06x05 - Naked Smoothies

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Below Deck". Aired: July 1, 2013 – present.*
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Show chronicles the lives of the crew members who work and reside aboard a superyacht during charter season.
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06x05 - Naked Smoothies

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on
"Below Deck"...

Like, you and Josiah--
you clearly have,

like, a strong connection.

It is a little hard to see
Kate and Josiah so close.

Thanks for being the
best chief and second.

Thanks for being
the best third.

She gets in her head
too much.

I'm sorry about, like,
popping out at you yesterday.

I apologize.
Sorry. I'm sorry.

Well, you need to, like,
make an effort to, like, include her.


What's happening is...

There is a breakdown in communication.

I think I'm just
frustrated because

it's making us all look bad.

Rhylee, Rhylee,
we need you back here

to help with luggage, please.

Just finishing changing.

Chandler seems to have
a hard-on for Rhylee,

and I don't mean that
in a Biblical sense.

-You guys ready to party?

-Cheers, Rhy.

You guys,
if they conceive a baby,

I think it should
be named Seanna Kate.

Oh, for [BLEEP]'s sakes.

You can like my arch-nemesis, that's fine.

-Hey, guys.

-Hey, guys.
-They're wasted.

If you could fire anyone,
who would you fire?

-Oh, my God.

We do have a problem with Caroline.

-Come in.

I heard what you were saying.

Oh, sh--.

[foghorn blares]

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

[mellow music]

♪ ♪


I feel physically and
mentally, like, sh-- today.


My foot is swollen up
like a balloon,

and I have no ----ing idea why.


I'm completely over
this two-faced bullsh--

with Kate and Josiah.

Oh, God.

♪ ♪


Good morning.

So I know this has been
the topic of conversation,

but while I have you guys...

This crew mess was
----ing disgusting this morning.

Like, sh-- was left out.

We can't do that anymore.
Kate never cleans, so...

I think regardless
of whose name is on there,

if we just see it,
we just clean it.

Dude, if everyone cleans up
after themselves,

there will never be
a mess to clean.

I think on flip days,

we should always start
at 10:00-ish.

Nothing good happens
before 10:00 a.m.

It is hard
to work with people

who I know are talking
about me behind my back,

especially when they're saying
to my face how happy they are.

It's a mind [BLEEP], really.

Can I come up?


The laundry's been going
for a while.

-I heard it. It's good.
-My bad.

Last night,
I heard what you said.

-What did I say?
-If you want to talk about me

or something I do behind my
back, that's really annoying.

Like, I hope that it's okay
that we don't get,

like, super, super into it.


But I heard you talking.

Like, I heard what you said,
and the first thing I need to--

That's a scary
statement to hear.

Look, sometimes
I'm thoughtless,

and as hard as I try
to be mindful of other people's

feelings and
respect them, like,

sometimes I just [BLEEP] up.

-Same. I'm sorry.
-It's okay.

-What else was I saying?
-I don't know.

I was just like, "Ugh, this."

I was drunk.
I think we all talk

to each other about things
that annoy us sometimes.


On boats, in confined spaces,
in general workplace,

in life,
people talk about other people.

You don't confront them
about it.

I just want to let you know.
I forgive you.

And it's not an issue.
No hard feelings or anything.

-Okay, good.
-[BLEEP], look at my foot.

-It's so swollen.
-I know.

-Oh, my God.
-I know.

I don't know what's happening.

-What happened?
-I don't know.

I have to talk to Cap
at some point.

All right, good talk, guys.
I'm gonna get back to it.

-Okay, thanks.
-That was weird.

I don't think that
we said anything terrible.

- I don't remember.

Let's head to the top
of the windows,

so it's easier for you
in the harness.

I am a little rattled
at the moment.

You have to have a very,

very clear line
of communication

so that there is no confusion.

I feel like I'm giving them
the information that they need,

and clearly
that's not working,

so I need to check everything
that they're doing from now on.

Yo, like, once you're done
with that,

spray the deck to get all,
like, the dirt and sh-- off.

Spray that sh-- around.

Did you sleep well,

I guess you could say
I passed out.

You were on fire last night.

-Oh, no.
-Yeah, she was.

Did Chandler talk
to everybody in here

-about crew mess?

It was filthy.

Like, I have been cleaning up
after myself,

but, like, everybody
has to do it.

Thank you for that, Rhylee.
Thank you so much.

I feel sarcasm.

We're so lucky to have you
on the boat.

Honestly, I was gonna
change that schedule

to take me off the list

because as the chief
stewardess, I'm so busy.

So maybe for the next schedule,
I won't be down here.

I don't give a [BLEEP]
who's on it,

but whoever's on it,
for that day--

we got to do a better job
at cleaning up.

Kate is definitely used to
being the bitch in charge.

With me, you know,
I don't give a [BLEEP]

whether you're a bitch
or you're in charge.

All I do all day is clean
and take care of others,

so I'm just gonna
keep doing it.

It's why I get paid
the big bucks.

[cell phone trilling]

What's up, Pops?
How you doing?

Good. Yeah, busy.

Just getting ready to pick up
our third charter.

I always kind of think about
what my dad would do,

'cause I did learn
everything from him.

The first trip was difficult,
you know,

getting everyone
on the same page,

just ironing out a few kinks.

My dad's been a yacht captain
for over 35 years.

If he was on the boat,

dealing with what
I was dealing with,

I don't think he would've
put up with that.

Love you too.

Ugh, these sheets
are the death of me.

[mocking panting]

I had the bucket.

Make sure you do
the deck heads.

That looks fun.
That looks really fun.

Let's radio him.

Ashton, Ashton.

Do you think the interior team
could take a ride on that thing

-when you're done with it?
-They're too busy.

I shouldn't even
say it on the radio.

I'm sure that
could be arranged.

Is it comfortable?

That is,
if you all aren't too busy.

-Oh, shut up, Rhylee.
-What'd you say, Rhylee?

I remember you telling me
how busy you were.

Is that appropriate radio
speak up the chain of command?

What is wrong with that girl?

Where does she get off?

She needs to get her sh--
in order,

and she needs
to sort her attitude out,

because she doesn't realize
what her place is.

She's not smart.

-Hi, how are you?
-Good, kiddo.

I don't exactly know
what's going on,

but this foot is super,
super swollen and very painful.

I was wondering
if I could go see a doctor.

-Of course.
-I'm gonna talk to Kate

and see if she can
make an appointment.


-All right, thank you.
-You're welcome.

Are you okay?
How's your foot?

Oh, it's okay.
I just talked to Cap.

What did Captain say?

He said to touch base
with you

and see if you could
make me an appointment.

I don't want you in pain.

Let me make an appointment and
see what time you have to go.

Here's an idea.
Why don't you sit at that desk.

Let's start by
folding the laundry

while you're sitting
and see how far you get.

Got it.

Have you guys already done
crow's nest down?

-Yeah, we've done all that.

I'm not here
to flick marbles.

What are you doing now?

You're putting tomato sauce
on the puff pastry?

[in Italian accent]
It's my pizza.

Did you find nicknames
for all of the crew?

I hope you know
when I say "alien,"

it's, like, a total compliment.

I'm starting to get offended,
but it's okay.

Do you get offended?
You should meditate about that.

-I'm going to try to.
-Don't be so rabid.

-Just chill out.
-I'm trying. I'm trying.

-Chill out, Adrian. [laughs]
-It's so hard.

-What day is it?
-Hump day.

They should call it
"Getting ----ed Day."


Is everyone giving you
a hard time?

No, I'm actually still okay.
I'm not irritated yet.

You're not gonna get
Rhylee on me, are you?

I'm not irritated yet.

Rhy, do you have two seconds
quickly to chat to me?


[tense music]

What's up?

Just some advice,
like, friendly advice.

Cool it on Kate.
She is chief stewardess.

She's got three stripes
on her epaulets.

I wouldn't take her on.
We're the junior deckhands.

Like, I wouldn't be
challenging Kate like that.

What's your friendly advice
when it comes to, like,

how I'm being spoken to?

Just take it?

-'Cause that's not me.

Why do we need
to discuss this?

Just say, "Cool, I get it."
Maybe she doesn't get it.

I care about rank.

I also do not give a [BLEEP]

if someone wants to speak to me
in that manner.

I'm not gonna
sit down like a dog.

Coming up...

Looks like everyone's
pretty young.

New money.

Do you mind just clearing off
this nightstand?

Oh, sh--.
I didn't even see that.

It's all juicy.

I care about rank.

I also do not give a [BLEEP]

if someone wants to speak to me
in that manner.

I'm not gonna
sit down like a dog.

Cool. Look, I just wanted
to give you the advice.

It's up to you
what you do with it.


-Yeah, I appreciate that.
-All right.

[upbeat music]

Caroline, Caroline, Kate.
There's a car on the dock

waiting to take you
to the doctor.

Copy that.
Thank you.

Leave this and I'll go
balls out when I get back.


What's our weather report
today, bro?

-Scattered rain.
-I'm really sorry, boo-boo.

I can't wait for it to start
raining once we're done.

-Kate, Chandler, Adrian.

Can I get you guys up
to the wheelhouse ASAP?


-How was your night?

-Anyhow, down to business.

Charles Yim.
He's an entrepreneur.

He came up with
a smartphone breathalyzer.

-He's got his girlfriend and friends Emily,

Jennifer, David,
Mandy, and Jared.

Looks like everyone's
pretty young.

-New money.

New money is more,
bigger, faster.

New money is impatient because

it hasn't had
the luxuries yet,

so they can't wait to get them.

-Jet Skis, slides, snorkeling.
-Water sports.

That's your department.

They want to go swimming
with stingrays,

so that means
we'll have to go--


And a sandbar picnic.

-All right, well, I'm excited.

I think it's gonna be
a fun charter.

-I think so too.

Thank you.

Been ----ing around with
those windows all day, eh?


Do you think they're gonna
have to cut off Caroline's leg?

What if she never comes back?

You know what I don't want
to hear is her saying,

"I'm back,"
and then hearing...

-[clicking tongue and whooshing]

I only want Caroline
to get better.

Caroline's foot injury
makes me have to work more,

and I've done enough laundry
in my life.

Okay, we got to keep working

'cause now we might
be down a stew.


If anybody needs me,
I'm up in the crow's nest.

[mellow music]

♪ ♪

Duck skin and brie pizza.

-Should I get chopsticks?

Do you guys want
to break for lunch?

-That would be great.
-Yeah, let's go grab lunch.

Take it back
to our penthouse and eat.


-I love broccoli.
-It's good sh--, broccoli.

I used to eat

-Hey, fam.

-Where did you go.

-To the doctor.
-I think I hear her.

-Coming, yeah.

What did they do?
What did they say?

They said it's an infection.

It could've been, like,
a mosquito bite or anything,

but she gave me antibiotics
and pain meds.

She said, "Look, that's just
the nature of living here."

You could get, like, a scratch,
and just, like, the next day,

it's, like, poof.

-I'm trying not to be a baby,

but it really hurts.
It really hurts.

I know that you understand,
but I'm sorry to--

No, I just want your foot
to get better.

Eat lunch and then go ahead
and ice your foot really well.


Go to bed and
wake up at 6:30.

Thank you.
Thank you very much.

-Back to work.
-Oh, my God.

Too bad I don't have anybody
to share it with.

All right, throw the tender.

Aw, sweet, eh?

Now that we have
no Caroline,

the priorities are the
guest cabins and the uniforms,

and then we'll move on
to the pantries.


So, towels.
Let's start washing.

[machine whirring]

How much laundry
do you have here still?

-A lot?
-Not too much.

Okay. Boom.


♪ ♪

I've never had this
much difficulty fitting in.

I run my own boat in Alaska,

and I've owned
businesses before,

and I'm used to being
in an authority role.

Sometimes I have
to rein myself in

and understand that
I'm not in charge.

I have to accept it
and shut up about it.


-How's it going with you?
-It's good, man.

-He's prepping.
-Yup. There's some weird sh--

when you're putting your hand
in a chicken.

You're like,
"Oh, what is that?"

-What's that? Check it out?

I mean, I started
when I was really young.

My dad owned
a barbecue restaurant.

But, like, when I went
to culinary school,

that's when I really
took it to another level,

'cause you have to do rabbits
with their little face like...

[smacks lips]

I wouldn't
be able to do that.

Growing up,
I was quite chubby.

I worked in my
father's restaurant.

I mean,
it's hard to stay skinny

when you have delicious
barbecue food all around you.

To this day, I still have
a little chubbiness.

Just some pushing
for the cushion...[laughs]

So much chicken. I don't know
what to do with it all.

-You don't know yet?
-I never know

'cause I don't use
recipes or anything.

-That's an insane talent.
-Thanks, man.

♪ ♪

So, Adrian--do you know that
he doesn't plan his meals?

He doesn't know what
he's cooking tomorrow at all.

-I could see that.
-I think it's incredible.

That's talent.

-He just feels it.

It's like the deck program.

-That's true.

I mean, we can go
over game plans,

but it's usually
the same routine.

Do you guys want to do
a deck meeting in the morning,

go over everything?

I'd like a bit of direction.

Before charter, we'll do
an 8:00 a.m. deck meeting.

Sleep well.


Hey, I just wanted
to acknowledge that

the way I spoke to you
was in poor judgment,

and I apologize for that,
so I just finished up--

Well, I really appreciate
that you came and said that.

I love an apology,
even if you don't mean it.

Even better.

I love an inauthentic apology
'cause then you're really

swallowing your pride,
you know?

Good for you, Rhylee.
You know your role.

No worries.
No worries, it happens.

Okay, thanks, Kate.
Have a good night.

You too.
I'll see you tomorrow.


And the next day,
and the next day...

♪ ♪


-Hey, morning, Rhy.

You want to just
take a seat, Rhylee?

When we're coming into
the anchorage from now on,

just expect
everything going out.

They want to do some
offshore excursions.

They just want to soak
in the Tahitian culture...

[smacks lips]

I want to get that
Intrepid cooler stocked,

just basic stuff, not--

Like, the sodas and waters.

Yeah, sodas, waters,
mixers, cranberry juice.


really, that's it.
I'm gonna grab a quick bite.

Do you guys wanna
keep grinding?

There's no substance to this meeting.

We still don't know what's going on.

We should wake up in the morning...

we should understand
exactly what our tasks are

How tender trips are gonna happen.

We should understand what's
needed for the excursion.

Who's in charge of what.

There needs to be a game plan,
and there's no game plan.

-All right, I'll see you guys.
-Thanks, brother.

Coming up...

These people are disgustingly
obsessed with their phones.

-The lighting is so good.

Darwin's coming for you,
Charles Yim.

I love the camera.

[upbeat flute music]

♪ ♪


-How's your foot doing?
-I'm just, like, hurting.

I'm gonna go real quick and
do something good for myself

and something bad for myself,
and then, what? [laughs]

-Got to mix it up.
-When you get back,

will you put all the
toiletries in the cabins?

-Got it.

I don't want anyone
to be injured,

but at the same time,
is it broken?

Are you gonna die? No.
Let's just keep working.

Interior, we have
flower arrangements

-on the dock right now.

So beautiful.
I love this one.

[upbeat music]

Look how pretty
our new flower crowns are.

This one's aggressive.

You should give it to Rhylee.
It's so aggressive.

-[laughs] No.
-All right.

We got 15 minutes, guys.

Everybody should
be getting changed.

♪ ♪

Hey, Channy.

Are you giving this to me?

-Okay, thanks.

Yeah, no problem...

[laughs softly]

[soft laughter]

I'm very confused about
what the dynamic is

between Chandler and myself.

I mean,
he's absolutely adorable,

but he doesn't open up
very easily.

I'm like, "Who are you?"

Just show--give me something
so I know that you've got--

you know, it's not just,
like, boatswain Chandler.

-I got that for you.
-You're so sweet.

Oh, my God.

I need everybody assembled
on the aft deck immediately.

Look at that mega yacht.
It's ridiculous.

Gonna have fun?

-Lose the shades.
-Lose the shades.

Here we go.
Don't fall. [laughs]

-Here we go.
-Hey, guys.

How we doing?
Welcome aboard.

How's it going?
Pleasure. Charles.


Thank you very much.

-Put this on my neck?

-Welcome aboard.
-Jolie, nice meeting you.

-Hi there. I'm Ashton.

-Hi, guys.

Whoo-hoo. Whoo-hoo.

[indistinct chatter]


I'm already over it.

Welcome aboard "My Seanna,"

We've got a great three days
planned for you.

Kate will take you
on a tour of the yacht,

and we will be
under way shortly...

-Looking forward to it.
-And get started.

So serious question,
do I have to keep this on?


This is the sun deck,

and then up there
we have a crow's nest,

but it's a really a wonderful
location for sunsets.

A lot of sun tanning.
I might need that sunscreen.

Preserve that golden glow you have.

-Got to.
-Take one at a time.

And then we'll
go into the sky lounge.

It's not bad. That's average
about two a person.

Yeah, that's good.

Now we're gonna go
to your master stateroom,

which is so large and lovely.
[indistinct chatter]

-It's huge.
-Seriously amazing.

-Let's go take some photos.
-Yeah, let's do it.

Let's get rid of all
unnecessary lines

-on the bow off of here.
-All right.

Look at Jen, Instagramming.

I'm Instagramming
her Instagramming.

Well, what did you think?
First impression?

They seem a little bit
high maintenance.

The lighting's so good.


I got the Captain behind me.

Freeze frame.


These people are
disgustingly obsessed

with their phones and
their social media interaction,

but also, I'm here for it
because I believe

this is the next level
of Darwin's natural selection.

The camera loves me...

Darwin's coming for you,
Charles Yim.

Let's go ahead and cut
the stern loose, please.

Copy that.

All right, Captain,
stern line's off.

-Okay, let's pull up on it.
-All right, Captain,

you're free to maneuver.

Deck crew, let's get
some of these fenders in

in the meantime.

You can go ahead
and close that,

and then I'll call you
when I need you.

This is my Milly-Milly dance.

It's gonna become
Instagram famous.

We're still on the
same plan for lunch?


Rhylee, do not drag
the fender across the deck.

You asked me to bring
fenders up here.

What did we talk
about the other day?

Rhylee, two people
on each fender.

I don't want to drag them
across the deck.

If you can carry it
off the teak,

then yes,
you're more than welcome to.

Well, of course I can't,
not with the width there--

Okay, well,
then wait for someone.

I've told Rhylee
dozens of times

not to drag the fenders
across the deck.

It is extremely frustrating
to see that happen,

especially in front
of the bridge.

Him and I both know that
that's not acceptable.

It looks sh---y
dragging fenders.

Yeah, and I will wait
for the last one.

Chandler is really good
at telling me what I do wrong

and not telling me
anything I do right.

I'm not trying
to sabotage the ship.

I'm just trying to do my job.

Work smart, not hard.

Can I bring anything
for anybody?

-Yeah, I'll do a 1942.
-You got it.

Do you guys have orange rind,
like, orange twist?

I can get you orange, yeah.

And then just
stick it in there neat.

Absolutely. You got it.
Anybody else?

Could I just do
a lemon water?

I'll do just
a tequila as well.

-Iced tea.
-Iced tea.

By the way, if you don't
mind me asking--

-No, please.
-How did you hurt your toe?

Oh, my God,
so I got a mosquito bite,

and it just went poof.

-It's cool, it's cool.

-It's mind over matter.
-Wow, impressive.

You guys can change
out of your whites

and into your blues.

Copy, copy.

♪ ♪

'Sup, cuz?

We can kind of just rotate
through deck checks

as long as we do our rounds.

So, I would take
this time to relax.

Do you want to just call--
maybe call Rhylee down?

'Cause I think she's out there
doing something...


I completely get that
Chandler doesn't like Rhylee,

but I feel like he's letting
his dislike for Rhylee

cloud his judgments.

You need to be able
to set your emotions aside

from your professional job.

-I'm gonna go help Rhylee.
-Yeah, I'll come.

[sipping quietly]

-Do you not have his drinks?
-I'm good.

If you need a hand,
just let me know.

You can fill them up
more than that.

I know.
I'm just--I'm just being--

-I just--I got it.

Yeah, actually, where are our drinks?


Where's my drink?

There's tequila up here.
Caroline, Caroline. Kate.

Yeah, there's
three tequilas up here.

Do you want me
to bring them down?

Sorry, I was with guests,

and I still need to do
the orange rind

and, um...

yeah, that's it.

Okay, so you're gonna
come back up here?


I just need to bring
a spoon for the sugar.

Oh, boy. They're, like,
asking for tequila sh*ts,

which is easier
than a bottle of water.

-I've got a spoon here.
-They're getting annoyed.

After this round of drinks,
I want you to stay on service

'cause she's seems
to get flustered.

I understand that she's got
elephantiasis on her right leg,

but do your job.

I'm not, like,
----ing around.

Coming up...

Is it possible to get
a blueberry smoothie?

You don't order a pizza and
then answer the door naked,

like they caught you off guard.

Naked smoothie time...

-It's been a long time.
-They're getting annoyed.

After this round of drinks,
I want you to stay on service

'cause she's seems
to get flustered.

Where are they?

I need about
two more 1942s in me.

I'm sorry.
I'm not trying to be slow.

I'm just kind of
crippled a little bit.

Yeah, what's that?
What do you need?

-I need a lot of stuff.
-Here, I can do this.

I'll just get the--I'll get--

I'm sorry.
I'm going as fast as I can.

No, it's okay. So all that
tequila needs is orange?

-That's correct.
-Okay, so let's get the drinks

down to them
as quickly as possible.

-Do they need help?
-Did you get the orange?

-Yeah, it's in there.
-Thank you.

That looks beautiful,

-Well, that was Josiah.
-I love it.

I'm sorry.

I didn't forget
about any of you.

-She's back.
-We were waiting.

Who had the--I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry.

-The orange twist?

Oh, my God,
I have to--amazing.

[exciting music]


-Man, that's incredible.
-Look at this wave.

So it's deep water, deep water,
deep water, then that's a reef.

-It's beautiful, isn't it?

Really excited to be going
to the island of Mo'orea.

The anchorages here
are just drop-dead gorgeous.

They're secluded.

Even the reef structures
are different here.

It's just a slice of utopia.

It's rare that
you see a reef break

out the window of a yacht.

All right, I'm out of gear.
I need somebody on the aft deck

to start bringing
that tow line in.

Roger that.

We are bringing
in the line now.

Can I get a bump ahead, Cap?
Bump ahead.

Boys better start
eating your Wheaties

if you can't pull the tow line
in any faster than that.

that's good right there.

Thank you.

All right, I need
somebody up here in the bow

to get ready to drop the hook.

Coming up now.

On my mark,
give me five sh*ts.

And drop.

[chains rattling]

-Lock at the water line.
-Lock it in.

You can get the
water toys deployed.

Oh, it is raining.

Should we try
to get the slide out?

Yeah. That's a storm cell.
It's moving.

Why don't you go ahead
and put it out?

-It's a little sun-shower.

We can get that
white fender here

and get the swim ladder out
and get the slide out here.

Bring the boards out over here
so they're out of the way.

All right,
let's get the skis out.

What's the hold up?

-Lift up.
-Clear on the bottom.

Can you just move that rail
out of the way,

so it's not gonna hit
the Jet Ski?

Rhylee, don't tangle that.

Grab that slide,
put it under all that.

Do we have a pump out
ready to go?

No, hey,
keep that controller in here.

That thing can't get wet.
Jesus Christ.

Each yacht has its procedure
on how to launch its toys.

Certain things go out
before others,

and Chandler
wants everything now.

It's just like, "Well,
you can't have everything now."

It needs to happen

Captain, Chandler.

The Jet Skis--ugh.
[high-pitched feedback]

The Jet Skis are in.
Paddle boards are in.

Tramp's going in.

Getting ready to launch
the slide on the sun deck.

Copy that.
Thank you.

-Reminds me of "Lost."
-I love "Lost."

If you guys are hungry,
we can move up for lunch.

Ready? One, two, three.

That looks divine.
What is it?

Coconut-infused carrots.

As soon as the sauce is on,
you can go.

Why don't you take
a salad and a plate?

Thank you.

-You got this?
-I got it.

-You sure?
-As I drop them? No, I got it.



this is pretty impressive.

That fish looks so good.
It looks delicious.

I think it's really
too bad when people go

too deeply into social media.


It's, like, people taking
pictures of a sunset, you know.

Put your freaking camera down.
Appreciate the sunset, man.

So we have some seared snapper,

and I made
a smoked swordfish tartare

with a little arugula salad
with a raspberry vinaigrette.

Thank you very much.

-Thank you.
-Thank you, Chef.

He's got skills.

This is cool.
Look at that.

The little molds--
they make the cone.

It looks like
an anteater nose.


[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

-You guys ready to Jet Ski?
-How warm is the water?

-It's so warm.

Jet Ski time.

-Do I have to wear one?

[electronic dance music]

♪ ♪


----ing people
just become children

when they get onto a Jet Ski.

-Rhylee, Rhylee.
-Go ahead.

Can you meet me
by the crew entrance?

On my way.

We got too much in the water right now.

Cool. Let's take them out.

It's not easy to get out.

-You know what I mean?
-I told you, Ross.

Let's just do all the sh--
you want to do,

and then we'll all
be ----ing happy.

I'm going to have you go down until 7:00pm.

Because you're a late guy.


I'll let you know if I can
give you more time.

I'll be with you guys
while I can.

-I'm breaking Rhylee

because she hasn't done
the slide operation before,

and I don't want her
getting in the way.

-Okay, that's cool.

-All right, thanks.
-We'll handle it. Thanks.

Chandler picks the most
inopportune times

to send me down on break,

and I never actually get one
when I really need it.

I mean, there's no real sleep

I'm gonna get
at this point anyway.

[dance music]

♪ ♪

I'm gonna go on, like,
a 20-minute break,

and then you are gonna go
on break from 6:30 to 8:30.

-Dinner is at 8:30, okay?

-So just stay on service?
-How's your foot?

It hurts.
Who's on late?

-You are.

I kind of need you
to be third stew.

Look, this boat
is a large boat.

We need all three stews
doing their jobs.

Do you mind if I take a five

just to ice my foot,
and then I'm back?

Can you ice from this
ice maker right here

and put ice on it
while it sits there?


Caroline is useless to me

because I've got
to spend time coddling her

and caring about her feelings
and her swollen ankle.

I don't care.
I've got work to do.

Now I've got extra work.

Coming up...

Can one of the deckhands
clean the crew mess, please?

What's up with you guys?

Caroline, we've been on deck
the entire day.

Oh, my God, have you been
working so hard all day?

-Hey, where's my deck team at?
-Go ahead.

Hey, do you want to give me
a hand with the slide?

[upbeat music]

The slide takes forever
to put up.

It always ends up
being a pain in the ass

for 30 seconds of fun.

-Yeah, it looks good.

Oh, he's having fun.
Look at him go.

Lube it up for you.


[all shouting, cheering]

Who has the highest
resolution camera?

All right, one, two, three.


Can you take one more actually?

Absolutely, yeah.

I'd like to take a shower,
Probably take a nap.

[hip-hop music]

♪ ♪

-[alert ringing]
-Where's it coming...

-[alert dinging]
-[clears throat]


[alert ringing]

How the [BLEEP]
do I answer this?

"Stewardess call response."

Oh, they're calling
from the master suite.

Hi, did you call?
Did you need something?

Is it possible to get
a blueberry smoothie?

Charles Yim could've used
at least a little scarf.

And then one strawberry smoothie?

Sure, of course.

I am not a surprise guest
knocking on your door.

You knew I was coming.

You don't order a pizza
and then answer the door naked,

like they caught you off guard.

That's gross.
They want to order smoothies.

Yo, yo, yo. Here.
What else do I put in it?

A little short.

Thank you for breaking
those up for me.

Wait, strawberry syrup.

Oh, I thought
it was ketchup...[laughs]

-[blender whirring]
-Oh, yeah.

That's a color that
happens in nature.

[smacks lips]
Still tastes like sh--.

That's not the right color.

It's magic hour.

Chandler, Lee.

Start breaking that slide down
before it gets too dark.


Ashton, Ashton.

I'm gonna need your hand
with the slide here in a sec.

I'm literally on my way up.

Can you switch channels on your radio?

Gonna put it right here.

-You're welcome.
-Thank you.

-[door slams]

Naked smoothie time...

Okay, game plan.

-Get an extension cord run up.
-Extension and the pump?


[mellow music]

♪ ♪

What is the plan?

-We deflate the leg first.

-What's the matter?
-I'm still in a lot of pain.

-Would it help to rest it?
-I can't.

It was sitting up there
when I was drying,

but there's not really
anything I can do.

This is so painful,

but I don't know
how to shut it down.

I don't--I don't--
I don't know.

-I don't know.

Hey, bud,
that crane hook's down there

if you want to grab it
and wrap up the slide.

Have I sucked enough air
out of it? Is it flat enough?

Chandler, Kate.

Chandler, Kate.

I want to confirm.
The hook is on the outside?

Yeah, copy.

Chandler, Lee.

Oh, you know what, Cap?

I think they're on
one channel up.

He's just gonna change
the frequency arbitrarily?


Chandler, Caroline.

-Go ahead.
-Switch back to one.

Cap's been calling you.

[tense music]

Captain, Chandler.

When you guys decide
to all switch radios,

it'd be nice
to let somebody know.

I've been calling everybody,
but nobody said sh--.

It's a safety issue.

If something bad happens
and I'm calling on the radio,

and I need assistance,

I need to get everybody
to their muster stations,

and you're not answering
your ----ing radio?

Are you ----ing kidding me?

How can I help you, sir?

Kate wanted you
for something.

-I don't know what.
-I figured it out.

-Thank you.

[upbeat flute music]

♪ ♪

This is kind of,
like, a impromptu

Tahitian-themed party night.

They're boring.
Let's make it fun.

Kate, when I am done,

can I take five
just to ice my foot?

Yes, you can.

At 8:30, when you come back off
of break, back in your blacks.

-Copy that.
-Chandler. Chandler, Lee.

You got three minutes to
come up to the wheelhouse?


-How you doing?

I apologize for--

the reason I went up
a channel is 'cause

we were talking a lot.

I didn't want to
piss anyone off,

especially with the girls
doing service.

If we bust out
in an engine room fire,

I got four guys that
I can't talk to.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

They'd have no idea
what the [BLEEP]'s going on.

There's a reason
everybody's on one channel.

I am genuinely disappointed
in myself that

I'm letting Captain Lee down.

The only thing I want to do
on this boat

is make sure he's happy
and the guests are having fun.

That's what I'm here for.

File that away in your
memory bank, please, sir.

Will do.
Thank you.

Are they going to be
ready for 8:30pm, you think?

I hope so.

This food need about
ten minutes to cook.

When I start seeing people
coming out of their cabins,

I'll let you know.

[mellow music]

♪ ♪

So I'm knocking off.
Just keep an eye on the rain.

-Thank you.

Thank you.

-Do you have a second?
-I'm not here.

Thanks, appreciate that...

That's really nice.
Thank you.

What do you want me to do?

I just asked if you could
help me for a second,

but I know you're super busy.

They made it--or he made it.


I don't know what
your issue is.


I only came to ask you
for one little thing.

You're like, "I'm so busy."

Hey, Chandler, do you mind
taking out the trash, please?

I still have probably
another hour of work at least.

[scoffs] d*ck.

I have to be up
in a few hours.

Like, don't give me sh--
for wanting to go to bed.

Honestly, you don't even know
what I was gonna ask you.

Live a day in the life of a deckhand
and you'll understand.


Oh, my God.

[BLEEP] off, Chandler.
What a narcissist.

I don't have energy for this
and I just got chewed out.

Leave me the [BLEEP] alone.
Like, I'm trying to go to bed.

You guys had a tired day?

-Are you gonna be okay?
-Yeah, I'll be okay out here.

I'll rinse down.

it's been a long day again.

I feel like I missed
half the day with you guys.

It's a good thing.
I had a sh-- day today.

There's just no time
to break, you know.

-I'll see you in the morning.
-Don't work too hard, eh?

-Ashton. Ashton, Kate.
-Go ahead, Kate.

Hey, can you
come to the galley?

So we're doing
Tahitian tonight,

so did you ever
in your dancing days,

ever have
a Hawaiian-themed routine?

-What do you need?
-You don't have to do a dance,

but we'll put some leaves
and flowers on you.

-That's fine.
-Thank you, Ashton.

All right.

I think that these people
are obsessed with their phones

and their
social media interaction,

so we need to give them
the Tahitian rumba

to Charles Yim
and his #newfriends.

The Tahitian gods
are smiling down on me.

Can one of the deckhands
come clean the crew mess,

please, so that
I don't have to iron

in the middle of all
these ----ing clothes?

Caroline, I will be down
there in one moment.

No, Rhylee, not you.
It's Ashton's night.

What's up with you guys?

Caroline, we've been
on deck the entire day.

Oh, my God, have you been
working so hard all day?

What's that like?

I'm actually not gonna have
this conversation with you.

No, no, really, what is it
like to work so hard?

Good night.
----ing hell.

'Cause I have
no concept of it.

What's the matter, Caroline?

My issue is that all of you
seem to think that what you do

is more important
than what we do.

-That's not the case at all.
-That's ----ing bullsh--.

Okay, so that's the
first time I lost my cool.

-I'm okay with that.
-Let it out.

No, I don't want
to be down there.

I'll ----ing tell her
right where to get off.

Yeah, well, I mean, generally
I try not to be a hothead but--

When I met Chandler,
I definitely felt something.

I thought that we were pals,

and there's no reason why
he couldn't help me,

other than the fact
that he's a d*ck.

It's not you. I'm sorry
that I took it out on you.

It's cool.
Apology accepted.

-It's cool.

I just got a little glimpse
into what it would be like

to date somebody like Caroline.

No thanks.

[upbeat music]

So it's feta spheres
and a watermelon cloud.


-Okay, let's go.
-Cloud may start raining.

-Oh, one more.
-What is it?

That's tequila-soaked
watermelon spheres,

and a watermelon cloud.

-"A watermelon cloud."

All about this
watermelon cloud right now.

-Oh, Caroline.

Kate asked if
you can do turn-down.

-Yes. Sure.
-Thank you.

Push your stomach out,
bro, so you look fat.

Yeah, that's it.
Dad bod.

The last thing I feel like
doing now after a long day

is stripping down
into my underwear

and having a leaf
cover my junk.

There's a pattern
going on here.

I seem to be the one
being called on

all the time to play dress up.

Why me?
I don't get it.


Staplers are the best.

All right, I need you
to stand over here, please.

-Okay, so put that on.

I am, like,
really good at this.

It's like it's tailor-made
to your arm.

Don't--don't flex.
Oh, you look so good.

Purple is a very regal color

suited for our Tahitian king.


[mellow music]

Oh, my God.


Who leaves a used condom
on the nightstand?

Who does that?

Hey, so do you wanna
chat to me in the master?

If you don't mind,
that would be great.

Okay, let's go.

Do you mind just clearing off
this nightstand?


Oh, no.

Oh, [BLEEP].
I didn't even see that.

-It's all juicy too.


I really would like
to look into fishing.

Do you guys want to go
fishing in the morning?

-Offshore fishing?

-Deck crew, deck crew.

The primary has informed me
that he and some friends

would like to go
offshore fishing tomorrow.

-I know.

I thought you'd be excited.

I'm a fisherman by trade,
so this is my time to shine,

and to be honest,
none of these ----heads

know how to fish.

What's happening
with the schedule now?

I know what we do.

We send you down, and we wake him up.

Wake him up at 11:00pm.

You--yeah, okay.

Let me get it together.

He likes corn,
they like spinach,

so we give them
corn and spinach.

-What do you need gloves for?
-What do you think?

A big, ----ing juicy condom
on the nightstand.

Shut the...juicy one?


Why would they do that?
It was--and it was used?

It was oozing semen
out of it.

Unless I was part
of the party,

I don't want to clean up
the party favors.

-What an assh*le.

This is for Emily.

-Okay, I'm gonna go now.
-This is for Aaron.

You're just gonna do the
two closest people to you.

You subbed in
for another roomie.

I would never say that.

Oh, my gosh.


Thought we'd add some
Tahitian flavor to this meal.


-It looks awesome.
-Thank you.

-Good sh--.

-Really good.
-Very good.

[soft knocking]

Chandler. Chandler.

The guests said to Kate

they wanted to go fishing
in the morning.

Yeah, someone else is gonna have to go.

What time do they want to go?


Just let Ashton know I need
him on deck at 6:00am.

Is he the one going
on the boat then?

Should I--or should as well--

yes... it's gonna be me and him.

You and Ashton.
Okay, I'll let him know.

Are you ----ing kidding me?

I'm the experienced
fisherman here.

I should be the one
that's allowed to go.

It's literally ----ed up.
Chandler's a prick.


All right, I think
we're gonna call it a night.

Good night.

All right,
good night, sleepy.

You and Chandler
are going fishing.

I don't know anything about fishing.

So you have to be
on deck at 6:00.

[tense music]

Everyone except Chandler
understands or knows that

Rhylee is the fisherman,

and it makes sense
for her to go fishing.

I haven't had a ----ing break today...

I'm going to have a five hour sleep bro.

If we don't get rest, if we don't recover,

we're going to be ----ing grumpy and upset.

We're going to start making mistakes.

It doesn't have to be like this.

If he can just manage people.

It doesn't make ----ing sense.
I'm ----ing pissed off.

In six hours I'm ----ing awake again.

Next on "Below Deck"...

There he is again.

They're gathering.

There's three now.

For some reason circling our boat.

Okay, now let's go set up
an underwater lunch.

There's a stingray.

-Can't they k*ll you?

I'm scared of all things
that can k*ll me. I am.

Do you want to go back
to the doctor?

It's, like, popping.

Captain, Kate.

We need to organize

another doctor's
appointment for Caroline.

Oh. Oh.

It's been a long,
hard charter,

and I'm looking forward to
turning it up just a little.

[woman gasps]

When someone asks you
if we have enough of something,

just go look.

I'm ----ing tired of him
speaking to me like that.

[BLEEP] you.
Every time I ----ing

just do something,
you ----ing bitch at me.

Where is Chandler?
It pisses me off.

How does a boat this size
end up with

not one swinging d*ck
on board?

You know how
I hate babysitting.

That's what I'm doing
with you right now.

After two days, it's either
you're better, or you're not.

Get better or go home.
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