02x12 - Open Up Your Yenta Mouth and Say Ah

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Royal Pains". Aired: June 4, 2009 – July 6, 2016.*
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Series follows Hank Lawson, an unfairly discredited but brilliant diagnostic surgeon who winds up moving to the Hamptons with his brother as he works as a concierge to the uber rich and ultra elite.
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02x12 - Open Up Your Yenta Mouth and Say Ah

Post by bunniefuu »

HANK: Previously on Royal Pains.

Marisa has diagnosed me, Hank.

HANK: You convinced Marisa to defect?

She's coming to live here at Shadow Pond.

ls everything okay? Marisa has been arrested.


ln Cuba?

Would you be willing to be my faux beau?

My pretend boyfriend?

l don't want your money.

Can you have dinner with me next Saturday?

No. l'm off your payroll.

l don't want to pay you.

l want to have dinner with you.

JlLL: I thought Raj was in Seattle.

He stopped off to see me on his way back to London.

Sounds like things are going well.

They are.

JlLL: That's the guy who donated his kidney to his housekeeper?

You just didn't mention that he's kind of hot.

Divya, that ring on your finger...

l'm engaged.

HANK: I went to Dad's house the other day,

and I found a Shadow Pond letterhead.

l'm Eddie R. Lawson.

l know exactly who you are.

EVAN: What the hell?


Yeah, this is Hank.

Yeah, l'll be there.



Hey, what's up? Oh, l need your help, Hank.

Yeah, l'd agree.

You look exhausted and depleted.

Thank you.

Maybe we should do a work-up,

make sure there's no change in your status.

lt has nothing to do with my status

and a great deal to do with the fact

that l haven't slept for a number of days.

Yeah, that would do it, too.

And l can't foresee a respite coming anytime soon.

l have to leave for an important meeting.


l need something to, um...

Sustain me.

Like what?

Like dextroamphetamine, perhaps.

Well, that sounds like an informed choice,

so l'll assume you're aware of the possible side effects?

Such as what, Hank?

Stroke, cardiomyopathy, hypertensive crisis, what?

All unlikely, yes,

but ill-advised risks for a guy trying to keep

a serious genetic disease at bay.

Look, how about we start with a banana bag?

lV fluids with the vitamins and minerals you need to replenish.

l don't have time to sit for an lV.

Well, l can hang it on a coat hook in your car, then.

l'm not driving.



What are you doing here?

l come here every morning.

Right, yes. l forgot. Wow.

lt's a beautiful day, huh?

lt's really nice.

You know, l miss this,

just hanging out together, you and me,

me and you.

(SlGHlNG) Okay.

l'm ambushing you so that we can talk about Boris.

What about him?

Well, he's pissed at me because l used his name with Dr. Blair.

You know how he is about privacy.

He seemed like he was worried

about more than just his privacy.

Well, he does have a lot on his plate right now.

Oh! Whoa! Whoa! Okay!

Oh, my God! Uh, hello.

Oh, l am sorry. And thank you. (HANK CHUCKLlNG)

And, really, l am sorry. Are you...

Oh. Ooh, ooh, ooh.

Uh, here, have a seat.

ls it your ankle?

Uh, yeah. First, l was walking,

and then, suddenly, l was flying,

and l have no idea what went wrong in between.

l'm A.J.

l'm Jill, and this is Hank.

He's a single doctor,

so he's used to beautiful women just falling in his lap.

Well, l guess l have good aim.

Uh, Jill, can you grab me some granola bags,

cardboard sleeves, tape, and, uh, another muffin, please?

Sure. Thank you.


Do you think you can stand and walk?

Yeah, although that's what l thought the last time l tried.

Well, maybe try using a bit more of the ground this time.

You mean barefoot?

These floors are barely clean enough for my shoes.

l think the risk of infection is minimal.

Can you take four steps there, A.J.?

Come here.

Ooh. Oh!

All right, have a seat. Okay, yeah.

Looks like a sprain, no fracture.

Thank you.

You should get a real Aircast, but this will do for now.

There we go. That should do it.

l am beyond impressed.

lf it swells up or becomes painful

or you need a fruity topping, call me.

Oh, Hank of HankMed. Of course. You've...

You have built quite a buzz for yourself out here this summer.

Oh, well... Everything you've heard is true.

Oh, you know what? l got to run,

limp, to a gallery opening in Sag Harbor.

Thank you. And, um, l'm gonna put a check in the mail

for the exam and, uh, the muffin.

(LAUGHlNG) That's really not necessary.


Well, well, well.

We are so happy you're both here.

For our very special announcement.


Ms. Newberg and l are moving in together.

We're cohabitating. Taking it up a notch.


lsn't it fabulous?

Yeah, it's... it's definitely shocking.

He means surprising...

You know, uh, pleasantly surprising.

lt's pleasantly surprisingly shocking.


You all right, Dad? Dad, you all right?

What's going on? Just breathe.

l have a lump in my throat.

Oh, my God, he's choking!

He's definitely not choking. l can hear my heart beating.

Okay, just... Uh, sorry, l need that.

Dad, Dad, just breathe.

ln and out of this bag. Right there.

That's it.

He's not having a heart attack, right?

l feel better already. Okay, it could just be anxiety.

lf the truth be told,

l'm a little anxious about the cohabitating thing,

because l haven't lived with anybody since your Mom.

(SlGHS) l hope you understand, Shmoopy.

Of course l do.

But we both know you have another source of stress.

He's been burning the candle at both ends,

trying to launch BlueSky.

Oh, he's been sweating and restless.

l've never seen my dad sweat a drop in his whole life.

Okay, look, it was probably a panic attack.

l'll give you some baby aspirin, just in case.

lf the chest pain returns, you need to call me immediately.

Will do, Kiddo.

Okay, and l want to do a stress test today.

Today. Today. You know what?

Um, what l really need is some, um, fresh air.

Okay, let's go outside. Thank you.

HANK: We'll be right back.

Divya, it's good to see you again.

Yes, you too.

How is Tali? ls she okay?

l didn't call you for Tali.

l called you for myself.

l mean. (STAMMERS)

l'm not feeling too hot.

Can you describe what you're experiencing?

Chronic fatigue and decreased urine output.

Good description.

Uh, maybe l'm overreacting,

But everyone says l should be vigilant.

Well, they're right. You should.

Since l only have half as many kidneys

as the average guy. (LAUGHS)

Well, let's be thorough in determining what,

if anything, is going on.

Wow. So l call, and you show up.

lt really works just like that.

Give or take a few minutes, yeah.

l bet you see a lot of celebrities.

l wouldn't say a lot.

How many would you say? l wouldn't say.


So should l, uh... Should l have a look at that ankle?

Oh, l didn't call you about my ankle.

Oh, is something else wrong?

Um, well, you know, l just feel generally like poop.

Oh. Could it be from my ankle sprain?

Uh, l doubt that,

but l'd need you to be a touch more specific than ''poop.''

l feel spacey, uh,

achy, nauseated. Hmm.

l've had this once or twice before.

My late husband used to treat it with a blanket and a hot cup of tea.

Hmm. Was he a doctor?


Just a gentleman.

Could you perchance direct me

to the nearest linen closet and the kitchen, miss?


l have a confession to make.

Uh, that's outside my scope of practice.

(LAUGHS) l Googled you before you came over.

And what were you looking for?

Your story.

Where are you from? What brought you to the Hamptons?

Just relax that arm.

How is it that you're cute, and you're a doctor, and you're still single?


And is it true you live on Boris Kuester Ratenicz's estate?

lt's actually Boris Kuester von Jurgens-Ratenicz.

Oh, right. Yeah.

l heard he has his own fleet of Formula One race cars,

and that he dated Angelina Jolie once.

Hmm. Possibly twice.


And l heard he has a ridiculous hacienda in Cuba.

Well, this is the Hamptons.

People love to talk.

(SlGHS) Not everyone, l guess.

Hi. You've reached Eddie R. Lawson, CEO of BlueSky.

Please leave a message. Thanks a lot.

Dad, you can run from this stress test, but you can't hide.

l will find you.


He's being elusive for a change.

Ev, what's up?

l saw dad the other night in a parking lot with some dude.

lt was, like, some shady-looking dude.

l don't know. lt looked like some kind of a meeting, or something.

You were following him?

l don't care for that term.

Sorry to offend your sensibilities.

Then l saw the same dude again at brunch.

The same guy.

Remember when dad freaked out?

The guy was sitting right across from him.

l don't like it. l don't like it at all.

All right, well, we'll go to Newberg's tomorrow, do the stress test,

and if he's not in a fragile state, we'll talk to him.

l like it. l like it a lot.

Please stop talking like that.

Stop talking like that now.

PAlGE: So it was my family and all my friends,

and then the entire wait staff came in to sing me happy birthday.

So that's how it became my favorite restaurant in town.

Yeah. Yeah. Completely.

Also, l'm pregnant.

With triplets.


lt's going to be tough on me in a maximum security prison.

Don't you think? Mmm-hmm.

Yeah, l agree, 1,000%.

Evan. You've been distracted all night.

l have?

You poured creamer on your cheesecake.

l... Yeah.

And then you tried to pay using your Triple A card.


l don't know. l guess l have a lot on my mind.

Can l ask you something?

Yeah, of course you can. Anything you want.

How come l wasn't invited to your family brunch?

Because when my family was in town,

you came along for every activity.

Well, that's because you paid me to.

Does your dad think l'm too rich?

No. No. My dad would not hold that against you. No.

So why can't l get to know Eddie?


Because l need to get to know him first.

Yeah, l have no idea what that means,

but if you want to tell me, l'd love to listen.


Let me help you through this.

Sounds like a plan.

And l promise l will come visit you and the triplets in prison.


(SlGHS) What's wrong with her?

She just said she's feeling worse.

What's going on with Adam?

lt's a little vague there, as well.


Lethargy, um, joint pain, and a loss of appetite.

What did you get?

CBC, indices, and a CMP.





Step back.

What were you doing before we came?

Um, l was sitting, reading a magazine.

What happened when you stood up?

l got dizzy, and then dizzier.

Orthostatic hypotension.

What's that?

lt's a sudden drop in blood pressure when you stand up.

Yeah, which causes syncope, a fainting episode.

Are you having headaches?

Yes. Yes, and l see flashing lights

right before the headaches begin.

Uh-huh. They're called auras.

So does that mean l can never sit down again?

Or never stand up again? (CHUCKLES)

Her temp and BP are normal.

HANK: And so was her blood work.

A.J., open your mouth for me.

Saliva present in the mucosa.

Lips aren't cracked or dry.

Capillary refill less than two seconds.

DlVYA: Her volume isn't contracted,

but l'll get her some water, anyway.

l'm sorry about the window.

Oh, that's okay. l'm enjoying the breeze.

So what's wrong with me, Hank?

Honestly, l don't know.

l don't see anything diagnostically,

but the symptoms you describe concern me.

l want you to get an MRl.


l like the Pollock you have hanging on the wall out there.

My husband was into the Hamptons art scene.

So you have your own MRl machine?

Must be nice to work for a guy who owns his own private bank.

No, no. We don't own an MRl. lt's at the hospital.


You know, l'm not a big fan of hospitals.

l much prefer you.

We can make sure that your experience there

is as smooth as possible.

Oh. Because of Hank's on-again-off-again summer fling with Jill Casey?

Oh, you know Jill Casey?

No, no, but l read about her and Hank online.

Yeah, A.J. Googled me. l am sure she'll Google you, too,

as soon as we leave here.

Well, l'm not a very satisfying Googlee.

Although, my fianc? and l are registered on weddingchannel.com,

if you'd like to buy us a toaster.

(LAUGHS) And by the way, you do know Jill Casey.

You met her when you met me.

Oh, of course that was Jill.

So how's her clinic doing?

Word is she has a very wealthy white knight.

No comment.

On which part? Take your pick.

(LAUGHS) You know, l have to say, Hank,

l find your coyness rather adorable.

See you, A.J.

Well, she's quite the gossip queen, isn't she?

Where l come from, they'd call her a yenta mouth.

Yenta mouth. Mmm-hmm.

Oh, l like it.

l think she wants you to give her some mouth-to-yenta-mouth.

Oh, really? Uh-huh.

First of all, not quite the right usage.

Second, she became a widow at a young age.

l think... l think she's just lonely.

Perhaps she should spend some of her alone time

studying her late husband's artwork.

Her Pollock was hanging upside down.

How many people can tell if a Pollock is right side up?


Oh, Adam's blood work.

His potassium is high-normal.

Which isn't a problem as long as his kidney's functioning normally.

l better get a renal ultrasound right away.

Okay, you want me to come with you?

No. No, l can handle it myself.

Okay. l'll see you later.

What the hell do you think you're doing?

We need to talk.

Here? Now?

lt's been a month. Your debt's still outstanding.

That envelope you gave me didn't quite cover it.

You know, l am this close. l can taste it.

You know, the only thing l see you tasting is gourmet sandwiches.

Smoked ham and brie with apricot relish, right?

Same sandwich you had here with your younger son.

Evan R. Lawson.

The CFO of HankMed. Right?

Okay, now, you listen to me.

We'll be in touch, Eddie.

You just stay right where you are.


Your hands are quite swollen.

You probably say that to all your male patients.

Edema is not a joke, Adam.



So what are you looking for?

Well, a few different possibilities.

You are moderately hyperkalemic,

which means that your potassium is high.

Learn a new word every day.

l learned a new word myself today.

Lie back. Oh, yeah?

Mmm-hmm. Was it a big one?

No. But a good one.


Yenta mouth.


That is a good one.



My heart is racing.



And my chest is hurting. l'm...

l need you to lift your legs up, Adam.

You're going to be okay.


1 16 Mayfield Avenue in Water Mill.

l have a kidney donor in acute VT. Please hurry.

You mentioned that you contracted malaria.

ln Afghanistan.

But the doctors medicated it, and it subsided.

Well, what you have now is called

membranous glomerulonephritis.

All the catchy names were taken?

Did the transplant cause it?

No. But having one kidney does complicate the matter.

The decision to donate was so simple.

l never paid too much attention to the fine print.

lt's likely that the malaria clogged your kidney's filtration system.

That's why the potassium was accumulating in your blood,

which irritated your heart,

and led to that severe arrhythmia in your backyard.

You sure we weren't just having a moment?

Could it happen again?

You'll need some dietary adjustments,

and a drug called Kayexalate.


For how long?

Well, it depends on how you recover.


How am l going to recover?

Well, this condition follows the rule of threes.

One-third of patients experience spontaneous remission.

One-third of patients end up with impaired but stable kidney function.

And the other third?

Progressive disease. Renal failure.

But rules are made to be broken.

So l guess we'll need to see more of each other,

as we find out which third l'm destined to fall into.

l need to check in with your nephrologist.


Hi. l'm A.J.

Hey. Evan R. Lawson, CFO of HankMed.

l have an appointment with Hank.

Oh. You do? Okay. Great.

Maybe he forgot to put it in. Again.

Um, have a seat.

Yeah. He should be back soon.

So... CFO.

That means the money guy.

l prefer fiscal gentleman.

But, uh, yeah, l'm the money guy.

And the R? What does that stand for?

The R? l inherited that. lt's from my dad,

Eddie R. Lawson.

Get out of here. l inherited my dad's initials, too.

Really? Mmm-hmm.

Aaron Jeffrey Peters.

He was a good man.


Are you and your dad close?

l barely know him.

l'm trying to change that. He's, like, not making it very easy.

He's dodging questions and keeping secrets, and just stuff like that.

lt sounds like we come from similar men.

Whenever my dad needed help with stuff,

he didn't trust me enough to ask for it.

Totally. That's totally what he does.

Hank. Can't talk right now.

Dr. Lawson.

Your patient.

Hi, Hank.

A.J. Uh, what are you... Why are you here?

You were supposed to go to the hospital.

Oh, l am such an idiot.

You said the MRl was at Hamptons Heritage.

You didn't have another syncopal episode, did you?

No. No, l'm fine. Just a little harried today, that's all.

Evan, it was so nice to meet you.

You, too.

Bye. Bye.

Dude, who was that?

l've got to run.



Her incarceration was taxing.

ln Cuba? Yeah, l'd imagine.

Check her for everything, all right?

lnfection, injury... Mi corazon.

We are both doctors. We know what to look for.


So your prison stay may have caused endocrine problems.

l'm sure there are vitamin and other nutritional deficiencies.

We should do a work-up.

l agree,

but a standard work-up is not what l need first.

So five weeks LMP?


There's the gestational sac.

Yeah, everything looks good to me.



l haven't exactly been taking my prenatal vitamins.


Well, now l see why Boris was so anxious.

Uh, actually...

l assume this exam is protected by the doctor-patient privilege.

Boris doesn't know he's going to be a father?


So the good news is you passed the stress test, yesterday.

Well, that's wonderful.

Yeah. But your total cholesterol is 200.

That's high? Yeah. Higher than it should be.

So what does that mean?

One of two things. Either you modify your diet and start to exercise,

or l put you on cholesterol medication.

Can l think about it?

Wrong answer.

EVAN: Also, Hank, would it help

if he avoided stressful situations from now on?

Yeah. Sure, it would. Yep.

Stressful situations?

Kind of like the one l saw you in the other night.


With some dude in a hat?

That was an investor who backed out.

He backed out in a deserted parking lot?

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

Are you following me?

Uh, Evan doesn't particularly care for that term.

l don't believe this.

Dad, Dad. Spare us the moral outrage. Okay?

Yeah. Can you just tell us who he is?

Well, l was trying to protect you from knowing all this,

but l guess that ship has sailed.

Knowing all of what?

About the money that l invested for you.

The money you stole from us.

Look, l wanted to pay you both back

as soon as l got here to the Hamptons.

l just don't have that kind of cash on hand.


So make a long story short,

l'm in debt to some unappealing characters

who want to be paid back now.

What did you get yourself into, Dad?

l just didn't want to let you both down.

So you thought we cared about having the money, but not the truth.

Hank, Evan, look at me. Please.

l am so sorry. l really, really am.

These people... Would they hurt you?

NEWBERG: Sex on the Beach?

Am l interrupting something?

No, no, no. Just your shmoopy here has to lay off the booze

until his triglycerides comes down.

Oh, of course. Eddie, come with me into the kitchen.

l'll make you a virgin.

l'm beginning to think that you were right all along.

How so?

l just heard his side of the story.

l have no idea whether to believe him or not.

You know, actually, this time felt different.

How so?

l don't know. He came clean. You know?

He knew we wouldn't like it, but he told us, anyway.

This is coming from the guy

who swore he would never forgive him.

This isn't about forgiving him.

lt's about accepting him.

How has my ADD been today?

Manageable. Yeah. What's your secret?

We finally talked to my dad last night.

How did it go?

Good. He was honest. That's a start.

Yeah. l'm just hoping if he needs help with something,

he trusts us enough to ask for it.


And l hope you would trust me enough.

What is that?

Open it.


lt's a check.

Even if we were splitting this bill,

this would be more than your half.

lf we were buying the country club,

this would be more than your half. What the hell is this?

l want to invest in BlueSky.

l believe in BlueSky.

Go BlueSky!

l want to solve your problem

by solving your dad's problem.


This isn't one of those problems

that can be solved by throwing money at it.

Plus, l don't want our relationship

to be a series of financial transactions.

My dad will be fine. lt's...

But thank you.

Well, should we just buy the country club, then?

l love the fact that l can't tell if you're kidding or not.


So l'm hanging out with my dad later.

You want to join us?

A.J. hasn't called back to confirm her appointment.

Really? Something is not adding up with this woman.

Maybe she's just feeling better.

Maybe she's gotten over her crush.

(LAUGHS) She doesn't have a crush on me.

l'm inclined to agree with Hank on that.

Hi, Dieter.

Bye, Dieter.

What is it?

lt's Boris,

requesting the pleasure of our company. 6:00 p.m.

That's all it says.

Did you say ''our''?

Yes. But he also said ''pleasure''. How odd.

(LAUGHS) lt is addressed to us both.

A dinner party at the manor house?

l've just been called up to the majors, baby.

lt doesn't say dinner party.

What's the occasion? lt doesn't say.

Well, of course it's a dinner party.

What else would it be, a swap meet?

What's the dress code?

lt... Black tie.

Black tie. Of course it's black tie. That was a stupid question.

lt's Boris. Um, okay. So a three-piece with cummerbund.

No, a cummerbund is too old-school.

l'm going to have to, uh...


Hey. ls everything okay?


lt's just...


When Adam went into V-tach, l got pretty upset.

Well, that can be a scary thing to see.

But you handled it like a pro. As always.


Whoa! Holy crap.

Paige! That was a great shot.

l'm telling you, Eddie,

turn your stance a little to the left of the fairway when you tee off.

Mmm-hmm. All right?

You'll conquer your slice,

just like l conquered mine.


l really like her, Evan.

Yeah? Mmm-hmm.

Me, too.

We have to do this more often. All of us.

Sorry it can only be nine today.

That's all right. What, do you have plans with Paige?

Plans with Boris. 6:00 p.m., sharp.

Wow. l thought he was out of town.

No, he's back. And he summoned me.

So you think A.J. will actually donate?

When l saw her at the hospital yesterday,

she seemed sincere about giving money to the clinic.

But l'm surprised she wasn't on any of my target donor lists.

She must be new to the Hamptons.

No, she said she's been coming out here for years.

Since she inherited that house from her dad.


So weird.

lt is weird.

Anyway, she sure seemed interested in you.

(LAUGHS) You sound like Divya.

She wouldn't stop asking about you.

She's a yenta mouth.

(LAUGHS) Wow. Okay, l love that word.

Uh, technically, it's two words.

Yenta mouth. But who's counting?

Well, not A.J. She's too busy falling all over you.

l miss this. Just hanging out together, you and me.

And this time, l really do mean it.

Jill... No, l know. l'm sorry.

l know you're seeing Emily. l just meant that...

No, no, no, no. l think that A.J. inherited

more than just a house from her dad.

l think she has a fainting disorder called familial vasovagal syncope,

so when she sprained her ankle, she didn't just trip.

She started to faint. Yeah.

Well, my car's out front. Let's go.



You're over this place already?

Oh, we'll be back for Christmas. The kids love the pool.


Well, your numbers look great.

l can't take all the credit.

Well, Hank will follow up in two days.

Hank? You're staffing me out?

Hardly. He's my boss.

l'd prefer continuity of care.

But, thank you for saving my life.

You are welcome.



No one locks their doors in the Hamptons.

Yeah, l understand. Okay.

Thanks, John. l really appreciate it. l will talk to you soon.


(EXHALES) l'm ready.

For Boris or for prom?

Fashion is the vocabulary of kings.

Then you are wearing some very big words.

Thank you. Who was that on the phone?

Uh, Jill's friend, John, the cop.

He said it's too soon to file a missing persons report on A.J.,

so he's looking into it.

Hey, boys.

Oh. Hey, Dad.

What are you doing here?

l was wondering if you wouldn't mind

if l tagged along for your meeting with Boris.

Oh. l really don't think that's wise.

Dad, why would you want to come?

To pitch him BlueSky.

He's done enough for us. Let's not get greedy. Okay?

Maybe down the road.

Why don't you just go to Newberg?

No. l care for her. l don't want our relationship

to be a series of financial transactions.

All right, look. You boys don't understand. l really need this.

Boris could be the answer to all my problems.

He could be the big whale that drives the wolves from my doorstep.

l'm asking. l need this. Please.

l... Yeah. Just give us one sec. One second.

You... No.

Though l'm confused by his mixing of surf and turf metaphors,

l'm sympathetic to his plight. l am.

When we first got out here, we were in a very similar rut.

Yeah, and Boris helped us out of it.

And maybe he could help dad out of his.

Yeah, or maybe he'd resent us taking advantage.

(SlGHS) lt's a risk l'm willing to take.

And l've been fantasizing about this meeting all day, Henry.

Dad needs our help, right?

He's trusting us enough to actually ask for it.


Okay. l will call and see if it's okay.

Thank you, Evan.


You're not as surprised as l was.

l still can't believe that it happened.

lt was just a kiss, Divya.

lt wasn't just a kiss.

lt was the connection that Raj and l have never had,

but that's not Raj's fault,

and he didn't deserve what l just did.

What you did took strength.

What l did showed weakness.

l guess it just depends on what you decide to do next.

l have no idea whatsoever what's next.

Well, when you look in front of you, who do you see?

Well, that's a loaded question.

We're staring straight at London.

EVAN: So Boris was just cool with it?

He said he could think of nothing more appropriate

than the whole family attending.

Thank you for coming, gentlemen.

Thank you for having us.

Yeah. All of us.

Thank you.

Boris, l know that we got off to a rocky start.

Let me tell you why l'm here.

l believe l know exactly why you're here, Mr. Lawson,

and l assure you, you'll have your day in court,

but allow me to initiate.


Gentlemen, it's come to my attention that your father is a criminal.

And a liar.

As a result of various financial schemes,

he recently attracted the attention

of the Securities and Exchange Commission.

He was prosecuted and convicted.

ln an attempt to win a reduced sentence,

he became a confidential informant.

Against me.

Spying on my affairs, my travels, my home.

Stealing my personal possessions

and delivering them to his handler.

That's who that dude was? That dude...

That guy was a federal agent?

To ensure he acted alone,

and not with the help of his two sons living on my property,

l conducted my own investigation.

Thank you.

Thank you, Catherine.

According to the evidence that has been accumulated,

it appears that you two have nothing to explain.


But now, Mr. Lawson, as promised, you have the floor.

What is it you wanted to say, exactly?




l can't breathe.

ls it anxiety again?

Actually, l think he's having a heart attack.
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