09x03 - Draggily Ever After

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "RuPaul's Drag Race". Aired: February 2, 2009 – present.*
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RuPaul plays the role of host, mentor, and head judge for this series, as contestants are given different challenges each week.
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09x03 - Draggily Ever After

Post by bunniefuu »

- Aw, Jaymes.

- Oh, no, the first lipstick message.

- I mean, Jaymes was very insecure, and she just wasn't sure of herself.

And this is such a high pressure competition, you have to be sure of yourself.

- You know, the second she walked in, I saw the fear in the eyes.

And I just saw her get defeated.

- I honestly was really surprised I was on the bottom.

Like, I was really surprised.

I'm feeling so underdogged because compared to Jaymes, I was like a 10 to a one.

- How about you, Ms.

Winner? How are you feeling? (cheering) - I think you admittedly have the least amount of experience of all the queens and you slayed.

- I'm very grateful, but it's a lot of pressure.

So I'm very focused to deliver to the next level every single time.

- I'm really looking forward to knocking you out of your winner spot, okay? (all laugh) - Yes, she's won a challenge.


Her confidence is definitely ballsy for her only doing drag for 10 months.

- Whoo! - Is the bride sad to take off her wedding dress? - I really am.

- I'm not mad at you for that.

I understand.

- I've been praying so hard to La Virgen de Guadalupe and I feel like she's been guiding me through it.

- It's not fun being the bridesmaid.

I want to be the bride.

I'm not here to play games.

The next challenge is mine.

- The winner of "RuPaul's Drag Race" receives a one-year supply of Anastasia Beverly Hills cosmetics and a cash prize of $100,000.

With extra special guest judges Todrick Hall and Cheyenne Jackson.

- "RuPaul's Drag Race" - May the best woman - Best woman win - Here were are again.

- It's today.

- It's today.

(all laugh) - Ah I'm coming off this high of having won.

The first queen has gone home, and it feels great.

It feels exactly like I thought it would.

Okay, guys, after, like, the gymnastic challenge, what to expect? - I'm still sore from cheerleading.

- Girl.

- So I'm hoping it's not anything physical.

- A knitting challenge.

(all laugh) (siren) - Whoo, girl! She done already done had herses.

- Oh, my God, oh, my God, oh, my God.

- To become America's next drag superstar, you have to try on a lot of glass slippers, kiss a bunch of frogs, but don't be an evil queen.

That role has already been taken.

(evil laugh) Hello, hello, hello.

(cheers and applause) - Hello, Ru.

- Yes, ma'am.

- Just a little leopard print.

- Now, what do you guys think of the wax figure of me on loan from Madame Tussauds? - Gorgeous.

- I pray to her before a challenge.

- Really? - Yeah.

- Don't you love the way her eyes follow you around the room? It's almost like there's a hidden camera in there.

- (gasps) - Watching your every move.

Maybe there is.

- Oh! - Ladies, don't let this devastatingly beautiful queen cast an evil spell on your charisma, uniqueness, nerve and talent.

Because for this week's maxi challenge, you need to create a totally original fairytale princess.

- I have no problem picturing myself as a princess.

I'm a jappy girl who likes nice things.

- First, you'll come up with a memorable name and a mythology.

Then you'll need to design a fantasy frock to debut on the main stage.

#DragPrincess And to help you bring your princess story to life, you'll also be creating a sassy sidekick.

- Rawr.

- And you'll be playing both parts.

- What? We have create a little sidekick to have our heads floating by our character.

This is nuts.

Who thinks of this? - So, Cinderfellas, feel free to use the magical materials from the Fabric Planet wall.

Gentlemen, start your engines and may the best woman win.

(cheers and applause) - Whoo! - Ooh.

How are you feeling about this challenge, girl? - I feel like I have the new age mindset to kind of like make this extremely avant-garde and high fashion.

- Mm-hmm.

- So I feel like I might have this one in the bag.

It's a design challenge, and I sew 80%-- no, 95% of everything I wear, so I'm known for creating different looks, and I feel really confident that this might be my challenge.

- What the f*ck am I doing? I do not sew.

I've only made tote bags and pillows.


- Are you okay? - I'm gonna just try and make something mermaid-y, something under-watery.

- I'm doing under the water, too.

- Are you doing a fish? - I was gonna do a mermaid, but then, like, I was like, there's too many people doing under the water stuff.

- Great.

- Yeah.

I don't-- Yeah, I'm terrified.

- Ooh.

What's this that you got here, Kimora? - I'm going to be, obviously, Tarzan's other wife.

- How are you feeling about going into this challenge? You were in the bottom two last week.

- And you don't sew.

- I know.

I don't sew.

I like to pay designers to make my stuff.

I'm your very spoiled drag queen.

Would Kim K.

sew her own outfits? No.

- Well, if you pay designers to do your stuff, how much will you pay me to make your challenge? - I mean, I have $400 right now.

- I'll see if I have some time.

- I don't work in a sweatshop.

That's not what I signed up for.

This is not America's Next Top Sweatshop.

- Where you gonna put this? Like, on your shoulder? - I just got the rat for show.

- Just because.

- I don't even really want it.

- Can I have it? - Yeah, take it, girl.

- Thank you.

I think with this challenge, I'm wanting to show that I'm not afraid to go in a risky direction.

- What is all these cockroaches, girl? - That's for my look.

- What are you doing? - Like, sewer underground princess.

Like, very grungy and gross kind of.

Have, like, some kind of shit growing off of my face and, like, very sewer rat.

- I have never heard of a sewage princess in my entire life.

What kind of princess is that? Here we go.

Better watch out, because the judges don't play around.

She could go home.

- Thank you for the rat.

- You're welcome.

- Come on, Templeton.

- Aah! - Coming up You came very close to winning last week.

- Ms.

Thang, she won.

She better watch out.

f*ck that bitch! (RuPaul laughs, bell dings) (RuPaul laughs) - What's the story? - Once upon a time.

- Ahh - There was a beautiful princess.

- For this challenge, we have to create a fantasy fairytale princess and a sassy sidekick.

Oh, my God, Trinity, you've never looked more beautiful than you do right now.

- You're a bitch.

You're such a bitch.

- (laughs) - So what are you going for? You're going for, like, sea princess? - My whole Instagram branding is based on the fact that I ride the subway to my gig.

- Okay, yes.

- So I'm Princess Subway Fish.

- We were given the brief to come up with a mythological background story for our princesses.

- Introducing Princess Forella.

- Someday, she'll be the most What's an adjective? What is an adjective? Isn't an adjective where you, like That's a noun.

- It's a word that describes something.

- Like, what do you mean? - You're beautiful.

"Beautiful" is an adjective.

- So beautiful is the adjective.

- Mm-hmm.

- I'm going to put delicious.

Is that an adjective? Yeah, that's a super adjective.

- Come on, English lessons.

- Ah, thank God I'm pretty.

- Hey, kitty girls.

- Hey.

- Hello.

- So how are things going in the magic queendom? - Great.

- Good.

Hi, Farrah Moan.

- Ru! - Ru! - Rrrru! - What kind of princess will you be in this challenge? - She's gonna be an underwater socialite.

She's gonna be, like, on all the underwater tabloids.

- Oh, okay.

Now, do you sew? - I'm smart in a lot of other ways, but when it comes to fabrics and needles and stuff, I'm just not as, uh uh, what's the word? - Proficient.

- Proficient, yeah.

- It's Season 9.

How do you walk into the workroom without knowing how to sew? That's just sad.

- How will you make sure that you shine through? - UmI'm just going to be my cute little self and pray to your wax figurine over there that y'all like it.

- Okay.

Can't wait to see her.

Thanks, Farrah.

- Thank you so much.

- Aja from the BK.

- Ah, Ru-Ru.

- Now, you know how to sew, so you got lots of skills.

- Yes.

- So tell me about your princess.

- Her name is Disastah.

She is a volcanic eruption, basically.

She's kind of inspired by my mom.

She's like an angry Puerto Rican woman.

- Really.

- I have a tattoo of her.

It's right here.

- That's your mother.

- Yes.

When she got mad, you see the red come up and her baby hairs will start crimpling up.

It's like an eruption, girl.

- Now, how are you gonna shine? - I just feel so confident about it.

I'm just like, I'm gonna do this and it's gonna be cute.

- You know I've heard that before.

Well, I can't wait to see Disastah.

I'll let you get to it.


- I'm ready for my close-up, Mr.


- Oh, my goodness.

Can I see your eyes? - Um, well, you see, the thing is, it's my very first time shaving my brows, and I'm kind of like nervous because I don't have my Brooke Shields "Blue Lagoon" eyebrows.

- Oh! Oh, my goodness, look at there.

Why don't you just shave them all off? - Well, because I want to still have a bit of boy brow to draw.

- Uh-huh.

- So that I don't look completely crazy.

- Why are we looking at me when you said that? (laughs) Okay, so I want to hear about your princess.

- She's an ice princess.

She comes from planet Azula.

- And that's nowhere near Azusa, is it? - Not anywhere near Azusa, California.

- Yeah.

(laughs) - I have a big imagination, and I'm really excited to get started.

- See you out there.

- Thanks, Ru.

- Trinity Taylor.

Now tell me about your princess.

What's her name? - Farella Aquapussy.

- She sounds juicy.

And salty.

- I kind of like it.

- I do, too.

- So tell me about her sidekick.

- Well, her sidekick is Stanky the Starfish.

And I was going to go with, you know, a chocolate starfish.

- Uh-huh.

- But I decided, you know, kids want bright colors, so - Kids don't know they want a chocolate starfish until they've had a chocolate starfish.

- Oh, right.

- You know? - I love chocolate starfish.

- Are you kidding? I live for chocolate starfishes.

But this is not a chocolate starfish.

What kind of a starfish is this? - Well, he's going to be a country starfish.

- Like from cr*cker Barrel? (both laugh) Now, you came very close to winning last week.

Any bitterness there? - No.

I came close, but you know what? I do know that Ms.

Thang, she won.

Even though she's been doing drag a whole lot less than me, she's younger than me, f*ck that bitch.

- (laughs) - She better watch out.

- Okay.

- 'Cause Aquapussy is coming.

- Well, I can't wait to see Aquapussy out there on that runway.

- Me, too.

- (laughs) All right, ladies.

Tomorrow on the main stage, you'll be debuting your fairytale princesses.

So good luck and don't f*ck it up! - I don't want to do this.

I don't know.

This is hard.

I don't know what I'm doing.

I just really want whatever I make to look good enough to be safe, because I know I'm not going to pump out no award-winning mermaid gown, honey.

I just don't even know where to begin.

- Why don't you find a glue g*n and your bra and work on that? - You know, I kind of pictured gluing fabric on a bra being a lot easier.

This is, like, complicated as f*ck.

Like, I don't want to have to cut any piece of fabric and put it over this.

- No, you're not.

- This one won't fit.

I can't get it to fit over.


- It's okay.


Sometimes you just gotta jump in, girl.

- Oh, I love you.

- I love Farrah and she's my bestie, but she literally sounds like a child all the time.

It would make the world of difference if she would just stop bitching and do it.

Just do it, girl.

Don't be afraid of hot glue, bitch.

You a drag queen.

So what I would suggest you do is, like, glue shit all the way up this one side.

I'm going to give you this base to work with, and then I'm gonna let you go shell from there.

Find, like, your shiny stuff, seashells.

- Oh, I broke a piece of this starfish.

- Farrah is one of those princesses that whines all the time.

Suck it up.

This is a competition.

We're here to compete for $100,000.

One minute you're in and the next minute, you're gone, honey.

- Coming up - Are you afraid of what America is going to think of your makeup without face tone? - Nope, 'cause I think I look almost the same.

- Awkward silence.

(RuPaul laughs, bell rings) (RuPaul laughs) - Oh, my God.

- Get to work.

- Here we go.

- Back here again.

- Good morning, cucu world.

- (laughs) - It's elimination day.

I'm nervous, but I'm also excited about my fairytale princess outfit.

I'm about to give them Sewer Princess.

- So when you say cucu, is like the hole or is it like the butt? 'Cause I'm a little confused.

- You know, it can be, like, the butthole, but let me explain the story real quick.

When I was a child, mom doesn't want us to say bad words at home.

So one day, I was three years old, trying to tell her that I need to go to the bathroom 'cause I need to from my culo to go ca-ca.

She slapped me with a chancleta.

She said, like, mira mijo, let me tell you something.

You're not gonna say bad word here in this house! So I was, like, scared.

I was, like, what to do? I mean, what do you call this in your back? So scared one day after that situation, I said, cucu, mama, ca-ca, pee-pee.


And since that, I say cucu.

- So do I have a big cucu, too? - Girl, you do.

Well, I have a cucu, but you have a CuCu, girl! - Oh, it feels so good to have these brows back.

- I see you had an eyebrow lift.

- Just a little.

- Are you afraid of what America is going to think of your makeup without face tone? - Nope, 'cause I think I look almost the same.

- Awkward silence.

- Everybody can get quiet, but I think I look the same in photos.

- Sometimes girls that come up via social media can get a lot of praise for the way they present themselves online.

You got your filters.

You got your Facetune.

You got all that.

However, it's how you apply that makeup, because sometimes when people see you in person, they can get a little bit disappointed.

- So, Trinity, when you were in Orlando when that situation happened, like, were you freaked out? I mean, I know you're from there.


- Um, I actually wasn't in Orlando at that very moment, but I'm a very former Miss Pulse.

- (gasps) - And I entertained there literally the week before on their Latin night, 'cause that happened on their Latin night.

So it's scary to think, like, that literally could have been me.

And so immediately my thought is - Call your friends, I'm sure.

- Oh, my God, who do I know? - Did you lose a lot of people, Trinity? - Well, I didn't know any of the people that actually lost their lives.

I knew several of the entertainers that were trapped in the dressing room that escaped.

A lady that I worked with in my day job, one of her daughters had just graduated nursing school.

And then her life was taken over - Oh, my God.

- Like, for no reason.

- I'm so sorry, girl.

- Well, let me tell you a story about the tragedy.

- I know you know-- you probably knew a lot of them because they were - June 11, I was supposed to perform that night, but I have to reschedule.

So Kenya Michaels, that is the cast director that night, she said, like, it's okay, mija.

We can, like, reschedule you.

And then, like, we were performing in Houston and we get, like, the text message.

Like, oh, my God, we are here in the bathroom.

We can't do anything.

There's a guy with a g*n, like, sh**ting everybody.

And I'm like, oh, my God, are you serious? And, unfortunately, one of my friends died in that incident, Martin.

And he was, like-- I'm like two or three hours before, like, Cynthia, you're not here.

You're supposed to have a show.

That's why I came here tonight.

And I'm like, baby.

- Oh, Cynthia.

- No, no, no.

I just rescheduled.


Do you want to go home? And he was like, no, you know what? I'm going to stay.

I'm going to have a cute time.

I miss you so much.

And he was one of my first dancers, like, 10 years ago when I started doing drag.

So it was a very traumatic situation for everybody.

We never expect that a tragedy like this happen in our community or happen in our clubs because we thought that we finally built a safe place for our community.

- We are not safe completely yet, and we're not accepted 100% yet.

But we have to continue to live our lives.

We can't be stuck in our houses and afraid to go out and live.

- Preach, girl.

Preach! - What happened in Orlando at Pulse Nightclub was a defining and shocking moment for gay people.

And the fact that it was an act of v*olence against LGBT people of color is not insignificant here.

- Family, famo.

- Love you, girls.

- Family.

- It's so important as q*eer entertainers to lead the way.

We need to come together and be proudly visibly q*eer.

- And you know what? Also, drag is a brilliant place to work through feelings of pain.

- Girl, drag is therapy.

- It is.

- We can't move backwards.

We need to stay strong.

(RuPaul laughs) - Cover girl, put the bass in your walk Head to toe, let your whole body talk - At what? - Welcome to the main stage of "RuPaul's Drag Race.

" Look, it's my wicked stepsister Michelle Visage.

- Always the wicked stepsister, never the bride.

- Style superstar Carson Kressley.


- Hi, ho! It's off to work with the Q we go.

- (laughs) The prince of YouTube, actor, singer, director Todrick Hall.

- Hi, Ru.

You left your glass slipper in my bedroom.

- It's a size 12, right? - Exactly.

- And the fairest in all the land, Cheyenne Jackson.

- Serving you butch queen since '75.

(all laugh) - So glad you're here.

This week, we challenged our queens to bring their princess fantasies to life, and tonight, they're bringing it to the ball.

Gentlemen, start your engines and may the best woman win.

Coming up - I literally had no clue at all what was going on tonight.

(RuPaul laughs, bell dings) (RuPaul laughs) - Category is First up, Cynthia Lee Fontaine, Princess Cuculina.

- Hi, my name is Brulee.

I'm here to protect Princess Cuculina from any booty slap and to show her that she can bring peace, love and sex to all the entire universe.

My advice is a happy cucu is one that is clean for others.

- One in the pink? (all laugh) Peppermint, Princess Carcinogenetta.

- My name is Petey the Pilot Light and I'm flaming.

I live to help make her dream of fire unsafety come true.

My advice to her is simple.

Burn, baby, burn.


- Oh, it's not just her p*ssy that's on fire.

(Michelle laughs) - Farrah Moan, Princess Pacifica.

- Well, it's the snatch of the day.

- My name is Fablina the blowfish.

I'm Princess Pacifica's royal publicist.

When I first met Princess Pacifica, she was abusing her royal privileges by partying from the Atlantic to the Pacific.

I'm here to protect her from the grueling sharkarazzi and transform her reputation from swampy socialite to responsible princess of the Pacific.

- Charlie Hides, Princess Climaxica.

- My name is Isabella Snatchpacker, and I'm Princess Climaxica's lady in waiting.

I first met Princess Climaxica when she was studying languages at Galaxy University.

Oh, she just loves foreign tongue.

She's a cunning linguist, you know.

I'm here to protect her from bad puns and double entendres.

How am I doing? - Copper? I hardly know her.

(all laugh) - Eureka, Princess You-Reek-of-Daria.

- Here comes Princess You-Reek-of-Daria from the sewer kingdom.

I am her faithful servant Woof-train.

The princess was kicked out of topland.

The army banned her to reign only in the sewers.

I live to help make her dreams of being on the top a reality.

- Alexis Michelle, Princess #SubwayFish.

- My name is #SubwayTadpole, Princess SubwayFish's chief swimmer.

We met for the first time when Princess SubwayFish was taking the train to her gig.

Whenever she bugging, I just tell her, just keep fishing.

- Aw, don't be so crabby.

- There's a cream for that.

- Kimora Blac, Princess Banana Lady.

- My name is Funky Monkey, Banana Lady's cute bodyguard from Banana Kingdom.

I am here to protect her from all the big bad jungle men with small bananas.

I love to help her make her dream of banana digging come true.

She is so rich, she got all the bananas she's ever wanted.

- Nina Bo'nina Brown-Pinkett-Smith, Princess Zathena.

- My name is Ink.

I knew Princess Zathena back when she was a little hard-headed Martian.

She was always the wild one of the bunch, wanting to breed with the human race.

I'm here to teach her to love who she is.

You are from the planet Bad Bitch Uranium, so you have to represent for the bad b*tches.

- I actually had a bad batch of Uranium once.

(Michelle laughs) I sold it to the Russians.

- I remember that day.

- Sasha Velour, Princess Uglina.

- Where my birds at? (RuPaul laughs) - My name is Lunk from Self Doubtia.

I'm Princess Uglina's imaginary friend.

It was I who trapped her in a cage, filling her mind with self doubt and weakness.

But Princess Uglina wasn't scared of me.

She embraced my darkness and showed me love, so I opened the cage and I set her free.

- Shea Coulee, Princess Aquaria.

- My name is Moon Pearl, Princess Aquaria's ice fairy from Uranus.

Princess Aquaria was born in the battle for love and freedom when her star mother fused with the Queen Moon Diamond.

Whenever she's feeling lost, I remind her that her guiding star lives within and that she holds the key to unlock it.

She'll be the most sickening princess in the universe.

- Why don't you come up and seaweed me sometime? No? No? Valentina, Princess Vira.

- Where is Vira's wang? - My name is Netty, Princess Vira's shady godmother.

I live to help make her dream of freezing over the universe via shade come true.

My advice is simple: hate everyone.

Someday she'll be the shadiest, most evilest queen of all and live hatefully ever after.

- Aja, Princess Disastah.

- I almost wore that same outfit today, so - Did you? - Yep.

- My name is Dasistah, and I am Princess Disastah's smoke cloud.

I live to make her dreams come true of coal mining and becoming a gold digger.

Someday she'll be the most ashy princess and she'll live flamingly ever after.

- Orange you glad you got fire insurance? (Michelle chuckles) - Trinity Taylor, Princess Aquapussy.


- Oh, surf and turf.

- My name is Stanky the Starfish, the royal redneck counselor.

We first met when the princess was in the waterland clinic hitting her itch cream.

It was for her outbreak, clam-idia.

I hope that someday she can find the cure for this WTD.

That stands for water transmitted disease.

- (laughs) Ooh, pass the tartar sauce.

(all laugh) - Coming up - I'm no seamstress, but that looks like a piece of fabric around your waist.

- Your sidekick had no personality.

- f*cking go for it.

(RuPaul laughs, bell dings) (RuPaul laughs) - Welcome, ladies.

When I call you name, please step forward.

Cynthia Lee Fontaine, Charlie Hides, Eureka, Alexis Michelle, Sasha Velour, Nina Bo-nina Brown, Shea Coulee.

Ladies, you're safe.

You may leave the stage.

Ladies, you represent this week's beauties and the beasts.

- Oh.

- Let's hear from the judges, starting with Peppermint.

- I just liked the way you created this kind of fire idea.

I think the details on the dress are impressive.

- I loved Petey the Pilot Light.

- Thank you.

When I was a teenager, I was cooking at home alone and the entire kitchen caught on fire, and I've been deathly afraid of fire since.

So I said, let me do something that's going to tackle my fear.

- Only you can prevent grease fires.

- (laughs) - Next up, Farrah Moan.

- Every year, Ru and Michelle tell people you cannot come out here with a piece of fabric wrapped around your waist.

And I'm no seamstress, but that looks like a piece of fabric wrapped around your waist.

- The sidekick, the eye make-up thing was distracting 'cause to me, it looked like you were reading a script that was maybe down in your hands.

- I was.

- Oh, see? - I was just kind of let down with the character.

Like, this is your chance, so f*cking go for it.

- Up next, Kimora Blac.

- Hello.

- You didn't really sell me on what your princess is.

For me, that was a little lacking.

- And then your sidekick was robotic and really had no personality.

- You seemed like you just couldn't wait for it to get over.

- For so long, I've been hiding behind a breastplate and padding.

I'm pretty known for my butt, and I've been padding for so long that I'm kind of uncomfortable again.

And it's been hard.

- Thank you, Kimora Blac.

- Thank you.

- Up next, Valentina.

- I wrote down Linda Evangelista.

The smoky eye and the nude lip, I like it.

(RuPaul laughs) - This outfit is really gorgeous, and your sidekick, I loved that it was about shade and ice.

- Because oftentimes, evil people come in beautiful packages, as we see every day.

- Oh, my God.

- (laughs) - Thank you, Valentina.

- Gracias.

- Next up, Aja.

- I literally had no clue at all what was going on tonight with your story as your princess.

- She's a volcano, she's from Brooklyn, she's from bad side, she's banji.

She's just going to the club to go hang out with her little clouds and stuff.

- Did anybody get that? - No.

- No.

I think that even if you wanted to be banji, there was a way to do it and have it just be slightly more polished.

- I also think that your makeup is very dark.

- Yeah, we can't really see your eyes.

- And it's been kind of dark this whole journey.

- Up next, Trinity Taylor.

Princess Aquapussy.

- When I first heard your name, I just kept thinking of James Bond (imitating Sean Connery) like Princess Aquapussy.

(all laugh) - You know, I loved this look.

I thought that from a fashion standpoint, that this is really fun.

And then you showed us your starfish.

- Itch cream.

- You come across to me as pageant girl, so seeing you do something like Stanky is just going to bode really well for you.

Keeping with that comedy is a good road for you to go down.

- Thank you.

- Thank you, my pretties.

I think we've heard enough.

While you untuck backstage, the judges and I will deliberate.

All right.

Now, just between us wicked stepmothers, what do you think, starting with Peppermint? - Peppermint made me very, very happy tonight.

The minute she stepped onstage, you knew what she was selling.

- I love when someone takes an inanimate object and makes a character out of it.

- She used something that wasn't a really good memory and turned it into a plus.

I thought it was very smart.

Farrah Moan.

- Obviously, she's gorgeous, but there was no presence.

It was just a huge, giant mess.

- Her blowfish, it was a great idea, but I left a little unsatisfied.

It just--that closed eye thing didn't work.

I was more distracted by it than I was entertained.

- I have a secret to tell you.

- What? - My eyes have been closed the whole show.

(Michelle laughs) - What? - Kimora Blac.

- Funky Monkey.

It was like that Teen Miss USA pageant who said, most US Americans of the Korea or the South Africa - It was hard to watch, I have to say.

- I think we all need to take a moment to talk about the bravest struggle of all, coming out here and telling us about her struggle - Her struggle.

- With not wearing hip pads.

- Not wearing hip pads? My God! Can you be alive and still be made a saint? - No, but I think we can make arrangements.

- (laughs) Valentina.

- Three for three.

Each episode, you look at her and we've gotten to this point where we can't wait to see what she looks like because she's so frigging beautiful, we all just want to go up and lick her face.

- Both of her characters were stunning as far as presentation.

- And I have to say, I was really surprised with her comedy.

I thought she really went there.

- Aja.

- Aja definitely chose the right name: Princess Disastah.

- (laughs) - Because that was an epic proportion earthquake.

- I don't understand why the chaps with the volcano.

- Well, the costume didn't say volcano.

It said Heat Miser.

- (laughs) - She's charming, but it was a hot lava mess.

- Trinity Taylor.

- I liked the whole look.

It's very Kooky Sue.

- And then Stanky the Starfish was a great counterpart.

- Clam-idia.

- It made me so frigging happy.

I couldn't stop laughing.

- And I also feel that she interacted with her character more so than all the other girls.

- Really, it can just be summed up by one word.

- What's that? - (imitating Sean Connery) Aquapussy.

- Silence.

I've made my decision.

Bring back my girls.

(RuPaul laughs, bell dings) (RuPaul laughs) - Welcome back, ladies.

I've made some decisions.

Peppermint You're safe.

- Thank you.

- Kimora Blac.

The judges were not a fan of your banana.

I'm sorry, my dear, but you are up for elimination.

- This is the worst feeling in the world.

It sucks to be here again.

- Trinity Taylor.

You wished upon a starfish and your dreams came true.


You're the winner of this week's challenge.

- Aah! (applause) - You've won a $2,000 gift card from Casper.

- Thank you.

- You may join the other girls.

- Girl, I finally won my first challenge.

I have arrived, and these other girls need to watch out.

- Valentina, your ice princess was totally hot.

You're safe.

- Thank you.

- Farrah Moan.

I hate to burst your bublina, but your blowfish blew.

Aja, the judges did not lava your princess storyline.

Aja, I'm sorry, my dear, but you're up for elimination.

- I feel confused.

I definitely think Farrah should be in the bottom two, not me.

- Farrah Moan, you may join the other girls.

- Thank you, guys.

(sobs) - Two queens stand before me.

Ladies, this is your last chance to impress me and save yourself from elimination.

The time has come to lip sync (echoing) for your life! Good luck, and don't f*ck it up.

(music plays) - Doo doo doo Ah Ah Where have all the good men gone And where are all the gods? Where's the streetwise Hercules To fight the rising odds? Isn't there a white knight upon a fiery steed? Late at night I toss and I turn And I dream of what I need I need a hero I'm holding out for a hero till the end of the night He's gotta be strong and he's gotta be fast And he's gotta be fresh from the fight I need a hero I'm holding out for a hero till the morning light He's gotta be sure and it's gotta be soon And he's gotta be larger than life Up where the mountains meet the heavens above Out where the lightning splits the sea I could swear there is someone, somewhere Watching me Through the wind and the chill and the rain And the storm and the flood I can feel his approach like a fire in my blood - Like a fire in the blood Like a fire in the blood Like a fire in the blood Like a fire in the blood - I need a hero I'm holding out for a hero till the end of the night I need a hero (cheers and applause) - Ladies, I've made my decision.

Aja, shantay, you stay.

(applause) - Work, girl.

- You may join the other girls.

- Thank you so much.

- You did that, bitch.

- Kimora Blac, you bravely bared your soul and your ass.

- (chuckles) - Stay strong, sister.

Now sashay away.

- Love you guys.

- We love you.

(cheers and applause) - I'm pretty.

(laughs) I'm a little surprised.

It's too early for me.

The judges hated my monkey.

I hated that monkey, too.

I think what I would do differently is to research on how to be a monkey, 'cause that is something that I would never think I would do in my entire life.

But I did my best, and I looked gorgeous.

And I want to be known as one of the pretty ones.

- Con-drag-ulations, my queens.

Now, remember, if you can't love yourself, how in the hell you gonna love somebody else? Can I get an amen up in here? - Amen.

- Amen.

- All right.

Now, let the music play.

- Everyone can be someone if you want to I can show you Be someone
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