04x12 - Bemily

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Below Deck". Aired: July 1, 2013 – present.*
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Show chronicles the lives of the crew members who work and reside aboard a superyacht during charter season.
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04x12 - Bemily

Post by bunniefuu »

- Previously on "Below Deck."

- This is next level.

These flowers for Emily are the
best flowers I've ever seen.

- Ashley's transgender.
- Who's Ashley?

- You're full of surprises,
aren't you?

I'll sort something out
for you, okay?

- Mr. Slover is back.

- Dean has such high standards.

- Can we get some service
out here

on the aft deck please?
- Emily. Emily, Kate.

Can't even leave
for five minutes.

- Sounded a lot like you were
blaming me and Em.

- Your girlfriend--like,

you're distracted
too much or some thing.

- This dish was disappointing
'cause it just didn't have

a lot of flavor.

- Watch the bow please.
g*dd*mn it! Sh--.

- Why can't we just be
a functional deck crew?

- I expected us
to be further along.

I'm gonna make some

- That was, like,
an hour taxi ride.

No, homey don't play that.

- Instead of them
hopping in the taxi,

I'm gonna bring the tender
to the beach.

F---. Nico has the keys
to the "Intrepid."

- So now I have to bail
your ass out.

- My ass is about
to be handed to me.

This f---ing sucks.

- We gonna move?

- All right, Nico,
I just want to take a hot shower

and clean up.

- Dean and all of his friends

are crispy bacon strips
right now,

and I'm wondering
where the hell's Kelley.

- Like, really?
Pisses me off.

- I think there was a question
like this on my SAT.

If Captain Lee's in the rib,

and Kelley's at dock
A with the tender,

but Nico's at island B
with the keys and the guests,

how much trouble
are we all in?

Yachting is supposed
to be perfection.

This is just stupid.

- Sh--. Oh, sh--.

I have the tender keys.

- Why? Why, Kelley?

Why did you not grab the keys?

- Are they back yet?
- Um, the captain has gone

to get them
in the inflatable tender...

- Oh, wow.
- So...

I'm making some stiff drinks.

- F---.

This is f---ed up.
It's affecting me.

It's affecting everyone.

- There they are.
- Attention, "Valor" crew,

headed back with the guests.

I need everybody to get
in position accordingly.

- Oh, I see them.

- They're coming back?
- Yeah, let's open alcohol.

- Alcohol.
- Alcohol.

- Yes?

- You got to see this.

- Well, I'm not worried
about that.

I'm worried
about putting out lunch.

- Hello.

- We'll get this thing tied up,
and you guys can get some lunch

'cause I know
you're probably famished.

- Thank you very much.

- Sorry for
the inconvenience, gentlemen.

- I'm just so hungry.
- Hi. Champagne?

- How the f--- you get here?

- Taxi.
- Come on, come on.

Come on. Captain Lee was
supposed to get you.

- Captain Lee.
Captain Lee, Kelley.

- He's on a rib inbound to me?

Nico just came out of nowhere
with the keys to the "Intrepid."

- Uh, I'm gonna get a reaming.
You're not.

That was my f--- up.


That's the captain.

- Yeah, f---.

- Hey, Cap, I'm sorry.

Nico found the keys.

- The keys weren't lost.
You can drive this back.

I'll take that.
I'm tired of getting beat up.

- Roger that.

- He should've not called
the captain.

He should've taken a taxi back
and picked up the keys.

- Lots of photos?

- I sure they have lots
of photos, yes.

- Yeah?
Did you have a nice time?

- Dean is pissed,
so thanks, deck crew.

You're making my life harder.

- Hey.

- So I don't care if
the boat is sinking.

We always want to just keep
Dean's wine glass full.

- Okay.
- But also, Ben,

I think we have now five guests

at the table including Dean,

so if you want
to start platter-ing.

- Not a happy cappy.

- You guys win, huh?

- Thanks for the rescue.
- No problem.

You enjoyed it, though?

I started freaking out.

- Today's the day I die.
- Yeah.

- Here we go, baby.
Thank you.

Man, I'm gonna be so glad
to get all this over with.

- Today we're starting with a
watermelon feta and mint salad.

This is blackened mahi
with a mango-lime salsa.

- Stone crab claw?

- Now we're talking.
- Really good.

- So good.
- It's perfect. I love it.

- The best way to get
the guests happy again

is get some drinks, food.

Oldest trick in the book.

- This could fall.

Okay, what do I do
with this now?

- Um, put them in that
cardboard box by the ice maker.

Ben needs to focus
on his cooking

and not the f---ing flowers.

- Just don't want to lose these.

- I am really not happy

at all with what happened,

but I'll be very clear
that it won't happen again.

- You got a boom down on it?

- Kelley and Nico up
to the wheelhouse.

- The f--- up at the bass
is the last thing I need,

and now I've got to go deal
with the consequences.

- A million things went wrong
which all culminated

in where we're at right now.

What I'd like to do is rip
your f---ing head off.

- It was a big f--- up.
I know.

- I don't want to talk
about it now

because I don't want to say
something I might regret.

You're spread just
a little too thin.

And I'm afraid what I'm gonna
have to do is give Nico

a little more responsibility.

Nico, I'm gonna make you senior
deckhand effective immediately.

It'll give you
some welcome relief,

not having to worry about being
everywhere all at one time.

I think maybe clear your head
just a little bit.

So you're gonna have
some authority...

- Okay.
- And more responsibility.

I hope you deal with it well.

- Absolutely.
- I think Nico's fairly bright,

and I think he's a hard worker.

Sometimes when you
give somebody

more responsibility,
they answer the call.

I want this last day
and a half here

to go flawlessly.

Really, really need
that to happen.

- Holy s---.

I love the responsibility.

I've put my time in,
and I'm confident in saying

that I do know what I'm doing.

- Any questions?

If so, I don't want
to hear them.

- Roger that.
- Get the f--- out of here.

- How's lunch so far,
all right?

- Very good...
- Good.

- In light of our tardiness.
- Oh, good, yeah.

- It's always an issue.
But no, it's perfect.

- Bonjour.
- Talk to me. What happened?

- You mean with Cap?
- Mm-hmm.

- Kind of gave me
a little promotion.

- Oh, my God.
- Yeah.

- Dude, congratulations.
- Yeah, yeah.

I feel like I busted my ass
the whole season for it,

and this is what I've been
waiting for.

He was like, "You're now gonna
be running things with Kelley.

You guys will be in charge
of the deck team."

- I'm so excited for you.

Well done.


We have to celebrate.

- I'm in the best mood
of moods today.

Guess who's flying out
to the island right now.

- Ashley?

- She could be on
the island already.

- sh**t, man, that's
f---ing awesome, happy for you.

I'm sorry, I just got the sh--
kicked out of me, basically.

- By the Captain?
What did he say?

- Nothing, Nico's just gonna
help me out a little more.

- Like a second boatswain?
- No, like a senior deckhand

like Trevor was.
I'm fine with it.

When I'm off board,
he's in charge.

But the thing is,
it was an honest mistake,

and like, if he's gonna freak
the f--- out about it,

he's gonna freak
the f--- out about it.

There's not much I can do.

- Know what I mean?

- Whoo-hoo!

- Hey.

- How are you?
- Very well, how are you, sir?

- You know what?
Let's skip charcuterie today

since lunch was so late.

- Absolutely.

- Otherwise, we're just
eating all day.

- Okay.
- So we'll just skip charcuterie

and just pick up with dinner
at 8:30, all right?

- I'm fine with that.
- You wouldn't be offended

if I threw in maybe
another course or two tonight?

- No, that'd be fine.
- Okay. Absolutely.

I want to kind of make it up
to you a little bit.

I'm gonna just throw
the book at him,

and he's gonna love it

because there won't be
any mistakes tonight.

- Coming up.

- Nico just got promoted
to boatswain.

- Oh, dear.
- You want to undermine me?

You want to f--- with my job?

We're gonna have big issues.

So you need to watch
what you f---ing say.

- Whoo-hoo!

- Can I offer you
a cocktail of the day?

Ginger and lychee martini.

- I kind of feel like
Dean expects

decorative blanket folds from me

'cause it's kind of
how our friendship started.

- It looks like a rocket ship.
It's amazing.

- I guess I could see that.

Yesterday, I thought at least
Dean would acknowledge the fact

that I put a big "V" on his bed,
you know, for "Valor,"

but he says nothing.

I'm gonna have to step it up.

Double the "V,"
double the pleasure.


- So Nico just got promoted
to boatswain, did you hear that?

- What?
- Yeah.

Captain just promoted him.
- Hello.

- Nico just got
promoted to boatswain.

- Oh, dear.
- Nico, give him a year or two,

will make a good boatswain.

I think he's got
a little growing

to do on the drinking side.

- So Nico's been
promoted to boatswain.

- Wait, wait, wait.
Come here.

Is it because of
the f--- up today?

- I think so, yeah.
- Well, that's gonna cause

a bit of rivalry, isn't it?

- Senior deckhand Nico.

- Have you heard about
the new promotion?

- Yeah, we got a new
boatswain onboard.

Wonder what he looks like.

- Hm.

Where did I put...

- Oh, come on.
You can do this.

- What you looking for?
- Walnuts, have you seen them?

- Yeah, they're down
in the crew mess.

- Are you serious?
- Yeah, I saw the pack today.

- Bloody hell.
You're a genius.

- Will you do me a favor and go
freshen up Dean's cabin?

You talked to Dean,
right, Ben?

- I did.
- Dinner's still at 8:30, huh?

- Yes, I'm doing a tasting menu.
- Oh, you are?

- Like, a few courses, yeah.
- If Ben hadn't messed up

the night before,
he wouldn't be doing this.

- I put the ice in to stop
the shrimp from cooking,

and the ice diluted it.

- I don't feel bad
for Ben at all.

What are you making?
- I have--a few things.

Just trying to get a carrot cake
in the oven right now.

- Okay.

- This table looks like s---.

I wanted to come back,
do a good job.

- Yeah, I know, but...

- Yeah.

I may not always agree
with how he runs things,

but I always want
to leave feeling

I did a good job, you know?

- Yeah.

- Emily, Emily, Kate.

- Go ahead, Kate.

- If you could ask Ben
what's for dinner

so we can get cutlery.

- I very much feel like,
up to now, Kate

and I have had
a fantastic work relationship,

but over the last few days...

Right away.

- Thank you.
- Here we go.

Emily, how's it going?

Good. What's for dinner?

All right, uh,
what am I doing?

We got snail
with onion brûlée,

lobster with crispy ham
and beurre blanc.

I love your writing.

- Oh, you must be
in a nice mood, then.

- Six courses?

You're really knocking
it out of the park.

- Knock, knock.
- Come on in.

- Hey, Dean, I just wanted
to apologize for today.

Being stuck on the beach
was my fault.

- You know, we were there
a long time.

Something I'm not used to,
just being stuck out there.

But I'm not big on
"I'm sorry."

What I think would be fun--
I think you and Nico

should do a little
singing apology.

- Normally this would seem
like a very weird request,

but it's Dean
we're talking about.

- First night, it's gonna be
like a black tie formal night.

- I love your Versace underwear.
- Oh, my goodness.

- I do want to see a dive-off
between the staff.

- Whoo!

- We want to feel
the emotion here,

so a little song at dinner,

I would really accept
that apology.

- Roger that.
- All right.

- We'll make it happen.
- I look forward to it.

- Thanks.

- Cheers.

- Last charter.

- Okay, girls, if you guys will
go start the master together,

and then I'll call you
when we're ready to serve.

- Okay.
- You're like, "what are you--"

- No, I get it, I get--
I wish I was doing it with you,

but we've got these people
out there who are called,

like, guests,
and they, like, want stuff.

I feel like Emily and Sierra

are either taking advantage
of my leniency,

or they are being

Is that a word?

He wants me and you
to sing him a "sorry" song.

We're gonna go out shirtless
with, like,

"I'm sorry"
or something written on us.

- Yeah.

- Always got to be
taking shirts off around here.

I don't want to do this.

I've done nothing wrong
in this situation.

Ugh. F---.

- Do you like my earring?


- Ben, we have everyone
at the table.

- Okay, thank you.

There was a f--- up
last night.

I just want you to be prepared
for me being a d*ck.

What we're gonna do is rotate
the plates calmly and quietly

because I don't want
any mistakes.

- Got you.

- Don't put a thumb print
on there.

Girls, we're up with the snails.
- Okay.

- We have a lot
of courses this evening.

- Oh.
- The first course is going

to be snails
with an onion brûlée cream.

- All right, let's get
the next plate out.

Uh, blackcurrant jelly.

Okay, can we get some service
in here, please?

- This is a foie gras
with a blackcurrant jelly.

- Oh, wow.

- Enjoy.
- Thank you.

- Bon appétit, you guys.
- Mm. That is really good.

- It is really good.
- It is really good.

♪ Dean, Dean, please
don't frown ♪

♪ Turn that sad face
upside down ♪

- ♪ We know it's our fault ♪

What rhymes with "fault?"

- Vault.
- Vault?

- ♪ Lock your problems
in a vault ♪


I used to juggle.
I used to do magic, tell jokes.

I know--ah-ha-ha-ha.

It's coming to me
like a lightning bolt.

- Let's just make sure
that these are all at 11:00.

- So here we have a lobster
and crispy ham.

- Lobster and bacon,
my two favorite things.

- That is really good.

- Ben, we're ready to serve
when you are.

- Roger that, thank you.

- This is a lamb tenderloin
with a cinnamon balsamic,

Brussels sprouts
and a crispy parsnip.

- Mmm. Ben is on fire tonight.
- I know, he's doing so well.

All Ben's doing right now

is what he should be doing every
night we have guests onboard,

so I'm really not
that impressed.

- How is he?
- So happy.

- Nico, come up
to the sky lounge.

I got to get you painted.

- I'll be up there
in two minutes.


- Cake stand?
- Yes, please.

- Anthony, you got carrot cake.
- Yay.

- Wow.
- Thank you.

- What was our favorite dish?
- Wow, foie gras was incredible.

- I think it was how it was
cooked was so good, yeah.

- I think they're happy, right?
- Yeah.

No, no, they're really happy.

- Oh, good, this was
a real high pressure one.

Are you happy?

- I'm really happy.
- Okay, good.

You've given me
a lot of confidence

in many ways, for starters.

That required a lot of teamwork,
and you did amazingly.

- Oh, your six-pack is,
like, not making this easy.

Get your bumps out of the way.

- Shirt off. Shirt off.
- F--- me.

- You gonna put the big D on it?
- Yep.

- Is this gonna come off?
- Yeah.

It's latex.
It just might hurt a little bit.

- I think we need more coats.

- How do I preserve
these flowers, babe?

How do I preserve them
a bit better?

- Excuse me? Why should I
give you friendly advice?

Put them in the walk-in.
I don't really care.

I'm just kind of
bummed out that Ben is

mixing his romantic pursuits
with business.

Every day, I'm seeing more
and more of Ben's true colors,

and I'm kind of disappointed.

- Can we practice?
- I haven't even read it once.

- All right, go.

♪ Dean, Dean,
please don't frown ♪

♪ We wrote this song
to make you jolly ♪

- F---. Does that
even make sense?

- I think it's showtime.

- All right, let's go.
- Oh, my God.

- You good?
- Yeah, you're first, I'm last.

- Okay.

- It's stressing me out.

I'm not a performer.

- Here we go.
- Hey.

- Hey, how's it going?

How was dinner?
- Great.

- What a great surprise
to see you guys.

- Yes.

- Coming up.

- We had a really nice thing
going on, and--

- And why do we not still?
- I mean, do we? I don't know.

- What a great surprise

to see you guys.

- Well, we just want

to formally apologize

for today at the beach.
- It was our fault.

Y'all shouldn't have sat there
on the beach that long,

so this is our apology.

All right, ready?

♪ Dean, Dean,
please don't frown ♪

♪ Turn that sad face
upside down ♪

♪ We know it's our fault ♪

♪ We are really sorry ♪

♪ We wrote this song
to make you jolly ♪

- What?
- What?

- Do it.
- Stop.

- We're sorry.

- Bravo.
- Encore!

- Apology accepted.
- I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

- It's fine.
Thank you.

Above and beyond.
Thank you.

- Wait, can I take a selfie
with you with that?

- "Big D."

- They did a great job.

- ♪ Dean, Dean, we're sorry,
we're sorry ♪

- Great, it's gonna be stuck
in my head all day.

- It's catchy.
It's a catchy tune.

Oh, my God.

F---! Ugh!

- All right.

- Hey, Kelley.
- What's up?

- Lauren told me Nico

had been elevated to boatswain.

- No, he's, like,
senior deckhand.

- Oh.

It just strikes me as a bit odd
that she would say that.

I'm not surprised;
When Lauren talks so much,

it becomes a problem.

- It was just such
an uncomfortable situation.

God, Kelley's being
such a prick.

If that was me,
I would've been like--

The way he sort of
delivers information

and gets really,
like, flustered.

- Hey, well, don't get her
in trouble on account of me.

- I really don't give a s---.
I have the two stripes.

They don't.
- All right.

- Is that bleu cheese
or is it just really old?

I'm not sure.
It's both.

- This is a Roquefort.

- Oh.

I'm just trying to go in
to get some cheese,

and I'm getting poked
in the eyeball

by these branches.

This is an active
working zone, the fridge.

This is not a personal
floral storage room.

- So I've been surprised.
- What?

- That's crazy.
Are you excited?

- Yeah.

- Did you talk to Cap?
- No, not yet.

- I don't really know
what to expect.

It's probably the first
transgender person I've met.

I'm really excited to see
what she's gonna be like

and how everyone's gonna react.

I'm so excited to meet her.

- I don't know 'cause
it wasn't a date.

But you knew, like,
the situation

when you were here,
didn't you?

- Yeah.
- I love Ashley.

Love of my life, really.

So knowing I took out Sierra,

I don't think she'd react
too well to that.


- I think we'll start
with the base.

- So we have French toast here.
- Thank you.

- My pleasure.
- Oh, not too shabby.

- Dean really likes
themed blanket folds,

but my inspiration
is not coming to me.

The first day I had
the "V" for "Valor."

He didn't really say
anything about it.

You know, his name starts
with "D,"

so maybe I should just put
a big "D" on his bed.

- Yeah.
- Just a big old "D."

- Roll it.
- Right on his bed.

- Make it curved.
- Yeah?

- Yeah.
- Dean doesn't seem

to like any of the "Vs."

I just want him to be happy,

and I think
I know what I need to do now.

It has to be the biggest
"D" he's ever seen.

- Do you want
a special breakfast?

- Yeah?
- F--- yeah.

- Could I have a poached egg?
- Of course I'll make you one.

- Is that okay? Are you sure?
- Babe, it's pretty easy.

- How does Nico feel

about his whole promotion thing?

- Apparently that wasn't true.

Apparently, he was promoted
to lead deckhand.

- Is this coming from Nico?

- It's coming
from the horse's mouth.

It's coming from everyone
but Lauren.

Kelley's still the boatswain.

There he is.
- What?

- We were just talking
s--- about you.

- Oh, good.
- No, I'm just kidding.

- That would top off
my charter.

- No, clarify with Ems
that you're the boatswain.

- The Nico situation.
- Oh, yeah.

No, basically he's--Nico's,
like, my senior deckhand now.

- Okay.
- Lauren is awesome,

and she works hard,

but she needs to stop
running her f---ing mouth.

- What's up?
- You need to be careful

what you're saying,
'cause going around the boat

is Nico's second boatswain,

'cause that's not what he is.
He is a senior deckhand.

My word still f---ing rules,

so you need to watch
what you f---ing say.

- Sorry.
- Grab vinegar and water.

- Copy.

- Come in.
- El Capitano.

- What can I do for you?

- So a friend from back home

has flown from England
to surprise me.

If I smash my work
out today,

is there any chance
I can knock off early?

- Okay. Fair enough,
but no over-nighters.

We got charter guests
coming on tomorrow.

- All right.
I'm gonna rock and roll.

See you later, Captain.

- Yeah, you've got a lot to do
before you get done.

- Okay. Cheers, Cap.

- Ugh, Kelley's not happy about
the, like, promotion thing.

I'm sorry.

- Everybody's so f---ing
sensitive around here.

- It doesn't mean anything.
None of us care about ranking.

It's just Kelley,
so don't worry too much.

I'll see you outside.

- Emily, see this yellow stain?
Do you know what that's from?

- It's from the flowers.
- It's from the lilies.

- All of the pollens.
- Yeah.

- My ones.
- Well, they're not yours

'cause you gave them to her,

but you act like they're yours.

I took them
out of the walk-in.

The branch stabbed me
in the eye.

- The next minute they're gonna,

try and break your leg, or...

- I'm trying to
serve the guests

because we're on charter,

but they are magnificent,
those flowers.

- All right, guys, let's pull
it up and get out of here.

- Anchor's home and secure, Cap.

- Breakfast was great.
- So good.

It's ironic
that we left the sausage.

- Kate's been at it again.

- Can you grab
the fridge door, please?

If she wants to clean
this refrigerator,

then she's welcome
to have a say about it.

- I don't think he's ready
to let go of those flowers.

He gave them to you,
but he, like, wants to--

- I want Emily to enjoy them

without guests
on the boat, babe, okay?

So I'm trying to
preserve them.

- So we're gonna just keep them
in the walk-in

for the next 24 hours.

- Yeah.
- Yeah.

- Honestly, she's got it in
for those flowers.

I promise you, all right?

Let's just ignore
the craziness.

- I feel like I'm very much
caught in the middle

of this situation in the galley
with both of them.

- I mean, I'm just trying
to savor them a little bit.

- Okay.

- Coming up...

- You might want to go look
down the dock.

- Yeah?
- Yeah.

Pretty sure I just saw her.

- Oh, it is.

- Deck crew, everybody
in position?

- Everyone's in position, Cap.
- Hey, Jake,

can you guys
squeeze in a little more?

Good, good.

- Oh, that's nice.
Thanks, guys.

- Cap, you got 60 feet
to the catamaran.

- We'll put this one on that,

and then I'll take
that spring second.

That bowline's just
a little bit too tight, Kel.

If we can maybe just
slack it off about another foot.

- Nico's doing really well.
I like his work.

I like his work ethic.
I like his attitude.

Take up on that bowline, Kelley.

- Roger that.
Give me just a sec.

- Lock that in right there if
you can pull as hard as you can.

- I like it.
- Yeah.

- I apologize on behalf
of the flowers.

- No, it's nothing about you.

Those are, like, his prize.

It's crazy.

- Attention, all crew, I need
you on the aft deck in ten.

Let's go.

- Thank you.
It's been a pleasure.

- Thank you.
- Thank you, man.

- Pleasure.
- Thank you.

- Good to see you.
- You as well.

- Dean.
- Captain Lee, how are you?

- Always a pleasure.
- You know, this trip, we had

a couple of ups
and downs I have to say,

with Nico and Kelley
stranding me out there.

And, Ben, there was a stumble
with the one dish...

but the rest of the meals
were spot-on, and you know,

they recovered with their
little routine the other night,

so that was a lot of fun,

and I know we put you
through the wringer

using every single thing
on the boat,

but we had a really good time.

You guys deserve this.

Always a pleasure.
Thank you.

- Bye.
- Bye, guys.

- Safe travels.

- Let's go to work.

- Do you feel like this was
Dean's best charter?

- We did an amazing job.

However, there were
a few hiccups.

- "Y'all are terrible.
Y'all don't deserve this tip."

- Heard it before.

- Attention, all crew,
I need everybody

in the crew mess in five.

- I do not want to sit in this
tip meeting because if

my f--- up cost the crew tip,
like, it's not gonna be good.

- Okay. Um...

I don't think this was
by far our best effort.

We would fall on our ass
more than once,

have to pick ourselves up
and recover,

especially with Dean.

We got one more charter.

I want you guys
to stay focused.

Keep your g*dd*mn head
in the game.

And on that note,
Mr. Slover...

he was happier than I was.

He was happy
to the tune of

- Wow.
- Holy s---.

- That's $2,350 each,

and we've had a change.

Nico's gonna be
senior deckhand,

and I expect everybody
to give him the same cooperation

they would give Kelley or me.


- Thank you.

- It's the biggest tip
we've had all season,

and it was a demanding charter,
but it's clearly paid off.

- We are gonna work
until we get done.

I'll give you guys a break.
You can get food,

go off the boat,
and we've got one more charter.

We've got 24 hours
to flip the boat,

so I think you all got
a lot of work to do.

- Yeah.

- It's just gonna be
a quick check around the boat,

straighten up the lines,

straighten up
the boatswain locker.

Other than that, you know,

let's just kick ass
this last charter.

Um, Nico, if I'm off the boat,
you're on it.

One of us needs to be here
at all times.

- Yeah, I agree.
- Let's get the boat done

so he can spend
some time with his girl.

- Yeah.
- Absolutely.

- All right?
Let's do this.

- How are you feeling
about things with Ben?

- I'm feeling good.
It's nice hanging out,

but I think we could hang out
as friends or maybe better.

- But you guys have kissed.

Like, how do you think
he feels about that?

- That's dating.
Okay, so you want to date.

- But I don't know if I want
to get it going any further

in the dating-dating, yeah.
- Really? Okay.

- I knew me dating Ben
would cause some sort of issue.

I don't want to get
in the way of him and Kate...

When it comes to the arguments.

- That's so funny.
- It's a very difficult dynamic

to deal with, and I don't know
at this point in time

if I can cope with it very well.

- So does that turn you off?

- You might want to
go look down the dock.

Yeah, pretty sure
I just saw her.

- I think it might be her.

- Oh, it is.

I'm really happy to see her.

I didn't realize how much I was
gonna miss her until I got here.

This is Kelley.
- Hi.

- It's a pleasure to meet you.
- I hope so.

You okay?
- Yeah, it's fine.

- Nice to meet you.
- Nice to meet you.

- Hi.
- Nice to meet you. Okay.

- This is Nico.
- Nice to finally meet you.

- Sierra.
- Hi.

- Nice to meet you.
I love your nails.

- Thank you.

- I feel for Ashley being
in a relationship

with someone like Kyle.

I feel like
Kyle's very sketchy.

That's not what I want
for my life.

- Kyle.

- What?

- Yeah.

- Hello.
I thought I'd come and meet you.

I heard you were
getting a tour.

- Hi.
- Lovely to meet you.

- You too. You okay?
- Yes. How are you?

- Curly blonde.
- I'm curly blonde, yes.

- She looks like
the classic girl

you'd get from Manchester.

Eyelashes, hair extensions,

fake nails,
absolutely lovely,

but a typical girl
from Manchester.

- Hi.
- Hi.

- He's working?
Okay, come sit and chat.

We're very happy you made it
and were able to have time.

- I know.
- So how did you and Kyle meet?

- I think Ashley's cool.
I like her a lot.

She seems like more
of a girly-girl,

but also kind of sassy.

- Yeah, I can tell.

- You turn these rooms
around, don't you?

- I know, I did it--
I did it earlier.

- You're amazing.

Since you're here, actually,

would you like to go
on a date tonight?

- Really?
- Yeah.

- Or maybe we meet up
with the crew or something.

It'd be nice to--
do you think it'd be nice?

- Mm.
- The whole night is--

'Cause we've only got
a couple of charters left,

it'd be nice
to associate ourselves

with the crew a bit,
as well.

- I know, but just...

I'm absolutely shocked by
Emily's answer.

Got this amazing place
lined up.

- Oh, do you?
- Oh, yeah.

It is, it is. I--

- It's--it's good
'cause we've only got

a couple of chances left,

and we should spend
some time with them.

- I'm not sure what Emily
is thinking right now.

Why the hell would she want
to hang out with anyone else?

Okay, well, then I'll--
I'll see you later.

- Um, okay. Cool.
- Yeah.

- Coming up...

- Right?
- You're a f---ing assh*le.

- Thank you so much.

I needed it.

On the dot at 6:00.

- What are you doing?
Why are you working?

- 'Cause there's stuff
to be done.

- Could you take a break,

- No.
- Yes. Just take a break.

Stop it.
Just chill out.

- You're a f---ing legend.

- Well, now,
we'll go for a drink.

- Take a break. Come on.
- I'm fine.

- I'm gonna get a drink
if you would like to join.

- I think I will.
- Okay, brilliant.

- You look stunning.

- F---.

Problem is,
is relationships

is all about timing,
and I'm at that point.

I want to settle down now.

Emily is a young pup,

and the timing could be wrong,

but I'm willing to give it
my best shot.

- Madame.

- Yeah. Everyone's all right
on the boat except Sierra.

I don't like her.
- Why, though?

I said, "Oh, let's go out,
the whole thing."

- Right.

And I was just like,
"That's a f---ing cheap jab,

love, a cheap jab."
- Below the belt.

Did she go below the belt?

- No.
- No, okay.

- Nothing happened.

- Why would you go on
a date with Sierra?

That's just questionable
behavior to me.

- We were fishing.

- If you're gonna muck me off,
let me know.

That wasn't a free pass.

That was a "make sure
you don't muck me off."

That was a check.
That was--

- Maybe I read that wrong.
- You're a f---ing assh*le.

- I generally thought that she
wasn't that bothered about it,

but obviously she is,

and it just shows
that this person gives a sh--,

and I'm not used to that.

Well, you know.

- Oh, my God.
I see Leon.

- I'm completely rattled
right now.

I'm not sure where I stand
with Emily at this point,

so I'm hoping she shows up

because I'd like to
clear the air.

I am sorry.
- Oh, did you order champagne?

- Yeah.
- True Ben style.

- Well, you know.

- Thank you.

- So we had a really
nice thing going on, and--

- And why do we not still?

- We do.

I mean, do we?
I don't know.

- Um, it's fine
if we enjoy going,

you know, dates
and we can have a kiss, but--

- Okay.
All right, all right, all right.

Let's just lay this out, please,
if you don't mind.

- Okay.

I'm having fun dating you,

but I have fears about things
leading into a relationship

'cause I know
I'm not ready for that,

so I think it's easier, just--

a really good friendship,
that'd be great.

- I expected a little more,
but, you know, it's all right.

The fact is,
I think you're quite cute.

You know,
and I'm enjoying this time,

and that's all I'm really
caring about, to be honest.

I'm not thinking
of the future.

I'm not thinking
about anything else.

- Ben's extremely spontaneous,
and he lives in the moment,

and as a person,
I need to learn to do that more,

and it's very enriching,
being with someone like that,

and there's a definite
attraction there.

- Can I kiss you? Please?

- Yeah.
Can I put on your glasses?

- Yes.
- Always wanted to.


F---ing hell,
I feel dizzy.

I'm all right.
I'm all right.

You can come stay
in a hotel with me?

- What?
- Come on.

Like, non-sexual.
Just, like, watch a movie.

There'd be two twins.

- I'm just thinking.

- Just say what you feel.

- Yeah.

- How did it go?
- They have to have someone

to sign off to say

that they're taking care
of you the whole time,

so you need to make sure
that you're not gonna be away,

'cause I need
someone there 24/7

'cause I'm not gonna be able
to do anything for a bit.

- There's a big thing about
to happen in Ashley's life.

Her whole body is being
completely transformed,

and she wants me to be
a part of that.

- They need to know that

to care about me
and be there for me,

and if you can't do that,
if you don't want to do that,

you don't have to.

- And, you know...

- I mean, there's something
to be said, though,

about two and a half years.
- Yeah, I know.

- Yeah, and how many times
have I still been here?

- Yeah, but I just--

Do you really want to share that
moment of your life with me?

Do you?

I am gonna be--
it's not just the fact

that I'm gonna be there
taking care of you.

I am going to be with you

every step of the way
during that process.

I'm happy to do it.
I want to do it.

- Give me a kiss.

- Work really hard, and I'll see
you in a couple of days.

- Hey, baby.

- Hey, baby!

- Love you.
- I love you.

- What's up?

- You do travel light,
don't you?

I wouldn't have it
any other way.

- These seasons are too short,

so when you meet a girl
that potentially

could be
really good for you...

After you, love.

You've kind of got
to seize the moment.

We have a room.
We'd like to check in.

- Next on "Below Deck."
- Last charter group.

- These are former models.

High maintenance.

- Whoo!
- So naughty.

- Emily, Emily, Kate.

- Ben and Emily.


Emily, Emily.
You're fired.

- Is Kate calling me?

I probably f---ing
hate you sometimes.

- I know, really--
- Like, I want to k*ll you.

- I just look at you,
and I hate you.

Every beverage is getting me
that much closer to freedom.

- So I'm not on break?
- No, we're not gonna do breaks.

- What?
- I think

I got what you're doing,
but don't take it too far.

- If you don't want to go
to your happy-groovy place,

you can go make beds
and clean the toilets.

- Kate's a sh--,

and just the way
she talks to the girls--

- She's a f---ing bitch.
- Yeah.

- I don't know what's happening.

- For more "Below Deck,"
go to Bravotv.com.
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