05x14 - The Champagne Campaign

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Below Deck". Aired: July 1, 2013 – present.*
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Show chronicles the lives of the crew members who work and reside aboard a superyacht during charter season.
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05x14 - The Champagne Campaign

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously this season
on "Below Deck."

We didn't really have a lot
to choose from for crew.

This is my first yacht.

I'm green as sh--.


Get it to the g*dd*mn dock.

Have you ironed very much?

Yes, I have
an eight-year-old little girl.

You're such a calm chef.

Matt's from Canada,

which is, like,
a G-rated country.

Hi, Nico,
we met in Barcelona.

He was very flirtatious,
very drunk.

I miss you.

Is there a girl?

It's super hard
being away from Melissa,

but life has changed
dramatically for me.

What do you think
they are doing right now?

You got a great ass.

Watch the bow. Watch the bow.

Watch the bow.

[loud bang]

-Did they hit something?
-God damn it!

Are you a new crew
or something?

The new boatswain.

I should be f--ing bosun.

Why would you do two pieces
of fish in one dish?

-You don't like it?
-I'm not even hungry anymore.

If it were my restaurant,

a lot of things
would have been sent back.

I'm not getting the progress
out of the galley that I need.

She sucks at her job,
but she's hilarious.

I left my daughter
to go after my dream,

but this is a living nightmare.

This is the fifth charter.

If you don't have it by now,
there's no hope for you.

I just broke up
with my girlfriend.

Oh, my God,
we're holding hands.

It's so official.

We should go travel together.

Morning, Nico.

It's hard to admit,
but since EJ's come onboard,

the deck team
has come a long way.

When the charter ends,
I'm out of here.

Okay, move the fenders
over to this side.

Pull, pull, pull, pull, pull.

Lock it down.

Well done, everybody.

-Well, look who it is.
-What's up?

Motor yacht Valor, I'm back.

Last charter, and if he wants
to go all out,

the more extravagant,
the better.

This is your moment to shine.

We have characters
for each crew member.

-You're gonna be the mime.

Classic Kate, I knew she
would find a way

to keep Jen from talking.

The plan is to stay here
after charter?

Nico and I talked about it.

I'm pretty sure
we're still doing it.

I screwed up,
I love Melissa,

and I want to go back home
and fully commit to her.

I don't need this sh--!

May I say something, please?

This is not a conversation.

This is a lecture.

Hiring a new stewardess would
only be more work for me.

I would love to have time
to be like,

"Mm, my feelings are hurt."

I don't have time for that.

[horn blows]

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

I don't know, I feel like you're being
quite funny with me, to be fair.

Okay, I'll tell you why.

I thought
you were gonna come in

like a breath of fresh air.

And you come in,
and you're giving criticisms

at the crew mess table,

when we don't really need
any more of those.


After you tell me
about your feelings, Kyle,

I would also like you
to tell me

everything I'm doing wrong

and why I'm such
a horrible friend.

Lay down on the couch.

Let Dr. Kate hear it all out.

I should know better
than to lie down

on the crew mess couch, okay?

Thank you.

Now help me.

I need folding tables
from the laz.

We've got water g*n stand.

We're going
for a carnival theme.

Please go get
in a clown costume

and be super cheerful
and cool and happy.

All right.

All crew, all crew,
fireworks are at 9:30.

Potatoes are delicious.

Tim Sykes just likes
looking at cool sh--.

And that's what I made
for him tonight: cool sh--.

On the seafood tower,

we have fresh lobster,
oysters, shrimp.

This is my last dinner;
I got to k*ll it.

Look at that meat.

Excited to drop off tomorrow?

Um…excited, sad,
I don't know, everything.

Our crew are starting
to click.

I know deep down inside,

this isn't ever
gonna go anywhere.

I'm ready to go home
and clear my head out.

We're in, like, a marriage.

We argue,
then we love each other.

It's a beautiful mess.

Tony, you have Wi-Fi?

No, I'm just roaming.

I was like, "What?"

Hey, Timothy, may I just talk
to you about a menu question?


So you guys are gonna be
eating dinner on the main deck,

which will lead
to the fireworks,

which are at 9:30.

Is it okay if we go ahead
and set the table?

Where else can we go?

Timothy's so excited
about this party.

He wants a seafood tower,

a champagne tower,
the fireworks.

It's like his bar mitzvah
all over again.

Let's just distract them
until it's time.


Nico, Nico, Kate.

Go ahead.

Can you take the guests
on a lengthy tour of the boat

while we get the party set up?

-Thank you so much.

Nico is going to give you

a thorough tour
of the crew port.

I really want to look
at the engine room

and see how big
that generator is.

-Let's go.
-All right.

Oh, my God,
this is below deck.

So this is
a little crew area.

Here's where I sit
and eat my dinner.

Here's the ranch
dressing sauce.

These are all
of our laundry units.

I'm showing them stuff

that I don't even want
to talk about.



Where'd you learn
to do all the balloon-making?

In county.


Jen, blow up balloons.

They make a lot of impact.

-Do not suck helium.
-I'm not.

Make it look festive.

If Kate wants me to answer
a question without talking,

I'm gonna answer
without talking.

I'm gonna try
to keep it together,

but when the season
is finally over,

I'm definitely
gonna talk to Kate

about why she's treating me
the way that she is.

I need to figure out
a seafood tower, sh--.

This is where we sleep.

So does Chef have to sleep
in the fetal position?

Because he's so tall.

I love doing theme parties

when I have more
than zero time.

We have a really good crew.

I think it'll work.

I'm not worried
about the crew.

I'm not worried
about the second stew.

Sometimes I'm worried
about the third stew.


-So here is our bridge.

This is where
all the real magic happens.

Okay, guys, I'm gonna
go change quickly

so I can do dinner service.

While I'm doing dinner service,

everyone change
into their costumes.

Kate, Kate.

Go ahead.

Are you guys ready yet?

If you could please
give them an overview

of the very expensive toilet.

Okay, copy.

Mime, do not take a long time
to change into your costumes,

because then you should be
coming back up here

and making it
as festive as possible.


Seriously, spend like
ten minutes changing.


Just inside this
big bathroom.

It's called R-poo D-poo.

-Oh, man.
-It has heating pads.

Got lights
and music on here.

That'd be it.


Okay, Kate,
we're done with the tour here.

Let the guests know
they can freshen up,

and then dinner
will be ready.

Lemon juice.

Welcome to the carnival!


It's glued together
by positivity.

-Look at these lobsters.

That is beautiful.


How do you want me
to do this, anyway?

Dress it in lemon juice.

I hear oysters
are an aphrodisiac.

Oh, my God.

Yeah, good.

See, all protein.

I like it.

Tried talking to her.

Kept shutting it down.

I feel like she's just
taking this too personal.

Welcome to Kate's world,

It's all business
for her, you know?

Are you just now
realizing that?

Well, no, 'cause she was
my friend last season.

-Gonna miss you.
-I'm gonna miss you a lot.

I'll see you again,
though, right?


we were really close,

and this season,
she's just like,

"You just got here,

and the new boy
walks up in the crew mess."

That's just how she is.

I wouldn't lose sleep
over it, man.

-They're happy?
-Yes, they are.

All crew, all crew,
if you want to go change.

Baker, do you have
wireless right now?

I don't think so.

I was gonna try
to Google "mime face"

so I had something
to go off of.

I mean, I know in my head,

Jen is a day late
and a dollar short.

I'm trying to find
that clown makeup.

Start plating, because
I'm gonna start clearing.

I like it, I like it,
I'm going.

Just go, just go.

Thanks, that was delicious.

Kale and cauliflower mash.

Oh, my God.

I love it.


-Okay, we're cleared.
-Cool, that's done.

The primary
does not want kale.

All right, I'll take it.

Eggplant looks pretty.

Is not "Gattaca"
a crazy, beautiful movie?

It is.

Eggplant cauliflower mash.

-That's for you.

Got the "no kale" for me.

Look at this,
you guys are on your game.

thank you so much.

Cauliflower mash.

Let's see how good it is.

-Oh, it's really good.
-You like that?

They're all thrilled
with the cauliflower truffle.


I'm gonna go check
on the clowns upstairs.

Yah, mon, here for
the f--ing circus.

Tidy up, and then we'll
do the decorations.

Just need tidy, because they're
gonna be up here in 20 minutes,

but Jen f--ed off,
and no one else can help.

F-- this.

Jen, what's your location?


It's the last
f--ing charter.

Sort your sh- out.

We need to f--ing shut up
and get the f--ing job done.

I have to get a picture.

This is such a beautiful
hunk of meat.

All protein, baby.

And I will say that dessert
is all protein too.

-Hi, sorry.
-What up?

Jen, Jen,
what's your 20, Jen?

Ugh, I just--


Need to get changed
in five minutes.

I'm gonna go in there
for a second.

Chef, we got fireworks
in like 20 minutes.

We are doing this
right now.

Oh yeah.

We're out of time.

-Good stuff.
-Takes two seconds.

When's the fireworks

Right now-ish, they're waiting
for their foie gras.

Kate, Kate,
we're all set here.

Jen, Jen,
dressing time is over.

It's time to work.

-Do you need help?

I'm just gonna go out
and look like an idiot.

Kate, Kate--Matt.

When you have a chance,
come to the galley.

I'm nailing this last meal.

Can we just
get those plates cleared?

-I think it looks cool.
-No, it looks f--ing stupid.

It's yours.

Wouldn't it be cool

if we found out
that past lives existed

and every successful person
at one point was named Tim?

Kate, Kate--Matt.

You're gonna come with me
and clear,

and you're not gonna say
anything, because that's funny.

Come to the galley.

Hey, stews, where are you?

You guys MIA.

I'm nailing this last meal.

I guess I got to go out there
and clear the meal.

-You did well.

There was a lot of seafood.

It was great, but it was
a little on the big side.

Thank you so much.

Oh, my God,
I'm so sorry, Matt.

Yeah, no worries.


Can't speak.


It's seared foie gras
on honey bread.

What is mine?

Yours is goat cheese
with honey.

That's not bad.

I'm sure it's amazing.

Foie gras is amazing.

I'm so happy.

I'm, like, ecstatic.

This has been
a long time coming.

I feel like it was
a struggle for the season,

but I'm leaving a better chef
than I was when I came.

Okay, Baker, get your hat on.

There's gonna be fireworks
as soon as they get up here.

Then we're gonna spray
each other with champagne,

so we need to get
the goggles out.

You, my good man,
are appropriately dressed.

F-- it.

Best played-- this siade
of St. Martin, mate.

Captain, you're probably
gonna want to see this.

Come out. Do mime-y things.

Okay, so if you
haven't noticed,

we have a kind of
a circus theme tonight,

and we have a surprise
on the next level.

So grab your cocktails.

Yeah, mime's creep me out,

I don't know what's going on.

-This is amazing.
-Oh, my goodness.

Welcome to
the Valor Circus.

We have a few things
here for you.

Start off,
as we say in Manchester, bang.

It's gonna work.


Go, go, go.

[fireworks popping]



That is crazy.



Finally, I feel
like I can exhale.

It's like all of the hard work
is behind me,

and it's all downhill
from here.

That's f--ing impressive.


The celebrating
is not over yet.

Timothy has also planned
another surprise.

Have you been
in a champagne fight before?

No, that would be
my first one.

I want the crew
involved too.

This is your moment to shine.

You're gonna be needing
one of these.

Make sure your goggles
have suction.

-Champagne w*r.

Are you ready?

Let's go.

[shouting, laughter]

Mr. Sykes stands
a better chance of seeing God

in the next 30 seconds
two times

before he's ever gonna spray me
with a bottle of champagne.

Oh, sh-getting real.

I've been at the Super Bowl
of champagne parties

in the South of France.

These guys do not know
what they're up against.

Get him!





Tastes like sh--.

-Oh, that was awesome.

Let me rinse you off,
one sec.

Okay, watch out,
there you go.


Where should we
put our clothes?

In the bathtub.

Okay, nice.

I'm going to bed.

-Good night.
-Good night.

Thank you for all
the awesome surprises.

Yeah, good stuff.

That was our last dinner.

I'm not much of a hugger,
but let's bring it in.

Oh, that's the last dinner!


That was teamwork.

There you go, see?

The guests are happy,
we are happy,

but the boat is a disaster.

There's one pie left.

Can I hit you with it?


Jen, I need all
the trash bags you can find.

Trash bags.

No talking.

Deck is f--ed.


F--ing mental.

How is Mr. Sykes?

So happy.

I think it was
the perfect last night.

See everybody in the morning.

Tomorrow, gonna wake up,
we're gonna wipe down,

they're gonna get off the boat.

We're gonna have
our last crew night out.

The next day, everybody
separates their ways.

Breakfast at 8:30.

Did Jen go down?


Okay, bye.

Being away from my girlfriend

made me realize
I f--ed up completely.

Hopefully Melissa
will take me back.

And it may suck

to tell Bri that she's
staying here by herself,

but I got to tell her.

[phone buzzes]

Oh, f--.

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

Want more coffee?

Yes, please,
when you get a second.

Kate, good morning.

Those fireworks
were the best of my life.

I'm glad to hear.

You go out with a bang.

Hello, welcome, everybody.

It's American, yeah.

Deck guys, let's start
the wash-down, all right?

All right, let's do it.

I feel like everybody
on the crew

should wake up and be a part
of the last meal service.

This time tomorrow,
we'll be packing our suitcases

to walk off this boat.

Hammock and all.

I kind of just need…

Duvet time?

Yeah, duvet and dog time,

and, just, that's it.

When the last charter guests
walk off the boat,

it is a better feeling
than sex.

It is a better feeling
than Christmas.

It's a better feeling
than Christmas sex.

It is great.

You happy with everything?

Oh, you guys are amazing.

I'm not used to it,
I told you.

I'm not used
to being surprised.

I underestimated you guys.

Very good, glad you're happy.

thank you very much.

Yeah, thank you so much.

-Good stuff.
-Honestly, we appreciate it.


Hot potato, hot potato.

Go, thank you.

Looks awesome.

Was this
the vegetarian omelet?

-Yes, would you like one?

Can I have a mocha?

Can you guys do those?

-Yeah, of course.
-That'd be awesome.

I'm gonna be sad tomorrow.

I know, countdown.

I'm excited for drop-off,

and then more excited
the following blowout.

I know.

Party till the sun comes up.


♪ These are soft-scrambled ♪

Of course Jen
is late for service.

I guess it keeps
with the theme of the season

I'll just keep working alone.

'Twas the day
before we left the boat,

and all through the yacht,

not a crew member was stirring.

Working, they were not.

As dreams of charter tips
danced through their heads…


Kate served the guests
with laundry and made beds.


That was good.

[alarm buzzing]

That's what's happened
with this one.

You say things
that aren't true,

and you don't allow me
to speak.

I'm just saying, this one--

Stop calling me "this one."

You've been working with me
for six weeks--Brianna.

Don't interrupt me,
don't interrupt me.

Pulling up the anchor
for the last time.

Let's get it done.

Can I get
a chocolate milkshake?

-That's awesome.

Anchor's in the pocket
for the last time.

Nice job, guys.

That's it.

It's been
a long season, bro.


Season's done.

I'm sad.

We were just, like,
getting in the groove.


I might be macho dude,

big arms, good hairline,
chiseled jaw.

But I'm actually
kind of chicken-sh--

when it comes
to breaking up with girls.

We were just
getting so good.

-So good.
-Now we have to leave.

Can we get everybody
in position?

Ready on the bow.

Ready on the stern?

Ready on the stern.

About 30 feet on the port side.

We're in the wing station.

This is the last one, Nico.

No pressure.

All right, pull up.

How we doing
back there, Kyle?

Do I need
to come forward more?

You're all good right now.

-Park it.
-Lock it off, lock it off.

Well done, everybody.

Thank you so much.

Shut them down
for the last time.

Ooh, that's tight.

This is it,
the last docking.

I was so crazy
about being boatswain

at the beginning
of the season,

I took it emotionally
that I wasn't.

And now at the end of it,

I just want to be a team player
and do a good job.

You guys experience that?

-It was a rush.

So hard to put
these new epaulets on.

They're just so heavy.

The extra stripes?

-Yeah, I know.

All that responsibility
is right here.

It's like,
"Hi, Bri, I'm right here."

Can you tone it down
a little bit?

You're being
a little bit obnoxious

and disrespectful.

I think you got everything
out of the bathroom.

Yeah, I think we're good.

My beautiful bag
is packed up.

All crew, all crew,
on the aft deck ASAP.

On our way.

Loved it.

Everything was fantastic.

Thank you so much.

Great meeting you.

Thanks man, appreciate it.

-Take care.
-You too.

You guys were the best,

-Great food, amazing.
-Thank you.

I got to DM you
for recipes.



Thank you.

F--ing thank you.

This was an incredible trip.

Did not really expect it
to be this good,

to be frank,
from the last trip.

You know, Wi-Fi is always
an issue with us.

But you guys got us
good Wi-Fi on land,

so we made some good trades.

My guests, they loved
every second of it.

And Captain, I think
you're like a fine wine.

You're getting better
with age.

Thank you.

Thank you very much
for everything.

Thank you, Timothy.

And here's a little tip
for you guys for your services.

Thank you.

I can't thank you guys enough.

Smile a little more, Katie.

It hurts.


it was great seeing you guys.

Anybody on the boat
would like to mention

that circus extravaganza,

that would be cool.

Or we could just
insult my facial expressions.

That's good too.

Seriously, it was great
seeing you guys.

Great meeting you all.

Have a good day,
thanks again.

Thank you.

Let's go to work.

Bri and Jen, Bri and Jen,
meet me in the sky lounge,

and bring a bottle
of champagne.




Okay, girls.

Amazing job this season.

Did you guys have fun?

Did you ever want to quit?

There was maybe two times.

For me, it was frustrating,

because I felt
like I had two bosses.

I feel like sometimes

Bri didn't know
what Kate asked me to do,

or Kate didn't know
what Bri asked me to do.

I know, but when you said it,

I would say, "Okay, go with
whatever Kate said."

That's how I felt,
so don't deny how I felt.

That was my opinion.

What frustrated you?

Bri, you're
pretty easy-going,

but there certainly
must have been things

that annoyed the sh--
out of you.


We're just gonna be honest.

You take a long time
to get ready.


And youe're always late.

Actually, I would like
to counteract that,

because you're both hypocrites.

There were days were you would
pretend to do laundry.

You were really
washing your hair.

Your breaks, you guys
were making phone calls.

My breaks, I literally just
make more orders

for more theme parties
for this boat.

You say things
that aren't true,

and you always
don't allow me to speak.

Because I feel like that's
what's happened with this one.

No, I will check in with you.

I'm just saying, this one--

Stop calling me "this one."

You've been working with me
for six weeks-- Brianna.

Jen plays the victim
all the time.

And you know my name.

You're being rude.

I am a good worker,

and I'm gonna go work now.

I'm not gonna sit here
and listen to you

speak to me the way
that you're speaking to me.

-You better understand--
-I understand everything.

-She said--
-I'm not talking to you.

It was not--
Don't interrupt me.

Don't interrupt me,
don't interrupt me.

She complimented you.
-You're acting like a three-year-old.

"I can't hear you,
I can't hear you…"

That's how you talk
every day, Kate.

Why don't you go live
in your glass house on land?

Because you're clearly
not a yachty.


I don't know why I was
expecting us all to be able

to sit down
and talk like adults.

I did invite Jen
to the sky lounge.

Good job, this season, Bri.

-Thank you so much.


-It was a good, good team.

I'm getting out right now.

Yeah, but I don't even
want to get ready.

I'm just trying to find
the right moment

and tell her I'm actually
gonna go home.

So obviously I really loved
hanging out with you, but…


I'm not gonna let what one
chief stew thinks about me

affect my future plans.

But right now, I just want
to go home to my baby girl.

I know she wants me
to come home too.

What's up?

-What's going on?
-Not much.

Attention, all crew.

I need everybody
in the crew mess ASAP.

What's crack-a-lacking?


Last one.

I think this charter
went pretty well.

That firework display
was cool.

The season overall,

this past charter, Matt,
I thought was your best.


You and Kate together.

Wish we'd have
done that earlier.

-Yeah. That was awesome.
-You guys nailed it.

Did a lot
of brainstorming together.

Worked out really well.

I think this season was
a learning experience

for a lot of people.

A lot of people
did learn a lot,

and then some of you…
still need to learn a lot.

Nico, I think you did
an admirable job this season.

You stayed on top of things,
had good progression.

Well done.

Thank you.

It's yours.

Open it up.




Neecky, Neecky.

Thank you.

I've been struggling
for the last few months.

And Captain, he's become
almost like a father figure.

So getting this promotion
means a lot to me.

Well done, well earned.

No more money,
you just got the stripes.

It's okay.

I'm very proud of Nico.

He worked hard.

He showed me
some stick-to-itiveness

and perseverance,

and I can appreciate
all of those good qualities.

That being said,
this particular charter…

-F-- me.
-Yeah, man.

Oh, my God,
that's a lot of money.


We set a new record.

$2,720 per person.

Holy sh--.

Yeah, that's a lot of money.


Good job this season, Nico,
thank you.

Bruno, go buy yourself
some Band-Aids.

Yes, sir.

$30,000 is so good.

Cheers, Cap.

This is the best way
to finish the season.

Thank you.

-Nice job, Kate.
-Thank you.

-As usual.
-Thank you.

I think everybody knows
how I want to finish up.

You all know
what you have to do.

You have your tasks.

Let's just get it done.

You guys will go out tonight,
one last hurrah.

Okay? Well done.

-Thank you, Cap.

I'm so happy.

Goodness gracious.

I have an idea tonight.

Ooh, let's hear it.

There is a sunset happening,

and it'd be really nice
to go look at it

up at the top of that fort.

-I love it!

And bringing your favorite:

-Let's do this.

Even with a broken leg,
I'm gonna go and hike.


Go, go, go, go, go!

All right, guys,
cheers to six weeks

of spectacularness.

-Pour me, pour me.

-Bottoms up.
-Cheers, guys.

Cheers to
a spectacular season.

This is nice.

I just f--ing miss him, a lot.

I got you, man.

Just look out there.

And whereever he's
watching you right now…

he's really, really proud of you.

You got it, man.

Ready to roll back?

-Let's do it.

-I'm just gonna get my--

I'm just gonna get
my stuff out of there

and get ready in a guest--

I'm getting out
right now.

Yeah, but I don't even want
to get ready in there.

Nico and I,
we had planned something fun

after this charter season,

but since the hotel,
he's been a bit cold to me.

So I'm not sure
what's going on.

'Sup, dudes.


Holy sh--.

You look really hot.


That's a wrap.

-Let's get out of here.

Aw, it's our last walk
down the dock.



All righty.

Well, this is nice.

-Yah, mon.

Would you like
to order something to drink?

Raise your hand if you want
an espresso martini.

One, two, three, four, five.

This is amazing.

Isn't it funny
that the primary

tipped us 30 grand,

and I smashed him in the face
with shaving foam?

I hit him so hard,
his safety goggles went up.

That was a great way
to go out,

record-setting tip.

Thank you so much.

Great job, everyone
this season.

Thanks for coming out.

Come back now, y'all hear?

This is the happy-tizer.

All right, happy-tizer.


It's really good--oy.

I kind of wanted some.

-Yeah, good.

I just don't really eat--

I know, it's just
kind of random sh--.

I'm just putting it
into my mouth.

I know what I need to do,

but the anticipation
is k*lling me,

and it doesn't make it
any easier.

I appreciate
the presentation.

I was wondering if I could
take Bri and jump off.

I just want to talk with her
for two minutes.

I'll be right back.

All right, Bri,
you come back.

Nico's gonna talk
about the weather

or some sh--.

-You okay?
-Yeah, I'm great.


So obviously I really
loved hanging out with you.

I know we planned
on staying here,

but I just think
that I need to go home.

I think that
I need to go home.

-As soon as possible?

I don't really want to talk

about what's going on
with my family.

I understand.

And it's obviously
affecting me a lot.

I understand.

And I hope you do,

because it has nothing
to do with you personally.

I understand that, I do.

You're gonna get home
as soon as you can

to take care of your family.

That's the right thing to do.

I don't want you thinking
I'm just bailing out on you.

Oh, my gosh, Nico, no way.

I'm more concerned about you
and your family.

I would be lying if I didn't
say I was disappointed.

I like Nico.

I'm definitely bummed we're not

gonna get a chance
to hang out in St. Martin

and see if it was more
than a boat fling.

But I get it, I get it.

Family comes first.

It's okay.

Thank you for telling me.

F--ing sh--.

Ugh, it still hurts.

It's a virgin mojito.

-Virgin, really?
-It is.

So it's just minty?

I'm not drinking much
these days.

I'm proud of myself
for cutting back on the booze.

I feel refreshed,
I feel clear-headed,

I feel like my liver
is actually recovering.

And leaving the season
not tired and not drunk

is a great feeling.

I'm full; I tap out.

Where'd you guys go?

Uh, we chit-chatted.


-I'll tell you all about it.
-Did he propose?

-Do you want to stay here?

Where is he?
Okay, he's there.

Just between you and I,

so we had that couple days
planned after this

to have fun and stuff.

So he was just pulling me
aside to tell me

he has to go home
as soon as possible.

I knew he was acting weird,

but I didn't think
he would ditch me

a day before we planned
on hanging out.

It's gonna be a painful
journey for a while.


Let's just dance
around the fire.

Go dance, Kyle, go dance.

We have music.

-This is our last night!
-This is all we need, yeah.

[dance music]

♪ ♪




I think that I would regret

if I didn't approach Kate
to try and gain some closure

on what went wrong.

What did I do to deserve
to be treated like this

this entire season?

I just wanna
try to clear the air.

I just feel like
I could never speak my mind.

And I just want you to know,
like, I don't speak--

It's not that
I don't want to hear you talk.

I love hearing you talk.
I think you're hilarious.

It's that I don't have time.
It's not personal.

It's almost like it makes you
feel better to cut others down.

This does not feel good
to me right now.

The charter season is over,

so I don't understand why Jen
is saying these things to me.

And more importantly,
I just don't care.

As a manager, I think--

Are you giving me
managerial advice right now?

No, I'm not doing anything.

I don't know
what you're doing.

You are not doing anything.

I wish you could have
spent less time

concerned about me and my--

I wasn't that concerned
about it.

I would like--

See, you're getting ugly now.

-No, I'm not.
-You are.

Thank you, Jen, thank you.

Of course Kate shuts me down,

but hopefully,
six months down the road,

maybe she'll have
this little voice of reason

that says, "Maybe I was
a little bit hard

on Jen this season."

Sorry for invading your space.

Thank you for coming out.

I get it,
I'll leave you alone.

Oy. Hey, I hit a wall.

Lets go now.

Let's go back
to the boat, motherf--ers.

-Fine, don't worry about it.
-I know.

-Last night, guys.

Good night, guys.

Oh, my gosh, season's over.

-Hey, man.
-'Sup, buddy?

-What you doing?
-Just thinking?

It's sad, huh?

Definitely won't forget
working with you, buddy.

You were amazing.

You were always there.

You gave 120%.

It was not easy for you,
I know that.

This season was about
me growing as well,

and you helped me do that,

and emotionally supported me.

Come on.

So, Cap, I wouldn't say
I wasn't upset

that I wasn't the first call,

but thank you
for calling me anyway.

It was awesome.

Pretty much
like all my relationships:

short and sweet.

You're half right.

Thank you so much.

Take it easy, pal.


Give me some love, baby.

It's a shame that me and Kate
are leaving on bad terms,

but if she wants
to be like that,

that's fine.

I'm the better person,

and I'll walk away
with a skip in my step.

-You do you, yeah?
-Yeah, always.

Don't change
a f--ing thing.

-You're awesome.
-Thanks, buddy.

Made some money this season.

I'm looking forward now
to going home,

having a nice,
crisp pint of cider

and a nap.

-Take it easy.



Safe trip home, okay?


It was a pleasure
to work with you.

You as well,
you do great.

And I think that if you want
to stay in yachting,

you would have a great career
as a deckhand or a stew.

I think that Bruno has a very
bright future in yachting.

Except I think his path
is in the interior,

because clearly he thinks

he can do a better job
than I can.


About to leave, yeah.

Well, I hope
you enjoyed yourself.

-I have one last question.

Would Captain mind…

to give me
a recommendation letter?

Sure, I could do that.


Thanks, man,
I really thank you.

It was a pleasure, Captain,

I think you have a great
future in this business.

-Take care of yourself.
-Thank you.

I had a huge picture
for yachting,

coming from cruise ships.

And I'm so happy
that I did it,

and I just found
this new passion.

So I'm gonna get
Captain Lee's letter,

and I'm gonna show it to
every single boat and marina,

and I'm gonna be
the best yachty ever

in the yachting industry.

Captain Lee is gonna hear
my name, big time.

What are your plans?

I'm going back to Chicago.

Tell Melissa
that I f--ed up

and that I'm an assh*le.

Maybe see you next year.

I don't know.

If I could have done anything
differently this season,

it probably would have been
focus more on my food

and less on what's happening
back home.

Thank you so much.

It was such a pleasure
to work with you.

My only bummer is that we
got into our groove

so late in the season.

I think that Matt's great,

but I don't think being a yacht
charter chef is for him.

He's too nice.

Bye, safe travels,
keep in touch.


Captain Lee.
Yes, sir.

I had a hell of a season,
thank you.

You know, sometimes you go
through a whole season,

you don't find your groove.

At least you found it.

-Take care of yourself.

-Thank you so much.
-You bet, Matt.

I've been a little
inconsistent this season,

and that's not acceptable.

I need to update
my bag of tricks.

I know we had this whole--

anyways, I want you to know,

absolutely no hard feelings
about that.

Yeah, youse not a ho.

You're a f--ing idiot.

Whatever, whore!

No, you're not a whore.

I'm definitely
a much better deckhand now

than when I started.

I came on hoping
I could just get by

as the lowly deckhand

with not having
to do that much,

and I ended up
having to step it up.

So I'm really proud
of myself.

Nico-Rico, Nico-Chico,

But right now I got
a big stack of cash

burning a whole
in my pocket,

so I might stimulate
the economy a little bit.

And who knows what
after that?

See you soon, m'wah.

My sister
from another mister.


-Did you have fun?
-I did.

I know sometimes people say
things they don't mean,

so I hope some of the things
that you said to me

were just frustration.

I know sometimes people
say things they don't mean,

so I hope some of the things
that you said me

were just frustration.

And I hope that you agree
that you were working with me.

I did… work.

Yeah, never doubted that
for a second.

-Thank you.
-Thank you.

Well, keep in touch.

I bet you're very excited
to go see Bella.

I am.

I've learned a lot,
and yes,

there's a lot that's not what
I expected it to be at all.

But as difficult as it was,
what can I say?

I like big boats,
and I cannot lie.

I know we've had
a crazy season,

and it's been like this
and down and up.

Different people
see things differently.

And different is good.

The first thing
that I'm gonna do

when I go home

is obviously love my
daughter to pieces

and give her hugs and kisses.

I feel in my heart
that seeing her mother

live out her dreams

and not being afraid
of failure,

I think that
is an invaluable lesson.

I'm like your cabana boy.

Just gonna take you with me.

[line trilling]

-What are you doing?

I'm just going to work.

I'm really sorry
for everything.

I know these last few weeks
haven't been easy, but…

Not particularly.

I'm excited to see you.

Yeah me too.

Melissa's one of those types
that, if it's done, it's done.

And so it's gonna be hard,

but I'm not gonna give up
until I win her heart back.

Let me know what time
your flight gets in and all that.

all right, I love you.

Did you take your epaulets?

I did.

That's cute.

I had so much fun
working with you.

Me too,
I really did too.

-You off?

I'm glad you were
on the boat.

Yeah, me as well.

Yeah, it was nice.

It was nice
connecting with you

and spending time with you.

I enjoyed it.

I f--ed up.

I want to go back home,

and I want to prove
that I'm not an assh*le.

I'm not a bad guy;
I'm human.

Bye, Nico.

I'm sure I'll see you.

I don't really ever have
regrets in life.

-See you later.

Everything truly happens
for a reason.

But it's kind of sad,

because I think we both feel

that it could have
been something great.

But Nico has a lot
of healing to do,

and I hope he just
takes the time to do that.

Nico, you did well this year.

Thank you,
trying to step it up a bit.

-You did good.
-That means a lot.

I hope I get the chance
to work with you again,

if you can put up with it
another year.

Mm, we'll see.


Nico went through
a lot this season.

And it's how you accept it
or don't

that determines how you
come out the other side.

I think Nico came out
the other side just fine.

-You take care of yourself.
-Thank you.

It's really nice
working with Captain Lee.

And this season, we really
strengthened our relationship.

And I'm definitely
gonna miss him.

We actually had
a good season,

compared to last time.

So it was good
to rekindle that.

Very good.

Safe travels.

I think just being away
from my home

has made me realize
how important it is

to be around my family
and to be home.

And I'm ready
to face my goals.


Hello, beautiful.

-How are you?
-I'm well.

How was your season?

It got better.

It was not good at first.

Think you got another season
left in you?

I think it's too soon
to tell.


Who knows?

Be safe, sweetie.

All right, I will see you
in Florida.

-Bye, Kate.

How, how about this?

Next time I come back,
I will be a charter guest.


This was not an easy season,
especially for me.

We had ups, downs,
training, fights, crying.

But at the end of the day,

I still feel very lucky
to have the opportunity.

I always said I never wanted
to have a boring life,

and yachting
makes sure of that.


This season,
it started out bad.

We had green crew.

Jesus Christ,
f--ing idiots.

This isn't a martini.

Do you know
how to pour an ounce?


We had damage to the boat.

Watch the bow.

[loud bang]

God damn it!

Damage to people.

I need to go to the hospital.

But they did a good job
in spite of themselves.

F--ing well done, everybody.

We managed
to get through the season.

Y'all need to get
your butts in the seats.

30 grand.


I still have the best
damn job in the world.

Three months after finishing
this season of "Below Deck,"

Hurricane Maria
wreaked havoc on St. Martin,

St. Barths, and Anguilla.

And it's always meant so much
to us and "Below Deck,"

because that's
where we lived,

we worked, we filmed.

And to have it
just disappear overnight,

it's just devastating.

Our hearts and thoughts
and prayers go out

to everybody
that's been affected by it.
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