04x13 - Waking the Resting Bitch Face

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Below Deck". Aired: July 1, 2013 – present.*
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Show chronicles the lives of the crew members who work and reside aboard a superyacht during charter season.
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04x13 - Waking the Resting Bitch Face

Post by bunniefuu »

- Previously on "Below Deck"...

- Fist bump.

- You went on a date
with Sierra.

if you're gonna mug me off,
let me know.

F---ing assh*le.

- I'm trying to serve the guests
because we're on charter.

Put those flowers
in the walk-in.

- I want Emily to enjoy them,
so I'm trying to preserve them.

- I feel like I'm very much
caught in the middle of this.

I don't want to get
in the way of him and Kate.

- I was frustrated that

Captain had to call over
the radio for service.

Emily and Sierra are taking
advantage of my leniency.

Okay, girls.

- Watch the bow, please.
God damn it!

You're spread just
a little too thin.

Nico, I'm gonna make
you senior deckhand.

I want this last day and a
half here to go flawlessly.

- You gonna come stay
in a hotel with me?

- What?
- Come on. Yeah.

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

- Hi.

- Hi.
- How are you?

Are you sleeping?

I'm sorry babe, so anyways,
I'm tired and stressed out

because it's the end
of the season,

and I feel like a lot
of the crew has just given up.

Emily and Sierra seem to think

the charter season's over,
and it's not.

If they want the last tip,

they need to do
the last few days of work.

Do the details really matter?

You can tell I'm upset, right?
Maybe you should, like,

understand that something's up
and be supportive?

[light techno music]

♪ ♪

- Today's Thursday, right?
- Yeah.

- It's disappointing that
Captain Lee

doesn't have 100% faith in me

that I'm gonna
get the job done.

But I just want to prove
that he was right

in choosing me as the bosun.

Kyle, you were on early
last time, right?

- Yeah.

- F---, this doesn't work.

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

There he is.
- There the devil is.

Both Ems and I,
we had a great time.

It was nice to become more
comfortable with one another.

- Have a good nap.

- That's all you get.

[driving techno music]

♪ ♪

- How's Ashley?
- Seriously, it was

so cool actually meeting her.

Like, you guys are
two peas in a pod.

- She took the Sierra situation
quite nicely.

- I didn't want to say it
but did you tell her about that?

- I'm not gonna f---ing
not tell her, am I?

- No, no, I just was curious
about what happened.

- I'm a big person
about telling the truth...

- No, I understand you are.
- 'Cause I never used to.

I've been around the world
and there's one thing

that I've learned
is beautiful women,

and when I'm around them
I just can't help myself.

I come for them
all g*ns blazing.

Should I have done it knowing
that there was

an on and off relationship
with Ashley back home?

Maybe not.
The thing is...

It's like, "I know."
I knew she wouldn't like her.

- That's because Sierra's
a different breed.

- Ben, Kate, Kelley,

I need you guys down
in the crew mess

in five minutes for
a preference sheet meeting.

- Roger that,
heading your way now.

- No, Emsters, they'll see you.

- I cannot wait to see who
our last charter group--

once I know who it is,
then it's real.

Oh, the Captain's here.

- Last one--Dawn Gallagher's
the primary.

These are all former models.

They have a lifestyle blog

called "Good Life Gals,"

and they want to do
a photo sh**t day one.

They're gonna bring
their own photographer,

and they want to have
a thank you dinner for Dawn

for putting this together.

Nothing to get excited about.

- This could be the girl
of your dreams right here.

- Actually, I feel like there's
a lot of potential here for you.

- Yeah.

I do happen to have some
experience with older women.

When I was 26, I dated
a 42-year-old.

Older women love me.

- I'm kind of sad.
It's our last charter.

- Did you seriously
just say that?

- Yes, I did because,
you know what I wish?

- Okay, I'm done.
- Bye, Captain.

Yeah, he's not in a great mood.- I didn't do anything
- What did you do?this time.

- It seems a little hectic
around here today.

- Yeah, it was, like,
driving you crazy?

- Yeah.

- My, God.
- What?

- Last time we're doing this.

I just want to get back to,
like, working out and--

- I trust you guys
can make the beds?

- For sure.

- Yeah.

[dreamy music]

♪ ♪

- Kelley, Kelley, Lee.

- Go for Kelley.
- Can you get your deck crew

assembled on the main deck end?
- Yes, sir.

Hey, deck crew,
deck crew can you

all make your way down
to the main deck aft now?

- On the way.
- So, it's the last charter.

I want to raise the bar,

and let's just end this thing
on a really positive note.

I'm trying to get Nico
and Kelley to elevate their game

and to get their head
in the game.

These are a bunch of women
that just want to have some fun.

Piece of cake.

- All the toys
set up, everything?

- If they're not gonna
use everything,

why put everything out?

But you need to give
them the option.

- Yep.
- And I'm not using

the word manipulate,

just give them some guidance

on what they might enjoy more
other than the swimming pool.

Not that I'm mentioning

Been watching them struggling

with the pool
throughout the whole season...

- That's frigging heavy.

- F---, there.

- Oh, sh--. Damn it, man.
- F---.

- The pool is floating away.

- I doubt they'll
ever get it right.

You know, take a page
out of Kate's playbook.

Ben doesn't have a certain item
in the galley,

Kate just steers them
away from it.

- Okay.
- You grab Kate's playbook,

open to page 1,500.

So "manipulate" is causing
someone to believe something

when they don't
actually believe it.

Close the book, put it aside.

Thank you, Kate.
"You're welcome."

- That's it.
- Let's go.

- Sierra, Sierra, Kate.

Emily, Emily, Kate.

- Go ahead, Kate.
- Yeah, can you find

Sierra and Misty

and come to the main salon
when you have a chance?

What do you want to name
your little radio baby?

- Misty.
- Okay, and you?

- Bridget.
- Bridget?

You know like in school
where you have an egg baby?

Our radios are our egg babies.

- Kate's calling on the radio.
- I just don't get it.

Sierra and Emily have been
my dream team all season,

and now, out of nowhere,
they have senioritis.

I'm just really disappointed.

I think this is gonna be our
most high-maintenance charter.

I'm sure they've been
on yachts before,

and they know what to expect.

But while we finish the season,
there are just a few things

we need to, like, work on.

Always have your radios on,

especially during
dinner service,

when you're doing turn-downs.

Sierra, if you could focus on--
like, when you wash the dishes,

I know you like
to leave them drying.

- Yeah?
- But if we get rough seas,

they could all go crashing, so
just dry them and put them away.

- I feel like Emily
and I have done a great job,

and I have no clue
where this is coming from.

- Emily, you take
so much initiative,

but when you come back
from break, on your radios,

you can just say,
"Kate, I'm back,"

especially during
dinner service,

'cause it could save us work
in the long run.

- I take great pride in my job

and doing it
to the best of my ability.

So Kate's comment
is pretty annoying.

- That's all.

[phone ringing]

- Hi, you all right?
- I'm all right.

- About what?

- I'm gonna go into the galley
from 8:00 till 11:00.

You'll be 6:00 to 9:00
or earlier than that.

- Yeah, yeah, 'cause I think,

yeah, I--one of us
should be on earlies.

All right, we're on to
something here aren't we?

- Only took us six weeks.

- Lauren, Lauren to Kelley.

- Emily, Emily, Kate.

- You're a little tense,
but you're in good shape, but...

- What do you mean good shape?
What does--

- As in everything seems
to be working right.

- Emily, Emily, Kate.
- Our people don't like us.

- Lauren, Lauren to Kelley.

- You're so naughty.

- I don't know why
nobody carries their radio.

It's not that hard.
- Emily, Emily, Kate.

You're all fired.

- Is Kate calling me?
- I'll see you later.

- I really would like
if they would leave the boat

understanding you have
to finish a season strong.

Where's Bridget?

Where is she?

- She's upstairs.
- Go get her.

- You're like a little kid.

- Be mean to a girl.
You're so cool.

- It's the last charter.

- Where's Bridget?

- She's upstairs.

- Go get her.

I've had chief stewardesses
that I didn't love,

but in hindsight,
they taught me the most.

- Yep.
- Okay, Bridget, we missed you.

I was so worried about you.

Your mommy abandoned you.

She won't do it again.

- I won't do it again.
- She's a very bad mommy.

- You go get changed--
- Hey, Lauren?

- Yeah?
- Kate mentioned

a few minutes ago
about having your radio.

Do you have yours?

- Oh, f---.
- Kidding.

- Oh, you're such a d---.

Oh, God.

Oh, my radio.
I mean, it's the last charter.

At this point, I don't really
care that much, to be honest.

- Why don't you clip it on you?

I want to f---ing
glue it to you.

- But she'll use your radio,
and then

she'll walk away with the radio
and put it down.

She's done that to me twice.

Deal with your own sh--.

- We're putting zip ties
around your waist

and attaching it to you.

[energetic music]

- No?

- We're gonna try to do
what you do and avoid the pool.

- What are you gonna say?
- Tell me what you'd say.

- I would just make it
seem like,

you know, it's unnecessary.

It actually---we have it
if you want it,

but it's really more for,
like, babies

and older people.
- That's beautiful.

Older ladies, they don't want
to think they're elderly.

That sounds perfect.

- I love your getting
ready face.

- I know.

- You just, like,
go on point, like...

- I know.

Getting ready face is halfway
between bitchy resting face

and that weird Instagram
duck face girls make.

- Attention all crew, I need
everybody on the aft deck, now.

- Let's do it.

- This is awesome.

- Hello, girl.
- Girl, whoo!

- Get this party started.
- We're ready.

- Act like you've
done this before.

- Oh, yeah.
- Wow.

- Captain Lee.
- Hi, I'm Dawn Gallagher.

- Hi, my pleasure.
- Hi.

- Hello.
- Kate.

- Nice to meet you.
- Welcome, you as well.

- Kelley.
- You guys are cute, wow.

- Nice to meet you.
- Hello, welcome aboard.

- All right, ladies--
Good Life Gals.

all: Whoo!

- I think it's really lovely
that these models are joining us

for the last charter,

which quite often
is the hardest charter

because it's the last charter.

- Ladies, welcome
aboard "Valor."

What I'd like to do
is have Kate show you

around the boat
and to your quarters.

Then we'll start
having some fun.

- We're already having fun.
- Right this way.

Hi, welcome.
So this is our main salon.

- Gorgeous.

- This is your master
state room.

- Oh, I love it.
- Up here we have a Jacuzzi.

We have a very large layout pad.

- Can I sleep here at night?
- Yes, you can.

- That's a nifty bag.
- How do you guys

feel about lunch around 2:00?
Is that all right?

- That's perfect.
- Fantastic.

- Okay, perfect.
- Everybody in position.

- All right, Kyle, up in
position on the bow, please.

Nico, aboard on the stern.

- We'll go bow to stern,
bow to stern.

- Bow's in, Captain.

All lines clear, Captain,
all lines clear.

- All right, let's do this.

- Here we go, that's fine.

- Oh, yeah they're
gonna be fine.

- Everything works, you know,
I'm like whoo.

- Whoo.
- Alpha Phi Sigma, whoo.

- Group hug, ladies.
- Group hug.

- Group hug.

- What's the first
photo sh**t that we're doing?

- I would say that since you
all have the suits on,

we'll do suits first.
- Oh, I need a refill.

- Yeah.
- Let me get a camera.

- Okay.

I'm so excited to be here.

- Looks nice.
- These guests are so happy.

It's kind of annoying.

- Nice. Well, we all
couldn't be models.

- But every beverage I serve
is getting me

that much closer to freedom.
- You can come in.

- Yeah, get in the middle.
- Take your scarf off.

- Get in the middle.

- Knock, knock.
- Hey.

- We just wanted to come talk to
you all about the toys we have.

- Oh, sure.
- Toys? Okay.

- Toys, yes.
- What kind of toys?

Yeah, we got to hear this.
- Just asking, how are you?

- So are they jet skis,
waterskies? Tell us.

- Okay, so we have a slide--

takes about 20 minutes
to put up.

Quick, easy,
and it's a lot of fun.

- Love that. I would love it.
- We have Sea Bobs,

which are basically little
torpedoes you hold onto

that will drag you
through the water.

You also have wake boards,
knee boards, and a pool.

The pool is more
for children, elders--

kind of keep them contained
so they don't float off.

Is there a preference on what
toys you'd like to have out?

- The slide thing
sounds like fun.

I think that the girls
would love that.

Sea Bobs sound fun.
I think we're open to anything.

- Sounds good.
- Awesome.

- [grunts] Yay! F--- yes.

- Anything you put out, we'll--

- All right, great.
- We'll play with.

- You are bad.
- Thank you.

You get out of here.

- Oh, my God.

[energetic music]

♪ ♪

- What are you making
for lunch for them?

- Broccoli, asparagus,
cucumber salad.

I'm gonna do the quinoa salad.

Models love that sh--.

- Misty, f---ing Misty.
- What's up?

- The last place I had it
was when I was like, "Kate."

- I don't know what to do about
the radios and these girls.

Like, what do they not
get about it?

- So hard when you're, like,
working, and taking it off and--

- Keep a little--no,
stomach that way.

There you go.
That's nice light there.

- Head around to me just a bit.
It's good. Looking out.

- Work it. Whoo!

- Very sexy.
- Perfect.

- Fantastic swimsuit. I love it.
- Oh, that's gorgeous.

- Gorgeous.
- Oh, get that hat!

- Oh, my gosh.
- Saved!

- Oh, thank you.

- Let's see if we can
not have one argument.

I'm not even gonna rise to it.

You can try and wind me up,
but it won't work.

- I'm gonna leave that
completely up to you, as usual.

- I just want everyone
to get on; I really do.

- It takes two to tango.
We know that.

- That's why to try the old

"avoid so I don't get annoyed"
trick last charter.

♪ ♪

- Good Life Gals!

- Good Life Gals!
- Whoo-hoo!

- This is so gorgeous.

- Two and a half sh*ts
on my mark, and drop.

- Two and a half sh*ts, Cap.
- Copy that, thank you.

[tense music]

♪ ♪

- Misty, there you are.

You must be missing your mommy.

♪ ♪


- Yeah.
- You're welcome.

- You found her?
- Oh, whoa, you listen, mama.

- Oh, yes.
- I am being social services

right now.

This is Emily's radio,
this is your radio.

- All right, let's do this.
- Okay, great.

- Copy.

I don't understand why Kate's
having an issue now.

I did something wrong,
it's because I didn't know,

not because I don't care.

- Just didn't feel
comfortable with it,

but I'll keep it on me,
don't worry.

- No, no, no, no, no.
This is a punishment.

- Yeah, it was hurting my wrist.

- Okay, then what would you
like me to tie it to?

- Anywhere else.
- No, where are you going?

- To clean the bathroom.
- Okay, I'll come with you.

- I think I get what
you're doing,

but don't take it too far.
- I'm not taking it far.

They say brains and beauty
are a hard combo to find,

and Sierra's just
really pretty--

so pretty.

This is not a bad punishment,
my love.

There you go.

- Gracias.
- De nada.

- I did not mean to hurt you.
I was trying--

- I did nothing, Kelley,
but no--

- No, no, no, no, no, no.

Would it be easier--
- Can you stop talking over me?

I don't need to talk
to you anymore.

Let's just not speak, okay?
- Grow up.

- Cool.

- If you just want to set the

table completely for lunch...

- Yeah.

[energetic music]

♪ ♪

- What are we doing
on the boards?

- Those are paddle boards.
So the slide's out.

- Okay, you guys are
what's known as eye candy,

- Ladies, are you ready
but that's not a bad thing. for lunch?

- Yes, lunch.
- We're ready.

- Broccoli, asparagus,

- Truffle--truffle hazelnut.
- Uh-huh.

- Ringleader--
ringleader needs to be here.

- A quinoa salad with courgette,
pine nuts, and goat's cheese.

- Thank you.
- Pardon me,

I've got
some broccoli asparagus.

- Thank you guys for--
- Oh, that's great, thank you.

- Okay, let's make
a toast to Dawn.

- Dawn!

- Thank you,
Dawn, for putting up--

- For bringing the Good
Life Girls together.

- Go Good Life Girls.
- Whoo-hoo!

- Good Life Girls.

- Foie gras is amazing.
- Is it?

- Mm-hmm, you should try it.

- No, I'll trust you that
it's amazing on that basis.

- It is.

I don't know if Emily
and I are now an item,

but my feelings for Emily
are absolutely genuine.

I really like her, and hopefully
it'll go further.

- I appreciate and love
the blossoming romance

that is Ben and Emily, "Bemily,"

whatever, but still,
there's laundry, cabins,

beds, heads, drinks, guests.

So let's just focus
on that as well.

- I just would like to say one
thing, because I'm very proud

that we're all very
smart entrepreneurs

and have been super, super
successful at what we've done.

And this is how we
reward ourselves,

just by letting loose,
having fun--

just enjoying ourselves.

There's so many women
get together,

they're negative,
they're competitive,

they're, you know,
it's all about...

- Petty.
- Like, one-upmanship.

And this is
really about mentoring,

inspiring others, and I love
what you had one time--you said,

"Work hard, but be kind."

- Hey, you.
- Hey.

- Are they happy?
- Oh, they are just so happy,

You know, it's just so good
to be a woman entrepreneur

and this is how
they celebrate and...

- Oh, so is it?
- It's live, laugh, love.

Every time I go out
onto the aft deck,

I feel like I'm walking
into a Lifetime movie.

- It was really a huge choice
between college

and do I travel
around the world.

- I know what being
an independent woman is,

and it's not sitting around
a yacht eating lunch,

talking about independence.

- The world was really
my classroom.

- [sighs]

- This is the most amazing meal.

- It is delicious.
- Oh, good!

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

- Bro, what'd I tell you
about that?

- Looking good, guys.
k*lling it.

- Did you say
you'd already done the master?

- Know what kind
of bite it was?

- The trash was completely full.

- So I'm not on break?
- No, we're not gonna do breaks.

- And my family's
all about philanthropy

and give back, like,
when you go to the Dominican,

I'm not going to a resort...

- No, no, no.
- I'm going to tin shacks.

It's people laying on cardboard.

I mean, that's my--
the coolest thing,

I think, that for me
right now is giving back, yeah.

- Oh yeah.
- That's amazing.

- Thank you.
- Whoo!

- Honey, you were supposed
to be on your break. What?

- Well, got to pay
to play, baby.

- Did Kate call you off
your break to do this?

- Yeah.
- What?

God, that was short-lived.

- Just trying to, like,
stay positive.

- I can't wait to go
on that slide.

- I don't look good wet.

I look like a drowned rat.

- You're so silly.

♪ ♪

- Yeah, I'll be in the galley
tonight, so put me to work.

- That's awesome, big guy.
- How are you feeling? Good?

- I'm in a great mood.
I'm actually enjoying it.

It's been a great season,
you know.

There is always
gonna be a regret,

but I think everyone's
done really well.

- Now, the last dinner,
Kelley's getting...

- Loose!

- We're even gonna get Kate
a little loose.

♪ ♪

- Whoo-hoo! Oh, I love it.

- Here?
- Guest in the water.

Bon voyage.

- Whoo!

- It's great, right?
- Oh, I love this!

- Nico and Kelley--
they're working,

they're getting along well--

no issues whatsoever.
That's what I like to see.

- Whoo!

- Whoo!
- Good Life Gals.

- Why?

- Like, I feel, like, almost,
like, disrespected, you know?

I don't know, I just feel like

we had such a good season,
you know?

I don't know if what's going on
with Kate right now

is purely professional.

Maybe she's over yachting.

It's been a stressful season
for her,

but I don't want
to work like this.

- Let's make a blow of it.
- Yeah.

- Let's stop being
in a bad mood.

- I just--it's
a little too much.

♪ ♪

- [inaudible]

There we go, that's sound, that.

- Hey, has anyone moved some
walkies off the Jet Ski bench?

- Whose walkies are they?

- Oh, no.

- Oh, give that to me.
I'm super-gluing it to her.

It's the last charter.

Keep your f---ing radio
on you, Lauren.

It's not that hard.

At this point I just don't
think she's gonna learn.

- I told my stewardesses
to pretend

like they were little babies...

- And they still
leave them places.

- And you can't leave
your baby on the curb.

You can't leave
your baby unattended.

[calm pop music]

♪ ♪

- Filet de boeuf.

- Where's my water?

- Oh, my God.

- You down, Lauren?
- Yeah.

- What are you doing?
- Nothing.

- No, 'cause I was down.

- Why are you back up?
- Why are you outside?

- What are you looking for?
- What are you doing?

- What are you doing?

What are you looking for?
- Nothing.

- Something, you outside on
the decks on your break.

You're looking for something.
- No, I don't think I am.

I wanted some fresh air
on my break.

- Oh, why do I have two leashes?
- Lauren, Lauren.

- Oh, my God.

- Nico?
- Lauren, Lauren?

- Oh, you're not Lauren.
- F---, where's my radio?

It was in the laundry room.

Mine hasn't left
the laundry room.

- Why would I have
your radio, Sierra?

- I'm looking
if it has my marks.

- Maybe it's on.
- I know, child. Chill.

- What did you just call me?
- I said child.

- You're a f---ing d*ck, mate.
- Nobody took your radio.

- I just looked at
the front, like--

- Well, you're getting
an attitude

with everybody over your radio.

Sierra is so paranoid
about everything.

I think she thinks every
crewmember is out to get her.

We have a surfboard leash.

- Yeah, I think this
is rightful punishment.

- Why, what happened?

- He's just like
a f---ing child.

Kyle's so vulgar, and he's
obviously still holding a grudge

against me that
I wasn't into him.

- Yeah, there is.

He takes any opportunity he can
to belittle me, and I'm over it.

It's not cool.

- I promise you, Sierra--
I promise you we didn't take it.

- I never accused you--
I just picked it up and looked.

- All right guys, hey--
- I looked at this. This is it.

- Hey, that's enough,
that's enough.

- It's the way you
framed your delivery there.

- You're like a little kid.

- Hey.

- Be mean to a girl.
You're so cool.

- Last charter.

- I avoided you
as much as possible.

- I properly f---ing
hate you sometimes.

Like, I want to k*ll you.

- I just look at you
and I hate you, like, a lot.

- I never accused you;

I just picked it up and looked.

- You're like a little kid.

- Hey.

- It's the last charter.
Leave it be.

Hey, Kyle, we've got 48 hours.
Go fix that.

- Ahh! Go fix it.

Be a man.
Look at me.

That's not worth it.

[driving techno music]

♪ ♪

- You look wonderful.
- Hi. Look at you!

- Whoo!
- Hey, Ben, a lot of the guests

are out of their cabins

and I think
they're sh**ting for 8:30.

- Very well, thank you.
- Bye.

- Sayonara, Jason.
- Thank you.

- Thank you so much. Bye.

- What's that, the ending dance?

- Do we have assigned seating?
- This is good; this is good.

- The guests are at the table.

- Listen, Kelley,
I love you, bro,

but I just, you know?

- Look, I...

- I'm just--

- I know you're very much
a person who if you don't

like somebody
you don't give a sh--,

but in confined places,
we need you to give

a little bit of a sh--.

Just a little bit.
I need you to.

- I just want to get off
this boat now--I'm over it.

she's the f---ing devil.

- I did not mean
to be rude to you.

I was trying to say...
- I didn't do--

- How you come across--how you
came across to all of us.

- By picking up his radio?

I did nothing, Kelley, but--no.

- No, no, no, no, how you were
talking to all of us.

We wouldn't mess
with your radio.

The only reason we were
doing it with Lauren is

because she's part of my crew.
So your coming--

- I thought you were teasing me,
and by me picking up his radio--

- We would never tease you.

When have we teased you?
When have we--

- Can you stop talking over me?
I feel like it's more often

than not an unpleasant encounter
every time I deal with you.

This is yet another time

that he's inserted his nose
where he doesn't belong.

- I just don't want you
blaming Kyle.

You did not tell him the truth.

- You shouldn't be judging me.
I'm over him; I'm over Kyle.

When I leave this boat,
I'm not talking to you anymore.

- How you talk to people,
like this right here,

is just disrespectful...
- Yeah.

- And how you came across

to everybody out there
was disrespectful.

- When Kyle starts yelling
at me for doing nothing...

- Yes it was.
- But picking up his radio?

- You were rude before that.
- I'm over it. No, I wasn't.

- You were rude before that.
Yes, you were.

- No, I wasn't.
- Other people noted it.

- I don't have this problem
with anybody but you and Kyle.

I don't need to talk
to you anymore.

Let's just not speak, cool?
- Okay, well, guess what?

We work in a place together,
and we do have to work together.

- Okay, for the next
two days, okay.

- Grow up.
- Cool.

- Don't.

And the funny thing is,
is when she does laundry,

nobody gets their shirts right.

She can't do her
f---ing job right.

She walks around...
- [laughing]

Oh, God.

- I couldn't last.
I love to eat.

I'm like you, I'm half Italian,
half Irish...

- Oh, yeah.
- I love to eat.

- I just lost it on Kelley, too.
- What's going on?

Tell me what happened.

- Nothing, like--
- What do you mean nothing?

- I was like "where's my radio?"

And I picked up Kyle's...

- To check, yeah.
- Just to see, but I didn't--

I couldn't see whose it was
so he, like,

took it like I was accusing him
of stealing it,

and he freaked out so bad.

He's like,
"You're a f---ing idiot,

Why would I have your radio?"

Kelley's like, "You're giving
him an attitude," and I'm like,

"No I'm not, like--"
- Oh, man.

I don't have time to deal
with another Sierra freak-out,

because all I have time
for is the job we're doing.

- Why are they so mean to me?

It's just those two.

I know in a day he'll come back
to me, like, "I'm really sorry."

But I'll already be over it.

- No, actually, I'm not gonna
say sorry to you this time.

- Good.

- Really?
- Yeah, really.

I was actually having Kyle

come to you to apologize,
but you blew up at me.

So sometimes being able to
communicate and talk to people,

and you take everything
as an as*ault

when it wasn't--whatever.

- I take everything with salt.
- A grain of it. Only one.

- No, I mean, when I cook.


- I'm gonna keep the peace,

finish my work
and leave this boat.

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

- You're gonna look so good
washing dishes in that.

- I know.

- All right,
I think we're ready.

- Yay.

- What do we have tonight?
- Here we have a truffle

panko-crusted Chilean sea bass.

- Wow.
- Yum!

- Thank you so much.
- Delish.

- I'd love to meet the chef
at some point

if I could
because he is phenomenal.

- Oh, he will come out.
- Do you hear that?

You're giving them an orgasm,
right now.

[upbeat music]

- Amazing.
- Every single thing--

need to meet the chef.

- They're so happy that you have
to bring the dessert out,

because they want to meet you.

- Oh, I love a Foster.
- Me, too.

- I'm gonna come out with you.
- Come on.

- Look at this.
- Here's our beautiful chef.

- It's him! Wait, whoo!

- Standing ovations for Ben!
- No, no, no.

- Delicious!
- Top notch.

- Can we get a hug and
a kiss, or no?

- Mm-hmm.

- All right.

- Good to see you, good night.
- Oh, I love you.

- I used to be a werewolf,
but I'm over it now.

♪ ♪

- All right, goodnight, baby.
- Night, night.

- Would you do it again?
- Yeah.

The f---ing money's amazing.

- Yeah, and it's fun.
- Yeah.

- And you meet
really amazing people.

- I don't get that.
I just--I don't get it.

- No, she's f---ing...

- You know, everyone has
their own sh--, like,

you know, Kate--
she's a sh-- stirrer,

and just the way
she talks to the girls, like--

- She's a f---ing bitch.
- Yeah.

- Are you going down now?
- I can't sleep, babe,

you know that.
I have real problems.

- Real problems.
- I don't know,

I just--I'm worked up.

I just got worked up.
I'm fine now, though.

I don't really have
much anxiety anymore.

- When did that happen, today?
- Well you're--you helped me,

because you've been
nicer to me, you know?

- Today?
- A little bit I feel, yeah.

- Yeah, you know what
my technique was?

- What?

- I avoided you as much as

so that I wasn't as annoyed.

- You know, like,
I properly f---ing

hate you sometimes.

Like, I want to k*ll you.
- I really--I really--

- I've worked with Kate
for years,

and I've never
really understood

why her moods
are so up and down.

But I can tell you one thing:

Kate is such an easy person
to work with,

like Attila the Hun.

- Sometimes you don't
even have to talk.

I just look at you,
and I hate you.

- I know.
- Like, a lot.

- And I go check
all the cabins.

The trashes are full; three of
the rooms have no toilet paper.

The job's not done, clearly you
haven't been working enough.

We don't need breaks.

- What's the game plan?

- When we get there,

you guys will have about
a 40-minute cab ride

and then a little,
quick walk down,

experience the baths and--

- Yeah, we want to spend
as much time

as we can just really
exploring that, yeah.

- Outside.
- Yeah, whatever you guys like.

[playful music]

♪ ♪

- Hey, Ben,
do you have a banana?

- Yeah, I've got one.
- F---ing need something.

♪ ♪

- Cabins.

- Downstairs?
- Cabins.

- They're all up.
- This is not a new system.

When the guests
are having breakfast,

we go tidy their cabins
and make the beds.

When the guests are having
dinner, we go tidy their cabins

and turn down their beds.

- Hey--
- You're going to the baths

with Kyle,

so get everything you need
prepped and put into the Rib.

- All right, sounds good.

- We're just getting
into stride.

- I know.
- People are starting

to crack, though.

- Who?
- The stews.

Sierra's about to lose it.

- Let's pull
the snapper, please.

- Everyone put Necker Island
for me.

I'm like, "Richard Branson's
my inspiration."

- Fire them up at will.
- Copy that, firing up.

- I didn't realize when I was
in the bathroom, like, oh wait,

we have two more
closets over here

at the side of the bathroom.

We always did everything
manually in the little boat,

so it was like throwing out
the anchor--

- What's that little island
straight ahead to the right?

- Yeah, you're
turning the wrong way.

- I'm waving the white flag;
I give up.

- Is there anywhere
you can sit and drive

or do you always have to stand?

- You want to go see it?
- Okay.

- So if you see
the bottom of it?

- Oh, yeah. So cool.
It's huge.

- Sometimes I just love being
able to delegate, and this guest

not being my problem anymore
is one of them.

- Anchor's home and secure.
- Oh, look at that.

Is that, like, the engine room?

- Oh, that's beautiful.
- Amazing, thank you.

- Can I get you
ladies anything else?

- No, thank you, it's all set.

- You're welcome.

- F---ing always, always,

always underway, breakfast.

No coordination
with the interior.

F--- off, everyone.

oh, pfft, not a big deal.

Keep rolling on, you know?
It's all good; they'll be fine.

- Hi.
- No, it's really appetizing,

and it's not dangerous as all.

- We only have 26 hours
and 51 minutes.

- All right, broccoli
and [inaudible].

- Shockingly, Ben is the person

I'm least annoyed
with this charter.

- Who's that for?
- It's for the captain.

- All right, can we feed
the guests?

- Nico?
- Yo.

- Yeah, I'll just give it
to the girls--make them do it.

- Do you know what I mean?
- Excuse me?

- Sure, can you hose this out?
- Cheers. Uh-huh.

There you go.
Here you are, cheers.

- Oh, this is unbelievable.

This is right up your alley.

- Grapefruit juice?
- Yeah, it's really good.

That's the grapefruit?
- Yeah.

- Oh, my God.
- What's the matter?

- I've just been, like,
running since literally 6:00

and, like, I'm cool with that,

but then, like,
the deck team's asking me

to do all their jobs,
like fill the cooler.

- No.
- You know, and I'm just like

"Dude, there's one of me."
- Okay, fine.

Deck crew, deck crew, Kate.

- Go for deck crew.

- Will you come to
the stew pantry, please?

- Yeah, will do.

- It's just, like,
one thing after another...

- Yeah, no, I get it.

- After another.
- I get it.

When working on yachts,
there's times

where you need to decide,
is it worth complaining about?

Or would it take
just as much time

just to do the job
rather than complain?

- What's up?
- Will you tell your deck team

that when we're in the middle
of breakfast service,

that's too soon for us
to plan the cooler?

Sierra, who asked you
to do the cooler?

- Kyle.
- Thanks.

- No problem.

Kate's on a warpath.
- Why?

- Yeah. Kate's on the warpath.

What's new? I mean, first Ben,
then me, then Lauren.

Who's she for next?
You, Kelley? Maybe Kyle.

- We decorate their parties,
we stock their coolers

for their guys.
We'll just do their job.

We'll fill the cooler.
You know, it'd be nice

if they cleared their stuff
so we could clean our--

- It's the last day, man.

Where's the love, man?

Every time I have an interaction
with Sierra, there's drama.

You might as well just buy
a ticket--it's box office.

- Kate's just--
- Standard.

- One more minute for that.
- We only have three meals left.

So we should make this our
best lunch--our best dinner.

Like, just 'cause they don't
have high-maintenance standards

like Dean doesn't mean

we shouldn't give them
Dean treatment.

- Exactly.
- We were planning on doing

a really bad service,

so thanks for reminding us.

- Will you go down to laundry?

I think it's getting
a little bit crazy.

- Yes, I will.
- Thank you.

You know the beginning
of a football game

where the coach gives a speech?

I think the coach
would be annoyed

if somebody was like,
"Oh, yeah, Coach, we were

just gonna lose the game,
so why do you even talk to us?"

- I didn't know
you were my coach.

- I'm not; I was talking
to my stewardesses.

I wasn't even talking to you.
I wasn't facing you.

- I just won't talk.
I wish I was dead.

- You're not on service.

- Kate is just here
to spoil everyone's day again.

- Oh, and so you thought
that would help?

- Yeah.
- Thanks.

- Coming up.

- Oh, look
at that slide, perfect.

- Cabling down, pull bow,
pull the bow.

- Okay, you're off.

- Are you going to enjoy
the baths with us?

- Oh, no, I won't be going.

The deck team
will actually take you.

- When do you get a day off?
- Our season's almost over.

- Oh.
- You're our last charter.

- Oh?
- Yeah.

- Snorkeling gear?
- Got it.

- Cowls?
- Check.

- Keys to the Tundress?
- There's also extra sunscreen

in the top of the Esky.

- Awesome.
- And that's it.

- I was thinking of making
you guys a nice,

refreshing cocktail
before you go to the baths.

- Oh, I think that's
a great idea.

- Yeah?

Anytime any charter group

wants to go to the baths
I am ecstatic...

- You can sit wherever
you'd like.

- Because I know they're
gonna have an amazing time.

- Have a good trip.
- And I also know

they're gonna be off the boat
for a solid three hours.

Like, ugh.

[tense music]

♪ ♪

Three out of four cabins
have no toilet paper.

The master trashcan is full

from things from
the night before.

I thought Emily
and Sierra knew better

and would respect me enough
to not just give up.

- Okay, ladies.
- All right, boys.

- All right, man.
- Y'all have fun.

- Catch you later.

All right, ladies, here we go.

- So I know it's the last
full day of charter season,

but this is the toilet
paper situation.

- Where?
- This was in the twin room.

This was in starboard forward.

This was in port forward.

So I want both of you girls
to go and conquer the cabins,

vacuum, get all the spots
off the mirrors,

make sure all
the toilet paper's filled--

all the Kleenex paper
is filled so the boat

looks really nice for when
the guests come back.

- Yeah, sure.
- Thank you.

This is resting
bitch face code red.

Don't make me be the bad guy,

because I can be a very bad,
bad guy.

Then you don't
really need a break,

and I go check all the cabins.

The trashes are full, three of
the rooms have no toilet paper--

like, none.
We don't need breaks.

- It's the last day, of course
you don't need a break.

- You're not tired
and the job's not done,

clearly you haven't been
working enough.

- Emily and I worked
so hard this season.

And for her to say, like,

that wasn't good enough,
it's bullsh--.

- Next time on the season
finale of "Below Deck"...

- Yay, tag team, boo-haha.

- This time tomorrow.
- It's gonna be very naughty.

- Yeah.
- I don't rat out my crew.

I'm not done. I'm not done.
I'm not done.

- Okay, well let's
just stop, Kate.

Sierra's not a friend
to anybody; she's selfish.

- Since I'm the chef I'm calling
the sh*ts, Kate, so stop.

I don't care anymore.
- All I asked--all I asked--

- 'Cause I'm gonna do whatever
I want anyway,

so there's actually no point
in fighting me.

- You're such a jerk.
- I don't want to be dragged

in on that situation,
and I won't.

- Do you have a ring?
- Are you gonna propose?

- Aww.
- Oh, my God!

- I don't completely know
where they stand together,

where we stand.

- She brings out
a certain person in me

that I don't want to be.

I don't like working
with you anymore, that's it.
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