07x11 - I'm Sorry You Feel That Way

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Below Deck". Aired: July 1, 2013 – present.*
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Show chronicles the lives of the crew members who work and reside aboard a superyacht during charter season.
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07x11 - I'm Sorry You Feel That Way

Post by bunniefuu »

[narrator] Previously on Below Deck...

I'm not sure that
you're a great second stew.


And now you've made
our department look bad.

A second stew would know better
than to do this.

This is annoying right now.
You're acting like a brat.

-Come on, Kate, let's go.
-[Kate] I'm coming.

Come on, man, you know?

It's just disrespectful to everybody else.

It's not on, bruh, yeah.

-Tell Rhylee what you just told me.
-Oh, no.

I went down on Simone last night.

-[she sighs]
-Why would you tell me that?

He said he went down on you.

Oh, my God, this guy's an assh*le.

Gimme a little bounce.

-I know.

I'm trying to be open and vulnerable,

and he wants to treat me like a toy.

Like, it's just so rude.

Tanner's [bleep].

You're the best yachtie I've ever met.
I will say that.

Please don't call me a "yachtie."

A lot of people call people
in the industry "yachties,"

like, as a disrespectful term.

Like we don't work hard.
I hate that [bleep].

-What do you think I am?
-Kind of a bitch.


Do you want to hear
what your deckhand said to me?

Whatever the issue is,
sort it out with the individual.

Okay, great.

Those aren't yours. They could be Brian's.

What a [bleep] Chief Stew.

Your captain is sitting in the crew mess,

and you have the audacity to throw [bleep]
clothing all over the place.

I'm sorry. I'm sorry, Kate.


I don't care what the [bleep]
Brian said to her now.

Actually, it doesn't [bleep] matter.

I think we're done here.

All right then... so sorry.

How [bleep] old are you?

Nobody should [bleep] throw your toys
out of the cart...

like a little [bleep] baby.


Who the [bleep] do you think you are?

Who do you think you are?


-There's obviously not a problem?

You're the one being pissy at me.
I don't know what your problem is.

I'm kind of upset that you took her
[bleep] side over mine.

I didn't.

-You kind of did.
-No, I didn't.

Yeah, you did.

No, I didn't. I tried to talk to you,
and you shut the car door on me...

-So, that's going to be it?
-...and then dismissed me. So I can't...

-That's going to be it?

Kate is the issue on this boat.

She's just causing [bleep]
to get reactions.

Courtney should take my side,
because Kate's in the wrong.

It's very disappointing and frustrating.


-Stop it.
-I'm literally straightening up our room.

-Please don't.

Well, I'm just trying to make it
so you have something nice...

No, I know, but I just...
I really don't want...

I already feel like
the entire crew hates me.

Not really feeling so great today.

Everywhere I turn,
people are just attacking me.

I'm thinking that if I'm working late...

then I would be like, doing like service.

It's confusing, Kate.

-Don't [bleep] stress out about it, okay?

Okay, you should stop talking to me.

You're kind of a bitch.


I just have no idea
what I've done so bad to these people.

I don't feel like it's my job to point out
that they need to respect my stripes.

But I wish somebody would.


Let's just all be on deck at eight.

-Turn off the [bleep] light.
-Oh, [bleep].

Jesus, that looks comfortable.

Brian, you still up?

I'll text Simone to come in here.

And then just pull the old switcheroo.

Let's do it.

-Simone, you need to go over there.

He wanted to talk to you.

Do you want to come up here?

-I came to say sorry.

I'm sorry.

I'm just weak.

I was this strong like warrior,
like goddess...

until Tanner.

I'm sorry, I'll go.


I'm like, how many times
do you have to apologize

before you realize how cute he is?

I miss you.

He's like a lost puppy.

Can I come up?

Oh, God.

How you feeling?

-Good, how are you?
-A little rough.

-Are you awake?
-Rough as nails, actually.

All right, so we'll start on
the bow and just move.



-Do you want this whole lemon zested?

Brian, take that forward bow again.

Twenty-one grams...

God, it's hot already.

This is why I don't like being
on deck so early. I'm still drunk.

Kate, Kate, Lee.

Where's Kate?

Kate, Kate, Lee.

Go ahead.

Would you care to join me
for a cup of coffee?

-I'll be right there.
-Thank you.

How do we feel about
the elephant in my room last night?

Now we're sober.

It was a pretty childish way to act.

It was, in front of Cap,

and they have a longstanding
working relationship,

so she's very used to him
jumping to her defense.


That was really surprising for her.

-That he didn't.

I don't wanna betray Kate,
but at the same time,

she does get favored a lot,

and she does run the ship kinda
how she wants it to be run.

She's just taking advantage of
everybody else, and her title.

And maybe previous crews have allowed her
to get away with it,

but I don't think this crew's gonna.



So... I'm not gonna tolerate
somebody blowing up.

I think everybody knows that about me.

I'm sure if I hadn't been
drinking since 10:00 a.m.,

I probably wouldn't have thrown
a black shirt on the floor.

Well, that's probably true,

-but you've gotta be above that.
-I know.

[Kate] It's never great to have a talk
with Captain Lee about behavior

he witnessed that he did not love
from the night before.

And I am so hung over right now.

I've got makeup on my face from crying.

It's a lot for the morning.

[Lee] It seems like
we got a pretty good crew.

You and I, it's our responsibility,
and Ashton,

to make sure it stays that way.

Kate's been working for five years,

so she's earned a certain degree
of preferential treatment.

But her behavior was inappropriate,

and I'm bitterly disappointed.

And I can promise you that
something like this

will never, ever happen again on my boat.

I'm sorry I threw
the uniforms on the ground.

I hope that's the worst thing you ever do.

[Kate] It won't happen again.

It wasn't your uniform, though.

All right, talk to you later.

-Thank you.

Oh, [bleep] hell.

Here we go, good as new.

Ready to do this wash down, bro?


-How are you and Courtney doing?
-Very well.

That sucks.

-What's that?

I actually created more
wrinkles that weren't there.

I like how everyone's washed their clothes

and mine are sitting in a pile
at the bottom of my bed.

I think it's because we
do the laundry, so we, like,

the last thing we wanna do is add more.

Thank God, Courtney is great at her job.

-Whose is this?

Does she work out?

More importantly,
I feel like she's the only person

who respects me at all.

Look at this nice pile,
you're such a good folder.

Ashton, Kate, and Kev,
I need you in the crew mess

for a preference sheet meeting, please.


-Howdy, howdy.
-[Kate] Hi.

Thank you.

Last night, needless to say,
I wasn't pleased.

Going forward, I just expect
you to act like adults.

It's not difficult.

This charter, I'm not gonna
let anything [bleep] this up.

-Oh, look who it is.
-Master Pearson.

They've grown up so much.

I know, it's Torrie and Albert Jasuwan.

Got some new, and some coming back.

The one we have coming back
is the one Chandler

dropped on her ass, Sherri.


We'll try to send
her back with less bruises

than she had last time.

Last year, these charter guests
had a [bleep] show of a time.

Kate, it's Albert.
We're ready to get outta here for sure.

We've had enough of this experience.

We have no towels, no water.

Make sure you drop in the sand,
not on a cement block...

-I'm bleeding.

Oh, it's okay.

Kate and I, as much as
we're at each other's throats,

we need to put
our personal differences aside

and carry on as professionals,
for the sake of this charter.

We cannot mess this one up.

Same rules as last time with the kids...

they don't go outside
without life jackets.

Torrie wants a traditional
Thai dance performance

on night one after dinner.

Day two, Torrie wants
to surprise her husband

and her children with Albert's parents,
who live here.

This is exciting.

The primary grew up Thai.

So you'll have two more guests
for lunch that day.

Night two. Roaring '20s cocktail party.

Prohibition, no alcohol?

-Bathtub gin.
-Sounds good.

-Okay, guys, that's all I got.
-Thank you.

Thank you, Cap.

This is port side, and then we'll do the...

I need to clean up here and
then work on the crew uniforms.

[Lee] You gotta take some of these
hangers down too.

Thank you.

Oh, [bleep].

Kate, Kate, it's Ashton.

-[Kate] Go ahead.
-Do you have a minute?

-Sure do. Where do you wanna meet?
-Do you wanna maybe come up to the bar?

[Kate] Okay.

At this point, it's clearly
obvious that Kate has no respect

for my leadership position,
and for the rest of the crew.

Oh, I hate today so much.

What the [bleep]?

You know, we are the heads of department.

We should be setting the example.

-What's up, Ashton?
-What's up?

Not much.

And I think Kate's just got
this thing in her mind

that she's better than everybody,

and it's frustrating that Kate gets away
with m*rder on this boat.

So, obviously, we had a bit of a scene
in the crew mess last night.

Oh, my God.

-[Kate] What's up, Ashton?
-What's up?

Not much.

So, obviously, we had a bit of a scene
in the crew mess last night.

Oh, my God.

What was the issue last night?

Brian got annoyed
and he called me a bitch,

and I got outta the car.

And then I was pissed
that I'd been called a bitch

for no reason, so I threw
his uniform on the ground.

Last night, obviously,
walking into the crew mess

and having the clothes lying
on the floor, I was just like,

[bleep] hell, what's going on kinda thing.

For me, it's important for me
to try to work out, you know,

why something ticks me off
or puts me to that level

of just being so abrupt with someone.

And something I wanted to chat
to you about was, like,

whenever we get told
a certain time to be ready

in the evenings
or for an excursion or something,

I just feel like you and Rhylee
have rocked up between,

like, 30 and 40 minutes late.

That's just where
my frustration was coming from.

Who do you think you are?

Have you lost your mind?

I came to the bow 'cause
I thought you were gonna apologize,

not so you could bitch
about something else.

Well, Rhylee's only been here
four days, so to say always...

Well, it's just been
the last two times, really.

I'm sorry that you got
frustrated with that.


-All right, great chat.
-All right, Kate.

So I've been informed by the engineer
the extractor fan's not working,

and he has no clue
what's going on with it.

It's gonna be
extremely uncomfortable in there

without an exhaust fan.

[Kevin] This is gonna be a problem.

I've got four ducts
that lead to one big duct,

and everything gets... sucked out.

But right now, it's completely shut off,

so any smoke, smell, nothing goes up.

I wonder if we can get
another fan in the galley,

pushing the air that way.

[Kevin] That restrains me in planning
out a menu that I wanna cook.

Yeah, it's an issue.

I'll get you a couple of fans

and we'll try and work with it that way.

-All right.
-All right?

All right, thank you.

Oh, man. What else?

You have a word with Kate?

-All good?

Yeah. She did apologize.

She's "sorry that I feel that way."

[Courtney] Can I steal one
of those preference sheets?

I was gonna put them on the wall.

Here's what you can steal...
an extra stripe.

-You definitely deserve this.

-Thank you.
-You've had two stripes before, right?

I only worked on one other yacht,
and I was the second of two,

-so there wasn't an option to be third.

What was your first
second stew job, Simone?

This is it.

[Kate] This is both a reward for Courtney
and a punishment for Simone.

Between Simone's bratty behavior
and Courtney's being so good at her job,

Courtney deserves
as many stripes as Simone.

I'm just warning you,
the extra stripe is very heavy.

Don't want them to fall off.

It comes with so much
extra responsibility.

-All the things I'm already doing.

I think Simone might
feel a little self-conscious

about me getting a raise.

It's a bit awkward, but...
I don't think it's unwarranted.

If I could give you, like, another one,

and give me a fourth one, I would.

Dude, you and I danced
with those dancing girls.

I got so much [bleep] for it.

-Oh, from Sims?

-What the hell?
-Oh, my God.

You're running a bit hot there, Tanner.

It's like I [bleep] have a girlfriend.

[bleep] dancing with a party girl...

it's like pretending a stripper likes you.

I like Simone, but I love being single.

If I were to have a girlfriend...

it wouldn't be someone that
gets jealous that [bleep] easy.

I mean, how many people
have you ever talked to

that have gotten married and said,
"Thank God I got married."

I'm gonna go with a big goose egg.

Oh, man.

I'm so sorry you have to go through this.

No, you're not. You [bleep] love it.

You feel that heat, Courtney?

-I've got nothing on right now...

And it's just gonna get hotter,
because we've got no extraction.

[Courtney cheers]

[telephone ringing]

-Hi, Mom.

So like, last night
Ashton and Kate fought.

Apparently, Kate threw the clothes
the shirts that we have to wear

onto the floor and stuff, whatever.

And then next she gives

the second stew position

to someone that I had to show

how to switch the iron
from like low to maximum.

Anyway, she's not my friend,
she made that clear.

Simone, no one is indispensable.

-She's evil.

I probably wouldn't work with Kate again.

We don't gel.

[bleep] that [bleep].

I'm just here to make money.

But little does she know
that I'm very good

at being professional,
even though I don't really like you.

If Kate's going to try to get
a reaction out of me,

she's got the wrong person,

because I'm not that basic bitch.

I'll see you later. Toodles.

Okay. Bye.

[Kate] All crew, all crew,
provisions are arriving.

Provisions. I love provisions.

-Hold it, hold it.

[in French accent] Beautiful, beautiful.

I should have been a quarterback.

-Look at that...

Brilliant, lovely.

That's it, thank you.


I have anxiety.


All right, guys, let's go chill out,
the boat is clean.

Deck crew on three... yeah, deck crew.


[phone beeps]

Mother [bleep]. Damn it!

[Lee] Attention all crew,
everyone in the salon

in five minutes for a staff meeting.


Aw, [bleep]

It's like being called
into the principal's office.

When's that ever gonna be good?

This day is the worst day.

I'm not happy with something.

I only have two rules...

don't embarrass yourself,
and don't embarrass the boat.

It seems all of us aren't
getting that message.

I got an email this morning
from the Dream Beach Club

about the behavior of our crew.

As a result of someone
doing cannonballs in the pool,

the DJ equipment was damaged.


[Kate] Ashton.

Oh, no!


[Lee] The Beach Club wants
to be compensated for it,

and justifiably so.

So you guys will deal with it.

You will iron it out,
and you will pay for it.


[Kate] Oh, this is hilarious.

Did Ashton do something bad?
Is he not so perfect?

That's all I gotta say.

I slipped up, and I'm ashamed of it.

I'm not perfect.

Hey, Cap, just wanna
apologize for my behavior

at the Beach Club. I'm sorry about that.

[Lee] Appreciate that.

And, obviously, I'll cover the costs.

I'll also write them a letter of apology.

You've been with me a couple of years now,
so you know what I expect.

-Time to step up to the plate.
-[Ashton] Yep.

Ashton got a pass on this one,

but the pond that
he's ice-skating on right now,

ice got real, real thin.

I printed out the documentation
from the Beach Club.

Better hope we get a good tip.

A thousand dollars, for [bleep] sakes.

[Lee] Attention all crew,
whoever's still changing

into their whites better step it up,

because we have 15 minutes.


-Yes, Ashton?

Just want to apologize
for any embarrassment

caused by my behavior at the Beach Club.

That's okay.
I'm sure it was just built-up frustration.

That caused me to cannonball
into the water?

From waiting for Rhylee and I.

Yeah, I think it's two
separate issues, honestly.

Oh, two separate issues.

[Ashton] [bleep] sakes.

I'm going around with my tail
between my ass,

saying sorry to everybody,

but the Queen Bee bitch has
to have the last say

and drive that knife
into my side one more time,

and it's [bleep] irritating.

You know what I hate?

Is when you've got the time to speak
to somebody about something...

and instead, you wanna pass stupid
[bleep] comments on the fly-by.

Dude, I'm trying to apologize...

for something I've done wrong.

-Apologize, yeah.
-I just don't think that's cool.

Attention all crew,
five minutes till arrival.

[Courtney] Don't make me late today, Kate.

-I'm tired of waiting on you.

I hope this is deodorant
and not hairspray.

No PDA at work, please.

This is awesome.

I see Captain Lee.

-Oh, my God.
-This is gonna be fun.

-Oh, my goodness.
-Here we go.

-What's up, party people?

-Albert, how are you, sir?

I always like returning charter guests,

because it takes away
a little bit of the stress

of not knowing what they want.

How are you? Good to see you.

But at the same time,
these guests kind of had

a miserable experience last time,

so there's more pressure to make
sure this one goes perfect.

Hi, do you want a drink?

No, thank you.

-Hi, how are you?
-Albert, Torrie, welcome back.

-Thank you.
-Kate will give you a tour of the boat.

Go, get outta here and have some fun.

Okay, guys, right this way.

Watch your step. Are you excited?

-Yes, I'm excited, too.

It's a much different vibe than My Seanna.

[Albert] Yeah.

[Kate] So this is your master stateroom.


I can see cocktails
being consumed in here.

That's all the luggage.

And then we'll go up
to your sundeck up here.

This is all right. It'll do.

Around this way, you have
what we call the bunny pad.

-This is beautiful.
-This is it.

We've got panoramic views.

The islands here are even
more beautiful than in Tahiti.

Attention deck crew, bow to stern,
let's get outta here.

Pull in, pull in, pull in,
quickly, quickly, quickly. Pull in.

-[Lee] Pick it up, Ashton.
-All lines on deck on the bow.

All lines on deck.

Copy that. We're outta here.


-[Kate] Do you need help?

It's a heavy door, hold on.

-Watch your step.
-My shoes are waterproof.


[blows raspberry]

Can I get you another drink?

The answer will almost always be "yes."

[Kevin] It's getting really hot
in here already.

With the extractor fan out,

I'm gonna bypass the idea of
doing anything hot in here.

Caprese salad is so refreshing
to eat on a really hot Thai day.

Everyone loves cheese, and if you don't,

you've got some [bleep]
problems and you're a bit weird.

[Rhylee] Standing by on anchor,
ready to drop.

On my mark, gimme three sh*ts and drop.

Captain, that's three sh*ts
at the waterline.

Copy that. Go ahead and lock it in.

-Well done, Rhylee.
-Thanks, Ashton.

He told me I look like I lost weight.

-What a gentleman.

That's what you said. Were you lying?


If you guys are ready to sit down,
the chef's ready to serve lunch.

Dinner! Lunch!

[Ashton] Deck crew, deck crew,
if we could put everything in the water.

Jellyfish, jellyfish,
jellyfish, jellyfish.

There's a lot of jellies.

That one right there
would [bleep] your day up.


Just a warning,
before anybody jumps into the water,

there are quite a few jellyfish
in the water.

Did you put that little thingie in there,
that you can swim in?

We do have one of those critter pools
that we can put in for you guys as well.


[bleep] hell.

Brian, meet me on bridge deck aft

-and let's figure out this pool.

The critter-free pool has a protective net

to prevent any jellyfish
or any sea creatures

coming and harming
anybody that's in the pool.


Up until this point, we have definitely
been avoiding this critter pool.

I've heard it's a massive pain in the ass.

This thing's big, bru.

But this is the charter that we're trying
to redeem ourselves from last season,

so [bleep] it, here we go.

[bleep] jellyfish.

So we're having
a nice Italian lunch today.

Love it.

-Let's go.

-What is that?
-Soaked almonds.

I soaked them yesterday,
pureed them today,

and then I put some garlic
and sherry vinegar in there.

Tomato and burrata with
Italian almond milk dressing.

Oh, boy, look at this.

Torrie, you'll love that. Thank you.

-[woman] It's very nice, thank you.

Bon appétit.

-It's really good.

There's a hair on my cheese.

No way.

-Oh, no!
-I didn't get a hair!

-One hair.
-Want another one?


[Kate] Hair in the food is disgusting

and one of the worst things
anyone can experience.

This is not a good way
to start the charter.

Um, hey, I just need a fresh one,

because this one has a big hair on it.

-Right there.

I should have [bleep] seen it.

It's, like, in the cheese.

Oh, guys, [bleep].

Just chuck it out.

I cannot believe we're starting a charter,

for the first meal, like this.

-That's not good.

[Kevin] This is a nightmare.


[bleep] Wow.

Strike one, first meal.

Hey, I just need a fresh one,
because this one has a big hair on it.

Oh, guys, [bleep].

Jesus Christ.

Strike one, first meal.

That first meal always kind of
sets the tone.

It's something you just
don't wanna deal with.


But it wasn't my fault.

This was not my hair.

Unless I pulled a pube out,
which I didn't.


-There you go.
-Perfect, thank you.

-My pleasure.
-All right, hair-free.


Yeah, that was great.

Really fresh and good.

[Ashton] Let's figure out this pool.

Do you want me down on main aft so I can

get the painter line from you
guys, or you want me to get...

Um, I just wanna actually work out how...

-We're doing it?
-We're doing it first.

Obviously, we've got the nozzle there

-and the valve there.
-Jesus, okay.

One valve here,
one valve there, so we don't...

we make sure we don't have
one on each corner, maybe.

-The valve is right here.

Easy tiger.

What was that?

All right, this is our...

it's all of our first time
putting it together.

-Let's try and get it over the side.

All right, let's go.

You're right,
on the back of the boat here.

-Is Tanner down there?
-Yeah, he's right here.

We've gotta finish blowing it up, though.

There's enough air in it for now.

You go down as well, Rhylee,

and I'm gonna slowly
lower it down to you guys, all right?

-Oh, yeah, bro.
-That's good, yep.

Have you organized the dancer
for tonight, or is Ashton...

[Kate] Yeah, we've got a dancer coming in.

I need a Thai dancer
and some decor for a '20s party.

I always love including the culture

of whatever location we're in.

It's enjoyable for
the guests and the crew,

and it gives me a little break
where everyone's distracted.

It's gonna be pretty impressive.

Look at me, wrangling the critter pool.

I'm going to go fold some laundry.

-I'll be back.

It's creamy.

You have such a nice wife
who puts your sunscreen on.

Hey, look how cool that is, man.
Can you walk on it?

Just be careful you don't slip and fall.

Thanks, Captain Obvious.

[Rhylee laughs]

Are you gonna go in the water?

-Be very careful there,

if you can get caught in the net...

Thanks, Captain Obvious.

That's not pretty obvious.
That's a proper safety hazard.

It's not obvious, but telling you not
to slip on a slippery trampoline...

Oh, my God, you're very argumentative.

I mean, I just don't see the difference.

-I'm sorry, Rhylee.
-Thanks for apologizing.

Argh! She's very annoying.

Now, just to state the obvious,
this is very slippery.

Scoot, Pearson. Come on,
you gotta get behind Daddy.

-Relax, bruh.



-Mm, you guys ready?
-Oh, we're gonna get out?

I don't think it can get
more humid than this.

Stay in your blues we're
gonna need to get all this in...

-and we'll change into our blacks after.

All that work, for 40 minutes of play.

I know, right?

-Let's pack this thing up.


You look hot and bothered,
are you all right?

I am hot, and that makes
me slightly bothered.

Even the limes are sweating.


There's, like, a cool breeze coming off.

I don't wanna get back up.

This galley, it's just hot.

Just [bleep] hot.

Now I'm going to go get the fans.

Look at my hands.

They're wrinkly.

I'm gonna turn into an old lady.


You are an old lady. You're five.

I'm not five.

-You're six?

I got one of the fans from the laz.

We're going crazy here.


Oh, my God.

If you have an oscillating fan
blowing on you,

you're somewhere depressing, like the DMV.

I'm gonna take it up.
We're gonna bring half of it down.

I'm gonna drop the hook again,

I'm gonna get the bottom
end to fold it over.

-Coming down.
-Ooh. Watch it.

Oh, [bleep]. It's just sliding back down.

Let's try and get it up a little bit,

-you know what I mean?
-Turn it the other way.

-Watch the chairs.
-[bleep]. Just help Rhylee roll it.

Yeah, I got it, if you wanna keep it
folded for me.

This thing's just a [bleep]
[bleep] show. I don't know.

How many deckhands does it
take to fold a [bleep] pool?

Maybe just fold it in bigger squares.

-Oh, [bleep] it.
-What are we doing...

We're gonna open it this way,
get it to a nicer spot.

-All right, I can... I can...
-Hold on, hold on, hold on.

-Relax, Rhy, relax.
-You relax.

I'm over here, and you keep...

You're so much, [bleep] calm down, bruh.

[Rhylee] I am [bleep] calm.
Don't start with me.

All right, all right, all right.

Don't look at me
not saying a [bleep] thing,

and tell me to calm down,
you [bleep] moron.

Tanner and Rhy, get into your blacks.

Myself and Brian will square up here.

-Hi. Hi.

Thank you for coming. Right this way.

-There you are.

I can't wait... Hold on.

-That'll do.

Now we can try again.

All right, let's get this side
nice and tight.

[bleep] irritated.


[Kevin] Look at that, beautiful.

Where's his life jacket?

Eh, that's fine.

You can change in here, one second.


Stripe ones are just so much
more difficult

because they get bunched up,
all the stripes.

That's because you have so many stripes.

Do you want to feel what three stripes
epaulets feel like?

You know what, I don't think I should.

I think you should give it
to the boys up there,

because they clearly know what the [bleep]
three stripes look like.

Well, are you just pissed off
about the stripes?

or are you just pissed off?

I'm pissed off at Brian.

Choose your words very carefully
with Rhylee.

That's not how the boat
works though, bruh.

She's got no respect.

I don't understand how somebody
so good looking can get under my skin.

I've worked with her
and that scene out there,

like, I've been in that scene

and we want to try and avoid it.

If there's an issue that
you feel that you need to...

speak to her about, that's fine.

Pull her aside and talk to her about it...

but I don't want [bleep] like that
to [bleep] burst out.

You know what I mean?

Dealing with Rhylee is like
walking on eggshells.

You've gotta tiptoe around her,

you've gotta be careful
about the way you say things,

the way you explain things.

I was just like, relax,
and she [bleep] got all hectic.

You were right there, you saw it.

Because fighting fire with fire
is not gonna work.

Are you [bleep] kidding me?

Are you [bleep] kidding me, Ashton Junior?

I really, really do not wanna deal

with any more drama than I have.

You're a bit of a bitch, huh?

Let's do orange, orange, yellow, yellow.

-Oh, it's looking pretty good.


-Awesome, this looks beautiful.

-Isn't this gorgeous?

-How cute is this?
-I love the lanterns.

-I have all the guests at the table.
-Okay, cool.

Kevin, there's a bit of smoke
outside on our deck.

Can you just keep it down in here, please?

Sorry, bro.
I will just make salads from now on.

I'm just watching you eat.


Oh, yeah.

Your button's undone, by the way.


[Kate] Nature's ramekin... the pineapple.

Obviously, lunch wasn't perfect today.

There was hair in the food,

so I really wanna step it up
for dinner tonight.

-This looks so bad.
-No, it doesn't.

I'm doing pineapple fried rice,
straight into a baby pineapple

and I got a Thai-inspired pork skewer.

My daughter really likes meat on a stick,

so I think this one's gonna be
a fun one for the kids,

and it kinda just looks cool, you know?

-Yeah, it's so cute.
-[Kevin] Cool, cool, cool.

Look at how cute that is, guys.

Kevin's got the wow factor
for the presentation.

They're just pineapple fried rice

and then it's just a pork mince
on a lemongrass skewer,

coconut milk down the bottom,
just to dress it up.

-All right, enjoy, guys.

-Thank you.
-Thank you, Kevin.

This is creative. I like this.

It's not crazy food, but it's good.

Pork's, like, not my favorite,
but the flavor wasn't bad.

You guys should just hang out with me
for the rest of your life.

I'll get a house right by
where you go to college,

and we can hang out all the time.

You guys won't even need friends,
because you'll have us, right?

No... Jane's like, "No." No, she's like...


-What's up?
-[Kevin] No...

No, not in here, in the galley, please.

We also have one little surprise,

real quick, before dessert.

-Oh, boy.
-We love surprises.

What is this?


Oh, my gosh!

This Thai dancer is fantastic.

She's so festive.

I respect her, she's got
commitment to her craft.


I wanna tell her thank you.

-What do you say?
-All right, Albert, your turn.

Hey, that's a big thing when you're Thai,

to learn how to arch your fingers, too,
like that, to dance like that.

-Beautiful, thank you.
-Thank you.

Thank you. Thank you, amazing.


I wish I actually saw the dance. Oh, cute!

What do you think is for dessert?

I don't know.

-This looks really pretty.
-Yeah, it does.

It's like a rice pudding,
but with black sticky rice,

some coconut milk,
and some palm sugar in there.

And then it's mango parfait,
and then just some toasted coconut.

-Awesome. Thank you.
-Enjoy, guys.

I'm not really into the dessert.

You're not liking anything tonight.

I'm just not, like, into rice for dessert.

I loved it, I really did.

I asked him for multi-course,
Michelin star-quality food.

I wanted that kind of food.

Ground-up pork on a stick... come on.

We can do a little bit better tomorrow,
I hope.

Sherrie loved it, but old mate Scott,

-"Meat on a stick?"
-What a d*ck.

He was expecting, like, Michelin star
Thai food on a boat.

I could have refined it
a wee bit more, yeah.

Obviously, Scott wasn't looking
for meat on a stick tonight,

and I apologize, but I just can't win
with these guys.

Oh, well. Good night, good night.

You are wimping out right there.

Oh, jeez.

I'm so beat. We'll see you in the morning.

All right, well, I'll see
you guys in the morning.

-Good night.
-Thank you.

-All right, good night.
-Good night.

I feel like the deck crew honestly lost,
like, seven pounds today, sweating.

Of water.

Just everything. I wanted to ask you...

...it's cool that you and I are
keeping this casual, right?

Uh, yeah, that's fine.

As long as there's respect in this
"casual thing," then that's okay.

I gotcha.

I don't understand what's going on
in this guy's mind.

I'm too busy for this [bleep].

I like hanging out with him.

I like making out with him.

I like waking up next to him.

But I shouldn't.

I need to be like,
"Stop, leave the hot man alone!"

I just wanted us to be on the same page.


Come to me, baby.

-Cool, thank you so much.
-You're welcome.

Oh, boom! Look how cool you look.

Ashton, Ashton, Brian, Brian,

could I request your presence
in the wheelhouse?


-I just got a call from the water taxi.

They're gonna be able to bring
them all the way out here.

-The visitors?

Torrie, the primary's wife
have requested that

we create a surprise arrival
for the kids' grandparents,

who live here in Thailand.

First, we can take them to the beach.

When they're on the beach,
we'll come back here,

launch the slide, the skis...



We already have two young kids on board,

which is a safety hazard,

and now we're about to have two
elderly people on board as well.

So everything we do from here on
needs to be pretty calculated.

-Cool, thanks, bro.
-No worries, bro.

-Oh, my gosh, Albert, what is this?
-I think that's passion fruit.

The muffin's really good.

Serve breakfast, make the beds,

serve the drinks,

make small talk with the guests,

sneak Thai parents on board for lunch.

[Eric] Captain, Captain,
we've got two guests incoming.

[Kate] Your guests
are about to arrive, so...


Really great.

This boat's coming pretty close.

Yeah, it is.

It's really close.

I wonder why they're coming so close?

Who is that on that boat?

It's Grandpa and Grandma!


-Grandma and Grandpa!

Oh, man.

-Go around, give her a big hug.

Go give Grandma and Grandpa a big hug.

[Kate] Does it get cuter than this?

-Hi, baby.
-Oh, my gosh.

Has this yacht turned
into a Hallmark movie?

Hi, I'm Kate, welcome.

I love old people, they're so cute.

They have wisdom.

Welcome aboard.

-Ready to go to the beach, bud?

-Thank you.

Yeah, so this is where the magic happens.

We've never been on a boat like this.

No! Yeah, this is... this is a treat.

[Lee] Now you can check that
off the bucket list.


How long you think they're
gonna be at the beach?

As long as they want.

Do you think it would be
nice if we had the food

on the table, right, and we timed it...

-Yeah, I love it.
-And we just put it out,

they all walk up the stairs...
And it's just all laying out.

Yes, a feast. I love that idea.

Family-style cooking's
a bit of a fairytale for me.

That's why I like doing it.

Growing up, it was always just
a small family, no grandparents.

So I'm gonna make this special.

Everything around the table,
everyone's just gonna sit back,

look at all the food,
and kind of get into it.

All right, we're ready.

-Don't slip, don't slip, don't slip...
-Got it.

-Daddy, look, the island.
-Yes, Pearson.

-Can I go?
-We're gonna...

they're gonna go, and then
come back and get us.

I'm gonna throw this
in there with you guys.

I couldn't sweat any more than I am now.

Yes, you could.

What did you just say?

I feel a little rain.

The wind is coming in strong.

[Ashton] Okay, guys, I'm just
not comfortable with the way

that the waves are crashing onto the sand,

-especially with the kids and older folk.

So I'm sorry I teased you
with a beach excursion,

but we're not gonna be able to do it.

Oh, come on.

He's talking about the kids
and the older folks.

[Ashton] Yeah, I don't wanna be up
there and have the boat

dashing against the rocks
with you guys in it.

This season already,
we've dealt with some injuries

around the changing in tides,

and I've got a narrow approach
with a strong current coming in,

crashing waves onto rocks.

And given what happened
to them last season,

I cannot have any injuries
or they will pack their bags

and leave, and this is just
not a risk I'm willing to take.

-Captain, Captain, Ash.
-[Lee] Go ahead, Ash.

I'm not really comfortable
with the situation on the beach.


[Lee] If you can't do it safely,
then you can't do it at all.


What's wrong? What's up?

[Kate] Am I hearing on the radio
that they might not

-be going to the beach now?
-Yes, you are hearing that.

This beach party was
on the preference sheet.

All of the guests were
very excited about it.

So canceling the beach party...
it's kind of a big deal.

We can't go on the beach?

We're all screwed now.


Um, it's rough,
and they don't wanna risk it.

Oh, no.

Sorry about that, guys.

We can't go on the beach? Why?

Um, it's rough,
and they don't wanna risk it.

Oh, no.

I'd rather have you all safe.
Sorry about that, guys.

-Come on.

[Kate] Simone,
will you run down to the fridge

-and grab all the cool towels.

And bring them up to the guests
on a platter,

-with an orchid?
-Okay, cool.

Kevin and I decided to have
a wonderful lunch set up

for when the guests
got back from the beach,

but now, thanks to Ashton,
there is no beach,

and we've got disappointed guests

and a bunch of wasted time. Good call.

They're not going to the beach now.

-So one o'clock lunch.

-One o'clock, let's just do it.
-Let's just do it.

[Lee] Ashton, Ashton,
break out every toy we got.

I want the pool in.

If it floats, I want it behind the boat,

-[Ashton] Copy that.

Three of us at least, on that pool.

Want to get that in as soon as we can.

So I've avoided one problem
that we had last season,

but now I've created
a whole another problem

of these guests being bored.

Now it's just rush, rush, rush
to get the skis in,

to get the slide out,
that the kids don't get bored,

that mummy's happy again.
This is just a lot right now.

-There you go.

You're welcome.

Sorry about that, Albert.

I just wasn't comfortable
with the way that the waves

-were crashing onto the beach.
-Oh, okay, yeah.

So we'll put the pool in for you guys,

and give you as much fun as we can here.

-Yeah, all right.
-Thanks for understanding.


[Kate] So we can go ahead
and proceed with lunch at 1:00.

It's gonna be a large feast
that Kevin's prepared.

-Oh, cool.
-You guys can do water sports until lunch.

What can I get you guys
while you're waiting?

-You want a vodka and soda again?
-You know, I'll do another one.


Let's get all this furniture to the side,

get this thing in as quick as we can,

hopefully before their lunch.

I know it's not ideally
what we wanted to do today,

but plans have changed.

I think you made the right call.

Should I be setting up platforms

and trampolines down
there while you guys do this?

I'm gonna... let's put the pool in.
Let's get all of us on the pool,

-then we can put stuff up around it.

I wanna go on the toys.

-You wanna go on the toys?
-Setting them up now.

Yeah, they're setting them up.

We're gonna have some lunch,
and we'll go on the toys.



Crab walk.

I'm doing it to both lines, obviously.

So a proper bowline...
I don't use bowlines that often.

-That's... you want your end tail...

...to go in towards your loop.

Yeah, let me tie it real quick.

Oh, how we took circulated air
for granted.

Oh, man.

-It's so smoky back there.
-It's getting thick.

-A little smoky?
-That's not good.

-We just gotta pull this in.
-Loosen this.

-All right.

-You got it?

Let me do the other one.
One, two, three...

Jesus Christ, this current is ripping.

Rhylee, there's a lot
of pressure on this line.

Can you tie off that line you're handing,
and then I hand this to you?

So then why did I [bleep] untie it?

Rhylee, can you tie off that line
and come grab this one?

-Working on it!
-I've said it twice.

You had me untie it first.

-Let's try again.
-Okay, wait.

What's wrong?

I don't know what knot this is.

Yeah, that's Rhylee's fishing knots.

-I don't know what they are, either.

Can't tie knots, tie lots.

Can you not get it loose?

Yeah, I don't know what she's done here.

-Want me to help you?
-Yeah, please.

Oh, [bleep].

What's up?

It's just very smoky.

[alarm ringing]

The fire alarm just went off.

-What is he cooking?
-We don't need whatever it is.

Oh, my gosh, we can go
to an island to eat.

[Lee] Everything okay down there, Kev?

Everything's good,
he's just grilling fish.

My eyes are burning.

It's a struggle to keep them open.

[device beeping]

-[bleep] this.
-What the [bleep] is she doing?

Oh, my God.

-[Courtney] This is insane.


Just grab the line.

I know. I was trying to do the same
[bleep] thing back there.

I just asked you to tie it, that's it,
and we'll figure it out.

Right, after you had me untie it, Tanner.

That's why you can't do
different [bleep] knots.

'Cause when we get to it,
we don't know what the [bleep] going on.

-I'm sorry, but...
-No, I'm your biggest fan.

This charter was about
redemption from last season.

But now the guests are disappointed,
I'm frustrated.

It's hard to think when
you're just trying to survive.

-This is chaos.
-I think it's helping.

It's very smoky all around.

This is the most wild
experience of my life.

That sucks. I was so
excited to go to the beach.

Yeah, that was one of the big
things we wanted to see.

As a way to make it up to them,

we've gotta pull out all the stops.

-Good evening.
-Captain Lee!

-Looking good!

You seem to have an issue with the knot.

The bowline knot is not something that
I use on a fishing boat.

Don't come here with your attitude again.

To be honest, I feel like
we're on different lengths and stuff,

and I'm trying to have some fun, you know?

What the hell kind of [bleep], boy?


Drink, drink, mother [bleep].


Smashton's out of his cage.

If you think you're such
a [bleep] better person...

Oi, oi, oi...

Calm down, bro,
calm bro, calm down.

You think you [bleep] know everything.

I'm so sick of your [bleep] attitude.

Go find another Chief Stew. I quit.

Oh, this is gonna be awkward tomorrow.

Don't follow me. Don't follow me.
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