13x02 - Condragulations

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "RuPaul's Drag Race". Aired: February 2, 2009 – present.*
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RuPaul plays the role of host, mentor, and head judge for this series, as contestants are given different challenges each week.
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13x02 - Condragulations

Post by bunniefuu »

[RuPaul] Previously[/i]
on [/i]RuPaul's Drag Race…

For the first time in Drag Race[/i] herstory,

we're kicking off the season

with six lip syncs for your lives.

Bitch, excuse me?

Kandy Muse, LaLa Ri, Symone, Gottmik,

Olivia Lux, Tina Burner,
shantay, you stay.


Joey Jay, Denali,
Tamisha Iman, Utica, Rosé,

Kahmora Hall, and Elliott,

that means you're getting the porkchop.

Here we all are in the porkchop lounge,

who famously went home first.

Is that what's gonna happen to all of us?

[bells play]

[RuPaul] Attention, queens.[/i]

You all have a chance
to return to the competition.

But first, you must give one
of your fellow queens the chop.

Let the voting begin.

[Utica] Wait, for real-real?

How do-- what?

This is f*cked.

This is…


We have a chance to stay,

but we have to vote
one of the girls in the room

out the competition.

That is overwhelming.

What are we going to do?

I don't wanna vote anyone off.
I don't know any of you yet.

We literally just met.

-Noone saw each other's lip-syncs.
-I don't know how to pick.

The only thing
we know about each other

is our first impression.

We have to vote someone off.

This is a competition.

This is what we signed up for.

All right, b*tches,
shit's about to go down.

Each individual girl
has to walk up to the box,

select the lipstick
with one of the girls' names on it,

and drop it in the box.

If we're going off of first impressions,

I don't know you, sis,
but where's the look?

I don't see wow factor.


[Denali] I hate to be the shallow bitch,

but I don't like chicken feathers.

Kahmora and myself,
we're both in ostrich feathers,

and she's in the lower-quality feathers.

So sorry, girl, you gotta go.

[Kahmora] Eenie-meenie-minie-mo,

Utica, you gotta go.

[Rosé] It sucks to have to vote.

I don't wanna crush somebody's dream,

and I definitely do not
want my dream to be crushed.

I'm scared that I could be voted out.

[bells play]

Attention, queens
in the porkchop loading dock.

The votes are in!

We have a tie…

between Elliott with 2 Ts

and Utica.

Let the tie-breaker voting round begin.

Oh, no.

[Tamisha] We have to do a tie-breaker.

This time, we can only vote
between Utica and Elliott.

I'm trying to fight for this crown,

and I feel like my dream
is slowly fading away.

As each queen goes up and chooses again,

my heart just drops lower and lower

as the queens pick theirs.

I'm just dreading the worst.

[bells play]

[RuPaul] The votes are in![/i]

The queen who's getting
the porkchop is…

Elliott with 2 Ts.

All righty, then.

[blows motorboat-style]

It's been a lovely 15 minutes
with all of you.

I'm disappointed that it ended like this,

because I got sent home for something

that I didn't have any say in
or any power over,

and that sucks.

And I feel like I've let my fiancé down,

and I'm 100% heartbroken.

Oh, my God.

Unfortunately, we had
to vote somebody out,

and it was Elliott.

And while that's sad,
it's also a joyous occasion,

because the less people here,
the closer I am to the crown.


[RuPaul] The winner of [/i]RuPaul's Drag Race
receives a one-year supply[/i]

of Anastasia Beverly Hills cosmetics

and a cash prize of $100,000.

With extra-special guest judge Jamal Sims.

♪ RuPaul's Drag Race ♪

♪ May the best woman ♪

♪ Best woman win ♪

[contestants cheering]

Come on, winner's circle!

-All right!

It's a new day. Last week was crazy.

The twists and turns.

I still don't even know what's going on.

But I'm just happy to be here.

You guys, this is our,
like, first, kind of, day.

-Day. It's official.
-It's official.

After all that craziness, bitch, well--

Hello, winner's circle.


[LaLa] Come through.

There's high expectations now for us,
now that we won this lip-sync.

Yeah. Tea.

I wonder if we're gonna
get to meet the other girls.

[Tina] We already sent 'em home,
that's it.

And if they're saved,

-we went through that…
-That's true.

-That's shady.
-[Gottmik] I know, and if they're back,

they're gonna have a vengeance, mama.

If they happen to come back,

it's us against them.
It's top six, the winner's circle,

and they can't take that from us.

-I wanna see some b*tches fight.

-Who's gotta go?
-I'm ready for you to fight, bitch.

[gasps] Not me!

OK, all of the Brooklyn.

b*tches think I'm causing trouble,
and I'm gonna be a good girl.

Oh, girl.

You walk in the room
and cause trouble.

You Captain Trouble, honey.

In New York, Kandy is known
to be like cunty and bitchy,

and, like, trying
to literally cause drama.

It's just not my tea, sis.

We'll see. We shall see, ladies.


[RuPaul] Ooh, girl.[/i]

She done already done had herses.

[all chattering]

My queens, con-drag-ulations.

I wanna thank you for a job well done.

But now is the time to guard

your charisma, uniqueness,
nerve, and talent

from the fickle finger of fate.

I don't think I know those words. [laughs]

What the hell does that shit mean?

Hello, hello, hello!

[cheers and applause]

[LaLa] You better come on in this suit.

Racers, welcome to RuPaul's Drag Race.[/i]

How do you like the season so far?


Well, this week,

you can all take a deep breath
and just relax.

Oh, who am I kidding? [laughs]

That's never gonna happen.

Now, before we get to know you officially,

I wanna introduce you to a fabulous queen

who'll be joining you in the competition.


That's right, someone I don't think

got a fair chance last week.

And I think she'll fit in
with this group just right.



Guess who's back in the house?
Yeah. [laughs]

This little angel twink walks in.

I have no idea who it is, but I'm gagged.

[RuPaul] Elliott with 2 Ts.

I thought I sent you home.

[RuPaul] We told you this season
would be full of surprises.

[Kandy] What the hell?

Why do you get to come back
into the competition

if you weren't one of the girls

that won their lip-sync
during the first week?

What the f*ck? I sent that bitch packing.

What's going on? Why is she back?

And what did she do to get back here?

You smell that? It's distrust.

Hey, Elliott.


You went through it last week,
but you are back to prove once again

that losing is the new winning.


[all chuckle]

Now, I want you all to really hear this.

No queen is a loser on RuPaul's Drag Race.[/i]

Victoria "Porkchop" Parker
was the very first queen

to ever be eliminated
on RuPaul's Drag Race[/i]

13 years ago.

And today, she is a living legend.

Just ask anyone at the Golden Corral.

[all laugh]

Now, Shangela and Vanjie

were the first eliminated
from their seasons…

Miss Vanjie.

…only to return and reach new
heights of international fame.

That's very tea.

Racers, you signed up for a competition.

Queens will be eliminated.

But the moral
of this fairy tale is simple.

No matter what happens here,
out there, or online,

don't let anyone
make you feel like a loser.

[Gottmik] Amen.

[RuPaul] You know why?

Because you're a winner, baby.


So let's get started.

All right.

Time to test your fashion skills.

For your first mini-challenge,

you need to stomp the runway
in two devastating looks.

First, a ladylike daytime look,

and second, a vampy nighttime look

that says, "I'm a whore."

Can you pull that off?

Every day.

OK, Glamazons,
I'll see you on the runway.

Let's go.

-[Gottmik] Oh, yeah!

You bitch! You're a linebacker.

Our first mini-challenge
is a sickening runway show.

My soul has completely
returned to my body.

I'm ready to compete.

Girl, I get to pull out my looks.

I get to model. Let's do it!

Cue the music, let's go!

Oh! Oh, my God,
I'm living my mirror fantasy!

[Gottmik] I've always dreamed

about getting ready
in these werkroom mirrors.

It's making me so excited.

I totally feel like the real competition
is about to start.

Start your engines, bitch.

Ooh, the melanin girls on this side.

-[Symone] Oh, yes!

-[LaLa] Hello.
-[Kandy] Brown girl power.

So, how y'all feeling about having
a new bitch in the competition?

-[Symone] The new girl?
-[LaLa] I'm baffled.

I liked the top six from the beginning.

[Symone] It was a cute moment,
but we should have known.

Bitch, what are you here to do?

Are you spying on us?

Miss RuPaul set the bar.
She thinks she's slick.

But I already caught on to her game.

Tina, how you feeling,

because you sent
Miss Elliott home, correct?

Well, we obviously know that
you can send somebody home,

and here they are.

-[all laugh]
-[Kandy] All right.

-You never know!
-You never know.

I do not trust Elliott.

Elliott the spy, honey.

Well, keep your friends close,
keep your enemies closer.

Guess who I painted next to? Elliott.

Isn't it so crazy to think,
like, you're a Ru girl?

-[LaLa] Ru girl, right, bitch?
-You're a Ru girl!

Kandy Muse, you've been
saying you're a Ru girl

for the last six years,
so I don't wanna hear it.

Listen, people called me
an adjacent Ru girl before this,

but that's because a lot of my drag family

has been on Drag Race [/i]before.

Aja's my drag mother
and Dahlia's my drag sister,

so I walk into things
thinking I'm already famous.

[all laugh]

So I may not be a Ru girl before this,
but I'm gonna walk in like a Ru girl.

You gonna think I'm a Ru girl.

[Elliott] But I have a question.

It's something I've noticed
a lot in the past seasons.

When girls come in

and they instantly say,
"Oh, my mom was on this season,"

whatever, or "this season,"
they usually go home early.

-[LaLa] Oh?

Is that gonna affect you?


First of all, bitch,
who is talking to you?

Second of all, girl,
I don't even know you.

You done just walked
into the werkroom, OK?

[Elliott] Vanjie came in and was, like,

"I'm Alexis Mateo's daughter," went home.

Dahlia, "I'm Aja's daughter," went home.

Like, it's weird. It's interesting to me.

You better break the mold, sis.

Elliott walks in here
first time de-dragging

just snapping like that,

like, I think she is here to
stir the pot a little bit.

[Tina] "Aren't you worried that
your sister went home first

and you could go home first?"

You might wanna calm down,
Miss Elliott with 2 Ts.

There ain't no girl I would
just come for her

if I don't know her.


Not that shady ass question.


-[LaLa] She's starting with the girl.

It took everything to keep it together.

[Symone] I know it.
You was getting there, too

-I felt it.
-[Kandy] Mm-hmm.

Girl, you just walked in here.

I don't know if Miss Elliott with 2 Ts

wants to prove to the other girls
that she's a big, bad wolf

because she just
walked into this competition,

but I'm gonna do what I'm gonna do,

and that's focus on me.

Because the pressure's definitely on,

because my sister Dahlia
went home first on Season 12,

and I don't wanna repeat history.

So, no, ma'am.

Category is Daytime Drama, Mama.


First up, Gottmik.

She's your weather girl,
and has she got news for you.

[Gottmik] My daytime look
represents my drag style,

because it's a fitted latex number,

oversized shoulders, structured hair,

but with a girlie twist.

O-M-G, we match, we're rainbros.

[Gottmik] It's cutesy, and I feel
like a little princess

in the middle of the day.

I'm normally intense with my looks,

and I usually paint my face clown white.

So, hello, showing them range already.

[RuPaul] A 100% chance of gorgeous.

I'm gonna say everything like Don Adams.

[imitating Don Adams] Would you believe
100% chance of gorgeous?

[RuPaul] Kandy Muse. Rock me, Mama-deus!

[Ross] Mama-deus? Mama-deus?

[Kandy] I am excited to walk the runway,

because this is what I do.

Baby, I've been modeling
in the f*cking streets of New York

my entire life.

I pretend
I'm doing a fashion show in Paris.

I'm just like…

Thank you.

…even though I'm in the hood.
It's fine, it's cool, I love it.

This look isn't necessarily
a classic Kandy look,

but I'm trying to show the judges

that a big girl can be fashion-forward.

Girl, I'm gonna give you couture.

[RuPaul] The Red Queen. Off with her head!

Do-re-mi, LaLa Ri.

Ooh, the braid of it all.

She's part of the braidy bunch.

[LaLa] Miss LaLa Ri is giving you

very Southern belle tease.

I'm in the field with a glass of lemonade.

You know, she got her braids
cocked to the side,

and she swish it back.

You know, hey, how you doing?

I'm walking down the runway,
living my best life,

and then boom, bitch,

I trip over all this extra-ass fabric.

I'm like, bitch!

I know you did not just trip
on these good people's runway.

But don't fall, ho.

Do not fall. And I did not fall.

[Michelle] She going back
to her secret garden.

[Ross] Put the petal to the metal.

[RuPaul] Olivia Lux.

[Michelle] She looks at life
through lilac-colored glasses.

[RuPaul] I prefer Rose Nylund glasses.

[Olivia] This daytime drag
is flirty fashion.

She's walking down Fifth Avenue
without a care in the world,

and she has her weekend bag in hand.

Everything she needs for the weekend.

You know, you can tell a lot about a queen

by the size of her purse.

[Olivia] When I walk,
the ponytail's going, like…


I'm living this lavender fantasy.

[RuPaul] Olivia Lux.
She has no Lux left to give.

[all laugh]

Ladies and gentlemen, Symone.

[Ross] The circus is in town,
and she's the big top.

-[Michelle] Well, that makes one of us.
-[RuPaul] Well…

There's gotta be at least one.

[Symone] My look,
inspired by the nineties,

with player's club hair.

My shoulders out, a little peek-a-boo,

and then you turn around and boom!

There's a cape in the back, honey.

A little bit of old meets new,
which is very Symone.

Giving you ev-er-y-thing.

[RuPaul] Symone Pointer,
the last Pointer Sister.

Tina Burner.

[Ross] She got my kettle boiling.

[Tina] In my daytime look,

I'm living my Carrie Bradshaw fantasy

in, like, a tutu,
but, like, fitted Dior top.

I got a big-ass bow.

People are gonna bow down, honey.

Bow, bow. is that spelled the same?

Oh, my God, it is! Bow down to my bow.

[RuPaul] I gotta get me a Burner phone.

I do, yeah.

Tina Burner phone.

Elliott with 2 Ts.

I wonder if she got that raspberry beret

at a second-hand store?

[all laugh]

I do know she came in
through the out door.


[Elliott] Getting to do two runway looks

is so exciting, because I get to show

why I was given
a second chance to be here.

And, girl, I'm so ready.



[RuPaul] And fancy was her name.

Category is "Nighttime is the Right Time."

I told you twice the first time.

[all laugh]

First up, Gottmik.

Now, is it me, or does she
look a little pasty?

[Michelle laughs]

[Gottmik] This look, girl,

she's gonna steal your soul.

She is a spooky seductress,

and, girl, my titties out.

Ever since I got my top surgery,

I love having my chest out,
let me tell you that.

I am living for it,

and I never want this feeling to go away.

[RuPaul] Must get moose and squirrel.

[Michelle] Natasha.

[RuPaul] Kandy Muse.

[Ross] What in the hell?

[Kandy] This look represents
a little more of Kandy Muse,

because I love latex, I love being sexy,

I love showing body,
I love showing curves.

It's just everything, bitch.
I'm everything.

[Michelle] She gets her kicks
on Route 666.

[all laugh]

[Michelle] The hole.

Is that for a tail, you think?

Not today, Satan.

[all laugh]

[RuPaul] Do-re-mi for LaLa Ri.

[Michelle] Salt-n-Peplum.

[RuPaul] Yes.

[LaLa] Baby, that look,

I'm not over-over-the-top drag girl.

But whatever I give you,
I'm going to sell it.

They say give you whore,
I'm gonna give you whore.

Ass out, titties out, pleather.

Not leather, 'cause I can't afford it.

But, bitch, I'm still serving it
like it's leather, girl.

I live for this look.

[Ross] Honey, be the chain

you wanna see in the world.

[RuPaul] Olivia Lux.

Oh. This time she packed her big bag.

[Michelle laughs]

[Olivia] I'm really excited

to flip the script

and be this mysterious mistress
of the night.

I don't normally do dark hair,

but something about
this rich chocolate brown

against that glittering burgundy,

a night at the opera, perhaps.

[RuPaul] Trend alert.
Teeny, tiny handbags.

Teeny, teeny, tiny.

-[RuPaul] She packed an overnight bag.
-[Michelle] All she needs are panties.

-[all laugh]

[RuPaul] Symone. Yes, honey.

-Ooh, is the bus still running?
-[all laugh]

[Symone] The bitch has arrived
at the party, honey,

Let's go.

For evening, Symone is
giving you very Mother Goddess

combined with
the last people in the Matrix

partying and dying, darling.

[Michelle] Get this side.
It's my good side.

[Ross] Oh, every angle.

[all laugh]

[RuPaul] Ooh, it looks like she started
the walk of shame early.

[Michelle] See you next Symone day.

[RuPaul] Tina Burner.

What's latex got to do with it?

[Michelle] All her exes live in latexes.

[Tina] I'm letting the judges know

that I not only can be
a costume comedy queen,

but I can be a sexy seductress,
fun party girl.

My boots are up to my p*ssy,
and I am swinging my hair,

trying not to throw my neck out

because I'm old.

I'm serving you my red claws,
'cause she's gonna claw the competition.

[RuPaul] Tina Burner,
available only on vinyl.

Something wicked this way comes.

Elliott with 2 Ts.

[Ross] Michelle's been good,
but I've been bad.

[all laugh]

[Elliott] This look right here
is out of the box for Elliott.

It is dark and mysterious and just sex.

This look is what you see

when you go to the gentleman's
club on a fetish night.

Don't get too close.

She might whip you, honey.

[Michelle] And, poof, there she goes.

Well, that's it. Show's over.

My car is here.


Is the bus still running?

Yeah, can I borrow a little change?

Yeah, I gotcha.

Oh, my God.


-[Gottmik] That was our thing.
-[Kandy] Oh, bitch, oh, oh, oh.

My feet hurt so bad.

I'm looking around the werkroom,

and everyone brought it
for the fashion show.

I'm kind of gagged.

I feel real confident, I feel real good.

Can't wait for that maxi-challenge.

We gonna see what happens.

[Symone] Get this hair up off me, Lord.

Take it off, take it--

-Feel good? Ahh, feel that.
-Oh, Lord.

That's better than sex, honey.

Can someone get my hair outta my dress?

-Thank you.
-You're welcome.



Bitch, it's like a steamed hamhog.

What the hell is a "hamhog?" [laughs]

I just wanna hose myself down.

Oh, she's on brand.
Hose, fire hose, firemen.

-Oh, come on!
-Tina Burner! [laughs]

[Tina] Oh, here we go,
It's starting early.

Girl, I'm still so gagged
Miss Thing came for me earlier.

-[LaLa] Miss New Girl on the Block?
-[Kandy] Miss 2 Ts over there.

Mother hen got comfortable
real fast.

Real fast, and that's the thing, though.

I respect everyone,
I give everyone a fair chance.

But if you're coming for me

and I'm minding my damn business…

Child, the entire time
Elliott has been here with us,

all that's running through my head
is "spy, spy, spy."

Don't trust the bitch.

That's strike one.

Bitch, ain't no strike three.
Strike two, you out.

-[LaLa] You only get two strikes.

Hey, fashion icons.


Are you decent?


I'll take that as a "no." Yeah.

Racers, are you ready to rock my world?


For your first maxi-challenge,

you need to perform
a new show-stopping version

of my song "Condragulations."



[RuPaul] Which is featured

as part of the Werq the World [/i]tour.

For tickets and information,
go to VossEvents.com.

Now, each of you needs to try and outdo me

with your own original verse.

Try it. I dare you.


Then, as a group,

you need to come up with
your own winning choreography.

Oh, shit.

-Any dancers in the house?

Now remember, the lyrics,
the performance, and the look

all need to show the world
that you are number one.

Racers, start your engines,

and may the best drag queen win!

[laughter and applause]

Let's put the pen to the paper.



Has anyone written lyrics before?

I mean, I consider myself a lyricist.

I'm sure you do.

Well, you've been in a boy band, so--

Yes, honey.

So the first thing we have to do
for this maxi-challenge

is we have to sit down
and we gotta write out these lyrics.

And then we go off to Sweden
to record the vocals.

Because if you know
your boy band herstory,

all the boy bands go to Sweden,
and that's where they keep you

and they lock you up until
you come back with some singles.

Do you wanna sing or do you
wanna be, like, a bitch track?

Or, like, rapping?

I don't know.

-[Gottmik] Are you a bitch track?
-I mean, I can--

She's a bitch track.

-I'm a bitch track.
-She's a bitch album.

I actually write music.

-[Elliott] Do you really?

I compose music, yeah.

So I play the piano,
but I also write music.

Oh, she is a musician.

I'm so excited.

Our first maxi-challenge,

and we're writing music,
something I'm good at!

Who's ready to be the star student? Me!

Don't forget, like, we're gonna
be judged also on what we write.

And that's gonna be eternal, bitch.

[Tina] That's what I'm saying.
You're just gonna be cute,

but these lyrics
are gonna chase you around

for the rest of your life.

And that's so much more pressure.

Girl, we're gonna be jet-set.
It's gonna be gorg.

Well, I mean,
we're definitely all performers,

since we won that first lip-sync.

-[LaLa] Well…


Oh, my.

Coming off of losing my first lip-sync,

it's a lot of stress
and a lot of pressure.

I already feel like these girls

feel like they have some type
of advantage over me.

I'm the red-headed stepsister.

I need to do an incredible job,

because I cannot be sent home again.

All right, bitch.

Back on the stage.

So now it is time to get
this choreography together.

We have to choreograph this entire thing,
top to bottom, from our own noggins.

[Elliott] OK, so what do we do?

Who wants to start?

So you start first?

We should do the things
we're gonna do together first.

We should do, like, the chorus first,

and then focus on individual stuff after.


OK. So then let's start.

Who's a dancer
who is good with the choreo?

[tongue pop]

Cricket, cricket.

Girl, nobody wants to be in charge.

And there you have it.

These girls don't know
that this is what I do.

I'm a choreograph dancer.

But I don't want to take charge

when I just walked in.

So I'm trying to just sit back,

let these hos figure it out,

and I'll just do what I'm told.

What if we all just went off like

♪ Condragulations ♪

♪ We're number one, one, one ♪

[Symone] Should it be this,
or like this?

That's too cheer-ish.

We could do it together.

We could go together, like that.

[Tina] You can bring the hand down,
and maybe put the hand on the waist?

And one?

This is some bullshit.

Options, bitch.

Oh, I like the options, but I also--

[Kandy] We should get a choreo down,
then formation after.

[LaLa] This is like a pop song,

it's not like no one, two,
Supreme-like type thing.

Like, we need to boo-boo kat-kat.

This is choreography.

This is the shit you can find

in a parking lot
on the south side of Atlanta.

You don't wanna go through
south side of Atlanta.

Trust me. [laughs]

Girl, this is some bullshit.

So take it from the top. Five, six--

♪ Condragulations, you're number one ♪

[Symone] This some-- OK, sorry.

♪ Da ♪

-[Tina] Touch, step, touch.
-Step, touch.

I think we're all doing
together, together, out.

Yeah, together, together, out.

-Uh, uh, out.

Your legs need to be--
They need to go out.


So it goes, uh, uh, out.

Oh, honey, we gonna have
to go over this 5,000 times.

I am nervous. [laughs]

To say the least.

[Kandy] Hand should be on the hip.

Like, I don't wanna win my lip-sync

and get in front of the judges
and, like, oh, you can't do a one-two?

So let's take it from the top
again, from the chorus.

And then we gotta move on.

We got so much to do.

Right now, the girls are really
focusing on such minute details

that we can just clean up later on.

Watch my hands. One, two, three, ha.

That's what I was doing,
with the same hand.

OK, let's do that, then.

-[Elliott] Sure.

It looks better if we do--

-[LaLa] I like opposite.
-I like opposite.

It's becoming a lot harder
to not just take the reins.

Take it from the top?


Bah-caw! So what I think we should do

is how about, since our leg's already out,

we turn on it,
since our leg is already out.

-From the snap, turn.

So much fun.


You a dancer now?

All of a sudden, hey, Juilliard.

After we do the "Tell you
all the prizes you have won,

congratulations," to our spot,
for the next ho to come out.

[Tina] We're already halfway through,
and now you're speaking up?

We already think you're the mole.

Let's get the choreography done.
We have limited time.


I don't trust you, girl.

[Olivia] Do you guys wanna
stay in this formation

and then just go up and do our solos?

Let's get a beat in the ear.

[music plays]

♪ Gottmik was born a girl, baby ♪


Oh, my God.

I wrote "I'm born a girl,"

and I haven't talked
to this b*tches about it.

So I did not know

that I was going to have
to have all these girls

hear about my gender situation
before I can even talk to them.

Uh, do you, like, know what
you're gonna do during the--

Ha-ha. Not really.

I'm just a deer in headlights
right now, basically.

I just can't even seem to talk,
which is very unlike me.

What's going through their heads?

I shouldn't be focusing on that.

Like, who cares?

But we have to perform this tomorrow.

What the f*ck are you gonna do, bitch?

I feel like it'll just be,
like, very like…

Like a Gottmik,

and then it's like… [humming].

And then, like, something, like…

I look over at Gottmik,

and I feel like Gottmik is
really in his head, you know?

Something's going on.

I mean, there is an internal struggle.

-OK, so--
-I'm going here to back.

-Are you doing--
-[LaLa] I do this.

-[Tina] Are you doing a full circle?
-I'm going all the way around, yeah.

I can't take any of these moves in.

I'm just having a hard time focusing.

It's so weird that I feel like this.

I didn't even know

that I had a lot of gender dysphoria

So the fact that it's throwing me

into this weird hole like this
is so gaggy.

All right, ladies, time is up.

[Symone] Oh, Lord.

[Gottmik] I do not get like this.

If this sends me home right now,
I will not be happy.

Meow! Yeah!

Money, honey-honey.

Let's get up in this gig.

The first maxi-challenge is here.

We have to perform it
in front of the judges.

Judgment day is upon us.

Who's excited about tonight, honey?

[Symone] I'm excited!

I'm a little nervous, but I'm excited.

It's nerve-wracking.

Rehearsal yesterday was a little rough.

I went to bed worried myself.
I ain't gonna lie about that.

But I said we're the winners.

It's like a pack.

[Elliott] I literally feel[/i]

like the world is on my shoulders
right now,

because I am the girl
that was brought back.

I feel like in the back
of everybody's head

I was the weakest link.

So I have to turn this shit out.

How are you feeling about your solos?

I feel mine is the most
complex choreography.

-[Kandy] Oh!
-[Symone laughs]

[LaLa] Oh, girl, please.

Mik, how are you feeling
about your performance?

A little better today.

I was, like, really so stressed yesterday.

Like, how you guys all dancing,

to talking about how I'm a girl,
and it was like f*cked to me.

I feel like I based all my lyrics

about my gender situation,
and I haven't even talked to you guys

about me being
a transgender guy drag queen.

Like, I was just gagged.

Like, my gender dysphoria,
like, took over my soul,

-which so isn't like me, too.

Because I usually don't give a f*ck.

I just couldn't even take in
any of the choreo at first,

because it was just like--
it was so intense.

Like, it was, like,
I can't breathe about it.

Like, thank you for sharing that with us.

And you're, like--
you're changing the shape of drag.

Like, this is-- this is big.

Thank God I feel better today about it,

because that was a moment.

But… yeah.

Gottmik reveals that she is a trans man.

It wasn't the right time
to talk about it in rehearsal,

but I can be there for her now.

I'm so thankful and happy
that she was able to confide

and find that sister in me,

and I really wanna make sure

that I'm supporting her
every step of the way.

May I ask, what are pronouns--

Like, out of drag, I use he/him/his,

-and then in drag, she/her/hers.
-I'm the exact same way.

I feel like when people
are trying to overthink it

and they call me "he" in drag.
I'm like, bitch, you're just clocking me

and making me feel, like, so weird.

-We're all guys here,

so if you're gonna call them "she,"
do not try it with me.

I feel like a weight has
been lifted off my shoulders.

Cards are on the table.

My normal, slightly narcissistic,

confident Gottmik headspace
took back over.

Now I just need to k*ll this performance.

-[Kandy] Miss Symone.

-[Kandy] I know you were struggling
-I am struggling.

I am very nervous about the group stuff,

and making sure I'm on point

and I don't mess up and make it, like--

I think that if you for some reason
happen to mess up,

go for it and give attitude.

I messed up, yeah,
but that was on purpose.

You don't know choreo.

-The other girls are wrong.
-[LaLa] OK?

Very that about it.

[Tina] Yeah, story time.

What happened after you left?

The real tea, though, Elliott.

Like, what went on?

So you really wanna know?

I wanna know, because we
nicknamed you Elliott the Spy.

I feel like I'm speaking
for the group here.

Y'all can back me up.

Yes, honey.

[Kandy] I thought you came outta nowhere

and you already got sent home.
It was a little weird.

Reveal yourself! Reveal yourself!

Here's what went down.

So all the losing girls

were set in the porkchop loading dock.

RuPaul says you guys have
to vote one of the losers out.

-Wait, what?

And they voted you out?

[Elliott] We did a lipstick vote.

It was a tie.

Then they had to break the tie
with a re-vote.

[Symone] Oh, shit.

And it was unanimous.

-[LaLa] Oh, my God.

[LaLa Ri] All right, bitch, hold on.

Press pause.

She got eliminated by Tina Burner. Boom.

And then you let other eliminated girls

eliminate you again, sis?

Bitch, you got eliminated three times

at the beginning of the season
on the first episode?


So they think that you went home.

Oh, now you're back in the house.

So you might wanna make
some room in the werkroom

for some more girls.

Oh, my God.

That is gagging.

The girl that I beat is coming back,
along with the other girls that were beat?

Like, they are about to come back

with all the fires of hell behind them.

[Tina] Now that the tea is spilled,

we can kinda be nice to Elliott.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

I'm happy to be here with you.

I love you guys so much.

[Olivia] We love you!

We're Season 13 sisters now, you guys.

Like, you can't take
that shit away, honey.

[Kandy] But did we all forget

that we're also walking
into elimination tonight?

[gasps, laughs]

Ooh, the mood has changed.

The mood has changed, honey.

[Tina] Kandy?

Yes, baby?

If you had to send
somebody home in this room…

[Symone] Uh-oh.

Like, if I had to, like,
choose a lipstick,

I'm gonna send home
the biggest competition.

Because I wanna win.

So I would send home Tina Burner. Goodbye.

[all laugh]

I'll remember that.

Honestly, I'm afraid of Mik
and her fierce fashion.

Tina, who would you send home?

I mean, I have to send home Mik.

-Thank you.
-You're a threat.

I gotta send Mik home.

Yeah, I would definitely--

It would be Tina.
You are a threat for sure.

[Kandy] LaLa?

I would say Mik.

Olivia, who would you send home?

Oh, yeah, Olivia, who would you send home?

Well, I've realized that a lot of you

don't think of me as the biggest threat
or a threat at all.

Oh, it's not personal.


Good to know.

I think I am a big threat,
but the other girls don't.

I'm not as well-known
as some of the other girls,

but I'm not letting it get in the way.

I have to show them
that I'm here for a reason.

Everybody loves a dark horse, honey.

-[Olivia] What'd you call me?
-[all laugh]

["Cover Girl" by RuPaul playing]

[RuPaul laughs]

♪ Cover girl ♪

♪ Put the bass in your walk ♪

♪ Head to toe ♪

♪ let your whole body talk ♪

♪ And what? ♪

Welcome to the main stage
of RuPaul's Drag Race.[/i]

She's my number one: Michelle Visage.

Aw, I bet you say that to all the whores.

[all laugh]

The hilarious Ross Mathews.

Now, Ross, have you ever put out a single?

No, but I have put out for singles.

[all laugh]


And director/choreographer Jamal Sims.

Now, this week, the girls
did their own choreography.

Is that correct?

I just came to watch and read for filth.

[all laugh]

This week we challenged our queens

to write, record, and perform

a Season 13 re-do of my song,

And tonight on the runway,
category is Lamé You Stay.


It should have been Mother,
Lamé I Sleep With Danger.

[all laugh]

-Next season.

Racers, start your engines,
and may the best drag queen win!

It's time for the Season 13 debut

of "Condragulations,"

brought to you by Werq the World.[/i]

♪ Hey ♪

♪ Oh ♪

♪ Gottmik was born a girl, baby ♪

♪ Was told that I can't do drag ♪

♪ Knew I had something to prove ♪

♪ And you're gonna lose ♪

♪ Kandy Muse is on top
She will sit on the prow ♪

♪ b*tches, bow down to the queen ♪

♪ I'll get in my car
Come on, Ru, pass it down ♪

♪ New York City gave birth to me ♪

♪ I'm ready to attack
It's a massive attack ♪

♪ You had better beware of thee ♪

♪ Sitting alone in the VIP ♪

♪ You could never compare to me ♪

♪ Ha-ha-ha, bitch ♪

♪ Condragulations, you're number one ♪

♪ I wanna thank you for a job well done ♪

♪ Condragulations, you're so much fun ♪

♪ Now lemme tell you
All the prizes you have won ♪

♪ Condragulations ♪

♪ LaLa Ri, this ain't no drag ♪

♪ Flew from the egg to snatch the bag ♪

♪ These girls will know I ain't no joke ♪

♪ Watch my runways gag their throats ♪

♪ Dance, twirl, make Mama proud ♪

♪ The next Supreme took the crown ♪

♪ Now let me tell you
What y'all should do ♪

♪ Make room for the queen of 13, boo ♪

♪ They call me Liv ♪

♪ Sad love, it includes ♪

♪ The new queen, ready to shine ♪

♪ You see me play on the keys ♪

♪ Jersey, too, don't you see ♪

♪ Lux is someone to beat ♪

♪ Oh ♪

♪ Condragulations, you're number one ♪

♪ I wanna thank you for a job well done ♪

♪ Condragulations, you're so much fun ♪

♪ Now lemme tell you
All the prizes you have won ♪

♪ Condragulations ♪

♪ Condragula-a-a-a-a-ations ♪

♪ Condragulations ♪

♪ The name's Symone
And I'm here for the throne ♪

♪ Deep vixen, I'm Arkansas-grown ♪

♪ The ebony enchantress is me ♪

♪ Legs up to my waist ♪

♪ Talent you can't replace ♪

♪ Tina Burner, on fire
Like the Hunger Games[/i]

♪ Too hot to handle
Gettin burned by these flames ♪

♪ Panhead monster with a heart of gold ♪

♪ This joker's wild
These queens better fold ♪

♪ Death drops, splits
May be some girls' choice ♪

♪ Stand up, act up
Time to use your voice ♪

♪ The truth hurts
But I'll tell it to your face ♪

♪ And I'll smile real big
Waving from first place ♪

♪ My hair is snatched
You're looking ratch ♪

♪ Compared to me, there ain't no match ♪

♪ But there's one up in the batch ♪

♪ When it comes to fish
I'm the biggest catch ♪

♪ Underdog, that's what it took ♪

♪ Changing the game, rewrote the book ♪

♪ All you queens better take a look ♪

♪ My name is Elliott, what, you shook? ♪

♪ Condragulations, you're number one ♪

♪ Is somebody smoking? ♪

-♪ I wanna thank you for a job well done ♪
-♪ Oh, it's me ♪

♪ So gorg ♪

♪ Condragulations, you're so much fun ♪

♪ So much fun ♪

♪ Now lemme tell you
All the prizes you have won ♪

♪ Oh, yeah ♪

♪ Condragulations ♪

♪ Condragula-a-a-a-a-ations ♪

♪ La-la-lations ♪

♪ Condragulations ♪

Oh, my God, what did I win?

-♪ Condragula-a-a-a-a-ations ♪
-Gimme, gimme, gimme![/i]

♪ Condragulations ♪

[laughter and applause]

[RuPaul] [/i]Bring back my girls.

Category is Lamé You Stay.

Up first, Gottmik.

[Michelle] It's the creature
from the gold lamé.

[Jamal] And the queen of the runway.

[Gottmik] My look
is inspired by sea dragons.

I have a full lamé headpiece

with pleated lamé crazy-stoned
artistry all around my face.

I look like a lamé alien.

It's everything.

[Ross] You know, I think
I saw that at Gold Navy.

[all laugh]

[RuPaul] Kandy Muse.

[Ross] Negligée, you stay.

[Michelle] Do I make you horny, baby?

[Kandy] Fembot realness,

in my purple little nightgown,

my little furry titties.

I'm giving the judges Kandy Muse to the T.

Baby, pretty, sexy.

Eat it up, bitch!

[Jamal] I like a good Nancy boot
and Daisy Duke, mm.

[Michelle] These boots
were made for slaying.

[RuPaul] LaLa Ri.

There's gold in them thar hills!

[all laugh]

[LaLa] I wanted to go

for a whole dark chocolate
wrapped in gold,

limited edition, Willie Wonka
Golden Ticket situation, girl.

Big hair, big garments.

It's giving you
Atlanta drag-drag, you know.

[RuPaul] I hear she's
in the new Bond film:


[all laugh]

Olivia Lux.

[Michelle] I think it's Olivia De-Lux.

[Olivia] I am serving
a water lily goddess, honey.

You see that little lily on my shoulder?

It is trickling down.

I mean, I am giving you

a walking, old Hollywood
portrait painting, honey.

[Ross] She looks expensive.

I bet she saved up
and bought that on lamé-away.

[all laugh]

[RuPaul] Symone. Ooh!

[Jamal] Mama said knock you out.

[Ross] T-K-O-M-G.

[Symone] I am giving you
walks the house down, darling.

I got a little cut on my eyebrow, honey.

I'm giving it to you.

I definitely wanted this runway
to be a little bit more clever,

showing that there is a brain
behind the beauty, darling.

Y'all, does this mean she spits?

[all laugh]

[Ross] That's a wrap on Michelle.

-[all laugh]
-Ding, ding!

[RuPaul] Tina Burner.

[Ross] Oh, I know her.

She's a friend of Dorothy's!

-[RuPaul] Yes!
-[Michelle] Ax purse rusted!

[all laugh]

[Tina] I am bringing

a full Tin Man fashion fantasy.

Motorcycle jacket and these
high-waisted lamé mom pants.

I thought it was so important

to give them a different side
of Tina Burner.

[song playing]
♪ Bring back my girls ♪[/i]

I'm skipping down that yellow brick road.
I'm feeling fierce.

Tina, bring me the ax!

[all laugh]

Elliott with 2 Ts.

[Jamal] It's Elliott with tutus.

[Elliott] My lamé look

is giving you rhinestone titty fantasy.

Big puff sleeve,
Tara Lipinski meets 1980s prom.

She is just ready to do a triple axel,

steal your man,
and go out for drinks after.

I think she's giving you
the cold shoulder, Michelle.

[Michelle] I see it.

[song playing]
♪ Bring back my girls ♪[/i]

[RuPaul] Welcome, ladies.

Now it's time for the judges' critiques.

Starting with Gottmik.

That fashion show was so well done.

Thank you.

The difference between your day look,

which was like preschool fun,

and your night look,
which was like, you know, evil whore--


I mean that, 'cause you
kinda look like Michelle.

[all laugh]

You were so versatile.

And this look is already iconic.

-It's trending.

Now, the performance,
I will say that in the beginning,

I did sense a little bit
of hesitation in the front.

I think you were so concerned
with your dance steps

and remembering the choreography…


…yeah, that you were
losing the performance.

You have a story to tell.

Your drag is fierce.

Make it work,
because you've got the goods.

Thank you.

All right, up next, Kandy Muse.

What's the tea, honey bee?

-You look adorable.

I love this kind of Austin Powers
fembot moment.

-Thank you.
-[Michelle] In your fashion runway,

the nighttime look,

there was a hole in the back.

Was that meant for a tail?

Yeah, it was supposed to be,
like, a panel.

I don't know. A glory hole, girl?

Well, I mean, it could be. [laughs]

Now, I want you to explain to me

the thought process behind that day look.

When I was thinking, like,

medieval, like, mother of the hookers.

But she's the head hooker.

-[all laugh]
-And, like, you know, like,

she gives it to the girls,
she gets them in check.

-In my head, it made sense.

The thing I'm obsessed with about you

is that, like, I never know

what you're gonna do next or say next.

Have you ever watched a TV show

and not known what was going on,

but you stay tuned for episode two?

Ninety-five percent of the time.

I don't even know what you said, but, yes.

[all laugh]

That is something that money can't buy,

and it's your best attribute.

Tonight in your performance,

when you messed up your choreo,
don't let it show in your cara.[/i]

Because the minute that happened,

we saw you going, like, full-on panic.

If you're in the front,
there's no mistakes

unless you let us know
that it's going bad,

you know what I mean?

[RuPaul] Thank you, Kandy.

Do-re-mi LaLa Ri.

I did not love your day look.
I thought the colors looked kind of drab.

I loved your night look, though.

I'd like to go to the club with that girl.

I'd, of course, take
an Uber home about 10:45.

She could stay out.

[all laugh]

This look here,
you are a m*therf*cking drag queen.

It's 24-karat magic.

[all laugh]

And then in your performance,

what I loved was your confidence.

When you did your solo,

I was like, I wonder where she's from.
And then you said Atlanta,

I was like, yep, she's from Atlanta.

What clubs in Atlanta do you work at?

Well, I actually work at Lips Atlanta.

Um, I've worked at MSR.

Of course I worked at the Marquette,
the Sleazy Queasy.

The Marquette is still there?

Oh, yes, girl, it's still around,
up and running and strong.

You know, I used to go there
right after the Civil w*r.

[all laugh]

-It's true.

There was some rough girls up in there.

-[all laugh]

Up next, Olivia Lux.

Tonight, I love
this old Hollywood glamour,

and I love to see a queen
of color representing it.

[Ross] I loved all your looks.

I thought your daytime look
had a lot of whimsy,

so I thought, OK,
she's got some humor in there.

You in the performance was a joy to watch.

[Michelle] The funny things that you did,
the little Mariah thing,

you just owned that stage,
and that gets me so excited.

[Jamal] And then you were smart,

because you wore this outfit
that had some fringe on it.

That always just enhances all the moves,

and I saw somebody that
I could not take my eye off of.

[RuPaul] Thank you, Olivia.

All right, Symone.

This tonight was
a different approach to lamé.

It's very smart.

I love the French braid. Yeah, it works.

-[Symone] Thank you.
-The whole thing works.

In the runway, I lived for that day look.

The look was hot.

-Thank you.
-And the night look,

with the hair the way it was,
it was just right.

Thank you.

You're fierce,
you're filled with attitude,

but you're not afraid
to go for it and be who you are.

When you came out,
you know what I wrote down here?

-I drew a star.


In the performance,
just the way you walked

from that corner
to the center of the stage

was like a spotlight turned on you.

Just right away, I was hooked.

You've got star quality.

You got it, kiddo.

Thank you so much.

Oh, my God, I can't-- OK, thank you.

Thank you.

Up next, Tina Burner.

I thought your daytime look was so fun.

And the nighttime look

was the perfect
naughty compliment to that.

Tonight, I'm really excited

you're not wearing red,
orange, and yellow.

You're paying homage
to Ru's favorite movie,

The Wizard of Oz.

The ax purse, the heart under there,

it was all very smartly done.

You pay attention to detail.

Thank you.

[Ross] Your lip sync was well written,
and you performed the hell out of it.

I was really shocked with the rap.

You were in the pocket,

and I think that you are actually amazing.

Thank you very much.

One thing to remember.

This is not a bar, this is not a theater.

-What this is… is TV,

It's gonna be a little different.

You can't turn as much,

and remember,
the cameras are your friends.

They're your lovers, darling.

I'm getting the poppers.
We're ready to go.

[all laugh]

That's good advice, and that's
good advice for all the girls.

-Poppers, yes.

[all laugh]

Up next, Elliott with 2 Ts.

So your day look was very French
and very beautiful.

Your night look is what
I was in love with, however.

I thought it was fantastic.

Thank you.

I loved how you looked in the performance.

The splits, that moment
was just, like, OK.

Oh, she's that girl.

When you guys were in the group,
it felt like you were just waiting.

Like, I'm about to show,

like when a bull's in the pen
and he's about to come out.

And I was like,

I wonder what this one's
about to do, you know?

I've been thinking about
what it must feel like

to stand in your heels this week.

Because you could have been gone.

-And so if I were you,

I would really have
something to prove this week,

and I think you proved it.

You deserve to be here.

Thank you, Elliott.

Thank you.

Thank you, ladies.

I think we've heard enough.

While you untuck in the werkroom,

the judges and I will deliberate.

All right, now, just between
us squirrel friends,

what do you think?

Starting with Gottmik.

Gottmik got style, got talent.

That look was so mind-blowing tonight.

As soon as the performance
started and picked up,

she got her stuff together.

And I just wish

that she could own that
from the beginning.

She's new to the performance part of drag,

so we've gotta see if Gottmik is a queen

that has that tool
in her tool belt as well.

[RuPaul] Kandy Muse, from the Bra-zonx.

I love that she has this body positivity
and shows it off,

but I think the jury's still out
on the, um, aesthetic.

Kandy gives me around-the-way girl,

but a little rough around the edges.

OK, yes, I get it,
the aesthetic's not great.

And I didn't understand
what she was saying

when she was rapping.


But can I keep her? Please?

[all laugh]

I love her!


From Atlanta, Georgia, LaLa Ri.

In the performance, she had a control,

she knew what she was doing,
and I bought it.

LaLa Ri knows how to perform,
and she's ready to bring it.

I cannot wait to see what LaLa Ri does.

She's exciting.

[RuPaul] Olivia Lux.

Olivia reminds me of the First Lady.

Faith Evans?

More on the Michelle Obama tip,

but still, you get the idea.

She gives me that.

And then the performance,

-I have to say Beyoncé.
-[RuPaul] Yeah!

You know, she had the class,

and she showed up and she showed out.

And she is so beautiful and charming.

[Ross] I see that smile,

and it's like, oh, her. I love her.

[RuPaul] Symone.[/i]

Jamal said that Kandy Muse
is like an around-the-way girl,

-but so's Symone.
-[Jamal] Yeah.

[Ross] She came out and struck a pose,
and tilted her head to the side.

Like, I can't even do it

because my neck roll won't let me do it.

But she just, like,
just stood and did that,

and I thought, this bitch
has got that energy,

that confidence.

Symone scared me when I first saw her.

[all laugh]

Just to be honest.

And then with her runway look,

that kind of just said
everything about her.

Like, I'm gonna fight all the way
to the finish, you know?

And that's the spirit that I get from her.

[RuPaul] Tina Burner.

I was a little concerned

when I kept seeing
those same orange/red/yellow.

I'm, like, having a flashback

to my eighth birthday party
at McDonald's.

-[all laugh]
-And I was thinking, OK,

let's rein those colors in a little bit.

And she did right at the right time.

I thought that was the smartest thing

she could have done this week.

I know her from New York City,
and I have to say,

Tina has been living up
to the Tina Burner hype.

I think that she's got things
that she's gonna have to--


I see Tina here to play.

I was pleasantly surprised
in her performance,

and I think that she has what it takes

to go all the way, actually.

[RuPaul] Elliott with 2 Ts.

She came out here to prove something,
and that's what I picked up on.

She was so excited,

she got out of the element.

We can see that she's got it.

We see that she can do it.

And if she just relaxes into it--

I know we've all heard that before.

[laughs] You gotta want it.

-[all laugh]
-You gotta want it.

It's gotta be tough
to be Elliott this week.

I think I must have ESPN,
because I was looking,

I was, like, there's something
going on with her.

And it was true.

But I could tell that the talent's there.

I can tell that she can serve a look.

I love Elliott with 2 Ts' aesthetic,

because it's very Exposé,
the group Exposé,

for those of you who don't know.

But it's quirky, and I love
that aspect of her presentation.

E-S-P-N. Got it.

[all laugh]

Silence! I've made my decision.

Bring back my girls.

Welcome back, ladies.

Based on your performances

in the fashion show and on the main stage,

I've made some decisions.

Olivia Lux.



You are the top two queens of the week.

[laughter and applause]


Darling, I am on top
of the m*therf*cking world, bitch.

I'm a real competitor in this.

And now the girls know it.

They don't see me as a threat, right?

Thank you!

Thank you!

[RuPaul] The rest of you…

are safe.

This week, there are
no bottoms, only tops.

Well, with the exception
of the judges' panel, of course.

[all laugh]

You may step to the back of the stage.

I thought I was lip syncing against Kandy,

and I love Kandy,

so I just feel so relieved.

We're all staying,

and I cannot get to the back
of the stage fast enough.

Olivia Lux, Symone, great job this week,

but there can only be one number one.

Two queens stand before me.

Ladies, this is your last chance
to impress me

and win a cash tip of $5,000.

Oh, my God.

-The time has come…

…for you to lip sync…

for the win.

This is when you
leave it all on the stage.

I'm going to attack it
with everything that I have,

coiffed updo and all.

Good luck, and don't f*ck it up.

[music plays]

♪ I've always been the one
To say the first goodbye ♪

♪ Had to love and lose
A hundred million times ♪

♪ Had to get it wrong
To know just what I like ♪

♪ Now I'm fallin' ♪


♪ You say my name like
I have never heard before ♪

♪ I'm indecisive
But this time I know for sure ♪

♪ I hope I'm not the only one
That feels it all ♪

♪ Are you fallin'? ♪

[Elliott] Yeah.

♪ Center of attention ♪

♪ You know you can get
Whatever you want from me ♪

♪ Whenever you want it, baby ♪

♪ It's you in my reflection ♪

♪ Now I'm afraid of all
The things it could do to me ♪

♪ If I would've known it, baby ♪

♪ I would've stayed at home ♪

♪ 'Cause I was doin' better alone ♪

♪ But when you said hello ♪

♪ I know that was the end of it all ♪

♪ I should've stayed at home… ♪

[Symone] I wanna show the judges
everything that Symone is,

and this is my moment
to be, like, no, bitch,

this is my stage
and this is my "5,000 doll's hairs."

♪ Oh, no, I was doin' better alone ♪

♪ But when you said hello ♪

♪ I know that was the end of it all ♪

♪ I should've stayed at home ♪

♪ 'Cause now there ain't
No letting you go ♪

♪ Am I falling in love ♪

♪ With the one
That could break my heart? ♪

♪ Ooh… ♪

[Olivia] Child, I am delivering[/i]

straight to you to your doorstep.

♪ Break my heart ♪

♪ Am I falling in love ♪

♪ With the one
That could break my heart? ♪

♪ I would've stayed at home ♪

♪ 'Cause I was doin' better alone ♪

♪ But when you said hello ♪

♪ I know that was the end of it all ♪

♪ I should've stayed at home ♪

♪ 'Cause now there ain't
No letting you go ♪

♪ Am I falling in love ♪

♪ With the one
That could break my heart? ♪

[cheers and applause]

[Elliott] Work!

Oh, my God!

Ladies, I've made my decision.


You're a winner, baby.


Thank you!


You've won $5,000.

I'm a winner, baby!

First main challenge,

and Miss Symone has taken the bag.

I am feeling great.

Olivia Lux, you're safe
to slay another day.

Con-drag-ulations, queens.

More twists and turns
are just around the corner.

But this one thing I know is true.

If you can't love yourself,

how in the hell
you gonna love somebody else?

Can I get an "amen" up in here?


All right! Now let the music play.

♪ I'm a winner ♪

♪ I'm a winner, baby ♪

♪ I'm a winner ♪

♪ I'm a winner, baby ♪

[RuPaul] Next time[/i]
on [/i]RuPaul's Drag Race…

You'll be performing
the song "Phenomenon".

♪ It's all over the world ♪

♪ The world ♪

♪ It's a phenomenon ♪

You look rich. I would rob you.

[all laugh]

Ladies, remember, heads will roll.

This is like RuPaul's Drag Race Tornado.

Like, there's a cow flying by.
Like, here comes a fence.

Like, what next?

♪ I'm a winner ♪

♪ I'm a winner, baby ♪

♪ I'm a winner ♪

♪ I'm a winner, baby ♪

♪ I'm a winner ♪

♪ I'm a winner, baby ♪

♪ I'm a winner ♪

♪ I'm a winner, baby ♪

♪ Losers, weepers ♪

♪ I'm a winner, baby ♪

♪ Finders, keepers ♪

♪ I'm a winner, baby ♪

♪ Losers, weepers ♪

♪ I'm a winner, baby ♪
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