09x02 - She Done Already Done Brought It On

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "RuPaul's Drag Race". Aired: February 2, 2009 – present.*
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RuPaul plays the role of host, mentor, and head judge for this series, as contestants are given different challenges each week.
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09x02 - She Done Already Done Brought It On

Post by bunniefuu »

- How you doing, mis amores? Are you ready to see my Coo-Coo again? (laughter and applause) I'm back, mis amores.

- Welcome back, Cynthia Lee Fontaine.

- #JusticeForCooCoo.

- Guide me, Jesus.

- I'm back.

- Oh, my God.

Welcome back, Cynthia.

- Oh, God.

- Congratulations to the winner.

- Thank you, doll.

Thank you.

And congrats on you getting better with your health.

- It was a roller coaster.

- Right.

- But, you know, I'm here.

I was diagnosed with liver cancer stage one, but I'm in remission and I feel healthier as ever.

My Coo-Coo is fantastic, girl.

I'm not gonna take the opportunity that RuPaul has given to me in granted.

This Coo-Coo is ready.

This is home.

- I don't want to sound like a hater or anything, but, like, is this, like, a joke or are you legitimately back, sis? - Baby, I'm back.

I know I'm Miss Congeniality, but I'm no came here to play games.

- I'm happy that Cynthia is getting her second chance, but on the other hand, I'm like, oh, we got this bitch that already knows this competition, and that can get you very, very far.

- I'm afraid of what's coming next.

This just got real, honey.

- Ha-ha! - (sighs) I'm not very happy that Cynthia is back.

She could take us out.

- Hallelujah, my p*ssy and my Coo-Coo is burning.

- I haven't yet seen this infamous Coo-Coo of yours, and I need to see it, because if you're gonna say Coo-Coo around me, you better make sure yours looks better than mine.

- Ooh.

- The winner of "RuPaul's Drag Race" receives a one-year supply of Anastasia Beverly Hills cosmetics and a cash prize of $100,000.

With extra special guest judges the B-52s.

- RuPaul's Drag Race - May the best woman - Best woman win - Guess who back in the house? Just click-clacking about Fine fresh feminine style - Good morning.

So heavenly, gentlemen sweat - Woo, woo, woo, wootity, woo-woo - I didn't know this Coo-Coo was happening today.

(alarm) - Ooh! - She done already done had herses.

- If you can't love yourself, let me.

I'm your biggest fan.

Your number one.

Well, technically, only one of you can be number one, so the rest of you are, like, losers.

Sorry about it.

(all laugh) - Hello, hello, hello! (screaming and cheering) - Lisa mother f*cking Kudrow.

I am gagged.

- Lady Gaga was just here, and now Lisa Kudrow.

I'm really digging Season 9.

- Say hi to my pal Lisa Kudrow.

(cheers and applause) - Hi.

- I just ran into her on the lot, and she wanted to come over and say hello.

- Yeah, you guys look great.

- Oh, my God, stop.

- (laughs) - Lisa's character Val Cherish from the brilliant show "The Comeback," is the reason I say hello, hello, hello every time I walk into the workroom.

Did you know that? - No! - I didn't know that.

- Neither did I.

(all laugh) - Now, Lisa, would you mind saying that one thing that you say for me, please? - Well, I got it.

(all laugh) - That was good, but can you say it happier? - Well, I got it.

- Bigger, bigger.

- Well, I got it! (all laugh) Now I look like a fool.

- (laughs) Lisa, come back any time.

- Okay, thanks.

- Thank you, darling.

Mwah, mwah.

(cheers and applause) - Bye! - Ladies, I have a little secret to tell you.

When I was a little kid, I wanted to be a cheerleader.

(cheering) I loved the short skirts, the sassy comebacks and the death drop splits.

So for this week's maxi challenge, you'll be competing in the biggest, baddest cheer battle in herstory.


(all laugh) First, you need to divide into two squads.

Nina Bo'nina Brown, you won last week's challenge, and Cynthia Lee Fontaine, you're back, so I'm making you two head cheerleaders.

Pick your squads.


- Shea Coulee.

- Ha! Aah! - Ooh, you playing the race card? (all laugh) Cynthia.

- Kimora.

- Oh.

- My team is going to be the Coo-Coo team.

- Alexis.

- Eureka! - Oh, come on.

- Aja.

(applause) - Farrah Moan.

- Oh, team Coo-Coo, team Coo-Coo, go! - I choose Sasha.

- Yes! (applause) - Peppermint.

(applause) - Because I have a heart for the underdog, I choose Jaymes.

- Aw.

- Aw.

- She was just doing community service.

- Oh! - I'm feeling a little self conscious about being labeled an underdog, because I consider myself very much a competitor.

- All right.

Welcome, Trinity.

Yes! - I choose Charlie.

(applause) - Which means Valentina, you're on Coo-Coo's team.

- I feel like Valentina was picked last because she's already mentioned she's only been doing drag for 10 months.

So I think we're all like, well, what can she bring? - It doesn't feel good to be chosen last, but little do these queens know that in their team they got the superstar.

- Team Nina Bo'nina Brown, you'll be cheering for the home team, RuPaul's Glamazons.

- Yes, honey.

- Yes.

- And Team Coo-Coo, you'll be cheering for our extra special guest judges, the B-52s.

- Yes! (applause) - Kate, Fred and Cindy gave me a big break when they cast me in their music video for "Love Shack.

" - Ooh! - Oh, yeah! - All right, gentlemen, start your engines.

And may the best woman win.

- So anybody have any insight so far? - There's literally like an adjective for every single queen.

- Mm-hmm.

- So I think we should go through that and assess, like, who matches the description the most.

- Doll, I want to be sassy.

- Okay.

- Can I be flirty? - You can have that.

- I think that now would be a great time for Jaymes to-- if you want to, like-- - Yes, to really show himself.

- If you do snoozy in funny way, it would be funny.

- I think floozy is more my role 'cause it's all about high energy and all about being over the top.

- Impact, yeah, yeah.

- I want floozy.

- Ooh.

- Take snoozy, girl.

It'll be hilarious.

It'll be great.

I'm not snoozy.

I'm just--it's not me.

- Honestly, Alexis, I feel like even though, like, snoozy may be a challenge, I think it's a challenge that you can definitely rise to.

- The other girls assure me and encourage me that I can make snoozy work.

You're right, girl.

I can do any of these.

- And these are characters.

- And you're sure you're comfortable with that? - I'll do whatever, yeah.

And they're right.

I'm an actress.

- Should we, like, stand up and do it, just so we have like-- - Yeah, do you want to get it off the-- - Ru call.

- I'm Charlie, I'm boozy.

- I'm Alexis, I'm snoozy.

- Jaymes, I'm Jews--ugh.

- I'm Aja, I'm sassy.

- I'm Nina, I'm assy.

- I'm Jaymes and I'm--oh.

I'm Jaymes and I'm a floozy.

- Wait, wait, wait, wait.

I don't think your part comes in that late.

- You got to jump right in.

- Yeah, yeah.

- It's got a slow beat to it.

- No, but you have to do the first beat.

- You start in time and then you stretch the floozy.

- I'm Charlie, I'm boozy.

- I'm Alexis, I'm snoozy.

- And I'm Jaymes and I'm a floozy.

- Captain, may I speak out of turn for a little bit? - Of course.

Go ahead.

- Girl, you gotta sell floozy.

If you wanted to be the floozy, you gotta be the floozy.

- All right.

- I'm not seeing it yet, okay? I'm not-- I want to encourage you.

I'm just saying, do it.

Do it, girl.

Come forward.

- Jaymes doesn't seem to be here mentally, and this is not the time to be figuring out how to get your mind in the game.

It already has to be there.

- It's gonna be a long day.

- Coming up - Whoo! - Aah! - Oh, my God! I cannot believe what they are asking us to do.

- There's gonna be a severe injury on this episode.

(RuPaul laughs, bell dings) (RuPaul laughs) - All right, guys.

Five, six, seven, eight.

Let's go! - Today's maxi challenge is a straight up "Bring It On" style cheer battle, bitch.

- Why don't we do it one more time.

I'm gonna sing it with you so we can get it in time.

Let's do it again.

- This is gonna sound crazy, but what if we go back to your idea you had before? - Of what? - Oh, you want to switch? - Where I do more of the character and you do flirty.

- Do you want to try that? Okay.

- Yeah.

- Okay.

- 'Cause that way, if I'm coming right behind somebody, it's easier for me to keep time.

- And that's a good idea.


So I'm gonna-- we're gonna switch now.

- We'll switch it out.

- The decision to have Alexis and Jaymes switch characters is the right decision.

We're all thinking it.

It's gonna be better for everyone concerned.

- I'm Charlie, I'm boozy.

- Jaymes, I'm floozy.

- We are actually rooting for Jaymes and want him to shine, but he's gonna have to believe in himself to really sell this challenge.

- One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight.

- It's time for rehearsal.

- One, two, three.

(cheering) - Ay dios mio! My Coo-Coo is just shaking right now.

- All right, guys.

I'm Dom.

I'm a two-time world cheerleading champion, and I'm here to teach you guys a competitive cheer routine.

- All right.

- It's gonna consist of some tumbling, some jumping, some stunts.

We're gonna have to work together, but you're also gonna have to learn how to stand out at the same time.

We're gonna start it with stunting.

- I am so pissed.

I don't know who even does cartwheels anymore.

It's not even the eighties.

- So what you're going to do is dip down on one, stand up, lock out your legs, squeeze your tush and hold.

- Oh, my gosh.

- Five, six, seven, eight.

One and three, dip one, straight leg.

- Ooh! - Wow! - Oh, my God! I cannot believe what they are asking us to do.

- Dip one, then three.

- Oh! - Okay, make sure when you go back down, you reach for their shoulders.

- There's gonna be a severe injury on this episode.

- Valentina, ready? Dip one, up, three.

- I was literally shaking, but I said to myself, Valentina, when in doubt, smile.

- One, two, down three.


Can we switch out the fliers now? Ready.

And five, six, seven, eight.

Dip one, straight legs.

- Oh! Bitch, I'm scared of heights.

Oh, my God! This is scary as f*ck! If I fall, it's gonna f*ck up my face.

- Then, three.

- Oh! - My face is definitely expensive and I don't want to mess that up.

No, ma'am.

Oh, that's not for me.

- We are feeling the pressure and the burn.

Although the burn might be something else.

- Oh.

- All right.

- Yes.

- We're back in the workroom and we're all frantically doing our part to get our looks ready for our cheer competition.

We have our work cut out for us.

- We all have to look amazing.

- I don't have bloomers.

- I'm gonna wear tights.

- Yeah, but you still have to have panties on.

- No, I'm not wearing anything underneath.

- What? - So if you go like this, it just looks like Barbie crotch? - Why am I being att*cked of being a woman? - Women wear bloomers underneath their cheerleading clothes.

- Not the slutty ones.

(all laugh) Fine, I'll wear panties.

- (laughs) - RuPaul Glamazons, we're gonna teach you how to stunt so we can do some pyramids.

Ready, and five, six, seven, eight.

Dip one, two and three.

- Should the inside of the palms be together? - As close as you can.

- Okay.

- Don't think about looking straight forward.

Turn your head to the side.

You're gonna get a face full.

- That's not a problem.

(all laugh) - You think you got it? - (sighs) I'm thinking to myself, it's probably not the sport for people with an AARP membership.

- And dip one in three.


Straight arms.

Try and lift those knees up to your chest.

And five, six, seven, eight.

Dip one, two, three.

How are we feeling? - Fabulous.

(all laugh) We're gonna need stunt doubles.

- You guys, I can't even believe I'm still stoning this.

Like, this is hard labor work.

This is why I pay people to do this.

- Stoning really does feed my soul.

- It does me, too.

I love to put sparkle on everything.

- I think when you stone anything, it's just an excuse to look great without really even being great.

Stoning is for ugly girls.

Don't get me wrong, but I think all of us, we kind of grew up differently, you know.

Like, some of us love to, like, create things.

- Well, some of us don't love it.

Some of us have to do this to survive.

Sewing all day makes my back hurt, and I eventually get so creatively exhausted that I just despise looking at my crafting room.

But I know that if I don't go in there, I'm not gonna be able to go to the buffet that I want to later.

(all laugh) - Sister, I'll take you to the buffet with me.

- Well, bitch, you take me to a buffet and I'll sew you something.

- So can you finish this for me then? - Kimora is gorgeous, but that attitude - I'm getting tired, I'm getting thirsty and I'm getting, like, anxiety right now.

- Not cute, girl.

- Oh! - Coming up - Wait! - Uh, this is my virgin de Guadalupe.

I've really been praying to her every single night.

- You crazy, bitch.

(RuPaul laughs, bell dings) (RuPaul laughs) - Yay! - Yeah.

- Day two, whores.

- Glamazons are gonna kick the B-52s asses.

- So today is the day we're about to perform this mother f*cking cheer challenge.

- Wait! Girl! Do you really? - Oh, this is my virgin de Guadalupe.

I wish I could turn her on, but I really been praying to her every single night just to watch over me and guide me through this process.

- Who, Madonna? - No, la virgin de Guadalupe.

- You crazy, bitch.

That's some crazy shit.

- Everybody gets to have a drag mom, but I feel like la virgin de Guadalupe is my drag mom.

She helped get me here.

She's gonna help me win, too.

(praying in Spanish) Please help me win this challenge.

I need to win.

Love you, thank you.

- Did you do high school sports? - I played tennis and then I did swimming and diving.

And I think the diving kind of helped me out with this a little bit.

- Yeah.

Girl, I did high school cheerleading.

- Yes.

- We never did no-- Girl, it was a black high school.

We, like, you know - Right.

(laughs) - I'll never forget I was in the gym with all the cheerleaders.

Some of the girls were like, oh, what do you think about that basketball player over there? He was so fine.

- Boing.

- Like, gorgeous cocoa skin.

And I was like, oh, he's cute, he's cute.

And later on, at lunch, I see the entire basketball team looking at me like I'm about to get it.

So I get up and I'm like, let me get out of here early.

I'm by myself in the stairwell, and the entire basketball team comes up the steps, and one of the boys beats the hell out of me.

- (gasps) - No, Pep.

- It's true.

But afterwards, I was talking to the secretary, told her what happened.

And you know how the high school offices have, like, all glass windows.

- Uh-huh.

- So I turned around, and I swear, the entire school was just there.

It felt like a circle of love.

Like, people were crying, my friends were out there.

So I felt pretty good, you know.

And he got expelled.

- Right on.

- I stayed captain of the cheerleading squad.

- Come on.

- When I was in high school, I was singled out for being different.

After that incident, I had strangers reaching out to me, and I knew right away that I was loved, and that felt great.

- Cynthia, your story really touched me because I have a lot of people in my family who have had cancer, and, like, and who have-- who have passed because of that.

- Oh, my God.

- I just wanted to make sure that you're okay, because I know your struggle which was hard, and it really touched my heart.

- Thank you.

Girl, whoo! It's a challenge.

Everything was a real mess.

I get my results and it was liver cancer stage one.

So I was like, what? You know, I mean, I just I was living my dream, and now I need to face, like, liver cancer.

I was sad.

I was really sad.

It's hard when you know that you have a disease and maybe probably could be, you know, the last days of your life.

I mean, the immune system goes down.

So even a cold, it can possibly, like, k*ll you, so, I mean-- - It's unreal to think that you could die.

- At any moment.

- Any moment.

- But let me tell you.

I'm in remission.

- Cynthia is living proof that cancer is not the end.

- Whoo! Group hug.

We need a group hug.

- If anything, she's stronger competing now.

It has given her a drive to really succeed, and she's doing it with beauty and with a sense of humor, and that's a drag we need.

- #KickingCancerintheCooCoo.

(cheering) (RuPaul laughs) - Cover girl, put the bass in your walk Head to toe, let your whole body talk And what? - Welcome to the main stage of "RuPaul's Drag Race.

" My head cheerleader, Michelle Visage.

How's your head? - Haven't had any complaints.

- (laughs) And everybody's grooving because it's the B-52s.

Hey, is your tin roof still rusted? - Ooh, yeah.

- Oh, yeah.

- Yeah, baby.

- This week, our queens are competing in the biggest, baddest cheer battle ever.

Let's check in with our very own Ross Mathews.

- Yes, Ru, this is so exciting! It smells like queen spirit.

I'm actually literally gagging.

Back to you.

- Thanks, Ross.

We'll be watching.

Gentlemen, start your engines, and may the best woman win.

Coming up - Whoo! - Ow! (bell dings) (RuPaul laughs) - It's the "RuPaul's Drag Race" Cheer Battle Extravaganza! RuPaul's Glamazons versus the B-52 Bombers.

- Ru call.

- I'm Aja, I'm sassy.

- I'm Nina, I'm assy.

- I'm Shea, I'm flirty.

- I'm Sasha, I'm dirty.

- I'm Charlie, I'm boozy.

- I'm Jaymes, I'm snoozy.

- I'm Alexis and I'm a floozy.

All: We are RuPaul's Glamazons.

Got our tucking panties on.

Our beat is unstoppable.

Our wigs are unclockable.

All: All right, work it, work it, all right.

- B-52 Bombers, let's go! - I'm Coo-Coo, I'm naughty.

- I'm Kimora, I'm slutty.

- I'm Eureka, I'm wacky.

- I'm Trinity, I'm tacky.

- I'm Farrah, I'm thorny.

- I'm Peppermint, I'm corny.

- I'm Valentina, I'm also corny.

(all laugh) All: Our lobsters are rocking.

Our love is in the shack.

We're roaming 'cause we wanna, so haters step back.

ALL: B-50-who? Not as cool as Ru.

RuPaul is more fierce than Kate could ever be.

More woman than Fred and more man than Cindy.

All: RuPaul is shameless, selling candy bars and more.

- Ugh! All: She even had a perfume and it was called Whore.

(all laugh) All: Your beehive's busted.

Your songs are too slow.

You should go retire in a private Ida-ho.

- And it's time for the tumbling package.

(whistle blows) - Yeah, big girl.

Come on, bitch, yes.

Holy f*ck.

I land and I feel my knee pop.

But I knew there was no way I was stopping.

Bitch, I'm on a roll.

- Whoo! - Aah! - Now, that was impressive.

- Valentina surprised me.

I feel a little bit like, oh, my God.

I choose her last, but she came to slay.

- Ms.

Jaymes? Girl.

- Whoo! - Whoo! - There we go.

(horn blows) - Now the ladies will move on to the group dance.

- Whoo! Whoo! (cheers and applause) - Five, six, seven, eight.

- Glamazons, Bombers, the battle raging on.

This cheer ain't over.

Now bring it on! - When I get all the way up to the top, I feel like, yes, I'm a cheerleader.

- Oh! - Whoo! (cheers and applause) - The judges are going to have a tough time scoring this one.

I feel bad for them.

Oh, wait.

I'm a judge.


- The category is white party realness.

Nina Bo'nina Brown Zeta Jones.

- Glamazon Shazaam-a-zon.

- When Nina Bo'nina Banana Osama bin Laden Brown hits the runway, child, I'm a bad bitch.

- Hungry, hungry hip pads.

- Ooh.

- Alexis Michelle.

- Do these earrings make my ass look fat? - I'm serving glamour, but I've got it turned on its ear just a little bit.

- Tin roof frosted.

(all laugh) Shea Coulee.

- I'll have two vanilla cones, please.

- I'm serving you chocolate sixties bodacious babe.

- Remember when we used to do white lines? - Whoo! - (laughs) - Charlie Hides.

- Very Linda Evans from "Dynasty.

" - The outfit is amazing.

I look like a fashion illustration of the Snow Queen.

- You know, she's from the hood.

- Sasha Velour.

- I've taken a classic silhouette and updated it with a commitment to showing women who are strong.

- You know what they say about girls who wear white pumps.

- True hooker.

- Mm-hmm.

- Aja.

- Where's my fava beans and chianti? - I believe that's a whitening strip, actually.

- I'm an Illuminati princess.

They tried to silence me, and I'm like, no, bitch, I'm still gonna talk.

- Now you Khali-see me, now you don't.

- Hmm.

- Jaymes Mansfield.

- Gentlemen prefer a white muff.

- My look is fun.

It's campy.

I look fabulous.

- The girl can't help it.

- Oh, I'm sure she can.

- Cynthia Lee Fontaine.

- Oh, my goodness, I think I'm having a déjà Ru.

- I'm going to the most expensive white party ever, okay? - My fair Coo-Coo.

- (laughs) - Farrah Moan.

- I like the peek-a-boos.

- I'm giving you a little bit of ass, a little bit of class and some broken glass.

- She is quite the hipster.


- Oh.

- Nice day for a white wedding.

- I'm inspired by my mom and dad's wedding video.

My mom was known as the beautiful bride in her hometown, and I want to tell you that story.

- If anybody has any objections, shut the f*ck up.

- Yeah.

(laughs) Trinity Taylor.

- I think a UFO landed.

- My ass looks really good in these white pants.

They look like two snowballs just juggling.

- I hear she comes in piece.

(all laugh) - Kimora Blac.

- Now that's my kind of patriotism.

- I'm going to a white party on a boat with hot sailors, and we're gonna have fun.

- I don't think she'll sink, do you? - She comes with her own flotation device.


Ooh, winter mint.

- I've chosen an Elvis Presley-inspired rock 'n' roll extravaganza.

- That pearl necklace seems to be dripping.

- Eureka.

Honey, it's milking time.

- Uh-huh.

- I'm giving you glamour, androgynous Glamazonian, big tuna fish.

- Eureka, like the vacuum cleaner? - Yes, and she can suck.

- Maybe I won't have my mother watch this show.

(all laugh) - Coming up - You were so fun to watch.

- Space age fashion, I adore it.

- You're like a drug dealer.

Gave me a little dose.

I wanted more.

(all laugh) (RuPaul laughs, bell dings) (RuPaul laughs) - Welcome, ladies.

This week you competed as teams, but you'll be judged as individuals.

When I call your name, please step forward.

Nina Bo'nina Brown.

Alexis Michelle.

Sasha Velour.


Cynthia Lee Fontaine.

Farrah Moan.



Ladies, you are safe.

- (exhales) - Thank you.

- You may leave the stage.

It's time for the judges' critiques Starting with Shea Coulee.

- Tonight, you are giving me this futuristic look with hair that hearkens back to Barbarella, and I'm really feeling it.

- And the routine you did, you were fantastic.

- She did some amazing flips, and I made note of that.

- You could see the humor there, too.

- As a kid, I wanted to be like Dominique Dawes so bad, but my parents were like, uh, you can do that in the backyard.

We ain't putting you in no lessons.

(all laugh) - Thank you, Shea Coulee.

Next up, Charlie Hides.

- I didn't remember you from the acrobatic thing.

- I tried to star everyone that I really thought stood out.

- Did Charlie have a star? - No.

- But I'll tell you this, you seized me on the runway.

This look is just so good.

- Thank you.

- Up next, Jaymes Mansfield.

- Hi.

- The way you pad is glorious.

You're giving me, like, saddlebag and hips.

It's hot.

But in the cheer, I don't remember you, and that's not good.

I think you like to consider yourself a comedy queen, but I haven't found anything funny coming from you.

I feel that you're unsure of yourself.

You have to believe it in order to sell us.

- You do this airhead shtick, and I think if you committed all the say, it'd be great.

And I think that's what Michelle's getting at, is the confidence to commit 100%, and I feel like it's at 20%.

- Next up, Valentina.

- I loved this virginal Latina bride down to the crossing of yourself.

It was also beautiful all the way down to the nude and not white shoe.

But we won't bring that up.

(all laugh) Now, the cheerleading, what I loved the most was that even when the lights weren't on, I was watching you, and you were fully in character.

And it just--it was so, like, "SNL" moment.

- I found myself looking for you.

You're like a drug dealer.

You gave me a little dose.

I wanted more.

(all laugh) Keep it up, or as you say in Spanish-- I don't know how you-- I don't know how to say that.

(all laugh) - Next up, Trinity Taylor.

- You had the toughest job of all as the ultimate flier, and you were so fun to watch.

- And I think this outfit's fantastic.

Beyond Mugler.

- Thank you.

- Up next, Kimora Blac.

- What stood out to me was the wig you had on, but you didn't really stand out athletically.

- And that's not good.

- Tonight, probably my least favorite on the runway.

If I looked at you, I'd automatically think nautical theme.

I wish the gloves were white and the bra was white.

I know it sounds like it's a lot of white, but it's a white party.

- Thank you, ladies.

I think we've heard enough.

While you untuck backstage, the judges and I will deliberate.

All right, just between us squirrel friends, what do you think, starting with Shea Coulee? - I thought she was the best in the athletic department, and I thought she looked great tonight.

I love that outfit.

- In terms of star quality, she has it.

But I think she needs to have some kind of padding.

She's got thighs, but she ain't got no booty.

- All right.

Let's move on to Charlie Hides.

- In the cheerleading thing, she had this great character of Boozy.

You, out of everybody, Charlie, could've taken it all the way.

- But Charlie looked beautiful, certainly carried herself well on the runway.

- I'm eager to see what she pulls out of her suitcase next, but she better pull personality out, too.

- Jaymes Mansfield.

- Listen, you got a name like Jaymes Mansfield, you better deliver.

- I used to watch "The Match Game," and Jayne Mansfield would come on every so often and had a wiggle in her walk.

Jaymes needs more voom in his vah-vah.

- She wants to portray herself as this comedic character, when I don't think that character's completely realized yet.

- Jaymes' audition tape was so funny, I got it.

I understood the shtick.

But I think that since she's been in this competition with the other girls, she's thrown off.

- Yeah.

- Valentina.

- Valentina, rrrrrrr.

(all laugh) As a cheerleader, she really stood out with her facial expressions.

She just made you notice her.

- And I thought she was the best dressed tonight.

I thought she was stunning.

- Michelle, you did clock her on her nude shoes.

- I'm sorry, I just couldn't let that go, because she was so flawless head to toe, why wouldn't she put a white shoe on? Why would she throw a nude clunker? - Well, maybe she was thinking something old, something new, something borrowed, something nude.

(all laugh) - Someone you blew.

(all laugh) - Trinity Taylor.

- I thought it was really impressive how both characters were completely different.

I wouldn't have recognized her.

- Tonight on the runway, though, it wasn't my favorite thing 'cause we've kind of seen a lot of this over the years.

- I thought it was very original.

- Space age fashion, I mean, that's total B-52.

I adore it.

- Kimora Blac.

- I didn't remember her from the competition, and that wasn't my favorite outfit.

- I thought she was a newbie.

- I know why you got that impression, because she paired so many different looks onto that one look.

- Right.

- Where someone who's a seasoned prost*tute would have-- would have just chosen the nautical hat.

It actually accented her inability to tell a story.

- She's got so much going for her, the look, the face, the body, the confidence on stage.

But in terms of who are you as a performer, I don't know, but I know I want to know.

- All right.

Silence! I've made my decision.

Bring back my girls.

(RuPaul laughs, bell rings) (RuPaul laughs) - Welcome back, ladies.

I've made some decisions.

Shea Coulee.

You're safe.

- Thank you.

- Jaymes Mansfield.

On the runway, you gave us bombshell floozy, but your cheer routine was a little too snoozy.

I'm sorry, my dear, but you're up for elimination.

- It's frustrating.

What I'm trying to show the judges isn't translating, and I don't really know what else they want from me.

- Trinity Taylor.

You're safe.

- Thank you.

- Valentina.

Your cheer engaged us, and your bridal runway made me say, "I do.

" Sissy-boom-bah, you're the winner of this week's challenge.

You've won a custom wig wardrobe from Rock Star Wigs.

- Thank you so much.

- You may join the other girls.

Charlie Hides.

You scored on the runway, but your cheer routine did not meet our squad goals.

Kimora Blac, in the cheer, you disappeared.

And in white, you got read for being too blue.

Charlie Hides You're safe.

- Thank you very much.

- Kimora Blac, I'm sorry, my dear, but you are up for elimination.

Two queens stand before me.

Prior to tonight, you were asked to prepare a lip sync performance of "Love Shack" by the B-52s.

Ladies, this is your last chance to impress me and save yourself from elimination.

The time has come (thunder) To lip sync for your (echo) life! - It really starts to sink in.

The pressure's on, because I'm performing it in front of the B-52s themselves.

- To put me on the bottom two first? Jaymes, watch out.

- Good luck.

And don't f*ck it up.

(music plays) - If you see a faded sign At the side of the road That says 15 miles to the-- - Love Shack Love Shack, yeah I'm headin' down the Atlanta highway Lookin' for the love getaway Headed for the love getaway - I got me a car as big as a whale And we're headin' on down to the Love Shack I got me a Chrysler, it seats about 20 So hurry up and bring your jukebox money - The Love Shack is a little old place Where we can get together Love Shack, baby - A Love Shack, baby - Love Shack, baby, Love Shack Bang, bang, bang On the door, baby - I can't hear you - Bang, bang - On the door, baby - Bang, bang - You're what? - Tin roof rusted.

Love Shack, baby, Love Shack Love Shack, baby, Love Shack - Dancing and a-lovin' at the Love Shack (cheers and applause) - Ladies, I've made my decision.

Kimora Blac, Shante you stay.

You may join the other girls.

(applause) Jaymes Mansfield, we're all rooting for you.

Now sashay away.

- Thank you.


(applause) I came in first.

(all laugh) Well, that didn't quite go exactly as I hoped it would.

I wasn't fully representing myself, and that's my fault.

But underneath all this glamorous drag, I'm still a human being, so be kind.

- Con-drag-ulations, ladies.

And remember, if you can't love yourself, how in the hell you gonna love somebody else? Can I get an amen up in here? All: Amen! - All right.

Now let the music play! - Everyone can be someone If you want to I can show you Be someone
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