06x04 - Bitch in Charge

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Below Deck". Aired: July 1, 2013 – present.*
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Show chronicles the lives of the crew members who work and reside aboard a superyacht during charter season.
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06x04 - Bitch in Charge

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on
"Below Deck"…

Should either go out on
a date with Ashton or Chandler.

Hold the g*n to my head.

It's a good day to go yachting.

We've got a birthday,
pajama party, masseuses.

They are packing
a lot of celebration.


Do you think we could get Chandler
to talk us through the day?

Chandler could definitely
be a little bit more organized.

We need to thrust to port.
Sorry, thrust to starboard.

Ross gives me better
directions than Chandler does.

Ross, you are really doing
an outstanding job.

You were solo stewardess a lot.

-You okay?

Uh-huh, just give me one
second okay?

My mom is starting to go through
early onset dementia.

Chandler, do you mind taking
out the trash?

Trash is the last thing
on my mind.

[scoffs] d*ck.

"Kate and Josiah,
took longer than anticipated

to get through everything.
See you in nine hours."

I will do what you've asked
me to do.

Sorry to speak while
you're ****ing interrupting!

I understand why
she's frustrated,

but Rhylee just needs to know
her place.

Take it easy, Rhy…

I am taking it easy,
so stop

telling me to calm down.
I'm calm.

You're not gonna demand
respect from me,

you're gonna earn it.

-I'm going to get underway.
-Yeah, yeah, I'll talk.

Just let me--

I don't think swimming's
in the works for right now.

You know what?
If you guys are like 10 to 15 minutes

that will be fine.

She has been questioning
my judgment all day long.

-I'm also a boat captain.
-She's just not cooperating.

Let's get through
this charter.

This behavior can't
be tolerated.

It's not my place
to say what I'm about to say,


[ship horn blares]

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

[suspenseful string music]

what's her name, Rhylee?

Dude, she can't take

Either you need to talk
to her

or I need to ****ing
nip it in the bud.

Let's-- let's get through
this charter

and we'll figure out
what we need to do.



[knocking on door]

Are you busy?

It's not my place to say what I'm
about to say, but…

when guests are asking for information…

Rhylee is, "Oh, I think this is happening,
oh, I think this is happening."

This is when we were underway…
to go to the caves.

I wanna swim.

I don't think swimming's
in the-- works for right now.

That will be fine.
We have time.

Rhylee shouldn't be telling
you anything.

Yeah, copy that.
And it's not just that.

What's happening is…
there is a breakdown in communication.

If Chandler wants
to receive information

from you,
you know, when it gets back

to me,
I'm being misinformed.

I think I'm just frustrated
because there's

no direction on the boat.

It's making us all look bad,

and I know where
my standards are.

We're supposed to be top notch
yachting professionals,

and it's embarrassing.

No one's clear on
what's going on,

and people are making assumptions.

Well, at that point all you
need to do is check with me.

I am impressed by Ross.

He gets it.
He knows what should be done

and how things should go.

That being said,
head of the deck department,

the boatswain,
he's supposed to be the one

that has the answers.

I'll have to do your work.

-Copy that. Thank you.
-No problem.

Yes, hello,
I need to arrange

some local dancers
and musicians

at the dock at Papeari.

Yeah, thank you so much.

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪


Oh, oh!

-I love this top.
-Thank you.

I just love the hat.

Hey, Caroline,
will you please

go to the master
and start a turn down.

Okay, I'll be right down.

[fly buzzing]

Got him.

-You wanna try this thing?
-Yes, please.

This might be
the first charter season

where I gain weight.

So, yeah, what do you think
about this luau deal?

So you're thinking dinner
at 6:30?

Yeah, platters brought
over to the beach.

For the final night of charter
we are throwing a luau.

Tahitian dancers,
fire throwers,

local musicians.
It's gonna be spectacular.

I'm just gonna go up
and see the guests.

Josiah, he's so great.

Yeah, he's really
on top of it.

he's my favorite stew

I've ever had
in all my seasons.

-Can I get you a drink?

Do you want us to go ahead

and start loading up the boat
with the beach gear?

Sure, is that what we're
doing now?

It'd probably make
Chandler happy.

I don't have any regrets
with how I reacted with Ross.

With this cave excursion,
it was a dangerous situation.

-Alright, we need a chop-chop--
-Can I help you or?

-No no no no.
-Alright, thank you.

Thank you.

If Ross wants to pissed off
at me for it,

I'd rather him be upset
than someone be injured.

Chandler, what's our plan,

The plan still is

a Tahitian beach party tonight.

So chairs, tables,
awning, grill.

All right, thank you.

[exciting music]

♪ ♪

We can take those.

I'm gonna go shut my eyes
for a few mintues.

-I'm so ****ing tired.

It's fine.


I feel bad going
to Captain Lee about Rhylee.

I've never ever thrown
someone under the bus,

so just proves how ****ing
frustrated I am.

-Are you tired?
-I honestly did not think

I'd be up that late.

I actually had a couple issues
with Chandler last night.

Chandler had already said,
"Yeah, I'll come down,

and help you with dishes."

'Cause they were already
starting to pile up.

-It was after dinner.

And I said, "Okay,
but cool, when you're--

whenever you're done could you
come down and help me?"

And he said,
"I'm going to bed."

I think Chandler,
as a boatsain,

he's-- feels like he's got
more responsibility

than drying dishes,
which I understand.

It's usually
the lower deckhands

who would help
with the washing

and the drying
because they don't have

the burden of responsibility.

No matter what,

for you to stay up
and takes over the day.

I don't think
Caroline's complaining

that Chandler didn't help her
with her job.

I think Caroline's complaining
that Chandler

didn't give her attention.

I'm just giving you feedback.

I appreciate it.
No, I appreciate it.

So if you do all of
the portside cabins,

-the two of them.
-Okay. Thanks.


There's a of sh--
with the deck team

and all this drama
that's happening.

End of the day I'm here trying
to pull my weight,

trying to provide
for my son and his mother,

and give them the life
that I haven't

been blessed with.

So as long as I put him first,

it's my motivation.

So, Ashton, where are you from?

-I'm from-- yep.


Chandler, Chandler, Caroline.

She's obsessed with Chandler.

Hey, Caroline,
Chandler's on break.

-How can I help you?

Okay, never mind.
No big deal. Thanks.

Caroline cracks me up.

The look in her eyes
is like a deer--

run down by, like, headlights,

Like, "You-- you okay?"
She's like,

-"Oh, yeah-- yeah." [laughs]
-She's great.

Hey, just really quick,

I want to-- I was totally
wrong last night.

I totally had-- I mean,
had a misconception

about what, like,
our joint roll was,

but I obviously
misunderstood and--

I don't know--

So that's all on me,
and I apologize.

I have no idea
what she's talking about.

-Don't worry about it.
-Thank you. I appreciate that.

Sometimes I don't think
she even knows

where she is.

-We're good, right?

-Hey, kiddo.

I just want to let you know,

I was having dinner
with the guests.

Chandler, Chandler, Kate.

Go ahead.

Captain Lee is having dinner
with the guests.

Yeah, I think we have
eight chairs,

but I can make that happen.

The ninth chair can look
like a throne or something.

-I can definitely do that.


[upbeat music]

I've got the trash bag,
the drink bag,

the rake is on board.

-What else do you need, bro?
-We're good.

Can we make a run with
some of this stuff now?

-Whatever you want, bro.
You're the boss.

Hey, Rhylee, go ahead
and change into blacks.

-Copy that.
-Make it snappy, please.

Oh, ****.

Caroline and Josiah,
go change to your blacks.

Don't take longer
than six minutes.

[laughs] Copy.

♪ ♪

Interior, standing by on
the swim set.

-Yeah, copy.
-You stay here on service.

I'm gonna take Caroline
with me.


Good to go.

Thank you.

-Kay, bye.

[calypso music]

♪ ♪

Man, what a life is that?


How was that?


All right, let's put the
theme in the middle, please.

Maybe we can alternate them.

I just had this
really good idea.

What's that?

That if you and Chandler…

have a baby together,
you would conceive this baby

on the boat because then

you could name her Seanna.

Like "My Seanna."

Come on,
he's cute, he's funny.

Yeah, but that's-- I mean,
so are a lot of people.

-Seanna Kate.
-No, I seriously love

everything about that idea
except for

everything about that idea.

You don't like
the middle name?


[brooding music]

♪ ♪

-I just spoke to Captain Lee.
-What did he say to you?

I told him there was a
breakdown in communication.

Do you agree with me?

It's-- he's saying do this
this way.

You say do this this way.
Whatever happens--

that's sometimes how
I get really frantic.

'cause I'm like, "Oh
[imitates g*nshots]"

See and that's what--
and that's what I mean

by a breakdown
in communication.


I-- I'm going to apologize
to you now because

I'm supposed to explain things
to Captain Lee.

He's like, be specific,
and this in not going against you.

Because I mentioned your name.

-Coming up…

Him walking up,
sharing your cake with you.

Well, I just-- I don't know
what to say.

He's my archnemesis.
Are you ****ing kidding me?

I shouldn't have
said anything.


I'm going to apologize to
you now because now

because when I was explaining my
things to Captain Lee.

He was like, "be specific."

and this is not going against you.

and-- because I mentioned your name.

I don't know why
I mentioned it

and I'm-- I apologize.
I'm so sorry.

-What did you say?
-It wasn't bad.

No, no, it wasn't
anything bad.

It's not just you.
Everyone's getting told

different things
and when it comes

to guests it's like,
"What are we doing?"

And then-- and-- don't take--
I'm not trying--

-look, we're cool.
-It's okay.

-I start making assumptions--
-You mean rather than

-a game of telephone…
-Yeah, exactly.

Chandler should address
us all at once.

Are you ****ing kidding me?

Why the [bleep]
are you bring me up?

Like, what have I done,
besides my job?

All right,
I'll see you later.


Are you looking for
some-- leftover napkin?

-I think they're over here.
-Kate, Kate, Josiah.

The guests are ready
to come over.

Copy, can you come over
with them?

Yeah, copy, I will do.

For the music,
can you have it start soon?

'Cause you guys are, like,
big surprise.

This is a lot of work
to find

local, native,
fire-breathing, dancing

musicians on a island where
I don't speak

the language while setting up
a five-star dinner

in a hut that I've never
been to from a boat.

If you guys stay here,
you'll be hidden.

-Now the party's starting.
-Here he is!

-Enjoy your dinner.
-Thank you.

See you, guys.

Kate, Kate, Josiah.
We're just pulling up now.


Ooh, it's gonna get crazy.

-That way.
-Here we go

[rousing percussion music]

♪ ♪


That's cool.

♪ ♪


-Hey, guys.

Margarita to start.

-Just a little bit.

-Thank you.

This is perfect.

-Kate, this looks amazing.
-Oh, isn't it beautiful here?

-You are amazing. Isn't she?
-She's amazing.

Thanks, guys.
What would you like

-to drink with dinner?
-Pinot sounds good.


So we have chicken leg

-and chicken breast.

My favorite nickname
that I've been given is Merlin.

That's because
I like to do

all sorts of concoctions.

Some coconut, lime,

bunch of spices, little soy,
little scallions.

Lemon basil,
and this is a passion fruit.

All of that-- this is gonna come
out in this dinner.

I've got some
Tahitian Asian chicken.

-So we have beef filet.

So, you know,
before you serve me,

did you tell 'em the news?

That, you know,
after our charter

-you're leaving with us.
-I haven't told 'em yet.


Look at that face!

We're giving him all
the tip money,

and we're taking him with us.

Is that okay?

♪ ♪

I'm just gonna go shut
my eyes for 15.

Okay, do you have a plan

for-- for shifts tonight?

Let me think about that,

I'm gonna get back
to you in a sec.

-Yeah, whatever you need.
-I'ma put it on paper.


Scheduling has been all
over the place.

Chandler says I can have
7 1/2 hours of sleep

and-- and be on deck
8 hours later.

The amount of hours
I'm actually getting?

5, 5 1/2 hours of sleep.

It's ****ed up.

[ukulele music]

-Mmm, mmm.
-So good.

Oh, yeah.

Do you know how to hula
a story with your hands?

-Tell me a story--
-What does this tell you?

That you're on the ocean.

This is what I do to the deckhands
when they're annoying me.


-Get out.

Captain Lee is the Beyonce and
we're the back-up dancers.

-We're the Michelle--
-I'm never the Michelle.

Except with those moves it's more like…

-I don't know.
-He's the dreamgirl,

and we're the back-ups.

I think I-- I mean I--

Should've gotten Kelley cause
Michelle's the worst.

-There we're originally four.

Okay, honey, I'm gonna send
you back with Ross

-if you'll start turn downs.
-Got it.

So-- thank you.
Ross, Ross.

Caroline is coming to you.
Run her back real quick.

Okay, copy. Thank you.

Thank you.

What's the plan?

I think we're just on standby.

Chandler, Chandler, you on?

Chandler, Chandler, Ross.

-Chandler's on break.
-Okay, copy.

I supposed what we can do,
uncover this section.


You guys ready?

You know, Alan was, like,
a surprise to me.

I was fine with who-- where
I was, and then boom.

-He shows up.

[rousing percussion music]

Wow, here we go.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪


♪ ♪



♪ ♪

The great thing about
yachting is that we get

to experience
different cultures

with the charter guests.

This just feels so good.

♪ ♪

Oh, yeah!


♪ ♪

Oh, yeah!

♪ ♪


[percussive musical flourish]


Crushed it.
That was awesome.

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

-What's up, missy?
-Nothing, what's up?

What are you doing after
these charters?

Maybe travel a little more.

Yeah, I definitely want to
take some time off and travel.

growing up in Michigan,

I-I could never

how'd I be where I am.

And even my dad,
being a yacht captain

for 35 years,
he's still jealous

about the places I've been.
I mean,

I've traveled almost
more than he has

and I'm only 28.

Yeah, I'd like some fun time.

-Barcelona and Mallorca.
-Oh, my God.

-That's where I'm going.

No, I'm just-- I'm kidding.

I was just kidding.
I'll see you there.

-We should meet up.
-Yeah, totally, dude.

If I saw Chandler on Tinder,
right, right, right.

Of course, right.
He's so cute.

I see very strong qualities
in you that I respect,

and that I like,
and I enjoy your company.

You're very guarded.

It's hard for me to,
like, open up.

-I don't know how.
-That's okay.

I just hoping that you would.

Takes time.

Ross, Ross, Kate.
The guests are ready

to head back to the boat.

That was awesome.
Thank you.

Yeah, copy.

-All good?
-Nicely done.

I have never ever been able
to attend anything

that came off like this did.

Blown away.

-There you are, sir.
-Thank you.


-See you mañana.
-Good night.

Okay, see you tomorrow.
Sweet dreams.

What a great night.

[electronic music]

-Cool, guys, thanks.
-That was a quick breakdown.

For you.

I'll hold you off for now.

-What time am I up tomorrow?

So, okay.

You, for sure, knock off now.

You guys okay?

Yeah, I can do this by
myself. It's fine.

-Thank you.

Ashton, I'm gonna knock you
off now.

See you in the morning.


-Rhylee, Rhylee.
-Go ahead.

Hey will you

-meet me in the beach club?
-Copy that.

-Okay, honey, go to bed.

See you tomorrow.
See you tomorrow, chef.

See you tomorrow.

♪ ♪

All right, I'm…

I'm crashing.

-You got this.
-All this?

-See you when I see you.

I'm just tired,
and at the end of the day,

junior crew does get
the sh** jobs.

That's just how it is.

[Ross] Going to try and get some sleep.
But I need a wind down.

Did you get any down time?

-You're the man, bro.

I haven't heard you complain once.

No. [laughs]
What's that gonna help?

I definitely think we could be
better scheduled.

You know, I don't think
one person on--

on either of these two charters

has had a break
when they're supposed to.

What is the time now?

I've got 5:00.


To be on deck by 6:00.


This has been
a very rough day.

I'm exhausted.

I'm fed up with the boys,
and it's wearing on me.

♪ ♪

So, yeah,
I think the charter went well.

-Okay, good.
-How do you think it went?

Well, I think that there was

I feel like there was more

between us the first charter.

I don't know.
Like, you and

Josiah, you know,
you guys being roommates.

Like, you clearly have,
like, a very

strong connection.

I guess I just felt, like…

left out.

-Coming up…
-How are things going

with the crew?

You have…
[soft stammering]

You and Josiah clearly have,
like, a very

strong connection.

I guess I just felt,
like, left out.

-I also can be really sensitive.
-You're very sensitive.

Oh, I know-- I noticed that.

-So I think, like--
-Don't lose that though.

-It's nice.

I guess I just, like,

you know,
if I would say something

and you two would look
at each other,

I would feel kind of like,
"Do they think I'm crazy?"

Do you think I'm, like,

We do.

We think you're crazy,
ridiculously amazing,

and funny,
and we think you're

-the perfect third stew.

I understand why Caroline
would feel excluded

because Josiah and I
obviously get on,

but we don't want
to be mean girls.

You can sit with us, Caroline.

On Wednesdays we wear blue.

It's always difficult when
there's a group of three.

Which is why I won't have threesomes

'cause someone's
always left out.

-Have a good night.
-You too.

[upbeat hip-hop music]

♪ ♪

So have, like, two here.

What else is there to do
that Chandler asked you to do?

The only thing
he told me to do

was get the swim platform
set up.

-Maybe you want to just

pop down there and see if
there's anything I've missed.

-Probably a lot, but--

But that's why you wake up

-so you can do it.

We also can do synchronized,
like, fender drops.

We synchronize the fender drops

Yeah, we can-- we can do
the synchronized fender drops.

If you do it right, it looks kick-ass.


-Good morning.
-Hi. How's it going.

-Good, how are you?
-I put out the water,

and then I've done
a mimosa station,

so I've got orange juice
and I've got grapefruit juice.


-Look at this.

I just wish we had
a little bit more of this.

Let's pull it up.

-Anchor's home.
-Copy that. Lock it in.

Okay, start bringing it
all up.

These are mini lobster quiches.

Do you guys want
to go help yourself?

Oh, lobster quiche.

-Oh, my God, what are they?
-Apple turnovers.


I just think
that there's no reason

to eat anything else
after this charter.

-Nothing's gonna taste good.

I'm gonna be in
a full depression.


Attention all crew,

everybody should
be getting changed.

You look fresh though.
Your face looks fresh.

-Are you on something?
-I wish.


-Chandler, Chandler, Lee.
-Go ahead.

we're gonna need fenders

on both port
and starboard side.

I want them to go
at the same time.

Okay, understood.

What's the call?

Am I doing everything
back here?

No one's told us
anything yet.

Oh, okay, as usual. I'll figure it out.
**** it.

When we do
the synchronized drop…

-You two set up those fenders

along the portside,
make sure they're all

-looking uniform.
-Portside first?

I pass the heaving line.

You stand by on the line here.

Just so everyone knows,
we're gonna do

a drop on portside first.

-Thanks, Chandler.

We're standing by.
We're ready to go.

Three, two, one, drop.

There we go.

All fenders are in
ready position.


It's time to get going.

All right, bridge, bridge,
20 feet to the dock.

Looking good, closing slowly.

I don't want to leave.

Attention all crew,
I need everybody

on the aft deck ASAP.

-Well done, Rhylee.

-Thank you.
-Thank you.

-It's a pleasure.


-I'm holding it back.
-Good seeing you.

-Keep it in. Keep it in.
-Keep it in.

-How you doing, buddy?

By far, you guys were
the best charter

we've ever done.

I mean, just blew us away.

For sure, last night,
the food was amazing.

The cave diving, our guests
were just blown away

and that makes us feel good.

Thank you from
the bottom of our heart.

Everything was wonderful.

And with that in mind,

this is a good tip.

This is a spectacular tip.

All right, so

this is from all of us.
You guys k*lled it.

-Thank you.

-For you.
-Thank you.

-All right, bye, guys.
-See you, guys.


-I love you, honey.
-I love you too, baby.

-Go to work.
-Yes, sir.

-That means go to lunch right?
-Let's change.

Yes, sir.

♪ ♪

We had a beautiful charter,
and they say a beautiful thing like that.

-I know, I almost teared up.
-I-- I did.

That to me is the beautiful--

-Yeah, that was really nice.
-That was beautiful.

For the past year,
I've been focusing on my mom,

and I haven't been able
to make friends

or romantic relationships.

So with Rhylee, you know,
she's feisty,

and intelligent,
and compassionate,

and I relate to her.

[bleep] So sore.

I only got 5 1/2 hours
of sleep.

Chandler, Chandler, Kate.

Yeah, there's just
a suitcase here

in the guest foyer
if you guys want to run it out.

Hey, is anyone unchanged?

-Yeah, I'm--
-Okay, we're on it.

Wait, so you only go to sleep
for five hours?

Yeah, like,
I was done work at 1:30.

I don't know if I was supposed to
be on deck eight hours later,

or sleep eight hours.

-Did we get everything?
-No, there's-- there's more.

I don't get it. It goes back to the
current theme, lack of communication.

I mean, I don't know
how to communicate anymore.

-Is Rhylee out there?

Like, what the ****?

Rhylee, Rhylee.
We need you back here

to help with luggage, please.

Just finishing changing.

We are not changing until
luggage is off.

I'm sorry, I just came back
to change as instructed.

Did she not all of us
run out in our outfits?

Oh, I don't know.


Coming up…

-If you could fire anyone--

She's a moron.

Is Rhylee out there?

-Is Rhylee out there?

Rhylee, Rhylee.
We need you back here

to help with luggage, please.

Just finishing changing
as instructed.

Did she not see all of us
run out in our outfits?

Oh, I don't know.

I need my shoes on.

[bleep] you, Chandler

for blaming me for everything,

Nobody told me not to--

Well, did you see
everyone run--

-run out in the same clothes?
-No, I was already headed to change.

I wasn't communicated to.

Let me check
and make sure that's it.

Start covering.
Case it starts raining, yeah?

Yes, sir.

♪ ♪

Are you eating all
my Cheetos?

I like them when they're,
like, half stale like this.

This doesn't crunch
as loud in your ear.

I know, it's, like, soft,
isn't it?



Hi, it's just me.

Honey, you're always
invited up here.

-Come up.
-Okay-- well-- I'm not-- I-

This is your penthouse too.

This is the interior penthouse.

I'm never just gonna
bust in.

Do you guys want to just have
our meeting here?

I was just-- I was just
about to say--

Yeah, I thought that was what
we were doing.

-Okay, cool.

-I would like you

to go to the guest cabins,
and strip all the beds,

and collect all the towels.

I want you to clear
the pantries,

inventory the wines.

you're in charge of Captain
Lee's cabin and laundry.

Once all Captain Lee's needs
are taken care of,

then we'll do crew.

-Thank you.

I love your lists.

-No-- they're really helpful.
-They are. Yeah.

Thank you, guys.
Thanks for being

the best chief and second.

We'll get up. Thanks for
being the best third.

-Thank you.
-She makes me laugh so much.

I know. I love her.

She was like,
"It's like, you know,"

Caroline told me that
she feels really, like, bad.

-We're always laughing together.

You remind me a lot
of my best friend.

You have a lot of experience,
so we have, like, a shorthand.

We have, like, yachty
shorthand, like, you know?

So it seems like
a secret language to her.

-I could see--

She gets in her head
too much.

So we need to, like,
make a, like, effort

-to, like, include her.

It's not that we don't
like her,

it's just that
Kate and I's personalities

fit very well together.

We've got the same mind set.

We both have mastered
the resting bitch face.

All right,
I got to go bring

Captain Lee some juice
and get his dirty underwear.

You're not feeling well?

Uh, yeah.

-Just tired, I'm sure.

Tired of the way I'm being
spoken to by Chandler.

Ah, okay.

There's not one thing
that I've had luck with

in speaking to him about.

-I'm not allowed to speak.

And then I'm spoke to like
I'm a ****ing piece of sh--.

He doesn't speak
to you or Ashton that way.

I don't think he means it
that way, love.

'Cause you're doing
a great job, love, honestly.

-I really appreciate that.
-I see what you're doing right.

-I feel like I'm hustling.
-Yeah, you are hustling.

Honestly, Ross,
I just do not

feel comfortable
talking to him at all

ask-- about any feelings.

You handle it
the way you want to handle it.

Attention, all crew.
Attention, all crew.

I need to see everyone
in the crew mess ASAP.


What's up, bro?

-How we doing?



I thought everybody did
a really good job.

The guests wanted this
to be a homerun

and I think we did.
Adrian, your food, obviously,

was a hit all the way through.

The luau, the theme parties,
the interior.

You guys nailed it.

You guys on the exterior
did an outstand job with,

you know, getting them
to the caves and back.

We're just gonna
elevate the bar.

That's why we went with
the synchronized

fender drop.
It plays nice.

He wasn't lying when he said
this is a really good tip.

We ended up with 22 grand.

$1,820 each.

Wow. Yes, please.

$22,000 for three days
of work?

-It's party time.
-You guys have the night off.

Thank you, sir.

Tomorrow is another day.

Money doesn't have
that much value in my eyes.

[music slows, stops]

So that's about all I got.

-Good job. Well done.
-Thank you.

In five minutes I'd like
to see you in the wheelhouse.


Let's get after it
and get as much done

as we can today before
you guys go out

and wreck yourselves--
I mean, have fun.

Thank you.

♪ ♪

Have a seat.

So tell me, how are things
going with the crew?

[stammers softly]

Be specific with me.

Everyone's trying
to help each other,

so we're an efficient deck team,

but there's always backlash
to whatever's said.

There's either an expression,
a comment,

there's always something
on the backend.



-Just Rhylee?
-Just Rhylee.

I am at my wit's end with her.

Do we need to open
this one as well?

-That bottom one's ball too.

-Yeah, they both are.
-So many ****ing questions.

It gives me a headache.

-I'm just telling you right now.
-Sorry to speak

while you're ****ing

If I was the captain
I would fire her.

She would be gone.

That attitude, it's just--
it's piss poor.

It's just always something.

So what would you like
to see be done about it?

Personally, I don't think
we have time to deal with that

or to wait for
that problem to change.

Chandler seems to have
a hard-on for Rhylee,

and I don't mean that in
a biblical sense.

He has his mind made up.
She's not gonna work out.

But as far as I can tell
she's pushing hard.

Just put 'em on the outside.

Good job, Rhylee.

We want to make sure
everybody hurries up

and gets on board.

-Well done, Rhylee.

She's doing her job,
she's just

hard to get along with.
He wants to get rid of her.

I'm not willing to do that.

It's-- it's your issue
that you need to solve.

There's really nothing
I can do about it.

We don't have that luxury.
Make it go away.

It's your issue
that you need to solve.

There's really nothing
I can do about it.

We don't have that luxury.
Make it go away.

You have to change it.

You have any advice for me?

One of your people,
and it wasn't Rhylee,

came to me and said,

they felt there was a breakdown
in the lines of communication.

What's going on
with Chandler?

I don't know.

It might help you to have
a deck meeting

before each charter.

Have a schedule.

People work best when there's
a structure to their day.

This is yachting,
and, I mean, for me to

give them the plans
for the day,

it might not be
the same way tomorrow.

You have to have
a very, very clear line

of communication so
that there is no confusion.

Been a boatswain
for a couple years now,

and I've never had a problem
with communication.

Whoever went to the captain
should have came to me first.

It makes the whole department
look bad,

me in particular.

-I appreciate it.
-All right, buddy.

-Thank you.
-You bet.

♪ ♪

Hi, I brought you a present.

God, I love you so much.


You have stripped which bed?
Which beds?

-All of them.

Well, let's talk about other
boat things

'cause I'm finishing this up.

I bet you, Ashton's gonna be

on his best behavior tonight.

Maybe not tonight.
I don't know.

But Ashton and Rhylee
are probably gonna have

an argument,
and then have make-up sex.

I really wish that
Caroline and Chandler would.

But I think Ashton and Rhylee
are just gonna have sex

like two crocodiles
fighting over a…

-A ham hock.
-A ham hock.

[soft laugh]

Road k*ll.

[suspenseful music]

♪ ♪

I think interior
are knocking off here soon.

Let's knock off early today.

We just have to be efficient
tomorrow with time.

-Knock off.

-All right, thank you.
-I got it.

-Thanks, boss.

It smells funky in here, no?

Maybe some moldy fruit.

Maybe the return of the invisible friends.

They're your alien people
from your home planet.

-You are a Martian.

-Do you know what's funny?
Is that every time

we say that he's an alien
he doesn't go,

"No, I'm not."

Doesn't deny it which
means he has to be an alien.


-You all right?
-I'm tired.

And you stink.

-Do I?

With Ashton, there's obviously

some kind of chemistry there.

I can snuggle with him.

Would he take it
a little farther?

Yeah, probably,

but, I don't know.
I mean,

I feel, like, it's just fun
to flirt with him.

I better get up before
talking ensues.



The bed's good.

He has all fresh towels,
fresh everything--

What ironing
do you need to do of his?

Well, his floral shirts
are in there.

Then done.
You're done for the night.

-Go unplug the iron.

-Deaf clap.

♪ ♪

[glasses clanking]

Let's go chill in
the bows head.

Ah, yes.

****, how nice is it to chill, boys?

Ah, this is nice.

Should come here to do
my yoga at night.

So all of you guys are single,
aren't you--

-well, you're not.
-Not single.

So are you--
who are you guys gonna--

anyone from the crew?

Yeah, looks like Caroline
and Chandler might be…

Why does everyone
keep saying that?

Like, is there something
going on that I don't know?

I think Caroline's cute.

I don't know
if I would go her though.

I don't know.
I thought you guys seemed

flirty the other day at dinner.

I like genuine people,
down to earth,


We will see.

-What is your type?
-[clears throat]



-Have you had a drink?
-I'm not drinking tonight.

-Um, what am I wearing?
-Up to you.

♪ ♪

You guys ready to party?

I'm definitely excited
to get out

'cause this was
a tough charter.

I'm hoping there's
no issues tonight.

Especially with how everything
went down last night.

You got the massage hands going.

Come on.

-But Rhylee is
a different story.

You never know what
you're gonna get.


You're a god.
Oh, my God.

Ooh, that's a fun car.

They traded bras tonight.

To be honest, I wasn't-- I'm not wearing
one either, but I'm very nervous about it.

-Let's see it?
-No-- shut up.


Thank you for the ride.

-Very rustic.
-I love it.

Sit right there.

I'm gonna sit
in front of you.

Are you going to sit across from me?

-Don't play with my crotch.
-I'll try not to.

How's everybody feeling?

-How are you feeling?
-Oh, no, good. I just--

-I miss you down there.
-I know.

You're all the way on the end.

We're all going to
New Zealand after this, right?

I wanted to go to Auckland
before going home.

Yeah, Chandler's
thinking of coming.

Oh, then I'm out.

So is Ashton.

-Thank you.

-Thank you.

to another awesome charter.

-Cheers, Rhy.

-I'm sorry.

Thank you.

-Yep, steak.

-Ah, that looks good.

Bon appétit everyone.

-Bon appétit.
-Bon appétit.

Oh, that's so good.

[Caroline] As fun as all of this is…
the worst thing is being tired on charter.

-Yeah, I'm on the same page.
-And I--

I love to sleep.

Oh my God, it's the most fun thing
in the whole world.

-I don't know about fun, but…

-Oh, it's fun for me.
-I definitely enjoy it.

Especially when you have a good bed.
And our crew beds are quite nice.

Yeah, they're not bad.

Go have sex.

Do things you shouldn't do.

-What is this?
-An orgasim.

I could use
a very good [bleep].


How long has it been?

I mean, like, early summer,
last summer.

-Yeah, you're due.

Tonight's gonna be
a great night.

You think so?

Rhylee's naughty,

and I've got to be careful
of that.

Getting involved
with crew members,

things get a lot more complicated.



Are you guys going?

In order of like communication…
and managing my expectations.

What time would
we all like to head back

to the boat tonight?

That's so cute.
I don't blame you

for last time,
wanting to stay out.

It was not my intention
to piss everybody off.

-Everyone's going back.
-Back where?

I'm staying.

I respect you more for that.


I'm gonna go smoke.
Do you want to come?

Is everyone's dinner okay?

Chandler, what do you think--


-Chandler's gone.
-Oh, where's Caroline?

Caroline, what'd you think--

Oh, Caroline's gone as well.

You guys, if they have a--

if they conceive
a baby this season

I think it should be named
Seanna Kate.

Wait a minute,
I'm out of this conversation.

Are we thinking they're
conceiving a baby right now?

Seanna Kate.

-Oh, for [bleep] sakes.
-Seanna Kate.

Well, there you go.

Caroline, he's my archnemesis.
Are you ****ing kidding me?

[bleep] that.

Do you think we'd be
invited to the christening?

I just don't want
to be the godmother.

Chandler and Caroline.
I don't know if it's true,

but it's funny.

I'm ready for bed actually.

-Yeah, bye.
-Uber's here.

-Get in. Get in.
-I'm going in this one.

Oh, God.

I had like seven espresso martinis
and I'm still tired.



You guys stop circle jerking
back there, please.


Hey, guys.

[laughs] I got it.
I got it.


I haven't had any dessert,
let me have some.

Oh, yes.

-What's going on?
-About what?

I don't know, Caroline.
You're my roommate.

No, I honestly--

If you have a crush on somebody,
why don't you tell me?

-What are you talking about--
-That was something Kate made up.

Everyone thinks we like
each other.

It's-- no, it's false.

That's like elementary sh**, right?

[soft laugh]

-What is that?
-Peach cake.

-Oh, okay.

I can-- [laughs]

That's really good.

I'm outtie.


Are we gonna go upstairs?

[soft chuckle]
Can I have another bite?

Okay, you have to--

Okay, here.


-The blue things are the best.


-See you later.
-Thank you.

No problem.

Smell my feet.

[laughing] I don't want
to smell your feet.

-Oh, [bleep] off.

Blast you, [bleep].


So you know that didn't help.

-Him walking up

sharing your cake with you.

I-- uh…

-I'm not saying anything about you.

-No, I'm not being defensive.
I just--

-I don't know what to say.
-Maybe he does really like you.

Because you saw him eat cake?

You can like my arch-nemesis, that's fine.


I won't ****ing hate
you for it.

-Hey, guys.
-Oh, hello.

The Jacuzzi is--
So hot.

And these drinks are--
So cold.

Kate and Josiah,
they're just wasted!

I'm pretty sure
that it started with this one.

-What you're talking about.
-No, I know.

-You already told me that.
-What is talking?

I watched her and Chandler
eat cake together

-like "Lady in the Tramp."

She said we ate cake together
like "Lady in the Tramp."

Are you calling me a tramp?

-Oh, my God.
-Who's calling her a tramp?

'Cause I'm the lady.

Okay, I'm gonna go to bed.

I love our ramen.

-They're so not fun.

Everyone's so boring.


[gasps] Ramen!

I love you, Ramen.


But seriously.

Okay, if you could
fire anyone…

-Oh, my God.
-Who would you fire?


-She's a moron.
-Like Caroline.

We do have a problem with Caroline.

I love her,but we have
to have a talk with her tomorrow

We can't go through another
charter of her just like…

talking talking talking talking talking.

[knocking on door]

And never hearing hearing
hearing hearing hearing.

Come in.

-Oh, great timing.

Come on.


I heard what you were saying.

Come on in.
Come on in.

Can we just talk about it tomorrow?

-Okay, good night.

-You're in, you're out.
-I know.

Hearing them
"Mean Girl" me behind my back

is upsetting.

I don't know why they feel like
they can treat me this way.

It's become
a really ****ed up pattern.

Next on "Below Deck"…

Ashton, Ashton, Kate.

Do you think the interior team
could take a ride on

that thing when you're done
with it?

That is, if you aren't
all too busy.

What is wrong with that girl?

I do not give a [bleep].

Charles Yim.
He came up with

a smartphone breathalyzer.

These people are
disgustingly obsessed

with their social media interaction.

Darwin's coming for you,
Charles Yim.

Last night I-- I heard
what you said.

Do you mind just clearing off
this nightstand?

Oh, [bleep].
I didn't even see that.

-[imitates gagging noises]
-You and Chandler are going fishing.

Everyone knows
that Rhylee is the fisherman.

It doesn't make
any ****ing sense.


I was wondering
if I could go see a doctor.

I've got work to do.
Now, I've got extra work.

What if she never comes back?
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