08x04 - Do Not Disturb

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Below Deck". Aired: July 1, 2013 – present.*
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Show chronicles the lives of the crew members who work and reside aboard a superyacht during charter season.
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08x04 - Do Not Disturb

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously, on "Below Deck"...

-Who am I throwing it to?
-Just throw it to somebody.

Are you kidding me?

I need some help.
I can't do this all myself.

Shane's gonna get
somebody k*lled.

We are here to work!

I don't think James realizes
what he is getting himself into.

This is not a vacation at all.

Number two, Dax and Max...
Millennial city.

Where is all their money
coming from?

Probably just, like,
mommy and daddy's pocket?


I don't need wifi,
I just need a drink.

Here are some
epaulettes for you...

second for the
moment, as long as you

don't stuff up
the captain's uniform.

Is that our stewardess?

Do you need any help
carrying in your bags?

No, actually,
my bag got lost in transit.

-Oh sh--.
-This is all I got.

-Guests hop on at 12:00.

-What the hell am I doing?


She didn't do them?

What are you still doing up?

I do need you up,
like, super early.

-Oh, darling! Oh!
-Oh, my God!

Wait, go lay down next to her.

-Oh, yeah?

On top of her, or next to her?

-On top of her.

No way!

Oh, darling!

It's okay, it's okay.

I'm sorry.

Oh, my God.

-No, it's not.

-I did this on day one.
-I'm just really tired.

Where is your bag?

It was in Miami yesterday.

It was meant to be
in Antigua today.

Today has just, like,
really tested me.

-Yeah, I understand.

So you're going to bed now.

-Okay, thanks.
-That's okay.

Breaks my heart.

She's been working
so hard all day,

she's been thrown
straight into the deep end.

Oh, my God.

And now she's crying
in front of her boss.

She's probably embarrassed.

I regret crying in front
of Captain Lee, for sure.

I'm just tired.


I feel so bad for her.

Oh, my God,
this so needs to be cleaned.


You and him are
gonna be late tonight.

I'll have my radio on me.

You, on the other hand,
can go down soon,

and then get up early, at 7:30.


-How you feeling?
-I'm exhausted.

Today was really
stressful for me.

There's obviously
some serious kinks

that need to get ironed out.

Shane needs a lot more teaching,

and James is not
getting the message

that this is not a vacation.

There's no part of it
that's been stressful.

Hm, that's good,
I'm glad you're not stressed.

I shouldn't be this tired
this early on in the season.

My back's k*lling me
from carrying everyone.

Bridge deck aft
is a ----ing disaster.

That needs to be done.

I need you all on deck
at 8:00 in the morning.

All right, come on.

Can I have another scotch?

Can I have a glass
of red wine, please?

-Yes, of course.

Coming right up.

Oh, man.

I want you to go to bed, yeah.

-Are you sure?
-Yeah, yeah.

Yeah, let's go outside.
I'm not tired yet.

Last one there's a rotten egg!

Oh... oh, my God.

Mom, we're eating sushi off
this, like, naked woman.


Just bringing
my margarita to bed.

-Oh, my God.

There's a motorized surfboard
that we're gonna ride.

Have a beach picnic.

Oh, my God.


Mom, I love you.

I'm gonna call you first thing
in the morning tomorrow.

Call me tomorrow.

All right, love you, bye.

My mom needs to be here.

How's it going?

Everyone's just taking it

so, so seriously
at the moment.

I have a question...

why is a good-looking guy
like him

working on a
yacht like this?

-That's a good question.

You know who you look like?
Tom Hardy.

That's a good shout-out.

Thank you.

We're fast becoming friends.


That's the hottest guy,
right there.

The hottest guy?

I think I'm worried
about my boyfriend.

Out of all the guys,
is that your favorite,

Tom Hardy right there?

I don't know,
they're all my favorite.

That's a "no," isn't it?

All right, I'm gonna
go to bed.

Cheers, good night, guys.

Yeah, we'll catch
you guys later.

-Oh, okay.
-Good night.

See you in the morning.

I can wash these up,
don't worry.

-No, no, no, I'll do it.
-Yeah? No, it's okay.

No, I wanna
get on your good side.

-Leave me alone, let me wash...
-You are on my good...

Squeeze, squeeze, squeeze.

-Okay. Well, good night.
-Good night.

James is such
a funny character.

James needs to focus
more on the job

and less on his Tom Hardy ass
and less on me.

That's hilarious.

Let's go to bed.



I hate my life.

[alarm beeping]

Whew, my arms are tired.

It's a moment on the lips,
forever on the hips.

Hello, darling,
you little trouper.

So good.

I am feeling so much
better than last night.

I got, like, five hours' sleep.

Five is good.

I just knocked right out.

I still have no underwear,
makeup, face creams.

Today, I think,
will be a big day.

Yeah, wish me luck.

We got this.


-You up?



I can't.

What the [bleep] is this?

It's too damn early
for this sh--.

The deck is a mess.

Are those onions?

It's like a frickin'
Jackson Pollack painting.

I'm really
disappointed in James.

This is just complete disrespect
for anybody else on the crew.

Good morning,
and how are you doing?

It is very hard to
sleep on a boat.

-We're just cleaning up.

We'll be finished in a minute

and out of your
guys' hair, okay?

That's why.

That's why this sh--
needs to be done at night.

Do you want me
to grab some buckets?

Once they open up outside,
I wanna go out there.

-Oh, my God.
-I know.

-We're gonna have to...
-Wash these?

-Wash these.


Did you sleep well?


See you in a little bit.

All righty.

-It's a double rainbow!
-It's a double rainbow!

You know what that means, right?

We're gonna have a good day?

No, it means absolutely
----ing nothing.



[scrubbing, water trickling]

g*dd*mn this ----ing thing.


It still needs a
lot of work, but...


A lot better than it was.

Toss those
in the bosun's locker,

and we will go away from here.

After this, get on to drinks for
the beach picnic, the spicy...

-Spicy marg...

Or skinny margaritas.


Filthy children.

Oh, yeah, definitely.

Yeah, just have a seat.

I'm looking forward to it.


You can pretty much have
anything that you'd like.

Rachel suggests
lobster Benedict.

-Maybe lobster Benedict, please.

-Yeah, I wanna try it.

I'll do the same.

-Lobster Benedict?

I just want some protein bars
or just something.

[bleep] Oh...


Doing okay.


Four lobster benedicts.

-Boom, genius.
-They'll love it.

Bridge deck aft was a ----ing
disaster this morning.

What was wrong with it?

Did you look under the table?


Well, that's your job.
You gotta look under the table.

Nothing was cleaned up there.

It was a ----ing disaster.

That is inexcusable.

That needs to be
done every time.


Coming up...

Francesca, Francesca, Eddie.

Is it okay if
I bring the guests?

Right now, we're way behind.

You guys need to get
those chairs set up, now.


I think he needs help by the...
by the anchor.

I'm on it in my own time.

That looks so delicious.

Luke, how many mimosas
have you had this morning?

This is my second.

Luke's starting off strong.

-Thank you.
-Yes, thank you.

Oh, our food's here.

Oh, that looks good.

Thank you.

Oh, that looks money.

So good.

Max gets happy when
he gets to eat.


How are you all doing?


I'm really stoked
on this anchorage.

As you can see, it is beautiful.

We are right along a
gorgeous stretch of beach here.

Jet skis are gonna happen!


You can go use it right now,
if you want.

-All right.
-We love it.


We're gonna have
a good today, team.

I can feel it.

Ah, darn it... other way.

It's all right, you can
just flip it around.

-Good morning.

How's everybody doing?

Today I was thinking if
you guys would like to do,

like, a Mexican-themed picnic.


-Ooh, that sounds good.

-You good with that?
-That sounds really good.

Awesome, and then what about,
if weather permitting,

a barbeque upstairs?


We can do, like, a surf
and turf on the grill...


-With some corn.

Tonight, I wanna do
a nice little barbeque

with all the guests.

I think they'll really
enjoy being in the hot tub.

This says college kid
enjoyment to the fullest.

"I'm on a yacht in
a Jacuzzi eating dinner,"

you know what I mean?

Like, this is epic.

-All right.
-I'm down.


Francesca and Eddie, you got a
second to run to the wheelhouse?

-Copy that.


-Thank you.

Thank you.

I am so full, ugh.

Hello, Captain Lee.

Howdy, howdy.

How much time you gonna need
for setup for the beach picnic?

Forty-five minutes.

Then you're probably
gonna do it around 2:00?


I'd like to try and get
everything in one run.

One run.


-Thank you very much.
-Thank you.

Yeah, let's.

So, guys, who wants to be
on water duties today?

I've never done it before, so...

You've never been on
a jet ski before?


-You wanna do it?

Previous boats I've worked on,

I was never given
the opportunity to learn,

because the ----ing pieces of
sh-- on my last boat

always told me I couldn't do it.

Go nice and slow, and winch up.

Keep going...
keep going...

Having that stuff told to me,
I've, like, let it fester.

I need to learn to not do that,
because otherwise,

it's gonna be just a real
----ing emotional season.

Okay, that's good, there we go.

You're through with
the coffee as well?


It was just a little
too sweet this morning.

Okay, no problem.

I see you up very, very early.


How's everything else?

Ash is just getting
straight into it.

She's just great.

Does she know how
to iron properly?

-All right.

Y'all can go down
and get on some jet skis.

-Let's do it.

Okay, here we go.


Bunch of g*dd*mn children.

Please don't run into the
side of the boat either, guys.

[engines rumbling]

[screams] Ah!

That's gonna leave a mark.


Would you mind pulling all the
alcohol for the beach setup?


Start freeing up all
the beach chairs

that we're gonna be bringing.

Probably bring the umbrella
and the umbrella stand.

-We'll just take White Claw...

A couple of beers.

We haven't done
a full beach setup

with the full lunch yet
on this yacht.

-Spicy margarita.
-That's done, perfect.

We're basically making
a temporary yacht environment

off the yacht,
and it needs to look on point.

Elizabeth, Francesca.

Go ahead.

We need to make a
new sunscreen basket, please.

Yeah... no, definitely.


Oh, my grip's going.

Would it be possible to
get mac and cheese balls?

Okay, yeah, I'll ask her
if she can do that today.

I really want the mac
and cheese balls.

James, could you make sure
these jet-surfs are washed off?


You two are coming to the beach.


-You got a 200-ton license?

Are you comfortable driving
the rescue tender?

I don't feel comfortable

a whole bunch
of intoxicated people.


The guests are requesting
mac and cheese balls.

I can do whatever
for the guests...

Elizabeth, if they
ask for anything like that,

can you just let
me know as well?


Because there
can be a miscommunication.

I just went straight
to her because...

Yeah, no, I know.
Thank you, that would be great.

All right.

I'll see you guys soon.

For mac and cheese balls?

Lately, I've been having
a little bit of doubt,

just because of the way that
I was given the two stripes.

-Epaulettes for you.

Second... for the moment.


You're the second stew,
but we'll see.

I feel like I'm walking on
eggshells here, and it sucks.

This job makes you,
like, so tired.

All right, go around,
we'll grab that bow line.

-On it.
-Let's go.



[all chanting]
Show it, show it!

I might need help with this one.

[grunting] Oh!

I have a cramp in my hand.

-Interior, interior,

one of you girls can come on
the next tender run to assist.


I am literally starving.

Yeah, I'm so hungry.

For sure.

James, James, Eddie.

Okay, I see how this is.

Yeah, dude.

How y'all doing?

-Good, how are you?
-We're good, how are you?

-One, two, three.

A little crazed.

I'm ready to rock and roll.

What in the world are
they doing down there?


Can we come down?

Very soon.


Francesca, Francesca, Eddie.

Go ahead, Eddie.

Is it okay if we bring the
guests along with the food?


If one of the interior can come,
that would be great.

Yeah, copy that,
we'll be there shortly.

Great, thank you.

-You're gonna come now.

They're hungry.

I am literally starving.

Yeah, I'm so hungry.

When do you think
we're gonna leave?

-You guys okay?


Double-time it back.

Copy that.

The guests are really hungry,
and right now, we're way behind.

You guys need to get
those chairs set up, now.

It makes us look like amateurs.

That's not good.

I'm frigging starving.

Coming up...

I feel like I need
something stiff

I feel like anything that
moves, you'd like to poke.



Probably knock his
hip outta place.

You guys need to get those
chairs set up, now.

I'm frigging starving.

Ashling, Ashling, Lee.

Go ahead, Captain.

Get all the guests down
to the swim platform.

We're gonna make
an immediate transfer.

No, no, no, just push it...
push the whole thing into the...

Hey, guys, if you
wanna come on down.

-We're ready.

Hurry up, hurry up.

I'm so excited to eat,
holy sh--.

Can you pop some things there,
so it doesn't blow over?


-For right now, yep.

I'm so hungry.

I know, we haven't ate in hours.

I'm just so hungry.

Here come the guests.

-I see them.
-We're almost there.

-Oh, no.

Oh, are they still
just getting it ready?

Oh sh--.

-Are we gonna eat now?
-Let's go!

They're hungry.

I need some sh*ts
of tequila or something.

-You guys want any drinks?
-Yes, drinks!


Where is the pitcher
of margarita?

You look scary.


Oh, why?

I don't know, sorry.

Oh, it's in the refrigerator.

That's my mistake.

Ash, Ash, Francesca.

I need the pitcher
of margarita...


...that is in
the galley fridge.

It's always something, man.

I'm, like, really hungry.

Can we just go sit at the table?

Those jugs better be full
when it gets over there.

Wait, that's not quite full!

-Get outta here!

Welcome to your beach picnic.


You've got corn and
flour tortillas,

pineapple-mango salsa
with a little bit

-of tahin inside of it.

And then you have grouper
with a little bit of chipotle.

-It's amazing.
-We're so hungry.

-Thank you, guys.
-Thank you.

-Wow, yum!

These quesadillas
are really good.

Thank you.

I wanna hop in the water so bad.

Oh, my God, yeah.

This fish is really good.


Do you have any sunscreen
for the guests?

Um... no.


All right.

Sunscreen's on bridge deck aft.

Just go ahead and
bring that over, please?

[sighs] Copy.

Oh [bleep] me.

As a second stewardess,
you need to show initiative.

I can't train that, it needs
to be already ingrained in you.

I cannot think for
a second and third stew.

This is what I need them to do.

I think we should
just go play golf.

Yeah, let's go play golf.

All right, ready?



Watch this.

Nice stance,
stick the butt out.

That was a good swing!

-That was better than Luke!

Let's take sh*ts!

Ash, Ash, Elizabeth.

Do you think you could get
some shot glasses and tequila?

Copy that.

Don't know where
shot glasses are, ah.


Yeah, there's a lot of
lifting on this job.

All righty, that's
all ready for you guys.

[sharp exhale]



Get Dax! Get Dax!


Oh, my God.



What am I doing?

I'm breathing for a second.

Is the boat coming?
Are we allowed to go back now?

The guests would like
to depart the beach now.

Copy that, on my way.

Okay, Eddie's on his way.

I'm gonna jump
in the water... no.

-How are you?
-Good, man.

You're great?

Just trying not
to frigging crash the boat.


On the beach, let me know
when you guys

are all put away
and ready to go.



How was the beach?

It was awesome.



Right, line up.

-Thank you.
-Thanks, Jeeves.

Hot tub sounds
really nice, though.


The hot tub does
sound like the move.

I think I'm gonna go
to the hot tub right now.


-Don't get too excited.

Are we good?

Let me just touch
your leg there.

Ah, that was really sharp.

Ash, Ash, Francesca.
I'm back from the beach.

You can go on break now.

Copy that.

Ah... ah...

ow, you're right,
I just got a poky one too.

Yeah, they're so painful.

they're little spikes.

That's like one of
the most painful things

I've ever experienced.

Well, actually, no.

I've been paralyzed once.




-It was...
-What... how...

It was on my first yacht season.

What happened?

I was sick for three weeks,

and then my immune system just
att*cked my nervous system.


Well, I've got an
autoimmune disorder,

so it's called Guillain-Barre

Your whole body seizes up
and you lose all your reflexes,

and you lose all
sensation in your skin.

So it was basically shoulders
down, I couldn't move.

So yeah, I had to re-learn
to walk after that,

and I still have fatigue
from it

that I'll have for
the rest of my life.

But I don't like
to feel inadequate.

-Great hustle.

-Nice job, seriously.
-Thanks, Eddie.

This is my first time
sitting down.

I haven't even
taken a piss today.

Eddie, Eddie, Lee.

Come on!


Got a second to come
to the wheelhouse?

On my way.

-Hey, Cappy.
-How you doing, bud?

-I'm good, how are you?
-I'm good.


Today was an unusual day.

-Sh-- went haywire.

Give me an assessment
on the interior staff.

So what I've been noticing,

I think there's a lapse of
communication between everybody.

Francesca's definitely
taking a very large role

in the responsibility

and of course
she's gonna be stressed out.

The crew cannot
blame this on

we're just learning
how to work with each other.

You can't tell me that these
people have worked on boats

and they don't know what to put
in a ----ing picnic basket.

They know better,
they're just not doing it.

But trust me...
they will.

I've got other things
to do than go out

and pick up slack
for these yoyos.

Yeah, I can't keep
going like this.

The last dinner
for these guests.


I'd actually love to.

I feel like anything that
moves, you'd like to poke.



I'd feel bad afterwards.

Probably knock his
hip out of place.


For dinner.

We all agreed
we wanna get dressed...

-and showered, and...

Okay. more of a...

-Yeah, so a sit-down.
-Sit-down dinner, yeah.

Yeah, that's great.

Francesca, Elizabeth.

The guests just informed
me that they want

to eat dinner out
on bridge deck aft table.

Copy, can you pull silver
and bread plates, too?

[on radio] Ces, Ces, Rachel.

[radio static]

Or not...

[toilet flushes]

That looks great.

Well, that's ----ing great.

Francesca, Francesca, Rachel.

Go ahead.

Did dinner move?

Yes, it's bridge deck aft now.

Now I'm gonna have to
actually take everything down

to the galley,
stage it, standby,

and reheat it
and re-plate it now.

This is no communication.

This is ----ed at this point.

Coming up...

I'm gonna be very frank.

If people don't start
stepping up to the plate,

we will make changes.

All right, well, let's do it.

Let's have some food
and get changed.

Right now, nobody's
in the water, we're good.

-Go get in your blacks.
-Good work, everybody.


Let me talk to you for a second.

-You're doing great.
-Thank you.

And I wanna say how
wonderful it is that

you came to me and was like,
"I don't feel comfortable."

I know you have the experience.



Yeah, I always, like...

I have, like, a bit
of an unsure moment

of myself at first,
and then when I get

in my groove,
I'm like, I'm fine.

I know, I'm sure.

So just be confident, let that
confidence drive your energy,

and you're gonna do great.


-That was terrible!
-That was sh--.

Be confident!

What the [bleep]
did I do with it?

Oh, Jesus.

One of you guys go stay
on deck with her, help her.

The other one,
do a load of towels.


Oh, dear.


Oh, very nice.

James, I swear
to God bridge deck aft

better be spotless tonight.

Chill out.

Copy that, thanks, pal.

Oh, there's masks!

Rachel, Rachel, Francesca.

They're all seated
at the table.

Copy, we're
running plates now.

-Go and take this.
-Okay, cool.

Oh, my God, that
smells delicious.

This is the gambero rosso.

That is the biggest shrimp
I've ever seen.

Broccoli salad...

So in your salad
you've got roasted broccoli

with a golden apple
and pine nut...

Awesome, thank you.


The lobster is unbelievable.


That's some good steak,
right there.

-It's amazing.

Ash, Ash, Francesca.

Go ahead.

You gotta go to bed.
I do need you up at 6:30.

Oh, my God, my back.


There's a large chance
I'll be hungover tomorrow.

I think dinner was a success.

-Complete success.
-Guaranteed success.

Gosh, you look tired.

I am really tired.

Good night, bra.

Good night.

All these bruises, Jesus Christ.

-Good night!
-See you in the morning.


-Go to bed.
-All right.

-You all right up here?

Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm fine.


How'd you sleep?


Thank God.

Hey, James cleaned... amazing.

He did his job.


What time you think the guests
are getting up this morning?

I'd say probably like 11:00.

Like when they're
supposed to get off?

[gasps] Ah!


Oh, I didn't see that.

Nobody saw that.

Good morning.

-What time is breakfast at?

I can go check in the galley.

Okay, then what time's
the after-party at?

Right now.

Come on, strong guy.


All right, hold that...
just hold it, don't let go.


You need to eat
some Wheaties, boy.

Dude, [bleep] off.


Drink your mimosa.

Thank you.

You're welcome.

-Eddie, Eddie, Lee.
-Go for Eddie.

-Prep for pulling the hook.
-Copy that.

How do I wake myself up?
I need to eat...

Oh, that hurts.
I have to be wide awake.

Chain leading off,
moving quickly.

I think she might
be off the bottom.

How'd the chain come up?


Are you guys hungry
for some breakfast now?

Rachel's suggestion...
duck confit and waffles.


I think I'll do
the same please.

I'll third that.



Duck confit and waffles.

Chicken and waffles is amazing,
but everybody's doing it.

I wanna, like,
kick it up a notch.

So I've decided to do a duck
confit and Belgian waffles...

savory, herbaceous,
it's yumtastic.

Okay, it'll take me a couple
minutes, literally, no joke.

Appreciate the effort you did
on the bridge deck aft.


-Is this a kumquat?

It might be.

-Thank you.
-There you go.

-There it is.
-How's the duck?

It's really good.

It's good.

This duck is b*mb dot com.

Deck crew, let's get ready,
we're on our final approach.

Six feet off.

Headed out to the wing station.

-Grab it, grab it, grab it...
-I've got it.

He's got it.

We're good.

That's an improvement.

Deck crew, thank you.

Great job.

[bleep] yeah.


-I'm taking the robe.
-We're not taking the robe.

Let's do it.

I need everyone
in their whites,

on the aft deck, in five.

You did take
my epaulettes off my shirt.

Have you found... have you found
another set of epaulettes?

On your shirt.

Oh, who gives a [bleep] then?

Because I was running
around, stressing,

looking for my epaulettes.

Suck my epaulettes.

There you go.

Thank you.


-Thank you so much.
-Thank you.

See you later.

-Thank you so much.

Appreciate it.
We had a fantastic time.

The only thing that
was less than ideal

was how long it took us
to get to the beach.

We all really wanted
to get off to the land.

But besides that,
all of our meals were great,

and I had a blast.

-Thank you guys very much.

-Thank you, Mr. Lee.
-Thank you.

-Thank you guys again.

Thank you, see you later.

We're such a mess.

No, we're not, we're perfect.

Deck crew, get in your blues,

get everything
covered up.

All right, come on, girlies.


Oh, this is a
nice-smelling one.

Attention, all crew,
in the crew mess in five.

Get your ass over, bosun.

Yes, sir.

Charter two, in the books.

We didn't do as well as some.

Everybody needs to
step up their game.

Because Francesca
and Eddie

are carrying most
of the heavy workload.

So if people don't start
stepping up to the plate,

we will make changes.

Coming up...

When Eddie stresses out, all
the other deckhands stress out,

and I'm thinking,
what am I doing here?

I can stick this job out,
but do I wanna?

I dunno.

Everybody needs to
step up their game.

Francesca and Eddie are carrying
most of the heavy workload.

So we need to work on being
proactive, not reactive.

We're not on
a g*dd*mn vacation here.

Start getting the job done,
or you'll be replaced.

It's that simple.

They did leave us $1,000 apiece,

which I think
we dodged a b*llet.

-Thanks, Elizabeth.
-Thank you, Captain.

Nice job.

Sh-- tip.

They've got money.
Spread it about a little bit.

Thank you, Cap.

Does anybody have anything
they'd like to say?

Comment? Complain?

I'm open.

Now is the time
to bitch or complain.

All right, guys.
Thank you.

-Thank you, Captain Lee.
-Thanks, Captain.

There really is a lack of
communication from Francesca.

But I'm going to give her
the benefit of the doubt,

because she has
to be my eyes and ears.

So I don't wanna
burn that bridge just yet.

Let's do this, girls.
Start stripping beds.

Full wash-down, top to bottom.

It's really hard
to get it perfect.

-It is.
-That looks good, though.

I don't wanna get
kicked off this boat.

We gotta exceed
Captain's expectations.

Yeah, man.
Some suitcase on the dock.

Oh, it'll be Ashling's,
because it got lost in transit.

Woohoo! Yay!

Ooh [bleep] that now.

Clean underwear!
Clean clothes!

Like, part of me has
arrived, thank God.

My shampoo and my fake tan

that has ----ing
exploded everywhere.

♪ Uh, uh, just let it be... ♪

Stop it!
Stop it!

♪ You know it's just
you and me... ♪

-Stop it.
-♪ One boat... ♪

-Get outta here.
-♪ Now's my time to shine ♪

That was bad.
That was, like, really bad.

I feel like one morning,
Shane, you're just gonna wake up

and Eddie's just gonna
be sewing your mouth shut.

-So good at that.
-At what?

Just being scatterbrained and,
like, starting something else.

Oh, yeah, I know.

Am I start soaping?

Yeah, yeah.

I actually didn't think
he'd be good in my team.

Oh, no.

Him and Elizabeth would just be,
like, scatterbrains together.


To be fair, first charter,

Elizabeth stepped
up to the plate.

But the second charter,
I'm starting to have

to micromanage Elizabeth,
and I don't like that.

She's just not bringing it.

Where is it?
Where did it go?

I couldn't do your job.

I'd lose my ----ing
mind doing your job.

All right.

We have French dressing,
artichoke dip, honey ranch.

Finish up kinda what
you're working on right now,

and then we're gonna
drink some beers.


Cupboards looking good.

-Thank God.

Oh, okay, cool.

Then you guys are happy
to have a little rest.


No, we're not
happy to have rest.


-Do you like this?
-That's cute.

But it's all right,
I've Febrezed myself.

-Do you know who Spicoli is?

Yeah, everybody knows
who ----ing Spicoli is.

Far out, dude!

Far out.

-We good to go?

-Here we go!

Okay, can we try this deer
in the headlights?

Yeah, trying the deer
in the headlights.

One, two, three.

Roller coaster, one, two, three.

[thunder rumbling]

-Thank you.
-Hey, yeah.

-I have fripples.
-What's fripples?

Cold nipples.

Can I get an amaretto sour?

The grilled beef.

And I'll have the beef tartar.

I can drink a little bit.

If anyone needs
a drinking buddy, I'm game.



I feel like
we're the youngest people

in here by about 40 years.

Wait, what?
How old are you?

-I'm 26.
-Oh, I'm 25.

Oh sh--.

Growing up, I've always
had the high level of,

like, maturity,
I guess you could say.

I'm almost 35.

That's all right.

Have you heard my riddle yet?

Man walks into a bar...


And the bartender tips his hat

and says, "Nice haaaat."


Whereas a person like Shane,

I think he's, like,
on a different level.

It's the worst riddle ever.

Sorry, Shane.

Eddie, we definitely need
another drink, don't we?

We got a bar right next door
we can got to.

That's the best sh--
idea you've had yet, Bosun.

Sunshine, that is you.

All right, where is the bar?

Hold on, you bought
the last round last time.

I've got this.

We got a whole dance floor.

Surrounded by tall women...
love it.

Eddie, you getting
some sh*ts in?

Cheers to not punching each
other in the face, thank you.


Love each other!

Second charter down!

I wanna start
launching the anchor.


So it's three things, yeah?

It's three things...

the pinch brake, drum brake,
and the clutch.

Pinch brake...
is that...

that's the one that tightens.

A drum brake is, like...
it's what's on your car wheels.

You gotta go down below
into the chain locker,

and there's a lever.

I can show some
drinking games on the boat.

That's when you know
you've had a good time.


Cab time.

Make it happen.

All right, party people.


Ah, why is it so ----ing cold?

Oh, God.

Do you still wanna
eat something?

What'd you have in mind?

What am I doing here?

I'm not here to have a
stressed-out work environment.

So what do you think the
solution could ever be?

Yeah, but you can't
deal with it

for just another,
like, few weeks?

Yeah, I can stick this
job out, but do I wanna?

I dunno.

It's slowly sinking in.

It's depressing.

Coming up...

I might go cash out for an hour.

Like, what the [bleep]?

It's an absolute slap in
the face to me and my team.




[phone ringing]

Hello, what's going on,
Mummy dearest? You all right?

Yeah, it has to be a quick one.

Last night, I was
having a bad day.

Yeah. Yeah, no, [bleep]
it, yeah, I'm all right now.

It was just one of them days.

I needed my mum to support me,
because I'm very delicate.

Last night, they all
upset me a bit.

No, they're coming on tomorrow.

We're just cleaning
the boat for now.

Right, I've gotta go,
I need to do some work.

I'll catch you in
a bit, bye-bye.

My mum absolutely loves the
fact that I'm in yachting.

She literally loves just going
out for lunch with old friends.

"Oh, my son goes on superyachts
and he travels the world."

I've got a path,
and I know where I'm going.

She supports me, so I don't
really wanna let her down.

I'm not going anywhere.

Dude, so what was it you were
chatting about last night?

You said you're
not having enough fun,

so you're thinking of...

I was in a bit of a weird
mood last night, to be fair.

I think I got a bit fed up.

With what?

Just everyone's just
taking sh-- too seriously.

Reckon it's your commitment
issues coming through.

Could be, six weeks
is a long time.

It is.

You know, I'm not gonna let
you pull the plug early, bro.

-You're in it.

No [bleep] I'll stick it out.

♪ Make some ----ing money,
money, money, money♪

[breathing deeply]


I need to learn how to, like,
perfectly iron pants.

They're called
"railroad tracks."

I was in ROTC for,
like, eight years.

Oh, my God, can you
tech me right now?

-What's "ROTC?"
-Reserve officer training corps.

Oh, my God, please
teach me right now.

Okay, so the second that you
do it, you readjust them.

And then you've got, like,
these, like, multiple lines.

-And it looks like sh--.

It has happened, yeah.


Give it to me real quick?

Yeah, yeah, yeah,
no, let me see.

Slowly, like, work...

you don't apply pressure,
you don't have to...

and just make sure
that these are all right.

Just work it through,
like, softly.

You'll get there.

I would have never guessed
that Rachel was in ROTC.

But at the same time,
now that I know,

it makes, like, complete sense.

Like, you get rated
on your uniform, and

I had to have a six constantly.

That's the highest you can get.

She's so direct
and so honest and so herself.

And I feel an affinity
with her in that sense,

because, like, so am I.

I feel like she's
like my soul sister.

Ironing's not like this,
it's like this, yeah.

It's kind of like what
I'm doing, like, lightly?

Yeah, exactly at first.

-And just...
-You're not, like...

-pay attention.
-Thank you.

Sorry, I'm, like, a weirdo.

A renaissance woman, right?

No, it's called OCD.


Tell you what, mate, I can
----ing hang a hose.


I mean, to be honest,
like, dude, also, like,

catching up on my sleep
so I perform better

when it counts, tomorrow.

Physically, I'm drained,

because a deckhand
gets about six hours

of sleep a night,
which for me is not healthy.

I don't need you.

Fifteen-hour days,
nine hours of sleep;

wait, no, you definitely don't
get nine hours of sleep.

Let me...
let me say that again.

I might go cash out for an hour.

There's 24 hours in a day.

I'm getting six hours of sleep.

That means I'm working
----ing 18 hours a day.

That's not good.

I should probably
put some sunscreen on.

Oh, wow, this
fridge is looking good.


Like, what the [bleep]?

I find you taking a ----ing nap
when everyone else is working.

Good God.

Why is he ----ing sleeping?

Next, on "Below Deck"...

Charter number three.

Here we come.

Tim's a trial attorney
celebrating his fiftieth.

I need a Ketle One
and soda with lots of ice.

Could I get a vodka soda?

Is this fake crabsticks?

Don't ----ing judge me
for my toast.

Always eating.

I can't help myself.

Are you getting in trouble?

What's going on in here?

Do you see, like, it's
a little bit of a mess?

Does she understand
that we're on a superyacht?

These are so tight.

You all right, Izzy?

Yeah, I've just got a, um...

All righty, then.
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