09x12 - Category Is

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "RuPaul's Drag Race". Aired: February 2, 2009 – present.*
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RuPaul plays the role of host, mentor, and head judge for this series, as contestants are given different challenges each week.
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09x12 - Category Is

Post by bunniefuu »

[RuPaul] Previously on
RuPaul's Drag Race ...

We're throwing
the gayest ball ever!

[Alexis] I think
that the dance element

is not your comfort zone.

To be honest,
I was not being listened to.

I don't think you stood up
as a leader, though.

You sort of
explicitly trust Shea.

Actually, no.
I felt like Shea

was stepping on my toes
a little bit.

[Shea] It ain't RuPaul's
Best Friend Race no more.

[RuPaul] Peppermint.
[Michelle] Your unicorn,

it was fun, but there was
a little bagginess

going on
in the crotch-al area.

[RuPaul] Alexis Michelle.

I feel if we take
the bow out of your head,

I can get that outfit
at Ricky's.

[RuPaul] Shea Coulee.

It's like
a street style model off duty

meets couture.

I hope we share
the same size.

You're the winner
of this week's challenge.


shantay you stay.

Alexis Michelle,
sashay away.



[Sasha] Our heart is broken
for our sister.

Alexis really wanted to make it
to the top of this competition.

Unfortunately, I feel like
this was her time.

[Peppermint] "Wishes come true,
not free.

You're my sisters always."

Alexis, we love you.

-We love you so much, girl.
-We love you, sis.

It feels bad
coming in the top four

just having lip synched
for my life.

So whatever
the next challenge is,

I need to rock
the shit out of it.

to Ms. Shea Coulee!

I won four challenges now,

so come on, Mama Ru.

Hand it on over.

I will say I thought
this was gonna be my week

'cause I actually did have
a rainbow look.

[all laugh]

[cough cough]

Shea might have won
this challenge,

but I will get that crown.

We are the top four.

[Trinity] Four!
[Peppermint]All right!

Can I just say
this is the top four

that I really wished for?

[Trinity] Bitch, please.

Don't get me wrong.

I love these other girls,

but I want to make it
in the top three.

Somebody needs to go.
It ain't me.

Enough talking about it.
Let's get done, honey.

These girls are major

and all of us
are hungry for that crown,

so I may have to resort
to other means.

I don't know what that means.

That sounds shady.

[producer] It did sound a little,
Tonya Harding.

It did.

[car engine starts]

[RuPaul] The winner of
RuPaul's Drag Race

receives a one-year supply

of Anastasia Beverly Hills

and cash prize of $100,000.

♪ RuPaul's Drag Race ♪

♪ May the best woman ♪

♪ Best woman win ♪

♪ La-la, la-la ♪


We're skipping,
we're skipping,

we're skipping, we're skipping,
we're skipping.

Looks like we have
a sickening top four.

I'm really excited about it.

[Sasha] How do you all feel

going into
this final challenge?

-Yeah, me, too.

Can we all do Peppermint's
scream together?

-One, two, three.

[all scream]


Hello, hello, hello.



Final Four.

[cheers and applause]

This is your last chance
to prove to RuPaul

that you're
top three material.

To help you stretch
your charisma, uniqueness,

nerve and talent,

you'll be working with
the incredible Todrick Hall.

[gasps and cheers]

He's back.


And he's not
p*ssy-footing around.

First, each of you
needs to write and record

an original verse for
the sickening Season 9 remix

of RuPaul's Category Is.

[cheers and laughter]

Then you'll put on
your dancing shoes

and learn
some k*ller choreography.


And tomorrow
on the main stage

you'll be making
your all-singing,

Category Is world debut.


But you'll have
one more shot

to really impress Mama Ru

when you guest on her
critically-acclaimed podcast,

RuPaul, What's The Tee?
with Michelle Visage.



Get it?
R-U? Ru.


Yeah. As we've seen
this season,

anything can happen,
so don't f*ck it up.



-Has anyone done this before?

I actually have
an album out on iTunes.


What are you ladies
thinking of doing?

Singing or rapping
or, like, spoken word?

I think I'm gonna rap.

Mine is definitely
spoken word.

I don't know how to rap.


Well, I can't sing,

so I don't really know
what you're gonna call this.

Barnyard noises?


No, ma'am.
Don't try it, bitch.


We have to rap,
dance, write.

Trinity can't do
any of those things.

you in danger, girl.

Well, ladies, wish me luck.

-Good luck.
-Good luck, darling.

Good luck, girl.

-Hi, Shea.
-Hey, Todrick.

So it's time for me
to record my verse

to Ru's single Category Is
with Todrick Hall .

This is Vjuan Allure.

-Vjuan Allure, hi.
-He is Ru's producer.

He actually produced the track
to Category Is.


This is the real deal.

People will be hearing
this shit.

I have to nail this.

Okay, let's hear
what you got.

♪ 'Cause I want it,
I get it ♪

♪ And, girl,
I'm ready to show 'em ♪

♪ How these b*tches,
I own 'em, I got-- Mm.

One more time.

Just take a deep breath

and make sure you get
every single word in.

I wrote
some really fast lyrics,

you know, a la Twista.

Like, I'm trying to spit
that shit like so fast

so that they know that,
hey, this girl got game.

♪ 'Cause I want it, I get it,
and came up here and did it ♪

♪ And girl,
I'm ready to show 'em ♪

♪ How these b*tches,
I own them, you got that? ♪

♪ Supermodel switch ♪

Okay, cut.

Just try
to get me more diction.

-Okay, I'll eat it up.
-All right, play the track.

♪ Come on, Mama Ru,
give the queen her crown ♪

♪ I approve this message
and all I'm gonna say ♪

♪ Is I'm Shea Coulee
and I always ♪


I got chills.

You're just a bad ass bitch.


-Hello, ladies.
-[Michelle] Hi, Peppermint.

I used to watch
The RuPaul Show

with Michelle and Ru,

and here I am a guest
on their podcast.

It's a dream come true.

You made it all the way
to top four?


But, you know, for us,
we see the girls year after year

and I think
the biggest challenge

is for them to get past
their conception of themselves.

-Have you been able to do that?

Before the competition,

I really had a hard time

kind of my day life
and my night life.

Because I know that you have
revealed that you are trans.

You're a trans woman.

Is that what
we're talking about?

-Is that what--

I mean, a really well known
and respected queen

back in New York said,
"Oh," you know,

"Are you transitioning?

'Cause if you are,
I'll support you."

But then
she immediately said,

"But you know
you'll never work

in the gay community again
as a drag queen."

But that's not true.

I see that now, but that
scared the shit out of me.

-For how long?

-Until a couple weeks ago.

I still worked and I still
continued my transition,

but it made me kind of push them
to opposite ends of the room.

You don't ever need to be
one or another.

Nobody has to put anybody
in any kind of a box.

I definitely didn't think
being a drag queen

and a transwoman
would ever mix.

And now,
after this experience,

I know that those two things
can coexist

if that's who you are,

and that's who I am.

Thank you so much, Peppermint,
for being so honest.

You is a marvel.


I'm ready to hear
what you got.

-Play back.

♪ My name is Trinity
and can't you see ♪

♪ I've got a lot
of plastic parts up in me ♪

♪ The talent I've got
you just can't replace ♪

♪ Even with injectables
in your face ♪

-♪ The time has come-- ♪
-Let's pause.

Let's cut the track.

Yeah, take that off, honey,
get comfortable

'cause we got
a lot of work to do.

All right.

The performance quality
that needs to be,

you're at like 35%.


I've got to push more.

♪ I've got a lot
of plastic parts up in me ♪

♪ The talent I've got
you just can't replace ♪

♪ Even with injectables
in your face ♪

Okay, cut the track.

I don't think that you need
to take the note

as that you need to yell
into the microphone.

Relax and just be funny.

Let's do it again.

♪ Crowns and gowns
and tiny thongs, too ♪

♪ Other b*tches wishin',
but you ain't me, boo ♪

♪ The talent I got-- ♪
Oh, I just--

-Let's go again.
-Was I off?

You were off, yeah.
Just tap your foot

and get that rhythm
on fleek, okay?

Right. Okay, all right.

♪ But you blame me, boo,
the talent I've got ♪


You're saying "the talent
I've got, honey,"

-in that line, so...

-Gotta show.
-Yeah, show us.

Show us that you got it.

♪ I've got a lot
of plastic parts up in me ♪

♪ Crowns and gowns
and tiny thong, toos ♪

You [mumbles]
ain't me, but...

I am freaking out.

I have to get it together

or all this work
is gonna be for nothing.

[RuPaul] Oh, my God,
look who's here.

-Hello, you beautiful legends.

It's time to do
the What's The Tee? podcast

with Ru and Michelle.
I'm really excited

to get to spend some time
hanging out with them.

When you look at yourself
in this competition,

what were your missteps?

The biggest was
how I tackled 9021-Ho.

I thought I could
think my way into humor.

[RuPaul] Hmm.

But turns out,
that doesn't work so well.


And what about
in life in general?

I think a lot about
my relationship with my mom.

She passed away last year,
and I feel like

there were a lot of missed
opportunities for us to connect.

I'm not sure
she ever really got to see

the type of drag
that I believe in.

But she knew you did drag.

She knew I did drag, but
I could have shared it with her.

-Included her.
-[Sasha] Yeah.

My mom was always
a little bit unsure

about why I was doing drag

because she didn't see
how it could be a career.

But she was interested.

Especially in the last
couple months of her life,

she wanted nothing more

than to see what direction
my life was going to take,

and I didn't really open up.

I think all the time about
how it must have felt for her

feeling like she was going
to miss out on so much.

That loss made me realize
the importance of opening up.

My dad has fallen in love
with drag.

Papa Velour.

-Papa Velour.
-Papa Velour.

That's what people
always call him.

[all laugh]

Well, thank you,
Sasha Velour,

and give my love
to your father.

I will.

-But before you go...

-We have a parting gift.

What is it?

[RuPaul] Today's podcast
is sponsored by Squatty Potty.

Best poop of your life,

-[Sasha] Thank you so much.

You know, I'll write a whole
philosophy piece about it.

[all laugh]

Hey, Todrick.

-How you doin'?
-I'm doin' good, baby.

-We're twinning.


I love to sing,

I love to rap,
and I love to perform,

and that's exactly
what this challenge is.

I'm gonna win.

Let's just dive in.

♪ Sugary sweet
confection ♪

♪ Spicy, red-hot,
chocolaty ♪

♪ I'm minty fresh-- ♪


[Todrick] Let's do it,

'cause there's nothing worse
than messing up a lip synch,

than messing a lip synch
that you wrote.


♪ Sugary sweet confection ♪

♪ Bad for your teeth,
spicy, red-hot, chocolaty ♪

♪ I'm minty fresh,
but it ain't for free ♪

Cut the track.
Whatever you're doing right now,

take that and run with it,

'cause that is, like,
your personality.

♪ Classy, but I can still
take to the street ♪

♪ So you know you better
never try to come for me ♪

I love it.
That's it.


How are you guys?

Hi, Shea.

Shake a leg, Shea Coulee.

Now, somebody told me you
were teased a lot as a kid.

Yes. Where we lived was
a mostly white neighborhood,

and so I was teased

because I was the only
black kid, you know.

They'd call me Blackie.

And then
I would go to church

and then they would
make fun of me

because they said
I spoke too white.

So I really didn't feel like
I belonged much of anywhere.

And it really took
doing drag

to become stronger
and more confident.

It's my armor.

When you went
to this church,

did you get into
the spirit of the Lord?

Oh, girl, yeah.

I used to shout
and I used to buck and jive

and throw it all around.

-Did you speak in tongues?
-[Shea] Oh, yes.

Boon shaka-la-la-la,
halla-la-la-la, halla-la-la-la.

[all laugh]

So it's shah la-la...


-Boom-boom kah.

Kah-kah-kah, kah-kah-kah,
kah-kah-kah, kah.


I'm familiar
with that one.

I know that one.
That was at my church.

-Yeah. [laughs]
-[RuPaul] I love it.

-Hey, listen,

we actually
have a parting gift for you.

It's going to be
your very own--

Oh, my God, shut up!

-[RuPaul] Yes.
-The Squatty--

[Rupaul] Yes!
[Michelle] Yes!

-Oh, my goodness.
-That's for you.

Poop in good health.
[Shea] Thank you, guys.

[RuPaul] Bye-ee.

-[Michelle] Bye.

That bitch knew
what Squatty Potty was.

Hell, yes.
Squatty Potty ain't no joke.

I love it.

♪ A thinking queen
speaks to the heart ♪

♪ She's stranger than fiction,
better than art ♪

♪ I'm-- [chuckles]
I'm more true than real ♪

♪ I'm a magical bitch,
darling ♪

♪ That's how I feel ♪

Okay. I am just
gonna be real with you.

I'm not
all the way sold on this.

For somebody who's coming up

for the finale
of RuPaul's Drag Race,

it just doesn't
seem powerful.

You're a drag queen.
You know what I mean?

I feel like it needs to be--

But I'm this kind
of drag queen, Todrick.

I'm not saying you need to be,
like, popping your tongue

and giving us
Alyssa Edwards,

but right now,
it just sounds like

you're saying lines
into a voicemail.

Oh, God.

It's important
to show Todrick

I can be a star
and still be myself.

Play the track.

♪ Bright-eyed
and bushy-browed ♪

♪ Be the strange you wish
to see in the world ♪

♪ Sasha Velour
relies on brains ♪

♪ Beauty be damned,
let monsters reign ♪

♪ I'm a magical bitch,
darling ♪

♪ That's how I feel ♪

How'd you feel about that?

You were right.


Now, you're from
Birmingham, Alabama,

and you were raised
by your grandparents.

I was.

What do they think
about you as a showgirl?

I never told
my grandfather,

although I think he probably
found a couple of wigs

under a towel once
and didn't say nothing.

-[RuPaul] Uh-huh, uh-huh.

[Trinity] Now, my grandmother,

she had a really hard time
with me being gay.

And towards the end
we had a big falling out,

even though
I was taking care of her.

Was the falling out
over your h*m*?

-It was.
-[Michelle] Or the drag?

It was over me being gay.

We got into a really big fight
before she passed,

and I told her
that I hated her.

I didn't mean that,

but it's something that
haunts me, like, still today.

Like, I just wish that
wouldn't have been, like,

one of the last things
I told her.


I don't know.
I just...

There's a lot about
the last few months of her life

that I just don't
have closure with.

Like, I just--

I wish there would have
been more conversations.

I wish there
would have been more time.

I can't go back
and be, like,

I'm sorry that I said that
'cause she's not here.

Yeah. My guess
is that if she were here,

she would forgive you.

I hope so.

[RuPaul] No, she would
definitely forgive you.

She would say,
I am so proud of my baby.

She sounded
just like that.


I didn't want her
to ever think

that I really didn't love her,
because I do.

She was the best parent
I could have ever had.

There are my queens.

How y'all doin'?
[All] Hey.

Good work earlier today,
but the challenge

is just about to really
get started right now.

It's time to learn
your choreography

for the performance

My goal is to challenge
every single person

based on
their own skill set.

I really want to push them

because that's what
this competition is about.

Let's go, Peppermint.
You ready?

All right, baby,
I'm ready.

So I want to see
if you can sit like this

so they can go like that.

This performance
determines the top three.

I cannot afford
to drop the ball on this one.

-Bring it to the runway.
-Two, three.

Cut, cut, cut.

Let's do this.

Let's try that
from the top.

Five, six, seven, walk.

Bring Keith.

Put her down.

Left, right, left.
Right, left.

Awesome. Cool.

Next up, Sasha.

Okay, can you just
do fast walks?

Gah-gah-gah, gah-gah-gah,
gah-gah-gah, boom.

And then, walk, walk,

five, six, seven, fall.

-[Todrick] Can we try it?


What is Todrick thinking?

Sasha can't dance.

One, two, three, four.

Down, down, turn,
six, seven.

Oh, my gosh.

-I'm Scared.
-Me too.

Dun-dun-dun, dun-dun-dun,
dun-dun-dun, boom.

This should be fast.

Gah-gah-gah, gah-gah-gah,
gah-gah-gah, boom.

I'll do my best.

Let's go back.
Five, six, seven, eight.

I'm really--I'm honestly
trying my best.

I want to nail it,

but I just maybe won't get it,
like, immediately.

But do you feel confident
that you can do this on stage?

I do feel confident.

Because if you don't,
you should tell me now.

I feel like I can do it,

but it is a huge challenge
that I want to rise to.

I like to hear that.

Girl. Sasha is up there
looking like she's shook.

[Todrick] All right.
Let's move on to Trinity.

We're rehearsing
our choreography

for our main stage

of Category Is
with Todrick Hall.

You ready?

I mean,
I'm gonna have to be.


I am extremely nervous.

So can you go, what category
are we on right now?

What category are we on
ri--oh, wait, wait.

Yeah, it's in a--okay, so.

-What category--
-What category are we--

What category
are we on right now?

What category
are we on right now?

What dance move
is coming next?

What category
are we on right now?

Okay. I can get it,
but it's gonna take practice.

[Todrick] The problem
with Trinity

is that her rhythm game
is a little delayed.

I feel like I'm always
watching her on Skype.

Let's try it with music.

Oh, my gosh. Okay.

Five, six,
bring it, Trinity.

Mayday, Mayday, Mayday,
Mayday, Mayday!

I may not have it right now,
but I promise I will have it.

But people
have said that before.

If I can't do it, that means,
well, girl, I can't dance.

Then you might not
be in the top three.

I deserve
to make top three.

I've worked my ass off
for this.

I've got to figure this out.

Shea Coulee, you ready?

Mm-hmm. Yeah.

What is this giggle about?

You're throwing some real
shit out today.

[both laugh]

[Todrick] Well, this is
Season 9, we got to step it up.

And I'm gonna bring it
real hard for you

because I know you dance
all the time.

-[Todrick] Okay?

Can you do,
like, a pirouette?

-A double pirouette?

-A triple pirouette?

-I could try.
-Let's see it.

Work, bitch, okay.

One, two, three, four,

five, six, seven, eight.

-How'd you do?
-I did well.

[Trinity] She did it. Damn it.

Shea is gonna continue
to slay the judges.

Yay for Shea.

Five, six, seven, eight.

[Trinity] Bitch.

Like, I'm gonna have to do
some showgirl shit.

Throw some pearls down

so she can, like, fall
and bust her face.

-All right.

[Todrick] Great job.

[RuPaul laughs]

♪ Cover girl,
put the bass in your walk ♪

♪ Head to toe
let your whole body talk ♪

And what?

Welcome to the main stage
of RuPaul's Drag Race.

Tonight, it's just family.

This week,
we challenged our queens

to prove they are
top three material.

And now they're ready
to kick things off

with the world debut
of Category Is

with original material
by the recording sensations

Peppermint, Sasha, Shea
and Trinity.

Or as I like to call them,

Seduction 2,
Electric Boogaloo .

[all laugh]

start your engines,

and may the best woman win.

[RuPaul] Category is,
bring it to the runway.

Category is stars,
statements and legends.

10s, 10s, 10s
across the board.

Deejay, start the music.
Category is...

♪ Sugary sweet
confection ♪

♪ Bad for your teeth,
spicy, red-hot, chocolaty ♪

♪ I'm minty fresh,
but it ain't for free ♪

♪ Legendary queen
from NYC ♪

♪ Sassy, never shady ♪

♪ Classy, but I can still
take it to the street ♪

♪ So you know you better
never try to come for me ♪

♪ Season 9 out the gate ♪

♪ Finish line,
no time to wait ♪

♪ 10 queens down,
only three to go ♪

♪ I'm laying b*tches out
like dominoes ♪

♪ Sasha be first,
Shea turns looks ♪

♪ Trinity crazy,
but off the hook ♪

♪ But the number one queen
is P-E-P-P-E-R ♪

♪ Bitch,
you know the rest ♪

♪ Take it to the runway ♪

♪ Run-run-r-r-runway ♪

♪ Bring it to the runway,
bring it to the runway ♪

♪ Bring it to the--
bring it to the-- ♪

♪ Bring it to the runway ♪
Category is...

♪ Bright-eyed
and bushy-browed ♪

♪ Be the strange you wish
to see in the world ♪

♪ Sasha Velour
relies on brains ♪

♪ Beauty be damned,
let monsters reign ♪

♪ If you want to join
the revolution ♪

♪ Innovate,
that's my solution ♪

♪ Wear a crown,
f*ck with gender ♪

♪ Bend the rules,
don't surrender ♪

♪ A thinking queen
speaks to the heart ♪

♪ She's stranger than fiction,
better than art ♪

♪ I'm--I'm more true
than real ♪

♪ I'm a magical bitch,
darling ♪

♪ That's how I feel ♪


[all laugh]

Dah-dah-dah, dah-dah-dah,
dah-dah-dah, dah-dah-dah,

dah-dah-dah, dah-dah-dah,
dah-dah-dah, dah-dah-dah,

-dah-dah-dah, pom.
-Category is...

♪ I'm Trintastic, plastic,
injectable realness ♪

♪ The body is here ♪

♪ I'm the mother tuck girl,
what can I say? ♪

♪ There can only be one,
and I'm feeling the fantasy ♪

♪ My name is Trinity
and can't you see ♪

♪ I've got a lot
of plastic parts up in me ♪

♪ Crowns and gowns
and tiny thongs, too ♪

♪ Other b*tches wishin',
but you ain't me, boo ♪

♪ The talent I've got
you just can't replace ♪

♪ Even with injectables
in your face ♪

♪ The time has come
for 100 Gs ♪

♪ You think
you're gonna beat me? ♪

♪ Girl, please ♪

What category
are we on right now?

What category
are we on right now?

What category
are we on right now?

Wh-wh-wh-what category?

Bring it.
Category is...

♪ Shea Coulee, look at
the edges I snatched today ♪

♪ I see you watching
how I sashay ♪

♪ Them other girls
best get out of my way ♪

♪ 'Cause I want it, I get it,
and came up here and did it ♪

♪ And girl,
I'm ready to show them ♪

♪ How these b*tches,
I own them, got that? ♪

♪ Supermodel switch,
Ms. Coulee ♪

♪ She a real,
real bad bitch--uh ♪

♪ Let me rock this mic ♪

♪ Leave them in my dust
like Tina did Ike ♪

♪ I'm sickening though and
real fierce ♪

♪ Chicago in the house, girl,
whatcha gonna do? ♪

♪ About to
shut it down ♪

♪ Come on, Mama Ru,
bring the queen her crown ♪

♪ I approve this message,
and all I'm gonna say ♪

♪ Is I'm Shea Coulee
and I always... ♪

Bring it
to the runway, runway.


Bring it to the runway.
Oh, work.


Bring it to the runway.
Bring it to the runway.

Bring it to the--
bring it to the--

bring it to the runway

Bring it to the runway.


Bring it to the runway.
Bring it to the runway.

Bring it to the--
bring it to the--

bring it to the runway

[RuPaul] Oh, my goodness.


This is the best season of
Dancing with the Stars ever.

[all laugh]

Category is...

Final Four
Eleganza Extravaganza.

First up, Peppermint.

Well, I declare.

[Michelle] The first lady
of drag.

[Peppermint] I am giving you

ultimate 18th century

I look gorgeous.

Hell, we can cancel
the whole thing

and just give me the crown
right now.

[RuPaul] As God is my witness...
[Michelle] Mm.

I will never walk
this runway again.

[RuPaul] Sasha Velour.

[Michelle] Crown never felt
this good.

[Carson] Yes.

[RuPaul] Well, I think
she's blooming gorgeous.


[Sasha] This is my
pretty in pink,

but it has a distinct
Velourian twist.

There is a crown,
leather gloves.

I'm angry and ferocious
and beautiful

and everything at once
that defines me.

[RuPaul] I own 51%
of this kingdom.

[Michelle laughs]

[Carson] Now I'm going
to wash the dishes.

Leave me alone.

[RuPaul] Voulez, Shea Coulee,
avec moi.

Bustier, you slay.

[Shea] My look is Balmain
meets Bob Mackie meets Beyonce.

It's something
that you would see

at Madison Square Garden,

and I don't doubt that
your girl can make it there.

[Ross] It's like Beyonce
and a smurf had a baby.

[Michelle] Smurf-once.
[all laugh]

[RuPaul] Now, I love this look,
but--and it's a big butt.

[all laugh]

[RuPaul] Trinity Taylor.

[Carson] Oh, I hate when
I fall asleep on the bus.

You know?
[all laugh]

[Trinity] Going through
this competition,

I've claimed
to be a pageant girl,

and yet to give
a sickening pageant gown.

So I am giving them

every ounce of Trinity Taylor
glamour-puss as I can.

[RuPaul] Oh, and she's back
on the chain g*ng.

[Michelle] Yes, she is.

Back chains?

That way.

Welcome, my gorgeous,
gorgeous girls.

This show is like a GPS system
for many of our young viewers

as they try to navigate
their lives,

which is why I think
it's so important

to ask you this question.


Peppermint, you've provided us
with a childhood photo.

If you could turn back time,

what words of wisdom
would you share

with your
four-year-old self?

you hear from other people,

everything you feel...

everything you feel
on the inside is right.

And please...[sobs]

don't wait.

Don't wait to express it.

Don't wait to express it,

because the moment
you realize that,

everyone else will.

That's beautiful.
Thank you.

Sasha Velour,
this is you at five years old.

Now, if you could
turn back time,

what words of wisdom would you
share with little Alexander?

Little Sashinka,

you think a lot of negative
things about yourself:

that you are strange-looking,
too fem, weird.

And I want to tell you

that those things
are all completely true.

[all laugh]

And you need to
stop running from them

because those are the things
that make you amazing.

And one more thing.

Be good to your mother,

because there is less time
than you would want,

and she deserves

to see the beautiful queen
that you are.

I'd like to think she's
watching you right now.

Thank you, Sasha.

Shea Coulee.


This is you
at three years old.

What words of wisdom would
you share with little Jaren?

Get your head out of the TV
for a second

'cause I want to tell you
you are loved.

And there are some things
that you are going to experience

that I wish that
I could protect you from,

but those hardships
make you into the individual

that's standing here today.

And I want to thank you.

Even when I didn't think
that we could do it, you did.

And I'm so proud of us.

Thank you, Shea.

Thank you.

Trinity Taylor.

[all laugh]

This is you
at eight years old.

What words of wisdom would
you share with little Ryan?

As you get older,

things are gonna get
really bad for you.


You're gonna go through a lot
of hardships with your family,

and people are gonna die
and they're gonna get sick.

But you're gonna find
something very special

that changes your life,
and that is drag.

Know that all the things that
you've been through in life

are gonna make you
into a very strong person.

Thank you.

Ladies, it's time for
your Final Four critique,

starting with Peppermint.

When there are hot young guys
in harnesses dancing,

I get distracted.

Look, a bird, abs, yay.

But you kept the focus
the entire time.

The lyrics were hilarious,
were uniquely you.

You have all the goods,
and you delivered.

[Carson] I think on
this journey,

as the competition went on,

I feel like you've become
more and more of yourself.

And thank you for always
coming out with charisma

and making us all smile.

What, she gets no uniqueness,
nerve and talent?

I might be
spelling a word here.

[all laugh]

Up next, Sasha Velour.

We're gonna give you

that is what you are.

And tonight,
from the start of, like,

the Vincent Price
"Thriller" moment

to your lip synch
and choreography,

it was so Sasha.

Throughout your journey,

your runway looks
have been genius,

artistic fashion moments.

You're always innovative.

And you managed
to be consistently you

and flexible enough
to succeed in this competition.

I've been impressed
the entire time.

Up next, Shea Coulee.

it do take nerve, honey.

Whether it's Grandrea
Zuckerwoman or Blac Chyna,

you always went
all the way with it,

and tonight
was no exception.

Your performance
felt the most cool.

You really captured what's
happening in music right now.

And this look,
you're kind of giving us

that, like, Beyonce glamour.

And you have
a sense of humor.

I think
that's a great package,

one that's really
hard to beat.

Up next, Trinity Taylor.

My good, gay gods.

Trinity, this is
my favorite look

you've ever turned tonight.

Thank you.

And who knew
that Trinity was funny?

The mom in "9021-Ho,"
it was genius.

The nun was unbelievable.

Sister Mary Koont,
I loved it.

Talent, the T,

that's what
I'm giving you, Trinity,

because you have done things
in this competition talent wise

you didn't know
you had in you.

I'm finally
figuring this out.


Yes! Thank you.

I'd like to buy a vowel,
Michelle Visage.

I told you I had a plan.

[all laugh]

One final question.

Why should you and not
one of your fellow queens

be crowned America's
next drag superstar?

Starting with Peppermint.

I'd like to take a page
from our drag foremothers

way back at Stonewall

and spread a message
of love and light.

I think we have to connect
with our community

and people outside of what
we would consider our community.

As America's
next drag superstar,

it will be important
for me to do that.

Thank you.

Thank you, Ru.

Sasha Velour,
same question.

The future of drag,

to stand up and carry on
your legacy, Ru,

we have to be able
to do something new.

The new thing
is going to seem

a little strange
and a little weird,

and the new thing is definitely
gonna walk in with a scream,

and that is me.

Thank you, Sasha.
Shea Coulee.

I committed.
I gave 110%.

And even though I stumbled,

more than
any of my competitors,

I succeeded the most.

That is the making
of a superstar.

I would want
to carry on your legacy

and be America's
next drag superstar.

Thank you, Shea.

Trinity Taylor.

Out of every contestant,
I've grown the most

not just as an entertainer,
but as a person.

I may have had some downs,
but I've tried so hard,

through everything
I've ever done in my life,

to make something better
for myself.

I've never had stability,

and being
the next drag superstar

would be
a huge weight lifted,

and I deserve it.

Thank you, Trinity.

Thank you.

[RuPaul] Thank you, ladies.

Now, while you
untuck backstage,

the judges and I
will deliberate.

[car engine starts]

All right, now just between
us four tops,

let's talk
about the top four.


Peppermint is a classic.

She hits her marks.
She delivers her moments.

She's a Jane of all trades.

[Ross] She's got that thing

that is so crucial
for anybody in show business.

She's got the likeability,

and if she won the title,
that's gonna serve her well.

[RuPaul] Sasha Velour.

[Carson] I'm a huge fan
because she dissects drag,

and then reinvents it
in her own very artistic way.

Yeah, and we do know what
a Sasha look and act will be.

And I liked
what she had to say

about the drag of the future

is not going to be
what we're used to.

[Ross] I would love to see
what someone like her

could do with that crown.

[RuPaul] Shea Coulee.

She's a great entertainer.

She's a great dancer.
She's a great actress.

And every look was
pretty great on the runway.

With the exception
of a stumble

in the makeover challenge,

she's just been up here.

She absolutely proved herself
every single time.

You should call her
the postman of drag.

She delivered.

[RuPaul] Trinity Taylor.

When this first started,
we just saw pageant girl,

and as this contest progressed,
so did she.

[Carson] She needed
these challenges

to say, no, you're
actually really funny.

And think about how funny
Stanky the Starfish was.

[Carson] It was amazing.

And tonight, with her dance,
she was hilarious.

That's my favorite thing
about this competition,

when the queens
surprise themselves.

I feel like Trinity has made
the biggest leap in my opinion.

I'd love to see her
in the top three.


Well, this isn't
gonna be easy.


I've made my decision.

Bring back my girls.

Welcome back, ladies.

All season long,

you've worked
your big ol' booties off,

and each of you
has more than earned

your spot on this stage

The time has come...

for you to lip synch

[echoing] for your life.

Good luck
and don't f*ck it up.

♪ You wear it well ♪

♪ French tip, lipstick,
painted on ♪

♪ You wear it well ♪

♪ Value
sure suits you-oo-oo ♪

♪ Work it for me ♪

♪ Work it for me, me ♪

♪ You wear it, you wear it,
you wear it well ♪

[Peppermint] I have to be
in the top three.

I brought
as much grace and humility

as I did talent
and personality.

Sounds like America's
next drag superstar to me.

♪ You wear it, you wear it,
you wear it well ♪

Kitty girl,
work that high-end tights.

[Sasha] I am determined
to take over the world

with my crazy, strange
Velourian drag,

and I'm not
going to be stopped now.

I have to make it
to the top three.

I have to win.

♪ Don't let nobody tell you
you ain't beautiful ♪

[Trinity] I've worked
my entire adult life

to build the brand
of Trinity Taylor.

I deserve to be America's
next drag superstar,

so I'm coming
for that crown, ladies.

Back up.

♪ We will not be tamed ♪

♪ Dreadlocks ♪
[Shea] It's about the drive

and the nerve
and the desire to win.

I'm the total package.

If y'all placing bets
on anybody,

you want to throw $5.00
down on me.

♪ Wig shop,
nonstop hair salon ♪

♪ You wear it well ♪

♪ Value brand new-oo-oo ♪

♪ Work it for me,
work it for me, me ♪

♪ You wear it, you wear it,
you wear it well ♪

[RuPaul laughs]


I've made my decision.

Tonight, I've decided...

To eliminate...

No one.

All four of you
are moving forward

to the grand finale
of RuPaul's Drag Race.

How you like them apples?

-I love them, girl.
-Ooh, they real sweet.

My top four queens,

the race
has never been so close.

And now I want to hear
from our super fans.

Who do you think
should be crowned

next drag superstar?

Are you #TeamPeppermint...



or #TeamTrinity?

Let your voice be heard,

because Mama Ru will be #Listening.

Now, remember,
if you can't love yourself,

how in the hell
you gonna love somebody else?

Can I get an amen
up in here?

[All] Amen!

Can I get a whoop-whoop?

[All] Whoop-whoop!

Can I get a "She done
already done had herses?"

[All] She done already
done had herses.

All right.
Now let the music play.

♪ Hey, kitty girl ♪

♪ It's your world ♪

♪ Hey, kitty,
kitty, girl ♪

♪ Whoa-oh-oh ♪

♪ Yeah, hey, hey, hey,
hey, hey ♪

♪ Hey, kitty girl ♪

♪ It's your world ♪

♪ When you walk the street
steppin' to the beat ♪

♪ Hey, kitty girl ♪

♪ Get your crown ♪

♪ In the disco heat ♪

♪ You're the boogie body
rockin' queen ♪

♪ Hey, hey, hey ♪

♪ Kitty kitty,
Hey, here kitty kitty ♪

♪ Hey, kitty kitty, yeah ♪

♪ Ahh, yeah, whoa-oh-oh ♪
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