06x09 - Insult to Injury

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Below Deck". Aired: July 1, 2013 – present.*
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Show chronicles the lives of the crew members who work and reside aboard a superyacht during charter season.
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06x09 - Insult to Injury

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on Below Deck

You guys will pull your heads
out of your asses

or when we get f---ing back I will make
some changes.

If we're all on the same page,

it's easy for us to know
what we need to do.

Chandler doesn't really seem
to be bothered by this at all,

which makes me question his judgment.


Just a sec, I'm getting sick.


Ow, I'm bleeding!

I dropped a champagne glass,
and they walked on it.

Flesh wounds are not five star.

I'm overwhelmed.

When you're in that attitude,
then you put it on me.

Mind your own
---- ing business.

And I'm miserable on this boat.

Kate, keep the deck crew

until you don't need them anymore.

Yeah, did you just take that ice cream?

Ice cream's not happening yet, buddy.

What the [bleep] are you doing?

Rhylee, do your job and we'll be fine.

I will do my job, as I have been.

I've never been this stressed
out on any boat ever.

Ross does some pretty good hand signals.

-Do you prefer hand signals?


Oh, my God, is she okay?

Not only is Chandler dropping the ball,

but now he's dropping the guests.

I need you to be a witness.

Not good.

The time has come for you
and I to have this chat

that I've been putting off.

[foghorn blares]

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

I think the time has come
for you and I to have this chat

that I've been putting off.

And I hope you take this
the way I'm intending it.

I think it's time for us to part company.

We just don't have a chemistry.

I think you can feel that as well as I do.

It's just I don't think it's a good fit.

So however you want to tell
the crew is fine with me.


But I want you
to walk away with, you know--

-with a good feeling.

And I appreciate
everything that you've done.

-It just didn't work out.

-So that being said,

-thank you.
-Appreciate it.

I'm so relieved at this point.

I've done pretty much everything I can do

for the team, and it's just
not-- it's not working.

He was so relieved when you--


I could just see the-- the
color went back to his face.

I may have overestimated his abilities.

Rhylee, Rhylee, can I get you on bridge S?


I think he was just overwhelmed.


[blows nose] Oh, God.

This boat, this program,
it's not for everyone.

And it's not for me so…

I'm gonna be leaving today.

Sad to see you go, brother.

It's honestly all good.

-I'm relieved.
-I'm shocked.

Yeah, I don't know
what to think right now.

I'm sorry to see you go,

and I'm sorry that we didn't
get to connect better.

I'm pretty ---- ing happy
to see Chandler go.

I'm gonna be packing up today.

Gonna help us clean
the boat first, though?


Chandler's decided to, uh, leave the boat.


I think it's the right call.

I'm sure he'll tell you himself,

and I'll miss him.

I'm bummed that Chandler is leaving.

That-- I didn't see that--

I just didn't see that coming.

-What's up?
-Headin' out


I'm sorry to hear that, bro.

You know, it's gonna be a loss for us.

I feel like we're starting
to become friends.

Can I have another bite?

The whole situation in general sucks.

I'm sad to see you go.

I'm gonna say bye to everyone.

-See you later.
-That's the plan.

Hey, bro, thanks.

-It's been real.

Thanks for keeping us fed.

See you on Facebook.

I will be working on the
ocean for the rest of my life.

-This isn't good-bye.

-I know.
-This is just farewell.

One thing I learned this season

is, you're only as strong
as your weakest link.

But I love Tahiti,

and I'm gonna leave
with my head held high.


Caroline, you sound congested.

How you feeling right now?

I mean, sh--,

but, like, not-- like,
it wasn't like my foot where--

Hey, look how small it is now.

I know.

It's like almost normal size.

It's completely almost normal.

In any event, I was hoping
you could make an appointment

so I can get antibiotics
for my sinus infection.

But now you got a sinus infection.

Yeah, so, you know, it's like a trade-off.

Here we go again.

Caroline needs to go to the doctor.

-Look at my foot.
-It's swollen.

-I know.
-Oh, my God.

Tell us what the doctor said.

He said be off of it for two days.

I'm tired of the excuses.

I'm tired of pulling her weight.

I'm tired from working
the late shift for her.

I'm just tired.

Next charter, you'll
just have, like, shingles.

Yeah, that's-- that-- yeah.

Yeah, so that was unexpected.

You think we're gonna be okay?

We'll be-- we'll be sweet.

Just got to prep and plan accordingly.

You're gonna start
writing up your checklist

for everything that you need.

If there was ever a time
to give everybody equal share

of the workload,
it's when you're a man down.

I'm hoping for a little bit
more responsibility.

Well, I'll get on rinsing.

Yeah, when we dry,
we're just gonna dry flat

'cause they're not stainless.

-All right, bro?
-Yeah, good, bro.

Ross, Ross, Lee.

Can I get you to the wheelhouse, please?

Copy, on my way.


-How you doing?

Have a seat.


Coming to the bridge, getting called up.

Yeah, have you got
a conversation with Chandler?

Yeah, he just came back and spoke to us.

It leaves me without a bosun.

So would you feel comfortable
stepping into that position?


I don't know how soon

I'll be able to get
another deckhand for you.

It'll probably run at least
through this next charter,

so everybody's gonna have to suck it up.

The workload's fine for me.

This is not how I wanted to get here,

but I'm more than qualified for this job.

I was the bosun on a 270-footer.

I'm ready for the challenge.

Just remember, I'm not big on babysitting.

Yeah, I know. [laughs]

People want to please Ross.

He gets that kind of respect.

You two set up those fenders
along the port side

and make sure they're all looking uniform.

Ross, you are really
doing an outstanding job.

Thank you.

Which I think is a good
attribute for a leader.

Rhylee, Rhylee, Lee.

To the bridge, please,

and bring Ashton with you.

Copy that.

You probably all know what's transpired,

so Ross is gonna step
into the bosun's position.

You'll be taking your direction from him.

Well done, brother.

Ross has a natural leadership ability,

and I think he's gonna do great as bosun.

-Go to work.
-Thank you.

Good man for the job, Ross.

-Thank you, Captain.
-Thank you.

Thanks, Captain.

But I'm concerned
going into this next charter

because it doesn't take a mathematician

to work out that we need four deckhands.

-Do me proud.
-Yep, will do.

I know you will.

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

Will you please tidy up
the upper sky lounge?

♪ Caroline ♪

What did the doctor say?

Sinus infection.

Ugh, we've got to take our
own trash out now, have we?


Okay, can you please prepare
all the lunch in the crew mess

and all the laundry in the crew mess?

-Thank you.

What'd the doctor say?

Uh, just gave me the antibiotics that I--

-Sinus infection, that's it.

-Cool, awesome.

[mischievous music]

♪ ♪

Who's having pistachio
ice cream right now?

-I am.
-Don't do this, Chandler.

You saw how that worked out for him.

And I'm gonna put the pistachio
ice cream back in the freezer

until you're done with the work.

Okay, thank you.

Kate has been covertly
abusing me all season.

I guess I just felt, like, left out.

-I also can be really sensitive.
-You're very sensitive.

Oh, I noticed that.

We do have a problem with Caroline.

She needs to be reined in.

---- ing bitch.


[low-key hip-hop music]

♪ ♪

[bleep] [bleep] [bleep] [bleep] [bleep].

♪ ♪

Hey, kiddo. I've got an issue here.

I need a new deckhand.

Okay, go ahead and book the flight.

Thanks a lot.


Do you have a second?
I need to talk to you.

You need a second?

Yeah, can you talk to me for a second?

Yeah, sure.

Can we go in the bow? Is that okay?

You're the only person I can talk to.

With Ashton, I found a confidante.

He's done nothing wrong to me ever.

We're pals.

-Ashton and I…
-That's good.


I've got Cap's underwear in mine.

Oh my god

He's sharp and he's observant
and he's a sweetheart.

I can't win.

If I get bombed because
Kate's a ---- ing bipolar bitch,

I'm told take the abuse or
go home, just get out of here.


You-- you've tried.

I've tried my best.

I can't-- I can't change Kate and Josiah.

To my face, they're like,
"You're the best third stew.

You're the best. Yay, we love you."

Really, they're like,
"She's ---- ing nuts.

She can't do her job."

I know I'm the third stew.

It's not a rank thing.
It's a respect thing.

Yeah, I get that.

-I get that.

I've been unhappy most of this time.

Then you need to make

the necessary changes
for yourself and that's it.

Just come to peace with it.

Yeah, thanks.

[mellow music]

♪ ♪

I always think I'm
the last one to get ready.

Wait, why aren't you dressed?

Hey, is Kate-- where's Kate?

We're going to.

I know, you're gonna have a good time.

-You're not coming again?
-No, I'm not coming.



Oh, you're not going out?

No, I'm just gonna

have a chat to you guys really quick.

-If you don't mind.

Do you want to come sit here?

Um, I would like to give you my two days'.

I would like to give you my two days'.


There are a lot of things
that I want to say,

but really at the crux of the issue is,

I feel I've been scapegoated
by the two of you.

I feel like as a leader, you
could show me a little respect.

But I'm sorry this is boring you.

I'm listening. I can listen.

You know, we'll get through it.

I still feel like I didn't have
a voice as a third stew,

but I'm not somebody who's gonna eat sh--

with a knife and fork and smile.

And, you know, I'd rather
be true to myself and leave.

So I'm just really confused.

Either that was fake,
what you said earlier.

I love your lists.

Thank you, guys.

Thanks for being
the best chief and second.

Thanks for being the best third.

Thank you.

Or you're really hot and cold

and I'm sorry that you
didn't enjoy your time here.

But thank you for your two days'.

-And thank you.
-Thank you.

This is sh*ts fired.

Her embarrassing spectacle
blaming Josiah and I

has now unleashed my anger.

Caroline just did a
dramatic exit, two-day notice.

What the f---.

Caroline, I mean, I'm in
the same boat as she is.

I'm low man on the totem pole.

I think that you have to have
the right personality

in order to really fight back
or you're going to quit.

Cheers, "My Seanna."

Is this all of us?

Yes. [laughter]

Give me all your passports.

No one can leave till
after the next charter.

-Let's go.

-The whole crew!
-I know.

We can all fit in one car.

All of a sudden, out of ---- ing nowhere,

we're two crew down.

This is, like, ---- ing nuts.

♪ One deckhand down. one stew gone ♪

Ain't no problems when they're gone.

[dog barks]

There you go.

-Have you got a boyfriend.
-Uh, no.

Why are you so nervous.


I kinda want to drink
whatever he's drinking.

You're on a mission.

When I'm out and picking up women,

it's the law of averages.

You're bound to come out some way

when you're trying with 50 women at once.

Don't grab my ass!

-I'm Ashton.
-Oh, okay.

Step, step, step.


Ashton's trying to go out

and get, like, a bunch
of girls at the club.

I mean, that's who he is.

That's what he wants to do.

-I can't be quiet


Go get you some Tahiti STDs. I don't care.


-You guys rally the van.
-It's ready.

Let's go.

-Where are you going?
-Come with me.

-Are you getting a hotel room?

Get you some.

However, anybody who wants
to come back to the yacht,

[whispers] hooker.

Ashton, what's her name?

Ashton, tell me her name.

Rhylee, can you just calm down, please?

What is your name?





Va. Lee.

I only get one night off.


Alright, we're gonna be quiet now.

Kate, please?

Do you think I'm gonna shut the f---up

because you tell me to shut the f---up?

No, I don't think you're gonna.

-Right, thank God.
-I don't think you will.

Ashton, go do what you need to do.

Good luck.

You're welcome.

What are we allowed to do, Rhylee?

I just don't know.

I know she'll let us know.

Yeah, because I ---- ing let you know

every other ---- ing time, do I?

Let's go, Rhy-Rhy.

-Can we exit the taxi?

I will, in a ---- ing second.


Don't push on me.

She's just crazy.

I feel like she's gonna
attack me physically.

Not cool.


Did you see that?

She's a wild animal.

She'd rather spit than swallow,

but sometimes you should just swallow.

I'm sick of these f---ing people.

I understand by now
that she wants male attention.

Caroline. I'm a little disappointed you
didn't stick it out.

But I get it.

Okay, 'cause I'm f---ing strong as sh--,

and I'm at my f---ing breaking point.

Okay, jump in, jump in, jump in.

Where's my mate Ashton?


He's down with his Frenchie.

Yeah, boy.

Yeah, as long as he's on deck by 8:00.

Good luck.


Oh, my God.

Oh, my God!

Goodnight, goodnight.

[whispers] Oh, my God.

Okay, goodnight.

Ashton, my man.

I'll see you guys in the morning.

See you in the morning.

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

I almost couldn't get out of bed…

because my f---ing boner
is raging so hard.


Attention all crew.

I'm departing the boat
to scout anchorages.

Be back in an hour.



Ashton. You'll be helping me this morning
on the hull.

Rhylee, I'll get you
on that rescue tender.

All Chandler needed to do was communicate.

His work ethic was great,
but he lacked communication.

I don't want to make those same mistakes.

All right, let's get to it.

You're good.


Have you done this before?

First time, bro.


[knock on door]


-Are you coming to work today?
-Uh, nope.

Why? I think you gave us your two days'.

Yeah, I did, but I changed my mind.

Um, you can't really just
change your mind like that.

Well, I'm pretty sure
it's not up to you to decide.

Last night, I was having nightmares

starring Kate and Josiah.

I'm kind of thinking I want
nothing, nothing more,

not even two days more of you.

So go [bleep] yourself.

Do you mind, um, leaving my cabin, please?

That'd be great, thanks.

-Okay, thank you.
-Thank you, yep.

Thanks for not doing anything.

Thank you.

Great, you've really put us
in a good position.

Okay, good-bye.

Coming up…

She is not a guest.

She's not paid to be here sleeping.

Are you up and packing?

'Cause we need you off the boat
in one hour.

Got it.

Are you ever going to leave?

What's going on? Where's Caroline?

Well, I came up to work.

I was like, "I can't hear any coughing."

Where is she?

So I decided to go into her cabin.

I went in and I was like, hey,

do you want to start your two days now?


And she was like, um, yeah,
I've decided not to work today.

I don't ---- ing understand.

She gave us her two days'
notice, which isn't a thing.

Now she's saying she's not gonna work.

Get off the boat and leave.

I'll help you pack.

She is not a guest.

She is not paid to be here sleeping.

I don't know what else I could
have done for Caroline.

When she was upset about her mother,

I said, don't worry, we've got you.

When her ankle was hurt, go rest up.

We'll take care of it.

When she had a sinus infection,

okay, Josiah and I will do it.

This is adding insult to injury.

Do it now.

She's locked.

She's locked herself in.

That's not even legal.

Caroline. [knock on door]

Who gave this nutcase a lock?

Are you up and packing?

'Cause we need you off the boat
in one hour, and it starts now.

Oh my god.

Are you ever going to leave?

Oh, my God.

You don't have much to pack.

Got it.

I have to talk to Captain Lee
before I leave

just out of respect.

She's not gonna sleep.

This is an eviction.

Either work or leave.

And maybe he needs to see the
state that I've been pushed to.

Let's find the most wonderful
eviction song ever.

We'll take 20 minutes, okay?

See you down in the crew mess, bro.


Be prepared to have your bags checked.

-Okay, got it.

Thank you, guys.

-I'm glad you're leaving.
-Oh, my God.

Press play.

[loud upbeat music]

Okay, bye.

♪ ♪

Oh, God.

It sounds like the speaker is possessed.

There's a demon in the speaker.

There's a demon in that room.


♪ ♪

[loud music thumping]

What the [bleep]?

♪ ♪

I feel like Kate has thing

where she kind of scares people,

which I don't agree with.

Not cool.

Whoo, what's going on down here?

Please don't turn the music off.

We have to just keep her awake.

-She has to pack.

Is she a charter guest? No.

Does she work here? No.

You guys are f---ing instigators.

We're not instigators.

We just need her to get off the boat.

Don't turn it off. What are you doing?

[music stops]

-You okay?
-No, I don't even--

I can't even tell you what just happened.

I was just ---- ing berated.


Wait, like, do you have a sec?

-I mean, do you have a second?
-Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Talk to me. It's fine.

Josiah came in, and he was like,

are you gonna do any work?

I said, look, please, I don't really want

to discuss this right now with you.

So then Kate came back
and I locked the door.


And they both started yelling at me.

They're like, pack your bags
and be off the boat in an hour.

And I just-- I can't even.

It was so shocking.

I can't even--

Yeah, it's immature behavior

-if that's what happened.
-That's putting it nicely.

Caroline's made her decision.
That's her decision.

Does it affect the interior crew?

Of course it does,

but there's no room for
bullying, plain and simple.

You're going to be okay.

I know I will. I was just rattled.

I was just rattled.

-All right, buddy.
-Thanks, bye, pal.



Attention all crew, I am back on the boat.

Captain, Captain, Kate.

Go ahead, Kate.

Hey, Caroline quit.

Can we please get her off
the boat as soon as possible?


I mean, what the [bleep]?

Caroline, can you come up
to the wheelhouse, please?

-Hi, Cappy.
-Hi, kiddo.

Um, I'm just gonna
start from the beginning.

I just-- um.

I gave my two days' yesterday.

And this morning, Kate and Josiah came

to the door and they started
banging on my door.

I-- I had locked it.

Kate yelled, "Who gave
this crazy girl a lock?"

How did things go that south that quick?

So I-- I just think
it's best that I leave.

That being said, I want to say
that it was really--

It was really a privilege
to work under you.

Thank you.

And I'm sorry to let you down,

and I'm sorry to be leaving the team.

It's just unfortunate
things turned out this way.

Um, you have to do what's good for you.

I get that.

Take care of yourself, Caroline.

Okay, thanks. You too.

Give me a hug, will you, please?

Sure, I can do that.

I didn't expect him to say really much.

That being said,
some type of acknowledgement

that this is not okay.

Disappointed no one seems
to really be bothered

by this behavior except for me.

All right, thanks.

-Take care of yourself.
-Okay, thank you, you too.

Have a great rest of the season.

-I'll work at it.

-Thank you.

Had she come to me earlier,

I might be able to do something about it.


But all of a sudden, we're
down two people out of eight.

This is something that
I'm gonna discuss with Kate,

but, I mean, we still have
a charter to get through

and work to get done.

We just need to get to the bottom of it.

Oh, my God.

This experience has taught me
that sometimes people,

they're just gonna not like you

or they're gonna have it out for you,

and you have to know when
to stop questioning yourself.

I do feel sorry for Kate and Josiah.

I feel badly that they feel
the need to hurt people

the way they do.

I think Kate Chastain is a bad person.

[bleep] you.

That's how I feel about that. [bleep] you.

See you later, ---- er.


Coming up…

When Caroline left,

she raised some allegations on her own.

Maybe you can enlighten me.

-Did she leave anything?
-Just this stuff.

She left her glasses.

She left a dollar.


Morning duties on deck:

don't quit the boat.

That should be the first one.


I think we're good.

Kind of, what, five of us.


She's ---- ing crazy.

Yep, you said she went, like,
crazy on you or something.


Like, I felt threatened.

-Can we exit the taxi?
-What, bye.

I will, in a ---- ing second.


I wanted to be clear with her

that she does not come
in the galley or look at me

or talk to me during the whole charter,

like, or ever again.

When I was 18, 19 years old,
after I moved to Paris,

and I had a lot of people
that disappointed me

and that stole from me

and that just really treated me poorly.

And since then, I've had to cut

the toxic people out of my life.

I only want people that bring
me up to be around me.

She got out of the thing and
just turned around and spat.

She spat?


That sh--'s crazy.

Is there any spit that's not aggressive?


Adrian, Kate, and Ross,

can I get you guys
up to the wheelhouse, please?

I'm going up to the bridge.

Welcome to the party.

Yeah, welcome to the party.

If you're gonna be a bosun,

you might as well look like one.

Number five, Mario and
Anne Marie Govic of Palm Beach.

He is the founder and president
of a wealth management firm

as well as a yacht charter business.

They have a yacht that they charter

in the south of France,
Italy, and Croatia.

Like the finer things in life,
expect only the best.

Shannon, who is a friend of
mine, is going to be on board.

She's a yacht sales and a charter broker.

The entire group is no stranger
to chartering yachts

and look forward to experience
fine dining, creativity,

scrumptious tastings from you.

Always on me.

They want to play with all the water toys.

Picnic by a waterfall.

No uni or ossobuco.

Foie gras, bone marrow,

sweetbreads, sea urchin, escargot.

Well, this looks like
the nightmare charter to have

when we're short-staffed.

Do you think we're gonna get

a new stew and new deck by next charter?

Yes, we are.

Well, I hope.

Having yacht owners and
yacht brokers come on board,

it could be a catastrophe
to be down two crew.

The pucker factor's in overdrive.

I think that the lack of crew
will be a gentle reminder

to, like, really lean into the teamwork

and set a really good tone
for the rest of the season.

I like that.

-Okay, that's it.

-Thank you.
-Thank you.

Thank you.

-Hey, girl.

These are kind of in piles.

I think these are yours.

This underwear? I'll say Ross.

I have no idea whose those underwear are.

Put those out.

I mean, there's still tons of work to do.

The priorities are the guest
cabins and the uniforms.

The fact that the entire crew
knows we're short-staffed,

hopefully it means we're more motivated

to help each other out…

It's just us now.

Because we're gonna need

all the help we can get this charter.

They're yachting people.

They're gonna be like, what the hell?

This is a yacht.

You should have this many crew.

I think the boat looks pretty good

with the timeframe that we had.


Is the charter over yet?

Is the season over yet?

So the guests, we have
six guests in total.

Guests love adventures.

Guests want to go snorkeling,

so you'll be in charge of all that,

organizing all the snorkeling equipment.

So do you want me to get
with them on their sizes then?

Just grab some options.

There's six people so…

I know we're a man down.

As long as we're prepared,
we can only do so much.

You guys here, we'll be all right.

That was good. Nice job, bosun.


Okay, this is the
stewardess gymnastic Olympics.

Let's just do some stretching.



[intense music]

♪ ♪

-So wing stations.


Hey, I just, um, uh, side note.

I don't know what the incident
is between you and Adrian,

but he just doesn't want to be--

I think he just wants to be
left alone in general

for this charter trip.

I don't even remember

like, why we-- like, what
happened in the van,

but, um, if he doesn't want
to talk about it with me,

then he doesn't have
to talk about it with me.

[bleep] you, Adrian.

I've never bugged you before
on a charter ever.

Like, Adrian doesn't
want to talk about it.

Let's not talk about it.

Well, Adrian,
stop ---- ing talking about it.

If you need something from me,
I'll still do it,

but I'm not gonna go out of my way.


[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

Kate, Kate, Lee.

Can I see you up in
the wheelhouse for a minute?

On my way.

Hi, what's up?

Um, couple of things
I need to talk with you about.

Okay, what's up?

When Caroline left,

she actually made some
allegations that were serious.

I don't know what she told you, uh, but--

-She was--
-I don't think

there's a lot of truth
to anything she says so…

She had a script
that she had written down,

and it painted a really ugly picture.

I just, like, got hit in
the head with a g*dd*mn hammer.

I don't know, maybe you can enlighten me.

When Caroline left,
she raised some allegations.

She had a script
that she had written down,


and it painted a really ugly picture.

I don't know, maybe you can enlighten me.

Once you quit a boat mid-season and,

on your way out, disrespect the two people

who have picked up your slack
while you've been injured

and have been nice to you,
it's time to go.

This is not a hostel.

When you've known somebody
as long as I've known Kate,

there are gonna be times where
that trust is gonna be tested.


Well, obviously, someone did it.


Any idea how that happened?

I'm not sure.

It's disappointing because I don't know

if I'll ever get all the details.

If I don't get all the facts,

I can't make the proper decision.

Pisses me off to no end.

If you have any concerns, let me know.

You're excused.

Being down two people, we can ill afford

to lose another person,
so what's your alternative?

You're gonna give sh-- service?

I'm going into a battle
with an unloaded g*n.

Thank you.

All crew, attention, all crew.

We have 30 minutes
until the curtain comes up.

Let's start making our final prep now.

[upbeat music]

You want to do canapés?

Yes, ma'am.


Let's go, people.

Got the guests in sight.

Only been 60 seconds since the call.

-Are you excited?

Yeah, I'm excited too.

It's impending doom.

Welcome aboard.

-Captain Lee.
-Anne Marie.

Anne Marie, my pleasure.

Hi, Kate, welcome.

Mario, nice to meet you.

Hi, Anne Marie, I'm Rhylee.

-Nice to meet you.


And there is my girl.

This is basically the worst possible

group of guests we could have right now.

These guests own boats, know boats,

and they make or break careers.

Welcome aboard My Seanna.

-Thank you.
-Thank you.

I'm gonna have Kate
give you a tour of the boat

and show you to your quarters.

-Yep, we're ready.
-All right, okay.

Captain Lee, I told everybody

to expect the most
incredible trip of a lifetime,

so here's to having a fantastic time.

To the crew. Cheers.


So this is bridge deck aft.

Oh, my gosh.

There's a lot of great lounge spaces.

This is the sun deck.

Oh, fantastic.

Has a very beautiful large Jacuzzi.

This is nice.

So this is your master stateroom.

It's got nice panoramic views.

Oh, beautiful.

Okay, let's get everything in

and we'll be getting out of here.

We're single right now.

So have you all been to Tahiti before

or is this your first time?

-This is our first time.
-First time.

We did a fabulous tour yesterday.

Oh, yeah, whereabouts did you go?

-Uh, we went to--
-The blowhole.

Yeah, the blowhole.

Oh, that hole, that blowhole.

Where did we go, Anne Marie?


Hey, Captain Lee, just
folding the passerelle in

and we're about being ready to go.

Copy that.

Being a man down, people have to take on

more responsibilities and new roles.

Ashton, for example, I've got him

up on the foredeck
doing the anchor chains,

something new, something
he hasn't done before.

We'll see how it goes.

All stern lines are clear.

Ready to maneuver.

Hold your steady.

We have cleared the boats forward of us.

Roger that. We're under way.

Awesome work, guys.

Good job.

-On their way.

Tender's up out of the water.

Wow, look at this beautiful view.

-It's gorgeous.

All right, so I'm gonna

go down and straighten up the beach club.

Okay, cool.

How's everybody doing out here?

-Can I get you more to drink?

Yeah, some more sparking
water would be great.

-Sure, you as well?
-Still, please.

-You had still, right?

-Jalapeno margarita.
-Spicy margarita?

-Let's do that.
-Okay, sure.

On my mark, I'll need four sh*ts.

And drop.

Four sh*ts at the waterline.

Ashton, Ashton, Ross.

Let's get the slide set up.

Mario, I can make it spicier,
sweeter, whatever.

[air compressor whirring]

So you guys ready to try the slide?

You go first.

I can't. I'm not allowed.


Planning on, like, a 2:00 lunch?

So that will give us
between 11:00 and 2:00

to get everything schlepped
over to the waterfall.

How much schlepping is it?

It's a lot of schlep?

About 50 yards.

What kind of lunch should we do?

I would stick with something simple.

It's just for, you know, two
people to schlep everything.

Everybody's gotta step up.

We have to take up the slack,

me as well.

So far, we're doing well.

I agree.

Here you go, Shannon.

Thank you, darling.

Winch it up.

Is there something you need me to do?

No, no, no, no, that's fine.

I just like to feel
like I'm adding some value

and not just the one that does--

like, picks up the lines
and organizes things.

You are adding value. What do you mean?

I'm more than capable of
doing manual labor on the boat

and not just organizing,
cleaning, and polishing.

All right, do you guys
have plenty of drinking ice?

We need to spot-clean the cushions.

Let's focus on getting guest
stuff out before we do that.

Us being a man down,
it only makes sense that Ross

should be giving me more responsibility.

Trust me when I say I value you a lot.

Better than Disneyland!

Anything else we need to pack?

Uh, let's get some large Ziplocs of ice.

Yay, thank you.

-Yeah, I'm ready.

Can I get you guys any drinks?

I'm okay right now.

Josiah, Josiah, Kate.

I'm in the tender going to the waterfall.

Copy that.

-Bye, Kate!

Hold on, I'm picking up speed.

What are we wearing
to the waterfall for lunch?

-Leave what we have on?

Welcome to the party.

Need some rugby cleats on you.

Oh, wow.

[gentle music]

This waterfall is breathtaking.

It's moments like this
that make yachting worth it.

It's like… ♪ Ah savenya

♪ Heaven's shining down on me ♪

♪ ♪

And then I hear my radio.


Adrian, you can go ahead
and prep and get ready.

They'll be coming back
to get you forthwith.

Copy that.

Did you water that down at all?

Absolutely not.

Wow, it's really good.

Yeah, we're gonna have
to be quick with this.

Everything's getting hot and cold.

Are we getting the guests ready to go?

The guests are kind of
up there vegetating.


What up, homie?

Hey, it's so stunning.

I told them to start bringing the guests

'cause I thought you'd be set up already.

Well, that was a huge mistake.

'Cause my food's hot
and the desserts are cold.

We have the grill.

Can we just reheat the food
and not rush them?

I mean, I thought
that's why you came early,

that you were gonna set it up.

Just a little bit further
on the right, left?

Just follow the sound of rushing water.

Can't you read French?

Well, every time we've done
any sort of beach excursion

or anything, everything was
set up every time I got here.

So if it's different,
you just have to let me know.

This is not-- it has gotta be--

Why is meditation guy the one
having a temper tantrum?

I'm not psychic, you know.

Meditate on that.

I mean, there's no point
in even arguing about it.

-I'm not arguing.
-Let's just do it.

I'm not arguing.

I'm saying Ross knows the situation,

so he's probably not gonna
rush them over here.

-There's a bit of a step.

I'll take this one.

Ross, guests are loaded.

Can I swap places with you, love?


Huh, there's no gas for it.

Ross, Ross, Adrian.

When you guys packed the barbecue,

um, there's no bottle of gas with it,

so I can't do much.

Copy that, Rhylee, can you
get that on standby, please,

in the beach locker?

You're looking for a barbecue?

We're looking for a bottle of gas.

Standby on the aft deck with it.

Copy that, on my way to grab one.

Sorry, guys, we just got
to pick one more thing up.

Not very prepared are we?

Sorry, guys, we've just got
to pick one more thing up.

Not very prepared, are we?


Standing by on swim deck.

With yacht brokers on board,

we can't have mistakes like this.

What'd y'all forget? Oh, gas.

We grabbed two of them, though.

Ross, you don't need the big bottle.

You've got the small bottles.
Go ahead and go.

Okay, go ahead and go.

In yachting, things happen.

All we can do now is damage
control and distraction.

We're all having a good time.
Piña coladas.

All right, guys,
I'm gonna pick up some speed.


Oh, my gosh, I would die.

Could one of the deckhands run out front

and give me the bottle of gas?

Yeah, come here.

I got the gas.

Over to you.

[gasps] Oh, my goodness.

-That's amazing.

-Look how nice.

Look at the table, gorgeous.

Whoo, not kidding!

Very nice. Beautiful setup.

I have vodka.

I've got wine, champagne.

-Ah, champagne would be great.
-That would be great.

Okay, cool.

I've done a million beach setups

and a million excursions off the boat,

but nothing compares to this waterfall.

I feel like I'm in a Tahitian postcard.

I can't get over this place.
It's like heaven.

Get together.

Group shot.

Totally different from yachting.

-Thank you.
-My pleasure.

-So great.
-It's so beautiful.

I can get this cleaned up while it's here

for a little bit or what's the plan?

It just needs a good rinse, that's all.


So this is tropical roasted chicken breast

with a sweet pepper dressing.

I made arugula and mashed salad,

bicolor baby potatoes,
some little snow peas

and zucchini, garlic-roasted.

-Thank you.

-Thank you.
-My pleasure.

Oh, great.

Going back home and not eating like this
for our meals…

-…is going to be disappointing.

Did you give them any of the
insect repellant I put in here?

Oh! No.


That's all right.

It's all right,
I'm just not gonna say anything

'cause it doesn't matter anyway.

No, it does. No, no, I forgot.

I had so much going on.

I can't win with these guys.

Don't think that I did that on purpose.

I just-- I forgot these.

No, I know you didn't do it on purpose.

I just don't know why I even
say anything anymore.

That's good that you told me.

I would have taken it had I remembered.

I know, good.


Chef round of applause.


Thank you. Thank you so much.

Are we going in the waterfall?

-All right, let's do it.


Go get 'em.


You want me to help you
with anything, Rhy?

I'm good right now, Ross.

-Are you sure?

Thanks for cleaning up. I'm sorry.

-No worries.
-All right.

Oh, no! Oh, my God.


I want you to go take a break.

Just take a quick, like, ten minutes.

Do I need a break because you're…

Am I on lates or something?

Yeah, I know you've
been working hard here,

so I just want you
to take a 20-minute break.

I said I'm fine. I've been grabbing water.

There hasn't been anybody
on the boat but me.

Thank you.

Rhylee, don't get angry at me.

I'm not even yelling.

You act like you're angry.

I'm not gonna say a ---- ing word

because, honestly, anytime
I say any ---- ing word…

Come on, speak your mind now.

Doesn't ---- ing matter what I say.

I'm literally doing exactly
what all of you guys want,

which is put my head down
and be a ---- ing day worker.

With Rhylee, she just
goes to another level,

and it kind of makes
you feel like, you know,

you need to get to this level.

It doesn't seem to ---- ing matter.

It does ---- ing matter.

I don't want her feeling that
she's not a part of this team,

and I just want to calm the situation,

but she's ---- ing difficult to deal with.

Look at your smirk and snarky comment.

I don't need this sh--.

I don't need feedback.

I don't need attitude.

Then don't ask me for feedback, got it?

'Cause you literally just did.

-All right, buddy.
-Yes, sir.

Listen, I don't need
this attitude from you so…

Yes, sir.

Good to go.

Fix that attitude or ship out, bud.

Yes, sir.

---- ing weak.

Next on Below Deck

The new stew is arriving.

Nice to meet you, I'm Laura.

Laura, my pleasure.

This new stew is gonna be,
like, a godsend.

-[glass breaking]

Welcome to the sh-- show.

Get ready.

Tomorrow I have arranged for you guys

to go to Le Méridien on holiday.

The more I drink, Rhylee gets
a bit more attractive to me.


Keep it in your pants, please.

Our primary is Brandy Coffee.

Cheers, everyone.

All right, we're out of here.

[bleep], [bleep].

Man overboard.

Man overboard.

-What happened?

-Get the life ring!
-Slack out, slack out.

Ashton's on the line with the towline.

Throw it in, he's drowning.

-Take a line.
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