06x12 - Sissy That Walk!

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "RuPaul's Drag Race". Aired: February 2, 2009 – present.*
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RuPaul plays the role of host, mentor, and head judge for this series, as contestants are given different challenges each week.
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06x12 - Sissy That Walk!

Post by bunniefuu »

- Previously
on "ru paul's drag race..."

The house of ru paul

Is throwing the first-ever
glitter ball!

- I just get really,
like, discouraged

And, like, frustrated.

- Why is it you haven't
won more challenges?

- Now I'm starting
all over.

I'm f*cked.

- I don't believe that you're
gonna run any business

Dressed like that.
It was a cocktail dress.

- Adore delano...

You're the winner
of this week's challenge.

- Oh, my god.

Darienne lake,
shante, you stay.

De la, sashay away.

[Loud sigh]

- Oh, my god. Ooh.

- What the f*ck
is that on the mirror?

- Jesus! Darienne
is spelled incorrectly.

But that's all right.

- "I only harbor
enough resentment

"To write a long,
pointless message

That you'll have to clean
and clean and clean and clean."

- I'm definitely
gonna miss de la.

no, I won't. I won't.

- Well, congratulations,
miss adore.

- You won
a sewing challenge.

- Yeah, m*therf*cker, yeah.

- Are they seeing
what I'm seeing?

She was just wearing
a white tutu

With a corset
and some sparkles on it.

- You did great.

- Well, apparently adore
is the perfect banjee girl.

- Tonight, courtney kind of
threw me under the mat.

- Over the last
few weeks,

Adore kind of tripped
and stumbled.

So I think that she would be
the next one to go.

- I really
don't see the point

Why courtney threw
my name out there.

The question was who do you
think should go home,

Not who you thought
was going to

But it turned it
the f*ck out.

- You don't know what
the judges are gonna think.

- No, you really
don't know.

They want more,
but then they want--

My ruffle's too big,
and my hat's too much.

I don't know.

- If I am brutally honest...

- Sure.
Be brutally honest.

- I kind of was thinking

That you would turn out
something that we hadn't seen.

- Not today, satan.
Not today.

Hey, I'm still here.
I'm grateful.

- Bianca is
a little rattled.

Maybe I'm starting to see
a couple of cracks in the wall.

I hope so.

- Party.

[Theme music playing]

- The winner
of "ru paul's drag race"

Receives a sickening supply
of colorevolution cosmetics

And a cash prize
of $100,000.

- ♪ "Ru paul's drag race" ♪

♪ May the best woman,
best woman win ♪

- Four!
- How cool!

- I'm so excited
to be in the top four.

I'm so close
to the finish line,

And you could grab it,
or it could just slip away.

So I'm gonna grab it.

- It's been
a long journey.

- I think--

- Yay! Right when
courtney is talking.

- Ooh, girl!

My top four,
you've all come so far,

And the only thing standing
between you and the crown

Is you.

So shoulders back,
tits out,

And girl, you'd better
sissy that walk.

- Yes!

- Hello, hello, hello!

It's me, ben de la creme.
I'm back.

You made it
to the top four!


For your final challenge,
you'll be starring

In the music video
"sissy that walk."


It's a timeless tale
of an innocent girl

Who sells her soul
to become sissy,

International supermodel
of the world!

- I love it.

- You'll learn

With world-renowned
choreographer jamal sims.

You'll also be starring
in two acting scenes,

Where you'll be improvising
with ru paul.

Oh, and I hope you're hungry,
because you're each invited

To a little mother-daughter
lunch with mama ru.

- Aw...

- And in the end, one of you
will be eliminated.

- Oh, boy.

- Uh...game changer.

- We all thought
no one else is going home,

Like in past seasons,
so...yeah, it's very that.

- So don't f*ck it up.

- This is it. We have to
deliver, or we go home.

- Gentlemen,
start your engines.

And may the best
woman win.

- Ladies...
- Hi!

- How are you doing?

- Uh, how are you doing?

- You guys ready to learn
some sissy-ography?

- Yeah.
- I think so.

- Come with me.

Sissy-ography is about not being
afraid to be sexy and hot

And fun and sassy.

I'm looking for them
to give it.

Just watch me.

1, 2, And 3, 4.

Walk back, bah,
hoo, click.

- Well, that's easy.
- All right, here we go.

- Adore, let's go.

Go. 1, 2, 3, And 4.

5, 6, What, 7, 8.

1, 2, 3, And 4,

5, 6, 7, 8. Good.
Bianca, here we go.

- Just to let you know,
I had a stroke in 1972.

- You got this. You got this.
Come on with it.

5, 6, 7, 8. Go.

- Shit. I can't.
Am I going down, or am i--

- You're going--look.
You're gonna start

With your chest, and then that
rolls down your body.

Let it...let it dip.
You see that? There you are.

- Yeah? That's all right.

- Just keep going.

- But look, you can't be
smiling like this.

- You like this?
You like my roll?

- Bianca is struggling

She's more worried
about being funny

To deflect the fact
that she's not being good.

- Ha ha ha!

- Miss darienne, ready?
- Yeah.

- Let's go slow.
- Yeah.

- So 5, 6, 7.
Let's go.

Go. 1 And 2, 3, 4.

- [Indistinct]

- I see you thinking.
We have to let that go.

Now all together.
5, 6, 7, 8.

And 1, 2, 3, and 4,
5, 6, 7, 8.

1, 2, And 3, 4,

5, 6, And 7, 8.
What happened?

- I don't know. I just...
I got lost on the first one,

And I was like,
"oh, boy."

- You're defeating yourself
before we even start.

You could do this.

- Oh, boy.

- This is ru's video,
so we cannot f*ck it up.

- Courtney act,
get your ass in here.

- How are you?

- I just didn't feel
like cooking, so I ordered in.

- Ha ha ha.

- So, $100,000,
america's next drag superstar.

Why should you
get the crown?

- I can look good, I can
sing good, I can dance good.

If there's somebody else
who's better than me,

Then they should win,
but I truly feel

That I have been
my best,

And I feel that I have been
the best as well.

- You've been criticized
for resting on pretty

And being diplomatic in a way
that felt sort of canned.

What about the emotional,
vulnerable side

Of courtney act?

- I know. It concerns me
that it seems canned

Because I truly feel
like I come from

This place of objectivity,
and I feel like,

In the competition as well,
I'm in, like, work mode,

And I'm focused
on work.

- We can all stand for
a little bit more humanity,

Even if that humanity
seems messy and uncomfortable.

I know that you have
that vulnerability.

I can see it in your eyes,
and I'm very proud of you.

Give 'em hell
out there.

- I will. Thank you.

- So, what are you, like, most
worried about in this challenge?

- I don't see
the function of worry.

I think it's all
really fun.

- But, I mean,
it's top four, bitch.

Like, any type of, like,
thing can happen

That can, like,
send us home.

- Well, you know, ru said
that sometimes when I talk,

My answers
can sound canned,

Which kind of came
as a shock,

Because I feel like
everything I say

Kind of comes
from the heart.

And I honestly don't know
entirely what she means.

So I can't really--

I'm not gonna blow my head up
thinking about it.

I feel good.
I feel excited.

I'm happy.
I'm doing a wig.

- If you think for a minute
that it's just a cakewalk...

Look what happened to me
the last challenge.

I sew, and this bitch
takes the cake.

All of us
should be nervous.

Somebody's going home,

And with that confidence,
it might be her.

- Coming up...

- She needs to impress
the judges,

And I don't know
if she can.

[Ru paul laughing]

- Why, darienne lake.
- Hi, ru. Hello, gorgeous.

- Get your tush
in here, doll.

So, darienne, you're
going to be famous.

How are you going to deal with
people saying things,


- You know, I can brush off
what people say to me

Because growing up,
I've heard horrible things.

- You were thrown out of
the house as a kid, weren't you?

- It wasn't "pack
your bags and leave."

It was more like
an invitation to leave.

My mother said, "you have a lot
of nerve to stand there

"In my house on my dime

And live your lifestyle
that I don't approve of."

And she's like,
"you're a clown.

People are gonna
laugh at you."

And I think she still has
that whole thing

That queers are below
any other person.

There was a lot of years
of not loving myself.

- Loving yourself--it really
takes a daily practice.

I'm so proud of you.

- There are things
I'm getting from ru

That I don't get
from my own mother.

This experience has really
enriched the love of myself.

- All right, sweetheart.

Now get your ass
back to work.

You've got
a crown to win.

[Music playing]

- I'm trying to decide,
for the final runway look,

Between, like, this
or to go for something

With a bit more pizzazz.

This is the final time I'm gonna
be walking down the runway.

So I want to make sure
that I'm glittery and fabulous.

This is, like,
a feather backpack

That's got, like, big pheasant
feathers coming out the back.

That's cute.

- I have a hooded thing
as well.

- Ah...

That's pretty.

- Maybe this is
my opportunity

To wear my priscilla wig.

It's a little homage to
priscilla, queen of the desert.

- I may not have, like,
expensive-ass gowns

Or accessories
to the max,

But you don't need all of that
to be a f*ckin' star.

Like, you can wear
a paper bag,

And you can see
out of the crowd

Who is gonna be something
or who is something already.

- Do you know what
you're gonna wear yet?

- I'll wear
something cute.

- Adore reminds me
of me 10 years ago.

There was, like,
a spark and a talent there,

But there wasn't
the refinement.

She needs to impress the judges,
and I don't know if she can.

- It's just $10 on ebay.

- Hello.
- Hello.

- Come on in.

- I feel like I'm
at the last supper.

- Well, here you are,
top four.

- I know.

- You're very astute.
You're one of the better players

We've had come through here.
Where's that come from?

- I've had some amazing
people in my life

That have taught me
that, you know,

That were like, "queen,
you don't need to wear that wig,

You don't need to say that,"
and now I catch myself

On countless occasions
saying things to other queens,

And I'm like, "I sound
like the old one now, you know."

- Now the rest of the world
will see that nicer side.

Are you prepared
for that?

- You've been filming this?

There's tape
in those cameras?

- Yeah.
- Oh, great!

- Coming into
this competition,

I had no intentions
of mentoring any child.

But it's been
kind of refreshing

In a weird,
f*cked-up way.

- So, adore, why should you
get the crown?

- This is my passion.
It's my calling.

I was raised right,
so I would not let you down.

- So, adore, you're
really close to your mom.

- You talk about her
all the time.

- Yeah. Like, my mom
is all I need.

She's like my mom, my dad,
my grandparents,

She's everything to me, so...

- What about your dad?

- I don't really have
a relationship with him.

- Do you want one?
Why not?

- There's a lot
of things

That he said to me
when I was younger.

When I was 7,
he said that, like,

He was basically
embarrassed of me

Because I was feminine
and I liked girl things.

And it just really
stuck with me.

That, I think, has a lot
to do with my confidence.

Like, a lot
of my freak-outs,

A lot of my insecurities
come from that.

- A bone, in the place
it was broken,

After it heals, that becomes
the strongest place on the bone.

You know
what I'm saying?

So that broken
place in you

Can be your spiritual

Because you're
a fabulous kid

And you've got
lots of talent.

And he's really
missing out.

What's your mom's name?

- Bonnie.

Do this for bonnie.

She's the one rooting
for you back home.

And you go out there,

And you don't let the saboteur
get you off the track.

- Now it's time to sh**t
our dance routine

For "sissy that walk"
by ru paul.

- Ladies, I really want you
to look like a performance,

Not a rehearsal.
Ok? Cue the music.

- Now sissy that walk.

[Music playing]

- Come on!


Cut. Cut.

Adore, darienne,
you have to be in sync

For it to look right.

That was not $100,000
choreography right there.

All right, let's get the scruff
pit crew with the fans.

All right. Time to put

That sissy-ography
on the treadmill.

Bianca del rio.

- Me? Ok.
- Break a leg.

- Shut up.

[Music playing]

- Spread those wings.
Make it hot.

- It's weird to be
on a treadmill with heels.

Now you add a fan.

I'm having hurricane
katrina flashbacks.


Just make it,
make it hot.

- Courtney is getting crazy
up on that dance floor.

Molly, you
in danger, girl.

- [Sighs]

- ♪ I'm a femme queen ♪

♪ Mother of a house
of no shame ♪

- She's got a little swag.
Come on!


You're on fire
right now. Good job.

Give me sexy!

♪ My... Is on fire ♪

♪ Now kiss the flame ♪

- Bitch just stole
my m*therf*cking move!

Do you see that?

Bitch, I did that first.
I did that first.

- Coming up...
- Action!

- Bark like a dog.
- Twerk it. Twerk it.

You call that twerking?
Keep twerking!

- Grr! I hate you!

[Ru paul laughing]

- So it's time to do
our first acting scene.

It's very improvy,
and I really want to show ru

That I'm ready
to f*cking slay this.

- Welcome, adore.
It's time for your scene--

A small-town girl
comes to the big city.

So you've got to sell
this ingenue

As this kind of green girl.

And action.

- That face...those eyes...
That necklace.

- Do you like it?

- Hate it.

- Aah!

- Do as I say, and I'll make you
the most famous thing

That's ever lived.

Now pose.
Give me glamour.

Yes. Now innocence.



Twerk it. Twerk it. Yes.

- Stop!
I've got nothing left!


I hate you! I hate you!
I hate you! I hate you! Aah!

- And cut.

Ok. That was good.

I feel like you're the phoebe
cates of this moment.

- Which one of you b*tches
is my mother?

- It's time for
your scene, bianca.

And action.

- Give me glamour.

Give me sex.
Now do the cabbage patch.

Double dutch.

Do the crip walk.


That's not the macarena.
Now twerk it.

Twerk it.

Now you're a baby.

Are you hungry, baby?

People magazine's
sexiest baby alive.

- These poses are insane.

- Somebody put baby
in a corner.

- Who wrote this shit?

- Spank yourself, baby.

Yeah. Harder.
Harder. Harder.

- That's it!
I have nothing left!

- That's because
you're a loser.

- I hate you!
I hate you!

It bears repeating--
I hate you!


- Wake me
when you're done.

- And cut.
Hammy but delicious.

And action.

- Pose.

Give me glamour.
Give me expensive mall.

Give me mall of america.

Give me ma flanders.

- What?

- Turn around and twerk it.
Twerk it, twerk it.

- Stop it! You're
pushing me too far!

- That's because
you are a loser.

- I hate you!
- I hate you more.

- I hate you!

I hate you!

- Just a little hysteria
and we're out.

- Aah!

- And cut.

Courtney, so...action.

So, kid, pose.

Now sexy.

Now you're super sexy.

Now you're back
to just basic sexy.

Now be a sexy dog.
Bark like a dog.

- [Barking]

- Now you're snoop dog.
You're snoop dog.

Now you're a corn dog.
Now you're a hot dog.

With your horn dog.

- I don't know what
a horn dog is, mr. Director.

- Now twerk it.
Twerk it.

You call that twerking?

- I just can't do it anymore!
Stop it!

You've pushed me
too far!

- You're a loser.

- You're supposed to
slap him, court.

- Oh.


- Is that all you got?

Oh, that tickled.

Wake me
when you're done.

- There was just meant
to be three slaps,

But perhaps I did go
for about 25.

Knock it...ha ha ha!

- Oh!

- And we're out.
Thank you, courtney.

Go change and get ready for
your second acting challenge.

- Hello.
- Hello.

- Now it's time for us to sh**t
our second scene with ru.

- I'm your scene

- Nice to meet you,

Very nice to see you.
You're k*lling me right now.

Ha ha ha!
And there he is.

Ru paul is now dressed up
like an extra from "good times."

- Uh, remembering this was
a man you once loved,

And really
get the audience

To feel the hysteria
of a woman on the verge.

- Ok.

- Action.

- I came all the way
from new orleans

To bring you home.

- Don't you know
who I am?

I am sissy! Sissy!


All right, maybe I don't
know how to spell,

But I don't
play scrabble.

Because you know why?

I am supermodel
of the world!

- And cut.
It was good,

But you could connect
a little more with charles.

- Ok.
- Okey-dokey. Action!

- If you can't
love yourself, girl,

How in the hell you gonna
love somebody else, huh?

- Oh, now you're
writing poetry?

Have a drink on me,
you bastard!


- And cut.

It was all right.

- Ha ha ha!

- Ok. Adore.
And action.

- Adore, I came all
the way from azusa

To bring you home,
where you belong.

- Belong?

I don't belong
to anybody in azusa.

I belong in the hearts
of my fans.

The boys love sissy.
The ladies love sissy.

Everybody loves me!

- Good-bye.

- I'm sissy, damn it!

Supermodel of the world.

- Cut. Adore,
the intensity is nice.

But it's a parody.

Put some more tics
into it.

- Ok.

- Oh, darling,
look at you.

You've got
your method on.

- This is the perfect

To let my hair down

And be messy
and be silly,

And I don't need to be that sort
of perfect polished courtney.

- Action.

- I've come all the way
from sydney to bring you home.

- I belong right here.

I don't even sound
australian anymore.

Everybody loves me here.

The whole world
loves sissy!

- You do big really well.

Could you just bring
the little bit

Of vulnerability
or loss into it?

- I see now
that courtney's dead.

So good-bye forever.

- I'm the supermodel
of the world!

- Cut. That was great.

Picture up. Action.

- This is where I belong.
This is my home--

On the stage, on the covers
of the magazines.

- Cut. This is
a man that you loved.

I didn't feel
your conflict.

Let's try that again.

- So good-bye forever.

- Charles!


Don't go!

- Sissy. Look what they've
done to you, sissy.

Come back.

- Would you still
have me?

- Come to me.

Come on, mama.

- And...cut!

Wow. That was beautiful,
unexpected, and amazing.

Guess what.
That's a wrap.

- That was fun.

- Coming up...

- The second acting challenge
was kind of like this.

That's not strong
enough for me.

[Ru paul laughing]

- This is the last day,

And we all have our bow
and arrow set for the top three.

g*dd*mn. This is it.

- I remember
on the first day meeting adore,

And I was like,
"oh, I don't like her."

- Wow.

- I was like, "I'm the idol
drag queen, not you."

- I kind of got that energy
from you in the beginning.

- But then it was like,
"actually, I really like her."

- Yeah.
I'm f*cking cool.

- Like, for my first
impression of everybody,

I kind of knew
who courtney act was.

- Kind of?

- Oh, I'm sorry, but I know
a lot of people were like,

"Oh, she's pretty. She's
probably a bitch in real life."

You know,
that kind of thing.

My first impression
of courtney--

Beautiful, kind of talented,

And now she's like a true
soul sister to me,

Even though she's
a robot sometimes.

You know, I thought, "she seems
sweet. She seems nice."

- When I first met you,
I was afraid of you

Because you are
very quick-witted,

And I knew that you could
shut me down in seconds.

It's really surprising
that bianca and I get along

Because at first she reminded me
of the girls back home

That really don't like me.

I thought
we were gonna fight.

But when I got to know you,
the dynamic changed so much.

I feel like you brought
another side out of me.

- Now, adore, the first day
that I met you,

You were standing
next to laganja,

And I was like,
"oh, f*ck."

But it clicked,
and I was like,

"Oh, she's fun,
she's cool,"

Because you had said
something about hog body,

And I'm like, "I've got
this extra corset.

Let me help
this bitch out."

What I like most
about adore

Is that she's fearless
and she's fun.

And sometimes that's not really
a part of my world.

Had you been laganja, you'd have
been fat the whole time.

I wouldn't have
given it to her.

- I want bianca to finish
a sentence without a joke.

- Ok. Courtney
is an assh*le. Ha ha ha!

- I feel like there's
an uncomfortability

With actually letting people
know that you're nice.

- I think that people all
the time spend too much energy

Going "I love you,"
and that's just weird.

So I'd rather go, "I love you,
but your wig is horrible."

That's just
my approach.

- Bianca is
a formidable talent,

But america's next drag
superstar needs to have

A compassion
and a warmth,

And I don't experience
that in her.

- The scary part
about this whole thing

Is that we've come
all this way,

And there's a huge chance
that you don't make it.

It's that moment
of, like, "shit!"

- Yeah, it's like,
"oh, I finally got to hawaii,

And then I fell
in a volcano."

Final runway,
final critiques--

This is it.
This is the final game

In the world series
of drag.

[Ru paul laughing]

- ♪ Cover girl,
put the bass in your walk ♪

♪ Head to toe,
let your whole body talk ♪

And what?

Welcome to the main stage
of "ru paul's drag race."

Tonight it's just family,

My country cousins
michelle visage...

- Looks like we've come
to the end of the road, my doll.

- And santino rice.

- Your fantastic four, ru.

- For their final

Our queens got to
dance and act

In the official video
for my latest single,

"Sissy that walk,"

And now they're ready
to fly down the runway.

start your engines.

And may the best
woman win.

♪ Now sissy that walk ♪

First up, adore delano.

- Graphic.

- Is that a sequins dress?
- Yes.

- It's our last runway,

And I'm serving
powerful bitch.

I have big hair.

I look like
a glittery-ass mermaid.

It's very "a star is born."

- J'adore adore.

Next up, blame it
on bianca del rio.


- Lady sings the blues.

- I'm serving up
old hollywood glamour

In my meridian-blue
satin bias gown.

I know ru is loving my dress.
She got good taste.

- Yes, she's serving
bluefin tuna.

- ♪ Now sissy that walk ♪

- Next up, courtney act.

- L.g.d.,
Little gold dress.

- Charlie said I need to
report to the main stage.


- I decided to go with the
quintessential courtney look.

It's glamorous.
It's sexy.

I'm giving perfect
polished courtney.

- Eat your heart out,
miranda lambert.


Now let's take a dip

In one of america's
great lakes...darienne.

Devil in a blue dress.

- Shake your shimmy, sister.

- I am serving
high drag diva.

I'm feeling gorgeous.
I'm feeling sexy.

This is my absolute
best, best drag.

Darienne lake...
On the fringe.

- ♪ Now sissy that walk ♪

- Coming up, it's time
for the judges' final critique.

And one of you
will be going home.

[Ru paul laughing]

- Welcome, ladies.

It's time for the judges'
final critique.

First up, adore.

- I think this is a flattering
dress for your shape.

I think your face
looks really beautiful.

The hair tonight--

I almost thought you were
wearing a headband

When you came out here.

- The solo dancing,
that was really good.

You put adore into it,
which I enjoyed.

Believe it or not,
acting two was my favorite.

I was in a novella
with you,

But it was good acting.
You sold me on it.

- Thank you, adore.
- Thank you, ru.

- Next up, blame it
on bianca del rio.

- Tonight this color
is beautiful on you.

- Thanks.
- As a group,

You and courtney act together
really were in sync,

And it looked great.

- Solo I thought you did
a good job as well.

It's fun to see you
in a sexy light.

- For your ingenue,
your expressions were so funny.

- And the improv
was phenomenal.

It bears repeating.
It was very funny.

- Next up, courtney act.

Tonight, you look flawless.

I don't think
I'd change a thing.


Yeah, really,
just very, very happy.

- You should be on the cover
of "playboy" magazine.

You should have
your own spread.

- Let's do it.
- As the ingenue,

The slaps were really funny.
You went there.

As sissy with charles,

The props,
like the glasses,

They kind of distracted
from your face.

- Group choreography--
you nailed it.

- Loved the wide sh*ts,

But the close-ups seems
so frenetic and kind of, uh...

Too much.

- All right. Up next,
darienne lake.

- Tonight is just
classic darienne,

And it's so,
so beautiful.

- Your lip-syncing
is so major

In your piece
as the ingenue,

I could watch that
on repeat for hours.

I thought
that was so funny.

- And then all of a sudden,
that second acting challenge

Was kind of like this,

You didn't really get it going
till the end.

But then when you did
get it going,

You kept it going.

That was
the magical part.

- All right.
Thanks, darienne.

Ladies, final question--

Why should you
and not your competitors

Be crowned america's
next drag superstar?'

Let's start with adore.

- These girls up here
are all stars,

But I'm really sorry
about it.

I'm america's next
drag superstar.

I feel like I'm relatable.
I'm approachable.

And with this title,
I will be very proud

To carry on the legacy

And teach all the little
mermaids of the world.

I just really, really
want to make you proud.

I'm already a winner,

But the crown really would
complete this whole look

And everything.

And I love you guys.
Thank you.

- Thank you, adore.

Bianca del rio.

- There's an old saying
that you can't teach

An old dog new tricks.

For me, it wasn't going
through the competition

With an adolescent charm,
going through it

With a fabulous body
and beauty,

Or going through it
with great lip-sync talents.

I had dresses, I had hair,
and a guard.

I have built up
this wall,

And this experience
has changed me,

And I didn't expect it
to be this magical

Or this inspiring,
but it is.

I went through
a self-discovery,

Accepting that I'm not
such a bad bitch,

And I thank
all of you personally

From the bottom
of my chilly little heart


- Thank you, bianca.

Next up, courtney act,
same question.

- In australia,
I'm australia's drag superstar.

And I've had so many wonderful
opportunities there

To have a lot of good moments
and a lot of bad moments

And learn from
all of that.

And I sort of came
to america

As like a polished product,

And I feel that
I can take this

And I can make
the most out of it.

You say this is
the olympics of drag,

And I want to take
that olympic torch,

And I want to keep
running with it,

And I want to be america's
next drag superstar.

- Thank you, courtney.

- Thank you.

- Darienne lake.

- I'm gonna give you
more queen per pound.

There is no
comparing me to others.

Adore, sometimes
you get a little rattled.

Bianca, I could teach you

Maybe a little thing
about sensitivity.

what a sexy dish,

But this dish
needs a little salt.

You have seen
my talents.

I will make everyone
who is sitting there

Thinking that
they're not good enough,

That if this old
bitter queen can do it,

Anybody can do it.
Thank you.

- Thank you, darienne.

Well, thank you,
my queens.

I think
we've heard enough.

While you unwind
in the untucked lounge,

The judges and I
will deliberate.

All right, just between
us squirrels,

What did we think?
Let's start with adore.

Adore is 23 years old, and her
speech on the main stage

Spoke like someone
who's 23 years old.

- I really feel like
she was speaking from the heart,

And she got
her point across.

- Adore's acting
was so well done,

I felt like it was
a real scene.

- She's a performer.
Adore is definitely a superstar.

- She likes the sort of
trashy-girl aesthetic.

- But she's just
so damn charming

That no matter
what she does,

I can't take my eyes
off of her.

- Let's talk about
bianca del rio.

- Her ingenue was funny,

And she brings her intelligence
to the game.

- It bears repeating.
- It's hilarious.

- To me, bianca comes off
as using comedy as a wall.

Her shtick is, "cold as ice,
my heart is black."

- Yeah, her humor can be
a little abrasive and dangerous.

Is that the best choice
for the brand?

- But that speech that she made
was pretty amazing.

It's interesting just seeing
her vulnerability,

And she had no problem
helping the other girls

Back in the work room

Because she wasn't
threatened by them.

- No.

- I would have liked
to have had

More variety in
her runway looks, though.

- Let's move on
to courtney act.

- It's obvious
the camera loves her.

- Yes. She has a presence.
She's beautiful.

- Her acting two challenge
was interesting.

She had all the shtick
with the straw in her hair,

The glasses cockeyed.

- Nothing was subtle
about that performance.

- But she did allude
to the fact

That she doesn't speak with
an australian accent anymore.

- Which I appreciated.
- It's super funny.

- Now let's talk about
her speech on the main stage.

- She's australia's
version of ru paul.

- Right. That's not
strong enough for me.

I wanted her
to move me.

- I don't get mad
when people talk like that,

from courtney act,

Who I think is
an immense talent

And who has consistently brought
amazing looks to the runway.

- Let's move on
to darienne lake.

- The second acting challenge,
when she started to break down,

Then I got sucked in.

- Her delivery was
just hilarious, just so funny.

- And it even made charles
come back in and get her.

- In the sissy-ography,

Darienne lake got down
with the get-down.

- She's a fierce lip-syncer.
- She is.

- You know, all about
selling face constantly.

- In fact, she won
the "scream queen" challenge

Just because of her head.

- I've won lots of stuff
with my head.

- Silence!

Bring back my girls.

[Ru paul laughing]

- Welcome back, ladies.

Now, before I can decide
who makes it to the top three,

I need to see each of you
lip-sync for your life.

Four queens
stand before me.

Ladies, this is your last
chance to impress me

And save yourself
from elimination.

The time has come...

For you to lip-sync
for your life.

- All four of us
have to lip-sync,

And we're competing
against each other.

This is like
a lip-sync death match.

- Good luck,
and don't f*ck it up.

[Music playing]

- ♪ Pick myself up,
turn the world on its head ♪

♪ Don't forget what--
don't forget what my mama said ♪

♪ People talkin'
since the beginning of time ♪

♪ Unless they're
paying your bills ♪

♪ Pay them b*tches
no mind ♪

- I've been training
for this moment my entire life.

It's kind of odd
being australian

And being crowned america's
next drag superstar.

But that's what
america is all about.

It's the great
american dream.

- ♪ I'm on my way,
I'm on my way ♪

♪ Fly, fly, fly, fly,
uh-oh, uh-oh ♪

- I have been
on the bottom,

But it's not how many times
you get kicked down,

It's how many times
you continue to get back up.

- I'm out there
for the big girls.

I am a fighter.

- ♪ Now sissy that walk ♪

- I think the reason why I'm
america's next drag superstar

Is because I'm a good

Of the new girls within
the drag community.

I have so much heart.
I have so much drive and fire.

I want people to know
that you can follow your dreams

And have a party
while doing it.

♪ ...is on fire,
now kiss the flame ♪

- I should be america's
next drag superstar

Because I've paid my dues
and shown myself

In this competition.

- I came, worked,
I conquered.

And I'd like to share it
with the rest of the world.

- ♪ Fly, fly, fly,
fly, fly ♪

♪ Uh-oh ♪

♪ Now sissy that walk ♪

- Ha ha ha!


Ladies, you have not
made it easy for me.

But I've made
my decision.

Darienne lake...

I'm sorry, my dear,

But you will not be moving on
to the top three.

- You know, I'm leaving here
without the crown

But not empty-handed.

I have seriously grown,

And I have made friends
for a season,

A reason,
or a lifetime.

Thank you.

You are one resilient
and gorgeous glamazon.

It's time for everybody

To jump into the refreshing,
unforgettable waters

Of darienne lake.

Now...sashay away.

- And I will leave
like a true diva.

Get out of my way.

I've come this far,

And to get so close,
it's like "the wizard of oz"--

You get there,
you've had to k*ll a witch,

Or a couple of them,

And you get nothing
at the end.

- I present to the world
my final three.

All season long,
I've consulted with the judges,

And now I want to hear
from you, the fans.

Who do you think should be
america's next drag superstar?

Are you team adore,

Team bianca,

Or team courtney?

Using hashtag dragrace.

Then keep
the conversation going

On the "ru paul's drag race"
facebook page

Using hashtag dragrace.

Let your voice
be heard.

But remember,
the final decision

Is hashtag mine to make.

Next week, tune in
for the debut

Of the music video
"sissy that walk."

And the following week,
the winner will be crowned

On "ru paul's drag race

Now, if you can't
love yourself,

How in the hell are you
gonna love somebody else?

Can I get
an amen in here?

- Amen!

- All right.
Now let the music play.

[Theme music playing]

♪ I want to dance, dance ♪

♪ I want to
dance, dance ♪

♪ I want to dance, dance ♪

♪ Dance ♪
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