10x02 - PharmaRusical

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "RuPaul's Drag Race". Aired: February 2, 2009 – present.*
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RuPaul plays the role of host, mentor, and head judge for this series, as contestants are given different challenges each week.
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10x02 - PharmaRusical

Post by bunniefuu »

- Previously
on "RuPaul s Drag Race..."

You need to create
million dollar looks

using a bunch of junk
from the 99 Cent Store.

- So I feel kind of confident
with my look,

but I cannot believe
we re doing the same makeup.

- [gasps]

- Kalorie Karbdashian Williams.

- I wanted more impact.

- Vanessa Vanjie Mateo. Bam.

- It s literally
a head and legs,

and the rest is flowers.

- Mayhem Miller.

- The creativity
is off the charts.

- Con-drag-ulations.
You re the winner

of this week s challenge.

- Kalorie, shante, you stay.

- [sobs]

- Vanessa Vanjie Mateo,
sashay away.

- Miss Vanjie.

- One down.

- 13 to go.

- "Ladies, I love you."
- Dot, dot, dot.

- The Vanjie way, baby. Bam!

- The first elimination s over.

- We re gonna miss you, Vanjie.

- Vanjie.

- Vanessa keeps going,
Vanjie, Vanjie.

So now everybody is getting
that stuck in their head,

even Mama Rue and Michelle
on the runway.

- Miss Vanjie. Miss Vanjie.

Miss Vanjie.

[cheers and applause]

- Miss Manjie. Miss Manjie.

- [stifles laugh]

- Miss Manjie.


- [stifles laugh]

- Vanessa may be gone,
but Vanjie lives on, honey.


- The girls of you
that were saved,

you guys feel like that was
a safe call, or do you guys--

- Being safe, you don t know

if you re like safe bad
or safe good.

You know what I mean?
- Yeah.

- I think I should
have been at the top.

- This bitch is turning
all the way around.

[all laugh]

- Girl, no. No.

Monet is delusional.

You cannot possibly--

- I am giving you--
I was a sponge.

- Oh, my God, girl.
- I was a sponge.

This is the dirt.
These are the soap suds.

- But did anybody get that?

- No.
- No.

- No.
- No.

- I m like child, please.
I looked good.

Aquaria, how d you feel?

- I thought
I was delicious looking.

It s very
my style of drag so--

- I heard that y all guys had
a very creative conversation

while we were on main stage.

- It seems like cr*cker s
trying to do Aquaria.

Ala tonight when I was painting,

and then I turned around

and then
it was smudgy sad eyes.

- So you re over it.
You re not angry.

- I m kind of over it,

because every look
is somehow suspiciously similar.

- Aah!

- What did you say?
What happened?

- Oh, um,
someone brought up the fact

that cr*cker and my face
looked very similar today.

May have had some situations
like that in the past.

Like, it doesn t matter to me.
It s not, like, it--

- No. Too vague.
So what happened was--


- She said--
- This is what happened.

- No, no, no.
- Excuse me.

This is what happened.

- All this, well,
I kind of felt like so--

- Excuse me. Excuse me.
- No. This is what happened.

We all know these two
happen to look alike.

You was bothered that she
was doing the same face as you.

- Aquaria, I would never do

something like that to you
on purpose.

- You was mad.

You was mad.
Be mad to her face.

- Vixen, shut the f*ck up.

This is what had happened.

You interjected, and you got
everything all fired up.

- So why did it take me speaking
up right now for you to say it?

- I guess you do need
your moment to pop off,

because you re not
gonna have too many more.

[all laugh]

- Ooh. Ooh.

- I am over it.

This is none of The Vixen s
f*cking business.

- When we were doing our makeup,
you were bothered about it.

Were you not bothered?

- I m not that bothered.
- You were bothered.

Why you done ran
across the room?

You done ran across
the whole room, girl.

Scared. Sad.

- Watch out, bitch.
The Vixen has a wanted poster

with your head
and your name on it.

- I really felt that.

I thought I was gonna
have peace in California.

- Once upon a time, Aquaria
and I were close friends.

I learned makeup skills
from her

when she did my face
for a photoshoot

that was about us being twins.

But now, I ve been accused
on national television

of stealing looks from Aquaria.

But I just did a look

that I know for a fact
she s never done.

It s called being on top.

- In this competition,
the stakes are high

and The Vixen is going to be
the whistleblower of the season

and I m here for it, girl.

- Hey, let me help you.
Let me help you.

Let me help you.
Give me that.

- Get off!
Get off my garment!

- The winner
of "RuPaul s Drag Race"

receives a one-year supply

of Anastasia Beverly Hills

and a cash prize of $100,000.

With extra special guest judges
Halsey and Padma Lakshmi.

♪ RuPaul s Drag Race ♪

- ♪ May the best woman ♪

- ♪ Best woman win ♪

- Big girls, big girls,
coming through.

Watch out, b*tches,
cause we ll eat you.

- Aah!
- Aah!

- ♪ Aah ♪

- I was safe
in the first elimination.

Going forward, I need
to do something to stand out,

because if RuPaul
doesn t superstar me,

that means that
I m not showing him my star.

Does that make sense?

- Aah!

- She done already
done had herses.

My queens,
one doll makes you dizzy,

One doll makes you tall.

But the one from Mama Ru

leaves them gagging every ball.

But, and it s a big but,

is there an a**l option?

[all laugh]

- What?

- Hello, hello, hello.

[cheers and applause]

- Say hi to my partner
Andy Cohen.

- Hi, Andy.
- Hi, Andy.

- Now, Andy, I love me
some country music.

How about you?

- I love country music.

I love some of
the first ladies of country.

- Ooh, like Dolly.
- Dolly. Reba.

- Oh, yeah.
- I ll take a Judd.

[all laugh]

- Then you re going to love
today s mini challenge,

because we re gonna have
ourselves a little hoe-down.


- And we re calling it
"Hay, Girl, Hay."

- Hay.
- Hay.

- Most entertaining dancer wins.

Now, Andy, I ve always wondered

how long does it take
for the average housewife

to get ready
for one of your reunions?

- It takes about
I m gonna say, three hours.

- Well, I m only gonna give
my girls 20 minutes

to get into quick drag

and put the charisma,

nerve, and talent
back into country.

[all laugh]

- On your mark, get set,

- Aah!
- Aah!

- I feel natural
on this challenge, honey.

I m too ready,
because I m country

as a butt-f*cking biscuit.


- Time s up, ladies.

Well, howdy, ladies.

- Howdy.
- Howdy.

- Fake hair, too much makeup,

and they re sitting on a secret?

I feel right at home.

[all laugh]
- Whoo!

- First up, Dusty Ray Bottoms.

Can you bake a cherry pie?

- You bet your ass I can.

- All right. Well,
shut your piehole and dance.

[music plays]

- ♪ Like an outlaw
busting through that door ♪

♪ Hands up... ♪

- Kentucky whiskey
makes her frisky.

- Yeah. The Vixen.

- Whoo, doggy.

- ♪ Wanna get you,
get you into this groove ♪

♪ No, you ain t no mayday ♪

♪ Wha-oh-oh-oh ♪

- Oh!
- She s got legs.

- And she know how to use them.

Kalorie Karbdashian.

- Whoo!

Yahoo, Yuhua.

- Get it all in.

- Kameron Michaels.

♪ Oh-ho-ho-ho-ho ♪

- Whoo. [laughs]

- Miss Asia O Hara.

[all laugh]

It s Lil Orphan Annie Oakley.

- Ease on down the road,

- ♪ Swing your partner
round and round ♪

- Well, bless
her Monique Heart.

- ♪ Giddy-up, giddy-up ♪

[cheers and applause]

- Wig down.

- Miz cr*cker Barrel 2018.

- ♪ Giddy-up, giddy-up,
get down ♪

♪ Giddy-up, giddy-up,
swing your partner ♪

♪ Round and round ♪

- Monet X Change.

This one s giving me
a little NeNe Leakes.

Ooh, NeNe gonna kick your ass.

- ♪ Giddy-up, giddy-up ♪

- Mayhem Miller.

- ♪ Shake that booty
to the ground ♪

[cheers and applause]

- Oh!

- Second wig down.
- I know.

- Aquaria.

- ♪ Scooting
on the dance floor ♪

♪ On a sea... ♪

- She s sitting
on more than a secret.

- Yes.

- ♪ Wanna get you, get you
into this groove ♪

- Eureka!

There s gold
in them there hills.

- ♪ No, you ain t no mayday ♪

- Why, I do declare,
it s Blair St. Clair.

- Swing your partner
round and round ♪

♪ No, you ain t no lady ♪

♪ And you ain t nobody s... ♪

- ♪ Baby ♪
- ♪ Baby ♪

- ♪ Giddy up, giddy up ♪

♪ Shake that booty
to the ground ♪

- Well, ladies, I can tell

this wasn t
your first time at the rodeo.

[all laugh]
- Yee-haw.

- The two winners
of today s mini challenge are...

Asia O Hara...

[cheers and applause]

- And The Vixen.

[cheers and applause]

- Well, Andy,
I reckon it s time

for you to ride off
into the sunset.

[cheers and applause]

- Thanks. Thanks, Ru.

Mwah, mwah.
Good luck, queens.

[cheers and applause]

- Ladies, I ve gotta tell you,

my favorite things on TV today

are the pharmaceutical ads.

They really know
how to sell the fantasy

and scare the crap out of you
at the same time.

So for this week s
maxi challenge,

I m writing you a prescription

for the parody lip-sync
extravaganza Pharmarusical.

[cheers and applause]

And you ll be working
in two teams.

Asia O Hara and The Vixen,
you will be team captains.

All right, here we go.

Asia O Hara, you choose first.

- Aquaria.

- Yay. Thank you.

- All right, Vixen.
- I choose Kameron.

- Monique Heart.

- Miz cr*cker.

- I m feeling a little Dusty.

- Oh, shucks.

- Monet X Change.

- Yuhua.
- Oh, thank you.

- Blair St. Claire.

- Little ol me?

- Give me Kalorie.
- Yes. Yee-haw.

- So there are two queens left,

Eureka and Mayhem.

The Vixen, who do you chose?

- Mayhem.

- Guess who s last to be picked.

- So, Eureka, you get to choose

which team
you want to be part of.

- Oh.

- I think I m gonna go
with my big girl sister

and join Kalorie on Asia s team.

- Eureka, why?

Eureka talks a lot.

I don t have time
for a whole essay.


- Later today, you ll
be headed to the main stage

to work on your Pharmarusical

with a special guest

Gentlemen, start your engines,

and may the best woman win.

[cheers and applause]

- Our maxi challenge this week

is a musical
about medicine and stuff.

We gonna do some dancing.
We gonna do some singing.

We gonna do some acting.
We gonna be gay as hell.


- All right, ladies.
Let s get medication.

- Yes.

- Ooh, this feels thick, girl.

Usually I like thick,
but this time it scares me.

- Well, this is part one.

- First line.

"I don t just sit
at a dinner table anymore.

I flip them, girl."

- Oh, what?
- Yes.

- This fighting bitch over here,
Miss Street Fighter 2016.

- I m glad, though.

- Can we talk about
like what we want?

- That s actually
the role I like.

- Wait, I feel that s
the most fun one.

- I really like Tinderella,

but I also really love
the Fairy Godmother.

- That is so cute.

Y all really think that
I m gonna leave it to you?

Just so you know, I m not
listening to any of y all.

I m probably gonna agree
with y all,

but I might not
just to be a bitch.

No shade.

- All right.
- Ooh.

- Okay.

So you re not taking
any opinions.

You re like I m just
making decisions?

- Well, I trust my judgment.

- All right.

- The Vixen wants things
that are her way only.

If our team is going down,

you are the captain
of the ship, girl.

You re gonna go down if we sink.

So get ready and eddy.

- All right, so....

And then Fairy Godmother
I think should be Monet.

- Okay.

- There you are.

- The key to doing well
in this challenge

is keeping
your lip sync straight,

your choreography gay,

and your characterization

- Can we come up
with a name for our team?

- I don t think a team name
is important right now.

- May I suggest something, Asia?
- Yes.

- Do you think maybe

we could just read through it
out loud one time maybe?

- I think let everybody read
through it first by yourself.

- Okay.

- Ha-ha!

- Ah!

- Asia, when we do
go get our clothes,

can we just come back here
so we can look at them together

versus being scattered
all over place?

- Yeah, girl, everything we re
doing, we re doing together.

- Then I m just suggesting

us come together
and look at the outfits.

- [sighs]
As predicted,

Eureka is just
running at the mouth.

So do y all wanna put together
a little piece of choreography?

- Listen, we re having time
with the choreographer,

so I would wait and see what the
choreographer says, you know.

- But I d rather go out there

with too much material
and have to edit it--

- Than not have enough.

- Than be out there

and say okay, what are
y all gonna do here?

We don t have an idea.

- Okay, so, yeah, I want
to do the choreography.

- Let s do it.
- Yeah.

- So let s go over here
and just have something

and then if we get out there and
we don t need it, then great.

- Asia.

- Ugh.

- Maybe like welcome
to Ruco Labs or something.

- f*ck. Let the dancers
do the choreography.

Come on over here, everybody.

- Well, I m still a dancer,
Miss Thing.

Don t cut me off.

Just don t cut me down.
You know what I m saying?

- I m not cutting--
I m not cutting you down.

- Asia is getting snippy
with Eureka.

Eureka s getting snippy back.

- She can show you how to do it
appropriately as the dancer.

- Ugh.

- So everybody,
whichever way she starts to go,

we ll just like--

- Sit in the left.
- Yes.

- In chorus line,
it s always to the right.

- Let s keep it
to the right then.

- Okay. It s always
to the right in theater

is all I m saying.

- Hush!

- Let s look at our stuff.
- What do I have?

- That is the exact outfit.
- Okay.

- Well, we re set.
- Yeah.

- The other team s kind of
working on some choreography

and some moves.

- My team is excited that we re
done planning our costumes

until we see
the other team rehearse.

- Cute. So cute.

It s like that scene
in "Bring It On"

when you walk in and
the other team is performing,

and you re like, oh, shit.

They just seem like leaps
and bounds ahead of us.

- Hey, kitty girls.

- Hey.
- Hey.

- Well, hello, Team Asia.

- Hello.

- Hello, Ru.

- Are there any lip sync
assassins in the group?

- All of us.
- Really?

- That s why we re all
on the same team.

- All right. Now, Aquaria,

did you get the role
that you wanted?

- Yeah, yeah.
She s a bitchy old lady

who s stuck up,
and she has to loosen up.

- Now, you re very young.

How are you gonna portray
a bitchy old lady?

- I m serving a little bit more
conservative of a look,

and at the end,
she metamorphosizes

into a beautiful millennial,

so who better to fit that role?

- Okay.
[all laugh]

- Are you a millennial?

- Yes, ma am. 1996.

- Oh!
- Oh. I remember it well.


And now, Eureka, there s
a lot of choreography here.

I have to ask, how is your leg?

- No complaints.
- Oh, good.

[all laugh]

- I m back to walking, running,
sucking, f*cking.

[all laugh]

- On the outside,
I m like, I am fine, Ru.

But on the inside,
I m freaking out.

- Now, Kalorie, you were in
the bottom last week.

What are your plans
to stand out this week?

- Well, my character,
we re gonna do the badonkadonk.

- If you have a flat ass?
- Yeah.

- You should put extra junk
in the cushion.

- Ooh, that s a drug
I can get behind.

- Word.
[all laugh]

- Kalorie s known for
her ass-shaking ability.

- Uh-huh.
- So I don t think

I m gonna have any problem
in that department.

- [laughs]
- All right.

Now, there s a lot of you,
so to stand out,

it s gonna take
a little extra work.

So I m very excited about it.

- Thank you so much.
- So are we.

- All right.
Well, knock em dead.

- Bye, Mama Ru.

- Well, howdy Team Vixen.

- Hi.
- Hey.

- And so Blair St. Claire,
what role are you playing?

- I m playing
the Fairy Godmother.

- Oh. Now,
you re a Broadway queen?

- Yes, ma am, I am.
- All right.

- I m really excited to show Ru

my experience
with musical theater.

- Is there anybody on the other
team that you re worried about?

- I d keep an eye on Monique.
Monique is a very big and very--

- Oh, yeah.
- She s very extra.

- I know she s gonna--
- Extremely extra.

- She s gonna bring
all the drama.

- I do know that Dusty is also
kind of a Broadway queen.

- And which one among you
is a dancer?

Are there any dancers?

So, Vixen, are you handling
the choreography?

- Well, I mean,
we haven t rehearsed yet,

but I definitely will make sure
that we look good.

- Okay.

This is a great challenge,
so do me proud.

- Oh, my God.
We have nothing.

I m a comedian
and my job is words.

I have no words
for how condemned we feel.

We re like...

- So it s time for us
to learn our choreography.

We walk on stage
and who do we see?

- Aah! It s Alyssa Edwards!

- Hey.

- Oh, oh, oh, oh.

- [clicks tongue]
It s showtime, folks.

All right, ladies.

I am going to be choreographing
the Pharmarusical.

- She s choreographing
this shit?

She is very intimidating.

- I m gonna treat y all
like I do the kids over there,

Beyond Belief in Mesquite.

- She has a dance studio
of her own,

so I know
she s gonna let us have it.

- Okay, Eureka, welcome back.

And how are we doing?
Are we healed?

- I m doing well.
- Okay. Good.

How about have y all
had a chance

to kind of prepare
something on your own?

- Yes.
- Yeah.

- Do y all wanna show me
what y all have first?

- Yeah.
- Okay.

- Deejay, cue the track.

Full out.

[music plays]

- ♪ Welcome to Ruco Labs ♪

♪ We have tablets, drops,
patches and sh*ts ♪

- Relax and breathe
through the movements.

- ♪ Handful of promises,
even though they re hollow ♪

- That s all we have
as far as choreography.

- Oh, okay, okay.

This group is ready.

I m so glad we didn t have
no Charlie Hides in this group.

Y all gonna slay.

So the opening of this

will be a kind of
"Big Spender" moment.

You re gonna go this way,
this way.

And a down and a down
and a knock and a knock.

Take it all the way
to Nicki Mina-na-naje, okay?

Here we go. Aquaria,
five, six, seven, eight.

Da-da-da, da-da-da.

One, two, three,
there you go baby.

And we re moving on.
And a one and a two

and a three and a four
and a five.

Hit six. Hit eight.

Go one, go two, go three,
go four, shake it.

♪ Do-do-do-do-do-do ♪

- Aquaria is doing great,
like me.

Everything Alyssa tells us
to do, we re there.

We are prime dance students.

- Five, six, seven, music.

Boom, badonkadonk.


- Karb-dashian.

- Karb.
- Mm-hmm.

- You think you re clever,
don t you?

[all laugh]
- Miss Kalorie,

you can just really work
on the steps.

Show me something.
- Oh, hold on, girl.

- Maybe give me a little ha!
Show me what you got.

Girl, don t fall over now.

Again, one more time.
Five, six, seven, eight.

- f*ck.
- Bigger.

This is a drag show.

Don t give me heh-heh-heh.

- Kalorie.

America, my face is saying

that you need to know.

Dot com.

- I think we definitely have
some good theater queens here.

- What was your strategy
picking teams?

- Yeah, girl, why d you
pick me first, girl?

Me of all people.
- That s a good question.

- I m the quiet one.

- Yeah, you are the quiet one,
but that s what I needed,

because these b*tches
talk too much.

[all laugh]

- I would have fully gagged
if you picked Aquaria.

- Oh, I was gonna pick
both of you.

- I was like, I m ready

to be the last bitch
standing over here.

- I don t have a problem
with you.

Aquaria has a problem with you,

but she don t wanna
bring it to you.

- Yeah. Yeah.
- That was the issue.

- I wish I was in "Untucked"
when you guys were in there,

so I could have really
heard what was going on.

- No, she spelled it all out,

the whole history,
the yellow dress.

- I did a party
in a yellow latex dress

with a poofy sleeve
with a heart cut out here.

Two weeks later,
cr*cker shows up

yellow vinyl dress,
circle cut out.

That s not a coincidence.

- I don t know
about no yellow dress.

I don t know about that at all.

I would never steal
from somebody else on purpose.

I think the pressure
of the first challenge

kept me from paying
close attention

to the magnifying glass that s
going to be on me and Aquaria.

But that s gonna be my
first priority going forward,

because I wanna win with
my face, not with Aquaria s.

- Moving on, Yuhua,

can you show me
what you re going to do?

- Oh, hey, Sandy.

Sandy, I mean, no.

- Oh, no, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no, no.

It looks like you re timid.
Can you do this?

Now look at me.
Hey, Sandy, girl.

I see you over there.

- Oh, Sandy, I mean, no.

- Bigger!
- Oh, Sandy, I mean, no.

- Keep acting, keep acting.

There we go.
Okay, here we go.

Keep going, keep going,
keep going. Faster.

- Aah!

- Better. All right,
thank you. Moving on. Dusty.

- Restless tuck syndrome.

- Okay. I think
you can amp that up.

- Restless tuck syndrome.

- Now bigger eyes.
Like Aubrey O Day.

- Restless tuck syndrome!

- That s good.

Okay, Eureka, show me
what you re going to do

for your performance.

- It s just very like
pharmaceutical rap.

- Right, I get that.

- I m just gonna
kind of like walk

and like here at Ruco Labs.

- If you re gonna do this walk,

why don t you give me
a slide. Here.

- Okay.
- Okay? So da.

Hands and push.
- Here.

- Yeah, don t just walk.
Make it more theatrical.

- Okay.

- No walking.
There s no walking.

We re not in
the preschool class.

It s Season 10.

- Rehearsal
instantly reminded me

that last year, the second
episode is when I hurt myself.

And I m in my head,

and like I m literally
afraid to do anything.

- All right, ladies.
Thank you. Good luck.

- Thank you.

- Eureka, are you okay?

You just seem shaky.

- I m not doing that well,
but I m trying.

I ve got like a little...
I don t know.

- What have you got?
- It s the PTSD, I think.

So I m just having
to work through it.

- You know, just really
take your time.

I ve watched Eureka on the show.

She is a fireball.

She s given a second chance
and an opportunity,

and I hope her nerves
don t get the best of her.

- Aah! Shut up.

- Aah!
- [laughs]

- Alyssa!

- Hey!
- Yes, girl.

- It s Alyssa.

[clicks tongue]

- So before we start,
can you guys show me

have y all worked
on anything backstage?

- No.
- No.

- Well...

[clicks tongue]

- We did characterization.

We pulled
our costumes together.

- Because we knew there
was a choreographer.

And we worked on ideas

as far as like
interacting with each other.

- Okay, let s do that.
Here we go.

Vixen, go ahead
and start off with your lines,

and let me see.

- I don t just sit
at the dinner table anymore.

I flip them.
Thanks, Conflama.

- I think you can do that
a lot more.

That s something
for you to work on.

Miz cr*cker,
let me see what you ve got.

- I haven t had a sip of wine
in three years.

- Bigger, baby.
Broadway, darling.

I haven t had a sip of wine
in three years.

- Yeah.
- No standing.

- Yeah.
- Okay?

- And why? Because--
- No, no.

And why?
- Yeah.

And why?

- The bigger, the better, baby.

- I haven t had a sip of wine
in three years.

- Okay. That s okay.

Let s do Mayhem and Monique.

- All right, M-Squared,
hit it.

- Go back to Party City
where you belong.

- Bitch, the song is over.

- So this is what
y all worked on, though?

This is what y all worked on,
the lines, too?

- Yeah.
- Yeah.

- I just wanna be clear,
because you guys are saying

that you said you worked on

- Mm-hmm.
- Yeah.

- That to me was very shaky.

Middle of the road.

- Alyssa is laying us out.

We re literally giving her

It is so embarrassing.
It s terrible.

- Moving on.

And five, six, seven, eight.

One, two--Blair,
hold on, Blair. Hold on.

You okay?
- Yeah, I m good.

- You look very nervous.

- I m good. I m happy.
I m good.

- Ready? And go.

One, two, three, four.
Come on, Blair.


One more time.
One, two, three, four,

five, six, seven, eight,
one, two.

Okay. Miss Blair.

The legs are rickety,
like Pinocchio.

She has no strings
holding her up.

- And what did Tinderella
say when she got to the ball?

- Can you do a pirouette turn?

Lift the leg up.
No, but--

- Uff.
- Just center that, okay?

Get on the platform
of your foot.

- I thought Blair
was gonna be

one of my strongest
team members.

She s wobbling around the stage
like a deer in headlights.

Girl, get it together.

- What did Tinderella say
when she got to the ball?

- Close.

Can you just really work
on that?

- Yeah.

- This group has...

some work.

Look, I ve done this,
you know, twice.

I ve been kicked off "Drag Race"
three times.

I know how all you guys
are feeling right now,

cause trust me,
I ve been in your pumps.

Don t be afraid to fall
and pick your damn self back up.

You know what you have to do.

- My team is beat down.

We need to get it together
real quick,

or we ll be going home
real soon.

- One thing that we really need
to remind ourselves is

at the end of the day,
this is selling.

- We have to keep
our head in the game

and know, I mean, why we re here

and what we re capable of.

- I wanna jump in there
and do it.

- I did not plan to come here
and to falter.

Right now, I m feeling like
the weakest link.

Now I m like sitting here

getting in my head,
like, struggling,

and that s not me.

- What s the matter, Eureka?

- Are you okay?

- I m going to through--
I just feel stupid.

- Why?
- Why?

- Don t.
- Girl.

- Sister.

- What s the matter?

- I don t know.
I just don t wanna be a mess.

- You re not gonna be a mess.

- But seeing
Alyssa d be like, girl,

what is wrong with you?

You re not even going
full force.

I don t even know this person,
and I don t need her.

I feel bad that
I m even on y all s team.

- But it s--no, stop.

- No.
- You re part of our team.

- You re part of our family.

- Guys, you re making me cry.

- Not only
do we have to deal with

all the stresses of
the logistics of this challenge,

we also have to try
to wrangle Eureka back in.

- Okay, now, bitch,
it s time to rehearse.

- The stress level at this point
is very high.

- [humming]

I just took
my once a monthly Aquaria.

- ♪ Ya-ha ♪

- Here we go day.

This week our challenge
is choreographed lip sync.

We have to perform live
in front of the judges today.

- Miss Eureka,
how you feeling, girl?

- Grovel fat.
- [laughs]

- If we were a sports team,
what sport would we be?

- A winning one.

- That s not a sport, girl.

- The only game I know
is winning.

- Our group stayed up all night
working on the choreography.

We are all so excited

to just get out on the stage
and hopefully win.

- How y all feeling?

- I feel nervous as f*ck
right now, girl.

- I m still pretty nervous,

cause the other team,
they look amazing.

I just don t want them to feel
like we re just so sloppy.

You know what I m saying?

Someone is going home today,

and I really feel like our team

is probably gonna be up
for elimination.

- I know we don t suck.

- That s where we were at

- Yeah, we were sucking.
- We sucked yesterday.

- Yesterday
we were at ground zero.

- Now we re like, you know,
we re in the mezzanine.

- Yeah, cause that s
a great place to be

in a 29-story building.

- If we don t look our best,

it s gonna come down on me,

because at the end of the day,
I m team captain.

- Aye-yi-yi.

- Look at Dusty right now.
Look at his face.

I think
that s your trademark, girl.

- I really think Michelle s
gonna like this.

[all laugh]

- I can t.
- Your dots.

Are you gonna do them again
this week?

- Girl, we re not there yet.

I m really, really debating

whether or not
to do my dots on my face,

because Michelle is like, you
can t do dots every single time.

But Dusty does do dots
every single time.

That s my signature look.

So I m just like

I feel like I shot myself
in the foot last week.

I don t know what to do.

I don t want her
looking like anyone else.

That s why I have spots, girl.

- When I was in high school,
I used to be 340 pounds.

- What?
- Yeah, girl, I was huge.

- Wow.

- And my confidence
was just like at its lowest.

And it s so crazy, because
like being from a small town,

I would have thought

that would have been picked on
for being gay.

But I was picked on
for being fat.

I d walk home from school

and I d have people
throw food at me.

- No.
- Like I d literally be walking,

and one of the worst days
was they had got a Coke,

and they threw the Coke at me,
and I swear to God it was piss.

- What?
- Yes.

And I literally just cried
all the way home.

- No.
- Yeah, it was the worst.

- I m so sorry.

- And so then like

it was "RuPaul s Drag Race"
Season 2,

and I remember seeing JujuBee.

And I was just like oh, my God,
like, she looks so confident.

And I m like,
I wanna be that girl.

I want to do that.
- I wanna have that confidence.

I wanna feel regal.
- Kalorie taught me that.

Like, you can be any size
and be beautiful

and, you know,
have this confidence.

And I just,
I appreciate her for it.

Or I guess I appreciate myself.

- You should appreciate
yourself, girl.

- Do you ever look at yourself

and just be like damn, bitch,
I look good.

- I love doing makeup
for that exact reason.

This is like my skin.
- Uh-huh.

Them b*tches is quiet.

- I m just trying to figure out
what y all looking at.

- Oh.

- The same thing
the judges looking at.

Well, see you later.

- [coughs] Oh, damn.

- ♪ Big girls, big girls,
coming through ♪

♪ Watch out, b*tches,
we gonna eat you ♪

- [laughs]

[RuPaul laughs]

- ♪ Cover girl,
put the bass in your walk ♪

♪ Head to toe
let your whole body talk ♪

- At what?
- Whoo!

- Welcome to the main stage
of "RuPaul s Drag Race."

It s my drug of choice,
Michele Visage.

- Take two of these
and call me in the morning.

[all laugh]

- My favorite pain reliever,

the hilarious Ross Mathews.

- And I now come in gel caps.

- Call me
when there s a suppository.

[all laugh]

- The beautiful
and talented Halsey.

- It s now or never, baby.

- Now you love her
from "Top Chef,"

but I love her from the epic
Mariah Carey film "Glitter."

It s Padma Lakshmi.

- I will never
live that down, ever.

- It s one
of our favorite movies.

- Really?
- Yes. We love it.

- This week,
we challenged our queens

to give sickening
performances in Pharmarusical,

a lip sync extravaganza.

Gentlemen, start your engines,
and may the best woman win.

- Ladies and gentlemen,

open up and say, ahh
for the Pharmarusical.


- ♪ Welcome to Ruco Labs ♪

- Better living
through fake science.

- ♪ Welcome to Ruco Labs ♪

- The future is now,
and it s freaking me out.

- ♪ Welcome to Ruco Labs ♪

- They always say
consult your doctor

before taking any new medicine.

But what the hell do they know?

- Tell it like it is, girl.
What we got in stock?

- ♪ We got tablets, drops,
patches and sh*ts ♪

♪ We got liquids that can
save you from whatever you got ♪

♪ Have a sip, have a slurp ♪

♪ Or if you can,
still swallow ♪

♪ A handful of promises,
even though they re hollow ♪

- Here at Ruco Labs,
we work so hard

to make these dr*gs healthy
with your strife.

- So check out these pills
we re talking.

- Cause, honey, they re here
to give your life.

- ♪ Welcome to Ruco Labs ♪

♪ Yes ♪

- O.M.G.

- What? What s wrong?

- Boys don t make passes
at queens with flat asses.

- What can I do about it?

- Say goodbye padding,
and hello to...

♪ Badonkadonx ♪

♪ And it makes your ass
get a lot of honks ♪

♪ It comes in a patch ♪

♪ Stuck down by your snatch ♪

♪ If it s a good batch,
then it starts to hatch ♪

♪ Badonkadonx ♪

♪ Watch out J-Lo.
Watch out Nikki ♪

♪ Watch out Kimmi K ♪

♪ Cause we about to break it in
every other day ♪

- ♪ Got my new power bottom,
it s on display ♪

♪ It s got its own zip code,
by the way ♪

♪ 9021-- ♪

- ♪ Oh, that s a big old ass ♪

♪ My backside looks like
a mountain pass ♪

- Badonkadonx,
now available on the go,

in a perky pattern
that looks a lot like snow.

Put it in your salad
or a cold ice tea.

- But don t snort it
up your nose.

This is ain t 1983.

- Hey, Sandy.

Haven t seen you
at the club lately.

- Yeah, well,
I spent most of the summer

working on my "Drag Race"

- That s not what I heard.

I heard you been
popping out at parties.

- You don t mean--
Sandy, no!

- ♪ Used to rule the clubs,
but now I m stuck at home ♪

♪ Suffering from the case
of restless tuck syndrome ♪

♪ Cause when I see a stud
in a top that s cropped ♪

♪ I can t get in my drag
because my tuck gets popped ♪

- ♪ But now there s a solution
made by Ruco Inc. ♪

♪ A handy little pill
that makes your junk shrink ♪

- ♪ It s so easy
just open up and say "ah" ♪

♪ When life gets too hard
just take some Flaccida ♪

- ♪ Flaccida ♪

♪ Flaccida ♪

- ♪ Flaccida saved my life
and now I love it oodles ♪

♪ Even around the Pit Crew
I feel nothing noodles ♪

- ♪ Flaccida ♪

- Now illegal in 48 states.

- ♪ Here s the T about
that old queen on Twitter ♪

♪ You know that hateful bitch
that s always so bitter ♪

♪ She says the Gaga
stole it all from Madonna ♪

- ♪ What s next, adopting kids
from Botswana? ♪

- ♪ She wears kaftans and mumus
just like her idols ♪

♪ What s in her gym bag? ♪

- ♪ Viagra and Midol ♪

♪ Kids today
went downhill post-Mariah ♪

Who s that new girl
named Zadiah?

- Do you suffer from
bitter old queen syndrome?

Ruco Labs has a spray for that.


Spritz a dab
on your creamy inner thigh,

and soon you ll be taking
snapchats of your avocado toast.

- For the love of Kathleen
Turner, what is happening?

Oh, my.

♪ God, you re obsessed
with my new single ♪

♪ With a new dating app,
I m ready to mingle ♪

♪ I m gender fluid
and not into labels ♪

♪ Cutting cords,
getting rid of cable ♪

- Whoo!
- Ow.


- I don t just sit
at dinner tables anymore.

I flip em.

- [laughs]

- Thanks, Conflama.
- That bitch is crazy.

- I haven t had a sip of wine
in three years.

Why? Because now I throw it
in people s faces.

Thanks, Conflama.

- Conflama,
it s conflict plus drama.

You know what that equals,
right? Dollar signs.

It s what every
reality star s got.

Yep, Conflama.

I put two teaspoons in my coffee
every morning.

Good to the last death drop.

- ♪ Conflama, find a way
to blow up tonight ♪

♪ Conflama ♪

- Bitch, I m from Chicago.
- [laughs]

- ♪ Conflama ♪

♪ Won t go home
till we start a fight ♪

♪ Conflama ♪

- This ain t RuPaul s
Best Friends Race.

- ♪ Conflama ♪

- Go back to Party City
where you belong.

- Bitch, the song is over.

- Don t you tell me
the song is over.

- Conflama, it s working.

[cat screeches]

- What did Tinderella say
when she got to the ball?

- [gags]
- Oh, dear, Tinderella.

Why are you gagging so?

- What could I do?

I bit off
more than I could chew.

It s my great defect.

I have terminal gag reflex.

[all laugh]
- ♪ Feeling stressed? ♪

♪ Choking distant,
gag reflex is so persistent ♪

♪ Ruco Labs has a potion,
you can drink up any ocean ♪

♪ Now there s Swallowease ♪

♪ La la la la la la ♪

- ♪ Swallowease ♪

- Swallowease is for princesses

and does not prevent
the spread of STDs.

Side effects include
increased bitchiness,

an unquenchable thirst,
lower credit scores,

and total astigmatization.

- Thanks to Swallowease,

I ll be ready
whenever my Prince comes.

- ♪ Swallowease ♪

- Did you see her shoes?
- Yas queen.

- Aren t they so tacky?
- Yas queen.

- Can you stop saying that?

- Yas queen.

- I don t think you can.

- Bitch, what do you mean?

- ♪ Soft queens
are so annoying ♪

♪ Their voices
are really cloying ♪

- ♪ Repeating the same words ♪

♪ Falling out their lips
like turds ♪

- ♪ Oh, girl,
you ve got drag mouth ♪

♪ It s a big problem, Mary ♪

♪ You need to read a book
like right now ♪

♪ And up your vocabulary ♪

♪ And now there s a fix
when you kind of go south ♪

♪ All you ve gotta do is
put this caulk in your mouth ♪

- Caulk, as in C-A-U-L-K.

Get your mind out of the gutter.

- ♪ Anyone can use it ♪

♪ Including straights, bis,
and gays ♪

♪ It stops your loose lips
from spouting drag clichés ♪

- Side effects include
but are limited to, yes, queen.

Damn, now I ve got it.

- Good. You got it. Brrr.

- [laughs]

- ♪ There s a question ♪

♪ Burns deep in my soul ♪

♪ One that you
can only control ♪

♪ From your lips to God s ear ♪

♪ There s an answer
we all need to hear ♪

♪ Tell me, is there ♪

♪ An a**l option? ♪

- ♪ What s right for others
ain t right for me ♪

♪ What I m asking is biology ♪

♪ RuPaul, is there ♪

♪ An a**l option? ♪

[all laugh]

- ♪ For me ♪
- ♪ For me ♪

- ♪ For me ♪
- ♪ For me ♪

- ♪ For me ♪

- Five out of four doctors
don t recommend Ruco Labs.

- So, kids, don t do dr*gs.

- Just love yourselves
so you can love somebody else.

- Can I get an amen?

- ♪ Amen ♪


- Whoo-whoo!

- Category is very best drag.

- ♪ Snap shot ♪

- First up, Asia O Hara.

- Ruffles have ridges.

Betcha can t have just one.

- I d like to try.

[Michelle laughs]

- I selected this look

because I want
to command the stage

but still be soft and beautiful.

All eyes are on me,
and it feels like home.

- I can only wish I was
as stoned as she is right now.

[all laugh]

- Yuhua Hamasaki.

- Peek-a-blue.
[all laugh]

- I feel very disco-y
walking down the runway

and giving you old school drag
mixed with new school drag.

I feel confident.
I feel amazing.

- She s starring in a
drag-sploitation film, darling.

The new star pooty-tang.

- Dusty Ray Bottoms.

- Like Beetlejuice, but sexy.
- Uh-huh.

- I don t think
she s wearing any pants.

- That s my type of outfit,

- Last week, I got clocked
for not editing my look.

This week, she s perfect, honey.

I m kooky, I m clowny,

and I look like
a French supermodel.

- Just got out of jail.

- See you on the conjugal.

[all laugh]

- Monique Heart.

- They say the eyes
are the nipples of the face.

- Yes.
[all laugh]

- Ah, rac-cacao.

- I didn t just come
with one gig, I came with two.

- Oh.

- Bam! It s three dimensional
pop art.

It s rhinestone for the gods.

It s gaggy.

- My eyes are up here.

[all laugh]

- Kalorie Karbdashian Williams.

- Michael Jackson s glove
is back.

- Kalorie is all about
showing body.

She wants to wear things

that big girls
shouldn t be wearing.

And in this, I feel yummy,
even with my tummy.

My body is right.
My ass is right.

From head to toe,
it s just right.

- Beat it.

I meant with a D, bead it.

- I like the jokes
you have to spell out.

- Exactly. Ask your doctor

what badonkadonx
can do for you.

- Okay.
[all laugh]

- Eureka.

- Speed racer, chub chaser.

- My best drag runway

is a completely rhinestone and
very sexy form-fitting cat suit.

It s got patchwork
mermaid sequin,

and I run my fingers
across my body,

and changes right
from blue to fuchsia.

And I m letting them know
that I am big and sexy.

- Way to leave your mark.

[all laugh]

- Aquaria.

- If you like it, you should
put a couple rings through it.

- My look on the runway tonight
is hyperfeminine,

but it s also very androgynous.

My nipples are out, and I am
unapologetically being me.

- She tried scrubbing
and soaking

and still she has
ring around the nostrils.

[all laugh]

- Up next, The Vixen.

- Yay, honey, she is flaming.

- Today my best drag runway
is flames

because everybody knows that
I will burn this mother down.

- We re gonna take
your temperature.

You decide how.

- Is there an a**l option?
- Is there an a**l option?

[all laugh]

- Miz cr*cker.
Package for Miz cr*cker.

- Oh, I love a hairy box.

- Yeah.
[all laugh]

- It s hip to be square.

- I feel so stunning
in my trademark cr*cker look.

I made the hair myself.

I m giving you
old fashioned elegance

with a little futurism.

Flash Gordon, Metropolis,
ready to steal your heart.

- Keep it boxy.

[all laugh]

- Mayhem Miller.

- That s where all
the Christmas wrapping went.

[all laugh]

- My look today
is old Hollywood glam.

I am serving you
Dorothy Dandridge, "Dynasty."

I just want to give you
opulence, honey.

- I heard she drops the kids off
at the tulle.

[all laugh]

- If we had a trap door...

[all laugh]

- I do declare,
it s Blair St. Claire.

- Why don t you come up
and bead me sometime.

[all laugh]

- I m wearing one of my absolute
favorite pageant gowns.

My body is literally glittering.

I m bringing regal elegance,
pageant extraordinaire,

and I just feel lovely.

- The bottom is made out
of a h*m* sasquatch.

[all laugh]

- Kameron Michaels.

- So nice to see that
she s come out of her cocoon.

- What did you just call me?

[all laugh]

- I like my drag to live
in an alternate universe,

and my best drag look

is the butterfly queen
from "FernGully,"

if there was one.

I m floating down the runway.

I m trying to sell
the full fantasy.

- She s spreading her wings.

- More like
a meta-whore-phasis.

[all laugh]

- Monet X Change.

- Red for filth.

- Eat. It. Up.

I have all these stones, all
these crystals on this cat suit.

I mean,
it weighs about 300 pounds,

but I feel and look incredible.

- Dorothy, forget the slippers.
This is much better.

- So if she clicks
her thighs together twice,

will she get to make a wish?

[all laugh]

- Welcome, ladies.

I ve made some decisions.

- Team The Vixen.

you re the winning team.


- Oh, my gosh.
We re gagged.

We are the winners
of this week s challenge.

None of us are going home today.

- And one of your performances
was absolutely habit-forming.

The Vixen, as team leader,
you are the winner

of this week s maxi challenge.


- I m the winner, bitch.

I won the mini challenge

and the maxi challenge
in the same week.

Now these girls know
not to f*ck with me.

- You ve won a suite of jewelry
from Fierce! Drag Jewels

and a $2,000 gift card
from Nailed by Christie.


- Oh, my God.

- Team Vixen, you are safe.

You may leave the stage.

- Team Asia O Hara.

I m sorry, my dears, but you re
all up for elimination.

- Welcome, ladies.

Now it s time
for the judges critiques.

Starting with Asia O Hara.

- I m going to start
with your performance.

You did your choreography,
you knew your lyrics,

and you stayed in character.

I think tonight
is a beautiful look for you.

You know exactly
what your skin tone is.

You have perfectly matched
your legs to your arms.

It s seamless.

- You were one
of the most eye-catching

on the runway tonight.

- This color is just so perfect.

Could you save this
and after the competition,

we enter the 2020 Olympics
as pair skaters?

[all laugh]

- You in?
- Yes, absolutely.

- Yuhua Hamasaki.

- I loved you
during the performance.

You were so animated.

- Your energy was distinctly
different from everyone else,

and that s why I noticed it.

- Thank you so much.
- Tonight on the runway,

I m finding this hard to believe
that that s your best drag.

That s a spangled bodysuit
with some fishnet tights.

- I had a better option

that I was going to wear
for the runway.

It was yellow and black,

and I didn t want to wear
the same colors as last week.

- I m gonna expect more
than this from you,

and I know you ve got it.

- I just didn t want
to repeat the same color.

I have a whole look planned out
for this runway.

- Well, this runway is now done.

- I hate hearing
I have something better,

but I chose this instead.

If it s in the closet--

I haven t been in a closet
in a while.

- [laughs]
- I hear ya, I hear ya.

- But if it s in the closet,
it s not gonna help you.

And there s no "take two" here.

- Up next, Dusty Ray Bottoms.

- I loved your performance.

Your movements had
a very clear point of view.

- Yes.

- As far as the runway,
I think you look awesome.

- Tonight is a great example

of you still
allowing yourself to be you

without dots on your face.

- Just a couple.

- Can t see em.
That s works.

[all laugh]

- I love that you chose
a polka dot ascot

to go with that blazer.

- I love this jacket.

- I want to fistfight Michelle
in the parking lot

for that blazer later.

- There s someone else

who s gonna fight you guys
for that jacket.

- Up next, Monique Heart.

- I love this.

Even though it s a bodysuit,
it s fun.

It s different.
It s filled with personality.

You got big ball eyes
on your head.

- Then you ve got this
whole other thing going on

that was never really explained
or worked into your routine.

- In the musical performance,
I can t remember you.

- I noticed you,
but the problem was

I think you could have known
the words a little bit better.

- I will attest to that.
It was a struggle.

- Yeah, it shows.

- Up next, Kalorie.

- In the musical, you were
the one who disappeared for me.

- And then the moments
that I was focusing on you,

you didn t know the words.

- I wanted to see more
imagination, more creativity,

and I think that s why
a lot of us lost you.

- Your best drag tonight
is this,

and this is something that
any girl would wear to a club.

I want to see more.

- How would you describe
your drag?

- Kalorie s all about body,
you know.

She s a big girl that just
loves to show off her curves.

I used to be 340 pounds,

and I ve finally
come to a place

where I m just all about
being sparkly and glamorous.

- You do look beautiful,

but it s not telling me
who you are,

what your contribution is
to drag.

- Up next,
our returning queen Eureka.

- I do wanna say
across the board,

I feel like we saw
a lot of bodysuits tonight.

Best drag for you, Eureka?

- There are a lot
of bodysuits out here.

I think yours is the best.

- But in your performance,

there was not one word
that came out of your mouth

that matched that lip sync.

- It broke my heart
to watch you tonight.

And when I saw you back
for Season 10,

I was ready to strap on...

the Eureka Express.

- This is not
that kind of show, Ross.

- Let me finish.

The Eureka Express,
and ride you all the way home.

[all laugh]

- Still.

- Well, I guess
it is that kind of show.

[all laugh]

- What happened, Eureka?

- I m just... [sobs]

I didn t realize
that I was still so...

Oh, my goodness.
I m sorry.

[sobs] I didn t realize

I was still so emotional
over what had happened to me.

Coming back
kind of freaked me out.

- What I m seeing tonight is you
completely blocking yourself.

- Your knee
sent you home last season.

If you don t
get out of your head,

your head s gonna send you home
this season.

- Thank you, Eureka.

Up next, Aquaria.

- This look tonight on
the runway is so fantastic.

- It s young, it s fresh,
it s fashion, darling.

- You re obviously
a fantastic dancer.

- But I think your character
was an old biddy,

read more
like Linda Evangelista

than it did Blanche Devereaux.

- You could have gone
for a more aged look.

- I knew that if I went too far

on the wrinkly
old side of things

that this would be a little
impossible to achieve.

- But you even could have done
stuff with your body.

- Yeah.
- Like, hunched over.

- Glasses.

- And still done
the choreography

so the transformation
was like, bam!

It doesn t necessarily have to
be drawing lines on your face

like a high school production
of "Arsenic and Old Lace."

[all laugh]

- That I may or may not
have done.

- Thank you, ladies.
I think we ve heard enough.

While you untuck backstage,

the judges and I
will deliberate.

All right.

Just between
us squirrel-friends,

what do you think?

Asia O Hara.

- The performance was good,
but not great.

I wasn t like, wow,
what a superstar.

- I will say this, Ru.

I don t think I know her at all.

- It s early with Asia.

I ve seen the trailer.

I m ready for the full length.

Uncut version, preferably.

- Okay. You got it.
- Of course.

- Yuhua Hamasaki.

- Tonight s look
let me down tremendously.

- What she lacked in the runway,

she more than made up for
in the musical.

- Another thing that
I m watching with Yuhua

is she likes to clap back.

- She could take a cue
from the pageant girls

who know how to take critique
and not clap back.

- Clap on.
- Clap off.

- Thank you.
- [laughs]

Dusty Ray Bottoms.

- Dusty Ray Bottoms
rose to the top.

- I thought it was really risky
of her to choose a blazer

because then you have to know
that you can bring a sexy energy

to a look that s so masculine.

- Monique Heart.

- I didn t remember her
in the performance,

but I remembered her
on that runway.

- She literally said
all eyes on me.

- Yes.
- Yes.

- On the con side,

for me, if you re going
to go through the trouble

of doing that elaborate
of a costume,

I need to understand
what the narrative is.

It was all set design,
no substance.

- Kalorie Karbdashian Williams.

- Listen, we started
last week out not so great,

and then tonight
was unfortunately

still not so great.

- Her appearance
didn t stand out,

and neither did her performance.

- My sense is that she s really
out of her league here.

- Some queens
take a second to rev up, right?

- If they stick around.

- If they stick around.

- All right, let s move on down
to our returning queen Eureka.

- When she was in that musical,

all she was singing

was pineapple, pineapple,
pineapple, pineapple, pineapple,

and it was painful to watch.

- But the worst part of it
is she just looked sad.

- Defeated.
- Defeated.

- Defeated. And that s not
the Eureka we know.

- But she don t get
no free pass.

- That s right.

- She s her own worst enemy
at this point.

- Aquaria.

- In the production,
she lost me.

- Is she hilarious?
I don t know yet.

I know that I m interested.

It s like if you re dating,
you know what I mean?

You ve gone on like two dates,

but you re not ready
to go all the way yet.

You re like,
I ll go on a third date.

- I have no idea
what that s like.

[all laugh]

- It s future forward drag.

She s very exciting.

- I don t think that Aquaria
understands her power.

I think that she is going to be
a force to be reckoned with.

[clap clap]
- Silence.

I ve made my decision.

Bring back my girls.

- Welcome back, ladies.

I ve made some decisions.

Asia O Hara.

You re safe.

You may join the other girls.


You re safe.

- Thank you, RuPaul.

- Dusty Ray Bottoms.

You re safe.

- Thank you.

- [sighs]

- Yuhua Hamasaki.

You re safe.

- Thank you.

- Kalorie Karbdashian Williams.

You are a fierce,
curvaceous queen,

but tonight,
you fell a little flat.

Monique Heart.

On the runway,
all eyes were on you,

but in the challenge,
you got a little lost.

I wish there was a pill

to make you believe in yourself
as much as we do.

Monique Heart...

you re safe.

You may join the other girls.

- [sobs]

- Come on, girl.

Come on.

- Kalorie, Eureka,

I m sorry, my dears,
but you are up for elimination.

- It just sucks that I have
to lip sync against Eureka.

That s my big girl sister,
but I have to send her home.

- Two queens stand before me.

Ladies, this is your last chance
to impress me

and save yourself
from elimination.

The time has come...

for you to lip sync...

[echoing] for your life.

- I m the comeback queen,
and the second challenge,

I m in the bottom two.

All I can think of

is how embarrassing
it would be to go home.

I m gonna fight harder than
I ve ever fought before.

- Good luck,

and don t f*ck it up.

[music plays]

- ♪ Doesn t take much
to make me happy ♪

♪ And make me smile with glee ♪

♪ Never, never
will I feel discouraged ♪

♪ Cause our love s no mystery ♪

♪ Demonstrating
love and affection ♪

♪ That you give so openly,
yeah ♪

♪ I like the way you
make me feel about you, baby ♪

♪ Want the whole wide world
to see ♪

♪ Oh, oh, you ve got the best
of my love ♪

♪ Oh, oh, you ve got
the best of my love ♪

♪ Demonstrating
sweet love and affection ♪

♪ That you give so openly,
yeah ♪

♪ The way I feel about you,
baby, can t explain it ♪

♪ Want the whole wide world
to see ♪

♪ Oh, but in my heart ♪

♪ You re all I need ♪

♪ You for me and me for you ♪

♪ Oh ♪

♪ It s growing every day ♪

♪ My love, my love ♪

♪ Oh ♪

♪ Doo doo doo doo
doo doo doo doo ♪

♪ Oh ♪

♪ Oh ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh ♪

♪ You ve got
the best of my love ♪


- Ladies, I ve made my decision.

Eureka, shante, you stay.

- I won t disappoint again.
I m sorry.

I ll fight.

- Don t be sorry, be fierce.

You may join the other girls.
- Thank you.


- My dear girl,

a Kalorie-free "Drag Race"
just won t be the same.

Now sashay away.

[cheers and applause]

- Come on, sis.

- Kalorie may not have curbed
your craving today,

but just remember,
carbs are friends and food.

- Yay!
[applause and laughter]

- Miss Manjie.

- I wanted
to do my home state proud.

I tried my best. I tried.


A million girls would k*ll
for this opportunity.

And I just hope that
New Mexico is proud of me.

- Con-drag-ulations, ladies.

And remember,
if you can t love yourself,

how in the hell
you gonna love somebody else?

Can I get an amen up in here?

- Amen!
- Amen!

- All right.
Now let the music play.

- ♪ To-to-to to the moon ♪

♪ To the moon ♪

♪ To the moon ♪

♪ Gonna take me away ♪

♪ To-to-to to the moon ♪
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