07x19 - Reunion Part 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Below Deck". Aired: July 1, 2013 – present.*
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Show chronicles the lives of the crew members who work and reside aboard a superyacht during charter season.
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07x19 - Reunion Part 1

Post by bunniefuu »

[Andy] Tonight,
it's drama on the high seas.

[Lee] You overheard a conversation
that was none of your business.

What I did was stupid, immature.

When you were gyrating in a Speedo,
I already worked my way up to chief stew.

[Andy] Who will sink and who will swim?

When last have you worked
on a motor yacht?

[Andy] Rough waters ahead!

You're not giving me the same opportunity.

You should go work on a private boat.

[Andy] The crew is getting salty.

That's your opinion!

-That's really dramatic.
-Sorry is bull [bleep], Ashton!

-I don't regret leaving.
-I spilled some beans.

You kept sending me aggressive messages.

Check your ego at the g*dd*mn dock.

[Andy] The Below Deck reunion starts now.

Hey, everybody, welcome to the Below Deck
season seven reunion.

I'm your captain,
Andy Cohen with a band-aid

in the Bravo clubhouse
joined by the crew of mega-yacht Valor,

all the way from Thailand.

Let's welcome first the stud of the sea,

-Captain Lee. Hi, Captain Lee.
-How you doing, Andy?

-Hi, Kate.
-Hi, how are you?

Good. Kind of looking like
a New York housewife tonight.

-Kind of feeling like one.
-All right.

-Hi, Rhylee.
-Hi, Andy.

-Great to see you.
-You, too.

-How are you doing, Andy?

-How are you?


-Hi, Courtney.

-Great to see you.
-Nice to see you.

-Hello there, Ashton.

-Chef Kevin?
-Hey, Andy.

-How are ya?
-I'm great.

-Hey, Brian.
-Nice to see you, Andy.

-How's it going?
-Yeah, good.

-Hey, Tanner.
-Andy, pleasure as always.

My pleasure.

Last but not least, hi, Abbi.

-We have a lot to talk about tonight.

So, let's get to it.

This season,
the charter guests aboard Valor

came from all over,

but they were all totally fluent
in nuttiness.

Roll the crazy guests montage.

[woman] I'm getting freaked out.

-I can't breathe.
-Are you okay?

[Kate] I'm not sure
what they were being served

wherever they were before this,
but I think that Brandy had a lot of them.

Lay down right there.

She needs medical attention
and she needs it fast.

They want you to strip.

[women exclaiming]

So, you're South African;
I'm North American.

Opposites attract, right?
Is there a garter on your leg?

-Do you want that off?

[Simone] I'm here trying
to be professional.

Meanwhile, Michael is
just being so creepy.

Aye, I'm a pirate!

I can't share a full-size bed
with another adult woman.

Jamie's being selfish,
insignificant little twit.

Chef to chef, we should probably go
a little more upscale tonight.

Chef to chef, just saying
you can go [bleep] yourself.

Orange County housewife
Alexis Bellino.

[Kate] She just got divorced
and she is doing fine.

[Alexis] Everyone needs to get divorced.

It's because of charter guests like this
that I'm over it!

All right. So, Jess H. Facebooked,
"Captain Lee, after Simone

was sexually harassed
repeatedly by a guest,

could you explain if your industry
has policies in place

to protect staff who are being harassed?"

It seems fairly kind of lawless
out on the seas.

It is, to a certain degree.
But you have to know

that it's happening before
you can do something about it.

Kate knew that it was happening,
so she took her out of service

-and removed her from that situation.
-[Andy] Right.

Which is the proper thing to do.

I thought it was handled properly.

Simone, do you agree that
it was handled properly?

Yachting is a bit disappointing
in the fact

that money talks, you know?


The proper way to handle
the situation would actually be

to address the person who is conducting

the sexual harassment to the person.

But in terms of yachting,
if someone is paying

for something,
then whatever they say goes.

And you have to navigate around it.

So, with Kate pulling me off
of service to pull me away

from the situation, that was like...

That was a great move, you know?

Did you consider saying anything to him?

[Kate] No, I've seen worse behavior
from other charter guests over the years.

She certainly should not have to
deal with that,

but I knew I could handle it.

All right. Lee, what was your reaction
when you saw the way Kevin spoke

to the charter guest Justine
when she approached him in the galley?

I thought Kevin
could have handled that better.

She was a charter guest.

And so, you know, she had her say.

He could have been gracious about it
and not confrontational.

What do you think?

Yeah, I think with Justine,
like, coming into the kitchen

the way she did, and kind of having...

...it's all from the introductory,
wasn't it?

You know, she was going to keep
an eye on me.

I wasn't going to sit there
and take it, to be honest.

[Rhylee] You still don't think that
all of the guests

should be pleased
with what they're having,

for, you know, dining experience, though?

Yeah, of course they should be.

She was making a point
by coming into the galley

and kind of telling me to step up my game,

which I don't really need.

You know, I'm employed by the boat.

I know what I can do
and I've got to be confident

in what I can put out, you know?

It's annoying when somebody tells you
to step up their game

when it's not their thing to do, right?


-Nice segue.
-Why? That's what he was doing to you?

[Kate] All season.


[Andy] All right, I want to move on.

All season long,
Valor's interior crew managed

to keep the staterooms extra tidy.

Meanwhile, their working relationship
was a bit of a mess. Take a look.

[Kate] Simone, you have more experience,
you're going to be second stew.

Courtney, third.

I'm more accustomed to

sitting at the table than I am serving it.

Can I get anyone anything?

-I'll take another mojito.
-I'll have one too.

-Can I have one?
-Make that three.

Thank you, Courtney.

Courtney is very good at service

and Simone is doing great
in the laundry room.

But also,
they're just nice and respectful!

This is so refreshing!

You can look at the laundry room and like,

-have a slight heart attack.
-I know.

I feel like every time I walk by,
you're in there.

I'm getting a bit disappointed
that I have to go back to laundry.

I don't want to just be the laundry girl.

[Kate] Simone, I'm going to
have you on late,

so it's going to be
more service than normal.

OMG! Like, thank you!

How are you at opening a bottle of wine?

[Simone] Er...

[Kate] Okay. You go under the lip.

All right.

Simone is training herself in service

and I am training myself in patience.

How am I on turndowns again?

I'm not sure that
you're ready to do service.

I'm not sure that
you are a great second stew.

And now you've made
our department look bad.

-An extra stripe?

You definitely deserve this.

I probably wouldn't work with Kate again.

If Kate's going to try
to get a reaction out of me,

she's got the wrong person
because I'm not that basic bitch.

[Andy] All right.

Ariel P. from Virginia Beach said
"Simone criticized Kate

for not teaching her during charter.

Do you think she should have to teach her
as a second stew?

And how do you think Kate treated Simone

compared to other stews in the past?"

[Lee] No, this isn't a training school.
It's not a training exercise.

When you sign on, we're taking your word

that you possess the skills
that you said you did.

Knowing what Simone's frustrations were

with how she was being treated,

do you think Kate handled it correctly?

[Lee] I do, because Simone said
she was totally happy in laundry.

And she was excellent at it.

I mean, the laundry room
had never been run so efficiently.

When you realize a weakness

and you realize that somebody is not
particularly strong in a certain area,

then certain things have to be adjusted

-to accommodate the guests.

No, I don't agree with
what's being said at the moment.

So basically in yachting, for him to say
"This is not a training boat,"

okay, there are a lot of instances

in the yachting industry
where people come on green

and they get trained during the season.

Maybe someone will quit during the season

and someone green in a certain area
will just hop on

and then you have to deal with it,
you know?

And then also, in a sense,
where they're saying

"I wasn't..." 'Cause I...
Even from Twitter and stuff,

insinuated that I lied on my CV.

Like the CV that you gave Kate
on the first day did explain

that I had a lot of experience in terms
of cooking,

in terms of laundry and in housekeeping.

There was no service experience in it.

I figured that, okay, I'll probably be
guided along the way.

And I did try to do it on my own, also.

Dinner service with charter guests
is not practice.

What you did was amazing.

I put you on service as much as I could.

Yeah, but... I understand that,
but I'm just saying

if what I did was amazing,
then why would I have to go in

-and do turndowns?
-Because it's a job that has to be done.

-But why should I be doing it?
-Who did you want to do it?

Why won't you treat me
as an equal to Courtney?

-If I manage to do it...
-Because... I'll tell you.

...without you being there,
and we were both together, we were fine.

Because her service skills
were stronger than yours.

So, how are my service skills
going to get stronger

if I was never given
the opportunity to do them?

Courtney, do you think Kate
was too tough on Simone?

[Courtney] I understand why Simone
feels the way that she does,

but Kate is in charge of everything,

so she has to accommodate the guests
before she accommodates

what we want.

[Lee] Everybody that gets onboard the boat

should check their ego
at the g*dd*mn dock.

Interesting points.

[Rhylee] You're going...
You're scoffing at that?

[Lee] Why do you say that, Ashton?

Yes. I totally agree with you.
It's an interesting point to make.

Yeah. The ego should be checked
at the dock

and you're there to serve the guests.

-Completely agree with that.
-You didn't get hired

to talk back to the guests, you didn't
get hired to make them feel bad.

You got hired to make this the most
memorable experience of their life.

If Simone is eager and willing,

then as a manager,
shouldn't you capitalize on that?

Sure. And I did.
I used her as much as I could.

But there's so much laundry
that needs to be done on a boat.

There just is. Somebody has to do it.

Trudy H. Facebooked, "Kate, do you feel

hypocritical for admonishing Simone
for speaking outside of your department,

yet you did the same thing with Rhylee

when you told her what Ashton said?"

I think that what Ashton said was false.

And also, perhaps it was hypocritical,

but I could already tell
there was a lot of

animosity coming from the deck crew
towards my way.

And I just felt like
I had you down there, you know,

betraying the interior.

So, did you and Kate end on a good note,
by the way, Simone?

Mmm, I don't know.

Because at some points
you were really nice to me,

but then at some points
you were just really mean.

Like, I don't know.

Any time you thought
I was being mean to you,

I was probably just stressed out
and I apologize.

It was not personal, ever.

And so, when I watched the show back,
I'm really sorry that you felt that way.

Do you really think she's evil?

Um... Okay, some of that stuff
was said, like,

-in the heat of the moment. You know?

-Based on something, yeah.
-It happens.


it was just based on some
of the stuff that you would do.

-[Andy] Was giving the stripes...
-Yeah, you know, like, yeah.

Was giving the stripes to Courtney
in front of her mean?

Telling the guys that I was crying
because I wasn't on service, like,

and then it's the thing with the stripes.

I'm like, well, she's definitely...

If she's trying to get
a reaction out of me.

No, I was never trying to get
a reaction out of you, ever.

[Kate] Trust that whatever
decisions I make

are for the good of the boat.
It's not personal.

Well, then you're playing me.

Because you've been saying that
we're good and stuff,

but then you're talking stuff about me.

I don't think I left like we were good
at that moment.

-You said you did it as punishment.
-[Kate] Yes, because...

Not to punish her, to let Simone know

Courtney deserves to be on service
as much as you do,

you guys are equal.

But we're going to focus
on what your strengths are,

-not what your strengths aren't.
-But I don't deserve to be

as much on service because as soon as...

Like, that's not the same.

Turndowns have to be done,
and Courtney is stronger on service.

You're not giving me
the same opportunities.

I think you should go work
on a private boat

and practice your service.

I think you should go take a course
in Ft. Lauderdale

where they have the time
to teach you everything.

These are resources you could use.

-Okay, that's fine.
-I think you should practice

-opening a bottle of wine.
-There's always time on the boat

to help people grow and stuff.

It's not like you were dealing
with a delinquent.

I'm a fast learner and, you know?

[Andy] Karen L. from Long Island
wants to know,

"Lee, why does Kate
get a pass every season

for picking one crew member out
to bully to tears?"

Well, I don't know who she picked out
to bully to tears.

[Andy] Well, I think they're
talking about Simone.

-Doing laundry is not bullying.
-[Simone] No!

It's not even about the laundry.
It's about certain things

that you'd say to me all the time,
like why are you sleeping...

When we went on our car ride back home,

it's like, why are you sleeping?

Are you tired of your third stew role,
kind of thing?

Why would you say that to me?

-If you're not trying...

Why are you saying that to me
if you're not trying to incite

like harm or make me feel worse

than I need to be feeling, you know?

You would always... I didn't feel you were
engaging with the rest of the group.

Kate, what do you say to people who say

that you're a bully sometimes?

[Kate] I can understand,
if you haven't worked in yachting

or in the interior, how it looks that way.

I wish I could trade and hold hands,

but I just have to get the work done

or else I get in trouble.

There's so much to do.

Let me ask you this.

Ashton got a lot of crap
for the way that he spoke

to specifically Rhylee this season.

When you flip it around

and look at the way that you speak
to some of your employees,

are there growth areas for you?

If you look at bosuns over the season,

they are... Because they're males,

they get away with saying
curse words, like,

"You guys effing suck,
this is the worst deck crew,

you need to get it together.
Captain Lee said..."

Things that I would never say.

Me, I get called a bully
because I'm, like,

I'm going to need you in laundry again.

-[Andy] Right.
-You're not the greatest second stew.

Like, I never use curse words at them.

I just need them to get the work done.

Abbi, I want to know what you think
of Ashton as a boss.

I think we had a very calm demeanor
between each other.

When we discussed an issue,
we spoke to each other

and we talked about how to solve it.

And... I don't know.

I can't speak of what happened after
because I don't know. I wasn't there.

What do you think of the way
you treat your employees

versus how Kate treats hers?

[Ashton] I don't think anyone on my team

feels that I ever swore at them
or threw demands at them.

-Rhylee may.
-Yeah, I'm on that team, remember?

Whether you like it or not.

And I do feel like
you spoke very condescendingly,

very poorly.

I would never blare or speak outside
of someone's door,

forcing them off a yacht.

That's why I was saying
I don't go to those extremes.

[Kate] Are you ever going to leave?

She's not going to sleep.

This is an eviction.

I'm glad you're leaving.

Say bye.


-Yeah, okay.
-Other than the way you treated me,

I don't think it was very professional.

Are you serious right now?

Are you telling me I didn't
treat you well, Ashton, this season?

Is that what you just said?

I just think that you can handle crew

more professionally sometimes.
And that's my opinion.

I'm not comparing...
I'm not going to go tit for tat with you

and say you did this,
I did this, you did that.

You could have handled things
a bit more professionally this season.

-That's it.
-I'll take that into consideration.

[Lee] Ashton, do you really think that
in your limited experience,

you're in a position to judge somebody
that has much more experience than you do?

-I asked him to. And he answered.
-But his answer was confusing

because when you were still gyrating
in a Speedo for dollar bills,

I already worked my way up to chief stew.

-And that was before Below Deck.
-When else did you work on a...

On a motor yacht in the real industry?
In the real world?

-About four years ago.

And yourself, Captain Lee?

[Kate gasps]

-[Lee] For the last 35 years.
-No, when last?

When last? Last year.

Last year.
You've done full charter seasons.

-Yeah, he went to Alaska.
-No, not full charters.

-I did Alaska two years ago.
-And you?

-And you, Ashton?
-Yeah, I've done four seasons.

Whose boat are you working on
right now, Ashton?

I gave my opinion.

I said that you could treat people better.

And that was my observation.

And if you think that
I'm not qualified enough

to have that opinion, then that's fine.
That's your opinion.

How long have you been in the industry?

-I got asked a question.
-You asked us questions,

-now we're going to ask you.
-I got asked a question

-and I answered it.
-Okay, great.

And he asked me a question
and I answered it.

And that's all I'm going to say.

And then you asked us questions
about what motor yacht we've worked on

in the industry recently.

-Yeah. I was interested to understand.
-Now I'm asking you

whose boat are you working on now?

Are you referring to Rhylee's tweets?

-No, I mean you aren't...
-About me working

-on my girlfriend's yacht?
-Well, it's actually...

It's actually his girlfriend's
best friend's...

-Well, ex-best friend's boyfriend.
-It's all friends of friends.

[Andy] Okay. All right.

[Kate]I wouldn't call that
a real industry job.

Yeah, it's like his ties are because
he's [bleep]'ing somebody.

Okay. But he's working on the yacht.

I know, but it's not...

Andy, this is all hearsay and rumor.

I'm not working on my girlfriend
or my girlfriend's best friend's yacht.

-So, what they're saying is untrue.

And if they're going to carry on
with this type

of defamation of character,
there's going to be an issue.

Unless they can bring me hard evidence

that I'm working on my best...
On my girlfriend's yacht,

-or my girlfriend's best friend's yacht.

-[Rhylee] Ex-best friend.

I think the fact is he's working
on a yacht, so...

As the chef on Valor,

Kevin made sure his food
knocked it out of the park.

But for some crew members
and even a few charter guests,

Kevin's personality didn't pass
a basic taste test.

Take a look at this.

If I had a dollar for every
crazy yacht chef

I've worked with, I would own a yacht
with a crazy yacht chef.

[Kevin] We've got seven guests out there
and I've only got one main plate.

[Kate] Get off my ass, Kevin.

Sorry, Kate,
it's the last place I'd like to be.

-Well, I think I know.
-Get it together.

How [bleep]'ing embarrassing.

It's [bleep]'ing breakfast,
it's not rocket science.

Kevin, maybe you'd like to go ahead
and serve the guests then, you know?

[Kate] Wait, we have six...

Where's number seven?

[Kevin swearing]

Captain Lee's not getting one
in this course.

If you're going to be
an arrogant little prick,

you'd better back it up.

Don't you want to impress your boss?

This is nice, having all the active
crew members in the galley.

The least he can do is
not overstep his boundaries.

[Kate] You made me and the girls
just the side b*tches.

Do you want me to serve
the guests in this crockery?

I don't know why you're being
a d*ck about this.

I have this gift of creative revenge

that I only use when I'm very angry.

Well congratulations, Kevin,
you've made me very angry.

For the first meal today,
we've got blue swimming crab.

Oh, my God, this is delicious!



Oh, so by the way, the primary was

a little too drunk and she went to bed.

That was just [bleep]'ing pathetic.

This is a pretty evil kind of bitch mode.

[Andy] Okay. By the way,

we have the primary on
Watch What Happens Live

with you, and she said that
had you explained

what the penis cake was about
to the group,

it would have gone over really well.

Yeah. To be honest, a request like that,

I didn't feel like I needed to explain.

[all laughing]

Yeah. I...

No, I just don't randomly make
a penis cake.

Did anyone try the penis cake?

-It was so amazing.
-[Andy] Really?

It was good. The nutty part.

I heard it was all over the galley
that night.

Like that was the best...

The best.

I was so impressed.

And I was literally... I was telling him
all night long in the galley.

-I was like this is amazing!
-I'm glad you said it in the galley.

-In the galley. It was amazing!
-[Andy] I will say, it is...

I mean, I know that the two of you
can't stand each other,

but you can make a penis out of a blanket
and you can make a penis cake.

-I mean, I don't know.
-No, I loved it.

It was wonderful! It was like...
It was even better than my blanket.

-Props to you!
-Thank you.

Casey H. said, "As a chef, Kevin,
why don't you feel

like the interior is on your team?

You seem to work against them
instead of with them.

Do you think you're above them?"

No, I definitely don't think
I'm above anyone.

I want to...

[Andy] Do you see how
it comes off, though?

Yeah, I can. I really can.
And I just want us to kind of gel

as kind of four people as an interior.

Curious, Lee, how do you rate
Chef Kevin's food?

On a scale of one to ten?

I can't get into a scale rating on it.

-Because had he performed at the level

that he could have consistently,

I think he would have
knocked it out of the park

every g*dd*mn time,

but he let emotions get in the way.

-[Andy] Kate?
-With Kate or with whoever else.

And it would just boil over
and then he would just

get a case of the [bleep]-its.

Kate, how do his skills
compare to other Below Deck chefs?

I think you're a wonderful, talented chef,

and you also did the best meals
for the crew as well as the guests.

You know, the crew ate great food.
And that's a lot of extra effort.

-Thanks, Kate.
-You did amazing.

And you were the hardest-working chef
I've ever worked with.

Wow! Looking at your behavior
in the kitchen...

-...can you point to anything

or any recurring patterns in the way
that you spoke to Kate

that led to the two of you
not getting each other,

-or not getting along?
-I can...

I can see coming in,
I just came in really hot,

you know, straight off the bat.

And there was... I don't think...

Especially in my position,
there's no time to kind of

sit back and see how it's all going to go.

You've got to get in there and go for it.

What was the core of the issue
between the two of you?

I think that he came off a private boat,
and it was a large vessel, wasn't it?

And I'm so used
to this kind of program...

-Yeah. Definitely.
-...that they are so different.

And so, I think the difference was meeting

in the middle with the... You're used to

very organized, very structured.

And with this, I'm like
you've just got to go with it.

You don't know what's gonna happen
the next 3 days, the next 30 minutes.

-Like it's crazy.
-No, of course.

Zach from Pearl River said,

"Kate, what was it about Kevin
that pushed you

to sabotage his penis cake?

Wouldn't something like that
reflect badly on the whole crew?"

You know, in my experience,

penis-shaped items
have gone over very well.

But you've always gotten them
as [bleep] to guests.

I did that...
I have made a rocket ship, okay?

-One time.
-Yeah, okay.

Always. Like it's my thing.

And really, I swear
I did not know they were

talking about charity
and children at that moment.

But you were so proud of
what was a glorious masterpiece.

-It's like... It was perfect.
-[Rhylee] Amazing.

But you said on the show that you did it
to get back at him.

-Well, here's... I'm getting there.

So, he was so proud. He's so proud.

He's been working all day.
And he would often, during the season,

be like what are the guests doing?
When can I serve it?

Are we going to serve it now?
Are we serving it later?

When are we serving it? I'm like, listen,
they're talking right now.

And I felt at that moment, you were like,
can we serve it now? Can we serve it now?

And the way I got back at you,
it's like, you know what?

Serve it now. Do it.

Do it your way because you were like
so excited and so pushy.

And normally I would step in and say,
"This is your bachelorette cake!"

But because I was annoyed with you,

I did not step in
and let you handle it yourself.

You knew that she had gone to bed,
and you knew that the timing was bad.

I did not know the timing
was as bad as it was.

-I knew she went to bed.

You didn't share that with him because...

Because I was... No, I was mad

because he had called me
a d*ck earlier in the day.

And he was rushing me,
and I felt like he wasn't respecting

my role or importance
in guests-to-dinner-serving relations.

-How pissed at her were you?

Yeah, I was like... I'm over it now.

And I kind of... I laughed
when I saw the episode and stuff.

-The next morning,

I apologized to Jamal,
and she apologized for not being there

and all the rest of it. So...

Kevin, on Watch What Happens Live,

you said you would never
bring up your daughter like Kate.


What did you...
What did you mean by that?

Yeah, I was a bit pissed off at my answer,

to be honest, and upset
at myself for kind of

saying that because, to be honest,

Kate and Rhylee both have...

Like there is attributes
to both of them that,

you know, I really do like
about both of you.

Like what?

[all laughing]

You can do this show for six years.

But, you know, they put up
with a lot of stuff.

What did you mean when you said
you wouldn't bring up

-your daughter like Kate?
-Look, it was just...

I had nothing better to say, I guess.

And it was just off the cuff.


Look, it's not that...
I think in this day and age

we all, you know, want to bring...

If we bring a human being into this world,

we want them to be the best person
they can be, you know?

And at the time, you know,
and to be honest,

both of our relationships
aren't very great, you know?

And, I don't know what I'm saying.

-Okay, all right.
-I just wanna... I don't know...

Are you apologizing for saying that?

Hey? Yeah, no, definitely.

And... Sorry. I am very sorry
for the comment that I made

-on Watch What Happens Live.

-And both of you have beautiful...
-Thank you.

There is beautiful stuff
about you, you know?

-If I could, yeah, take it out, I would.
-All right.

Say one beautiful thing
about both of them.

[Kate] Whenever.

She's super funny.
And you're a hard worker.

-Thank you.

-What everyone says about you.

While the deck crew was responsible
for tying complicated knots,

the entire crew was quite good
at getting naughty.

Let's relive the steamy
boat-mances from the season.

[Ashton] Thailand is a lot of fun,
but you can into a lot of trouble.

I think they put something different
in their vodka.

I really like you.

You feel me?

[Abbi] So, I get a text
from my Greek [bleep] buddy.

He was like he wanted to marry me,
and I was like, yeah.

I [bleep]'ing can't believe it.

[Tanner] Kate has
caught my eye 100%.

I tend to lean towards older women.

I'll bang him drunk, probably,
maybe, on accident.

I feel like I need to talk all the time.

[Kate] I think Brian and Courtney
are going to [bleep].

Finally, like damn, son,
you took your time!

Tanner. He said he went down on you.

This guy's an assh*le. What the hell?

[Simone] Tanner's definitely
the definition of a [bleep] boy.

I'm just going to smile and wave.

-Come on, Courtney.
-Move, Courtney, move!

Come on!


[Kate] I would never break girl code,

but Simone's been kind of annoying me,

so, my girl code is slipping.

Tanner's been flirting with me all season.

And now I would like to cash in
my tickets, thank you.

[Courtney] You were mad at me,

and I don't know what I did
that was so offensive.

[Courtney] I'm just fed up.

I don't waste my time on people
that aren't worthy of it.

About what?

[Courtney] Yeah.

Yes. Yeah.

Courtney! The look on your face
as you watch that.

Did you like it?

[all laughing]

I liked it, but I don't think he did.

[Andy] You... Have you not
enjoyed reliving this?



So, the two of you
have not spoken since...

-I don't know.

I mean, I had to block him
because he kept sending me

aggressive messages
about what I said on the episodes.

I wouldn't say aggressive.
I was just trying to find out

-why you were saying what you were saying.
-They were pretty aggressive.

They were pretty venomous.

I've never received any messages

in the tone that you have been sending me.

Like what?

I mean, what was she saying
on the show that upset you?

Just on Twitter and stuff.

I just felt like she was
bringing me down on Twitter.

And like I've never done that to her.

I hadn't even directly...
I have been very general,

because I feel like
all of the issues are things

that are sort of fundamental issues

and reflections
of what's happening in the world.

And in society right now.

So, that's me creating a conversation
about what's happening.

And looking back on it
and wanting other people

to know that I don't think that's okay

because I'm not going to cosign
your behavior

by being silent about it.

Because I really don't appreciate the way
that you spoke to me a lot of times

and the way that you've messaged me since.

It's not acceptable. I won't tolerate it.

-Spoke to you on the boat or...
-It wasn't my intention...

The way that he treated me on the boat,

the way that he handled our arguments.

And what were the messages
he was sending you?

That I'm a coldhearted woman.

He doesn't know what he ever saw in me.

-It gives me anxiety to think about it.
-[Rhylee] Take a drink.

-[Courtney] I need to refill my drink!
-[Andy] Let me ask you this.

Were you actually into Brian?

Of course! It's obvious
that we liked each other, but...

I mean, that's why I had such trouble.

You seemed kind of miserable with him
on that date.

I was exhausted.
We work 14-plus hours a day.

And that was me making it clear to him

that it wasn't about him
and that it was just tiredness.

What did you like about him?

In the time,
in the moment that you were with him?

-I don't know. I think...
-Penis ravine.

-Right here.

We obviously had an easy connection,

but I think that you can get
a false sense of intimacy

-a little bit.

When you're around each other
all the time.

Then you realize you don't really
know each other that well.

And I think that's what came out
towards the end.

Bobby T. from Louisiana said,
"How can you say Courtney

took it the wrong way
when your text to her

said very plainly you were in it
just for fun.

How can her reaction have surprised you?"

I'm so happy this came up
because I did not break up with Courtney

-over a text message.

The whole story about this text message

was because I knew Courtney
wasn't so comfortable

in front of the cameras, so I wanted
to get us on the same level...

-Before you talked on camera?
-...when we had the talk. Yeah, exactly.

And so, but you said in the text that

"We were in it just for fun."

No, I said, "We're having fun?"

It was a question. I wasn't saying...

-You said we're just having fun, right?
-We're just having fun, right?

-It's a question.

If you came and said to me...

Which is exactly
what Tanner said to Simone.

-And that was my issue.
-I did not mean it like that

-because I really liked you.
-I understand that.

And we've cleared that up.
But I had a very normal reaction to it.

-I was calm.
-[Andy] If she was into you...

I expressed that to you
and you were angry.

...and you sent her that message,

do you understand how she could take it?

Yes. 100 percent.

But all you did was blame me
for that reaction.

-It wasn't my intention.
-And my reaction was so normal.

I promise you, it wasn't my intention.
I apologize.

And you reacted so abnormally to that.

Let me ask you this. When you heard him
on the show saying,

"Wait, I actually really liked her."

-Did you...
-No. He was...

All he did was place blame on me.

[Brian] Man, that's...

-That's all I saw.
-No, man, that's really dramatic.

We had much more good times
than bad times.

Me? That's not what I'm saying.

You keep telling her
she's dramatic, which is...

[Rhylee] It's her feeling.
It's how she feels.

-I know. But the thing is...
-But I'm the one that reacted calmly

and you react dramatically to my response.

On the show, Courtney is very guarded.
She's got this wall up.

-No, I'm not.
-And it's very hard to see her emotions

and what she's feeling.
I didn't know where I was with Courtney.

Like, I would never break up
with somebody over text, 100 percent.

That is a coward way of doing it.

It's not that you were
breaking up with her.

It's that you opened
the conversation with like...

-It was kind of like it was like casual.
-While I was at work.

It was just a stupid move from my part,

but I promise you
I didn't mean it like that.

We understand. That's not my issue.

If you wanted it to be serious
and told me let's be serious.

-That was not my issue.
-We could've spoken about it.

My issue was that you decided to text me
in the middle of a work day

so I couldn't talk to you about it.

And then you were angry at me
for my completely normal reaction to it.

I was angry at you
that you told the whole boat

-our situation.
-I told Kate because I had to go back

to work two minutes later.

Because Kevin came up to me
and told me what's going on.

-I'm like what the hell?
-Have you seen the show?

You talked to Ashton about it. So why's
that different from her talking to Kate?

-You talked to the entire deck crew.
-After the whole situation.

-I needed to explain what was going on.
-So did I!

Kevin really made it
like she was talking [bleep].

All she said was that... She said exactly
what you did, which was that you...

-But she didn't.
-You said she's talking...

She was just stating the facts.

She said I was breaking up with her
after text, and I wanted it to be fun.

That's not what I meant.
If she came to me and asked...

It doesn't matter what you meant.

-It does matter what I meant!
-And also that you did it via text.

It's... If you... Your tone was not clear.

Yeah, and I'm sorry, okay?
That was a bad part on my side.

[Kate] Texting is bad.

And then you were dismissive about it,
which made it even worse.

I didn't really know that
you cried so much.

And it broke my heart
when I saw that episode.

Because I didn't want that at all.
Like, I didn't want that for you.

-I didn't try to do that to you.
-Every time you saw me cry,

you rolled your eyes at me.

-So, I'm not going to pretend that...
-When did I see you cry?

When I was... Kevin was hugging me,

-you went outside.
-I went outside.

-I didn't know you were crying.
-You were like, she's crying

and now she's making me look bad.
When we were at the market,

you walked right past me.

You look at me with disdain
when I disagree with you.

That's your opinion,
but that's not what I...

That's what I'm...
I'm not trying to portray that.

Well, you should work on that.

You give your opinion
about how she feels,

which is like
she shouldn't feel that way.

It's a miscommunication,
clearly, with how it started.

-But you can't tell her how to feel.

Or that it's wrong in her
to talk to her friend

or our counterpart, especially when...

That's our environment,
is each other right now.

I don't want the whole boat
knowing about my personal situation.

-But you talked to the guys.
-Then you're in the wrong field.

You talked to the guys
about me all the time.

-You know?
-Yeah, I see your point.

To be honest, it's a very...
for me, telling Brian about the situation

between how Courtney was talking to Kate,

that was just me nipping it in the bud
and wanting them to, like, talk.

[Kevin] What's going on
with you and Court?

She's going around like
[bleep]'ing saying [bleep] now.

You messaged her and said,
"Hey, blah, blah, blah."

-What the [bleep], man?
-Yeah, I'm just letting you know.

She came out here straightaway
and just [bleep]'ing told Kate.

Thanks for the heads up.

You overheard a conversation
between Kate and Courtney,

which you had no right
to relay onto anyone else.

-What are you...
-Because it was none of your business.

-But th...

-No, you overheard a conversation.
-That's like completely wrong!

No. Kevin, you overheard a conversation
that was none of your business.

It was between Courtney and Kate.

-And Kate was her superior...

...and she said why are you
so flustered today? What's wrong with you?

And she told her in confidence.

You had no right.

You had no right
to betray that confidence.

Captain Lee, I'm sorry,
I have to disagree.

You can disagree all you want.

As we know, this is a tiny boat

-with eight crew members, right?

So you just automatically
run off and spouted off.

Where am I running to? I'm telling him
the conversation in the kitchen.

-Why are you telling him that?
-You didn't tell the conversation.

-To what purpose?
-You said yourself...

For what purpose? What purpose

are you serving
by telling him that conversation?

Because I want them
to have a conversation.

-It wasn't...
-It's miscommunication.

-He overheard a conversation.
-No, I know.

-I understand that.
-100 percent, yeah.

-I think you should not have texted.
-I know.

Say it, forget it, write it, regret it.

If I could go back,
I wouldn't have sent the text.

I'm sorry, Courtney.

Brian, Barbara M. from Minnesota said,

"In retrospect,
are you aware of how you were

trying to control and manipulate Courtney

by getting angry
when she tried to talk to others

about your relationship issues
and whenever she had

an opinion that you disagreed with?"

-Was I?
-[Courtney] Yes.

-Anytime I disagreed with you,

you were angry with me.

-And that is controlling.

I was angry because you were taking sides
of the wrong person in the argument.

-No! That's your opinion!
-[Kate] That's bull [bleep].

Rhylee, Brandon W. from Riveredge said,

"You said Brian was hot
and insinuated

that you could steal him
from mousey Courtney.

Did you ever get a chance with him
when Courtney was done?"

So, at the time,
I didn't know Courtney and I did...

And I've talked to her.

I did... She's very aloof to me,

very aloof in the relationship
with Brian that I saw.

So, from my outside perspective,
it was like, you need

to go jump on that d*ck

before I go try to jump on that d*ck.

Like, she's a friend of mine now.

[Andy] Got it.

And I would never try to steal somebody
from a friend.

But at the same time,
he could be pissed off,

mean and an assh*le to me,
I still think you're hot.

-[Kate] Would you still hit it?
-[Rhylee] I...

You'd hit it.

-I don't know.
-You would.

I like it that it's a question.

I don't know.

Abbi, Stacy W. from D.C. said,

"You married your Greek captain,

What's your life like now?"

How long have you been married?

-Almost a year now.

Yeah, because right after I left,

what really was the case
was that my visa expired.

-So, I told him we can't continue this.

I need to go live my life
and do whatever I need to do.

And, you know, it's been fun
and good luck,

and maybe I'll come visit you again
in the future.

That was basically how I ended it.

So, we talked about it
and he said I'm willing

to marry you so that
you can come live with me

-and we can continue our relationship.

So, are you guys in love though?

-Yeah, we are!

So, that's what I was going
to say was after...

Once I left and once he actually...

And I thought about it,
I was like I really,

truly love this man.

And you're living in Greece now?

Yeah, we're living in Greece.
We have the charter business.

I honestly think
going to the show brought me

to this point in some way, I...

So I don't regret going on the show.

But I also don't regret leaving
because I wouldn't be where I am now.

Tanner and Simone,
did you two keep in touch

after the season ended?

Um... Yeah, we did, kind of.

-A little bit.

Yeah, like text here and there
and everything like that.

I think we remained friends
a little bit, you know?

There was always good energy.

-We were good friends.
-Do you think you remained friends?

Yeah, we did. I still wanted to k*ll him.

-Simone, do you regret...

And I was like what the hell did he say?

Simone, do you regret
hooking up with Tanner?

Yeah. I'll tell you why.

Based on the fact that I asked you
if you like Kate or not and you said no.

If you said yes, it would...
I would have liked to know,

and no, thanks. You know?

So, the fact that I was, like,
okay, the course is clear,

like go ahead and get the snack.

[Andy laughing] The snack.

Tanner, Chris from Fontana, California

wants to know, "Why you think it's okay

to treat Simone the way you did.

Even if you weren't serious,
there should always be

a level of respect, and you blew it."

[Tanner] I agree, I mean, 100%.

It was never my intent to hurt you at all.

You know that.

What I did was stupid, immature,
and I'm so sorry that it happened.

And I never meant to treat you that way.

And I ended it early enough
before anyone got seriously hurt.

Nothing went farther than...

I honestly, you know... Tanner.

-You're an idiot.
-I think... Yeah.

I think the thing is,
there are certain conversations

that we'd had together
that maybe you've forgotten about.

Like the night before when I was talking
to you and you said to me, like,

"No, I just want to keep things casual."

So, I was like, "Yeah, well,
as long as there's respect and stuff."

And you meant... You kind of insinuated

that you still wanted to hook up
with other people.

And I was like well, in that case, I mean,

as much as it pains me to say this,
you know,

like maybe we should
just keep things platonic.

And you were like, "No!"
I don't want to keep things platonic.

I really, really like you.

Like that's... And then, you know?

And then when I mentioned respect,
you were like no. Actually...

-Yeah. No, I was...
-I don't... Yeah, and then...

I was absolutely an assh*le
and I'm so sorry.


It was, honestly, you know, in Thailand

and everything and like
emotions are flaring

and everything like that.

-And just, it was wrong.
-Thailand can change emotions.

And I really apologize, I'm so sorry.

What did your mom think about the way
that you treated Simone?

[Tanner hesitating]

That's an interesting question.

But it was never really discussed,

actually, with my mother at all.

Everyone thinks I'm so close with her
and everything like that,

and all these conversations and stuff,
but there's...

Well, you said you were close to your mom.

And we don't think that she's so involved,
we think that she gives you opinions.

Rhylee, I have nothing to say to you
after your last little Twitter stunt.

-Towards how you treat women.

-He was blaming Captain Lee on Facebook.
-Can I explain?

-Saying that he... She was very upset.
-In a private group.

Private group that you decided
to screenshot.

Private group on Facebook.

That you decided to put on Twitter.

She was very upset with how Captain Lee
would attack his character on his blog.

This is why I have a real issue with you
after the fact.

You want to sit there and say
I tried to [bleep] everybody.

No, I didn't say that. You wanted to.

When you are the epitome of wanting
to [bleep] everybody. Okay?

And your mother is sitting there saying

"Shame on Captain Lee
for holding you accountable

for your piss-poor treatment of Simone
and the women onboard."

And I say...
I don't even cuss your mother out

or tell her that I think she's an idiot.

I say be a parent.

-Hold your son accountable.

-Don't be your son's best friend.
-But you know nothing about my family.

That's the whole thing.
It just shows your character that...

-Why do you have to get involved?
-Maybe it does.

-You have nothing to do with my family.
-But you still mistreated your...

-And I just apologized to her.

-And we're still friends.
-You just did now.

-Great. But you still did it.
-Sorry that I'm doing it now

-in front of cameras and in front of you.
-It doesn't matter. Sorry is bull [bleep]!

-I apologized.
-Sorry is bull [bleep].

How many times have I apologized to you
after the show?

Who cares?
You still treated her like that.

-And that's why I owned up to it.
-You still treat people like that.

-[sighs deeply] Okay.
-Yeah, it's disgusting.

-I'm so sick of you.
-Can we take a break?

Okay. Tanner and Kate,
you guys couldn't make it happen

during the charter season,
but Kate suggested

it could happen if you were
in the same zip code.

Anything happen once you were off Valor?

Not yet.

He's got a girlfriend, and I love her

and she's amazing,
and I'm so happy for you.

Thank you so much. Yeah.

Julie R. from
Horsham, Pennsylvania,

wants to know
if you regret pursuing Tanner

after seeing how disrespectfully
he spoke about both Simone

and you behind your backs
to the deck crew.

Yeah, no, I don't think
I really pursued him.

But it was like fun to flirt with.

You get bored out there in the ocean.

Cabin fever's a real thing.

Kate, Jackie X. from New Jersey said,

"Why don't you think
you broke the girl code?

You disrespected Simone
by not even asking her first

if she would mind.

Women have to stick together."

I felt like Simone had broken
the girl code first.

Like I was breaking... I didn't break it.

But I was like... tempted to.

When did I break the girl code?

That first time
when you came to me and said,

you know, why am I not
more in service?

And I said, listen, just be supportive.

-Was that girl code?
-[Simone] That's not girl code.

-I thought it was girl...
-Yeah, that's wanting equal...

-That's wanting equal treatment.
-I meant interior code.

-Stew code.
-No, I meant...

Equal opportunities
in the working environment

-is not actually girl code.
-I meant that Simone was with Tanner.

You mean just sexual?


Well, see, on a boat
where your coworkers,

your living... your roommates,
your "romance-ters" work,

it's just gets very blurry.

-A code,

I feel like trust or respect was broken.

So, it was like I didn't have
a lot of loyalty towards you

because I didn't feel like you had
a lot of loyalty towards me.

-Did Kate break the girl code?

Yeah, she did. Like...

Okay, but were you friends with her?

-You're not friends with her.
-That's the thing.

So, it's not a girl code
if you're not friends.

No. That's the thing.
Because we were, for me,

it was like an on-and-off thing where
we're good and then we're not really.

Like, she's nice to me
and then it's like no.

But you weren't friends with each other.

Yeah, but it's... Okay, no, it's fine.

You don't even...
Even with that, we started off as friends

and we lived and worked on the same boat.

-Like you don't respect me enough.
-So, it's not girl code she broke,

it's more like the respect factor
you felt...

-Respect, or...

All I did was flirt.

Next week, it's part two
of the
Below Deck Reunion.

We've got a fireball coming.

I have to sit here
and take responsibility for it.

I feel like you're not that sorry.

I'm the one that behaved the way I did.

What would you have done differently?

-I just apologized to...
-He apologized to Kate.

Give me a [bleep]'ing break!

[bleep] wherever you like it.

I really don't give a [bleep]!

I need a break, Andy.

[Lee] I'm done putting up
with these [bleep]'ing dickheads.

[Andy] Is Captain Lee
gonna come back?
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