02x01 - Out of Control

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "That's So Raven". Aired: January 17, 2003 – November 10, 2007.*
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Raven Baxter is a high-school student who has a secret psychic ability that allows her to experience short visions of future events.
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02x01 - Out of Control

Post by bunniefuu »


Baby, this restaurant

is everything we
ever dreamed of.

And the best part
is, this is my place.

I mean, finally, I'm the boss

and nobody can
tell me what to do.

Yeah, that's sweet, dad.

Hey, yeah, get back to work.

Uh... Rae,

I know you're excited
about the opening and all,

but let me explain to you
how it works at the Chill Grill.

I grill.

You chill.


One, two.


♪ Shoo-doo-boo-doo-bee-doo ♪

♪ boo-doo-bee-boo-boo ♪

♪ ba-daba-da-ba-da-
ba-da-ba-ba-da ♪

♪ bwee-bwee-bwee-bwee-bwee ♪

♪ ski-do-loo-ba-ski-do-loo-ba ♪

♪ ski-do-loo-ba-ba-bee-
bop-bop-bop... ♪

Mom? Mom, what are you doing?

I'm scatting.

That's cute.

But what if someone
actually heard you?

I mean, you know, there's
going to be a lot of kids

from our school hanging
around the Chill Grill.

Excuse you.

Just doing a sound check.

You know, we're going to have

live entertainment
opening night.

We are?!

Mom, when was this decided?

Oh, excuse me.

People, people,
people, listen up,

people, okay...

This place has to be cool,
because, as we all know,

it is a reflection upon me.

So, the following
things are uncool:

Mom scatting...
Yeah, that's got to go.

Dad's face on these flyers.

Gotta go.

Just say the word, dad.


Gotta go.

You know what, actually,
make Corey number one.

So, starting from the top...

Man, Rae is really tripping

on this whole restaurant thing.

I know, she has to
control everything.

Which is exactly why we
can't tell her what we're doing.

It slipped?

My foot is going to slip.

Get back here!

If you kids break anything...

Victor, you stop it.

You're going to
sprain something.

You always do.

Uh... anyway, y'all have fun.

Yeah, you know what?

We're just going to see
ourselves out, thanks.

Stop, stop running,
both of you, stop it!

Let's go

♪ if you could gaze
into the future ♪

future, future

♪ you might think life
would be a breeze ♪

life is a breeze

♪ seeing trouble
from a distance ♪

♪ yeah ♪ go, Rae.

♪ But it's not that easy ♪

oh, no
take it to the bridge now.

♪ I try to save the situation,
then I end up misbehaving ♪

♪ hey, now, say, now,
'bout to break down ♪

♪ yeah, come on and
ride with the Rae, hey ♪

♪ and if the future
looks gray now ♪

♪ then everything's
gonna change now ♪

♪ all right, keep it going ♪

that's so Raven

♪ it's the future I can see ♪

that's so Raven

♪ it's so mysterious to me... ♪

[font color="yellow"]Captioning sponsored by
[font color="yellow"]abc cable networks group

yep, that's me.

Come to the grand
opening of the Chill Grill.

Cool food, cool
people, cool bathrooms.

Well, actually, they're
not really that cool.

They're just super clean.

But I guess you
can say that's cool.

Hey, Devon!

Hey, how you doing?

Hey, what's up, Raven?

Um, did I give you one of these?

Only a hundred.

But, uh, I can always
use another one.

That's a cute picture.


It was my dad's idea.

Um, yeah, so do you
think you can make it?

Are you guys going
to have egg rolls?

It's not a Chinese restaurant.

That's too bad.
It's like all I eat.

Wait, wait! Devon!

Devon, get back here.

I don't think I heard you.

Did you say, "egg rolls"?

Boy, of course we got egg rolls.

We are rolling
with the egg rolls.

You better stop me,
I'm on the egg roll!

Cool. I'll try to make it.


Bye, Devon-derfuliciousness.

You guys, major news!

Devon Carter said
he's going to try

to make it to the grand opening.

Do you know what this means?

Yeah. More work for us.


Chelsea, I'm going to need
a wardrobe conference.

And, Eddie, I'm going
to need egg roll recipes.

Okay, but what if
we have other plans?

Plans that I don't know
about? That is pretty hilarious.

But seriously, Rae,
we do have other plans.

What y'all doing?

We're bowling. Surfing.

Bowling. Surfing.

Actually, we were
bowling and surfing.

Yeah, yeah, right.

Right. We are blurfing.




Yeah, see, uh... See, you, uh...

You bowl on a surfboard.

And it's cool,
except for, you know,

the, uh, the board
scratches the lanes.

'Cause they're still
working out the kinks

and stuff like that.

So, um...

Y'all can't help out
'cause you got to blurf?

Yeah, Rae, well,
you know, it's not us.

We're in a league. Sorry.

And we better go.

What's that?

This is monty.

Isn't he cute and
not creepy at all?

Corey's working on

his "ventriloquist
act" for opening night.


Hey, toots, Halloween's over.

You can take off that mask now.

What's up with that?

Okay, dummy and dumber gotta go.

Okay, Corey, time for school.

Monty, too?

Fine, but he rides in the trunk.

What's up with that?

Hey, dad, I just
have a question.

Rae, I told you I'm not
putting egg rolls on the menu.

Oh, come on, dad.

Egg rolls are
sweeping the nation.

Four out of five kids surveyed

said that when
it comes to rolls,

egg is their favorite.

Followed by cinnamon
and, uh, the... tootsie.

Rae, forget about egg rolls.

Look, if you really want
to help, why don't you

and Eddie and Chelsea
come down to the Chill Grill

after school and
help set the tables?

They can't.

Why not?

Because they got to blurf.

Say what?

Well, now I know
what blurfing is.

What did you see?

Disaster. Eddie
and Chelsea, they...

They looked like
they were about to-to...


So why is that so
bad? Because, dad,

we have always been a threesome.

If they become a twosome,
then I become a onesome.

Then if they break up, we
become three onesomes,

which is definitely not as
good as one threesome.

Well, sometimes your
visions aren't exactly

what you think they are.

Look, Rae, why don't you
just ask Eddie and Chelsea

straight up what's going on?


I guess you're right.

Hey, so what's going
on with you two?

Nothing. Nothing.

Oh, 'cause, um...

Lately it's kind of
seemed like something.

Well, uh, sometimes nothing
can seem like something.

And yet sometimes something
can actually be something.

Unless it's nothing.

Nothing yet or nothing at all?

'Cause if it's nothing at
all, we can do it together.


Why not?

Because if three
people do nothing,

then it actually
becomes something.

Hey, Mr. Brizowski,
are we ever going

to get our reports back?

About your reports...
For some reason,

I'm having a little
trouble locating them.

All right, all right, all right,

that's enough already.

Look, just read
the next chapter in

at least you have your health.

I'll sort through my desk.


What have we here?

A little love note perhaps?

Come to mama.

It's mine now.

Mm! Okay, minor setback.

If you don't clean
out your desk,

you'll never find those reports.

Hi. I just want to, you
know, sharpen my pencil.

No. I'm kidding, go
ahead, go ahead.

And get that note.


How old is this?

A guacamole sandwich?

Oh, I remember.

That was chicken salad.


I used to love these
old sweat socks.

Hey, there's still
some sweat in them.

This is fun. What
else have I got?

Expires April 15, 1993.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Come on, come on...

Oh, nuts. I found the reports.

Now I've got to grade them.

Does anybody have a pencil?

Ew, ew, ew, ew,
ew, ew... Ew, ew, ew.

"Eddie, must meet at
my house after school.

Sink broken. Have
to wait for plumber."

"I'll be there."

"Can't wait."

I knew it!

They do have something going on.

Got to put a stop to this.

Ooh, right after I take
a three-hour shower.


Oh, no, I'm sorry.

I can't stop thinking about how
we're sneaking behind Raven's back.

Chelse, you know Rae.

I mean, if she knew
that we were practicing

a dance for her
dad's opening night

she'd just wind up trying
to control the whole thing.

Yeah. She'd probably want
us to do everything her way.

Right. Just leave
her clueless. Right.

Well, you know, it's
always worked for me.

Okay, let's go.


I'm sorry. That
must be our plumber.

All right.


Hey there, little lady.
I'm your plumber.

Y'all just keep on
doing what you're doing.

I'm called the invisible plumber,
so I'm just going to be invisible.

Oh, actually, sir, it's
our upstairs bathroom...

Hey, little lady...

Who is your plumber?

You are. So what's my name?

Mr. Plumber, sir.

Okay, so where were we?

Oh, hang on a second.

I'm going to go put on our song.

They have a song.

Actually, I'm sorry, sir.

Could we use a
little bit of privacy?

Thank you. Okay.

Now we can get our groove on.

They have a groove!

Right. Let's do it.

No more interruptions.

Okay, ready?

One, two, three,
one two three...

Just like my vision.

You know what?
We need more room.

It's getting a
little hot in here.

Let me take this off real quick.


- All right, okay.
- Ready?

Okay, Chelse...
Relax in my arms.

Uh, Eddie, I think
your jacket's alive.

Wha... what?

Excuse me. Hello? Is everything

all right?


I was just wondering

if everything's
all right in here.

Yes, no worries now.

I'm a plumber, so I'm
plumbing, 'cause that's what

plumbers do.

Now get out!

Okay then.

Oh, it's my bracelet.

Oh, okay.

Okay, um...

Okay, I wonder what this does?

Come on.

And now I know.

Come on!

That's my favorite bracelet!

Come on, get out of there.

Give me...

I got it.

- Who is it?
- Plumber.


Hi. Come in.

I didn't realize this
was a two plumber job.

Hey there. Make sure you got

one of these in your Kit.

Plumber salute.

Welcome to the Chill Grill.
How's everybody doing?

Thank you.

Well, our first act

is two very funny guys.

Please put your hands
together for the comedy stylings

of Corey Baxter
and his pal monty.

Thank you, thank you.

Hey, monty, what did you think

of my dad's oatmeal
he cooked this morning?

I'll let you know

when I get done chewing it.

What's up with that?!

My oatmeal is not chewy.

That dummy's
going to be firewood.

Now, Victor, chill.

He's just poking
a little fun at you.

And what about my mom, tiger?

Isn't she pretty?

Yeah, pretty... loud.

That one can snore.

What's up with that?!

I do not snore.

Do I snore?

No, no, baby, no.

It's more like a
grunting sound like...

But the most embarrassing
sounds my parents make...

Oh! Oh! ...Is when
they just ate beans...

All right, the show is over.

Please give it up for
the farewell performance

of Corey Baxter
and his buddy monty.

I'll be back.

Hey, welcome to the Chill Grill.

Welcome to the Chill Grill.

Well, well, well,
look who's here.

Rae, this is so tight.

I know. Are you excited?

Excited? Mm-hmm.

Don't you mean
hurt... Disappointed...


Oh, no, no, silly.

The other excited... like happy.

Rae, why are you
being like this?

Because I know what you
guys were doing behind my back.

Oh, you do?

Yeah. Why didn't you tell me?

I don't know... we knew
if we told you, you know,

you'd want to control
our every move.

Oh! Oh!

I don't even want to
think about y'all's moves.

Well, Rae, you're
going to have to,

'cause we're going to
do them onstage. Oh!

Onstage in front of everyone?!

Now listen up you
two... my daddy runs

a respectable place.

You nasty...!

You just can't get up onstage...

Give it up for the sensational

salsa dance stylings
of Chelsea and Eddie.

Hey, mom... Uh, uh, dance?

Sal-salsa dancing?

Honey, what did you
think they were doing?

Uh... I thought they
were doing something,

but a whole different
little something-something.

You guys aren't
going to believe this.

I thought you guys were
in love with each other.


I had a vision that you
guys were going to kiss.


I was obviously wrong.

You know what?

Not that I would
want to interfere

or anything...

Girl, then good, then get off

the stage, Rae.

Six, seven, eight.

You guys, that was so cool.

Thanks, Rae.

And sorry we didn't tell you.

It's just that we wanted

to do this one
thing by ourselves.

Oh, look, I'm sorry, okay?

For being so bossy and
being in your business

and thinking you
two were together.

Especially for that
hole in the wall.

What wall? Huh?

Um... The wall,
Chelsea, that, um...

That wall that's been
blocking our friendship, girl.

Oh, that is so weird.

I thought you were
talking about the hole

in the wall in our bathroom.

Whoo, we are suing the plumber.

Uh... look... I just
want to apologize

for being so
controlling this week.

You know, I've been so
wound up for this opening...

Trying to make it
as cool as it can be,

and you know, Devon
didn't even show up.

Actually, Rae,
Devon is over there

talking to your dad.

Come on.


Hey, dad, where'd Devon go?

That guy?

I sent him down to wong's.

You know, you were
right... Kids do love egg rolls.


You missed him, huh?

Yeah. But it's okay, you know.

I'd rather spend
tonight with you guys.


Three musketeers.

Yeah. Hey.

Three amigos.

Yeah. Oh, yeah...
The three blind mice.

Well, that's not really fair

because you guys
took all the good ones.

Ladies, shall we?

We shall. We shall.

Feels like a dream come true.

My own restaurant
full of family and friends

and happy customers.

Thanks, babe.

Couldn't have
done it without you.

You're always there for me.

That's so sweet.

That's funny, Corey.


You called me, dad?

Corey, the dummy just... Gotcha!

What's up with that?!
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