08x01 - There's No Place Like Hom

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Below Deck". Aired: July 1, 2013 – present.*
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Show chronicles the lives of the crew members who work and reside aboard a superyacht during charter season.
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08x01 - There's No Place Like Hom

Post by bunniefuu »

It's been years since
I've been in the Caribbean,

and I miss the hell out of it.

White sandy beaches,
crystal blue water.

It's like putting on your
favorite pair of blue jeans.

It's like going home again.


Did I look like I was over here?
What the [bleep].

We've got new crew, new chef,
new chief stew, new everything.

This is ----ing bullsh--.

Well, maybe not everything.

All my deck hands
are born in the '90s.

God, Eddie.

I'm back.

I'm an old man
in the yachting world.

I feel like I'm being poked at.
I've got Crocs on.

Five years have passed
and I feel like I'm older

and wiser and
still the same guy.

Why would Captain Lee be mad
about our swimming?

Because you're not a guest!

What am I doing here?

Put these on everyone's plate.

No water marks anywhere,
all the time.

We have 15 minutes.

My standards are
just through the roof.


To be a great chief stew,
you need to be able to lead,

to encourage, and
inspire, consistently.


I thrive on attention to detail.

It all starts with me
and my interior team.

We've got things to do.
Chop, chop.

Rule number one,
no talking over me.

What the [bleep]?

They don't pay me enough
for this crap.

When I'm in the kitchen,
I'm super laser focused.

I want everything to be perfect.

This is going up right now.

This is amazing.

Out of the galley...

I am not quiet.

I so need therapy.


It says Lee on the back.
I wear the pants around here.

Yeah, you do.

I always get pre-judged.

People just think I'm a player.

I flirt.
I flirt a lot.

Is this doing anything for you?

Absolutely not.

It's fine,
it's just a lot of fun.

I feel like I need
something stiff.

I made a cloud disappear
with my mind the other day.

Are you ----ing high?


I've always been a
very spiritual person.

Prometheus gave fire
to the humans

and started civilization.

And that's kind of like
what we're doing.

Trying to get in touch
with the mystical

through breath work, meditation,
yoga, and crystals.

Get out of here,
live through here.

Get um, like, hot tub,
all the way back.

My friends would call me
the jack of all trades.

I love doing beach set ups.

I've been anywhere from
interiors to engine room,

to running the boat myself.

As long as you smile,

everybody's going
to have a good day.

-Solid high five.
-Solid high five!

Like my melons?

People would probably
describe me as

the walking definition of
too much information.

My crotch is so sweaty.

It is, it's just
like, dripping.

There is no topic
that is taboo for me.

Like a man trying
to find a clitoris.

People would look at me,
they're like, So-Cal,

surfer, he must be a stoner.

Far out. Dude.

But they're wrong.

The conch shells, you're not
legally supposed to take.

I am an environmentalist.

Body is temple.

The earth is
our temple for humans.

I'm coming in to make a splash.

Working on yachts is
rainbows and butterflies.

Cheers, guys.
Cheers, cheers.

Harmony, happiness,
a utopia yacht.

Just a couple bros slamming
some Claws, no big deal.


[Bleep] yourself.

I'd rather not do that.


I hate this ----ing island!

I am your boss,
I am your superior.

Your charter just ended.

Why are you even talking
back to me right now?

I'm not putting up
with this sh--.

God damn it!

Someone's going to get fired.

This Coronavirus, things
are getting difficult.

They've cancelled all flights
going out of the EU.

I have no idea
what's going to happen.

Nice, man.

Yeah. Here I am again.

Ah, she's beautiful.

I haven't been yachting
in five years.

It's definitely going
to be a change of pace

than what I'm used to.

In Baltimore,
I run a harbor tug.

And I dock all the massive ships
that come into port.

It's a good time to get out
of Baltimore, during the winter.

Get away, and make
a little bit of cash.

Money, money, money, money.



I'm the captain now.

Hey, Cap?

Captain Lee?

Cap, you down there?


What the [bleep]?


Anybody down there?


Captain Lee is always
on the boat the first day.


This is weird.

Something's wrong.

[phone ringing]

Hey, Cap?

Hey, Eddie, how you doing?

I'm all right,
how are you doing?

You're at the hospital?



I went down pretty hard.

All right.

All right, um, yeah.

Yeah, is there anything
I can do for you?


Oh, someone's on board.

Okay, we'll start working
on the lockers,

try to get things
a little bit squared away.

Well, you take as much time
as you need, Cap, all right?

I'd like to have you healthy,
rather than not, okay?

All right. Bye.


Captain Lee's been a mentor
since the day I met him,

and to now find out
that he's in the hospital

is terrifying to me.

If Lee doesn't show up,

this first charter's
not going to be happening.

Aye, aye, aye, aye, aye.

So, very concerning.

All right.

Holy [bleep].


Woo, pantry.

God damn it!

Oh, that's cramp.

This looks like the bridge.


Where is everybody?

What the [bleep] is that?



-Hi, I'm Francesca.


-Nice to meet you.
-Nice to meet you.

-Are you the bosun?
-I'm the bosun.

-What's your role?

-Chief Stew.
-Chief stew!

-All right.
-Yeah, me and my notebook.

Yeah, there you go,
you seem ready to go.

I do take my job a little
bit too seriously, sometimes.

But, to a good Chief Stew
is to think like a guest.

Attention to detail
is super important.

Everything needs
to be perfect

and meticulously placed
all the time.

That's what I deliver.

I love it.

It drives me.

-So nice to meet you.
-Where you from?

-I'm from Australia.
-Oh, okay.

I'm from Sydney.

Yeah. I guess you got a lot of
experience being on yachts?

Uh, for the last five years,
yeah, yeah.

-Okay, good.
-I work mostly the Med.

I have come over to the
British Virgin Islands.


I thought I was coming up
to meet the captain.

Captain's not here.
He's at the hospital.

No way.

Yeah, so, busted some ribs up.


Oh, no.

He's got some
X-rays right now,

and we're hoping for
the best about it.

Yeah, of course.

I'm sure you got a lot
of stuff to do, also,

I'm just kind of
organizing everything.

I think I'm just going to go
and set up cabins.

-All right, I'll see you later.
-See you soon.


Ah, sh--, I hope he's okay.

This is so cool.

This is a crew mess.
Oh, it needs a vacuum.

How beautiful.

-How's it going?

-Eddie. Good to meet you, man.



-What about you?
-Ah, deck hand.

-Deck hand?

Awesome, man.

-Hi, what's your name?


Elizabeth, welcome,
I'm the Chief Stew.


There's definitely some
uniforms down there,

if you want to get
into something like this.

Um, maybe just go change
into your uniform.

-Yeah, is that all right?


Do, do, do, do.

Ooh, oh, God.

Come back and work
on a yacht, Eddie.

It'll be fun they said.

I'm here.

So, have you worked
on boats before?

Yes. I have four and a
half years of experience.

Oh, fantastic.

-How are you with ironing?
-Oh, good.

I've been doing more
housekeeping lately, so.


-Nice to meet you all.

-Yeah, you too.

-I'm Elizabeth.
-James, nice to meet you.

Hi, I'm Francesca.

-Nice to meet you.
-Nice to meet you.

Wow, where is everyone?

Where are you from?


Wow, you have such
a strong accent.

So I've heard, so I've heard.

What's your name?

It's Francesca, isn't it?

-Yes, I'll remember that.


Chief Stew.

[long exhale]

I wouldn't kick her out of bed.

So long.


----ing Jackpot.


This is so gnarly.

I'm Izzy, I'm your new stew.

Oh my gosh, I'm Elizabeth,
nice to meet you.

-Nice to meet you.
-Hi, I'm Francesca.

-Nice to meet you.
-Nice to meet you.

Here you go, baby.

What position have you
guys been doing?

Mostly mate stuff on like,

-You're a mate on the 130?

That's great.

I love yachting.

I couldn't imagine myself
doing anything else.

It's been a really rocky
road with my whole life.

I've been on
my own since I was 16.

I was in a really
dark place at one point.

I left school, wasn't
speaking with my family,

and then found yachting
kind of by accident.

Pretty much saved my life.

What about you?

Deck hand, junior deck hand.

Oh yeah, you know, yeah, junior
deckhand on 100 ----ing meter.

Yeah, right.

That's a big ----ing ship.




-How you doing man?


-Hell yeah.

Cool man.

Where do I get the--I feel
like I'm not in the right fit?

-Main salon.

You'll see a bag with your name.

-All right, sounds good.
-Cool. Cool, man.

-Perfect timing.
-Following the voices.

So let's have a little
chat on the couch.

Our laz.

It's ----ed up in here,
isn't it?

This is something we definitely
need to un-[bleep] today.


So Captain Lee actually
had a fall.


So he's actually
not on the boat.

Do you know when, uh,
Lee's getting here?

Captain Lee's having
some issues right now.

What do you mean he's
having, like, issues?

-Is he okay?
-I'm not sure.

Um, so, we're just kind
of getting on with it.

That really sucks man,
I hope he's okay.

-Hope so, too.

I'm trying to stay composed,
I'm just trying to stay

professional in front of
the new crew, but

ah, you know, deep down,
I am panicking a little bit.

I don't know the severity
of his injuries,

and we have a charter coming
on less than 24 hours away.

There's a lot up
in the air right now.

Coming up...

I'm going to tell you now,
I'm relatively new to yachting.

-I guess the white glove world?


So, tell me like a little
bit about yourselves.

So I was all over the place,
I was like, deck, stew--


-You like doing that.

I've been around kind of
boats a lot of my life.

I started out kind of going
out in the river with my dad

and then I was too cheap
to pay for a holiday,

so I started working on boats.

Like, I've worked
inside and outside,

but I haven't been
inside for a while.

So for me, like,
as long a I'm working,

and as long as I feel like

I'm living my
life to the fullest,

then I'm up for
a bit of a challenge.

You'll start on service
a little bit more

and then we can do
the informal--

-I love that.
-Informal places--

-Hello, ladies.

-I'm Izzy.

-Nice to meet you.

So wait, it's me, you, him,
and then the other guy.

What's his name? Shane?


What's up, girls,
how y'all doing?


-Good, Shane.
-So Eddie's your bosun.

Eddie is?

-Yeah, Eddie's the bosun.

I'm feeling like
chief stew vibes from you.

Uh, yeah.

Francesca, got it.

We've got so much to do.

Like, why is he sitting there?

Let's talk more about what
we should do to get ready.

Okay, nice meeting you all.

-Bye, see you.

No idea where I'm going.

I'm pretty new
to yachting.

I've been out of school
for less than a year.

I went to UC Berkeley
where everyone is like,

pounding your head,
you have to get a job

at Apple, Google, etcetera.

And then I realized
this isn't for me.

I've been on boats
my whole life,

but I've never been on a boat
that's over like 150 feet.


Do we know when this
first charter is?

-Wait, what?

We have like 22 hours.

Where's our boy, Shane?

Uh, I don't know.

What in the world?

I mean, where do you
want to start, then?

Wash down.

All right, cracking
straight on, then.

Holy sh--,
I did not expect that.


Shane? Where's Shane?

So, we'll start down
in the cabin.

So, and we can do
that together.


-What's up?
-There you are.

I believe we're
bunking together.


And, uh, I'm going
to tell you now,

I'm relatively new to yachting.

-I guess the white glove world.



If there's something you
don't know how to do,

or anything like that,
if you're honest with me,

I will teach you how to do it,
no questions asked.

I don't have a problem
with that.

The only thing I would have
a problem with is if

you said you knew
how to do something

and you don't know how to do it.



Sounds good, dude, I'm
----ing stoked for the season.


Okay, cool.

All right, so tell me
what to do now, I guess.

I'm going to be screwed
with this one.

Go up and uh, start hanging out
with the rest of the guys.

They're going to start
doing a washdown.

-All right.
-And kind of, uh, absorb.

Okay. See ya.

We'll add a little bit more.

How's it going, man?

-What's up?

What's going, man?

I'm here to help you
guys wash down.


We just need to set it
up guest ready.


So, just as long as
everything is like, super clean,

you know what's
in every single drawer.


Um, toilet paper folds, just
make sure that they're all set.

In my experience, to be
a good chief stew,

you have to be a
little bit of a mom.

I always try to find balance
in being patient.

I think towels can be hung,
there's some racks behind here.

And being a hard ass.
That's how I roll.

Most important, just like,
opening up all the drawers,

making sure you know
what's inside them.

I can put the comforter in here.


Do it like you think
you would do it.


And then I can come down
and see, like,

how you're going with it.

I'm used to working with
chief stews that are very, very

militant, and just like, mean.

-I got you.


But like, I believe
in being aligned.

I feel energies, I feel vibes.

And I think that Francesca
has pure intentions.

Just get in there.
Get stuck in.

I'm good, girl, I got your back.

We're in this together.


How's it going, guys?

Pretty good.
Almost done up here.

Do you want me to hit
the teak really well

with like, just a quick rinse?

Yeah. Quick rinse and then
just like make sure

the scuppers aren't
getting stained up.

Cool, and then uh,
we're going to move down?

-Yeah, that sounds good.

Avery is a good deck hand.

He's knowledgeable, organized,
it's really important

that I have somebody that
I know I can trust,

so I can handle dealing
with a brand-new crew

that I've never worked
with before,

Captain Lee getting
injured right off the bat.

and a new boat
that I have to learn.

I've got a lot of things
to do to get ready.

Yeah, it's--
it's white knuckle time.

You want to spray this way so
we don't ----ing dredge it.


Oh my God.


Making guest beds is
really sh--, like,

you get in some really
weird positions when you do it.



I haven't banged anyone for
a while, so I guess it's good

to get some like, practice
in for sexual positions.



I've learned my lesson
hooking up with crew, though.

Oh, I actually got a girlfriend.

Oh, sh--, you
got a girlfriend?

-That's pretty cool, actually.

I don't trust myself, so.





Oh, that's not bad.



-I'm Rachel.
-I'm Francesca

-Nice to meet you, Francesca.
-Nice to meet you.

-Are you the chef?
-Yes, I am.

Oh, fantastic!

Cool, you just arrived.

Yeah, literally just got
here off the plane.

It's been really hard
to get here.

And I had like, my--
my purse stolen.

No way!

Before I came here,
I went to the store,

and I put my purse
inside the cart,

and before I knew it was stolen.

Car keys, phone,
everything was gone.

It was my Louis Vuitton as well.

Oh man, I'm so sorry.

The past couple of days have
been upsetting, overwhelming,

just to even be able to get
those credit cards back,

pay for things.

Starting a new seasons,
like where is anything.

I know.

You walk into a season, and
you really want to just grab

the bull by the horns
and run as hard as you can.

But, I'm just not in the state
that I should be in, mentally.

It sucks.

Also, if I can see like,
how like, my area.


How's it going?

The beds look amazing,
oh my God.

-They look really good.


Yeah, we got a lot
more cleaning to do, huh?

Yeah, definitely.

-So, Elizabeth?

All the captains items
that need to be pressed.

-Are just hanging up.

Can you just prioritize them
and make them done first?

Yeah, sure.

Um, that would be fab.

Oh, sweet.

This sh--'s already here,
that's awesome.

As a chef, I'm a
super perfectionist.

Normally, when I join a boat,
and I start a charter season,

I rip that thing apart,
and I make it my own,

and I organize it.

It takes days.

But these past 72 hours have
been a complete nightmare.

So now, I just don't
have the time for it,

I have to hit
the ground running.

After 14 years of being
in the industry,

you learn how to just
suck it up and get it done.

With a smile.


Where is anything?

All crew, all crew,
provisions are here.

I need all hands for provisions.

Here, just put it on there.

-Are you sure?
-Yeah, I think so.

Straight into the galley.

Shane, nothing else
on Captain Lee?

I haven't heard anything else.

Oh, God, I hope he's okay.


[phone ringing]

[recorded voice]
Welcome to the message center.


Sh--, man, we have
so much stuff.

I don't understand how this
is all going to fit on here.

I haven't got a clue.

Oh, I love the caviar,
I'm so excited.

Condoms, 20 times twelve pack.

Oh my God.

What size are they?

Curry leaves?
[bleep] yes.

This is a lot of stuff, right?

This is so ridiculous.


Captain Lee's here.

Thank God.

Ah, Captain just got here.

-Oh, awesome.

-No hugs, though.
-I'll be gentle.

-Good to see you, buddy.

Thanks for taking care of
things while I was off.

My ribs are k*lling me.

But only when
I move and breathe.

Other than that, it's just fine.

Ah, I'm headed up
to the quarters--

I'll be up in a little.

We'll have a staff
meeting probably shortly.

Fortunately, nothing
appears to be broken.

I didn't damage
any vital organs.

I feel like I've been
wrapped up in a bed sheet

and beaten with a ball bat,
but suck it up, cream puff.

-Good morning.

-I'm Francesca.

-Pleasure to meet you.
-My pleasure.

Look forward to
working with you.


-We'll chat here
in a little bit.

Okay. Let me know when
you're available.

-I will.
-Sorry for the mess.

Not a problem.


We're done.

Yay, we're good, we're done.


Attention all crew,
attention all crew.

We will need to see everybody in
the sky lounge in five minutes.

Copy that.


Sky lounge is right here?
Sky lounge, yeah.

[overlapping dialogue]

I apologize for leaving
you guys high and dry today,

I just, uh, something
couldn't be helped.

But all under control now.

-Take your hat off.
-Yes, sir.

Okay, we've got the
engineering department,

consisting of Mario, Zack,
and 1st Officer is John.

Um, I have a couple
of rules on your behavior.

You will not embarrass the boat,

you will not
embarrass yourselves.

I'm not going to put up with it.

I'm not going to have
a repeat of last season.

There won't be any
physical intimidation.

Get the [bleep] over
yourself, Kate.

Oi, calm down,
calm down, bro, calm down.

Calm down.

He got away with it last year,

but if people don't respect
each other this season--

This hour of the night, I don't
need to hear slamming doors,

loud voices.

They're gone.

And if anybody thinks that
I won't fire somebody

in the middle of a charter,
they don't know me.

Captain Lee's
a really cute daddy.

Like a really sweet grandpa
that would also

take you over his knee

and just spank you if
you did something wrong.


If you really want a one-way
ticket real quick,

let me find you
without your radio.

We've got guests coming
on tomorrow, so have at it.

Let's get to work, guys.

Yeah, let's do it.


All right.

You guys know where
the spigot knob is for this?

Oh yeah, here,
let me show you real quick.

You're just going to go
in like this, do with this.


You got like the deck
squeezing spud soap,

and spray nine in here,
so like, a bunch of good stuff

that we're going to
be using constantly.

If--now I know, thank you!

No problem.

Francesca, Francesca, Lee.

Go ahead, Lee.

Yeah, you want to come on up to
the wheel house for a second?

No problem.

Hi. I love this.

That is what I have
my coffee in every morning.

Okay, great.

And how do you take your coffee?

Coffeemate or
something like that?


Couple of things I wanted
to go over with you.


I don't like to micromanage.

If you have an issue
with anybody--

-About anything--

-Go to them first.

-Try and resolve it.


And if you can't,
give me the straight,

unbiased version of it.


Laundry is a pet peeve of mine.

We only get one shot at
making a first impression.


-There's the bar--

-And then there's my bar.
-Right, yeah.

And my bar is way
the [bleep] up there.


The relationship
that any captain has

with a chief stew is critical.

And I've had the same chief stew
for the last six years.

What time did you want to wear
your royal Hawaiian outfit?

I'm not changing.

Oh, you are changing, because
I got you an outfit.


[speaking Hawaiian]

Let the games begin!

It takes a long time to
get to the level of trust

that Kate and I shared.

And she has huge shoes to fill.

Definitely, I'm here
to work hard.

I started off working
in event management,

and working with
really high-profile magazines

in Sydney.

-That's great background.

I want the guests to have one
of a kind, unique experience.

You know, the table setting
is just over the top,

-and it compliments--

-In the food.
-I really, really like that.


Francesca, she really seems
quite competent.

She seems to know her stuff.

But, she's got
a lot on her plate.

There is a proper way to iron,
and this isn't it.


There's a crease that goes down
the front of the pants.

-Not the side.


I know I'm a little bit
a**l about that.

-No problem.
-Thank you.

You're welcome, thank you.

She's got a totally new crew,
and she's got a new captain.

She doesn't know
what a d*ck I can be.

-Hey, chicka.

So, captain spoke to me.

Oh, his pants.
Oh sh--.

Yeah, just with a crease
down the middle.

-And just?
-All the way up.


People don't realize how
difficult that really is.

We'll see if
she can pull it off.

I haven't gone to the bathroom
since I got on the boat.

I know.
----ing hell.

Coming up...

Whoa, there's some lovely legs.

Let's just say that I would
like this to be the first yacht

that I don't fall in love
with somebody.

He's got such a
nice body actually.

You better freaking
cool those thighs off.

Yeah, true, very true.

Hey, we're ----ing
smashing this, this is easy.

We might need to get
back up here, though.

Oh, man, don't say that now.




Eddie, Eddie, Lee.

Yeah, go for Eddie.

Get Francesca and Rachel

and head on up to the
wheel house, please.

-Copy that.
-Copy that, captain.

Got a present for you.

Oh, is it more wine?

-More wine.
-For [bleep]'s sake.

Good to have you back, pal.

It's good to be back, Cap.

-Let's knock it out.

Hello there.


Charter number one.

Great, fun!

Fun guy, has a little propensity
to get a little on the edge.

Due to safety reasons, we won't
be leaving the dock today.

We have to stay here.
That really sucks.

Hey, please serve him real food.
- Okay.

We have been waiting for
a while for the entrée,

so tell us all about it.

Charley will bring his
boyfriend Carlos,

who's sales and marketing rep
for a fitness company.

Joining them are
Shanara and Lexy.

You're going to have vegan,
you're going to have keto.

Primary wants an
international themed

dinner service
on the first night.

Ah, this is going to be fun.

This charter is going to rock,

because when I'm not
doing yachting,

I'm a private chef Ayurvedic
practitioner in Monaco,

and I studied in India
for three months.

I don't mean to
toot my own horn.

But Keto, vegan or
whatever, I got this.

Let's [bleep] this charter
in the mouth.

We have a neon carnival themed
party on the second night,

which is also Lexy's birthday.


Charley kind of knows
what to expect.

Don't let the bastards
see you sweat.

All right, let's get going.

I know you got stuff to do.

-We got stuff do to.
-All right.

I've had Charley on board
before, he is a handful.

He demands a lot, and he
doesn't mind paying for it.

But in order to get to that pot
at the end of the rainbow,

you've got to create
the rainbow first.

Do you want to get
under these guys?

Yes, I do want to get
under there.

Man, it's going to be
a long day tomorrow.

Long day today,
long day tomorrow.

I'm trying to find ----ing
protein bars,

but there's so many
God damn boxes.

Calling it quits, or?

Yeah, yeah, we're done.

You two call it a night.

Okay, bye, thank you.

-Good night.
-Thank you for today.

I'm ----ing tired and exhausted.

Beyond exhausted.

Back hurts, arms hurt.

Oh [bleep]'s sake.

[alarm beeping]



----ing god damn it.


There we go.

Francesca, can I get my coffee

and breakfast in the wheelhouse,

Okay, copy that.

Izzy, you are in charge of
Captain's breakfast and coffee.

Coffee, Captain Lee,
Cheerios, sort pantry.

-Multi-grain Cheerios.
-Multi-grain Cheerios.

-I'm like, Jesus Christ.
-Why are you wearing those?

Because my other
chef pants are not.


It's like, mmm.

Nom, nom, nom, nom.

I could go for total like,
twelve hours of sleep.

Mm, yeah.

Mm. Yeah.

I'm a big morning guy.

Body is temple.

Got to wake up, meditate.

Mentally, it's amazing.

Because I get in a flow state.

That's the way you set the
precedent for the entire day.

Put in the fridge outside.

Um, how am I doing?

Where is anything at?


How you going?

Doing it as quickly as I can.

-Okay, thank you so much.

She's just taking forever
to make a breakfast.

A snail could make this faster,
I'm sure,

and it doesn't even have
hands, I don't even think.

Do snails have hands?


Did you say there was a specific
mug he uses in the bridge?


Oh, yeah, for sure.

How's your crew working, so far?

Avery is solid, you know,
he's uh, been good,

and uh, I feel comfortable kind
of leaving him

with everyone else, while
I kind of run around

and do everything else.


Shane has got some
green growing pains.

Probably your greenest.

Yep, yep, yep, yep.

How you feeling today?

I was doing good till
I rolled over this morning.


Woke my ass up in a hurry.

My back was like, did you forget
what you were doing yesterday?


It was like, eh!

And I was like [groans]

Last couple of seasons,
I didn't really have a bosun

that I could count on
and depend on.

Nico's got his head up his ass.

Look how ----ing close we are.

Brace yourself.


I hate baby sitting.


And that's what I'm doing
with you, right now.

When you have a whole new crew,

it's really good to have
that stabilizing factor.

Eddie brings that to the table.

Oh, cute.

How fancy.

What's Shane doing?

I think he was just putting
his mat up, or something.

Put his mat up?

-Almost done?
-Yeah, done.

Okay, cool.
Just take that to Captain Lee.


[knocking on door]

-I have breakfast for you.

Just let me know if it's not
made the way you like it.


James, James, Elizabeth.

Go ahead.

Are you able to come
to the stew pantry?

I have a garbage bag.

Copy that, I'm on my way.

Stairwells are vacuumed.

Okay, fantastic.

And then, like, just the salon.

Yeah, that's great, thank you.

-So it's not like--

Whoa, what's going on here?

I just want to show them off.

-They're some lovely legs.
-Thanks, appreciate that.

Of course.

I have dated people
before on yachts.

Let's just say that I would like
this to be the first yacht

that I don't fall in love
with somebody.

He's got such a nice body,

Yeah, yeah, he's cute.

I honestly think this
is the longest time

I've gone without a wank
since I was like 14.


He's too young for me.

No, he's young.

Girl, you can get
whoever you want.

I could fool around
with him, for sure.


You better freaking
cool those thighs off.

Yeah, true, very true.

Attention all crew,
attention all crew.

Ah, sh--! Son of a bitch!

We have 30 minutes
till show time.

All right, copy that.

You look so sad!

Put that whole tray
in the outside bar area.

-Just grab this little one.

It's a never-ending battle
to clean things

that are never going
to be clean.


Okay, cool, chocolates.

Lights are on,
that looks fab, love it.

Great job.

All right, it's go time,
let's get naked.


That ----ing hurt.

Get the hand towels,
cold hand towels ready.

I need the table wipes.

I need you guys on
cover up here.

No doubt.

So everything is cleaned up,
and good to go.

And just do once around.

LEE: Eddie, how we doing?
-One minute.

Oh my God, they look
amazing, thank you.

Aft deck.

Y'all ready?


Big smiles, big smiles, guys.

Here is our boat.

Oh my God!

Ha-ha-ha, we're back!

All right, show time, people.

Coming up...

k*ll the engines, you're
getting too close to them.

k*ll the engine!


These guest are a
absolute sh---show.

You got people in the water!


-Here is our boat.
-Oh my God!

It's cute, right?

We've like the biggest
yacht here, by the way.

I mean, it could be bigger.


Hey, Mr. Lee, good
to see you again.



Hi, how are you?

Hi, I'm Francesca,
I'm the chief stew.

I'm Char--oh, really.

-Okay, well, nice to meet you.

-Nice to meet you.

Hi, I'm James.

Beautiful eyes,
nice to meet you.

-More beautiful eyes.

James, I love the swag, hi.

Nice to meet you.

Well, you know what?
Cheers, guys!

Here we are!


Welcome aboard,
welcome to Antigua.

Francesca will take you
around the boat,

give you the grand tour.


And we'll get started.

-All right!
-All right!

-Show us the boat!

This is bridge deck, so--

Okay, nice.

I think you'll be spending
a little time up here.

I think so too, we have
done that in the past, so.

-Yeah, yes.

Hey guys.
Get the luggage on.


This is the master suite.


So welcome.

It's good to be home.
Good to be home.

Down here, this is
the main guest area.

Looks like the golden girls.

And this is the bathroom.

Oh, beautiful.

By the way, this was
the bathroom

where one of my friends
may have passed out once.


So nobody do that, thank you.

Will you come down
with me,

while these guys pass
down the rails to us?

-Yeah, let's do it.
-Since you're nice and tall.

I'm hungry and I need a drink.

All espresso martinis?

Always espresso martinis.

If somebody can unpack their
luggage, that would be great.

Absolutely, no problem.

-That's all of them.
-Wow, that's all mate.

All right, all railings in.

Hi, what was your name again?


How old are you, James?

Okay, I'm 28, it works.

Slow down, ladies.

She wants to see
your giant peach.


Stand by, Eddie, we'll be
getting out of here shortly.

Copy that, I'll be heading
up to the bow

to handle the bow line.

When you get on the dock,
hand the lines.


You take Shane on aft deck,

here, you know, keep and eye
on him for the lines.

-Ai, yi yi yi yi!

I'm going to do starboard
side first.

Bow to stern on
the rest of them. Okay?

We've got everybody in position?

Docking and undocking
is a spectator sport.


People love watching.

So right now, all I can
think about is

just don't screw this up.
Don't look stupid.

Not day one.

Do you want to
loosen that off, mate?

I can't.

-Yeah, yeah, I've got it.
-You got it?


Starboard ground side in.

Let's get all this out the way.

All lines are clear,
we're headed out.

Wow, here we go.

This water color is unreal.

I need the espresso sh*ts.

-Yeah, yeah, yeah.

-How many do you need?
-A lot.



Where are our drinks?

It's a little delayed.

I'm going to throw a bitch fit.

I want it soon.

Like, they could have gone
to Starbucks, Antigua.

Ooh, all righty.

How are those coming?

As soon as I can.

All good, babe.


God, Izzy is so slow.

How long does it take
to make espressos?

There's two coffee machines,
use both.

This is a tempeh, sweet chili,
but it's done with agave.

And then I also did pancetta.

Yeah, that will be ready
to go in a second.

All right, anything else
to do right now?

Let's just make this look nice.

We have some
vegan delights here.


Sweet chili Tempe,
which is fermented soy.

I'm sorry about the espresso
martini situation.

That's okay.

Can we get you another
round of champagnes?

-Yes, that'll do for now.

-Is that okay?

Okay, fantastic.

Being a chief stew, it's
all about problem solving.

Problem solving.

It's all about
the bubbles at the moment.

Till I get those espresso sh*ts.

Thank you.

Okay, here we go.

I'm going to let Carlos
try this one.

Oh, the pressure is on, guys.

Oh no! Oh!


You've got it, babe.
That's really good.

I approve, good job.

-Nice, thank you so much.

I need you go to
down to the master,

and unpack all of their bags.


Thank you so much.

Yeah, of course.

Stuff is taking a while.

Aren't they paid to be ready
the second

my ass gets on this boat,
to fill this?

So, do you want to
have a go in making one?

Yeah, absolutely.

Okay, I just poured
the coffee in.

So rinse.

Because then I cannot
be tied to this bar.

Because I need to
go talk to the chef,

I need to do other stuff.

-Go into bitch mode.
-Okay, cool.

Because they need to
learn, you're right.

-You need lot so ice.

Yeah, yeah, put more ice in.

It's a visually empty again.

Oh, [bleep] that.

Now, I need another one.

Eddie, I need you forward
to do the anchor drop.

Copy that, on my way.


On my mark, give me two sh*ts.

I think we just stuck.

Great anchorage.

So here's the deal, you guys,
until the crew

figures out what's going on,
I will--I'm filling in.

So what do you need?

-You need sunscreen?
-I need another drink.

Espresso martini.

Aperol Spritz!

Aperol Spritz, here we go.

I got it all.

Oh man, should have
got changed, I guess.

-But uh, straight into polos.

-Polo. Okay.

I'm going to give you
guys a hand.

-Is that okay?

No, I mean, you can,
if you want.

Well, just like, everyone
seems a little overwhelmed,

so I'm just going to help
out a little bit.

-Oh, no, I--

Okay, so we need Aperol Spritz.

-Espresso Martinis.

Yeah, I'm doing that now.

And then Ashley needs sunscreen,
so whenever that's located.

There should be some
in the bathroom,

so we can bring it up
there for you.

You go get the sunscreen for
Ashley, I'll make the drinks.


-Thank you.

No problem.

The primary is up there
and he's making drinks,

because he gets the sense
that everyone's overwhelmed.

-So maybe--

Do you want to go up and
talk to him?

Um, yeah, okay.

Oh my God.

We really need
to step up our game, hey?

All of us.

I'm regretting working
on the inside right now.

I'm really questioning
my decision as to why

the [bleep] I put myself
in a position

to have to actually properly
deal with like these extra

as [bleep] guests and this
extra as [bleep] chief stew.

Like, just not, ugh.

Why did I do this to myself?

What is happening here?

Hi, honey,
Oh, I'm just helping out.

I'm just stepping in
because like,

I know how busy you guys are.

You don't need
to be behind here.

-I can honestly--
-I know--

-Take care of it.
-I will--I will stay here.

-This is my--

This is my domain.

This crew needs to step it up,
that's all I can say.

Okay, I did one
espresso martini.

-We need Aperol spritz.

-Got it.
-Done, done, done, done.

This is supposed to be
seven-star services.

Let's call today learning curve.


Let's call tomorrow,
get it right.

-How does that sound?

-That sounds great.
-I am mortified right now.

Who was after some sun screen?

Oh, yes.

I understand, for 24 hours.


Coming up...


Captain Lee,
do you have a second?

All right.

Aperol Spritzers.


This looks amazing.


My water broke!
My water broke!

Deck crew, deck crew, Eddie.

Meet me in
the lounge immediately.

Copy that.

I'm going to go to the bathroom.

I'm just going
to sit here and cry.

You want to take
over bartending?


And I'll just like,
go, um, figure out

what's going on with lunch.

-Thank you so much.

Elizabeth seems to know
what she's doing.

She's just adapting and she's
doing what she's being told.

Thank God, because Izzy is
just not happening right now.


I come from large yachts
with stewardesses

that have experience,

and these guests are
super full on, right now.

I need stewardesses that
know what they're doing.

What time is lunch?

Can I do it now?

You want to do it now?

Okay, cool, I'll go
and ask them.

It's 3:00, yeah.
Okay, cool.

I've been taken
away at cocktails,

so yeah, we're a bit
swamped right now.

-Shane can help.
-Okay, perfect.

Ooh, no Bueno.

Thank you very much.

-How's it going out there?

It's good.
A little overwhelmed.

Not exactly what
I wanted to hear.

Lunch can be ready really soon.

-Thank you.


Mate, keep your
options open, right?

-I know.
-Yeah, man.

Proctological exam.

The preparation of food
is so scientific.

How is it going to be
perceived, neurologically,

when it hits the palate?

You've got visual,
you've got scent,

then you've got texture,
and then you've got taste.

These can go on the table?

Yes, ma'am.

Okay, fantastic.

I love it.

It's like a little
fun puzzle to put together.

Sorry, I'm a nerd.

Oh, this looks lovely.
Thank you, Francesca.

Good, you're very welcome.

Did you guys see this setting?


I'm here to be a deckhand.

But first and foremost,
I am an environmentalist.

You making cocktails?

I'm getting rid of the plastic
and putting in the paper.

That's amazing, I appreciate
that, thank you so much.

And I got them nautical.

That's so cool.

I'm like, where life takes me,
like, I always

bring my own satchel of
like, paper straws on me,

because we have one planet.

We destroy earth, then where
are humans going to go?

The moon?
Yeah, right.

What are you doing man?

I'm putting paper straws
instead of plastic ones.

We're taking a break,
it's just a break.


-Save the turtles.
-Save the turtles, bra.

Why don't you go help the girls?

Copy that, Eddie.

This is really nice.

Oh, wow, I do love these plates.

Yeah, that was very Aussie.

I love this setting.

The more she talks to me,
the more I'm like,

I think I need to talk
a little Australian.


Lobster is here.

-That looks awesome.


Then, there's some
meat coming as well.

Wow, that looks incredible.

-Hi, Rachel!


Well, we have an
avocado dressing

with white balsamic reduction
inside of it, too.


And then we have a roasted
sweet potato,

and this is a local
lobster that's been roasted

with extra virgin olive oil--

-How local, did you catch it?


Thanks, Rach.

-You're welcome.
-Can we call you Rach?

-Oh my God.

Try the meat with
the avocado thing.

-Really good.

So these pretty much
just float into this?

Lower this down and hook it up.

These things...
[makes noise] right out.


We got to go, go, go.


Cool, you got it?


Well, we all got really quiet,
that's a good sign.

Uh, yeah, exactly.

This is kind of
like, my favorite thing

of the whole trip so far.

I'm glad.

The avocado reduction
is really good.

I feel like I
could use this as a face mask.

-And I might.

When I turn it this way,
for bow to port.

Avery is a machine.

We are like
two peas in a pod, man.

Just k*lling it.

Turning and burning.

-Nice job.
-No problem.

I'm going to go ahead
and take break.

Are you guys
almost ready for us?

You want to go on a jet ski?

-I'm ready.

Go have something to eat, hon.


I'm losing my mind.

All right.
You're riding.

Go slow.


Be gentle with her.
Be gentle with her!

It's almost as
good as Coachella.


Things smoothing
out a little bit?

Um, I mean, God, as much
as they can, really.


I know.

It feels like
we've been here a lifetime,

and we've been here 24 hours.


Izzy is definitely, needs
a little bit of training.

I feel like she's just sh**ting
and doing whatever she can.

But, um--

It's very difficult
to train on the job.

This is not where one should
be learning how to do it.


We'll make it through.

[phone beeps]




Did you see the rainbow?

Will you get us to this rainbow?

Oh, look at that.

No, oh my gosh!

These guys are
making me nervous.


Are you coming in,
or are you done?

No, we're just doing a picture.


That's not good.
She needs to be careful.

If you could just like,
stay away for a little bit.

Wait, dude, sideways, sideways.

So I just want to
be really careful.

k*ll the engines if you
get too close to them!

k*ll the engines!


Got people in the water!
You got people in the water!

Oh my God!


Jesus Christ!

Okay, ready?

Your eyelashes are still on,

the implants are still
in the body, you're good.

Let's clean this bitch.

Captain Lee,
do you have a second?


Um, I just kind of got
some really bad news

with my grandmother,
and unfortunately

I'm going to have to leave,
like, as soon as possible,

and I may not get to see her,
like, by the end of the night.

I'm sorry to hear that.

We thought, uh, she had the flu,

at first, but it,
uh, I guess, wasn't.

She's just old now, and--

-How old is she?
-She's 86.


I'm really sorry, this is
the last thing I want to do.

No, no, I understand.
Family comes first.


I want to thank you very
much for having me on board.

-No, not a problem.
-Thank you.

Thank you very much,
Captain Lee.

Go ahead and k*ll the engine.


Clip it on.

Okay, copy.

Where do we clip it on to?

No, there's a clip, there's a
D-clip in the back there.

Oh, got it.

-No, no, no, wait, stop.
-Get your reverse.

Don't forget your reverse.

These guests are like a
absolute sh---show.

Get her off.

-There you go.

I'm too old for this sh--.

Get on this jet ski.

Go clip it in, okay?



Dude, get off me, get off me!

Eddie, Eddie to the wheelhouse,

All right, be right there.

-Hi guys.

I just brought some
snacks for you.

Oh, tortilla chips.

-Some, yep.
-So original.


Wait, is this gluten free?

What's up, Cap?

We just lost a guy.

Avery's grandmother's dying,

she may not make
it through the night.

When's he got to go, right now?

Yeah, so let's get him packed
and um, get him out of here.

All right.
Take him.

-I'll, uh, go talk to him.

What's happening, man?

My grandmother's
not doing too hot.

This is the last thing
I want to do man,.

I know, I know, I know,
and uh, don't worry about us.

Go be with your family.

I appreciate it.

Good luck.

I feel really bad about leaving
Eddie, he really needs me.

But I feel like I have
to do it, right now.

I just want to say,
thanks again.

I'm so sorry.

Thank you.

You take care of yourself.


All right, stay strong.

Yes, sir.

My best deck hand just
tells me he's got to leave,

because of a family emergency.

It is quite understandable.

But now, we're a man down.

We have a thirsty,
high maintenance charter guest,

and a new crew.

Let's just say that the future
doesn't look overly bright.

We're screwed.

Good to meet you, man.

Yeah, of course.
Good luck, dude.

-See you guys off in a minute.

Last thing I would ever want
to do was leave.

Especially my crew,
especially in the situation

that they're in.

But it was a decision
I had to make.

-Thanks, bro.

I'm going to definitely
come back to yachting.

I couldn't imagine myself
doing anything different.

Probably find myself on a
boat somewhere in the Caribbean.

-Thanks, dude.
-Good luck, man, all right?


No matter what's going on,
I'm going to make sure

that my career is
going to be successful,

and I'm going to be just
like Captain Lee.

This season on Below Deck...

Antigua is the only island
in the Caribbean

that has a beach for
every day of the year.

Holy [bleep].

How incredible is that?


Just another day saving lives.


Wonder what the poor
people are doing today.

Is she alive?

Yes, she's alive.

I'm just thinking fish on fish.


I'm the primary, excuse me.
I'm the primary.



I'm not even kidding you,
I'm going to put her to bed.

I got my chief stew
sobbing uncontrollably.

There's no crying in yachting.

You want me to grab
you a phone light?

Rachel's a ticking time b*mb.


I need to punch some
the mother----ing scrotum.

Are you interested
in anyone on deck?

Would you say you're open?

Are you open?

Francesca's visually

We definitely need to get
to know each other better.

He's a bit of a trouble maker.

I kind of like that.

You don't have a boyfriend?

My vibrator is my best friend.

It's given me more orgasms
than any other person ever has.

Shane, Shane, Lee.

He doesn't answer his radio.

Running around with no shirt on.


This is it, this is the life.

I am your boss,
I am your superior.

It's really pissed me off.

You all right, Izzy?

Yeah, just got a camel toe
from my pants.


All righty, then.

I hear Coronavirus is a thing.

Oh my God, it's crazy.

You go into the shops,
you can't get any

hand sanitizer, soap.
It's really bad.

----ing worlds going to hell
in a ----ing hand basket.

[alarm ringing]

[bleep] yourself.
I'm out.

Get your god damn ass
back to this boat, now.

Your charter just ended.

This is enough.
I've had enough of you.

I need some help.
I can't do this all myself.

Rachel, you can't leave.

We'll let the firings begin.




-[bleep] yeah.
-[bleep] yeah.

k*ll me.
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