14x08 - 60s Girl Groups

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "RuPaul's Drag Race". Aired: February 2, 2009 – present.*
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RuPaul plays the role of host, mentor, and head judge for this series, as contestants are given different challenges each week.
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14x08 - 60s Girl Groups

Post by bunniefuu »

on RuPaul's Drag Race...

You'll be starring
in The Daytona Wind.


Hoity-toity Davenports!

Lady Camden.

The performance was believable.
It was acting.

Daya Betty.

You did a really,
really good job.

You all did such an amazing job,

this week there are no bottoms.

Oh, my God!

Lady Camden.

You're a winner, baby.


Girl, yes.

I can't deny it.

I am walking into the werkroom

with a little spring in my step

as a newly crowned winner.

I'm feeling on top
of the mothefucking world!

Yes, bitch!

How about that
m*therf*cking lip sync?

Congrats, doll.

I'm finally out
of the safe zone!

I feel completely relit.

I know I have something
to make it to the top,

and now it, like, makes me
wanna fight even harder.

All tea, I'm pissed that
I am not in the top two.

Like, Camden deserved it.


Well, b*tches,
we are all still...

- Yeah.
- It's the bigger picture.

It's kind of insane
to hear RuPaul say yet again

how freaking good we all are.

To, like, get that validation

that this season
is not a f*cking joke.


There's gonna be one challenge
we're all gonna b*mb.

You all go home.

We're all safe
to slay another day.

Let's f*cking give them

some more of this juice,


- How we feeling?
- I'm happy.

I'm genuinely happy.

I mean, all tea,
I wish I was in the top.

I thought you were
gonna be in the top.

But at the same time, like,

I don't think I could have done
that lip sync today.

I really don't after
what happened in Untucked.

I didn't think I was
gonna talk about this.

Before coming here,

I was starting the process
of hormones

and, like, about to start.

I am trans.

I'm very proud of you,
because that was hard.


I do feel, like, there's
a weight lifted off of my chest

of, like, I'm not lying
about, like, who I am anymore.

I'm just, like,
nervous about my dad,

because when I just
came out as gay

and as a drag queen,

it wasn't the greatest thing.

If your family loves you,
they'll accept you.

Never feel like
you have to hide from us.

The girls are
above and beyond supportive.

Just opens the barriers

and just gives me a clear line
of what I'm here to do,

and just to be myself.

I love you.

Watching Jasmine blossom
into who she is,

it really does touch my heart.

Everyone has their opinion
on Jasmine,

but no matter how you bicker
or argue,

ultimately drag is about
bonding with your family.

Girl, the only fur I see, bitch,

is the fur on your legs, bitch.


Even though I'm about to go

and start cutting
people's heads off, honey.

You about to get kicked, bitch.

You about to get kicked
into next season.

Give me the wipes, bitch,


Give me the wipes!
Give me the wipes, bitch!


Stupid bitch, give me the wipes!

Telling me I'm furry.


♪ RuPaul's Drag Race ♪

The winner of RuPaul's Drag Race

receives a one-year supply

of Anastasia Beverly Hills

and a grand prize of $100.000,
powered by Cash App.

With extra-special guest judge
Alec Mapa.

♪ RuPaul's Drag Race ♪

♪ May the best drag queen win ♪

♪ Best drag queen win ♪

The Daytona Wind.

- Wow!
- Ooh!

It's a new day in the werkroom,

and the competition
is heating up,

which I know sounds,
like, cheesy to say.

Like, it's heating up.

But it's really true.

We were all very friendly
for a long time,

but there's that little edge
that we're all feeling now,

where we're just kind of, like,
"Are you feeling it?

Are you feeling it?"

I've got a lot of friends,

but I don't have
a single $100.000.

Like, love you all.

I will catch up after the show,

but I did really want
to keep moving.

Hello, hello, hello.

Oh, shit.

You're all still here?

- Yes.
- Yes.

You know, drag is a sisterhood,

and since the dawn of time,

we've relied on each other

to keep our feet on the ground.

So for today's mini-challenge,

in the grand tradition

of the legendary documentary
Paris Is Burning...

- Oh!
- Ooh!

The library is about to be open.

Because reading is what?

- Fundamental.
- Fundamental.

I have been waiting
all season long for this.

I love to talk shit.

This is what I was born for.

All right, first up,
Kerri Colby.

- Ooh.
- Get ready.

Miss Angeria. Now, you say
I can't take a shape, bitch.

What shape is that,
Wendy Williams gotta pee?

Miss Jasmine Mouth Almighty.

You know, I am so glad
that on this whole journey,

you have found...
your silence.

Daya Betty,
con-drag-ulations, my dear.

You are American's next...
Crystal Methyd.

Lady Cameltoe.

Next time you wanna be
masculine on the runway,

leave the mustache at home.

Your jawline is enough.

Little Miss Jorgeous.

The tiniest little waist...

of time.

Miss Kerri Colby,
the face of a superstar...

for podcasting.

Miss Willow Pill.

I'm a lady, but you,
you are a dame.

A little dame, a little
Hunchback of Notre Dame.

Quasimodo, she better do!

Kerri Colby, what can I say

that RuPaul
already hasn't to you?

Um... con-drag-ulations.

You're the winner
of this week's maxi-challenge.

Miss Angeria VanWinkle
Bower-Chapman III.

Bitch, your name is longer
than a CVS receipt, ho.

Miss Bosco, in drag,

you're really this gorgeous,
beautiful burlesque woman.

Outside of drag,
you give me greaseball.

Jasmine Kennedie,
why do you look so old,

but you are so young?

You are the definition
of white do crack.

You got me, bitch.

- Kerri Colby.
- Hey.

You are beautiful,
just like your mother.

Too bad she didn't
pass down those dancing skills.

It must have skipped
a generation.

Daya Betty.

I'm surprised
you're not a Gemini,

'cause the whole two face act
you got going on

could have fooled me.

DeJa Skye, we know you're
always telling bad dad jokes

in the werkroom.

Though you may not be
a comedy queen,

you certainly have
the face for it.

Serena ChaCha.

Jorgeous, we know you're skinny
and you need to eat,

but unfortunately Orion's ass
is not on the food pyramid.

According to Jasmine,
let me put my second face on.

Jasmine, you were in the bottom

for the Glamazon runway.

Was your inspiration
behind your outfit COVID-19?

Because it was tired
and had a lack of taste.

- Shit!
- DeJa Skye.

You're like a really good
pair of socks.

Soft, supportive, full of cum.

- Jasmine.
- Oh, God.

You are one brain dead slut.

I am!

You put the bottom in lobotomy.

Lady Camden. I've learned
so much from Lady Camden.

Did you know in British,
"f*g" means cigarette?

- Oh.
- It's crazy.

So could somebody
send this cigarette home?

- Kerri Colby.
- Hi.

Your face is so frozen

that it just asked me,
do you wanna build a snowman?

And finally,

I was walking around backstage

and actually found
RuPaul's will.

You have some very weird
criteria in there.

She wanted to be buried
on the catwalk,

and she wanted all of you
to be her pall bearers.

That way you could
let her down on the runway

one last time.

And what?

Y'all some shady b*tches.

The library is closed

The winner of today's
mini-challenge is...



It was time
for the villain to win.

Don't get it twisted.

Lady Camden, you're
a very shady bitch, too.

Now, Bosco,
you've won $2.500

courtesy of Sweet Tarts.

Sweet Tarts, thank you.

And as a special treat
for the rest of you,

we've got Sweet Tarts.

Why be just one thing
when you can be both?

Can I get an "amen" up in here?

- Amen!
- My girls.

I hope you're all ready
for a hullabaloo,

because I'm setting
the Drag Race time machine

to 1964,

a time when girl groups
dominated the charts.

Now, long before
Destiny's Child,

'60s girl groups
were breaking racial barriers

and making timeless hits
from the female point of view.

So for this week's

you'll break into three groups,

each performing
a brand-new retro hit.

The Bad Boy Baby,
by the Shang-Ru-La's,

He's My Baby by the Ru-Nettes,

and Baby Is Love
by the super duper Ru-Premes.

Now, you need to write
your own unforgettable verses

and come up with
your own group choreography.

And in the spirit
of true girl power,

I'm gonna let you form
your own groups.

Feel free to use items

provided by Snag Tights

and hair provided by
Wigs and Grace.

Dream Girls, start your engines,

and may the best drag queen win.

Okay. Here,
I'll pass out the paper.

- Get some Sweet Tarts.
- Sweet Tarts.

Okay, do we wanna start
with the first one?

We all sit around and listen
through all three tracks

to see which one that we
gravitate towards the most.

- Bad Boy Baby.
- b*tches, I want that.

The hard thing is that
you wanna get the right song,

but you also wanna work
with the right people.

This could get messy.

Okay, I'm just saying
right now, bitch,

I want Bad Boy.

- I want Bad Boy.
- Period, period.

I want Bad Boy.
I want Bad Boy.

There really isn't
a picking order.

It's mainly just girls fighting

and calling out what they want
left and right.

Okay, shh.
Everyone go one by one.

Let's go around in a circle.

Okay, I'll start with me.
I want Bad Boy.

- Period.
- I want Bad Boy period.

Oh, I want the Ru-Premes, bitch.

I want the Ru-Premes, too.

- I want Bad Boy.
- I want Ru-Premes.

I want Bad Boy,
and I've been real quiet

and always taking a backseat
when we're choosing stuff,

so that's what I want.

I definitely, definitely
want the Ru-Premes for sure.

Am I the only one
that wants the Ru-Nettes?

- Yeah.
- I guess so.

Yes, you are indeed.

I'll do the Ru-Nettes with you.

You'll do the Ru-Nettes
with me? Okay.

Well, someone needs to...

Someone needs to bow out
for something.

I'm sticking to Bad Boy.
I'm not changing my mind.

I am not changing my mind.

Pretty much digging my claws
into Bad Boy, so...

I am truly not
changing my mind on this one.

Y'all gonna have to
rock, paper, scissors.

- No, bitch.
- Yeah.

Daya is just being
a little baby,

like, I want this, I want this.

- Nobody's willing to sacrifice?
- I'm not.

Damn, girl, y'all
some hard b*tches, girls.

- Damn!
- I am not changing.

We're all just having
a stare-down.

Like, who's gonna quit?
Who's gonna fold?

At this point, we're all, like,

we have to get what we want

or we might be going home.

We're all just having
a stare-down.

Like, who's gonna fold?

I'll be a team player
and just do the Ru-Nettes.

That's fine, you know.

Come on, team player.

And if I go home,

I'm gonna f*ck y'all up,
bitch. No I'm just kidding.

No, you ain't, girl.

DeJa is doing
a little kumbaya-ing.

She's taking the safe way out.

I hope that the group
that she goes with

ends up working well together.

Actually, I don't hope that.

- Let's go work.
- All right.

Now it's time
to write our own lyrics

choreograph our own numbers,

and come up with

completely distinct
characters for everyone.

This is a hell of a challenge.

I feel like we should,
like, approach this

as, like, this could
potentially be,

like, a group win.

Like, I feel like a lot
of the other challenges

that we've done recently
it's, like, singular.

And we were all very...
you know, strong

about wanting to be...

I sound like such a bitch.

I do, too, but at this point,
I don't really care.

Should we kind of
formulate the lyrics together?

Yeah, we need to
bounce off of each other.

Start with who's this boy?
Where did we meet him?

Drive-through, the shake shop.

The bathroom.
Maybe they were in a...

Drive-in movie.

What's when people go
on walks in the woods,

what is that called? Um...

In the woods.

No. No, no, no.

It's, like, a gay thing.



The gays love hiking.

I have worked
with Willow and Bosco

in the last challenge.

We know how
to reference something,

but still make it our own,

and I think that's what makes
our team so strong.


- Cruising. Cruising.
- Yeah.

All right, let's get into this.

Yes. We got
The Ru-Nettes, b*tches.

We did, and I'm so glad we did.

Yes, honestly.

I mean, it wasn't
my first choice.

- Yes.
- Yeah.

- I'm fine with it, though.
- Yeah.

I'm a diplomatic person.

I was like, y'all can have it.
Who cares?

- Girl, they were feisty.
- They were pressed.

- It's okay.
- Yeah, very pressed.

I'm not worried about it.

DeJa is taking this
like a champ,

and she's saying f*ck
The Shang-Ru-La's,

and she is just, like,
I am a full Ru-Nette now.

- Okay, so let's listen to this.
- Yes.

♪ He's the one
I'm dreaming of ♪

♪ Every single day ♪

♪ Maybe if I believe it ♪

♪ He'll take my heart away ♪


I am realizing that Jasmine
can't sing a lick.

♪ He'll take my heart away ♪

♪ He's the one
I'm dreaming of ♪

♪ Every single day ♪

Girl, they'll autotune it up.

Right, right, right.

First of all, y'all know

The Supremes is RuPaul's
favorite music group.

So that's a lot of pressure,

but that's also a great
opportunity to excel here.

I perform Diana Ross a lot,
like, in my regular act.

I am, like, a fan, bitch.

I been waiting to sing.

I did wanna go, like,
a little churchy with it.

I'm gonna end it on,
like, a higher note,

and be like,
♪ and I love my baby ♪

I like that.

The Ru-Premes is going to be

a make it or break it moment.

If we are all on board,
it's going to be epic.

I will be expecting a Grammy.

Good luck to the other
white b*tches.

Yeah, all those
white b*tches, innit?

All of them, darling.

- Hey, y'all!
- Hi!

It is recording time,

and we are recording our song
in front of Michelle Visage.

Say hi to David Steinberg.

- Hello.
- He along with Erik Paparazzi

have produced
and written this track.

I'm excited.

- Good. You should be.
- Yes.

The Supremes were the most
successful female group.

Seeing these women of color

on TV in prime time
was a really big deal.

- Yes.
- So, Angeria, you're up first.


I know that Michelle
was in a singing group,

so I am nervous boots.

♪ My baby,
he's the one for me ♪

♪ My baby,
he's the air I breathe ♪

Cut. Cute.

Ooh, okay.

Here's the secret
to sounding like Diana Ross.

When your mouth is at rest,

it's wide open
and I can see your teeth.

Open. Open bigger.

All you can.

Let's try one more time
like that.

♪ My baby,
he's the one for me ♪

I feel like Angie
could easily win this,

because she knows how
to sound like Diana Ross.

She does impersonations of her,

so I feel like they're
gonna eat her up.

♪ I'm gonna give him
the best love that I can ♪

I think we got it.

I feel so accomplished!

Yes, Angie!

Kerri, okay, baby doll,
what's the song about to you?

To me, it's more about
expressing what my baby offers.

That's why he's your baby.

Yeah, that's why he's imaginary.

Let's start.

♪ He's big and tall,
we have a ball ♪

♪ And that's why
I love my baby ♪

That was pitchy.

Yeah, all of it was off.

Kerri has a nice voice,

but maybe Kerri
hasn't sung in a while.

Let's find the pitch.

- ♪ That is why ♪
- ♪ And that is why I ♪

♪ Love my baby ♪

So stay there?
Don't go higher?

♪ That is why ♪
Well, what were you doing?

♪ And that is why
I love my baby ♪

I'm always gonna go for simpler.

♪ He's big and tall,
we have a ball ♪

♪ And that is why
I love my baby ♪

♪ He's big and tall,
we have a ball ♪

♪ And that's why
I love my baby ♪

This time when we do it,
give me some character voice.

Gimme some, like,
life in your voice.

Don't worry about
just sounding pretty.

I don't think that

I'm completely up a creek
with no paddle,

but I just don't know

if I'm giving exactly
what they're looking for.

♪ He's big and tall ♪


Hello. Oh, my God,
it's The Shang-Ru-La's!

I'm a little nervous.

We are, like, channeling
this peppy '60s energy

to talk about something,
like, a little bit bizarre.

Fingers crossed Michelle is
smelling what we're stepping in.

Let's see the character
you're gonna give us.


♪ He calls me over ♪

♪ And asks me to play ♪

♪ Can my sister come? ♪

She likes to watch.

You dirty little vixen.

I'm going for poet laureate

if Drag Race superstar
doesn't work out.

It's actually funny.
Your words are funny.

Okay, Daya Betty.

I know I can sing,
but it's been a while

since I've lubricated
the pipes, you know?

We'll start out with your verse.

♪ Baby, ooh ♪

♪ She follows us
everywhere we go ♪

♪ Ooh, baby, baby ♪

♪ He looks like our uncle,
but we can't say no ♪

"He looks like our uncle,
but we can't say no."

What the f*ck is wrong with you?

- Keep that character, okay?
- Okay.

♪ Baby, baby, baby, baby,
baby, baby, baby, baby ♪

Watch out, Johnny!

My big old man voice crack.

- No, it's great.
- Thank you.

Betty is on beat.

Okay, pop quiz.

What do you know
about The Ronettes?

They are a sister
and cousin trio.


They love their
lower cat eyes down.

I love how you just paid
attention to the makeup.

The thing is about The Ronettes,

they were produced
by Phil Spector

and the Wall of Sound.

So you're gonna hear
this big backing behind you.

When Ronnie Spector sings,
her voice cuts through.

Now, do any of you sing?



I don't even know
if I can carry a note,

so I'm going into this

because I don't know
what I'm gonna sound like.

♪ He may not know it ♪

♪ But we will fall in love ♪

Okay, cut.

- That's actually not terrible.
- Okay.

So we need crisp.

♪ We'll fall in lo-o-ove ♪
That was very Ronnie.

Can I do it without
the background vocals though?

You wanna go solo already, DeJa?

She's already Beyoncé-ing
this group.

No, she's Ronnie Spector-ing
this shit.

♪ We'll fall in love ♪

Cut. That was cute.

- Yeah, that was cute.
- I love that, DeJa.

DeJa is k*lling it.

She said she wasn't a singer,

but I have a feeling

she just wasn't
telling us the full tea.

♪ The day I first met him ♪

♪ I knew that he was mine ♪

When Jorgeous starts singing,

it is like nails
on a chalkboard.

All tea.

♪ He's always on my mind ♪


I love your energy.



You're rushing the lines.

Just relax
and get in the groove.

Because right now,
everything is really rushed.

I say maybe we should do
line by line.


♪ The day I first met him ♪

♪ The day that I first... ♪

The day.
The day...

♪ The day I first met him ♪

I don't think Michelle's
liking what I'm giving,

so I'm really struggling
right now.

♪ The day I first met hi-im ♪

♪ The day
I first me-eht him ♪

There's no "me-eht."

♪ The day I first met hi-im ♪

♪ The day I first me-et hi-im ♪

Oh, my God, I keep on doing it.

"Met" is one syllable.

Me-et him.

No, met hi-im.

Oh, shit.

She's pitchy, she's off-note,

she doesn't know
what she's singing,

her repetition's bad.

♪ The day I first met hi-im ♪

♪ The day I first me-et... ♪
Oh, f*ck.

Should we try to talk it?


I'm nervous.

All right, b*tches, here we go.

It's finally time
to get into this choreography

for the '60s girl group.

I'm a choreographer by day,

and I know that Jorgeous
and Jasmine

are performers and dancers.

So I feel like
we kind of have the edge

over the other groups.

I think we should do, like,

a boom, tap, boom, tap,
boom, tap, boom, tap.

When you're doing it, though,
think more just, like, relaxed.

Relaxed. Okay.

Because you're really,
like, straightening.

Just kind of like a... just
relaxed kind of thing, yeah.

Boom, tap, boom, tap.

I know you got
that cheerleader in you,

but don't be so like, huh, huh.

Just be, like, more of...
Like, break up your movements.

- Don't be straight with it.
- Got it.

So just be very,
like, break, break.

Yeah, but you're still kind of
doing, like, tk, tk, tk.

Just be, like, boom, boom.

- More fluid with it.
- Yes.

I think we should go
to the next part

before we clean it up after.

Can we do it from the top?

Because we need to get this.


I noticed that Jorgie
and Jasmine

are getting a little
frustrated with DeJa.

When we... no, you're more,
like, be in the middle.

No, like, in the middle of this.

And I'll be
more over here, just...

No, no, no. No, no, no.
Don't be so stance here.

Be more...
A little bit more open.

DeJa is a cheer coach.

Go back to where you were.

And not only that,
she's a cheer coach for kids.

So it's like,
♪ Maybe if I believe it ♪

Yeah, that's a little
too theater to me.

Just a little too...
♪ Ah ♪

I don't think that's
gonna work too well

on two 21-year-old divas.

Okay, so are we feeling good?


Wilson Phillips is up.

All right!

I used to choreograph in Denver,

but I didn't really
let anyone know

that I used to do choreography

because I don't
wanna have this loud bark

and then a really weak bite.

This will be a nice point
for myself,

and then these for y'all.

Do you wanna start
from the first verse?

That's when you start
to step forward, yeah.

Two, three, four and five,

six, stares at me.

The Shang-Ru-La's are really
turning it out in choreography.

They're coming up with
some really cute stuff.

I'm really enjoying
what they're doing,

and I kind of wanna,
like, join in.

♪ Da, da, da, da,
getting you ♪


Ha, hold, hold.


Yes, Willow.

Willow is k*lling it.

Willow must make a lot of money
at the casinos,

because she keeps her cards
very close to her chest,

and she don't want anybody
to know what she can do.

All right, Supremes,

we are living in simplicity
and beauty and elegance today.

Although I'm not
a singer-songwriter,

I am a choreographer,
so this is my opportunity

to step in and make sure

that our team
looks f*cking brilliant.

Five, six, seven, eight.

Now we're gonna go
right, left, right, left.

- Mm-hmm.
- High, high, low, low.

- Right and left.
- One, two, three, four.

Right, left, that's it.

Right, left.
I know that Kerri and Angie

are not dancers, which is fine.

So I'm making sure
that what we're doing

is not gonna confuse them
or overwhelm them too much.

I'm trying to just give us
mostly walking, mostly arms.

Really trying
to make them feel comfortable

and not let them get stressed
out about doing too much.

Now turn, one and two, three.

- And turn.
- That's it.

And then just keep turning
to face the front.

Okay. Now let me see you
do that again.

So if you... if I'm Angeria...

Baby, I am not a dancer.
I got two right feet.


Like, I got two white feet.

I might have two white feet.
I don't know.

Because, you know, Black people
have more rhythm than I do,

so I might have two white feet.

And one and two
and three and four

and five and six
and seven and eight.

I know Camden is trying
to create choreography

that caters to Angie and Kerri,
but it is a lot of this.

Now we're going left
doing this. Whoo.

Now we're going right
doing this. Whoo.

Four and five, six.

Now we do the fun zhuzhie one.

One, two, three, four,

and next, six, seven, eight.

- One more time with that one.
- Yeah.

All right.

One and two and three and four.

This is the chorus.

Oh! And seven and eight.


Ooh, girl.

Kerri is struggling.

And then we stop here?

You know when you see
a car accident

that goes very slow motion?

That's what I feel like
I'm watching right now.

Go, one, two...

Wait, is mine playing?


I'm a little worried about them,
because at the end of the day,

that is RuPaul's
favorite girl group.

We have a lot of work to do,
but we have something.

Whew! ♪ Hey, mama,
welcome to the '60s ♪

It is time to get ready for
our girl group performances,

and, oh, I'm excited.

I was born to be a Supreme.


So I know our challenge
this week

was based off of,
like, '60s girl groups,

but, like, who are some girl
groups that y'all listen to?

My favorite is definitely
Destiny's Child.

Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

- Danity Kane.
- Yes!

Mine is absolutely 100%
the Spice Girls, for sure.

Oh, shocker.

I know I always talk about
the Spice Girls

and how much I love them, but
it's more than just the music.

Girl power
is a really fierce message

that I would always
literally just think about

whenever I was feeling, like,
bullied at school or whatever.

Girl power was, like,
a little mantra

of, like, I don't need much,
I just need my girls around me.

I love that.

I remember being heckled at
by idiots on the playground,

and my girlfriends
would clap back with things,

and it just made me feel
so protected.

And that's sort of to me why
girl power is so important.

I'ma take y'all
to a different place.

Some of my favorite girl groups
are the En Vogues

and the SWVs
and the Xscapes of the world.

I always enjoyed
those girl groups,

but, like, because of
how I was raised,

I never grew up
listening to them.

I would have got my ass beat
if I was caught.

- Oh, really?
- Oh, my God.

I used to hum Survivor,

and I would literally
get spanked for it.


My mom was committed
to making sure

that the Lord
was the focus of the house.

As a child, I would see Beyoncé
or Destiny's Child,

and I'd be like,
oh, my goodness.

You could tell
they were just having fun,

and for so much
of my earlier life,

I felt so restricted
because I was, like,

why am I not allowed
to be who I wanna be?

Like, you couldn't listen
to, like,

you know, like,
a certain kind of music?

Absolutely not, it was...

Secular, like, non-Christian
music was out the window.

Oh, damn.

We'd be, like,
in the mall or something,

and, you know,
those songs are big,

so they'd play, like,
the music videos in the mall.

And, child, I would just stop
in the middle of the mall

and be, like...

I'd get my ear pulled so hard.


But it just made me wanna
listen to them even more

and, like, understand,
like, why I was so obsessed.

When it's a sing-along,

you know, everyone's
favorite Lil' Kim song,

you will see me
in a corner bopping,

but I won't know the words

because I never grew up
listening to those words.

So just be patient
with me, y'all,

because I do come from
a very different place.

Bosco, can we talk about you

winning the f*cking
reading challenge?


I feel really, really happy

that my shit-talking skills
were seen and appreciated.

Yeah, you slayed it.

Also, Jasmine, I do wanna know

where your read for me
kind of stemmed from.

Oh, well...

I was a little shook by Jasmine
saying I was two-faced.

What did I do to you?
I just need to know.

I did hear in the Untucked of
the Glamazon Prime challenge

that you had said
some things about me

that you have not yet said
to my face.

- Well, child?
- Like what?

Along the lines of I rely on
my body to sell a garment,

and that skinny girls just rely
on the fact that they're skinny.

Jasmine literally wrapped

just fabric around her body
with a belt.

It's just, like, so annoying

when someone
has a perfect physique,

and they can get away with

wrapping a piece of f*cking
fabric around their body.

Yeah, I said that.

I did.

But it's not like
I didn't address it.

I did say it,
and I did mention it later

when I was talking to Jorgeous.

Right, but not to me.

Well, girl, you were busy trying
to lip sync for your life,

so I didn't wanna bother you.

- Oh!
- The girls are fighting.

I've been very honest
how I feel about people,

and I just thought
you would do the same.

I have been honest, bitch.

It's your body,
whatever, you know?

But I wasn't shading you
on that.

I was just shading you
because your outfit was bad.

- Oh!
- Oh!


Honestly, Daya is upset because
she hasn't won anything yet.

But, girl, you weren't in
the top for that challenge

because your shit
was wrinkled and it looked ugly.


I just wanted to know why you
read me like that. That's it.

Right, and I just told you.

Okay. Werk.

She didn't apologize, though.

She still didn't
freaking apologize.

But I'm cool, calm,
and collected,

because I'm not going to
let her throw me off my game.

No tea, no shade.

- No pink lemonade.
- No tea, but all shade.


♪ Cover girl,
put the bass in your walk ♪

♪ Head to toe,
let your whole body talk ♪

Yas, tinsel town.

Welcome to the main stage
of RuPaul's Drag Race.

My love child, Michelle Visage.

My world is empty
without you, Ru.

My boyfriend's back,

and it's style superstar
Carson Kressley.

Shh, Ru, don't say anything.

My wife and kids
watch this program.

And he's so fine.

Alec Mapa is here.

Do-lang, do-lang.

Hey, Ru, do you know what's my
favorite thing from the '60s

that's still swinging?

- No, what?
- My balls!

This week
we challenged our queens

to pay homage
to iconic '60s girl groups,

and on the runway,
category is Heart On.

Racers, start your engines,

and may the best drag queen win.

Flashback, 1964.

It's time to hear the sound
of young America.

Now let the music play!

Singing Bad Boy Baby,
it's The Shang-Ru-La's.

Look over there.
Can you see our man?

Actually, I don't.
I forgot my glasses.

We see him everywhere we go.

Wow, wow, wow, he's our stalker.

♪ I met him out in the park ♪

♪ It smelled like gas
and it was really dark ♪

♪ Baby ♪

♪ He winked at me
from behind a tree ♪

♪ Oh, baby ♪

♪ I love the way
that he glares at me ♪

♪ His nostrils have more hair
than his head ♪

♪ Ooh, baby, baby ♪

♪ His breath
smells like his tuna ♪

♪ And his eyes are red ♪

♪ He follows us
everywhere we go ♪

♪ Ooh, baby, baby ♪

♪ He looks like our uncle,
but we can't say no ♪

♪ He's a bad boy,
baby, baby ♪

♪ Stay away ♪

♪ He's a bad boy, baby, baby ♪

♪ He was born that way ♪

♪ He's a bad boy, baby, baby ♪

♪ Such a bad, bad boy ♪

♪ He's a bad boy, baby,
and I like him that way ♪

♪ I saw him cruising downtown ♪

♪ Ooh, baby, baby ♪

♪ He calls me over
and asks me to play ♪

♪ I like his hotrod,
that's his crotch ♪

♪ Ooh, ooh, baby ♪

♪ Can my sister come? ♪

She likes to watch.

♪ He's a bad boy,
baby, baby ♪

♪ Stay away ♪

♪ He's a bad boy, baby, baby ♪

♪ He was born that way ♪

♪ He's a bad boy,
baby, baby ♪

♪ Stay away ♪

♪ He's a bad boy, baby,
and I like him that way ♪

♪ My heart beats for him
and his greasy hair ♪

♪ I can smell him from here,
but I don't care ♪

♪ He's crossing the street ♪

♪ But he doesn't see
the bus right there ♪

♪ Baby, baby, baby, baby,
baby, baby, baby, baby ♪

Watch out, Johnny!

♪ Bad boy, baby, baby ♪

♪ His body is splattered
on the asphalt ♪

♪ Bad boy, baby, baby ♪

♪ Yeah, but it's kind of hot ♪

♪ Bad boy, baby, baby ♪

♪ Like he dropped
a hot bowl of spaghetti ♪

♪ Bad baby, bad baby,
bad baby, bad baby ♪

♪ Bad boy ♪

Singing He's My Baby,
it's The Ru-Nettes.

♪ There goes my baby daddy ♪

♪ He may not know it,
but we will fall in love ♪

♪ Nah, nah, nah,
yeah, yeah ♪

The day that I first met him.

♪ Oh, oh, oh ♪

I knew that he was mine.

♪ Whoa, oh, oh ♪

Every time he goes away.

♪ Whoa, oh, oh ♪

He's always on my mind.

♪ He's the one
I'm dreaming of ♪

♪ Every single day ♪

♪ Maybe if I believe it ♪

♪ He'll take my heart away ♪

♪ Won't stop
till he's my baby ♪

♪ God knows
he drives me crazy ♪

♪ Whoa, oh, oh, oh, oh ♪

♪ How I love him so,
oh, oh, oh ♪

I never knew I needed him.

As I spend these nights alone,

I just want him so bad.

♪ Nah, nah, nah,
yeah, yeah ♪

♪ Every time that I see him ♪

♪ He takes my breath away ♪

♪ If I try my darndest ♪

♪ One day he'll be mine ♪

♪ I hope he doesn't see me
hiding in the trees ♪

♪ I just wanna be his lover
please ♪

♪ Won't stop
till he's my baby ♪

♪ God knows
he drives me crazy ♪

♪ Oh, how I love him so,
oh, oh, oh ♪

I love him so much.

I really do.

What's it gonna take?

I just want him to notice me.

And if he doesn't,
I may go insane.

Come on, papi.

Look into my eyes.

Tell me you love me.

Te quiero mucho.

♪ Won't stop
till he's my baby ♪

♪ God knows
he drives me crazy ♪

♪ Oh, how I love him so,
oh, oh, oh ♪

♪ Won't stop
till he's my baby ♪

♪ God knows
he drives me crazy ♪

♪ Oh, how I love him so,
oh, oh, oh ♪

♪ Oh ♪

Singing Baby is Love,
it's the super duper Ru-Premes.

♪ My baby is love ♪

♪ My baby brings happiness ♪

♪ My baby is love ♪

♪ My baby brings happiness ♪

♪ My baby,
he's the one for me ♪

♪ My baby
is the air I breathe ♪

♪ I'm never giving up
on my man ♪

♪ I'm gonna give him
the best love that I can ♪

♪ My baby is love ♪

♪ My baby brings happiness ♪

♪ My baby is love ♪

♪ My baby brings happiness ♪

♪ Baby, baby, baby,
he's so fine ♪

♪ I truly am so blessed
that I call him mine ♪

♪ I'd risk it all,
on him I'd call ♪

♪ He always picks me up
when I fall ♪

♪ He's big and tall,
we have a ball ♪

♪ And that is why
I love my baby ♪

♪ My baby is love ♪

♪ My baby brings happiness ♪

♪ My baby is love ♪

♪ My baby brings happiness ♪

♪ I was always trying to fill
a hole in my heart ♪

♪ Till my baby came along
and gave me a new start ♪

♪ His lovin' arms are always
keeping love on my brain ♪

♪ So all aboard
the starburst lover's train ♪

♪ We make it happy, baby ♪

My baby is always number one.

And my baby compares to none.

My baby is cream of the crop.

♪ Don't stop ♪

♪ My baby is love ♪

♪ My baby brings happiness ♪

♪ My baby is love ♪

♪ My baby brings happiness ♪

Thank you all
for coming out tonight.

Give it up
for The Shang-Ru-La's,

The Ru-Nettes,
and we are The Ru-Premes.

And remember,
if you don't have a baby,

you can't have mine.

♪ My baby is love ♪

♪ My baby brings happiness ♪

♪ My baby is love ♪

♪ My baby brings happiness ♪

♪ Don't stop ♪

♪ The world is your runway ♪

Category is Heart On.

Up first, Wiwwow Piww. Ooh!

What a panty-dropper.

I am scuttling down this runway

because I can barely move in
this tight heart thong dress.

The top thong
is the Borat-style thong.

I've got some briefs,
I've got some silky pajamas,

and hair that looks like I
just got f*cked in the woods.

Ooh, girl, two thongs
don't make a right.

Daya Betty.

Boy, has JoJo Siwa grown up.

I am giving the judges
cyberpunk love.

I've got safety pins
going up and down my sleeves,

and I am just
strutting my shit out

feeling like a bad bitch.

Why, I aorta!

I don't even knowa.


Eat your heart.

I'm giving you vampiric mistress

having a midnight snack.

I feel like
it's a very bold move

for drag queens
to wear all white.

We have to pay a lot
in dry cleaning for this.

I turn around and...

- Ooh!
- Whoo!

My hole winks at Michelle.

Rooty-tooty, fresh and booty.

Fangs up, ass out.
The judges are eating it.

Well, that fat ass reminds me,

I need to take my Lipitor.

DeJa Skye.

You know, I like

that she always wears
her heart on her shoulder.

I am giving a complete
anime superhero fantasy.

I have big, blue hair,
Dame Edna glasses,

and this latex is hugging
every single curve

of this big, beautiful bovine.

Hey, Pulmonary Mary.

When did I eat coronary?


Ahh, I love a Power Puff Girl.


You wanted heart, bitch,

I will give you a big-ass heart.

I am wearing my heart wings

with the ostrich feathers on it,

and I'm giving you bra and panty

because the bitch could wear it.

And you know how
the judges are reacting.

Come on, Arrhythmia Franklin.

Jasmine Kennedie.

These have always
brought me oxygenated blood.

My inspiration for
the runway is from Hercules.

I am Aphrodite, the goddess
of love and beauty.

Nobody can tell me
this gown ain't right.

My hair, you can't even tell
it's a wig, mama.

I own the entire
cardiology department.

Angeria Paris VanMicheals.

Oh, look.
That look is bangin'.

I am a '60s Mod
Harajuku Barbie doll fantasy.

And boom, there it is.

I heart you.

My look is fun, it's fantasy.

I want the judges to see
that there's more to Angeria

than just glamour and pageantry.

Wait a minute.
Sia is Black?

Kerri Colby.

This look makes
my heart skip a teat.

Some people might say
I don't have much of a heart,

but this is living proof
that I absolutely do have one,

and I ripped it out
just for you to see.

I'm definitely giving something
just a little bit twisted.

Also, there are Louboutins
on the feet.

Bloody shoes for a bloody bitch.

Come on, deep vein thrombosis.

Lady Camden.

Okay, Cupid!

I am feeling gorgeous

in my Cupid struck
with her own arrows look.

The arrows are sticking
through my heart

because I've fallen
madly in love,

and I cannot be saved.

It's too late!
Go on without me!

Michelle, think twice

before you sign up
for that archery class.

I think her name
is Mildred Pierced.

Welcome, queens.

This week you competed as teams,

but tonight you'll be judged
as individuals.

When I call your name,
please step forward.

Wiwwow Piww.



You are safe.

Ladies, you may leave the stage.

Ladies, you represent the tops
and bottoms of the week.

Now it's time for
the judges' critiques,

starting with Daya Betty.

You were in character
the entire time,

and the thing about
being a girl group is...

Oh, she about to preach now.

- Oh, here it comes.
- You better write this down.

You do all have to be together.

But there's always one that
kind of grabs the limelight,

and in your group,
I think it was you.

Thank you.

This look I love.

You gave us something
a little bit unexpected.

It's just a very fun,
updated version

of what I would call
Club Kid couture.

And there's a way
of doing things

where if you do one wrong thing,

it could look arts and crafty,
and you didn't do that.

I'm so excited to see
the trajectory that you're on,

because just when you needed to,

you've hit the pedal
to the metal.

Oh, thank you.

Up next, DeJa Skye.

When you all came in,
I said, okay, does anybody sing?

And you all said, "Nope."

And it's funny,
because DeJa, you can sing.

Thank you.

You gave us that '60s glamour.

You honored the brand,

but then you brought
the drag sensibility:

the humor, the camp.

I think this look is adorable.

This is different to anything
we've ever seen you in.

I love the superhero vibe.

I almost wanna go
further with it,

with a thigh high boot
and an invisible plane.

Up next, Jas-mine Kennedie.


Singing my not be your forte.

I think you were selling it
most of the time

with joy and enthusiasm.

And then
there were those moments

where we could see,
you know, in your head,

you were thinking, like,
do I turn here? Do I go there?

I could see you thinking
about the dance steps

instead of being the character.

You never wanna make the viewer
uncomfortable or nervous,

and I think
that's what's happening.

I am such...
Like, I'm a choreo girl.

I, like, had it
for so many years,

and, like, I just wanted
to hit it perfect.

And I just, like, feel
like I let you guys down...

- No, you didn't let us down...
- I know.

It's just, like,
I harp on myself so much.

I'm sorry to cut you off.

It just, like...

It was fun. It was fun.

It just, you know,
in this challenge,

you just weren't as good
as the others.

Yeah. I understand.
Thank you so much.

Up next, Angeria.

The Supremes. It's the most
recognizable reference

out of all the girl groups,
and you nailed it.

The Supremes were my first
obsession musically.

You sold it in a way

that let us know
you understand what this is.

This runway look,
first of all, I love the hair.

I had that same cut
in the third grade.

I like the color block.

You're kind of giving me
'60s Cruella de Vil.

- It's so much fun.
- Thank you.

- Up next, Kerri Colby.
- Hello.

We had some issues vocally,
but we figured it out.

You ended up
sounding really great.

But in the challenge,
there were moments

where I was taken out
of Ru-Premes and into church.

Sometimes it was so big
that it was very gospel,

which I love,
but it wasn't The Ru-Premes.

And lyrically, I thought

you could have had more fun
with the lyrics,

sort of the wink-wink,
nudge-nudge of it all.

This is supposed to all be,
like, blood vessels, right?

- Arteries, yeah.
- Okay.

That's really
the fashion moment there,

so I didn't need the necklace
or maybe even the gloves.

I can't stand the fact
that I can see your pantyhose.

Like, just pantyhose.

I would have preferred it
even if you put a nude panty.

Something over it.
That's all I was looking at.

Your body's amazing,

but I don't wanna walk away
just remembering your body.

I wanna walk away
remembering you.

Up next, Lady Camden.

This look tonight
is really pretty.

It borderlines on costumey.

I love costumes.
I love this.

The proportions are great,
it looks great, you sold it.

In the girl group,

I thought your voice
sounded nice on the recording.

But with your performance,

find those moments where
you can really be the star.

I think your softness
and your shyness

will affect you
in this competition.

You need to find your spotlight.

You don't wanna fade
into the background.

You hit last week
out of the park.

In the challenge, in the runway,

and in the lip sync, amazing.

Whatever you were doing
with that,

apply it to everything.

Thank you, ladies.
I think we've heard enough.

While you untuck
in the werkroom,

the judges and I
will deliberate.

Okay, now, just between
us squirrelettes,

what do you think?

Starting with Daya Betty.

She nailed it, and it wasn't
just her vocal prowess.

She had the right attitude.

Yeah, she really understood
who The Shang-Ru-La's were.

Those were the bad girls,

and her lyrics were
nihilistic and weird.

Yeah, in these last two weeks,
Daya Betty has come to play.

DeJa Skye.

She came in to record, you guys,

and she said, "No,
I don't know how to sing."

And then she opened her mouth
and was, like, ♪ Ahh ♪

And then this runway look,
there were some fit issues,

but I think overall it was fun.

It wasn't my favorite look,

but at this point
in the competition,

you have to keep switching it up
to keep our interest,

and that's exactly
what DeJa did.

All right, next up
we've got Jasmine Kennedie.

In the girl group challenge,

yeah, it was
a rocky performance.

I know she's a dancer,

but the choreography
looked a little clunky,

like she might topple over.

It was weird, right?

While I didn't heart
this runway look,

it was okay, it was pretty.

If those hearts had opened up

and there was
something in there...

Like airline liquor bottles,
or if a bird flew out of it.

- Yeah!
- Live butterflies.

Well, actually, that doesn't
work out too well on this show.


Her vocals were really fun.

I thought she delivered them
really well.

But what she really knew
better than anybody

was how to be a Ru-Preme.

That sort of carefree feeling
that The Supremes had,

she got that.

On the runway,
maybe a little literal.

It was called
Heart On challenge,

and she had a heart
on her chest.

But when she came around
the corner,

I was like, "Who is that?"

We've never seen Angeria
in anything like that.

This is what the pageant girls
know how to do.

They know when to switch it up
and how to switch it up.

Kerri Colby.

In the performance, Kerri
lacked what Angeria possessed,

which was that airiness,
that lightness.

Her body was kind of forward,

and Angeria was standing
straight up, up and down,

like Diana Ross used to.

And the simple adjustment
from this to this

would have elevated it.

And then on the runway,
it was a super chic idea.

Yeah, unfortunately,

the focus turned out to be
on the waistband,

which is the wrong place to
have the focus on your outfit.

All right, let's move on down
to Lady Camden.

I thought this runway look
was really pretty.

Not the most inventive.

I think the arrows
may have been too big,

because it took away from
the Greek beauty of the outfit,

the silhouette.

Girl group challenge,
I lost her there.

She faded to the background.

I can't even tell you
what she looked like.

Was her hair blonde?
Was it brunette?

I don't remember.

Right now, I'm just
losing her in the mix,

and I don't want to do that.


I have forgotten my line.

I've only been doing it
for 13 years!

Bring back my girls.

Welcome back, ladies.

I've made some decisions.

Daya Betty,
you're a bad girl, baby,

and we like it that way.


You are the winner
of this week's challenge.

You've won a cash prize of
$5.000 courtesy of Snag Tights.

- Yes!
- Yes!

Thank you guys so much.

I just won my first challenge.

I feel like
I'm blacking out right now.

Angeria and DeJa, good work.

You're both safe.

- Yes!
- You may join the other girls.

Thank you, guys.

Jasmine Kennedie.
You're a tasty queen,

but your performance
lacked spice, girl.

Kerri Colby.
You're a beautiful queen,

but your performance
was not a dream, girl.

Lady Camden.
You are a supreme queen,

but this week, you didn't
keep me hanging on.

Lady Camden, you're safe.

Thank you so much.

I will not let you down
next week.

You may join the other girls.

I love you.

Jasmine, Kerri,
I'm sorry, my dears,

but you're up for elimination.

I'm devastated,

because I don't wanna
lip sync against Kerri.

Two queens stand before me.

Ladies, this is your last chance
to impress me

and save yourself
from elimination.

The time has come...

for you to lip sync...

for your life!

Lip syncing against Jasmine
is absolutely heartbreaking.

But at the same token,
I'm totally feeling ready

to slay the hell
out of this lip sync,

because I wanna make sure
that I do not go home.

Good luck, and don't f*ck it up.

♪ Oh, don't leave me
in all this pain ♪

♪ Don't leave me
out in the rain ♪

♪ Come back
and bring back my smile ♪

♪ Come and take
these tears away ♪

♪ Take back that sad word
goodbye ♪

♪ Bring back the joy
to my life ♪

♪ And life is so cruel
without you here beside me ♪

♪ Un-break my heart ♪

♪ Say you'll love me again... ♪

Jasmine shoe has left
the building.

Baby, this lady is lip syncing
with one shoe on.

♪ When you
walked out the door ♪

♪ And walked out of my life ♪

♪ Un-break my heart ♪

♪ Un-break my heart ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh ♪

♪ Don't leave me
in all this pain ♪

♪ Don't leave me
out in the rain ♪

♪ Bring back those nights
when I held you beside me ♪

♪ Un-break my heart ♪

♪ Say you'll love me again ♪

♪ Undo this hurt you caused ♪

♪ When you
walked out the door ♪

♪ And walked out of my life ♪

♪ Un-cry these tears ♪

♪ I cried
so many, many nights ♪

♪ Un-break my,
un-break my heart ♪

♪ Sweet darlin' ♪

♪ Without you
I just can't go on ♪

♪ Un-break my,
un-break my heart ♪

♪ Don't let me, don't let me ♪

Oh, my God.

Ladies, I've made my decision.

Jasmine Kennedie,
shantay you stay.

Thank you.

I love you so much.

Kerri Colby.

Your fate now rests in the hands
of the drag gods.

If you have the gold bar,
you will be saved.

Now let's see whatcha got.

It is chocolate.

Kerri Colby Carrington
Dexter Morelle,

forever may your dynasty reign.

Now sashay away.

I love you so much.

I love you, twin.

- I love you!
- I'm so sorry.

Well, I'm Kerri Colby,
and all I can say is

I'm so proud to be a part
of RuPaul's Drag Race.

I feel a little sad,
but also accomplished.

I learned that
there's so much more to me

than the things
that I've always put

so much pressure on myself for.

I've been able to really
become a lot more vulnerable,

and I'm really, really proud
of myself for that.

All I have to really say
is thank you so much,

because this quite literally

is the beginning
of the rest of my life.

Con-drag-ulations, ladies.

And remember,
if you can't love yourself,

how the hell
you gonna love somebody else?

Can I get an "amen" up in here?

- Amen!
- Amen!

All right.
Now let the music play!

♪ Oh, baby, oh ♪

♪ Playing
with the game of love ♪

♪ Oh, baby, playing
with the game of love ♪

♪ Winner ♪

Next time
on RuPaul's Drag Race...

You need to lead DragCon panels
to tackle the topic of men.

You've got male... privilege.

I've never had sex
or been in a relationship

because I only do a**l.

I knew about toxic masculi...

Toxic masculinity
at a very young age.

You know how to tell a joke.

You were f*cking hilarious.

I think it is
an incredibly stupid idea

to count anybody out.

She's like a little sister

that I wanna bash her head
into the concrete floor.

♪ Oh, baby ♪

♪ Oh, winner, baby ♪

♪ Oh, winner, baby ♪

♪ Oh, winner, baby ♪

♪ Oh, playing with
the game of love ♪

♪ Oh, winner, baby ♪

♪ Oh, baby, playing
with the game of love ♪

♪ Winner ♪
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