04x11 - Bosun Blues

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Below Deck". Aired: July 1, 2013 – present.*
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Show chronicles the lives of the crew members who work and reside aboard a superyacht during charter season.
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04x11 - Bosun Blues

Post by bunniefuu »

- Previously on "Below Deck"...

- So nice to just--

- To just go out for dinner?

Ben is a complete romantic.

- I don't think
I can serve that.

What do you think, hon?

- It's very annoying
that Ben goes around my head

to ask Emily's opinion.

- Well, Ashley.
- Who's Ashley?

- The girl
that I've kind of been seeing.

She's transgender.
- Hmm?

- What are you doing?
- I've worked on big boats,

and I've never really seen
such a sh--show.

- I'm gonna eat your pizza.

- We don't need
to live in filth.

- I don't appreciate it.
- God damn it.

- What do you have there?
- Someone left the toaster on.

- And the hits keep coming.

- If I have to address it
one more time,

everybody's gonna be
confined down there.

- Cheers.
- I feel like my trousers

are a little--

I'm wasted!

- Whoa. F---.

- Come on, Ben, get up

so the master would be free
for us to clean.

And I'm sure the crew would like
to have some food today.

- Kate, you're not my boss,

- Okay, but I didn't say
you could be in the master,

so please get out.

We need to clean it.

- Okay, but yeah,
just make sure

you never tell me what to do.

- Bye!

- What's the deal?

This is not good.

Oh my God.
This is way too far.

Lauren, do you know what
happened in the master bathroom?

A panel was, like,
off the wall.

- Sh--. No.
- Okay.

- I got you a cup of chai.
- Oh, thank you.

don't do anything, okay?

- Well, now I'm gonna have
to make a pretty,

pretty big deal out of it.

- No you're not.

- Yeah, he is.
- He's having

a bit of a sleep in.

- We got loose last night.

He likes you, Ems.
He thought you were cool.

- Really?
- I think it's really nice

that we're all gonna be able
to go out tonight.

It's very hard to get
James's approval for a girl.

I mean, he's seen
a lot of them.

You're gonna be the guest
of honor, though.

I don't--no.

- Deck crew, deck crew?

Can somebody please meet me
in the master bathroom?

All of a sudden,

I hear some walkie chatter,

and I know
something's gone wrong.

Hey, Kate.
- Hey, Captain Lee.

- Where's the damage
in here?

- There's a panel
in the bathroom

that's off the wall.

We can pop it back.

But I don't know
how it came off the wall.

'Cause it's not Velcro,

so I don't know
why it would be off the wall.

- What the f---
happened last night?

- We have guests
arriving tomorrow,

and there's a panel broken
in the master.

We're all in deep trouble.

- Does anybody know
anything about it?

- I know all the deckhands
were in here,

and then Ben joined them, so.

- This particular panel houses
the control

for a $10,000 toilet.

And if that gets broken,
we're out of business.

I suggest we get
all the deckhands together.

- I was in the galley,
and Kate was like,

"Um, a panel came off
in the bathroom, in the master."

I was like, "I don't recall
anything coming off last night."

- You know what? Don't care.

- Yeah.

- I need Kate, Kelley,

Ben, Lauren, Kyle and Nico

in the crew area now.

- Brought you as well?
- Yeah.

- Oh.

- Well, what's going on?

- Don't worry about it.
- Oh.

- Everybody happy?

- So happy.

- Good.

Because I'm not.

- What's this about?

- This group, collectively.

I find your behavior

That toilet in there is $10,000,

and for me to go
into that master

and find it
a f---ing train wreck--

I expected more.

This is not your personal
f---ing party palace.

And you have been treating it
as such.

And it stops now.

- I've tried to protect them
all season.

Like, the nights
that I do relax,

when I do go to bed early,

I keep getting f---ed with
because of y'all.

I'm just pissed off.

- Everybody here has been told

that they were on their last
go-round of warnings

as far as showing
a lack of respect for the boat.

Tonight, you four are gonna be
confined to the crew area.

I'll see you two up top.

Conversation's over.

- Unfortunately,
they're my guys.

They f---ed up,
so I pay the piper with them.

- I'm f---ing pissed, and I want
their ass in bed early tonight.

So when I walk through
this boat at eleven o'clock,

I better not see
a swinging d*ck anywhere.

- Roger that.
- Captain Lee is more angry

than I've ever seen him before.

And I'm not sure
if Kelley and I are

part of the in-trouble group
or not.

- Kelley, you can't stick
your head in the sand.

- Yeah.
- They're your responsibility.

And I expect you
to call them on it.

You're not gonna
be well-liked for it.

Comes with the territory.

- Kate can go f--- herself.

- Wait, do you think
Kate framed us?

- I'm not saying she framed us,

but I do blame Kate
for telling Captain Lee.

- We weren't in the toilet.
- She definitely did this.

- No one ripped that panel
off the wall.

It just popped out.
It must have.

We need to be
good little children,

at least today,
and then we get loose.

- I swear to God, if I catch
one of them out of that area,

I am gonna f---ing go off,

and it'll be swift,
and it'll be severe.

And you don't want to operate

Let's get the boat flipped.
- Thank you.

- Thank you.
- I have been too lenient.

Being their friend
isn't working.

Tonight, in bed,

- All right.
- You laughing is

about the worst thing
that you could do right now.

'Cause the next step
that comes after this

is one of y'all gets fired.

- Why? I'm not laughing.

- We heard it while
I was getting my ass chewed.

Do you get that?
Like, now is not a funny time.

- Ten o'clock?
Go f--- yourself.

I'm f---ing done with this sh--.

- If Ben, Lauren, Nico or Kyle
are in the guest quarters,

you have to tell me.
- Copy that.

- Copy.
- Sorry.

- Hon, you would
never do that to me.

- I don't want to be talked
to like that.

It's as simple as that.

I think Kelley's doing
a really bad job as boatswain.

We're f---ing working,
and he just, boom,

shut the door, "You're in bed
at ten o'clock tonight."

At the beginning of the season
he's too soft.

Now he's too hard.

Like, Kelley,
find the middle ground.

- Oh, f---, I want
to f---ing rip that finger

and shove it up his ass.

- Your brother's
still here, right?

- Yeah.
- Were you planning to have,

like, dinner with him
or something tonight,

but now you can't
leave the boat?

- What did he say
about leaving the boat?

Did he ground us?

I thought he just said
we can't go to guest cabins.

- You are not allowed
to leave the boat.

Ben has a selectively
convenient short-term memory.

He thinks he's above the rules,
and he's just not.

- What, is he trying to make me
pissed off or something?

This is f---ing ridiculous.

Well, who blew the whistle?
Was that you?

- No, actually, I didn't
tell on you, but thank you

for even thinking
that I would do such a thing.

- Well,
there's quite a few people

that think you did rat them out,

so maybe you want to just go
and talk to them.

- No, I really don't.
- Because you don't care.

- You have no reason to be mad
at me right now,

so I'm not gonna stand here.

- Just to clarify something:

confined to quarters means
confined to the boat. Period.

- Okay, this is the first
I'm hearing about it right now.

- No, I said it downstairs
in the crew quarters

when we had the meeting.

- Well...
- Yes?

- My brother is here.
He came to visit me.

- I'm sorry, Ben, I can't
apply things selectively.

- What can I do?
Can he come here?

- If he wants to
come down to the boat,

and you want
to say good-bye to him,

I don't have an issue with that.
- Okay.

- You know that,
like, anxious feeling?

- Yeah.
- This could get really bad.

- I'm very glad.
- Yeah.

- Hey, Nico?
- Yeah?

- For now I just want
kind of everybody to split up.

- Yeah, I'm gonna go sort out
the lavs now anyway.

- All right.

- I'm doing anything, man.
- It's getting--no, no, no.

- You know, and it's fine,
I just don't need you

coming at me like that.
- I'm not coming at you.

- You just did.
- I'm telling you--

Give me a break.

- I'm trying to, man,
and I respect that.

- Because guess what?
Every single time y'all f--- up,

guess who deals with it?

- I understand that.
- And y'all don't even have

to deal with it
half the f---ing time.

- I understand that.
- You don't understand.

- I do.
- You don't, because you haven't

been in this position.

- You don't need to come
at me like that.

- Yeah, I do,
because I'm you're f---ing boss.

And you know what?
Y'all f---ed up.

- You're in bed by 10:00?
- Yeah.

- Really?
- Yeah. One f---ing night.

- Don't come at me telling me.

- I can come at you
however the f--- I want.

- Do it.

- Y'all f---ed up.

- You're in bed by ten o'clock?

- Yeah. Yeah.
- Really? Really?

- If I tell you that f---ing
you're in bed by ten o'clock,

deal with it.

- I'm not f---ing arguing
with you.

- Go get your sh--.
Go clean.

- Deal.
- It's not that f---ing hard.

- Sounds good.
- Yeah, it is.

- I need Ben, Kate, and Kelley
in the crew mess now, please.

- Copy.

- Number eight, sports fans.

Somebody we all know and love.

- Aww.
- Mr. Slover is back.

- I knew he couldn't stay away.

Dean and I have so much history.

- You're coming off
kind of bitchy.

- I made a rocket ship
on the bed.

But now he's
my charter guest wingman.

I bet Dean will be happy
to see you back.

- Ben, as usual, Dean's gonna be
very punctual with everything.

- I know he's very particular.

- Whatever you have to do,

hour and 15 minutes,
start to finish.

- Mm-hmm.

It's not gonna be
an easy charter at all.

- Well, guys,
everybody's preferences

are Dean's preferences.

He likes a cheese
and meat plate at 5:30,

and a drink of the day, Kate.

and the only other request is

they'd like to visit
the baths in Virgin Gorda.

- I'm actually really relieved.
No surprises. Just be perfect.

- Yeah.
- Let's go.

- Can't wait for this
to f---ing end.

- Yeah, hi, I need to make
an order for some fireworks.

- Done.
- Kate's just--

she's just being dramatic.

- I'm gonna be honest
with you, mate.

I don't mind being punished. But
you can't--

that's double jeopardy--you're
saying that they're confined

to crew quarters, then they've
got to go to bed at 10:00.

That's two punishments,

- Not my call.
- Oh, I think he's

a f---ing douchebag,

and he's a f---ing poor leader.

But that's just
my f---ing opinion.

Kelley's just this military base
of, like,

"Go to bed. Go eat.
Go to sleep."

And it's like, no.
You're being a bad leader.

But I'm not boatswain, am I?

So I'm just gonna be a deckhand
and do my job.

And shut the f--- up.

- I'll meet you in the master.
- Okay, I'm gonna roll this.

- Hey, guys. Ben insinuated
that I ratted you all out

to the captain, and I didn't.

I'm a little bit insulted
that I have to clarify that,

but apparently I do.

I wasn't gonna mention it
to him,

just like I haven't
mentioned to him

any other things that
have happened after hours.

- The root of all evil
on this boat is Kate.

She's manipulating.
She's conniving.

Just stirring the pot.

- Good night, you guys.
- Night.

- I was almost
sleeping just then.

- Like, just as he came in?

Just go back to sleep.

- Are the guys down there?
- No one's down there.

No one's around.
Man, I'm waiting for my brother.

- We're confined to crew
quarters at 10:00.

- Yeah, but I got the--
he's okay with it.

- Ben, hey! How are you, mate?
- Good, man, how are you?

- Good.
- Yeah?

- I'll give it
another 15 minutes or so.

- Ben, you're drinking out of
an ashtray with a handle on it.

That is absurd.

- Yeah. So what do you think
of this munchkin?

- Munchkin? I haven't heard that
for a while. I'll use that.

- No, I think Em is great.

- Isn't she?
Proper English girl.

- So far, so good.
- It's lovely having James here.

He makes me miss my family.

This is a big part of my life,

and I'm so glad that he's able
to share it with me.

Captain Lee's upstairs,
which is very out of character.

- Is there a time frame on how
long you're allowed to be here?

- We have
to keep our clothes on,

we're not allowed
to drink champagne,

and we're not allowed
to dive off the boat.

- So we can eat caviar,
just in the crew mess,

and drink whiskey?

- Where there's a loophole.

Do you want some caviar?
- Oh, yes, Ben.

- Ah, no, that's not
enough for you.

- What type is that?
Is it beluga?

- That's very sweet of you.
- She's very hospitable.

No, it's actually
very affordable,

but I've found an affordable
caviar that I like.

And it doesn't k*ll budget.

- I agreed to let Ben's brother
come and say good-bye to him.

That doesn't mean, you know,
it's a two, three-hour goodbye.

Could I have a word?
- Absolutely.

- Thank you.

But as Ben normally does,

he takes everything
to the absolute limit.

- Good evening.

- I want him gone
and you asleep.

It doesn't take an hour
to say goodbye.

- Okay. Good night.
- Now.

- Yeah, right now.

Going by my rank
in this scenario

and my rapport with Lee,

I do think Lee is
treating me unfairly.

He wants James off the boat,
and he wants me in bed now.

- Okay, that's what I suspected.
I could tell, you know,

literally in
the pressure cooker.

- But when you're ordered
to go to bed

by an outranking officer,
you go to bed.

- You've done well with Ems.
- Love you, baby.

- You know that, don't you?
- Love you too, Ben.

- All right, you take care.

- Good night, baby.
- Good night.

- I respect Kelley
as the boatswain,

and I feel bad for yelling.

You know, but we don't
need to sit here

and have drama
the rest of the season.

We just need to get over it.

- Dean is a really important
charter guest.

He's polite, but he has
such high standards.

- Oh.
- Just focus on the guests.

This charter's
probably our most important.

- Okay.

- Nico has a lot of growing
to do.

If he yelled at a boss
on any other boat,

he'd probably be fired.

But I know how valuable
he is to me.

It's not worth it.

- Attention all crew.
Provisions have arrived.

- Copy.
If you guys could just put it

on the dining table for me.

- Copy.

- The wall looks good.
- Yeah.

- Take it for a test drive,

I'll leave you in here.

- Attention all crew.
We've got ten minutes

until guest arrival.


- It's a lot of fun.

- Okay, we're getting close.

- All right, no shoes
for three days.

- Hello.
- Hi.

- Hey.
- Good to see you again.

- Great to be here.
- Welcome back.

So good to see you.
- Thank you.

- Emily.
- Sierra.

- I'm very good. How are you?
- Good. Thank you.

- These guests
are absolutely gorgeous,

but, you know,
they're a group of gay guys.

Hi. Lauren. Nice to meet you.
Damn it.

- Dean, welcome back.
- Thank you.

- Always a pleasure
to have you on board.

Kate will show you
around the vessel,

and we'll get off the dock
and get started.

- Let's do it.
- All right.

Right this way, guys.
- Thanks.

- Uh-huh.

I'm so excited you're here.

- I'm so excited to be here.

- I think you'll like this boat,
just 'cause it's really open

and airy and bright.

This is your master suite.
- Master suite's great.

- Yeah. The toilet has a remote.

It opens by itself, plays music.
- So fancy.

- These are our two queen rooms.

- All right. Sounds good.
- Yeah.

- Let's go. Bow to stern.

- Once you finish calling out
distances for him,

go change over into swimwear.

- Okay. Copy.
- Bow's clear.

- Stern line's all clear, Cap.
Stern line's all clear.

- I don't like the sun.

I'm gonna start wearing a burka.

- Are you ready for us?

Napkins in laps, come on, guys.

- Ben, so we're about
to turn a corner. Are you okay?

- No. I just spilled
f---ing egg yolk everywhere.

I'm a little nervous
going into this first meal.

We have a history
of nervousness together.

- There is plastic on my food!

- We need to make them
another dish.

- Either way,
the chef should be fired.

- Yeah.

- Every meal has to be perfect.

- Do you mind if I put
the spoon in it already?

- Yeah, I'll try and do it,

because I'd rather avoid
the caviar.

- Ben has a very sensitive
relationship with Dean,

because Dean's the one person
that holds him accountable.

So right here have
just an amuse.

It's egg salad
with bowfin caviar. Enjoy.

- So, it's basically eggs
with eggs.

- Heck, yeah.
- Eggs with eggs.

- Kate, how are they?

Did they like the caviar thing?

- Dean was very funny. He said,
"Oh, it's eggs with eggs."

- What does that mean?

- A tragic story.

- Look at his--
send it back.

- Watch the bow, please.
God damn it!

I expected us
to be further along

this far into the season.

I'm gonna make
some alterations.

- Have you finished, then?

- Yeah, I'm done.

- Can you imagine life
without butter?

That would be harsh.


The chef position,

out of every position,

you know, our time frames are
really tough.

We have too much to do.

I dare you to walk a day
in my shoes.

- Ooh.
- First we have airline chicken

with an apple
whole-grain coleslaw.

- Sounds good. Thank you.

- Is Dean seeming to be happy?
- He hasn't talked.

He was just busy chewing.
- F---.

- Kelley, Kelley, Lee.
- Go for Kelley.

- Now would be a good time
for the toys and the slide.

- Roger that.

- Tonight we're doing
Chinese New Year party.

Are you interested
at all in doing,

like, a Chinese cuisine?

- Yeah.

- Kate? Is Chef Ben busy?
Is he still working?

- No.
- I would like to speak to him.

- Hey, Ben.
Dean's in the main salon,

would love to chat with you.

- Sure.
- Ben, how are you?

- Hey.
- I wasn't thrilled to see you

when I got on board.

- I'm sorry, Dean,
but I'm not that thrilled

to see you either, so.

- Lunch--

it was amazing.
- Oh, well, thank you.

- And so I want to apologize
for doubting you at all.

Everything was so good.
- Oh, good, cool.

- So now you've really got a lot
to live up to now,

because the first meal you do
is just--

- That's not very fair, though.
Now, I'm kidding.

- No, I'm not fair,
I'm never fair.

- I'm joking, I'm joking.

I set the bar high,
and he expects me

to keep it that high.

It's Dean's world,

and we're just lucky
to be living in it.

- You made my day. Thank you.
- You're welcome.

- Oh, I love that there's
no women

and no lipstick
to scrub off the glasses.

- Mm-hmm. That's so funny.

- Hey, Emily?
- Yeah?

- Listen, I would like
to take my break now,

so clear up lunch, stay
kind of on guest service...

- Yeah.
- And I'll be back.

- Okay.

- The little things, eh?
- I know.

- Whoo!

- Oh!

- I totally get
how dolphins feel.

- Th

is going on around here?

- Can we get some service out
here on the aft deck, please?

- They don't make them
like they used to.

- No, they do not.

- Kate, Kate, Lee.
- Copy.

- Can I trust anyone?

- I can't even leave
for five minutes

before our boss is calling
for service

for our most high-maintenance
charter guest.

- Can I just do
a skinny girl margarita?

- Yeah.
It's completely unfair,

and I don't have time
to worry about it,

so I'll just do the work myself.

Will one of you please
go get the blender

from the pantry upstairs?

- I'll grab it.

- Work it. Smile.
- There you go.

There you go. One more.
- There you go.

- Kelley, I need you to go
pick up a load of fireworks.

- Roger. En route.
- Kelley?

Can you pick up the flowers

I ordered for Emily
while you're out?

- Yeah.

- Okay, let's go ahead
and bring this up,

'cause it's 5:31.

- All right.

- Hi, guys.
- Hello.

- I like a little bit
of charcuterie.

- Oh, hummus.
- Excellent.

- Cheers, everyone.
- Cheers.

- I wish I could take
a break, but I can't.

Captain Lee's calling me
the moment I go on break

for service.

I know, baby, I know.

- Yeah. You don't know.

Your girlfriend, like,
you distract her too much

or something.

- What?
- I am disappointed,

because I told Emily
stay on service.

- Do you expect her
to just stand in front of them

all day long?

Is that what service is
on a yacht?

Hands down, Emily is the best
second stew Kate's ever had.

She basically runs
the whole boat.

- You know, Ben, if you weren't
romantically involved

with Emily, I don't think
you would get involved

with the interior workings.

- You're blaming me
at the same time.

- I'm not blaming anyone.

- It sounded a lot like you were
blaming me and Ems.

- Just give her the flowers.
You stay out.

I've got to get off this dock.

All right, just set them
right here next to me.

- Those don't look
like fireworks, Kelley.

- No, they don't.

- Be sure you fill me in when
you get back on what they are.

- Emily, happy birthday.
But Ben, what the f---?

- Watch the bow, please.

God damn it!

Did you not hear me when
I said watch the bow, please?

Obviously not.

- Flowers.
Don't let Emily see those.

It's heavy.

- I'm always trying to one-up
myself to surprise Dean.

So I'm gonna try and push
my creative boundaries

with tonight's
Chinese New Year-themed dinner.

- Hello, you.
- Hello.

- We're gonna get loose, baby.

- Hey, Emily?

The Chinese New Year party is
kind of a big deal.

I have to focus.

So if you'll just run up
to the bow

and see if the guests are okay
real quick.

- Yeah. Okay, I'll be quick.

- Kelley, come on up
to the wheelhouse.

- Roger that.
I'm on my way up now.

- Who the f--- died?
- Nobody.

Ben got those for Emily
for her birthday tomorrow.

- Well, I could give
a flying sh--

about the g*dd*mn flowers.

We're on charter.
I expected us to be

further along
this far into the season.

He's got the fireworks.
He's got a big vase of flowers.

And then he smacks the boat
with the tender.

I mean, he's just everywhere.
I don't know what he's thinking.

I think I'm gonna make
some alterations.

Let me think on it.

- Sounds good.
- Kelley was given a second shot

at redemption, but I haven't
seen any improvement.

Something's got to happen.

- Can I get a deckhand to help
me out in the galley, please?

- Copy.

- Kate's been, like,
putting me on things

that she wouldn't usually,
and stopping me midway

and then going,
"No, now do this.

No, now do this."

Like I feel like
I'm annoying her.

- Yeah.

- You think it's because of Ben?
- Yeah.

- Have you talked
to Ben about it?

- No, I'm going to.
I'm gonna ask.

- You should.

- Daddy's here.
- Oh, good.

- It may be a hard time
to, like, ask or whatever,

like, 'cause I know
we're really busy,

but are you okay
with everything with me?

- Why do you ask?

- 'Cause earlier I felt
like maybe you were

getting annoyed with me,
and I just wanted to--

- I was frustrated
that Captain had to call

over the radio for service.

That's why I came back up,
and it was fine.

- Okay.

- Guys, you want to come out
to dinner?

- Yeah.
- We're gonna celebrate

Year of the Dog today.
- Yeah.

- A little Chinese New Year

- Good job, Nico.
- They're ready.

- Soft shell crab,
and avocado, corn.

- It's Asian guacamole.
- Ooh!

- To the year of the dog.
- To the year of the dog.

- I'm a fish.
- Cheers.

- So what we have here is
soft shell crab

with an Asian guacamole.

- Thank you.
- My pleasure.

- I love soft shell crab.
- I do too.

- So what do you think, Dean?

- This is really good.

- Did they like it?

- They loved it.
- Dean?

- Yeah, he liked it.
- All right. Cool.

I'm on another level tonight.

- Hi.
- Hey.

- That is hot.

- We'll have to do
a big Vegas night.

- Oh, I know that you never--
- I am never there.

- If a chef made me this,
I'd go and kiss him.

- Duck, shrimp hot noodle soup?
- Yeah.

- Okay.
- These dinners are insane.

- Really amazing.
- Nice job, Ben.

- Appreciate it.

- Here we have a shrimp and duck
hot noodle soup

with porcini mushrooms.
- Excellent.

- Thank you.
- It's an amazing dish.

- This is difficult to eat.
I can't.

- What do you think, Dean?

- It doesn't have
a lot of flavor to it.

- Do you need something else?

- Were there flavor options?
- Yeah.

- Can we add some flavor?
- Really? Okay.

- Yeah, looks beautiful.
No flavor.

- Let me see if he has
some nice duck sauce.

- Can I have the salt?
- Salt helps a lot.

- Does it?

- Ben?
- Yeah, yeah?

- Right now I need you to focus
on something

to add to this broth.

- Why?
- They all are saying it has

not a lot of flavor.

- F---.
I've never had a guest

not like a dish of mine ever,

and it's f---ing Dean,
of all people.

- Ben, don't spin out.

- But I think that with, like...

- Hi. I'm so sorry. Um.
- It looks amazing.

I love duck,
and it just didn't have--

didn't have a lot of flavor.

- Okay, I'll make you
anything you want right now.

- No--seriously, no.

- Holy smokes.

- They're the best flowers
I've ever seen, I think.

Happy birthday.

- Em?
- Yes?

- Can I see you for a moment?

- I love duck.

It just didn't have--

didn't have a lot of flavor.

- Do you want me to remove it
for you?

- Yes, please.
- Okay.

Out of over 100,000 dishes
I've ever done,

it's the only dish
that has ever been sent back.

F---. He's right.

I put the ice in to stop
the shrimp from cooking,

and the ice diluted it.

Oh, my God.

- What the f---?
- I can't believe I did that.

It's so unlike me.

I just f---ed up,
'cause I'm a f---ing idiot.

- Oh, my God!

- It's all right, man.
- I'm a f---ing dickhead.

- Don't beat yourself
over it.

Just drop it
and get on with dessert.

- Oh, my God.
- I heard the splash

going for so long.

- I'm gonna puke. You know
when you get that feeling?

- I know. I know what you mean.
- Sierra just spilled broth

down the dining salon.

Sh-- happens.

Let's focus on dessert.

- Yo, what's up?
- You good?

- Yeah. Reading, trying to leave
this place for a little bit.

- What do you need?

- I'll let you know
in the morning

after I have my talk
with the captain.

Supposedly some changes
are happening.

I don't know what they are yet.

I'll let you know
as soon as I know.

- Do you want me to leave you
to it?

- Yeah.
- All right.

- Thanks, bud.

- I'll talk to you in a bit.
- Okay.

- Apple turnover with chocolate,
vanilla, and hazelnut?

- Yeah.

- How's the puppy doing?
- He's a bit thirsty.

- He's thirsty.

- Surprise.

- Aww.
- Oh, thank you.

- Apple strudel?
- Wow.

- Mmm.
- Wow, so good.

- How's the dessert?
Is it all right?

- Very good.
- Good.

It may seem like Dean is the
only one that got a sparkler.

But that's not the case.



- Whoo!

- Get out of here!

- Ben, there's fireworks

and they're still pretty much

just as excited
about the dessert.

They said, "Wow, the chef
made such an amazing dessert."

- Awesome.


- Wow.

- Good night, everyone.
- Good night, Dean.

- Good night, Dean. Thank you.

- Going to sleep, love?
- In a moment.

- All right. Good night.


Tonight was harrowing,

but Emily seems
to alleviate all of it.

- See you in the morning.
- Yep, you will.

- Kelley tell you
about the meeting tomorrow?

- What meeting?

- Kelley's not the most amazing
boatswain I've ever had,

but hasn't done anything
that's that f---ed up, yet.

- I'm gonna go
sort this sh-- out.

I'll catch you in the morning.
Get some rest.

- All right.

- Holy smokes.

Whoa. Holy sh--.

This is next level.

These flowers for Emily,
they are absolutely amazing.

I love the composition.

They're the best flowers
I've ever seen, I think.

- Dude, this is sick.

Like, the blue and the lily.

Ben, you did awesome.

- I think Ben's huge mess-up
with the soup is

because he was super distracted
by Emily's birthday flowers

and fighting with me,

and he just didn't
stay professional.

- Can I ask you something?

Should I take the flowers
in the main salon?

- I don't want
to get involved anymore.

- What?

- I really don't want
to get involved

with your dating life anymore.

- I'll be in a great mood.

Kate will walk in
like a dark cloud

and just k*ll it.

Yeah, whatever, babe. You can't
bring me down right now.


- So, yeah,
I'm super stoked for Em, though.

- Birthdays on a yacht can be

so on this boat I've tried
to, like,

make Emily's birthday feel
really special.

She's gonna freak out.

- Oh, my God.

I was not expecting a gift
like this from Ben.

Oh, wow.

I am overly shocked.

- Oh my God, who's that from?

- Ben.
- Are you serious?

- I just don't know
what to do with it.

- Kelley, Kelley, it's Lee.
- Go for Kelley.

- Yeah, can I get you up
in the wheelhouse

for just a quick second?

Everybody's gonna mess up
at one point or another.

It's not the mess up.
It's how you recover from it

and how you deal with it.

- Morning.

Do you want to talk
about yesterday?

- Didn't seem like it was
an exceptionally good day to me.

- Thought it was good
up until the "Intrepid."

- That was pretty f---ing lame.

- F---.

Hey, Cap, it's Kelley.

We have a mishap.

- Didn't seem like it was

an exceptionally good day to me.

- Thought it was good
up until the "Intrepid."

- That was pretty f---ing lame.

It's just--I don't know.

I'm not
where I want to be yet.

I'm gonna give Kelley one more
shot to demonstrate to me

the ability
to step up to the plate.

I want you to take Nico
and escort Dean to the baths.

I can babysit Moe and Larry.

Roger that.

A special thank you to whoever
made Captain Lee's coffee

this morning.

I was expecting an ass-chewing,

and now I'm getting
to take guests to the baths.

- Is your coffee okay?
- Yes, mine is.

- Okay, fabulous.

- Good morning.

- Have you been
to the baths before?

- Never.
- Oh, get excited.

- The birthday girl.
- Good morning.

- How you doing?
- Hello.

How's it going?
- Thank you so much.


You made me so happy.

- Hey, Em?
- Yes?

- Could I see you
for a moment?

These must be for you.
- Yes.

- We need to put them somewhere
other than here. We need to--

- Mess table?
- Yeah. Thanks, Em.

- Captain's request.

- Do you need a hand?
- Maybe.

- Let me just do it.


- You good, brah?
- All good, brother.

- We need to start
prepping snorkel gear.

Captain is sending me and Nico
to the baths.

- All right.
- It's a good day.

It's going to be a good day.

- Yeah.

- Mmm.
- Excellent.

- How's breakfast?
- Very good.

- Good, good.
Whenever y'all are done,

we'll be ready
on the swim platform for you,

so we can start
the baths experience.

- All right.

- Hey, Dean.
- They're leaving now.

- Does everybody
have shoes with them?

- All clear. All the guests are
off the boat in the "Intrepid."

- Copy.
- Here we go.

- I had a quick word
with Kate last night.

- And what?
- About the captain having

to ask for guest service
on the aft deck.

I was kind of like--

- We got into it a little bit.

She said it was because you were
in here chatting with me.

- I'm here to do my job and work
well with both of them,

and I don't want to get involved
in problems that they have.

- All we can do right now is
the best frickin' job

we can for today.

- Thanks, man.
- Thank you.

- You're welcome.

- Okay.

- Let's do this.

- All right.

- Coming back, we come all
the way back on a taxi, too?

- Yeah, it's like
an hour taxi ride.

- Right. Ugh.
No, homie don't play that.

- What? Homie don't play that?

- Homie don't play that.

So, coming back, you guys
can take all the stuff back,

and we'll swim out
past the buoys, pick us up?

- Mm-hmm.

Dean's throwing me
a curve ball.

He doesn't want
to take the taxi ride back.

- Here we are.
- So instead of them

hopping in the taxi ride,

I'm gonna bring the tender
to the beach.

They're gonna swim out
to the boat,

and then I'm gonna take them
to the yacht,

and then problem solved.

I'm gonna go follow them in.

- I'll hang out,
set everything up.

- Thanks so much, Nico.
- Yeah, man.

- It's so good.
It feels so disconnected

from the world,
because of the beautiful water.

- Right. Oh, that's cool.

- Right?

- Three, two, one.

All right, cool.

- It's really cool.

- Ashley, how are you doing?
- Fine. How are you?'ve been seeing on and off

for a couple of years,
and is an amazing person.

I didn't realize how much
I was gonna miss Ashley

until I got here.

Are you okay, though?
- Yeah.

- I'll sort something out
for you, okay?

- Okay.

- Okay, I love you. Bye.
- Bye.

- What's the plan here?

- Let me radio Captain Lee
real quick.

Captain Lee,
Captain Lee, Kelley.

- Go, Kelley.
- We're packing up the stuff

and taking it up to the taxi.

Do you want me to leave Nico,

send him over
to the far end of the baths,

and just have him swim out
with the guests?

- Awesome. Once we get the
stuff up to the taxi,

I'll send them that way.

Dean doesn't want to take
an hour taxi ride,

and, you know,
whatever he wants, he gets.

- Thank you.
- Surprised he didn't

give us any grief.

Seems to be in a better mood.

- He woke up on the right side
of the bed today.

- I want to make sure
that me and you are good,

from, you know, the other day.

We're good
from that, right?

- Yeah, yeah, yeah, totally.
- All right.

- I don't hold grudges, man.

- I'm one of five boys,

so we yell at each other
in the moment,

and after the moment's over,
we make up.

And you know, I feel like
I have that bond with Kelley

that we can just do that.

- So, now I'll go back
to the "Intrepid."

- Yeah.
- You go down to the beach.

Give me your radio
so you don't swim with it.

Oh, you're taking
this cooler, right?

By the time you get back
to the beach,

I should be pulling around,

- Okay.
- Get on the far side

of the cove,
hanging out on a rock.

- All right. Good job, man.
- Thanks, man.

Everything today
is going amazingly well.

It's almost scary.



I have Nico's radio,
and Nico has the keys.

I'm f---ed.


After running
back up the hill,

taking the 15-minute taxi ride

I'm gonna make the guests
wait forever.


Hey, Captain, this is Kelley.

- Is this Captain Lee?

- Yeah.

- Hey, Captain, this is Kelley.

We have a mishap.

We changed coolers
right as we switched--

me and Nico...
- Yeah?

- And he has the keys
to the "Intrepid."

- So you have no way
to get out here.

- No.
- So, you're sitting there,

the guests are sitting there,

and you're calling me.

You just really screwed up.

- I was thinking the RIB
could be put in.

The RIB to the guests,
pick up the guests,

bring them back to the boat,
and then come pick me up.

Well, drop the keys off to me.

- All right, I'll go
pick up Nico at the beach.

So now I have to bail
your ass out,

not because I particularly want
to bail your ass out,

but the guests
need to be bailed out.

I'll work it out,
and I will get back to you.

- All right, thank you, Captain.
- Bye.

- Bye.

- Never a dull moment.

- Where is he?

- I know my ass is
about to be handed to me.

And it might be
for the last time.

- All right,
let's get the RIB in.

Dean's probably
been sitting there,

I don't know how long,
waiting for Kelley.

- Why didn't Kelley leave the
"Intrepid" and go get the keys,

and then go back
in all this time?

- It's quicker to do this.
- Oh, man.

This is a huge mistake.

Especially with Dean.
This is just stupid.

- Do what you can,
and I'll be back.

Everything that could go wrong
is going wrong.

This is a big bad.

We've got charter guests
stuck on a beach

with no way of getting them
off the beach.

I'm terribly disappointed
and pissed.

All of the above.

- Next on "Below Deck"...

- Ashley's on a plane
to Tortola.

- Oh!

- Right.

- Did you have a nice time?

- Kelley and Nico left us
stranded on a beach,

so good times.
- Dean is pissed.

- What I'd like to do is
rip your f---ing head off.

- I'm trying to serve
the guests,

because we're on charter,

but those flowers--
- I want Emily to enjoy them.

- I feel like I'm very much
caught in the middle.

- We had a really nice thing
going on, and--

- And why do we not still?
- I mean, do we?

I don't know.

For more "Below Deck,"
go to bravotv.com.
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