12x06 - Snatch Game

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "RuPaul's Drag Race". Aired: February 2, 2009 – present.*
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RuPaul plays the role of host, mentor, and head judge for this series, as contestants are given different challenges each week.
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12x06 - Snatch Game

Post by bunniefuu »

[RuPaul] Previously on
RuPaul’s Drag Race...

You need to overact
in Gay's Anatomy.


Get this baby out of me!


I'm about to shove up my baby
little egg-- in you-- sorry.

[RuPaul] Heidi N Closet.

I almost feel like
I'm looking at two different outfits.

[RuPaul] Nicky Doll.

I just wanted you to do more
with this super funny drag baby.

Heidi, shantay, you stay.


Nicky Doll, sashay away.

[dramatic music playing]

[sighs] Oh, my god.


Jeez Louise.

[Gigi sighs] Oh, Nicky.

[Heidi] Watch out 'cause
I don't plan on lip syncin' no more


Don't put me in the bottom no more.

I had been doing so well
up until this point,

and then bang!


It's like taking me
from a hundred to a ten real fast.

But I think I showed everyone
just what I'm made of

and I'm ready to send
all of them home if I need to.

Brita, how did you feel
about being towards the bottom?

I was shook, honestly.

I don't know why
I was in the bottom. And--

I don't know why, honestly,
why my scene partner

wasn't in the bottom with me.


We're doing this again?

Why does she get a free escape
when all of our stuff was together?

All we can do is try to bring

what the judges
are asking from us, specifically.

Just because Brita views herself
as a strong competitor,

and is upset that
she is in the bottom this week,

She feels like somehow, that's my fault.

[Widow] Look, we all
were great in this challenge,

there's no motherfreaking excuses anymore.

So you better be on your Ps and Qs, bitch.

[queen] Hey!

[Jaida] This is not
RuPaul's Excuse Race, bitch.

[Brita] Let's go, let's get out of drag.

How you feelin', boo boo?

It's just been a buildup
from the moment we got here.

I don't wanna have to continue
going through this competition

in those moments
feeling good about myself,

-just to have other people tear you down.
-Tear you down, yeah.

These b*tches have been
coming for me from day one.

Honestly, I'm not here for it,

so... Quiet Aiden

isn't gonna be quiet for much longer.

At the end of the day, it is what it is.

-[Heidi] Yeah.
-All we can do is f*cking slay.

There's ten girls
left in this competition.

It's time to step up my game because

I am not satisfied
with just being safe now.

If you're accepting any less than the top,

then you night as well get packing.

[dramatic music playing]

[queen cheering]

[car engine starting up]

♪ RuPaul's Drag Race ♪

[RuPaul] The winner of RuPaul's Drag Race
receives a one-year supply

of Anastasia Beverly Hills cosmetics,

and a cash prize of $100,000!

With extra special guest judges...

the stars of Mean Girls,

Daniel Franzese

and Jonathan Bennett.

♪ RuPaul's Drag Race ♪

♪ May the best woman ♪

♪ Best woman win ♪

[tires screeching]

[upbeat music playing]

Another day to see the light.

We're on Drag Race. I'm fine.

It's a new day in the Werk Room.

I haven't won a challenge yet.

Just Jan has been... just safe.


I'm ready to slay
whatever's coming my way.

Hello, hello, hello.

[queens cheer and scream]

[Jackie] All right, sis.
The Emerald City has arrived.

[RuPaul] Now, ladies...

for this week's maxi challenge...

we're playing the Snatch Game.

[queens scream]

Pick a celebrity
that you can impersonate,

then, make me and the world laugh.

[Widow] RuPaul Charles

done shook up the building.

It's the m*therf*cking Snatch Game.

[screaming] I'm excited!

Gentlemenses, start your engines

and may the best woman win.

[queens cheer]

Let's get snatched.

[Jan] I wanna know who everyone's doing.

[Jackie] The Snatch Game
shows the drag queens

at their celeb impersonation best.

Or not so best.

[Crystal] Brita, what are
you thinking of doing?

Jennifer Holliday.

[Crystal] Jaida, what about you?

I'm doing Cardi B.

-[Jaida vocalizing]
-[Gigi] Oh, shut up.

Yeah, so. Okurr.

[Widow] I'm doing-- Oh!

[Jackie] Widow, who are you doing?

You can't tell by the hair?

-It looks like Tinta Turnter.
-Thank you.

Someone's cultured in this bitch.


I'm thinking of doing Ike and Tina.

[Brita] Widow's doing Tina Turner,

but then halfway through
she wants to do Ike Turner,

but I don't know if that's a good idea.


This seems like a very sticky situation.

[Heidi] Luckily I did good
in the last improv, so...

Hopefully I can continue my,
my improv career.

Yeah, I was in the top group
that week, but...

as my, uh,
sisters in that group liked to say,

they carried me through.

[Heidi] Yeah, they did say that.
Didn't they?

-[Aiden] I am doing...

Patricia Quinn.

Who's that?

She played Magenta
in the Rocky Horror Picture Show.


She's like an old kooky woman now, so...

Are you playing
the old her or the new her?

[Aiden] The more current old her, yeah.

She's somebody that I've met
personally and I've had lunch with.

Oh, okay, cute.

[Brita] I hang out with my mom,
doesn't mean she's funny.

Good luck, bitch.

'Cause she doesn't have
any scene partners in this one.

[cheerful music playing]

[Brita] Our maxi challenge
today is the Snatch Game!

I'm super excited and

a little terrified.

America is judging you during Snatch Game.

Hey, stars.


We've got company.


Bam, bitch!

[queens scream]

Vanjie is here,

I am so excited to see her.

[queens] Vanjie!
Miss Vanjie.

[Jan] She has the iconic: "Miss Vanjie."

[overlapping] Miss Vanjie.

[Vanjie] I'm not a regular dad, I'm cool.

Thank you, Miss Vanjie.

I thank myself.

[Jan] She's one of the most popular
people from this competition.

Vanjie and I are here
to school you on the dos and don'ts

of winning Snatch Game.

God knows I'm here for the don'ts.


My Snatch Game was...


What's up, Doctor Phil?

Oh shit, I'm sorry. I mean Ru.

So, I'm here
to let the chickenheads know

what not to do for Snatch Game.

That's what we're doing today.

[RuPaul] Come on, Vanjie,

I want you to meet Heidi.

-Hi, Heidi.

-How are you doing?
-Good, and you?

I'm doing blessed and highly favored.

I know that's right, hmm.


See, now that's funny.
Are you in character right now?

That was Heidi, but no.

I got Leslie Jones on the back
and she's about to come out here, so...


[RuPaul] Now, Heidi,
you're very charismatic.

How are you gonna
infuse that into Leslie Jones?

Leslie Jones, her comedy is very...

loud, in-your-face and very thirsty...

-...with her skit.

So I can really tap into that real well,

-going there.

Why did you choose someone
who's got a Southern accent

who's very close to your personality?

You know, all you b*tches come in here
and you think you're Meryl Streep.


Why not stay a little bit close to home,
that way you don't have to work so hard.

I feel like you could definitely give me
one of the housewives of Atlanta.

-[RuPaul] Oh, Phaedra.

She sounds like her, doesn't she?

-Do I?
-Yes, you give me a lot of Phaedra.

You know, that's what
I'm getting, the vibe.

Atlanta Housewives Phaedra,

that's somebody who I feel like
she could execute naturally.

Oh, that's a big-- execute.

Child, I almost choked saying that one.

Just start tapping into
whatever you naturally can do,

you know what I'm saying,
'cause you're already naturally funny.

Bitch, you got acrylics, too?

These are my real nails,
what are you talk-- acrylic?


-Let me see.
-She needs a fillin' right now, honey.

Them is sophisticated, yeah,
don't do none of these ones.

Don't clock in the filling, honey.

You see how you just responded there,

you see that volley that you just did?

That's what Snatch Game is.

But if you have to think too hard of
if Leslie Jones'd do that,

that will make you stumble.

I don't know
who Miss Phaedra is, personally, and...

I think I'm gonna stick
with Miss Leslie Jones.

-That's it, all right.
-[screaming and laughing]

She's definitely snatched
you bald on that one.

[RuPaul] All right, make me laugh.

-Awesome sauce.
-[RuPaul] All right. Come on, Vanjie.


Vanjie, I wanna
introduce you to Simply... Jan.

-I see a little Tony.

She's won a Tony, you're getting warm.

Lindsey Lohan.


Oh, I know.
Bernadette Peters.

That's correct, Ru.


[Jan] Musical theater is something
that I grew up with, so I love her.

I know in your audition reel,
you did Kris Jenner.

That was my music video.

I did "Call Me Mother"

for my tape as Kris Jenner,
walking around my uncle's house doing it.

That was pretty phenomenal.

I actually started
doing drag as Kris Jenner.

-I was not even going by Jan,

I was just going by
my boy name as Kris Jenner.

-[Jan] Yeah.

So you're doing Kris Jenner today,

-that's what I got out of this story.
-No, no, no.

I feel more comfortable
being able to riff as Bernadette.

I know her voice is
kind of like a baby doll voice.

[Jan] Mm-hmm.

[Imitating Bernadette] Hi, how are you,
are you having a good day today?

I'll tell you this, 'cause, you know,
I'm gonna tell you the don'ts.

Don't be switching your voice
halfway through.

I started with a voice, then I was like--

you know, by the second question:
"That has to go."

-[Jan] Right.
-[Vanjie] Don't be switching your voice.

That would be a "don't."

Do not.

-Well, we will see you out there.
-Yes, see you out there.

-Come on, Vanjie.
-Do it, go on now.

Vanjie, meet El DeBarge.

-[RuPaul] No, I mean, not El DeBarge.

This is Crystal Methyd.

-Hi, Vanjie.
-[Vanjie] Hi.

So, I see a blond wig,

I see a pink furry something there.

I was gonna be
the pop superstar android Poppy.


So, is she is a robot or not a robot?

She's a real person playing a robot.

She's got a robot persona.

Well, that sounds like a laugh riot.

If I were you, I would do
motherfuckin' El DeBarge.

-Oh-- Hello.

Well, I mean, you need
a brick to fall on your head.

[Crystal] Ru doesn't
seem to know who Poppy is.

I really just don't wanna make a fool
of myself during this challenge.

I'm a little nervous,
I never do characters

and I thought it'd be
something easy to do,

but I'm a little worried
that it's not gonna help me

-stand out and really show myself.

[RuPaul] Well, whatever you do, make sure

you stuff your character
full of behavior.

And preferably something
that can volley with me.

You know, I throw you a ball, you go:
"Oh, yeah, m*therf*cker."

And then you-- um, pow.

I just-- I'm putting
all this pressure on myself

'cause I know I didn't do good in the
improv challenge and this is so similar.

You know, I-- I like--

It's like, really, um--

frustrating that I've been
in the bottom and--

Uh, and...

I just really wanna
bring it this challenge.

Okay, but I can tell
you're very sensitive right now.

-[RuPaul] Do you want a hug?

-Yeah. [laughs]
-[RuPaul] Okay.

Now, don't cry on my suit, okay?

[queens laughing]

I really wanna do good in the Snatch Game.

I know I have what it takes
and I know it's inside of me,

but I just have so much self-doubt
in me right now and I'm... [sniffles]

I don't know how to get over it.


[sighs deeply]

[RuPaul] What got you
here in the first place

is what you already have.

You have to remember who the f*ck you are.

You're freaky, you're fun.

You are El motherfuckin' DeBarge.


[RuPaul] You just gotta pop.

Is there anything else I need to tell you?


You're the winner
of this week's challenge?


See, now that's how you volley.

-Do that. Okay?

Seeing Crystal, I could totally
relate to how she's feeling.

I just hope that she can shake this off

and, girl, press reset.

We'll see you out there.


[upbeat music playing]

-Jackie Cox.
-Salaam, RuPaul joon.

You are cute.

-[RuPaul] Uh-huh.

You know, I'm known for going in the
Werk Room and walking out with a piece.


I ain't no sugar momma, but I can
give you a Lunchable or somethin'.

Go ahead! Don't be jealous!

Don't be mad.

The peanut gallery.

Now, what you wanted to ask me?
Yes, I'm single.

Well, you know, I am
a taken man back home,

but we're, you know,
always down to make friends.

Next! Who else here-- Who single?

All right. I see a little wig here,

are you doing Ruth Buzzi?

[Jackie] Well, let's take another look.

She a housewife?

She's a housewife.

-Oh, Lisa Rinna!
-[Jackie] There she is.

She's always trying to sell herself,

and if it's not her, then it's
her husband Harry Hamlin,

who she will name drop
at the drop of a hat.

[RuPaul] Well, I mean,
on paper it sounds great.

What were your other choices?

Dame Julie Andrews.

[RuPaul] Oh, I love her.

-[Jackie] I love her, too.

But I mean, this wig. I would probably
do a little bit more of a reddish.

I love Julia Roberts.

One of my favorite movies
is Pretty Woman, so...

Well, darling, I cannot
wait to see your Julia Roberts.


Make me laugh as Julia Roberts.

-Yes. Thank you.
-What about Julie Andrews?

I love Julia.

Okay, bye.

I don't know-- Well...

Well, Gigi Goode.

Good morning, Miss Paul.

[RuPaul] Do you have any guesses, Vanjie?

She bald headed?

There is this very famous robot who--

she's been on a number of talk shows

she is famous for being
the first robot U.S. citizen.

This is a real person?

Wait, no, it's a robot.

She's a literal robot.

But how do you make a robot funny?

The references that I'm going to make
are more along the lines of

mechanics and science and stuff like that,

-which sounds so incredibly boring.
-Yeah, it does.

However, I have never seen someone
with a drier sense of humor

-than a robot.
-[RuPaul] Yeah.

May not work with Snatch Game.

-You understand my concern?

Because a robot doesn't really volley.

It's a lot of rapid fire stuff.

I'm thinking that's gonna be...

very difficult.

-I understand your concern.

-But I do not have the same concern.
-[RuPaul] Okay, all right.

-[tongue pops]
-[RuPaul] You have a lot to think about.

I do.

But mainly, make me laugh.

I'm going to.

The biggest personality
won the Snatch Game, Silky.

She was TS Madison,
she was doing the most.

And trust me, these b*tches
gonna be big and loud.


All right, we will see you out there.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

-Come on, Vanjie.
-See you later.

[Heidi] I feel like Gigi is taking
probably the biggest risk so far

in this challenge because

Ru wasn't really
understanding the character.

So... good luck to her.

Ladies, gather around.

Gather 'round, ladies.

So, Vanjie, do you have any final words

of encouragement for my girls?

Mm-hmm, just one simple thing.

Good luck and don't f*ck it up, bitch.


Turn it out, b*tches. If not...

catch me outside, how 'bout that?

Oof, the prime example what not to do.

-[queens cheer]
-Bye, Vanjie!

[RuPaul] Welcome to Snatch Game.

Let's meet our contestants.

He was Damian in Mean Girls,

the legendary father of
the house of Glen Coco,

Daniel Franzese.

Four for you, Ru Coco. You go, Ru Coco.


Our next guest played the role
of Aaron Samuels in Mean Girls.

Welcome Jonathan Bennett.

Jonathan, did anyone ever tell you

that you look sexy
with your hair pushed back?

It's not the only thing
that's pushed back, Ru.

-[audience laughs]

All right, contestants,
let's meet our stars.

First up, from Saturday Night Live,

the hilarious Leslie Jones.

I'm back, Ru. I just got the girls done.

Blacker the berry, sweeter the juice.

[RuPaul] I thought it was
darker the berry.

What berries are black?



From the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills,

Lisa Rinna.

Hello, Ru.

I just flew in, I was busy
selling my new line,

adult diaper swimsuits.

-[RuPaul] Oh, my God!

-I needed one of those.
-[Jackie] Oh, they are perfect.

You're on the beach and you can have
a piddle and a puddle, honey.

Owning it.


[RuPaul] Up next,

Grammy award-winning rapper

-Cardi B is here.

Oh, and I see you're
featuring the girls there.

Oh, always.

Now, what was the first purchase you made
when you started making all that money?

I got these motherfuckin' teeth fixed.


Which set?

The bottom ones.

Up next, we've got

a Broadway legend,
Bernadette Peters is here.

Now, of all your roles,
which one is your favorite?

My favorite is the one
that I won this bad boy for,

Annie Get Your g*n.

-You were fantastic in that.
-Thank you.

I started and off-Broadway production
of Annie Get Your Cum.


There's no business like showbusiness,

so let's send in the clowns.

Wait, they're already here.

-[RuPaul] Yeah.

[RuPaul] Up next, simply the best,

Tinta Turnter is in the house.

-Hey, Tina.
-How you doin', Ru?

[RuPaul] Oh, you look fantastic.

What does love have to do with it, Tina?

When you find out what's
love got to do with it...

-I'll let you know.


It's a salty Tina.

Now let's move on down here
to Maria the Robot.

Hi, Maria.

What's up, bitch?

[whooping and laughing]

[RuPaul] So, Maria,
getting to the studio today,

do you drive yourself?

I'm so sorry, I'm unable
to receive that information.

I wonder if you can receive
a big black cock.

-[Gigi] Oh, yes.

Let me tell you,
I've got quite the USB port for it.


Up next, she played Magenta
in the Rocky Horror Picture Show.

Love that movie.

-Patricia Quinn is here.
-[audience cheering]

Are you ready to do the time warp again?

I have no idea
what you're talking about, Ru.

[RuPaul] Oh, really,
whatever happened to you?

Did you make other films?

I don't remember a damn thing.

You don't remember anything?

If you had done as many dr*gs as I did

while filming
the Rocky Horror Picture Show,

you wouldn't remember shit either.


[RuPaul] All right. Up next,

the original Effie from Dreamgirls,

Jennifer Holliday.

-Hi, Jennifer Holliday.

It's a beautiful day
'cause it's a Jennifer Holli-day.


[RuPaul] I'm curious, are you
still able to hit all those notes?

Yes, I have a very-- a signature sound.

[RuPaul] Okay. Up next,
she's a Youtube sensation, Poppy.

What's new, Poppy?

Oh, just working on new music.

I'm really into death metal right now.

-[death metal music playing]
-[echoing] Mm-hmm.

Were you always into death metal?

No, I started with pop music, but

they make me listen to death metal now.

Who makes you listen to death metal?

They. My cult.

Your cult? Oh, my goodness.

-[death metal music playing]
-[echoing] Mm-hmm.

[RuPaul] Moving on down,

she's won four Academy Awards

Katharine Hepburn is here.

-Now, Miss Hepburn...
-Mm, yes?

I've always wanted to ask you,
if you could be any kind of a tree...


What tree would you be?

This question has...

popped up so many times.

[RuPaul] Yes. Yes.

[singsongy] I think I would be...

[bobbing noise]

...an oak.


[RuPaul] All right, who's ready
to play Snatch Game?

[Heidi] The time has come...

for you to snatch for your life, people.

[RuPaul] Welcome back
to Snatch Game.

Daniel and Jonathan,
here's how the game works.

I ask a question

and you give an answer that you think

will match our celebrity contestants.

Okay, here we go.

First question is for Daniel.

Mean Girls' Regina George is so mean,

when you type her name into your phone,

it autocorrects to blank.

Ducking fitch.

Stop trying to make "fitch" happen.
It's not gonna happen.


[RuPaul] All right,
let's go to our celebrities.

-Lisa Rinna.
-Hello, Ru.

I was talking about Cardi B earlier,
and I remembered

I am wearing a cardi-gan.

-This is my Lisa Rinna duster.
-[RuPaul] Oh.

[Jackie] So, you know, I love
an outfit that is coming and going.

-And, speaking of people...
-[RuPaul] Yeah.

-That I hate to autocorrect to.
-[RuPaul] Uh-huh.

The other Lisa,
my arch nemesis. I can't stand her.

It is Lisa Vanderpump.

She has pulled me
into so many of her schemes

and I'm out, I'm out, I'm out.

[RuPaul] Not a match.

Oh, is it time to take your vitamin?

Oh, yeah, uh-huh.

Do you ever take Harry's vitamin D?

I take Harry Hamlin's big vitamin D.

He went right up in my Melrose Place,
you know what I'm saying.

[RuPaul] Absolutely.

Have you met Harry Hamlin?
My husband, Harry Hamlin?

-[RuPaul] Yeah, from Clash of the Titans.
-Clash of the Titans.

That's my husband, Harry Hamlin.

[RuPaul] Let's move on down
to Maria the Robot.

Maria, we're looking for "ducking fitch."

What say you?



These f*cking hands.

[RuPaul] So lifelike.

Just like us.

[Jackie] Gigi's
physical comedy is hilarious.

Watching her try to pick up her cards...

comedy gold.

I said: "Vageena."

Yeah, I think she meant vag*na.

I meant what I said.


[RuPaul] Actually, I went to
high school with a girl named Vageena.

She was a little saucy.

-I'm just loving watching her pick--

[RuPaul] Maria, stop.

You tryna control me?


How very dare you?


[RuPaul] Let's go on down
to Poppy. What did you write?

I thought Regina George was a meanie.

[RuPaul] All right. We're looking
for "ducking fitch," Poppy.

I've never heard of that.

Great title for a song.

I'd love to hear you sing it right now

They don't let me release
my music without permission.

[RuPaul] Well, I think we're giving
you permission right now, Poppy.



[RuPaul] Gotcha.

[Jaida] Ru is giving her balls,
he's, like, trying to clue her in.

Bitch, I would've been like--

I'm m*therf*cking Poppy

Or somethin'.

Let's go on to Jennifer Holliday.

Mean Girls' Regina George is so mean,
when you type her name into your phone,

it autocorrects to what?

And I'm telling you, Jennifer Hudson.

[RuPaul] Jennifer Hudson.

Are you friends with Jennifer Hudson?


Jennifer Hudson.

-Jennifer Hudson.


[laughing angrily]


I guess that's-- answers that.

[Widow] I hope Brita has a little more

for Jennifer Holliday than just the--



Let's move on down
to the great Miss Katherine Hepburn.

Well, Ru, I think the answer is...


[RuPaul] What does that say?

Ducking fitch.


That is a match.

Okay. Next question

for Jonathan Bennett.

Michelle Visage is a "cool" mom.

When her daughters' friends come over,
she doesn't serve ice cream.

She serves blank.

Freshly brewed teabags.

Not the tea?

-No. Teabags.
-[RuPaul] The teabags.

She's serving freshly brewed teabags.

-[Jonathan] Yup. There you go.
-[RuPaul] Okay.

What say you, Patricia Quinn?

You know, I still have

no clue what the hell's going on here.


I put...

a blunt.

'Cause if I had one of these right now,

I might remember where the hell I'm at.

[Brita] Aiden isn't referencing
anything from Rocky Horror

and none of this is landing.

I don't think anyone is laughing,
I hear crickets.

Let's go on over to Leslie Jo--
Oh, your hair is different, Leslie.

Yeah, I had to let
the civil rights hair out, Ru.

-[Heidi] It's real tight in there.

I'm not gonna lie, young man,
this ain't a match.

But last time I was here,

I saw Widow's ugly-ass shoe

and I told her to wear this
ugly-ass shoe no more.

This is hideous.

Just throw it in the trash.

It's one inch away from being flat.

Well, not a match.

I'm tryin' to be your match, baby.

[audience laughing]

[RuPaul] All right, let's
move on down to Cardi B.

Michelle Visage is a cool mom

When her daughters' friends come over,
she doesn't serve ice cream.

She serves what?

-[RuPaul] Yeah.

[Jaida] Okurr.


I always wave this ass.

Oh, okay.

Took me from stripper poles
to selling multi-platinum albums.

[Jackie] That's true. Very true.

What say you, Bernadette?

She serves them green,
green, nothing but green.

Parsley, peppers, cabbages,
and rugola. All of that.

-Not a match.
-[RuPaul] Sorry about that.

Into the Woods does not
match Mean Girls.

Into the woods, around the dell,
behind the bar at Micky's,

I know it well.

-[RuPaul] Yes.

Looks like Ike Turner
has joined us, hi, Ike.

Tina was here earlier, now Ike is here.

It's Ike and Tina. Ike and Tina.

[RuPaul] What say you, Ike?

She serves them a good old cake.

-You wanna eat the cake?


You wanna eat the cake?

[RuPaul] Oh, she's gonna eat it.

I mean, damn, this some good cake.

[RuPaul] Not a match.

All right, let's move on down
to Jennifer Holliday.

Michelle Visage,
she don't serve ice cream.

She serves...

I said loose jaw.

[RuPaul] Loose jaw?

Oh. Loose jaw.

Well, it takes one
to know one, huh? All right.

Oh, God.

Jennifer Holliday is really just...

a loud version of Brita.

Okay, now, Jonathan, this is
a question that is perfect for you.

Oh, good.

Ross Matthews
does not understand the rules

of his gay softball team.

Instead of hitting the ball, he blanks it.

I think Ross Matthews would swallow it.

-Swallow the ball.
-[Jonathan] Swallow the ball.

[RuPaul] All right, celebrities.

What say you, Lisa?

Oh, my-- first of all, Jonathan,
you are very handsome.

Not as handsome as
my husband, Harry Hamlin.

Harry Hamlin, I love you, baby.

From L.A. Law.

Harry Hamlin, Harry Hamlin.
Have you met my husband?

-Say it one more time for me.
-Harry Hamlin

Don't talk about my husband.

Harry Hamlin, I love Harry Hamlin.

-[RuPaul] Oh, yes.

What say you, Lisa?

I gotta say, owns it.

Own it, baby. Own it, own it.


[Crystal] Jackie is cracking me up.

Own it, baby.

My husband is Harry Hamilton,
or something.

Let's move on down to Maria the Robot.

Do you know Siri and Alexa?

One second, searching.

Okay, here's what I found.

She's my sister, bitch.


I said he pegs the ball.

[RuPaul] Pegs the ball.

I just learned what pegging is.

Apparently, everybody knows
what pegging is, except for me.

In my day, it was called f*cking.


[RuPaul] Sorry, Maria.

Not a match.

Are you losing it, Maria?

Oh, I smell smoke.

There's smoke coming out of her backside.

-Get a fire extinguisher.

Reboot, Maria. Reboot.


I've seen Brandi Glanville do that a
couple of times, you know what I mean, Ru?

How 'bout you mind
your own f*cking business.

-Oh, oh.

All right, let's move on
down to Patricia Quinn.

Rocky Horror Picture Show,

you guys filmed it, what year was that?

Today I thought I was
on the way to the hairdresser,

and look, I'm here and
I don't even know where I am now.

[RuPaul] Oh, okay.
What say you, Ross Matthews?

What's he do with that ball?


much like Ross Matthews,

I do not understand
the rules of the damn game.

So I put he tucks it.

[RuPaul] He tucks the ball.

Not quite.

Let's move on down

to the great Katherine Hepburn.

We're looking for swallowing balls.

[Sherry] I wrote...



[RuPaul] It's a match.

I love being in the movies.

Poppy, how are you feeling?

Um, I'm feeling good.

And I'm ready to write a new song.

Oh good, can't wait to hear it.

Now, what did Ross Matthews
do with that ball?


they've never let me play
any kind of sports before,

so I just drew a picture of a flower

because I love nature.

[RuPaul] Well, how 'bout that. Wow.

[Heidi] At this point, I don't know
if Crystal's gonna tell any jokes

'cause at this point there are no jokes.

It's-- it's a moment.


[RuPaul] Well, that's our show.

That means the winner of Snatch Game is...

Registered voter

because they earn the right to bitch

and do something about it.

Until next time,

we'll see you on the Snatch Game.

Say good night, Vanjie.


[upbeat music playing]

[Jan] Today is another elimination day

and one of these queens
[clicks tongue]

is getting the boot.

Today's runway theme is Frozen Eleganza,

inspired by the Broadway musical,

and I'm so excited.

My look for this is so cool.

[Heidi] Snatch Game. It was
not what I expected at all.

Snatch game was a whole different
animal than I thought it was gonna be.

But I feel like I did enough
to stay another week.

When it was lights,
camera, action, I was just...


Like, I was just struck.

[Brita] Once you take
the lines away from us

and we have to start improving...
Ooh, girl.

Inside, I was like...
[gasps and screams]

[Jackie] We all know it's coming.

This is the one challenge you
have the most time to prepare for.

[whimsical music playing]

I was nervous 'cause Ru didn't
really know who Poppy was.

I didn't know who Poppy was, either.

I always just get really nervous
that I'm not gonna do well.

Poor El DeBarge.


[Gigi] I'm a fan of Poppy and
everything that Crystal was doing

was something that Poppy
would have said or done.

I feel so bad for Crystal because

as accurate as
the portrayal of Poppy was,

it just wasn't funny.

[Jackie] Aiden, how are you feeling?
You're being quiet over there. Talk to us.

I mean, I know my performance
wasn't definitely in the top this week.

By any means.

I'm just gonna focus on today
and see what happens.

I am feeling nervous,

but I am hoping that there were
some weaker contestants maybe

and at the end of this
I will make it through.

[Jackie] But, Aiden, come on.
Was it her forgetting?

You gotta be straight with us.

In my head, yeah, there was that moment,
like: "I don't know where she lives."

so the easiest thing
for me to do was, like,

"the bitch doesn't, like, remember shit,"
so just try to, like, go to that.

My look for this runway is very cartoony,

campy and fun, so

I'm just hoping that, at the very least,
I am safe this challenge.

[upbeat music playing]

[Sherry] Did anybody,
like, pick their character

because of, like, a personal
connection to the character or...

I picked, you know,
Tina Turner for the sole purpose that

I've been through a lot of relationships
that were very abusive.

Like, mentally, physically, emotionally.

I was-- I was homeless for a year.

I slept in an abandoned building downtown,

I drank from sun up to sun down
just to get through the day.

The person underneath all the
glitz and glam has a lot to deal with.

That's why I gravitate to Tina.

I know how that is.

[Widow] After my mom died,

my uncle kicked me out because I was gay.

I dropped out of high school,
started couchsurfing,



I dated a lot of horrible people.

I had to stop, you know,
letting douchebags

treat me like shit.

[Jackie] I think you just sharing this
story is gonna be empowering

for people to know that, like,

you can rise up.

It's not just Tina Turner,
it's also Widow Von'Du

who, like, got out of that cycle of abuse.

[Widow] Drag is giving me
everything I've ever wanted in life.

I was able to pull myself
out of having absolutely nothing,

being homeless, being verbally
abused and mentally abused.

Drag lifted me out of all of that.

Like, now with my husband of two years,

you know, I got a fabulous
marriage and I have a great cat.

Come on, cat.

You gotta go through some shit
to see some shit.

I had to learn that
I could be strong on my own.

And to appreciate myself before
someone else can appreciate me.

She has not just survived, honey,

she has thrived.

And arrived, momma.

Good for you, baby.

That's hard.

[Jaida] Of all the characters we
could've chosen, you chose a robot.


[Gigi] I knew it was
gonna be risky because,

you know, she's bald.
She's a bald character, which is

definitely more of a masculine thing

and I kind of rely so heavily on

looking feminine and I think
that's kind of how I feel my...

-My best, and I mean,

I've kind of always teetered between
male, female throughout my whole life.

I think I really always carry

some sense of female in me

even when I'm in, you know, non-drag.

Your non-drag.

Growing up, I've always
been interested in feminine things.

I wanted to wear dresses to school,

I've kind of always thought there was
no point to putting a label on anything

in regards to gender.

I don't even think I've ever
said this out loud, but

I think I'm...


Sometimes I identify as more male,

and sometimes I identify as more feminine.

And I think I'm--
I'm both and I'm neither.

I realized at a very
young age, luckily, that

-I don't care what other people think.

It's just only made me stronger
and have more faith in who I am.

I'm so thankful to have the mother
that shaped me into the person I am today.

When I was 12,

my mother brought me
to my uncle who is gay.

She took me to his house in Chicago

which was full of orange shag rugs

and egg chairs hanging from the ceiling

and a giant Game of Life
wheel on the wall.

And it was just like...

It was just like paradise for somebody
like me in that current mindset.

My uncle was the first person
to talk to me about gay culture and

LGBTQIA+ community.

My uncle was the first person
who told me who RuPaul was.

He's a big reason why

I am so comfortable with who I am.

[Heidi] Oh, bitch.
They gonna see my colors today.

They'll be like:
"Heidi, your make up has improved.

you are the winner of this week's--

In my dreams.

[Widow] Let it go.


The level of disrespect.

[upbeat music playing]

["Cover Girl" by RuPaul playing]

♪ Cover Girl ♪

♪ Put the bass in your walk ♪

♪ Head to toe ♪

♪ Let your whole body talk ♪

♪ And what? ♪

[judges clapping]

Welcome to the main stage
of RuPaul's Drag Race.

Michelle Visage,

do you wanna build a snowman?

Why the hell not,
my face is already frozen.


Style superstar, Carson Kressley,

do people ever say
you look like someone famous?

Oh, you know what,
I get Cate Blanchett a lot.

From which angle?


[RuPaul] I can see it.

Actor and comedian, Daniel Franzese.

Now, who would you play
in the Snatch Game?

Ru, I think I would have to do Barney.

[in Barney's voice]
Hey, Ru.

Sashay, shantay.


Sorry, it's a copyrighted character.

Actor and TV host, Jonathan Bennett.

How's your cakes?

Never had any complaints, Ru.


Are they moist?

Ah. They aren't dry, let's just say that.


This week we challenged
our queens to snatch our attention

with their best celebrity impersonations.

And tonight on the runway,

inspired by the Broadway musical,

category is...

Frozen Eleganza.

Gentlemen, start your engines.

And may the best woman...


["Superstar" by RuPaul playing]

[RuPaul] Inspired by the Broadway musical,

category is

Frozen Eleganza.

First up, Heidi.

[Michelle] Why the long hat?


[Carson] Are those
Doctor Zhiva-gogo boots?


[Heidi] She is walking down that runway

head held up so high 'cause, you know,

she's the High Empress to the yeti folk.

She's on her way down to the ski resort

and she's hoping to find her a husband.

Someone who can help
carry her big muff around.

[blows raspberry]

[Michelle] She's giving us
the cold shoulder, you guys.

[Jonathan] Yes.

[RuPaul] Let it ho, let it ho, let it ho.


[RuPaul] Jackie Cox.

[Carson] Let me reflect
on this for just a minute.


[Daniel] Snowflake it till you make it.


[Jackie] The inspiration for my
Frozen Eleganza is Elsa's crown

The petals are to the metal.

I'm being very brave
in wearing bright blond hair

for the first and maybe
only time on this runway.

Not really my color,
but I think I'm making it work.

-[Jonathan] Naughty, but ice.

[Daniel] It's a shiny heinie.

[Carson] All right,
let's see somebody Elsa.


[RuPaul] Jaida Essence Hall.

Ice, ice, baby.

[Michelle] Ooh, Jackie Frost.


[Jaida] In this look,
I am frozen to the core,

I'm up all of North

and what's left of Antarctica.

Antarctica's at the bottom, ain't it?

I am giving you whatever's
left of the polar ice caps.

I just feel a fantasy of,
like, ice goddess.

Frozen, nekkid and beautiful, okay?

[Daniel] Snow in a snowstorm.

[Michelle] Yes.

[RuPaul] Well, you know what they say.
Beware of black ice.


[RuPaul] Simply Jan.

[Carson] How's your head?


[Jan] For this runway, Elsa...

She's gonna go off and become
a White Walker from Game of Thrones.

I am dripping in silicone icicles.

I can do conceptual looks.

I'm not afraid to go to those places.

[Jonathan] I've heard of having
cold feet, but this is ridiculous.


[Michelle] Hypothermiya.


[RuPaul] The Widow Von'Du.

[whistle blowing]

[RuPaul] Oh, she's got
a lip-sync-for-your-life-preserver.


[Widow] For the first time, I am
wearing a period piece on the runway.

Titanic survivor realness, bitch.

The judges are getting what I'm serving

'cause they lookin' at me, I'm feeling
frozen and they wanna save a bitch.


[Daniel] Clearly, she likes cruising.


[Carson] Totally tubular.

[Michelle] Do the bustle!


[whistle blowing]

[RuPaul] Gigi Goode.

She got 31 flavors, but a bitch ain't one.


[Carson] Is that soft serve,
'cause I like it hard.


[Gigi] Tonight I'm just that fun,
loving ice cream woman

who is coming down the street.

My ice cream brings all boys to the yard

and I feel so g*dd*mn cute

My nose is pink
because it's chilly in here.

I wanna show the judges that

not only can I be fashionable,

I can be campy and I can
also think outside the box.

[Michelle] It's clear,
she's got Good Humor.

[RuPaul] Yeah, definitely.

[Carson] Or she's a Dairy Queen.


[RuPaul] Aiden Zhane.

If you stay Yeti,
you ain't got to get Yeti.

[Carson] Hey, my eyes are up here.


[Aiden] I am giving you
an Abominable Snowman

from the old Christmas
claymation cartoons.

I'm feeling goofy, I'm feeling campy

and I am serving this little
frozen treat to the judges.

[RuPaul] What she got, Yeti Davis eyes?

[Michelle] You better Yeti that walk.

[RuPaul] I don't think
y'all ready for this Yeti.

[Carson] It's unforyetable.

That didn't work.

-[RuPaul] No.
-[Jonathan] No.


[RuPaul] Brita.

[Michelle] How many plushies
had to die for that wrap?

[Carson] One in the mink.


[Brita] This hot bitch is ice cold.

The entire gown is iridescent

and I am serving you

every single color of the rainbow.

I am like a gender
reveal party in the snow.

You don't know if it's blue,
or pink, or orange.

God damn, I look gorgeous.

[RuPaul] Oh, look at all that ice.

[Michelle] Coldie Hawn.


[RuPaul] Crystal Methyd.

[Michelle] There's no
business like snowbusiness.

[Crystal] I am really excited
to show this look to the judges.

I am wearing the most elegant pair of
pajamas that have ever been made.

My runway look is inspired by
Mr. Freeze from Batman and Robin.

I've added glitter all over my lashes

and I look like I've just been
blown in the face...

by a blizzard.

[Michelle] Glacier? I hardly know her.

[Carson] I own 51 percent of Antarctica.


Welcome, ladies.

I've made some decisions.

When I call your name,
please step forward.

[tense music playing]


Jaida Essence Hall.


The Widow Von'Du.

Ladies, you are all safe.

You may leave the stage.


you all represent the tops

and the bottoms of the week.

It's time for the judges' critiques.

Starting with Jackie Cox.

This look on the runway is great.

The skirt, very pretty, beautiful fabric,
looks like liquid silver.

Very effective, very beautiful.

[Jonathan] I absolutely
loved your Lisa Rinna.

I thought it was hysterical.

You went for every joke that you could
and I thought you really shined.

As a comedian, you want
somebody that can play back with you.

And you were hitting every volley
that someone threw you.

Though not every laugh landed,

you went for every single
opportunity you had.

Good conviction and
good commitment to a character.

Thank you.

You worked with
the entire group really well.

You really did your homework,
you knew a lot about her.

Wearing her cardigan
from QVC was very smart.

You used props, and you used costuming,
and you used make up, and you used hair

to tell us that story and it worked.

Thank you, Carson.

Up next, Gigi Goode.

Good morning.

This runway look,
the silhouette is really great,

the fit is perfect

I like the little pink nose.

It's the details with you that I look for.

Good job tonight.

[Jonathan] Your performance was fantastic

and I thought it was one of the silent,
but deadly performances of the night.

You knew enough
about the actual robot

to be able to do some spoofy things.

And you were picking up jokes and taking
them, I thought you did a great job.

You made her naughty,
which I love.

I didn't expect you
to be, like, you know...

calling Ru a bitch,

which made me laugh very hard.

You landed all the jokes
and I thought that was brilliant.

[Carson] I loved how
you were completely committed.

When the camera's not on you,

you were still in it and still--

The funniest part was
you fumbling with your cards.

Huge hit for me.

I was worried about you
after the walkthrough.

But, oh, my goodness,

it was so funny.

It was unexpected.

Thank you so much.

Up next, Aiden Zhane.


As far as your runway look,

I love cartoon stuff
and I thought it was adorable.

I think it was a cute idea,

but I do think it's really rather simple.

Let's talk about
Snatch Game Patricia Quinn.

You kept hitting dead ends.

And that doesn't work in Snatch Game.

I felt like Ru was
throwing you all these things

and you were swatting them to the floor.

When you say: "I don't know,"

it's a full stop, dead end
for whoever is performing with you.

And we just want more out of you.

What made you choose Patricia Quinn?

She's somebody that I have met,

so I kind of have
a firsthand knowledge of her.

So you met her, then you know
that she has a British accent.

-Okay, just checking.

Did you have any
preparation done on her?

Not like specifics as far as, like,
the year the movie was filmed,

but it was more so,
just trying to take her characteristics

and turn them into a...

bigger character, I guess,
is what I had tried to do.

Didn't work.

-I'm aware.
-Okay, good.

Rocky Horror is very dear
to a lot of us in here,

I feel like the smarter choice
would've been to do her as Magenta.

Maybe it might've been easier.

I gave it my best shot, but

unfortunately I...

completely missed the mark.

Up next, Brita.

[Carson] This runway look I love.

I think it's opalence.


[RuPaul] Oh, yeah.

-She earns everything.
-[Michelle] Yeah, she do.

[Carson] Yes, you do.

To me it does say Frozen Eleganza,

so that is a big success.


You chose the great singer

-Jennifer Holliday.
-[Brita] Mm-hmm.

[Michelle] You looked great,
but it was just

one note...

that went nowhere.

-[Carson] And I'm telling you...

I'm not buying it.


And I love you, and I love her,

but it just-- that wasn't working for me.

You kind of worked yourself
into a corner, unfortunately.

I know, a cornapple
that I don't wanna be in.


The past two weeks
I've been in the bottom,

so I've kind of been in my head.

People hold me to
a high standard in New York City

and I'm their queen, essentially.

I'm just so-- I was upset with myself

'cause I wasn't doing
such a great job here.

And I just froze.
I froze on the set, I like--

didn't know what to do.

[RuPaul] Is there
anything in the Werk Room

I could have said to you
that would've helped?

I was listening to everything
that you said to every girl in the room.

You said everything
in order for us to succeed.

But did a bitch listen?

I tried to let you kids know in advance

what to expect when you're expecting.


Thank you, Brita.

All right, up next, Crystal Methyd.

This look. Um, is that Icescada?

You're so stupid.

-It's a Sca-- it's an old lady brand.
-[Michelle] It's a fashion joke.


[Carson] Anyway.
I love that it's tailored

I love the material, that there's a lot of
lurex to kind of give us that sparkle.

-I friggin love this outfit, it's so chic.
-Thank you.

Watching your performance
of Poppy in Snatch Game,

I didn't know what I was watching.

And then I went home and googled Poppy

and I watched her videos...

And I still didn't know
what I was watching.


I have two teenage daughters,

so I have been obsessed
with Poppy for a long time.

I just think, because so many people
don't know who Poppy is,

you then have to make Poppy crazier...

-Bigger, funnier.

Some of the jokes
I wasn't understanding.

You know, I wasn't getting enough funny.

You were thinking a little bit too much.

Actually, my concern for

the robot with Gigi

is actually what happened to you.

Sorry I wasn't able
to throw it back at you.

-Had you done El DeBarge like I asked you.
-I know!


-All right, thank you, Crystal.
-Thank you.

Up next, Sherry Pie.

Tonight on the runway,
this is really fantastic.

It's still quintessentially you,
but you look different,

which is wonderful.

I loved your performance
in the Snatch Game.

Ducking fitch.

You are so funny.

Thank you.

Even she would have enjoyed
that performance.

[Michelle] The visual was kind of
similar to the mother in Gay's Anatomy.

But it was still Katherine

and it was just wonderful.

Yeah, the only place I can fault
you there was that the make up

maybe was a little-- still looked
a little Wayland and Madamy.

[record scratches]

For the people at home,
Wayland and Madame.

Right. She was
the Poppy of the 1970s.


That's right.

[Carson] And you're welcome.


Well, thank you, ladies.
I think we've heard enough.

While you untuck backstage,

the judges and I will deliberate.

[engine revving]

Okay, now, just between us mean girls.

-[RuPaul] What do you think?

Jackie Cox.

Jackie was so funny,

and I am a sucker for a prop comic

and she had not one, not two,
but four or five prop gags and...

A pratfall and a prop gag?
You got me.

I would've gone with the lips even bigger,

but she was great 'cause she went for it

and I love that about her.

[RuPaul] Gigi Goode.

I like the juxtaposition
of seeing her as somebody

cold and mechanical as the robot
and then seeing her warm and friendly

as the little ice cream girl.

I thought she was great
and it was a great night for her.

She was really, really funny.

What's up, bitch?

Gigi Goode has proven again
that she is smart,

she's on top of things
and she is confident.

She has what it takes to back it up.

All right, let's move on down
to Aiden Zhane.

I've been kind of obsessed with
Aiden since the show started.

There's something really great
and pure about Aiden that I love.

But the Snatch Game
was definitely not her thing.

[Jonathan] She was in character, though.

She didn't break character,
so I'll give her credit for that.

She was consistent.

She just didn't understand the improv
and the humor that is Snatch Game.


Brita, please.

[Carson] Brita, I think,
in the Snatch Game

was kind of reminiscent
of her vibe in Gay's Anatomy

where it was a bit one-note.

-And you almost lose her a little bit.

She doesn't pop in these,
kind of group numbers.

Sometimes when you're parodying someone

that doesn't have
very much of a public persona,

you just gotta give them a plus one.

Like, she's this, plus she's angry

or she's this, plus she's, like, slutty.

Just give us one more plus,
it doesn't even have to be true.


Crystal Methyd.

She wasn't telling us
enough about this character

Tell us who it is.

Oh, just working on new music.

Let us all become Poppy fans.

She didn't give us enough
to really sell it.

It just wasn't that funny.

You know, do whoever
you want, but make it funny.

[RuPaul] The bottom line is,

where are the jokes?


Where are the jokes?

Sherry Pie.

This ducking fitch. Um...


She gave us great theater.

I thought she was so funny, so good.

She's chosen even
an old school kind of icon,

which was a smart choice.

[RuPaul] Jonathan, who would you do

on the Snatch Game?

Oh, Ru.

I'd do Valerie Cherish.


On RuPaul's Drag--

Drag-- RuPaul's Drag Races, you know, so.


No, you're wrong, it's Drag Race, so.

We're doing RuPaul's Drag Race,
so, you know.

-You knew that.

No, you can't use that.
You can't use that, Jane. Jane?



I've made my decision.

I've made my deci-- I've made my decision.

I've made my--

[echoing] I've made my decision.

Bring back my girls.

[RuPaul] Welcome back, ladies.

I've made some decisions.

Gigi Goode,

I scream, you scream,

we all scream for you, queen.

Condragulations, you're the winner
of this week's challenge.

[clapping and cheering]


You've won a cash prize of $5,000.

Oh, my God.

I won the Snatch Game.

That's huge.

Thank you so much.

Gigi, you may join the other girls.

Jackie Cox.

You're safe.

Thank you, guys.

[RuPaul] Sherry Pie,

you're safe.

Thank you.

Aiden Zhane.

Your Snatch Game
was a bit of a rocky horror.


Your Snatch Game was no dream, girl.

Crystal Methyd,

your Poppy just didn't pop.

Crystal Methyd...

You're safe.


You may join the other girls.



I'm sorry, my dears,
but you are up for elimination.

[Aiden] I am up against
a powerhouse performer.

I need to slay this
if I am going to stay here.

Two queens stand before me.


this is your last chance

to impress me

and save yourself

from elimination.

The time has come...

[thunder rumbling]

for you to lip sync



[echoing] life.

[Brita] I will fight to survive.

I'm not going anywhere, sis.

Like, I'm gonna serve it to you.

Good luck,

and don't

f*ck it up.

["Let It Go" by Caissie Levy
starts playing]

♪ The snow glows white
On the mountain tonight ♪

♪ Not a footprint to be seen ♪

♪ A kingdom of isolation ♪

♪ And it looks like I'm the queen ♪

♪ The wind is howling like this
Swirling storm inside ♪

♪ Couldn't keep it in
Heaven knows I've tried ♪

♪ It's time to see what I can do ♪

♪ To test the limits and break through ♪

♪ No right, no wrong, no rules for me ♪

♪ I'm free ♪

♪ Let it go, let it go ♪

♪ I am one with the wind and sky ♪

[Jan] Now we have snow

that is coming on to the g*dd*mn stage.

Come on, girls!


♪ My power flurries through the air ♪

♪ Into the ground ♪

♪ My soul is spiraling ♪

♪ In frozen fractals all around ♪

[Brita] I'm doing everything
I can to win this lip sync.

I'm giving you a Broadway show.

Bitch, I even brought a magic trick.


♪ And I'll rise like the break of dawn ♪

♪ Here I stand ♪

♪ In the light of day ♪

♪ Let the storm rage on ♪

♪ The cold never bothered me, anyway ♪

[clapping and cheering]

Ladies, I've made my decision.


shantay, you stay.

Thank you.

You may join the other girls.

[Brita] Love you.

Aiden, you are a queen
with a special power.

Never let it go.

Now, sashay away.

I just wanna say that

that I am truly sorry that I

have not been able to break free

of the voices and the things
going on in my head.

Thank you so much for the opportunity.

Thank you.


And also, I will not leave
this competition being the quiet bitch.

So, on that note...


[clapping and cheering]

[Aiden] It sucks.
It sucks to be going home.

But I am going to hold my head high,

I am going to be proud of what
I was able to present to the world.

Being in any kind of sisterhood
with other drag queens

can get messy, but...

Bitch, I am on RuPaul's
f*cking Drag Race and...

this is only the beginning.

[RuPaul] Condragulations, ladies.

And, remember,

don't eat yellow snow.


And, if you can't love yourself,

how in the hell
you gonna love somebody else?

Can I get an amen up in here?


[RuPaul] All right,
now let the music play.

♪ I am American, American ♪

♪ Red, white, and blue ♪

♪ I am American, American ♪

♪ Just like you, too ♪

[Aiden] Boo!

Next time on RuPaul's Drag Race.

You get to star in Madonna,
the Unauthorized Rusical.

One, two, three, four.

Five, six, seven, eight.

Boy toy, baby

We do not have
a lot of singers in this group.

[singing badly]

Your performance was amazing.

You are right exactly as you are.

I'm so thankful that
you're part of our country.

I hope that somebody tears y'all down just
as much as y'all tore us. I'm sorry.

-I'm really over today.

We couldn't just be Best Friend Race
for the whole season, could we?

♪ I am American, American, American ♪

♪ I am American, American ♪

♪ Red, white, and blue ♪

♪ I am American, American, American ♪

♪ I am American, American ♪

♪ Just like you, too ♪

♪ Am-Am-Am-Am-Am-American
American, American ♪

♪ I am American, American ♪

♪ Red, white, and blue ♪

♪ I am American, American ♪

♪ Just like you, too ♪
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