14x14 - Catwalk

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "RuPaul's Drag Race". Aired: February 2, 2009 – present.*
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RuPaul plays the role of host, mentor, and head judge for this series, as contestants are given different challenges each week.
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14x14 - Catwalk

Post by bunniefuu »

on RuPaul's Drag Race...

We're having a good,
old-fashioned roast.

Ross is not a top,
he's a blouse.

You're so gay that your assh*le

sounds like a turkey.

You know, I am terrified.

Daya looks like what
a five-year-old would draw

if you asked them
to draw Bigfoot.


You f*cking smashed it.

Con-drag-ulations. You're the
winner of this week's challenge.

Daya Betty, Jorgeous, DeJa Skye,

I'm sorry, my dears,

but all three of you
are up for elimination.

Daya Betty, shantay you stay.

Oh, my God.

Jorgeous, DeJa Skye,

sashay away.


My God.

Coming back into the werkroom,

we're all really shaken up
by what just happened.

This is only the third time
this has ever happened

in RuPaul's Drag Race herstory,

and we're just a little bit,
mm, speechless.

I did not see that
coming at all.

You really did that thing
during the lip sync.

I couldn't keep my eyes off you
the entire time.

You guys, it was terrifying,
because with DeJa,

I've been against her before,
so that was already in my head.

And then Jorgeous,
of course, like...

Sent home half the cast
at this point.

Literally half of the cast.

So I was like, this is my time.

I kind of saw
a double sashay coming,

because we can't have seven
people going into the finale.

So I'm just happy
I'm still here.


Con-drag-ulations, bitch!

- Oh, my God!
- Yeah.

I feel just so renewed.

I was at the absolute bottom
of the bottom,

and I came back this week
and won a challenge.

And that feels f*cking lit.


Where do we stack up
now with wins?

How many does everyone have?

I've got three.

I have two.

- I have two.
- I have one.

I have one.
At this point,

I think everyone
has an equal chance.

We've all gotten praise
and we've all won challenges,

and that's what makes it
so confusing.

There's no fifth person that's
oh, we can just boot her.

It's, like, I can see
a final four of any combination.

Just keep having fun.
You made it this far.

I need a diaper.

Top five, hey!

I love for my sisters,
but, baby,

everybody is gunning
for that top four.


That's sexy, honestly.

Like, we want it, we feel it,
we can taste it.

So what you do this week

is going to determine
if you are going all the way.

Oh, what is that?

- Chicken tender?
- Eew, no!

I'm hungry now.

♪ RuPaul's Drag Race ♪

The winner of RuPaul's Drag Race

receives a one-year supply

of Anastasia Beverly Hills

and a grand prize of $100.000,
powered by Cash App.

♪ RuPaul's Drag Race ♪

♪ May the best drag queen win ♪

♪ Best drag queen win ♪

Na-na-na-na, na-na-na-na-na.

Na-na-na-na, na-na-na-na-na.

- Final five!
- Yes!

So happy!

To be top five is nuts.

There are no words to describe
what I'm feeling right now.

Like, literally,
it is just such a dream.

Oh, my goodness.

- I think it's herstory, girl.
- Yeah.

First top five with two people
that got eliminated.

Yeah, you can talk about
this lip sync all you want.

Hello, hello, hello!

Here we go!

Hey, dolls.

My ferocious five.

You know,
it's been a bumpy ride,

but looking
at your beautiful faces

and knowing how hard
you all fought to get here,

if I had to live this season
all over again,

I wouldn't change a thing.

This week, for your
final maxi-challenge,

you need to sell your charisma,
uniqueness, nerve, and talent

as the stars
of the music video Catwalk.

Taking inspiration from
George Michael's Too Funky

Catwalk celebrates
that rare species known as...

the supermodel.

First, you'll write and record
your own original lyrics.

Then, you'll work with Drag Race
choreographer Miguel Zarate.

Last but not least,

you'll design
your own Catwalk couture

to be featured in the video.

Oh, and you are also
cordially invited

to join Michelle Visage and me

for an intimate
Tic-Tac Chit-Chat.


Kitty girls,
if you wanna make it

to the grand finale
of RuPaul's Drag Race,

girl, you need to slay
this music video.

Today is the day, bitch.

I don't care how good you have
been doing up until this point.

You could be out of here today.

Racers, start your engines,

and may the best drag queen win.

- We have a lot to do today.
- Yeah.

The main goal for this

is to express ourselves
in our truest form

while showing how fierce of
a supermodel bitch that we are.

Let me see what you got.

I'm trying to go for,
like, a sort of under...


Like, an underground raver

I see that for you.

So we have to design a look

that is going to be made by
a designer for us to wear,

and I kind of wanna channel

kind of a vibe that the judges
haven't really seen yet.

A little bit more of that
underground nightclub,

Camden Town, messed-up
Tinker Bell kind of vibe.

What are you wearing today?

I'm doing something like her.

Oh, cute.

I'm feeling, like, very,
like, structured catsuit,

no panties and corsets.

I want to channel
Miss Linda Evangelista,

because she's just the one.

Bosco, what is your approach
for writing your verse?

I'm trying to,
like, very much keep it

within who Bosco is
as a character.

Bosco comes from
a very, like, devilish place,

so I think it'd be fun to start
with me doing a little bit of

Father, forgive me

for only wearing corsets
and panties on the runway.

Just being hot bitch,
hot, irreverent bitch.

Come on, hot bitch.

Angie, you sing, though.

Like, do you feel
pretty confident

about writing lyrics
and singing and stuff?

I actually don't think
I'm going to sing.

- Ooh.
- Nice.

Yeah, I'm thinking
about rapping it.

Now, I am not Lil' Kim
or nothin',

but, bitch, we gonna be
Lil' Angie today.

- Give us a hit.
- A taste.

From the country
to the silver screen,

it's Angie, bitch,
living out my dream.

That's cute!

- Oh, you like that?
- That is so cute!

Okay. Aah!

I think I'm almost done,

Can I hear your first two lines?

- No.
- Aah!

Oh, that means that they're
really, really good, then,

if I have to wait for them.

Yeah, or I'm stalling.

Being honest, I really could see
anyone being in the top.

But Willow and I
are very, very close,

and I want Willow and I
to be in the finale together.

I'm just gonna scat.


The race is unbelievably tight.

All of the girls
have the skill sets

to k*ll this
music video challenge.

Lady Camden won the Rusical,

Daya won
the girl group challenge,

Angie is a lovely performer
and singer,

and Willow has the ability
to set herself apart

and is very quick
at picking up choreography.

To get to that top four,
I'm gonna have to be a

and I'm keeping my eyes on that
finish line this entire time.

- Oh, my gosh.
- Hi!

- It's Bosco.
- Hi. It's me.

And you've got a slit
all the way up.

All the way up.

Oh, my. What are you gonna do,
arrest me for smoking?


It's time for my Tic-Tac lunch
with Ru and Michelle,

and I'm so excited.

Are you surprised you're here?

No, I'm not surprised
that I'm here.

I felt really strong
coming into the competition.

There was a little bit
of a stumble.


But it feels really freeing
to, like f*ck it up

and then move forward from that.

Isn't that the secret of life,

Once you've died
to your old self,

then you can be reborn

into the self that
you were supposed to be.

A lot of people have to fall.

Sometimes they find religion.

So you've heard of
born-again Christianity.

This is born-again

We went all that way
for that joke.


So have you accomplished
what you came here to do?

Yes, you wore all your bras
and panties and corsets.

Not yet, because
my goal coming into this

was to walk away with the crown.

But I am so happy with
what I have done so far.

I have won three
comedy-based challenges,

and, like, I did not
see that coming.

Three comedy challenges and,
like, the reading challenge.

My ability to shit
on my fellow competitors

has brought me several wins
at this point.

You're a natural,
and through this process

you'll peel away
more layers of who you are.

It feels like
I'm connecting with them

in a way that, like, okay,
they see me as a human being

behind that drag persona,
and it feels great.

Well, look who's here.

- Hello!
- Daya Betty!

- Hi, guys.
- Here you are in the top five.

You know what?
I saw myself being here for

- You did?
- I did. I am not gonna lie.

I did not.

Ru is already reading me.

I'll tell you why.

Because I was getting
so much of El DeBarge.

- Oh, yeah.
- Crystal Methyd, yeah.

But I saw it break through
in Daytona Wind.

The acting
and the character development,

it was fully realized.

So, Daya Betty,
are you diabetic?

I am diabetic.
I'm a type 1 diabetic.

I found out that
I had it when I was 15.

I was in the shower one morning
and I felt really sick.

I screamed for my mom to
come get me out of the shower,

because I felt like
I couldn't move.

And they rushed me
to the hospital,

and it was good old diabetes.

So that must be hard for you,
being in a competition,

because it's so dependent upon
what your blood sugar is doing.

Sometimes I can feel
when I'm getting low,

like my blood sugar's
getting low,

and sometimes
I can feel when it's high.

When I'm in full drag,
I have pads on and a corset,

and I'm having to keep
my insulin pump hidden

and tucked away in my outfits.

So it's kind of
this juggling game

that I have to be
really cognitive of.

Drink your juice, Shelby.

You beat me to that line.

I was waiting for...

Say it, say it.

Drink your juice, Shelby.

Drink your juice.

Drink your juice, Shelby.

You clearly are thriving now.

It kind of showed me

things just happen in your life
you have no control over,

and you either
let it get you down

or you use it to the best
of your abilities.

- That's what life is.
- Yeah.

Face those fears.

They don't become fears anymore,

they become an opening,
a big opening.

Dive right into that
big old opening.

I've never felt this calm

after leaving a conversation
with Ru or Michelle.

It kind of gives you
that fuel that you need,

that extra lift

to get through the remainder
of the competition.

This is the Tic-Tac Chit-Chat,

and you won the Tic-Tac
challenge your first episode.

It seems like so long ago.

You're a drag mother
to eight kids?


So you can't really
come into this

with anything but confidence,

because back home you've got
these kids who look up to you.

Yeah, that was one of the things
that was in the back of my mind,

my drag kids, my actual parents.

Like, just the fact
of not letting people down.

Your parents,
are they supportive of you

and your drag career?

Yes. They are, like, my two,
like, biggest supporters.

They've been, like, getting into
the past couple of seasons.

Oh, I love it.

My mom feels like she's
a whole Drag Race expert now.

So she be like,
"Ooh, Lil' Bodie, they..."

That's what they call me,
they call me Lil' Bodie.

- Lil' Bodie?
- Yeah, my mom is always like,

"Okay, Lil' Bodie, you know
you gotta make her laugh now.

"And make sure you look art.

"Whatever you do,
make sure it's art.

Make her fall in love with you
and look art."

Well, we've all
fallen in love with you.

You're very, very charming.

And we got that from the very
moment we laid eyes on you.

You are a genuine,
lovely, kind person.

Don't change any of that.

Remember where
you came from, baby.

Remember where you came from.

Thank you.

I feel like we've all developed
this sense of comfortability...

Is that a word?

Comfortability... I don't...

It honestly just felt like

I was having a lunch date
with two of my aunties.

All right, go on back
and fix your outfit.

All right, Mama.

All right, Auntie Shelle.

Bye, Angie, baby.

Nuh-uh, she don't want no big

Hello, my darlings.

Listen, throughout
this competition

I've commented on
your take on life

and how much I admire it.

Have you had other people
comment on your ability

to laugh in the face
of adversity?

Yeah, I think it's what

I've really become known for
in Denver.

And as much as my drag
comes from a lot of queerness,

a lot of it has to do more
with conquering death

in some weird way.

I wanna ask how much
your cystinosis...

- Is that what it is?
- Mm-hmm.

How much has that impacted you
every single day?

I think the main way it's
impacted me
is with my hands.

It's just the atrophy
of the hands.

But, I mean, everything you do

when you have, like,
a disability like that,

you just learn to do it
in a different way.

So I use my teeth all the time
for everything.

I use... when I do my makeup,

I move with my elbow
instead of my fingers.

And so you just learn
little ways to make shortcuts.

What do you want out of life
moving forward?

I think for a long time

I really wanted to make,
like, a monument of my drag,

and that comes from

constantly feeling like
you're letting go of everything

and wanting to, like,
attach yourself to life,

because it's, like,
slipping away from you.

I'm just finally learning
to just enjoy life,

and that is a hard thing to do.

You should create
a superhero called Sister Nosis.

Because most people
will succumb to their illness

and think of themselves
as a victim.

I don't think of you
as a victim at all.

I feel so proud.

I've done things here
that I'll remember forever.

I'm not quite sure
what the future looks like

as far as someone
with my illness.

I wanna live it up now.

I want to be a drag rock star.

I don't wanna leave this world
with any box unchecked.

Lady Camden.

Hello, you beautiful people.

Here you are.

How have you changed
in this competition?

I think what I've learned,
maybe, in this competition

is that any of the risks
that I've taken on the runway

or in the challenges are the
that paid off the most.

- Yeah.
- Do you have siblings?

Yeah, my brother, um,
unfortunately committed su1c1de

when I was about 14
and he was 21.

So it was a hard time,
and I think for that reason,

um, I was kind of keen
to leave England.

And, um, I just never felt like
I wanted to go back,

because I just felt like

it was a physically
very dark place to be.

Have you resolved all of that,

all of the sort of darkness
you left behind?


Because you can't
run away from it.

I know.

I think even just saying it
out loud makes me realize

I have a fear of kind of
going back and settling there.

It just kind of
brings up memories

of a time where I felt like

I just didn't know,
really, what to do.

Looking back,
it was a lot to deal with.

But I felt like
it was my responsibility

to kind of
keep everyone together

and keep everyone happy.

So how has that motivated you

or pushed you
into doing what you do?

I've wanted to have a moment
of "just you wait," you know?

Like, I'll go away,
and I'm gonna do my thing,

and I'm gonna come back

and, you know, just make you
so crazy proud.


There's a small handful of

that know that I get in my way
and that know I doubt myself,

and that I know I get shy
and maybe shut down,

and that I've hardened myself

because of what
I've been through in my life.

There's a few people at home

that knew I could get
the whole way,

and I cannot wait
for them to find out.

All right,
thank you, Lady Camden.

- Thank you guys so much.
- Thank you.

Oh, my goodness!
Look, our costumes!

Wow! We got clothes!

Today is music video day.

So we walk in
and at our stations

are all of the outfits
that we designed.

I'm so happy!

Oh, here she is, bitch.

She has arrived!

Velociraptor realness.

Oh, this is fun!

I love it.

Werk, bitch.

It's all one piece.

This is gonna be kind of
difficult to get into,

because I'm gonna have to
step into the whole thing.

But I'm really excited
to see what it looks like

when it all
is on my big old body.

Oh, I feel very superhero-y
here, actually.

Bosco's outfit is perfectly

It's just I don't think she

that it would look like
a soccer mom in space.

- Hey, queens.
- Hello.

So it's time to learn
our choreography

with Miguel Zarate and Michelle
Visage coaching as well.

Honestly, like,
I love to perform,

I love to learn
sassy choreography,

and I'm feeling like
whatever happens,

I'm gonna have a really
good time on that catwalk.

You're playing catty supermodels
battling for the spotlight.

I made music videos
a long, long time ago.

It was always very fast-paced,
and guess what?

It's gonna be
just like that here today.

I am having butterflies,

because I'm not
a choreography girl.

My memory and my feet
do not be on the same page.

And this is the last impression.
I need it to be good.

We're gonna start.

One, two.
You're gonna jump out.

Three, to the right,
to the left.

It's almost like a dab-dab.

It is like dab-dab.

Yes, with two fists.

One, two, jump, three and four.

From there, you're gonna
ball-change right, left.

You're gonna move your hips
left, right, left.


From here, you're gonna
put your right foot in.

I am on the struggle bus,

and I'm the only one
on there by myself.

Everybody knows you're somebody.

The way you...

Everywhere you go. Hold.

Angie, what's going on?

You're being too hard
on yourself, aren't you?

Don't go there.

Bring back Sparta.

Take it from the top.

This catwalk everywhere you go.

Everybody, dab.

I'm feeling for Angie right now.

I just wanna, like,
telecommunicate with her

and be, like, come on, girl,
you can get it.

It's a kick, ball change.

You're the star,

and, like, we all know the stars
never do it right fully.

So you do what you need to do
to get through the combo.

Don't get stuck on a move.

Five, six, hit 'em
with your catwalk.

Everywhere you go,

and everybody knows
you're somebody.

Much better.

- You can do this.
- Much better.

- All of y'all can do this.
- Everybody's looking great.

Ladies, I wanna remind you

that dancing is just one
component of this challenge.

It's selling it.

But here's the real deal.

It's time to roll on it.

Bring in the backup dancers,

Oh, so we're filming right now.

Like, right now, right now?

Oh, my God.

What I have to do right now

is I gotta put all of these
demons to the back of my mind.

Like, girl, they gotta
get up outta there.

I gotta go up on that stage,
and I gotta pull this off.

Let's do this!

Hit it!

♪ With your catwalk ♪

♪ Everywhere you go ♪

♪ Everybody knows
you're somebody ♪

♪ The way you work that body ♪

♪ Everywhere you go today ♪

♪ Like the world is your runway ♪

I live.

Angeria, you did
the opening dance move,

and you did
the closing dance move,

but you sold it in between.

Uh-huh. Uh-huh.

That's my move.

Bitch, that's about the only
I could remember.

All right, ladies, it's time
to move on to your solo moments.

- Aah!
- Bosco, you're up first.


I wanna see
fashion modeling, posing.

Don't be afraid
to walk the runway.

- Okay.
- Action!


Bosco is doing really well,

and giving you that real catwalk
attitude at the same time.

I just am very thankful
that she's in that outfit,

because it's like
an intergalactic mom

ready to pick up her kids.

Willow, first of all,

is that your profile
on your dress?


That is so cool.

- Oh, thank you.
- Oh, wow, I just noticed that.

Yeah, it's pretty rad.
I love that.

Okay, let's go for it.

I'm trying to give very,
like, Betsey Johnson energy,

very flirty and flouncy,

a little bit of
Anna Nicole in there.

Willow is the sleepiest
supermodel of all time.

She's giving us moves,
but there's a bit of a

from, like,
what's happening here

and what's happening down there.

Lady Camden.

Despite Lady looking like
the female gremlin up on stage,

I think this is the most
attracted to her I've ever been.

You know when you fantasize
about being Madonna?

Everyone does it.
You're lying if you don't.

To be in a music video
and to dance and lip sync,

that is such a dream.

This is so fun.

Oh, my thighs
are on f*cking fire.

- Okay.
- All right, Angeria.

I wanna see you walk
with conviction.

- Walk like Naomi.
- Got it.

I don't care if you have to get
on your knees and crawl!

- Okay.
- That was a hint.

Let us have it.

Michelle is hinting at Angeria

that she should
get on her knees and crawl,

but Angie doesn't take the note,
she doesn't get the hint.

Come on, Betty.

The minute I knew

that Angie was not
gonna crawl on the catwalk

and I was next to go,

I'm like, "Move aside, bitch,
let me do it."


Daya gets on stage
and she crawls,

and it is so funny
and I love it.

It's just perfection. I wanna
see Daya crawl all the time.

I love the crawl.

It's almost as if
somebody recommended it.

I'm in it to win it,

and I let nothing get in my way
to this point,

and you can sure as hell bet

I'm not gonna let anything
get in my way to the crown.

♪ Dun dun dun dun ♪

I'm gonna cry.

Here we are,
ladies and gentlemen,

in the last day.

We are going to look

at our Catwalk
music video performances,

and today is the day
that we find out

who is moving on
to the grand finale.

It feels really weird,

knowing this is our last time
getting ready.

I know.

The last time we're gonna
get read by Michelle and Ru.

I know.

I'm here at the end of the race,

even though RuPaul
told me to go home,

and then the chocolate bar
told RuPaul that I get to stay.

I've learned you fall
and you get back up

and you keep moving.

What were your first
impressions of everyone?

Start with me.

I just remember feeling
so scared next to you.

I was like, this bitch

looks like she knows
exactly what she's doing.

When I came in,

I was just, like, oh, she's so
and seems so sweet.

And then it wasn't
until you got out of drag

that I was, like, what the f*ck?

Who is this bitch?

- Oh, my God.
- Because you were just, like,

running around the werkroom,
like, aah!

Willow, on the other hand,

you were just kinda, like,
really, like, introverted

and kind of just
working on your own thing.

So I was like, I'm not
gonna, like, press myself.

I'm gonna let it happen

and it did, because
you are literally, like,

one of the closest people
to me here, so...


Everyone else I love,

but I also view them
as competition.

Angie's the one person

that the love
we have with each other

comes way beyond
anything competitive.

Now, Miss Bosco.

- Oh, wow.
- Yeah.

- Oh, wow.
- See, I walked in the werkroom

after you guys
had all met each other,

- because, you know...
- Mm-hmm.

When you walked in,
I was just, like,

oh, I thought we had already
figured out who went home first.

I went home second
technically, okay?

Technically, yes.

Daya has the comeback story,

'caused her ass was sent packing
on her first episode,

and now she is all the way here.

She clawed her way
all the way up to the top

off of talent
and pure hatred for Jasmine.

Lady, I think
you were the person

that I underestimated the most.

I agree with Daya.

Then when we were in
Daytona Wind,

I was, like, what the f*ck?

Because it was just so good.

Well, thanks, guys.
I'm glad that you all

completely thought I was
terrible when I first got here.

I'm not surprised by the other
queens' first impression of me.

A lot of the other queens

came in immediately showing
who they were,

and I think it took some time
for me to...

peek out.

Just a friendly reminder.

One of us in this room

is gonna become the next
Drag Race superstar.


Isn't that crazy?

I want to win

more than anything
in the world at this point,

and I'm gonna do
everything it takes.

I'm ready to strap myself in
and ride it.

I'm gonna ride it.

And I don't ride.
I never ride.

That's not my gig.

Someone is about
to make herstory.

And win so much money.

I know one thing, bitch.

If it ain't me,
y'all ho's better share.

Send me a check, girl!


I'm nervous because

I just really want to be
in the finale so bad,

and it's hard to know
what's gonna happen.

But I feel good.

I'm like, come on!

So close.
Come on!

♪ Cover girl,
put the bass in your walk ♪

♪ Head to toe,
let your whole body talk ♪

Come on, Dolly Parton.

Yes, dress of many colors!

Welcome to the main stage
of RuPaul's Drag Race.

She's perfect, she's beautiful,

she looks like
Linda Evangelista.

It's Michelle Visage.

I think you mean
Gianna Evangelista,

her mob wife cousin
from north Newark.

No, I actually meant
Linda Lavin.

Oh, my God, I'll take it!

Style superstar Carson Kressley,

any catwalk advice
for our girls?

Yeah, shoulders back,
titties out,

and don't piss off Naomi.

And the hilarious Ross Mathews.

Now, Ross, have you ever been
mistaken for a supermodel?

Some people tell me I sort of
look like Cindy Crawford,

but I don't really see it.

Do you?

Well, yes, I do see it.

This week
we challenged our queens

to live their supermodel fantasy
in the music video Catwalk.

Racers, start your engines,

and may the best drag queen win.

♪ The world is your runway ♪

Category is
You're A Winner, Baby.

Up first, Bosco.

Girl, you heard of
Breakfast at Tiffany's?

This is Brunch at Tiffany's.

It is the final runway,

and you can't tell me shit.

Oh, I look incredible.

I'm channeling
a little bit of Marilyn,

I'm giving you
a little bit of Madonna,

but I'm also giving you
a whole lot of Bosco.

I want the judges to take away

that there's a lot
of versatility in my arsenal,

and that I look good
in blonde hair.

Now, I've never seen one,

but I think this is
what they call a glittoris.

Angeria, the Widow VanMicheals.

No prenup.

Baby, I have worn stones

and sequins
all season long, baby.

But on this final runway,

I don't need all that shine
to shine, honey.

I am stunning as I am
in all black.

She's giving you
a little asymmetrical moment

so you can get into
the shoulder, honey.

She's big, bold, and blonde.

This is Angeria.
Take it or leave it, baby.

This is who I am.

I feel like a winner.

And that was the night
the lights went out in Sparta!

Daya Betty.

Oh, it appears
her p*ssy was on fire,

but they were able
to put it out.

For my final time
walking down the runway,

Daya Betty would not wear
a freaking princess gown.

That is not who she is.

So I wanted to use
this huge bustle

on the most random spot
of my body,

that is almost overwhelming
to look at, and then being

I wanna portray the idea

of tearing down
conventional beauty.

I want the judges
to kind of look at me

and be like, "What is she doing,
why is she wearing that,

but how does it
somehow work for her?"

I said "Carson," not "arson!"

Ooh, singe for the gods.

Lady Camden.

Ladies and gentlemen,
the daughter of Liberace.

Tonight I'm kind of embodying

the Disney princesses
that I fell in love with

when I was, like,
four or five years old.

Little mini Rex would just
dream of looking like this.

I'm wearing a headpiece
that my mum made for me,

so it feels good to have
a little piece of her with me.

I really just want
to show the judges

Lady Camden can be pure glamour
and beauty and grace.

Hey, why the long ears?

Oh, lobe, you betta don't.

Willow Pill.

Guess who's back in the mouse?

I am obsessed with rats.

Rats are seen as
the sewer trash of America,

but in my mind,

there's something so cartoonish
and delicate about them.

I feel like
I'm this rat princess.

She's soft, she's elegant,

and somehow connected
to the Mafia.

I don't know how.

Dare I say this look is cheesy?

But I'm all ears for it.

♪ The world is your runway ♪

Welcome, queens.

It's time for
the global premiere

of your music video, Catwalk.

♪ 'Cause when we live
in the light ♪

♪ We taste the sweet life ♪

♪ So walk how you feel like ♪

♪ Forgive me, Father,
for I have sinned ♪

♪ I did show some skin ♪

♪ Don't fight, shh, give in ♪

♪ You can call me greedy,
I feel that ♪

♪ The whole world,
I need that ♪

♪ So ass out and horns up ♪

♪ Ass out and horns up ♪

♪ Check, from the country
to the silver screen ♪

♪ It's Angie, bitch,
livin' out my dreams ♪

♪ I was always taught
to walk with grace ♪

♪ Confidence, poise,
and tons of face ♪

♪ I've never been afraid
to live out loud ♪

♪ I just wanted
to make my daddy proud ♪

♪ And at the end of the day
Imma always slay ♪

♪ Never let a bitch
take my shine away ♪

♪ Hit 'em with your catwalk ♪

♪ Everywhere you go ♪

♪ Everybody knows ♪

♪ You're somebody,
the way you work that body ♪

♪ Catwalk ♪

♪ Everywhere you go today ♪

♪ Everybody knows ♪

♪ Like the world
is your runway ♪

♪ You see me stomp the floor,
left to right ♪

♪ Walk the runway
with my heels sky high ♪

♪ Now take the picture,
catch the light ♪

♪ Clawed my way to the top,
now I'm taking what's mine ♪

♪ So I strut to the beat
and even if I fall ♪

♪ I shove a safety pin through
it and I stand real tall ♪

♪ Yeah, the mug is stamped
and my waist is thinner ♪

♪ So you Betty be ready because
I've always been a winner ♪

♪ L to the A
to the D to the Y ♪

♪ Like a sh**ting star
straight to the sky ♪

♪ Gonna make you snap,
gonna make you say ♪

♪ Step, smack,
and a pas de bourree ♪

♪ Twist, turn, levitate ♪

♪ Act, pose, captivate ♪

♪ When I hit that stage,
Imma drive you crazy ♪

♪ Serve it to you like a lady ♪

♪ Mm, take a Willow Pill ♪

♪ Do my sick bitch looks
have you feelin' ill? ♪

♪ Kick it up to the top
'cause I came to k*ll ♪

♪ And kick it back in my dreams
when I like to chill ♪

♪ Cute, absurd,
and a touch of ugly ♪

♪ I celebrate life,
let's pour the bubbly ♪

♪ We live in a matrix,
I'm the solution ♪

♪ Get lost in my sauce
because it's all an illusion ♪

♪ Hit 'em with your catwalk ♪

♪ Everywhere you go ♪

♪ Everybody knows
you're somebody ♪

♪ The way you work that body ♪

♪ Catwalk ♪

♪ Everywhere you go today ♪

♪ Like the world
is your runway ♪

♪ Catwalk ♪

♪ Catwalk ♪

♪ Everywhere you go today ♪

♪ Like the world
is your runway ♪

♪ Catwalk ♪


Nice job!

Now let's find out
which of you kitty girls

will be moving on
to the grand finale

of RuPaul's Drag Race.

It's time for
the judges' critiques,

starting with Bosco.

Let's talk about
this runway look first of all,

because it is so gorgeous.

I mean, the detail, the stoning,

the fleshy pink folds,

which I'm normally not into.

It's all just so beautiful.

I think the performance
in the video,

it was a little tentative.

We wanted to see face
and fierceness.

I just wanted to kind of see

more attitude
in the performance.

I really loved you
in the music video.

I loved your lyrics.

I thought you had such precision

when you were dancing.

Your outfit in the music video

could have been a little edgier,
but it was you.

It was corseted,
which is what you do so well.

I also love that you had white
pumps, because as Ru says...

White pumps are
the true sign of a whore.

Yes, and around here, that's
how you dress like a winner.

Your journey has been
an amazing one.

You came into this
thinking that, yes,

I'm the burlesque queen.

This is what I do.

But you won three
comedy-related challenges.

Not one of them has to do
with what you thought you were,

and there's something so
refreshing about you letting go

and finding new things
out about yourself.

I can't help
but bring up the fact

that you almost weren't here.

Oh, my goodness!

And I can't get over that.

You were sent home,

and you were saved
by the drag gods.

That's right, bitch, you got
a reprieve from the governor.


I'm so glad that fate intervened
and brought you to this point.

Thank you, thank you.

Up next, Angeria Paris

You have been
such a joy to watch,

because every single week,
you brought great stuff.

I think this look
is no exception.

The silhouette, the proportions,
the accessories, perfection.

It's like best little
funeral home in Texas,

but in a great way.

This is something
that I would wear, I adore.

I think it's drag,
but it's also you.

Your catwalk couture,
not my favorite.

I don't even need
to go into details,

because it's a bodysuit.

And you were on the struggle bus
with the choreography.

The issue is not
that you can't dance.

The issue is
you freaked yourself out

because there was a lot
thrown at you really quickly.

What I see in the music video
is not what I think of

when I think of Angeria
doing your level of drag.

You are so good on stage.

You have this ease about you,

this charisma
that makes us root for you.

Did you have fun?

I did have fun.

Within all the murky anxiety.

Yeah. Yeah.

I think for
as long as I can remember,

I've always been very nervous
before doing things,

and it feels really, really hard
to get out of it.

I can tell you
how to get out of it.

You have to just decide.

Because we've all told you,

you got it,
you got the job, kiddo.

And once you get there,
you realize, huh.

Can I do this
without the anxiety?

That next level of stardom
that we're talking about

is when you know
what you're gonna deliver,

and you don't have to spend
all that time doing that.

I think I've talked too much,

I suspect caffeine.

See? The investigation

The investigation continues.

Up next, Daya Betty.

Let's talk about
this runway look right away,

because I'm so excited by it.

This is, like,
haute couture drag,

and that's what it should be.

I love the front bustle.

I've never seen
one of those before.

I love a gown
that conceals a boner.

In the video,
the look was amazing.

Bettie Page is one of
my all-time icons in my head.

I've got her tattooed on my body
as well, so I understand.

So when you came out, I was,
like, ee, very, very excited.

Yeah, see, I like Betty White.

I like Betty White, too,

but she's not tattooed
on my... maybe that's next.

What I loved about you

is you gave it
your Daya Betty injection,

I'm just gonna say it.

Not an insulin reference,
but just an injection,

and that's what it needed.

You know, I had said to Angeria,

"It would be really great
if you crawled,"

and you came out
and you're like,

"Oh, I heard that, bitch,"
and you crawled.

Watching you
in that music video,

damn, girl, you were selling it,

and I couldn't
take my eyes off of you.

You did come into
this competition,

and we thought
of Crystal Methyd.

But you have proven
you are no Crystal Lite.

All right?

This is when
you pick up the pace.

This is when you take

everything you've learned
in this competition

and show us who you are
and what you can do.

You did it.

Up next, Lady Camden.

This runway look, gorgeous.

It's opulence, you know?
It's high drag.

I love the headdress, I love
the over-the-top earrings.

It's like you own
all of Antarctica,

and we believe it.
It's stunning.

In the video,
what you were wearing

was so different
for Lady Camden,

and I think that's amazing.

Really fun
kind of Steampunk hair,

and that hideous color.

You did that to punish me.
I know you did.

I did, yeah.

You were...
And I'm going on record...

The only one that got
every single move,

every detail, every nuance
that Miguel wanted,

and you did it with drag
and attitude. Dragitude.

That's what we look for.

You've been able to make

all these iconic images
this season,

and these performances
that are so unbelievable

one after another.

You have this power to bring
that extra bit of star quality

to every single challenge,
and the thing I know about you,

you know how good you are,
and it is a joy

to see a performer
in their skin like you are.

Thank you so much.

All right, up next, Willow Pill.

It's been really, really fun

watching you compete
on so many different levels.

The first time
we got to speak to you,

you told us about
your battle with cystinosis.

I've gone through kidney failure
and transplants.

But what's
so inspirational to me

is you never use it
as an excuse,

and you've crushed it
in this competition.

You've been amazing.

Drag for you is just fun
and creative and kooky,

and that is a great kind of
brand of drag to embrace,

and I think you did that
the entire season.

And even in your
catwalk couture, you know,

it looks like a very simple
kind of, you know,

like, miniskirt/bodice number,

but to have
that profile silhouette

of your face on the bodice,

it's those smart, fun,
quirky things that make you you.

Tonight on the runway,
that is really kooky.

You've made a mouse drag,

and it doesn't just
have to be a sexy mouse.

It's a classy, beautiful mouse.

I thought you were so cute
in the music video.

You got the moves down.

The problem was you weren't
selling it up here.

We could see you counting.

Because of that, you missed some
of the lip sync that you wrote.

You are someone from my tribe.

I know how hard it's been for
and yet here you are.

So proud of you.

Ladies, to share
your experience and hope

with our younger viewers,

it's time for me to ask, Bosco,

what do you have to say
to your six-year-old self?


You are gonna be
very uncomfortable

for a very long time,

and there's going to be
a lot of times

where you feel like
apologizing for who you are.

And I just want you to know,
do not be sorry, be fierce.

Be louder, and one day,

the things that...

that people bring you down for
will be your power.

And please give mom
another hug for me.

You don't get as much time
as you'd like with her.

Thank you.

All right, Angeria.


What do you have to say
to your four-year-old self?

You are such a special,
beautiful, talented little boy,

but you're gonna go to school,

and the kids,
they're gonna tease you.

f*ck them people.

You have two amazing parents

that are gonna be there for you
through everything.

Your dad is one of
the best fathers in the world,

and he's going to always
love you and be proud of you.

Thank you.

Up next, Daya Betty.

What do you have to say
to your one-year-old self?

You're gonna go through life
trying to fit in,

like, trying to find
where you belong,

and nothing will feel right.

And then the moment
that you let your guard down

and stop worrying about what
people are thinking about you

is where you're really
gonna find your truest self.

And you don't
have to worry so much

about if your mom
is proud of you

or if your dad is proud of you,

because you're proud
of yourself.

Thank you.

Up next, Lady Camden.

What do you have to say
to your four-year-old self?

You're gonna start off
sweet and hopeful

and just full of dreams,

and people are gonna say
some mean shit to you.

People are gonna make you feel
like you deserve that,

and you don't.

And some shit's gonna happen
to your family

that is just...

just so heavy and dark,

but just please,
try not to harden up too much.

Thank you.

All right, up next, Willow Pill.


What do you have to say
to your three-year-old self?

Oh, you have so much joy
and life in you,

it's f*cking insane.

You're just gonna feel like life
takes everything away from you,

and you're gonna have to
grieve people around you,

and you're gonna
have to grieve yourself.

But in stripping yourself
away from this Earth,

you're gonna be
doing yourself a favor,

because you'll just learn
to let go

and have the queerness of
the universe shine through you.

And I love you so much
until the end.

Thank you.

Thank you, ladies.
I think we've heard enough.

While you untuck
in the werkroom,

the judges and I
will deliberate.

You may leave the stage.

All right, now, just between
us squirrel friends,

whaddaya think?

Now, this is a tough decision,

because I love
each of these girls equally

for different reasons.

Let's start with Bosco.

The biggest problem
I had with Bosco

was what she was wearing.

It was very Jet Blue after dark.

But I think
she's a fabulous queen.

Cerebral, beautiful, funny.

I just wish
that in the music video

she had put some more
of her heart into it.

But the runway look tonight,
spectacular and very on-brand.

She was giving us 1950s style
and sex symbol icon energy.

Talk about a journey with Bosco.

She's won three times,
she's been in the bottom twice,

she almost went home.

I mean, there's
more ups and downs

than Michelle Visage
in a motel room.


But I'll tell you this.

There is no doubt
she should be standing here.

All right,
let's move on to Angeria.

Y'all, my heart
was breaking for her.

She knew the opening move
and she knew the ending move,

so I was trying to tell
her fake it till you make it.

She spent a lot of the time
looking up.

I couldn't understand
what she was going for,

and she's, like, oh,
I'm going for Naomi Campbell.

And I was like, okay, well,
then tell your face that,

because it wasn't doing that.

Once she doesn't have all of her
I's crossed and T's dotted...

- That's the one.
- Yeah.

She kind of freaks out
a little bit.

I think sometimes

maybe that pageant perfection
gets in her way.

But tonight on the runway,

praise the drag gods.

That was gorgeous.

You think, oh,
another pageant queen.

I've seen this. Uh-uh.

The way Angeria does it,
you've seen nothin' yet.

All right, let's move on
to Daya Betty.

She pulled a Vanessa Williams
and saved the best for last.

That Catwalk music video
look was so great.

It was Bettie Page 2.0.

She has great taste,
and it was ex*cuted beautifully.

And her conviction to
the choreography was amazing.

She was present, she looked
at the camera, she sold it.

Tonight on the runway,

I was living for this

weird, makes-no-sense look.

It was just sublime.

Daya was almost gone right away.
- Yeah.

And she has fought her way
back to the top five?

- That is so commendable.
- Yep.

All right, let's move on
to Lady Camden.

In the music video,
I thought she was amazing.

I mean, she is truly
a very, very gifted dancer,

and she did more
than the choreography.

She became a supermodel.

She looked at us
through that camera,

and she just f*cked us.

- Mm-hmm.
- And I was begging for more.

I do feel a little burning
down there still.

It was a joy to watch her.

She was so easy with her
movement and her narrative,

which was so clear.

All in all, she started out
rough for me...

I'm not gonna lie...
In this competition.

And I thought, oh,
this drag is very, very basic.

She just went up
instead of flatlined,

and tonight, absolutely
breathtakingly beautiful.

All right, let's move on down
to Willow Pill.

What I love about her is that
she's very, very fearless,

and I think that comes
from having to face things

that are a lot scarier than,
like, f*cking up a drag routine.

Yeah. I mean,
from the day she got here,

with those
marshmallow flip-flops,

I love Willow Pill.

Tonight on the runway,
oh, my goodness,

like, I love this so much.

It made me so happy.

It's, like,
Mary's best friend Rodent.

Oh, my God.

I don't really get it,
but it was ex*cuted well.

What don't you get?
She's a mouse!

I get that she's a mouse.

I just... I don't know
why she's a mouse.


I don't know why
she's a mouse either,

but I don't give a shit.

I think it's fun,
and it's so unexpected,

and, you know,
the "why" with Willow,

it's like, I don't even ask
at this point, you know.

Why did she
introduce herself to us

by pouring spaghetti
into a bathtub?

I don't know,
but I'm here for it,

because she's got
something to say.

The music video,
not her best performance.

She kind of faded away
a little bit,

and there were
two or three superstars.

It's hard to stand up
against that competition.

It just... probably thinking
too much got the best of her,

and she didn't really project

or connect with that camera,

Ru, this is a tough one.

I feel like any of these queens

could win
this whole competition.

- Totally.
- They are so good,

and it's neck and neck.

All right, silence.

I've made my decision.

Bring back my girls.

Welcome back, ladies.

You all did
an amazing job this week

and all season long.

Thank you all
for being gracious enough

to share your stories with us,

your vulnerabilities,
your tears, your laughter,

your power, your creativity.

Thank you.

Now, I've made some decisions.

Daya Betty.

In the video and on the runway,

your p*ssy was on fire.

Cinderfella, you are safe.

Oh, my God!


You're moving forward
to the grand finale.

Thank you guys so much.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

You may step
to the back of the stage.

Oh, my freaking goodness,
I made it to the finale.

This is freaking insane to me.

Lady Camden. This week, you
catwalked your way to the top.


You are the winner
of this week's challenge.

Oh, my God!

I won the f*cking
last f*cking maxi-challenge!


You've won a cash prize
of $5.000,

and you are moving forward
to the grand finale.

This is absolutely
my dream come true.

Thank you all so much
from the heart of my bottom.

Bosco. On the runway,

you served Diamonds
are a Girl's Best Friend,

but in the music video,
we wanted more sparkle.

Angeria. On the runway,

you proved
that Black is beautiful,

but your supermodel
seemed super nervous.

Willow. On the runway,

you were the mouse that roared,

but in the music video,
you looked a little trapped.

Bosco, you are safe.


You are moving forward
to the grand finale.

Thank you.

My brain shuts off

after I find out
I'm in the top three.

I am so, so excited.

Angeria and Willow Pill,

I'm sorry, my dears,
but you are up for elimination.

This is not the mood right now.

And I'm gonna do
what I need to do to stay here,

but to know that one of us

would be in the finale
without the other one

is just, like, f*cked.

Two queens stand before me.

Ladies, this is your last chance
to impress me

and save yourselves
from elimination.

I'm heartbroken
that it's me and Angeria,

but I'm not gonna hold back
in this lip sync.

That would not be true
to who I am,

and that would not be true
to me and Angie's friendship.

The time has come...

for you to lip sync...

for your life!

Good luck, and don't f*ck it up.

♪ Hello, hello,
baby, you called ♪

♪ I can't hear a thing ♪

♪ I have got no service
in the club, you see, see ♪

♪ Wha-wha-what did you say?
Oh, you're breaking up on me ♪

♪ Sorry, I cannot hear you,
I'm kinda busy ♪

♪ K-kinda busy, k-kinda busy ♪

♪ Sorry, I cannot hear you,
I'm kinda busy ♪

♪ Stop callin', stop callin' ♪

♪ I don't wanna think
anymore... ♪

If there are things

that are considered holy
in the gay culture,

this song is one of them.

They cannot screw this up,

otherwise they're
both going home.

♪ Boy, the way
you blowin' up my phone ♪

♪ Won't make me leave
no faster ♪

♪ Put my coat on faster,
leave my girls no faster ♪

♪ I shoulda left
my phone at home ♪

♪ 'Cause this is a disaster ♪

♪ Callin' like a collector,
sorry, I cannot answer ♪

♪ Not that I don't like you,
I'm just at a party ♪

♪ And I am sick and tired
of my phone ri-ringin' ♪

♪ Sometimes I feel like ♪

♪ I live in Grand Central
Station, station ♪

♪ Tonight I'm not takin' no
calls, 'cause I'll be dancin' ♪

♪ Stop callin', stop callin',

♪ I don't wanna think
anymore ♪

♪ I left my head and my heart
on the dance floor ♪

♪ Stop callin', stop callin' ♪

♪ I don't wanna think
anymore ♪

♪ I left my head and my heart
on the dance floor ♪

♪ Stop callin',
stop callin'... ♪

Baby, me and Willow
are dancing together

like we are up
in the club, honey,

feeling our oats,

and honestly,
I am sharing the spotlight

with the person I am closest to
in this competition,

and it feels amazing.

♪ Can call all you want,
but there's no one home ♪

♪ And you're not gonna reach
my telephone ♪

♪ 'Cause I'm out in the club,
and I'm sippin' that bub ♪

♪ And you're not gonna reach
my telephone ♪

♪ Call all you want,
but there's no one home ♪

♪ And you're not gonna reach
my telephone ♪

♪ 'Cause I'm out in the club,
and I'm sippin' that bub ♪

♪ And you're not gonna reach
my telephone ♪

She danced her ears off.

Yes, girls!

Ladies, I've made my decision.


Shantay you stay.


You'll be moving on
to the grand finale.

Willow Pill.

My dear...

Shantay you stay.



You will also be moving forward
to the grand finale.

Bitch, what?

This is the kind of ending
that I wanted.

I am so happy.

This is what I wanted:

the two of us to make it
all the way together.

I wouldn't imagine it
any other way.

We have a top five, damn it.

Gold bars for everyone!

Our season has been
a season of firsts.

We shitty'd Snatch Game,
a Lalaparuza.

A top five?

I can't wait to see
what twists and turns

we're gonna have to do
to come out on top,

but top five with these girls,
anything is possible.

Now I wanna hear from you,
the viewers.

Who do you want to be
America's next drag superstar?

Are you Team Angeria,

Team Bosco,

Team Daya Betty,

Team Lady Camden,

or Team Willow Pill?

Let your voice be heard
using #DragRace.

And tune in next week for
RuPaul's Drag Race Reunited,

and join us in two weeks

for a grand finale
of RuPaul's Drag Race,

where we are going to do what?

Crown ourselves a winner, baby.

Con-drag-ulations, ladies.

And remember,
if you can't love yourself,

how in the hell
you gonna love somebody else?

Can I get an "amen" up in here?

- Amen!
- Amen!

All right.
Now let the music play.

♪ Oh, baby ♪

♪ Playing
with the game of love ♪

♪ Oh, baby, playing
with the game of love ♪

♪ Winner ♪

♪ Oh, baby ♪

♪ Oh, winner, baby ♪

♪ Oh, winner, baby ♪

♪ Oh, winner, baby ♪

♪ Oh, playing with
the game of love ♪

♪ Oh, winner, baby ♪

♪ Oh, baby, playing
with the game of love ♪

♪ Winner ♪

♪ MTV ♪
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