04x09 - The Sea Was Angry

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Below Deck". Aired: July 1, 2013 – present.*
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Show chronicles the lives of the crew members who work and reside aboard a superyacht during charter season.
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04x09 - The Sea Was Angry

Post by bunniefuu »

- Previously

on "Below Deck"...

- Happy Valentine's Day.

I don't have a valentine, no.

- We might have to change that.

- I would like
to take you for dinner.

- I would love to.
- Kelley is gonna flip.

- Sierra's looking nice.

- Okay, yeah.
That'd be cool.

- Yeah, there is.

- Are you guys leaving me?

- Come on back in, Kelley.
- Roger that.

- Like, what are you guys doing?

- I've worked on big boats,

and I've never seen
such a sh--show.

- Ben, your lady is waiting.
- What lady?

- Emily.
They're going on a date.

- Oh.

This is like a fly ball
into left field,

and I'm sitting out there
picking daisies.


- To Kelley not being here.

- He's always, like,
making more drama.

Like, this is what he wants.

- Making more drama?
- Kelley.

Forget about him.

"F--- off."

- God damn it.
- What do you have there?

- Someone left the toaster on,
just smoking a bit.

- Are you joking?

- And the hits keep coming.

- Feel like Lauren
owes me an apology,

but I'm not sure remembers
how rude she was.

- I'm gonna eat your pizza,

'cause you ain't
getting that sh--.

- You don't need
to live in filth.

- I don't appreciate it.
- Dave.

- Where have you been?

- Yeah?
- Yeah. Like, legit.

- Excuse me,
you need to realize

that we're talking about
a safety thing--

I'm sorry to interrupt.
- No, no, that's okay.

- Nico?
Who do you think you guys are?

I might not be Lauren
and Nico's boss on deck,

but I certainly am a higher rank

and have more seniority
on this boat,

and they need to respect that.

- Ay-yi-yi.

- Hey, you.
- Hello, how are you?

- How's it going?

Good, how are you?
- Good. Good.

Good night last night.
- Yeah. It was great.

- It was fun.

I thought it was
a fabulous first date.

I laughed a lot,
and we both had a great time.

- All right, love.

- Where'd you live
in London, Lauren?

- Putney, southwest.
- Yeah, I know where Putney is.

- I'm a bit tired.
- Are you?

- Yeah.

- You might as well just take

a mouthful of coffee beans
and just chew 'em.

- Can you do me a favor, Lauren?
- Yeah.

- Let me know
when she comes to London,

so I can f---ing
get out of town.

- Jesus Christ, Kyle.
That's so unnecessary.

- Kyle's broken-hearted.
I understand.

- I thought you guys
were all right.

- At this point, the vibes
on the boat aren't very good.

Kyle's upset.

Kelley's pissed off
for some reason

that's got nothing
to do with him.

It's ridiculous.

- So good. Good conversation.

He was very funny.
It was really nice.

So, what happened
with you last night?

Did you actually go for dinner
with Kyle and them, or not?

- No.
I thought we had a nice time.

I guess he came in
and started, like,

kicking off to Kelley
when he was angry,

and he was like, "This is why
I don't talk to birds."

And apparently that's,
like, an English term.

- Um, yeah.
- Like, what's going on?

What's wrong?
And Kelley just starts,

like, going off on me.

Honestly, I think
he was so jealous

that you were out with Ben,
and he took it out on me.

I feel like Kyle
expected too much.

- He was trying to woo you.

- But that's not my fault

that I don't feel the same.

I've made it so clear to Kyle
that I was not interested.

- You do realize
that I find you very attractive.

You're stunning.

- You think I'm cool?
- We'll go dutch.

- No.

- No, no, no.
- I just think, like,

the more, the merrier.

So why he chose to, like,

make me out to be a liar,

or like I was, like,
hurting his feelings, like,

it's bullsh--.

- Kelley, Kelley, Lee.

Can I see you in the bridge
for a second?

- Coming up now.

Morning, Captain.

- I am not happy
with what happened last night.

We had a discussion
about the way the boat was left,

with the sushi hanging out.

- Yeah.
- Sure enough,

I stumble
over a piece of pizza

that's got a bite missing
and a trail of pepperoni.

That's twice that we've had
to address this issue.

If I have to address it
one more time,

everybody's gonna be
confined down there.

That's where they will eat,
sleep, shower, clean up,

and only come up here
to get off the boat and to work.

Respect the boat.
That's one of the rules.

- I will handle this
and do the best I can

not to let it happen
for a third time.

- I trust that you will.

- I definitely will.

- So, last night...

They're not gone 60 seconds
before Sierra storms in,

so upset because Kelley
yelled at her.

Kelley should not
have yelled at Sierra.

It's none of his business.

- Kelley's being
a little off with me.

He's being nice to Emily,

but if I were Kelley,
I'd feel like a bit of a jerk,

to be honest,
asking her out on dates.

- He's being a jerk to everyone.
When did he ask her?

- You know,
he tried to push, like,

a double date
with Kyle and Sierra.

- So that's probably why
he was so mad at Sierra

for messing things up with Kyle,

'cause it messed up his plan.
It's all about Kelley.

Kelley is a very fragile
little piece of porcelain.

He's used to being the guy
all the girls want.

He's used to being, like,
the best deckhand.

And lately,
he's not getting the girls,

and the captain's
calling him out,

and he's going
kind of on a spiral of anger.

How was your date,
by the way?

- She's an interesting girl.
She's super smart.

- Mm-hmm.

How's it going?

- Good.
Do you want to talk?

- About what?
- Last night.

- The captain should never
find slices of half-eaten pizza

on the way to his room.

- F---, I don't know what's up
with Kate coming at me.

- She's trying to yell
at you and she's talking

and just like--

- And you walk away,

and she's like,
"Who do you think you are?"

- Too many things happened
in a short amount of time

that were disrespectful
and dangerous.

- Yeah.

- When there's a safety issue,
Lauren and Nico--

- At the same time,
though, Nico handled it.

- I just want to apologize.

I got defensive of them

when I should've listened
to you.

You're pretty much
a voice of reason.

Kate is an enemy
you do not want to have,

and I will kiss Kate's ass
till the day we leave this boat.

- Hey, Kelley.

Did you know
that I gave her flowers?

- Who?

- Emily.
- No.

- Okay. Okay.
- If I would've known that,

I wouldn't have gotten

I wouldn't have even said
anything to her.

- Okay, good.

- I'm a little frustrated
over the Ben and Emily thing,

but I am here to do my job.

I'm not here to chase women.

And maybe Emily was
just testing the waters.

Who knows?
Maybe she wanted to talk to me,

talk to Ben, talk to Nico,

and then pick
whichever one she wanted.

- I just figured that you knew
that I gave her flowers,

and you were still pushing her
for a date, and--

- No, I wouldn't push her
for a date

if you'd given her flowers
and you were interested.

- Okay. Okay.
Well, then...

Hey, Kelley, I'm sorry.

- It's all right, bud.

- Daddy.

Hello, Maxy.

Is Daddy there?

- He's right here.
- Are you okay?

- I'm fine.
How are you?

I heard you were
a little bit ill.

- No, I'm whacked.
I'm whacked.

So, what'd you do?
Tell me about you, my princess.

- Daddy, last night I went for
a date with the chef on board.

- You went with the chef,
and you went out on a date?

- Mm.
- Rabbit!

Oh, naughty girl.
What a naughty girl.

- I'm not a naughty girl.
What are you talking about?

- Oh, no, you're not.
I'm just winding you.

- I know.

I'm very close
to both my parents.

They really try
and stay out of telling me

what to do
with my relationships

and who I should
and shouldn't date,

because I'm quite mature
for my age.

I'm very open with them.

- Okay, I love you.
- I love you, Rabbit.


- Kate, Ben, and Kelley--

I need you
in the crew mess ASAP.

- Copy.

- Hi, Lee.

- Hello.
- Thank you.

Ooh, this is exciting.

- Rebecca Fearing,
well-known psychic medium

who communicates
with spirits who have passed.

- I totally believe
in the supernatural.

I think anybody
that is closed-minded about it

is not that intelligent.

- We have Jennifer Shaffer,
Susan Pinsky,

and Cindy Kaza, psychic as well.

- And they're bringing
their friends, Scott,

Blake, and Emerson.

And we're gonna spread
some ashes

from Scott's
great-aunt off the yacht.

- Definitely a first.
- This is a very...

- Weird.
- Heavy-energy...

- Morose.
- Charter.

- A spiritual yoga session
on the yacht.

They need a psychic-themed
dinner party,

and they want me to be there.

- I'm getting a feeling. Shh.

I'm getting a sense
Ben is going to get frustrated

with guests' food requests.

It's just a feeling I'm getting.

- Well, I mean--
- Let me see your hand.

You see what this line is?

It's very short.
That's your temper.

And this line here--
that's gluten, there.

There's gonna be
a gluten issue.

- That's pretty good, Kate.
- I know.

- I think she's
a pretty good palm reader.

- That's pretty good.
- We're done here.

- Coming up...

- The pool is floating away.

- Oh, my God.

- That's a very expensive piece
of equipment

just floating off
into the sunset.

It's a train wreck.

- I'm excited to meet her.
- Yeah.

- They're psychic,
so everything.

- We're gonna just uncover this.

All right.
Hop up here.

We're gonna have
a little powwow up here.

All right, what you do
on deck is amazing.

Y'all are like
the tripod that I stand upon.

Y'all are amazing workers.

We just need to respect
the boat.

About the whole pizza thing.

I know it's our night off,
but Kate's got the experience.

Sometimes, we just got
to shut up and listen to her.

- I don't remember
dropping the pizza at all,

and somehow it's become
this big deal

where Kelley has to call
a meeting for it.

Like, really?

I mean, our deck crew
gets constantly nitpicked,

and I'm sick of it.

- I had the talk with Captain

regarding disrespect
of the boat.

He's like an eagle watching
a mouse run across the field.

He's waiting to snatch us up.

we're on our second strike.

Third strike--
we're confined to crew quarters.

Let's just try to be
a little more mindful.

And I'm gonna step
my game up too, as well.

- Yeah.
- Our next charter guest

is a psychic.
- Sweet.

- So while we're on
this charter,

we are gonna
be psychic ourselves

and know what the f---
these guests want at all times.

- I'm feeling super salty
towards Kelley.

You know, he's very emotional,

loves his emotions,
and whatever,

but there's some things
that he can work on to improve.

- On our nights off, let's be
extra careful, all right?

- I think Kelley got
in trouble for,

like, not being strict with us.

- Really?
- Yeah.

- He's just, "Aw, you know,
Captain's coming down on me."

It's like, yeah, well,
that's your f---ing job, man.

You don't want it?
I'll take it.

You know?
Move out the way.

- Attention, all crew--
we have guests arriving in 15.

Put on our happy faces.

- Beautiful.
- Yeah.

- I've never been here before,

but it still has a feeling
of being familiar to me.

- Here we go.

- I'm glad I didn't wear
my Louboutins.

- Hello.
- Captain Lee.

- Lovely to meet you.

- Hello, welcome.
- Jennifer.

- Hi, Rebecca.

- I was expecting,
from the primary,

a little bit more mystical.

- Hi, nice to meet you.

- She's
a world-renowned psychic,

but she's not wearing,

like, a bunch of crystals
and tie-dye,

and she just looks like
a normal paranormal.

- Just handsome men,
the whole line of them.

I'm happy.

- Welcome aboard
motor yacht "Valor."

Kate will show you around
the boat, give you a tour,

and we'll get off the dock

and enjoy some of this
beautiful weather.

- Cheers!
- Cheers.

- Okay, to the crew.
- Right this way.

- Deck, let's go get bags.
- Whoo.

Oh, my God.
Look at this.

- This is our main salon.
It's all brand-new.

- This is gorgeous.
Look at the wine.

- Oh, good.

- Everyone, we're gonna
continue down the hall.

This is the master suite.
- Oh, this is pretty.

I never sleep much,
being a psychic.

- Oh, really?
- Yeah.

- And then the bathroom's
quite grand.

- I feel comfortable here.

It sort of resonates
really strong.

- Whenever you're ready,
we can go bow to stern.

- Let's go. Dude, bring it up.
Bring it up.

Bring it up. Bring it up.
It's taking too long.

- You're all clear on your
stern, Cap, for traffic.

- Okay, Cap.
All lines are clear.

All lines are clear.

- Roger that.
We're out of here.

- This is insane.
- This is so great.

- I wanted to treat you all,
since you're all my BFFs.

- We are so grateful.
- Okay, so now we'll go outside.

- I want to come lay out here
and sun tan all day.

- How are y'all
enjoying it so far?

- Awesome.
- It's so good.

- Much better now. Hi.

- Hi.
- Uh-oh.

- Oh, I made him blush,
I like it.

- All right.
Well, I run the deck department.

I'm the boatswain on board,
and we have a bunch of toys.

Captain Lee wants me to be
more proactive with things,

so I'm gonna apply it
to everything.

What would be your number-one
priority to get out?

- The slide.
- The slide first?

- That's really important
to me personally.

- So we'll do the slide first.
- And what's your name again?

- Kelley.
- Kelley, thank you.

- I will remember that.

And at some point,
they'll have to say,

"Stop sexually harassing

- I know!

- I just made 75 grand
for charity.

- Yay.
- Wow.

- I'm a charity.

- Yeah, can you make

- My name's Charity.
- This is Charity.

I'm Hope.
Can you help us?

- On my mark, I want two sh*ts.

Two sh*ts.
- Roger, two sh*ts.

- And drop.
- Drop.

Faster. Faster.
Let it go.

Stop it.

- Pretty sweet here, huh, boys?

- It's amazing.
This is a great anchorage.

- How would you like me
to describe the salad?

It's lobster curry?

- Turmeric lobster salad.
- Okay.

- I'm gonna wear this
as an accessory.

- It's like a bracelet.
- Oh, it is like a bracelet.

- No, it's too small.
- It's a cock ring.

- Cock ring.
- Yes. I'm glad you said it.

- We are on a classy yacht.
Will you stop?

- Would you like
some lobster turmeric salad?

- Yes, that looks delicious.
Thank you.

- Three. Two. One.

- Keep a watch out.

Since there's not a lot of wind
and we're not swinging,

you two can handle this.

- Yeah. Sounds good, man.
- I'm gonna go change over.

- Okay.

- To our dear Rebecca--

- Yes.
- Thanks, Rebecca.

- Thank you so much.
- Cheers.

- Thank you.

- Okay, everyone,

the slide is all ready to go
for the guests.

And then from there,
we'll just start inflating

the little buoys,
putting them out.

- Okay, are we happy?
- Yeah, they're very happy.

Everybody had lobster,
and they all love the salad.

- Well, they are...
sort of quasi-human.

- Jump on.
- Okay.

- Please don't k*ll us, okay?

- We're going 60 miles an hour.

- 60? That's like the highway!

- Oh!

- One. Two. Three.
- Whoo!

- Oh! They're gone.

- The pool is floating away.

- Hey, Kyle?

You're gonna have to grab
that black line

and pull it back in,
because nothing's tied down

to the pool right now.

This is completely

Why can't we just be
a functional deck crew?

- That's a very expensive
piece of equipment

just floating off
into the sunset.

And it's right
in front of the guests.

It's a train wreck.

- There's obviously
a lot of tension

coming off Kyle towards me,

and I feel badly about that.

But at the same time, like,

I haven't done anything to
warrant this reaction from him.

- Rebecca predicted--
'cause I was heavier,

and she predicted--
she's like, you'll lose,

like, 23 pounds.
- Yeah.

- And literally,
within three years,

I lost 23--
like, on the dot.

- Yeah.

- Do you want them
on the table as well?

- Let's just hang
as much as we can.

- Okay, yeah.

- How are we? Are we all right?
- Brilliant.

- Awesome.
- Please join.

- Oh, that's a good one.

- The north of England
is very, very chilled out.

No one really cares.
- Yeah.

- And because it's just
a smaller country as well,

people are just getting
on with things.

These blokes remind me
of my friends back home.

I need to come out
to West Hollywood with you two.

- Yeah, come visit us.

- All my friends
are drag queens

and all that kind of stuff.
I need to come out.

- Yeah, we will solve that

Like, coming from Texas,
it was this horrifying,

traumatic experience.

- Hi.
- Look at the captain.

- If you guys want
to move to the table,

and we'll get dinner started.
- Wow, look at this.

- Table looks so lovely
this evening.

- Where shall we be?
- This is beautiful.

- I mean...
- We all have a crystal ball.

- Stop that!
- Ha ha ha.

- Kate, I'm obsessed
with my crystal ball.

- Thanks, they were so fun.

- I'm gonna put it right here,

and I'm gonna read
all your fortunes.

- The guests are at the table.

- All right.
We got the first course here.

Please, in your own time.

Carpaccio conch.

- You guys
have to have readings.

- Absolutely.

- I'm sure Captain Lee--

- You have a very purple aura,

and that's why
you're a good captain.

- This one's good to go, please.
Thanks, you're welcome.

- I said to the girls,
we're here for a reason.

This isn't what it seems to be.
This is not just to have fun.

- So, here I have some lamb
over butternut squash

with roasted leeks
and roasted tomatoes.

She just read my mind.

- A lot of this is an illusion.

Now, I know that might sound
strange to you,

but if you look
on the other side,

they gather together,
and then they help us.

Now, Captain Lee,
your mother's here,

'cause your mother's passed now,
is that correct?

- No.
- Oh, she's alive?

See, she's alive.

Well, I feel like she's in--

okay, no, because, no.

See if I can get it.

I told them that you were
gonna be hard to read, remember?

- Coming up...

- I got 30 f---ing knots
of wind.

It's gonna be
just a little lumpy,

so let's hang on.

- Oh, God.
She's vomiting everywhere.

- Now, Captain Lee,

your mother's here,

'cause your mother's passed now,
is that correct?

- No.
- Oh, she's alive.

She's alive. Okay.

Well, I feel like she's in--
okay, no.


- Did you receive a letter
about your mom?

Any, like, documentation
with your mom?

- None.
- None.

- I think it would be
sufficient to say

that I might be
a bit skeptical.

I think it's a crock.

- You've always been in love
with the sea.

- I'd never seen it
till I was 35.

- Really? Wow.

- You have
some very interesting ancestors,

and you're not the only seaman
in your family.

- Did you say semen?

- Yeah, you're not
the only man that...seaman.

No, seaman.
- You've been hanging out

with Emerson too long.
- I hate you, and I love you,

and you stole my joke.

We've got jokes!

- Yeah, we need to be
a little more less seen.

Been around the guests a lot.

- Who said that?
- Just me.

I know how Captain is.

- They wanted to hang out.
- They did.

But we've been...
been there enough.

- I'm being too nice
to the guests?

He won't mind
if I'm being too nice

when he's got a $2,500 tip
in his pocket.

- All right.

Captain Lee, if I can
break ranks here a little bit,

I want to give my seat to Kate

so she can get a reading
from Rebecca.

Is that okay?
- Absolutely.

- Enjoy your dessert.
- No, no.

I always enjoy dessert.
Sit down, young lady.

You've been working
hard enough for us.

This is your chance
to make this happen.

- I've never done this ever.
- Yay!

- I love it.
- Yeah.

- The first thing I pick up
around you is animals.

When you become
a little bit more grounded,

you'll have your little dog
or a pet.

- Okay.
- Kate's having her reading.

- Are they gonna tell her
she's the Devil?

- I really want to listen.
- Oh, I have to too.

- You have a particular man
around you

that you're, like,
kind of waiting for.

So you have an array of men
that like you.

That's not a problem.

It's that one
that just captures your heart

in a way where you're like,
"Wow. This is the person."

And that person
is very close to you now.

- Um...hmm.

I guess.

- He's charming.

He's funny--
tall, dark, handsome guy.

- Yeah!

- No. You said
a lot of good things.

- And this guy
likes pecans and nuts.

- My special person
likes nuts?

- Yeah, he likes--
- I'm not sure that's true.

- Maybe you're getting
the message that he is nuts.

- No, no, no.

- No. I am dating someone
tall and funny with dark hair,

but we're lesbians.

- You have somebody now that
loves you dearly. I know it.

I've always been quite skeptical
of psychics.

Your everyday street-peddling
medium is considered,

at least by me,
as a walking con artist.

- Thank you so much.
That was so fun.

- ♪ What a day this has been ♪

- Good night. Sleep pretty.
- Always.

- Sleep fast.
- With your pretty face.

- This is very weird juju.

- I've had, like,
a sh--load of coffee.

- Yeah. All right.

I don't actually believe
in psychics,

but Emily seems to be
a believer in that sh--.

- Where's my coffee?
- Tea.

- It's tea.
- Oh.

- I just want her to be
on the same page as me

and realize there's
absolutely nothing going on

between me and Kate.

You've got to be English
to drink this.

- I'm 1/4.
- Eh. It's not enough.

- Wind is humpin'.

We're gonna get out of here.

Kelley, Kelley, Lee.
- Go for Kelley.

- Let's pick up the anchor
and get out of here.

- Roger that.

- The conditions on the water

this morning
are less than pleasant.

- This wasn't in the forecast.

- F---ing wind
is blowing, man.

- So I'm gonna pull the hook,

and we'll move on
to a little more calm.

- Quickly.
- Anchor's secure, Cap.

- Captain Lee said we were
gonna have perfect weather.

- We were supposed to have,
like, 10 knots.

- That weather, it's so tricky
the way it changes.

- I got 30 f---ing knots
of wind.

Be just a little lumpy,
so let's hang on

and secure some items, please.

- This is not pleasant,
is it?

- Where we're going,
it's not a question of,

"Are you gonna experience
rough weather?"

It's, "How long are you
gonna experience it for?"

- Oh!
- Whoo-hoo-hoo.

- Hang on, girls.

- We'll get through it,
and when we get through it,

everybody'll have
a good laugh about it.

When they get done puking.

- Oh, if you're gonna vomit,

you have to go
over there in the corner.

- Good morning.
How are you?

- You're gonna be okay.

- The charter guests
are not feeling well.

You want some Dramamine
or ginger ale?

- Okay.

I think they're
a little bit scared,

a little bit puke-y,
a little bit nauseous.

Can I get anybody
anything else?


But at least
they're not asking for coffees.

- Look at the horizon.

Telling you,

I have experience
throwing up on boats.

- Ah!

- We've just had
something break.

- Where did something break?
- Sky lounge.

Can you send a stew
to clean up this mess?

- F---. Will you go
help Lauren clean up?

I'm a little annoyed
that the deckhands

can't just get a chamois mop
and fix this.

- Watch your knee, hey?

There's, like, glass shards
right here.

- And frankly,

I don't trust Sierra
around that much broken glass.

- Rebecca? Are you okay?

I want to give you
some Dramamine

so you don't throw up.

Too late.

- Wow. It's pretty aggressive.

F---ing ----!

- We had a bad one there.

- How long is it gonna be
like this for?

- I'm gonna go check.
It's pretty crazy.

- Does he not look
or tell us anything or...

I mean, he just,
what, starts the engines

and f---s off into a 12-foot
swell first, and that's cool?

- She won't open the door.
She's vomiting everywhere.

- Yeah. She's a goner.

- Where are we going,
and how long is the journey?

- We're going around
the corner here

to see if our anchorage
that I had picked out

is gonna be good for us.
- Okay.

I will get us out of this
just as soon as I possibly can.

We're here.

- Roger that.

- It'll be nice here. Whoo.

That was a tense

Give me three sh*ts.

Lock it in.

- Yeah, she locked in good, Cap.

- Good morning, sunshine.
- How are we?

- Better now.
My shower was...

a rodeo of entertainment.

- This is the best anchorage

that we're gonna find
in this weather.

I can't put the toys out.
We got too much wind.

- Okay. What do you recommend
for the guests today?

- We're going to pick up
the yoga instructor.

- All right, Cap.

I'm gonna take off
and go pick her up right now.

- Yeah.

- See you in a few, Cap.

- So what are they doing?

- The rough seas really,

- Took it out of everybody.

- Of course it did.

Are they hungry at least?

- They're all, like,
scattered and napping

and hiding
on different areas of the boat.

- Okay, so they're
all kind of still seasick.

It takes a few hours
for it to subside, usually.

- Care to do some yoga today?
- Yes.

- Good morning.

- Would anybody like grapefruit
or orange?

- Orange, please.

- Was that sort of extreme,
or does that happen a lot?

We try to avoid...that.

- All right.

- Starting child pose.

You can walk your hand back.

- Okay, so yoga's getting going
on the bridge deck.

But we also have half
the guests at the table.

So do you want to put out

some warm food
for the non-yoga people?

- Yeah.
- Okay, great.

- How many of them're
back there?

- Three, and the primary
might finally come out,

so possibly four.

- Okay. Done.

- Would you like
some bacon, Scott?

- I mean, does Paula Deen
like butter? Yeah.

- Absolutely.

- Empty your lungs,

looking softly
over your left shoulder.

- How are you guys doing?
You want more of anything?

- No, we're good.
- Everything's perfect.

- Great.

- How are they? Are they happy?
- Yeah, they're really happy.

The three are done
with their breakfast,

and then we're just waiting
for yoga to finish,

so we have kind of
a breakfast halftime.

- Is this breakfast
or brunch?

- It's their first meal
of the day.

- Well, what are we calling it?
What is it?

- I'm calling it
their first meal of the day.

I don't like labels.

- Well, I do,
because it gives me structure.

- I think you're losing sight
of the fact

that there's a lot of other

things that are going on--
- I'm losing sight of the fact

that I don't know
what the hell's going on, ever.

- Here we go again.

I wish he could
just keep it together.

- I want to know if they're
having brunch or breakfast.

- I would love
to ask the primary,

but like I've told you
four times,

she's locked herself
in her bedroom.

The other four
are doing yoga,

so I'm not gonna go
ruin their downward dog

and be like,
"Excuse me, excuse me."

- I'm not asking you
to do that.

- I'm not talking to you
until you calm down.

- She could be one of
the worst people in the world.

- Coming up...

- It would be nice
if everyone knew

when the guests were gonna eat,
'cause I'm not psychic.

- It is breakfast.
- Kate, Ben--hold it down.

I can hear you guys up here
in the bridge.

- Mommy and Daddy
need to stop fighting.

- Hi.
- How was it?

- Good.

- You guys want to sit down?

We can bring out some bacon
and sausage and French toast.

- Eggs? Sure.
- Eggs. That would be perfect.

- You guys don't have to join me
in this,

but I'm spreading
my aunt's ashes at sundown,

'cause it's the one-year
anniversary of her passing, so--

- Yay!

- I don't know if you're ready
to be in front of food.

- Kelley, Kelley, Lee--
can I get you

in the wheelhouse please?

- En route.

- What's up, Cap?

- What the hell happened
with the pool

floating away yesterday?
- Oh, my goodness.

The pool is floating away.

Okay, so...

Kyle didn't get the line
attached anywhere.

It was bad.
It just--

- You needed to pay
more attention to the line.

- Yeah.
- I'm tired

of telling him
that his deck crew

isn't living up to

It's just...fubar.

- Okay.
- All right?

- Anything else, Cap?
- Nope.

- All right. Perfect.
- That's it. Thank you.

- Can I get you
anything carbonated?

- No, I'm okay.
- All right.

- A little seasick.
I don't know how good I look.

- We're gonna grab some flour
and do a test run up

on the bridge deck aft.
- Okay.

- Listen, if ashes are being
thrown off the boat,

I sure in the f---
don't want them coming back

and me--
getting them on me.

This flour has lived its life
to the fullest.

Good-bye, flour.
- That's perfect.

- Oh, that's really perfect.
- That is perfect.

- Yes. Beautiful.

- Ugh!
Every f---ing time.

- I don't understand
what the problem is.

- It would be nice
if everyone knew

when the guests were gonna eat,

including the guests,
'cause I'm not psychic.

- Ben is getting overly upset
for no reason.


- You didn't call this
an early dinner.

- I don't think if I called it
the last meal of your life,

that would prevent them
from becoming hungry later.

What is your problem
at this moment?

- I asked you if it was brunch
and you said,

"Let's call it
the first meal of the day."

- ♪ Dun dun dun ♪

- I don't know why you think--
- It's always been breakfast,

but I won't use
the word breakfast.

I'll just say it's the first
meal of the day.

- It is breakfast.
- Kate. Ben.

Can you guys hold it down?
- Oh!

- I can hear you guys up here
in the bridge.

That means if I can hear you,

somebody else
probably can as well.

- Copy.

This is so embarrassing.

- Was that Captain Lee

- Yes.
- "Stop yelling.

They can all hear you."

- I've never had that happen
in my life.

- Mommy and Daddy
need to stop fighting.

- Awkward.
- Oops.

- How are you guys doing?
- Good, good.

- Good.
- Can I get you anything?

- I think we're good.
- Sorry, guys.

- As long as the drinks
keep coming, we're fine.

- We're so good.
- Okay, yeah.

Sorry about that. Cheers.

Em, I'm fed up
with Kate shouting at me.

- I'm just not going
to breach that subject.

- Me and Kate just drive
each other nuts.

It's no real affliction
of either character.

- When Ben and Kate
are fighting, you know,

it crossed my mind that maybe
he still has feelings for Kate.

- We're both very pigheaded.
Let's put it that way.

- I get that. It's just not
comfortable being around it.

- I'm sorry.

Obviously, I do not want

to fight with Kate
in front of Emily,

because it's a very bad look.

But Emily needs to understand,

Kate is the most
difficult person to work with

in the whole, entire world.

- Okay, we're saying good-bye
to the great-aunt right now.

- That's sweet.
- How crazy is this?

I brought her
in a mint container.

- Oh, my God.

- Will you go up
to the sky lounge

and grab me all the flowers
that don't look hideous?

Scott wanting to spread
his aunt's ashes is super sweet,

but it's awkward for me.

I feel like it's private.
It's a burned body.

- Oh, my God.
That is so beautiful.

- I thought you could
put her in there.

No? Or what kind of thing
do you want?

- A shot glass like this one.
- Okay.

- I love that.
- Okay, I'm gonna put her

in there inside, just in case.

- Thank God it's pretty windy.

But if we do get ashes
on the deck,

I'm gonna rinse her off.

She'll go down the scuppers,
through the drain.

Either way,
his aunt ends up in the ocean.

- Aunt Grace kind of looks
like kitty litter.

- I know.
- Her ashes are so smooth.

- Yeah.
- My mom's were all, like,

bones and sh--, like, chunky.

- Granular?
- I just feel the juju.

There's juju in the place.

Look at all the, like, juju.

- I have a feeling this
is gonna be a terrible idea.

- You will help me figure out
the wind situation, so...

- You're actually coming
into the right swing here, in--

- In about two minutes.
- Yeah.

- It would be very her

to come back
and hit us in the face.

Like, that's--
I'm not kidding.

- That's how it works.
Because we're multi-dimensions.

There's only life after life.

- All right.

So, she was my godmother,

my aunt, and my best friend,

and she said to take her ashes

and spread them in all
the fabulous places that I go,

and what's more fabulous
than this?

So, this one's for Aunt Grace.

God bless and spare you.

- Yay!

- That went well.

- Thank you.
Thank you guys.

It was so sweet for you
to put that together for me.

- No problem.

- Thanks
for letting us join you.

To Aunt Grace.

- Sorry about that.
- You yelled at me a lot.

- I know. I'm sorry.
- Okay. It's okay.

- It's behind
you now, right?

- Yeah. I would prefer
to not even talk about it...

- Yeah.
- Like, from right now on.

At first I thought
being in a happy relationship

would be great
for his attitude,

but Ben is being more
of a jerk,

and it's just really annoying.

- Sometimes it feels good,
though, you know, just to--

- We all express our rage
in different ways, Ben.

- Oh, how beautiful!
After you, lovely.

- Do you usually work
with music in your kitchen?

- With losers in the kitchen,
did you say?

- Music.
- I'm just playing.

No, it's a joke.

- Ben, the guests are headed
to the table.

- Salmon sashimi. Sesame oil.
Spicy mayo. Spring onions.

- Yeah, you've got it.

- My compliments to the chef.

- Oh, do you hear that?
- Yeah, I can hear that.

Oof. I would be careful

standing over here.

- Have you gone as well?
- Yeah.

- We just double
tapped at the same time.

- Yes. Oosh! Oosh!
- We're on the same cycle.

- We're on the same
farting cycle.

Oh, my God. Stop.

- Will you go help Sierra
with turndowns?

- Yeah.
- Ben, is that prime rib?

- No, it's filet.

- Oh, my gosh.
Thank you.

That looks beautiful.
- You're welcome.

- I'd love a psychic reading.

- Maybe I should do it.
- I don't know.

- I want to ask,

but I'm scared
what she would say.

- I'm a psychic for sure.

But I'm like
a scientist also.

I know how to connect to heaven.
Heaven has technology.

I have absolute
scientific proof.

I have a lot of celebrities--

Jim Morrison,
Marilyn Monroe,

Alfred Hitchcock.
He's a little perverted.

Very perverted, actually.

But I might create a phone
that can go multidimensional.

- Wow.
- Yeah.

I have 600 phone calls
from Heaven

on my phone
that I actually have here.

- She can't leave a message
'cause there's no more room.

- No, there's no more room.

- You hear a lot of weird stuff
in yachting.

- But then God came to me,
and I asked him all this stuff.

He said I was exactly right.

- And this is officially the
strangest thing I've ever heard.

- I smashed it.
- As always.

- I just smashed it.
- What's next?

- I think that's it.

- Good night.
See you guys tomorrow.

- Sleep well.
- I sure will.

I'm very tired.

- See you in the morning.
- Okay.

- Hey, Emily?
- Yes?

- Cindy said she would
totally sit down with you

if you want to chat
and do a quick reading.

- Oh, I'd love to.
- Come on, come on, come on.

- Do you want to come sit down?
- Okay.

- Yeah.

- Yeah.

- So, um, Cindy?
- Yes, sir.

- Do me and Ems have a future?

- Oh, man. I feel like
I'm being...bombarded.

Are you--

- I'm just asking here.

- Do you really want me
to do this?

No, I'm not doing it.
I'm sorry. I'm not doing it.

I'm just--
I'm not.

- Coming up...

- The little love life
going on here.

Don't worry.

There's some good stuff
going on there.

- Was she looking
at Kate and Ben

or Ben and I?

- Cindy?

- Yes, sir.

- Do me and Ems have a future?

- Oh, man, I feel like
I'm being bombarded.

- I'm just asking a question.
- Are you--okay.

- I'm just asking you.

- Do you really want me
to do this?

- Yeah.
- No, I'm not doing it.

I'm sorry. I'm not doing it.

- I don't know everything.
- Oh, I'm sorry.

I thought you were psychic.

- I am psychic.
Doesn't mean I know everything.

- I think Ben talking
to any guest

like this is not rational.

You know,
it's really unprofessional

for him to do that.

- I don't want to do this.

- You don't have to do it.

Thank you so much.

I feel like
it's very inappropriate.

Not only Cindy's
being put on the spot,

but I've been put on the spot,

and our relationship
is being put on the spot.

Ben pushes it and pushes it.

- I'm really just asking
whether you think Ems

and I can work out.

- Do you want me to be
blatantly honest with you?

- Yeah.

- No, I don't.

- Okay.

Hey, Ems, do you want to go
on a date tomorrow night?

I'd really like that.

- I would love to join you
on a date tomorrow night.

- Okay.

- Well, obviously,
I'm going to say yes.

I'd like to go on
a second date with him,

but I don't like
the circumstances

he's asked me under,

and I feel under pressure
and out of sorts.

- I'll see you in the morning.

- I'll probably see you
in a few minutes.

- I'll see you
in the morning too.

- Fantastic.

Don't poison my coffee.

- Lovely chatting with you.

- Are you okay there?
That was pretty intense.

Like, that was just such an
uncomfortable situation for you.

- Absolutely ridiculous.

If that was me, I would've been
really uncomfortable,

and I would've been like,
are you serious?

We've been on one date--
like, why are you requesting,

like, couples counseling
sort of stuff?

Anyway, night, Em.
Have a good sleep.

I don't know what's happening,

but you know,
I thought I had

a good relationship with Kate
throughout the season,

and all of a sudden
she's sort of not talking,

doing that whole stewardess
guest smile face,

but I can see through it.

- Whoa. Whoa.

"Very intense
and interesting night."

- That was my fault.

- "Oh, you'll hear all about
last night

"and Ben's fab,
spontaneous question.

Feeling slightly out of sorts.
Going to bed."

- Sad face.
- What did you do?

- I just did, you know,
what Benny does.

I asked one of the psychics if
she could ever see marrying us.

- Why did you do that?
What'd she say?

- It was spontaneous.
What can I say?

- It was stupid.
- Kate, go back to bed.

You're already annoying me.

You've been up
for about three minutes.

Of course she's gonna say
it was inappropriate

and it was wrong of me
to challenge a medium.

I just thought
that's what they were there for.

- Then did it go well?
- No.

- Well, then
that was pretty stupid.

- I don't regret it, okay?

- Okay, let's start
bringing it in.

- Okay, Cap.
Taking chain.

- Roger that.
Let's get it up.

- Okay, we're off the bottom.

- We're off the bottom, Cap.

- Beautiful day.
- I feel alive.

- Well,
and now we're ruined forever.

To ever get on a catamaran
is gonna just be like...

- Yeah, now I can't
ever get on a boat.

- Please, genuinely.
- Yeah.

Well, you have me
on Twitter, right?

- Yes.
- Yeah, yeah.

- We had the time of our life
this weekend. Like, seriously.

- Fresh orange juice?
- Yes.

The chocolate croissant things
are exquisite.

- I'm gonna bring it to a stop

and move out
to the wing station.

- Cap, you got 50 feet,
starboard side.

Two sailboats.

- All righty. Let's do this.

Hey, Captain, if you can
kick it in one more time,

that'd be great.

- That looks good right there.
Lock it in.

- Are these bags ready?
- This one is.

- This is all just Speedos.

- Yes.
- Yeah.

- How'd you sleep?
- Oh, not bad.

Last night was kind of weird.

- Yeah.
- Sorry about that.

I was just hoping she'd say,

"Yeah, you guys
are good together," but...

- No, no, no.
Course not.

- Line it up, guys.

- Thank you.
You're like, "Get off. Get off."

- Emerson.
- Nico, thank you so much.

- Thank you.
- A pleasure meeting you.

Great to meet you guys.

- Been an absolute pleasure.

- You were the best crew ever.

And, hey,
you were great in the storm.

I like
a little adventure and drama.

And I have a little
gratitude here for you guys.

Every penny of it was worth it.

- Thank you so much.
- Thank you.

- And the love life
going on here--

I won't expose it completely.

Don't worry. There's some
good stuff going on there.

And thank you
for being open to psychics

and what we had to do.

So, okay, all right.

- Bye-bye.
- Bye.

- I'm really glad
the witches are leaving.

- Let's go to work.

- This morning when Rebecca
on the aft deck, said,

"I can see, like--"
- Good things.

- Yeah. Was she looking
at Kate and Ben or Ben and I?

- I think you and Ben.

Do you think
he's not over her?

- I know
he's not over something.

- I think he really
likes you, Em.

Like, he's smitten with you.
- Mmm.

- Coming up...

- You're so sweet.
It's unbelievable.

- Mm-hmm.

- Hey, Ben.
You're obviously calling me

'cause you just blew up
the galley again, did you?

- No, no, James. How are you?

- Oh, you're busy.
Okay, good.

Well, that's lame.

James is my older brother.
I've always looked up to him.

My life at sea has been
a bit of a mystery to my family.

- What's going on?

- Listen, I thought
it would be really cool

if you came out and visited me.

- And why did you come
to that rash conclusion?

- Well...well, I miss you,
and it could be a good time.

- Yeah. Sure.
Let's do it.

- Well, I'll see you soon, okay?

- Okay.
- Bye, mate.

- Okay.

- Attention, all crew.

Attention, all crew.

I need you in the crew mess
in five.

Crew mess in five.

- Scooch over, please.
- Yeah.

- Do you mind?
I get a little claustrophobic.

- Okay. Another one done.

Um, deck crew...

you kind of had a good,
bad, and ugly charter.

You guys just can't seem to get
it together with the pool.

It's floating away.

Kyle, you own that one.

You should've caught
the pool floating away.

I mean, too little, too late.

- Nico's stepping into places

where he probably shouldn't
when it comes to talking.

This isn't the place.

If you want to talk about it,

you can talk about it
with me and Captain,

but not here.

- Just really,
really pay attention.


I noticed a disturbance
in the galley.

I really don't care
what prompted it.

I just don't want it,

and that's all
I'm gonna say about it.

- Won't happen again.

- We have cash to divide up.

$1,350 for each of us.

- Ooh.
- Thank you.

- Sierra.

- Cheers, Cap.

- Thank you very much.
- Em. Nico.

- Appreciate it.
- Thank you.

- Thank you very much.
- Enjoy your afternoon.

Remember, tomorrow's a work day
and a hard one.

- Hey, bro,

you stood by me.

- It's like I stuck up for you,
and Kelley didn't like it.

As soon as I said it,
he was like,

"What the f---
is going on?"

What happened happened,
and I saw it happen.

And I'm not gonna let you get
thrown under the bus for it.

- I'm f---ing tired.
I'm gonna faint tonight.

- I'm with you.
I'm exhausted.

- I'm really excited to go
on this second date with Emily,

because I'd love
to prove to her

that whatever the psychic
said was absolute bollocks.

I really like your outfit.

- Oh, thank you.
- Really cool.

I do feel that there is a future
for me and Emily.

- Oh, I like it here.
- Do you?

Yeah, two glasses
of champagne, please.

- Thank you so much.
- Thank you very much.

- This is so nice to just--
- To just go out for dinner?

- Away from the crazies.
- It's quite nice. I like it.

- It really is.

- It's a full moon tonight.

You know what that means?
- What does it mean?

- I don't know.
- Cool.

- What are you doing?

- Oh, my God.
I'm horny already.

- Babe,
I'm not having Skype sex.

- Why the f--- not?
- I'm just not.

- What the f---, Kate?
I'm super horny.

- vag*na.
- vag*na.

- Oh, wow, thanks a lot.
- Thank you.

- Enjoy.
- Thanks.

- I didn't give the psychic
too hard a time, did I?

You know what it was, Ems?
I feel like we're good together,

and I just got this girl saying
that it's not gonna work out.

It was like, oh, well, thanks.

- It was a funny situation.
Never gonna happen again.

It's mainly that we shared
the experience

with each other, you know?

- Yeah. That's a good way
of looking at it, Ems.

- It's nice getting to know you.

- Well.
- You're interesting.

You're funny.
- I can be, I guess.

Let's go for a stroll, shall we?
- Okay, let's go for a stroll.

- Yeah. We can even grab
a little drink

down at the beach bar.

I'm still standing.
- Okay.

Ben's very relaxed.

He's in a different place
from work.

He's settled,
and he's a true gentleman.

- I think we need, like,
a private violinist

that I'm gonna summon.

- You've got the hiccups?

- I'm starting to hiccup.
- You're so sweet.

It's unbelievable.

Okay, do you know
a trick for it?

- Mm-hmm, I'm holding my breath.
- Here.

- It worked.
- Did it really work?

- I think so.
- We just cured hiccups.

- Hey, Kate.
- Hey, guys. How are you?

- We went to Old Peg Leg's.
- Yeah, it was good.

- Cool.
- I'm gonna go to the loo.

Are you gonna be around?

- Yeah, yeah.

They're, like,
on a cloud of happiness.

Yay. Ben redeemed himself.
Let's just hope it lasts.

- It is hot.
- No, you're fine.

It's nice.
You're rosy.

But you've got great skin,

- Ben.
- What?

- If your game was any sharper,
I'd shave with it.

- Dude, that boy
has got a future.

I promise you.

He was a f---ing

homeless street performer
in London for how long?

- I've been doing street
performing around the world,

when I was traveling.

- Come on, then.

- Did it work?

- That's him, right?
Is that you?

- That's me.
- That's you.

- On the left.

- Wow.

Those shorts are really...

- Revealing.
- Honest.

- So many dudes, though.
- Gay pride. 2010.

- Look at those moves.

- I was living in Manchester
about 2010.

You know, they invite you
to dance on the stage

in front of thousands
of people.

I was like,
yeah, let's do it.

So the video is basically me
dancing around

in some very revealing
silver hot pants.

And, by the way, they're very
revealing in a good way.

I came out to my dad
to this song.

- Oh, my God.

- Oh, my God.


We're both gay?

- Is that how I should do it?

- And what did you say
to your dad?

"I'm gay now," or what?

- Hmm?

Kyle was very much courting

and to be honest,

I did not see this coming

I think 'cause it--
I mean, he's not, um--

- Okay. So you were dating
somebody that was transgender?

Did you know that
when you met them?

- Yeah, I used to go out
to bars, looking for it.

- Looking for what?

Wait, what? I missed it.
I'm sorry, man.

- No. What happened was,
I was in the army.

One night, I hooked up
with one by accident.

- What, a transgender?
- Yeah, yeah.

- Okay. Sure. Absolutely.

- And then I found out
that I was a bit partial to it.

So I went with it, then.
- Amazing.

Through experience,

I knew I'd like
effeminate gays and girls.

So I thought I was bisexual.

I was still struggling
with that factor.

And then it came to the fact
that I realized

that I quite liked trans.

- Who's Ashley?

- What, so she has a--

- I don't know what you--
well, I know what you mean,

but I don't know what you mean,
but it's like--

- And that works for you
as well?

- It don't bother me.
Well, it is what it is.

- I am very fond of Kyle,

and I shouldn't be prying
at his love life,

but, you know, I like to know
about many things,

and this is an area
that I'm really not very,

you know, brushed up on.

Yeah, but do you dabble?
- Not really.

I go out with
proper leathered.

- Oh, yeah.
You've got to be pretty. Yeah.

- Ashley is someone
that I've been seeing

on and off for a couple years.

I met her outside a nightclub

in the gay village
in Manchester.

It was around the time

that me
and the mother of my child

were falling out,

and the relationship
was completely done.

- F--- me.
That's nuts.

- You're so evolved.
- Yeah, good job.

- Yeah.
- Evolved, yeah.

That's a good word for it.

You're full of surprises,
aren't you?

- I knew I liked you.

- Next on "Below Deck"...

- Last night I showed Ben
some videos of me.

It was gay pride.

- Are you joking
or are you serious?

- What?
- Number seven.

They have planned
a surprise drag show.

- It's about a good handful.
- Do you guys want me to leave?

- Jack!

- This conch is a bit chewy.

- It tastes like
conch-flavored chewing gum.

- I don't think
I can serve that.

What do you think, Em?
- I'd be okay with it.

- All right. Let's just put
the conch out, okay?

- Her answer is wrong.

- Hey, Kyle.

- What is it?
- Sea urchin.

What do you think?
You're a bit light-headed.

- You just let us know
if your throat starts swelling.

- You had an allergic reaction
to sea urchin?

- Yeah.
- Sit down.

- Is he passed out?
- He's in a coma.

- It's because you gave him uni!

- For more "Below Deck,"
go to BravoTV.com.
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