08x03 - Max and Dax's Excellent Adventure

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Below Deck". Aired: July 1, 2013 – present.*
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Show chronicles the lives of the crew members who work and reside aboard a superyacht during charter season.
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08x03 - Max and Dax's Excellent Adventure

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "Below Deck"...

So you guys know about
Avery, I guess?


Already, this early in
the season, we're shorthanded,

and our most experienced guy.

The workload has increased
on me about tenfold.

Shane, Shane, Lee.

Running around
with no shirt on...

no, not on my boat.

None of the other cabins
were unpacked.

Put them away.

-I mean, come on.

I was wondering if
I could work on deck,

and then you'd find
a stew to replace me.

How about I take it
under consideration

-and I'll let you know?

I'm not even kidding.
I'm going to put her to bed.

I've got my chief stew
sobbing uncontrollably.

Holy sh--.

I need to know more
about James, because...

I know.

I feel like I've been very
clear about my intentions.



I'm ----ing done.

You're ruining this moment.

Oh, my God!

You got grown-ass women
fighting over this guy

that shaves his chest.

Like [bleep].

This is a friendship
that you just ----ed.

I'm very upset, so can
you please stay here?

-Charlie, are you kidding me?
-I'm not kidding you.

I can't believe you
just did that.

That was insane.

-No excuse.

What are you guys up to?


That was really embarrassing!

-Embarrassing for you?

What about for me?

Good night, I'll see you.

Yeah, see you,
have a good sleep.

James, James, Eddie.
You're late tonight.

[bleep] me.

Copy that, thank you.

Disburse the negative vibes.

These are, like, the
most rowdy guests

I've ever had on any boat
I've ever been on.

I've had rowdy ones, but
just, like, not as high...



These guests and this
charter have really,

like, pushed my buttons.

I'm just, like, bye-bye.

You can knock off.

Thank you. What time
do you want me to be up?


If you can just take
that laundry down,

and then go to bed.

All right.

[balloon pops]

How do you, like,
pop a balloon quietly?

Just stick a pillow over it
or something.

By the way, when's Valentine's?
That's coming up, isn't it?

I love surprises.

As long as he doesn't come
knocking on your door.

Well, I don't have
my own cabin, unfortunately.

I can't believe I haven't
asked you this yet...

you interested
in anyone on deck?

[balloon squeaking]

Are you looking
to hook up with anyone?

I'm kinda open to it, I guess.

Like, I'm not really thinking
about it at the moment.

I don't think you've
been thinking about

anything apart from
work recently.

I see where we draw the line.

All right, cool.
My feet are k*lling me.


Francesca's looking fit.

She's attractive.


I need to go to bed.


[thud] Ah!

-Good morning, good morning.
-Good morning!

Things got a little weird
last night, guys.

Boat drama.

Do you know what they
were fighting about? James?


It got a little weird.

The last day.

-See ya.





-Okay, cool, yeah.

After yesterday's mishap...

Broccoli, spinach,

Himalayan salt, pepper,
and hard parm.

Are you all right?

This is the worst
experience I've ever had

in my 14-year career
on yachts.

But I've decided to control
the situation

with breakfast specials, because
I can't take that sh--.

Good morning.

Am I the only one up?


Rachel's thinking French toast.



Son-of-a-bitch, I knew this
was gonna ----ing happen.

Eddie, seeing as how
the rain's here,

let's pull the anchor
in the rain.

Copy that, getting wet, ooh!

Like my melons?

Do you like mine?

Two sh*ts.

-Anchor's home.
-Copy that.

Hey, James?

-Talk to me.
-Hey, I'm sorry, man.

We're heading back to the dock
right now, and I need you.


Hello, good morning, Sunshine.

-Oh, how are you?
-Would you like a Bloody Mary?

-French toast?


Bloody Mary, please.

Interior, I need radio silence
until we get to the dock.

What did he say?

I can't hear him,
because it's too loud.

Talk to me, Eddie.

Fifteen is about
just four to midship.

You can start your pivot now.

Knot in my stomach as soon
as we hit those markers.

Recipe for disaster.


Tight quarters, lots of wind...
what could possibly go wrong?

Headed out to the wing station.

I want you watching the fenders.

I got the bow line on.

Rachel, Rachel, Francesca.

Stay off the radio!

He's gonna lose his sh--.

This is the one
that I don't like...

no room at all.

Sixty feet to go.

Have you fell on
one of these before?


Wind's starting to pick up.

g*dd*mn it, I can't see sh--.

This particular harbor
that we're in,

the pucker effect
goes into overdrive.

If you [bleep] up just
the least little bit,

you're gonna spend
a lot of money.

Let's get the ground
tackle on up front.

Don't [bleep] it up.
Don't [bleep] it up.

Come on!

Izzy, Izzy, Elizabeth.

Liz, stay off the radio!

If I hear one more ----ing
interior person

on the g*dd*mn radio...

Couldn't drive a straight-pin
up my ass

with a 10-pound sledgehammer.

Starboard ground
tackle secure.

Port side going off now.

-Thank you.
-All clear.

Thanks, guys.


-Good morning.
-Good morning.

What did you guys
have for breakfast?

French toast.

I'll have...
I'll have some French toast.


Love the presentation.

Did you have this French toast?

Can I have a little
bump of it?


-Put the vanilla custard in it.
-It's a cream.

This might be one of
her specialties.

Mm, oh, my God.

Isn't that really good?

Attention, all crew.

Everybody in their
whites by 11:30.

Yeah, that pays for
everything you need in life.

-What's going on?

All right, I need
all the crew

making your way
to the aft deck.

Okay, no problem.

All right, here
comes the sad part.

-I wish you luck.
-I'll see you soon.

-Thank you.
-Thanks so much.

-That was great, thank you.

Oh, Captain, thank you so
much for keeping us safe.

You k*lled it, Captain Lee.

I have a feeling this is
a "till next time."


Guys, I just wanna say I think
it's obvious to all of us,

you know, what didn't work
on this charter.

We felt that, to be honest.

We felt the growing pains.

That being said, you all
had an incredible attitude,

and that is everything to me.

-James, you're a real stand-out.

There you go, mister.
Thank you, everybody.

-Bye, guys.
-See you later.

-We'll miss you.

Let's keep it going.
Go to work.

-Yes, sir.

So should I start
stripping bed...

Oh, we're changing, all right.

Francesca, Francesca, Lee.

Do you wanna come on up to
the wheelhouse for a second?

Copy that.

Oh... stinky, stinky.

-How are you?
-I'm fine, how are you?

Holding up.

So, I just wanted
to check with you

about our personnel situation.


Izzy expressed an interest
in moving to exterior.

-So we'll move her outside...

And then I will get you
a replacement stew.

Great, yes.

Thank God.

I saw that look of relief.

It's sort of a relief,
but if she wants

to thrive in a different
department, absolutely.

-Very good.

-That's it.
-Thank you.

Attention all crew,
attention all crew,

I need everybody in
the crew mess in five.


Ow... that ----ing hurt.

We did get a tip.

I'll be happy with a dollar.


Charlie, for a charter guest,

he's about as tough
as they come.

But Charlie did leave us 25.


That's incredible.

We thought we were
getting no tip.

-So nice.
-That comes to $2,272.73,

and you guys did earn it,
and I thank you.

Thank you, Captain Lee.

Thank you.

It's the first American dollar
I've ever held.

-And it's a Benjamin.

I'm so happy.
I'm broken, but I'm happy.

We're short-staffed,
and I know you have expressed

an interest in wanting
to move outside.

I'm gonna have
to move you outside.

Thank you.

-It's nothing against you guys.


I'm devastated that
you're leaving the team,

but I'm super happy
that you're gonna be thriving

in the area that
you need to be in.

I really don't think you are.

I think you're just
saying that

because there's
other people around.

We'll bust our ass today,

because we're
picking up again tomorrow.

You've worked hard.

I will allow you guys
to go out this evening.

Behave accordingly,
but enjoy tonight.

Thank you, Captain Lee.

It's 2:25 right now.
Let's get moving.

I've rinsed all this out.

Just get a brush and
just clean everything you see.

You're saying
you want me to soap...

I mean...

Do you wanna concentrate on
laundry for the next two hours?

-Okay, cool.

You go and do that, okay?

Izzy, I don't know when
you're moving on,

but can you go through
each of the pantries...

-And just reorganize?

That's A-OK.

Francesca, Francesca, Eddie.

Would you be able to release
Izzy around 4:15?

I'm gonna do a
little line-handling thing,

and I could use
my new deckhand.

As long as she's
done the pantries,

then I'm happy for her to go.

Great, that is totally fair.

Yeah, I'll be all good, thanks.

Two-chain Shane, I got a lot
of game with my boy, Eddie.

We get into trouble,
we cause a lot of medley...

Hidden talent, almost.

Probably should stop doing that.

-The cupboards?
-Getting there.

Yeah. Just wanna be able
to see everything.


Well, now they've got
less stuff in there.

Take it all out.

I don't wanna leave
the team high and dry,

but I really am itching
to get outside.

What time did Eddie say?

He said 15 minutes.

I'll tell you what, Francesca
takes no ----ing prisoners.

If there's work to be done,
she gets on it.

I need you to finish this.

It's important that you finish.

All righty.


Coming up...

We got rain coming in.

Man, you are very observant.

I'm not a pushover.
I'm gonna stand up for myself.

I don't appreciate sarcasm, man.

If you can't a little bit
of a joke,

then you should probably get
on a different crew.

How we guys looking back there?

-All right, Sunshine.

How's it going?

I feel like Izzy is
trying to override me.


She just wants to get out
on deck, which is fair enough.


But I've asked her
to do something,

and now she's, like,
trying to get out of it.

And she's still on our team
until we get somebody else.

Francesca and Izzy have this,
like, negative energy.

I hate it.

Hopefully we get someone who
can do everything confidently,

because I've been there, where,
like, a chief stew turns sour.

It sucks.

Captain Lee, we need
to do his uniform today.


I would rather you do it,
and then hopefully

we have another person.

I'm actually, like,
wondering, like,

what the hell my boyfriend's
doing right now.

He's been stuck with, like,
my face all up in his space.

Oh, you have a boyfriend?

-That's really cute.

Where is he from?


And he works on land.

-It's pretty good.

I was working in Monaco.

I went to this
Indian restaurant,

and this little guy
comes walking up

and sits across from me
at another table.

He started eating,
and then we started chatting.

Before I knew it we hung out,

and we've been
hanging out ever since.


It is such a rarity
to be able to have

a functional relationship
in yachting.

-You don't have a boyfriend?
-Mm, no.

My vibrator is my best friend.

It's given me more orgasms than
any other person ever have,

and I'll probably
just keep it that way.

It's so hard to have
an actual functional,

healthy relationship.

I think that's impossible
to ask anyone.

Deck team, assemble!

Izzy, Izzy, you wanna
meet me main deck aft?

I know they've got a bottle
of vodka here somewhere.

It's just a question of where.

Line-handling lesson.

Does anybody know
what this line is called?

A spring line.

What does a forward
spring line do?

It stops the boat from
going back and forth.


Does anybody know why we
cross the lines like this?

Does it have to do
something with...

Well, they would swing.

What's it called when it...
the give in it?

Yeah, and the swing,
you're right.

These are our stern lines.

Obviously, you have a starboard
and a port side stern line.

What's a bollard
and what's a cleat?

I would consider this,
like, a bollard;

it's just a larger
kind of cleat.

Cleat is something that has,
like, horns, with a center.

Got it.

Shane here,
take this line,

and I want you to take
a wrap on the cleat.


Okay, you just locked it off
in a really hideous fashion.

So a wrap is just enough to keep
a little bit of tension on.

That's a wrap.


-Maybe that's a hold.

And then lock it off would
be coming around

and then doing what you'd
normally do to lock it off.

I love teaching people,
because I'm gonna teach you

the right way... my way.

What's the minimum amount of
wraps you put on to lock it off?

Two to three.


Welcome to the crew.

-Thank you.


Where's the essential oils?
I need the essential oils.

I can't wait to get off the boat
and not have to talk about work.

I feel like for the first night,
like, maybe have...


We've done enough today.
We're done.

[bleep], I'm done.

Eddie, Eddie, Lee.

Yeah, go for Eddie.

Get Francesca and Rachel

and meet me in the crew mess
for preference sheet meeting.

-EDDIE: Copy that.
-FRANCESCA: Copy that.

How we doing, kids?

-Hello, great, how are you
-Good, how you doing, Cap?

Good. Number two.
We have 20-somethings.

Oh, my gosh.


Very rich 20-somethings.

At 22 years old, yeah,
I was a wild child.

Partied every ----ing night.

You don't get hung over at 22.

Now I'm 35, I wouldn't
be able to get outta bed.

For a week.

Dax and Max...
Millennial city.

Yeah, okay, Boomer.

They're excited to be chartering
for the first time.

Dax is a surfer
who runs his own business,

and Max is a star quarterback at
University of Nevada Las Vegas.

They're bringing along Sabrina,
who is Dax's girlfriend;

Nikole, who is Max's girlfriend;

Andreina; and Luke,
a high school friend of Max.

There not showing up
till the afternoon,

so we don't need
to worry about lunch.


Jell-O sh*ts a must, by the way.

First night, they want sushi.

Sushi served
on a nude female model.

A naked model for sushi.

I'm just thinking
fish on fish.


Any questions?

I have a question about
another stewardess or steward.

I won't leave you
hanging much longer.

Okay, thank you very much.

-All right, guys.
-All right.

-Thanks, Captain Lee.
-Thank you.

Little ----ing fly,
you're gonna ----ing die!

[silverware clattering]


I might change into
a longer dress.

I'm just trying to make myself
look semi-presentable.

Do we have mouthwash,
by any chance?

I'm so excited.

This job I do back home, I am
a manager of traffic cones.

It's 6:00 p.m. till 6:00 a.m.,
pissing down with rain.

It's hard work.

And then I didn't have
a social life all last year

because of that.

So first night out,
could not be more excited.

That's half the reason
why I'm here.

Yeah, this'll be fun.


All right, party people.

-Looking fabulous, girls.
-Cheers, everybody.


-Thank you.

So, hey, guys, taxis
are waiting, let's go.

Cool kids sit at
the back of the bus.

With me, you sit there.

All right.

Do we know when we're gonna get
the next steward/stewardess?



Should we haze them?

Wow, look at this sweet farmer's
tan I got going on.

-Club House.

Oh, my God, okay.

Okay, you guys ready?
Here we go.

We are hungry.

We're gonna sit boy, girl,
boy, girl.

Boy, girl, boy, girl.

Boy. Boy.

Yes, I like espresso martinis...

Espresso martinis.

-All espresso martinis?
-Always espresso martinis.

Oh, the pressure is on, guys.


Mine were not
coming out that color.


Cheers, guys.

Oh, wow.


Yes, yeah.



I've dated Geminis in the past,
and Geminis are the Twins,

so they have two different
----ing personalities.

It feels like a red flag.

But still, he's very attractive.


Is everybody ready to go
home and go to sleep?

-Yes, we are ready.
-I'm ready.

Oh. Please tell me no one wants
to go home at this point.

Who wants to go out and party,
who wants to go home?

I wanna go to a bar,
I wanna go to a club,

and then I wanna go home.


Everyone just wants to go home,
I don't get it.

It's time to get going.
Go home and go to sleep?

-All right, let's go.

Ready go home, go to bed.

Load up, folks.
Load up.

Honestly, this is bullsh--.

When you're at home
and you go out...

-So tired.
-Do you go home at 10:50?


You're meant to be my boss,

and you're meant to
show me this sh--.

No, I'm supposed to show
you how to, like, work.

Ugh... oh, God.

Not, like... not show you
how to ----ing party.

We're not here to work.

-Yes, we are here to work!
-Yes, we are here to work!

James, you are not on a holiday.

I don't think James realizes
what he is getting himself into.

This is not a vacation at all.

All we have to do
is wash a boat.

Oh, no, no,
it's so much more than that.

We're here to work, and you
will work, or you will be gone.

My job is to make
your job easier?

I don't mind that.

But you're not.

Coming up...

Ces, Ces, Eddie.

Can you come to main
deck aft, please?

Someone I'd like you to meet.

-Is that our stewardess?

New stew.

Oh sh--.

We have a lot to ----ing do.

And tomorrow, though,
I need, like, 150.

I'll give you 110.

I would love that.

-Well, I'm going to sleep.
-Good night!

I'll see you 0800 on deck.

[snapping fingers]

I'd be fine.


Good morning.

But you're not.

There's a lot to do.

I'm just sorting out
my stuff for you.

Yeah, that's perfect.

Where's our other
fearless deckhand?

He's probably getting,
you know...

Dude, I specifically told
Sunshine, 8:00 on deck.


Tomorrow I'm gonna be
two times faster.

I guess he still
doesn't understand "on deck"

means on deck,
ready to work.

Yeah, as soon as you can, just
come find me on deck, okay?


I don't have the patience
to deal with him,

so I think it's just
best I walk away.

Izzy, Izzy, you wanna
clean the windows

on starboard side bridge deck?

Copy that.

All right.

Oh, my God.

Oh [bleep].

[vacuums whirring]

Oh, I've completely
forgot what was going on.

How can I help?

You got James up there.

I recommend we grab
some stainless stuff,

and then start moving from
the bow all the way back.

Oh, good morning, Izzy.

Good morning, Sunshine.

I'm so stoked to have
you on the deck team.

I'm so stoked to be on
the deck team with you guys.

What a sh--ty day.

Feeling all right?

Ribs ain't working worth a damn,

but everything else
is functional.

That's good.

Oh, my God, I'm researching
naked sushi models.

That looks like a porn shot.

That's like a whole new
meaning to "bento box."


Oh, my God.

It's a long time.

You want me to
take that trash down?


Is that our stewardess?


-Nice to meet you. Ashling.

-Hey, how are you?
-Hey, nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you.

-New stew!

-Welcome to our boat.

-Hey, how you doing?
-Hey, nice to meet you.

-Eddie. Nice to meet you.

Do you need any help
carrying in your bag?

No, actually,
my bag got lost in transit.

Oh sh--.

This is all I got.

Been up since 2:00 this morning.


Oh sh--, really?


Bring it on, baby.

No, just kidding.


I don't work like that.

Ces, Ces, Eddie.

Can you come to
main deck aft, please?

Sorry, mate.



She's Australian as well.

How are you?

Oh, my God, yay!

Are you from Sydney, too?

No, no, I'm from
Noosa Heads, Sunny coast.

-Oh, cool. Oh, my God.

-Close enough.

So you met everyone?

-Let me help you with your bag.

-Aw, thank you.

Do you wanna share
with a girl or a boy?

Okay, that's fine.

We're sharing a room,
then, James.

Okay, cool.
Let's get you in.

This is the crew mess.

Laundry, my cabin,

and then you're in what's
called the penthouse.

All righty.

So this is the girls' cabin.

-Pop your bags here.

Your water's boiling.

Oh, my God, thank you.

Their preference said
Jell-O sh*ts, so.

Oh, my God.

You've worked on yachts before?

I have.

Reason why I got
into yachting, I had to get

the hell out of Australia and
just experience more life.

I have 12 months of experience
on a charter yacht

that was 48 meters,
and I k*lled it.

So I guess it's kinda
like similar size to this.

Hey, that's great.

Chief stew on my last job
was just an assh*le.

We didn't work very
well together.

But Francesca seems awesome,

so hopefully we're gonna get
on like a house on fire.


-How are you?

-I'm Elizabeth.
-I'm Ash, nice to meet you.

Oh, I'm sorry.
I thought you met outside!

I know, right?

I offered to move
into James' room,

because I know
that not everyone

is comfortable with
sharing with a guy.


On my last boat, I had to
room with the chief engineer,

who was a 60-year-old
German dude.

I think it's gonna be fine.

As long as he cleans off the
shower walls when he has a wank,

I don't care.

That's so revolting.

All right, we have a million
things to get through.

What I need to do is
stock some fridges.

Champagne definitely
for arrival.

We need to chop lemons
and limes...

-...and oranges.

So here we go, I wrote it down,
Captain's preferences.

-We can make the coffee.

The buttons don't really work,

so if it keeps running
hot water, just let it go.

-Yeah, yeah.
-Just pull it out.

I'd like everyone
to be ready at 11:00.

Guests hop on at 12:00.



I had just, like, flown,
like, 30-something hours,

and I am thrown into a charter
which I really didn't expect.

Did you come here
straight from Noosa?


Oh, my God.

I flew, like,

Oh, my God.
Oh, my God.


Coming up...

Am I getting a tan?

Let's rock and roll.

What is the wifi?

I don't need wifi,
I just need a drink.

-We like our alcohol.

Are you able to
make the breakfast?


So, timing today...
guests hop on at 12:00.




This is why I'm rushing.

All crew, all crew,
provisions are here.

Copy that.

I'm gonna go
down to provisions.

Let's start a train g*ng.

-Have you met Captain yet?

-Come with me!
-I'll take that.

This is golf stuff.

-Good morning. How are you?
-Good morning.

Good, how are you?

This is our new stewardess.

I'm Ashling, nice to meet you.

-Ashling? My pleasure.
-Nice to meet you.

-Get situated.

Get your uniform.

The girls will show
you what to do.


-Welcome aboard.
-Nice to meet you.

Charter number two, let's go.

My pleasure.
Take care.

Do you wanna load me up
with one more water, please?

The big ones?
I'm feeling strong.

I want my sleeves
hugging my arms.

Okay. Far out.

Listen up...
right now, it's 11:00.

Get into whites, and then we're
gonna come back up here.

Right, Izzy,
let's go get changed.

Let's see what we look
like half-naked together.

-Don't get weird, you two.

Attention all crew, we have
one hour till guest arrival.

One hour to guest arrival.

Oh, my God. I am dead.

Jet lag, jet lag.

Yeah, jet lag's the worst.


Well, leave you to it.

If you need help getting
dressed, you know where I am.


Girl, we're gonna
k*ll this charter.

It sounds like everyone's,
like, pretty positive.


Francesca, Francesca,

Go ahead.

Hey, we finished up in the...
with the cabins.

Change after that.
Thank you.

Francesca, Francesca, Lee.

Go ahead, Lee.

Do I have shirts
that are ironed?


Elizabeth, Elizabeth,

How far away are you?

I will be bringing
them up right away.


I'm sorry, Captain Lee.

I'll definitely have them
for you, I promise.

-Thank you.

You're putting on a wet shirt?

Oh, it's definitely damp.

-Epaulettes for you?


For the moment.



As long as you don't stuff up
the captain's uniform.

No, no.

Just make sure
he's got everything.

-It comes back on me.

It's a big job,
being second stew,

and Elizabeth has
a long way to go.

But I'm hoping these two stripes
will give Elizabeth

that kick up the ass to motivate
her to step up to the plate.

Attention all crew,
attention all crew,

we've got 15 minutes
to show time.


Give 'em a good karate chop
in the middle, fluff 'em.

Has the passerelle been done?

I just chamoised it real quick.

Let's get ready, ladies.

The cabins are all good.

Cabins are all good.

Guys, let's line it up.

Am I getting a tan?

Let's rock and roll.

-It's gonna be fun.
-It's gonna be great.

I think so, yeah.

No one touch my off-whites.

Hello, my friend.

-How are you?
-How you doing?

-Captain Lee.
-Max, nice to meet you.

Hello, and welcome.
I'm Francesca.

-Nice to meet you.
-Nice to meet you.

Pleasure to meet you.

I'm looking at Dax,
Max, 22 years old,

and a bunch of White Claws.

This is about to be
a frat party.

Cheers, cheers.

Welcome board M/Y Seanna.

-Thank you.
-Thank you.

We are going to get
underway rather quickly

so we can get
this party started.

This is Francesca.

She'll show you around the boat.

We'll get all your
luggage on board,

and then we'll get
the hell outta here.


All right, guys, let's go.

Damn, this thing's huge.

This is the bridge deck, and
this, I think,

is where you're gonna
be having the most fun.

There's a lot of things up here.

A lot of things up here.

What's your over-under
here on bags?


This is the bar area.

I heard you guys wanted
to play some drinking games.

-We do!

I'll set them up for
you this afternoon.

We love it.

Pretty light...
that's good.

So in here is our master suite.


Okay, show me the bed.

Wanna know how
they got this room?

He won on a beer pong challenge.

This guy right here.

Beer pong challenge is the only
reason he got this room.

You can take the fenders in.

Yeah, yeah.

Tender fenders starting at
the end there, right?


I think we're gonna
get going now, and...

Can we get more drinks?

Yes, we can have more drinks.

Important question...
what is the wifi?

I don't need wifi,
I just need a drink.

I'm going to fire
everything up up here.

Let's get the rest of
the lines off, Eddie.

Copy that.

We can get rid of
these ones first.

That one, as well.

Did you say we can get rid of
the spring straightaway?


All right, guys,
you release that one.

Going into this charter
with a full team

puts me a little bit
more at ease.

I know that we're gonna have a
lot of growing pains in order

to get to the well-oiled machine
that I wanna have.

Izzy seems good.
I mean, she's better than Shane,

so I'm happy to have
her on the crew.

That's all the lines.
I'm gonna board.

Last line on,
and all crew aboard.

Copy that, we're coming out.

-Whoa, we're going.
-We're moving!

Yes, thank you so much.



If I don't drink,
I'm gonna be dead.

All right, ladies, the meat and
cheese platter's ready to roll.


Okay, who wants to jump off?

Oh, just right now?

Once I talk to them, I can show
you where everything is.

So I if say to pull
for anything, then...

-That's fine.
-Do that, yeah.

Sorry, I probably don't
sound very enthusiastic

right now, I'm pretty...

No, no, no, don't worry,
I'm rambling.

I'm pretty damn tired.

It took me about 15 minutes
to figure out

where I'm going, but I did it.


They're so romantic,
looking over the balcony.

And their names...

And you guys, too.


Dude, its really
moving right now.

The weather has been wack.

But hopefully it gets
better for you guys.

Tomorrow, as long as we have
alcohol, I think we'll be okay.

Yeah, you're gonna have fun.


These guests are very young.

I mean, where is all
their money coming from?

Probably just, like,
Mommy and Daddy's pocket?

What? What?

I'm a little bit envious.
They should be serving me.

It's just a bunch
of drunks here.

We like our alcohol.

Yo, Max, I wanna take
a piss off the yacht.

Coming up...

I do need you up,
like, super early.

I'm about to cry.
I'm so tired.

-Oh, darling!
-Oh, my God!

I'm sorry.

Oh... what the hell?


They seem ----ing heavy.

Once I've done this,
do you want me to pop down

to the laundry and
have a little look?

Yes, that would be great.

Other things I need you to do...

maybe we can just create a list?

Yeah, go for it.

You'll be in charge of
setting up breakfast.

That's probably
the most important thing.

There's alcohol, the caddies.


Crew mess, try and keep it
as tidy as possible.

-Service, have you on service.

Coffee, have you on coffee.

Turning cabins down.

Dust and fingerprint constantly.

Whoa, that's a lot.

Probably down one more?

Down one...


Are you all right?

-He's just a loser.

Don't give me a heart attack
already on the first hour, guys.

Boy got his second drink
and lost all motor control.

Have you seen the laundry?

-It's a nightmare.

Ooh, can I ask you,
at some point,

just iron Captain Lee's uniform?

Yes, I will.

And, like, put it in his closet.

I'll do it...
I'll do it.

-You'll do it?
-Yeah, I'll do it.

I wanna hug you right now.
Thank you.

We'll get it sorted.

Right, I'm taking
my clothes off.

Are you decent?

Have I ever not looked it?
Watch out for the ass, though.

This is an absolute

Oh, my God, this laundry.

Sh-- everywhere.

Holy frikkin' sh--.

Oh, my God there's
that much.

What the hell?

Looks like a bloody hurricane
gone through here.

Nothing was labeled,
dirty clothes everywhere.

I'm guessing maybe no one knew
what they were doing before me.

Can you make sure
any time you leave...

-Oh, sorry, yeah.
-...this is clean?

-So, also, citrus stains marble.

Eddie, get ready to drop.

On my mark, gimme three sh*ts...

and drop.

Yeah, I think
we got a keeper here.

Okay, put the ball up.

Look back here.

Dude, that's sick.

The landscape's ----ing sweet.

I'm gonna put you on
an hour's break.

Oh, awesome, yeah, yeah.

-Okay, cool.

Okay, yeah.

Eddie, do you want us
to start cleaning this,

or shall we get the toys out?

Start cleaning this.

James, start taking
care of the toys.

Get things moving on that.

Hi, I just want to check in.


-I know.
-So much going on.

Elizabeth wanted me to
do Captain Lee's shirts.

She didn't do them?

Of course she didn't do them.

I've just given Elizabeth
two stripes,

and now she's not
following through

and doing what
I'm telling her to do.

Why is she palming
off this stuff?

Like, where is she?
What is she doing?

-I'm gonna sort it all out.

-How much longer do you need?
-Gimme, like, half an hour.

Okay, cool.

So if you need me,
I'll be down here.

You're amazing.

Okay, I see a
glimmer of sun, woohoo!

A glimmer.

Let's soak it up while it lasts.

What time are
we planning to do dinner?

Maybe... wanna do 8:00?

It takes
a long time to do sushi.

Well, I also need to see
what time that the naked...

-...girl is coming.

This is for your parents.

They're, like,
"Uh, we paid money,

we need to see what's going on."


I wanna go in the water.

Can I jump off the side
of the yacht?

You gotta jump off of this side.

Come to the edge
right here, and jump...



There you go!


-It's raining.
-Is it raining again?

Gonna be a quick spit,
and it's gonna be over.

Exterior, exterior,
we got rain coming in.

Man, you are very observant.


I know that I'm the
newbie on this boat.

I understand titles
and I respect titles,

but at the end of the day,
I'm not a pushover.

If someone's gonna
disrespect me,

I'm gonna stand up for myself.

-Hey, Eddie.

I don't appreciate sarcasm, man.

Dude, you were about
five minutes late

when it started raining.

If you can't take
a little bit of a joke,

then probably get on
a different crew.

Well, I mean,
I saw it coming in. I just...

-I just don't appreciate...
-Yeah, but it was...

it had been coming in.

It was already raining
at that point.

It had been raining
at that point.

I do sarcasm because I didn't
wanna hurt your feelings.

If you don't like sarcasm,

then I'll give it
to you straight up...

be more attentive, pay more
attention to the weather.


You prefer more sarcasm, or
do you prefer it straight up?

-I don't want sarcasm.

-I want you to be straight up.

And I'm gonna be straight
up with you, too.

All right.

Well, you can be straight
up to a point.

But you also gotta
listen to my direction.



Okay, thank you.

Shane's very new.
He's got a lot to learn.

And he needs
to learn to shut up.

What do you wanna do next?

Eddie, Eddie, Francesca.

The entertainment
for this evening

will be ready at
Jolly Harbour at 6:00 p.m.

Great, copy that.

I've gotta go pick up
that model.

Shane, you hear me?

Yeah, I'm coming.

Elizabeth, Francesca.

Elizabeth here.

I'm gonna get changed
into my blacks.

Can you do the same, please?

Lee, Lee, Eddie.

Go, Eddie.

I'm about to get underway
and go pick up the model

for dinner tonight.

Thank you, sir.

-Is Eddie here?

-Let's get going.

Could one of you guys
do our lines, please?

I'll let you know when.

Not yet, not yet.

Stern line.

Stern line's in.

Oh, cute!

I love it.

I'm gonna be annoying...
we have these and we have these.

Do the brown ones, but just make
sure that they look the same.


-Here she comes.
-Go get her, tiger.


How are you?
Let me hold your bag.

Oh... oh, thank you.


-Allie, nice to meet you.
-Nice to see you.

[glass shattering]

Did they break something?

Copy, Eddie, we'll be on deck.

Oh, my God, I'm so excited.

Who am I throwing it to?

Just throw it to somebody.


Okay, do it again.

[bleep] I can't...
I can't grab it.

Are you kidding me?

I can't grab it,
it's way under me.

Do we have a stick
to grab it with?

[grunting] Oh...
use the anchor to hook it.

Let me know when to hoist up.

Hoisting up!

Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.

We could rip the rudder off, put
a hole in the side of the boat.

There's a lot of bad things
that could happen.

Did it get stuck in the props?

It's tied underneath.


So, like, he can't get it

because it's
floating in the water.

-You get it?

Just get outta the way.

That's not good, dude.


[chain rattling]


I'm on it.


-Am I on?

-Okay, thank you.
-Big throw.

You all right, dude?

Flopping like a fish out here.

It's hard,
because I can't get angry.

It's not gonna do any good.

Once his feelings get hurt,
he probably wants to sit

in the corner
and sob or something,

and I can't have that.
I need you working.

Pull her tight, tie her off.
Thank you.

This motion sickness
is getting to me.

You know what helps, though?

Just step straight
on the boat... yeah.

Allie, I'm Francesca.

-Yes... nice to meet you.
-Nice to meet you.

Thanks for coming.

-I'm so excited.

This stuff is
so fatty and amazing.

What, you eat it like that?

It's like the Kobe beef
cut of tuna.

Super comfortable making sushi.

Before I actually
joined yachting, I went to Japan

and I studied in Tsukiji,
and it's customary...

if your boss goes out and
stays out all night and drink,

you have to drink with him.

You can't leave, it's rude.

So it was crazy, what
the [bleep] do you think?

This is pretty awesome, huh?

But I also learned how to make
my own sushi really well.

There's like a little dance
to it, and it's perfect.

Would you be able
to get me a little platter?

Just a small one?


Jell-O sh*ts!

Here is the table.

So you're sitting
on this banana leaf...

Yeah, perfect.

Ces, you need help
with anything?

Um, no, we are ready to go,
I just need some food.

Just lay them out on the sides.


And then those are
going on her body.



This is the funnest job ever.

I'm sorry.

Here's the sushi.

-Great, thank you.
-Good luck.

All right, here we go.

I'd 100 percent eat sushi
off a naked person.

Oh, this is why
I joined the boat.

Oh, God, what the [bleep].


-Ash, Ash, Francesca.
-Go ahead.

-I'd like you to knock off soon.
-It's gonna be 10 minutes out.

Keep me posted, thank you.

What the [bleep] was that?

Okay, guys,
we are ready for you.

-Oh, beautiful!


-Oh, God.

Yo, is she alive?

"Is she alive."

Yes, she is alive.

You have a great body.

-Yes, Jell-O sh*ts!
-I'll have chardonnay.

Let's pop that on there.


I don't even know
what fish I'm eating.

I think that's...

There we go.

And here's Rachel.


How's everybody's
night going so far?

-It's good.

Wait, Luke, can you stay
there for one second?

It looks quite silly.

That is so cool.

Well, tonight, for
some of your rolls,

you actually have a
Petrossian king crab.

I think I just had it.

And then there is the barbequed
eel that's inside there.

Is this the eel?

That one, yeah...
that one's eel.

And then your tuna that you have
is not just any type of tuna;

it's the Otoro tuna.


-Where's the sake?
-Oh, sake, please?

That's the... we were...

I think that dinner was
wasted on those kids.

The sushi's good.

I don't know what kind
that I just ate, but...

The Otoro tuna melts in
your mouth, it's like buttah.

Oh, and then the king salmon...

oh, don't even get me started.

Well, enjoy, guys.

Thank you, this is great.

You know what,
to be honest with you,

I don't even wanna
talk about it anymore.

I want that.
I want that right now.

Eddie, Eddie, Lee.

On my way.

All right, tell me what
that sh---show was all about.

I need some... I need...
I need some help.

I can't do this all myself.

I can understand why.

Shane's gonna
get somebody k*lled.

♪ I can't feel my body,
and I'm dying ♪

Every single thing that needs
to happen, I have to say.

About time for him to get a
wake-up call.

Not putting up
with this sh--.

Like, no...

What are you still doing up?

Oh, my God.

I do need you up,
like, super early.

-Like at 6:30.


I'm about to cry,
I'm so tired.

Oh, darling!

Oh, my God!

You're a hooligan.

It's okay, it's okay,
it's fine.

I'm sorry.

Next on "Below Deck"...

Let me just touch
your legs down there.

Yo, she farted.

In my 20s, I was
definitely partying somewhere.

There's a large chance
I'll be hung over tomorrow.

But it wasn't on a mega-yacht.


I find you taking a ----ing nap
when everyone else is working.

Why is he ----ing sleeping?

The pitcher of margarita...

-Is not with us.

-Oh, why?
-I don't know.

Do you have any sunscreen
for the guests?


I cannot think
for a second stew.

[bleep] me.

Bridge deck aft was a ----ing
disaster this morning.

Did you look under the table?

-Well, that's your job.

If people don't start
stepping up to the plate,

we will make changes.
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