08x02 - There's No Crying in Yachting

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Below Deck". Aired: July 1, 2013 – present.*
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Show chronicles the lives of the crew members who work and reside aboard a superyacht during charter season.
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08x02 - There's No Crying in Yachting

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "Below Deck"...

-Hi, how are you?

I'm Francesca.

We've got new chef,
new chief stew, new everything.

Well, maybe not everything.


Yeah. Here I am again.

Oh, she's beautiful.

I'm going to tell you now,
I'm relatively new to yachting.


I'm going to be screwed
with this one.

Oh sh--, son of a bitch.

My ribs are k*lling me.

Feel like I've been beaten
with a ball bat.

That ----ing hurt.

Charter number one.

I've had Charley on board,
this will be the third time.

Primary wants an international
themed dinner service

on the first night.

He's high maintenance.

Go into bitch mode,
because they need to learn.

I'm going to give
you guys a hand.

You go get the sunscreen for
Ashley, I'll make the drinks.


-Perfect, okay.

We really need to step
up our game, hey?

Normally when I join a boat,
I rip that thing apart,

and I make it my own.

But right now, I just don't
have the time for it,

I have to hit
the ground running.

Where is anything?

Captain Lee, do you
have a second?

My grandma's not doing to well,

she may not make it like,
through the night.

I'm going to have to leave,

like as soon as possible.

Last thing I would ever
want to do is leave,

but it was a decision
I had to make.

Poor kid.

[ship horn]

How are you doing, Eddie?

Pissed off.

Do you guys know about
Avery, I guess?


Um, it's a bummer.

How are you doing?

I've got an issue here.
I need a new deck hand.

Already this early in the
season, we're shorthanded,

and our most experienced guy.

We're just going to have
to really pick it up.


-I said boom.


Oh God.

Avery was my best guy,
I mean,

he knew exactly
what he was doing,

we worked really well together,

so the work load has increased
on me about tenfold.

I'm ready to step up, just tell
me what to do, and I'll do it.


Alrighty, thanks a lot. Bye.

Um, Izzy?

Hey Izzy, let's pick
up the pace.


Um, just have
absolutely no room.

This is so crazy.

-How you doing?

It was an interesting day.

normally we have rocky seas,

This time it was
just rocky service.

Hmm, we'll get it
ironed out for you.

Thank you.

-Rachel, can't wait for tonight.
-I'm excited, too.

We still don't know if you can
pull it off, but go for it.

Francesca, I gave her
the list of

the different countries
that we're dressing in.

You want all
different countries.

Yeah, like, the more you
can represent, the better.

-You'll figure it out.
-These guests, they're crazy.

They want a tasting menu
the first night

from different nations.

Plus, you've got vegan, keto,
I am like, okay, I can do this.

I really enjoy it.

[speaks Spanish]

Good job, though.

Such a nightmare.

You guys pulling
the jet skis in?

Somebody can set up the harness?

All right, I'll do it.



Okay, go grab that hose.

You're going to clip it.

Go bow in again.
That's an air hose.

I need you to get
that water hose.

That's a ----ing air hose!

Like three bears trying
to [bleep] a football.

Not in my wildest nightmares
would I have imagined

this is the way the season
was going to start.

So I want to make sure
you're prepared for the night.

Yeah, I think so.

High maintenance charter guests.

I just want a place
where we can, like, you know,

really deck it out,
like, international.

Yeah, yeah.

We like for the crew
to participate too.

Challenge accepted.

I'm done doing your job.

No crew, injured captain,
man down, perfect storm.

Worse first day ever.

We don't pull it together,
it's going to be ugly.

Day one, already a man down.

Y'all ready about to be a
----ing bosun down, too.

All crew, I need everyone in
the wheelhouse, immediately.

Does not sound good.

We're coming up now.


Everybody's here.

Avery's grandmother is ill,

so we lost a crew member.

That means we're shorthanded.

I'll get somebody in
here as quick as I can.

I know that these
guests are demanding.

We're just going to have to
suck it up and get through it.

I know you can.


So, let's get back at it.

Thank you.

Oh, God.

Well, it was nice to
see at least he thinks

we're doing a good job.

I need to know about,
more about James.

I know.

I feel like I've been very
clear about my intentions.

This is what I'm going to do.

I'm going to ask all the guys,

be like, hey, tomorrow's
our girlfriend's birthday.

We need one of you
to wear a speedo.

Who's going to be
up for the task?

And make it like
she really wants it.

No, I'm going to be like,
I really want it.

I really want it
for her birthday.


All right, y'all come
to our room

and we'll pick out
costumes, come on.

Jamaican curry.

I'm finding it difficult to
lean on Izzy a little bit,

let's just try and nail
this dinner together.

We all three need
to be more of a team.

It's challenging.

I'm taking a lot on,
I can't have another thing

to think about.

They want a cocktail
for each different country.

What time's dinner?

Wait, why do you guys have
all of your stuff hung up

and sh--?

-They didn't unpack your bags?
-No, my stuff is all in my bags.

I'll be right back.

Hey babe, really quick,
remember the conversation

we had about luggage and stuff?


So, ours got unpacked,
which is awesome.

Okay, great.

But the other guests,
their stuff

is all still in their luggage.

My bag is still
sitting on my bed.

That part's
a little bit behind.


There is so much going on
and I don't have enough

hands to be able to have three
stewardess hats on right now.

-Day one, having fun--

Day two, it's on you.

Yeah, yeah.

I'm really getting pissed off

that he's saying that
he keeps doing my job.

Plus he keeps pulling
me away from my job.

But the word "no" does
not exist in yachting,

you just got to make it happen.

None of the other cabins
were unpacked.

It's definitely
a preference thing.


-Yeah, exactly.

I need you to go unpack all
their stuff, put them away.


Shane and James, can you guys
clean up the laz please?

Copy that.

One, two, three.



Mate, you said you had it.

This job was meant to be fun,

but now we're a man down, which
is literally my idea of hell.

So now that becomes
less fun and more work.

Hate my life.

Don't we miss Avery?

What about like,
some of this stuff?

We could do those for
Japan, cherry blossoms.



Like, who the [bleep]
bring 5,000 pieces of clothing

for a three-day charter?

Like, how many times
are you planning to sh--

your pants, mate, like no?


I much prefer like,
throwing lines,

and dealing with
heavy machinery.

I really want to go outside!

How you doing, kiddo?

All right.

So I know you've just
lost a deck hand.


And I was wondering
if it's possible,

if I could maybe work on deck,

and then you find
a stew to replace me.

How about I take it
under consideration

and I'll let you know.

Yeah, yeah, that would
be really good.

-Does that work for you?

We're just into this charter
a few hours

and now she's telling me
she wants to switch

from interior
to the deck department.

I realize I'm down a deckhand,

but first we have to get through
this charter in one piece.

Holy sh--, how long
is this thing?

It's all the countries
there are.

Let's do glitter,
who wants glitter?

Okay, we need cutlery as well.

These guests are like,
over the top,

and I'm running on
two hours sleep,

and I hadn't sat down all day.

However, theme
parties and events.

I love that,
that's my background.

I've served Brad Pitt, Eminem,
Paris Hilton, Chelsea Handler.

I can handle Charley.
We've got this.

Okay, we have 15 minutes.

Izzy, Izzy, Francesca.

Got to pick up the pace girl.

Still unpacking, there's
quite a lot of clothes.

So how you do
an Australian accent...

You take the phrase cheese
fries, please,

and change all
the E's to A's and you just go

"cheese fries please."

Cheese fries please.

Pretty cool.
Outstanding, thank you.

-Looks good.

All right, let's go change
into our blacks.

Last call for glitter.

Ooh, ooh.

I'm going to be a geisha.

Hey, is there anybody
available tonight

to help me a little bit
with my dishes?


James, James, Eddie.

Check the hot tub, make sure
everything's buttoned up.

Copy that.

Shane, you can help
the girls out.


How may I help you?

Elizabeth is going to be here
making drinks for guests.

You can be like
her right-hand man.


All right, everybody sit down
at your respective countries.

What are you making?

These are, um, edamame gyoza

done with garlic,
porcini mushroom.

Sounds lovely.

I became a chef on yachts
because of Anthony Bourdain.

I have travelled all
over the world,

and I studied so many
different cuisines.

Lebanese, Russian,
Brazilian, Japanese.

Five minutes to poach them
and then plate.

I love when you
actually understand the crux

of what the cuisine is.

Oh, I'm so stoked about this.

Oh my God,
this smells really good.

Oh, it does smell good.

Go ahead.

Let me check on those.

These are ready to go,
they're about to get cold.

-Do you need service?

Interior crew, interior crew,
Chef's requesting service.

IZZY: I've still got about
three bags to do.


Going as fast as I possibly can.

What's going on right now?

I know.

Their food is sitting there,

wasting away, wilting,
becoming cold.

Can I have some bread?

Chef's requesting service.

I need the captain's pants.

-I need, like, food.
-What the hell?

Coming up...

It's just, I'm tired.

Holy sh--.

Interior crew, interior crew,
chef's requesting service.

I'm ----ing starving.

They're all sitting down
at the table.

Izzy, Captain Lee's pants.


-And he needs them ASAP.

-Just need a green apple slice.
-I can do that.

I just want, I need like, food.

So I am ready when you are.

These are right here, they're
ready, they're already plated.

Da-ta-da, the first dish!

Wow, ooh!

It looks great.

You have an edamame porcini
mushroom and truffle gyozas

and then for the soy intolerant,

it's done with just the
porcini mushrooms and garlic.


You prepared international
with taking

all the dietary
restrictions into account.


[speaking Japanese]

-All right.
-Thank you.

Dig in, y'all.

This is really good, babe.

I have pants for you.

-Thank you.

Mental support over here.


Oh my God, you are so
good at this.

This is a German mule.

There's ginger beer, bourbon,
and elderflower.

-She knows her drinks.
-This is delicious.

-You like it?
-Yeah, I do.

Oh, thank you.

That's cool, you guys.

Good job, good job, good job.


That was a success.

Francesca, will you take
a picture of us?

I'm just, I'll be
right back, sorry.

All of these plates are dirty.

Izzy, Francesca, let's go in
the galley for service, please.

This is a kamikaze.


In Japanese,
it means divine wind.

Well done.

What are you doing, come here!

What the [bleep] is he?

Come here.

Shane, come here.

God damn, how many times
I got to say it?

What are you doing?

I'm presenting
the drinks with her.

You're a deck hand.

You go up there and like,
do dishes,

help out, stuff like that.

But we're behind the scenes.


-Francesca, Francesca.
-That's it?

-That's it.

Get it together.

Desk crew is another word
for behind the house,

we are not front line.

Don't get carried away
making drinks with Elizabeth.

Do what you were hired for.

I can't present
with you anymore.

It's been really helpful
to have you with me, so...

Thank you.

-What course are you up to?

I mean, come on.

She hasn't even started
freaking turn downs.

Francesca, Francesca, Izzy.

Did any of you hear that?


I have so much on my plate,
I really can't take on

another stewardess

Elizabeth, Elizabeth, can you
please come to the master?

Copy for that.

Right, that's dead.

Francesca, Francesca, Rachel.

Francesca, she's kind of
spread out all over the place,

which is kind of frustrating
because it affects me.

It's like herding ----ing cats.

It's ready to roll, I'm ready.

Interior crew, interior crew,
chef's requesting service.

I'm getting sleepy already,
it's time for a nap.

Sorry, I'm just getting pulled
in every single direction.

-It's 10:00.
-It's 10?

I'm going to pass out.

I have to go and
just check on service.


We need to go with
these right now.

-The next dish is coming.

Thank you.

We have a Brazilian style
churrasco, with chimichurri.

-Brazil, brazil!
-That's really good.

Just side note,
your boobs look amazing.

This is Hansel
and this is Gretel.

Bounce it, bounce it.

This is really good.

I'm going straight
into desserts now.

God damn.

Covered, covered, covered.

James, James, Eddie.

Do you want to go now
and get up early?

-Copy that.

Can you go down and
do the cabins, now?


-Three espresso martinis.
-Three, yes.

I need you go to up and make
three espresso martinis.


-Yeah, yeah, yeah
-Yeah, cool.

Thank you.

It's taking so long.

It's actually taking as long
as the real parade of nations.

Nothing was served hot.

They're like,
super understaffed.

There's something going on.

-Do you need any help?
-Just plating now.

We're not complaining, we legit
want to help you, because we can

tell that like, you've had
the longest day ever.

The food is still amazing,
but you are so tired.

Look, I can do this.


I've never in 14 years
had a guest come in

and tell me that I am exhausted
and that they need to help me.

I'm not even kidding,
I just like, I need to help you

right now, because I can tell
that you have had a day.

Oh, I'm here to help, babe.

No, you're not.

What am I presenting?

Dehydrated raspberries
with passionfruit pearls,

and a keto chocolate cake.

-Oh my God.

This was my choice, I'm helping.

-For what?
-Cause I can just--

No, I can just tell how
tired you guys are

and I just want to help out.

Oh, no, don't be silly,
I really don't--

I mean, it, no, no, no, no, no,
no, no, I made her do it.

I wanted to try because it's

because it's actually
kind of fun.

I've never had a worse day
than this

in my whole yachting career.

And I'm gutted
and I'm heartbroken.

That girl needs sleep.

I'm not even kidding you,
I'm going to put her to bed.

You want to make a good
impression and I feel like

that's really not
happening right now.

Yeah, it sucks.

It really does suck.

So much to do
and it's so unorganized.

Yeah, let's take
the plates, you guys.

Here you go, honey.

You guys go to bed,
we're going to go to bed, too.



So yeah, right around
the mast there.


Oh God.

----ing hell.

We'll see you tomorrow.

All right, yeah,
see you tomorrow.

For the new day.

Another fun day.

I was Transylvania
for my country, so.


That's so clever!

Oh my goodness gracious,
what a night.

So how did the rest
of the service go?

I think that there's some
issues with service.

I think she has to supervise
the girls more than normal.


I appreciate all your efforts.

Thank you, too, I do.


Francesca, could you
come to the bridge?

Hi, how are you?

What is your assessment
of your first day?

Um, it was hard, yeah.

I just don't have the time.

I get it.

I haven't cracked today at all,
and I'm just tired, but...

I've got my chief stew,
first day,

sobbing uncontrollably.


Holy sh--.

It's just, I'm tired.

There's no crying in yachting.


I haven't cracked today at all,
and I'm just tired.

I just want to be
on point, you know?

I understand.

We will get through it.

Charley is just difficult.

-What can I do to help you?

Um, more people.

We don't have beds
for more people,

and I'm not sharing mine.

Oh no, that's fine.


You need to get some
rest this evening

and we'll go at it
again tomorrow.

-And we'll do better.

Sounds good.

Thanks for the support.

Yeah, not a problem.

-All right, goodnight.



If you're all done in here,
go to bed.

You get up 7:00-7:30,
you should be good.

Good night.

Hey, what temperature
do you like in the room?


That's how it's going to be.
Ice cold.


[alarm beeping]

I'm like, I can't even stand.


I'm excited.

Yesterday was
the worst day ever.

A part of me is like,
really disappointed,

because as a chief stew,
you need to always

hold it together and
be strong for the crew.

I just need to pull it back,

and remember that
I've been in this industry

for the last five years.

I'm not really
afraid of anything

or I'm not the one to give up.

Day two, Francesca 2.0.

I can totally do this.


-Good morning.
-Good morning, how are you?

A new day.

Oh sh--.

I was rolling all over
that ----ing bed last night,

my ribs took a beating.

Yeah, you seem like
you're a little sore today.

They are sore today.

-How are you?
-Did you get some rest?

-I did.
-Okay, that makes me happy.


Uno, dos, tres.


Uh, oh my God, there's
sh-- everywhere.

Coming on late,
it was hit the ground running,

which is a recipe
for disaster.

Son of a bitch.

The galley is not
well organized.

I don't know where
things are allocated.

I can work and roll with it
for right now,

but uh, it's
completely stressful.

I'm super a**l retentive,
I can't help it.

Francesca, Francesca, Rachel,

just start taking
breakfast orders.

Okay, no problem.

-Eddie, Lee.
-Yeah, go ahead.

I want to start pulling dock.

All right, Cap, we're
ready to heave.

Pull it up.

Anchor's home.

We're out of here.

I'm going to take
a breakfast order.

Lemurs first.

I'll have a banana pancake.

Scrambled eggs and some
vegetables in there.

Also some eggs over hard.

Banana nut pancakes.

I'm going to do an omelet:

cheese, sausage,

spinach, mushrooms,
cilantro, green onion.

Himalayan salt, pepper,
and some brie, or hard parm.

I hate these guests.

Avocado toast.

Some sort of like, keto toast.

Like, I'm not in
a freaking diner, right now.

There's only
one chef back there.

Avocado toast,
definitely not on keto toast.

-Okay, fantastic.
-Thank you.

Oh my God.

Ooh, doggy!

Watch out.

Alrighty then.

I have the order
when you're ready.

Keto toast.
A lot of avocado toast.

Everyone wants avo.

Banana pancakes
with the nuts inside.

And then the other
one doesn't nuts.

Got it.

Then omelet, sausages, broccoli,

peppers, red onion,

an omelet, spinach, mushrooms,
green onions, brie, sausages.


It's just there's
so many different things

-in all the omelets.

What the [bleep]?


Woo, a little windy out
here today isn't it?

Yes, it is.

Just wanted to come out
and talk to you about

what you guys want
to do this afternoon.

Something maybe on the beach.

-Beach is very possible.
-If possible.


Oh, tell James he needs
to talk a bit more.

Want to put him in
swim gear for you.

Oh my God.

All right y'all.

Again, I'll talk to
you later, okay?


They all order omelets,
and I don't have the pans.

These pans are
like 12-inch pans.

I'm screwed.

Did anyone see the beach,
right ahead?

It's stunning.

Wow, that is gorgeous.

[bleep] you.

Eddie, let's get ready
to drop the hook.

Copy that.

Okay, these are going
to Ashley and Carlos.

-Can you hear me?

-Three sh*ts on my mark.
-Three sh*ts on your mark.

So when he says three sh*ts,

there's markers on here,
like white, red, green.

Red, yellow, blue, white, green.

Shane's very new, you know,
he definitely encompasses

that south California life, man.

-Red, yellow, blue...
-Red, young, boys.

He needs a deckhand mentor.
And that's fine.

I got an education degree.

Uh, in adventure,
but you know, whatever.

Rub your balls with grease.

That's a lot better.

For real.

And drop.

That's three shot, looks like
she's holding solid.

Lock it in and get the ball up.


Time for some fun
water toys.

Are you okay?

There's no omelets pans,
this is too big.

-This is trash.

Like, it's all trash.

Oh, hey James.

Hey, James.

Oh, hey, okay.

Having a good day so far?

Even better now.

Will you get into
your swim gear?


Oh, swim gear,
okay, we're in for it.

Didn't we get up here at 9:00?

A vegetarian egg white,
right here.

-And so--
-And avo toast.

Let's get this out.


This one's yours.

I'm pretty picky, I don't
want guacamole on toast.

-I actually wanted sliced avo.
-Sliced avo.

-Okay, okay, no problem.
-I'm sorry.

No, that's fine.

One of you guys, grab
this sh-- right here.


I'm right here.


Shane, can you double check the
bung plug, make sure that's in.

Bung plug is in and tight.

Shane, go ahead and
uh, run out there

and get that line in the water.

So, Jaime would like the
avocado sliced, not guacamole.

My life is ending right
now as we speak.

Oh God.

Hey, shut her down,
watch it, watch it.

Hey, turn her off.

It's not ----ing rocket science.

Charley, this one is yours.

-Oh, thank you, love.
-Yeah, that's okay.

They messed up her
order as well.

She said no bell peppers,
there's bell peppers.

Uh, all right, sure.

I think they probably
just probably like, mixed.

I'll--I'll just check
with Rachel, sorry about that.

-Okay, cool.

This is such a nightmare.

Oh my God, oh my God,
I'm dying.

You've already
finished your breakfast,

I haven't even had mine.

I'm sorry, y'all.


What the [bleep]?

-Are you all right?

Oh sh--, it's going
to be all right.

It's--I know.

Just hold on a second, okay?

Can you throw that out, please?
Okay, hold on.

Just take five minutes.

We're going to have to do
this one at a time.

Okay, I know, okay.

It'll be fine, I promise you.

I don't even know how to salvage
this, these pans are massive.


This is the worst experience

I've ever had in
my 14-year career on yachts.

Coming up...

Shane, Shane, Lee.

He's running around
with no shirt on.

No. Not on my boat.

-Are you all right?


Oh, sh--, it's going
to be all right.

Did you get your avocado toast?

No, it's 11:00, I'm ready for
freaking lunch at this point.


Okay, focus on what's happening.

And then we, emotions later.

It's going to be okay.

The three of us girls
are here to support you.

We need to post mate
onto this boat.

I'm just over this sh--.

I just need to plate this
and be done.


Oh, dude, I can sleep
on this thing,

it's like a water bed.

Mushrooms, cilantro,
this one's ready to roll.

Matt, here's your breakfast.

Oh, perfect.

-How is it?

Espresso martini.

Oh, thank you, love.

And is this keto friendly toast?

Yes, it is.

By the way, my avocado
toast is amazing, so thank you.

-Is it really good?

Ah fantastic, I will
let Rachel know.

Hey guys, are we able
to do things soon?

Yes, absolutely.

We're going to grab this jet ski
is about to be ready right now.


We have the sea bob's about
to be ready right now.


-How are you?
-Good, how are you?

Good, did you get
some sleep?

I did, I got a little bit
more sleep, which is good.

Good, glad to hear it.

Should we talk
about tonight, quick?


-Um, so for Alexi's birthday.
-We'll set up the blacklights.


You guys come to dinner
with your neon paint.


Um, she also has
a crush on James.

Maybe we do like,
some body sh*ts.


If he's willing.

I didn't come on this vacation

to get ----ing tan
lines on my hands.

Birthday dinner
and James for dessert.

Oh my God, that's hilarious.

Should I wear these
on the beach, or these?

Oh my God, these!

I think you should wear
those on the beach.

Okay, perfect.

So, tonight, so they
would like Mr. James

to come out and do
a body shot for Lexi.

Hey James, guest request.

You are 100% allowed
to say no to this.

Speedo, and so Lexi can
take a body shot off you.

So you're going to be touched.

Oh, I'm game for that.

-Oh yeah.

-----ing fantastic.

That's a team player
right there.

That's how we get
the tip money.

Clearly been thrown in
the deep end with this task.

Lime goes in the mouth.
Salt goes on the nips.

And then you pour the shot
into the belly button.

But at the same time...

this could be a lot of fun.



I have never broken down
before on charter.


I think these guests are bitchy.

That's fine.
This is fine.

But you know what?
I'm a perfectionist.

I'm my hardest critic,
I can do better.

It's all good.

Izzy, Francesca,
I've got cooler bags,

I'll bring them up.

We're going to pack them
and then you're going to

go to the beach with Eddie.

No worries, copy.

So I know this is going
to be really hard,

but you're going to have to
get behind James on a jet ski

and grab him like this, and he's
going to take you for a ride.

Fine, pull my hair.

I meant to say leg,
but hair works.

Keep the drinks in the coolers.

-And then serve from there.

Lexi, I have
your first birthday present.

James is going to drive
you to the beach.


I just need to throw
a life jacket on you.

Okay, go ahead,
I'll wait for you.

Shane, Shane, Eddie.

You stay on the yacht
while James and I

head to the beach picnic.

-You coming with me?
-I am.

Come on.

Nice job.

I wish I would have just
rode the jet ski.

What is that?

They look like
they're having a blast.


She's the one driving.

I don't like it.

I think Lexi and James
are really bonding out there.

That's like an ultimate
birthday present for her.

She loves jet skiing?

-Or loves James?
-She loves James.

All of them have
a crush on James.

It's the accent
and the eyelashes.

And the body.


Yachting is so me.

I'm blown away with the view.

I got my biodegradable

I got my reef safe shampoo,

and I can see a beautiful
mountain with like,

Listerine Seas, I'm like,
all right, hell yeah.

Like this is it, this is life!

Guys, look at this
beach behind you.

Look at our own private island.


-Thank you.
-No problem.

You concentrate on this bar,
and the pantry, and downstairs.

And galley.

Yeah, that's the thing,

it's like there's four spots...
-I know, I know, I know.

And laundry.

I'm not complaining,
it's just like,

I'm kind of like, flabbergasted.

I know.

I got into yachting
four and a half years ago.

I was on a vacation with my best
friend from Long Island,

and I fell in love with a
yachtie on the beach.

And the rest is history.

I had absolutely no experience.

I had just got my certification.

All of a sudden,
I'm thrown in the thick of it.

That's what I'm used to.

But these guests are
a little extra obnoxious.

What are you going to do?

I really want to talk
about it more,

and like, try and
solve the issue.

No, no, no, yeah.
But I feel like--

It's just like, it's out there,
but we'll--

-We'll continue.

Deck crew, deck crew, Eddie?

Deck crew, deck crew,
this is Eddie.

Shane, did you copy that?

Shane, Shane, Eddie.

What do you need, Eddie?

We need to make sure
there are fresh

guests towels ready
when we return.

Shane, Shane, Lee.

He doesn't answer his radio.

Running around in board
shorts with no shirt on.


Shane, Shane, Eddie.

No, not on my boat.

Coming up...

What do you got there?

Um, something our main charter
guest has passed on to me.

Better him than me.


Shane, Shane, Lee.

Go ahead.

You have a rash guard?

Yes, I do.

Anytime you're outside,
you're working wet,

you have a shirt on.

I'll go grab it right now.

Shane, Shane, Eddie.

Always make sure you
answer your radio.

Copy that,
it won't happen again.

Should be able to wear my swim
trunks when I'm out there.

But nope, I got to wear a rash
guard, got to wear my hat.

There's a morning outfit,
there's a night outfit.

I mean, that's why
I'm a Hawaiian shirt guy,

cause you can wear it
anytime, for any occasion.

Does anyone want a margarita
or champagne or beer?

Uh, yes, yes, and yes.
It's a sassy yes for me.

[screams and laughter]

You doing okay, honey?

Don't worry, we're going
to get you in with James.

First things first.

I have a million things
going on right now.

Okay, first things, first.

As soon as I can, we can
go through dinner,

because I really want to smash
this event tonight.

I've got time.

This charter right now,
not a fan.

We've got the crab
and we've got lamb as well.

-German chocolate cake.

-Okay, cool.
-Awesome, thank you.


But at the end of the day,
I'm paid a lot of money,

and uh, I'm paid
to be professional,

somewhat, minus my mouth.

So, tonight's menu,
we're going all out.

It's only going to get better.

You have any chocolate covered
pretzels that aren't melted?

You can just have fondue baby,
with hot sauce.


So I had a conversation
with Captain Lee yesterday

about coming to join deck team.

-You prefer to work outside?

I have my
yacht master offshore,

and I used to work as a skipper.

Still got a lot to learn,
but I think I'm equally as,

if not more qualified than
some of the people on deck.


I just, one second.

Don't want that to float away.

Izzy, grab that anchor
out right there.

Pull it out of the sand.

All right, now give
you some slack on it.

There you go, that works.

I want you to walk up
the beach with it.

Go ahead, plant it.

There you go.
Nice job.

I'll give Captain Lee
my ten cents.

Thank you so much.

Was great, I think it
was a great interview.

Thank you.

Eddie, how long we
gonna be here, babe?

We can go whenever you want.

If you don't mind getting a
little wet before you get going.

James, James, Eddie.

Can you please, uh,
jump on the jet ski

and pick up the birthday girl?

I'm on my way.

Copy, we just want
to greet her with this.


Hello, welcome back.


Thank you.

You're welcome, happy birthday!

Thank you!

Oh, it's wicked hot.

Can we get a hose hooked up
and spray off some of that?

We need to have
dinner ready at 7:30.

We've got so much to do and we
just need to get through that.

Just make sure
the pantries are good.

-Everyone has drinks.


And you guys, you know,
take initiative.


Thank you.

So we have a big job, we need
James to go pick out his Speedo

that he's wearing for
the birthday surprise.

Shay, do you want to help
James pick out his Speedo?

Not really.

You, come here, come here.

We brought a few.

So there's tropical, those ones
are a little bit more revealing.

I think this is going
to be your moment.


What do you call these,
by the way, in like,

your, in the UK, or--?

-Budgie smugglers.
-Budgie smugglers.

Or banana hammock, or you know--

That's a good one.

So you choose your
own budgie smuggler.

Right, I'll drop these off.

What do you get there?

Um, so this is something
the main charter guest

has passed on to me.

A bit of a surprise
for the birthday girl.

If you're cool with this?



Why am I not surprised?


Better him than me.

Interior team,
change into your blacks.

I need help with decorations
as soon as possible.

Okay, this is for dessert.

I need like,
a happy birthday sign.

-Yep, perfect.

Can you please
get butter plates?

-Thank you.

-You like it?
-Looks nice.

-They'll like it.

I hope so.

It's neon carnival,
so it's a broad theme.

Okay, let's go help the girls.

Watch, this is how you test.

Isn't that cool?

Let's go g*ng. Yay!

Ah, the balloons!

Wait, the bar's neon? Ah!

Girl, now, this is how
you do a theme party!


-Coming up now.


Oh, this was a request
from Jerry.

Oh my God, this is really good.

-Oh wow.

That looks good, crab legs!

So there's just like a bunch
of crabs in wheelchairs now?

Yeah, pretty much.

Eddie, Eddie, Lee, can you
come to the wheelhouse?

On my way.

Oh my God, is that lamb chops?

Wow, she's pulling out
all the stops.

Rachel, Rachel, they're
all loving it up there.


I think I nailed it.

Izzy expressed an interest
in coming to the deck crew.

She expressed an interest
to me about it today, too.

And she's got experience.

We did a beach party
this afternoon.

She was really helpful.

If I can hire a stew that's
really strong to replace her,

it'll take some of
the burden off Francesca.

I'm happy about it.

She has a better sense of
urgency than Sunshine does.




Maybe we should
take a look at it?

Not make a decision right now?

I agree.

-These are good.
-It's out of this world.

Yeah, [bleep] it.

We're waiting for dessert.

It shouldn't be too much longer.

James, it's showtime.

I'm going to go to the bathroom.

I'm just going to go grab my
chef's coat really quickly.

Birthday girl,
shag, marry, k*ll the group.

We all know who you would shag.

You don't look quite ready.


Okay, so I have
a question for you.


So when we initially
came on this trip,

Shay had the hots for James.

How did you end up
like on the jet ski?

I don't know.

Okay, because if
my girlfriend likes somebody,

-I wouldn't do that to them.

So I'm just saying,
I'm a girl's girl.

This got super awkward.

Jamie, come to my room.

-No, no, no.
-Carlos, this does not continue.

No, no, no, Jamie, no.

Oh my God, this is not even.

I'm done.
[bleep] this.

Oh God.

Are you ----ing kidding
me right now?

Are you kidding me?
No, you don't do that.

Don't do that to me.
I'm done.

Are you kid--are you
kidding me right now?

They are in
a huge argument right now.

It sounds like they're
fighting over James.

It's ridiculous,
he's a deck hand, not a man toy.

We're supposed to be ----ing
family and this is it?


I'm done.

They are in a huge
argument right now.

We're supposed to be ----ing
family and this is it.


Glaze, bitch, glaze.

-Wait, honey, just.

Lexi, I need you
downstairs please.

They're having a birthday--

Yeah, so Charley wants it,
it's her birthday,

for a second, give it to Asher.

No, no, no, do not sit there
and dismiss me.

Hello, look at me.

Shay, honey, now is
not the time, please.

All right, all right,
then I'm ----ing done.

This is a friendship
that you just ----ed.

-You just ----ed it up.

-Is everything okay?

So you want to hold off
with the cake?


-No, yeah.

Honey, stop, come here,
come here, will you please?

-No, no!
-For me?

What should we do
with our crew member?

Just stand by, stand by, please.

She didn't have
say something, so.

I--no, that's not what I been--

-So what are you talking about?
-I told her just right now.

So awkward, I can't handle it.

No, it's so fabulous.

Charley, are you
kidding me right now?

No, I'm not kidding,
I don't know what you're doing,

like, I have no idea
what you're talking about.

This is the fun of
working on yachts,

is seeing petty bullsh--
drama like this.

You're ruining this moment.

Oh my God!

You've got grown ass women
fighting over this guy

that shaves his chest,
like [bleep].

Send them like, positive vibes.

Is there a, um,
robe around here anywhere,

so that his disco ball can
stop shining me in the eyes?

Shay, what are you doing?

All right, all right, fine,
I'll sit right here.


Lexi was sitting there
for her surprise.

Okay fine, I'll sit where
I was sitting before.

We've got something planned.

We've got something
really special planned,

yeah, I think, I think, great.

Fantastic, okay, cool.

Okay, guys, we are ready.

We're grabbing the cake right
now, we're heading up.

All right my love.

♪ Happy birthday to you ♪

♪ Happy birthday dear Lexi ♪

♪ Happy birthday to you ♪

Yes, woo!

I work with the guy, I can't.

All I'm going to say
is he was the only one

that had the balls to do that.

In more ways than one.

I can't watch the guy
I work with every day

-do lap dances on people.

I mean, lovely figure but
a man gyrating

in like a sparkly speedo?
No, thank you.

So let's move to
the after party.

No, I'm ----ing done.

Don't underestimate
a jealous female.

It was embarrassing.

It's okay.
Let's go have this party.

What shot would you like, Lexi?



Thank you buddy,
you're the best.

All right, go get some rest.

Did you like your present?

-It was okay, right?
-No, it was amazing!

I'll be right back.


Disperse the negative vibes.


Wash the filth off, because
you're covered in it right now.

I'm very upset,
so can you please stay here?

Charley, are you kidding me?

I am not kidding you, I can't
believe you just did that.

That was insane! Insane!

Charley, forget it.
Forget it.

No excuse.

Um, what are you guys up to?



There was absolutely no excuse
for you to do that to me.

Wait, we have cake.

I can taste the gluten free.

CHARLEY: That was really

SHAY: Embarrassing for you,
what about for me?

Next, on "Below Deck"...

I need you to finish this now.

I don't want to leave
the team high and dry.

I've asked her to do something

and now she's like trying
to get out of it.

But I really am itching
to get outside.

I want to go to the bar,
I want to go to a club.

-Cheers everybody.

Yeah, this will be fun.

James, you are not on a holiday.

We're here to work, and you
will work, or you will be gone.

I'm going to sleep,
I'll see you 0800 on deck.

Number two, we have
twenty somethings.

I got ties older than them.

What is the WIFI?

I don't need WIFI,
I just need a drink.

Can we check IDs?
I don't--

Are you looking
to hook up with anyone?


Francesca's looking fit.


We got rain coming in.

Man, you are very observant.

I'm not a pushover, I'm going
to stand up for myself.

I don't appreciate
your sarcasm, man.

You can't take a little
bit of a joke,

then you should probably get
on a different crew.
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