10x04 - The Last Ball on Earth

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "RuPaul's Drag Race". Aired: February 2, 2009 – present.*
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RuPaul plays the role of host, mentor, and head judge for this series, as contestants are given different challenges each week.
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10x04 - The Last Ball on Earth

Post by bunniefuu »

- Previously
- On "RuPaul's Drag Race..."

I want you to help me
market new dating apps.

- Action.

- Welcome to Madam Buttrface.

[both laugh]

- Yuhua Hamasaki.

- The title of the video
- Was Buttrface.

Your face actually
looked pretty.

- I did moles.

- Mayhem Miller.

- We didn't notice you
in this commercial.

- Asia O'Hara.

Con-drag-ulations, you are the
winner of this week's challenge.

[cheers and applause]

- Mayhem Miller,
shantay, you stay.

Yuhua Hamasaki, sashay away.

- Whew.

- Girl.
- Girl.

- Ba-gawk.

- Oh, what did she write
in Chinese up there?

- I don't know what that says.

- I bet that says f*ck y'all.

[all laugh]
- Bye, Yuhua.

- You're just like wiping her
- From history, girl.

- Dang.

- I'm still here.
That's all that matters.

- I'm so happy.
- But I need to sit down.

My feet hurt.

- I am not supposed to be
- In the bottom.

I am in this game,
and I'm going to win it.

- From now on, b*tches, y'all
- Better beware, 'cause I'm here.

- Hey.
- Yes.

- If we really want
- To set this oven off, girl.

- just stick one of these on here.
- [laughs]

- Where do those
keep coming from?

- Girl.

- So, Asia, congratulations.

- Yeah.
- You're the winner this time.

- Come on, Hefty bag.

Come on, Tweety.

[all laugh]
- Yes!

- Now nobody give her shit

- for borrowing those gloves,
- Though.

- Oh!
- Oh!

- Thank you, Blair,
for the gloves.

- You're welcome, girl.

- Monique has been really quiet.
- Is everything okay?

- Um, well, in "Untucked,"
Eureka brought up the fact

that I was thrown under the bus.

And that really
kind of made me feel

a certain type of way
by my teammates.

- Mayhem did call Monique out.

- She did mention her name
- Specifically.

- Who was the person
you were supposed to tell

that you didn't like that?

- Monique.
- She was our team leader.

She was very direct
of what she wanted,

so I was like, okay.

I'm gonna fall back

because I know if I was
to try to enforce something,

I would get shut down.

- The way that I meant
- All that

was when we first
started the project,

I was assigned narrator.

- And then
- When it all got switched,

that's when I was like,
eh, well, you know,

if that's what
you want me to do...

- Not to cut you off,
but to cut you off.

- I felt like
- It would happen already,

so I've just been quiet, like,
oh, I was thrown under the bus.

Got it.

- I didn't throw you
under the bus.

I already told you what I said.

- But where did that comment
- Come from?

I didn't boss you,

- but I kept going back
- To make sure were you okay

because you were so quiet.

- Really, girl?
Keep doing all that.

- It's hard to get a word in
with you big-mouth b*tches.

You talk and talk and talk,

and when a bitch tries to get
a word in, you keep talking.

And I'm like, okay,

well, I'm just gonna
stay in my corner.

This is not about
RuPaul's Friends Race.

This is about
me getting $100,000,

- and getting you b*tches
- Out of my way.

- If that's how you feel,
done and done, game on.

Game, set, match.

- On that note, let's get out
- Of this ass, bitch.

- America, the Bible says
that what's done in the dark

- will be brought to light,
- Mother darling.

The light's on.

- The winner
of "RuPaul's Drag Race"

receives a one-year supply

of Anastasia
Beverly Hills cosmetics

and a cash prize of $100,000.

- With extra special guest judges
- Logan Browning

and Tisha Campbell-Martin.

- ♪ RuPaul's Drag Race ♪

- ♪ May the best woman ♪

- ♪ Best woman win ♪

- Hey, cheater girl.
- Hey, cheater girl.

- Hello.
- Good morning.

- It is a brand new day
in the workroom.

I really feel like I'm flying

under the radar a little bit,

- and I really wanna show Ru
- What's popping.

- So, girls,
- We've made it another day.

- Another day.
[cheers and applause]

- I wonder what's next.

- I want a hair challenge.

- Yeah, I wanna see you
tease some hair,

because, you know,
all of yours is flat.

- Yeah, little bitty.

- You don't tease them, bitch,

you mock them, okay?
[all laugh]

- The She-dog's pure shit
- To that wig.

- I can model anything, honey.

- Model? You mean waddle?

[all laugh]

- Ooh!

- Saved by the bell.
- Ooh, girl.

- She done already
done have herses.

- Hey, queens.

- Hey.
- Hey.

- Is your basement flooded?

Well, don't look at me.

Blame global warming.

But if you can keep your cool,

- the results
- Will be out of this world.

Hello, hello, hello.

- Hi.
[cheers and applause]

- Look at her.

- Ladies, America's
next drag superstar

always knows how
to steal the spotlight.

So for today's mini challenge,

you need to perfect the art
of the celebrity photo b*mb.

[all laugh]

- Using state-of-the-art
- Technology,

you'll insert yourself
into famous photos.

- And the queen with the most
- Memorable shot will win.

♪ DragRace

Now you have 15 minutes
to get into quick drag.


- Oh, fish.

- [laughs]

- All right.
Time's up, ladies.

First up, Miz cr*cker.

Now, you'll be photo bombing
Venice Williams at Wimbledon.

- Girl, whatever she's serving,
I'll serve it right back.

- Oh, you got Venice envy.

- Make this one a grand slam,
- Okay?

- Okay.
- Oh.

Game, set, snatch.

Are you a big fan
of the Jonas Brothers?

- I love them.
- Here we go.

One, two, three.

Oh, okay.

Yeah, girl. [laughs]

- In my photo b*mb,
- I'm grabbing Nick Jonas's bulge.


- You're like a bonus Jonas,
- Aren't you?

- Now, you found Rhianna
- In a hopeless place, didn't you?

- Oh, girl, I did,

and I'm going to be pointing
at her puswatcha.

- Is that Yiddish?

- That's her vag*na.
- [laughs]

That's right, bitch
better have your money.

- Oh, this balcony ain't
- Big enough for two queens.

- Will and Kate
- Plus eight and a half.

Taylor can't come to the phone
because Mayhem's gonna k*ll her.

Look what you made her do.

That's one of Oprah's
favorite things.

Dusty Ray Bottoms.

You own everything.
Get it? Own.

No, you don't get it.

Tell Gayle I said hell-aire.

Now, are you a Beyoncé fan?

- Yes. I love her.

- House of Dereon, here we go.

I don't think
you can handle this.

- I can handle it.
I can handle it.

- [laughs]
Blair St. Clair,

Destiny's forgotten child.

- You and Mariah go back
- Like babies and pacifiers.

A star is born.

Kameron Michaels,
you're photo bombing

- the Trumps
- Looking at the eclipse.

Don't stare at the orange blob
or you'll go blind.

Now, this is Grumpy Cat.

Now, are you allergic to p*ssy?

- I actually am.

- [laughs] Now, this p*ssy
- Isn't on fire,

but he's worth millions.

- You're gonna be photo bombing
- Kanye and Kim K.

Do you do a lot
of photo bombing?

- No, I'm usually
the star of the pictures.

- [laughs]

- I'm very comfortable
in front of a camera,

and I love me
a good photoshoot.

- Oh, okay.
- So you a gold digger.

- Oh, honey, I'm not saying
I'm a gold digger, but...

- [laughs]

Nice work, photo bombers.

Now, one of you
really pulled focus.

Aquaria, you are the winner
of today's mini challenge.

- Oh, thank you.

- I thought I was gonna win,
but Miss Aquafina won.

- You've won a $1,000 credit
from PostMates.

- Yes, come on, PostMates.

[doorbell rings]

- Come on in, PostMates.

- Oh, my gag,
it's Pit Crew Alum Shawn.

I didn't recognize you
with your clothes on.

[all laugh]

- You can just leave the food,

and I will leave you
a big tip on the app.

- Please do.
- Okay.

Good to see you, Shawn.

Ladies, I've got good news,
I've got bad news.

- The bad news,
- Climate change is real.

The glacial caps are melting

and the world
is coming to an end.

- The good news,
- We're throwing a ball.

[cheers and applause]

- That's right.
- For this week's maxi challenge,

you'll be competing in
The Last Ball on Earth.

- Gagging.

- Now, you need to serve
- Three lurks.

- First lurk,
- Alaskan Winter Realness.

Think sexy bikini
fun in the sun.

- Second lurk,
- Miami Summer Realness.

Something furry to keep you
from freezing your muff off.

You're getting it now, right?

- I got it.
- Uh-huh.

Third lurk, Martian
Eleganza Extravaganza.

- Glamour Couture
- That will slay the runway

on your new home planet, Mars.

[all laugh]

- I think most of the girls
are very surprised

to see a ball dropping
so early in the competition,

but I'm so excited
to show RuPaul

that I am a fierce competitor.

- Gentlemen, start
your rocket engines,

and may the best woman win.

- Aah! Oh!

- Extra, extra,
read all about it.

It's The Last Ball on Earth.

- So we have three looks
- For this ball.

Alaska Winter Realness,
Miami Summer Realness,

- and Martian
- Eleganza Extravaganza.

- Y'all stop getting stuff y'all
don't know how to work with.

- There is a beautiful red shiny
patent leather quilted fabric,

- and Monet pushes everybody
- Out the way to get it.

- No stretch, ugh.
- I hate non-stretch material.

It's literally the devil.

- You had
- No business getting it.

- Oh, but you can believe
I'll make it work, though.

- And then she comes
to get ready right beside me.

She's got these scissors,

and she is just cutting into it.

She ain't drawed a pattern.

It's like Edward Scissorhands,

and I am cringing

because I know how expensive
that fabric is.

- This is stressful, ugh.

Lord help me.

- This fabric
- Is not easy to work with.

- I told you stop grabbing stuff
you don't know how to work with.

- I think this material

- can be very much like
- I'm reflected from the sun.

It's this red vinyl moment.

So I'm going to give you

- like this like very
- Structured thing at the top

with these little
peplum moments.

- No sponges?

- Oh!
- Whoo!

- [laughs]

- Y'all some haters in here.

In my mind, RuPaul
loved the sponge dress.

And that is my truth
and I'm sticking to it.

Where's my little sponge?

- [laughs]

- So I'm praying to my sponge

- that I pull out
- Another fierce garment.

- So, baby,
- What's your look for today?

- I made this really cool
little antenna headpiece,

- because headpieces are
- My favorite thing to make.

- I know, I see.

- She's a little
- Radio frequency space girl.

How about yours?

- I'm trying to get
this Flash Gordon look.

One of the things
I'm worried about, though,

is that this is like
such a literal interpretation

of, you know, life on Mars.

I don't want them to think,
oh, she went and grabbed

- the easiest, like, Mars
- Reference you could possibly do,

- and then didn't really
- Take us there.

So I wanna take them there.

I seem to have smashed
the first sewing challenge,

- but my dad said something
- When I was young

that really embodies
what I say to myself.

- I won a national gold medal
- For karate,

- and he said, "good,
- Now you have to win another,

or people will think
this was an accident."

That is me when I come
to every single runway.

I have to prove myself
every single day.

- Vanjie.

- Vanjie.
- Vanjie.

- Vanjie.
- Vanjie.

- No, me trying
- To hot glue... this is an issue.

I should probably hand sew it.

I mean, it can't fit
in the machine. It's too big.

- If you're gonna sew this,

and if you're gonna have
to sew it with the top up,

you're gonna have to take like
some scotch tape or something

- and put it
- On the bottom of the foot.

Because that's not gonna slide
through the machine.

- Asia is the black
Martha Stewart.

She over here telling everyone
how to do everything correctly.

- Black Martha, honey.

- Black Martha Blartha.

- [laughs]

- I'm helping
- A lot of girls a lot.

I'm threading
a lot of sewing machines.

I'm fixing a lot of bobbins.

- Asia, whatcha think?
Can I crisscross it?

- You need to like taper it out.

It just feels right.

I'm not Mother Teresa,
but it does make me feel good

that girls trust my opinion.

This right here is gonna need to
kind of cascade down like that.

It makes me feel like
the mother of the group.

- I'm so excited.

The ball challenge
is something so up my alley

because to me, drag is about
genuinely liking what you do

- and doing what you do
- Because it's what you like.

I'm like Gandhi.

- Yep. That's what
we're gonna do.

So for my Martian Eleganza,
I want to use the materials

in a little bit more
of a unique way.

I want to rid myself
of all colors

and play with a kind of paper
doll approach to my design.

So I'm giving you
graphic ka-chow

- straight out of a comic book
- From the future.

- I look over at Aquaria
and I see her working,

but there's no garment at all.

- What are you doing with that?

- I'm keeping it very geometric.

- So I'm gonna keep this
- Very shape-y.

- Oh, okay.

- Come on, stretchy shoulder.

Aquaria's gonna glue
something to a bra.

- Simply no.

- Oh, come on, Buzz Lightyear.

- The end is near, everyone.

Our challenge today
is The Last Ball on Earth,

- where we have to serve up
- Three looks.

Not one, not two,

but, bitch, three looks.

RuPaul, thank you, but, aah!


- Oop. The zipper.

- It just popped.

Oh, my God.

- Yeah, it popped.

- I'm gonna try
- This other flimsy-ass zipper.

- Will you pray
- Over my zipper with me?

- Holy Spirit,
- We ask for flexibility,

- durability, and elasticity
- In this zipper.

[all laugh]

May the church say...

- Amen.
- Amen, girl.

- Hee hee hee hee.

- I love Monique's laugh
- When she does the hee-hee-hee.

- Hee hee hee hee.

- [laughs]

- That laugh, insane.

- Signature.

- Trying to get this metal shit

attached and sewn in
is not the easiest.

For this Martian Extravaganza,
I am using some hard metal.

Oh, that's my finger.

- Oh, be careful.

- [inhales] Yikes.

- Don't burn yourself, Tyra.

- We got hot glue burns.

- We got cuts and bruises
- Just from the materials alone.

I love what I'm making.

Like, I'm excited to finish it,

- because I think
- It's going to be badass,

but also like, I'm nervous
as f*ck about it.

[inhales] Ha!

- f*ck. You bitch.

- Dusty's idea
is a steam punk look

that is glued to a corset,

and she's going to make
a panty piece as well.

But we've heard
time and time again

that you can't come out on stage

in a design challenge
in a corset and a panty.

So dot, dot, dot.

Fill in the blank.

- Hey, kitty girls.

- Oh.
- Hey.

- How's the end of the world
- Treating you?

- Great.
- It's shady.

- Hey, Asia.
- Hey, Ru.

- So you are an O'Hara.
- I am.

- Is that the name
you've always had?

- I've had it my entire
professional drag career.

I got adopted in very early.

- Who are the members
of this family?

- Josephine O'Hara,
Silky O'Hara Monroe,

Sassy O'Hara, Ariel O'Hara.

- And what about Eureka?
Is she part of your family?

- I don't believe so.

I had heard of her
from Season 9,

- and when it came on,
- I was like, O'Hara? Who, bitch?

- Uh-huh. [laughs]

So you know how to sew.
- Absolutely.

- Somebody told me that you
made outfits for other people.

- Oh, yes.
I've made outfits

for Kennedy Davenport,
for Alyssa Edwards.

I've worked on an outfit
for Gladys Knight.

I've even hemmed a skirt
for Dolly Parton.

- Pretty much anybody
- That's come through Dallas.

- Mm.
- Mm-hmm.

- You know, and you also
do outfits for ice skaters?

- Yes, I do ballroom,
- Ice skating,

- high school
- And college dance teams

is really big in the south,

so that's my big clientele.

- So this is an actual
side business for you.

- It's a fulltime business
- For me.

- Wow. So tell me about
your outfit on Mars.

- I initially wanted to do
- Something kind of dark and edgy,

- but all the dark and edgy
- Fabric was gone.

- So you went with neon.

- So I went with neon.

And so I'm gonna kind of do

kind of Judy Jetson
meets Effie Trinket.

- Oh, okay.
- Yeah.

- After that Tweety Bird
- Last week,

I cannot wait to see what
you come out with this week.

- Well, thank you.
I'm very excited.

Now the judges know my level
of drag, my quality of drag,

- so I'm confident, and I'm ready
- To slay the runway.

- Well, hello, Aquaria.

- Hello, RuPaul, how are you?

- Now, who introduced you

to fashion and magazines
and all that stuff?

- I was studying womenswear.
- Okay.

- But thank goodness
for me, you know,

realizing that maybe
the nightlife

is more my true passion.

- Sure, yeah.
- And you're 21 years old.

Now wait a minute.
If you're 21,

I've heard of you
in New York clubs,

I think, for a couple years.

- A couple of years, yeah.

- Did you have a fake ID
- To get in?

- We pulled some strings.

- Some stush.

- Some stush, real, real tight.

- Now, you haven't won
any maxi challenges.

- Right.

- What are you gonna do
to rectify that?

- Looks is what I do.

- Some girls in the workroom
- Chose to read books,

I chose to turn looks.

- [laughs]

That, my friend,
will be in the promo.

- Whoosh.

- Let's see if you can do it
- One more time.

- Okie doke.
- Okay.

- Some girls in the workroom
- Try to... or...

- Uh-huh. Occur.

- Some girls in the workroom
choose to turn looks...

Oh, blew it.

I'm known as a look queen,

and this challenge
is literally about look.

So I want to show the judges
that I'm not just all talk

and that I really can
walk that walk

three different times
in three different looks.

- The Vixen.
- Hello, how are you?

- You're working
the turquoise affair.

- Yeah. For my
Life on Mars look,

I just wanna be
out of this world,

so I'm trying to do some
sporty space-age shapes,

but I think it's gonna be good.

- All right.
- So do you know how to sew?

- I do. My godmother,
- Growing up, she taught me.

- She would write my name
- On a napkin

and she'd make me trace it
with needle and thread.

- Really?
- Yeah.

- Now that's a great skill
- To teach a kid.

- Yeah, well, I was...

- To make them gay.

- Exactly. [laughs]

Well, I talked too much,
so that's how she kept me quiet.

- And you did it perfectly.
- I got good.

- Wow. Tell me,
what's your reputation

back home in Chicago?

- I'm the firestarter.
- [laughs]

- What does that mean?
- I shake things up.

I definitely am very influential
in the Chicago drag scene

because I am very vocal.

- My drag can definitely
- Get political.

Black Girl Magic is a show
that I produce in Chicago

- that is all about celebrating
- The power, the strength,

and the struggle
of being a black woman.

- Well, this is
- A make or break challenge.

- Yeah.

- But you've been sewing
- That napkin

for a long, long time.
- For a long time.

- So I want to see that
- Out there.

- Thank you, Ru.
- All right, The Vixen.

- Well, I declare,
Blair St. Clair.

- Hey, Mama Ru.
- Is this your Mars look?

- Yes, this is kind of
the base of it.

I really am inspired
by eras and time period,

especially more like old
Hollywood vintage things.

So I'm kind of doing
a sixties mod glam look,

reworked for the future,

because it's gonna be the last
thing I wanna wear before I die.

- I love that.
- Yeah.

- How did you get into drag?

- Because you don't seem like,
- You know,

some down dirty queen
up in the club.

- No, not really.

- But that's
- Still to come later.

- Right, later.
- That's the part we don't air.

No, I actually went to school
to do hair and makeup.

So I have been doing
hair and makeup

- and working on theater
- Productions my whole life.

And theater transcribed
into drag for me.

- I'm sure people
have said this to you.

You do look like
an all-American boy

from not just in real life,
but like from a storybook.

Have people said that
to you before?

- Mm-hmm. I get mistaken for
like a 12-year-old all the time.

- I'm sitting there, and they're
- Like, where's your mom?

- [laughs]

- Because of how young I look,

I feel like I'm just really
kind of skipped over a lot.

I think as soon as I walked
into this competition,

people immediately
just kind of dismissed me

and thought, not a threat.

But it kind of excites me a bit
that they do underestimate me

and for them not to know
what I'm gonna do next.

Yeah, I'm a little sneak attack.

- Well, kiddo, I cannot wait
to see what you do on Mars.

- Thank you. Yes.
- We'll see you out there.

- I'll see you there.
- Okay. [laughs]

- Monet X Change.

- Hi, Ru.

- Now, do you consider yourself
- A fashion queen?

Are you aware of fashion and
putting silhouettes together?

- Oh, yeah, totally.
- On Instagram and Facebook,

people tend to see you first

- before they get
- To see you perform ever,

so I think the look
is very important.

- Okay. But you're always
pumping a pussycat wig.

Do you ever do big hair?
- Hee hee hee hee hee.

- I do, I do
- When the occasion calls for it.

- Uh-huh.
- So what you're saying is

- the occasion
- Of this competition,

your calling is a pussycat wig.

- You know what?
Honestly, Ru,

in New York City,
I work six nights a week.

- So sometimes
- It is like getting out the door

and not worrying
about flubbing with hair

while I'm stage by myself
for two and a half hours.

- Yeah. Sure.
- So it's a convenience thing.

- Yeah.

- Just throw on a pussycat wig
and you out the door.

- [laughs] But also I look
really good in them, I feel.

Back in New York City,

- Monet shows up in a romper,
- No tuck, no wig,

and audiences eat her up.

So no one can blame Monet
for relying on personality,

but this is "Drag Race."

It's not gonna fly.

- Thank you so much.
- Thank you, Ru.

- All right, ladies.
- Listen up.

Tomorrow on the main stage

we'll be joined by our
extra special guest judges.

- From "Dear White People,"
- Logan Browning.

- [gasps] [cheers and applause]

- What?

- And one of my favorite
- Actresses.

I love this girl.

Tisha Campbell-Martin.

[cheers and applause]

- Oh, my God.

- I have waited my entire life
- To meet her,

so it is like my birthday.

I am so excited.

- Now, remember, ladies,
- This may be your last chance

to show off your charisma,
uniqueness, nerve, and talent,

- so good luck,
- Because we're f*cked.

[all laugh]

- Thank you, Ru.

- ♪ I wanna be on top ♪
- ♪ I wanna be on top ♪

- Aah!

- Runway, runway, runway
- Times three.

- Let's do it.

- For today's challenge,
we're getting ready

for The Last Ball on Earth,

which is like a Martian
Eleganza Ball Extravaganza.

We all have to step up, honey,

and have our pussies all fleek,
or we're gonna get the door.

- Girl, I feel like this is
Project Runway the House Down,

and this is a 10-g*n
make it work moment.

- There's so much to do.

I have two and a half
costumes to finish.

I have to rework
a couple of things.

So I'm like, aah!

- Girl, if I can't get this
thing through this hole.

- What happened?

- It won't go through the hole.

- Do you want me to thread it?

- Please, because I'm really
about to have an anxiety attack.

- I got it,

- Woosa.

[inhales and exhales]

- Dusty, this is your ice queen?

- Yeah, wanna see the gag, girl?

- Word.
- Wow, she's frozen.

- Yep. Let it go, girl.

'Cause they're not gonna see
that in the stage lights.

I think my garment is clean,
but I'm looking around

- and seeing
- A lot of extra decoration,

and I'm wondering if I should
have done that, too.

- Bam.

- Eureka, can I show you
something real quick?

I think with this,
I wanted to distress it

so it looks like
I was leaving earth,

- like shit was going down, honey.
- Wow.

Like, you've been through
something and you survived.

- And I was like...
- And then she said...

♪ Back to the ball,
back cat to the ball ♪

♪ Back to the ball,
in the world of the ball ♪

♪ Cat k*ller, cat, cat, hey ♪

[both laugh]

- Gotta get down
at the end, girl.

- Give a little donkey kick.

- Donkey kick!
[both laugh]

- I never heard that expression.

- That's what we call it
in Tennessee, bitch.

- Just the old drag...
- The drag donkey kick, bitch.

- 'Cause you're
- Donkey kicking, bitch.

- You know why? 'Cause you look
- Like an ass doing it.

[both laugh]

- Asia, I definitely feel like

you're kind of the mom
of the group here.

- Really?
- Yeah.

You're always like
so nurturing and loving.

- And even though
- I kind of miss my mom at home,

- I think of you kind of like
- As a mom figure here.

- It's good to hear that.

And it just flowed
naturally out of me.

- Have you ever felt kind
of like a mom figure before?

- Um, it's just... I don't know.

Both of my parents are dead.

I lost both of my parents...
- I'm sorry to hear that.

- Thank you. I was 27
when my parents passed.

- That's me
- And my mom and my dad.

I still don't know...
I'm still processing it.

You don't know what
being alone feels like

until you don't have
a family connection.

- I really felt like
- I had to start from scratch.

Doing drag gave me
those family connections.

That's why I really kind of
take these moments to heart,

because I don't know

when I'm gonna see
y'all again after this.

Like, I don't know what...

- We're only promised today.

- We don't know
- Who's going home today.

- Absolutely.
- But someone has to.

- Yeah, girl.

- Aquaria, here's something
- I wanna ask you

because it's come up
a couple times.

- I've overheard people
- Saying like,

oh, well, you know, Aquaria,
she has sugar daddies.

- You know, everything
for her is paid for.

- Is this someone
in this workroom

or is this someone
in New York City?

- Yeah, New York City.

Why do you think
that is out there?

Why do you think people
are saying that?

- Girl, if you look
like a million bucks,

- people might assume that
- You come from a million bucks.

- Right.

- I guess people assume
that it is expensive.

That's definitely
a misconception

- that really bugs me a lot.
- Right.

- I've worked so hard
for what I have.

I'll do two gigs on the Saturday
night until 4:00 in the morning,

- wake up and do drag brunch
- On the Sunday,

- and then another party
- Sunday night.

- I definitely take what I do
- Very seriously.

I work so hard,

even Donna Summer
would be jealous.

Everything I have
I have worked for,

and I built myself
from the ground up.

- Right.
- You f*cking bitch.

[both laugh]

- I don't want to imply that
I don't want a sugar daddy

- if anyone would like to be
- A sugar daddy for me.

I don't need to build
from the ground up.

- Right.

- I admire Aquaria,

but that is not a look
I'm trying to steal.

[all laugh]

- 'Cause if you can't
shade yourself,

- how the hell you gonna shade
- Somebody else?

- Girl.

- Work.

- You look good, too, sis.
- Thank you, mama.

- I love how you say sis.

But your twang.

- Oh.
- It's, hey, sis.

- Just like sis.
- Sis.

I love it.

- I don't even notice
- That I have a twang, bitch.

- You do.
- You do, girl.

- Well, I mean, I believe you,

- but like,
- Even Michelle was like,

girl, you need to speak that
a little clearer.

Your accent's coming through.

And I'm like, what accent?

- See, I didn't understand
anything you just said.

- Well, bitch, what do you do
- When you got an accent?

That's like telling an English
person not to have an accent.

- They don't have an accent.
- They speak English.

- Maybe if you got
a little history lesson.

You know, the people in England,

they sounded like us,
AKA Americans.

Then they got the accent
when they went there.

- People think
- It's the other way around.

- Wait, Monet, I love you,
but that's not how it works.

- That is how it works.
I'm telling you.

- ♪ It's not working ♪
- Like people in the UK,

they used to speak...
they used to sound like this.

- And then what happened?

- Then I don't know
what happened,

but then they got
the British accent.

- Lies and fairytales.
Who told you that?

- My teachers.

- Their accent changed.
- Changed.

- Because they moved over there.

I mean, I'm saying...
- Boo-boo.

- No, no, no, no, no.
- Boo-boo. Boo-boo.

- Hold on, hold on.
- Damn.

- Wait, hold on. Hold on.
- Actually... okay.

- Hold on, let me get you.
Let me get y'all real quick.

We all sounded like this,
like, the American accent.

- And then
- I don't know what happened,

but then they all got
the British accent.

I don't know how.

- You know that the Queen...
- Of England.

- Sent them over here.
- I know.

And then they got
a British accent

over like years of like
adjusting and like...

- Mother, darling.
- Adjusting to what?

- Evolution, bitch.

- Lies and fairytales,
- Fallacies.

That's false, America.

We're gonna just speak
like y'all today,

- and then we're just gonna start
- Speaking like this.

[English accent] Like, do you
mean, like, teas and crumpets?

No, bitch, no.

- She needs the encyclopedia,

- the ones
- With the dust on it, girl.

- The Britannica?

- The Britannica, yes, bitch.
- [all laugh]

- This thing, it is true.

'Cause when they
came to America

to colonize and crystallize.

When they moved back to like...
to make themselves different,

they got the British accent.

That is very true.

- How do you explain, like, in...

- I don't... don't ask me.
- I don't know how they did it.

- Well, you brought it up,
- Not us.

- No, don't ask me.
- Ask Siri.

She'll tell you everything
you need to know.

- Bitch, you can't trust
that bitch either.

- [laughs]

- Monet, I love you,
- But I'm coming to New York.

We're gonna do
our world history lesson.

- [laughs]

[RuPaul laughs]

- ♪ Cover girl,
- Put the bass in your walk ♪

- ♪ Head to toe,
- Let your whole body talk ♪


- Wow.
- Amazing.

- Welcome to the main stage
of "RuPaul's Drag Race."

- My makeup
- Has never looked better.

[all laugh]

- Mother Earth, Michelle Visage.

- Don't you mess
with Mother Nature.

- One of the Four Horsemen
of the Apocalypse,

Ross Mathews.

- Giddyup, Ru.

- [chuckles]

From "Dear White People,"

the binge-worthy Logan Browning.

- Mm, gracias.

- Now, I have loved this girl
since "Little Shop of Horrors."

Tisha Campbell-Martin.

- Hello, beautiful.

- Quick poll.

Raise your hand

if you believe
in climate change.

- Well, there you have it.

and four out of four
"Drag Race" judges agree.

The struggle is real.

- This week,
- We challenged our queens

to turn out three lurks
for the Last Ball on Earth.

The end is near.

Gentlemen, start your engines,

and may the best woman win.

- Category
- Is Alaskan Winter Realness.

First up, Mayhem Miller.

- Come on, pink,
rumble in the jungle.

- I'll have a two piece
- And a biscuit.

[all laugh]

- I'm giving you
chocolate pinup,

- Bettie Page, Dita Von Teese,
- With a little tan.

I love throwing light
on black Harvey.

I can tell Ru's loving my look.

- Well, now we know what's
happened to the Coral Reef.

[all laugh]

- Eureka.

- I need to lay down,
I'm seeing spots.

[all laugh]

- Ooh.
- Ooh.

- Betty Boob.
- Betty Boob at the beach.

Look at them boobs.

- They want us
- To be as naked as we dare,

- so for me, being a bigger girl,
- I decided to go 1950s.

So I'm giving you like
pin-up vintage fish.

- I love a pin-up girl
that can pin me down.

[Michelle laughs]

- Monet X Change.

- Neon Northern Lights.

- You glow, girl.

[all laugh]

- I'm serving
radiation realness.

- I want people to see me
- From the beach

from miles and miles away.

I'm giving you neon, neon, neon.

No kittycat wig today, child,
and I look gorgeous.

- All the other queens
are Sarah Palin in comparison.

[all laugh]

- In Alaska.
- Yeah, I got it.

- You got it?
- I got it.

- Okay.

- Kameron Michaels.

- Look, her boobs
have their seatbelts on.

[all laugh]

- Coming up on
- "The Real Housewives of Alaska."

[all laugh]

- Alaskan Winter Realness,

I am serving
all of the summer body,

with far too much sass
and way too much ass.

My character is that bitch
that walks into the pool party

- looking way too grand
- For where she's supposed to be,

but she's serving it.

- Somebody likes
a pearl necklace.

[all laugh]

- The Vixen.

- Now, that outfit
makes a clear statement.

- Mm-hmm.

- And I thought
I was her biggest fan.

- My outfit is just like me,
completely transparent.

Global warming is real, and
my look is gonna cool you off.

I've been waiting to crack this
fan on the runway all season,

and I am so glad

- that I am modeling the hell
- Out of this bikini.

- And in her spare time,
she sells crack.

[all laugh]

- Aquaria.

- Whip it, whip it good.

- Tonight on the runway, I'm
giving you full on Lucha Libre.

This is actually a design

- that I drew in college
- For a swimwear assignment,

and I'm so excited
that I finally had the chance

- to make it into
- A fully realized outfit.

- She's fighting crime
one thong at a time.

- Braided it.

[all laugh]

- Dusty Ray Bottoms.

Live from Juneau, Alaska,
it's Latoya Jackson.

- Yes, it is.

- Juneau it.
[all laugh]

- I am serving a complete bauchy
dominatrix swimsuit look.

She's almost pin-up.

I've got my beautiful
stone sailor hat.

I am the captain
of this last ship.

- That's actually my hat from
when I was a cruise director.

[all laugh]

- You mean
- When you were cruising.

[all laugh]
- Same diff.

- Monique Heart.

- You know how you tell
if a watermelon's ripe?

- No.
- You shake it.

- Yes.
[all laugh]

- Do you guys think
she's seedless?

- No, I think
- There are definitely seeds.

[all laugh]

- I'm very inspired by Beyoncé

from her song "Lemonade"
when she says "watermelon."

So I decided to put it
on a bathing suit,

- and I pair it
- With my long box braids.

- I'm feeling very
- "Poetic Justice" realness

bringing the house down.
- What a fruit.

- Ah-ha-ha!

- Up next, it's Blair St. Clair.

- Where's that
bitch skipper anyway?

- This is your classic
vintage forties Barbie,

and I just feel lovely.

And I'm owning
every bit of my body.

Life is plastic and fantastic.

- Her stripes are vertical
and whore-izontal.

[all laugh]

- There's no place like Nome.

[all laugh]

- Asia O'Hara.

- Are you ballsier
than a fifth grader?

[all laugh]

- We're getting ready
to leave this planet,

but we're gonna enjoy
our time here,

- and I'm gonna turn heads
- On the beach.

I'm serving Alaskan tuna.

- Whatever fish live in Alaska,
- That's the fish I am.

And the judges are eating
every drop of it.

- Do you think this outfit
- Is contagious?

- I'm sorry, but you've tested
positive for fabulous.

[all laugh]

- Miz cr*cker.

- Look at this basketcase.

- Welcome to my hairy oolah.

- Today I'm giving you
a cute little doll

- in a swimsuit braided
- Entirely from blonde hair.

This is my chance to show
that I can do literally anything

with a packet of braiding hair.

I am working this mercan.

I'm thinking about the hula girl
that you tape to your dashboard.

There's nothing
in her bobblehead,

- but she's going to bobble around
- And make you smile.

- Swish, swish, fish.

- Coming to a dashboard
- Near you.

[all laugh]

- Let's keep this ball rolling.

- Category is
- Miami Summer Realness.

Up first, Mayhem Miller.

- Miami is ice,
so I'll say it thrice.

[all laugh]

- I look like a glacial goddess.

I am glamorous.
I am sparkling.

I am the queen
of the North Pole.

- Take that, Elsa.

- Let it go.
[all laugh]

- Eureka.

- Oh, I didn't know Eureka
- Was from the hood.

[all laugh]

- I have the very Eskimo style
yeti speed fish realness,

and I'm serving
sex puss glamour.

- It's so cold, I'm gonna go
put on a leotard.

- Forecast calls for
snow you better don't.

[all laugh]

- Monet X Change.

- Ooh.
- Ooh.

- Somebody needs a breath mint.

[all laugh]

- Oh, she's a grower.

- I think I look elegant,
- I look rich,

but I look very sexy.

- I have a slit all the way up
- To my poondanda.

- I want Ru to really see
- That I am a fashionable queen.

- It's prom. On ice.

[all laugh]

- Kameron Michaels.

- Cotton candy sweet and go.

Let me see that icy ho.

[all laugh]

- It's very cold in Miami,

so I had the biggest,
grandest fur coat

that there ever has been.

- I am serving you the princess
- Of the Northern Lights.

- Why isn't she in Boca Raton
with the other blue hairs?

- Exactly.
[all laugh]

- The Vixen.
- Me so horny.

[all laugh]

- Is she doing blow?

[all laugh]

- My Miami Summer look
is very into the woods.

It's like I'm painting
a picture for you.

- I want you to be into
- The dead of winter with me.

I want you to feel cold
when you see me.

- Make it snow.
Make it snow.

[all laugh]

- Aquaria.

- She can clean it up
in a swiffie.

[all laugh]

- This outfit represents me
- As a drag queen

- because I love
- An over-the-top silhouette,

and I personally hand dyed
all the faux fur.

I think the blend of the pastel
colors is absolutely stunning.

- And I can tell
- By the twinkle in RuPaul's eye

that he is errr this.

- Silly rabbit,
Trix are for kids.

[all laugh]

- Dusty Ray Bottoms.

- Cuffs made of yak.

[all laugh]

- Yak queen.

- Yak.

[all laugh]

- I am serving you
snow queen realness.

- I have the cold, frozen heart
- Of our leader,

who wound us up in this mess

because he wouldn't pay
attention to global warming.

- No yaks were hurt in the making
- Of this gown, I promise.

- He's got a heart on for us.

[all laugh]

- Monique Heart.

- The art that plays
the Arctic Circle.

- And then there's mauve.

[all laugh]

- I saw the fur and sort of
- Said, that's the one.

These shoulders, girl,

I'm calling to the runway

kittycat, kittycat,
cat, cat, cat, cat.

Did you catch the ponytail?

I'm giving you futuristic

I feel stunning.

- I can see
- Her short and curlies.

[all laugh]

- Well, I declare,
Blair St. Clair.

- She's belting one out.

- Jacket on or jacket off?

[all laugh]

- I'm heating up the runway
- With this look.

- She's a rich bitch,
- And even when it's cold outside,

she's still gonna look
classic and stunning

in an all fur rabbit coat.

- Shh, it's wabbit season.

[all laugh]

- Asia O'Hara.

- Hey, snow leopard.

- Ooh, look at those slopes.

- I've chosen to be very modern,
- Fashion forward,

- futuristic,
- Snow leopard neon bunny.

Yes, it is the end of the world,

- but a bitch
- Is still gonna look good.

I look like a boss-ass bitch.

- I look like
- I own the ski resort.

- Now, that is what we call
- A black diamond.

[all laugh]

- Miz cr*cker.

- Reporting for duty
to the gayest army ever.

[all laugh]

- I'm wearing Helmet Bling.

[all laugh]

- This isn't just about cold,
- This is about survival,

so I'm giving you
Bond Girl realness.

She's in her icy getaway and
ready to attack when necessary.

I'm a black widow in pink.

- She's got a w*apon
of ass destruction.

[all laugh]

- ♪ I want you to remember me ♪

- Category is Martian
Eleganza Extravaganza.

- ♪ Snap shot ♪

- Mayhem Miller.

- Little Red Rides the Hood.

[all laugh]

- Oh, good, they have
a Studio 54 in space.

[all laugh]

- I'm here to save the day,
- Bitch.

- I got a cape, I'm giving you
- Pepper LaBeija realness.

- I want the judges to know
- She is the one.

- First stop, Mars.

Next stop, Uranus.

[all laugh]

- Eureka.

- [robot voice]
- Take me to your craps table.

[all laugh]

- I am serving you
the last loaf on earth,

giving you executive realness.

- I'm ready to protect, serve,
- And do business.

I'm here to what? Work.

- Throw mama from the spaceship.

- [laughs]

[all laugh]

- Monet X Change.

- Ooh, what filter is she using?

[all laugh]

- Armageddon, hon.

- If this is
The Last Ball on Earth,

the world is going down,
but I look fierce.

I'm giving you
future black Marilyn.

I feel like I look like
a million bucks,

and I love this look on me.

- Does she have a patent
on that leather dress?

- No, but it's quilted
for your protection.

[all laugh]

- Kameron Michaels.

Uh, Houston, we have a peplum.

[all laugh]

- She's trying to phone home.

- The only look that
- I'm not super confident in

is my Martian look.

I think my space bimbo
telecommunications director

is quirky enough that the judges
will enjoy her on the stage.

- Cell-service in the Milky Way
is just terrible.

- Terrible.
- Terrible.

- Can you hear me now?

[all laugh]

- The Vixen.

- Well, this look
just blew me away.

[all laugh]

- My Martian Eleganza
is pure Vixen.

I'm giving you disco,
I'm giving you superhero.

If I was gonna go to Mars,
I would be there to boogie.

And I'm giving you
superhero of the world.

Whatever world that is.

- She looks like
the granddaughter

of a Solid Gold dancer.

[all laugh]

- Aquaria.

- Guys, she's flashing us.

[all laugh]

- I'm giving you full villainous
power in this final look.

I'm giving a whole lot of body.

I'm used to being a spectacle in
the club scene in New York City,

- so I know how to make an impact
- With a look.

- I may be a bitch, but tonight
- I feel like that bitch.

- Oh, she went balls-out.

- I'll be back in a flash.

[all laugh]

- Dusty Ray Bottoms.

- Why, I'm Glinda,
the good witch.

- In Mars, it's necessary

to have breath support
for your breast support.

- The metal is digging into
- My neck and cutting up my arms,

but this is it.

I just got to Mars,

and I am throwing the first
"Paris Is Burning" on Mars.

- Who needs a sh**ting star
- When I'm right here, darling?

- Planet Glitter-is.

[all laugh]

- Monique Heart.

- You know what they say
about the weather on Mars.

- Mm, what?

- You just can't planet.

[all laugh]

- Honey,
- This blue-green sequence

looks opulent on this
chocolate melanin skin, honey.

I live for deep
plunging necklines.

I have no titties, but, bitch,
I'm gonna give you the illusion.

And the side leg, honey,

all that good
booty cheek out. Ah.

I'm serving 20/20
Eleganza on Mars.

- She's so jaded.

[all laugh]

- Blair St. Clair.

- Pink hair don't Blair.

[all laugh]

- Oh, this old thing?

It's just made
with aluminum foil.

[all laugh]

- I've had a good time on earth,
- Ladies and gentlemen,

but I'm ready for the new world.

- Just because
- It's the end of the world

- doesn't mean
- You can't look fabulous.

- Yes, the modeling agency
sent me over.

[all laugh]

- I, too,
- Am a sample size on Mars.

[all laugh]

- Asia O'Hara.

- Here comes a close encounter.

[Ross laughs]

- I love
- When people surprise you.

I did not expect her
to have white balls.

- Whoa.
[all laugh]

- I am serving "The Capital"
and "The Hunger Games"

meets Judy Jetson.

As we have to leave our planet
and go to another planet,

- we develop this appreciation
- For spheres.

And I... [coughs] cough
stardust balls out of my mouth,

because we have been
in hibernation.

- Turn your head to the left
- And cough.

[all laugh]

- Welcome aboard
- The Starship Innerthighs.

[all laugh]

- Miz cr*cker.

- Ball busters.
[all laugh]

- [robot voice] Take me
to your breeder. Take me.

- A slinky little number.

- In space, no one
can hear you scream,

so all the noise
has to be glitter.

Everything is stoned

- and glittered
- The house down space boots.

She's cute, but she's dangerous.

I'm ready to blast off.

- One small step for man,

- and one giant duckwalk
- For queenkind.

[all laugh]

- I said which way is Pluto?

[all laugh]

- Welcome, ladies.

Based on your three ball lurks,

I've made some decisions.

When I call your name,
please step forward.

Mayhem Miller.


The Vixen.

Monique Heart.

Blair St. Clair.

This week, you are all safe.

You may leave the stage.

The rest of you

represent the tops
and bottoms of the week.

Now it's time
for the judges' critiques.

First up, Monet X Change.

- I thought the Miami Summer
- Realness was great.

It looked elevated.

But the other looks seemed
just a little homemade.

- I think your Mars look
just looks really sloppy,

like Mars-y in a school play.

- All in all, I agree
with the judges.

But listen, I love a good gag.

- [laughs]

- All right, thank you, Monet.

Up next, Kameron Michaels.

- You gave us something
different on each look.

The first look is so funny.

I just know that lady,
I love that lady.

The second look
was so glamorous.

- And then the third look
- Gave me story.

- And then aside
from the character,

your costumes are fabulous.

- Tonight was a good night
- For you.

- Thank you.

- All right,
- Battling for her life.

- Hello, RuPaul.

- I must say,
- I'm living for this look.

- I'm actually
not serving a look.

[all laugh]

Well, that means a lot
coming from the lurk queen.

- Allegedly.
- [laughs]

- All three of your looks
were so cohesive,

and I love that.

- Your first look,
I absolutely loved you

- swinging that little ponytail
- All over the place.

Your second look,
the victim poofing and powing,

- and then the third look
- Is the villain.

- If I could define each one of
your looks, it'd be showstopper.

You served that today.

- Thank you.

- Up next, Dusty Ray Bottoms.

- The Miami Summer Realness look
- Was really thought out.

I got to just sit here and go,

oh, I totally get
what she's doing.

- But with the other two looks,
- I didn't get it.

- With your Alaskan Winter
- Realness,

- that biker style hat
- Was so decorative and beautiful,

- and then the top and short
- Looked like it was off the rack.

- And this is so gorgeous.

You gave us...
[blows] magic.

- Thank you.
- But not Martians.

- I'm searching
for a Mars storyline,

and I'm just not finding it.

- This is "Mars Is Burning,"
and this is my stardust dress.

I am in the stardust.

I'm giving it to everyone.

And that's what I was going for.

- It's a faerie.

- Up next,
- We've got Asia O'Hara.

- You like balls, huh?
- I do.

- That's good, girl.
I like 'em, too.

- Your balls
- All over yourself were fun,

but really kind of basic.

It's Season 10.

You've got to amp it up
and do much more than this.

Because after last week,

we're expecting more
from you, Miss Asia.

- Alaskan Winter Realness
I thought was cute.

I just don't know
that cute is enough.

- My two first looks

were things that weren't
finished when I got here,

and I had plans to finish them,

- and everybody
- Kind of needed my help.

- How many of the girls
did you help with their sewing?

- Um... I helped everybody
with their looks.

- Everyone.
- Everyone.

- Every single person.

- Did that take time away
from you doing yours?

- It did, but I felt like
my time was spent...

my time was spent
better helping them.

- It's so sweet of you,

- but just like
- When you're on an airplane,

you have to put
the oxygen on first.

- You have to put
the mask on your face

before you put it
on your child's face.

Asia, you need to take care
of yourself first.

Ground control to Major cr*cker.

Is there life on Mars?

- More than on Staten Island.

[all laugh]

- Hi, Miz cr*cker.

I've never gotten away
with saying that.

[all laugh] So thank you.

I love you and your looks.

- You were perfection
walking down the runway.

- Every single one of your looks
- Told a story,

- and this one
- Is my absolute favorite.

- Though 'tis a body suit,
- You took it further,

out of the ordinary,
into the extraordinary.

And nothing could be gayer than
a glitter astronaut helmet.

- Tonight was a great night
- For you.

Keep it up.

- Thank you, ladies.
- I think we've heard enough.

While you untuck backstage,

the judges and I
will deliberate.

Okay, now, just between
us earth girls...

[all laugh]

What do you think?

Monet X Change.

- Monet is a great queen
who I'm rooting for.

- But two out of the three looks
- Tonight

just weren't good enough.

- I'm only getting
the first impression,

and the first impression,
it was not good enough

as it compares to the other
queens that were on the stage.

- The Martian Eleganza,

- like, Ru, it was falling apart
- On the stage.

Like it was literally
falling apart.

Tonight was a miss for me.

- Kameron Michaels.

- She showed me funny,

she showed me glamour,
and she showed me character.

- But the Alaskan Winter
- Realness,

- it did lack more
- Than it just being a bikini.

- But, gosh, that Martian.

I loved her personalities
and how she changed.

- You didn't know
- Who she was gonna be next,

and she was that chameleon.

- Would you say
- She's a Kameron-Kameron...

Kameron chameleon?

- Yes.

- Oh, my God, you are
so totally unitarded.

[all laugh]

- Aquaria.

- Well, I don't know
whose legs I want more,

Aquaria's or that g*dd*mn
Logan over there.

[all laugh]

- Tisha.

- What I saw today
on that runway was brilliant.

The looks were so cohesive.

- She was the only one
who stayed in her character,

in her bubble, the entire time.

- This week, Aquaria elbowed
those girls out of the way

- and put herself
- At the front of the pack.

- Dusty Ray Bottoms.

- The first look,
we all loved the hat.

She gave great head, and then
the rest was disappointing.

And that's the word,

It just... all of them were just
off the mark a little bit.

- If you have
- To explain your outfit,

you have missed the mark.

Dusty Ray Bottoms
just hit the bottom for me.

- Asia O'Hara.

- Ah, this one broke my heart

- because she had
- Such a good week last week.

The lesson is learned.

You spend more time
on other people,

you're gonna get burned.

- She is a queen that has
everything that it takes.

She's got talent.
She's got the looks.

She's got the makeup skills.

It's gonna hurt her
in this challenge

- that she didn't
- Take care of herself first,

- because the looks
- Just weren't good enough.

- It's really sweet
that she helped everyone,

- but you do
- Have to manage your time.

Last but not least, Miz cr*cker.

- Miz cr*cker
- Was my favorite tonight.

- Every look she had was upscale
and couture, very vogue.

- Her servitude
- Is on a whole other level.

She is the Ritz, honey.

[all laugh]

- Now if you wanna talk about
best of the best this week,

- I think Aquaria
- Was a little bit better.

- But they are neck and neck
- And neck.

- Miz cr*cker gives me life.

- Aquaria's outfits
have that wow factor.

- Yeah, true.

- But Miz cr*cker is flawless,
- You know.

- I think cr*cker's
way quirkier and weirder.

She's just a weirdo.

- [clap, clap]
- All right, silence.

I've made my decision.

Bring back my girls.

- Welcome back, ladies.

I've made some decisions.

Miz cr*cker,

tonight you had the judges

Aquaria, up until now,

your star power
has been eclipsed.

But this is the dawning
of the age of Aquaria.

Con-drag-ulations, you are the
winner of this week's challenge.


- You've won a $2,000 gift card
- From D-Bleu-Dazzled

and a wig wardrobe
from RockStar Wigs.

- Thank you so much.

I am so, so, so,
so, so, so happy

that I won this challenge.

I'm literally
like over the moon.

- Miz cr*cker, you're safe.

You may join the other girls.

- Kameron Michaels,
you are safe.

Dusty Ray Bottoms,

your Martian storyline
got lost in space.

I'm sorry, my dear,
but you're up for elimination.

Asia O'Hara.

You boosted the other queens,

but when it came time
for your own drags,

there was a failure to launch.

Monet X Change,
we loved your stories.

But on the runway,

your three lurks
didn't quite works.

Asia O'Hara...

You are safe.

Monet, I'm sorry, my dear,
but you are up for elimination.

- I feel like
- My entire drag career

is like flashing before my eyes.

- I'm gonna have to lip sync
- For my life

against my New York City sister.

But I want them to know that
I'm this fierce drag queen,

and I want to be here.

- Two queens stand before me.

- Ladies, this is your last chance
- To impress me

and save yourself
from elimination.

- The time has come...
- [thunder]

For you to lip sync...

[echoing] For your life.

- Monet is a friend of mine,

but I am ready to give
the biggest fight I have

to show Ru I deserve to stay.

This is the last moment
to make it count.

- Good luck,
- And don't f*ck it up.

- ♪ Oh, oh, oh ♪

- ♪ Come fill my glass up
- A little more ♪

♪ We 'bout to get up
and burn this floor ♪

- ♪ You know we getting hotter
- And hotter ♪

♪ Sexy and hotter,
let's shut it down ♪

♪ Yo, what I gotta do to show
these girls that I own 'em? ♪

♪ Some call me Nicki,
and some call me Roman ♪

♪ Skeeza, pleeza, I'm in Ibiza ♪

♪ Giuseppe Zanotti,
my own sneaker ♪

♪ Sexy, sexy, that's all I do ♪

- ♪ If you need a bad bitch,
- Let me call a few ♪

- ♪ Pumps on and them little
- Mini skirts is out ♪

♪ I see some good girls,
I'm-a turn 'em out ♪

♪ Okay, bottle, sip,
bottle, guzzle ♪

♪ I'm a bad bitch,
no muzzle, hey? ♪

♪ Bottle, sip, bottle, guzzle ♪

♪ I'm a bad bitch,
no muzzle, let's go ♪

♪ Music ♪

♪ Makes me high ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh ♪

- ♪ Come fill my glass up
- A little more ♪

♪ We 'bout to get up
and burn this floor ♪

- ♪ You know we getting hotter
- And hotter ♪

♪ Sexy and hotter,
let's shut it down ♪

♪ Pound the alarm ♪

- Yeah!

- ♪ Pound the alarm ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh ♪

- ♪ Come fill my glass up
- A little more ♪

♪ We 'bout to get up
and burn this floor ♪

- ♪ You know we getting hotter
- And hotter ♪

♪ Sexy and hotter,
let's shut it down ♪

- Come on!

- ♪ Pound the alarm ♪

[cheers and applause]

♪ Pound the alarm ♪

[cheers and applause]

- For the ladies
watching from the back,

that is what we call
a lip sync for your life.

[cheers and applause]

Now, I've made my decision.

Monet X Change,
shantay, you stay.

You may join the other girls.

- Thank you.

- Dusty Ray Bottoms,
you'll always be tops with me.

Now sashay away.

- I just have to say
thank you so much.

- You have changed my life
- Completely.

I'm eternally grateful,
and I love you all.

Thank you.

[cheers and applause]


[all laugh]

- You know, she's a punk rocker.

- She doesn't do Nicki Minaj,
- But I lived tonight.

I didn't expect
to go home fourth,

but this is the hardest thing
I've ever done ever.

- I just hope
- I didn't disappoint anyone.

[sobs] That's all.

- I tried really hard,
- And I gave it everything I had.

And I know that I did my very
best and I gave a good fight.

- This is not the last you're
- Gonna see of Dusty Ray Bottoms.

So keep your eye out,
or keep your bottom out.

I don't know.

- Con-drag-ulations, ladies.

- And remember,
- If you can't love yourself,

how in the hell are you
going to love somebody else?

Can I get an amen up in here?

- Amen.
- All right.

Now let the music play.

- ♪ To-to-to to the moon ♪

♪ To the moon ♪

♪ To the moon ♪

♪ Come on and take me away ♪

♪ To-to-to to the moon ♪
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