11x02 - Good God Girl, Get Out

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "RuPaul's Drag Race". Aired: February 2, 2009 – present.*
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RuPaul plays the role of host, mentor, and head judge for this series, as contestants are given different challenges each week.
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11x02 - Good God Girl, Get Out

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on RuPaul's Drag Race...

You need to create your own unique look

using only the junk inside these trunks.

This is my first dress I'm making.

Hey, what's up?
It's Miley Cyrus.

I wanted to go undercover
with the ladies.

-Wait a minute.

Drag Race is crazy.

[RuPaul] Soju.

The tulle is hitting at different lengths.

There's giant knots in the back.

[RuPaul] Kahanna Montrese.

How would you describe your drag?

This is not a good representation
of my drag.

[RuPaul] Brooke Lynn Hytes.

[Michelle] That is a mic drop, bitch.

-It's that star power.
-Thank you.

You are the winner
of this week's challenge.


Kahanna Montrese, shantay you stay.

-Thank you so much.
-Soju, sashay away.

Oh, girl.

-First one done.

[Kahanna] Literally the hardest thing
I think I've ever had to do in my life.


"I love all of you cysters."

-[participant] That's fun.
-Oh, no.

[participant] We miss you, cyst.

-Oh, cyst.
-[participant] Disgusting.

So, on the runway,

Soju starts to talk about
how she has a cyst

on her... taint.

I grew a cyst and then it popped
in the plane ride here.

So, like, right now I'm oozing,
and it's just been a messy week.

[participant] She was, like,
it's actually leaking now.


Child... there's just some things
you don't do.

I don't give a f*ck if it was inflamed
to the size of "Guantamano" Bay.

You never say "cyst"
when Mama Ru's in your presence.


-[participant] Congratulations, mama.


-How do you feel, girl?
-I feel amazing.

[Vanessa] Go ahead. Go to Paris, girl.

Let her go on her trip tomorrow.

-We're watching you now, girl.

Not only did I survive
the first elimination,

I thrived in the first elimination.

I was disappointed
that I didn't win the first challenge.

When we were talking,
a lot of the girls said

that my dress was something
that they would actually wear.

Scarlet is delusional.

I'm gonna say this is a beautiful dress,

but I'm looking at it now
and I see tons of holes.


-Believe it.
-[participant] I saw the holes, too.

[participant] Girl. Bitch.

Brooke Lynn won the first challenge.

I'm gonna cry, this feels so good.

So, of course she's feeling her oats
the hardest of everyone.

♪ We going to Paris ♪

♪ We going to Paris ♪

When you feel your own oats so hard,

you forget that
there are other oats there.

And to discount anyone
in this competition...

is a huge mistake.

The winner of RuPaul's Drag Race

receives a one-year supply

of Anastasia Beverly Hills cosmetics
and a cash prize of $100,000.

With extra-special
guest judges Sydelle Noel

and Bobby Moynihan.

♪ RuPaul's Drag Race ♪

♪ May the best woman ♪

♪ Best woman win ♪

Baby, it's a new day in the workroom.
Miss Vanjie is still here.

I'm here to deliver, and I ain't
walking backwards no time soon.

Catch that.

I'm about to get some shit started now.

-As always. What's new?
-Bang, marry, k*ll.

You start first, baby.

-Oh, my God.
-Careful. Careful.

I know. This is a hard one.
I'd marry Plastique.

As Bianca Del Rio says,
beauty fades, bitch. Beauty fades.

You gotta get you a bitch

that can fry some chicken
like me, bitch.

I would bang Silky.

-All right, all right.
-Silky's getting some.

And he would also k*ll Silky.

Yeah, I feel like I would have to.

So much for that chicken, girl.

I'm deciding backward.
I'm gonna k*ll Silky.

And I would definitely
have to k*ll Silky.

Is everybody gonna k*ll me?

Bitch, I'll k*ll all the rest of you,
'cause somebody's got to win.

That's the only way you will win.

[all laughing]

[siren blares]

Oh, girl!

She done already done had herses.

Hey, tootsies.

[all] Hey!

Wanna be queen of the desert?
Because some do like it hot.

Strap on those kinky boots,
don't forget your hair spray,

and thanks for everything,
Julie Newmar.

Hello, hello, hello.

Hey, it's Ru, bitch.

Ladies, America's next drag superstar

needs to know how to pull focus.

So, today, you'll be
stealing the spotlight

in one of my favorite
mini challenges:

the celebrity photobomb.

The two queens who are the most
extra at photobombing win.

-Hashtag, DragRace.

Now, you have 15 minutes
to get into quick drag.

Ready, set, go!

-What the f*ck, bitch?
-Girl, this is ricky ticky, baby.

[RuPaul] Time's up, ladies.

All right, first up, Nina West.

Now, you're going to be photobombing
Cardi B at the VMAs.

I am her long-lost
second cousin Sennahe.


-Sennehe, dear.

-Ooh, girl.
-Big uhh!

Say queen.

Now, you're going to be photobombing
Amber Rose doing a selfie.

I'm just going to be,
like, straddling her?

-Get in there.
-Oh, yeah.

-Give it to me.
-I'm just like shook.

[RuPaul] Oh, you are shook.

Are you the flower girl?

No, I was supposed
to be the wedding girl.


I'm so sad.

[RuPaul] I'm gonna snap.

You're going to be photobombing
Tom Brady making a pass.

Silky sometimes brings
all the ho out in me.

Tom Brady about to get all of this.

Ain't no Deflategate
going on here, girl.

You're not modest at all.

Oh, what you--
oh, you gonna show more?

Oh, girl.
Oh, let me catch all of this.

Get these cookies.

Yes, to all that Silky Ganache.


What's your favorite
Celine song?

Good old Titanic,
"My Heart Will Go On."

How boring.

Yeah, you right up in there.

Look at you.

You're so pretty.

Oh, sis. Oh, sis.

[RuPaul] That's gorgeous.
God. Oh, oh, that's hot.

You think Mariah's
never seen that before?

The shade of it all.

You wanna see Shallow Hal?

Bitch, here's your Shallow Hal.

That's a mouthful.
Oh, you want his autograph.


N-N-Nicki Minaj.

Her anaconda don't,
but yours do.

Brooke Lynn Hytes and the Macrons
and some other people.

Oh, okay, yeah. I think I'll get
a few extra ones of this one.

Impressive how you can keep
your legs up like that for so long.

I've had lots of practice.

Welcome to America.

Kellyanne Conway with the leaders
of the Black Caucus.

I'm checking
if she's wearing panties.

[RuPaul] She's just gonna
take a little nap.

I think Bush
is back in the White House.

Ra'Jah O'Hara
photobombing Anna Wintour.

-I'm with this bitch right here.
-Yes, mommy.

You're going to be photobombing
Madonna and Kim K.

Get 'em like this, mommy.

-Okay. Yeah, yeah, mama.
-Get those cookies.

Ooh, coo-coo-coo-cookies.

What the f-stop?

Ladies, two of you really bombed.

In a good way.

Brooke Lynn Hytes.

-Thank you.
-And Silky Nutmeg Ganache.

You've each won a $1,000
gift certificate from Fierce Queen.

Ladies, Hollywood is breaking
stereotypes and box office records

with blockbuster films
celebrating black empowerment.

And now it's our turn.

Now, for this week's
maxi challenge,

you'll be starring
in two breakthrough films

featuring, get this,
an all drag queen cast.

Now, the first film is called
Good God Girl, Get Out!

Now, the second film is called

Why It Gotta Be Black, Panther?

Now, you'll work in two teams.

Brooke Lynn and Silky,
you're team captains.

You get to choose your cast.

All right, Suzanne Somers.

I mean, Brooke Lynn,
you choose first.

-Nina West.
-Let's get some drag empowerment.

Silky Nutmeg Ganache.

-All right.

-Come on, Ra'Jah.
-All right, girl.

-Miss Vanjie.
-Come on, bitch, let's do this.

Honey, Honey, Honey, Honey.


-Come give me some Shuga.

-Okie diddly dokey.

-Plastique Fantastique.
-Thank you.

-Silky, Silky, Silky, Silky.

Now, that leaves Scarlet Envy
and Ariel Versace.

Ariel, come be part
of this world.

Thanks, bitch.

Miss Scarlet is looking pressed like
a panini, bitch. She is pissed off.

Which means, Scarlet Envy
is with Team Silky Nutmeg Ganache.

Come on, bitch,
I got Scarlet fever. Come on.

I should not be the last pick,
especially on an acting challenge.

I am Julia Roberts
in Pretty Woman.

Big mistake. Huge.

Gentlemen, start your engines,
and may the best woman win.

Silky's team, they're
a lot of big personalities.

It's gonna be chaos.

Like... girl.

[RuPaul] Good luck.

For today's maxi challenge,
we are going to be acting in hit movies.

This is our first
big acting challenge,

so we really got to impress them
at this point.

I don't know
if this is too stereotypical,

but if you could read Nails

in like a Vietnamese,
like, nail technician.

-Oh, my God.
-Oh, my God, okay.

Dragkanda is a mystical land
where drag queens run free

-and wigs grow on trees.
-That's it.

Can I take that?

I have very little acting experience.

However, I wanted to show the judges

I can be more than just
the prettiest one, so...

All right, ladies.

I want the main role
to go to Scarlet.

I want you to get real white
on that, honey.

I don't know if Silky
is trying to sabotage me

by giving me the most lines
to memorize,

but, I mean, this is the lead role.
This is where I belong.

And then we got Kahanna
as Henrietta.

I'm looking at the script,
and I'm seeing there's only two lines.

I'm just super worried
that my lines are so short.

No, but that's the thing.
We've seen this in the past.

Like you just punch them out.
So you're at an advantage.

You don't have to memorize much.

I really don't know which direction
to go in with this character,

but after having to lip sync
for my life last week,

I've got to bring it to the table.

Let's read, bitch.

Marnie, we're driving all the way
to visit your heterosexual parents,

but do they know I'm a drag queen?

Oh, Christine, I'm just a plain old
hetero-normative girl.

Now you're in
the between-me-down-there.

What the f*ck is that?

Baby, I'm looking at this script

like it's the Da Vinci Code
or some shit.

I don't even know
what is on this paper.

I need somebody to give me some
syllables or something, I don't know.

I mean, you're not really
supposed to know

what it is, anyway, so it kind of
makes sense, you know.

Right, well, I really don't know.

-Method, honey, method.

It's my first acting challenge,
and I know, baby, the pressure is on.

I gotta show that I can channel
all this bullshit energy that I got

into some shit constructive.

Hey, kitty girls.

[all] Hey.

-Hello, team.
-[all] Hi, Ru.

-So, you're the team leader.

How did you assign roles?

I picked the people I thought had
the strongest theater backgrounds,

and people I thought worked well
as a group together.

So, who on the other team do you
all think is the one to beat?

Are there any theater majors
over there?

Not that I know of.

I feel like there's a
lot of personality over there,

and it might... clash.

Who on the other team
is problematic?

I think their team captain
is a little problematic.

She's very loud,
she's a big personality,

and I feel like at this point,

she's not gonna let anybody else
on her team shine over her.

-So, they might be in trouble.

Has anyone else on this team
experienced that?

I think we've all
experienced it

-being in the workroom.
-How could you not?

Yeah, she knows she's on TV
and she's gonna get her moment

and they're gonna see her.

She's gonna get her TV time.

Like when we were in with Miley,
she picked her up, she was on her back.

Like, it was all her,
and it's just a lot.

Wow. Are you all trying to one-up her
in the attitude department?

-I don't think so.

Well, you might
want to think about it.

You know. You know.

I just think that
there's a difference

between having a strong
personality and being obnoxious.

-Okurrr, damn.
-I mean...

-You just went there.

Well, I'm gonna
go check in with her

and see what she says
about you guys.

All right, well, get to it. Make me laugh.

Thank you, Ru.

Hey, ladies.

[all] Hi, Ru.

So, Silky, why did you choose these girls?

I wanted all girls of color
and one white girl.

So, you're racially profiling.

So, now, Silky, would you say that
you're a success as a team leader?

I am successful
because I have a successful cast.

Well, the other team had some words
about your performance,

not just in this challenge,
but about before.

Did you hear any of the Tee?

No, tell me the Tee. What's the Tee?

Well, they're saying that you dominate
all the conversations

and they can't get a word in edgewise,

and you suck the air out of the room.

I'm sorry that I was given
a big straw to suck.

Tell me, how big is that straw?

Real big, Ru.

You know what?

Certain people have a perception
about me at this point.

This is something
that many of you may not know,

but I have a master's degree
in organizational leadership.

-I actually do,

and I just applied for the Ph.D.
program in global leadership.

So, when business come,
I'm gonna go handle business.

But when it's time for pleasure,
I'm gonna have pleasure.

-How about that?
-Well, good God, girl, get it on.

I cannot wait to see this movie
by the future Dr. Silky Ganache.

Remember your lines,

and let the other kids either
have a word in edgewise or not.

-All right. Great.
-Thanks, Ru.

That's so ridiculous.

The other team got to go.

They have criticized me
and my leadership skills.

They have talked about me like a dog.

They have drug me through the mud.

It really, really pisses me off.

If that's what y'all
think about me for real,

I'm glad I chose the b*tches I chose.

You mad 'cause you ain't
on the team, bitch.

Girl, you're the team leader.

If you fall apart, we're all lost as hell.

[Silky] Boy, them b*tches
done pissed me off.

They have just worked my nerves, honey.

Good God, girl, snap the hell out of it.

[Ariel] It's time for our team
to sh**t our movie

with Ross and Michelle.

Instantly, I already get nervous.

Hi, ladies. Welcome to the set of
Why It Gotta Be Black, Panther?

All right,
let's go to Dragkanda.

Places, ladies, places.

And action.

Great-Aunt Max'ine, is that you?

There is a rival panther
coming for your crown.

-[Ross] Cut.

-Brooke Lynn, Beyoncé what.
-Beyoncé what.

Yeah, so make sure you get out
the Beyoncé into what.

Beyoncé what?

Brooke Lynn, do you understand
the Beyoncé what line?

Just get that "cé",
"Beyon-cé" what?

-So we know it's the "say what."

-That's the joke, you see.
-Beyoncé what?

-Beyoncé what?

If you stay woke... [coughs]
You won't need to get woke.

[Michelle] And cut.

Yeah, Auntie Max'ine,
I really like what you're doing.

One quick note.
I've seen people do marijuana.

They inhale and then sometimes they talk
when it's in there, and then exhale.

-Try it there.
-And action.

If you stay woke...
you won't need to get woke.


Nailed it.

So here we are in Sissy's drag closet
laboratory with all her gadgets.

And action.

Chicago Black Panther

is coming to try to snatch
my crown, and I need your help.

Girl, Chicago Black Panther?

Girl, I follow her on Instagram.

Have you see her?

Girl, all I'm saying is

if it's a battle of looks
between the two of you,

girl, you gonna lose.

Cut. Ariel, your adding
the affectation

of "girl" onto everything.
Don't need it.

Let's pluck a couple
of those girls out of there.


Chicago Panther is coming
to try to snatch my crown.

I need your help.

Girl, I follow her on Instagram.

Have you seen her?

These k*ller heels, well, girl,
they will make your booty pop.

Okay, let's move on
to the next scene. Thank you.

Not only am I the legitimate heir
to the throne of Dragkanda,

I'm legitimately hotter.
Right, Nails?

Whatever you say, Chicago.

But now that
we are inside Dragkanda,

I can get my hands on the
all-powerful charisminum.


Now give me the charisminum
or feel my wrath!

-Can you say it again for me?

And action.

Chicago Panther and Nails
have breached the panty shield.

Oh, no, I think they're coming.

Not only am I the legitimate...
I'm sorry.

Why don't we go back to the top?
Why don't we go back?

Do I hit the spot
and then say the line?

-Take a few steps and start.
-And action.

Not only am I the le... gitimate...

Ra'Jah, have fun.
Don't get caught up in the lines.

-You look stressed.
-And your character is so badass

that you can't look like
you're thinking.


This is going to be your last take,
so really go for it, okay?


Not only am I the legitimate
queen of Dragkanda,

I'm also legitimately hotter.

This is not good for Ra'Jah.

There... there's danger, Will Robinson.

That's a wrap on
Why It Gotta Be Black, Panther?

[Brooke Lynn] Oh, God, Ra'Jah.
This f*cking sucks.

That's how I'm feeling right now.

This is me waving
a white flag of surrender.

-Hi, ladies.

Ladies? I definitely don't look like
no lady right now.

Our moment is here,
so I have to turn the party.

I gotta be a standout in this group.

Come on, Beyoncé.

Welcome to the set of
Good God Girl, Get Out!

I love it.
We got some flavor up in here.

Yeah, adobo.

All right, let's set up
for the driving scene.

Come on, sis.



I'm just a plain old
hetero-normative girl,

but all of my best friends
have been drag queens.



I want more out of
that laugh from you.

-I like how it built. Yeah.

But all of my best friends
have been drag queens.



-Thank you.
-Thank you.

Moving on.

Oh, my God, Dad,
why are you wearing a wig?

You're embarrassing me.

Hello, hello, hello, Christine.

I'm not a regular dad.
I'm a cool dad.

Vanjie, right now it's just
coming across like you.

So, I wonder if there's a way to find
a little more dorky dad in there.

Hello, hello, hello.

I can try dorky.
Let's do dorky.

-Hello, hello, hello.

Hi, Christine.
I'm a regular dad.

I'm not a regular dad.
I'm cool.

-And I've been to DragCon three times.
-That's her dorky?


Wait. Vanjie, do me a favor.
I love the energy,

but it's a little Cookie Monster,
and the crumbs are everywhere.

Soften it a little bit.

-Duly noted.
-And action.

Hello, hello, hello, Christine.

What the f*ck?

[all laughing]

Okay, let's go back
to Cookie Monster.

-I like the other one.
-Go back to Cookie Monster.

Let's move on to the next scene.
And action.

You own everything.

Cut, cut, cut, cut, cut.

Mercedes, "Opulence."

-Make sure we hear that, okay?

And action.

"Upulence," you earn everything.

"Opulence, you own everything."

-Upulence, you earned--
-Own. You own.

-You own it.

Opulence is like you're so
ridiculously opulent and rich

that you can buy
whatever you want.

-So you own everything. It's yours.

Don't forget,
you own everything.

-You own.
-You own. Here we go.

"Upulence," you own everything.

Touch this skin.

It's still just, like,
"Opulence, you have everything."

And Kahanna is trying to do,
you know,

what it is that's over the top,

but it just still looks
like a flapping duck.

-Let's set up for the last scene.
-Okay, this is it.


Girl, you haven't realized by now
this entire movie is a metaphor

on... mainstream society's...

for the drag queen culture.

Real quickly, Silky,
give me your line one more time.

You haven't realize this by now...

-That this entire movie is...

A... metaphor.

-Oh, that this entire.

-Go, go.
-This entire movie is based on--

A metaphor.
Not based on true anything.

Just bullshit in society.

-This entire movie is based on the--

Have you not
realized this by now

that this entire movie is a metaphor

on the mainstream society's
appropriated a drag queen culture?

-Stay in the moment.
-Look at them. Look at them.

Step away from the mother clucking
drag queen.

That fan won't stop us.

Silky, that's you.

That fan ain't gonna do shit.

No, but my DMV-issued taser will.

Oh, you punched me.

-Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

Listen. Silky, you can't laugh, girl.

This is like Fight Club.

Guys, I don't want
to do this anymore, please.

-Wrap it up.
-Stop laughing, you're dead.

Great. Tase her titties. Good.

-Well put.
-Thank you.

Luckily my character is supposed to be
concerned and confused,

because I'm both of those things.

Okay, this is the last take.

And action.

Oh, you a big bitch.
I gotta get you twice.

And that's a wrap.

That was quite a journey.

That means this could go
either way, y'all.

Oh, God.

I think we're in trouble.

Thank you.

I hope the other team did bad.

You better come through, girl.

Let's get this party started.

It's elimination day,
and I'm feeling very confident.

So, this is going to be a nice...
either validation or wakeup call.

-Girl, what are you doing?
-I'm trying something different.

-Girl, you look like--
-I'm about to go contour

with blue and turquoises
and all of that,

then put like a gold forehead.

Oh, 'cause, girl, I'm over here
confused as hell.

I'm confused, too,
until I get it together, bitch.

That's why I said
I need all this time.

♪ Oh, give me
some chicken wings ♪

How do you feel about
what Ru brought up,

you know, with the other girls
talking about

how loud and rambunctious you are?

[Silky] I'm gonna let
y'all b*tches know,

I'm gonna be here,
I'm gonna be loud as hell.

f*ck you hoes.

[all laugh]

I'm ready to figure out
who said that shit to come forward.

Brooke Lynn, I got a question
for your team, bitch.


So, which one of you b*tches
was the one that said it about me?

Y'all legit.

Because everyone's
being quiet about it.

Said what?

Was the one who threw
her name out to f*cking Ru.

I did.

I knew it was you, bitch.

I'm not gonna lie to you.

[Yvie] No, it's just
everybody else on your team

was being all cute
and quiet about it.

But why would you say that about me?

[Ariel] You know, I'm feeling
a little bit overwhelmed,

because I'm the only one
that admitted it.

Anybody else, like,
y'all said shit, too,

but, okay, let me be...
let me be the villain.

The way it came off was just like
I'm a loud, obnoxious person,

and I'm not gonna allow
my team to speak.

You do have a big personality,
and you know that.

-I do.
-And I'm saying I was curious to see

how that was going to mix
in a teamwork environment.

That's... that's it.

That's the Tee.
Thank you for speaking up, Ariel.

The rest of y'all need
to step your pussies up.

No, but I think we all agreed.

Whether or not you agreed...

if you agreed then f*cking
speak up about it.

If you have enough balls to tell Ru,
then tell Silky to her g*dd*mn face.

Hey, so, wait, wait, wait,
wait, wait, wait, wait.

I'm not liking this energy at all.

Instead of asking everybody else
and then going off about this shit

that you know nothing about.

-Bitch, like--

It's not that I don't know
nothing about it.

I've heard it from
half of y'all anyways, so...

I am shook that Yvie
has come for me.

She messing with
the absolute wrong bitch.

The bitch in the room
that you don't mess with

and don't f*ck with is me.

Put that shit on ice.

Girl, you better
your own self on ice.

Better focus on
this g*dd*mn challenge.

-Oh, I'm focused, boo.
-Your makeup says otherwise.

Ooh. Girl.

Not only does she attack me,
she att*cks my makeup.

Now, bitch.

Girl, Miss Yvie,
look at yourself and then ask...

say whose makeup is doing what?
Right, you need to focus.

Bitch, you are sitting over there
rubbing gray paint on your face.

Uh, have you ever seen somebody
finger-paint with their feet?

That's Yvie's mug.

Focus on that blending, boo.

Bitch, I don't know
you're talking about.

She's a goddess.

No, bitch, you can never.

A girl that looks like you,
smells like you,

acts like you. No, ma'am.

An ugly girl can never come
for a pretty girl.

No, it's an ugly bitch like you

crawling out of the swamp
to come for me?

Mm-mm, girl, I'm over it.

Bitch, I gotta go
put on a beauty mug.

I don't know what the f*ck
I was thinking.


I don't know what
you was thinking neither.

Whatever it was
it definitely ain't working.

So, who all has traveled for pageants?

I've traveled a lot for pageantry.
I did a pageant in Memphis.

I did pageants in Nashville.
I did pageants in Mississippi.

I used to travel a lot.

It was just, like,
so hard for me to fly

that I ended up, like, I used to
drive state-to-state for shows.

You know what my problem was?
Why they put me on a no-flight list?

-Like, girl, I couldn't fly.
-You're on the no-fly list?

-I used to be for the longest time.
-Bitch, are you kidding me?


My name, and you know, especially
what's going on now these days.

Oh, you mean some cute, casual,
societally built-in racism?

I'm originally from Mombasa, Kenya,

and my name sounds Muslim,
so they put me on the watch list.

And I was, like, I'm a drag queen.

Like, what you think I'm gonna do?

It was just...
it was just so hard getting...

On top of that, my body
gave out one time, girl...

Your body gave out?

Yeah, girl, like, not getting
enough rest and stuff.

Bitch, I had a stroke
in the middle of a pageant.


And then I ended up
being in a wheelchair.

Like, I had to take off from shows.

Oh, girl, now I ain't know
it was that bad.

Like, I couldn't walk.

Because I couldn't fly,
I was on the road all the time,

and so my body
couldn't take it anymore.

I was in a wheelchair.

I lost the whole feeling on my right side.

It was scary.

I had to hide from social media.

I didn't want people
to see me in public, like...

It was just, like, literally so hard.

I was, like, what did I do,
like, you know?

Being an immigrant in the U.S. is hard.

It's really, really hard.

I cannot believe
that we have a man in office

who thinks that it's okay
to try and block out more people

who bring more culture to this place.

All right, now let's start
talking about our cysts.

Bring cyst back.

Bring back my cyster.

[participant] Oh, my God.

I don't want that cyst, I popped it.

["Cover Girl" by RuPaul playing]

♪ Cover girl
Put the bass in your walk ♪

♪ Head to toe
Let your whole body talk ♪

♪ And what? ♪

Welcome to the main stage
of RuPaul's Drag Race.

Now in 3D, it's Michelle Visage.

Now, what was it like directing two films?

Well, Ru, you know,
I'm known for my double features.

Who do you use as a DP?


Our fabulous co-director, Ross Mathews.

I loved directing, Ru.
I felt like a regular Alfred Bitchcock.

The hilarious Bobby Moynihan.

Now, have you done drag before?

I haven't, but I do have a drag name.

Might be a little un-PC, but I think
I would go with Fatti LuPone.

Fatti LuPone, oh, my God.

Either Fatti LuPone or Better Midler.

From Glow and Black Panther, Sydelle Noel.

-Dragkanda forever, Ru.
-[RuPaul laughs]

Don't you mean whomp-whomp?

This week, we challenged our queens

to over-act in two
breakthrough feature films.

And on the runway, category is,
What's Your Sign?

Gentlemen, start your engines,
and may the best woman win.

♪ We got a mighty love ♪

Category is, What's Your Sign?

First up,
Brooke Lynn Hytes, Pisces.

This makes me wanna rent Splash.

Oh, my cod.

[Brook Lynn] I may not be feeling
confident about the challenge,

but I feel really confident
in my runway.

I have two koi fish
swimming across my chest,

and this giant neckpiece
that's all water.

It's really uncomfortable to be in,
but I look f*cking good.

[RuPaul] She's totally shellfish.

Plastique Tiara, Aries.

[Ross] I love that she
just kept her knees hairy.

People don't do that anymore.

-[RuPaul] We don't.
-[Ross] No, they don't.

[Plastique] Last time I gave them
just a pretty runway,

but this time I decided
to go sexy, seductive.

I look the best. I smell the best.
This is my runway.

[Bobby] This is the hostess
at every restaurant

-in Game of Thrones.

[Michelle] Today, mutton.
Tomorrow, muttoned.

[RuPaul] Ra'Jah O'Hara, Capricorn.

Capricorn is a what?
It's a ram? It's a ram poodle.

[Ra'Jah] Capricorn sign is a mixture
of a goat and a fish.

The mug was right,
the hair was tight.

Goats are very agile,
and that's very much my personality.

I thrive in rough terrain.

I believe that's a Jean-Paul Goat-ier.

[Michelle] Oh, no, you didn't.

Goated it.

[RuPaul] Nina West, Leo.

Her fire's on p*ssy.

[Nina] I decided to really be inspired
by the mane of a lion

and show the judges that
I am this fiery competitor.

As a lion, I've k*lled before,
and I will k*ll again.


Stop re-lion on that body.

Honey Davenport, Leo.

I've heard of a brown noser,
but this is ridiculous.

[Honey] I'm serving it
like as if Diana Ross

was the lion in The Wiz.

You can see every inch of this
fully rhinestoned lion goddess.

[Bobby] Brings a whole
new meaning to the mane stage.

[Ross] The lion sleeps around.

[RuPaul] Shuga Cain, "Scorpico."

That girl is poison.

[Shuga] This outfit is all me,

because I want to serve body,
I want it like tight,

I want to feel that sexy vibe.

I'm a little dark and mysterious
and a little scary.

You better watch out.

Now we know where Jane Child went.

Thank you.
It's a nineties reference.

[RuPaul] Ariel Versace, Aries.

She's the purple sheep
of the family.

[Ariel] A unicorn and a ram walk into a
bar and the rest is history.

I'm an Aries.
I'm loud and obnoxious and crazy.

My runway looks
are always going to be fun,

over the top, and definitely me.
I'm living.

[RuPaul] Ewe better work.

-You write it out, yeah.
-Write it down.

When you get home,
you're going to laugh.

Silky Nutmeg Ganache, Capricorn.

I call this
my goat of many colors.

I'm giving you deep-fried catfish

with a side of potato salad,
baked beans,

and a tall glass of sweet tea.

That's what I'm serving
on the runway today, baby.

I am just simply in love.

[Michelle] I don't think
you're yeti for this jelly.

-[RuPaul] Uh-uh.
-[Ross] Definitely not.

[RuPaul] Capri-corn?
I don't remember having Capri-corn.

Yvie Oddly, Leo.

Rum Tum Tugger, the early years.

[Yvie] My look is this digital lion,
quintessential Yvie.

I'm showing an attention to detail
with all my little bits and gadgets

and broken pieces of computers.

This lion is my digital fantasy.

[Bobby] I did not know
they were filming Avatar.

[Ross] Her litter box is filthy.

Beep, beep, beep.

Vanessa Vanjie Mateo, Libra.

Now this is a balanced look.

-[RuPaul] Hey, Vanjie, how's it hanging?
-[Michelle] Well hung.

I'm giving you flower girl realness.

I gotta balance these f*cking
red roses on my head.

I hot glued that bitch.

Ooh, my God, I can feel the pain,
but, baby, that's what you have to do.

She has rosen.

A'Keria C. Davenport, Pisces.

On a scale of one to five,
I give this an Omega 3.

[A'Keria] Clearly, I'm a fish.

My body is still
a little claustrophobic.

I'm usually about showing my body-ody.

I just wanted to show the judges

that, you know, she's not
always that sex kitten.

She can give you variety.

[Ross] She's all about that bass,
about that bass.

Fish, fish, fish.

Mercedes Iman Diamond.

[Bobby] She really knows how
to handle her w*apon.

sh**t that poison arrow.

[Mercedes] Girl, I'm gonna show you
how Mercedes owns this stage.

I am giving you this big hair.

And, bitch, I'm from the jungles,
don't forget that.

She does make a point.

Duck, Michelle, duck.

Kahanna Montrese, Aries.

-Ram tough.
-[Michelle] Yes, she is.

[Kahanna] I'm really trying
to channel Tyra Banks,

because I'm feeling
like top model fish.

I am moving this chiffon
around the stage.


Okay. Well, bitch,
there goes that moment.

Wham, bam, thank you, ram.

Scarlet Envy, Pisces.

[Ross] I hate to burst your bubble,
but you're blowing it.

[Sydelle] I don't remember
Frozen being like this.

[Scarlet] I am a Pieces goddess
directly from the sea,

right into your heart.

She is giving you waves of fluid,
beautiful glitter.

Call me bubbles, darling.
Everybody does.

-[Bobby] In honor of Michael Jackson.
-[Michelle] Bubbles.

It's time for Team Brooke Lynn Hytes
and the global premiere of

Why It Gotta Be Black, Panther?

Nails, I just got
my DNA test results,

and, bitch, I'm 50%
Dragkanda royalty,

and I didn't even know
that was a real place.

Oh, honey.
Dragkanda is this mystical place

where drag queens run free.

-But how do we get there?
-I know a way.

And when we get inside, you can take
the rightful place as queen,

and I will become rich.
Rich, I say!

[both laughing]

-Next hand.

You know I only got one hand,
and I'll cut you with it!

Deep within the dunes of Fire Island

lies the world's most technologically
advanced civilization: Dragkanda.

Powered by charismium,
this great drag nation is ruled

by my drag daughter,
the whitest Black Panther.

Excuse me,
but we can't say Black Panther.

-Copyright issue.
-How about Pink Panther?

-No, try again.
-Purple Panther?

Yes! I love the color purple.
Oprah was right.

Listen. Enemy forces are coming
to thr*aten the... Purple Panther.

-Oh, my God.
-And undermine our drag way of life.

BeBe Zaharaaaah!


Wrong movie, ma'am.

To harness your p*ssy power,

you must smoke this mystical
charismium flower.

Exhale, baby, exhale.


It's legal in Dragkanda.

Oh, my God, Great Aunt Max'ine,
is that you?

There is a rival panther
coming for your crown.

Beyoncé what?

You have a half-drag sister,
and, bitch, she is from Chicago.

I don't start drama,
but I definitely finish it.

You need to get some gadgets
from your sister Sissy, honey.

If you stay woke,
you won't have to get woke.

Whoo-hoo! Damn, that is some good shit.

Sissy, our half-sister Chicago Panther
is coming to try to snatch my crown.

-I need your help.
-Chicago Panther?

Oh, I follow her on Instagram.

Clearly she got
the looks in the family.

Can we move on?

These k*ller heels, well, girl,
they will make your booty pop.

Absolutely not.

[sighs] Now here they are.

These tactical tucking panties.

Now, these have the ability to absorb
even the strongest of shade,

and then clapback with
the intensity of 10,000 reads!


Chicago Panther and Nails
have breached the panty shield.

I think they're coming.

Not only am I the legitimate heir
to the throne of Dragkanda,

I'm also legitimately hotter.

Everybody says so.
Right, Nails?

Whatever you say, Chicago.
But now I can get my hands...

I mean, hand,
on the all-powerful charisminum.

Hey, Nails.
You ready to lose another arm?

Oh, honey, I can fight you
with one hand tied behind my back.

Now give me the charisminum
or feel my wrath.

We will fight you to the death,
Dragkanda style.

Purple Panther, you're so ugly

your family had to tie
a pork chop around your neck

for the dog to play with you.

Ho, is you a squirrel?

Because your cheeks
are full of nuts.

Your shade is just too intense for me.

How come I ain't got
no dialogue in this scene?

Reclaiming my lines.
Reclaiming my lines.

Next up,
Team Silky Nutmeg Ganache

and the global premiere of
Good God Girl, Get Out!

Marnie, we're driving all the way to
your heterosexual parents' house.

But do they know I'm a drag queen?

Oh, Christine,
they're gonna love you.

They love me, don't they?

Yeah, but you're definitely
not a drag queen.

I know. I'm just a plain old
hetero-normative girl.

But all of my best friends
have been drag queens.



Was that...?

An eerie foreshadowing
of something to come?

No, I think
that was Derrick Barry.

Good God, girl, get...

[both] Oh...

Hello, hello, hello, Christine.

I'm no regular dad.
I'm a cool dad.

I watch Drag Race every night
and I've been to DragCon three times.


As a psychologist, I found
that Vivian Mahogany Davenport's

new panel discussion
on the new movement of soft sculpture

is truly fascinating.

Oh, I'm sorry my parents
are being so weird.

They're definitely not trying
to plot something bad.

What? No, I don't think
anything's weird.

"Upulence!" You own everything.

Touch this skin.
Touch all this skin, bro.

Okay, that was weird.

Oh, no, they're the drag queens
who work for us.

And they're definitely
not my grandparents.

[dial tone]
♪ Guess who's back in the house? ♪

♪ Guess who's back in the house? ♪

New phone. Who this?

It's your best friend
Rhonda from the DMV.

Excuse me, can't you see
I'm on my lunch break?

-So, they haven't k*lled you yet?
-I think they like me.

Don't you watch scary movies?

The drag queen is always
the first to be m*rder*d.

I'm pretty sure it's the black guy.

Oh, time for dinner, hon.

-Ready to be served?
-Who that?


Leave while you still can.

What did you say to her, little girl?

I'm so not a man.

-Sashay away.
-What was that?

I just asked her
if she would like some eggs.

Oh, no, thank you.
I brought my own hot sauce.

[both] Good God, girl, get out!

[dial tone]
♪ Guess who's back in the house? ♪

Hold that thought. I gotta get this.

Who this?

Oh, thank God, girl,
they haven't k*lled you yet.

Girl, listen.

According to my DMV database,

drag queens have been coming up missing

for the past 11 seasons.

Like, falling off social media,
canceling gigs.

Marnie's family is a part
of some secret society

that kidnaps, brainwashes,
and trades places with drag queens.

Like, Christine, like,
you in danger, girl.

Time to go, Christine.

Oh! Oh...

Would you like some tea, Christine?

Oh, no, thank you. I'm not thirsty.

I've never met a queen
that didn't like tea.

What's the tea?

What's the tea?

What's the Tee?

Bitch, please...

Now the time has come for you
to sink, sink, sink, sink.

Now you're in
the between-me-down-there.

That's how you say it, right?

You're paralyzed, Christine.

Like when Valentina
didn't know the words to "Greedy."

[Michelle laughing]

OMG! What's happening?

Girl, you haven't realized
by now what's going on?

This whole entire movie is a metaphor

on mainstream society's
appropriation of drag culture.

Now I'm gonna put the snatch
in body-ody-ody snatcher.


I recognize that sound.

Step away from
the mother clucking drag queen.

Oh, that fan ain't gonna stop us.

No, bitch, but my DMV-issue taser will.


Oh, you a big bitch.
I gotta get you twice.

Yes, bitch!
But how did you know?

At the DMV, oh, bitch,
we get shit done.

Actually, you guys
don't really get anything done.

Shut up, bitch.
Let's go.

'Cause I'm still on
my m*therf*cking lunch break.


Ladies, I've made some decisions.

When I call your name,
please step forward.

Nina West.

Vanessa Vanjie Mateo.

Dr. Silky Nutmeg Ganache.

Honey Davenport.

A'Keria C. Davenport.

Ra'Jah O'Hara.

You are safe.

You may leave the stage.

Now it's time for the judges' critiques,
starting with Brooke Lynn Hytes.

I love this outfit.
I think it's like one of my top.

As far as your performance goes,
it was only one note.

-Oh, my God.
-So, it kind of flatlined.

I was actually on the set.
I was incog-n*gro.

Watching you guys, and one of the notes
that Michelle gave you

was "Beyoncé what?" line.
And I never heard you nail that one.

-Let me hear you say it.
-Beyoncé what?

A little bit more.
'Cause the joke is "say what?"

-Beyoncé what?
-There you go.

-Eighth times a charm.
-Well, you know.

Plastique Tiara.

Tonight on the runway you look stunning.

I wish, however, you weren't
wearing the same boots

that you had on in the thing.

I thought you were a standout
in the video.

-Rich, I say!
-Absolutely hilarious.

You were a scene-stealer.

Every time you said a line,
I was laughing.

This is a good season
of Drag Race.

-I'm in love with you all already.
-That will go in the promo.

[all laughing]

Up next, Shuga Cain, "Scorpico."

You look beautiful.
Your makeup is stunning.

But I could not tell you
that you're Scorpio.

Literally, I got no Scorpio.

But your performance
as Auntie Max'ine...

That is some good shit.

You blew me away.

Your job is to come in,
knock it out of the park,

and get out of there.
You did that perfectly.

Thank you.

Up next, Ariel Versace.

I love this look.
It's just so sweet.

I will say it didn't make sense
for you to pick your shirt up

when you were all the way back there
and we could barely see it.


In the challenge, I feel like
I could see you in your head.

You could see you
trying to get to your moment.

It was a little clunky,
your timing together.

Up next, Scarlet Envy.

I really love the fact that you
contoured your breasts with turquoise.


That's amazing.

I've been watching this show
for a long time,

and I don't think I've seen
anyone come out with bubbles.

That was a genius idea.

That part that you played,

a lot of people play that
sort of, "Oh, I'm in peril!

What do I do?" thing
at this level the whole time.

And I'm already annoyed with myself.

What you were able to do was find
peaks and valleys in the performance.

I didn't know
how much you had to offer.

-I just want to say I was chosen last.
-Yeah, she was as f*ck.

Uh... and that shook me.

I really enjoyed it.
Nice work.

Thank you.

Up next, Yvie Oddly.

Your acting, superb.

It was fun to work with someone
with such passion for it.

You two have good chemistry.
You guys work well together.

And Yvie Oddly, you are weird
and you are fierce, and I love it.

Yeah, and out of all the runways,
yours was the best, most committed.

As a fan of the show,
I can't wait to see what you do.

Mercedes Iman Diamond.

Your outfit, um, compared to
what I'm seeing on this stage,

it just really fell flat for me.

-You have to kick it up a notch.

-Your performance.

Sometimes when I was trying
to get you to say opulence,

it really sounded like you
were saying upland.

Like Upland, California.

I feel amongst these girls
that you get quiet and I lose you.

Even right now on this stage,

your shoulders is forward,
your hand is like this.

You're diminishing yourself.

I almost feel sad for you,
like, maybe you don't

feel like you're worthy.

I just don't feel comfortable. I...

Four years ago I had a stroke.

And I lost half of my body.

And after that, I pretend like
I'm comfortable when people see me.

But inside, I'm like I don't
feel as pretty as I used to.

You are beautiful, Mercedes.

Don't allow that saboteur
to block your blessing here.

-Your moment is now.
-Thank you.

Thanks, Mercedes.

Kahanna Montrese.

Your outfit, compared to these
girls who just went for it,

I feel like all you pretty much did
was the horns and some glitter.

If I can do it, then no.
I feel like I can do that.

On set, I saw you trying really hard,
and I could really appreciate that.

I don't think
you got all the way there.

Did you and Mercedes try to sort of

come up with a routine
or a stunt together?

Because your roles really did
depend on one another.

Um, no. I was...
Maybe if I just would have been

more in sync with her,
we would have landed it.

So it was a missed opportunity,
because you all felt disconnected.

Yes, ma'am.

Thank you, ladies.
I think we've heard enough.

While you untuck backstage,
the judges and I will deliberate.

Now just between us squirrel friends,
what do you think?

Brooke Lynn Hytes.

For me, on the set,
the thing she didn't do

was be willing to bend a little bit.

Take after take
she did the same thing.

Second and third take
was an opportunity to loosen up,

actually breathe some life into it.

-Plastique Tiara.
-Memorable, super-super funny.

All around really, really fantastic.

If you're checking boxes on week two:
you've got talent, you've got looks.

I'm intrigued
by what she's gonna do next.

I mean, what more
do you want on week two?

[RuPaul] Shuga Cain.

As Auntie Max'ine, she was a standout.

One of the best,
if not the best in that team.

It was funny
take after take after take.

She played that auntie role.
She did. She did.

[RuPaul] Ariel Versace.

Every time we gave direction,
she listened,

but she didn't know what to do
with the information.

Comedy's hard, and I think
she tried as best as she could,

but it wasn't there yet.
I wanted more.

[RuPaul] Scarlet Envy.

She was the most natural actress
out of all of them.

-Scarlet is a leading lady.

[RuPaul] Yvie Oddly.

I am weirdly intrigued by her.
I loved her acting.

I think she did a really good job.

I thought she was really funny.
I dig that vibe. I'm a big fan.

Mercedes Iman Diamond.

I do feel for her.
It's horrible what happened.

But I feel like, use those flaws
and make it work for you.

Look, there was
no character development in the movie.

I don't remember a thing she did.

Also, her bow and arrow work was...
it was a lot of this.

-Just weird.
-[RuPaul] Kahanna Montrese.

I needed more than just splashing
a little glitter on your pecs.

The glitter on the chest
looked like hair on her chest.

That's what I thought it was.

-Did you see that?
-It looked like hair.

I tell you,
when we were directing her,

I don't think
she understood this part.

There is something very sweet about her.
I just don't know if she's ready yet.

Silence. I've made my decision.

I'll have the tuna fish on rye.

Welcome back, ladies.

I've made some decisions.

Shuga Cain...

you're safe.

Thank you.

Plastique Tiara...

-you're safe.
-Thank you.

Scarlet Envy...

Yvie Oddly...

Good God, girls, you've got it.



You are both the winners
of this week's challenge.

You've each won a $2,500 gift card
from The Crème Shop.

You may join the other girls.

I think I have shown these ladies
who they're f*cking with.

Mercedes Iman Diamond, this week,

your performance lacked sparkle.

I'm sorry, my dear,
but you are up for elimination.

Brooke Lynn Hytes...

-you're safe.
-Thank you.

Ariel Versace,
your ram was glam,

but your Sissy wasn't sassy.

Kahanna Montrese,
you took this challenge by the horns,

but you still seemed sheepish.

Kahanna Montrese, I'm sorry, my dear,
but you are up for elimination.

Ariel Versace, you are safe.
You may join the other girls.

Thank you.

Two queens stand before me.

Ladies, this is your last chance
to impress me

and save yourself from elimination.

The time has come...

for you to lip sync...

for... your... life!

Kahanna Montrese, this is it.
Show the world what you got.

Good luck, and don't f*ck it up.

♪ You wanna? ♪

♪ You want a hot body? ♪

♪ You want a Bugatti? ♪

♪ You want a Maserati? ♪

♪ You better work, bitch ♪

♪ You wanna live fancy? ♪

♪ Live in a big mansion? ♪

♪ Party in France? ♪

♪ You better work, bitch ♪

♪ You better work, bitch ♪

♪ You better work, bitch ♪

♪ You better work, bitch ♪

♪ Now get to work, bitch ♪


Girl, I don't even recognize
Mercedes right now.

She was giving Toni Braxton
tease up under there.

Kahanna's flipping
and I'm ducking and diving.

Bitch, don't hit me, whore.

♪ Hold your head high ♪

♪ Fingers to the sky ♪

♪ They gonna try to try ya ♪

♪ But they can't deny ya ♪

♪ Keep it moving higher and higher ♪

♪ So hold your head high ♪

♪ Fingers to the sky ♪

♪ Now they don't believe ya ♪

♪ But they gonna meet ya ♪

♪ Keep it moving higher and higher ♪

-♪ Work, work ♪
-♪ Work ♪

-♪ Work, work ♪
-♪ Work ♪

-♪ Work, work ♪
-♪ Work ♪

-♪ Work it out, work it out ♪
-♪ Work it out

-♪ Work it out, work it out ♪
-♪ Work it out

-♪ Work it out, work it out ♪
-♪ Work it out

-♪ Work it out, work it out ♪
-♪ Work it out


♪ You better work, bitch ♪

[Vanessa] Come on, bitch.

Ladies, I've made my decision.

Mercedes Iman Diamond...

shantay, you stay.

You may join the other girls.

Kahanna Montrese, you are
a young queen with a big future.

Now go out there and work, bitch.

Now, sashay away.

Thank you, guys, for everything.

I love you, Kahanna.

Something's coming, bitch.
Something is coming.

It hurts to go home second.

Had I just had one more shot,

they would have got exactly who I am.

That's why you gotta bring it
every single time.

[RuPaul] Con-drag-ulations, ladies.

Now remember, if you can't love yourself,

how in the hell
you gonna love somebody else?

Can I get a whomp-whomp?

[all] Whomp-whomp.

Now can I get an amen?

-[all] Amen!
-[RuPaul] All right.

Now let the music play.

♪ To, to, to, to the moon ♪

♪ To the moon, to the moon ♪

♪ Come on and take me away ♪

♪ To, to, to, to the moon ♪

Next time on RuPaul's Drag Race...

You'll be starring in two
she-vangelical talk shows.

Please welcome
to the IBBN stage, Miss Vanjie.

Thank ya, sisters.

We are here in the name of Mariah.

This is, like,
exactly what I was hoping to see

when I was told that
I was coming to Drag Race.

I can't think of one, like,
positive thing about the challenge.

I have three words for all of you girls.

Stink, stank, stunk.

♪ To, to, to, to, to, to, to
To the moon ♪

♪ To the moon ♪

♪ To the moon ♪

♪ Come on and take me away ♪

♪ To, to, to, to the moon ♪

♪ To the moon ♪

♪ To the moon ♪

♪ Come on and take me away ♪

♪ To, to, to, to the moon ♪

♪ To the moon ♪

♪ To the moon ♪

♪ Come on and take me away ♪

♪ To, to, to, to the moon ♪
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