07x05 - Magic Ashton

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Below Deck". Aired: July 1, 2013 – present.*
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Show chronicles the lives of the crew members who work and reside aboard a superyacht during charter season.
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07x05 - Magic Ashton

Post by bunniefuu »

-Previously on Below Deck...
-This was up here.

You should [bleep] sleep with it.

[Lee] Tell her to get that hair up.

-Abbi, again, your hair, please.
-No, I know.

I don't know if I'm cut out for this job.

-[Kevin] Let's go!
-[Kate] Wait, we have six.

-[Kevin] Have we got enough?
-[Kate] Where's number seven?

[bleep] Captain Lee's not getting one.

He forgot an entire main dish
for the Captain.


Hell of a way to run
a railroad, don't you think?

-[Brian grunts]
-[Davit crashes]


Brian tried to use the davit,
and he broke it.

[Lee] We will not tolerate fools.

I mostly helped with, like, housekeeping

and, like, laundry, and then, like,
service area.

I needed a lot of guidance
in terms of that.

OMG, why don't people understand?

I want to get into service,

because I didn't come all this way
to just be like a laundry girl.

-[Courtney] I'm really pretty.

-You are really pretty.
-I'm joking.

-[both laugh]
-I like Courtney and Brian.


[Abbi] Abbi Lee is getting
[bleep] up tonight.


[Ashton] Where's Abbi? I haven't seen her.

Abbi, Abbi, Ash.


[Ashton] You're here to be a deck hand.

You're not here to have a good time,
drink as much as you want.

-Where the [bleep] do you get off?

[horn blares]

-[radio static]
-Abbi, Abbi, Ash.

Where's Abbi?


Abbi, Ash, please.

-[Tanner] Did you get her text?
-[Ashton] No.

She goes, "I don't know
if I'll be up by nine today.

I need a toilet nearby."

As in, she's puking?

[retching] [coughing]


[Ashton] Let's be honest.
I made one rule after a night out.

"You be on deck at the right time."

[Ashton] I'm frustrated with Abbi.

Like, where the [bleep] do you get off?

-[toilet flushes]
-Oh, my God.

You're here to be a deckhand.
That's your primary job.

That's what you've been employed to do.

I was out there by nine o'clock,
as hard as it was.

♪ I win, you win, we all [bleep] win ♪

Did I notice last night,
you and Brian kind of...

Are you maybe open to that?


You have to admit he's hot.

I mean, he's cute.

[Courtney] Brian's hot, duh.

But like I don't really like
to even kiss people

until I get to know them a little better.

I really like a person
for his personality.

That's why I'm overlooking Brian's body.

I honestly don't even know if this is on.

It's not on at all.

[breathing heavily]

Deck crew, deck crew, Kate.

I believe we have the repairman
for that davit here on the dock.

[Ashton] Okay. Thanks, Kate. One moment.

There she is. Let me know
if you need anything.

-I'll be on this deck.

My name is Ashton.

Just fold the towels. It's just too much.


I'm sorry to put you alone, Tanner,

but your partner in crime
is hugging a toilet.

-[Tanner] Out of commission.
-[Ashton] Yeah.

Good morning.

-How are you feeling?
-Better, yeah, yeah.

I think maybe you better
apologize to Ashton

for being late, yeah.


Hi. I'm sorry.

I got up at like, 8:30
and then I was... I threw up.

And I was like, I need, like, a half hour.


Uh, Tanner, Brian,
just come, listen in as well.

So I've been like, pretty lenient
with you guys.

Especially on time and stuff like that.

We need you to understand
what our own limits are.

And if you can't drink
and you can't keep up with everybody,

like, you need to manage yourself.

It's not okay to the rest
of your crew that you just...

-...taking extra hours to...

-I drank way too much.
-...to kind of get back on deck.


Ashton has a point in giving me
a little bit of a scold.

But rules in general
are kind of not my forte.

I'm not gonna harp on it.

So, just jump onto the tender with Tanner.

All right.

Kate, Kevin, Ashton,
can you meet me in the crew mess

-for a preference sheet meeting?

-Number three.

We have eight charter guests again.

Our primary is McCall Sink.
She's a doctor.

Moved to Boston five years ago.

She's single, addicted
to chartering boats,

and she's bringing
a group of her girlfriends

to join her on this trip.

They're excited to play
with all the water toys.

They're all big drinkers,

and normally run out
of alcohol on their trip.

I'm kind of relieved that we're having

an all-girls-who-love-to-drink charter.

It's like an adult slumber party.

They're just gonna pass out.

They want a tasting menu,

and I get to have dinner
with them a night, too.

-That's a wrap, guys.
-See you later, sports fans.

-[Kevin] See you, mate.

I'll try not to, uh, miss you out
the second night now.

Presentation will be a big thing
with this group, I think.


Do you think the presentation
was all right on that last meal,

or not really?

I wasn't impressed with it.

They should be sitting there,
you should be blowing their socks off.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

They should be sitting
there in their underwear.



To be honest, I think
I pissed Captain Lee off

in a different way,
rather than the food way.

And of course, like, I'm upset
that he didn't get a piece of fish.

But not one charter guest
has said something wrong yet.

So, I think his only way
to retaliate is to hit me

where it hurts, and that's
gonna be with my food.

-All right.

Yeah, yeah, cool.
Thanks for the honest feedback.

If you don't want an honest answer,
I'm not the guy you wanna ask.

[laughs] Yeah.

Hey, man. How's everything
going with this?

-We fixed?
-Yeah. [speaks indistinctly]

Perfect, man, thank you very much.
I appreciate it.

'Cause you saved me.
I'm the one who broke it.


All right, start dry.
Uh, give this one a quick scrub.

Do you have a lighter I could borrow?

-I don't, but...
-Keep one.

You've got two?

In my pocket right now, yeah.

Oh, my God, thank you.

Now it's so awkward when Kate...

Yeah, everybody
over-reacted about it, I think.

I know.
I just wanted to, like, sleep with her.


My game plan is kind of easy.

I just plant seeds and see if they grow.

Would it be all right
if I asked you out on a date?

And with Kate,
the garden died very quickly.

-She's sexy.

-I just wanna [bleep] her.

[message chimes]


[message chimes]

With Patrick, I've just
been really naive and stupid

thinking he was just
my boyfriend [bleep]-buddy thing.

When, in reality,
we have something special.

[message chimes]

[message chimes]

Being around hot guys
has made me actually realize

that, like, "Oh, [bleep],
I'm not attracted to anybody else."

[messages chiming]

Oh, my God.

[Tanner breathing shakily]

Hey, Abblets, how are you doing?

-[Simone] Hey.
-[Courtney] How's it going?

Good. Guess what, guys?

I got engaged tonight.

Holy [bleep]. I just got engaged.

This guy said he loved me
for the first time via text message.

And then I told him,
"Yeah, I love you, too."

How nice.

And he was like, "You wanna marry me?"

-And I was like, "Yeah, sure, why not?"


This whole engagement thing may be abrupt,

but I get the gut feeling,
and just go with that choice.

Oh, I'm so happy for you.

Yeah. We're just gonna [bleep] party.

-I don't even want a ring.

To get engaged via text?

Someone that, like,
you were with for two years

just all of a sudden tells you
that they love you, via text?

My eyes are rolling
all the way off the boat.

-But, yeah.

-[Simone] Good night.
-[Courtney] Good night.

-How's it going?

So, yeah, the Greek captain's gonna come
to Boston after I leave,

and come marry me.

Shut up.

Millennials are so cute.

It's not like,
"Look at this big presentation.

I'm such a good proposer."

It's like, "Hey, you wanna go
get dinner later,

and maybe spend
the rest of your life with me?"

-I was like, "Yeah."


[cell phone ringing]

-Hi, man.
-Hi, how's it going?

Yeah. Tonight I just needed
a little bit of support.

I'm feeling very like emotional.

I was the only boy growing up,
with three older sisters.

So, it was just a small tight-knit family.

I was the baby of the house.

-What's wrong?
-And I think I still am.

Captain sat down for a meal
the other night,

and I asked him how it was.

And he just said to me,
"Nah, it's not good enough."

There's no way that you'd say that
to your charter chef

and then expect him to [bleep]
hang around for the next...

Y... Well, not for me, anyway.

-You know what I mean?

A lot of people would be
like, "Well, you know what?

Like, [bleep] you.

Good luck with the next charter
'cause I'm out."

Should I stay on the boat?
Should I hop off the boat?

To be honest, if Captain Lee
wants me to move aside,

then he can come and cook,
no [bleep] problem.

Don't let the stress
and the bother get in the way of you

and what you're doing.

I know.

I'm playing this thing over
and over in my head.

You [bleep] know that
I've been down there busting my balls.

I'm the [bleep] hardest
worker on the boat.

And you [bleep] telling me
it wasn't good enough.

You know, like, what the [bleep]
you doing with my head?

You know?


I don't want to see you on my doorstep
three days from now, all right?

Yeah, yeah.


I came out here to give this my best shot,

and I'm not gonna give up
after charter two.

The guests want
a tasting menu this evening.

I think I'm gonna give them ten courses.

All right, what now?

That's what Captain Lee wants.

Dots. Smears. You know,
really impress them.

Like [bleep] off.

Oh, man.


[Tanner] I don't know
what the [bleep] is going on.

Something's definitely wrong here.

I don't wanna not do my job,

but I'm feeling probably
one of the worst feelings

I've ever felt in my life.

Jiminy cricket, I feel like [bleep].

So, what you're gonna do,
here are epaulet shirts.

Knock those out with our new fourth stew.

-[Ashton] Morning, guys.

Morning, morning.

-Charter three, ready to smash it?

-Guess what, Ash?
-Tell me.

So, I get a text from
my Greek [bleep]-buddy-boyfriend thing,

and he was like, "Wanna marry me?"
And I was like, "Yeah, sure."

-I'm getting married.

-[Tanner] What? You're kidding.
-[Brian] What the [bleep]?


Like, you're actually serious?

Yeah, I'm not kidding.

This is very bizarre. I've just spent
the night on the bunny pad,

trying to hook up with her,
and now she's engaged.

I [bleep] can't believe it.

-[Brian] [bleep] hell.

Wow, [bleep], Abbi,
that's changed things.

[Ashton] All crew, provisions on the dock.

[Kate] Yay.

[Kate] Don't drop the alcohol.

These people want a beer
in their hand all day.

[Tanner] I know the feeling well.

[Kate] What is that?

Beef tongue?
I thought it was a frozen baguette.

[Kevin] Oh, beautiful. Lovely.

Oh, [bleep], assh*le.

-Are you okay?
-I had a fever last night.

-Yeah, but...

-How are you feeling now?
-Definitely not a hundred percent.

All right, well, just let me know

how you're feeling
throughout the day? Okay?

Sounds good.

All right, let's you and I
do a walk-around.

I just wanna get all the stuff
in the main salon out

as long as we've got
a bunch of cold beers.

-I'll go check.
-Nice one, guys.

You're making gnocchi from scratch?


-This changes everything.
-What do you mean?

I'm gonna have to eat a lot of it.

[Lee] Attention all crew.

We have 30 minutes
until show time.

If you wanna have something
to drink and eat quickly,

do that, and then get into our whites.

I don't wanna get into my whites.

[Lee] Fifteen minutes
until the guests get here.

[Kevin] Don't freak out, Mr. Dobson.



-[Ashton] Oh, okay.

[Tanner] Showtime.

[guests cheering]

We can still get away if we hurry.


[woman 1] You guys are thirsty!

-[woman 2] For a lot.
-[woman 3] For multiple things.

[Tanner] Showtime.

-[Simone] Hello.

-[Lee] How are you?

Nice to meet you.


-I'm Kate.
-Thank you.

-I didn't get a drink.

I love an all-women charter

because they just come on here
to get loose,

and they're happy
and they're drinking wine.


I haven't got laid in a while.


[Lee] Welcome aboard, ladies.

I'm gonna have Kate
show you around the boat,

and get the party started.


All right, ladies. Right this way.

So, this is the main salon.

This will be mine.

-[woman 3] I like whiskey, girl.

[woman 1] Way too sweet.

[woman 4] Ah, this is beautiful.
I love this.

So, once we get to the anchorage,

the deckhands will be able
to fill up the Jacuzzi.

[Tanner] Jesus Christmas.

How many bags is that so far?

-[Tanner] It's not even like two days.

-[indistinct conversation]
-This is your master state room.

Oh, baby.

I'm gonna be on the spring,
you can be on this line.

-[woman 1] Somebody jump on the bed.

-Or just fall.

So, do you guys wanna
get settled and come up,

and we can make you more drinks
and get the party started.

-Thank you.

Uh, Cap, we are standing by on the stern.

-Standing by.
-Let's go bow to stern.

Copy, Cap.

Did you get that? Is your radio on?

-Oh, jeez, Abbi.

I'm so excited to get moving.

Loosen up gaps.

-One more line on the stern.
-[Lee] All lines on deck.

All right, we're coming out of here.

-That's your stern, Cap, from the dock.
-Let's get out of here.

[Ashton] Copy.

[guests shouting, cheering]


If you want to take your shirt off,
it's okay with us.

-Oh, we are gonna be in trouble.
-Oh, yeah.

It is 1:16.

-At 1:30, go down until 3:30.
-[Simone] Okay.

-Cheers, guys!

-[woman 1] I gotta get more champagne.

-I wanna get wet.
-Hey, hey, hey.

[Ashton] All deck crew, get dressed
into your blue polo.

[groans] [bleep]

[Ashton] Tanner, you can go down
for about an hour,

so that you get a bit of a break
before it starts.

Copy that.


[Tanner] [bleep] hell.

I always think about making gnocchi, like,

naked with a sexy lady, and just relax.

Now, I'm just dealing
with Captain in my head

that he doesn't think
I'm doing a good job.

So, this time,
I'm just like sweating b*ll*ts.

[Kate] We have lunch coming out
at the table back here.

[woman 3] Don't you put this evil
on me, Ricky Bobby.

[Kevin] Jesus [bleep] Christ.

-So, it's pan-fried gnocchi?

Once the cheese is on, we can go.

[woman 2] That's so yummy.

[woman 1] This is quite beautiful.

This is everything I love. [laughs]

Kevin made homemade gnocchi over sugo
with parmesan and pine nuts.

[women] Thank you.

[woman 1] This is like my favorite thing
in my entire life.

-I assume they ate it?
-Yeah, they liked it.


-Hey, ladies. How's your lunch going?
-[woman 3] Hey!

[woman 4] It's better now
that you're here.

So, are you all keen for some water toys?

-[woman 3] Yes. Slide, slide,
slide, slide.

[women yell and cheer]

I'll help out. We'll see you later.

-[woman 3] Have a good day.

Let me just tell you, I would
stare at that [bleep]...

It's gonna happen.

So gross.

[Lee] Ashton, give me
two and a half sh*ts now.

That's two and a half sh*ts, Cap.

-Roger, that. Let's lock it in.
-All right.

Abbi, Abbi, Ashton.

Put the platform out first,
then the tramp.

-Copy. Thank you.

[woman 3] I can't miss it, girlfriend.
What does that look like?

It looks like a shaft.


Abbi, let's move. Let's get that
swim platform set up, please.

-I'm from Boston.
-[women shriek]

What's Abbi doing up there chatting, like,

she doesn't have anything
[bleep] else to do?

You guys don't sound like
you're from Boston.

-[woman 1] I'm not originally from Boston.
-Okay, okay.

Abbi, quickly.

I kind of see Abbi's losing
a bit of focus on deck.

But Ashton's just coming on
very strong with Abbi

since this whole engagement thing.

I think he might be a little bit jealous.


I know. Yeah. Like, hey.

Abbi, let's move it. Let's get that
swim platform set up, please.

You guys, I'm... I am from Boston.

[women shriek, cheer]

What's Abbi doing chatting,

like she doesn't have
anything [bleep] else to do?

[woman 4] Can we jump off the top or...

You can definitely jump off the bow.


[woman 3] Okay, she's my favorite.
I'm obsessed.

-Ash, Ash, Abbi.
-Go ahead.

Clients want to jump off the bow.

So, just letting you know
that's where they're headed right now.

Okay, copy. I'm on my way.

Let's get that swim platform
out and set up, please.

All right, cool.

Since Abbi's text message
engagement happened,

she is just being so distracted.

And her work ethic wasn't
the best in the beginning.

She needs to get more focused.

[bleep] this.

[clears throat]


-How's it going down here?
-Like the...

Are you ready to get out
of the laundry hole for a little bit?

♪ Hallelujah! ♪

-Yeah. I could tell.

-I'll finish up here.

Why don't you go help Courtney
put away lunch stuff?

-Okay. Thanks.

Simone is really good
at laundry, and she likes it.

Simone, are you tired of ironing?

No, I'm not, ever.
I will never be tired of ironing.

-Never be tired of ironing?
-Bless her.

But if you're down there too long,

you can lose your
upbeat attitude real quick.

Yeah, I get it. I've done it.


Thanks, Kate.

-Go get some sunlight.
-OK, bye.

-Where can jump off from?
-We can jump off the bow.

Okay. That's where we wanna go.
-Are you coming with us?

-Do you want me to?

-All right, all right.
-[women laughing]

-Oh, you're gonna jump with us?

You should probably take your shirt off.

[sighs] [bleep]

[Ashton] One, two, three.

[women scream]


-Hey, Kevin.
-Hey, so...

I just wanted to talk about tonight,
if that's all right.

-So, I made a Bloody Mary mix.

-It's for... just like esterification,

so we're just gonna make
like a little gel bowl.

-Bowl. Yeah, okay.
-And that will start the meal. Uh...

-Do you not need two bags?
-I do need two bags.

I'd appreciate it if you guys
would just be quiet a little.


-[indistinct conversation]
-Um, and then the next course,

I think we're gonna go
straight into the soup.

-Hey, guys.
-Well, now... now you're serious?

[Kevin] I'm sorry.

This dinner tonight
is very important for me,

and I can do it. I just gotta focus.

It's just like [bleep]... I, just, yeah.

The next is tempura prawns.

I'm gonna do a lamb loin,

which I want on the main plate, please.

And I think we're gonna go soup.

Then we're gonna go into a sorbet.

And whatever the [bleep]
you want to put that in.

Truffles will get served
on these square plates.

That's the finish of the meal.
-Okay, cool.

I don't think... That doesn't
need any more, does it?

No, I think ten's good.
I think ten's strong.

I'm quickly learning
that every meal on this boat

is a roller coaster of Kevin's ego.

This is Kevin's boat.
We're just all on it.

-[women shrieking]

Can I have another glass of champagne?

Of course.

Wait! I take showers with the crew.

-There we go.
-Here you go.

-Thank you.
-You're welcome.

Courtney, can you please
go down to laundry?

-Thank you.


-[Kate] Another change.
-[Courtney] Cool.

That looks nice, doesn't it?

-Imagine that in your soup, eh?
-I can't wait.

Whose are these?

How does Simone remember
everyone's pant size?

[sighs] These don't have names.

[Courtney] When you're in service,
you're dealing with the guests,

and you're constantly doing stuff.

So, the day flies by.

But laundry is boring, it's mind-numbing.

It's dirty.

I'm so bad at it.

My ex-boyfriend did my laundry.
I didn't do laundry.

Laundry's done. Finished.

I am doing so much different [bleep].

What are we doing
is leaving it on the side

or folding it on deck?

We're packing it up.

Oh, [bleep] water.

-You all right?

Yeah. I haven't had one break today,
and I got up at six.

-I'm not used to this [bleep].
-[bleep] it.


On a sailing boat,
we have one paddleboard

that never gets deflated.
It just stays that way.

But here we like deflate, inflate.

We have a trampoline, a slide.

Like, what the [bleep] is this,
a jungle gym, or a boat?

-[groans] That took a lot.
-Are you all right?

[Tanner blows a raspberry]

Just went real lightheaded,
just real quick.


-That was a good roll.
-Yeah, I'm proud of that roll.

How are we looking, Kate?

You reckon it's, like, it's gonna be more,
like, nine o'clock?

Yeah, probably closer to nine.
Is that okay with you?

That's perfect.

Tanner, I'll put you down early.

In order for you to wake up
fresh in the morning.

-Cool. Thanks, brother.
-Just get better, bru.

[woman 1] I wanna get this party started.


What's on the menu tonight, chef?

Uh... a few things.

Well, I figured that out on my own.

Uh, ten things.

So, you're doing
the tasting menu tonight, right?

-Yeah, yeah.

This is like... this is like
a palate thing to start off.

-So, it's like a... Bloody Mary mix.

This makes it into a little gel ball.

I'm expecting Kevin
to deliver much better food

than he did the last time.

Ten course, that's a tough one.

That's a big bite of the apple.

And there's just so many things
that could go south with it.

I'll probably come down
and make a fly-by during dinner...

-Yeah, they would love that, I'm sure.
-...see how things are.

If he doesn't step up
to the plate, I'll fire him.

When did Captain become
so interested in the food?

When you decided to make
ten... amazing courses.

So much still I need to do.

[Kevin] [sighs] [bleep]


-[woman 1] Feed me, feed me.
-[woman 2] Oh, my God.

That's pretty.

-We've got a couple of guests up.
-Getting nervous.

If you're nervous, I'm nervous.

I feel completely in the zone.

There's probably a lot of people

that would love to watch me
sink tonight, but...

Four, five, six, seven, eight.

It's not gonna happen.

-It's happening.
-[women cheering]

[woman 4] Don't push.

Primary's ass is in the chair.

Okay, okay, okay.

This is a cucumber salad
dressed with Bloody Mary. Okay?

Make the palate refreshed and go wild.

-[woman 3] Oh, it's coming.
-[woman 1] Food, food, food.

Your first course is a cucumber salad

with Bloody Mary dressing
to awaken your palate.

[woman 2] Thank you.

[woman 3] That's an awakening of a palate.

-All right, soups in.

-[woman 2] Kevin's coming.
-[woman 3] Hi, Kevin.

-Evening, guys.
-[woman 2] Our palate's awakened.

[Kevin] This one is
potato carrot ginger soup.

[woman 2] Thank you, Kevin.

[Kevin] Enjoy.

[woman 2] Beautiful, looks beautiful.

Salty, nutty, really good.

[woman 3] Salty and nutty?
Did you really just say that?


Brian, do a walk-around.
See if we haven't left anything out.

Abs, you can go down...

-...and be up at 6:30.

-[woman 5] Thank you.

[Kate] Simone, Simone, can you come
to the galley for service?

-[Simone] Copy.

-[Simone] They're so cute.
-[woman 2] Oh, my God.

This is homemade brioche with foie gras
and a beetroot puree.

-[woman 1] Oh, my God.
-[woman 5] Oh, my God.

[woman 3] That's the best thing that's
happened in my life.

-[Kate] Hi.

-How we doing?
-Really good. Really good.


Lamb loin, pomegranate molasses,
and eggplant puree.

It's beautiful.

-And that's what you call a Taco, bru.
-I love it.

-Oh, my God.
-[woman 4] I know.

Tempura shrimp taco
with avocado, grilled corn.

[Kevin] It'd look so much better if it was
in a martini glass.

[woman 3] Like literally,
I need to marry this man.

[Kate] Just a quick little
palate cleanser of lemon sorbet.

[woman 2] Ooh. It's so good.

-Are they happy?
-They're loving it.

[phone beeping]

-Hello, how are you?
-We're gonna get married.

-I am happy I get to marry you.

Looking forward.

-[laughs] Yeah, why not, right?
-[speaks indistinctly]

-We can just sail away.
-For ever and ever.

And then if we get a divorce, we can...

we can just like...
It'll be like a breakup.

Like, all right, well, it was nice.

If we get a divorce in how many years
or whatever, those will be the best years.

Aw, you're so sweet.

Since my engagement, I feel like,

now, I'm always thinking about Patrick.

He's on my mind constantly.
Like, it's just crazy.

All right. I love you.

-Love you, too. Bye.

Are we ready, yeah?
-Yeah, I'm waiting for you.

Brian, Brian, please go
and start your deck check?

Okay, copy.

-Chorizo, king mushroom.
-King mushroom?

[Courtney] I thought
they were oyster mushrooms.

Oyster mushrooms. Sorry, guys.

When I think about my last meal on earth,

which I think about often,
it's ten courses.

And that's the only time
I want ten courses.

That's too much.

[woman 3] Oh, my goodness.
This is beautiful.

I'm just not even thinking anymore.

[woman 2] I'm like in love with this guy.

[woman 1] That's pretty, too.

[Kate] You're having walnut bread
and that's a date puree, the brown dot.

-[Woman 4] Perfect. Yum.
-[woman 2] Brian.

[woman 3] Brian!

[women cheer]

You better say something for me, too...


I wouldn't be disappointed if like
some striptease happened.

-[woman 2] Tonight?
-How y'all doing? Yes?

[woman 2] I think tonight
we should have a striptease.


Ask and you shall receive, Rachel.
That's the way it works.

So, the guests have a pretty big request.

They want you to strip.

I've hung up my G-string.

Well, then why are you
thrusting your pelvis

when we start talking about it?
-[Brian] What's happening? [laughs]

Your mouth is saying, "No,"
but your pelvis is saying, "Yes."

♪ My body, look at my body. ♪


-[Kate] You miss it.
-[Brian] [bleep] do it.

When I was a lot younger,
I did a bit of male revue.

So, for me, it's just something
that comes naturally.


-[Kate] You miss it.

-[woman 2] Do we know
how many more are coming?

-[woman 1] This is nine.
-There's literally ten?

-That's a lot of food.

Sorry, I'm out. I'm out.

We still got more food to eat.

Once the rice is on, we're good.

-How are we doing?
-We are on course number nine.

Kevin made a step
in the right direction tonight.

I wanna see if he can keep it up,

and I'll be judging
his dinner tomorrow night.

I'm having dinner
with them tomorrow night.

-Yeah, yeah.
-You'll be fine.

[Kate] This is a mango parfait
with a sticky black rice.

-[woman 1] That is beautiful.
-[woman 3] Yum.

-[woman 2] Yay.
-[woman 1] Really good.

Oh [bleep].
I'm glad this day is nearly over.

[Kate] Last course
of the tasting dinner Olympics.

You already got a head start.
You got one button undone.

Is it noticeable?

Okay, well, I'm gonna
put the chair on this side,

and I'll radio you in.

[woman 1] It's the last course.
It's right behind you.

[woman 2] Probably chocolate. Oh, yeah.
-It's a chocolate truffle...

-[woman 1] Yes!
-... that Kevin just made today.

-[woman 2] Yes!

-[woman 3] Oh, my God.

[Kate] Ashton, Ashton, we can bring
out the 11th course.

-It's like espresso or something.

-[woman 2] Something.

I heard there was
a request for something tonight.

I was gonna ask for a volunteer.

[all cheer] Rachel! Rachel! Rachel!

Okay, so what I'm gonna do tonight is
I'm gonna show you

some of the fundamentals
to remember when giving a lap dance.


All right, so normally you
would do, like, something like...

Yeah! [laughs]


The first thing you gotta learn how to do
is you gotta learn how to touch yourself.

So, it looks something like this.


Hold on hard, hold on tight.
Hold on tight.

You can take the boy
out of the strip club dance group...

You gotta get cheeky. And you gotta move.


[Brian chuckles]

...but you'll never take the strip club
dance group out of the boy.


Last but not least, when you're done,
you gotta say thank you.

-Thank you.
-Thank you.

It's those memorable moments
that might be the difference

between a $15,000 tip and a $20,000 tip.

-[woman 4] Did you enjoy that?
-Oh, I did.


-Good job.

I wish this was the final night, though.

No, tomorrow's gonna be good,

because tonight was long, drawn out,

and tomorrow's gonna be fast paced, party.


I needed to prove myself, so good on me.

Now, I'm just thinking
about Captain Lee sitting down

for dinner tomorrow night,

and I'm like, just leave me
the [bleep] alone.

Uh, just does my head in.

What's the chances of...

If I make a mop bucket,
you'll mop the floor for me?

-Brian can mop.
-I can.

[Kevin] Yes!

-[woman 3] Okay, I'm gonna go home.

-[woman 2] Which way is it?
-[woman 1] Good night, girls. Love you.

What the [bleep] do we have here?

Is it bamboos or stripes?


My feet are sore. I gotta rest one.

It's so nice.

We're "flamingo-ing" it.

Why are these floors not mopped?

I don't understand.

Brian's the guy that I'm relying on.

I'm out busting my ass on deck.

Oh, my gosh, that's good.

And he's [bleep] lala for Courtney,

munching on Kevin's leftovers.

Oh, we gotta really think about this.

I'm pissed off.

Oh, [bleep] hell.

We employ you to be a deckhand,
not a sous-chef.

-Brian, Brian, Ashton.
-What's up?

Yeah, let's hurry up and cover-up.

Copy. On my way.

What's up?

What does the main deck aft look like?

Uh, I didn't have a look yet,
to be honest.


I feel like you spent
the majority of your night inside,

but we've been lacking on the...
on the exterior.

You don't know what the states
of our main deck aft is.

But isn't the deck the last thing you do?

I just hadn't checked yet.
We still haven't finished yet.

I think it's a little unfair that.

-You think it's unfair?
-Yeah, a little bit.

I think it's been a buildup.
I've got Abbi moping around.

I've got Tanner that's not feeling well.

And I'm just like, the season
started off so well,

and it just feels like
the wheels are falling off the bus.

Do you think it's unfair that
I had to mop the deck today?

Did I not ask you for...
if you needed some help?

I also asked you guys to do deck checks.
But you wanna tell me I'm being unfair.

Bro, you don't need to be hectic,
it's fine.

Come on, man. We're supposed
to be a team here.

That's exactly my point, Brian,
is we are a team.

I work [bleep] hard.
Really, really hard.

I'm sorry I missed a couple of things,
but I'm not perfect.

That's simple stuff, bru. Simple things.

Hundred percent, I agree with you there,
but I wasn't talking about that.

But, no, when things are
not done on deck yet,

you're telling me that's right,

and I'm wrong
in bringing that up with you?

I'm just saying...

Because that's what your words were.
You said to me I'm being unfair.

I need to put my foot down.

I cannot have Brian on late,
helping everybody on the inside.

That is not your job.

You know, I work really, really hard.

I'm sorry I missed a couple of things,
but I'm not perfect.

But you said to me I'm being unfair.

Because I'm saying that a deck
at night is not finished yet.

I'm still going to do it.

I'm trying to be as fair as I can,
but I need...

I need some... some help
from you guys, as well.

And when I try
and give you guidance in terms

of saying stop focusing on
the interior so much,

and you tell me I'm being unfair,
that gets my back up a bit.

I apologize, Ash. I'm sorry.

You know, me and Brian have had
a good relationship up until now.

And it actually pains me to have
to speak to him about this.

But when I, as bosun, come to you
and speak to you about it,

and you have the audacity
to tell me that I'm unfair,

now you're gonna get my back up
and you're gonna [bleep] me off.

[Ashton] Brian, you can go down.

So, if I can have you
on deck at nine, please.


Such [bleep] bull [bleep]!

Ashton's accusing me of all this stuff
which I think is really unfair.

I don't know where this is coming from.

But I feel like I've been working

the hardest on this boat, uh,

I push myself to the limits
every single day.

[bleep], dude, relax.

[Brian] What the [bleep]?


-[bones cracking]

Oh, my God.


Why do your epaulets feel so heavy?

It's those extra stripes.

-Comes with the territory.

[phone chimes]

Oh, cute.

[messages chiming]

Can you let them know that I made
that granola with my sweat and blood?

I'm gonna put tears in there for fun.

Maybe no tears, 'cause that
would be weird, crying.

Okay, I'll say they're my tears,
as a garnish.

[laughs] Be right back.

I'm just gonna bring out
some breakfast items to start.

Here we've got some
fruit, yogurt, berries,

and granola that Kevin made.

Can we get a chocolate croissant here?
Throw two on that.

[woman 1] I mean,
I ate a chicken foot, so...

[woman 3] Kevin is hot.
I'd rather have his cream.

-[woman 1] Shove it in.
-[woman 2] That's what she said.

-[woman 3] Put it in your mouth.


Food is clearly the one way
to shut us all up.


Oh, God.

-Oh, little croissants.

Um... look, about last night...

uh, maybe things came across
from my side a... a little bit wrong.

You are a hard worker,
and I appreciate everything you do.

So, I don't want you
to get me wrong in terms of that.

-That wasn't the point.

And if it came across that way,
I apologize for that.

The main thing that I wanted
to get across was just that

we need to channel our... our efforts
towards what our primary job is.


No problem at all, bru.
I really understand.

-All right.
-Sorry if was out of line either.

-That's cool.
-I respect you, mate.

Bosuning is hard.

You've got to manage
your emotions, and you've gotta

manage everybody else's emotions.

And I'm still trying to figure it out.

-I still love you, G.
-You know I love you, bru.

[both laugh]

You know I love you.
I just don't like you right now.

Fair enough.

[retches] [breathes heavily]

[bleep] hell.

I'm still feeling like
absolute dog [bleep].

I just want to relax, watch cartoons.

I'm a big cartoon guy.

I love Rick & Morty, Family Guy,

But the guests could give
a [bleep] if you're sick.

You just gotta suck it up.

You know, you gotta do it for the crew,
and just get through it.

[continues retching]

[toilet flushes]

Come on, man. Are you [bleep] done?

Simone, Simone, Kate,
can you meet me in the galley?

-So tonight,

since we're not doing
a ten-course tasting menu,

I want Courtney to show you
how to do breakfast pull

because you're gonna be lates
next charter.

I'm excited
about being on service with Kate.

Because I'm trying to grow
in my yachting career.

I mean, I've been working on yachts
on and off for like two years.

And I've mostly been doing
housekeeping and stuff.

I still have a lot to learn on service.

I'm ready.

All right, go. Up.

Open the first door on the starboard side.


I'm gonna be right behind you.

Okay, the door's closed. OMG.

[woman 1] Ee-who!

[woman 1] Oh... look at that.

[Ashton] How are you feeling, Tanner?

-I feel like [bleep].

Oh, it's nice being able to eat something.

-Yeah, you didn't eat anything yesterday.

So, I spoke to Brian last night.
[clears throat]

We need to become
a little bit more detailed.

I feel like some of us are, like,
our heads are in the clouds,

kind of thing, you know, roaming around.

Instead of being detailed
on what's happening in front of you.

-Right on.
-Yeah, that sounds good.

-Bring it all together.

Because I don't want you to be here,

and I don't want you to be doing things
that you... you're not enjoying.

Right. I'm gonna go relieve Brian.

Copy that.

[Ashton] Brian, Brian, I'm on deck,
so you can go down if you want.

I love it. Some of us
have our heads in the clouds.

Like, we're not all like Ashton,

and he can't expect us all to be like him,

and do exactly what he does.

Do you think Ashton had the same
conversation with Brian,

or do you think it was like
their conversation to talk to us?

Um, I think they talked about it,

but I don't think it was
designated towards us.


I wanna keep trying to be positive,

but I just feel like
it's, uh, it's really hard.

Like, it's really hard.

Uh-huh? Oh for [bleep] sake, Dobson.
Turn that [bleep] thing on.


I've still got so much work to do.

I've been prepping fish
for [bleep] like an hour now.

I feel like if I had
to, like, deal with, like, raw fish,

I was shooketh.

-I j... Shooketh.

After that little pee break,
I'm dehydrated.

Stop it. [chuckles]

I can't stop.

I think there's something up with you.
I don't know what it is.

I think I'm doing this
because I'm like depressed.

Why are you sad?

I don't like it here.

What is it? Just like the work itself?

I just don't like the vibe.

Like, it isn't even close
to what I like to do.

I wanna get past it and move on,

but this is like bigger than that.

It's all right.
[bleep] [bleep] this happens

through lots of charters.

You get that [bleep] vibe
and then it comes up again.

It's a roller coaster ride.

And then [bleep] up here,
then it goes down again.

And then you come up again.
And you're like, whee!

If I feel any emotion other
than happiness, I'm eating.

Like stress, I just eat.

That's a bummer...

that you're having such a lousy time.

I hate this job.

-So, I was downstairs...
-I'm throwing them away.

Like, apparently Abbi was saying that she,
like, really isn't liking the job.

I mean, she just got engaged
out of the blue.

-Mm-hmm. Yeah.
-That's a lot of emotions.

It is.

-You're not depressed.

You're just a brat.

[Courtney laughs]

-Is that true?

-I know.
-I know.

Okay, lunch at 1:30 till...

What am I doing with my life?
I don't know.

Deck crew, I've just spoken to Cap.

-Toys in, okay?

-[woman 1] Can I have a Chang?
-[woman 4] Seriously?

[woman 5] I'll do a Chang.

-[woman 2] There we go, Chang, Chang.
-[woman 3] I'll have a Chang.


Coming in.

[Abbi] Oh!

Come on. Stop being so foamy.

I don't think that I'm supposed
to be pouring this anyway.

Tilt it to the side,
and then it won't foam.

It's fine, it'll calm down.

All right, Tanner.

Let's get some life jackets,
and then we can go.

Yeah, buddy.

All right, Abs, if you'll go up
to help Brian with the slide.

-[breathes heavily]

[indistinct conversations]


-Here you go.
-Thank you.

And you as well.

-All right, ladies, who's first?
-Yes, please.

Should I go against the waves
or like with it?

Try and go with them.

-Because otherwise we're gonna sh**t up.
-All right.

I don't have skin like you guys.

It's [bleep] hard out here, ginger skin.


[Brian grunts]
Can you pull down?

[Abbi] Oh, God.

-[Brian] Do it quick now.
-[Abbi] What is happening here?

Quick, quick, quick, please, please.

-[Abbi groans]
-You're not doing your job properly.

-You need to focus.

-I am focused.
-You're not.

I just don't know what
you're asking of me.

I need you to tie the line.
This is very... Not too difficult.

[woman] This is not bad.

-I've had worse jobs in my life.


Brian, I'm gonna go grab my sneakers.

[sighs] [bleep]

Brian is being such a d*ck.

[Simone] Who?


Abbi? Come give me a hug.

No, no, no. I'm... I'm fine. [sniffles]

-I just wanna leave.

WTF, like what's going on?

I was telling Tanner,
like, I didn't like...

-I was, like, I know, I'm eating so much

because like deep inside,
I'm like stressed.

-Oh, you're stress eating.
-And I'm always so happy.


I'm just so sick of this [bleep].
I'm so sick of it.

I think I just need to quit.

Abbi isn't being herself.

I don't know what's going on in her mind.

I didn't see this coming at all.

I don't like the job.
Just... I don't like it. [sobs]

Tanner's quite sick.

[Tanner retching] [bleep]

Tanner is chundering
his lungs out, dude.

-I can hear him, yeah.

[Ashton] The whole deck team
is just falling apart.

It's not good.

What if we lose two deck hands?

Is this gonna be my last meal?

[Lee] I expect Kevin
to knock my socks off.

Go big, or he will be going home.

[woman 1] Is this a brain?

No, this is, uh, this is beef tongue.

I wanna know whose preference sheet
said they wanted tongue.


[woman 2]
Oh, my God, bring it to me.

You see the penis ravine on Brian?

-It's aggressive.

[Kate] You could have a small penis
if you've got a big ravine.


I like her. Give me five minutes.
I'll consider it.
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