14x03 - A Pair of Balls

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "RuPaul's Drag Race". Aired: February 2, 2009 – present.*
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RuPaul plays the role of host, mentor, and head judge for this series, as contestants are given different challenges each week.
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14x03 - A Pair of Balls

Post by bunniefuu »

RuPaul: Previously
on RuPaul's Drag Race...

Welcome to the second premiere

of RuPaul's Drag Race


By the end of tomorrow,

I'll be asking one of you
to sashay away.

Daya Betty.

It was pretty lackluster.

RuPaul: DeJa Skye.

It really wasn't funny.

RuPaul: Angeria.

Oh, my God, I love this.
It was so good.

Con-drag-ulations. You're the
winner of this week's challenge.


DeJa Skye, shantay you stay.

Daya Betty, sashay away.

Oof, that was a f*cking doozy.


I was close to being eliminated.

-Oh, my God.

But I think
that me lip syncing

made them know
that I am a competitor.

RuPaul himself said

that we might have a lip sync
assassin on our hands.

b*tches, beware.

We're gonna miss you, Daya.


I love you so much, Daya!

[screaming and laughing]

Queens, I'm back!

[all laugh]
But I'm not the only one.

Look over there.

-What the hell?

Oh, shit.

Oh, my God!

Oh. It's the other ho's.

-Oh, okay!
-Oh, my God!

Oh, it's like that?

Oh, my God,
my other sisters are here.

But, girl, y'all b*tches
are gonna have to get out soon.

Oh, yes!

The two titans
are about to clash

in a royal battle
of bad bitchery.

And we about to see

who the f*ck else
is here in this competition.

Hi, sisters!


I see Kerri Colby,
and I am freaking out.

I am such a huge fan.

Oh, you f*cking bitch.

Miss Kornbread Jeté,
my good, thicc sis.

-I'm so happy that you're here.

DeJa Skye. Bitch, that's
my seamstress right there.

-Gooped, gagged, and gathered.

I know Alyssa Hunter
by watching her pageants online.

Girl, she's gonna be
really tough to beat,

because those pageant girls,
they're cutthroat.

Who went off?

-Daya Betty.
-Her name was Daya Betty.

Who left from your guys?

From our group,
Orion Story, yeah.

How was she?

It clearly was
a short story, girl.

[all laugh]

A plot? [laughs]

And also, is there anybody
in y'all group that's messy?

You sure the messy's
in our group?

No, it's me.
No, 100%, yeah.

Kornbread is a sweetheart,
but, yes, I'm a messy bitch.

I'm all about fun shade.

She bring it to you
every bowl.

[all laugh]

Kornbread, she looks
like a good time,

but, girl, Miss Thing
got on a Mary J. Blige wig.


Now that we're all together,

competition's gonna get
severe up in here.

It feels hotter already, bitch.

Now that we're all in a group,
it kind of puts into perspective

how much of a fight
it's gonna be,

because there are
so many girls.

It is scary, you know?

But I am totally fine
with ripping my pearls

and throwing it on the stage
for the girls

so they can trip and fall.

I wanted to be
the littlest one.

Yeah, you've got another child
here with you, baby. I'm sorry.


♪ RuPaul's Drag Race ♪

RuPaul: The winner
of RuPaul's Drag Race

receives a one-year supply

of Anastasia Beverly Hills

and a grand prize of $100.000,

powered by Cash App.

With extra-special guest judge,

from Bling Empire,
Christine Chiu.

♪ RuPaul's Drag Race ♪

♪ May the best drag queen win ♪

♪ Best drag queen win ♪

Good morning!

Hello, hello.

-Another day, another dollar.
-Oh, my God!


Walking into the werkroom
this morning,

many new faces.

It's a little bit more
claustrophobic today.

It feels kind of like
a full factory reset.

Like, I did really well
my first week.

Whatever I just served
was good enough for six.

Let's amp it up for 12.

Hello, hello, hello!

[cheers and applause]

So the g*ng's all here.


Like my mama used to say,
the more, the merrier,

which is why I want
to introduce you

to two more queens.

-Oh, what?

Oh, damn it.

Bring back my girls.

Betty's back!

[cheers and applause]

Miss Junebug, I'm ready for
my rematch in the parking lot.

I'm back.

Going home first and then
the second chance to come back,

I really have to prove myself
this time.

Oh, my God!

I am probably more fiery
coming in the second time,

because these b*tches

don't think I'm competition,
I don't think.

And I can't wait
to prove them wrong.

Welcome back, Orion Story
and Daya Betty.

I'm giving these queens

a second chance
to compete for the crown.

It's the right thing to do.

[all chuckle]

You just brought back
Thelma and Louise.

Oh, this some bullshit.

Straight-up bullshit.

But let me make one thing
perfectly clear.

From this moment on,
no more Mr. Nice Guy.

Because this season, we're doing
things a little differently,

and when it comes
to saving queens,

I'm leaving it up
to the drag gods.

Oh, Pit Crew?


Now, this tray
has 14 RuPaul candy bars,

one for each of you.

But only one bar
is golden, girl.

I'll let you each
choose your candy bar

and sign it.

Each week, the two queens
lip syncing for their lives

will bring their candy
to the runway.

The queen that
loses the lip sync

will open her candy bar.

If it is the gold bar...

She'll be safe
to slay another day.

If her bar is chocolate,

she must sashay away.

This, like, changes the game.

It gives you a second chance,
or a third chance if it's me.


Now, you may pick a bar
one at a time,

starting with last week's
winner, Angeria.


It is full wild card situation.

Sign here, initial there.

The immunity, I'm, like,
super excited, girl,

because, like,
if the worst happens,

I hope mine
has the golden ticket.

Willy Wonka fish.

Girl, we are in
the Willy Wonka factory.

These people got golden
chocolate bars and stuff.

I just hope I get it.

Oh, you're big.

You wanna make it
on the clipboard?

Oh, sorry.

It's a straight thing.

Baby, you done forgot
your candy bar.

-Oh! I'm just--
-He got all flustered!

All flustered!
[all laugh]

Something is changing!

[all laugh]

So now that
they're signed and sealed,

keep your bars safe,

because one of them
could save your padded ass.

But whatever you do,
do not open it.

Now, there's only one thing
I love more than chocolate,

and that is a pair of balls.

So for this week's

we are throwing
two fashion balls, darling.

[cheers and applause]

My week-one queens,
you will be serving three looks

at the Hide 'n Chic Ball.

First look
is Zebra Print Resort.

Second look is Leopard
Evening Gown Down.


Third look, from scratch,

you need to create and serve
Wedding Gown Eleganza.


Using all the colors
of the animal rainbow.

And don't get it twisted.

All the animal skins

are as fake
as a latex breastplate.

[all laugh]

All right, week-two queens,

you'll be serving three looks

in the Red, White,
& Blue Ball.


First look, Red Hot Resort.

Second look, Evening Gown Down:
All In White.

And the third look,
from scratch,

you need to create
Wedding Gown Eleganza

in red, white, and blue.

Feel free to use the sewing
machines provided by Singer.

This is what I came here for.

I'm a sewer.
I love creating,

I love balls!

Racers, start your engines,

and may the best drag queen win.


Okay, here it is.
Take that.

I want this one.

Honey, it is the ball challenge
this week.

Not just one ball, bitch,
two balls.

Oh, we're really feeling it.

-Ooh, girls.

My ball is the Red,
White, & Blue Ball.

-This is so cute!
-I know, a pom-pom.

Ooh, I am so excited.

This is mine.
Nobody touch.


I am so happy
to have animal prints.

Like, they speak to me

on, like, a really, like,

existentially trashy level.

So when I see, like,
these different animal prints,

my brain immediately goes to,
like, villainous hot bitch.

So I may have gathered
from certain contextual clues

that you are one of these, um,
how do we say, heterosexuals?


Do you have
a significant other?

I do.
My girlfriend.

We've been together
for about four years now.

That's so f*cking cool.

Miss Maddy, I heard
you were straight.

I am.

Are you at the point
where, like,

opinions of others
don't bother you?

Because obviously, people
have their opinions about it.

Being, like, a part,
like, in the drag scene,

like, a part of,
like, in this community,

it's, like,
changed my perspective.

It's, like,
I'm not worried about

if other people think
that I'm gay,

because I don't consider
being gay

to be, like, something
that's, like, offensive.

-That's a bad thing, yeah.

How does your girlfriend
feel about it?

She's honestly, like,
my biggest supporter.

-Shut up. Seriously?

The first time she ever met me,
I was in drag.

Well, that's really cool.
I'm glad she's supportive.

And you've got a lot of
supportive people here, too.

I knew you were straight,

because my left nipple
only gets hard for straight men.

Maddy, you straight?

-I am.

Bitch, did you miss
the whole damn conversation?

This bitch five days late.


I think I'm gonna do
a lot of paneling on mine,

so it's, like,
a lot of different shapes,

like, with different
patchwork of fabrics.

I'm known back at home
as a dancing queen,

but I am also known as a girl

who makes a brand-new costume
every week for herself.

This is the challenge
I came here to destroy.

So what do you think of this?

A star here, and then maybe
a shawl coming off?

I feel like
it reads very Jasmine.


I don't sew.

I don't even consider myself
a crafty queen.

Like, the only Kraft I enjoy
is macaroni and cheese.

So I'm literally over here
draping, pinning, and praying.

-[whispers] Bosco.
-What's up, baby?

Hot mess.

I love those colors together.

But the silhouette, a hot mess.

The silhouette's
not working for you.

I don't know. Definitely be
careful with the details, baby.

Like, I work
as a personal stylist,

so I know how to make
shit look good.

I'm hoping the fashion gods
will lead and guide me.

Let us pray.

-Make it work, designers.

I've been sewing for years,
and not just for myself.

I've sewn for many other queens.

I know my capabilities,

and I wanna make sure
that I show this off.

This is gonna be a moment.

I hope.

I wanna make sure there's darts.

I wanna make sure
there's a full neckline

and a dramatic sleeve.

I wanna give the drama.

This is kind of
my area of expertise.

Ooh, bitch, it is.

So if I don't...


Do I look like I sew to you?

What is wrong with this?

No. Imma answer it for you.
I really don't.

I don't think I'm
an atelier diva like that.

Okay, let me go
to Miss Jasmine.

Miss Jasmine,
I'm coming to you, bitch.

What you need help with?

I'm getting a little bit of help
from Miss Jasmine Kennedie.

So I'm trying to do
a little thing here.


Well, I'm attaching this,
I think, here.

Okay. I am helping
my girl Kerri out

because she is the daughter
of Sasha Colby.

Her mother is one
of my favorite queens,

so the fact that I'm getting
to compete with her daughter

is just, like,
a dream come true.

Listen, if we have to stone
on top of the safety pins,

that's what we gonna
have to do. Okay? Listen...

I'll try some stones.

You got some stones?
You sharing?

Wait. Did you say "sharing"
or "Sharon?"


-Who's Sharon?
-Sharon Stone, bitch.

Who is that?

Some famous white lady.

Oh. That's a friend of yours?

Girl, no.

[all laugh]

I feel like a Barbie doll
right now.

You know, this is my favorite
thing to do, bitch.

I'm gonna just take the hair
down and just feel good. Yes.

I look over,
and Kerri has, like,

four handkerchiefs
sewn together.

You keep on modeling
that bolt of fabric

wrapped around your waist, baby.

Let me tell you
something, honey.


And, like, any other girl
would be, like...

But Miss Kerri's
just like, what?


This is so good.

Carry it, like, mm, mm.

This challenge
is the closest I'm gonna get

to getting married
anytime soon, bitch.

Today we're doing a ball,
and in this challenge,

what we have to make
is a whole bridal moment

out of all kinds of fabric.

There's a lot going on,
you guys.

My problem I'm running into
right now

is finding the white fabric.

But I thought--
I thought this was a real bug.

-Oh, that is a real dragonfly.
-Oh, shit! Are you f*cking

No, that's real. Touch it.

-No, I'm not touching that.
-I wanna see. What is it?

Is that a dragonfly?

A dragonfly?

I saw the dragonfly whizzing
around earlier in the werkroom.

Oh, that poor dragonfly.


It's crunchy.

[all laugh]

This dragonfly
has not missed a meal.

This dragonfly
about this damn long.

So I'm just, like, Miss
Daya Bettica, let's be petty.

I swear to God.

-Are you serious?

We shake on it.

No way.
Okay seriously, though?

If you eat the entire thing,
I will give you $1.000.

I swear to you right now.

For $1.000, eat the dragonfly?

-Okay, ready?

♪ Da-da da-da ♪

[all scream]

Oh, my God, that's so gross.

It tastes like grass,
you guys.


I can't believe
you just did that.

I eat ass, you guys,
I can eat a bug.

[all laugh]

I sew about a third of my stuff,
maybe a quarter.

A fifth. We'll say a fifth.

Damn, this shit
requires your f*cking fingers.

Sewing is honestly
kind of hard on my fingers.

Oh, my God.

And it's hard for me to use
my fine motor skills.

If you've ever been out

when it's, like,
negative 40 degrees,

and then you go inside and
you try to lace up your shoes

but your fingers
just won't do it?

That's how I feel all the time.

And so I am anxious
about finishing on time.

Oh, shit.

If I can just
get this...through.

Kornbread, are you able to push
this safety pin through?

Absolutely, babe.

I'm only taking time
out of my time

because it's you, Willow.

-How your hands feeling?

We gotta get you,
like, a cup of hot water.

Oh, yeah.

Will holding it make it
better for you? Okay.

That way you can
warm your hands up,

because I know
they bother you a lot.


Oh, it's just getting to me.

Just take a deep breath.
You got it, baby.

Don't overwork yourself.

I don't think the girls
in the werkroom

know the extent
of Willow's issues,

because they don't talk
to Willow

as much as I talk to Willow.

I don't think Willow
is telling them,

because Willow
does not complain.

Willow is gonna get
the job done regardless.

Grab your cup.
I got it.

Focus on getting
your hands better.

I love my girl Kornbread.

I didn't think I would get
so close to someone

so early in this competition.

She makes me feel stable
and at home.

Thank you.

[both chuckle]

This thread
is doing the most.

-Wedding gowns are not my thing,

so I'm just like, hmm,

I'm gonna make this,
like, my wedding gown.

If Jorgeous is gonna
get married, girl,

she's gonna be wearing something
sickening, very sexy, you know.

So, yeah, I could put
a ring on it.

Jorgeous, are you doing, like,
a Puerto Rican, like, storyline?


-I'm not, no.

Bitch, that's
exactly kind of--no?

I'm not even Puerto Rican.

Who cares? Represent
someone else's ethnicity.

[all laugh]

-Daya, how's it going?

Ooh, you look like you got
a lot of detailing going on.

A lot of ruffles.

I'm going more
in the route of, like,

a bridesmaid in the late
eighties, early nineties,

because I feel like that's
gonna show more of Daya Betty

and hopefully
less Crystal Methyd.

Miss Daya Bettica.

No, I'm kidding.
[both laugh]

-Daya Bettica.
-Daya Bettica.

She sounds like
she's from Players Club.

-Daya Bettica.
-Daya Bettica.

Daya Becca, or what was it?

Daya Bettica.
That's not your name?

Daya Bettica.

Her name not Daya Bettica?


I swear for Eminem,

I have been screaming "Daya
Bettica" at this girl all day.

I don't hate the name.

Her name Daya Betty, bitch.
I did not know that.

Daya Betty.
Daya Bettica.

It's honestly, like,
I was really worried

until I got, like,
all this together.

It's not, like,
what I want it to be,

but I think
it'll be really cute.

You're going, like,
All-America wedding?

-I love that.

Good old Arkansas wedding.

Arkansas American girl.

For my inspiration
for the bridal challenge,

I really wanted to have

just a good, old-fashioned,
American wedding.


Maddy's look,
although it's sewed well,

it just looks
very Colonel Sanders.

Oh, she looks so pretty.

Like she getting married
in Kentucky.


It's ball day, b*tches!

-Ball day!
-Whoo, whoo!

It is a new day
in the werkroom.

I've always wanted to say
that on RuPaul's Drag Race!


-I love balls!

I love balls, too, bitch!

And now it's time
to get ready for the ball.

I'm excited to see
what the judges think

about my little dress.

Let's hope it's enough.

Welcome back.

So Imma give it to you
true tea.

I was not very excited
to have you back.



I'm happy you're back.

Why were you happy?

But the first lip sync
is so stressful.

Oh, my God, I just won
my first lip sync.

I was, like, not really,
because here she is.

So I was like--
in my mind, I was, like,

she didn't
get to show shit,

so it's very deserving
that you're back.

And I love you,
and welcome back.

I can't wait
to send you home again.


I started off kind of rocky,

but I am ready to just
come back full force

and really get to prove to these
b*tches why I'm still here.

-How are you feeling today?
-I'm feeling good.

I am feeling a lot better.

What's your signature style?

It's very draggy,
like very over-draggy,

very pageant,
old-school pageant.

I kind of love Angeria's
Southern accent.

I don't know. It just feels
like some sort of Southern--

or, like, a Western movie
or something, you know?

Big, coiffed, wavy hair, and--

-Yeah. Yeah!
-What is your--oh!


So, Willow, what is your style?

She's always very cutesy,
a little bit creepy.


You gonna make me knock you
right on up outta this chair.

If you say one more thing,

Imma knock you all
the way back to Camdentown.

Say it.

Keep f*cking with me,
you gonna be nauseous forever.

Lady Camden
is probably the one girl

that I am the most fond of.

Now, get yo ass up
and get back in the chair.

I could definitely
see me and her,

like, hanging out after this.


My mom, I feel like
she was, like,

the one person I had in my life.

Are your parents supportive
of what you guys do, or--

Well, my mom was.

Yeah, she passed away
a few years ago.

What happened with your mom?

She actually k*lled herself.

Oh, my God.


My mom was going through

a lot of mental issues
with bipolar depression.

She overdosed, and it took me
a while to process it,

because my mom and I
were super close.

Actually, the reason
I started doing drag,

because I, like--we used
to watch Drag Race together,

and she was always, like,

"I wanna see you on there,
I wanna see you doing that."

A few years later, like,
I started doing drag

because I feel like it was a way

for me to, like, feel close
with my mom again, you know?

She never saw you in drag,
right? She never--


I mean, she's seeing you
right now do it, bitch.

Yeah, and that's why I'm, like,
tonight is definitely, like,

a way for me
to pay homage to her,

because I based my look
that I made, like--

-Off of her?
-Off of her, yeah.

My mom has definitely influenced

everything that I am doing
right now,

and I am here to make her proud.

You know what? Even if
I don't win this challenge,

like, I'm still
really proud of what I did,

and I'm really happy.

We love you, bitch.

Even though we just met you
the other day, bitch,

we love you.

I know, I'm still
learning all your names.

As y'all know, I was put out
very early from my parents.

I was never the child
that they wanted me to be.

I always knew
that I was different.

I always felt a very
feminine energy about me.

Like, I would have been
one of those kids

if I did have
a supporting family,

where I would have been,
like, eight years old,

telling my family, like, I don't
feel comfortable as a boy.

I don't feel like my gender
matches who I am on the inside.

I most definitely did not have

that type
of a supporting system.

It got to be where I literally
just told my parents, "I'll go."

And they were, like, "Good.

You know, we disown you,
we rebuke you."

When did that separation
of coming into your own happen?

When did your adulthood hit you?

I left--I moved out of my house
in high school.

You left during high school?

Yeah, because I didn't feel
comfortable where I was.


This conversation
is just triggering me

at this moment in time.

-Imma go outside.
-Are you okay, sister?

I'm gonna sit outside
for a minute.

-Oh, bitch, I'm so sorry.


In this moment in time,

I'm discovering that things
that I thought I was over,

I'm not really over.

Ugh. Can I go with her, or--

I would say she's
gonna want her own moment

to just kind of
get her bearings.

Growing up, I had my moments
of extreme flamboyancy,

and my mom,
she would not like it,

and she would state
that she did not like it.

It's hard to, like,
find an acceptance,

and I just...

I felt like such a
disappointment for a long time.

I thought I was a mistake.

I would just literally
sometimes go to sleep

so disappointed in myself,

and I would just pray
that I didn't wake up.

When I was around 16 years old,

I was like, okay, tomorrow,
I'm just gonna leave.

I ended up moving in
with one of my city friends,

and they didn't--

my family didn't look for me,

and I was literally
around the corner.

You good, sis?

I'm so sorry.
Are you all right?

Should we just focus
on painting?

-Let's do that.


It's just talking
about, like, family stuff,

and it's, like,
I never realized

how much I just
pushed everything back.

Right now, this present day,

I'm in a phenomenal place
with my family.

But I realize there's
some shit I gotta deal with.

So I am gonna talk to them
as soon as I get home.

But, girl, pull it together.

Right now it's time
to get ready for the runway.

[RuPaul laughs]

♪ Cover girl,
put the bass in your walk ♪

♪ Head to toe,
let your whole body talk ♪


Black Cat Phoenix.

Welcome to the main stage
of RuPaul's Drag Race.

Michelle Visage,

are you ready
for a pair of balls?

Aah! I love to play with balls!

Style superstar Carson Kressley.

Now, have you ever met a pair
of balls you didn't like?

Oh, the only kind I don't like
are foul balls.

The worst.

I didn't know
you were into baseball.

Base what?

[all laugh]

And our extra-special guest
judge, Christine Chiu.

Welcome to our Bling Fempire.

Thank you so much for having me.

I'm honored to be here
and blingy with joy.

Ooh, and that's
just below the deck.

[all laugh]

This week, we challenged
each of our queens

to serve three looks
in a pair of balls,

and now they're just itchin'
to hit the runway.

Racers, start your engines,

and may the best drag queen win.

Welcome, children,
to the Hide 'n Chic Ball.

Category is Zebra Print Resort.

Up first, Alyssa Hunter.

Carson: She's putting the "tuck"
in "Kentucky Derby."

RuPaul: Oh, okay.

Alyssa: My look is inspired
by the movie Racing Stripes,

about this cute little zebra.

I'm ready for a race, b*tches.

Very Jockey Onassis.

[all laugh]

RuPaul: Bosco.

Carson: It's a zebracorn.

RuPaul: It's a zebracorn.

When did I have zebracorn?

Bosco: My look
is the après-ski on Mars

zebra print fantasy.

I'm gonna get loaded,

and then go pass out
after skiing all day.

I feel awesome.

RuPaul: Well, I guess
the Statute of Liberty

really is in New Jersey.

Michelle: There ya go.

RuPaul: Willow Pill.

Michelle: Someone has a power
lunch at Animal Kingdom.

[all laugh]

Willow: I love to do
pedestrian looks,

because you can really infuse,

like, a real-life character
into them.

She's just wigglin'
and squigglin'

'cause she's got so much ass.

RuPaul: I own 51% of this zoo.

[all laugh]

RuPaul: Kerri Colby.

Oh, of course, you know,
she's got a case of pinkleg.

Kerri: This dress is kind of
taking me to nineties energy.

It's very light and airy.

There's always a good bounce.

Show 'em the hair,
show 'em the face,

give them so much to eat up

that they're just
obsessed with you.

You better flamin-go, girl.

[all laugh]

RuPaul: Kornbread with a "K."

Michelle: Canteen dreams
and Kornbread wishes.

[all laugh]

Kornbread: I decided to go

to the safari resort, honey.

So I feel like I hit
the nail on the hammer.

The hammer on the nail.
The nail on the board.

[laughs] Baby, I'm walking
into this safari

with my canteen first.

And y'all think it's water,

but it's a little bit
of that good juice up in here.

Michelle: Bottoms up!

[all laugh]

RuPaul; Orion Story.

I hear she's got a hole in one.

Orion: I am giving you
the full Heathers fantasy.

Bitchy popular girl
who doesn't wanna be there.

She's never golfed
a day in her life.

And this is what
Orion would wear

if she was on
a golf resort trip.

Ooh, check out her back nine.

[Michelle laughs]

RuPaul: June
is busting out all over!

From the boardroom to the clerb.

June: Is the bus still running?

June don't know,
because she has a driver.

I am giving you old
Hollywood royalty right now.

This is not off the rack
or around the corner.

I'm definitely giving you
rich bitch.

Liza with a "zebra."

[all laugh]

RuPaul: Welcome to the Red,
White, & Blue Ball.

Category is Red Hot Resort.

Up first, Daya Betty.

Looks to me like she's spotting.

[all laugh]

Daya: I have
this fun babydoll dress,

and I feel
my two little pigtails

flip-flopping in the wind.

I feel like the weirdest child
at the amusement park.

Carson: There's a sucker born
every minute.

[RuPaul laughs]

RuPaul: Angeria.

The crimson tide has come in.

Angeria: I'm giving you
sixties babydoll dress,

dragged up
to the tenth power, baby.

Everybody wanna be
at the resort I'm at.

She's red for filth.

[all laugh]

RuPaul: DeJa Skye.

You flow, girl.

DeJa: Who says you can't wear
floor-length dresses

during the day?

I am feeling airy and light.

Some flowy chiffon
against my boobicles.

I am floating on this runway.

Flouncin' and behavin'.

RuPaul: Yes.

Jasmine Kennedie.

They call her a U.S. ho.

Jasmine: I am walking out
in my 1950s

pin-up girl style
resort wear look,

and then I pull out
my lobster claws,

because I wanna show them that
I can be a little bit campy.

I'm serving them
crustacean chic.

Carson: Well, there was
a clause in her contract.

RuPaul: There was a clause
in her contract.

That she had to wear this.

[RuPaul laughs]

Call her Miss Ross.

Jorgeous: Bitch,
I'm giving you hot Miami girl

walking down the street.

Jorgeous is all about the body.

It's so hot in here,

and I want the judges
to see how hot I am.

RuPaul: Disco inferno.

Michelle: Yeah.

RuPaul: Lady Camden.

I saw her in "Gypsy" once.

What's my fortune?

Lady Camden:
For red hot resort wear,

I wanted to show something
with a bit of body

and a bit of sass.

Oh, I've been to this resort
so many times.

Like, I have a membership here,
they know my drink.

They just give it to me
as soon as I walk in.

She is Posh Spice on vacation.
Can't be bothered.

Michelle: Nothing beats
a great pair of legs, kids.

RuPaul: Maddy Morphosis.

Carson: I think she got this
at PalazzoPants.com.

RuPaul: Aha.

Maddy: I have this full outfit

with matching headband
and little purse.

I am trying to give
the judges playful.

I am really proud of this look.

It was one of
the very first outfits

I ever created from scratch.

RuPaul: Call 911.
We've got a jumper here.

[all laugh]

Carson: The demi-twerk.

♪ Hey, kitty girl ♪

♪ It's your world ♪

Category is Leopard
Evening Wear.

Up first, Alyssa Hunter.

Michelle: She is ready
to make your bed rock.

RuPaul: Ever wonder
what happened to Bam-Bam?

[Michelle laughs]

Alyssa: I'm just serving these
Miranda Priestly vibes,

and it's inspired
by Thierry Mugler.

Very fashion.

I feel like a bitch right now.

RuPaul: Miss Hunter
becomes the hunted.

[Michelle laughs]

RuPaul: Bosco.

Meow! Cat got your top?

Bosco: I love leopard print.

I'm giving you formal culottes,

which I don't think
we get enough of.

Michelle: Ru, why can't cats
play poker in the jungle?

Too many cheetahs!
[all laugh]

RuPaul: Willow Pill.

Marisa Tomei, you stay.

Willow: I chose
black-on-black leopard,

because I know that no one else
was gonna choose this.

This girl, she's--

How do I say a coked-out
nineties model

without saying coked-out?

She knows she's hot,

and she's got, like,

RuPaul: Gypsy Wose Wee.

[Carson laughs]

RuPaul: Kerri Colby.

Ooh, you're a spinner, baby.

Kerri: I feel Dynasty down.

You might think
this is a breastplate,

but these are actually
my own home-grown tatas.

I feel like I actually own

a good percentage of the whole
RuPaul's Drag Race franchise.

RuPaul: This reminds me
of my favorite TV show.

-What's that?

[Michelle laughs]

Kornbread with a "K."

Come up and see me, feline.

[all laugh]

Kornbread: I'm giving you
my little dazzler. Rawr.

Bitch, you know the claws
is out, baby, the claws is out.

I am serving you up

some big, thicc, leopard
realness, honey. [laughs]

Children of the Kornbread.

[Michelle laughs]

RuPaul: Orion Story.

She's got quite
the mouth on her...head.

[all laugh]


Orion: I'm giving you
the fill Xena warrior fantasy.

This look is definitely me,
because I love to show my body.

I am giving the judges
just pure sex.

Carson: Looking good
and feline gorgeous.

[Michelle laughs]

RuPaul: June Jambalaya.

Totally lamé-zing.

June: I knew with evening wear

that I wanted something
really flowy.

I wanted to be like
the Sex and the City movies,

when they're traveling and
it's always garments and things

just flying everywhere.

I'm proud of it.

I can't walk in it,
but I'm proud of it.

Michelle: They're sending her
to the leopard colony.

Category is Evening Wear:

Why It Gotta Be White?

Up first, Daya Betty.

Michelle: I think she has
a trick up her sleeve.

Daya: When I think
of evening wear,

I think of being at home
in a robe,

eating food,
and getting ready for bed.

So how can I translate that

into something drag
and something sexy?

RuPaul: Harlow, Jean
on the cover of a magazine.


Michelle: It is the disco
Reverend Angie.

RuPaul: Yes, honey.
I am ready for my baptism.

Angeria: Oh, it's a jumpsuit!

Thought it was a dress,
didn't you?

Oh, yeah, I have on
my long, white nails, honey,

and I look fabulous.

Take that, Little Richard.

[all laugh]

RuPaul: DeJa Skye.

Michelle: You heard about
the Heart of the Ocean, right?

RuPaul: Uh-huh.

Michelle: She's wearing
the Heart of Sylmar.

Deja: I am in love
with the wide-legged pants.

I am hands on waist,
delivering this look.

DeJa Skye's new fragrance:

White Shoulderpads.

[all laugh]

RuPaul: Jasmine Kennedie.

Ladies and gentlemen,
Juliet Prowse.

Michelle: Uh-huh.

Jasmine: I have this beautiful,
beautiful cocktail dress

made by my drag mother.

I'm feeling delectable,
so glitterific.

This is everything
I wanna serve on the runway.

Mm, shake that tail feather.

[Michelle laughs]

RuPaul: Jorgeous.

Carson: Oh, this skirt
was 25% off.

I'm giving you elegance, bitch.

So chic, and it's not
doing too much,

like how some of these
other girls are doing.

It is clean and it's
getting the point across.

Christine: Putting the "bow"
back in "elbow."

Michelle: Exactly.

RuPaul: Lady Camden.

Wrap it up. I'll take two.

Lady Camden:
I like to play with wire

and do stuff
that's a little bit 3D

and a little bit
more architectural.

It's still glamorous
and it's still pretty,

but it's wrapped up
in a cartoon bow,

and ready to be unwrapped.

Ooh, la isla bow-ista.

Maddy Morphosis.

I believe she's mooning us.

Maddy: I am giving you
a 180-degree turn

from my previous look.

It feels very theatrical,

and it does not get
any more nighttime

than the moon and the stars.

Michelle: That's what you call
a celestial body-ody-ody.

[all laugh]

♪ Welcome to the jungle ♪

Category is Animal Print
Bridal Couture.

First up, Alyssa Hunter.

I hear the bride's
a real gold digger.

[all laugh]

Alyssa: I am wearing
this romantic dress,

but with a jungle touch.

I'm feeling the Jane fantasy,
ready to marry my Tarzan.

Baby, this is how
you do couture.

We've heard of the Tiger King.

This is the Tiger Queen.

Take that, Carole Baskin.

RuPaul: Bosco.

Carson: Siegfried & Roy
for David's Bridal.

[all laugh]

Bosco: My bridal look

is very Cruella de Vil's
big wedding

that's being protested
by PETA across the street.

The only reason
why Bosco would ever marry

is to get into that will,
k*ll him off, and continue on.

Carson: I laughed, I cried,
it was better than Cats.

RuPaul: I'm gonna see it
two more times.

Said no one of Cats.

RuPaul: Willow Pill.

I think we can see who's gonna
wear the pants in this marriage.

Willow: This bridal look
has everything.

We've got Studio 54,

we've got corporate
lesbian rich wedding,

a jungle theme to it as well.

I don't know what's happening,

but I look like
a hot rocker bride,

and I love it.

I don't care about
whoever I'm marrying,

whoever this hot woman or man

or nonspecific gender
person is.

I'm just here to look hot.

Meow and forever.

RuPaul: Auntie Mane.

Kerri Colby.

You call it a bouquet.
I call it a bou-kurr.

[all laugh]

Y'all didn't tell me

Raquel Welch
was in this competition.

Kerri: As I'm walking
down the runway,

I give that model essence
tran-tasy, darling.

As I'm taking
a little expensive look

at the expensive
Christine Chiu,

I feel like I am creating
a $20.000 fantasy.

Carson: Oh, she's definitely
getting married.

She's wearing an I Do-rag.

[all laugh]

Kornbread with a "K."

Get these
m*therf*cking snakes

off this m*therf*cking plane.

Kornbread: I'm feeling my
serpent-snake fantasy, baby.

And I popped these big eyes,

and I started to give him
the snake talk.

You know how that snake
be tasting up everything.

I am married to the sin, baby.

Call me Eve, bitch.

On second thought,
her anaconda do.

[all laugh]

Orion Story.

I see a young Morgan Fairchild.

Michelle: Oh, yes.

Orion: Tonight, I wanted
to pay a homage to my mom,

because she always reminded me

of those characters
like Fran Drescher,

who just had, like,
the beautiful hair,

like, always dressed sexy.

I am giving you what Peg Bundy
would wear to her wedding

if she was in The Flintstones.

But where is Orion's belt?

I can never find that one.

RuPaul: June.

You know, I love it

when they let you
take the centerpiece home.

[all laugh]

Michelle: And you get a frond
and you get a frond

and you get a frond!

June: I wanted to look like
I was lost in the jungle.

I done lost my luggage

and I just had to find
some scraps,

you know, to make
my wedding with my man.

My bouquet is big as hell.

I'm really giving you
Wakanda jungle.

Thank you for being a frond.

[all laugh]

♪ American, American ♪

Category is Red, White
& Blue Bridal Couture.

Up first, Daya Betty.

Betsy Ross Mathews.

[all laugh]

Daya: This is inspired heavily

by ugly eighties
bridesmaid dresses.

I am really feeling this look.

In a weird way, I feel like
I'm kind of embodying Michelle

if Michelle was in
an ugly eighties dress.

She's a grand old drag.

Old Glory...hole.

Michelle: Uh-huh.

RuPaul: Angeria.

You can call her Angie. Check.

Pre-nup. Check.

[all laugh]

Angeria: This is an Angeria
silhouette, honey,

very fitted, sequined gown.

Honey, the titties
is sitting up right.

They all pushed up.

Yes, honey,
this look is bridal,

but it's still draggy,
and that is the Angeria way.

Carson: Failed attempted
at hiding her elbows.

[all laugh]

RuPaul: DeJa Skye.

If it ain't bro-quet,
don't fix it.

DeJa: I hit this runway
feeling regal AF.

I love a gown moment,
I love showing off my curves.

I'm taking my time.

I'm going to make sure
that they see the workmanship

that I put into this garment.

Look at that juicy sash.

Michelle: Mm-hmm.

RuPaul: Jasmine Kennedie.

Carson: Serving fish.

g*dd*mn, I did a good job.

This usually takes me
three days to do,

and the fact that
I did it in eight hours

is blowing my mind.

I just feel so beautiful.

I feel like
Miss Congeniality I,

but I'm not being Miss
Sandra Bullock and following.

I'm being Miss Rhode Island
and winning the damn crown.

Little Miss Firecracker.

RuPaul: Simply Jorgeous.

Carson: San Antoni-ho.

Jorgeous: Bitch,
I'm a f*cking hot-ass mami

kind of bride, bitch.

She is marrying some
hot-ass daddy right now.

I just wanted to show
what Jorgeous would wear

if she was getting married.

Michelle: I hear she likes

[all laugh]

RuPaul: Lady Camden.

I pledge allegiance to the drag.

[RuPaul laughs]

Lady Camden:
She's getting married, darling.

There's Uncle Henry.

Oh, my God,
there's Aunt Lorraine.

Oh, she brought the kids.

I like to do things
a little bit glamorous,

but I definitely add
a bit of craftiness to it.

Something glamorous
with a touch of tackiness.

RuPaul: Priscilla Presley

got married
in this very same outfit.

[Michelle imitating Elvis]
Thank you. Thank you very much.

[all laugh]

RuPaul: Maddy Morphosis.

Betsy Ross Dress For Less.

[all laugh]

Maddy: I'm selling this bridal
look with a performance.

I'm a girl who is so excited
about her wedding day.

I just won my county fair
beauty pageant.

I got engaged and I'm getting
married all in the same week.

And the fun that I'm having
in this moment,

this is my drag,
and this is what I do.

If you can't marry yourself,
how the hell--

[all laugh]

Michelle: Amen.

Welcome, queens.

When I call your name,
please step forward.

Alyssa Hunter.


Kerri Colby Carrington Morell.


Daya Betty.

DeJa Skye.

Jasmine Kennedie.

Lady Camden.

Ladies, you're safe.

You may leave the stage.

Now it's time
for the judges' critiques,

starting with
she don't want no big pill,

she want a Willow Pill.

First of all, I really enjoyed
all of your looks.

The first one looked like

you were gonna sell a fabulous
house in a resort town.

Like, you're like you're
the number one broker in Boca.

Your leopard evening wear
looked really pretty on you.

One of my favorites
is black-on-black,

so I love that
you chose that route.

This is the show stopper
for me tonight,

and I'm pleasantly surprised
by almost the entire cast.

Finally, it took 14 years
of people understanding

you need to sew
to be on this show,

at least a basic way.

But what you did
was not basic.

I love how you balanced
some softness,

a little edge, the netting.

That just completed the look.

This here
is absolutely stun-ning.

Where'd you get
your sense of style?

I think I've explored
bad taste for so long

that I just ended up
getting good taste.

[all laugh]

Up next, Orion Story.

Girl, you are beautiful.

Look at that face.
Do you see that?


[all laugh]

So I think for me tonight

what was missing was
a little bit more versatility.

I thought there was
a lot of repetitiveness.

I don't golf, but if I had
an outfit like your resort wear,

I definitely would swing
a couple of...rounds?

[all laugh]

The leopard evening gown,

that was a little busy for me.

You need to be careful about,
like, gilding the lily.

It went, like, Halloween,

I'm gonna put
some teeth in my hair.

This one,
I actually don't mind.

It's really cute,
really Peg Bundy.

I don't know why those straps
are underneath there.

It looks like you forgot to put
your arms through the straps,

and I think you have
a bow on the butt,

which I--yeah,
not really necessary.

You got a lot going on here.

It's too much, and that
was the constant thread

throughout all of your outfits.

So this is gonna be a challenge
for you in this competition.


Up next, June Jambalaya.

Ooh, my coffee enema
is kicking in.

Ooh, honey.

Damn. [laughs]

Your zebra print look
I thought was really pretty.

I could see that
in a Grace Kelly movie.

Definitely not coach travel,
it was private jet.

Beautiful, chic.

I thought the hair could have
used a little bit of love.

To me, that felt
right out the bag.

You went like this
and shoved it on your head.

The leopard evening wear dress,

you were kind of
smothered in lamé.

You were struggling
every single foot.

It was so much fabric
that it got in your way.

This look is my least favorite.

You didn't move this at all.
You are keeping it here.

I don't know
if you're trying to hide--

Yeah, I feel like there's
a lot of bulk going on here.

I can feel you
not being proud of it

when you walk down the runway.

What happened?

This was a challenge for me.

This is a com-pe-ti-shione.

You have to find out
what works for your body.

And, listen,
the trick to it, really,

is if you are looking
at stars in magazines

and people who have your same
body silhouette, just copy 'em.

You ain't got
to reinvent the wheel.

The wheel is fine, girl.

You ain't gotta reinvent
the wheel!

Ain't nobody gotta
reinvent the wheel.

Caffeine. This is caffeine.

So just copy a bitch.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Up next, Angeria.

Your red hot resort wear,

it was just the right amount
of bounce and fullness.

It was giving me
Marvin Gaye vibes,

and I really wanted
to get it on.

[all laugh]

All of your looks and everything
I've seen thus far,

it's edited and it's elevated.

The evening wear look,
that's one of my favorite looks

I've ever seen on Drag Race.


This one, the construction
on the gown is gorgeous.

This kind of seems to be
the thing of the moment,

shoulder and arm capes,
and I kind of love it,

because it adds
a little oomph.

So three checks.

[all laugh]
Check, check, check.


Up next, Jorgeous.

The first disco look
was gorgeous,

it was Jorgeous,
it was Gorg W. Bush.

[all laugh]

With your second look,
damn, girl, Ariana who?

I loved it.

I loved the fit.

That white, smooth corsetry
is not easy to do.

This bridal look
doesn't scream bride to me.

I'm getting Evel Knievel
evening wear eleganza.

[all laugh]

This is inspired
by Selena Quintanilla.

I wanted to make it different,
more open, more sexier.

Your energy in every look
is just so fun and joyful.

I gotta say, Jorgeous,
you know you were born for drag?

You do it so well.

You understand your silhouette.

You understand your body.

Lovely, Jorgeous.

Maddy Morphosis, hello, doll.

Hi, Ru.

So your red hot resort wear,

that look was probably
my least favorite.

It felt very pedestrian.

It may have looked like

you purchased it
at the resort gift shop.

Your evening realness
and all-white look,

I was hoping
for something magical.

There was something missing
from that white--

You know what it is?
That rrr thing.

If you had walked out with
some more of that rrr,


That, oh, yes,
my p*ssy is on fire. Aah.

That's what was missing.

You've got the basics of it.

You're just missing
that rrr!

Aah, aah.

Ah, ah, ah, ah.

-You're missing that.

Have you tried coffee enemas?

This look,
what I love most about it

was your little storyline
that you were giving to us.

I really do love
the base of this dress,

but the accessories
don't work with it.

I don't know if I have
the best eye for, like, design.

So it's really just
trying to put together

what things I think would work.

Yeah, listen,
if all else fails, copy.

What'd I say about the wheel?

It ain't broke.

You ain't got
to reinvent the wheel.

[speaking super-fast]

You ain't gotta
reinvent the wheel.

The wheel is fine.

Ooh, child, that coffee enema
is coming for me.

[all laugh]

Thank you, ladies.
I think we've heard enough.

And I think I may have had
too much coffee.

While you untuck
in the werkroom,

the judges and I
will deliberate.

Now, just between
us squirrel friends,

what do you think,
starting with Willow Pill?

She took us from Florida
to Italy.

She gave us a really out
of the box version of bridal.

Everything was right
about that pantsuit.

It was brilliant.

Tonight was a very good night
for Willow Pill.

All right, let's move on down
to Orion Story.

All three of her looks

kind of could have been

It was a little too Jersey
and not enough couture for me.

Hey! Watch what you say
about Jersey!

Sorry! I love Jersey!

Yeah, good girl.

Her Achilles' heel is thinking

that she has to do
more, more, more,

and she just really
needs to edit.

June Jambalaya.

Leopard evening realness,
she could not walk in it.

Preparation would have been
really helpful for her.

And then the wedding gown
was just a mess. I'm sorry.

And you could see
her discomfort in that look

and holding that bouquet up
to kind of cover it.

I was not frond
of that look at all.

June is so beautiful,

and I wish she had
more confidence in that.

You know, some people can wear
something that's ill-fitting

and actually make it work.

She did not.

Angeria Paris VanMicheals.

The shimmering, all-white
evening wear, unbelievable.

She looked like she was,
like, a televangelist,

for a very, very wealthy
alien nation,

and I was like, yes,
I wanna get on your spaceship!

It was so good.
[all laugh]

She knew what to do
in all three categories,

and her background with Atlanta
drag really served her well.

Loved everything she did.


For me, it's all about energy.

She's so compelling on stage.

You just can't stop watching.

The bridal eleganza
and red, white, and blue,

that X-shape that she created
with the silver sequins

was so great at creating
an hourglass illusion.

It wasn't bridal, but I'm
still kind of married to it.

[all laugh]

Maddy Morphosis.

She comes out in the Red Hot,

and it was pretty wrong
on many levels,

but mostly because
I wasn't feeling anything.

Bridal Eleganza, somehow
that movie Nashville

-kind of resonates for me.

I'm getting that feeling.

It was a good job on the dress,

but again, just not
feeling the fantasy.

Yeah. All right, silence.

I've made my decision.

Bring back my girls.

Welcome back, ladies.

I've made some decisions.


You're safe.

Gracias. Thank you
so much, judges.

You may join the other girls.

Thank you.

Willow Pill. We loved
your ball looks so much

we wanna marry 'em.


You are the winner
of this week's challenge.

[cheers and applause]

You've won a cash prize
of $5.000.

[cheers and applause]

Thank you.

Oh, my gosh, I feel so happy.

And also, $5.000
is just, like, chef's kiss.


You're safe.


Orion. Tonight your looks
told a story,

but you need a good editor.

June Jambalaya.

Tonight the judges
did not say yes to the dress.

Maddy Morphosis.

You gave the judges

a case of the wedding bell
red, white, and blues.

Orion Story...

you are safe.

You may join the other girls.

Thank you.

June, Maddy,

I'm sorry, my dears,
but you are up for elimination.

I am so pissed at myself.

I am so determined
to stay in this competition,

and I am gonna sell
the f*ck out of this song.

Two queens stand before me.

Ladies, this is your last chance
to impress me

and save yourself
from elimination.

The time has come...

for you to lip sync...

[echoing] for your life!

Good luck,
and don't f*ck it up.

♪ I love it, I love it,
I love it ♪

♪ I love it,
I love it, I love it ♪

♪ Waiting for your love was
enough to go break my heart ♪

♪ Ooh, not being close to you,
it made my world fall apart ♪

♪ I was like a lonely star
at night ♪

♪ Waiting for someone
to share the light ♪

♪ Love like this no one
can take away, away, away ♪


♪ Your love is my love... ♪

I wanna stay so bad.

I'm going to do
everything in my power

to make them know
that I want to be here.

♪ We gonna take it
all the way ♪

♪ I love it, I love it,
I love it, oh ♪

♪ Blowin' my mind every time
that you whisper my name ♪

♪ Say it again and again ♪

♪ Ooh, love like this
no one can take away... ♪

June, oh, no, baby.

Please don't tell me you done
kicked your damn shoes off.

-♪ Your love is my love ♪
-Oh, my God, her shoes.

♪ And my love is all you need ♪

♪ So come on,
let the music play ♪

♪ We gonna take it
all the way ♪

♪ I love it, I love it,
I love it, oh, whoo-hoo ♪

♪ Dance through
the darkness... ♪

I almost slipped on what
used to be, I think, her skirt.

June's outfit
put her in the bottom,

and I'm worried it's about
to take me out also.

♪ I love it, I love it,
I love it, oh, whoo-hoo ♪

[cheers and applause]

Ladies, I've made my decision.

Maddy Morphosis.

Shantay you stay.

You may join the other girls.

Thank you.


Now your fate

rests in the hands
of the drag gods.

You've been hiding your candy.

If you have the gold bar,
you will be saved.

There's still a chance

that June could unwrap
the golden chocolate bar.

So now is the moment of truth.


Let's see what you got.

I wanna stay
in this competition so badly.

Please pray for me. Oh.

It's chocolate.

I'm sorry, my dear.

June Jambalaya.

Now that
you've given us a taste,

the world is going to want more.

Now sashay away.

Thank you guys so much
for this amazing opportunity.

God bless.

Yes, sister!

We love you, June!

We love you, baby.

There's always room
for two things.

That's Alizé and jambalaya.

[all laugh]

Even though it didn't go
as expected,

I am still so grateful
for this opportunity.

But I do regret overthinking
a lot of things,

and not living in the moment.

I wanna continue to grow,

and I hope to see you guys
on the road.

Con-drag-ulations, ladies.

And remember,
if you can't love yourself,

how in the hell
you gonna love somebody else?

Can I get an "amen" up in here?


All right.
Now let the music play!

[music plays]

RuPaul: Next time
on RuPaul's Drag Race...

Hey, queens.


¡Te amo, JLo.
Te amo, te amo, te amo!

You'll produce tension-grabbing


This is not RuPaul's
Hospitality Race!

I'm straight, too!


Y'all the ones that
are talking the whole time.

-You're supposed to continue to
-Oh, I'm sorry.

You were fun to watch.

It actually made me
laugh out loud.

I don't wanna see any more
flip-flops on my stage!

Drag Race is a very
stressful situation...


But that's a lot
of emotions for safe.

[music plays]

♪ MTV ♪
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