02x05 - Mano a Mano

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Royal Pains". Aired: June 4, 2009 – July 6, 2016.*
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Series follows Hank Lawson, an unfairly discredited but brilliant diagnostic surgeon who winds up moving to the Hamptons with his brother as he works as a concierge to the uber rich and ultra elite.
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02x05 - Mano a Mano

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on Royal Pains...
Dr. Emily Peck.

I'm Dr. Lawson's replacement.

Why would he need replacing?

Schmoozing patients and pushing
spa treatments on them.

Dr. Peck...

This thing you have,
it's genetic.

Quite fatal.

So he summoned you
to the manor?

- No, to his winter residence.
- Welcome to Cuba.

Dr. Casseras
has diagnosed me, Hank.

I flew down here because
she has a clinical trial.

Welcome to the team,
Dr. Quarterback.

Is Boris in a long-distance

You're not symptomatic,
you feel fine.

in this unproven trial

could change all that.

I think he has a new quarterback.

My sister works in the factory.

Oh, my god.
Look away.

Look away, go.

I'm sorry
you won't be staying.

I'm sorry
you won't be leaving.

Have you seen my brother?

Or have you changed your mind
about leaving?

I'm still leaving,
once Evan shows up.

I think he's having separation
anxiety from this place.

Well, join us, then.

Marisa and I
were just discussing

What I can anticipate next
with her clinical trial.

Yeah, I don't know if
there's much I can add

to that discussion.

Aside from wishing you both
the best of luck.

It's about science, not luck.

Science makes predictions,
not promises.

Have a pleasant flight,
Dr. Lawson.

I'll see you
at the institute.

Yes, you will.

You're worried about me, Hank.

Believe me, I'm...

Under no illusions
about my odds.

I'd just rather play them
than sit out the hand.

Right, but you're
emotionally entangled

with the dealer.

The house tends
to frown on that.

I just think you and Marisa
need to make a choice,

decide what you
want from each other.

That your medical opinion
or a personal one?

Maybe a little bit of both.

Why are we stopping?

Where are we?


Oh, okay. Okay.

Okay, please, don't hurt me.

Don't hurt me.
Just talk to me.

I'm a very good listener.
Just tell me what you want.

Oh, okay, I failed spanish
in school,

but I think I just heard
the words

"american" and "death."

So can we just calm down?

Does anybody
speak english here?

I'm sorry, no one
is gonna hurt...


You're the bartender.

What... you're the cigar guy.

And you're... you're gigantic.

Um... Was it the tip?

Was it the phone?

Could you not
download the widgets?

I had a problem with that.

Oscar should not
have brought you here.

But since you are here,

and if you'll forgive us,
we need your help.


Believe me, all I want
is to get out of here

and get back to normal.

Then you may not want
to land in the Hamptons.

Uh, look, Boris arranged
for a Dr. Peck to hang around.

So any issues, just call her.

I'd rather die.

I'm sorry, what was that?

You broke up.
I said...

What a guy.

Any issues, and I'll give her a call.

Now, you have a safe trip.

And good luck finding Evan.

Okay, bye.

I was helping my uncle
take out the engine bolts

using the pickup truck.

But the crowbar slipped
and his hand got caught.

I sent them
to get my cousin, a nurse...

But we couldn't find her.

And then I saw you.

Please, doctor.
Help my uncle.

Por favor! Hermano!

I can't feel my hand.

Oh, god. Okay.
Please, hurry.

I know, look.
I really want to help you.

I want to help him,
but I'm not a doctor.

Yes, you are.
You're HankMed.

No, I'm... this... HankMed.

That's my brother's name,
is Hank.

I'm Evan. You kidnapped
the wrong brother.

You need to call him
an ambulance right now.

- No, we can't.
- Why not?

Because he's already dead.

Sync by n17t01





Hey, the bartender.

How'd you know where to find me?

Your brother sent me.

He told me he landed
his jet here,

and there's only one
man around here

with a runway in his backyard.

Wait, I'm sorry.
Evan sent you?

Yeah, there's been
an accident.

- He's hurt? Again?
- No, he's okay,

But we need a doctor, Hank.

He told me that you would come.

Uh, yeah.

Thank you.

Let's go.

Extra-dry soy caramel latte,

Uh, one skinny macchiato.

Two extra foam, no fat.

Hey there.

Hey! No cutting.

I'm joining my friend.

Invasion of the citiots.

I just want a black coffee.

Why can't they have
a separate line

For regular people?

You think paying $4
for a cup of coffee is regular?

Fair point.

So...Favor to ask.

A bunch of us are going to see
a friend's band after work.

They're opening
for Jane's recovery.

Who's Jane
and what happened to her?

It's a Jane's addiction
cover band.

Is there any way I could
convince you to come?

- Today?
- Yeah, at the ratskeller,

The beer garden on 27th.

Yes, I've driven past.


Well, it's my favorite dive.

But I am dreading the crowd.

All my old friends are married,

and I will spend
the whole time saying,

"thank you, but, no,

I do not want to be
fixed up with your friend

or your brother or, heh heh,

your cousin Wally who runs
an exotic bird hospital".

But if you came...
I could avoid all of that.

I'm on call.

I-I can't drink.

Then the first round's
on me.

Oh, my god,
I've got a patient.

Okay, I've got to go.
I'm sorry.

It's just not my scene.

Okay, now you are cutting.

Look, pal, you left the city.


He's in hiding.

But he's not a criminal,
he's a...

He's a writer who made fun
of the government.

So it's kind of like
the daily show,

but without the show.

Anyway, he could
get arrested or worse.

Take a deep breath.
Try to relax.

They meant to kidnap you,

'cause you're the doc...
you too, Evan.

Deep breath.

We didn't try
to kidnap anyone.

My little brother panicked.

I was trying to help.

Yeah, like you
helped with the car?

What do you think, doctor?

All right, your ring

is holding the blades apart.

But your finger's too swollen
to risk pulling it out.

So that means what?



No, no, no, no. No.
Let's try to limit the damage.

Uh, what I need
is some very thin string,

fishing line, uh, ideally...

Dental floss.
Yeah, very resourceful.

My sister's not just
the beauty of the family.

She's also the brains.

Yeah, maybe you could learn
a little from her,

Eh, ?

She rolls a mean cigar
as well, huh?

Or is that your other sister?

I'm their only sister.

He didn't sell you cigars?

You are still cheating
the turistos

with the homemade rip-offs?

Whoa, whoa...

You sold me fakes?

I can get over
this kidnapping thing.

I get it.

But counterfeit Cohibas?

That is...
Morally bankrupt, man.

No, we'll pay you back.
Every peso.

I thought we had a connection.

People! People!

Can we argue about this after
we save your uncle's finger?



okay? Okay, all right.

All right, we're almost
to the bottom.

We're almost at the bottom.

All right.
Put this through.


There we go, there we go.


Here we go.
Here we go.

We're pulling it out.

Good, good.


Oh, wow.

Okay, and...Pull!


Hello, I'm back for
Mr. Kassabian's follow...

All followed up already.

Thank you.

I was told to expect your call,

which never came.

Fortunately, I remembered
our first appointment.

Dr. Peck...

Obviously, I find it awkward
to be working together again

after my unsolicited critique
of you yesterday.

I didn't take it personally.

It was... inappropriate.

But not unexpected.

I went to medical school
with women like you

who don't like other women.

Course, they're
all doctors now.

Excuse me?

Women make you defensive
and territorial.

You'd rather keep your distance.

I get along with women quite well.

So you do have close female friends?

I just had coffee
with my good friend Jill.

We are very tight.

Not that it is your business.

Well, then, I'm wrong.

It was personal.

And you owe me an apology.

So when the boat I tried
to escape on sank,

they thought I was dead.

Which meant you were safe

as long as you stayed in hiding.


Tengo fichas;
puedes jugar?

What did he just call me?

He asked if you played dominoes.

Uh, no.
No, I don't.

But I'll watch.

So I am safe here,

but it is Carmen now
who takes all the risk,

at the nightclub where she works.

It's still your writing.

She uses the internet there
to post my columns

under a false name.

And pours a mean drink
on the side.

There you go.

You are kind to help us.

Is there anything
we can do to repay you?

No, no, no.
Thank you.

I'm just glad your uncle's okay.

I'm gonna give him a tetanus shot

and leave you with some
antibiotic cream.

I am very grateful.

Oh, I'm just glad I could help.

Let me see your hand.

Is there something wrong?

Come on, bro.

Let's play.

I'll teach you.
It'll be a peace offering.


How about peace offering
my phone back?

I don't have it on me.

I... we'll get it
when I drive you back to town.

You shafted me, dude.

And trading a $300 phone
for $1,000 cigars?

That's not a shafting?

Come on, Papi,
let's get past it

and have a game.

Have you had
any fevers recently?

It's July in Cuba.

Who can tell?

Is everything okay?

Hank, you're scaring me.

I noticed splinter hemorrhages
under your uncle's nails,

a murmur when
I listened to your heart,

and raw spots
on your retinas.

Those are signs
of endocarditis,

An infection of the heart.

Is it dangerous?

Not if you catch it
before there's valve damage,

But to detect that,
he needs an echo

in a hospital.

No, he could be recognized.

You see, Cubans are forced
to be informers.

Otherwise, they get accused
of being traitors themselves.

Okay, I have access to a facility.

We could do it there
and be discreet.

Still a big risk.

And one we should take.

Or your uncle could be dead
for real.

You get him his phone.

Okay? We'll come find you
when we know something.


Follow me.

Where are we going?
This is...

I just want my phone.

There it is.



He says it's not for sale.

How much did you get for it?


What? What kind of insurance?



Did you just offer your shoes

to the guy you pay for insurance?

You have a better idea.

Yeah, I have a better idea.

We play for it.

Unless you think
he'll just k*ll us

and take the money anyway.

No, that would
disrespect the dominos.

That's good enough
reason for me.

But are you any good?

I used to be.

Ay, dios mio.

I'm glad you
changed your mind.

I wish I'd changed my clothes.

Into what, something
from last season's

Stella McCartney collection?

I own jeans and a concert t-shirt.

What concert?

Itzhak Perlman at Tanglewood.

You're just full of surprises.

Jill McGillicuddy?

Oh, my god.

Were were just talking about you!

Hey, Debbie.

Hey! Get over here.

So, uh, we all
want to know the deetz

on what went down
with you and Charlie.

Uh, "the deetz"?

Yeah, I mean,
you guys seemed like

the perfect couple.

What happened?

Yeah, I, um...

Hey, do you want to grab a drink?

I'd love to.

I'll be right back.


Thank you.

Did she say,
uh, McGillicuddy?

Maiden name.
Not going back to it.

You have no idea
how I've suffered.

I'm sure I'll find out
soon enough.

You mean, after you marry Raj?

Yes, I'll be, uh,
Divya Bandyopadhyay.

Just rolls off the tongue, huh?

Okay, um...

I need you
to distract the guard.

Wait, I thought you say
you have access here.

Hey, access doesn't make
an off-the-books echocardiogram.

Uh, what's spanish
for "kosher"?

- Kosher.
- Oh.

All right, maybe if you
pretend to be lost

or something?

Uh, Hank, I'm a bartender.

I know how to...
get a man's attention.

Excuse me.

She is single,
if you are wondering.

Uh, excuse... excuse me?

My niece does not
have a boyfriend.

Oh, uh...

She's too busy taking care
of us to find the right man,

so I am always hoping
the right man

Will find her.

All right, let's go.

Okay, great.

Great, uh, okay.

Lie down.
Take your shirt off, please.

All right.


Hank, how does this work?

All right, I'll, uh,

I'll run this transducer
over your chest,

which will let me know
if the endocarditis

has done any damage.

Everything okay?

Yeah, yeah.
We've been pretty lucky,

up until now.
Damn it.

What is wrong?

Without this,
I won't get a picture.

Should we search
for a supply room?

No, I should talk to Dr. Casseras.

She's the head of the clinic.

No, no, no, no, no.
That is too dangerous.

She won't know your name,
just that I have a patient.

Look, the longer this takes,

the more we risk
someone discovering you.

This Dr. Casseras...

You trust her?

I think it's our best shot.

What if someone comes
while you're gone?

Right, uh...

Okay. Okay!

Here, put this on.

Anyone asks, you say,

what do I look like,
the charge nurse?

They'll think you're a doctor.
I guarantee it.

So what's going on
with Hank?

He's very busy,

I'm sure.



Please don't take this
the wrong way.

Because I'd like for us
to become close female friends

who are comfortable
discussing anything.

But...Since Hank is my boss,

maybe your relationship
is a topic that we should avoid.

Oh, uh...


But, for the record,

I just meant where is Hank?


He's in Cuba.



Well, I guess I have
lots of questions

that I won't bother asking.

I'm sorry, I didn't...

Mm-mm! No, no.

You're right.

Hank is our
original connection,

But we should have
a direct connection too.

No middleman.

Woman to woman,


Cheers to that.

All right.
Oh, hey.

Don't you know it's bad luck
to toast with water?

Let me buy you
a more festive drink.

It's a club soda,
and, no, thank you.

oh, english, are you?

How's about a guinness, then,
eh, guv'nor?

How cultured.

Again... No, thank you.

Come on.

This is a beer garden,
not a...Seltzer garden.

She said no, Dennis.

Well, look who's changed
since high school

and talks to me now.

And look who hasn't

and is still
an arrogant douche bag.

You two aren't, like,
together, are you?

If I said yes,
would you go away?

You say yes, I want to see
what else you'll yes to.

You're sick.
Yeah, what do you know?

I run a hospital.

Dr. Casseras?



Hank, you're not still
waiting for your brother?

No, uh, I found him.

Are you okay?

I am, yes.

You're not here to check up on me?

No, uh, I was looking
for Dr. Casseras.

Well, you're a little late.

We've moved to the next step, Hank.

Yeah, I can see that.

Uh, I need to do
an echocardiogram

on a man in a delicate situation.

Delicate how?

And politically.

He's a dissident in hiding
from the government.

You didn't bring him here?

Not officially, I didn't.

No, Hank.
Get him out.

This is Cuba.

Boris, I can't abandon
a patient; the tests...

If he's discovered here,
Marisa will be seen

as complicit.

They could shut this place down

and have her arrested.

If you need to care for him,
care for him elsewhere.

Like where?
Like my home.

Okay, but he needs
an echo machine.

Well, then, take one.
Go out the back.

And if anyone questions you,
direct them to me.

Thank you.

From him and me.

All right.

When was the last time someone
took your core temperature...

Hank, they're taking
excellent care of me.


This way. Yep.

Careful, careful.


Policia. Policia!

Sorry, I need to go back inside.

We can't stay here.

All right, uh, go to the house

where you found me this morning.

I'll meet you there.
There's something wrong?

I hope not.

Can I help you, Dr. Lawson?

Yeah, can I get a core
temperature on a patient

In 104.

The crash team is on its way.

Crash team?

Yes, a code blue
was called a minute ago.


Okay, Boris.
It's okay.


Careful, easy.

What is this?

He's postictal
to a tonic-clonic seizure.

Hypertensive, tachycardic,

tachypneic, and hypothermic.

Dr. Velasquez is in charge here.



Is it an infection?

Could be gram-negative

He's immunocompromised...

Or graft versus host.

Or he could be allergic
to your vector.

At this moment,
it doesn't really matter.

What are you treating him for?


He's not stabilizing, is he?

No...He's not.

No, no, give it a second.
It's an old machine.

It will reboot itself.

That's what Boris needs to do.

Reboot himself.


When you... when you
harvested stem cells,

did you retain the leftover marrow?

I did.

Okay, if we reinfuse
that marrow,

it's full of his own
T-cells, right?

So his system will mount
an immune response.

You've seen that work before?

Well, we're running
out of science.

At this point,
I'm counting on luck.


Ah, you're trying
to bleed me, huh?

Yeah, I understand.

Well, it's sad, you know.

It's sad that I only have
that to play.

That means pass, right?

I think so.


Oh, my god!

Oh, my god!


Wait, wait,
you got to translate

for me for a second, okay?

Um, Coolio...

I have not played this game
in a long time.

So this was very lucky for me.


Did you see his face,
like, drop?

He was like, uh, uh.

Yeah, he, like,
grew another chin.

Man, we blocked
his salida.

I read your genius mind.

Where did you learn to play like that?

Where else?


This is for you.


No, no, no, come on.
I completely insist.

This is a gift from me
to you, okay?

Where I live,
I always have to scramble.

I'm always on the lookout
for the next whale I can land.

Watching you, I realized
that, you know, down here,

I'm the whale, and you had
every right to hook me,


Just don't tell my sister.

Don't tell my brother,
and we're fine.


And blow.

I take it we had a setback.

Yeah, a slight hiccup.

I have ruined your data.

I was far more worried
about you.

No worries with Hank around.

He has a hero complex.

It's not a complex.

It's a neurosis.

So Hank is awol in a country

where we have no diplomatic ties...

And, worse, no cell phone reception.

Are you getting worried?

Only about my sanity.

I can't take another day
with Dr. Peck.

And, for the record,

you and I just went three minutes

before returning to the Hank zone.

I'm sorry.

We'll get better with practice.

And thank you for coming tonight,

even though it's not your scene.

You owe me a concerto.

And a real drink.

You drive a hard bargain, Divya.

- "Dibya"?
- That's her name.

You again?

Once McGillicuddy takes off,

you and me can go back inside

and get to know each other better.

- We're both leaving.
- Oh, come on.

I got dibs on you, Dibya.

Yeah, okay, seriously,
leave her alone.

That's why you could never
hold on to a dude.

Huh, McGillicuddy?

You are the dude.

Okay, now I'm gonna kick
your ass.

Baby, I'm a lover not a fighter.

It's Divya.

Human anatomy.

The kidney band is particularly

vulnerable to impact.

I guess Stella McCartney
was the appropriate choice

for the occasion.

Just so you know,
I totally had him,


Sure you did, McGillicuddy.

- Drive safe.
- You too.


I have some good news.

My heart is okay?

We caught the endocarditis
in time.

Ay, gracias a dios.
So he'll be fine?

With a proper course
of IV antibiotics.

I can get you started right now.

But you'll need a six-week supply.

Is there any pharmacy
that can help you out?

We'll make do.

Thank you for everything, Hank.

Uh, yeah, can I talk to you?

We'll be right back.


Why are you telling me this?

I can see that you're the
decision maker in your family.

You need to know that,
without the right medicine...

Don't you have some extra pills?

Oral antibiotics
won't do the job.

You think everyone needs the best.

Yeah, while you get by
on almost nothing.

I guess...

Opposites attract.

Look, what you're feeling
is gratitude.

No, it's not.

Or it's not simply that.

Still, look, it's not appropriate for me.

As your uncle's doctor...


You wouldn't even let me
call you doctor, Hank.

Look, I'm leaving soon, okay.

I shouldn't have even been here
to start with.

I've lived my whole life

with scarcity and ration cards.

In this country,
when something's on the shelf,

you grab it.


Wait, wait, wait,
why are you here?

Is Boris okay?

He is fine, but this, this is criminal.

The paper said he was dead.

Oh, wait, so the Cuban papers
got something wrong?

She's the doctor you trust?

Let me explain what's going on here.

No, no, no, I can see it for myself.

My hospital equipment
has been stolen

and used to help
an enemy of the state.

Please, Hank,
don't let her turn Marcos in.

Dr. Casseras.

To think I came here
to thank you.

Look, this man...
Boris was just septic.

You think he needs
this kind of trouble right now?

Boris is the one who told me
to bring them here.

No. He isn't that careless.

Sometimes people take risks
they normally wouldn't

to protect someone they care about.

He wouldn't risk
everything he has here

To protect that man.

He didn't.

He risked everything he has here
to protect you.

What is wrong with him?

He's... he's in love.

No, hombre,
with your patient.

Marcos Machado.
What is wrong with him?


No valve damage,

but he needs six weeks
of cefazolin

and gentamicin.

And he won't go to a hospital.

He won't even go to a pharmacy.

No, of course not.

He has to stay in hiding.


If I get you the dr*gs,

he can self-administer?

Yeah, I could put in
a picc line.



Then do it.

All right.

Thank you.

Oh, thank you.

Isn't your chicken
supposed to come with penne?

It did.
It's right here.

No, that's ziti.

Penne's cut on the diagonal.
It holds more sauce.

I spent my junior year
in Florence.

Did you study art

or just pasta shapes?

I know you find me difficult,

abrasive, a bitch maybe.

But if that's how I'm perceived
holding myself and others

up to a higher standard,
then fine.

Standards are important.

Order is important.

Even an order of pasta.

Believe it or not,
I agree with you.

Not so much about the pasta,

but the rest of it anyway.

Well, maybe that explains
the tension between us.

We're not so different
after all.

Oh, god.
Someone help!

I need a doctor!

What's going on?
He got a noodle

stuck up his nose,
and he can't get it out.

I can't breathe!
I can't breathe!

You are breathing.
It's gonna be all right, okay?

Come here. I'm gonna put my
finger on the side of your nose.

Then I'm gonna give you
a little kiss.

And then the noodle's
gonna come out. Okay?


I see you had the penne.

Thank you.
Thank you so much.

Let me give you something, uh,
for your dry cleaning at least.

No worries.
Occupational hazard.

You, young man, are a good kisser.

Keep the noodles out of your nose,

And, one of these days,
you're gonna break some hearts.

Other than the mess,
you did pretty well.

Though I would have given em
a business card.

You didn't move a muscle.

And you broke
through the sound barrier.

They called for a doctor.

It wasn't life-threatening,

and I kept my eye on you.

You get to save the day,
I observe my three-second rule,

Everybody goes home a winner.

The three-second rule?

When someone calls
for a doctor,

You count for three seconds.

If nobody gets up,
then you go in.

Why expose yourself
to a lawsuit

unless absolutely necessary?

Because when I see someone
in need,

I think medically, not legally.

About yesterday, you were wrong.

I'm not one of those women
who don't like other women.

I'm one of those women
who doesn't like you.

Gracias, amigo.

Oh, my god.
Oh, yeah.

Now that's what I'm talking about.

Thank you. It's the perfect
thing to remind me of Cuba.

It's Dominican.
Of course it is.

So, remember, three times a day

for six weeks.

I know it's a pain,
but don't skip any.

Sure. Sure.
Don't worry, doc.

I'll help him.

Yeah, like he helped me
with the engine bolt.

How would I say

"Dominicans are the new Cubans"
in spanish?

So Marcos should be fine.

He should get another echo

to make sure there's no recurrence.

If he can ever, you know,
come back to life.

A lot would have to change
for that day to come.

Well, I hope it does.

You know,
then Cuba wouldn't seem so...

Far away.

Well, for now,

we take what we can get.

I'll miss you.

Push me.
Push, push, push.

- She wants us to push.
- All right.

All right, all right.

I'm looking forward
to continue our dialogue.

Same here.

You still made more progress
with this disease

than any of the doctors
I've found so far.

And if you're ever
in the States, come visit.

We'll steal a dialysis machine
or something.

Thank you, Dr. Lawson.

And have a safe trip home.

Thank you.


131 over 80.

You stabilized quickly.

Flying out shouldn't be a problem.

So I can clear you to leave.

You clear me to stay, Hank?

For a while, perhaps?

I guess that depends
on the reason.

It's not medical.

- Then yeah.
- Yeah, I think I can clear that.


All right, come on.
We're done. Let's go.

To Cuba.

To Canadians.

To private jets.

To dominoes.
Yes, to dominoes.


Sounds like Cubans play a wild game.

Mom wouldn't even recognize it.

Like, it's crazy.

I was jealous of you,

spending so much time
with her.


Yeah, you could make her laugh.

You know?

Even at the end.

That's all I did, though.

You were holding the family

You had the harder job.

I couldn't do it.

So thanks.

I should have said that before.

Thank you.

We should really travel
together more often.


Gentlemen, may I offer you cigars?

Are they really Cuban?

They belong to Boris.

Not anymore, they don't.


You can't keep those.

I had to reschedule
all non-emergent retainers.

That means a heavy week,

but I am confident

That we can handle
the extra hours

now that we have all hands
back on deck.

The lady said hands, not feet.


Sorry, I was focused on my cigar.

Nice draw on this bad boy, huh?

Are you getting the malty finish?

You gentlemen aren't keen
to address the schedule I see.

Mañana, Divya,

Fire up that little number.

Embrace the life you have.

I am embracing a return

to business as usual.

I missed you guys.

I even missed staff meetings.


Not bad.


Almost salty.
Very tasty.

I'm thinking next time we get
kidnapped to a tropical island,

and then we get kidnapped
on that tropical island,

that we bring this one along.

This one?

I'm sorry to interrupt.

Dr. Peck.


Uh, this is Evan Lawson.

Hi, Evan R. Lawson.

- CFO of HankMed.
- Yeah.

The financial mastermind
of the operation.

And this is doctor...

- Hank Lawson.
- Yes, we've met.

Yeah, we have.

You're the Dr. Peck
who made me dispensable.

Divya was a huge help.

So what are you doing here?

Did you forget something?

No, I'm just dropping off my notes.

Divya mentioned that you like
to write your own up.

And I must say
I found it very useful.

- Oh, good.
- Good.

Well, you didn't need
to make a special visit.

Well, we were just wrapping up
our staff meeting.

If you would care to join us
in the smoking section.

- Yeah.
- Is this a meeting of the staff

or a meeting of the five families?

Actually, I really wanted

to thank you for the opportunity.

Oh, no, no, no.
Boris is the one to thank.

He is, actually.

No, we should be thanking you

for being such a good ambassador
for the HankMed brand.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

And a valuable brand it is.

The whole weekend
was very educational.

- Sure was.
- It was nice to meet you.

Oh, my pleasure.

- And to see you.
- Yeah, nice to see you too.

You know what, why don't
you leave us your number?

That way if we get abducted again,

we can give you a call.

Yeah, that's a good idea.

I actually have it.

No, it's a new number.
It's local.

I got it this morning,

So I'll text it to you.

A local number?

Are you sticking around?

I am. I'm setting up
my own concierge practice here.

The Hamptons is big enough

for the both of us,
don't you think, Hank?
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