01x21 - To See or Not to See

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "That's So Raven". Aired: January 17, 2003 – November 10, 2007.*
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Raven Baxter is a high-school student who has a secret psychic ability that allows her to experience short visions of future events.
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01x21 - To See or Not to See

Post by bunniefuu »

Come on, Chelsea.

Reach. You're so close.

Rae, I can't do it.

Yes, you can. Just
a little bit further.

Little bit further.

Almost got it.


Girl, "mocha
frost." My favorite.

Now I can look good
when I'm coming down.

See you at the bottom.


Ooh, maybe we should take
the long way to the locker room

and avoid, you know...

Yeah, the jock block.

There is no way I'm
walking through all that

looking like all this.

I know.

I mean, my hair's all a mess

I'm, like, really sweaty.

And, fyi, you kind
of smell a little.

Actually, you smell a lot.

Uh, just keeping it real, Rae.

Keeping it real.

Hey, Chelsea, I taught
you that phrase, okay?

Don't use it against me.


Eddie hurt his foot.

And it's rock
climbing week in gym.

Think there's a connection?

Hmm... Hmm... Watch this.

Hey, Eddie, there's, uh,
free pizza in the cafeteria!

Free pizza?!

I mean... ow.

Eddie, it's a wall. Climb it.

Hey, I don't do heights, okay?

Birds got to fly,
fish got to swim

and Eddie's got to
stay on the ground.

Come on, Eddie.

You're good in, like,
every other sport.

Basketball, baseball...

Again, all on the ground.

I made it!

I just saw you
climb the wall, okay?

You are going to make
it all the way to the top.


You know what this means?

Glory, I'm healed!

I can walk!

I love that you're psychic.

What's the matter, Eddie?

Afraid of heights?

I hate that she's psychic.

♪ Let's go ♪

♪ if you could gaze
into the future ♪

♪ future, future ♪

♪ you might think life
would be a breeze ♪

♪ life is a breeze ♪

♪ seeing trouble
from a distance ♪

♪ yeah ♪ go, Rae.

♪ But it's not that easy ♪

♪ oh, no ♪
take it to the bridge now.

♪ I try to save the situation ♪

♪ then I end up misbehaving ♪

♪ hey, now, say, now ♪

♪ about to put it
down, yeah, come on ♪

♪ and ride with the break, now ♪

♪ in that the future
looks great now ♪

♪ and everything's
gonna change now ♪

♪ let's keep it going ♪
♪ that's so Raven ♪

♪ it's the future I can see ♪

♪ that's so Raven ♪

♪ it's so mysterious to me... ♪

Yep, that's me.

Eddie, I said I was sorry.

Can't you just forget it?

I mean, everybody else has.

Help me. I'm frozen with fear.

I need my mommy.

That is so funny.

Y'all sound just like me.

On the real.

See what you did?

You know, Eddie,
on the bright side

after this week, you know

wall climbing week will be over

and then everyone
will forget about it

and stop teasing you.

You know, until next year.

That's right, Eddie, look.

They're not taking the
wall down until tomorrow.

That's when I must
have seen you climb it...

In gym tomorrow.

All right, that's great.

After tomorrow

the whole school will know
Eddie Thomas is no wimp.

But until then, I
think I'm going to take

the back way to class.

Give it up for
the vision, right?

Bam. Bam.

Girl, I just had the
best vision about you.

I saw you walking
down jock block

looking fine and all
eyes were on you.

Oh, really?

Wow, you mean
I've got it going on?

Hey, Chelsea...

Did I teach you that line?


Well, we're going to have
to work on that one as well.

Come on.

So, where'd your folks go again?

Jamaica. They're on
their third honeymoon.

Oh, gosh, that's so romantic.

Uh, no, it's not, okay?

On their second honeymoon,
we ended up with my brother.


Do you like having
your grandma around?

Oh, yeah, she's cool

but don't call her "grandma"

'cause she always says

"cookie, as long as
I've got my own teeth

"and my butt's still
higher than my knees

no one calls me grandma."

All right, come on.

Come on.

Give it up!

Give it up, little man.


I'm going to touché
your little tushy.

That's your grandma?

Hey, I heard that.

Don't use that

kind of language around here.

It's Vivian.

Hey, viv.

Hey, cookie.

Fight's over, little man.

Here you go.

Woo, did you work
up an appetite?


Good, 'cause I whipped you up

something a little special.

Say hello to your
great uncle Earl.

Got you.

You wait.

I'm going to get you back.

Well, bring it on, little man.

Bring it on.

Hey, viv

I want you to meet my
bestest friend, Chelsea.

Oh, nice to meet you, Chelsea.

Yeah, she has a
date with destiny.

Well, hey, a date's a date.

Honey, we got to get
you out of that plaid

and into something bad.

Here you go.


Wow, all my grandma
carries in her purse

are old mints and used tissues.

Well, you never know

when they're going
to ask you to put on a...

♪ Show! ♪

Okay, time to get you dressed.

Do you like these boots?

Oh, I love those.

Good, I think I wanted
to wear these tomorrow.

Um, these are the ones
that I saw you in, girl.

The jock block is
going to love them.

Wait a minute.

How 'bout a hat?

I wore this little number

when I sang for the troops.

Wow, the army?

Nope, the cub scouts.

Honey, I was one
hot-looking den mother.

Hey, viv.


Yeah, come back.

I've got to get
Chelsea into a fly outfit.

I love when Raven has
her visions about me.

Oh, I remember
when she was a baby.

She used to stop
and stare into space

with this real serious
look on her face.

Oh, she was having
one of her visions?

Nope, taking a poop.

Her vision face
was more like this...

Hey, viv.


Yeah, sharing time's over.

What do you think of this?

Viv... You look tired.

Come sit.

Oh, honey, that's
so sweet, but I...

I think I'm going...
I'm going to sneeze...


Got you.

What is taking you so long?

Lacing these boots.

Next time, could you
buy some with zippers?

Okay, maybe this will
help you move a little faster.

I was just walking
down jock block...

Three words, okay?

Look ing good.

Must get on...

Yeah, you thought
Jordan's comeback was big?

Well, in five minutes

Eddie Thomas is
climbing that wall again.

Go ahead, read up.

Go on, read, read, read.


are you sure you want
an audience for this?

You bet he does.

Does this look like a man

who can't take on a challenge?

That's his head, but that's

not his body.

Well, does that look like

the head of a man who
can't take on a challenge?

Yeah, what she said.

I'm so proud of you.

No fear of heights

is going to keep my boy down.

You know what, I'll be there

as soon as Chelsea's finished.

Good luck.

I don't need it

as long as I got
my psychic friend.

♪ Here we go ♪

♪ take me higher ♪

♪ now, how about this? ♪

♪ Here we go ♪

♪ take me higher ♪


Walk with me, walk with me.

What are you doing?
What are you doing?

Their eyes were,
like, glued to me.

Yeah, and, um, so is that.


Okay, um, please tell
me you just put this there.

Well, girl, you
know you look hot.

From the front.

How could you do this, Rae?

That was the jock block.

Thanks a lot.

No, but it's not my fault.

Chelsea, it's these...
It's these stupid visions.

Girl, they keep
messing up everybody.

I mean, first it's
Eddie and now you.

Oh, no. Eddie.


Eddie... Raven.

All right, you
guys, break it up.

There's nothing
left here to see.

Moving on, move on.

Here, let me help you.

No, I'll do it.

I think you already
helped enough.

Man, I'm the biggest joke

in the school now.

Man, your visions are whack.

Why can't you just
be more... Normal?


You know, I was looking

for you guys in the cafeteria

and then, you know, I thought

where would two
people who hate me go?

And here you are.

These must be
the hate-me stairs.

Ooh, and those must be
the other hate-me stares.

Get it?

The stairs and then
the hate-me stares?


You guys, look

what am I supposed to do?

Okay, you don't want
me to tell you my visions.

What do you want me to do?

Go on some type of
psychic strike or something?

Sounds good to me.

Yeah, no more visions.

Unless a piano is
about to fall on my head.

Then you can tell me.

I mean...

Or you can just
keep it to yourself.

Okay, so... Starting today

I will no longer
tell you my visions.




I love y'all.

If I get hit by a piano

I'm blaming you.

Okay, I'm next.

Which one do you
think I should sing?

This one I always sing

but this one has
that really high note

that Vivian's been
helping me with.

I think, uh... Uh...

Go for the high note, right?

Your choice.


Hi. Chelsea Daniel.

♪ Amazing grace,
how sweet the sound ♪

♪ that saved a wretch like me ♪

Hey, Eddie.


Never mind.

Ah, there's nothing like
roasting marshmallows

over a campfire.

Hey, come on, cookie, smile.

You used to like camping
out in the living room

when you were little.

What's going on, kid?

Can we talk about it later?


It's later. Now talk.

It's these visions...
I hate them.

I know exactly how you feel.

No one knows how I feel...

Not even my friends.

Sometimes I feel like I'm
some kind of freak or something.

Do you feel like if you tell
your friends your visions

and it doesn't work
out, that it's all our fault?

And if you don't tell them

and bad stuff happens

it's still your fault?

And more than anything

you just wish you were normal?

That's exactly how I feel

but I've never told
anyone that before.

How could you know?

Grandma, are you psychic?

Well, I don't know who
this grandma person is

but viv is.

How do you think I knew
what Corey was up to

with his whoopie cushion?

As a matter of fact, he's
on his way downstairs

right now with a
couple of water balloons.

Corey, don't
even think about it!

Oh, man!

I wish I could just
stay in this tent forever

and never come out.

Been there.

That is not the answer.


Just a minute.

Got to have my sound effects.

You know, cookie

being psychic is a gift.

It's what makes us special.

And you're a lucky girl

to have friends you
can share it with.

But if I keep sharing, I'm
not going to have any friends.


Good friends don't
go away that easy.


Ah, for what, sweetie?

Telling me that you're psychic.

Now I know I'm not the only one.

And if you ever need to talk

you can always call.

Of course, I'll know
it's you before I pick up.

'Cause you'll have a vision?

No, I got caller ID.

Get with the program, kid.

And answer that phone.



Okay, okay, I'll be right there.

What's wrong?

And you call yourself a psychic.

Eddie, what are
you doing up there?!

Well, I think I'm
climbing a wall

but I've got my eyes shut.

Okay, I'm going
to open them now.

Yep. I'm on a wall.

Eddie, who are
you doing this for?

Everybody's gone home.

I don't care, Chels.
I'm doing this for me.

Eddie, be careful.
Move slowly, okay?


- Okay, now, hurry.
- Hold on.

Get it.

I made it!

Yay! Now come down.

Yay, Eddie.

That was good.

That was my vision.

Yeah, and I love your visions.

Love 'em, love 'em, love 'em.


Man, you guys sure are tiny.

Oh, we've got you.

We've got you. Don't worry.


Move over, now!

One, two, three!

This is way better.


Okay, guys, listen.

The trick is to stay calm.

I'll be okay as long as I
stand on this rock thing.

You guys, this is
all my fault again.

Listen, if you want
to drop me as a friend

I totally understand.

What? You just climbed up a wall

to save my butt, Rae.

You don't drop
friends like that.

But... I'm still going
to have visions.

So what, Rae?

Come on. Sure, they're going to
mess us up sometimes, you know

and we're going
to get really mad

and act like we hate you

but, well, that's
what friends do.

We're not going anywhere.

Yeah. We all got our stuff.

I mean, you may
not notice about me

but I'm scared of heights.

I feel a group hug coming on.

I love you guys.

Oh, man, I love you, too.

I'd love to get down. Oh...


Hey, viv!

Hey, coach.

Thought I might
find you here, cookie.

How'd she know we were here?

Oh, because me
and viv, we're like this.

Can't we just
leave her up there?

I mean, this is like
a dream come true.

Keep dreaming, little man.

Come on, pull.

Eddie, what do I do?

Look, Rae, there's one
other thing you can do.

Wait, hold on...

Do you carry a lunch box?!

You get right... okay.

And, action.

No. Mouth... mouthwash.

You should keep that.

He went in my shirt, oh, god.

Eddie, what do I do?

I'm sorry.

He's in my shirt! Help!

Eddie, what do I do?

There's one other
thing you can do, Rae.

You stop smiling!

I'm... You laughed.

You were laughing and smiled!

Don't smile. Okay.

Do you carry a lunch box?!

Um... I can't do it. I'm sorry.

Eddie, what do I do?

Look, Rae, there's
one other thing

you can do... real little.
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