01x07 - Bionic Birthday Fail

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Lab Rats". Aired: February 27, 2012 – February 3, 2016.*
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A young teenager named Leo Dooley lives a normal life until the day his mother Tasha gets married to billionaire inventor Donald Davenport, with whom they move in.
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01x07 - Bionic Birthday Fail

Post by bunniefuu »

Guys, I have a bad feeling.
Let's get out of here.

[ Martial arts yells ]


[ Crash ]

[ Klaxon sounds ]

Adam, that was
the rebel leader.

The whole purpose of today's mission
simulation was to interrogate him.

I did, and his answer was,

Hey, next time could you maybe
throw in a cute, blue-eyed rebel?

What? I'm just sayin'.
It's not gonna k*ll you

to add a little somethin'-somethin'
for the ladies.

Step aside, amateurs.

Go ahead, big d.

Set it to "awesome."

Leo, these goggles
are not a toy.

Come on!
My birthday's coming up...

Globally known
as "dia de Leo."

No. I designed
the mission simulator

to fine-tune their bionics,
not to go on 3-d joyrides.

Besides, you're not
trained for it.

Well, how about
as a birthday gift

you give me
a bionic ability?

Or I could gift-wrap reality

and you could play
with that for a while.

So Leo's having a birthday.

What are you, like, nine?

[ Laughs ]

No, seriously.

So how are you
going to celebrate?

We're all going to

Every year my mom throws me
a big surprise party.


Last year she baked a cake
the size of me.

I'm not gonna brag,
but I was delicious.

The world's first
bionic superhumans.

They're stronger than us,

faster, smarter.

The next generation
of the human race is...

Living in my basement?!



[ All screaming ]

Guess what?
I just found out

that I won an award for my undercover
reporting on expired produce:

"Something in the crisper
can k*ll you."

That's so great!

Oh, thank you.

But the awards banquet is the
same night as Leo's birthday.

I'm sorry, honey.
I'm gonna miss it.

If I don't show up, I'm afraid
that they're gonna give my award

to that overdramatic
screen hog Linda montieres.

It's okay, mom.

Go have fun.
You deserve it.


I thought she was
gonna throw you a party.

I was promised a party!

Every year she comes up
with this lame excuse

to make me think
she's not throwing me a party.

Award? Please.
Have you seen her reporting?

Leo, are you sure
you're not mad?

We've never been apart
on your birthday.

Oh, please!
He'll have plenty of birthdays,

but who knows if you'll ever
win anything again.

Mom, go get your award.

[ Coughs ]
Chocolate frosting!

I promise we will celebrate
the following night.

Hey, why haven't we ever had
a birthday party?


You never celebrated
they're birthdays?

Of course I celebrated
their birthdays.

Remember when we...

When we went to the...

Yeah, I never
celebrated their birthdays.

Did you also eat all the cookies
before Santa came down the chimney?

What's Santa?

Oh, come on!

And why would you
give him cookies?

This is going to be
the best birthday ever.

The size of the party is equal
to the size of the excuse.

I'm gonna go work on
my surprised face.

Whoo-hoo! Leo's having
a surprise party!

Adam, if Leo was having
a surprise party,

don't you think
we'd be invited?

Yeah, you're right. Who does Tasha
think she is not inviting us?

No. Tasha and Davenport

really are going to
an awards ceremony.

This is horrible. Leo's
gonna be so disappointed.

Unless we throw him
a surprise party

and invite
everyone from school.

Well, what do we know about
throwing a surprise party?

Well, if it was me,
I'd want a bouncy house.

And a piñata.
Wait. And a clown.

No, wait.
Put the piñata on the clown,

in the bouncy house,
and hit everything at once.

Candy's bound to
come out of somewhere.

Let's invite glitterhead!

You know that Internet star who
sings her songs in sign language?

You might have heard of her
latest cd... "Talk to the hand."

No, no, no.

Leo would want something
cool at his party,

like those Sci-Fi mutants from
his favorite television show.

Shark man!
And flipper boy!

That's your
favorite TV show.

It could be his also.

Ya know,
Leo's a great brother.

Why don't we just
give him all three?

Whoo-hoo! Yeah!
We've havin' a party!

Leo's gonna be so surprised.
I'm gonna go tell him.


Oh, righ well,
I'm going to go tell Leo

he's not having
a surprise party.

That was close.
He almost found out.

Wow! A tuxedo.

You are really committing
to this thing.

Look, Leo, I'm really sorry
we're missing your birthday.

But wait till you see
the gift I got you.

It is whoa-amazing-i-can't-believe-he's-

No.it a robotic snake?

Is it a remote-controlled t*nk
uh-huh.Res real lasers?

Is it a real t*nk
that firuh-huh. Lasers?

Then I hope you
kept the receipt.

Eddie. Look what I got Leo
for his birthday.

It's a hexacopter. I scored the
only prototype in existence.

Oh, that's so cool.
Wanna know what I got him?

A big box of nothing!

Coulda got knocked around
a little in shipping.

I should probably
test it out first.

Yeah, open it!
Open it!

Oh. Ooh...

[ Chuckles ]

No remotes.

You control it
with your mind.

Ha ha ha ha!

Okay. Fly, hexacopter.

Oh. Ooh. Ha ha!

Oh. Fly! Fly!!!!




Told you not to open it.

Tasha: Donald!

Hey, Leo,
we're leaving!

Okay, here I come!

We're on our wayohhh.

Well, I will just
walk you to the door, then.

I'm approaching
the front door.

I have my hand
on the handle.

I'm gonna open it.


Thanks for the play by play.
Shall we?

Goodbye, baby.

Oh, I see. They're gonna
get in the car, drive away,

turn around, then everyone's
gonna hop out of the bushes.

That's right, convincingly
pull out of the driveway...

Look at them gettin' on the freeway
like they have somewhere to be.

Hey, where you goin'?!
It's my birthday!

Wait a second.

How are we gonna get all these balloons
upstairs without Leo noticing?

Oh, no problem.

[ Grunts ]

Guys, my mom's actually
going to an awards banquet.

She's not throwing me
a surprise party.

Oh, no!

That's awful!

Later, bro..

Hey, where you goin'?
It's my birthday!

Eddie, we're moving
the party prep upstairs.

Keep Leo in the lab
until I give you the signal.

Wait. So you want me to hold
the poor kid against his will?

I'm in!

Oh, but if I did that, s.

I'd ruin the surprise party
they're planning for you.

They're throwing me
a surprise party?

Yeah, what a bunch of lame-o's.
I wouldn't expect much.

Welcome to Leo's
surprise party.

When he comes up remember to scream real
loud and pretend you're his friend.

Oh! Check it out!

I ordered
a break-dancing clown.

Hey, Bobby, show us
some of your sweet moves.


Oh, yeah.

Yeah! Isn't he awesome?

Two weeks ago
he was a car salesman.

[ Cheers, applause ]

[ Inhales ]

Welcome, shark man
and flipper boy!

Eee! Eee! Eee!
Eee! Eee! Eee!

I knew the second
I saw you guys

something was fishy.

Come on, guys,

I don't want to make waves.

Okay, let's go get Leo.

It's glitterhead!

She actually came

straight off the Internet
and into my living room!

I'm not gonna lie. She's
kind of freakin' me out.

♪♪ [Dance]

Bouncy house
in the house!!!

[ Pops ]

Oh, man. What's this thing
made out of, plastic and air?

What is taking them so long?

Eddie, bring up the great
room on the monitor.


Not until I get the signal.

Otherwise it could
ruin the surprise.

But they're celebrating
without me!

That's nothing. Wait till
they start opening your gifts.

No! No!

Eddie! Eddie,
unlock the door!

Open this door!
Open the door!

[ Blowing ]

How's it looking,

Almost there.
Keep going.

What in the name of the newly
grounded is going on here?

We threw an awesome surprise
birthday party for Leo.

Oh! That is so sweet,
you guys.

Right. Hiding behind
the Leo shield. Well played.

Speaking of which,
yeah. Is Leo?

He's right here.

Where I've been for
the past three hours!!!

Yep, just waiting
for the signal.

Eddie, let Leo upstairs now.

All rightie,
there's my signal.

Let me get this straight.

So you guys had
a surprise party for Leo...

Without Leo.

[ Laughing ]

That's actually
kind of fu...

It's not funny.
It's not funny.

Okay, well, uh, Leo's gonna be
up here in just a few seconds.

Why don't we act like
the party's still going on,

try it.

All: Surprise!

[ Noisewhoo! S toot ]

I thought my first birthday with
you guys was gonna be awesome.

And you know what?
It probably was.

But I wouldn't know,
because I wasn't invited!

Honey, I know your birthday
was a bit of a bust,

but I think I know
what will make it better.

give him your gift.

Yeah, big d. Maybe your
awesome-tastical gift can cheer me up

after being totally forgotten!

What, that gift?
You don't want that gift.

You know what? Just give me the
number that'll keep the tears back.

What do you say?

Mr. Davenport,
just give him your gift.

You know, I would,
but I forgot where it was.

Oh, no, it's right here. It's in the
closet behind a bunch of stuff.

Thanks, Adam. Good eye.


[ Laughing ]

[ Stops laughing ]

Well, great, Leo.
You broke it.

I am the worst dad ever.

Well, don't all disagree
with me at once.

You know, I'm just gonna glue
this hexacopter back together.

Well, yeah, sure.

Now he'll forgive you,
but what about us?

Guys, I don't know
if you've noticed,

but I'm kind of in
the "me" business.

I feel terrible. We should have
just done what Leo wanted.

Wait a second.

What Leo really wanted was to go on
a mission with us in the simulator.

So that's exactly what
he's gonna do.

But Mr. Davenport
said we couldn't.

We'll just swipe the cyber
key away from Mr. Davenport

so we can start
the simulator ourselves.

That is sneaky, conniving,
and totally rebellious.

We are finally
normal teenagers!

[Whispering] Okay,

Mr. Davenport keeps
the cyber key

on the left side
of his desk.

If we're gonna do this,
we have to be still.

I got this.

Mr. Davenport.

Look at you, playing
with your big boy toys.

Hey, Adam.

What is that?!

Uh, that would be
a wall, Adam.

You are correct, sir.

Let me guess. You're gonna lock
me down here and go on vacation.

Leo, it's time for
your birthday mission.

But Mr. Davenport said I'm not
supposed to play with these.

But Mr. Davenport isn't here.

All right! Let's go!

[ Simulator beeps ]

No offense, guys,

but this is a seriously
expensive let-down.

Hey hey! Now we're talkin'!

Oh! Whoa! Whoa!

Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!

Guys! A little help here!

show him how it's done.

Leo, you're up!
Use your force field!

I don't have a...


I have a force field!

I'm bionic!

Yes! Finally!

Time to get your blur on.


Wait. If I can do this...

Go ahead, birthday boy,
throw me across the room!

How do you resist
the temptation

to do that to me
every day?

Oh, you want some of this.

Welcome to dia de Leo!


I don't understand!

This rebel is programmed with more
sophisticated moves than I've ever seen!

Hey, it's not cool to make me
lose on dia de Leo!

Yeah? And it's not cool

to steal someone's
cyber key.

Oh, man, you were
supposed to be good-looking.

I mean, no offense.

I'm sure you're eye candy
to old people.

Leo, I told you to
stay out of the simulator.

You're notbig d, watch out!

Or maybe you are.

That was great, Leo!

So does that mean I get to use
the simulator whenever I want?

No! That just means I have to crank
up the difficulty about 100%

to make it challenging
for these guys...

Who are in big trouble.

We're sorry we took
your cyber key.

We had to make it up to Leo
for messing up his birthday.

And big d, if you would have
given them a party of their own,

they may not have
had to hijack mine.

I got it.
Birthdays matter.

Yeah, you should know...
You've had enough of 'em.

What are you,
like, fifty?

I'm thirty-eight.

[ All laughing ]

No, seriously.

Ha ha.

Okay, who's up for some
kick-boxing on Mars?


See, this is what
birthdays are about...

Kickin' butt as a family.

Come here.
It's time for a hug.

This place is never
gonna stop being weird.

All right, Leo.
I know...

You really wanted the
hexacopter for your birthday.

So I spent all week
studying the broken one,

and I reverse-engineered

this one from scratch!

A Davenport original!

A Davenport original.

I can sell this online
what? Ake a fortune!

I mean, thank you!

All right.

Put this on, and you
control it with your mind.

Happy birthdawesome!

Let's do this.

Yeah! Yeah!

Try and make it go higher.
There you go. There...

Whoa! Aaah!

Leo, what were you

I was thinking I hope it
doesn't crash into that wall.
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