14x04 - She's a Super Tease

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "RuPaul's Drag Race". Aired: February 2, 2009 – present.*
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RuPaul plays the role of host, mentor, and head judge for this series, as contestants are given different challenges each week.
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14x04 - She's a Super Tease

Post by bunniefuu »

RuPaul: Previously
on RuPaul's Drag Race...

I want to introduce you
to two more queens.

Betty's back!


We are throwing
two fashion balls, darling.


June Jambalaya.

I feel like there's
a lot of bulk going on here.

Maddy Morphosis.

It looked like you purchased it
at the resort gift shop.

Willow Pill.
This here is stun-ning.


You are the winner
of this week's challenge.

Maddy Morphosis,
shantay you stay.

June Jambalaya, sashay away.

Oh, lordy, lordy, lordy, honey.

My sister June
has left the competition,

and I'm happy I'm still here,

but June leaving is, like,
making it all set in to me.

Yeah, bitch, this shit
is getting real.

"Thank you for finally giving me
my drag family. June."

It's really not a good feeling,
like, sending somebody home.

Girl, you lip synced,
she got sent home.

It's the name
of the m*therf*cking game.

You deserve
to be here, too, girl.

I am happy that my girl Maddy
is here to slay another week,

but Maddy needs to show a little
bit more of her personality

or she's just gonna get buried
by the other girls.

Where my bitch at?

Willow, congrats, ho!

-You won the ball, bitch.
-You won the ball!

You did, girl, even with
the flip-flops you walked in.

That's what gagged me
the most, girl.

You won the ball
with the flip-flops.

I was trying
to throw you off, bitch.

I have a question.

Is there anyone here

that thinks that
they should have won?

Me personally, like,
after the runway,

or, like, after,
like, doing everything,

I felt very confident.

I mean, you guys knew
how I was all yesterday,

working and stuff.

Like, I was very happy.

Pushed my comfort zone
with my red look.

It was more, like,
presentation, like, gown.

Like, I understand, like,

some of the reasons
why I'm in, like, safe.

I'm a person who talks a lot,

but when I talk,
I have conversations.

Miss Jasmine don't do that.

I feel like I didn't do a gown.

I tried to do something
a little bit different.

But I can understand that
they didn't like the nude.

And then I understand with this,
though, it wasn't fully wedding.

Oh, my God.

I don't wanna cry, but, like,

I really wanted to win a ball,

and, like, I don't know.

I'm really mad at myself

for, like, not doing everything
the way I wanted to.

Drag Race is a very
stressful situation.

We all cry
at inopportune times.

But to quote somebody very wise,

"a lot of emotions for safe."

Baby, but you're doing great.

I feel very disappointed
as well.

I thought I was in the top.

But I'm safe, so I'm happy.

I'm still in the competition.
I'll show you guys.

Bitch, don't play with me.

I'm definitely
not in a comfortable spot.

There's no such thing
as a comfortable spot here.

Things can flip on a dime.


There's a lot of people
who are hungry for that crown

and that little scepter and all
that cute stuff at the end.

I've been preparing so long
for this and, like--

-We all have, girl.
-But for me,

I have the same issue
since I walked in that door.

Focus on what Kornbread
can bring to the table,

and, honey, I am gonna
serve it up to y'all

just like I always do.

I hate being the crying one.

♪ RuPaul's Drag Race ♪

RuPaul: The winner
of RuPaul's Drag Race

receives a one-year supply

of Anastasia
Beverly Hills cosmetics,

and a grand prize of $100.000,
powered by Cash App.

With extra-special
guest judge Loni Love.

♪ RuPaul's Drag Race ♪

♪ May the best drag queen win ♪

♪ Best drag queen win ♪

-Here we go!
-Yes, bitch.

Good morning!

Another day!

Walking in the werkroom

after last week
not winning the ball

that I wanted to win very much,

I definitely am trying
to be in a better head space

and not being overly confident.

How's everybody feeling?

I just woke up smiling.

I just was, like...

[all laugh]

Do you feel richer?

Oh, I am richer.
Oh, my gosh!

-I forgot that!
-Girl, you forgot?

Y'all two are the richest
b*tches in between us now.

Oh, and Kornbread, too.
Sorry. And Kornbread.

Yeah, I was about to say
speak for yourself, bitch!

Shut the f*ck up.

Now all of us other b*tches
gotta win money, okay?

How crazy would it be

if they did two balls
because they did so many

but they wanna do, like,

a different material
or something later?

How crazy would it be
if you learned how to be quiet?

[screams and laughter]

What's wrong with you?

I can admit
I am very Chatty Cathy

just because
I don't like dead air.

I do, like, notice that,
like, I talk a lot.

-And it's not, like--
-You do.

You're doing it right now.

I am.
No, like, it makes me realize

that, like, sometimes I need to
just, like, let the room speak.

Well, since you opened up
the door--excuse me--

Yeah, go ahead.

This is the thing.

I'm a human being
that talks a lot.

Everybody in here
knows that I talk a lot.

It is the simple fact
that there's a difference

between talking
and having a conversation.

It's a lot of us in here,

-No, I see.
-But you got to--like now.

Ooh, it's getting
a little hot in here, girl.

You can't say, "Hey, Jasmine,
how are you feeling today?"

And as soon
as you're about to answer,

"Because I'm feeling
this kind of way."

It doesn't allow people to feel
open to express themselves.

I was literally trying
to give you and DeJa

y'all 10s for helping me
with my garment the other day.

Did I make a lot
of this garment? Yes.

Did I get help?

I am not that kind of girl
that's gonna sit here

and just be like, yes,
Miss Thing, I made that.

Because I would have
called you out if you did.

Which is what I'm doing

in the middle of the speech
right now, bitch.

I couldn't even
get that out of the way

because you wouldn't allow me
to tell you thank you.

And I'm sorry if I did that.

I knew, like, no matter what,

you were going to thank me.

Yeah, but you see
what you just did?

In the middle of me
explaining how I felt about it

and trying to express it to you,

you chopped me off,
and then started--

-Well, I just heard a pause.
-Like again.

If you're talking,
you're not listening.

Listen to the words I am saying,

and then give
a conversation about it.

That's all I'm saying.

I'm glad that somebody
said something,

because it definitely
needed to be said.

I don't know,
but this table is heat.

Just on pre-heat,
bitch, yeah, yeah.

Girl, this is warming
the oven up, ho.

Hello, hello, hello!


You're all still here?

[all laugh]

You know, today there's
a mountain of enter-taint-ment

to choose from.

So to get people's attention,

a queen needs to sell
what she's got

without giving it all away.

It's called
the art of the tease.

For this week's maxi-challenge,

in two competing teams,

you'll produce tension-grabbing
super teases for Season 14.


A super tease
is those things you see

before the season comes out,

where you're, like, uhh!
I've gotta watch that.

You'll be sh**ting your scenes
all around the set

with Michelle Visage
and Carson Kressley.


You need to make iconic moments
of drama, glamour, and shade.

And on the runway, category
is Night of A Thousand JLos.


Come on, let's get loud,
b*tches. [laughs]

Now, last week, Willow Pill
won the maxi-challenge,

and Maddy Morphosis won
the lip sync for your life.

This week, you two
will be our captains.


And get to choose teams.


All right, now, Willow,
you choose first.

I need some Kornbread.


Maddy, your choice.


Oh, girl, it's Hammer time.

[all laugh]

-Lady Camden.


-Oh, shit.



All right. Ooh!

Bosco. Come on over, baby.


Little old me?
[all laugh]


Kerri Colby, come on over.

-Yes, bitch!
-Kerri Colby.

Um, Alyssa.

-All right.



b*tches, let's get lit.

So Orion and Jasmine are left.

I think...Orion.

-All right.



That means Jasmine Kennedie,

you get to choose which team
you'd like to join.

Well, I think I'm actually
gonna go with Willow's team.

I haven't worked with
a lot of the girls yet,

so I wanna work with them.

Well, go on, then.

I didn't think
she was gonna pick our team,

because how is she
gonna work with Kornbread?

Racers, start your engines,

and may the best drag queen win.

[cheers and applause]

It's gonna be interesting
to see how this turns out.

Let's do this.

Sprint, bitch!

Today's maxi-challenge
is a big one.

We have to come up with ideas,

create, write, and star
in a teaser

for RuPaul's Drag Race
Season 14.

That is a lot to do, okay?

That's a whole lot
of moments.

is being very, like...

whatever with me right now.

She's in her feels.

But I still choose
being on her team

because I feel like I need
to prove to her and those girls

that I'm a team player
when it comes to teams,

and I'm not going to try
to overrun people.

I'm gonna write
all my questions down,

and then when
everyone else is done,

I'm gonna, like, show you guys
my questions and thoughts.

Because also, I know
you guys didn't pick me,

but I actually went to college

for advertising
and marketing communications,

so I'm very excited for this.

So I'm gonna, like,
sit here, do that part,

and then I'm gonna come in

with, like, my two cents
at the end of it.

Jasmine is sweet or whatever,

but it's just something there
that just rubs me the wrong way.

It's like somebody bringing
a tray of cookies to the thing,

and it's all these chocolate
chips, snickerdoodles,

and these sugar cookies,

and then somebody hand you
oatmeal raisin.

She very oatmeal raisin to me.

Has everyone seen
Drop Dead Gorgeous?

-I really wanna go,

like, a very, like, heightened
versions of ourselves

that are just
absolute trash TV.

I do some sketch comedy
back home in Denver,

and I think
this is gonna help me,

because I know what's gonna be
funny in a short little video.

I have no problem being
just absolutely ridiculous,

but I would like to stay pretty,
if that's okay.

I don't think you could not
be pretty, girl, like--

I can be ugly as hell, bitch.

Just go back to, like,
five years ago.

[all laugh]
I wanna be, like, baby slut,

post-verbal, just ah, ah, ah.

[all laugh]

Little Jorgeous.

Oh, let me get myself together.
Sorry, like--

Thinking about it
is just, like...

Don't think.
Don't stress out, girl.

-I know.
-The gag is everybody in here

is just playing a heightened
version of themselves.

-Bitch, just be Jorgeous.
-I'm a little bit surprised

that Jorgeous is not bringing it
as much as I thought she would.

I can tell that she's lacking
a little bit of those guts

to just scream to the heavens,
even if you look like a fool.

I was going to do

kind of like a very
Kardashian West character,

super dramatic,
I wanna, like--

Kerri, pause two seconds.

Sis, if you're writing,

that means you're not
paying attention

to what the group
is talking about.

So just hold your pen
for a second,

and then jump in with us.

You got 10 questions already?

No, I'm writing
what everybody's saying.

Yeah, no, just put
the pen down, baby, join in.

You're good. Whew.

I think Kornbread
comes into this moment

just being pissed at literally
anything Jasmine is doing.

She's like,
"Stop breathing over there.

I see you blinking, and it's
taking up a lot of room."

So we have to start with mirror,

which the first mirror scene
I'm seeing is more drama.

Do we kind of wanna play
on what we were saying

with me talking too much
this morning,

and have, like, me, Kornbread,
and maybe Kerri possibly

going in
and telling me to, like,

girl, you need to shut
the f*ck up sometimes.

I'm fine with that.

How do you feel
about that, Kornbread?

I don't mind on the mirror one.

All right,
let's put you there.

What if you're talking
a mile a minute--

This is probably
what you can write down

in your little notebook, girl,

so we can all
be on the same page.

Yes, I thinking to start off,

like, if you sat there,
like, I'll ask--

-I was about to--
-Oh, I'm sorry.

Go ahead, go ahead.


I'm a bit worried

that we can't just focus
on what we're doing.

I feel like
we have to keep on stopping

to sort of delicately deal

with the social dynamics
of the table.

I'm gonna be the girl that
takes myself way too seriously.

Also saying things that don't
need to be said at that time.

Wait, are you in character
right now or are you explaining?

Oh, God, where's this gonna go?

So this is really about showing,
like, personality, bitch.

Like, don't hold back.

-We have to go to, like, 11.

I am not an actor.

Well, hold on.

I'm not gonna say
I'm not an actor,

because I'm a firm believer

in just because
you haven't done something

does not mean
that you cannot do it.

You just haven't done it yet.

In this one, we can do,
like, a callback

to, like, an iconic moment.

Kind of like how, like,
I don't have a sugar daddy,

I don't have a sugar daddy,

but, like, I don't have
a something else.

There's so many iconic moments,

but we know we wanna use
one of the most iconic of all.

When Shangela stands up
against Mimi Imfurst and goes...

I don't have a sugar daddy.
If I wanted a sugar daddy,

yes, I probably can go out
and get one,

because I am what?
Sickening, bitch!

Ooh, we could say
something like,

I don't have a meaty tuck.
I've never had a meaty tuck.

If I wanted a meaty tuck,
I could make it meaty.


I love you!

Maddy has some amazing ideas.

There's some good stuff
in that brain.

Can you do the worm?

I can try to do the worm.

-You do splits?
-I can't do splits.

That's the thing.
Like, try to do a split,

and like... [gags]

I feel like the worm

would be a little bit funnier
than a split, personally.

-I agree.

-Like a what?
-A worm.


I have so many ideas
to brought into this tease,

but I don't get the approval
from the other girls.

We need to create a big fight.

Maybe you can talk about,
like, oh, she's a Latina.

You know, she doesn't speak
English, blah, blah, blah.

And I was,
what did you say, bitch?

Blah, blah, blah,
like, you know?

I think it should be
something a little more--

It should be more cutthroat.

I think the girls,
they might be thinking

that I'm only a beauty queen,
blah, blah, blah.

I'm here to prove them
that I can do more than that.

I mention something like
for being so refined,

look at her face.

I can, like,
exaggerate my makeup

and be, like, a clowny
Latina kind of thing,

and you, like, criticize me.

Like, she called her,
like, a pageant,

but her makeup was like a clown,
you know what I mean?

How about we come back to that?

I think Alyssa knows

that she is in a group

with a lot of big personalities,

and that she's going
to have to be a character

that is going to stand out.

We'll see. [laughs]

I'm here, b*tches, come on!

Today's maxi-challenge
is a super tease

for Season 14
of RuPaul's Drag Race.

We are finally
in our half-baked drag,

and we're ready to start
sh**ting our mirror scenes

with Michelle and Carson.

Hey, Team Willow.


Carson and I are here
to help you sh**t

your super teases!

Yes, and we need lots of drama,
over-the-top moments.

Be yourselves, only more so.

[all laugh]
Who's up first?

All right, so we three
are in the same--

we're having a catfight.

Okay, so let's take a look,
and we'll go from there.


I am definitely excited
to show the girls my abilities.

I also am a little hesitant

because of what
they said earlier.

And action.

Girls, I cannot wait to be
computer-matched after this.

Girl, I wanna do a presentation,
I wanna do swimwear,

I wanna do gowns,
I wanna do everything!

Miss Thing, do you ever
shut the hell up?

-Yeah, girl.

You really been talking so much,
my ears are starting to bleed.

Me? Y'all the ones that
are talking the whole time!

You're supposed
to continue to rant.

Oh, sorry.
I didn't know. Sorry.

You're supposed to just keep
talking and talking and talking.

So, wait.
So what happened?

She's supposed to keep talking
and talking and talking

till we get, like, mad
and be, like, shut up.

This the first time
she been quiet.

Just take a deep breath,
slow it down,

and keep that chatter
going the entire time.

Perfect. Awesome. Thank you.

Take two. Action.

Girl, do you ever shut up?

Yeah, girl,
you been talking so much,

you're making my ears bleed!

Me? Y'all the ones talking
all the time, girl.

Kiki, yah, yah, yah,

-Shut up!
-Shut up!

Do y'all think I'll be
in the bottom this week?

[both chuckle]

-That was great.


Jasmine is actually
doing really good,

because she's
just talking a lot.

And I feel like we work
very well together,

which was shocking.


Hi, Team Maddy Morphosis.


Time for your Untucked moments
for your super tease.

I'm a little nervous because
I've never been on a set before.

Although it looks like
the werkroom.

Teases need to be full of drama.

Just, you know,
big energy that builds.

So don't forget to bring it.

First scene, who's up first?

-Me and Angie.

We're getting a catfight.
Is that what this is about?

Yes, you're about
to get a real moment.

Helen Lawson
in the ladies room.

Oh, yeah. Whatever
that means, uh-huh.

[all laugh]

All right, here we go, kids.
And acción.

So, guys, who in the group is
gonna be in the bottom tonight?

I do not want anyone to go home.

I just love y'all
so much, and--

I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

You're trying
to do all of this.

I need you
to be your f*cking self.

Let me tell you something,
you ugly bitch.

Help me up.

I will whup yo ass.

You don't know me.
I am from Bethlehem.

Uh-huh. You're lucky
I got my good bra on.

Cut! That was very real.

[all laugh]

Like, I believed that.
And you're from Bethlehem?

Should I just say Sparta or--

-That could be funny.
-Okay, hey.

Okay, here we go.
And action.

You do not know me!

-Bitch, help me up.
-You do not know me, bitch!

Help me, help me up.

I am from Sparta!

-Bitch, hold up.
-Get off of me!

This is not RuPaul's
Southern Hospitality Race!


Angeria is turning it
the f*ck out.

-Yeah, I think it's great.

Let's see what
the rest of you've got.

And action.

I grew up
in a very liberal family,

and when I came out as straight,
my dads disowned me.

I just wanna let you know
we're all very glad you're here,

but me in particular,

because, you guys,
I have something to admit.

I'm straight, too!


-All right.

Maddy, that was very funny
when you said, "My dads."

That's an extra layer of funny.

Despite being in the bottom
last week,

Maddy's honestly k*lling it.

Okay, the next scene is what?

Me and Orion.

-It's a shade-throwing moment.

Okay, let's run through it.

So, bitch, I think
you might be in the bottom.

Because with that tuck,

maybe you're gonna work
in a deli, bitch.

I have never had a meaty tuck.

If I wanted to get a meaty tuck,

I would go out
and get a meaty tuck.

Um...so you forgot
an important part of the line.


She left out
the "meaty tuck" part.

-So if you don't say "meaty,"

we won't get the "deli."

Otherwise, you just said,
"You should be working at a

and we're, like,
why should she work in a deli?

[all laugh]

No, no, no, okay, okay,
let me try again.

Because with that meaty tuck.

Alyssa is being over the top
and dramatic.

You stupid bitch!
What are you doing to me?

But she doesn't have that build.

There's not really, like,
any, like, peaks and valleys.

All right, Team Willow,

it's time to sh**t
your Untucked scenes.

For this one,
I have the realization

that this is
RuPaul's Drag Race,

and I thought
I was on the wrong show.

That's the shocking revelation.


So, ladies, what challenges

are we excited for
coming up this season?

I know for me it's the ball.

I wanna sew, sew, sew!

Sewing, bitch,
I sewed this myself.

-You did?

Sewing? I thought
this was the Bitchelor.

Where's Jeffrey Bowyer-Chapman?

Girl, you got the wrong TV show.

Jeffrey! Jeffrey!

-Jeffrey, where are you?

Look under the table.

He might be under this table.

I think he's...

Could he be here?

-What about here?

Oh, Lord.

Miss Willow, baby,
use a key, Miss Thing.

Is he behind your hair?

[all laugh]

Where's Jeffrey?

-Is he in here?

Please, Jeffrey Bowyer-Chapman!

And cut!

[all laugh]

That was really good.

-Let's move on.

So our next scene
is intense shade.

-That's me and you.
-That's me and Kerri.

Okay, let's try it. Action.

Ooh, oh.

Girl, can you shut the hell up?

Sounding over there
like a baby, bitch.

That's a lot
coming from a filler queen,

and I'm not talking
about your face.

Let me tell you something,

Miss Bitch Only
a Mama's Face Could Love--

I said that so wrong.

[all laugh]

Bitch with a face
only a mama could love.

Don't let your hair
get in your way.


You're paying way too much
attention to it.

It'll just be flipped back.

Do it like Cher would do.

[imitates Cher] Ohh.

That's a lot coming from you,

the bitch with a face
only a mother could love.

And cut. Try not
to get tongue-tied.

-You're thinking too much.

You're reading a bitch.
Don't even think about it.

Just read her.

You're the bitch with a face
only a mother could love. Okay.

Are you all right, Kerri?
You got it?


Kerri pitched me this completely
indulged in herself character,

but there's not quite enough
dimension and fun

to the character.

Okay, moving on.
Next one.

No, girl, I just think that you,
like, might be in the bottom.

Girl, why you think
I should be in the bottom?

The hair.

Girl, this hair
is sitting right, bitch.

And then, like,
what about these?

Bitch, it's a wormhole, ho.

As I'm doing the challenge,

I definitely feel like

I'm... I'm not sure
if they like it or not.

I might wanna get
a little bit personal with you.

Girl, you better not, you bitch!

I just really hope it's
good--it's good enough.

Oh, catfight.

Okay, I think that will
cut into something.

Who's up next, y'all?

I have the legendary
rant moment,

and I'm playing off
of Silky's whole moment.

If we had to lip sync,
I was ready to do so.

If I would have lip synced

for my m*therf*cking life
today, bitch,

I was m*therf*cking ready!

I was ready to do so!

When nobody even asked
the bitch to lip sync?


All right, here we go. Action.

Well, real tea now.

Who do y'all think
is in the bottom?

Uh, bottom.


What you mean, y'all think
I'm in the bottom?

You know, them judges
asked us if we needed to eat,

I would have ate
all you ho's, bitch.

Show me your rolls.

Bitch, you ain't got rolls
like me, bitch, do you?

If the judges said
we needed to eat, I woulda eat.

Show me your chops!

Bitch, I got pork chops, ho!

This thing with Kornbread
in this challenge

is she is very funny.

You got anything
in your titties?

No, bitch I got shit
in my titties, too.

Look, we got fish and chips, ho.

But I don't think
she has any levels.

It's not anything

other than just Kornbread
on a normal day.

I got potatoes
in my titties. Watch.

-Mashed potato, ho!

I'm gonna assume
that was a single take thing.

[all laugh]

It's hard to tell
what this finished product

is gonna look like.

Thank you. Thank you, ladies.
That's a wrap.

There were moments where
we were not funny at all,

and there were moments
where we were hilarious.

See you on the main stage.

And so, I can't wait

to see what the hell
we just did.

Ooh, another day, ladies.

Ooh, we're here!

It is another elimination day,

and one of these ho's
gonna have to sashay away.

We're walking into the werkroom,

and after filming everything,
my body is aching.

But I don't wanna complain

because I'm not
the complaining type.

I do not feel good

about what I did
in the super tease,

but I'm excited,
because today's runway

is the Night of A Thousand JLos.

Let's get into this mug, bitch!

Let's get loud,
as JLo would say.

[all laugh]

I've done two pageants.

One of them was a celebrity
impersonation pageant.

I did JLo, of course,
and I won.

That's just me. I'm JLo.

So I'm just like, f*ck,

I have so much pressure
on my ass right now.

I really do need
to bring it this runway.

-Can I say this, Jasmine?

I was really confused when
you did go to the other team,

because I was like, is this
a tactic she's playing?

When I was picked last,
I wanted to prove

that, like, I can quiet down

when it comes
to, like, a team thing.

So I'm definitely trying
to ask a question,

listen to what a girl
has to say,

and then respond.

Because running my mouth
back and forth,

it's not really conducive
for a work environment,

and on top of it, not conducive

to start relationships
and friendships, you know?

You and Miss Bread had a
little bit of an intense start,

but I do think,
like, by the end of it,

both of you
had, like, figured out

how do we, like, work together?

All tea,
like, I wanted to prove

that I can sit back and listen

and at the same time

put my two cents in when
it's needed, rather than--

I'm still waiting on the sitting
back and listening part.

You still talk a lot,
but it ain't too bad, bitch.


I don't think
there's any tension

between Jasmine Kennedie and I.

I actually think we all mesh
pretty well together.

Now, I will say this.

If we got paid for words,
Jasmine Kennedie would be rich.


-So, Miss Maddy.

Do you have your dad's support,
like, as a drag queen?

I've always been, like,
really close to my dad.

He was, like,
my idol growing up.

I honestly don't know

about me doing drag, but I know
he supports me in general.

-We need that support.

Like, I'm very lucky to have
a father that supports me a lot.

Like, it's crazy, because
I was, like, 15 years old,

and, you know, as a young kid,

I put some porn things
in my computer,

and my dad one day,
he saw all the things.

Like the dicks and--


So my dad told me,
can you--can we talk?

And I was, f*ck.

I was busted.

And I was, "Papi, no,
I have a girlfriend, Papi.

No, I'm not gay,"
blah, blah, blah.

And he told me,
"I am like you."

Like, "I'm gay."

Wait. So you and your dad,

you basically, like,
came out to each other?


-Yeah. Yeah, literally.
-That's crazy.

That's so crazy.

He, you know, hugged me.

And he told me,
"I'm here for you."

Like, "Don't be afraid
of being you."

My dad is my best friend,

goes to my shows
and my pageants.

My dad is the reason
that I am very strong in life.

He teach me a lot
to be a strong person,

and just to follow my dreams.

I am very grateful

to have my pageant queen mom
and my gay father.

It's, like,
a great combination.

It's a perfect combination.

I'm here for a reason.

The auntie corner, bitch.

Alyssa got a nice
little package on her.

Sho' do.

What? What did you say?

I said you got a nice
little package on you, bitch.

How did you saw it?

I'm a birdwatcher, honey.

There ain't no male-gendered
anything around me

that does not get scoped
for a second, bitch.

I am a birdwatcher.

At this point, we are on

a whole 'nother level
of auntie energy, bitch,

and you know aunties.

We're here
to talk a little shit,

give a little advice,

give you a hug if you need it,

and we're gonna have some fun,

'cause we're trying to get
to heaven, bitch. [laughs]

Baby, I was watching
the birds today.

The owl was poking out
the tree, hon, talking hoo-hoo.

Owls, woodpeckers, bitch,
just everything.

Going hoo, hoo.
Hoo hoo there?

What's a woodpecker?

What do you mean by that?

We're talking about
being birdwatchers.

What is that lingo?
What does that mean?

Birdwatcher means you watching
the boys' birds, girl.

-Gray sweatpants.
-The birds.

Yeah, we gotta look for it.

Look for it, find it?

Yeah, we're like, bitch, yeah,
we're watching birds, girl.

Not like toucans.

My favorite bird to watch
is a ostrich, bitch.

Oh, a long neck.


And a big body.

[all laugh]


RuPaul: Ooh, girl.

She done already
done had herses.

-Is that a glitch?

Bitch, is that for real?

I don't know
what's about to take place,

but, girl,
I don't think I'm ready.

I don't think nobody ready.


Hey, queens.


JLo. Oh, my...

She looks so good.

She's glowing,
the hair's right.

I lo-lo-love her.


I hear you're doing
A Night of A Thousand JLos.

Yes, ma'am.

I am so excited for this.

It's gonna be an honor
to see you all

serving up my favorite looks
from the past.

But before we get
this party started,

I wanna give you
a little advice

from one queen to another.

-Don't be afraid to get loud.

Be proud, and shake it.


Now go out there and be fierce.

-But not too fierce.

There can only be
one Jenny from the block.


Marry me, JLo!

[all laugh]

Okay, queens,
make me proud and have fun.


Seeing JLo gives me
a new excitement

about hitting this runway,

because we did struggle
a little bit throughout the day,

and right now,
I'm just gonna focus on

giving you JLo
glamour and beauty,

and hope that we can
make up for it with that.

[RuPaul laughs]

♪ Cover girl,
put the bass in your walk ♪

♪ Head to toe,
let your whole body talk ♪

-Werk it!
-We are in Xanadu!

Welcome to the main stage
of RuPaul's Drag Race.

Michelle Visage. Now, do you
consider yourself a tease?

Well, there are
worse things I could do

than go with a boy
or two...thousand.

[all laugh]

And the hilarious
Ross Mathews.

Ross, have you ever met JLo?

Have I met her?

Ru, I was engaged to her!

How'd that work out?

Same old story. Two tops.

[all laugh]

And everybody say Loni Love!

Loni, welcome back.

Oh, Ru, I never left.

I've been here since Season 13.

See, if you stay ready,

you ain't never
got to get ready.

That's right.
There you go.

This week
we challenged our queens

to create two gag-worthy
Season 14 super teases.

And tonight on the runway,

category is Night
of A Thousand JLos.


Racers, start your engines,

and may the best drag queen win.

♪ The world is your runway ♪

First up, Willow Pill,
JLo, Grammys, 1998.

Michelle: Butterflies?
Take that, Mariah!

Willow: I am loving
my JLo look.

There's something very sweet
and virginal about it.

I've got my little butterflies
on my toes and on my purse.

I've got my ass.

Of course, you have to have
the ass if you're gonna be JLo.

Ooh, look at all that ass.

Ross: Oh, there's
always room for JLo.

[RuPaul laughs]

Kornbread with a "K,"
Met Gala, 2018.

Well, you know, the theme
that year was heavenly booties.

Kornbread: Oh, baby,
y'all can't take it.

I got the cross
written up on this chest

because y'all know
I'm a holy ho.

It is black stones
all over this mesh,

so I'm feeling my body
and my oats.

Michelle: The holy trinity:
hot water, cornbread, kush.

[all laugh]

RuPaul: Lady Camden,
CFDA Awards, 2019.

Michelle: Someone's
got a coral fixation.

Lady Camden: To me,
this is such a moment

of glamour and color,

but it also was, like, a little
sporty kind of silhouette.

And honestly, this color
is just so gorgeous.

I feel so expensive.

RuPaul: She's just Genie
from the block.

[all laugh]

Michelle: I wonder if this
was made in Manhattan?

[all laugh]

RuPaul: Bosco.

Ross: Oh, this gold thing?

Bosco: This is the JLo fantasy

through the lens that is Bosco.

I am serving wet gold Versace,
rich as f*cking luxury.

And I absolutely have my
Golden Globes front and center.

Ross: Putting the ass

in the Hollywood
Foreign Press Ass-ociation.

[all laugh]

Long way to go,
but there was a payoff.

We got you there.
I got you there.

RuPaul: Kerri Colby,
Versace, Spring 2020.

Michelle: Oh, I've never
seen this one before.

[Loni laughs]

Kerri: Bitch, nobody's gonna
be giving more JLo than me.

I am presenting you

the 2020 Versace
redemption runway dress.

If Vogue does not repost this,
I'm going to lose my shit.

RuPaul: This is the dress that
launched Google Image Search.

Michelle: I remember.

Jorgeous, Super Bowl 2020.

Ross: She's doing
some self-reflection.

[all laugh]

Jorgeous: Girl, I am living
my JLo fantasy.

I'm giving you some dance moves
that JLo actually does.

I want the judges to get
every angle of this outfit,

because, girl, it's shining
in the right places.

I'm showing body, bitch.

I'm selling you JLo down.

RuPaul: Well, once a flygirl,
always a flygirl.

Michelle: That's right.

This is her second act.

[all laugh]

Loni: Ah, I love it.

Jasmine Kennedie, AMAs, 2015.

Ross: She's in the pocket.

Jasmine: This gown
is beautifully constructed.

It is a high-collared
Christian Dior silhouette,

and the shoes, if you peep
the bottom, are Louboutins.

I just feel JLorgeous.

Loni: J-Sparkle.

[all laugh]

RuPaul: Maddy Morphosis,

Ross: Is someone gonna
tell her it's after Labor Day?

Maddy: I have just stepped out
on the Capitol steps

in all white,
from my white beret

all the way own to my sequined
white palazzo pants.

I am feeling elegant, and just
like JLo at the Inauguration,

the moment
is all about me right now.

Sing "America the Bootyful."

[all laugh]

DeJa Skye, VMAs, 2018.

Ross: Are you mad at me?

You keep giving me
a gold shoulder.

DeJa: I stomp onto this runway,
and bam, that's right,

I am a thick-ass JLo.

And you can't take this makeup,
bitch, because it's on fleek.

Do people say that anymore?

RuPaul: She's just Jenny
from the tuck.

[all laugh]

RuPaul: Daya Betty,
Super Bowl 2020.

Is the bike still running?

[all laugh]

Daya: I have this beautiful,
vivacious JLo wig,

I have a nice, big booty,
so I'm feeling sexy

and I'm giving you
Betty from the block.

RuPaul: You know who won
the 2020 Super Bowl?


[all laugh]

RuPaul: Angeria Paris
VanMicheals, Met Gala, 2019.

Michelle: Don't be fooled
by the rocks that I got.

RuPaul: And by "rocks,"
you mean "titties," right?

[Loni laughs]

Angeria: Baby,
she don't need no hair.

I got me
a whole rhinestone wig.

The dress is fitted, she
is sparkling down this runway.

I'm giving you class
and sass and ass. Yes!

RuPaul: Love don't cost
a thing, but she do.

Loni: Mm-hmm.

RuPaul: Alyssa Hunter,


Ross: Oh, she a hustler.

Alyssa: I feel like
a rich bitch right now.

I love the pants with the hat.

I'm feeling my gangster vibe,

and then, pop, I have revealed
bling, bling, bling.

Baby, you can't
say me anything.

RuPaul: Fedora?

I don't even know her!

[Loni laughs]

RuPaul: Orion Story,
HRC Dinner, 2013.

Jennifer at a dinner-fer.

Orion: I am just giving you
all of the glamour tonight.

It's a full red velvet gown

with hand-stoned
vine work done by me.

Baby, it's over.

RuPaul: It looks like
she's got great circulation.

Michelle: That reminds me.
I gotta de-vein my shrimp.

[all laugh]

Welcome, ladies.

Let's take a look

at the Drag Race
Season 14 super tease

by Team Willow Pill.

RuPaul: This season
on RuPaul's Drag Race,

a new batch of b*tches
is here to claim the crown.

Here comes America's sweetheart.

If y'all wanna pop,
you came to the wrong place,


My catheter is leaking.

This group is b-b-busted.

RuPaul: With talent that
will leave you gagging.

This one's for Carson.

More catfights...

I miss my boyfriend so much.

I just wanna cuddle him,
hug him, squeeze him--

-Shut up!
-Shut up!

You're the one with the face

only a mother could love, bitch!

Who needs a face

when you have a body
like peeled string cheese?

Girl, what the f*ck
kind of body is this?

Bitch, I know you like this.
It's a lot of ass, ho.

I'm gonna need some sugar
for this pipin' hot tea.

More shocking revelations...

What is RuPaul's Drag Race?

I thought
this was the Bitchelor.

I was promised a chance at love
and a daily meal voucher.

Where's Jeffrey Bowyer-Chapman?

Where are you, baby?

Jeffrey, are you in here?

I cannot find him!

And the most insincere apology
in Drag Race herstory!

I am so sorry, girl,

that you are not me.

It must be so hard
for you to look in the mirror

and not see what I see.

Girl, I hope she knows

that she ain't the only gorgeous
one up in this gig, mama.

[tongue pop]

And challenges too hot for TV!

Nurse? Nurse!

I don't really know if I'm
qualified to be a brain surgeon,

but I really don't wanna
go home tonight.

Y'all had a fat bitch
out there running.

I needed a snack.

Wait for me!

Just when you thought it was
safe to go back to the runway--

I don't wanna see any more
flip-flops on my stage!

Plus, a whole lot
of ugly crying.




God bless America.

Fasten yo seatbelts

and get ready for the ride
of yo mother-tuckin' life.

Oh, and remember, if you're
not watching Untucked,

you're only getting
half the story.

If the judges said
we needed to eat, I woulda eat.

Show me your chops.

Bitch, I got pork chops, ho!

Where the f*ck
did she get the pork chops?

Show me your fish and chips,

RuPaul's Drag Race
Season 14:

Don't say we didn't warn you.

I need love!

[laughter and applause]


All right, next up,
Team Maddy Morphosis.

RuPaul: This season
on RuPaul's Drag Race,

a new batch of b*tches
is here to claim the crown.

La Latina's in the house,

The dancing queen is here.

Is this the audition
for AJ and the Queen?

They better bring in
the tissues,

because we got
a lot of boogers up in here.

With talent that
will leave you gagging.

[singing off-key in Spanish]

There was not even a f*cking
trace of a tune in there.

-More drama...

You were the reason
that the fight started.

Let me tell you something,
you ugly bitch.

I will whup yo ass!

I am from Sparta!

I'll stomp on you like Godzilla!


This is not RuPaul's
Southern Hospitality Race!

You're lucky
I got my good bra on.

Girl, get off of me.

More confessions...

It's been really hard
to say this, but...

I'm straight, too.


Not only is Orion
my drag persona...

she's actually
the love of my life.


And the most
insincere confession

in Drag Race herstory.

This is very emotional for me,

because I was born
at a very young age.

The first two years of my life,
I couldn't even walk.

I couldn't even fend for myself.

There would be times--

I remember it so well--

there would be times
that I would wake up

and there would just be
shit in my pants.

Look on the bright side.

You've really grown...a lot.

And challenges
that will make you wonder

who's coming up
with this stuff?

Oh, she's bucking!

Gimme sexy cat
using a litterbox.

I love it.


And just when you thought

it was safe to go back
to the runway--

I worked really, really hard
on this outfit.

To put you in your place,

you'll be lip syncing
for your life

against me.

Plus, a whole lot
of ugly crying.




[both moaning]

Fasten yo seatbelts

and get ready for the ride
of your mother-tuckin' life.


¡Ai, estúpida!

[speaking Spanish]

Why did you do that to me?

RuPaul's Drag Race
Season 14:

The struggle is real, henny.


I don't wanna do this anymore.


[laughter and applause]

Oh, my God!

I really love
an educational program.

[all laugh]

Ladies, this week
you competed as teams,

but tonight
you'll be judged individually.

When I call your name,
please step forward.

Lady Camden.



Jasmine Kennedie.

Maddy Morphosis.

Daya Betty.

Orion Story.

Ladies, you are safe.

You may leave the stage.

Now it's time
for the judges' critiques,

starting with Willow Pill.

I'm the comedy person,
and this acting challenge,

you just went all-in, and it
actually made me laugh out loud.

It's a ridiculous scenario.

I was promised
a daily meal voucher.

But if you can sell it,
it works,

and tonight,
it just worked for you.

You're a little actress.

And tonight on the runway,

this is a look
that is not so top-of-mind

when you think of Jennifer,
and I thought you did it drag.

Why'd you pick that look
of all JLo's looks?

I think because
it's a little bit ugly.

[all laugh]

Thank you.

Up next, Kornbread with a "K."


Tonight, you look so beautiful.

-Thank you.
-I think it's really true

to the inspiration
of JLo's look.

In the challenge,
you were fun to watch.

Thank you.

But you tend to go
right to 100

instead of just
gassing it a little bit.

So I think we needed
a little more texture and color

instead of all the way there.

I would not be a comic

if I didn't tell you
what I'm about to tell you.

I know that you can do more
than just the food jokes.

Fat jokes are funny,
but if you wanna stay here,

you're gonna
have to trust yourself

to do other things
that isn't one-note.

I think it's time
for you to show

some of the things that
you may be afraid to show.

Not just for this competition,
just for you.

It's just every time
I get on the stage,

it's like I'm over-filled
with emotion.

The first week, when
I was, like, extremely happy,

I think that opened up
a box of emotions

I didn't know were there.

Because where I'm from
and how I was raised up,

you're not allowed
to show happiness.

But, like, also,
that opened up the box

of how much shit
I've dealt with in my life.

Yes. Yes.

And I thought I got over it
because I pushed it away.

And, like, now coming here,

and it's just, like, listening
to everybody's stories,

they clicked something in me.

And I just think about young me

not being able
to talk to anybody.

[sobs] I'm so sorry.

You never have to apologize
for emotion.

It's just, like, I'm so used to

not being able
to cry in front of people.

I know that I got some shit
I'm dealing with,

but I do think releasing it

will open up
a more wider Kornbread,

if it can get any wider
than what it is right now.

This is the beginning
of the healing right here,

and not shaming
the vulnerability.

You did what you had to do
to get here.

Now you're here.

Now let the healing begin,
and let the water flow.

-That's right.
-Let it flow.


-Thank you, Kornbread.
-Thank you.

Up next, Kerri Colby.


This is, of course,
JLo's most infamous look,

and to come out here and
pull it off as good as she did

is quite a triumph.

Thank you.

Even JLo's looking at you
like, "Damn."

A little birdie told me

that you were saying that
that was the Jennifer's

So, this is--yeah, it
actually is Jennifer's dress

from her 2019 revival
with Versace.

It looks so beautiful on you.

I think for you, Kerri,

you want to be beautiful
all the time.


And I'm here to tell you
you are.

So let's just throw that away.

In the challenge, you know,

I was trying to tell you,
just get ugly.

If you let your guard down,
you're gonna go so much further

not only in this competition,
but in life.

I hear what Michelle's saying.

When it's time to be funny
and be vulnerable,

I can see a hesitation.

It just kind of fell flat.

-You have the story to tell.

Don't be afraid of the story.

Allow us
to fall in love with you,

because you'll find that
in that vulnerability,

that's where the gold is.

Thank you.

Up next, DeJa Skye.

Here's the deal with your
performance in the super tease.

It was so good

because you didn't push.

It just felt natural.

Your instincts as an actor
are just naturally believable,

especially when you talk about
you didn't even learn to walk

for the first two years
of your life.

[all laugh]
I couldn't even walk.

You know, a lot of these
JLo interpretations

are pretty dead-on.

In fact, one of them
is the actual dress.

[all laugh]

This is a loose interpretation,
and I actually wanna call JLo

and be, like, "You should
have done it like this."


And I don't have JLo's number.


-Thank you, DeJa.
-Thank you.


Let me tell you something,
you ugly bitch.

[all laugh]

That's my favorite line
of the whole thing.

Let me tell you something,
you ugly bitch.

Do you know how hard it is

to just swing that big
and hit like that?

And it looked like
a natural thing for you.

I believed every word you said.

I felt like you forgot
the camera was there.

When did you learn how to act?

Uh, yesterday.

[all laugh]

And this JLo look,
sexy, it's her, it's beautiful.

This look, gor-ge-ous.

Up next, Alyssa Hunter.

Hola, hola.

I love this look.

I loved it on JLo,
and I love it on you,

because you have that moment,
that reveal, that pow.

It just works onstage.

In your performance,
what I loved about you, Alyssa,

was you were ready to go for it,
and you wanted to work hard.

But I think what happened was

you got into
this high-pitched scream,

very Yara Sofia,
if you know what I mean,

and you got stuck there.

¡Ai, estúpida!
[speaking Spanish]

So every response
was, "Ai-ai-ai,"

instead of just really reacting.

Don't go for the obvious

Sometimes go for something
that's totally different,

and you can even surprise
yourself as well as the judges.

Thank you.


There's so many emotions
right now.

Since the beginning,
it was hard to be here,

because English
is not my first language.

And in an acting challenge,
I know that I can do it more.

Yes, we can tell you try hard,
and you are fantastic.

That's why I asked you here.

But it's about all of these
different nuances

and shades and colors.

That's what we wanna see.

And unfortunately,
we just saw one note.

Thank you.

All right.
Thank you, ladies.

I think we've hard enough.

While you untuck
in the werkroom,

the judges and I
will deliberate.

All right, just between
us squirrel friends,

what do you think of our girls?

Starting with Willow Pill.

In the super tease,
y'all, she was so great.

I absolutely
didn't see it coming.

For her to bring back 1998
Jennifer Lopez, that's talent.

I wrote down, "kind of ugly,"

because that
was the best answer.

This is a queen
who is very soulful.

She could break the mold.

♪ Kornbread ♪

You know, I just love
Kornbread so much.

It's so good, it's delicious.

You know, I like to pour some
butter and some syrup on mine.

Jiffy cornbread.

Well, I'm talking about
the queen.

-Oh, Kornbread with a "K."

Kornbread is a powerhouse,
but she's gotta learn

that there is so much power
in using different gears.

Tonight, there was
a breakthrough,

and I'm hoping that her
allowing herself to feel

was the first step
of the rest of her life,

and hopefully, you know,

a longer time
in this competition,

because she is really good.

Kerri Colby.

Two words: Gorg Orwell.

[all laugh]

That's it!

You're so dumb.

We know she's stunning,

but the problem is
is that all she is?

Talk about commitment.

You know, all the other queens
did a JLo-inspired dress.

That bitch wore JLo's dress!

[all laugh]
The f*ck?

She's gotta commit like that
to every challenge,

and that is gonna take her
challenging herself.

Mm-hmm. DeJa Skye.

Her name may be DeJa Skye,

but her head
is not in the clouds.

You saw that she was able to use
different forms of comedy

to where it wasn't one-note.

On top of that,
she interpreted JLo's outfit,

and made it work for her.

Two words for DeJa tonight:

Gorg Takei.

[all laugh]

Oh, my God.


I mean, she came here
to win this competition.

She's letting
these b*tches know,

get yourself in order,

'cause I'm not taking
no prisoners.

She had no problem
getting ugly, getting dirty,

and most importantly,
getting funny.

And then to come out on
this runway and look like that?

You wanna talk about
Gorg of the Jungle?


She's gonna get
Gorg R.R. Martin.

[all laugh]

Alyssa Hunter.

I think Alyssa
fell into that trap

that a lot of queens fall into

where they go to their crutch,
and they do it at 100.

So as an actor, you know,

she's not George Clooney,
but she did look Gorg Looney.

[all laugh]

-You tried.
-I tried.

When we need that trap door,
it's never here.

[all laugh]

I've made my decision.

Bring back my girls.

Welcome back, ladies.

I've made some decisions.

DeJa Skye.

You're safe.

Thank you.

You may join the other girls.


You put the super
in super tease.


You are the winner
of this week's challenge.

[cheers and applause]

You've won a cash prize
of $5.000.


My non-acting ass just won
these people challenge.

Whew, yes, I feel good.


Willow Pill.

You're safe.

Thank you all so much.

Thank you.


The judges
want to see more range.

Kerri Colby.

The judges want to see
more vulnerability.

Alyssa Hunter.

The judges
want to see more versatility.


You are safe.

You may join the other girls.


I'm gonna watch this.


Kerri Colby, Alyssa Hunter,

I'm sorry, my dears,
but you are up for elimination.

I am definitely devastated.

I'm also thinking
how in the hell

am I gonna lip sync
in this dress?

Because if I mess up this dress,

I will literally--
y'all will lose me.

I won't be found.
I'll be dead.

Two queens stand before me.

Ladies, this is your last chance
to impress me

and save yourself
from elimination.

The time has come...

for you to lip sync...

[echoing] for your life!

This is not my moment
to go home.

No, not yet.

I'm gonna prove until the end

that I deserve
to be in this competition.

Good luck,
and don't f*ck it up.

[music plays]

♪ I could wait
all night and day ♪

♪ To go to a party,
sit down, and wait ♪

♪ Give my request to the DJ ♪

♪ 'Cause my song
he's gotta play ♪

♪ And when I hear that beat ♪

♪ I get my body up
out my seat ♪

♪ I grab a guy
and move my feet ♪

♪ He's playin' my song ♪

♪ Play, come on,
play that song ♪

♪ Play it all night long ♪

♪ Baby, just play that song ♪

♪ Just turn it up
and turn it on ♪

♪ Ah, DJ just play that song ♪

♪ 'Cause I wanna be dancin'
all night long ♪

♪ Won't you play my, play my,
play my, play my ♪

♪ Play my favorite song, uh ♪

♪ I don't care
if everybody's gone ♪

♪ Turn it up,
'cause it turns me on ♪

♪ Keep dancin' all night long ♪

♪ Let me hear it
one more time ♪

♪ Play, come on,
play that song ♪

♪ Play it all night long ♪

♪ Just turn it up
and turn it on ♪

♪ Play, come on, DJ,
play that song ♪

♪ DJ, just play that song ♪

♪ 'Cause I wanna be dancin'
all night long ♪

Alyssa reaches
for her money g*n

and just, plblblblblt.

That money g*n seemed like
it's on lunch break, bitch,

and it has not clocked back in.

Yeah, that's the hotness
right there.


♪ Play ♪

♪ Come on and play that song ♪

♪ Play it all night long ♪

Just play my...song!

♪ Play, come on,
play that song ♪

♪ Play it all night long ♪

♪ Just turn it up
and turn it on ♪

[cheers and applause]

Ladies, I've made my decision.

Kerri Colby,
shantay you stay.

You may join the other girls.

Thank you so much.

Thank you for letting me
play another day.

Alyssa Hunter.

Now your fate rests in the hands
of the drag gods.

If you have the gold bar,
you will be saved.

You've been hiding your candy.


Let's see what you got.

It's just chocolate.


Alyssa Hunter, in any language,

you are a star, baby.

Thank you very much.

Now sashay away.

I just wanna say thank you

for giving me
this amazing opportunity.

This experience transformed
my life into a whole new level,

and I'm very grateful
from the bottom of my heart.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

We love you, Alyssa.

Love you, girls.

From Puerto Rico,
and now from the world.

[cheers and applause]
Love you!


I'm feeling a little bit sad.

But at the same time,
I'm feeling very proud of myself

just to be here

and represent all of my
beautiful Puerto Rican people.

To all the Latin community,
thanks for all the support.

Believe in yourself,
and be proud of who we are.

Con-drag-ulations, ladies.

And remember,
if you can't love yourself,

how in the hell
you gonna love somebody else?

Can I get an "amen" up in here?


All right.
Now let the music play!

♪ Oh, baby ♪

♪ Playing
with the game of love ♪

♪ Oh, oh, baby ♪

♪ Playing
with the game of love ♪

RuPaul: Next time
on RuPaul's Drag Race...

Please welcome Tempest DuJour,
Jaymes Mansfield,

and Kahmora Hall.

You need to create
a public service announcement

for the Save a Queen

You're gonna be late!
You're gonna be late!


The queens were challenged
to bring their best Gaga.

It was so like The Count
from Sesame Street.

Start packing now.

This look is to die for.
I want it myself.

It was so perfectly timed.

Because of the way you talk,
there's no energy.

If they want scary Kerri,

they about to get
scary m*therf*cking Kerri.


♪ Oh, baby ♪

♪ Oh, winner, baby ♪

♪ Oh, winner, baby ♪

♪ Oh, winner, baby ♪

♪ Oh, playing with
the game of love ♪

♪ Oh, winner, baby ♪

♪ Oh, baby, playing
with the game of love ♪

♪ Winner ♪

♪ MTV ♪
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