08x08 - RuPaul Book Ball

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "RuPaul's Drag Race". Aired: February 2, 2009 – present.*
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RuPaul plays the role of host, mentor, and head judge for this series, as contestants are given different challenges each week.
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08x08 - RuPaul Book Ball

Post by bunniefuu »

- Previously on
"RuPaul's Drag Race"...

You'll be working in pairs

to create
presidential campaign ads.

- I immediately was like--
[trills tongue]

I wrote 30 pages.

- Damn, Thorgy.

- Every team is going to hope
that Bob and I fail.



- But we both want to win.

- [cackles]

- I think we got everything.

- Do you want a shot
of Chi Chi drinking booze?

- I think I'm good.

- Okay.

- Thorgy Thor.

- I got totally confused

when you didn't say
anything about the booze.

- There were too many ideas.

- Chi Chi DeVayne.

- We just had
to push you a little bit

for you to be in your skin.

- Just be you.

Honey, that's why we sent you
a plane ticket.

- Bob The Drag Queen
and Derrick Barry.

- I would love to see

a fully realized
glamasaurus rex.

- Okay.

- Don't just give us
that same old pretty makeup.

Show us something
completely different.

- Condragulations.

You are both the winners
of this week's challenge.

- Chi Chi DeVayne,
shantay, you stay.

- Thorgy Thor.

Sashay away.

[relaxed music]

¶ ¶

- Mmm.

- Whoo, mama.

- Goodness.

- Girl.
- Poor Thorgy.

- I cannot believe
that all happened.

- That was a--
that was a rough one.

- That was, like,
so emotional.

- "Please take down Bob.

She's terrible."

- [laughs]
- "Anyway, love you guys.

"Top three,
Naomi, Bob and Deryk.

That was shady.

- There you have it, girl.
- Whoa, that was really shady.

Damn, Thorgy.

But you're not here anymore,

so I guess it really
doesn't matter, huh?

- I thought we had
a special connection.

- Well, you realize
that's so typical Thorgy.

I mean,
that's my homegirl.

I was so excited to see her
when I got here.

And I was sad to see her go.

Even though she got
competitive with me,

that's Thorgy.

I love her anyway.

And I really am gonna miss her.

That was a lip-sync
for the ages, mama.

- That was epic.

- I'm at a loss for words,

'cause it was so unexpected.

Child, I'm gonna erase
this shit.

Real talk, y'all?

Derrick's ass should've
been lip-synching tonight,

and I know I'm not
the only girl

that's thinking it.

- When they said that
Derrick was in the top,

I was like, "Okay,
I did not see that."

- That's where her jealousy
kicked in.

- Purely based
on the runway look,

I think Derrick should've
been in the bottom.

Derrick's black-and-white

looked like he stepped

out of the thrift store
bargain sale day.

- Bob and I
smeared the shit

out of each other
like Ru told us to do,

so I felt like Bob and I won.

I think the other queens,
those b*tches better be scared,

because now I'm competition.

Oh, you didn't win a challenge?

Oh, I did?

And I didn't have to do
anything Britney to win.

- I think it was your ensemble

that they read you for.

Your outfit.

- Yeah, I think that's
where all the negative was.

And they want you to start
carving yourself.

- It's just funny to me,
because this is my drag.

- First let's start with
blocking those brows down

and changing your paint.

Derrick paints
like a real woman would paint,

and that's not drag.

- The thing is, they have seen
this look from you,

so I think they want to see

something else you can do
with a higher arch brow--

- Yeah, and I get that.
I get that,

that I really didn't
change my makeup

besides doing black and white,

but I wanted to look
like an old movie star.

- I'll tell you this.

If they tell you to do
more draggy, block that brow.

- Yeah.
- Bring it up to your g*dd*mn

f*ckin' hairline.
- Right.

If I come out, and I do not
have my brow raised,

there is no excuse
for me to be here.

- Derrick talking about
she gonna change her makeup,

do this, do that.

Like, girl, we've been telling
you that from the beginning.

Like, what the f*ck?

- Oh, my goodness.

- Girl, it is too damn late.

[dramatic music]

- Oh!

- Bye, boo-boo.

[car engine starts]
- ¶ RuPaul Drag Race ¶

- The winner
of "RuPaul's Drag Race"

receives a one-year supply

of Anastasia
Beverly Hills cosmetics

and a cash prize
of $100,000.

With extra special
guest judges

David and Amy Sedaris!

- ¶ RuPaul Drag Race ¶

- ¶ May the best woman ¶

¶ Best woman win ¶

¶ You wear it well ¶

¶ French tip, lipstick,
painted on ¶

- Oh!

- Whoo!

Fantastic five!

- [laughs]

- Today is gonna be
super important

because the crown is so close
you can taste it,

and you do not
want to be that bitch

that got sent home so close.

[siren wails]
all: Whoo, girl.

She done already done
had herses.

- Now, they say you can't
judge a book by its cover.


You need to grow
a spine, girlie.

Be a real page-turner.

And for the love of God,

don't forget to tuck
your bookworm.

- Hello, hello, hello.

all: Hi!

- Ladies, at this point
in the competition,

you're family.

And sometimes, to bring sisters
closer together,

it's good to do
some family role-playing.

And we're gonna do it
with puppets.

[cheers and applause]


all: 'Cause everybody
loves puppets.

- Everybody love puppets.


Pick a puppet that represents
one of your competitors,

and drag it up.

First up, Kim Chi.

- All right, girl.
- Dig deep for a puppet.

Who is it?

- Chi Chi.

- Oh, no.

- All right, next up,
Chi Chi DeVayne.

Oh, dear.

- [gasps]

- It's--

- Derrick Barry.


- I have Bob The Drag Queen.

- They gave me hair.

That was nice.


- Next up, Derrick Barry.

- Ooh!

- The hair!


- I got Naomi.

- All right, Naomi.

Vogue over to the hole.

- Kack-k-k-kack
ka-kack-ka-kack, pow.

- Derrick Barry.

- It's gonna be even worse
than her snatch game.

- All right, Bob, you're up.

- Kim Chi!
- Yay!

- Look at Kim Chi go.

Oops! Oh, no!

Oh, shit!

- All right, ladies.

You have 20 minutes
to drag up your puppets.


- All right!

[upbeat music]

- I need the tiniest lashes
possible for Derrick.

- Wow.
I wear 301s, c**t.

- Okay, let me get the fabric
that is the cheapest,

without a sparkle, for Naomi.

- Because I don't have
to rely on fabric.

- You do have to rely on
your body, though, apparently.

- Oh, snap.

Derrick and Naomi,

I think they're getting
tired of each other.

- Wow.
- Remember, honey.

I paint for
the Las Vegas stage,

where you actually have
to look like someone.

You just have
to look like Raven.

- No, I have my own
drag aesthetic.

It's called Naomi Smalls.

- Mmm.
It's called Naomi Smalls?

Keep giving me material, honey.

- Ooh!

- Time's up, ladies.

Let the bitch fest begin.

Coming to the stage, Kim Chi.

I used to be 350 pounds.

And what did you
get down to?


Oh, my God!

Condragulations, girl.

Well, the camera adds
ten pounds.

I ate, like, seven cameras.

Do you have a bit
of a speech impediment?

Speech impediment?
Oh, my God!

Kim, this is ridiculous.

Thank you.
Bye, Kim.

Oh, f*ck.

- All right, this is Kim Chi.

And--oh, Chi Chi,
you're still here.


Ooh, um, the judges keep
telling you the word titties,

and all I can see
is your boy nipples.

I'm a cheap queen.

Let's talk about
your two-inch heels.


They coming to the stores,
I paid 100 bucks.

When I saw the bag,
it said $14.99.

Why does your hair bump
never blend in to your hairline?

- Bitch, my hair is blended in.

Most of the time, girl.

- See, I told you,
I'm a cheap queen.

- So, Naomi, I'm wondering.

Is this your roller girl look,
neon look,

or Madonna kimono look?

They're all the same.


[dopey music]

- No, ma'am.

I have never looked like that
in my entire life.

I would never wear some
shake and go Beyoncé wig.

- There's one thing
I do want to talk--

Ooh, you're doing
a split, girl.

That's the most talented thing

I think I've seen you do
on this competition.

- Damn, Derrick,
you are cutting deep, bitch.

This is a puppet show.

Kids are here.
- The one thing

I want to talk to you about
is your snatch game.

Your New York was really bad.

- Damn, shady.

- Oh, Flavor Flav!

No, you didn't!

Okay, try to do that.

Oh, Flavor Flav.

Oh, no, you didn't.

- Derrick, does it hurt,
me having my hand inside you?

No, I'm used to sitting on
two dicks at one time.


- Derrick and Naomi,
they're like Tom and Jerry.

Like NeNe Leakes
and Kim Zolciak.

- Derrick,
tell me about your drag.

Well, I don't really
have a drag style.

There is no Derrick Barry.

There is Britney Spears.

But I hand-sewed
this piece of fabric

that's just buttoned up
around my waist.

- That sucked.

- Hey, everybody.

I'm Bob The Drag Queen.

Hey, Bob, how you doing?

I'm doing well.
I talk a lot.

I work at every club
in New York.


I have a big mouth!

I think I'm all that,

even though my wigs
look like Chi Chi's.


Jokes, jokes, jokes,
jokes, jokes, jokes, jokes.

So what are you gonna do
when you run out of jokes?

I know what I'll do.

Walk into the club purse first.


Walk into the club purse first.

New York, baby!


- Wow.

So you b*tches
just didn't hold anything back,

did you?

The winner
of today's mini challenge is...

Chi Chi DeVayne.

- Whoa!
[cheers and applause]

- I never lose a challenge.


- All right, ladies.

For this week's maxi challenge,

we're having a book ball.

- [laughs]
Oh, word.

- Now, in honor
of our guest judge,

author and humorist
David Sedaris...


I'm challenging you
to put together

three different looks

that tell the story
of your life.

First category is
Baby Drag Realness.

You know, when you were
five years old,

and you slipped
on those first pair of heels?

Second category is
That's My Mama Realness.

A drag look that pays tribute
to your own sweet mama.

Third category is

Eleganza Extravaganza!

A couture creation
made entirely...

out of books.

- Ooh.
- Oh.

- #RuPaulBookBall.


For your first two looks,

you can use clothes,
shoes, and accessories

from the Out of the Closet
Thrift Store.

Gentleman, start your engines,

and may the best woman win!

[cheers and applause]

- Is that really how I sound?

How Derrick did my puppet?

- Is that really how I sound?

You're like Paris Hilton.

It's just like
giving me one note.

- Damn.

- I actually thought
that was very clever.

- You're not mad at it?
- No.

- Oh, cool.
- Not at all.

Bitch, I have tough skin.

- It looks like it.

- [scoffs]

You really testing out that
tough skin, ain't you, girl?

- And Derrick has thin hair.

- Ha-ha!
- [squeals]

- Wow.

I also have a career
with my wigs on.

You'll have a career once
you start gluing yours down.

- Baby.

- Popcorn.

- The fun thing
about Naomi is

she only has one thing to say.

And then she has
to think for, like,

hours to come with another read.

- [crunches]

- I have one thing to say.

I'm not that smart.

- Whoa.

- Were you upset by my puppet?

- I honestly don't remember
what you said.

- Everything was factual.

- [laughs]

- Why do you guys
hate each other?

Can't you guys just get along?
God damn it.

- I do not hate Derrick.

I do not like his drag.

- This is getting intense.

- You don't hate me;
you just hate my drag.

- There, exactly.
- Yeah.

- It's gonna
get severe up in here!


It's gonna get severe
up in here.

Gat, gat, boom!

- Derrick and Naomi

are starting World w*r III
in this bitch.

Y'all is going for blood

The shit has hit the fan,

- Coming up...

Do you know
how to do glamazon drag?

- I want to show up
in a leotard.

- We're looking for your story.

Who are you?

- I'm Naomi Smalls.

- Right.

- [laughing]

- [laughing]

- This week's challenge
is the Book Ball.

We have to come up
with three looks.

So we have Baby Drag,
a mama look, and Book Drag,

where we have to design
a high fashion costume

out of books.

- Watch out
for the paper cuts, ladies.

- Hey, sexy librarians.

all: Hi!

- Hi, Derrick Barry.
- Hi, Ru.

- You're cutting up my book.
- I know.

My Eleganza Extravanganza

is taking elements of your book

and mixing them
with famous paintings.

Because I feel like
celebrity female impersonation

is such an art form.
- Right.

But you've come
under a lot of fire

in terms of aesthetic.

And also last week, the judges
called you out on your makeup,

specifically to make
it look more draggy.

'Cause you paint.
You just paint what's there.

Do you know how to paint
an illusion on your face?

- Yes.

I will definitely be
giving you a brow.

- Yes, darling.
- Definitely, darling.

- If the judges
want me to wipe my eyebrow out

and draw on a new one,
I'm gonna do that.

I'm ready to take a risk,

and I want to show the judges

I came here
to really challenge myself.

- Why, Chi Chi DeVayne.

- Hey, Ru the Q.

- What are you gonna do
for your Mama Drag look?

- My mother,
to me she's high glam.

She always wears platinum
blonde hair, long eyelashes.

She loves leopard.
She's a party girl.

I definitely get my ability
to dance from my mom.

I didn't realize it
until we went to,

like, a wedding one time.

Lady know how to cut a rug.

- Now, tell me this.

What are you gonna do
for your Eleganza Extravaganza?

- I'm the unconventional queen.

I've worked with paper before,

so I'm just going
to wow you guys.

- Well, Chi Chi,
remember what was said

last week.

We want Chi Chi.

Now, we want
an elevated Chi Chi.

We want you to be refined.

We say country,
that's not a bad word.

- Yeah.
- It's flavor.

Savor in it.

- Okay.
- Bask in it.

Never be ashamed of it.

- I'm realizing
that country is in.

So I guess I got
to heighten what I do.

I just want to pull it off.

I want to do good.

- Well, hello there, Bob.
- Hey, RuPaul.

- Now, last week, the judges,
Michelle, specifically,

called you out to see
if you could do glamazon drag.

- I'm gonna go glamorous
for my book look.

So I'm taking this corset.

I've already got
three pieces glued down.

Look at me go.
- Uh-huh. Uh-huh.

- Do a corset
that kind of branches out,

goes past the bosoms.
- Yes.

- Then I'm gonna do
like a gradient color.

- Well, 'cause you know,

calls your drag ratchet drag.

- Yeah.

- I am in love with
the way you look tonight.

Less ratchet, more fashion.

- Do you call your drag
ratchet drag?

- I've never called it ratchet,
but that term doesn't offend me.

- Is that a conscious decision?

- It's a conscious decision.

'Cause if you come
to one of my shows,

it's like me
on stage by myself

for an hour and a half.

And if I'm gonna be in, like,
a gown with huge earrings

and big old sculpted up-do,

by the time my show's done,
my eyebrows become my moustache,

I'm sweating.
See what I mean?

So I'm gonna show up
in a leotard.

- You're so confident.

What scares you?

- My mom got sick recently.

She has, like, a chronic
and really rare form

of pneumonia called BOOP,
which sounds cute,

but it's not
that cute, actually.

I got the scariest call,

which is like,
"You need to come here."

I was, like, really freaked out.
- Yeah, yeah.

- My mom had been
very physically fit,

and then she was just,
like, skinny and frail, and,

like, her hair was falling out.

And she couldn't do anything.

Like, anything.

- Wow.

- I mean, it was really hard
to see my mom like that.

[somber music]

¶ ¶

All of the things
in my life that,

like, make me a good person are

because my mom
taught me to do it.

I don't have a lot of people
like my mom in my family.

[crying softly]

f*ckin' got me, you bitch.

- Wow.
That's pretty rough.

What do you think your mom
would think about you

in this competition?

- [laughs]

My mom thinks
I'm the best ever.

My mom is the funniest
person I know.

My mom is my hero,

and she showed me
that you can do anything.

More importantly,
come through anything.

- All right.

Well, I want to see
gorgeous Bob The Drag Queen.

- Note taken.
- All right.


- Here we go, girl.

- Hi, Naomi.
- Hi, Ru.

- Now, this is of course
an autobiographical challenge.

- Yes.
- We're looking for your story.

Who are you?

- I'm Naomi Smalls.

- Yeah, that's kind of vague.

I want more.

How are you going to insert
more of you into this challenge?

- My mom is such a huge part
of who I am.

I'm such a huge fan of hers.

- And she had how many kids?

- She had one
in her first marriage,

and my dad had two
in his first marriage,

and they got together
and they had one,

and then eight
of them are adopted.

- And that is...
- That's 12.

- 12.

- For That's My Mama Realness,

I want to portray
what a classic beauty my mom is.

She doesn't need huge hair
and big diamonds.

She doesn't need anything
to amp her up.

She just knows she's perfect
in my eyes.

- Now, a few weeks ago,

you were almost fading
into the background.

- Right.
- But you came up from behind

and just knocked 'em dead.

- Well, I'm actually
kind of thankful

that I was in the bottom two,

because it literally lit a fire
underneath my ass.

This is what I want to do,
and I should just

f*ckin' bring it
every single time.

- Well, you know, two weeks ago,
it was a design challenge

that you won.
- Mm-hmm.

- And I want
that same excitement

from you in this challenge.

- I'm just nervous,
because the judges

like what I'm doing so far,

and I don't want to give them
any reason to doubt me.

I want to prove to them
that I'm not a one-hit wonder.

- Well, I can't wait to see
what you're going to do.

- Thank you, Ru.
- Get back to work.

- Hi, Kim Chi.
- Hi, Ru.

- You're a design queen.
- Yes, I am.

- So this is something
you can sink your teeth into.

What are you planning?

- With all three of the runways,

it's kind of like
a visual fairy tale.

So I'm going to start off
as a little sprout.

- Uh-huh.
- And through drag,

I blossom into the artist

that I'm going to become.
- Wow.

So, now, this challenge
has a part

that pays homage
to your mother.

What is that gonna look like?
- Oh, my gosh.

So this one I'm really
excited about.

I brought a traditional
Korean hanbok,

because my mother
taught me to be proud

of who I am and my heritage.

- It's something
your mother has worn before?

- Yes.
- Has she seen you in drag?

- She doesn't know
that I do drag.

- What?
- I know.

My mom thinks I'm
a makeup artist.

- You know she's gonna
see this show.

Are you afraid?
- I am a bit afraid

that she might see
all of this as,

like, a waste of time.

I just want my mom
to be able to be proud of,

like, everything that I do.

You know, the person
that I am today.

- You think she doesn't
know that already?

- I don't think so, no.

- Hmm.

[plaintive music]

- Have you never
shown her that side of you?

- Not really,
'cause I just

don't like being
vulnerable with my mom.

- Right.
- 'Cause then she might think

that I'm a weak person,

and I want to portray myself
as anything but that.

- I think that Kim
should tell her mom.

'Cause I feel like
if you're not really

opening yourself up
to your family,

then you're robbing them
of the experience

of getting to know

and experience you
for who you are.

I mean, in theory, I know Kim

better than her f*ckin' mom
knows her.

That's not fair.

- Is that why you got
so emotional on the runway

when you were being critiqued?

- I felt like I tried my best,
but it just didn't work out.

So I just got really frustrated.

- I just felt
like there was a sense of shame

when you broke down.

Somehow they're
all linked together.

I'm not sure how.

And that's what I'm
trying to get at.

- I'm very hard on myself
about being perfect.

Especially growing up,

because I wasn't
the model child,

and I was the "artistic" one.

And last week's performance
was a letdown,

because I feel like
my mom probably

wouldn't be proud
of what I did.

- I just want to do really well
in this competition.

- You have done really well.
It's top five.

You are so talented.

Everybody knows that about you.

But do you know it?

- I know it, yeah.
- But do you own it?

- I will own it.
- Will own it?

After this challenge,
or later this--

- No, right now. I will own it.
- Okay.

I need you to really
hear yourself say that,

because that's the key
to this competition.

If you see it,
we can see it, you know?

All right, get back to work.

- Thank you.

- Ladies!

Gather round.

Now, listen,
I've got good news.

Tomorrow on the main stage,

in addition to
David Sedaris,

we will be joined
by his twisted sister...

- [gasps]

- Actress and author
Amy Sedaris will be here.

[cheers and applause]

Oh, right, and there's
one more thing.

In addition
to your three Book Ball looks,

you'll be performing
an opening number.

A tribute
to Amy's comedy classic,

"Strangers With Candy"

in full
Jerri Blank-inspired drag.


- That's gonna be ridiculous.

- So Chi Chi,
you won the mini challenge,

so you're in charge
of the choreography.

- [laughter]

- So good luck,

you boozers, users, and losers.

And don't f*ck it up.

Coming up...

- Let's start
from the beginning.


Got it?

- No.

- We down to the top five.

I ain't finna correct her.

- Thrown in jail, wow.

- So Kim Chi.

- I'm worried that
I might lose this challenge.

- [laughing]

- [laughing]

[upbeat music]

- All right.
- Down to production.

- For today's challenge,

we have to come up
with three different looks

for the Book Ball
and a dance number.

It's a tribute
to Jerri Blank,

the character Amy Sedaris
plays on the TV show

"Strangers With Candy."

It's about embodying
this particular character.

- Chi Chi, you don't even
need the teeth in.

- Oh, damn.

- I told y'all she says
shady shit all the time.

- Oh, we can't say things
in jest?

- Let's start
from the beginning.

We're gonna have--


Got it?

- No.

- Okay, let's do it again.

- Wait. So when I--
I get to the end,

I do it step turn this way?

- Why not for this time
you stand behind me,

so you can actually see someone
doing it in front of you?

- Okay, that sounds much better.


- Ready, and--


¶ ¶

Got it?

- There's the walking.

It's literally,
walk, walk, walk, turn.

- Oh, God.

- Start over.

- Hey, hey,
I've got something to say.

I was a teenage runaway.

Thrown in jail.

- So Kim Chi.

- I'm worried that
I might lose this challenge

just because I can't dance,
and I don't want that to happen.

- Come on, let's do it again.

I'ma watch it
this time, guys.

- I was a teenage runaway,

I was a boozer
and a user

and don't forget, a loser!

- Bob can actually dance.

I don't know
why she plays it down

that she's just a comedian.

Girl can dance.

But I don't know how
these other girls are gonna do.

I don't know, girl.

- I was a big fan of the pole.

Also love the hole.

- Naomi, she's still modeling,

she's still voguing,

and oh,

oh, and oh.

She's not kind of channeling

that ugliness of Jerri Blank.

- You're walking like a model.

And I need you to walk
like Jerri Blank.

Yeah, think a hunchback.
- There you go.

- Yeah.
- She has a FUPA.

- Think scoliosis,
like you had in high school.

- I actually have no idea

who the f*ck is Jerri Blank.

What's "Strangers With Candy"?

Somebody please tell me.


- Think, like, first
of all, do this face,

and then come down and--


- Derrick is doing this,
like, weird thing.

She's playing like a f*ckin'

caveman almost.

I don't know what
the f*ck she's doing.

- This is the sexiest
you've ever looked.

- We down to the top five.

I ain't finna correct her.

- [sighs]
- Whoo.

- So we're back
in the work room,

and it's crunch time.

- Make it or break it right now.

- We have a short
amount of time,

so it's work, work, work.

[sewing machine whirring]

- I'm nervous
about this challenge.

I'm trying to prove
that I can be glamorous.

But this is not
my field of expertise.

I don't work with unconventional
materials at home.

This is very stressful.

It's a lot of shit.
- Yeah.

- Yeah, there's
just so much to do.

This is, like, crazy.

- For my book drag,
I decided to use cardboard.

Because I want, like,
a really structured dress.

I'm taking
some very bold moves.

I'm not sewing anything.

- Thank God.

- All hot glue and spray paint.

- I mean, well, bitch,
somebody got to go home.

- [chuckling]
Oh, yeah.

- Bob's using more cardboard

than she is books.

That's not the challenge.

Honey, you got it all wrong.

You're in for a rude awakening,

- Coming up...

- I think
you're gonna take great photos,

but that does not take talent.

- Bitch, glue down your brows,
and then I'll glue down my lace.

- Oh, shit.

- I'm here in this room with you
right now,

in the top five.

- Ooh!

The library has opened again.

- [laughing]

- [laughing]

- For today's maxi challenge,

we're getting ready
for the Book Ball.

This challenge is
literally super-important,

because it decides
who makes the top four.

It's a huge deal.

- So, do you guys feel,
like, a lot of pressure

about being top five
and having to perform well?

- I think it would suck
especially to go home right now.

'Cause it's literally
so close you can taste it.

- Do you think you
hands-down deserve to win?

- Yeah.

I think everyone
should have that mentality.

- Agreed.
- Most definitely.

- Why do you think
you deserve to win?

- I've got the best grades
in school.

- But when you look at
RuPaul's beauty and grace,

do you feel
like you possess that,

because I don't see,
in the past winners,

the beauty that they have.

- Damn.

- That bitch
just called you ugly.

- No, no, no.

I've just never heard them
ever say to a previous winner

that they did ratchet drag.

- All the queens
think that I can't be glamorous

because Michelle called me
ratchet one time, in a good way.

And it's all they can cling to,
especially Derrick.

You keep thinking ratchet drag
means something bad.

Ratchet and like, this idea
of somebody being raggedy

are not the same thing.

- But Bob, I've seen,
like, your videos online,

and I think you're very funny,

but, like, the first thing
I thought was, like,

she literally wears lips
and lashes.

- Whoo.

- I guess,
but I mean, I do my thing.

You know, people
will come to my show.

- I just think, like,
makeup is very important

because the moment people
look at you,

that's the first thing you see.
- Yeah.

- I also want to say,

my makeup's
not that f*ckin' bad.

- Ooh.

- You guys act like I have,
like, the worst makeup

in "Drag Race" history.

Granted, it's not the best.

I am no makeup artist.

- I don't think
your makeup is terrible,

it just looks like
you're not wearing any.

- It's a bit of a shock,

people thinking
that my makeup is so bad,

'cause no one's ever
read me for my makeup.

- I don't think you even
try to, like,

add more dimensions
with your makeup.

- I do feel, though,
the judges say,

"Oh, I can see you're trying."

- I think the judges
are comparing Bob to himself.

But if you compare Bob
to me and Naomi,

Bob's makeup is nonexistent.

I'm not, you know, like,
putting your talents down.

But I just think, like,
if all people have to see

is, like, your pictures,
to, like, judge you--

- Because there is, like,
a standard with drag.

Especially "Drag Race."

You have to have your makeup
at a certain level.

You have to have your wigs
at a certain level.

- They're absolutely right.

I pay more attention
to my performances

than I do to my makeup.

But what matters is,
are you delivering a product

to people who want to buy it.

That's what matters.

So if your thing is beauty,

then yeah, beauty matters a lot.

But my goal is to be
an entertainer.

And I am an entertainer.

- I'm not saying that you should
just be beautiful,

and you should win
because it's a beauty pageant.

But you don't have to be
a f*ckin' stand-up comedian,

or just a live singer
or a dancer.

- Why you coming--
why you coming for me, bitch?

- There is definitely
a beauty standard

when it comes to drag.

You could be doing
an amazing death drop,

but it's not gonna be
as impressive

if you look a f*ckin'
busted mess.

- My name's Bennett,
and I'm not in it,

but I will say is I do think...

- You in it now, bitch.

- I think you need a talent

to not only win

but to make money in the future.

Like, I'm a dancer.

Everybody knows that I dance.

Everybody knows Bob does--

- Everything.

- Everybody knows.

- Whoo!

- Not makeup.

- I think you need
some kind of talent.

I mean, Naomi,
I look at you as a model.

- Oh!

- And to me,
that's the only that I've--

you know what I mean,
that I've seen.

That's what I get from you.
- Right, I agree.

I think you're
gonna take great photos,

but that does not take talent.

- Being a drag queen
is such a talent.

You are a performer.
You have to be a makeup artist,

you have to be a hairstylist,
you have to be--

- So if you're a hairstylist,

why haven't you glued down
your lace fronts?

- Oh, shit.
The library has opened again.

Insert shady rattlesnake
noise here.

Roo koo-koo-koo-koo-koo-koo-

- Bitch, glue down your brows,
and then I'll glue down my lace.

- I cannot wait
to see a shot of you

and have screen caps go around,
and it's just lifted lace.

- And you know
what yours is gonna be?

It's gonna be so much light
reflected off that forehead,

because there's
no brow on there.

- [laughs]

I love that you two
can't let it go.

Derrick, you and I are not
frenemies any more.

You two are almost enemies
at this point, girl.

- And I didn't get the challenge
to do my brows

until my last challenge.

- But the judges
told you to do that.

The judges haven't told me
to glue down my wigs yet.

They're telling you
to change up your makeup

and carve out your face.

- Do you not understand
what I do for a living?

I don't carve my face out.

There's no lines on my face.

That's not gonna look
like a female illusion.

That's going to look
like drag makeup.

Not one time
did they tell me

that my makeup is not good.

- And I'm telling you,
like, as a friend,

change up your makeup.

It's not me digging at you.

- There are some digs in there.


- But, Naomi,
why would I change my makeup

when I impersonate
Britney Spears for a living?

- And that's why it bugs me.

Because we're coming
into this competition,

and we're representing

We're not representing
a celebrity.

I feel like
I'm telling Derrick

what the judges
have been tiptoeing

around this entire time.

And literally someone just needs
to be blunt about it,

because Derrick
is not understanding it.

And even though Derrick
never really asked me,

but someone needs
to tell him the truth.

Who is Derrick Barry?

Chad came here
with his own aesthetic.

He wasn't doing Cher
the entire time.

- Chad had been doing drag
for years, and--

- And so have you.
- And not impersonating Cher.

- Okay.

Like, when you're coming
to represent you

as a drag queen,
not Britney Spears,

why wouldn't you come
as Derrick Barry?

- Being compared to
Britney Spears in the slightest

is the biggest compliment
in the world.

And if I have to change
my face to be myself,

then I'm not really
being myself.

I just think that you've been
upset with me doing well

in times where you didn't,

so you take digs at me
to make yourself feel better.

- I disagree with Derrick
saying that Naomi goes after him

because she's insecure.

Naomi sees Derrick's skill level

as not being up to par
with everybody else,

and that's why she's frustrated
that Derrick Barry's still here.

- Am I the first person
who's ever

said anything like this,
ever, to you?

- That has said
my makeup is not good?

- I didn't say
your makeup's not good.

It's just not drag.

- These are the most octaves
I've ever heard Naomi speak in,

that's for sure.

You get her excited, girl,

she becomes
Mariah Carey, honey.

- [laughs]

- I just have never said
that you don't belong here,

so for you to say
that I don't belong here--

- I never said
you don't belong here,

it's just that we literally--
- You did.

You said it bugs you
that I'm here.

- No, the thing
that bugs me is

that you are here
finding who you are,

this entire journey.

And we all came here
with our own f*ckin' aesthetic.

- Whoo!

- I'm here
in this room with you

right now in the top five.

- Okay.

I'm so annoyed.

[dramatic music]

- When's dinner?

¶ ¶

- [laughing]

- [laughing]

[upbeat music]


- Wow.

- Oh.

- We are getting ready
for the Book Ball.

And we are all feeling
the pressure.

This is the challenge
that is going to determine

who's gonna be
in the top four.

The heat is on.

- Is there anything
about the runway

that you're worried about?

- There's a chance
I might not use the bottom

of my outfit.

You know when you
spray paint something

but it's laying down,
then you lift it up

and things are showing that
weren't showing before?

- Yeah.

- But they want me
to be glamorous,

so I want to wear a gown.

- Short can be glamorous.

Glamorous just
doesn't mean like a mermaid,

like, long silhouette.

- Yeah, but she's like,
full-on glamour.

So I made this mermaid gown.

But it's hard to walk in,

and I think I can be glamorous

without wearing a dress
the size of Kentucky.

This is a risk
I'm willing to take.

- Derrick?
- Hi.

- My mirror's right here.

- I don't feel good about what
happened with Derrick yesterday.

I feel like my mom would've,

like, really, like,
slapped my hand about that.

And I'm gonna do everything
I can to bury the hatchet.

So if he needs a zip-up,
if he needs advice,

if he needs anything,

I will definitely be the one
to give it to him.

- I'm going to powder
and then glue again.

Is that what you do?

- Well, I don't cover my--

- Oh, you don't glue down,
that's right.

- But when it comes down to time
to shape, let me know.

- Yeah.

The judges have asked me,

so for the first time
in this competition,

I am blocking out my brows.


I am going for
three different brow looks.

I just want to show
that I'm comfortable

being a different character
out there.

I want my brow like here,
and then out.

Does that sound right?

- No.

- I'm proud
that he's trying

to give the judges
something new,

but he only wants to ask me
about his eyebrows,

and changing up your face

is so much more
than just eyebrows.

But I'm giving Derrick space,

because I don't
want him to think

that I'm coming for him
about his makeup.

- What are you doing
for your mom look?

- She wore this blue dress
in our family photo,

and I did a take on that,

but it's more sheer.

- Uh-huh.
What's your relationship like?

- My mom was
great growing up.

She was my best friend.

When I came out to her
when I was 19,

that's when everything changed.

When I came out to my mom,

I thought she would embrace me
with open arms.

And I got the complete
opposite reaction.

The only thing she said was,

"Do you mind
if I keep this under my hat?"

- When she said that,
did you take, like,

super offense?

- I, like, shut down.

I wish I had not told her.

Her opinion changed of me,

and my opinion had changed
of her at that point, you know?

- Damn.

- That's why I have a lot
of empathy for Kim Chi.

Because I know that when a kid

feels broken down
by their parents,

it's something that will always
be in the back of their mind.

And I feel like my mom broke me,

and I just never--

I never got put back together.

- How's your relationship
now with your mom?

- It's better.

My mom has always
been a believer in my talent,

and taught me to sh**t
for the stars.

And the worst that can happen
is you land on the moon.

- I love it.
You got a great mom, kid.


Let me see?

Look at me,
straight on.


- Like, that is.


That's relaxed.

- Oh my goodness, girl.


That's all I can say is,
"Ooh, my goodness."


- You look so different.

I mean, a completely
different person.

- Really?

- Everyone clowns me
for my makeup skills,

but it's not as bad as Derrick.

It is bad.

I'm seeing tremendous effort
and fearlessness,

and on the other hand,

I'm seeing someone's dad
doing drag for the first time.

Welcome to the stage.

- Really?
- Yeah.

- I feel like I drew
this one higher to offset that.

- Coming to this competition,
I think Derrick should have

practiced covering his brows

at least once,
because perfecting

your drag makeup
takes a long time,

and trying to achieve that,
all of that in two hours?

- Oh, my God.

[music notes burst

¶ ¶

["Cover Girl"
by RuPaul playing]

- [laughs]

¶ Cover Girl,
put the bass in your walk ¶

¶ Head to toe,
let your whole body talk ¶

And, what?


Welcome to the main stage
of "RuPaul's Drag Race."

It's the author of
"Diva Rules," Michelle Visage.

- AKA, the gay bible.

- And the author
of "Man Up," Ross Mathews.

- It's the new "Moby d*ck."

- Emphasis on the d*ck.

The author of "Let's Explore
Diabetes with Owls,"

David Sedaris is here.

- There are 54,000 words
in this.


- If I could only read.


And, the author
of "Simple Times:

Crafts for Poor People,"
Amy Sedaris.

- It's mostly pictures.

Illiteracy is hilarious.


- And I didn't even
get to plug my book...


"Workin' It."


- Work those nails, girl.

- This week,
we challenged our queens

to tell their stories
in three different looks.

But first, they're paying
tribute to the sick

and sickening Jerri Blank.

- [laughs]

- Gentlemen, start your engines.

And may the best woman win.

- Coming up...

- I see you trying harder
than anyone else.

- You've just
outdone yourself tonight.

- I completely disagree.

- [laughing]

- [laughing]

[jaunty music]

¶ ¶

- ¶ Hey, hey,
I've got something to say ¶

¶ I was a teenage runaway ¶

¶ I was a boozer and a user ¶

¶ And don't forget a loser ¶

¶ Oh, I'm a big fan
of the pole ¶

¶ But I also love the hole ¶


¶ It's got to be tight ¶

¶ I was a hooker down to tango ¶

¶ Hobo camp was a fandango ¶

¶ Thrown in jail like a fool ¶

¶ But now I'm back
in high school ¶

¶ Oh, I even stole a TV ¶

¶ Did some crack cocaine ¶

¶ Stole a kidney ¶

¶ And I sold a white baby ¶

¶ I'm Jerri,
yeah, I'm Jerri ¶

¶ That's me ¶

¶ Yeah! ¶

[cheers and applause]

- Let's get
this Book Ball rolling.

Category is Baby Drag Realness.

First up, Kim Chi.

- Big shoes to fill.

- On a blazing
August day,

Kim sprouted
from her mother soil,

full of hairy bushes.

And as she was
watered with beauty,

this little flower
began to grow.

- You've got to sissy that walk,
baby Kim Chi.

- The funny thing is that's
how she walks in her real heels.

- Next up, Naomi Smalls.

- Lady Di-aper.

- As a very young boy,

I found a "Vogue" magazine
my mom had on her night table,

and it was high fashion
daydreams from there.

In my head,
I was prancing on a runway

in front of Anna Wintour.

A supermodel was born.

- It Depends.

- But she sure has Poise.

- Up next, we've got
Bob the Baby Drag Queen.

Why, that's
the biggest pearl necklace

I've ever seen.

- When I was just a little boy,
I asked my mother,

"What will I be?

"Am I going to be pretty?

Am I going to be rich?"

And here's what she said to me.

"You'll be a drag queen,


- She's working
that Pebble Flintstones couture.

- Next, we've got Derrick Barry.

- She changed her eyebrows.

- When I was a little boy,

I would pretend
I was the Little Mermaid

every time I took a bath.

The towels were both my gown
and my hair all in one.

I was a princess in training
to become a queen.

- Seaman lover.

- Yeah.

- Next, Baby Chi Chi.

- My grandmother
would tell my mom, "Girl,

you got something
on your hands,"

especially when she used to
catch me in her fabulous wigs.

Not much has changed now.

My mom still has something big
on her hands.

A big ol' drag queen.

- Not the mama!

Got to love me.


- Category is
That's My Mama Realness.

Kim Chi.

- Kim Chi's mother determined
what she thought was best.

And that prevented Kim
from blossoming.

However, her mother
had to release her seed

in the wind for Kim

to be the botanical sensation
she always wanted to become.

- A botanical sensation?

- Weed whacker.

- It's a weed whacker, exactly.

Naomi Smalls.

- My mom, June,
wanted nothing

more than to have
a large, happy family,

no matter the ethnicity

or gender.

All 12 of her kids
have their own glam shot

with mother dearest.

I guess that's
where I get my talent

for posing
and love for classic beauty.

Thanks, Mom.

- Christina Darling.

Bob the Drag Queen.

- Martha Caldwell.

She can make a power suit
from New York & Company

look like Saks Fifth Avenue.

She also sacrificed.

When we would go get
a Happy Meal,

she would give me
her adult-size fries and drink.

And that's what moms do.

- Viola Davis.

Why is your penis
on a dead girl's phone?

- Yes!

- Derrick Barry.

- I always imagined
that Sally Field

would play
my mom, Laura,

in the movie of my life,

because my mom
was just as pretty

as Sally was
in "Steel Magnolias."

My favorite thing my mom wore
was a light blue dress

in our family photo.

I'm reimagining her
in it as a nightgown,

and on the night
I was conceived.

No wonder my dad
hit that baby one more time.

- Oh, this is the story
of their lives.

- And they have to go back
to move forward.

- Chi Chi DeVayne.

Ooh, girl.

- Pop on those lashes
and slip on them high heels.

That's the motto in which
Albertine lives.

My mama is
the original glamazon.

Miss Tina.

That's what they call her.

And raising three kids
on her own,

she's the definition
of a true baller.

- Ooh, miss got the body.

- Yeah.

Don't make me take
my rings off.


¶ ¶

- ¶ The realness ¶

Category is Autobiographical
Eleganza Extravaganza.

First up, Kim Chi.

- Kim Chi has finally blossomed
into the floral centerpiece,

and now she's not afraid
to showcase who she really is.

Bold and daring, avant-garde
and unpredictable.

Come experience
her ever-blossoming beauty.

- She's a real page-turner.

- She's making it easy
to read her, honey.

- She needs to edit the outfit.


- Naomi Smalls.

- As Naomi Smalls,

I was blessed
with two legs and a heart,

and I'm not afraid
to show them to the world.

What you see now

is the embodiment of everything
I've ever wanted to be.

- Cher.

- I think I see her bookmarks.

- Isn't she filing
for chapter 11?


- Bob The Drag Queen.

Not to be confused
with Bob The Librarian.

- It's not about being
the prettiest

or wearing the best dress.

It's about taking huge risks,

learning from your mistakes,

and taking advice from people
who've done it already.

I may make waves.

I may rock the boat.

But damn it,
we're gonna make it to shore.


- Hope you like short stories.

- She has a spastic semicolon.

- Is that what that is?


- Derrick Barry.
- Oh.

- Ooh!
- Oh.

- In 2003, Halloween
brought out the drag in me.

For the first time,
I dressed as Britney Spears.

It introduced me
to the bright lights

of Las Vegas,

which unleashed
my inner showgirl on stages

all around the world.

Coming to a theater near you.


- That's glossy right there.

- She tore a page from my book.

And she's wearing it.

Several pages.

Chi Chi DeVayne.

- I'm Chi Chi DeVayne,

and I've always been a queen

who uses what she has,

whether it be paper
or plastic trash bags.

- [laughs]

- So look out, girls,

here comes a little
country queen

with dreams
of ruling the world.

She's guaranteed
to be a best seller.

- Paper shredder.
- Shredding that runway.

- Have you shred
any good books lately?


¶ The realness ¶

Coming up...

- Miss Underdog 2016.

- What a glamorous mother.

- My mom would be so proud.

- I don't know that
you're at this level.

- [sobbing]

- [laughing]

- [laughing]

- Welcome, ladies.

It's time for
the judges' critiques.

First up, Kim Chi.

- I love your eye makeup.

I'd love to see what
your sink looks like afterwards.


I felt something from each look,

and couldn't wait
for you to come out.

- I think you were the only one
that actually had

a continuing storyline.

It was the artistry
I expect from you.

You've just
outdone yourself tonight.

- Thank you so much.

- Up next, Naomi Smalls.

- With the Jerri Blank,
I don't know how you did it,

but you still were beautiful.

- [laughs]

- Every look tonight,
you were the star of the show.

Looks like you could wear that
on a red carpet.

I love that it's so exaggerated.

To me, that is drag.

- And what a beautiful,
glamorous mother.

I like the story

of having all these children
of different ethnicities,

and still loving each other
and not judging.

- I think that she's such
a beautiful woman to me.

I--I love her so much.

Um, I just hope she's
proud of me, 'cause I love her.

- Do you have a message
you want to say to your mother?

- Thank you for everything
you've ever done.

And I hope I can repay you
for the rest of my life.

I'm sorry.


- Thank you so much.
- Thank you.

Up next, Bob The Drag Queen.

- I thought
in the baby challenge,

you actually looked

like you weren't trying
to be too pretty about it.

You just seemed real to me.

And I thought you did
a great job reading your script.

It sounded really enthusiastic
and flowed really well.

- Tonight I challenged
you to be glamorous.

- Mm-hmm.

- I think that
you're most of the way there.

I think your makeup
looks pretty,

and I think your body's
always on point.

But I am not
getting book at all.

I'm getting cardboard.

- Well,
there is some cardboard in here,

but I don't have
any pages from my book.

- Why not?

- Well, I had this mermaid
bottom that had pages,

but once I finally saw it,

I was like,
mmm, it's a little much.

- But you took off the part
that actually is the challenge.

- Well, I'm still wearing books,
I'm just not wearing pages.

It's a book.

- Okay.

- Don't listen to them.

Yeah, maybe it's not made
out of the pages,

but I like the color,

and I like that it is different,
and it's kind of shingle-like.

You have beautiful legs,

and I love what you did
with your hair.

- I was going to wear a wig,
but I was like, uh.

- Right.

- Yeah.

- Thank you, Bob.
- Thank you.

- All right, up next.

Derrick Barry.

- I have seen what you've done
with your eyebrows.

I acknowledge that you're
trying something different.

But it's going to be
a journey for you.

This, tonight, for me,

I just thought
it was way too plain,

and way too basic.

- But I like that it looks
like you have a real vag*na.

- She does.
- Yeah.

- Yeah.
- My mom would be so proud.

- Oh, yeah?

- Derrick, I see you trying
harder than anyone else,

and that I applaud.

But I think
you're getting lost

in what we want.
- Okay.

- We want you to do you
at this level.

And I don't know
that you're at this level.

- All right, Chi Chi DeVayne.

- Your dress tonight is really
one of my favorites.

- Thank you, Jesus.

- Each one of these looks
told a story

that made me get
to know you a little bit better,

especially with your mom.

Your mom is giving me

"Real Housewife" of
I hope my neighborhood.


- Real Housewives of Shreveport.

- Yeah.

- Everything that you read,

your voice
just really super sized it.

And I think you have
my favorite line

of the evening,
was that

"I'm just a country girl
with dreams."


You just seemed really natural

and honest,

and I think you did
a great job with that.

- Ooh, thank you.

- I completely disagree.


- Thank you, Chi Chi,
and thank you, ladies.

Now, while you go and curl up

with a good book backstage,

the judges and I
will deliberate.

All right, now,

just between us
best-selling authors,

what do you think?

Kim Chi.

- Kim Chi is a walking
art exhibit.

And tonight there was
so much emotion

with the stories of her mom.

- Who doesn't, by the way,
know that she does drag.

- There was absolutely no joy
when she was her mother.

She conveys a lot to me
by not saying anything.

- Yeah, there's a lot
to read between the lines there.

When she did her voice-over,

the conviction
wasn't quite there.

There's still a tentative thing.

And I think once her mother
gets to meet her,

and they get over
that part of it,

Kim Chi will fully blossom.

Naomi Smalls.

- Miss Underdog 2016.
- Yes.

- I mean, who saw this coming?

I am filled with joy for her.

She's just come full circle,

and at 21 years old,
listening to direction.

- Yes.
- And pushing herself.

- Naomi is checking every box
for me.

She is checking fashion
She is checking glamour.

She is checking performance.

She is checking heartstrings.

Now I find myself
rooting for her.

But is it too late?

- I don't think it's too late.

At least she got there.
- Better late than never.

- It's like a period.
- What's that?

- Something I had
a long time ago.

- Bob The Drag Queen.

- Bob, I thought,
nailed Jerri Blank.

Out of everybody,
she had the character the best.

What I don't like is the fact

that she wore a cardboard dress,

and books are not made
of corrugated cardboard.

- Don't judge a book
by its cover.


You know, I didn't mind
the dress or the cardboard.

At least he added
some color to it.

And he made me laugh,
just looking at him.

- You can just tell
that he's funny.

The humor kind
of just rolls off of him.

- Derrick Barry.

- I will commend Derrick
on going all the way.

To a different species,
which was--

- Feces?
What'd you say?


You hear what
you want to hear.

- Exactly.

- Uh-huh.

- However, it was just bad,

bad night in general
for Derrick.

She had, like,
two lines for blush,

instead of being contoured
and buffed out.

This is a drag competition.

Come dimensional.

When she reimagined her mother
on a sexy night in a nightgown,

that convoluted story

I can't even put my head around.

This is all a
f*ckin' reach, okay?

The thing, you're on stage,
she glued your book to a corset

and put panties on
and she was done.

This was a miss tonight.
I'm sorry.

- Yes, Derrick's wasn't up
to par with the other girls,

but is anyone trying
harder than Derrick?

And that's got
to count for something.

- She's so willing
to receive the critique.

- But this is not the place
to find out who you are.

She's at her limit.

- Chi Chi DeVayne.

- Where Derrick
is getting our critiques

and getting lost in it,

Chi Chi is getting our critiques

and figuring it out.
And it's working.

This is when the horses
are rounding that--

I've never seen a horse race,
but when they go in there right

before they finish, and, like,
one of them sort of,

like, they start to separate?

- Yes, yes.
- This is that moment.

- Seabiscuit.

- Yes. She's--
- Yes.

- And I'm hung up on that horse.

- I thought her writing
was really good,

and I could listen
to hear talk forever.

She's just got such star power.

There's a genuineness

that flows off of her.
- Yes.

- For me, I'm gonna say
probably my favorite.

- Wow.

- Because neck and neck
with Kim Chi,

and what broke it was
the performance of Jerri,

took it over the top for me.

- But Kim Chi's mama drag,

it was so completely
compelling, so mournful

and so closeted, culturally.

And that, to me,
is real acting.

I just--completely
captivated by her.

- All right.


I've made my decision.

Bring back my...

[inhales deeply]


- [laughing]

- [laughing]

- Welcome back, ladies.

I've made some decisions.

Chi Chi DeVayne, this week
you shredded the runway.

You're safe.

Kim Chi.

Your botanical garden trilogy

is destined to be a best seller.

you are the winner

of this week's challenge.


- Thank you.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.

- You've won a $2,500 gift card
from Fabric Planet.

- Kamsahamnida.

I'm floating in air right now.

I'm in a cloud with unicorns,
riding through the rainbow.

I could just jump up and down,
'cause I'm so happy.

- Naomi Smalls.

You're safe.

You may join the other girls.

- Thank you, everybody.

- Bob The Drag Queen.

Derrick Barry.

I'm sorry, my dears,

but you're both
up for elimination.

- I'm not mad.
I'm like, "You're right."

I get it.

But I'm a little
disappointed in myself.

It's not a fun feeling.

- Mmm.

I feel like I let Ru down.

I do feel like
I'm in good company,

because Bob's
next to me,

and there's no one else
on the bottom

I'd rather see
than Bob right now.

I'm gonna take Bob down.

- Two queens stand before me.

Ladies, this is your last chance

to impress me

and save yourself
from elimination.

[dramatic sting]

The time has come

for you to lip-sync
for your life!

Good luck,

and don't f*ck it up.

[lively dance music]

¶ ¶

- ¶ When we're out there
dancin' on the floor, darlin' ¶

¶ And I feel like
I need some more ¶

¶ and I feel your body
close to mine ¶

¶ And I move on love,
it's about that time ¶

¶ Make me feel mighty real ¶

¶ Make me feel mighty real ¶

¶ You make me feel mighty real ¶

¶ You make me feel mighty real ¶

¶ When we get home, darlin' ¶

¶ And it's nice and dark,
and the music's in me ¶

¶ And I'm still real hot ¶

¶ And I know
you love me like you should ¶

¶ Oh, you make me feel
mighty real ¶

¶ Make me feel mighty real ¶

¶ I feel real ¶

¶ Real real ¶

¶ I feel real ¶
- Whoo!

- ¶ I feel real, real ¶

¶ You make me feel mighty real ¶

¶ Oh,
you've got to be real ¶

¶ Mighty real ¶

¶ I feel real
when you touch me ¶

¶ I feel real when you hold me ¶

¶ Ooh! ¶

¶ Whoo! ¶


[cheers and applause]

- Ladies.

I've made my decision.

Bob The Drag Queen,
shantay, you stay.

- Thank you.

I just want to say,
I probably had the biggest butt

of this season
with Derrick Barry,

and I ended up
being her biggest cheerleader

in this competition.

Even if you're afraid
of something,

she does it harder than anyone.

Honestly, I love her.

And I guess that was
the lesson we learned today.


- You may join the other girls.

- [whispers]
You're so brave.

- Derrick Barry, you came here
as a Vegas headliner,

but you leave
an international star.

Stronger than yesterday.

- Thank you so much
for this opportunity.

I'm very proud,

and I'm humbled
by the experience

that you've given me.

And I don't want to cry,
but I'm going to because

that's just who I am.

And I thought for so long

I would just be lost
in Las Vegas,

and now I get to go
all around the world

and represent one
of my favorite icons.

So thank you so much.

- Thank you.
Thank you, Derrick.

Now, sashay away.


- Derrick!

- Go, Derrick!

- That's how you go out
in style, girls.


As the international showgirl
of the world!

- Yes!
[laughter and applause]

- I got to shine as myself.

And that's the one thing

I've always felt
that I was lacking.

I didn't really have
a character or a knowledge

of who I want to be
or who I am.

But I showed up
in this competition,

and I did everything I could.

And that's all that matters.

You have to show up in life.

And I showed up here,
and I made it so far.

And I cannot wait to see

where this takes me now.

So thank you, Ru.

- My fantastic four,

Remember, you can't
love yourself,

how in the hell you gonna love
somebody else?

Can I get an amen in here?

all: Amen!

- All right,
now let the music play.

["Die Tomorrow"
by RuPaul playing]

¶ Die tomorrow,
live tonight ¶

¶ Die tomorrow,
live tonight ¶

¶ Die tomorrow,
live tonight ¶
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