13x08 - Social Media: The Unverified Rusical

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "RuPaul's Drag Race". Aired: February 2, 2009 – present.*
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RuPaul plays the role of host, mentor, and head judge for this series, as contestants are given different challenges each week.
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13x08 - Social Media: The Unverified Rusical

Post by bunniefuu »

[RuPaul] Previously
on RuPaul's Drag Race...[/i]

You need to improv for your life

on the trashy talk show
Bossy Rossy After Dark.

They let her churn butter
all day.

[all laugh]

♪ Dream, yeah ♪

Dr. Melinda,
is this really gonna work?

Elliott With 2 Ts.

-Oh, God.
-I was, like, she kind of dry.

LaLa Ri.

I kind of couldn't remember
that much about what you did.

Olivia Lux.

You gave us over-the-top
stupid and ridiculous.

Con-drag-ulations. You're the
winner of this week's challenge.

Oh, my God!

Elliott, shantay you stay.

Thank you.

LaLa Ri, sashay away.

Oh, my God.

Oh, Lord.

LaLa was just eliminated.

She would light up a room,

and everyone is sad
to see LaLa go.

LaLa Ri, we love you!

-We love you!

Oh, what a sad day.

It is a f*cking sad day!

The boiler brigade
is now a duo,

because Miss LaLa
done went home.

And me and Symone
are left out in the cold

like two boiler hos.


But congrats on winning
the f*cking challenge, bitch!

I'm really proud of myself.

I feel like I'm, like,
making my mark here,

and that feels so good.

Yes, the divalicious diva.


Olivia did an amazing job,

and it was the role
I originally wanted.

It seems as though
all the people I'm helping

are exceeding
so much more than I am.

I think moving forward,

I really need to start
standing up for myself.

Utica, how are you feeling
after everything?

I've been delivering
the best I can do so far,

and I really think
you guys are great,

each and every one of you.

-She's so cute.
-Yeah, I know.

Not a mean bone
in her f*cking body.

Oh, you want a mean bone?

I can't believe she won
with that hairline.

[all laugh]

Come on. Edges, girl.


How do the other girls feel,

being just, like,
safe this week?

I've been a little
up and down tonight.

Like, I'm still
a little confused,

but I'm very proud
of what I did.

-I'm mad. [laughs]

I thought I did really good.

This is my favorite
f*cking outfit.

I'm mad pissed.

Like, I am angry

the judges are not seeing
what I'm delivering,

and that I keep
getting overlooked.

And it's so frustrating

when you're wearing
the best outfit on the runway,

the strongest look, period.

This is the thing.

Even when we were being kiki-ing

and reading each other, the word
"forgettable" was thrown out.

Denali. Meh, forgettable.


I don't feel like I am that,

and girls forget
that I also won a challenge.

Denali is a little pressed

because when she beat me
in our first lip sync,

I think that gave Denali

a sense of, okay,
I'm that bitch in this group.

But I don't know if she is,
because I am.


With that being said,

the porkchop curse
is done, baby.

One of the winner's circle
b*tches has gone home.

And I gotta get outta drag,
so let's go.


I have a womanly figure.

Mama, you got a womanly figure
of Mrs. Potato Head.

[all laugh]

One of the girls from the
winner's circle has gone home,

and for the girls
who were in the porkchop,

it's like blood in the water.

Now it's like it doesn't matter

if you're winning or losing.

Your ass can be grass
at any moment.

The reading challenge
is over. Thank you.

[RuPaul] The winner[/i]
of RuPaul's Drag Race[/i]

receives a one-year supply

of Anastasia Beverly Hills

and a cash prize of $100,000.

With extra-special guest
judge Jamal Sims.

♪ RuPaul's Drag Race ♪

♪ May the best woman ♪

♪ Best woman win ♪

I'm gonna skip by myself.

Skippity-doo-dah, bitch.

It's a new day.
With every person gone,

I take a little bit
of their soul with them.

I'm just like this:

You had the LaLa experience.

Now it's time

for the Tina Burner
m*therf*cking experience.

I was thinking that after this,

we should all move in together.

Yes, I think we could
live together.

That'd be a very fun moment.

-In a mansion in California.
-A big mansion.

-We would k*ll each other.
-With the trade coming through,

those sugar walls
would be ridiculous.

The only trade I need
to come through those walls

is Joey Jay.

-Oh, my God!

And this is just my way

of getting me and Joey Jay
into a room together.

I miss my baby Joey Jay.

That was eye candy
in the werkroom.

Hello, hello, hello!


My queens, when you arrive
at Drag Race,

we take away your phones

so you can give your full
attention to the competition.

I can't give them back yet,

but I've got
the next best thing.

For this week's maxi-challenge,

you'll be singing
and dancing up a storm

in Social Media:
the Unverified Rusical.


♪ I'm so excited,
it's the f*cking Rusical ♪

I've been waiting,
dying for this challenge.

It's an epic tale
fit for the mobile screen,

where you'll each play the role

of a different
social media platform.


[all laugh]

That part.

First, you need to swipe left

to record vocals
with Michelle Visage.

Then you need to swipe right

to rehearse
with director Jamal Sims.


Tomorrow on the main stage,

Social Media:
the Unverified Rusical

will make its world debut.

Racers, start your engines,

and may the best drag queen win.

[cheers and applause]

[Denali] All right,
headphones in, ladies.

Let's go through these scripts,

because I wanna
get into these roles.

The Rusical
is very important to me.

I've been waiting for it.
I've been excited about it.

I am the singer of the cast.

I need to showcase that.

Baby, I need to make sure
I get the part for me.

-All right.
-Oh, werk.


How do we decide
who wants to be who?

My name's Symone,

and I'm Miss Insta-glam,


I can see myself
as the em-she.

I see that for you.

The em-she is the biggest role
in the musical,

and I'm excited about that.

I mean, who doesn't wanna
narrate the story?

I feel like my number one
is Markie Tuckenberg.

Innocent, but not so innocent?

It's gonna be a stretch for me
to not be so innocent.

Oh, yeah. [all laugh]


I need a Russian bot moment.

Like, these--I just can't.

I can't, I can't, I can't.

I want something that's
gonna show the judges

that I'm pushing my limits,

and these punk rock
Russian twins come in.

That's what I need.

My number one for now
is definitely Foxy.

She's sexy, but it sounds
a little dancey.

I'm also not mad at Lady Tweets.

I could take it, Lady Tweets.

I mean, she's, like,
really fast, crazy,

and I think I can make it
really fun.

And I think that could be
a show-stopping moment.


So then Lady Tweets is Utica.

I'll take it.

All right. So now Foxy
is gonna be who?

I think my number one here
is Foxy.

What's the other option?

I feel confident

in being able to slay
either Lady Tweets or Foxy.

So I'm gonna rise up
to the challenge

of accepting Lady Tweets.

I am gonna keep Lady Tweets.


I've been really kind
throughout this thing,

and I think I wanna stick
to my g*ns on this.

I'm not letting go,

and, girls, I'm gonna fly
over you in this competition.

So tweet, tweet, tweet,

So it's between Russian
bot and Foxy,

between Denali and Rosé, period.

It's literally
Don't Rain on My Parade,

one of my go-to songs.

Foxy's big song is a spoof
of Don't Rain on My Parade,

made famous by my f*cking idol
Barbra Streisand.

Baby, that is a sign.

So then that leaves you
with the Russians.

I absolutely do not wanna do
the Russian bot.

Absolutely not.

Foxy is very theatrical,
it is very, very stunty,

so I am sticking to my g*ns
when it comes to this role.

This is my thing.

I've been safe
three weeks in a row.

But, baby, like, I came here
to show who I am.

I want the f*cking musical
Rusical 11:00 number.

What if they each do
a little bit of Foxy,

and then we decide
which one we think is better?

That's a great idea.


Oh, it's very Barbra.

I'm volunteering to go first,
because in my opinion,

after reading the script,
that's what Foxy would do.

[cheers and laughter]

We have a lot of nerve
making them audition.


But I wanna see it.

♪ Don't say what I can post,
you know I'm stunning ♪

♪ All the people want sex,
not body shunning ♪

♪ So just cancel your plans
to troll on my crusade ♪


All right! Oh!

This is why you are here.

Come on, Denali.

Can I take this off or no?

Is this pattern too busy?

Foxy might know what
she was supposed to wear.


Come on, character analysis!

♪ Don't say what I can post,
you know I'm stunning ♪

♪ All people want sex,
not body shunning ♪

♪ So just cancel your plans,
don't troll on my crusade ♪


-You're lovely.

All right, let's start
from that side of the room,

and then go around. Mik?

Okay. I vote Rosé.

-Two for Rosé.

-I'm gonna vote Denali.
-One for Denali.

I'm gonna go Rosé.

I'm also gonna hit it
with Rosé.

I am also gonna choose Rosé.

-I would go with Denali.

I 100% chose Denali

to f*ck with Rosé's brain.

[laughs, snorts]

-We have a cast.
-We have a cast.

-We have a cast.
-We have a cast.


Let's do a f*cking Rusical!

Sis, I am frustrated boots.

Like, I'm walking away
from this audition

just completely defeated,

and I don't wanna do
this Rusical anymore.

Like, what the f*ck.

[Russian accent]
♪ We'll make you so proud ♪[/i]

♪ Putting a fix
on the red, white, and blue ♪

For this week's maxi-challenge,
we are performing in a Rusical!

I'm excited.
I'm excited for my part,

I'm excited. I'm excited.

I don't know how many times
I'm gonna say that.

I'm excited. I'm excited.

When I get home and watch this,

I'm gonna have a drinking game

where every time I either say
"fun" or "excited,"

I have to take a shot.


[RuPaul] Ooh, girl!

She done already
done had herses!

I don't know what
the f*ck going on.

Get up and get yo ass.

I hear that noise,
and it's like PTSD, honey.

Oh, God, what now?

I'm scared!

Hi, queens!

[screaming and cheering]

Oh, my God!

It's Anne Hathaway!
Oh, my God!

The Princess Diaries.

Ella Enchanted.

Les Miz.

Devil Wears Prada.

Everything she's been
in has been incredible.

Well done, Anne Hathaway.

I love you so much.
I love you so much.

I understand it's Rusical week.


I have a little bit
of experience in musicals,

so I thought that
this might be a good week

to stop by the werkroom
and find out if you have any questions.

Oh, I just have to
let you guys know,

like, I don't care who I am,
I still break out in hives.

[all laugh]

So I'm just gonna
arrange my hair,

cover up the fact that I get
very nervous talking in public.

Baby, you're in our living room.
This is not public.

We are just kiki-ing.

I don't know. A lot
of people watch Drag Race.

That's true!

[all laugh]
I definitely have a question.

You famously have died
in a musical theater role.

I mean, you might have won
an Oscar for it.

What directions can you give me
on how to die in a musical?

Just, like, don't sneeze.

[all laugh]

I don't know. Make as much noise
as you can before you go.

-Ooh, all right.

Of your many movie roles,
were there any

that you had to, like,
fight tooth and nail for?

How much time do you have?

[all laugh]

A lot of them.

-I will give you some T.

I was the ninth choice
for Devil Wears Prada.

No way!

But I got it.

Hang in there, never give up.


Wait, no, no. That's,
like, actually so inspiring.

Denali and I are a pair in this.

She lost the audition for Foxy.

I don't want her
to feel defeated.

If one of us messes up,

that's gonna
throw both of us off.

Asking for a friend,
what do you do

when you don't get the role
that you want so badly?

When you don't get
the role you want,

you steal the show anyway.


All right!

Oh, yeah!

Just dig deep,
find your funny,

and make sure that you're
the one that they remember.

What is your advice
on trying to put on an accent?

[Russian accent] I'm supposed
to be Russian lady.

Sometimes people
think of accents

in terms of a nationality.

But you have to remember
you're not playing an accent,

you're playing a person.

So if you can find a person

that reminds you
of your character

who has the same accent,

that's gonna make it seem
a lot more fun and more believable.

Do you know
any Russian ladies?

I have a figure skating

so they were all around me
all the time.

Duh! Like, why didn't I
think of that before?

Can you do an axel?

Like, can you spin
or something?

-Absolutely. You wanna see?

-Okay, here we go.

[cheers and applause]

-Thank you!

My little shady remark

turned into a light
at the end of the tunnel,

and it worked, and Denali's
ready to win this shit.

We really look up
to your work a lot.

Oh, thank you!

And I know
that you're a big fan

of our drag
and our careers, too.

What attracts you
to the drag art form?

I love drag because
it's a transgressive act of joy.

And I think when you look at
what Ru has done for the world,

she's made it a place

where the lane
of what is being okay

is so much wider.

And the more grounded
in love we are

in acceptance of each other,

the better we are
and the more human we are.

[cheers and applause]


Also, I just have to say
I gag for the fashion.

Like, can we just?

And I love the wit
and I love puns

and I love boob jokes

and tuck jokes
and all of that, so...

So it works for me
on that level, too.

Thank you so much for letting me
stop by the werkroom.

This was so exciting.

-Thank you!
-Thank you!

Good luck in the Rusical,

oh, one last thing.

Don't f...orget to have fun.

[all laugh]


-Thank you!


It is time for us
to record our tracks,

in front of Michelle Visage,
Miss Seduction.

So I'm a little nervous.

[Michelle] I want you
to meet David Steinberg.

-Hi, David.

He and Eric Paparazzi

composed this piece
of Rusical theater.

Okay, first up,
em-she Tina Burner.

[imitating Cher]
I'm em-she Tina Burner.

All right,
let's give it a try.

Hit it!

♪ Log in,
sign on with your email ♪

♪ Log in, sign on,
you'll feel swell ♪

Tina has this vibrato
like an old person would.

♪ Why not click away? ♪


Yes, Ethel Merman.

Next up, Olivia Lux.

Quick question I had.

On "the avocados
looking fancy on toast,"

is that just ensemble,
or is it also me?

No, you're gonna sing
that lead.

-Do you not do ensemble?

-Is that the problem?
-Aah! [laughs]

Not everybody can be
the Beyoncé, Olivia.

I am telling you, do not
be fooled by her sweetness.

There is a diva
hiding somewhere in there.

Let's do it.

♪ Avocados
looking fancy on toast ♪

♪ And now
I'm rolling in dough ♪

♪ In dough ♪

Okay, runs. That's runs.

[cheers and applause]

Who else has runs here?

Okay. I think whoever
has the best runs shall win.

Next up, we've got Symone.

Miss Insta-glam.

♪ In my stories
on my grave ♪

♪ You can oogle all day ♪

Symone has a really, really
beautiful singing voice...

♪ Glammin', glammin' ♪

...is something
I would never say.


You're obviously not a singer.
That's all right.

But what I know
that you are, Symone,

is filled with life
and attitude.

I need you
to bring that to it.

♪ In my stories
on my grave ♪

♪ You can oogle all day ♪

The word is "ogle,"
not "oogle."


♪ In my stories
on my grave ♪

♪ You oogle all day ♪

Ogle. Ogle. Ogle.
Professor Ogilvie.

All right, Symone!

♪ You can oogle all day ♪


Ogle, my love. It's ogle.

♪ My story on grave
you can ogle all day ♪

-Kandy Muse.

Your song is
I'm a Profesh, Sis.

♪ You want a side hustle,
flex your work muscle ♪

♪ You wanna get hired,
wanna be desired ♪

♪ I'm a profesh, sis ♪

[all laugh]

There's a lot of "Ss"
for someone that has a lisp.

Yeah, I know
a bitch got a lisp...

'Cause half of the world
is on this damn...

Iwouldn't even be surprised

if ya'll were using
subtitles right now.

-Miss TokTik.

That's what the 2 Ts
are for: TokTik.

So obviously
it's very Billie Eilish.

I think you should
have fun with that.

♪ Gen C is ready to play ball ♪

♪ We're taking over ♪

That was a different approach.

Elliott as a singer?

She can dance, so that's nice.

Utica Queen,
you are Lady Tweets.

I am Lady Tweets.

It's a lot for your mouth.

It's a tongue-twister.

All right, let's do this.

♪ Whatever's turning on me
is not merely malagorical ♪

♪ But algorithms, programs-- ♪ 

"Whatever's trending on me
is not merely allegorical,

but algorithms programmed
through means mathematical."

♪ Whatever's trending on me ♪

♪ Is not merely athog-- ♪


You really need your lips.

Take a deep breath.
Okay, here we go.

♪ Whatever's trending on me
is not merely allegorical ♪

♪ But algorithms programmed
through means... ♪



I have the hardest verse.

All these words are just
getting tongue-twisted

up in my mouth-hole,
so I'm just, like, aah!

Algorithms programmed
[mumbles] means mathematical.

Utica was very passionate
about having this role,

so she better be
very passionate

about delivering
the role as well.

[Jamal Sims]
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey!

Welcome, welcome!

It's time to five, six,
several eights with Jamal.

Jazz hands!

What's really important
here today

is embody the character.

A lot of times, we get
so caught up in choreography

that we lose the face
and we lose the energy,

because you're just thinking
about the choreography.

All right, cool,
let's start with Olivia.


Can you waltz?

Uh, 6/8,
yeah, like, I go--

[Jamal] Yeah, that's what
we're starting with.

We're just gonna go one,
two, and-a three,

four and-a, ahh.

Swoop, yeah, yeah.

So when you're sweeping,
I've just--

you've just created
something amazing.

That's what I wanna feel.

Olivia, she's really poised
as a performer.

I feel like she's one
of these pageant queens

that once she connects
the dots of the movement,

she is going to be amazing.

All right, next up,
our next victim.

Not victim.

Come on, Symone.

-Come on, Symone.
-My turn? 

I want you to come out like
a racehorse out of the stable.

This walk
has got to be everything.


One, two, three, four.

You're gonna cross over,
five, six, seven, and eight.

[all laugh]

Y'all know who En Vogue is, right.
En Vogue?

-[all] Yes.
-Oh, yeah!

So think Free Your Mind,
this is my inspiration.

Here we go, one, two,
three, four. Uh-uh!

-Get hot, no jump.

-No jump.
-No jump, hot bitch.

Symone has to be a hot bitch,

and right now she's timid

and she's gotta
snap outta that.

Leave it on the dance floor.
One, two, three, four, five.


Just breathe with me,

Shake it out, because
I know you can do this.

I know you can do this.

Ugh! I can't get
my vocals right,

I can't get my steps together.

Like, what is going on?

This is not turning out
to be my week.

[Jamal] All right, Utica.

Wait, these are the moves?

[all laugh]

Oh, somebody's
taking two roles!

-Okay, Utica.

[Jamal] My inspiration for this
is Hamilton.[/i]

You're gonna go five,
six, seven, eight--

There's two of them.

Yeah, from the tizzy.

Five, six, seven,
let's get it.

Uh, one more time.

Utica's choreography
is really difficult.

Her lyrics
are really hard, too.

And I don't think
she has the coordination

to do both at the same time.

Oh, my God.

Next, we have Kandy.

We go left, left.

So I'm going...
Yes, no, maybe so?

[Kandy] It's a little weird
to my left.

Think about when you
throw your ass back,

then just do it one more time.

Miss Kandy Muse, 
just doing it, like...

That's not enough.

Get it, here we go.

You can do it, you can do it.
One, two, three, four,

five, six, seven, ah.


Well, is that
how you feeling, huh?



We're Broadway, Broadway,
then we're a ho.

She's a Broadway ho.

My kind of ho.

[Rose] I feel inspired

to f*cking dominate
this g*dd*mn Rusical.

One, two, three, four,

five and six
and seven, eight.

Rosé's absolutely
k*lling the choreo.

[Jamal] Six, seven, eight, and wha!


So, when it comes to my turn,
I wanna steal the show.

Denali and Gottmik,
y'all about to ruin the USA.


So which is which?
So tell me...

-I'm Natasha.
-And I'm Nikita.

[Russian accent]
Natasha and Nikita.

Wait, why does it sound like
Arnold Schwarzenegger?


[imitating Schwarzenegger]
It's not a tumor.

We're gonna start with a little
bit of a head-bang, right?

Right, okay.

So all I need is...


Denali and I
are a pair in this,

and Denali is this
insane, crazy dancer,

and I am not
an insane, crazy dancer.

Five, six, seven, eight--

-Oh, are we going forward?
-Yeah, yeah, come down.

-One more time. Travel.
-Didn't know that.

-Make it travel.

My brain just doesn't work.

Five, six, seven, eight,
one, two, three, four.

Like, crazy without music.

[Jamal] One and two and three and four.

Oh, stop, stop, stop, stop.

It's really important

that you guys
match your energy.

One can't be higher
than the other.

Gottmik, I would prefer
you pulling up, right?

Like, if you feel
like Denali's up,

go all the way up, okay?

That's all I need.

All confidence and character.

One, two, three, four,
five, six, seven, eight.

-And one, two, from here--
-Oh, there's more.

We go, one, two, three, four,

five, six, seven, eight.

I'm obviously a little nervous.

I just kind of
just need to hit this.

I need to nail
this choreography.

All right, so let's
have everybody back up.

Nobody wants
to be the weak link.

It's always the one
they're like, ugh.

Don't be the weak link.

Get into it, sell it, be it,

and we will receive it, okay?

At the end of the rehearsal,

I'm a little worried
about some of the other girls,

because I'm looking around
and I'm, like...

♪ You don't know how to dance ♪

Yes! It's runway day!

♪ It's a new day ♪

Today is opening night

of Social Media:[/i]
the Unverified Rusical.[/i]

This challenge is so much fun.

It brings me back to,
like, theater camp.

I can't wait!

Look, Mom, I'm gonna be
in a Rusical! [laughs]

-You were struggling a little...
-I was.

During the recording yesterday.

Yeah, oh,
for that, too, honey.

I feel like
the vocals in the track

sound, like, not good.

In this moment,
I'm feeling so much pressure

coming off, like, a great start
to this competition.

And I really wanna
keep the momentum going,

so I'm feeling very nervous.

Girl, just leave it
all on the stage,

and, like, at that point,
it's beyond--

It's beyond your control, yeah.

I feel good,
so I'm gonna bring that energy

-into what we're doing.

And sing over
my rotted-ass vocals.


See, now, that side's good.

-You're welcome.

So we're doing a social media
challenge today.

Has anyone been jaded
by social media?

Not personally,
but I've definitely seen it

from behind the scenes,
and it is not fun

to see someone that you care
about go through that shit.

I remember during Season 9
when Aja and Valentina

had that whole dilemma
on Untucked.

You're perfect,
you're beautiful,

you look like Linda Evangelista,
you're a model.

Aja got it for a good two years.

And then it went
from, like, picking on her

to picking on, like,
our drag house.

Girl, I remember.

I was called "Fat Aja"
for a very long time,

and still am.

A lot of people online
didn't really like me,

and when the entire world
is attacking you,

it fucks with your head.

So I was attacking back
to every single person online.

I can sit here and lie

and say, oh, it was so easy
and I've changed,

but it's hard,
it's really difficult.

There are days
where I found myself

going back into negativity
on social media.

But on the flip side,
social media's very important.

It's the way that I've really

gotten the world
to know Kandy Muse.

Being that we're talking
about social media,

I had a little meme go viral

called sitting alone
in the VIP.

I was truly depressed
and sad at a gig,

and I was by myself.

So I tweeted sitting alone
in the VIP by myself.

Someone asked me for a photo,
but didn't ask me how my day went.

This industry
really is a lonely one.

Not thinking
of how f*cking delusional

that f*cking sounds.

[all laugh]

It became this huge
f*cking meme,

and literally
I made a song about it.

But you have to make your coin
from what they wanna tear you down.

Very that.

Seeing the meme go viral,

I am obsessed with it.

I love when people tag me
in sitting alone in the VIP.

I love it.

So speaking of being
in the public eye, Miss Tina,

didn't you date somebody
rather famous back in the UK?

-Who, bitch?
-She had a little fling

of sorts
with Sir Graham Norton.


First of all,
I love how you say "fling."

I was in a relationship.

Oh, she was a committed woman,
first of all, bitch.

No, but, I mean,
it's interesting

when you talk
about social media

and the power of it, because,
like, Graham is so famous.

It's, like, he's at that level

where your life
is just put on a platform.

He's such a great guy, and,
like, it never, ever got to him.

It was the most amazing thing.

I remember people, like, passing
judgment on me right away,

when they don't even know me.

Are you after his money?
are you this, are you that?

People wanna draw
all their own opinions.

The point, like,
I'm making from that, too,

is just, like, with all the bad
comes all the good as well.

There are those,
you know, assholes out there,

there's trolls out there,

but there's also those people
that are gonna spread love.

It's important
to find that balance between it.

[Kandy] Werk, Tina.

Are there paparazzi pics of you
two leaving the house?

Oh, there's horrible pictures of me,

with, like, flat-ironed hair.

[all laugh]

Does anyone
have any celeb crushes?

I love me
some Boris Kodjoe, baby.

I want Uncle Jesse
to give me a Full House.

You know what I'm saying?

But am I the only weirdo

that had crushes on, like,
Hercules and, like, Aladdin?

Like animated people?

[all laugh]

-Not the animated people!
-[all laughing]

[RuPaul laughs]

♪ Cover girl,
put the bass in your walk ♪

♪ Head to toe,
let your whole body talk ♪

And what?

Welcome to the main stage
of RuPaul's Drag Race.

Michelle Visage.

Now, what's your
favorite app these days?

Girl, you so crazy!

And the hilarious Ross Mathews.

Are you on any dating apps?

You are so funny!

And welcome back, Jamal Sims.

How did the queens do this week?

[phone dings]

Okay. This week
we challenged our queens

to sing and dance

in Social Media:
the Unverified Rusical.

And on the runway,
category is "Yellow, Gorgeous."

What? Nothing?
I thought that was funny.


Racers, start your engines,
and may the best drag queen win.

Put your emoji hands together

for Social Media:
the Unverified Rusical.

[carnival music plays]

Ladies and gentlemen,
trollers and scrollers,

tonight is all about you

and the living hell
you've created.

I know what you're thinking.

Has she always
been this bitter?

Does Dolly Parton
sleep on her back?

Oops. I just got canceled!

♪ Log in,
sign on with your email ♪

♪ Log in, sign on,
you'll feel swell ♪

♪ In this new day,
moral decay ♪

♪ Is just one click away ♪

Our cautionary tale

begins innocently enough
at Tuckahoe University,

as computer genius
Markie Tuckenberg

works late into the night.

Foxy! I did it!

I invented
a new social network!

And I'm calling it Fistbook.

Fistbook? Markie, do you
even know what that means?



Never mind.

Hold up!

What if we use
this social network

to connect people
around the world?

I guess I could collect
all their personal data.

We'll call it
Face-Face-Face Look.

You know, that might just work.

♪ Ice bucket challenges,
posts of me planking ♪

♪ Sending a cat meme
to get the world laughing ♪

♪ Avocados
looking fancy on toast ♪

♪ Everyone loves my
Face-Face-Face Lookie posts ♪

Oh! [laughs]

♪ Gold or blue,
what color's that dress? ♪

♪ YOLO, who cares when
your hashtag is blessed? ♪

♪ Blessed ♪

-♪ Blessed ♪
-♪ Blessed ♪

♪ Rickrolling, twerking,
I'm not one to boast ♪

♪ But everyone loves my
Face-Face-Face Lookie posts ♪

♪ And now
I'm rolling in dough ♪

♪ In dough ♪

I own 100%
of this social platform.

Oh, my God,
I'm a freaking tech genius!

[wolf whistle]

Foxy, cover up!

But one platform wasn't enough

for you hungry
little hippos, was it?






She uses her vanity
to take away your sanity.

May I present Miss Insta-glam!

♪ I may give you FOMO,
but my filters give you life ♪

♪ I'm your favorite app ♪

♪ 'Cause I make you look good ♪

♪ Double-tapping
mother strapping ♪

♪ Like I knew you would ♪

♪ In my stories on my grave ♪

♪ You can ogle all day ♪

♪ Make you an insta-star,
get rich the insta way ♪

♪ Do it for the glam ♪

♪ Post to your feed ♪

♪ Do it for the glam ♪

♪ Post to your stories ♪

-♪ Glammin' ♪
-♪ Glammin' ♪

-♪ Glammin' ♪
-♪ Glammin' ♪

♪ Whoa ♪

♪ I may give you FOMO,
but my filters give you life ♪

♪ Do it for the glam ♪

Okay, Lady Tweets,
you're next. Keep it brief.

♪ I am the perfect medium
for modern intellectuals ♪

♪ Comedians, celebrities,
and the political ♪

♪ Even 45, the orange one ♪

♪ You just need to post,
post, most diabolical ♪

-Is that all you've got to say?

♪ Whatever's trending on me
is not merely allegorical ♪

♪ But algorithms programmed
through means mathematical ♪

♪ Hashtags and the @ symbol
make this world more radical ♪

♪ You can go to bed happy ♪

♪ And then wake up
and you're cancel-cold ♪


-One more time!

♪ Swear to God, if you
make me sing another syllable ♪

♪ I'll gladly come down there ♪

♪ And I will
punch you in the clavicle ♪

♪ I said my piece already and
frankly, it was exceptional ♪

♪ Now, mind
your own damn business ♪

♪ You bossy h*m* ♪

-Oh, my God!

And now,
the boss bitch herself,

the Reverend Doctor
Mrs. Linked All the Way In.

You go, girl.

♪ You want a side hustle ♪

♪ Flex your work muscle ♪

♪ You wanna get hired,
wanna be desired ♪

♪ Upload your res, sis ♪

♪ Tell 'em your skills, sis ♪

♪ Just come to me, sis ♪

♪ I'm a profesh, sis ♪

♪ Show 'em you're the boss ♪

♪ For a manager at Ross ♪

♪ They wanna interview ya ♪

♪ Make 'em all pursue ya ♪

♪ Keep on getting hired ♪

♪ And hired and hired
and hired and hired, ooh ♪

♪ I'm a profesh, sis ♪

Time to get disruptive
with Miss TokTik.

♪ Just 15 seconds
to save the Earth ♪

♪ Tok-tik, tok-tik ♪

♪ Just 15 seconds
to save the Earth ♪

♪ Boomers, okay,
this ain't for y'all ♪

♪ Millennials,
your reign's about to fall ♪

♪ Gen Z is ready to play ball ♪

♪ We're taking over ♪

♪ We're the lone stars ♪

♪ Just let us be us ♪

♪ Just do what we say ♪

♪ Dancing for social justice ♪

♪ We're the full gen ♪

♪ 15 seconds
to save the Earth ♪

♪ Don't play
with a girl's gen ♪

♪ 15 seconds
to save the Earth ♪

♪ Resetting your clock gen ♪

♪ 15 seconds
to save the Earth ♪

♪ We're the C gen ♪


What are you kids
doing in there?

Ugh. Mom, leave us alone!

Ladies, excuse me.

I've got a bone to pick
with you, and it's a big bone.

I've had my account suspended
by every one of you.


Um, you show too much skin.

Whatever happened
to sex positivity?

Free the nipple!

♪ Don't say what I can post,
you know I'm stunning ♪

♪ All people want sex,
not body shunning ♪

♪ So just cancel your plans
to troll on my crusade ♪

♪ I gotta post pics,
gotta flaunt my tits ♪

♪ Watch me do the splits
like sis ♪

♪ Hey, life's online,
and I'm looking fine ♪

♪ I've gotta get
those likes, sis ♪

♪ I'm free to post and be me ♪

♪ Get laid and throw shade
and spill tea ♪

♪ My assets make you go wow ♪

♪ Voice me, my thought sh*ts ♪

♪ And how ♪

Yo, Mrs. Tuckenberg,
whaddaya think of me now?

You're banned forever.



[Russian accent]
Hello, darlings, I'm Natasha.

This is Nikita.

But you can call us
Click and Bait.

♪ Mother Russia ♪

♪ My cold heart is true ♪

♪ We'll make you so proud ♪

♪ Putting a fix
on the red, white, and blue ♪

♪ We want to ruin USA ♪

♪ Easy to do in USA ♪

♪ Oh, so naive in USA ♪

♪ These will be Putin's USA ♪

♪ Information
laundering's fun ♪

♪ Photoshop pics
to fool everyone ♪

♪ Spreading
conspiracies daily ♪

♪ Like Democrats
hate Israelis ♪

♪ I've got a cute name,
it's QAnon ♪

♪ These gullible turds
will be our pawns ♪

♪ Pizzagate has gone viral ♪

♪ Now we sit back
and watch it spiral ♪

♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh ♪

♪ We want to ruin USA ♪

♪ Divide and destroy USA ♪

♪ We got the tricks in USA ♪

♪ All fools get tricked
in USA ♪

Suddenly, the whole world
is totally divided!

You're not woke!

Healthcare's a joke!

5G's a conspiracy!

Voting leads to tyranny!

Holy crap.

My grandma's a r*cist?

No, ma'am!

Girl, uh-huh.

Stop! You fools!

It wasn't always like this.

Back in my day...

Back in your day?

Didn't you know?

She used to be Friendster.

Google it.

I just can't face it.

[both] What is it you can't face?

♪ Let us all be Friendster ♪

♪ We can make it trend ♪

♪ Hand in hand together ♪

♪ Before I reach my end ♪

Oh! She's, like, dead.

It's 2006 all over again.


The Internet was supposed
to be a modern miracle,

but look at us now!

Markie, do you remember why

you started Face-Face-Face Look
in the first place?

To collect everybody's
personal data.

No, so the world
could come together.

Oh, right!
That'll never happen.

Call me an old-fashioned

thick and juicy,
sex positive dreamer,

but I know we can do better!

♪ Do you see
the people's posts ♪

♪ Posting accurate things
once again ♪

♪ These are the postings ♪

♪ Of a people
who won't be duped again ♪

♪ It's your responsibility ♪

♪ To weed ♪

♪ Hey ♪

♪ Out the lies ♪

♪ Weed out the lies ♪

Liza Minnelli lies.

[cheers and applause]

That was amazing!

Brava, encore!

♪ Bring back my girls ♪

Category is "Yellow, Gorgeous."

Up first, Tina Burner.

[Ross] Oh, she got
her high-beams on.

[Tina] [/i]Yes, before
there was Uber,

there was a taxicab.

I'm beeping down the runway,

I will circle the block

and come back
and pick y'all up,

because you are eating up
this taxi look.

She is such a backseat driver.

[RuPaul] She does not go to Brooklyn.
Do not even ask.

[all laugh]

Olivia Lux.

-[Jamal] She's your Dreamgirl.
-[RuPaul] She gives me fever.

Yellow fever.

[Olivia] I'm giving
an elevated evening eleganza.

I have these two yellow ostrich
feather puffs on my arms.

Y'all can't tell me

that I can't rise to the
top of the competition.

[Michelle] Here's a tip:
don't eat yellow hip pads.

[all laugh]

Symone, Symone-yay.

[Ross] Ru, I think
you should suspender.

[Symone] I look like Big Bird
done went to the hood

and got transformed
into a pimp, all right?

And, honey, I am serving it
to you in this coat, honey.

And not only is it
a yellow coat, honey,

it's a yellow Versace coat.

Catch it, henny, ha-ha!

[RuPaul] You say goodbye,
I say yellow.

[Ross] Yellow, yellow.

Up next, Utica Queen.

Wait. Who did the queen?

[Ross] She looks like she's from the past,
so that would make her an Old Yeller.

[all laugh]

[Utica] I am living
my medieval fashion fantasy.

This gown is based

off of the 14th century
sideless gowns.

And the moralists
ixnayed this gown

because it was too sexy.

So I'm giving a big,
artistic middle finger

to those moralists.

She's the other Boleyn sister.

Ye Olde English 800.

Up next, Kandy Muse.

Oopsie daisy.

[Ross] Show us your tulips.

This look is a recreation

of Beyoncé's iconic
Lemonade look.

I have ruffles
coming up and down my body,

curly blonde hair,
and so many flowers.

Baby, I feel stunning.

She don't just key a car,

she beats the f*ck out of it.

[all laugh]

Up next, Elliott With 2 Ts.

The extra T is for "taxi."

My yellow runway look

is head to toe
yellow vinyl sex fantasy.

Her fare is $100,000, honey.

Sorry, Miss Tina,

but I feel like your taxi
was a little dated.


Toot-toot, yeah, beep-beep.

[all laugh]

[RuPaul] Up next, Rosé.


[Rosé] My yellow look

is a tribute to Jim Carrey
in The Mask.

I've turned the zoot suit into
a little three-piece number.

I'm a redhead because
I'm mischievous as f*ck.

I am a cartoon character
come to life.

[RuPaul] She paid extra
for the guacamole.

You're stupid.

[RuPaul] Denali.

That girl is poison.

[RuPaul] Do you think
that boa constricts her?

[Michelle] If she's lucky.

[Denali] I am serving
princess python realness

in hand-painted
yellow sequin fabric.

The cherry on top of the cake

is this gorgeous
snake headpiece.

We are all born snake-ed,
and the rest is drag.

[RuPaul] Medusa?
I hardly know her!

[all laugh]

Up next, Gottmik.

[Michelle] It's the new collection
of BDSM crash-test dummies.

[Gottmik] I am giving you
bondage crash-test dummy.

I'm in head-to-toe latex.

The only part of my body that's
out right now is my face,

and that is painted
for the gods.

So not one part of my body
can breathe,

and I love it!

Fasten your seatbelts, please!

It's drag for dummies.

[all laugh]

Welcome, queens.

When I call your name,
please step forward.

Tina Burner.


Kandy Muse.




You are the tops and bottoms
of the week.

Olivia, Utica, Elliott,

ladies, you are safe.

You may leave the stage.

Now it's time
for the judges' critiques,

starting with Tina Burner.

I love this look
on the runway.

I think it's campy
and I think it's beautiful.

Well done.

In the recording session,
you really nailed it.

And then it came
to the performance,

and I felt like

I lost a lot of who
I thought you were going to be.

When you were dying,

you stopped lip syncing
before you died.

It was unlike you, because
you're the consummate pro.

You know, every actor
wants that death scene moment.

It's how people win Oscars,

Why did you stop lip syncing
before your part was done?

I didn't feel myself
stop lip syncing,

but it's very possible I did.

I think you did a great job,

but one choice can take you out.

Thank you.

Up next, Symone-Symone-yay.

Tonight on the runway,
it's fashion, it's edgy,

but it's still
kind of statement.

Can I see the--
can you open--

Oh, it's so good, Symone!

I was so disappointed
on the Rusical,

only because your
commitment level was down.

It's, oh, just, like,
I wanted more.

You have to sell it,

because that's what
drag queens can do.

And what I saw out there

was you apologizing
for not being able to sing.

It just seemed you were like,

"Yeah, I know it's bad, I'm sorry."

And what I need you to tell me

is, "Bitch, you don't even know singing,"
and you didn't even know it.

-Thanks, Symone.
-Thank you.

Up next, Kandy Muse.

I love this look on you.

You look gorgeous.

Your makeup looks beautiful.
I love the nod to Beyoncé.


In your performance, though,

we couldn't see your face
through barely any of it.

You weren't looking at the cameras,
you were looking at the floor.

I couldn't tell
if you knew the words,

I couldn't see your face.

You were disheveled with your outfit.

It just seemed a little messy.

There is a precision
in this that was lacking.

Thanks, Kandy.

Up next, Rosé.

Tonight on the runway,
I appreciate The Mask homage.

-I just have one question.

Why is it orange?

Oh, Michelle,
I don't think it's orange.

Oh, really? Is this
a blue and gold moment?

No, I think
it's a warmer yellow.

[whispers] It's orange.

Okay, I'm sorry.

Orange you glad
Michelle's done talking?

[all laugh]

Listen, you too had expectations
coming into this challenge.

I know you're a singer,
I know you're a performer,

so you gotta k*ll it
or it's not good enough, right?


-You k*lled it.

It was so much fun to watch.

You were in character
the whole time.

Sounded great, looked great,
choreo was great.

I just enjoyed working with you,

and you nailed it.
Nailed it.

What propelled you
towards music theater?

I love to sing,
and I was always, you know,

getting in trouble
for being a ham,

and it was a way
to channel that.

My parents
and my teachers saw that,

and it immediately
set me on my path.

Well, it's paid off for you.

Thank you, RuPaul.

-[Russian accent] Nikita.

You know when you see a show
on Broadway

and then
that supporting character

comes in a little bit late

and just breathes life
back into it?

That's what you did,

and it's because
you went fully into it.

-I mean, you got ugly.
-I did.

And so funny.

You made me laugh immediately.

I love the way you do it
out of the side of your mouth.

It's just cartoonically--


Yeah, it's a new word.
You're welcome.

Cartoonically what I wanted.

You know,
it's very Boris and Natasha.

You were in control,
fully aware, a performer.

You did the back flip.
You're k*lling it.

Tonight on the runway,

I think realistically
what speaks here

is that headpiece.

-That, to me, is--

Remember the python from
Britney's VMA performance?

Oh, you are the python!

This is her now.
[all laugh]


I really love this outfit.

It's edgy and it's sexy
and it's fashion.

-Really good.
-Thank you.

In the Rusical, this is a perfect example
of what I mean by "You have to sell it,"

and you sold
the hell out of this.

Even after you made that
entrance, which was so great,

there you were
in the background,

and I thought, oh, this bitch
wants to steal the whole show.

-[all laugh]

That was so cool to see,
because, you know, for a minute,

you were, like,
"I don't know choreography."

And then all of a sudden,

you were doing every step
that Denali was doing it,

and you were doing it
with just as much confidence.

Great job tonight.
So proud.

Thank you so much.

I'm always interested
when people can break through.

So tell me about the process
of getting out of your way.

I was full, like, convinced

that I was not
a choreography queen in any way.

And then Jamal,
working with him,

it was just so easy,

because he just taught it
in a different way to me.

And I was like, f*ck,
yeah, I can do this

I'm ready to choreograph
my whole life now.

as long as Jamal's here.

[all laugh]

Well, thank you, ladies.
I think we've heard enough.

While you untuck
in the werkroom,

the judges and I
will deliberate.

Just between us squirrel
friends, whaddaya think?

Tina Burner.

She sounded great.
The vocal track was wonderful.

And then when
she performed it tonight,

she was disconnected.

I expect more from Tina
in a musical theater challenge.

She might have made
some bad choices,

but I'm still pro-Tina.


She's usually filled
with sass and attitude.

In the Rusical,
there was none of that, guys.

And she stumbled
on the first four count.

From that point,
it just went all downhill.

Even though
she couldn't hit the notes

didn't mean she
couldn't hit the moment.

That's why I asked Gottmik

about what the process
of finding your sweet spot was.

Symone did not do that.


The want to deliver
this performance

was so great for her,

and then all of a sudden,
everything starts to fumble.

The hair got in the face,
and then that reaction

went into her getting
on the ground at the wrong time,

and it was a chain reaction.

She hasn't figured out

how to put her ingredient
into every dish.

You can put zucchini
in everything, you know?

I've had a zucchini muffin,
I've had it in savory dishes.

-And it fits perfectly.

Yes. Ru,
I've always said that.

[all laugh]

I'll tell you where else
you could put a zucchini.

I know where else
you could put a zucchini.

Kandy has to figure out
where to put the zucchini.

[all laugh]


This was the very definition
of a boss-ass bitch tonight.

So polished. She was great.

Really wonderful.

She was definitely in her element.
I love seeing someone

doing what they're meant to do.

-She is meant to do that.


She was in it, committed,

and it just read
all the way through.

Doing a back-handspring
in heels

is, like, crazy town.

Tonight, I was sold 100%.

Bought, signed,
sealed, delivered.

When the Russians took the stage,
I felt very, very excited.


She shocked the hell out of me.
She rose to the occasion,

so hands-down
10s across the board.

It's fun to see somebody
not know they can do something,

but try anyway
and knock it out of the park.

Gottmik committed to it,
and it was so exciting.

That's what I'm looking for.

-There were moments--

I've heard enough.

[speaking Swedish]

for "Bring back my girls."

Welcome back, queens.

I've made some decisions.



It has come to our attention

that there's been
Russian interference

in this competition.

The good kind.

You're safe.

Great job, queens.

[cheers and applause]

Rosé, this week,
you outfoxed the competition.

Con-drag-ulations. You are the
winner of this week's challenge.

[cheers and applause]

You've won a cash tip of $5,000.

Thank you so much.

This is a really big deal to me.

Now I finally have a win.

I'm f*cking thrilled.

Tina Burner. To whom much
is given, much is expected.


This week,
you weren't overshadowed.

You forgot to shine.

Kandy, tonight you looked nice,

but your performance
was not precise.

Tina Burner.

You are safe.

-Thank you.

-You may join the other girls.
-Thank you.

Love you so much.

Symone, Kandy,
I'm sorry, my dears,

but you are up for elimination.

All I can think of in my head
is I can't go home.

I don't wanna go anywhere.

I am ready to fight
for my f*cking life.

Two queens stand before me.

Ladies, this is your last chance
to impress me

and save yourself
from elimination.

The time has come...

for you to lip sync...

[echoing] for your life!

I am trembling.

I am in utter shock
that I'm here.

As much as I love Kandy,
I'm not gonna not fight.

I came here to win.

Good luck,
and don't f*ck it up.

[music plays]

♪ Every day is pay day ♪

♪ Swipe my card,
then I do the nae-nae ♪

♪ Use common sense ♪

♪ I'm on my Michelle Obama ♪

♪ Shh, shut your mouth ♪

♪ Boy, I think you know
who run this house ♪

♪ I ain't thirsty for no bae ♪

♪ 'Cause I already know
what you're tryna say ♪

♪ You say that you a baller,
and I see you tryna holla... ♪

It looks like Kandy Muse

jumped out of a plane and went skydiving,

It's so much fabric going in the air,

it's giving me
that Eureka kick, you know.


♪ Boss, Michelle Obama ♪

♪ Purse so heavy,
gettin' Oprah dollars ♪

♪ Oh, Michelle Obama ♪

♪ Purse so heavy,
gettin' Oprah dollars ♪

♪ Michelle Obama ♪

♪ Purse so heavy,
gettin' Oprah dollars ♪

♪ I pledge allegiance to
my independent girls in here ♪

♪ Oh, oh, baby ♪

♪ Yeah ♪

♪ So if you with us, come on,
let me hear you say ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah ♪

[all laugh]

♪ Hey, hey ♪

♪ Da da, da da, I see you ♪

♪ You say that you a baller,
and I see you tryna holla ♪

♪ But that ain't how
I was brought up ♪

♪ No, next,
working for the money ♪

♪ 'Cause that's what
my mama taught me ♪

♪ So yo ass
better show me some respect ♪

♪ Boss, Michelle Obama ♪

♪ Purse so heavy,
gettin' Oprah dollars ♪

♪ Boss, Michelle Obama ♪

♪ Purse so heavy,
gettin' Oprah dollars ♪


♪ Oh, oh ♪

[cheers and applause]

Ladies, I've made my decision.

Symone, shantay you stay.


Thank you, thank you,
thank you,

thank you, thank you.

-You may join the other girls.
-Thank you.

Kandy Muse.


You're a profess, sis.

Keep showing 'em who's boss.

Thank you
for changing my life forever.

That I can be who I wanna be
into the world,

and not giving a shit about
what anyone has to say about me.

And you've made me feel
so, so special.

I love you.

Thank you so much.

Now sashay away.

-[all] Kandy!
-We love you, Kandy!

Kandy, Kandy, wait.


I'm not ready for you to go.

Not yet.

You are safe
to slay another day.

[cheers and applause]


Yes, bitch!

Bitch, you didn't have
to play with my emotions.

[all laugh]

Thank you so much.

Thank you so much.

Now, con-drag-ulations
to all you girls.

And remember,
if you can't love yourself,

how are you gonna
love somebody else?

-Can I get an "amen" up in here?
-[all] Amen!

All right.
Now let the music play!

♪ I'm a winner ♪

♪ I'm a winner, baby ♪

♪ I'm a winner ♪

♪ I'm a winner, baby ♪

[RuPaul] Next time[/i]
on RuPaul's Drag Race...[/i]

The time has come.

We're playing the Snatch Game!


You're looking f*cking great.

I wrote huge cock.

[all laugh]

Mm, tastes delicious.

Oh, oh, oh, dear.

That was genius.

You did a really good job.

You wanna make Ru laugh,

and I think that was
the problem. We didn't laugh.

The winner's circle
is dead, so...


b*tches beware.

♪ I'm a winner ♪

♪ I'm a winner, baby ♪

♪ I'm a winner ♪

♪ I'm a winner, baby ♪

♪ I'm a winner ♪

♪ I'm a winner, baby ♪

♪ I'm a winner ♪

♪ I'm a winner, baby ♪

♪ Losers, weepers ♪

♪ I'm a winner, baby ♪

♪ Finders, keepers ♪

♪ I'm a winner, baby ♪

♪ Losers, weepers ♪

♪ I'm a winner, baby ♪
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