01x15 - Saturday Afternoon Fever

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "That's So Raven". Aired: January 17, 2003 – November 10, 2007.*
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Raven Baxter is a high-school student who has a secret psychic ability that allows her to experience short visions of future events.
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01x15 - Saturday Afternoon Fever

Post by bunniefuu »

Chrissy... now, you're
going to need to spend

a few more hours
in the gym, sweetie

to tighten that up.

I need to use your bathroom.

Um, what's wrong with
the one downstairs?

Dad just used that one.

Say no more.

Mom says if we hurry,
she'll drive us to school.

Listen, what are
you doing Saturday?

Corey, I just had a vision

that mom wants to
spend some "quality time"

with one of us this weekend.

Quality time?

I'm going over to
Jeremy's tomorrow.

He just got his tonsils out and
we're feeding them to his snake.

What are you doing?

Well, nothing, but it's Friday.

I can still get an offer.

Where's mom now?

Waiting for us
in the living room.

I'm going for the Kitchen.

Me, too. I can pay at school.

Wait. Oh, get out of my way.

I got to get my stuff.

I got to get my backpack.


Have you seen Raven?

Oh, you want Raven.

She's right here.

What are you doing under there?

Mama, can't a girl just chill
under her own Kitchen table?

Listen, what are
you doing Saturday?

This Saturday?


Now, if you already

have plans, that's fine.

It's not like I'm going
to guilt you into it

by saying it has been so long
since we did anything together

even though it has.

So, how 'bout it?

Got any plans?

No, nothing, but...
Something probably.

With you.

Oh, man!

And I wanted to spend
Saturday with you

but I wouldn't want
to disappoint Raven

because that's how
much I love you.

Let's go

♪ if you could gaze
into the future ♪

future, future

♪ you might think life
would be a breeze ♪

life is a breeze

♪ seeing trouble
from a distance ♪

♪ yeah ♪ go, Rae.

♪ But it's not that easy ♪

oh, no
take it to the bridge now.

♪ I try to save the situation ♪

♪ then I end up misbehaving ♪

♪ hey, now, say, now ♪

♪ about to put it
down, yeah, come on ♪

♪ and ride with the break, now ♪

♪ in that the future
looks great now ♪

♪ and everything's
gonna change now ♪

♪ let's keep it going ♪
that's so Raven

♪ it's the future I can see ♪

that's so Raven

♪ it's so mysterious to me... ♪

Yep, that's me.

I love my mom...
Just not on Saturday.


Love that you're psychic.

Me, too. Soda does
not go with suede.

So what's the big deal

about hanging with
your mom tomorrow?

You know what? I guess

there's nothing happening
this week anyway, so...

hey, Raven

we're going rollerblading

by the beach Saturday.

You want to come?

Rae, I have an extra ticket

to the Alicia keys
concert Saturday.

I'm having a pool
party this Saturday.

And we're going waterskiing.

The concert's totally sold out.

It's a barbecue. You
like steak, or lobster?

We can check out the lifeguards.

Great seats, front row center.

I'm inviting the whole class.

Backstage passes.

It's going to be so cool.

Karaoke. So, can you come?

You want to come?
Are you coming?


I mean, no thanks. I'm fine.

She has to spend quality
time with her mother.

Oh, that's too bad.

So, what are you doing
this weekend, Eddie?

Going to the
movies with a friend.

We're going to see

ninja vampires from outer space.

See, this vampire comes to earth

'cause they done
sucked all the blood

from his planet, right?

And the garlic don't
work on these dudes

because they're from outer space

and there is no
garlic in outer space

that we know of.

Wait a minute;
You know that guy?

Oh, you mean Ricky?

That's who I'm going
to the movies with.

I have been trying to get
that guy to notice me all year.

Wait a minute, wait a minute.

What about this? I run
into you at the movies

and act surprised;
You can be like

"yo, what's up, Rae?"
This is my homey

come join us." And
then you know, I'll...


I'll look into his big,
brown, beautiful eyes

and, and I'll say...

Well, I won't know what
I'll say; I'll be too nervous

but I will look good,
'cause... given.

One problem.

How are you going to get out

of doing something
with your mom?

I just had the best vision.

Did it involve me
and Halle Berry?

No, 'cause I actually see things

that are going to happen.

I just saw my mom
blowing her nose

which obviously means
that she's going to get a cold

which means my
Saturday just opened up...

No quality time!

I just feel bad that
she's going to get sick.

You sure you're
not feeling sick?

Not a tad bit stuffy?

Here, blow for me, mother.

No, stop. Blow, blow, blow.

Thank you.

Listen, honey how about you?

Are you all set for
our big day today?

Uh, mom, I hate to
tell you this, but, uh

Mr. Petracelli just stuck me
with this research assignment

which means I have to
spend all day in the library.

Oh, well, honey, it's okay.

We'll have plenty of other
times we can get together.

Next Saturday at 10:00 is
good for me, how about you?

Great! It's a date.


Bye, mom.

The old library
research trick... a classic.

I don't know what
you're talking about.

Oh, you know,
I'm thinking you do.

Oh, there's thinking
going on in here.

Must be in the wrong house.

You know what, actually, dad

Corey was thinking
that, uh, you two

need to spend some
more quality time together.

He was hoping
for this... afternoon.


Oh, that would be great.

Oh, great.


I'll just call one of the chefs

to cover for me
at the restaurant.

Have a great Saturday.

Chubby cheeks.

Mmm-wah... Mmm-wah...



Oh, my goodness, is that you?

Oh, excuse me,
that is my friend.

Excuse me. Watch your tootsies.

Coming through. Thank you much.

Oh, thank you.

And what a coincidence it is
to see you here at the movies

my unattached friend, Raven.

Whose phone number
I happen to know

if anyone should want it.

Hi, I'm Ricky.

And I'm Raven.

I'm so sorry.

I'm so sorry.

That's okay. It's okay.

That was my popcorn.

Extra large, with butter.



Mm-hmm. All right.

I'll be right back. Okay.

Shake it off, shake it off.

Oh my goodness,
I'm good. I'm good.

Oh! Goodness! Oh!

I'm good! I'm good.

Watch that step.


I mean, hey, family.

Rae, what are you doing here?

Yeah, big sister?

I thought you were at
the library doing research.

Well, you know... I was.

But, you know, there's a
really, really good explanation

you know, for all this.

We're waiting.

Okay, let me see, um... well...

She must have finished early,
gone home and seen my note.

What note?

Dad, the note.

You didn't...

Mama, you tell him, 'cause I...

I left her a note so she'd
know where we were

and wouldn't worry.

Exactly, and I know where
you are and I'm not worried.


You guys better go ahead.

Your movie's about to start.

Yeah, our movie's for babies.

Honey, you're just not old
enough to see the other movies.

But why do I have to see
quest of the bunny people?

That's what we're seeing?

Any ninjas in that?

I am so glad you came.

We're going to see
farewell to forever.

But, but, mom, I got...

It's a tragic tale
about two lovers

who are so close,
yet so far apart.

I heard that.

These look good.

Oh, hey...

Hey, mom, don't
you think you know

it's just bit drafty in here?

That's not good
for your cold, right?

How is it coming? How is that?

Stop it. I am fine.

Hey, are you hungry?

Hungry? Yes, mama, I am.

So I need to go to
the candy counter.

It could take a while,
long line, about an hour.

See you.

Honey, it's crazy
to pay those prices.

Let's see, I've got popcorn,
chips, sandwiches...

Do want tuna or chicken?

You know, what I want,
you couldn't have in that bag.

Try me.

Chocolate-covered raisins?

$2.69 a pound.


Oh, mom!

I'm so sorry.
Mama, I'm so sorry.

Oh, let me go get you some more.

Be right back. My treat.

You're not going
to like that seat.


Excuse me.

Excuse me, I'm so sorry.

Hey, where's Ricky?

He went to go get
himself some popcorn.

He asked if I wanted
some, but I said no

because Raven's going to
be coming back with mine.

So, I'll just wait...
And wait, and wait.

I'm sorry.

Um, see, I ran into my
whole family in the lobby

and now I'm stuck

watching this lame
movie with my mom.

So when Ricky gets back
I want you to tell him...

Tell me what?


I wanted to tell you that
I forgot your popcorn.

I'm sorry.

That's okay, we can share mine.

Oh, thank you.

We're sharing.


Your mom's going to bust you

if you don't get
your butt back there.

Oh, I know.

This is so romantic.

Want a bite?


Honey, sounds
like you're the one

that's coming down with a cold.


We'll stop and get you
some throat lozenges

on the way home.

And maybe, maybe
some hand lotion, too.

What's taking Eddie so long?





Never mind. Candy?

Rae, did you get my
chocolate covered raisins?

Are you all right?

Um, yes, I am.

Actually, no, I'm
not, 'cause, um...

I don't like that candy. Sorry.

So I'm going to
get my own, right.

Okay, I'll be right back.


If I have to watch
this, so do you.


What did I miss?

Well, the bunny people are sad

and pitter-patter the squirrel

went out to get help

in the land of happy rainbows.

But don't worry

there's still an
hour and a half left.

Oh, this line is way too long.

Hey, girl.

Hey... Becky, I
just started today.

Let me help you out.

Hey, sir, what you want?

Some chocolate-covered raisins?

Great choice. I like them, too.

Okay, whoa.

No, you stay, I'm
going to go to the back

get some more containers
'cause we're totally out.

This guys wants popcorn.

Extra butter, okay?

Thanks, Becky.

Becky's going on a little break.

I'm going to get you
some popcorn, sir.

Here we go, getting
some popcorn.


Come on, let's go.

There we go. Butter.

All right, here you go, sir.

Everything's under
control, people.

Can I get the... Can I, can I...

Let me just... There you go.

Calm down, people.

Here's your licorice.
Get your licorice.

Take this.

I don't have no time
to wrestle with this.



Here, take the nachos, people.

Take the nachos.

Take the nachos.

I'm so sorry. I love you.

Oh, yeah.

Look at that right there.

See, that's brains.

Hey, Becky.

How you doing, girl?

Back so soon?

Who ordered the
boot with butter?

It was, it was nice
working with you, Becky.

Let me butter your
popcorn for you.

Um, here, let me get
this from you, Becky.


Thanks, Becky.

Okay, clouds are not
made out of cotton candy

bunnies do not talk

and trees do not hug
you when you're sad.

These are lies we shouldn't
be teaching to our children.

You think your mom will buy it?


And a real ninja wouldn't care.

We're going in.

Ew, his brains are oozing
out through his eye socket.

Let's get a seat up close.



Give this to my mom.

Your candy, your
mom, and your jacket.

I'm going back to my movie.

Oh, please, Eddie.

It's stuck, wait...

Rae, did you get my
chocolate covered raisins?

Yes, mom. Coming.

Coming, mom.

Hey, you can have
your raisins, mom.

I'll give them to you right now.

No, no, not left now.

Right now.

Uh, there you go, mommy.

Thank you.

But dearest

you and little
Rodney are all I have.

This movie is so sad.

I love it.

You want a tissue?

Uh, no thanks.

Okay, then maybe I will.

I'll just use it to wipe
my nose, not my ear.

Wait, ear to the
left... Above my chin...

Oh, there's my nose, right...

Oh, yeah, that was
good. That was good.

Thank you.

Now I'm just going to
stop... I'm just going...

I'm going to stop now.

Ew, that's nasty.

Let me just flick
it right over there.

Um, hey, mom, you
got something to drink?

Oh, sure, you want
water or lemonade?

Um, surprise me.

Okay, I don't think she saw us.

So when you go back in there

I want you to go in there,
just sit down, be quiet...

Rae, I told you, I'm
not doing it anymore.

Eddie, I just
want to go in there

and say good-bye to Ricky
and then I'll be right back.

She is so into that movie

it doesn't matter who's
next to her, I'm telling you.

Oh, yeah?

Is that why she
leaned over three times

to let you know how glad
she was that you were there?

She said that?


And if you were sitting with
her you would have heard it.

By the way, your mom's buying
me bras and underwear Thursday.

Sorry, mom, bathroom break.

Wait, wait, wait a second.

What's going on?

Honey, the movie's over.

No. I mean, I just...

I-I don't want it to be over.

Oh, me neither, honey.

But there'll be other
movies. Other Saturdays.

I was just getting
into this one.

Mom, you blew your
nose, like in my vision

but you're not doing it
because you have a cold.

You're doing it because
you were crying at the movie.

Well, it's the movie
and it's you and it's me

and it's our time together.

Right, our time.

Honey, I love you.

Wasn't this fun?


What happened to your hands?

They were so rough.

What'd you put on them?

Uh... butter.

Hey, baby, look.

I know what you're thinking.

We tried to make it
through the bunny people

but... clouds are not made
out of cotton candy and...

Bunnies do not suck
other bunnies' blood.

Exactly. That would be so cool.

Yeah, the little sharp teeth
and the little furry necks.


Yeah, we'll be outside.

Raven, Mrs. Baxter.

What a lovely surprise it
is to see you here today.

I'm here with my friend Ricky.

We were going to
grab a bite to eat.

You want to come?

Honey, you should go.

He is fine.


You know what, Ricky?

I think I'm going to
hang out with my mom.


Then I guess I'll just
see you at school.


Yo, Rae.

Good for you.

Honey, you didn't
have to do that.

I know, but...

I really wanted to see
the movie with you.




But we just saw it.

Yeah, well, I guess I just
need some more quality time.

Someday, we'll
be together again.

Until that time,
farewell to forever.

I just wish somebody'd
get beaten up in this thing.
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