star?

- No, honey, we were broke, and
it was during the depression.

- Oh!
- We had no money.

- I love it.

- And there was no food.
- That's so cool.

- Oh, my god.
Well, chad, um...

- Trinity
kept calling me chad.

- Chad.

- Courtney act,
condragulations, you are

The winner of this
week's challenge.


- Adore delano,
shante, you stay.

Trinity k. Bonet,
sashay away.


- Oh.
- Oh, shut up.

- Girl, shut up.

- Aw, "be cool.
Be nice. Be you."


- I'm feeling so many
emotions right now.

I'm disappointed.

I'm angry at myself.

I need to just shake it
off at this point.

- Congratulations, miss act.

- Congratulations
on winning.

- Thank you.

I want to have a talk show
when I grow up, so I'll let

You be my michelle visage.

- Ha ha! My titties
aren't big enough.

- It feels great to know that
the judges are feeling me

In the way that I
was wanting them to,

And I do sense myself getting
a teeny bit more competitive.

I can smell the
$100,000 from here.

Now there's only two of us
who haven't lipped-sang.

It's just you and me, bianca.

- Oh, my god,
you guys should

Totally lip-sync against
each other next week.

- How about next week, we have
a dance challenge, and then

Bianca can lip-sync, and
I'll just be the one left
who hasn't lip-synched.

- Oh, oh, oh. Are these threats
you're making, little eva peron

Who looks like a sad bird?

You f*ckin' bitch.

- I think courtney can
sometimes come across as

Unlikable or grand.

She probably shouldn't be
a blonde every time
she's out there.

She probably shouldn't look
so naked all the time.

It does get a
little monotonous.

They want to see versatility.

We all know she's pretty.
Give us something else.

- Go back to australia.

- ♪ Rupaul's drag race ♪

- The winner of "rupaul's drag
race" receives a sickening

Supply of colorevolution
cosmetics and a cash prize

Of $100,000,

With extra-special guest
judges, david burtka and
neil patrick harris.

- ♪ Rupaul's drag race ♪

♪ May the best woman,
best woman win ♪

[Tire screeches]

- [Singing]
♪ woh woh woh woh ♪

- Westside.
- There are 6 of us.

- Yay!

- It's the top 6.

Any little slip can take
you out of this game.

I'll be leaving banana
peels everywhere.

- So what's next?

- Maybe we have to do magic.

- I was a glamorous assistant
once, and when I was squeezed

In the back of the little box,
I was in such a contorted

Position that my right
testicle popped out entirely.

- Why do you have
a rat testicle?

- My right testicle.

[Siren wails]

- Oh, thank god!

- Ooh, girl.

- Dearly beloved, we are
gathered here in the presence

Of yes, god.

- Say I do, and I just might
pronounce you america's next

Drag superstar.

You may now kiss the
mother-tucking bride.

- Uh-oh.

- Hello, hello, hello.

- Hi.

- All right, ladies,
for today's mini challenge,

I'm commissioning you to create
a series of abstract paintings

In honor of
marriage equality.

I'm calling this collection
"everybody say love."

- Love.

- ♪ Oh,
scruff pit crew ♪


- You'll need to pad
out these bodysuits.

Then each of you needs to
body paint a twerk of art.

Shake your picasso.

- Ooh,
shake my monet-maker.

- On your mark,
get set, van gogh!

- Ow!

- Joslyn, do you have
8 bikinis I can borrow?

- Ow!

- Whoo!

- All right, ladies,
♪ start relying on that body ♪

- ♪ Geronimo, geronimo,
they're falling... ♪

- Yes.

- ♪ Please believe it and
let that be the reason ♪

♪ Geronimo, geronimo, these
girls are falling dominoes... ♪

- Oh, my god. That is
georgia o'queef.

- ♪ So you 'bout to undergo
daenerys in a game of thrones ♪

♪ No, I'm not no common host ♪

♪ They're sliding
down a rabbit hole, what? ♪

♪ And they be saying, "I say
these b*tches double dutch" ♪

- All right, artists,

Tell me about
your twerks of art.

Let's start with joslyn.

- There's a heart here, and
it has sunglasses on like me

'Cause love's blind.


- But does it match my couch?

- This piece is called
"it's always darkest

Before the dawn."

- Ooh. Andy whore-hol.


- I started off with a beautiful
equality equals sign

And started whipping it
with my hair.

- Very lady gaga.

- It's chaos.

- I brought an angel through
love, bring happy little trees

And birds and bees.

- Gorgeous.

- You're looking at
it upside-down.

- Oh, oh, ok.

I see it now!

- These purple columns--one
is government, one is society,

And through that, the heart
is growing and becoming whole.

- Very tyra banks-y.

- My twerk of art represents
the man and the woman coming

Together to form
one beautiful body.

- I don't see it.

- You look like you're
going to a sports game.

- Stop relying on
that botticelli.

Well, nice work, ladies.

The winner of today's
mini-challenge is...

Bianca del rio.

- Oh!

- Condragulations.

- My kid could have done that.

- Shut up.

- All right, ladies, clean up,
'cause we got company coming.

- Uh-oh.

- Let's go.

- Can this thing
go any faster?

This week, ladies, love is
in the air, and I want you to

Meet some truly special women.

- Oh.

- Now,
tomorrow I'll have the honor

Of marrying these ladies on
the main stage, because, yes,

Mama ru is an ordained
minister, y'all.

Whoo! Whoo!

- All right, ladies.

I want you to meet anna,
eddie, brittany, amy d., Dawn,

And amy s.

- I click.

This is the makeover

I'm instantly kind of going
up and down the line wondering

Who's gonna be the best bride.

- Now, bianca, you won
the mini-challenge,

So you get to pair up
the queens with the ladies.

- I'm gonna have to take
ms. Brittany and
give her to joslyn,

'Cause she
likes her accessories.


- Hi, brittany.

- I think I want miss eddie.
Come this way.

- Great. Hey!

- She seems sassy.

Amy, you seem like you
would do well with adore.

- Hi.

- You seem like
a courtney type.

- Ok.

- Blonde.

- Nice to meet you.

- Anna,
this is darienne.

- Oh, hi!

- Amy,
this is bendela.

- Hi, amy.

- Now, ladies,
we're gonna be looking

For a strong family

You'll use materials
from fabric planet

And your own drag.

As drag mothers of the bride,
I want you to use your

Charisma, uniqueness, nerve,
and talent to make their wedding

The most important day
of their life, but to do that,

First you need to
meet the grooms.

Welcome, gentlemen.

Now, for this week's main
challenge, you won't be making

Over these women.

No, no, that'd be too easy.

Instead, you'll use the magic
of drag to transform these

Gallant grooms into
blushing brides.

It's a nice day for
a drag wedding.


- Gentlemen, start your
engines, and may the best

Woman win.

- I don't do people's makeup.

I don't sew.

I'm just gonna f*ckin' sit on
a cone and wait for a truck to

Hit me at this point.

I swear to god.
I'm over it.

- Oh, no!

- Coming up...

- Is it gonna hang
like a big robe like that?

- Courtney's putting her
bride in a bath mat muumuu.

- I think I might need a veil.

- No, you won't.
I'll beat your face.

- You're gonna beat my face?

[Engine revs]

[Engine revs]

- Our challenge today is to
turn straight grooms into

Blushing brides.

The key to bridal wear is
making sure the bride is happy,

So the first thing we do is
sit down with our couples

And find out what they'd
like for their wedding.

All right, how do
we feel about makeup?

Are we thinking a soft
eye and a bright lip?

Or are we thinking
a dominant eye?

- I think a dominant eye
and a dominant lip.

- Oh, you are my kind
of girl, eddie!

- Yes.

- This is gonna be fun.

I'm so excited about
this challenge.

I'm currently engaged,
and I love everything wedding.

This is just
right up my alley.

Ok, so do you have
any kind of vision?

- I can see a
florulent princess look.

- You're gonna look so purty.

- Pretty.

[Laughs, snorts]

- We can give you some padding,
too, so you can have some wider

Hips so you'll have some body.

- Oh, man, I don't know
if I want body.

- Aren't you getting excited?

I don't think brandon has
any idea what he signed

Himself up for.

- How do you feel
about shaving?

- I'm ok with that.
- Yeah?

- We can work
with it, yeah.

- Ok, cool.

- I've never seen kevin
without a beard, so I'm

A little nervous about that.

- When was the last time you
saw yourself without a beard?

- 6 Years.

- The most worrisome thing
about the beard is not knowing

What's under there.

It could be anything.

- So what are you thinking
about for this wedding?

- I would like to do
something, like,
more gothy and cool.

You know, rock and roll,
horror, and not traditional.

- He needs to look fierce,
like sharon and detox.

- Ok, sharon and detox,
sort of?

- Yeah.

- So, goth?

The materials supplied are
white, silver--not goth.


- You're quite a tall,
solid man.

My only weakness is, you don't
happen to be a tailor, do you?

You weren't a tailor in
the army, were you? No.

- If you have any bombs laying
around, I can disarm them.

- Courtney might have a lot
more trouble transforming

A manly man, because courtney
only wears chapstick

And mascara.

- I think I might need a veil.

- No, you won't.
I'll beat your face.

It'll be hot.

- You're gonna beat my face?
- Yeah, that's what we say.

"Oh, she's beating her face"

Means that she's doing,
like, a good job
on doing her makeup.

- Ok.

- Yeah, it's lingo.
- Oh!

- "I'm gonna
beat your face"--

It means something
completely different.

- Oh, no!

I can do your face, but
I don't know how to sew.

- Like,
I envision my wedding,

Like, vera wang with, like,
a nice poofy dress,

You know what I mean?
It's, like, very elegant.

- Elegant?

I'm not sure if she heard
me when I said I don't know

How to sew.

- Attention, women.

It's time for you to be
fitted for your suits from

Her tuxedo.

So kiss your fellas, and
say good-bye for now.

- I love you.
- Don't f*ck it up.

- Let's go get some materials.

- Ok.

- Oh!

- How am I walk
in these things?

- Pop your head through there.

And then this one doesn't
quite have a sleeve yet.

- Ok, so we'll just
put it through

Like a little--like
a monk robe.

- Yeah.

- Courtney's putting her
bride in a bath mat muumuu.

- Is it gonna hang like a
big robe like that?

- I think courtney has a
really difficult challenge

Because she's used to designer
gowns made for her that

Are...(High-pitched) this big.

(High-pitched) how
about for this big?


- Well, just so
you know, I'm not

Gonna hit on you, because
I'm not really recruiting.

There's enough gays in this
world, so...and now that they

Can get married, you know,
it's only gonna be a mess.

- I'm from holland, the most
liberal country probably

In the world, and it's
very normal for, you know,

Gay couples be married.

- In holland?

- Oh, yeah,
absolutely. You know.

- That's nice to know.

Seems to be a little slow
here, but luckily all this

Is changing.

- Yeah, people are free to do
what they want, you know?

- Oh, totally.

It's really refreshing to hang
around someone who's straight

Without any hang-ups.

I'm realizing I
really like this guy.

- It's almost like
giving someone a haircut.

- Very much so.

Look, I actually made
a friend today.

Me. Friend.

- Hello, hello, hello.

- Hi.

- Hey.

- Let's get this
bridal party started.

- Yay.

- Hi, joslyn.
- Hey, ru-sie q.

- Hi, brandon.
- Hello.

- I know you're a
basketball player.

- Yes.
- Tell me this.

What will your teammates
say when they see you
all up in drag?

- Devastating.
I don't want to
think about it.

- You don't want to
think about it?

- Not right now.

- Now, you've struggled
on the runway with the
judges' critiques.

They've questioned
your style sense.

It tends to be from the
hoochie couture line.

- Yes, 9 bikinis.

- How are you gonna ensure
that you don't wind up

In the bottom again?

- Well, this I'm
making myself.

We're going for demure.

- What--ex-squeeze me?
- Uh-huh.

- You mean your butt
is gonna be covered?

- My butt is going
to be covered.

- How on earth will
we recognize you?

- I'm keeping it, you know,
in my style, but definitely

More sophisticated
and polished.

- You gonna keep it foxy?

(Both making
honking sounds)

- All right,
get back to work.

- Thanks, ru-sie q.

- Well, hello, darienne.
Hi, damon.

- Hey, ru.

- So it was your wife's idea
to have you come on "drag race"?

- It was my idea, actually.
- It was your idea?

- Yeah.
- How about that?

So now, um, something
tells me this is

Not going to be
a white wedding.

- Absolutely not.

- I think we're talking,
like, horror bombshell.

- Yeah,
and we're gonna be sort

Of the addams family,
if you will.

- Huh.

- If jim morrison was gonna be
a drag queen, it would be me.

- Yeah, yeah.

All right, well, listen,
I'm gonna let you kids
get back to work, ok?

All right.

Hey, alex.
Hey, bianca.

- Hey, hey, hey.

- Wow,
look it there.

That fabric is
really gorgeous.

- We are giving
classic lady look.

- What will bianca's
bride be wearing?

(Gasps) a boatneck gown.

I mean,
it's amazing,

But we've seen it.

- What are you gonna do
to feminize the face?

- Well, I'm gonna ask
everyone to step back,

Which is gonna help...

A lot.

You know, just--just keep
some distance from the bride.

- I will see you out there.

- All right, thank you, ru.
- Thanks, ru.

- All right, ladies,
gather around.

Now, as a thank-you to all
the man brides, I'm giving you

Gift certificates from klein,
epstein, and parker, the fine

Makers of my suits.

- Wow, thank you.

- And tomorrow for your
big day, good luck,
and don't f*ck it up.

- I hate it.
I need to make a skirt.

I just don't know
how to do it.

- Ok, so now you're trying to
put an overskirt, right?

Well, pin it on there first
and see how it looks.

- Like that?

- Yeah.
- Ha ha ha ha!

- What are you trying to do?

You're gonna have it
open on the side?

I'm asking.

- I don't know.

Oh, my god.

- I just don't want
to disappoint ru.

I'm not a seamstress.

I'm not f*cking cinderella.

I don't have mice to come help
me make this damn garment.

- Just start gluing up here
and start cutting the bottom.

- Yeah.

- Coming up...

- Wow, that looks like
a thrift store wig.

- Seeing adore and her
daughter is making me
feel really confident.

- f*ck you.

[Engine revs]

[Engine revs]

- Oh, my, there's so much to
do for this wedding.

Our challenge today is to
transform heterosexual grooms

Into blushing brides.

- Do you feel like a princess?

- I guess.

- Wow, that looks like
a thrift store wig.


- Wow, I look
like joey ramone.

- I don't know if I'm
a black-haired girl.

- Oh, my god.

- Adore, your drag daughter's
got your natural hog body.

That's a compliment.

- f*ck you.

- Seeing adore and her
daughter is making me feel

Really confident.

- With that f*ckin'
honey mahogany dress?

- Better than a
honey ma-hog body.

- Ooh!

- Adore's guy is a
little all over the shop.

Well, it doesn't really
matter, 'cause he's

With adore, so it's gonna
be a disaster anyway.

- You put this stuff
on all the time?

- Mm-hmm.
- Wow.

- Brandon is a professional
athlete, and getting into drag--

It's a huge leap for him.

- Am I gonna be surprised
when I look in the mirror?

- Mm-hmm. You're
gonna be so pretty.

The second I put makeup
on brandon's face,
he is not having it.

- I just don't--man, I don't
want my teammates to see me

With hips on.

- What do you really think
your teammates are gonna say
when they see you in drag?

- Oh, man, it'll be posted
all over facebook.

You know, the locker room chat
that we have--it's gonna be

A disaster, man.

Like, it's just gonna be
some serious questioning.

- You just got to be secure
with yourself, brandon.

- No, I'm very secure
with myself.

I just--in my profession,
it's not funny for
a gay person to,

You know, come in
the locker room.

I'd rather someone be
straightforward and say,

You know, "I'm gay,"
you know, if they're in
the locker room with me.

I don't want them, like,
checking me out either.

- If your intent is that a gay
man in a locker room should be

Open as gay because everybody
should be able to express

Their sexuality freely,
then that works for me,

But if it's, "I want him
to let me know I'm gay
so that I know

That he's not
looking at me,"

Or "I feel uncomfortable
because of that," then I

Feel like the intent's
a bit different.

Doesn't entirely
make sense to me.

- I get your concerns,
but I think what you're doing

Is gonna change people's
minds, especially
your teammates.

- You think so?

- I know so.

- I'm so excited.

- I'm excited, too.
I really am.

- I just can't believe my
little girl's growing up.

- Oh, shut up.

- He's talking
shit about you.

- What? Who's talking
shit about me?

- f*ckin' adore's
daughter--hog body.

- Don't blame me, delano.

- Hog body delano has
something to say about
madame delacreme?

- She's got a lot to say.

- Well, let's hear
what you have to say

When you make your
daughter lose the
challenge, hog body.

[All gasp]

- They're gonna laugh at you.

They're all gonna
laugh at you.

Stay home with me and pray.

- You look real pretty.

- After the makeover, joslyn's
drag daughter--he looked like

That one girl gremlin.

- Remember that one girl
gremlin in the movie?

Don't throw water on
that gremlin 'cause he

Will multiply.

[Music playing]

[Rupaul laughing]

- ♪ Cover girl, put the
bass in your walk ♪

♪ Head to toe, let your
whole body talk ♪

♪ And what?
Ha ha ha! ♪


- Welcome to the main stage
of "rupaul's drag race."

What's a wedding without my
wife in a different life,

Michelle visage?

- I do.

- And santino rice.

- Always and forever.

- And welcome our handsome
and talented super couple,

Actor david burtka...

- You are sparkling as ever.

- Oh, thank you so much.

I feel like champagne
or at least champale.

- And star of "how I met
your mother" and the current

Broadway production of
"hedwig and the angry inch,"

Neil patrick harris.

- No one does it
better than you, ru.

- So excited you're here.

- We're die-hard
fans of the show.

We watch every season.

- Now, david, you two have
been together for 10 years.

What's the secret to
your relationship?

- Oh, well, um,
never go to bed angry.

- Yeah, I haven't
slept for 6 months.

- (Laughs) this week,
we challenged our queens to

Transform gruff grooms
into beautiful brides.

Are you ready to witness the
drag wedding of the century?

- Ready, ru.
- Oh, yeah.
- Holla.

- Gentlemen, start your
engines, and may
the best woman win.

- Coming up...

- It's all just
a little bit of a mess.

- I didn't get the goth thing.

- Bitch, you're going home.

[Engine revs]

[Engine revs]

- Now, sissy that wedding.

["Here comes the bride"

- Here comes the bride.

- Wow.

- My drag daughter is glowing
in her big, frilly white dress.

We are one foxy little pair.

She certainly takes
after her mother.

- You look beautiful.

- Oh, my gosh!

- My daughter is
a glowing bride.

We're kind of being bright and
lively, sunny southern belles.

My hair is high and close to
god, and I'm giving away my

Daughter on her special day.

- My god. You look

- Aw.

- Oh, my gosh!

- My daughter and I are a
vision in yellow and white.

We are giving mother-daughter
drag realness.

[Pretends to cry]


- Hello, my darling.

- Oh, my god. I don't
recognize you at all.

- My bride is sort of
nightmare before christmas.

And she's terrified that her
bouquet is white, so I whip out

A can of spray paint
and spray that sucker black,

Like my heart.

- You look amazing.

- My daughter is a rebel.

She skipped school to elope,
and she borrowed mom's old

Leather jacket.

She looks like chucky's
bride, so it's a party.

- You're so tall.

- My daughter looks beautiful.

I'm so proud of her.

I'm happy with the little walk
we came up with, and I'm just

Having a fun time sort of
playing the mother and fussing

With him, making sure his
skirt's straight, making sure

He doesn't have any
lipstick on his teeth.

- Ooh.

Like a virgin.



- Dearly beloved, we are
gathered here today to

Celebrate the joining
together of souls.

Let this joyous occasion
remind us all that we are born

Naked and the rest is love.

- Amen.

- Our gorgeous couples have
written their own vows.

- Brittany, I
love you, girl.

I look forward to many more
years that we will share

Together, and I just love you.

- Bradonna, I'm the
luckiest man in the world.

I vow to be your never-ending
foundation of love

And support, and no man or
woman shall tear us apart.

- Dawn,
you always were and always

Will be the love of my life,
my beautiful queen.

You're my world,
and I love you.

(Whispers) don't cry.

(Whispering indistinctly)

- You are my world.

You're my hero,
my soul mate.

I adore you, you big
beautiful drag queen.

- As a bride today, I do
have certain expectations.

First of all, I'd like some
more space in the wardrobe.

I'd like a biweekly
manicure and pedicure.

And last, but certainly not
least, I'd like to schedule

Additional bedroom time.

- Ok.

I love you very much and
look forward to continuing on

With you, my beautiful bride.


- 35 Years ago, I met
you at wonderland.

I fell in love
with you instantly.


- We've rolled through
the punches like water off

A duck's back, and we weren't
afraid to scream out, "where

My people at?"

- If I've had it officially,
and you see me frown,

Just drag it up and put
on that sequins gown.

- Hallelu!

- Amy, I love you so much.

You're a beautiful person
in every possible way.

You make my life happy,
meaningful, and complete.

I love you
fiercely and forever.

- I love how we grow together,
how you make me laugh, and how

We want to change
the world together.

I promise to love you,
to be your faithful,

Supportive partner in
sickeningness and in health.

I love you
fiercely and forever.

- I believe every living
creature in the universe

Deserves the right to
love and to be happy.

Through my lipstick and
my lashes, there's a heart

In here, and this heart
absolutely adores you.

- I waited for 35 years
to meet my soul mate.

It was love at first sight.

A few days into our
relationship, my legs went out,

And I was in a
wheelchair, and instead

Of leaving me,
you stuck by me.

For richer, for poorer,
for sickness and in health,

I love you forever.

- Would you now
exchange rings?

Do you promise to love,
cherish, and honor each other

For better or worse,
for richer or poorer,

Tucked or untucked,
till death do you part?

- I do.
- Oh, I do.

- I do.
- I do.

- I now pronounce you married.

You may kiss the brides.

[Cheers and applause]

- What love has joined together,
let no man put asunder.

Everybody say love.

- Love!

- Everybody say love!

- Love!

- Condragulations.


- Oh,
I caught it.

I'm so good.

- You throw like a girl.

- Coming up...

First up, joslyn fox.

- We got a runaway bride.

[Engine revs]

[Engine revs]

- Welcome, ladies.

Now it's time for the
judges' critiques.

First up, joslyn fox.

Let's take a look
at brandon before.

Well, hello,
bradonna fox!

- Wow.

Well, joslyn looks absolutely
gorgeous, but it lacks some

Sort of unity between
the two of you.

- Your drag daughter--
the face is not her color.

She looks metallic.

It's really off-putting.

- Not loving this
whole wedding gown.

The waist isn't giving us
the definition that
we want to see.

- So, bradonna, was there
anything you were
uncomfortable with?

- Just my manlihood
being questioned.

- And who was questioning it?

- No one here, but it
will be questioned.


- That's yet to come.

- Really?
- Yeah?

- We got a runaway bride.

- Is he ok?

[Bradonna vomiting]

- Joslyn, will you check
on your drag daughter?

[Bradonna vomiting]

- No, don't be sorry.
I'm sorry.

- So while we sort that out,
we will continue

With the critiques.

- Next up is courtney act.

Let's take a look
at steve before...

- Wow.

- And after as rien act.

Wubba, wubba.
Do you feel pretty?

- I feel hotter than my wife.

- Oh!

- You're getting a
backhand for that.

Why did we go
with this length?

- Um, well, we decided
that we're doing,

Like, a little southern
louisiana wedding, and, um...

- You think
that says louisiana?

- I really felt that you're
the bride, and rien act is

Your mother, in a way.

- I'm like the cougar mom at
the wedding who hits on all

Of the daughter's
single friends.

- Uh, you'd show me up
at my wedding like that,

Bitch, you're going home.

- Next up, bianca
del rio and alex.

Let's take a look
at alex before...

- Hubba, hubba.
- Mm-hmm.

- And after, fifi del rio.

- I think the
del rios nailed it.

- The family
resemblance is on point.

I wish there was a little
bit of a train in the back.

- I mean, he was battling
shoes already and eyelashes

And his balls and his ass.

I mean, did I really want to
give him a train, too?


- What was it like
working with bianca?

- It was wonderful.
Thank you, mommy.

- You're welcome.

Don't call me mommy
in public.


- All right, next up,
darienne lake and damon.

Let's take a look
at damon before.

- Wow, unreal.

- Now, do you think
you'll do drag again?

- I might try
out for the show.


- My word.

- It's kind of a risk you
going away from, like,

A traditional wedding gown,
but it fits your personality,

And we're feeling your
energy, definitely.

- I didn't get the goth thing,
and I didn't get goth from

You either.

Your outfit to me seems
a little cocktail party
dress to me.

- Next up,
bendelacreme and kevin.

Let's take a look
at kevin before...

- Another beard.

- And after,
suzette a la mode.

- I would have liked to have
seen a little more of that

Kind of severe angle that you
do on your own eye makeup.

Love the attention to
detail on all the rosettes.

Overall, well done.

- And it's the first time
that your wife has seen you

Without a beard.

- Yes, ever.

We've known each other
for 6 years, and I've
had the beard for 7,

So she's never seen
me without it until today.

- I bet she didn't know who
the hell she was marrying.


- Next up, adore delano.

Let's take a look at
ryan before...

- Mm.

- And afterward as
honey bun delano.

- It's all just a little bit
of a mess kind of for me.

I just wish that the overall
execution would have been

More on point.

- Now,
what kind of bride did

You and amy want to be?

After talking with adore,
we decided to go more

In a punk direction.

- I love that you want
to put fun into it
and stuff like that...

- Yeah.

- But it didn't look like
you were her mother at all.

- I'm not even sure I see any
kind of a family resemblance.

I think you failed that part.

- Thank you, ladies.

While you untuck in the
formdecor lounge, the judges

And I will deliberate.

All right, just between
us in-laws, let's start

With the foxes.

- The dress was a disaster.

It was like schlump in heels.

- I feel so bad that
brandon got sick, but I kind

Of would've felt the same way
if I lifted the veil
and my face looked like that.

- Ha ha!

- Courtney act and rien act.

- Overall, the
makeup looked great.

Their hair looked great.

But the outfit that rien act had
looked sort of like a bedspread.

- I was so affected by the
drag mother stealing all

The limelight--
it's not right.

- Bianca del rio
and fifi del rio.

- The dress was on
point and well done.

- I would mistake fifi as
a woman if I saw her

On the street.

- David, you don't get
out too often, do you?


- No.

- All right, darienne lake
and ann drogyny lake.

- I love the goth kind
of emo bride.

- I just wish darienne
would have taken it further.

- It made no sense.

It was edgar allan poe meets
new jersey housewife mom.

She was my least
favorite of all of them.

- Bendelacreme and
suzette a la mode.

- The transformation with
kevin was extraordinary.

- Bendela looked great.

The color was terrific on her.

- Adore and honey bun delano.

- The attention to
detail is nonexistent.

All that black underneath the
eye--not flattering, rough.

Rough, rough, rough.

- And I can't even say
she focused on herself,

Because that was a mess too.

They were both a disaster.

- So, neil, of the
outfits up there,

Which one would
you wear right now?

- Oh, courtney act's.
- Courtney act's.

- Totally nude
with butterflies.

- You slut.
- It would be fantastic.

- Oh, my god,
you're such a whore.

We should go
somewhere together.

- How dare you!


- Silence.

I've made my decision.

Bring back the divorce lawyer.

[Engine revs]

[Engine revs]

- Welcome back, ladies.

I've made some decisions.

- My heart's pounding
out of my chest.

- Bendelacreme, you gave
suzette and amy a wedding

They'll always remember,
and you left us tickled pink.

You are safe.

- Thank you.

- Yay!

- Bianca del rio, we loved
your makeover so much, you are

The winner of this
week's main challenge.


- I knew it.

- Yay.

- And you've won a trip for
two to the honeymoon paradise

Of hawaii.

- Are you kidding me?

- And so has your couple,
alex and eddie.

- Oh, my god!

- I'm going to hawaii.
Heh heh heh!

- Adore delano, your punk
bride gave us a serious case

Of the wedding bell blues.

I'm sorry, my dear, but
you are up for elimination.

- Oh.

- Courtney act, you made
rien act a blushing
bride, but we

Can't say yes to her dress.

- You're safe.

- Whew.

- Gosh.
- Oh.

- Darienne lake, tonight
the bride wore black,

But the judges weren't
raving about it.

Joslyn, you are a foxy
drag mama, but your bride's

Makeover needed a makeover.

Joslyn fox, I'm sorry,
my dear, but you are

Up for elimination.

- Oh, my gosh.

- Darienne lake, you are safe.

You may join the other girls.

- Thank you.

- Two queens stand before me.

Ladies, this is your last
chance to impress me and save

Yourself from elimination.

The time has come to
lip-synch for your life.

- I'm really, really
determined to not go home.

This shit is
gonna stop here.

- Good luck, and
don't f*ck it up.

- ♪ You better think ♪
- ♪ think ♪

- ♪ Think about what you're
trying to do to me ♪

♪ Think ♪
- ♪ think, think ♪

- ♪ Let your mind go and
let yourself be free ♪

♪ Let's go back,
let's go back ♪

♪ Let's go way
on way back when ♪

♪ I didn't even know you ♪

♪ You couldn't have been
too much more than 10 ♪

♪ I ain't no psychiatrist ♪

♪ I ain't no doctor
with degree ♪

- Nothing's really ever
planned when I perform,

And it's not gonna
change here.

I'm just gonna go with it
and feel the spirit

Of aretha franklin.

I'm gonna get church
on this bitch.

- ♪ Think, think ♪

♪ Let your mind go,
let yourself be free ♪

♪ Oh, freedom ♪

♪ Freedom ♪

- I am just preaching
to those judges.

You better think
before you send me home.

- ♪ Yeah, freedom ♪

♪ Hey ♪
- whoo!

- ♪ Think about it ♪

♪ You think about it ♪

♪ Ain't nothing you could ask ♪

♪ I could answer you,
but I won't ♪

- ♪ I won't ♪

- ♪ But I was gonna change
but I'm not if you keep
doing things I don't ♪

♪ You better think ♪
- ♪ think ♪

♪ Think about what you're
trying to do to me ♪

♪ Oh, oh, think ♪
- ♪ think ♪

♪ Let your mind go,
let yourself be free ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ Whoo! ♪

♪ Hey ♪

♪ Whoo ♪

[Cheers and applause]

- Ladies, I've
made my decision.

Adore delano,
shante you stay.

You may join the other girls.

- Thank you.

I'm sorry, joslyn.

I wish I could have
done more to help you.

- Joslyn fox, for better or
for worst-er, keep it foxy.


Now, sashay away.

- Thank you.


- I'm just so proud of myself,
and I'm so proud of this journey

That I've made,
and I'll be forever changed.

I'm ready to go home, but this
has become my home, and these

Girls have become my sisters.

- Make me proud,
girls. I love you.

Keep it foxy.

- My fierce five,
the honeymoon is over.

Back to work.

And remember, if you can't
love yourself, how in the hell

Are you gonna love
somebody else?

- Can I get an
amen up in here?

- Amen.

- All right, now,
let the music play.

[Dance music playing]

- ♪ I want to dance, dance ♪

♪ I want to
dance, dance ♪

♪ I want to dance, dance ♪

♪ Dance with you ♪
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