10x09 - Breastworld

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "RuPaul's Drag Race". Aired: February 2, 2009 – present.*
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RuPaul plays the role of host, mentor, and head judge for this series, as contestants are given different challenges each week.
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10x09 - Breastworld

Post by bunniefuu »

- Previously on
"RuPaul's Drag Race"...

You'll be starring in
Cher, The Unauthorized Rusical.

The Vixen.

- I felt no Cher at all.

- Having a Cher reference that
wasn't instantly recognizable

I was very worried about.

- Well, that look
is instantly recognizable to me.

Asia O'Hara.

- I wasn't getting
"Moonstruck" era Cher.

- Finally!

- Kameron Michaels.

- The Cher was the most
spot on Cher voice.

- ♪ Could ♪

- Con-drag-ulations,
you're the winner

of this week's challenge.

[cheers and applause]

- Asia O'Hara, shantay you stay.

The Vixen, sashay away.

- [sighs]

What a day, what a day.

Oh, my God, I already see
is says "evil."

- What it say?
- "Evil triumphs?"

Is that triumphs?
- Trumps.

- That's a "i."
- Oh.

- Right?
- I guess, yeah.

- I can't see shit.

- "Evil triumphs
when good queens do nothing...

do nothing."

- I feel like that's
like a cryptic message

shaded towards Eureka

The Vixen left
this like cryptic message

that no one really gets.

I'm like, girl,
just say what you mean.

I would have more respect
if it said "Eureka is a bitch.

I hate you."
Something like that.

You know what I mean?

- She obviously
doesn't like me,

which is what it is.

But the bitch was talented,

and she's going
to turn the world.

- I love that bitch.
- She'll figure herself out,

just like we all do.

- Yeah. They probably
had to call the police

to get her up
out of this building, but...

I needed to lip sync.

It's like recharged my battery.

My whole energetic
and spiritual connection to drag

has been reconnected.

And so my strategy
moving forward

is to always remember
what I do well,

and always find a way

to wiggle that in.

- Congratulations.

- Very well deserved.

- It feels weird
even saying that I won.

I'm quiet because
I'm just mind blown.

So I'm not unhappy.
I'm very happy.

I'm just like
still processing that.

- I remember you said
that like

if you were going
to win a challenge,

you wanted it
to be the Cher challenge.

- I didn't want anyone to know

that I wanted
to win this challenge.

- Oh. Sorry.

- No, no, no. I mean,
like now it's fine.

- Why didn't you want
anybody to know?

- I feel like I am
a pretty good Cher impersonator,

and I just wanted
to concentrate on doing well.

I didn't want there to be
any expectations of me.

I've always been one

to let my actions
speak louder than my words,

and now that I won something,

maybe it puts me on the map
as a threat to the other girls,

because I don't think
they've seen me as a threat.

- I was confused that Aquaria
was in the bottom three.

I'm not gonna lie.

- I don't think
I was bottom three

out of this group, so...

- I'm like...

I don't even know
how to respond to that.

Honey, you were in the bottom.

- I think
it was just not announced

in any particular order.
- Oh, okay.

- I wasn't worried at all.

I know I did better
than bottom three material.

- Aquaria is so disconnected
from reality.

Of the Cher critiques,

you were in
the bottom three, my love.

- It seems like
you wanted to win.

- I mean, allegedly
that's all I'm here to do.

- What do you mean
allegedly, though?

- I think I'm just
getting too confident,

and it's clear that--

- Well, do you feel like
you're getting too confident,

or do you feel like
people think you're getting--

- No, I think
I'm confident just enough.

I want to f*cking win.

I'm not here
just so I can go home

like the rest of everyone has.

I'm absolutely here to win,

and I want all of you
to go home.

- Well, I don't really
want anyone to go home.

- I want enough of you
to go home

so I make the top three.

If you don't say that,
you're crazy.

I'm confident enough to say
that I want to f*cking win this.

- I don't think
it's a matter of confidence.

But I think
you might be a little confused,

because it's not
a matter of confidence.

I just think it's a matter
of sportsmanlike conduct.

- Well, I'm sorry if I've
come off unsportsmanlike.

- Aquaria's
been extremely confident

this entire competition.

She does want to win.

She's made that very obvious.

But if she can't share
the spotlight

and she can't let other girls
have their moment

and be happy for them,

it could cause a problem.

- I can't get these off my hand.

I wish I had a friend to help.

- The winner
of "RuPaul's Drag Race"

receives a one year supply

of Anastasia Beverly Hills

and a cash price of $100.000.

With extra special guest judges

from "Broad City,"
Ilana Glazer

and Abbi Jacobson.

- ♪ RuPaul's Drag Race ♪

♪ May the best woman ♪

- ♪ Best woman win ♪

- Hook 'em, horns.
Hook 'em, horns.

It is a new day in the workroom,

and everyone
is definitely feeling

more competitive at this point.

Now that there's only six of us,
there's no middle ground.

It's either you're in the top
or you're in the bottom,

and anybody in here
could be the next to go home.

- This workroom is so empty now.

Isn't that so crazy?

- There's finally room
for all of us.

- [laughs]
- Well, for your ego.

[all laugh]

_ I still have
a couple personalities

that I haven't quite shown,

so I can't wait
for you to meet them.

- They're all boring.

[all laugh]
- Aah!

One of them should have some
good jokes, though, I think.

- That's the one
that comes around

when nobody else is looking,

when it's just you
and one person.

- Aquaria's like that frog
on the WB

that will only perform
when no one's watching.

- Michigan J--
Is it Michigan J. Frog?

- And the fool isn't even trying
to show it to people.

He be like, ribbit.
[all laugh]

- I'm a what?

- Nothing, girl. That's
way before your time, girl.

Long before your time, bitch.


- Uh-uh. She done already
done had herses.

- Wait. What?
- Who is that?

- Girl, that wasn't
Jan Michaels.

- My sickening queens.


'Tis I Stephen Colbert,

here to give you the T.
- Yes.

- Because, girl,
my T is silent. Mm-hmm.

Now I have
but one thing to say.

You better work.

Okay? [clicks tongue]

And that, ladies,
is what you call acting.

Thank you.
[cheers and applause]

Someone untuck me, please.

- Girl.
- Oh, my God.

- Hello, hello, hello.

[cheers and applause]


- Hello.
- Y'all hungry?

- Yes.
- Yeah.

- I mean hungry
for some fresh man meat.

- Yes.

- Ravenous.

[all laugh]

Because your country breakfast
is ready.

[all laugh]

- Oh, Pit Crew.

- Okay.
- Aah!

- [laughs]
- Ooh.

- Oh, my God, they keep coming.

- The boys are gorgeous.

There's something
for every taste in the world,

and you know I love a buffet.

My mouth is watering.

- Howdy, fellas.

- Hi.
- Hi, Ru.

- Now, ladies,
for today's mini challenge,

we're playing a game
of pants down, bottoms up.

- Whoo! My favorite.

- First, you tell
one of these studs to drop trou,

and he'll flash
his Rounderbum underwear.

- Oh...

- Then you need to find
the matching pair.

In the end, the queen
that makes the most matches

with the fewest tries wins.

- It's a win/win situation.
- Yeah.

Let's play.
First up, Asia.

Welcome to the Ass-trodome.

- Googly-moogly.
- Yes.

Dive right in.

- I'm going to go with
my good friend number two.

- Ooh. Geometric designs.

Okay. Now--

- Sorry.
What are we doing again?

- [laughs]

- Number 16.

- Crack is whack.

Not a match.

- 14.

- Turn around, drop trou.

Ooh, damn.
- Number one.

[ding, ding]
- Yes!

- It is like Christmas,
a Bar Mitzvah

your Quinceanera, sweet 16,
your birthday

all rolled up into one.

- 18.

- Ooh, damn.

I wish Prince was alive
to see this purple rain.

- Ooh, not a match,

but a great choice.

- Seven.
- ♪ Yoo-hoo ♪

- Number four.

- Not a match.

You didn't miss no meals,
did you?

[all laugh]

- 17.

[ding, ding]
- Yes, we have a match.

- I'm going to go
with number 17, please.

- Ba-donk-a-damn!

- Number four.

- Whoo. Not a match.

- Number 14.

- Ooh, 57 shades of grey.

- [laughs] Number five.

- Big money, big money.

What a bummer.

Are you purposefully trying

to not make a match

so you can stretch this out?

- If I could see
number 16 and number eight.

- Wait. Just one at a time.
- I'm sorry.

- You're a bossy bottom,
aren't you?

[all laugh]

- Number 16, please.

- Ooh, you want some fries
with that shake?

- Number right, please.
[ding, ding]

- Oh, my goodness,
you got a match.

- Number three.
- Beautiful.

- What's better than 10 but 20?

- Turn around, drop trou.

[ding, ding]
Ooh-hoo! Yes!

All right,
now what's your pleasure?

- 19.
- Ooh.

I love how that model
wiggled out of those pants.

- Oh, he wigged and I jiggled
all the way on the inside.

- [laughs]
- Let me try seven.

- Oh, shucks.

- 12, please.

- Ooh.
- Ooh, yay.

And then number five, please.

- Not a match.

Your short-term memory
is terrible.

- There's nothing but ass
in here right now.

[all laugh]

- Now, gentlemen,
standing in one place

can be bad for your health,

so for safety reasons only,

I'm insisting
that we take a moment

to shake
those Rounderbum asses.

Hit it.

[dance music plays]


[dance music plays]

This needs to be its own show.

[all laugh]

Ladies, you all did great,

but one of you has
a pornographic memory--

I mean, photographic memory.


- Oh, yay! I think
I found my husband.

- [laughs]

- Thank you.

- All right, ladies,
this week you need to use

your charisma, uniqueness,
nerve and talent

to chew up the scenery

as we transport you
to a magical world

run by drag queen robots.

You'll be starring
in the new, edgy,

slightly confusing
premium cable TV drama


[all laugh]

Here's the script
and character descriptions.

Aquaria, you won
the mini challenge,

so you get to assign the roles.

- Ooh, yay. When I hear
that there's a script

and some direction,
I'm so delighted.

I have to fight tooth and nail.

I have to bring home a win
right now.

- Gentlemen, start your engines,

and may the breast woman win.


- Should we maybe like
read 'em all out loud?

- Let's just read
what these little bits are

and see what we're feeling
just from that.

I think it seems to work well

when we all kind of find
what we're all comfortable with.

- I don't understand
what's even going on.

'Cause up until now,
Aquaria has been this

"I want all y'all to lose,
I wanna win, I wanna this,"

and now she's trying to be nice

and trying
to let us choose our part.

- I feel Julie for me because--

- Julie sounds like you,
kind of--

- Zinger landing
is something that I do.

- I can do
one of the conservative

or like right-wing ones,
so I don't mind--

- You wanna do Parah Salin?

- I'll do Parah Salin.

- Could I do Rosie,
the Bingo Bot?

- Sure. Ms. Monet,
what you feeling?

- I like Viv. I'm feeling Viv.

- And, Kameron,
what you feeling?

- I mean,
if she wants to do Viv,

I guess Muffy
is the other one, right?

- Okay. I guess I'll be Dyslexa
by process of elimination.

- Yeah. Cute.

Is everyone happy?

I'm beginning to be more aware

of how I may be coming across
to some of these girls,

and I figured the most
sportsmanlike thing to do

would be to see
what the girls thought

would be a good part for them

and just kind of feel out
what the group is interested in.

This Julie part is enormous.

[all laugh]

Girl, it's like
no one is chewing more

than I have bitten off
right now.

- I'm already at page seven,
and I haven't found my part.

It's not smart to pick a role
based on a description.

Do you think that
they call Nicole Kidman

and say, "We want you
to play this role,

"and it's a suburban housewife
set in the 1960s

and she drives a yellow car?"

- "Oh, my God,
I'd love to play that!"

No. They're gonna say,
"Send me the script.

"I'm gonna read through it.
See how much it is.

I'll let you know
in six months."

- Well, girl, watch.

I probably just done
f*ck-ified myself over.

I f*cked up!

I done gave myself

the worst part in
the entire script hands down.

All these things
I'm highlighting better be funny

because they're
few and far between.

And I don't...
I didn't realize that.

I'm the Joan of Arc
of this challenge.

I'm the martyr to "Breastworld."

- You can't leave

before you go play Drag Bingo
at Hamburger Mary's.

- For today's maxi challenge,

we are acting in the brand new
cable TV show "Breastworld."

How heavy is this?
Feel how heavy that is.

What is inside that,
a brick?

We start each week ranked.

The person that won last week
is number one,

the person that didn't go home
is the bottom rank.

And going into this challenge,
I'm the bottom rank.

So I feel like there is
legitimate pressure on me

to win this week.

- Hey, kitty girls!

- Hi!
- How are my drag bots doing?

- Great!
- Good!

- Well, hello, Aquaria.

- Hello, RuPaul.

- You won the mini challenge.
- Yes.

- So you got to assign
the roles.

- Yes.
- Were you strategic with it?

- Not necessarily.

- Not necessarily?
Is that smart?

- I strategically wanted
everyone to choose a part

that I think
that they would all excel in.

- Do you want them to like you
or do you want to win?

- I want to win.

- Did you choose
the best role for yourself?

- No, not necessarily.

It seems that I have
the least amount of words.

- Listen, we're down
to six girls.

How you gonna make sure
you make it to the finish line?

- Well, if I...

I'm definitely going
to make each line count.

- [chuckles]
- Because there's not too many,

so I'm gonna try
to be memorable in them.

- So that's the thing

is that you've got
to be able to stand out,

so this robotic role,
make it an Aquaria role.

That flair of what Aquaria is,

bring that to everything you do.

- I'm gonna try to my best.

- All right. You're funny.

- Absolutely.
- Just be funny.

- Thank you.
- All right.

Monet X Change.

- Hello, Ru.

- Monet, Monet, Monet.
- [laughs]

That your lace front?

- This is actually
the very first--

like before I even started drag

and I went to this store
in SoHo

and I found this wig

and I've never
parted ways with it.

- But have you worn it
in this competition yet?

- No, no, no. Never here.

- That is a mistake.

I know you love
them pussycat wigs,

but, bitch, you know what?

You need to wear
some big ass hair

because you got
that big fat juicy ass.

- Yeah.

- Six girls are left
in this competition.

Down to the wire.
- Yes.

- How you gonna make it
to the finish line?

- Well, I'm gonna slay
this acting challenge today.

I feel like I've been
on a steady upward climb

in the past couple of weeks.

- You haven't won
any challenges, though.

- I know.
- What's wrong with that?

- You know, I think it's just--

I mean, I'm doing well
in the maxi challenges,

but it's following through
on the runway

and really giving y'all
something to the gag over.

- You know, they say
you have lots of breaks

that happen in your life.

You just have to be prepared
for them.

- Yes.

- This is yours to go and get.

- Amen, Ru.
- Make sure you get this.

- Yes, I will. I swear I am.
I will, Ru.

- I'll see you out there.
- Thank you, thank you.

- Hey, Eureka.

- Hi, Miss Lady.

- What character
are you playing?

- I'm playing Rosie,
the Bingo Bot.

- Tell me about Rosie.

- The description was that
she was brassy and loud,

so, of course,
instantly I was like,

well, that sounds like
you're describing Eureka.

- Yes.
- So I want that part.

- It's important that
you really break through.

I don't care if you have
six lines or just six words.

You've gotta stand out.
Somebody's going home.

- Yeah. It can't be me.
- Exactly.

- So that's the thing.

- Know what your energy is.

Know how it
can fit into that script

and just make it pop.

I'll see you out there.
- Thank you so much, really.

- Thanks.

Hey, Kameron.
- Hello.

- You won last week.

- I did win last week.

- How do you think you won?

- I think I won because
I really committed to Cher,

her mannerisms, her voice.

- Well, it's interesting because
throughout this competition,

you're not the most
gregarious personality.

- Mm-hmm.

- Is there any place
in your personal life

where you're gregarious?

- I would say stage for me.

I'm usually very chill
and down to earth.

And when I get to step onstage,

I get to transform
into somebody else.

- You've been a slow grower.

You've stayed under the radar

the first half
of this competition.

This is the point where

if you were ever going to
break out and be the wild child,

this would be the time to do it.

- It would, yeah.

- I don't know how long

the judges
are going to feel inspired

by Kameron being so quiet.

She's such a fierce queen

but there's just not a lot
of energy pouring out of her.

- All right, kiddo.
I'll see you out there.

- Okay.

- Hey, Asia.
- Hey, Ru.

- What character
are you playing?

- I am Parah Salin.

- Tell me about her.

- Parah Salin,
she's bombastic.

She's right wing, conservative.

- What are the similarities

with this character
and your own personality?

- I come from a very
conservative household,

and so a lot of this character
is my aunt.

It's not necessarily
personality traits that I have.

- Are you sure?

- I am a lot of times

the conservative voice of reason
in the room.

- All right. When we talked
before about your Snatch Game,

and you told me
you were gonna do Beyoncé,

and I mentioned to you
that perhaps you could do

one of the other girls who
used to be in Destiny's Child.

You know, you have to
make the character work

for what you already have
in your wheelhouse.

Because you were
in the bottom last week.

- Yes, ma'am.
- You came real close.

- Too close for comfort.

- To walking home with one of
them Tweeter heads back there.

- Yes, ma'am.

- You don't wanna walk away
with one of them Tweet heads.

- No, ma'am, no, ma'am.

- You're a champion, girl.

Remember who the hell you are.

Remember who you are.

- I'm 35 years old,

and I have never in my life
felt the way I felt

based off words that
came out of her mouth.

- Think of that.
- Yes.

- Put on a good show out there.

- Yes, ma'am.

- All right,
I'll see you out there.

- Thank you so much.

- Well, hello, Miz cr*cker.

- Hello, Ru.

- What character
are you playing?

- Today I'm Julie,
and I'm the hostess

that sort of runs
this whole operation.

- Okay. Why do you think you
haven't won any main challenges?

- I think when I'm on the stage
talking to the judges,

I have the jokes
and the buh-buh-buh,

and it's all great.

But during the challenges,
I'm either blocking

or, you know, not allowing

that cr*cker trademark
greatness to come through.

- Yeah, because
what I've noticed

is that it feels like
you've prepared in your head,

but it's not in sync

with what's actually happening
in the room at the time.

You have a sort of
kind of a canned comeback.

It feels like you're having
a conversation in your own head.

- Yeah.
- And you use your cleverness

as a way to keep people
from coming from any closer.

- In the past,
I would have been like,

oh, my God, that's
the biggest compliment.

So learning to reverse
that kind of thinking,

that is gonna be
a huge challenge.

- That's the challenge.
- Yeah.

- Sometimes it's
the most clever thing to do

is to just be human.

Vulnerability is power.

All right,
I'll see you out there.

- Thank you, Ru.


- All right, ladies,
in a moment,

you'll be meeting with
Ross Mathews and Michelle Visage

who'll be directing you
in "Breastworld."

So good luck
and don't f*ck it up!

- Thank you.

- Oh, my goodness.

- Hey, ladies.

- For today's maxi challenge,

we're gonna be acting in the hot
new TV drama "Breastworld."

- Welcome to the set
of "Breastworld,"

with furnishing by Object.

- There is a pool,
a huge bar set.

Bitch, they are not playing
with this acting challenge,

so we better get our mother-
f*cking shit together.

- Now, Michelle and I
are here

to help make your performances
the best they can be.

- But the final decisions
are yours to make.

- Okay.

- Let's take a trip
to "Breastworld!"

[cheers and applause]

- Places, ladies.

- Take one, and action!

- Surprise!

- Hello. I'm Julie,
your cruising director.

- Okay, cut, cut, cut, cut, cut.

I might be walking
into a wasp's nest here,

but are you familiar
with "The Loveboat?"

- I'm not familiar
with "The Loveboat."

- Of course, you're not,
because you're a fetus.

This cruise director is
the person who leads everything.

- Yeah.
- They are the fun buncher.

You need to bring
a lightness to it.

- Right.
- Okay, here we go.

- Action.

- [gasps]

- You haven't met
our drag Bingo Bot, Rosie.

- Oh, she's big!

- B-12.

- Bingo!

- You win.
- He's dead!

- Cut. Hold on.
You jumped her line.

Let her get it done first,
then you come in.

Also, make it
like you're sh**ting him.

- Boom!

- Get into it.

- And action!

- Bingo!

- I already shot you, baby.

- [gasps]

- You--
- Heavens to Betsy, he's dead!

- Cut!

He didn't even know
you shot him.

- Bigger!
- Okay.

I mean, I'll get--
- That's it.

- Yes! That's great!

- Rosie, toot and reboot.

- Attitude adjustment
in process.

Dialing down to Ivy Winters.

- Can we just cut here?


You know how to say
Ivy Winters, don't you?

- Ivy Winterrrrs.

- Ivyyyy Winterrrrs.

- Ivyyyy Winterrrrs, okay.

- Say it that way.

- A little more dramatic
with that.

- Well, how
it's supposed to be said.

- Dialing down
to Ivyyyy Winterrrrs!

- Okay, cut.

- Ivyyyy Winterrrrs!

- Ivyyyy Winterrrrs!

- Everybody!
- Everybody!

- Ivyyyy Winterrrrs!
- Ivyyyy Winterrrrs.

- Ivyyyy Winterrrrs.

- Ivyyyy Winterrrrs...

Then you power down.
You know what I mean?

But I'm an actress,
and I know how to do my do.

But Eureka is not
getting this together.

- How's your head?

- Oh, perrr...

- And cut. Dyslexa?
- Yes, ma'am?

- Can you do the...
[trills tongue]

- I was making it like
the robot like r-r-r-r.

- Which you can do.

Let's try one take
the other way.

- Okay.

- Head? How's your head?

- Oh, brrrrrr.

- Dyslexa, I thought
it was much better.

- I thought
it was really funny, yeah.

- Thank you.

- I can't take it anymore!


- Muffy? Just make sure
I can understand all the words.

- Okay.
- 'Cause the oh, oh was funny,

but I need to know
what you're saying.

- Okay.
Viv, I wanna go home!


- Okay.

- I understand, sweetie,
but don't worry.

If you wait, it will grow out,

and then maybe you could
throw a hat on top of it.

- Cut, cut.
- Cut.

- I want you, cr*cker,
to tell me the hair line

to make sure you have it.

- Okay. It's...

- This is terrible.
I can't take it anymore.

- Oh, sweetie, don't worry.
It'll grow out.

And maybe you could
throw a hat on it.

- Oh, honey, it'll grow out.

- Okay.
- It's funnier

if you're being sweet
when you throw the shade.

- Okay.
- Okay?

- Sweetie, I know,
but don't worry.

It'll grow out
or you could throw a hat on it.

- Cut. I still had a problem
with that line.

- The hat?

- What are you
not understanding?

- No, I think I do understand.

I'm just in the moment
not delivering it right.

- You know what you're doing.
- Yeah.

- You live in New York.
You know how to be patronizing.

- cr*cker,
you did it perfect once.

You will do it that way again.

I don't know how many times

Miz cr*cker is going to need
to repeat these lines.

- I will sell this house today.

- And yell at herself about it,

but let's hurry
the shit up.

- I wanna go home!

- Well, you can't leave
before the big show!

- Okay!

- Dyslexa! Oh, my.

- Did something happen?

- What?
- What happened?

- My mistake. I apologize.

I thought that
I was starting too early.

- I'm a little worried
for my girl.

I don't wanna see her lip sync
for her life ever.

- Cock-a-doodle do me, daddy.

- Cock-a-doodle don't!


- Parah Salin!

- You betcha!

- Cut. Parah, that was good.
You're doing a great job.

- You have great energy
coming in.

It feels different the second
you walk in the scene,

and it should,
so keep that up.

- Thank you.

- [imitating Cher] Action!

- That makes no sense at all.

The party's over,
and you can't stop me!

- Says who!

- She's dead!

- Oh, Lord,
she getting back up. Uh-uh.

[both laugh]

- Monet is adding great adlibs

and interjections in there,

so she is
my biggest competition.

- I've never seen a place
where people, they just...

- Embraces all kind of people.

- My whole life, I've...

My whole life, I've...

- Been wrong about gay people.
- What is it?

- I've been wrong about
gay people and drag queens.

- My whole life,
I've been wrong

about gay people
and drag queens!

- Cut, cut, cut, cut, cut.

this is a change of heart.

This is where you're realizing,
oh, my goodness,

you're just like me.
- Okay.

- And let us
see you realize that.

'Cause you've been out of touch
the whole time.

- Unless this set falls over,
this is our last take,

so let's get it right.

I don't wanna do this anymore.

- My whole life,

I've been wrong about gay people
and drag queens.

- All right, cut, cut, cut, cut.

Just cut.

- This acting challenge
was my chance at redemption

since Katherine from Fibstr
f*cked it all up,

and my performance
was absolutely dreadful.

- Fingers crossed
we got everything.

- Slay the world!

- It's time to get ready
to hit the runway.

And it's the top six.

Nobody is just here because
of the luck of the draw

or because of chance.

That's what makes now
even scarier.

Who's excited to be an old lady?

- I'm ready to get old.

Today's runway theme
is Silver Foxy,

and I am very excited
about this look.

It is about what we are going
to look like in 50-plus years.

I'm hoping that my runway look's
going to give me that edge

and will help me
finally win a challenge.

- What type of Silver Foxy
are you doing?

- I'm going very
like "Downton Abbey."

Like upscale
goes to the opera old lady.

I was like, you know what?

Everyone else is probably
gonna do like campy,

and they might even
expect me to be campy.

So I just decided to go like
classic, legit Silver Foxy.

Plus, in case
I have to lip sync,

it'll be comfortable to wear.

This challenge should
have been so easy for me,

especially this tiny ass role.

The pressure is on
today more than ever.

Is anyone else terrified
of getting old? 'Cause I am.

I'm not necessarily like
afraid to be an older person.

I just fear like
my body's slowly messing up.

You know what I mean?

Like I can tell
such a difference

just from like 18 to 27.

- Also, drag just ages you
faster than a normal person.

We put our body's through it.

- Well, maybe in a sense,

but I feel like drag
keeps a lot of people young.

Like drag's one of the few jobs

where there's always
something new.

There's always
some new music to learn

or a new fashion trend.
- Right.

- I love learning things
from older queens,

because there really is
so much to learn.

I don't like really relate
to people my age that much

as much as I can
hold a conversation

with people
that are much older me.

- You work with Amanda Lepore
and other like legends,

- Yeah, I mean, Amanda has
so much energy and life in her.

She goes to yoga every day.

She is like one of the kindest
people you will ever meet.

Y'all can think I'm nice
or mean or whatever,

but 100% of like the way
I try to treat people

is inspired by how amazing
she treats everyone.

Being friends with people
like Amanda Lepore

has really helped shape
who I am creatively,

and also just opened my mind

to a whole 'nother part
of the world

that I was never even alive for.

It's so important
to respect our elders

and to honor them,

because they are the people

who paved the way for us
to get to where we are today.

- Monet, you were in Portland
for a while, right?

- I sure was.

- You remember that drag queen
that was like 96?

- Darcelle?
- Yes, ma'am.

- Yes. She is the oldest
drag queen I know.

- I think she's the oldest
drag queen in America.

- Right?
- Besides Shequida.

- It was so cool
to go watch the show,

'cause she was like
up there in her heels.

- Telling the jokes
that are exactly her age.

- [laughs]

- I just flew in from Portland,
and, boy, are my arms tired.

- [laughs]

You know, I see myself
doing drag forever, girl.

I'm gonna be Miss Darcelle
one day.

Just me, but I ain't
wearing no heels, though.

I'll be in some good times

and a little kitten wave
for RuPaul.

- Is anyone else dating?

- cr*cker, you have a guy,
don't you?

- I have a beautiful man.

- Aquaria's not.

- No, I don't.

- Kameron?
- Nope.

- You didn't ask me.

- Monet, sometimes
it's easier just to not.

- [laughs]

- But dating with drag,
as you all know,

is extremely hard.
- Is hard as f*ck.

- I normally am very anti
meeting boys around drag

because they're falling in love

with a character
that you're playing

and not the real you.
- Exactly.

- I think Aquaria
is more real than Giovanni is.

- You feel more present
and comfortable as Aquaria?

- Yeah.

- I would say
the same thing, too.

- I will say like
having guy troubles

was a defining moment for me
in drag,

'cause that's
one of the first times

I really understood sisterhood.

'Cause, girl, when I very first
became a full-time cast member

where I worked,
I was dating this boy.

I won't even call him a guy.
This boy--

- Child, yeah.

- Yes, and he broke up with me
like via text message.

And I'm gonna add
another layer to it.

And he was also a drag queen.

- Ha!

- And he came to the club
that night.

And I'm telling you,
the girls in the show--

and I'm not exaggerating--

chased him out of the club
with a baseball bat.

- Yes, ma'am!
- They was like, no,

you're not gonna
just come up in here

and sit in the front row
at this bitch job.

No, get on up outta here.

Everything happens for a reason,

but at that point,
I was like, bitch,

these m*therf*cking
men and wigs in here

really do care about me.

- Girl, they do.
- Right.

- A lot of people come thinking

this is not
RuPaul's Best Friends Race.

And after doing this for
so long, you can't avoid that.

And that makes the reality
that somebody is going home

more and more difficult
to handle right now.

- It'd be nice
to find a husband finally.

Looking like this.

I'm single, I'm 31.


[RuPaul laughs]

- ♪ Cover girl,
put the bass in your walk ♪

♪ Head to toe,
let your whole body talk ♪


- Welcome to the main stage
of "RuPaul's Drag Race."

Michelle Visage, which
of my girls was breast in show?

- Obviously, these two.

[all laugh]

- Those aren't my girls.
Those are everybody's girls.

[all laugh]

Now, Ross Mathews, did you enjoy
directing with Michelle Visage?

- Oh, so fun. We're like the
Coen Brothers, except sisters.

- [chuckles]

"Drag Race" super fan

and one of my favorite broads,
Ilana Glazer.

- Ru, my clitoris
is engorged to be here.

- [laughs]

- Well, thank God
it's not prolapsed.

[all laugh]

- You and me both.

- And "Drag Race" super fan

and my other favorite broad,
Abbi Jacobson.

- Ru, I feel like
I've officially died.

- Well, at least
your clitoris isn't prolapsed.

- Nope.
[all laugh]

- This week,
we challenged our queens

to star in our own dystopian
gay fantasy "Breastworld."

Tonight on the runway,
we're gonna party like it's 2069

as our queens show us what
they'll look like in 50 years.

- Oh, I'm so happy to be here.

- Gentlemen, start your engines,

and may be best woman win.

- ♪ I want you to remember me ♪

♪ Snap shot ♪

- Up first, Miz cr*cker.

- I could only afford
to get one shoulder lasered.

[all laugh]

- I plan to be beautiful
at every age on every stage.

It's purse first,
purse last, damn it.

I'm giving you
glamorous matriarch

from my artificial hips
to my artificial lips.

- The cr*cker wears Prada.

[all laugh]

- That's all.

- Asia O'Hara.

- The last member
of the Braidsy Bunch.

[all laugh]

- 50 years from now,

I'm going to probably
still be doing drag,

so I'm still trying
to live my showgirl fantasy.

[all laugh]

I've got my hair kind of
cornrowed over to the side,

'cause I'm gonna need
something easy.

My ankles are swollen
and hurting,

so I gotta put on house shoes.

And I got my potato chips,

'cause I been trying
to not eat potato chips

for the past 50 years,
and now I'm like f*ck it.

I'm gonna do what I want.

- She's all that
and a bag of chips.

- Can't have just one lay.

[all laugh]
- Yeah.

- Monet X Change.

Ooh, girl, you better assist
that walker.

[all laugh]

- Oh!
- Whoo!

- I feel like when I age,
I'm gonna be a mess.

I do not take care of myself.

I don't have health insurance.

But I'm still gonna
keep it up with drag.

So instead of having
the IV drip,

I have little bags of liquor
on there.

I'm playing hacky-sack
with my titties,

and I'm having a good old time
with this look.

- She's gonna be on this month's
cover of Elle...der care.

[all laugh]

This is the aging of Aquaria.

[all laugh]

- Can I buy Birkenstock
in those shoes?

[all laugh]

- I'm inspired by fierce,
older ladies from New York City

that show you can stay
fashionable, hot and fun

at any age.

I've got head to toe tattoos.

My ear lobes are sagging

from years and years of
wearing lots of heavy jewelry.

I'm still a punk bitch
even at 71.

- Which way to Burning Man?

Oh, here she comes.
[all laugh]

- Eureka! Does anyone
have eyes on Renee Taylor?

- She belongs to AARPadding.

[all laugh]

- Usually, Eureka would be
this campy, crazy lady.

But this time,
I'm trying to give you

something polished and refined.

I've got my coat flowing.

It's in the wind, honey.

I am "Gone With The Wind"

She's that bitch.

- Grandmother,
may I sleep with danger?

[all laugh]

- Kameron Michaels!

- Game time at the Center?

- Let's go to Vegas
and play with your slots.

- Yes.
[all laugh]

- I am Gladys,
the hoarder granny.

When she gets her pills, she
gets a little boost of energy.

And then she just
wants to hop around

and have
a dancing good old time.

This is a chance to show
that I can be funny onstage

no matter how bad
I am at acting.

- I'll have what she's having.

[all laugh]
- Yes, honey.

Throw your hands in the air
like Medicare!

[all laugh]

- Welcome, ladies.

Time to watch

my favorite new binge-worthy
obsession, "Breastworld."

- Tucked in the bosom
of a tropical island

lies the gayest resort
ever created.

Where your fantasies
come true

and nothing is off-limits.

- Attention, guests.

Hands Down, Bottoms Up
will begin in 15 minutes.

- Here are we, Muffy,
darlin'. Surprise!

Oh, this is so cute!

- Where are all the cowboys?

- Muffy, darling,
this place is better.

It's "Breastworld."
Ooh, look at that.

- But why, Viv?

- Well, "Westworld"
was all booked up,

so it was either this place
or "Trumpworld,"

and all they have
are Russian hookers,

gold toilets and golden showers!

[all laugh]

Plus, look at all
the hot menses. Ooh.

- Well, I'm Julie.
I'm your cruising director.

And you are at "Breastworld,"
the gayest place on earth.

- [gasps] Did she say gay?

I've never seen
a gay person before.

Even my hairdresser is straight.

- Yeah, we can tell.
- Yeah, we can tell.

- Who is real and who's a robot?

- That's for me to know
and for you to find out.

Well, can I interest you girls
in some cocktails?

- Yes, please!
- Okay.


This is Dyslexa,
our state of the art hostess.

what's the weather like?

- The forecast for today
is [imitating Cher] sunny

with a 100% chance of...

[all laugh]

- Oh, let me try.

play some soothing music.

- Oh, yes, honey.

[dance music plays]

- Oh!

- Okay, enough.


Why don't you get our girls
their drinks?

How about two Patio Punches?

- Coming right up.

- Ow!

- Uh!

- I just got punched
in the face, Viv!

I wanna go home! [cries]

- You can't leave

till you've played Drag Queen
Bingo at Hamburger Mary's!

- Ooh, she's big.

- B-12.

- Bingo!

- [gasps]
Heavens to Betsy, he's dead!

- You win, you die!

- Now, don't worry.
It's not a real g*n.

It's just a hair dryer
set to stunning.

Rosie, toot and reboot.

- Attitude adjustment
in process!

Setting: Bianca Del Rio.

Dialing down
to Ivyyyy Winterrrrs!

Adjustment complete.
Welcome, ladies.

There's always time for bingo.
Wanna play?

- I think we should quit
while we're ahead.

- How's your head?
- I have not had any complaints.

- Okay, girl.
- Okay, Mary.

- Okay, Henny.
- Brrrrr.

[all laugh]

- Me, too.
They always get me.

- This is so confusing!

- I know, but it does
start to make more sense

around the fourth episode.

- This is terrible!
I can't stand it anymore!

- Oh, honey, it'll grow out.

Or you could just wear a hat.
- Yeah.

- Not my hair!

I wanna go home!

- Well, you can't leave
before the big show!

- Welcome to "Breastworld's"
big cock contest!

- Dyslexa?

[all laugh]

- Ooh, cocks!

- Oh, for the love
of Michael Fassbender!

- Wiener, wiener,
chicken dinner!

Cock-a-doodle do me. Ooh!

- Cock-a-doodle don't!

- Now listen up,
you bunch of degenerates!

I'm shutting this resort down!

- Voice recognition.
Right wing poster girl

and all around nutcase,
Parah Salin!

- Parah Salin?
- Parah Salin?

- You betcha!

- Shouldn't you be on "Prancing
with the Stars" or something?

- I was robbed.

And this place

is violating
all the decency laws!

Next thing you know,
you'll be stuffing turduckens.

- Parah Salin,
I voted for you a few years ago,

but I heard you went bonkers.

- Fake news!

- Parah, lighten up.

What happens in "Breastworld"
stays in "Breastworld."

- There is nothing in the
Declaration of Independence

about happy.

- Well, actually, yes, there is.

- Happiness leads to tolerance.

Tolerance leads to empathy.

The next thing you know,
we'll be raising minimum wages

and giving everybody
free healthcare!

It's anarchy!

- No, no, no, no.

Now listen.

I've only been here
for a few minutes,

but I've never experienced
a place like this

that embraces people
of all cultures

just in the spirit of love,
fun and acceptance.

And I've been wrong
about gay people my whole life

and drag queens.

They just wanna eat chicken
like everybody else.

- Atta girl, Muffy!

- We need to celebrate
our differences.

Hate is not a family value.

- Yeah, yeah. So we need
more places like this,

because love is love is love.

And these Mary's
mac and cheese balls,

these are delicious.

- And just so you know, Parah...

- And your children
will someday know...

- That's the night the lights
went out in "Breastworld!"

- [laughs]

That makes no sense at all.

The party's over,
and you can't stop me!

- Says who?

- You k*lled her!
She's dead.

- Oh, Lord,
she getting back up again!

- Surprise, everyone!

I'm actually a robot, too.

In fact,
"Breastworld" created me

to show how dumb
and hypocritical people can be.

- Well, I guess it worked.

- Mission accomplished.

Now, haven't we all
learned something today?

- I've learned that this place
couldn't get any gayer

than if you hired Randy Rainbow.

- Ladies and gentlemen,

please give a big "Breastworld"
welcome to...

- Randy Rainbow!

[cheers and applause]

- All right, "Breastworld."
Let's feel that gay love.

Everyone sing with me, okay?

♪ Have you met a gay man ♪

- Gay man.
- ♪ Or a lesbian? ♪

♪ You just might benefit
if you met ♪

♪ Someone who is friends,
amen ♪

[cheers and applause]

- I smell a CableACE Award.

[all laugh]

- All right, ladies. It's time
for the judges' critiques,

starting with Miz cr*cker.

- I love the way you look.

I feel like you're Upper
East Side, New York City.

- And this really looks like
you're gonna become this person.

You just k*lled the runway.

- On the "Breastworld"

you came armed with an idea.

And then when we asked you
to twist it a little bit,

I started seeing
the wheels turning

more than the performance.

I think you get caught up
in the details,

and that is good
when you're talking about

a look on the runway.

But when you're talking
about creating a moment,

you have to let go.

- Up next, Kameron Michaels.

- Tonight on the runway,
this was so fun.

- I think that's what
I am going to look like

when I'm older.
[all laugh]

You came with such a complete
presentation of an idea.

Great job.
- Thank you.

- But in the challenge,

we were trying to get you
to give us different layers.

And if you saw,
it kind of didn't happen.

- Yeah, the hysteria
was a little one note.

- You had the monologue that was
supposed to give us the feel.

- Love is love is love.

- And we kind of
didn't really feel

what we were supposed to feel.

- Also, I love your tattoos,

but this character
maybe should have worn gloves.

Because your hands are up here
so much, it took me out of it.

- Up next, Monet X Change.

- I thought you were wonderful
in the challenge.

You brought this
really relatable energy to it.

- I know that girl.

She was trying to get
her friend to loosen up.

And she was funny.

Even your little adlibs
were on point.

- And that's, I think,
the best compliment.

I didn't know
there was a lot of adlibbing.

Your delivery was incredible.

- Tonight on the runway,

I don't know if I believed
this could be you in 50 years.

- I'm a mess. I'm a wreck.

My body is falling apart.

- I bought it.

Joan Rivers
did eight million jokes

about her boobs
dragging on the floor

because it's hilarious.

I think this is funny.
- Thank you.

- Up next, Aquaria.

- Tonight on the runway,
it's absolutely stunning.

I'm just digging
for a 71-year-old woman.

- I was going for
a Michele Lamy hardcore fashion.

Very tatted up.

- I love that you know
who Michele Lamy is,

but I still see
beautiful Aquaria of fashion

in a white wig.

- Let me tell you
why I buy this look.

Because in 50 years, I plan on
looking exactly like this.

[all laugh]
- In the challenge,

I think you might
have been my favorite.

I just felt like you were really
great with the physical comedy.

Even the way
you changed your voice,

I could sense
how much fun you were having.

- And I found the robot
to be relatable.

You know what I mean?
[all laugh]

It was great.
- Thank you.

- Up next, Eureka.

- Explain this look to me.

- I just wanted to be fun
and flowy,

and I loved the coat.

It's just something
I love to spin in and be fun.

And I didn't really
have a use for it

except maybe this look.

- And that's kind of
what it looks like.

- "Breastworld," I felt
that you weren't connected.

I don't know what was going on,

but when we were
giving you directions,

I felt you struggling,
which was odd,

in an acting challenge,

because I feel like
you know what to do.

But, nonetheless, when you
watch it, you still popped.

- But it didn't pop

like I thought Eureka would pop
in that kind of show.

- Yeah.
- And that's frustrating,

because I just know
how good you are.

- Up next, Asia O'Hara.

- Tonight it's a beautiful
outfit like on the top.

I love this, I love the hair.

- But I thought for sure
you would be this aged showgirl,

but fully showgirl.

I liked the glasses bit,
but the rest of it,

I was trying to figure out
why you went that route.

- This look is very me

a tired old showgirl

running around a parking lot
at Drag Con

begging people
to buy my fanny pack.

[all laugh]

- I really loved you
in "Breastworld."

It was really joyful.
It was fun.

- Yeah, I agree.

I thought you were a burst
of energy towards the end.

It was like a brand new
character we needed to see.

- I would have attempted
to do an imitation.

[imitating Sarah Palin]
You betcha. Sure thing.

But you did it in a way

that was very much Asia
doing this.

I thought you were really good.

- Thank you, ladies.

I think we've heard enough.

While you untuck backstage,

the judges and I
will deliberate.

All right, now just between

the Broad City
Titty Committee...

[all laugh]
- Whoo!

- What do you think?
Miz cr*cker?

- Miz cr*cker's look tonight
was stunning.

- Yeah, and I thought
it was just so put together.

It was just
really well ex*cuted.

- But in the challenge,
it was all kind of stiff.

- Yeah. I don't think
it would be

the spinoff character
of the show

that I'd want to see.

- I'm curious.

Who would be the spinoff
character of "Broad City?"

- Marcel.

- Good answer!

- Hell, yeah. Whoo!

- You know, when I spoke with
Miz cr*cker in the workroom,

I called her out on the fact

that she's operating
what comes out of her mouth.

And I could see
even in the challenge,

she was producing herself.

Kameron Michaels.

- The runway character
tonight was amazing.

- But in "Breastworld,"

she just hit one level
of hysterical

through the whole show.

- And when she has
that kind of epiphany,

that was the moment where you
were supposed to get the feels.

I got nothing.

- This is not the time
in this competition to choke up.

- No, ma'am.
- No.

Monet X Change.

- I had the most fun
watching Monet in "Breastworld."

She was giving us one-liners
that weren't in the script.

- Because
she knew the character.

- I loved
just watching her play.

She is clearly a star.

- The runway. Is it morbid that
she's walking around with IVs

and has lost her hair
due to an illness? Of course.

But, you know,
these are drag queens.

They can tell any kind
of joke they want to tell.

- I love swinging titties,

but it felt more to me

like a sketch I would see
at a comedy show,

and I was missing
that level of glam.

- You know, a lot of the girls
come from the nightclub world,

and so a lot of the gags

that they plan
for the runway here

don't necessarily
pack the same punch.

Actually, I want
to see her glamorous.

If she'd put a big
gorgeous wig on and some heels,

it would have amped it up
a little bit.

All right, let's move on down
to Aquaria.

- Aquaria was really funny
and lovable as a robot.

- There's a moment

where she walks up with
like the stuffed animals,

and just like even the approach
is hilarious.

- On the runway tonight,
she is the winner...

of a different runway.

- [laughs]

- That didn't look like her
in 50 years.

- Well, she was 11 years old
when this show premiered.

- Whoa.
- Oh, my God.

- So, you know,
for a 21-year-old,

that is her idea
of what she's gonna look like.

[all laugh]
- Right.

- Eureka.

- This runway look,
I don't know.

She looked like Paula Dean
dressed up like a witch.

- [laughs]
- There you go.

- You know, tonight she said,
well, I want to wear this

because I like the way it feels
when I twirl.

Well, that's cute for you,
but what about us?

- Yeah.
- Right.

We're buying the tickets.
- Yeah. Uh-huh.

- And I feel like Eureka
had a little rough go of it

in that "Breastworld" challenge.

Because we all know
what Eureka can do,

but I felt like
she wasn't there.

And that meltdown moment
just wasn't working.

And at the end, I still
don't think it really worked.

- And at the end of the day,

as funny as she is,
she has to deliver.

- Right.
- Or it's not good enough.

- She is one of my favorites
and I'm just like, ugh.

But she has it in her
to deliver.

- I feel like we're being
extra harsh on her,

but it's because
we've seen her be so good.

- Yes.
- That's right.

- Asia O'Hara.

- Have you ever watched a movie
that was really good,

and then in the third act,
a supporting actress comes in

and you go, oh, she's totally
gonna be nominated.

- Uh-huh.
- That's how I felt about Asia.

- She knows who she is,

because she brought herself
to that character.

And like you said earlier, Ross,

I preferred that over
some Sarah Palin impression.

- Tonight on the runway,
however, you guys,

I'm really confused.

I just didn't buy it.

I'm buying the fabulous
always done pageant girl.

- But, you know, hey,

she was fantastic
in the challenge and very funny.

- She just has star power.

- On that note, silence!

I've made my decision.

Bring back my golden girls.

- Welcome back, ladies.

I want to reiterate you all
did amazing work this week.

But we're at that point
in the competition

where the cuts
are deep and painful.

Monet X Change.
On the runway, you served sag,

and in "Breastworld,"
you had swag.

You're safe.

You may drag your IV
to the back of the stage.

- Thank you.

- Asia O'Hara.

Your Parah Salin
was hucking filarious.


You are the winner
of this week's challenge.


You've won a four-night stay

at Vermont's Frog Meadow Farm
Bed & Breakfast,

courtesy of My Gay Getaway.

- Thank you so much.

My second win,

especially after
the catastrophe of last week,

I couldn't be happier.

I feel like I'm on
the upward slope again.

- Aquaria, the judges
thought your runway look

was not age appropriate,

but your performance
in "Breastworld" packed a punch.

You are safe.

- Thank you.

- Eureka. This week,

your performance
needed a toot and reboot.

I'm sorry, my dear, but you
are up for elimination.

Kameron Michaels.

Your Silver Fox
gave us a kick,

but in "Breastworld,"
you muffed your Muffy.

Miz cr*cker,
your Silver Fox rocks,

but your "Breastworld" hostess
wasn't the mostest.

Kameron Michaels,

I'm sorry, my dear,
but you are up for elimination.

Miz cr*cker, you are safe
and may join the other girls.

Two old queens stand before me.

Ladies, this is your last chance
to impress me

and save yourself
from elimination.

The time has come...

for you to lip sync...

[echoing] for your life!

Good luck
and don't f*ck it up.

[music plays]

- ♪ Running hot ♪

♪ Running cold ♪

♪ I was running into overload ♪

♪ It was extreme ♪

♪ I took it so high, so low,
so long ♪

♪ There was nowhere to go
like a bad dream ♪

♪ Somehow the wires uncrossed ♪

♪ The table were turned ♪

♪ Never knew I had
such a lesson to learn ♪

♪ I'm feeling good
from my hat to my shoes ♪

♪ Know where I am going
and I know what to do ♪

♪ Ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh, ooh ♪

♪ I've got a new attitude ♪

♪ I am wearing a new dress,
new hat ♪

♪ Brand new ideas
as a matter of fact ♪

♪ I've changed for good ♪

♪ Must have been
the cold nights, new moon ♪

♪ Night changes ♪

♪ Or forget your love ♪

♪ For just being like I should ♪

♪ Somehow the wires uncrossed ♪

♪ The tables were turned ♪

♪ Never knew I had
such a lesson to learn ♪

♪ I'm feeling good
from my hat to my shoes ♪

♪ Know where I'm going
and I know what to do ♪

♪ I've tidied up
my point of view ♪

♪ I've got a new attitude ♪

♪ Somehow the wires uncrossed ♪

♪ The tables were turned ♪

♪ Never knew I had
such a lesson to learn ♪

♪ I'm feeling good
from my hat to my shoes ♪

♪ Know where I'm going
and I know what to do ♪

♪ Ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh, ooh ♪

♪ I've got a new attitude ♪

- [laughs]

[cheers and applause]

- Ladies, I've made my decision.

Kameron Michaels,
shantay you stay.

- Thank you.

- You may join the other girls.


- Yes.

- Shantay you stay.

- Thank you so much!



I'm sorry.

You really freaked me out.

- That is what you call
a lip sync for your life,

and that is why no one
is going home tonight.

- Thank you so much.


You got me, gal.

[all laugh]

- You may join the other girls.

- Thank you.

I just can't go home yet.

In the blink of an eye,
it was almost gone,

so I ain't gonna be blinking
no more.


- Well, ladies,

You remain the final six.

[all laugh]

Now, remember,
if you can't love yourself,

how in the hell are you
gonna love somebody else?

Can I get an amen up in here?

- Amen.
- Amen.

- All right.
Now let the music play!

- ♪ To-to-to to the moon ♪

♪ To the moon ♪

♪ To the moon ♪

♪ Come on and take me away ♪

♪ To-to-to to the moon ♪
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