04x04 - Dawn of the Med

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Royal Pains". Aired: June 4, 2009 – July 6, 2016.*
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Series follows Hank Lawson, an unfairly discredited but brilliant diagnostic surgeon who winds up moving to the Hamptons with his brother as he works as a concierge to the uber rich and ultra elite.
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04x04 - Dawn of the Med

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on Royal Pains...

Evan and I have reached an impasse

in our differences over Hankmed.

- Hank quit.
- It's not that simple.

But not to worry, I'm gonna
keep Hankmed running.

Gentlemen, welcome to Hankmed...2.0.

I want us to have a relationship

like we used to.

Your father wouldn't
understand... he'd be furious.

He wouldn't have to know.

I have decided that I am going
to work for both of you.

- That's not a choice!
- That's not a choice!

Sorry to disturb you,
but your sons need you.

We all need you.


You're letting it beat the barrel.

Lead it more, Hank. Pull!

- Nice.
- It clears the mind.

You have a lot on your mind?

Marisa insisted we inspect for mold

for Carlos's sake.

Apparently, ventilation work
begins at dawn.

That's a lot of ventilating.

Yeah, a minor project
compared to something called...

Uh, babyproofing... everything.

It's mad.

Where's Costello?

Your sidekick, the funny one.

My invitation was to you both.

Evan's pretty busy these days.

I don't see much of him.

Nothing I need concern
myself with, I trust.

Nope, we're good. Pull!


That felt better.

As opposed to life itself, Hank,

skeet sh**ting affords us the opportunity

to anticipate our targets.


It's called Life?

L.I.F.E... Life is for enjoying.

I didn't know that you were a writer.

Neither did I.

I just started a self-help blog in prison.

Wow, are there a lot
of lost souls in there!

It turns out the my message
has broad appeal.

And, Eddie, I wish you luck with it.

But if we could get back
to the crisis at hand...

No, the book is for the boys.

I realized that all the guidance

I was giving to everybody else

was in preparation
for those I love the most.

Your book is going to resurrect Hankmed?

Hankmed, no Hankmed, it doesn't matter.

I just want the boys to be happy.

I'm really worried that...

Excuse me, you are way more than worried.

You are distraught.

You know that a person
cannot help another person enjoy

unless they are in joy themselves?

It's chapter six.

When was the last time you had a day off?

Oh, I mean, I've been
too scared to leave them alone.

Mm-hmm. All right,
look at me... listen to me.

You take the day off, I will handle this.

- How does that sound?
- Like a godsend.

But I hope that...

Hope? Did I hear the word "hope"?

Already you're better. You see that?

You keep things in a positive perspective,

they just fall right into place.

Always do.

Well, look at that. Right on cue.

See? The boys will love this!

Yeah, yeah, I get that you don't cover

elective procedures,

but my patient didn't elect
to herniate a disc.

But Van d*ke ordered kenalog.
What do you want...

- Oh, hold on one second.
- No...

Yo, Van d*ke. So Jeremiah now says that

indometha-something is better.

No, an MRI is not cosmetic...

he says... he says the patient
has a history of peptic ulcers.

Which, actually, is what I'm gonna have...

- Hi, Evan.
- Hi, Hank.

Let me call you back.

- What?
- Dad. Hey...

Ah, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh. Come here.

- Duh, duh, duh.
- Dad...

Come here. We're huggin'.

- Okay. Dad?
- Yes?

What are you doing here?

Well, I had some business in the city,

and I thought I would
swing by and see my boys.

- Florida agrees with you.
- Yeah. And grandpa...

He never agrees with me,
but that's his way.

How about you?

- Anything new?
- Uh...

Well, uh, dad, we need
to catch up on some things.


You should sit down, dad.


Um, first of all, we love you.

And we want you to know that

Evan and I will always be family.

But in our business, there have been

- some ups and downs.
- Hank quit.

We agreed to go our separate ways.

And nobody picked up a phone.

I... guess nobody wanted to disappoint you.

How could I be disappointed
if you're happy?

Are you? Are you happy?

Yeah, I am.

Oh, yeah.

- Oh, that's great.
- That's great.

Because I think we can have a lot of fun.

Remember in the old days

when we used to sneak into
those double features,

huh, that mom labeled, what, "too scary"?

I do, but I don't have time
for the movies, dad.

I'll text you about lunch.

All right, I understand. Go save lives.

So how about my little one? Huh?

Icees and popcorn on me.

"Little one," really?

Dad, no, I'm booked. Come on.

Well, play hooky.

You were always good at playing hooky.

- Do I look dressed for hooky?
- No.

Today I sign the Blackstone as a retainer.

- The Blackstone, dad.
- I'm so proud of you.

All right. Have a good time.

All right. I'll call you later.

I don't know what's happening to him.

Somebody help. Call 911.

I'm a doctor. Excuse me. What happened?

- Help him.
- Is this blood fake?

Yes, but he's really choking on it.

He can't breathe, give him room, please.

Royal Pains 4x04 - Dawn Of The Med
Original air date June 27, 2012

It's not solid enough
for me to dislodge it.

What's this fake blood made of?

He was trying a new recipe...

peanut butter, molasses, food coloring.

I need to create some suction
to get it out of there.

Uh... hey!

I'm a doctor. I got a guy choking.

I need your backpack.

- Thank you.
- Yeah, okay. Sure.

Guy choking. I'm a doctor.
Sorry. Thank you.

Anybody got chewing gum?
I need some chewing gum.

- Over here!
- Great.


All right, here we go.

Are you okay?

All right, he's okay. He's okay.

Thank you so much, doctor...

Lawson. But you can call me Hank.

How can we repay you?

By continuing to breathe, and coming up

with a lower-viscosity blood recipe.

Here, let's see if you can stand up.

You okay? All right, here,

let's just have a seat over here.

There... okay.

Aren't you guys kinda early for Halloween?

We're promoting a zombie race for charity.

- Uh, what now?
- Um...

"Zombies in the Hamptons."

Each of our races
is customized to its locale.

And this one's totally couture.

It gives people an excuse

to destroy last year's fashions.

Well, uh, good luck with that.

And if you need anything, here you go.

I know you're already dead,
but just in case.

- You okay?
- I'm fine.

Paige, speaking of dads,

guess who showed up from Florida.

- No, don't tell me.
- Yep, unannounced.

"Hello, boys." Just showed up.

- Did that bother you?
- No, I'm happy.

It's just he and Hank sometimes treat me

like a lost puppy...

which I'm not... at all.

Uh, I'm meeting Sidney Bartlett
at the Blackstone,

- for Pete's sake.
- Great!

I'm a responsible adult, uh, mostly.

So literally, as I'm talking...
hello? Hello?


No reply to my text.

His phone goes right to voicemail.

- Hank, he's busy.
- Yeah, or he's ignoring me.

Oh. Are you sure you don't have time

for a quick double feature?

A double feat... dad,

a double feature's, like,
four hours of movies.

George Romero's classics fly by. Come on.

George Romero... that must be
a tie-in with the race.

You mean the one
with the zombies chasing you?

- I saw that flyer.
- Yeah. Yeah.

We should do it.

- The race?
- Yes.

Oh, you're gonna run a 5K?

No, I'll be a zombie... a slow one.

But remember that Halloween

when we all dressed up
as our favorite monsters?

Oh, yeah, yeah. You were Frankenstein,

- mom was your bride.
- Right.

I was the Wolfman, and Evan was

a ninja pirate zombie robot.

Shouldn't I sign us up?

Uh... no.

- It'll be fun.
- No.

What were you saying about you
turned some blog into a book?

- Oh, yeah, yeah, my blog.
- Oh.

- I sent you the link.
- Yeah, yeah, right.

- Of course. Okay.
- So that's why I'm here.

- I'm going to meet publishers.
- Great. That's great.

- Thank you.
- Yeah.

So before I do that,
I want you boys to read it.

Notice I marked the chapter
all about when you were young.

- Mm-hmm.
- Okay?

So that there are no surprises.

I gave Evan his this morning,
and this one is for you.

Thank you. I will take a look.




Anybody home?


Come out, come out,

wherever you are.

Good boy.

Sit. Ni-nice doggy.

Oh, my God, you have a wooden leg.

His name is Petri.

Looking for monsters?

No, uh...

No, just a phone. I ran out of gas, so...

Sure you did.

Go on, then, if you don't mind
spooks listening in.

Or I could try neighbors too, you know.

You have any neighbors?

Well, we did, but they're dead.

Maybe I should just go.

I... I think I'm gonna go.
I'm just gonna go.

Thanks a lot, though.

- Oh! Oh...
- No, no, no!

I'm so sor... are you all right?

- I'm fine, yeah.
- I didn't see you.

Not the first time I've heard that.

Look what you did! Are you okay, Nelly?

I'm fine, grandpa.

But are you okay?

You look like you've seen a ghost.

- No, I...
- Oh, no.

Oh, grandpa, did you scare him?

He's a trespasser.

- Well, nice to meet you.
- I'm so sorry.

He's not great with strangers.

Not that you're strange.

I'm Nell Bulczynski, by the way.

Hi. Evan R. Lawson.
Oh, my God, you're bleeding.

Oh, you know, it's fine.

I've had worse collecting cactus bugs.

Well, no, that looks pretty deep to me,

I can have a doctor out here
to look at that.

I run a concierge physician business.

- Oh, really?
- Yeah.

I think I'm okay, but, um,

could you really get a doctor out here?

I'm worried about my grandpa.

He... doesn't seem like himself to me.

I mean, did he seem a little weird to you?

A little weird? No.
Definitely not a little weird.

Um, I'll make a call.

- Oh, thank you.
- Sure. Yeah.


Mom? Mom, wha...

what are you doing on my street?

Hoping for a secret visit,
as you suggested.

Only you never take a day off.

How do you know that
I never take a day off?

You're never home. I've been stopping by.

You've been stalking me.

Well, if I called, your father
might see the number

on our phone bill.

How crafty.

Do you have any time now? I mean,

- I haven't had any lunch.
- Okay.

'Scuse me!



Mr. Lawson.

Uh, listen, I know that we have had

a complicated history.

I... I just want you to know,

as a person who served their time,

I am a changed person.

I'd like to put our past behind us.

I am sure that you would.

I'd like to present this

as a token of my deep appreciation.

It's a book... that I've written.

And if you enjoy it,
which I know you will,

I would be so honored

if you would write a jacket quote.

You know, as a preeminent business leader.

Or... it's probably enough
if you're just okay

with my seeing how the boys are doing.

The past cannot be shed
like a snake's skin, Mr. Lawson.

Very well said.

But if I can depend
on your future discretion,

we will have no issue.

- Oh...
- But if there is one misstep,

- all that changes.
- Understood.

All right.

I promise, not a misstep, sir!


Watch the gate! Stop right there!!

- Stay there!
- Hands open!

Let me see your hands!

- Raise your hands!
- Don't move!

Thank you for getting
a doctor out here so quickly.

Well, it's cool, it's my job, huh?


I've wanted to get grandpa checked out

ever since we got here this summer.

There's something wrong with him.

Not that he hasn't always been eccentric.

Brilliant biochemists usually are.

Do you know a lot of biochemists?

I actually do.

I came to help in his lab this summer,

only, he's not working,
which is bad enough.

And now he's stumbling and shaky.

And the mood swings
aren't like him at all.

He's even started venting
about his old job

for the government,
which is kind of a no-no.

Wait, what did he do for the government?

Um, he was kind of famous.

Have you heard of Plum Island?

The top-secret, off-limits
bioterrorism lab

2 miles off the coast? I might have.

It was a USDA animal research facility.

Well, that's the cover story.

What about those hybrid monster carcasses

that keep washing up on Montauk beaches?

Everyone knows those are
created on Plum Island, right?

Your grandpa worked at that place?

My grandpa ran that place.

Okay, now, sir, I'm gonna give you

three random words for you to remember.

Random? Really? You mind?

Uh... top of my head,

"outbreak," "monkey," "escape."

- How's your diet?
- I eat okay.

Always been lean.

Three square a day since I got here.

See, this guy's the real Dr. Moreau.

Check for mad cow. Mad cow.

But no need to check my hearing.

It's dandy.


I think we'll just start
with a blood panel.

I do my own draws.

You experiment on yourself?

Unless you'd care to volunteer.

Okay, grandpa, why don't you just...

can you let the doctor take your blood?

Sir, do you remember
the three words from before?

Legitimate... animal... research!

That's close enough.

And you're still feeling okay?

I was just training too hard for the race.

I'm sorry we bothered you.

No, no, please. You were right to call.

You were having chest pains.

Tell him this isn't a graphic novel.

Damn close, though.

I still have a dozen
mortal flesh traps to set

and an infected boathouse
to stage before tomorrow.

Yeah, Jason and I combined
our hobbies in this project.

Zombies and running?

Carrie was into marathons, and I was...

a devotee of the undead.

But our real goal is
making a better world and...

being together as much as possible.

We're a team, first and foremost.


Well, it sounds like

you've got your priorities straight.

And your heart's fine too.

Oh, God, what a relief.

So... what caused the pain?

Well, I'm gonna draw
some blood for further tests,

but let me ask... when you're in character,

are you a stumbler or a runner?

- Ah, you're a fan.
- Yeah.

- I'm a runner.
- Do you eat before you run?

During. And today it was ribs.

Huh. Pegged you for a brain eater.

In any case, pending further tests,

I think you had heartburn.

So I'll prescribe some antacids.

- As for the ribs...
- Oh, they weren't human.

Good to know, but next time,

fully digest them before you run.

- And there's one for you.
- Thank you.

Thank you.

Go on, be adventurous.


Not bad.

Uh-huh. Uh-huh.

- You think they have any cumin?
- Mom!

What made you change your mind
about getting together?

I missed you.

I'd hoped seeing you at Harborfest would

soften your father's heart,

but you know how stubborn he can be.

I know how hard it is for you
to do anything behind his back.

But for our sake,

I'm glad you're taking this risk.

Evan swears he's finally home.

He just drove past the guard house.

I'm glad he made it through.

Hey, how's your relationship
with your landlord these days?

- Boris? Why, what happened?
- Nothing.

Nothing. I just want to make sure

that you stay
on his right side, that's all.

Well, the best way to do that

is not to gossip about him.

- Absolutely.
- Good.

What's with all the Chinese?

I thought that Evan was making dinner.

No. Evan doesn't have time to cook.

He's too busy growing his empire..

Oh. What a shame. Evan so enjoys cooking.

And life is for enjoying.

You read it!

Yeah. I only got through
the chapter you marked,

but so far, it's great.

- Yeah? Really? Thank you.
- Yeah.

I... I didn't reveal anything
too personal, did I?

Uh, it didn't seem personal.

In fact, it seemed a little...


In what way?

In the made up way.

Exhibit "A." Here it is.

"My eldest son was a reckless,
impulsive type."

"There was no danger he wouldn't ignore,"

"no risky playground stunt
too silly to pull for a laugh."

What? I think you confused me with Evan.

And where do you think he got it from?

He was imitating you,
and then you changed.

And that's what the theme
of this chapter is about...


Well, then, fine, no mad cow.

Just listen to me,
I want Bulczynski's blood

checked for everything humans can get.

Good. Okay, bye.

All right, sorry... sorry I'm late.

Sorry I missed lunch.

Did you just say "Bulczynski"?

- Yes.
- Andreas Bulczynski?

- Yeah.
- Is he a customer?

He's a client. Why, you know him?

Do I know him?

I mean, he was a whistle-blower

before people knew there were whistles.

He was the one that exposed
the lax security

on Plum Island in the '80s.

Is that the guy who
turned down the Nobel Prize?

Yes. He would have been
bigger than Silkwood

if Meryl Streep had played him.

Wait, so he's still alive?

Thanks to Hankmed, yeah.

Did he have any Montauk monsters?

Ehh, he didn't let us into the lab.

Maybe we could all go out there,

and you could introduce him to Hank.

And I could get a blurb for my dust cover

from a, you know, a former
almost Nobel Prize winner.

Dad, I can't just take you
to Dr. Bulczynski's.

Patient confidentiality... hello?

Uh, you kinda let that cat
out of the bag already there,

Mr. Chatty.

Hey, why don't you tell us
a little bit about

one of your new patients, Henry?

Oh, um, because of a little thing called

professionalism, Evan.

Or because of a little thing
called you don't have any.

Ouch. That almost stings.


What do you think this is called?

Is this a prawn or a shrimp?

Maybe it's a size thing.

I mean, if it was a prawn,
it must be a big shrimp.

And a big shrimp is a jumbo shrimp.

So this is ju...

what about those little guys?

I like those little shrimp
on toast, you know,

with mayonnaise and ketchup.

And I love these in cocktail sauce.

I wish we had cocktail sauce.
That doesn't go...

really go with Chinese, does it?

Anybody home?

Uh-huh. Multitasking?

No, Paige, I'm not.

You have my undivided attention.

Sincerely yours... I mean, sincerely.

I just meant sincerely.
I'll call you when I'm done.

Okay, bye.

Damn it!

- Are you okay?
- Oh...

Oh, gosh, are you okay, grandpa?

Here, he's opening the... here you go.

Um, Nell, Dr. Bulczynski, what's going on?

I'm so sorry. He was trying to feed Petri,

and she nipped him.

I called Dr. Sacani,

and he said he would meet us here.

Yeah, okay. Come on in. Come on in.

Where are we?
This isn't a doctor's office!

- Am I being put in a home?
- No, no, no.

Grandpa, no, no.
Of course not, it's not a home.

No, it's not that kind of home.

Look, here's our medical stuff. See?

And over there...
there's some more over there.

I won't stay in a home.

Nell, I thought you were on my side.

I am. You know I am, grandpa.

Uh, hey, is everything okay down here?

Everything's fine. Just a little dog bite,

and a doctor's on the way, so...

Okay, there's also a doctor here, so...

Hi. Dr. Lawson. You mind if I take a look?

Oh, sorry.

I didn't meant to tickle you. Have a seat.

Hi. Sorry I'm late.

Oh, there's the dog bite, huh?

Uh, yeah. Some bruising,
a couple small punctures.

But it probably doesn't merit two doctors.

Right, so... you can go back to sleep.

- Okay.
- No, no, not you.

Hank. Please.

Uh, yeah, sure.
Looks like you got it covered.

Um... there you go.

You don't have to report this, do you?

Well, are your dog's sh*ts current?

I don't... I don't study dogs.

Petri's sh*ts are up to date.

Has your dog bitten you before?

That's... that's an old bite.

New Guinea... with the Fore tribe.

A tree kangaroo tangled with me.

Well, I showed her how to dance...

No, no, no, no. Shh.


Why is he like this?

He's usually so quiet and in control.

We can do a head CT.


Hey, have you seen dad?

Ms. Newberg said he was cagey
about where he was headed,

and his phone's been going
to voicemail all morning.

I haven't heard from him,
but there's no signal

out at Dr. Bulczynski's place.

He wouldn't have gone there
to get, like, a blurb

for his thing, would he?

I want to say no, but I can't.

Almost-Nobel-Prize winners
have that effect on dad.

You want I should go check?

Um, I don't know.

Bulczynski's not crazy about intruders,

and they don't really know you, so...

I can handle it, okay? You're busy.

- No, I'll meet you there.
- Fine.

Here you are.

I'm so glad you made it. Mwah.

Your father had some sort of appointment,

so I didn't even have to make an excuse.

It's so great to see you taking a chance

and doing what you want

instead of what is expected of you.

I've been dying to come here,

but your father thought
it looked overpriced.

Does this mean that I'm paying?

To feel young, you must appear young.

My father wasn't gray
until much later in his life...

- No, over here.
- Ah.

Unless he colored his hair too.

Daddy dyes his hair? Did you know?

This is a bad omen.

We should never have done this.

Of course we should have.



You were right, this place is weird.

Yeah. No sign of dad's car either.

Well, that's a good thing.

Yeah, unless they already got rid of it.


Come on, let's try over here.


Hank, are these human organs?

Looks like heads...

these are shrunken heads? What?

Of cauliflower. You didn't let me finish.


I'm gonna say dad's not here.

Yeah. Great.


I'm sure glad I cancelled
the Blackstone for this.

Don't look at me.
I told you I could handle it.

I wasn't looking at you. I was just...

why is it always about you?

It isn't, except in your head.

How were we in business together?

I mean, we can't even be in the same room.

Good question.


- It's locked.
- Do not be messing with me.

- I'm not messing with you.
- Get out of the way.

Oh, my God...
it's locked from the outside.

What if Bulczynski locked us in?

Let me try again. Probably just got stuck.

sh**t! There must be
a release here somewhere.

Okay, stop. Stop!

We shouldn't be trying to get out.

We should be hunkering down.

We should barricade the door.

You don't think there were any
mutant viruses in those, do you?

No, I don't. Even, Evan, would you stop?

Stop freaking out!

Listen to me, there is a sick
mad scientist out there

who spent a lifetime creating
Anthrax, weaponizing ticks,

- maddening cows...
- He said that?

Yeah, he admitted he went all of the world

looking for germs. Just imagine what kind

of crazy stuff he found in New Guinea

and wherever the hell else he went.

I'm sorry, he was in Papua, New Guinea?

Did he... did he mention the Fore tribe?

Yes, he did. Why?

- Um...
- Why?

- Ah. Yeah.
- Henry, wha...

God, I hate when you do this. Why?

It would explain his odd laughter.

But the last victim died in, like, 2005.

Last victim? What do you...
victim of what?

Yeah, "kuru can have up to
a 30-year incubation."

"Kuru... otherwise known
as the laughing death"?

Yeah, yeah. The symptoms do line up.

"Loss of coordination,
confusion, mood swings."

Hold on, shut up. This...

it says you get it
from eating human brains.

That's not... that's not real, right?

It's very real, Evan.

He's a real live zombie. I knew it.

Those aren't even cauliflow...
I knew it! I knew...

Calm down, calm down. Listen to me.

It doesn't mean he wants to eat us, right?

I... I mean, just because
he's dabbled in... cannibalism.

Oh, he dabbled in cannibal...

how do you dabble in cannibalism, Henry?

Use a taster spoon?

Come on, Henry.

Evan... it's happening to me.

What's hap... hey, don't mess with me now.

- This is not funny.
- I can't...

- You swear?
- I... I swear.

Henry. Oh, my God, Henry.
Tell me what to do.

I don't... know.

Oh, my God. Okay, um, um...

Kuru... kuru was in the tubes.

Okay, hang in there, Henry.

Just breathe. Or don't breathe.

Whichever's better. Just... okay, uh, uh...

It's the kuru! Ku...
hold on, Henry, just hold on!

Someone help me!

It's my brother! Please help me!

It's the kuru!

- Brains...
- Henry.

- Must have...
- Henry.

- Brains...
- No, it's me, it's Evan!

Henry, no, no, no! I'm your brother!

Oh, my God.

- You're... you're dead.
- Oh, yeah?

- What are you gonna do?
- Henry, that was not funny.

What are you gonna do? Ow!

How could you fall for that?

You almost gave me
a heart attack... come here.

You are so dead.

- Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!
- Take it. Take it!

Who's in there?

Uh, just the dog... and Hankmed...



We need to get that lock fixed.

- Oh, no, we were fine.
- Yeah.

Didn't have clearance.

Dr. Sacani said that his CT was clear,

but on our walk,

he confused a saprophyte with a parasite.

- I thought maybe some lunch...
- That's a great idea.

Evan, see if Dr. Sacani got back

- any blood results.
- There's no signal out here.

Oh, yeah, you can use
the phone right inside.

Done and done.

Dr. Bulczynski, my brother mentioned

you did some work with the Fore tribe.

Oh, sweet people.

Uh... who are we talking about?

Do you know today's date?


Grandpa, can you answer the doctor?

Why did you feed that to the dog?

Petri, the old guy
can swallow better than me.

Is it hard for you to swallow?

Oh, yeah. Ooh...

Do you feed all your meals to Petri?

Only the meat.

Grandpa, why didn't you tell me?

So Dr. Sacani got the test results back.

- He has a diagnosis.
- Let me guess.

Dr. Bulczynski's symptoms are due to

a vitamin B12 deficiency.

No. He said it's
"hypo... ca... cabela... cobela..."


- That's right.
- That's a B12 deficiency.

- He's going to be okay.
- Really?

Thank you so much for helping me

convince him to come in.

Well, until he's stable, it seemed best

to start his B12 injections
here at the hospital.

And an occupational therapist will help

with his trouble swallowing.

Um, what about his mental status?

Oh, he should be
back to normal in no time.

Oh, I'm so relieved.

And he'll be so happy
to resume his research.

Yeah, um, you know,
I didn't catch what, exactly,

you two are researching.

Mm, yeah, well, I'd tell you,

but then I'd have to inoculate you.

Ah, right. Great.

- Man...
- Hi, grandpa.

What are the odds

he'd have something that simple?

Well, difficulty swallowing
is pretty common

in older patients,
but it can also happen to...

Come on, I need your help.

For what? What are we doing?

We're going to chase a zombie.


Jason's choking may not have been caused

by fake blood, but by
a tightening in the muscle

between his esophagus and stomach.

It's called achalasia,

which also can cause chest pain.

Is it an emergency?

If he's developing a blockage,

he could choke again, yeah.
So can you call him?

No cell phones on the course,

but I should be able
to reach him on his walkie.


Hey. I got your message.

Why am I wearing running shoes?

He's not answering.

He could be anywhere out there.

Okay, we need to fan out.

Divya, we're looking for a guy
dressed as a zombie bridegroom.

Come. Come on.

Excuse me. Excuse me!

I'm looking for a zombie.
He's dressed like a groom.

- You see him?
- Yeah, that way.

Okay. Thank you.

Uh, excuse me.

- Hey...
- Aah!

Kim Kardashian zombie, excuse me.

- No, no, I just want to...
- Get away!

...ask you a question.

Oh, my God. I just want to...

oh, have any of you seen Jason?

He runs the place.

I'm not a contestant.

No, no, I'm not... I'm... I'm just...

I'm not a con... no, no, no...

Okay... oh, my... holy crap!

Okay, never mind, I'm fine.
I'll ask someone else.

Leave me alone. I am not in this!

I'm looking for someone.

Don't you dare touch me!

- Eddie!
- Yes.

What are you doing here?

Well, I'm just indulging
in some nostalgia.

So... are my boys here?

Unless someone's already eaten them.

Well, let's go this way. Come on.

Jason, come in.
Jason, answer me, please.

Please, Jason, Jason, come in.
Answer me, please!

- Jason, are you there?
- Uh, come to flag 13.

Hey, Jason, are you okay?

That's not fake blood, is it?

All right, all right, just try to relax.

Come here. I know it's hard to breathe.

You have an obstruction
eroding your esophagus.

- Henry!
- Evan, come here. Hurry up.

All right, hold him.

Hold him just like this
so I can scope his throat.

All right, you're gonna be just fine.

All right, here we go.

Okay. Okay, Jason, I'm trying
to locate the blockage.

Good. Okay, I see it.

Yeah, I think we can get it out.

I'm just gonna take that out.


Good. You're good, dude.

- Hold him steady, Ev.
- I got him.

Okay. Yeah, there it is.

- Okay, we got it.
- Oh, wow!

Hey, there you go.

- Is he okay now?
- Yeah, we got the foreign body,

so he can swallow and breathe,

but, Jason, you're still bleeding.

We need to get you to the hospital

to rule out an esophageal tear.

Jason, oh, my God.

I'm okay.

The EMTs are on their way.

- Good. Nice work.
- You too.

Well, it looks like Hankmed
is back from the dead.

Okay, let's get him up.

Well, it wasn't exactly like
the old days in Passaic,

but I'm so happy you both came.

Ah, thanks, but I'm on call.

Um, speaking of the old days,

here's to dad's book.

- Yeah.
- That part about me and Hank,

that really brought back some memories.

It did?

You remember me being
all wild and crazy too?

- Hank was crazy?
- Wait, are you kidding?

- You were the craziest.
- What?

You were my wild child.

I didn't know who
you were gonna k*ll first,

yourself or your brother.

Every time I intervened, it got worse.

Their mom said,
"just give them some space."

"They will probably work it out."

I just don't remember being like that.

Why would I block that out?

Here. If you get a call,

I'll have Jeremiah cover for you.

- Really?
- Yes.

It's one of the benefits
of having a practice

where you're not the only doctor.

Um... are you suggesting...

Are you offering?

Yes, he is, and, yes, you are. Okay.

Let's make this official.

We'll have to figure out the details.


To the return of the living Hankmed.



I think I realize why I blocked out

my wild-child years.

Yeah, they were the years
before mom got sick.

Before dad left, and...

yeah, before everything changed.

I was gonna chime in before, but...

You didn't want to make dad feel bad.

For what it's worth, I'm sure you were

a much better wild child than I was.

I mean, there was nothing you wouldn't try

to get away with.

But that's not who I am now, Henry.

No, it's not.

Ev, you brought us out here.
You envisioned this practice.

Without you, Evan,
I wouldn't have this new life

that I love so much.

And I took way too long
to acknowledge all that.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry I sold you short.

I'm sorry I quit.

I should have tried harder
to work it out with you,

like we always do.

Like we will do this time too.

Because there is still plenty to work out.

There is still plenty to work out.

Is there an echo in here?

'Cause I thought I just said that.

I don't think you can have an echo

in a big, flat, open space like this.

Oh, now he's an accountant
and a physicist.

Oh ho ho!


What are you doing here?

You were right. I had to take a chance.

I've left your father.


Oh, my goodness, perfect timing.

The meat is still bloody,
just the way you like 'em.

After today, I think
I'd rather have it medium.

- All right.
- Hey.


What's this website with
your picture on it, dad?

That's my blog that you read.

Oh, yeah. Did you...
you change the layout?

- No.
- Look how many people read it.

Whoa! Dad, that's quite a fan base.

And counting.

I told you the message would be embraced.

It is.

Wow. Do people sh**t skeet at night?

People, not generally.

Boris, not sure.

I didn't hear a thing.

It was probably nothing.


An intruder has breached the perimeter.

I'm sorry, but I'm afraid you're too late.

- Let me take a look.
- I said you're too late.

- Yeah, I heard you.
- Hank...

I've got a pulse.
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