01x03 - Strategic Planning

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Royal Pains". Aired: June 4, 2009 – July 6, 2016.*
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Series follows Hank Lawson, an unfairly discredited but brilliant diagnostic surgeon who winds up moving to the Hamptons with his brother as he works as a concierge to the uber rich and ultra elite.
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01x03 - Strategic Planning

Post by bunniefuu »

I'm Hank.
I was your typical
emergency room doctor.

Until I got fired.

You let a billionaire
hospital trustee die

to save some kid
off the street.

I made a judgment call.

You made a mistake.

HANK: This is my brother.

I'm Evan R. Lawson, CPA.

HANK: He took me away
from my troubles
and to the Hamptons.

And suddenly,
I had a chance to become
a whole new kind of doctor.

It turns out the wealthy
and not so wealthy out here

could use a guy who
makes house calls.

So, I've got a second chance
to do what I do best.

Come on! I know
you can run faster!

Come on!

Just run slower!

That's not the point
of exercise.

It's the point of
brotherhood, man.

Your guilt trips
don't work on me.

You slowed down,
didn't you?

Yeah, just to say your...
Forget it.

Yeah. Wait, wait.
Hold on a second.
Wait. Let's talk.

About what?

Strategic planning
for HankMed.

What's to plan?
People get sick or hurt.

I treat them.
You bill them.

Yeah. This isn't the ER,

Where people just
come to you. This is
concierge medicine.

It requires
guerrilla marketing.

Oh, really? I skipped
that class in med school.

Okay. Let's start
with the basics, then.

The affluent are
a very elusive demo.

No. They won't be
eluding us, because we
won't be chasing them.

Of course not.
That would be crass.

Hence, my strategic plan.

HANK: Okay.
Your strategic plan.
Let's hear it.

So I read
in the New England
Journal of Medicine

that 1 in 10 women,
between the ages
of 21 and 40,

ignores a medical condition
just to avoid
going to the doctor.

You read the New England
Journal of Medicine?

Who doesn't?

So, today,
we are going
to meet 10 women.

They're going to ask us
what we do for a living.

We're going to tell them.
We're going to be
so charming about it

that at least one of them
is going to be interested
in your services.

And the other nine?

They'll be interested
in mine. You know what?
Okay, here we go.

I'm going to
illustrate for you.

See this guy with
the dogs over there?


Pretend those dogs
are attractive women.


You start by zeroing in
on just one of them.

Hey! Hey, there... Whoa!


Oh, my...
Cecil, that's... No!

A little bit late on
the dog whispering, pal.

No. No biting.

Hey. Hey.
Can I have a look?
I'm a doctor.

Let's get rid of this.


Does any of this hurt?

Not considering
a dog just bit me.

Right. Here.
Get me something
sharp and a towel.

Okay. I'm sorry. Sorry.


Let me see.

All right,
pull this finger back
towards your nose.

Extensors are fine. Okay.
Good capillary refill.

You know,
it really doesn't
even hurt that bad.

Here you go.
It's amazing
what you can do

with the words
medical emergency.

HANK: Let me see
your hand, please?


All right. Come here.

There you go.

Wow. Thanks, man.
Listen. How can I
repay you for this?

No, no, no.
Please, please.
Don't worry about it.

Look, puncture wounds
can get infected badly.

You need to go to
the hospital for a
thorough clean-out.

Man, I've got a lot
of work to do today.
I can't...

No, no, no.
You need to go.

Okay. All right. All right.
I'll find some time to go.


Come on, guys.

Give these to your friends.
We also do cat scratches
and bee stings, too.


EVAN: That was amazing.

EVAN: Well,
that was exhausting.

You're never going
jogging with me again.

Bambi in the Hamptons.
That's kind of freaky.

Yeah, you're right.
I am never going jogging
with you again.

HANK: Hey, Boris.

BORIS: Hank.

How are
the accommodations?



That's exactly
how I feel. Hi.

I don't think
we've actually properly
been introduced.

I'm Evan R. Lawson.
I'm the CFO of HankMed.

I'm quite aware of you,
Mr. Lawson.

EVAN: I just wanted
to thank you for
your hospitality.

But my brother,
not being
too business savvy,

if you know what I mean,
doesn't really understand
that nothing in life is free.

So I'd be happy to
negotiate any terms that
you may have directly.

Just you and me.

I understand your new practice
out here is thriving already.

How did you...
Never mind.

There are two kinds of people
here in the Hamptons, Hank.

Those here to seek
attention, and those
here trying to escape it.

I just want you to know that
I strongly favor the latter.

Yeah, believe me.
I have no interest
in becoming a celebrity.

Tell me about them.


The boy with the damaged car.
The woman with the flat tire.


I'm heading out for
some relaxation time
on my ocean boat.

But I'll be back tomorrow.
We'll catch up then?

Make yourselves

You're guests here.
Not renters.

After all,
the best things
in life are free.

Man crush.

You're seduced by anyone
with an entourage.

EVAN: See you later.


Wait. I'm not done talking.

I know.
That's why I'm going.
Can I shower?

Only if being clean
is more important
than being employed.

Sorry, Ev.
No guerilla marketing.

Okay. Okay.
What are you going to do?

Are you going to sit
around all day waiting
for your phone to...


Okay. For the record,
I made that happen.

Okay. Okay.
Answer the phone
exactly like this.

HankMed. Good morning,
and how can we make
you feel better today?

Or that. Good enough.

Yeah, sure.
I'll hold for the Senator.

HANK: I hope I didn't
pull you away from
something important.

DIVYA: You know,
I work for you now, Hank.
And this is what's important.

Divya, look. You're clearly
qualified to work at any big
physician group in Manhattan.

What's the deal here?

Honestly, my parents
insist that I summer
with them in the Hamptons.

So they don't
support your career?

It's not what
they see for me.

So I have to pursue it.
Very quietly.

They don't know
about your career.

Sometimes you've got
to take things into
your own hands, Hank.

Okay. Okay.

DIVYA: So what did the
Senator say, exactly?

HANK: He said it was urgent
and refused to give me
any details by phone.

DIVYA: Maybe it's
his heart again.

HANK: Well, a failed run
at the White House could
take its toll on anyone.

DIVYA: Selling a hundred
billion multi-vitamins

may not buy you
the presidency.

But it will let you
live like a king.


Lucy Everett.

Hank Lawson.

Your reputation
precedes you.

Along with my
phone number.

My husband heard
some very good things.

This is Divya.

I'm his physician


So where is
the Senator?

In London.
Follow me.

As you may know,
my son, Kendrick,

just announced his
commitment to Notre Dame.

He will be competing
to be the starting

And they need him
in perfect condition.

Because USC's defensive
line hits a lot harder than
my daughter and nephews.

Look, as much as I admire
the fact that you have
your own football field,

sports medicine
isn't my area.

LUCY: This isn't
about sports medicine.

It's about
communications strategy.

That's definitely
not my area.

His team physical is
next week. I would like
to avoid any surprises.

At least any
in public view.

All right. So he needs
a routine check-up.

It's anything but routine.

Without a clean bill
of health, he will not
be cleared for play.

He needs an
executive physical.

Your top-of-the-line
executive physical.

Check him from head to toe,
in painstaking detail.

Yeah. We're not
equipped for that.

We'd need a cardiopulmonary
stress-testing machine,
a twelve-lead ECG...

Here we are.

Who's your interior
designer? Sanjay Gupta?

This is brand-new
hospital-grade equipment.

Yes. Anything worth
going out for these days

is something you can
just as easily bring in.

And I don't cut corners
when it comes to my family.

Sometimes you've got
to take things into
your own hands, right?

He's a concierge doctor.

He'll check our vitals,
then book us
dinner and a show?

It means he will
respect our privacy.

Did Dr. Greenwald
tap our phones?
Is this guy any good?

He was recommended
by Dad's friend.

No one you know.

How do you know
who I know?

Melody, I have to focus
on your brother now.

We'll do this later.
Is that okay?

I've got to take
care of this thing.
I'll catch you later, dude.

LUCY: There he is.

Wow. From the game room to
exam room in just 12 hours.


Kendrick, say hello
to Dr. Lawson.


And Divya,
his assistant.

Physician assistant.

Thanks for doing this.

Hey, we'll have you back
outside tossing touchdown
passes in no time.

Yeah, as long as
"no time" is by noon.

Well, an exam takes
as long as it takes.

Kendrick has his
nutritionist at 12:00,

and his private offensive
coordinator at 1:30.

My Mandarin tutor at 3:00
and my life coach at 5:00.

And I still don't
even know what
a life coach is.

The point is,
the exam needs to be
as long as planned.

In case you're wondering,
bathroom breaks are on
alternate Wednesdays.


Barring any surprises
in the lab work,
you are all systems go.

I am sure you'll have
a breakout season.

LUCY: And all with

I'm going to go squeeze in
some passing drills
before lunch.

Don't forget to stretch.
Don't forget to stretch.

Your dream come true.
Mom times two.


Play like a champion today.
Play like a champion today.

EVAN: And once the
Argentinean girls were
done eating out of my hand,

three cougars showed up.

And I lured them by talking up
the water's medically proven
rejuvenation properties.

They completely ate it up.
It was some of my
best work, actually.

A shame the cougars
didn't eat you.

You're disgracing
our profession.
I'll be back.

I'm going to go change.

Every time she hurts my
feelings, it makes her
hotter to me. Is that weird?

You're weird.

So, yes. I am kicking ass
and taking names out there.
Like, literally.

The names are
finding us just fine.

Thank you very much.
Thank you.

And PS, we have to
leverage that momentum
before the well runs dry.

Okay? So I've got this
girl at Us Weekly...

Don't even think about it.

Just one blurb on TMZ.

Come on.
HankMed treating
the Senator's son?

That would be k*ller
publicity for us.

Their privacy
is our publicity.



Hey, what's wrong?

Okay, I should see
you right away, then.

Meet me behind
Pinch on the Pier.

Who is that?
Was that a Kennedy?
A Rockefeller?

A Jonas brother?

No, it's Benny.

Who the hell is Benny?

The guy who got bit when you
tried to simulate flirtation
on his pack of dogs.

Oh, my God. The...
Are we billing
him this time?

I have a hunch
he can't afford us.

Look. We treat who needs
treatment. If they can
afford to pay, great.

If not, you'll figure out
a way to make it all add up.

EVAN: All right.
As long as Cujo's
not there, I'm good.


You clean up nice.
I just got a call.

You want to squeeze in
a quick one before we go?

Oh, yes.

He just took the words
right out of my mouth.

You're not worth
the dry cleaning,
Evan. Let's go.

Hotter and hotter still.

You know, all dog walkers
get bit at some point.

It just comes
with the territory.

Please stop barking,

Gauze and a clamp.

You said you'd go
to the hospital.

The wait there
is four hours
if I'm lucky.

Four hours times four
dogs times 10 bucks
an hour is real money.

And I'm not going to
ask my mom to help
me with rent again.

It's infected badly.


Okay. Look, we can start
draining the abscess,

but the hospital needs
to finish the treatment.

Well, why can't we
just do it all here?

No, it needs to be debrided
by a hand surgeon

who knows where
the nerves, arteries
and tendons are hiding.

I lost my insurance
last year.

Look, it's the ER
of a public hospital.
They have to treat you.

I can't just tell them that.

You can.
And I'll show you how.

BENNY: Okay.


What are you doing?

Promoting you.
CFO and Head Dog Sitter.
You come on, Benny.

Those two live three
blocks down on the left.

And the other guys are
at 17 Spring Street, right
behind the movie theater.

Okay, just make sure
you get everyone home
safely. All right?

Hank, I can
give you a ride.

I got this one, Divya.
You look like you
have somewhere to be.

I have
a family obligation.
But I can...

Go. Enjoy it.
If you can.

Hey! Walk slow,
because Kiki can't
walk fast. All right?


Here you go. Come on.

So, Divya, we can
ride with you, right?

[LAUGHS] Sorry.

[GRUNTS] Furry animals
and sterile medical
equipment don't mix.

GIRL: Hey. Cute dogs.



I hate this place.

Just say exactly
what we rehearsed.
You're going to be fine.


I got bit by a dog.

It's swollen,
and it hurts bad...

Fill these out
and take a seat.

But it's an emergency.

Perfect. This is
an emergency room.

He has an ascending
infection of the hand
into the arm,

presenting like a
sclerosing tenosynovitis.

What did you do?

He just told you.

A dog bit him.
And you are?

Someone qualified
to judge that he needs
treatment immediately.

Give me the charge
nurse. Right away.

Yeah. So I'll see you
tomorrow, then?

Cool. Okay.
I'll see you later.


Come on.
Come on, guys.

Wow, that box looks heavy.
Hey, don't I know you?

They just don't make pick-up
lines like they used to.

I have been labeled
a progressive.

I have to get to work.
Cute dogs.

I know you. Hey.
No, I'm serious.
I really know you.

Stefan, leave Beyoncé alone.
Come here. Come here.

Jackie, right?
Jackie? Jan...

Sorry, bud.
Game over.


How do you know my name?

Are you using dr*gs
of any kind?

No. Of course not.

Did you drink anything
with a kick last night?

Would Red Bull
do this to me?


Do me a favor, Kendrick,
and tell me your address.

[SLURRING] 67...

Hey, Doc?


My body is tingling.



HANK: All right.
Push down on my hand.

What happened?
We don't know.

What do you mean
we don't know?

Well, he was fine yesterday.
At least according
to his executive physical.

Okay, labs and stress test
all came back normal.

DTRs are
decreased bilaterally.

Hypotonia, more in
the lower extremities.


Possibly, but he has no pain.

Squeeze my hands.
Squeeze. Hard.
Come on, Kendrick.

I have to play football.

All right. We should
get him to the hospital
for further testing.


We need this
handled quietly.

Look, there are a lot of
variables right now that we
can't plan for in your home.

That's why hospitals
exist. I'd really feel
more comfortable...

I'd feel
less comfortable.

Five years ago,
my husband walked into a
hospital with chest pain.

Within 20 minutes,
it was leaked
to the media.

The next day,
he lost the lowa caucus,

because the opposition
was able to smear him as
a man with a weak heart.


Turns out it was just
a bad case of indigestion.

Dr. Lawson,
you were not just hired
for Kendrick's health.

You were also hired
for his privacy.

And to make sure
that he plays football
at Notre Dame.

And then, goes on to
lead a successful life,
as planned.


I will not put my family
in the hands of
the system again.

To diagnose this properly,
I'd need...

I'll get you
whatever you need.

Or just say that you're
giving up on him.

And I'll find
someone else.

Hank. Look.
The way I see it,
we have two options.

We can keep fighting her,
or we can start helping him.

All right.
Well, how are we going
to get a mobile MRI?

[EXHALES] Let me
worry about that.


Oh, God.

EVAN: What...
Did you just big-time me?

I have two news alerts.

I ran into a friend of yours,
and I did you a major solid.

Two, this car needs gas.
Circle back with me ASAP
to discuss.


Hello, Ms. Newberg.

Evan R. Lawson?

I'm the CFO of HankMed?

Uh, the...
Hank's brother?

[LAUGHING] Oh, Hank!
Please come in.


So how is Hank doing?

He's doing very well.
And so are you.

You look fantastic,

Thank you, dear.

Yeah. So...
So naturally beautiful.

And splendidly symmetrical.

[CHUCKLES] Yes, I know.
How can I help you?

Oh, no, Ms. Newberg.
It's how I can help you.

May I offer you
a vitamin-infused
gin rickey?



Oh, that will be great.

Okay. All right,
talk to you soon.

Okay. I tracked it down.
It's there. You just
need to ask for it.

Good work, Divya.


I think maybe
I did this to him.

Please don't tell my mom.

Tell me what you mean.

When I tackled him
this weekend

during a game
with our cousins,
his head hit the ground.

Really hard.
And he didn't get up
for a few seconds.

No, no.
His symptoms aren't
consistent with trauma.

You didn't do this
to him, Melody.

Look, what you're
feeling isn't guilt.

It's just
love and concern.

No mom could ever
blame you for that.

You don't know my mom.
Kendrick's future
is her life.

Notre Dame's
just the first step.

And then it's off to
a top five law school,
the Justice Department,

Congress and ultimately
achieving what
my father couldn't.

If I did anything to
jeopardize all that,

she'd say that
I ruined his life.

She'd say
I ruined her plan.

What's the catch?

There's no fine print
here, Ms. Newberg.

Well, it sounds like a
very interesting proposal.

I thought you'd feel that way.

Do you have any literature?

Funny you should ask.
Hot off the press.

Oh, thanks.


Well, I'll pass this
on to my advisers.

And if they approve,
then I'm in.

Hank would be
so thrilled.

Hank. Our savior.

God bless him.

Amen to that.

And you seem
very competent, too.


You must meet my
little granddaughter.

Oh. Thank you,
Ms. Newberg.
You know, I...

She's spending
the summer with me.

Really? I'm really not
very good with kids.

Emma, come here, sweetie!

It's just not...


This gentleman works
with the doctor who
saved me last week.

Ah, your faux nichons.

She's been
studying in Paris.

Oh, that is too funny.

Because this very
afternoon, I'm actually
hosting a reception,

to celebrate the European
architectural influences
at my home, Shadow Pond.

Isn't that so weird?
You should come.

Shadow Pond.
That sounds like an
assisted-living facility.

Yeah. You know...
Yeah, you're probably
not interested

in getting culture during
your break from school.

Probably not?

She needs culture.

Nana, please.
Don't micromanage.

I promised your mom
you would not spend
the entire summer

watching The Mountains
and gossiping about it
on Headbook.

It's The Hills.
And it's Facebook.

NEWBERG: Go to this nice
man's reception...

Aw, no.

...and bring your friends.

Or there's no salt scrubs
at the Maidstone for a week.


How many friends, exactly?

Excuse me,
I'm looking for... Ah.



Oh, nice.

Yeah. Mock disaster drill.
No crossing-guard jokes,

No, I was just going
to ask if you were
missing a lifeboat.

Look, I know we just met,
but I need a favor.

And it's a big one.

How big?

The size of a truck.

I'm sorry,
but I can't say.

You can't say who.

No, I can't
say anything.

Well, that doesn't
give me much to go on,

during our busiest
weekend of the summer.

I know. I know.

Why don't you try the
hospital in Riverhead?

They have an MRI truck
and one-tenth our caseload.

No, I can't. I can't.
Time really is a factor here.

So you want me to
lend my MRI truck

to someone who doesn't feel
like dealing with the traffic?

No. No. No,
I wouldn't ask for it
if that were the case.

You're a concierge doctor,

I have patients.
You have clients.

And I can't move a mountain
every time a CEO sneezes.

It's not a CEO.

It's a teenage boy with
acute neurological deficits.

And we both know
that can k*ll you,

regardless of how big
your trust fund is.

This boy needs help.

He needs it fast.
And I'm not asking you
to move a mountain.

Just a truck.


Looks like we don't
need the MRI for
the next two hours.

I'm paging
a tech right now.

Great. Great.
Thank you. Really.

You know, despite my
freakishly calm demeanor,

it wasn't easy for me to
come here and ask you
for something like this.

That doesn't surprise me,
coming from a guy

who can't even
ask me out himself.

Anyway, I just found out
that I have to work tonight.

Uh, tonight?
You have to
work tonight?

What are we
talking about?

That's when your brother
said that you...

My brother?
My brother, Evan?
Evan, my brother.

How did you meet Evan?

Randomly, in town.
He asked me out to dinner.

You know.
On your behalf.

He did, did he?
How helpful of him.
He's a good guy.

Not that he, um,
misrepresented me.

I mean, it's possible that,
at some point, I would...

Ms. Casey?

We're ready for the
mock evacuation drill.

Gotta go. You better
bring my truck back
washed and waxed.

Oh, washed, waxed,
with the pine tree
thing hang...


EMMA: So where's
everybody else?

Um, well,
you've got me.

You've got
Ali and Maxine.

And you've got
about two dozen of the
world's most exotic fish.

I mean,
who else do you need?

You said
this was a reception.

Yeah, everyone else
apparently had
scheduling conflicts.

Yeah. Or self-respect.
Hey, guys?
Maybe we should bail.

Maybe after
a quick dip?

Couldn't hurt, right?

Nancy, I need you.

So do any of you girls
read the New England
Journal of Medicine?

ALl: Uh, no.

Oh, all right.

Ali, you are really beautiful.
Sorry, I just had to say it.

You know? You probably
come from beautiful
parents, too, huh?

Are they alive and well?

Uh, yeah.

That's good. No hereditary
conditions or anything?

Just divorce.


Feels pretty
magical, huh?

There are a few things
it won't cure.

Like osteoarthritis.
Right? Or gingivitis.

Or a severe
gluten allergy?

Excuse me. What are
you talking about?

What am I
talking about, Emma?

I'm talking about
restless leg syndrome.

Does that strike
any chords, Emma?

Restless leg syndrome?

Hey, Dieter!
What's up, man?
Hey, you know what?

Why don't you jump in here?
I could use a wingman in here.

No, thank you. Sir.
You know what?

Would you grab my phone
for a second and just
take some pictures of us?

Because people tend
not to believe
things like this.

The marine spa
has not been serviced
properly in some time.

You know what?
Neither have I, man.

But this is official
HankMed business.

Dieter, old chum.
Is the pool bar
fully stocked?

This place
is pretty ridic.

Yeah. Some might
even say ludic.

You know, I am particularly
impressed by the European
architectural influences.

Yeah. Would you like
to discuss the history
of the Turkish bath?

Or we could just
do some sh*ts.

Yeah. You know,
I should really get
you home half-sober.

Because I really need
your nana to like me.

Oh, yeah?
Why is that?

Because she might
be the 1 in 10.
One in 10?

It's a business term.
Yeah, don't worry about it.

Just put in a good
word for me. Okay?

Well, I'm spending
the summer stuck at
my grandmother's house.

So why don't we
start with those
sh*ts I requested?


Body sh*ts.

Okay, no.
We're not going...


No, we are not...
Body sh*ts.

No, we're not doing
body... No, we're
not doing body sh*ts.

No, no, no. Look.
Okay, but just to
be sociable.

Let's do, like, six.
Let's do, like, six.

You first.
And then... Ew!

Ew! What is this?

Oh, my God! I have it, too!

What the hell?

This is itching!

ALl: Mine is burning!

Mine is spreading!

ALl: What the hell?

What is taking so long?

Telemedicine moves
at its own pace.

HANK: What did
the radiologist say?

DIVYA: MRI is totally normal.

HANK: Okay. Let's do this.

Spinal needle.

Okay. It's clear.

No gross blood.
No xanthochromia.

All right.

Get a cell count on
Tubes 1 and 4.
C and S on 3.

Protein on 2.
Cryptococcus antigen
on Number 4.

I'll update his mother.

LUCY: It's for the best.
You understand that.
It's time.

Okay. Let me bring you
up to speed on what
we've ruled out so far.

It's not Guillain-Barré,
Myasthenia gravis, botulism
or a structural lesion.

We may have to repeat
the spinal tap.

She's airlifting
him to Cornell.

They have the
top specialists.

I've arranged
a John Doe admission.
Completely off the grid.

No, no. No.
He's no longer in any
condition for transfer.

They'll figure out
what's happening to him.

They'll run the
same tests I did.

Look, it will waste
time he doesn't have.
He's deteriorating.

Yeah. And who
let that happen?

You did, Mom.
You should have taken him
to the hospital before.

The doctor and I
will handle this.
Is that okay?

Ma'am, look.
I know this is hard.

You have dreams
you want to protect.
You expect...

People said
I had the good plan of
marrying into a fortune.

Truth is, my husband
had the good fortune
of marrying into a plan.

My plan.

I took Ed from
obscure entrepreneur

to Federal Reserve director
to United States senator.

But that's as far as
the race took him.

Kendrick is going to
have the whole package
without any missteps.

I have a plan
for that boy.

Not as a dreamer,
but as a mother.

I know you love your son.

But you need to stop fixating
on his destiny and
start worrying about his life.

Because he can't be
President if he's dead.

Hank! He's in
respiratory arrest.

All right, I'm ready.

Tube, please?

It's in.

Okay. Good.

Okay, bag him.

Okay, his breathing
is stable.

Monitor him carefully
for any signs of
cerebral edema.

Come talk to me.
HANK: If he goes...

Hypertensive and bradycardic.

We hit him with a mannitol
and then the LASIX,
and we hyperventilate him.


MELODY: Just give him
more time, Mom.

Instead of getting better,
he's just getting worse.

Mrs. Everett.
The chopper is here.

Tell it to go away, Nancy.
The doctor said
it's already too late.

Excuse me.

I'm in charge.
Is that okay?

No, it's not okay.

Kendrick doesn't
want your help and he
doesn't want your plan.

He doesn't even
want to be President.

He just wants
to play football.

But he didn't want
to disappoint you,
so he went along with it.

Now, just let the
doctor do his job.

Did Kendrick really
tell you that?

He tried to tell you,
too, Mom.

You would know that if you
stopped for a sec to listen.

But you're always too
busy doing the talking.

Whispering in his ear.
Putting all your
stuff in there.

You're never going
jogging with me again.



When you tackled
Kendrick this weekend,
his head hit the grass.

Yeah. Why?

Kendrick hit his head?
Why didn't you tell me?

You said that
I didn't do this.

I think all you've done
to your brother,
Melody, is save him.

Alligator forceps
and mineral oil.

What are you doing?

I'm neutralizing
the parasite.


What parasite in
the Hamptons could
cause all this?

A very,
very small one.

Deer tick.

Once this little guy managed
to crawl right into his ear,

it fed on his blood
to make eggs.

Its salivary glands secreted
a neurotoxin, which caused the
rapidly ascending paralysis.

Oh, my God.

Is he going to be okay?

Well, with the tick removed,
the poison will dissipate
just as rapidly.

He's going to be fine.

Bro? Serious trouble
back at the bat cave.

I need you and Divya
and all your little gadgets
and ointments back here stat.

HANK: There he is.

Welcome back, buddy.
You're going to be fine.


I am glad that we were
able to keep this private.

LUCY: Thank you.

Glad to
have you back.


Yeah, right.

Melody has never stood up
to me like that before.

Well, she was
protecting her brother.

She was asserting herself.

Showing signs of leadership.

Thank you.
Thank you.

Why do I have

I think I know why.

What is it, Evan?


He's been busy.
Very busy.

Hey, relax.
Just tell me the problem.

He sent me

DIVYA: Wait. Stop.

DIVYA: You were in a Jacuzzi?

Hot-tub folliculitis.

The filtration system
is broken.

Just soak some hot towels
in household vinegar.

Apply the compress
for 20 minutes,
two to four times a day.

You'll all be fine
by next week.

Although, you'll still
be an idiot.

You'd make a great
older brother.


Quite a thing
we just pulled off.

Well, who needs
hospitals, after all?

So I guess we need to
figure out your compensation.
Stuff like that.

Well, whatever
you think is fair.

And your title.

Well, what's wrong
with physician assistant?

Yeah, people seem to only
hear the second half of it.

I was thinking,


Did you not
get my calls?

I turned my phone off.

You did what?
Never do that.

I heard about your
hot-tub mishap. Nice.

Mishap? Mishap?

It was a disaster,

I spent all day trying
to convince these girls
I wasn't a douchebag,

and they left
smelling like vinegar
and water.

What was going
through your head?

Nothing but
our strategic plan.

Your strategic plan.

No, our plan.
The plan.

To turn 10 women
into one patient.

But then,
only three showed up,
and I...

You turned them all
into patients.


It made
much more sense
on paper, okay?

Now, look.
If we're going to
do this together,

you need to
take it seriously
and really pitch in.

Like a grown-up.

What's this?

It's just me pitching in.

You are looking at our
very first summer retainer.

Who retained us?
One Ms. Newparts Newberg.

Who now has
24l7 access to you,

by phone
or by house call.

And guaranteed
same-day appointments,

including all lab work
and specialty referrals.

That woman will drive me...

And that's what it's
going to cost her.

Per month.

You're going to
be fine, Benny.

I told him not to
take this job.


Please, Ma. Not now.

You were supposed
to be a vet,
not a dog walker.

This is like
being a busboy
instead of a chef.

How is that the same?

You're right.
Busboys get tips.

Mommy, please.
You're making
my hand hurt.

Hank, you got
a cure for this?

Look. You're in
great shape, Benny,
all right?

If you have any problems,
just... You just call me.

Thank you, Doctor.


Hey. I was just
visiting a friend.

I heard all about it.

You want to
grab a bite?
Oh, I thought...

I have a few minutes,
and I know a great place
right near here.


Best I could do
on such short notice.

Hey, I love
carousel cuisine.

I've got my eye on a
heard very good things about.

So I guess we have
Evan to thank for this.

Yeah. Yeah.

So you and your brother
seem pretty different.

On a good day,
very different.

I don't know.
I guess, even in
your own family,

it's rare to find a person
you really connect with.

Then you meet
someone at a party.

But you wonder if
they see the world
in the same way.

You do?

Yeah, I do. I mean...
Who are you, Hank?

Are you the guy
who is lining up
$2 million magnets

for people who can
afford to buy their own

or are you the guy
who's making sure that

the local dog walker
doesn't lose his hand,

because he can't
afford to save it?

Well, why do I have to
choose one over the other?

I mean, they both
need my help.

But concierge doctors
help rich people.
Isn't that the idea?

Well, I may have
a slightly different idea.

I really hope
your new business
succeeds, Hank,


It has to succeed
without my favors.

Now, my job is to help people
who come to the hospital,
not people who won't.

I'm sorry if I put you in
an uncomfortable position.

In a way,
I'm glad you did.

Why is that?

I think it's cute that
we had our first fight
before our first date.


Yeah, me, too.

Mmm. This pizza is
oddly refreshing.

That's because
it's a lemon strudel.

Oh. Yeah.
That makes sense.

Excuse me.
They need you
in oncology.

Okay. I'm sorry.
I've got to go
put out a fire.

Can I walk you
to your fire?

Have a good night, Hank.

How were the high seas?

So quiet.
No disturbances at all.


So how are
the Everetts doing?

Lucy still have everything
on track over there?

I'm glad you
enjoyed your outing.


I'm sure Mrs. Everett
will appreciate your
respect for confidentiality.

Hey, Boris.

Thanks for the referral.

Don't mention it.

I've got plans for you, Hank.
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