10x06 - DragCon Panel Extravaganza

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "RuPaul's Drag Race". Aired: February 2, 2009 – present.*
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RuPaul plays the role of host, mentor, and head judge for this series, as contestants are given different challenges each week.
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10x06 - DragCon Panel Extravaganza

Post by bunniefuu »

- Previously on
- "RuPaul's Drag Race"...

- You'll be appearing
- On the daytime talk show

Bossy Rossy.

- [crying]

- I think we're ready
for the breakthrough.

- Oh, my God.

- Mayhem Miller.

- It just was overshadowed
- By Dr. Dill.

- Monét X Change.

- You have to be
over the top and insane

with this kind of comedy,

and it just fizzled out for me.

- Eureka.

- You were a big baby.

- [laughs]
- I thought you were amazing.

- Eureka, you are the winner
of this week's challenge.


Monét X Change,
shantay, you stay.

Mayhem, sashay away.

- Ooh.
- Whew.

- She's the other quiet girl.

- She's the other quiet girl.
- Now I'm alone.

- She led by example.

You better pipe the f*ck up.

Chirp, chirp.

- I feel so bad
even wiping this down.

- For me to be in the bottom two
- A second week in a row,

it is so disheartening.

I walked in here
feeling so strong,

but here,
it's just not shining through,

- and I just...
- [sighs] I don't know.

- You k*lled it tonight, girl.

- Well, girl, I destroyed
my entire garment, girl.

- You will buy a new one,
- And it'll be the accurate cut.

- No shame.
- Facts are facts.

- Yeah!

- No shame.
- Facts are facts.

Love you. Facts are facts.

- All right, brown cow.

- Ooh, all right.

[all laugh]

- Monét has
- An incredible reputation

- being one of the funniest people
- In New York.

- So I don't understand why
- She's buckling under pressure.

- I have
- A lot of mixed feelings,

because I was finally
able to make my comedy

- come through
- In this competition.

But I came here to win.

- You always get so close
- To winning.

This is like the third time.

- Girl, always the bridesmaid.

- The Susan Lucci
- Of Season 10.

- Every win
- Is a step towards the crown,

and I have not won
a single challenge.

I've got to start
that winning streak.

- Let's get
- The f*ck out of drag.

- Get me out of this
country couture clown suit.

- Monét X Change,
f*cking drag, girl.

- I'm so happy you're here.

- I'm throwing this outfit away.

- Girl, do whatever
you feel is best.

[no voice]

[both laugh]

- Monét is a fierce queen

and I love her to death,

- but her drag
- Is very hit or miss.

She's always got on

these little bitty
Dennis the Menace wigs.

- Move, bitch.
Come on and walk.

Come on and walk, bitch.

- If another time comes
when you're not fabulous

in the challenge, if you don't
look great on the main stage,

you're going home.

- Asia, your back is ashy.

They ought to dock you.

- And your talent
is in the bottom two.

[all laugh]

- The winner
- Of "RuPaul's Drag Race"

receives a one year supply

- of Anastasia Beverly Hills
- Cosmetics

and a cash prize of $100,000.

- With extra special guest judges
- Kumail Nanjiani

and Emily V. Gordon.

- ♪ RuPaul's Drag Race ♪

♪ May the best woman ♪

♪ Best woman win ♪

- Come on, come on,
- Let's go, let's get it.

[laughs] Get it.

- Today is a new day.

I'm so happy
to be here right now.

I'm so happy to be here.

♪ Another week ♪

- I'm feeling
- Pretty secure right now.

I want to feel
more than insecure.

- I want to feel like
- I'm at the top of the heap.

- We live to die another day.

- Hee hee hee hee hee.

- This laugh is unacceptable.

- That should be the laugh
to the commercial break

on "RuPaul's Drag Race."

Hee hee hee hee hee.

[all laugh]


- Ooh, girl.

She done already
done had herses.

- My queens, at this point
- In the competition,

it's time to separate the pros
from the cons.

America's next drag superstar

- needs to walk up in the club
- Merch first.

And, yes, I do take the EBT.

- Come on, merch first.

- Hello, hello, hello.

- Hi.
- Hi.

- Yes, Mrs. Charles.

- Ladies, for today's
mini challenge,

we're going to play the new game
that's sweeping the nation.

Sitting on a Secret.

[all laugh]

- Here's how you play:
- Blindfolded,

- you take turns
- Identifying mystery items

simply by sitting on them.

[all laugh]

Whoever guesses
the most objects wins.

♪ DragRace.

- Are you ready?
- Yes.

Let's play...

First up, Monique.

- It's time to start relying
- On that booty.

- [laughs]

- The secret is a fax machine.

- Ooh-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo.

- You're very careful
about what you sit on.

- You better believe it.

Usher's out here
giving people the drip-drip.

You've got to be careful.

- [laughs]

- Slightly feels like
a transformer.


- Oh!
- What is your booty saying?

- It's saying it's breakable,
whatever it is.

- A fax machine?
- Yes.

- Girl, y'all got me in here
sitting on a fax machine?

- Just the fax, ma'am.

The secret is an eggplant.

- Ooh. It was bigger
than I expected, Ru.

- You've got to use
- Your between me down there.

- It feels good, Ru.

- [laughs]

- You're sitting on a secret.
- What is it?

- It's squishy, but it
- Hasn't exploded on me yet.

- What are you sitting on?

- An avocado?

- Feels like an eggplant.

- Ding-ding-ding-ding-ding.
- Is that right?


- The secret is a traffic cone.

- Am I getting it?

This is different.

- Oh, she gonna
cock one leg up...

Ooh, girl, yes, honey.

You think it's gonna hurt,

but if you want it,
it will not hurt.

- A traffic cone?

- You are absolutely right.

The secret is a bag of chips.


What what's in your butt?

- A bag of chips.

- Yes! All right, Eureka,
- Have a seat.


- Ooh!

- Was that you?

- That one might have been me.

- [laughs]

The secret is a pork chop.

It goes great with apple sauce.

- Pork chop.

- Yes, ma'am.
- Yes!

- Pork chops and apple sauce.

- Come on, "Brady Bunch."

- [laughs]

- I can pick it up,
- But I can't say what it is.

Girl, I'm Jewish.
Am I sitting on ham right now?

Is this ham?
- [laughs]

The secret is marshmallows.

What does your butt say?

- Definitely smooth.

- Work it out, girl.

- Ah, spaghetti?

- Use your tuchus.

Yeah, move it around.

- Just gotta get in there now.

- Yeah.
- Ugh.

Are they marshmallows?

- Yes! Lady Columbo.

The secret is a real fish.

- It's like squishy.

- I can't tell
- If it's cold or wet.

- [gasps]
- Is it a slab of bacon?

- Feel anything?

- I'm doing my kegels.

- [laughs]

- Is it an Easter egg?

- This is flat
- And a little cold,

so I want to say Aquaria.

- [laughs]

The secret is a cake.

Back your booty up.

- Oh, my God.

- Oh, she's weird.

- [laughs]

- Oh, I don't want to.

- Oh, my God!

What is this?

- Would it be
- A chocolate cream pie?

- It smells like cake.

I can already smell it.

- I'm sitting in cake.

- Oh, is this cake?

- It certainly is.

- Aah!
- [laughs]

Ladies, you did
such a great job,

but one of you
really kicked butt.

- The queen who guessed the most
- Objects is Asia O'Hara.

- Con-drag-ulations.
- [applause]

You've won a $2,000 haircare
package from Art Lab Salon.


Now, four years ago
I created RuPaul's Drag Con,

a magical event for young
and old, gay and straight,

to come together to celebrate
love, laughter, and diversity.

- Now, for a queen, it's a chance
- To entertain and inspire

- as she shares
- The art and power of drag,

and make a few coins
on the side if she wants to.

[all laugh]
- Aah!

- So for this week's

you need to create
your own Drag Con panels.

- Ooh!
- Oh, wow.

- Now, working
in groups of three,

- you need to prepare
- A panel discussion, a demo,

and be prepared
to answer questions

in front of a live audience.

Now, one group
will focus on body,

- one on face,
- And another on wigs.

Now, in the spirit of Drag Con,

- I'll let y'all pick your own
- Groups and panel topics.

- When Ru says that
- We can pick our own teams,

I'm like, all of these girls

are gonna avoid me
like the plague, girl.

- They're gonna be like, we do not
- Want this tainted bitch.

So I'm just mentally
preparing myself.

- Ready? Go.

- Wigs.
- Face. You wanna do face?

- I think Monét having been
in the bottom twice,

- and because I am
- One of the quieter ones,

we were just kind of
frozen in the moment,

like I hope somebody picks me.

- I wanna do body.
- I wanna do body, too.

- I look at Monét and Kameron,
and no one's rushing at them.

- So I say, hey, do y'all
- Wanna work with me?

Let's do this together.

- Work.
- Yeah.

- All right, Blair, The Vixen,
Miz cr*cker, you're a team.

- Monét, Kameron,
- And Eureka, you're a team.

- And Asia, Monique,
- And Aquaria, you're teammates.

- Eureka's team,
that is an interesting group,

because this is
a speaking challenge.

Kameron doesn't talk a lot
and Eureka talks too much.

- And then Monét
- Was in the bottom last week.

- So all of them have issues
- That they're battling,

so we'll see how that goes.

- Gentlemen, start your engines,

and may the best woman win.

- Aah!

- All right, all right,
- Body it is.

- Okay.

- Oh, damn.
- Okay, okay, it's a party.

- For today's maxi-challenge,

- we'll be doing
- Our own Drag Con panels,

focused on face, body, and hair.

- So I'm gonna let y'all
open and look in that,

and I'm gonna take notes.

- In this challenge,

- you have to call upon
- Your skills to own a room.

- So you need personality, banter,
- And drag knowledge.

- Obviously
- I've been to Drag Con

and I've been on panels before,

so we need to make sure
that we have a direct plan.

- Now, they say who's gonna be
- A moderator.

Basically that's just someone
that starts it

- and someone
- That pushes questions.

- Which I don't mind doing that,
- If y'all don't mind.

- Yeah, I think since
you have the experience.

- I am putting my trust
- In Eureka

- because I think she knows
- What she's doing.

- I'm basically focusing on
how to shape the big-girl body.

- Yeah.

- Getting the body
you want in drag,

- no matter your shape
- To begin with.

- If you can proportion
- Your body out,

that's when sexy
comes into play.

- So that's what
- I'm gonna be focusing on,

is just, like,
proportionizing a big figure.

- Branding the word

I think will be really genius.

- Girl, is that even a word?

- It is today.

- Proportionizing.
- Proportionizing.

- Creating
- The perfect silhouette.

- Yes.
- That's everything I live for.

- Light bulb!

Now, all y'all Webster
dictionary-holding mofos,

don't get crazy.

But we've created a word,
and it's "proportionizing."

Today we will be discussing

- Eureka's team,
- They have that awful tag line.

- ♪ Proportionizing ♪

- ♪ Proportionizing ♪
- ♪ Proportionizing ♪

- ♪ Proportionizing ♪

- Because we are...

- All: ♪ Proportionizing ♪
- [all laugh]

- [sigh] Oh, God.


- Hey, cutie-girls.

- Who's ready
- For RuPaul's Drag Con?

- [cheers and applause]
- Yeah!

- Hey, ladies.
- Hey, RuPaul.

- I'm excited about your panel.

It's all about makeup, right?

- Correct.
- Now you're an Instagram queen.

Where'd you learn?

- I just learned
- From practicing in my bedroom.

- Uh-huh. Now, Asia, what are
you gonna bring to this panel?

- I used to do makeup
- For Chanel,

and I wanna talk about some of
the technical aspects of makeup.

- But just remember
a lot of times

when people go into a situation

where they think, oh,
I'm the authority,

- out the window goes all the fun
- And all the joy of it.

You have to convey
the joy of makeup.

- Yes, ma'am.

- You know,
- People always ask me,

can you give me a makeup tip?

- People want fast things
- That they can use immediately.

How do you contour a nose?

How do you put on
a false eyelash?

- Ru dropped little nuggets,

and I surely picked up them
little chicken nuggets, honey.

Dipping sauce, hot mustard.

I'm gonna get 'em,
because I'm not going home.

- Hey, ladies.
- Hey, Ru.

- Now, who's been to Drag Con?

- I have.
- You have?

- Yes.
- You two are fired.

What is your panel
gonna be about?

- Wigs.
- Yes.

- Synthetic or humanoid?

- Synthetic.
- I prefer synthetic.

- Something to match
your personality.

[all laugh]

Now, you do hair.

- Yeah, we all work with hair.

- What do you think
- In your panel

- you could teach people
- About wigs

that they don't already know?

- For me,
- People ask me all the time

what to do underneath the wig
to make sure the bitch stays on.

- I actually teach wig classes.

- I work full-time, besides drag,
- With a theater company,

working on wigs.

- I love that.
- Now, there are three of you.

Is there someone
who's gonna run the show?

Who's gonna moderate the panel?

- We're really gonna take turns,
- Like, teaching the class.

- You know, I think Drag Con

is really just an excuse
for queens to hang out,

- so we're gonna put that
- At the forefront.

- It's a great opportunity
- To hang out also,

but over the years, I have
branded every damn thing I can.

And you know, that's what
you should be doing, too.

Just make sure you're funny.

Life doesn't have to be
so darn serious.

Now, I said "darn"
because of you, Blair.

- I just didn't wanna cuss
- In front of you.

[all laugh]

- I am so happy
that we have wigs.

Our plan is to focus
on having a lot of fun

and keeping it light-hearted.

- Hey, ladies.

- Hi, Ru.
- Hello.

- So this body-ody-ody.

You guys are all known
for your bodies.

- Now, Kameron,
- You have a man's body.

- I work out
about six days a week at home.

- Wow.
- I feel like

- there's not a lot of bodybuilder
- Drag queens out there,

so I think that's something
that I need to bring to light,

is the muscle queens.

- And that's the topic
of your portion of the panel?

- Yeah. My portion is gonna be

how to feminize
a masculine body.

- There's a lot of padding
- Going on there.

- There is, yeah.
- I don't even wanna know

- what your couch at home
- Looks like.

- Torn apart to pieces.

- Ms. Monét, last week,
you were on the talk show

- as someone who is addicted
- To eating her...

- Eating her pads.
- Hip pads.

- But you didn't wear
- Any hip pads.

- You were in the bottom
- Last week.

- I was.

- So I'm assuming
you won't be making

those kind of mistakes again.

- I shan't.

- Monét is gonna
- Have to find the direction

that she wants to shine
with this panel.

I know she can do it.

- Please, dear Lord God,
- Let her do it.

- Well, listen,
going into this panel,

it's important
to be entertaining,

learn what your own rhythm is,
and have fun.

Well, I will see you out there.

- Thank you, Ru.
- Thank you.

- All right.

All right, gather round,
ladies, gather round.

Now, tomorrow on the main stage

you'll be presenting
your Drag Con panels

- in front of our
- Extra-special guest judges.

The husband-and-wife team

- behind the Oscar-nominated movie
- "The Big Sick,"

Kumail Nanjiani
and Emily Gordon.

[cheers and applause]

Oh, right, and one more thing.

Drag Con is your chance to make
the fans fall in love with you,

- which is super important,
- Because tomorrow,

the audience will be rating
each panel and each queen.

- Ooh!
- Ooh!

- So good luck,
and don't f*ck it up.

- I'll go, Aquaria,
tell them the why behind the...

on why they highlight
and contour, and you can say...

- I can... like,
- I have other, like...

there's more elements
than just the...

- Aquaria, I want you to think

- so that way you can
- At least say it right now,

and that way you're not trying
to think of it in that moment.

The weak link in this
whole chain is Aquaria,

because just in conversation
she fumbles, which is fine.

- Everyone doesn't do well
- In public speaking.

But I'm nervous
that she'll get lost

- and not be able to complete
- And execute.

- I would have talked more about

how I use more highlight
onto the side of my nose...

Um, not as much as, like,
this is how this is done.


- I don't know how I feel about
Aquaria's communication skills.

Does she look great? Yes.

Would I wanna sit and listen
to her on a panel? No.

I's worried. I is worried.

- Painted for what?
- Filth.

- Honey.
- Filth. Filth.

- I feel good about today,
- Honestly.

- Drag Con's the most incredible
- Experience I've ever had.

- Organic, organic.

Today we're doing
a Drag Con panel

- in front of a live audience
- And the judges.

I really wanna shine
and really do well today.

- After the past two weeks
- That I've been through here,

I'm nervous.

- Don't even worry about that.

f*ck those days,
you know what I'm saying?

That don't even exist anymore.

- Your accent, you just make
everything sound so sweet.

And your accent's
making it all okay.

And I'm like, I believe
what this bitch is saying.

- [laughs]

- Eureka is a legend

for being very loud
and very boisterous,

but I f*cking like working
with Eureka. She's fierce.

I think those are the hos
with a problem, really.

- Well, we're gonna do good.

- Yeah, I think so, too.

- We are.
- I'm excited.

- Ru said that one of
the most important parts

of this challenge
is that the audience

is also going to pick, like,
someone that they really liked,

or they're kind of
almost like a fan favorite.

- Right.
- So I think

- one of the most important parts
- Of this entire challenge

that a lot of people
are forgetting...

- they're really focused
- On content...

- is to be super likeable.
- Yeah.

- I always like to try and plan
things out before I do them,

and I'm like, what can I do?

So this is my stats notebook

that has everything
from cast challenges

to statistics of things that
we can possibly be doing,

because I am so completely a**l
and OCD.

I think we need to have fun.

- It's just talking
- Like normal girls would,

like a Sunday brunch.

- Yeah, exactly.

- Today's runway theme
is Hats Incredible.

America, every single one
of these runway looks,

- I am having to put together
- At the last minute.

I'm just trying to figure out
what should I do for the bottom.

- Should I make
- Like a dress-gown?

- Yeah.
- Where other queens

have a large repertoire of
drag to choose from, I don't.

A lot of my looks are having
to be made in the workroom,

and it's because
of the lack of money.

I can just put elastic
around the waistband,

just to make it fast.

- Honey, I am the MacGyver
- Of drag.

I will jimmy-rig that bitch

right before it is time
for me to get onstage,

- whether it is hot-glued,
- Safety-pinned, bobby-pinned.

- That's gonna be very Naomi
from "Mama's Family."

Remember the daughter-in-law

- that always had the off
- The shoulder ruffle tops? No?

- I came to this competition
with glitter and Jesus,

- and, bitch,
- I'm making it work, okay?


- How you feel about your panel?

- I feel great about my panel,
girl, but...

- Who is this?

- That's me, bitch.

- Wait, what? Oh, my God.

Was that a conscious decision
you made to look like that?

- Yeah, so I started going
to the gym with a boyfriend.

- Did you do drag here
- At this point?

- No. There's a running joke
- In Nashville

that if I'm not doing drag,
I'm in a relationship.

- And he was one of the people
- That was like,

- you're never
- Gonna do drag again.

And I threw half my drag in
the dumpster when I dated him.

And then we broke up and I
wanted to come back to drag.

I couldn't leave it.

- And now I have muscles
- And tattoos,

and it's a whole 'nother world
from what that first picture is.

So it's like...
- Girl.

- Yeah. In the beginning,
I really struggled

finding a balance
between my new body

and the drag that I was used to.

It was a challenge

when I came back
and started doing drag again,

because the girls were like,
oh, now you look like a dude.

- You look like a boy,
- You look like a man in...

like a man in a dress
because your arms are so big.

So it made me self-conscious.

- You know, I didn't show my arms,
- And that's challenging.

- I mean, in drag,
- I can't wear spaghetti straps,

can't wear halter tops.

So, you know, I kind of threw
that away when I came here.

- It doesn't matter
- What your body shape is,

you should be able to, you know,
put on a dress and put on a wig

and go get your life
and perform for people.

- I'm so inspired,
I'm gonna go on a diet.

- Girl. [laughs]

- I'm just joking, just joking.

- You said that your parents

don't even know
that you do drag?

- So what it is is that I wasn't
raised by my biological parents.

- I was raised
- By my aunt and my uncle.

- Right.

- They don't know I do drag,

but everyone else
in my family does.

I grew up in St. Lucia.

I'm from the West Indies,

and people just don't
live out in the open

- as being h*m* or gay,
- Lesbian, trans, bi,

- anything in the Caribbean,
- Period.

The islands are not the most
welcoming to h*m*,

- so I won the Ms. Gay Caribbean
- Pageant, you know that.

- Oh, yes, I do, girl.

- In 2014, I won
a small pageant in Brooklyn,

and at the end of the pageant

they're taking
all these pictures.

- I'm like, I'm the winner,
- Of course.

Please take my picture.

The pageant was on Saturday.

I wake up Monday morning

- with, like, 27 missed calls
- From my mom.

- I'm like, what happened,
- What is going on?

- They sent an article back
- To St. Lucia

with me in drag
on the cover of the newspaper,

the only newspaper
on the entire island,

and it's me talking about

St. Lucia's first gay
pageant winner

wins this thing.

- She called me, she was like,
what is going on?

Are you trans, you're gay, what
is all this shit going on?

I'm like, no, I was just
doing it for a movie thing

and it got misconstrued.

- It was the craziest thing
- In my life, girl.

In retrospect I should have just
said, hey, I'm a drag queen.

But I, like, lied about it,
and there's a small sliver of me

that thinks that
they might reject me,

- and that is why
- I don't want to say it.

It's very scary.

- What is your hat look
inspired by tonight?

- It's like a broad-brimmed hat,
- And it's covered in hair.

- Work.

- I'm hoping that
it doesn't look too homemade.

- Girl, that's what I'm hoping,

because I had to rework
my complete hat.

- I watched her make that
- 30 minutes ago.

I cannot believe...

- I'm just hoping that
Michelle lives for it.

- Every time
- We're out on the runway

you are passing your outfit
through the sewing machine

one more time, and then the
judges, they tend to like it.

- You know, truthfully,

outside of that so-called

they really did live.

- I brought
- Some constructed looks,

and then I brought
a lot of fabric.

It is something that
I have been struggling with.

- However, there have been
- A lot of b*tches

- that had a lot more shit
- Than me that have gone home,

and that's a fact.

- Vangie.

- Vangie.

- ♪ Cover girl,
- Put the bass in your walk ♪

- ♪ Head to toe,
- Let your whole body talk ♪

- At what?

Welcome to the main stage
of "RuPaul's Drag Race."

I'm her number-one fan,
Michelle Visage.

- Um, stalker.

[all laugh] Security!

- From the talk show
- Bossy Rossy,

it's Ross Mathews.

- Thank you for watching.
We'll be right back.

[all laugh]

- And the super-talented couple

- behind the smash hit movie
- "The Big Sick,"

Kumail Nanjiani
and Emily Gordon.

Now, Kumail, what do you think
of Michelle's silicone valley?

[all laugh]

- Exquisite.
- It's very hard to not look.

[all laugh]

- And Emily, who's the bigger
"Drag Race" fan, you or Kumail?

- That would have to be me,
- But to be fair,

I'm probably the biggest fan
in the universe,

so it's not really
a fair comparison.

- Thanks for the warning.

[all laugh]

- Now, this week,
- We challenged our queens

to create RuPaul's
Drag Con panels

that make you go, whoa.

[all laugh]

- And later on the runway,
- Category is Hats Incredible.

- [laughs]

- Gentlemen,
start your engines,

and may the best woman win.

- This is an extra-special edition
- Of RuPaul's Drag Con.

Please welcome to the stage

Eureka, Monét X Change
and Kameron Michaels.

- Oh, my God.
- Yeah.

- Hello, y'all.

- Looking live.

- Yes!

- Welcome, ladies and gentlemen.

My name is Eureka O'Hara.

- I'll be doing a little
- Moderating today for our panel.


- All: Creating
- The perfect silhouette.

- Ooh.

- We're gonna start with the
beautiful Ms. Kameron Michaels.

- We all have
- Different proportions

that we need to adjust

when going from boy
into female drag.

I am the body-builder Barbie.

I have an upside-down
triangle shape

- because I have
- Really broad shoulders.

- Isosceles.

- Girl, the only triangle
- I know about

is the food pyramid.

- You know, I've tried
to proportion my body

after superheroes
in comic books,

just that nice big bust,

- that tiny little waist,
- And big old hips.

So these are my hip pads.

In case you've never seen one,
this is what they look like.

- And then
- When it comes to my bra,

- I just sew
- The little bra inserts

from the craft department

so I can literally
strap it on and go quick.

- All right.

- So that's how I create
- My perfect shape,

because we are what?

All: Proportionizing!

- Yes, girl, There you go.

- Now Ms. Monét,

- I have to create my shape
- On the bottom

- because I am a flat pancake
- In the back,

but you've got a big old booty
back there, girl.

- Oh, doesn't she?
[cheers and applause]

- Yeah!
- Ooh!

- Well, listen, I come from
a long line of big-booty Judys.

- My grandmother,
- My great-great-grandmother,

- my great-great-great-great-great
- Grandfather.

- [all laugh]
- And, yeah, so we do have

- very nice, plump bottoms
- In my family,

but not all of us got titties
and hips and stuff like that.

- So I had to figure out
- How to, like,

make my body look good

so that I can get the menses,
you right there, sir.

[all laugh]

So what I would do is
I would take these old tights,

when they ripped, instead of
throwing these in the garbage,

- what you do is you fold them up
- About three or four times

- and you safety-pin it
- So that they all stay together.

Then what you wanna do
is pull your titty fat,

your man-boobs, and put it
right here in the pocket,

you know what I mean?

So you still get
a nice cleavage.

- Can we see that?
- Girl, she has tricks for tits.

- Yes.
- Tricks for tits!

[all laugh]

- Because we are what?
- Proportionizing!

- Amen?

[cheers and applause]

- Now, speaking
- Of proportionizing,

we all know Eureka O'Hara
is the big-body beautiful.

You're all about it, girl. Ow!

Ow, my eye. That hurt.

- But, yeah, so I remember
- When I was younger

I was made fun of for being big.

So when I started doing drag,

I didn't want to add a lot
of padding to my body shape.

I didn't want to look bigger.

But what I learned
is that as a female,

you want to have a tight waist,
a big hip, and a big breast.

Girl, I wear a 52H bra.

- Wait, wait, wait, wait.
- A what?

- 52H.

- That is eight letters in,
- Bitch, okay?

- She can count and do her ABCs.

[all laugh]

But if you proportion
your body as a female,

- it actually
- Makes you look thinner.

- So as a boy, I look like
- A cup of pudding.

[all laugh]

And as a female,
I look like a diva.

[cheers and applause]

- And I'm giving you cinch
- And hip and butt,

and I'm sweeping every hallway
as I walk through it.

You know what I mean?

So what I learned
how to do was...

- Proportionizing.
- Proportionizing.

- Say it with us.
One, two, three.

All: Proportionizing!

- [laughs] That was good!

- Do we have anyone in the
audience who has any questions?

- Yeah, do you guys
have anything for us?

- Hop on up.

- In today's political climate,
- Why is drag so important?

- I think in this
- Political climate right now

we're all afraid.

And for us to escape maybe
the trials and tribulations

that we've went through
through our lives,

we do drag to celebrate
ourselves, our femininity.

People celebrate drag with us

- because it's a way for them
- To escape,

and it's a way for them
to feel like they belong

in a political climate
where right now

none of us feel like
we belong, truly.

- Amen.

- Oh!

- Sit down, sit down.

[cheers and applause]

- [laughs]

- ♪ Oh, pit crew ♪

- Talk amongst yourselves.
I'm gonna be busy back here.

- Y'all just...
- Well, I think that

you should explain
your shorts real quick.

- Okay, I guess I can.

You're trying to distract me
so I can't watch.

- I know, because you nasty.

- Focus, girl, focus.
- Girl.

- I am trying to focus...
- On that D.

[all laugh]

Okay. [laughs]

- So what I have
- Is I have these pad shorts,

and it's a pair of shorts
that pads are built into.

And it makes it real easy.

- So let's put the shorts on him.
- Put the shorts on him.

- Yeah.

- And here we go.
- There you go, baby. Good.

- All right,
- Slide them on up. Yeah.

- Now step in front of this

so we can see what
your body look like.

- Get yo ass around here.

- There we go, look at that.

- Uh-oh. Okay.

So next we're gonna
have to do the bra.

- Like we talked about,
- It's all about proportion.

- So he has a big shoulder,
- A big chest,

- so we give him big hips
- And butt,

and a big breast to make that
waist look as small as we can.

- There we go.
- That's pretty good.

You did so good.
- That's good. That's good.

- [laughs]
- Wanna do a little more?

- Gotta put this dress on.
- Over her head, girl.

- Some of you girls
know about that.

[all laugh]

Pull, baby, pull.

- [cheers and applause]
- Yeah!

[cheers and applause]

- We have enjoyed
having your time.

Love you guys.
Thank you, Brian.

- Thank you.
- You look amazing.

- Come on, let's sashay.
- Let's go, girls.

- Sashay.
- Sashay.

- Go, go, go.
- [dance music plays]

- Get it, girls, get it, girls.

Hey! Get it, girls!
Get it, girls!

- Welcome back to a special
edition of RuPaul's Drag Con.

- Welcome, welcome, welcome,
welcome, welcome!

My name is Monique Heart,
the Heart of season 10,

and this segment is called
Painted for Filth, honey,

or as I like to call it,
painted for the good seats,

painted for the cheap seats,
and painted for the VIP, okay?

Bringing out
first my dear sister.

- You've seen her probably
- In a pageant.

She probably beat you with
her Danny Glover illusion.

Ms. Asia O'Hara.

[cheers and applause]

- Hey.

- Bringing out
our other sister.

- You probably follow her
- On social media...

hit unfollow,
then follow me...

Ms. Aquaria.

[cheers and applause]

- Hi, guys.

Ooh! Hi.

- Asia, would you go ahead and
give them a little background

- of how you fell in love
- With makeup?

- Sure. Well, drag was
- The first time I ever saw makeup

or was interested in makeup,

- and then I became
- A Chanel makeup artist.

And day-in and day-out in Dallas

I was putting rouge on

- and now I am
- A 70-year-old white woman.

- So here we are.
- [laughter and applause]

- Stunning, right?
She looks good.

- Ms. Aquaria,
- Go ahead and tell us

- how you fell in love
- With makeup.

- So back in the day,

I used to, when I was in,
like, seventh grade,

- do makeup at home
- And take pictures on my webcam.

My parents were very liberal,
all right?

- They named me Aquaria.
- [all laugh]

- But, yeah, so I would
- Take pictures on my webcam,

- and because I was good
- At computers,

- I would Photoshop
- My eyebrows in different places,

and the next time I would do
my makeup I would apply that.

- So through trial-and-error,
- I got here.

- Boom.
- Nice.

- And she looks good,
she looks good.

Well, just a little background
about myself.

I got started in makeup
when I started drag.

One of my friends said, look,

- instead of staying up late
- At night jerking off,

paint your face.

- [all laugh]
- And, bitch, it worked, okay?

She looks stunning, right?

- And sometimes
you can do both.

- At the same time.

- Huh?
[all laugh]

- Get some hand sanitizer,
- You know,

- make sure you, you know,
- Yum, yum, yum.

All right, do we have
any questions out there

about makeup or anything?

Hello, gorgeous.
- Hi, I have one.

What could a woman like me
learn from a drag queen?

- Don't be afraid to try
new and different things.

- If it's a Saturday night
- And you're not going anywhere,

- try a different eye
- Or try a different color

or try a different lipstick.

So try new things.

- I think
- What we all need to take

from makeup being
such a creative thing

- is that there really is
- No rules.

Do whatever makes you happy,

and if you look like a clown on
the street but you feel great,

that's what's most important,

because, you know,
f*ck everyone else.

- I agree.

[cheers and applause]

- Make some noise for Ms. Bri.

Now, ladies and gentlemen,

I am going to demonstrate
the shimmer highlight,

one of the trending trends...

Yeah, I said that right.

- Okay. [laughs]
- To make sure

- you don't have a dry,
- You know, cake-dusty face.

- Now, what a lot of people
- Are doing, ladies and gentlemen,

is they're just putting on
their shimmer highlight

and they're going,
why isn't it giving me

the ooh-ah-ah sensation?

- [laughs]

- Are you wearing foundation?

Yeah, you are.
Okay, good.

Hee hee hee hee hee.

- [laughs]
- Okay.

You wanna dip your product.
One, two, three.

Knock, one, two.

- And then right here
- On the high point of his cheek,

that's where you want
to apply your product.

One, two, three.
And ladies and gentlemen,

- we call this
- A sickening shimmer glow.

From side to side... boom, boom.

- Ahh.

- Asia, go ahead and show us
how to put on a lash.

- Okay. I'm just gonna
take this one off.

- I hope I can
- Get this back symmetrical.

- Come on, Patti LaBelle.

- When I apply my lash glue,

on the outer end of my lash

- I put the glue
- On the top of the lash.

- While she's working on that,

- I'm gonna give you
- A quick little instruction

- on how to achieve
- A gorgeous red glitter lip.

- Using the glue that you
- Would use for your eyelashes,

I'm gonna just apply it with
the back of a brush to my lips.

- Keep it thin, because otherwise
- It's gonna be too cakey.

- And while she's doing that,

my secret w*apon with lashes
is a blow-dryer.

Whenever I see it hit
where I want it to,

- I just hold
- The blow-dryer there.

- And today I've got
a holographic pink glitter,

- and I'm just gonna
- Pat that on.

- And then you're gonna have

- a little bit of disconnect
- Under that.

Just fill that in
with your black liner,

and if you feel like somebody's
trying to spook your lash,

you know, just when
you're in their face,

you just always kinda give them
different angles or whatever.

Don't sit still and they
won't be able to clock it.

[all laugh]

- And I am all good
and glittered up.

- We wanna say thank you so much

- for coming on out to Drag Con
- On tonight.

- Yeah.
- [cheers and applause]

- Bye, guys.
[cheers and applause]

- Hello!

- Hi!
- Oh, my goodness.

- Thank you guys so much
- For being here.

- This is such a pleasure.
- We're so excited, am I right?

- I am gagging.
- Oh, my gosh.

- I'm just here for a check,
- But whatever.

- We are Wigs Anonymous today,
and our hope and goal

is to maybe turn your wig woes
into wig wows.

- She's corny.
- You can say it. She's corny.

- I know. I'm from Indiana.
- We love corn.

- We are here to make
your wig life better.

Now, who the f*ck are you?

- My name is Blair St. Clair,
and I'm a wigaholic.

- Okay. My name is Miz cr*cker,
- And I am... a wigaholic.

- I am The Vixen,

and I'm a wigaholic.

- You wouldn't know
by looking at you.

- Ooh.

- Imma get you later, bitch.

- She's dry.
She's thirsty.

- She needs
- A little extra help.

- This is her moment.

- I've come to terms
- With the fact

that I'm not a natural blonde.

- Oh.
- [scattered laughter]

Not everyone's able,
you know what I'm saying?

- f*ck you, bitch.

- Oh, really?

- So...
- But you know what?

- I am ready to turn
my wig woes into wig...

what'd you say? Wows.

- There we go.

- So who here has maybe

- ever thought about wearing
- A wig before?

- Oh, you've thought about it.
- Okay.

[all laugh]
- Who's wearing a wig right now?

- Lies.
- Really?

- I see a few liars.

- Come on, come on,
- You can tell the truth.

- I actually smell a merkin.

- Oh, you know what?

I'm African-A'Merkin, so...

- Oh, oh,
- That's what it is, okay.

- All right, so we have
- Some desire for wig knowledge,

- and what we have to do is
- Let them know why we're experts.

What connects you to hair, okay?

- Well, girl,
- To become an expert,

- you have to
- Go through some things.

- And I have been through...
all right, y'all picture this.

So I'm on stage, right?

- Sickening, big hair,
- Ready to perform, right?

- So different than this.

- Oh.
- Ooh.

- Don't try me.
I take one turn,

my hair, like a Frisbee...

- Onto the other side
- Of the stage.

That is true betrayal
right there.

- Right, absolutely.

And what about you,
Blair St. Hair?

- Well, I do declare that,
- You know,

- let me take you back
- To about maybe three years ago

- when I was six years old.
- Yes.

- Not only did I discover
- As a little gay boy

that my t-shirt was a gown,
but it could also be a wig.

- And that hair
- Can be any style.

It can be an updo, a downdo.

- For me, it was all the 'dos
- And a gown.

- But the great moment

is that she's still wearing
that same t-shirt,

- just with a few sequins,
- Right now.

She's lovely.
It's just great.

We wanna get you guys
involved a little bit.

- Yeah.
- So do you have any questions?

- I just wondered
- If you guys had any advice

- for, like, baby queens,
- With wigs.

- Just do one or two things,
- Any things,

between taking them
out of the bag

and putting them on your head.

- Yeah. You can't just...
- There's no...

- Don't buy it
- And put it on your head.

- Right.
- Okay.

- Definitely seek out

any kind of extra knowledge
or education you can get.

- Listen to the old queens.

I always go to Miz cr*cker,

because, you know,
she's up in age...

- I saw that coming.

- And so, you know,
you can always get

really good advice
from the elderly.

And so you take that,
and you learn something.

That's what I would say.

- Thank you.
- Thank you.


- So the first thing
- We want to do,

let 'em know, Blair.

- Tell them where we start.
- Yeah, okay.

So what I've done with this wig

is I've tried to kind of conceal

- some of those square shapes
- Along the hairline.

Hairlines are what
can look really masculine

- or go really femu... feminine.
- Femunine.

So what I've actually done...
I'm gonna set this here softly.

- Stick it on there.

- Harder.
- There we go.

- Yeah, there we go.
- So what I've kind of done

with this front part of the wig

- is I have done all this
- With teasing.

So I'm just kind of brushing
this down a little bit as I go.

And then after I have all this
tease put in with all this hair,

I'm just gonna smooth it out.

- The next part of this

- is gonna be about
- Attaching it to his melon.

- When you're preparing
- To put a wig on someone's head,

- it's just like preparing
- For a bank robbery.

All you need is some duct tape
and some stockings.

- Here we go. So now
- I'm gonna take this duct tape.

[rips tape]
- Whoo!

- This is great.

- Is that gonna hurt
when it comes off?

- Um... no.

- [all laugh]
- Like this, all right?

And now we can control
his facial expressions.

All right, no,
I'm just kidding.

Now we're gonna take this

- and we are attaching it
- To his head.

- Nice and tight there.

- Okay. I'm gonna have you put

both your fingers up like this,

right up against your forehead.

And when I pull this wig
over the top of your head,

just kind of latch on, okay?

- All right, it's happening.

- There we go.

- It's like Frankenstein.

- Oh, my goodness, hello.

- Oh, my gosh.

- Thank you so much.

- So, ladies...
- Sir, I'll see you after the...

- I do have, actually,

- like one more thing
- To kind of, like, tell you.

- So because you guys have been
- Such a great audience...

- Have a seat.

- We kind of wanna help you guys
- Out a little bit

- and share a little something
- With you guys.

- We have hair
- For the audience today.

- Bam.
- Yes.

- You get a wig and you get
a wig and you get a wig!

- Who wants a wig?
[cheers and applause]

- Thank you guys so much.

- Thank you, guys.
- Thanks for coming today.

- Love you guys. Thank you.

- Thank you so much.
[cheers and applause]

- ♪ I want you to remember me ♪

- Category is Hats Incredible.

- ♪ Snap shot ♪

- Up first, Kameron Michaels.

- She's so spacey.

[all laugh]
She's got a spinning headache.

[all laugh]

- My headpiece
- Is inspired by Lady Gaga,

and it's one of my favorite
things that I own.

- I am embracing
- My muscle queen realness

- because I like to model myself
- After comic book girls,

and they have muscles.

- She's Saturn on a secret.

[all laugh]

- Monét X Change. Ooh.

- Sister X Change
on the main stage.

- Yes, honey,
- Somebody say "amen."

- Amen.
- Yes.

- She's not the preacher's wife,

she's the freakin' deacon.

[all laugh]
- Ahh.

- So this hat, like, I have
taken the children to church,

I have given you
Easter Sunday realness.

The kind of lady
that wears my hat,

- she does not take the bus
- To church.

- She gets her
- An Uber executive, honey.

I feel great, I feel powerful,
I feel like the preacher's wife.

- That's the new New Testament.

- That's right.
- [all laugh]

- Ooh, it looks like
her basket is full.

- Where can I make a donation?

- You better work,
sayeth the Lord.

[all laugh]

- Eureka.

- What time is it,

[all laugh]

- She looks like
if Carmen Sandiego

was much easier to find.

[all laugh]

- I am serving you
- Samurai warrior realness, honey,

while still being sexy
and proportionized.

I know my curves are right,
this booty looks tight,

- and this cape is fanning
- In the wind, honey.

I am twirlin', baby.

- She's a caped cru-slayer.

[all laugh]

- Aquaria.

- Eh, what's up, Klaus?

[all laugh]

- Diana Copperfield.

- Yes!

- There is no hat
more incredible

than a magician's hat,

so I am giving you
full Houdini realness.

Aquaria's a very gender-fluid
character in drag,

so I'm giving you a little bit
more of the boy side of Aquaria.

- This magician
- Is ready for showtime,

- and I am giving you every little
- Last bit of razzle-dazzle

that I've got in my sleeve.

- If you're gonna be a top hat,
- Be a power top hat.

- Yes.
[all laugh]

- Monique Heart.

- I'm seeing spots.

- So that's where
- My wrapping paper went.

[all laugh]

- This hat and this garment

is serving first lady
of the RuPaul church, honey,

- and I'm sitting on the first row
- Looking opulent.

The top is giving you
San Tropez on a yacht,

and the bottom, bitch, these
legs, honey, and this side meat?

Get into it.

The bitch looks great.

- What a fascinator choice.

[all laugh]

- Asia O'Hara.

- Wow.
- Oh, wow.

- Guys, I'm a little afraid

- that Asia
- Might be getting a big head.

[all laugh]

- My hat is just dramatically
- Over the top.

I decided to be a dandelion.

Make a wish on me.

I'm moving and my dandelion
is blowing in the wind.

It's got that
kind of easy, breezy, beautiful

"Drag Race" girl flair to it.

- I mean, it's hypnotic,
- Watching them move.

- It's amazing.

- Where's my Claritin?

My allergies are acting up.

[all laugh]

- We ah-ah-choose you.

[all laugh]

- Miz cr*cker.

- Starring in "My Hair Lady."

[all laugh]

- "My Fair Lady"
- Is my mother's favorite movie,

and I identify
with Eliza Doolittle:

Hottie, cheeky, happy.

This is my hair.
I don't wear hats.

- This took me
- Over 12 hours to make.

- Does the carpet
match the hat, or...

[all laugh]

- That's called hat hair,
- Right?

- She's got hat head, yeah.

- Total hat hair.

- I do declare,
it's Blair St. Clair.

- For whom
- The Southern belle tolls.

[all laugh]

- My hat is inspired
by the Kentucky Derby

- and "Hello, Dolly,"
- And old Broadway musicals.

So when I was making the hat,

I really wanted it
to be grand and big,

- but also have
- An elegant flair to it.

- Does anybody have
- A mint julep?

- She's getting the vapors.

- Uh-huh.

- Shh.

[all laugh]

- The Vixen.

Ladies and gentlemen,
Hattie McDaniels.

[all laugh]

- Excuse me, could you
remove your hat, please?

[all laugh]

- My hat is a flappy, classic
black-and-white beach hat,

but the gag is my entire dress

is flappy, classic
black-and-white beach hats.

I am giving you
couture 3D avant garde

with a classic twist.

I made this myself,
and I love it.

- What's black and white
- And ass all over?

[all laugh]

- Hat's all, folks.

[all laugh]

- Welcome, ladies.

- Based on
- Your runway presentations,

your Drag Con panels,

- plus feedback
- From the Drag Con audience,

I've made some decisions.

- Welcome, ladies.

I've made some decisions.

- Kameron Michaels,
- Monét X Change, Eureka,

you are the top three
of the week.


Miz cr*cker, Blair St. Clair,
The Vixen,

- you are the bottom three
- Of the week.

Aquaria, Monique Heart,
Asia O'Hara, you are safe.

Asia, good work this week.

- Thank you so much.

- You may leave the stage.

- Now it's time
- For the judges' critiques,

starting with Kameron Michaels.

- I want to say
- What are we doing, girls?

- Proportionizing!
- Thank you.

I just felt really jealous.
I needed to do it.

Kameron, tonight on the runway

you did a spacey
fascinator moment,

- and I thought it was fun
- And different.

- The panel on the whole,

it was just a great mix of
information and entertainment.

- You're on that stage with
some pretty funny queens, okay?

- I am.
- Compared to their funny,

- it did feel like a little
- After-school special.

- But it was nice
- To see you come through.

You've been very reclusive,
and that's kind of a problem

that I've been having with you.

So my challenge for you

- is to keep pushing yourself
- Further and further

to show us your personality.

It was a joy.
- Thank you.

- Let the church say "amen."

It's Monét X Change

- serving some Sheryl Lee Ralph
- This evening.

- So, Monét, you've been
struggling a little bit.

- Yes.
- And tonight,

I'm not gonna lie.

I love it.

Your attitude, your delivery.

- You had an amazing
- Performance.

You're so funny and so quick.

- I'm just so proud
of you tonight.

- You also are the winner

- of the "Turn
- A Carson Kressley blazer

into an outfit" competition.

[all laugh]

- Thank you, Monét.
- Thank you, Ru.

- Up next, Eureka.

- I really, really liked
- This graphic, kind of bold look.

It looks stunning on you.

- I wanna know is that a one-piece
- Or are those gloves?

- Oh, it's all attached.

- Now I love it even more.

- In the Drag Con panel,
you were the moderator.

- You were great
- With the audience.

- You were setting the tone,

and I thought you did
such a great job.

- I'm gonna be saying

- to myself in the mirror
- For weeks.

You have the skill that
when you're zinging people,

- making it seem funny
- And not mean.

- Eureka was the favorite
- From the audience exit polls.

- Thank you, Eureka.
- Thank you.

- Up next, Miz cr*cker.

- The look is so good,
I just loved it.

It's a hair hat.
It's why I love you.

- The panel didn't have
a lot of information.

- As a woman who has bought
- Party City wigs

many times in my life,

I would love to know
how to make those look good.

I still don't know.

- You guys really didn't tell us
- Anything about hair.

- And you were trying to be shady.
- I live for shade.

- But in order for shade to land,
- It needs to be funny.

A few of them were funny,

but I felt a lot of the things
that you were saying were mean,

especially to Blair.

She seems like the sweetest
little lollipop.

- I like her so much,
so not getting across

that those were not actual digs
is my biggest setback, I think.

- Or as a shocking alternative,
they could have been funny.

- I declare, Blair St. Clair.

- Tonight it's very sweet
- Southern belle.

You're breathtaking.

In the Drag Con panel,
you were nonexistent,

- and every time
- You did say something,

it was matter-of-fact.

- Like show me something
that's not just cute.

- It's like you're a dessert
- On the menu,

- and I keep looking at you
- And thinking, like,

maybe that's just too sweet
for tonight, I don't know.

- I've come from some, like,
really dark moments in my life,

- and I want to lighten them up
- And become more positive.

I urge to find daintiness,

because I feel dirty at times.



My first sexual experience,

I was r*ped at a college party.

- And from that, I've looked
- To find pretty things.

Something I need to get over,

- but I've tried to turn positive
- The best I can.

- Thank you for being
so candid with us.

We love you, Blair,
and we are family,

and I'm actually very proud
of you for being so vulnerable.

- [exhales]

- I'm very shaken,

- and I can't wait to find
- That m*therf*cker.

- Thank you.
- No, I love you.

- Blair, are you okay?

All right.

Up next, The Vixen.

- This is such
- A great interpretation

of the challenge and the theme.

- I think
- It's absolutely stunning.

- It's really fun
to have a floppy hat,

but we can't see your face.

In the Drag Con panel,
though you had some moments,

- it was just, in Yiddish,
- A mishegoss.

And some of your cuts
were kind of deep, too.

- We do get along.

This is our third time
working together,

- and the first two times
- We were tops.

We were very confident,

and being like we're fine,
we don't need a moderator.

- I think you guys

actually would have benefited
from a moderator.

I wish that we could have gotten
some real information out of it.

That was the real issue.

Thank you, ladies.

I think we've heard enough.

While you untuck backstage,

the judges and I
will deliberate.

All right, just between
us squirrel-friends,

what do you think?
Kameron Michaels.

- On the runway,

- she did a little different look
- With the hat concept,

- and I loved it, because
- She did think out of the box.

- I found her runway look
to be a little simplistic.

If you took away
the galaxy head,

it looks very similar

- to her look that she had
- During the panel,

- which was just
- A swimsuit with heels.

- I was so excited to see
some personality from her.

Now I want her to give me
different looks.

I mean, that's it.

- Monét X Change.

- She was very funny
during the panel,

had great timing, had a very
appealing self-confidence.

- You know when you, like,
see something in the store

and you're like, I love it.
I have to have it.

- And you bring it home,
- You put it in your closet,

but you keep the tag on it
because you might return it?

- Uh-huh.
- Uh-huh, well, tonight

I'm pulling the tags
off Monét X Change.

- You're not gonna exchange her?

- No, she's staying
- In my closet.

- Eureka. She's come back
- With a vengeance.

- My God,
- Has she found her groove.

- At the panel,
I thought she was fantastic.

- Proportionizing!

- She's naturally funny
and very charismatic.

- And she absolutely
commands a room.

Your eyes want to go to her,
you want to watch her,

and you want to hear
what she has to say.

She's definitely a contender.

- Miz cr*cker.

- I loved her runway look.

- I thought
- It was absolutely stunning.

- There's so much polish
- And so much good.

It was just a really bad week.

- I was not impressed
with Miz cr*cker

during the panel whatsoever.

- I could see
- That she was very funny,

but it just wasn't landing today

- and she just wasn't
- Making the adjustments.

- Let's move on
to Blair St. Clair.

- Well, here's the difference
- With Blair.

Miz cr*cker swung and she
missed, and she missed hard.

Blair didn't even
pick up the bat.

She was totally bulldozed over
by the other two.

- You know,
- We've laid a lot of blame

on the other two queens
sort of zinging at her,

but I think she should take
some of the responsibility, too.

- Uh-huh.

- I don't know
- If she's fully baked yet

when it comes to her drag.

- My heart goes out to her.

We've all had trauma
in our backgrounds,

and the first response to that

- is to put rainbows
- On everything,

- and maybe those feelings
- Will go away.

We know that that doesn't work.

Eventually we have
to walk through that.

I think she's attempting
to walk through that fear

- and that pain
- To get to the other side.

The Vixen.

- She had a few zingers
that she landed.

She had a lot that didn't land.

She's just as much to blame

as the rest of them
for it going awry.

- Tonight on the runway
- Her hat look was different.

- There's always something
just a little unpolished

about what she's doing.

- Because you put her up next to
cr*cker, cr*cker wins that look.

- Oh, yeah. Oh, absolutely.

- Way better runway.
- All right.

[clap, clap] Silence.

I have made my decision.

Bring back my girls.

Welcome back, ladies.

I have made some decisions.

Eureka, I have one word for you:


Oh, and I have
another word for you.


You are the winner
of this week's challenge.


You've won a four-night stay
for two and spa treatments

at the Saguaro Palm Springs.

- Yes! Yay, thank you.

- You may join the other girls.

- Oh, my God.

I'm the first girl
to win two in a row, bitch.

Yay! [laughs]

- Kameron Michaels,
Monét X Change,

you are both safe.

You may join the other girls.

Blair St. Clair,

on the wig panel, we had
trouble finding your part.

- The Vixen, your wig flips
- Were a bit of a flop.

Miz cr*cker, your chemistry
on the wig panel

was synthetic.

Miz cr*cker...

you're safe.

You may join the other girls.

- Blair, Vixen,
- I'm sorry, my dears,

but you are up for elimination.

- I hate the fact I have
- To lip-sync against The Vixen.

I really do love her a lot.

- It's also a competition,
- Though.

You have to lip-sync
against somebody.

- Two queens stand before me.

Ladies, this is your last chance
to impress me

and save yourself
from elimination.

- The time has come...
- [thunder]

for you to lip-sync...

[echoing] for your life.

I love Blair,

but it is time to battle,
and I am not going home.

- Good luck,

and don't f*ck it up.

[music plays]
- ♪ I'm comin' ♪

♪ Out ♪

♪ I'm comin' out ♪

♪ I want the world to know ♪

♪ Got to let it show ♪

♪ I've got to show the world
all they wanna be ♪

♪ And all my abilities ♪

♪ There's so much more to me ♪

♪ Somehow I'll have to
make them just understand ♪

♪ I got it well in hand,
and, oh, how I plan ♪

♪ I'm spreading love ♪

♪ There is no need to fear ♪

- ♪ And I just feel so good
- Every time I hear ♪

♪ I'm comin' out ♪

♪ I want the world to know ♪

♪ I got to let it show ♪

♪ I'm comin' ♪

♪ I'm comin' out ♪

♪ Comin' ♪

♪ I want the world to know ♪

♪ Got to let it show ♪

[trombone solo]

♪ I'm comin' out ♪

♪ I'm comin' ♪

♪ I want the world to know ♪

♪ Got to let it show ♪

♪ I want the world to know ♪

♪ Got to let it show ♪

♪ I'm comin' out ♪

♪ I'm... I'm... I'm comin' ♪

♪ Got to let it show ♪

- ♪ Watch out,
- I'm comin' out ♪

♪ I'm comin' out, comin' ♪

♪ I want the world to know ♪

♪ Got to let it show ♪

♪ I'm comin' ♪


♪ I have to shout
that I'm coming out ♪

- ♪ I want the world to know,
- Gotta let it show ♪

- Yeah!

- Come on, girl!
[cheers and applause]

- Ladies, I've made my decision.

- The Vixen, shantay, you stay.

- [sobs]

Thank you for believing in me.

- You may join the other girls.

Blair St. Clair,
I do declare.

- Consider this
- Your coming out party.

- [no voice]

- And I want the world to know

this is a declaration of
independence from the past.

Now sashay away.

- From the bottom of my heart,
- Thank you so much.


- We love you, Blair.

- I do declare,
- I am the Blair St. Clair

and I'm comin' out.

[cheers and applause]

- I'm really glad
- I got to share my story,

and I hope that maybe someone
can relate somewhere.

I think I'm leaving
a stronger person,

- and I wish I could show America
- Even more of who I am.

- But I hope that what
- I left behind made a mark.

This means the world to me,

- and I promise you,
- You haven't seen the last of me.

- Con-drag-ulations, ladies,

- and remember,
- If you can't love yourself,

how in the hell
you gonna love somebody else?

Can I get an "amen" up in here?

- Amen!
- Amen!

- All right,
- Now let the music play.

♪ To-to-to to the moon ♪

♪ To the moon ♪

♪ To the moon ♪

♪ Come on and take me away ♪

♪ To-to-to to the moon ♪

[music plays]
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