10x10 - Social Media Kings Into Queens

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "RuPaul's Drag Race". Aired: February 2, 2009 – present.*
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RuPaul plays the role of host, mentor, and head judge for this series, as contestants are given different challenges each week.
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10x10 - Social Media Kings Into Queens

Post by bunniefuu »

- Previously
on "RuPaul's Drag Race"...

You'll be starring
in "Breastworld."

- Cock-a-doodle do me, Daddy.

- Cock-a-doodle don't!

[both laugh]

- I've been wrong about
gay people and drag queens.

- Kameron Michaels.

- We were trying to get you
to give us different layers,

and if you saw,
it kind of didn't happen.

- Eureka.

- I felt that
you weren't connected.

- And that's frustrating,

because I just know
how good you are.

- Asia O'Hara.

Con-drag-ulations. You are the
winner of this week's challenge.


Kameron Michaels, Eureka.

That is what you call
a lip sync for your life,

and that is why no one
is going home tonight.

- Thank you so much.

- Thank you.


- Whew!

Couldn't get rid of us,
could they, Kameron?

We said, nope, not today.

- We are the top six again?

I mean, I was really hopeful

that going back
into the workroom

that it would
just be five of us,

but not so lucky.

- I'm tired of being ugly.

- Girl, I'm tired
of being terrified.

Oh, my God, that was so much.

Me and Kameron survive.
We're hear another week.

Thank m*therf*cking God.

- Congratulations to you two.
- Congratulations.

- That was a lip sync
for your life.

- We did that, bitch.

- Two country b*tches

on a whirlwind adventure
to the top, bitch.

- Didn't we hit the splits
at the same time?

- I think we did.

- I mean,
it's that part of the song

where everyone would do a split.

- Wow.

- [laughs]

- Aquaria of course

wants to take everything
straight to negativity.

You seem really upset
about this.

- I guess I am.

I don't know.
I've never liked in past seasons

when they've kept two people.

And especially putting
my effort in yesterday,

I wish that we could
keep rolling along

with the competition.

I just think that how we've been
throughout the whole competition

should have some--

- Girl, I am so lost.

- I know. I've been kicking ass
all f*cking competition,

and I'm mad that I can't
go on to the top five now

because there's people
who've been--no shade--

but people who've been
skating by.

- So who do you think
should have went home?

- I know that she's
talking about me.

I find that funny

because I won
last week's challenge.

But to my knowledge,
cr*cker hasn't won,

so I don't need
to sit on this couch

and defend myself.

- I just...
The last two episodes--

- Girl, I'm sorry,
but that is so narcissistic.

For you to correlate
them two staying

from you being further away
from the crown,

And it's so irritating to me

that you turned it
into something about you

when this
has nothing to do with you.

It's just ridiculous.

A bitch can't even get
a second chance around here,

but some salty ass ho
trying to make it about her.

And then on top of that--
I'm not done.

And then on top of that,
if you do think that,

bitch, have the decency
to keep that shit to yourself.

- I mean, I've skated by
the last, like--

- According to Aquaria,
you have skated by.

- I've heard that from a lot
of girls in this competition.

- Like who? Who?

Say names.
Don't say a lot of girls.

- I know that I'm not
the only person who's said that.

I don't want to bring
other girls into it,

but y'all can rewind the tapes.

Kameron's been playing
an extremely safe game.

- Well, regardless,
me and Kameron

are both extremely happy
to be here.

- I'm happy to be here.

- And I'm happy
for y'all to be here, too.

Unlike other people.

- My only thing to you

is like let's say that this
was like Miss Continental,

and your top two both
like turned it out.

Somebody still has to win.
You see what I'm saying?

So that's where I can see
from Aquaria's side.

- Part of it is, you know,

you only have that
one lucky save a season,

if there is one.
- Says who?

I feel like
your perception of drag

is limited to what
you have seen on "Drag Race."

- I don't think
that's true at all.

- Who says there's only
one magic double save?

Like they could do that again.

- I'm just frustrated
that I might not have

that type of mercy
in the future.

- Aquaria, you are doing
a great job up until this point.

Keep on doing that,

and then you won't have
to worry about lip synching.

Just keep on doing you,

and we're all going
to keep on doing us,

and I'll keep on
not winning challenges,

and Asia's just gonna
keep on winning them.

- Girl, I'm gonna be the first
winner of "RuPaul's Drag Race--"

- To never win a challenge.
- To never win a challenge.

I'll be like, bam!

- [laughs]

Anyway, let's go de-drag.

- Bitch, y'all gonna be over it

when two Tennessee b*tches
are top three.

- Girl.

- I will fight tooth and nail

before I let the top three
be all from New York.

Team Tennessee will fight
to the bitter end.

I do think that it's time

for either Aquaria or cr*cker
to be in the bottom two.

- Ow.

- Girl, I'm sending
one of y'all asses home.

- Titties. Titties.

- The winner
of "RuPaul's Drag Race"

receives a one-year supply

of Anastasia Beverly Hills

and a cash prize of $100.000.

With extra special guest judges
Miles Heizer

and Lizzo.

- ♪ RuPaul's Drag Race ♪

- ♪ May the best woman ♪

- ♪ Best woman win ♪

- ♪ NYC ♪
- ♪ NYC ♪

- Texas all by myself.

- Team Tennessee.
- Team Tennessee.

- It's a new day.

It's very surreal
to still be here.

My goal coming
into this competition

was I didn't want
to go home first.

But I feel a lot more optimistic
about my chances

now that there are less girls.

I want to make it
as far as I can.

- I feel like this looks
awful similar to last week.

- I'm just happy to be here.

- If I may, I was, you know--

this competition is so like
mentally and emotionally

and physically draining.

And top five is like--
was a very goal for me.

But my apologies for making
y'all feel whatever way.

To get to be the top six
for another week is just as fun.

I just realized that,
you know, what I said,

whether I think it's true

or whether other people
agree with me,

I just wish
I could have like expressed

how I was feeling about that

without hurting
people's feelings.

And Asia, thank you
for checking me

and putting me in line.

And let's slay today.

- Yeah.
- Let's slay today.

- Ooh, girl.

She done already
done had herses.

My queens, do over others

as you would have them
do over you.

Better to have tucked and lost

than never
to have tucked before.

And a wig in the hand
is worth two in the bush,

because technically
a wig in a bush is a merkin.

Don't Google that.

- Oh, Lord Jesus.

- Hello, hello, hello.

[cheers and applause]

Hi, ladies.

Now, we all know
that you're experts

at serving some serious womana.

But how good are you at
taking it to the other extreme?

[all laugh]

Now, for today's
mini challenge,

I want you to create
a super macho character,

and then you'll pose

for a manly body spray
I'm calling...

[deep voice] Trade.

- Holy f*ck.

- It's made from essential oils

found exclusively
at truck stop restrooms.

[all laugh]


- [laughs]

- [deep voice] So, bros,
let's do this now.

[bell dings]

- Go.
- Oh!

- Girl,
I'm gonna look like Mario.

- Oh.
- Nippies.

- Trade is non-feminine, butch,
like attractive males,

like, ooh,
that's a boy that's fine

that I want to get
all up in my buttercups.

You know what I mean?

- Okay, dudes.
Time's up.

First up, Kameron Michaels.


- Been chopping wood?
- [deep voice] Chopping wood.

- [laughs] So I'm gonna
have you say taglines

that we're testing out
for this body spray.

- Can you smell me coming?

- Very good.

- Can I take it off
for the ladies?

- Sure, yeah, why not? Yeah.

That'd be great.

- Do you wanna see
all the wood? Trade.

- [laughs]
- Smell all this wood.


- Nice, nice.

All right.
Thank you very much.

Hey, maybe we can go chop
some wood together sometime.

- I believe that's doable.

- [laughs]

I believe that's doable?

[both laugh]
- I can't.

- Trade. Spray it
all over your face.

Just don't get any in your eye.

- [laughs] Can you get
a deeper voice there?

- Trade [snort snort].

- [laughs]

- You like that?
- All right, bro.

Thanks a lot.
What's your name?

- Randy.

- Are you randy?
- I am.

Randy the Woodchuck.
- [laughs]

- All T, all Trade.

- Yeah, you've got a little
twist in your hip there.

- No.
- Can you take that out?

- All T, all Trade.

- [laughs] You're giving it
a little twist at the end

that's kind of like, hey.
- Oh, no.

- Shit. Gotta slap
that shit out me.

- Yeah, yeah,
get that out of there.

- All T, all Trade.

- Can you put one hand on--
between me down there?

- Down here?
It's real long.

- All right. [laughs]

I think you could be
America's Next Chopped Model.

What's happening, man?

- All right, I'm feeling good.
How about you?

- I'm doing real good.
What's your name?

- I'm BJ.
- What does that stand for?

- Well, it stands
for being a jokester.

- [laughs]
Here we go.

- I don't think y'all are ready
for this smell. Trade.

- [laughs] Nice.

- Yeah, you like that?
- Yeah, that's nice.

- Yeah, the wife likes it, too.

[all laugh]

- I want you to try on
another tagline.

Say it with it
with a deeper voice.

- Deeper?
- Yeah.

- [deep voice] Deeper like this?
- Yeah. There you go.

- All right, all right,
all right.

Pull my finger. Trade.

- [laughs]

- Told you I'm a jokester.

- The future belongs to those
who can smell it coming.

[all laugh]

- If you're looking
for Trade, I'm it.

- [laughs] Think butch.

This is for manly men
who love manly things.

- Smell me. Trade.

- Can you go any deeper?

- [deep voice] Is this deeper?
- [laughs] Yeah.

- Smell me.

That's Trade.

- The Trade of it all.

- Trade, spray it
all over your face.

Just don't get it in your eye.

- Yeah, I want you to say it
really butch, like--

- Really butch?
I ain't butch enough, dude?

- Yeah, no, not butch enough.
- All right.

Trade. Spray it
all over your face.

Just don't get it in your mouth.

[all laugh]

- Very close.
Say it sexier.

- Trade. Can you smell me?

- Yeah. Lick your lips
like LL Cool J.

- All right. All right. Cool.
- And then say it, all right?

- Trade, can you smell me?

- Yeah, that's it right there.

- So I got the job or what?

- We'll call you.

- All right, I ain't got
no phone, though.

- Dang, y'all
some real rough Trade.

But one of you really put
your stank on this challenge.

BJ. I mean Eureka.

- Oh! Old Smelly Trade.

- [laughs] You won a $2.000
gift card from MuLondon.

- Ooh.
- Hey.

- You know, they say that social
media is taking over the world,

but this week,
"RuPaul's Drag Race"

is going to take over
the whole internet.

Say hello to some of today's
hottest social media stars.

- Tyler Oakley.


- Chester See.

[cheers and applause]

- Kingsley.

[cheers and applause]

- Anthony Padilla.

[cheers and applause]

- Raymond Braun.

[cheers and applause]

- Frankie Grande.

- Oh!
[cheers and applause]

- Oh, my God.

- Oh, my God, oh, my God,
oh, my God.

We're doing
a makeover challenge.

- Ladies, you'll be transforming
these kings of social media

into flawless drag queens.

[cheers and applause]

- Y'all need to put the glam
in their Instagram.

[all laugh]
- All right.

- Some glitter on their Twitter.

[all laugh]

And strap on
some big old boobies

on their YouTubies.

[all laugh]

So, Eureka, you won
the mini challenge.

You get to match the queens...

- Oh.

- With the social media kings.

- RuPaul has mentioned
that he wants to see us

pushing strategy,
making decisions

that pushes us
to the front line.

- So you got you assigned
the roles.

Were you strategic with it?

- Um, not necessarily.

- Not necessarily.
Is that smart?

- If you're not gonna work
every win to your advantage,

then you're not
playing the game.

And that's coming from
the horse's mouth herself.

- Who gets Tyler Oakley?

- I think I'm gonna
give Tyler to Monet.

- Yes, girl.

Tyler Oakley.

- Who gets Chester See?

- Chester, I think
I will give to cr*cker.

- Hi, darling.
Come here.


- Who gets Kingsley?

- Kingsley is going to go
to Aquaria.

I'm gonna give Aquaria someone

that might be harder
for her to do makeup on.

I know the looks
are gonna be on point,

so maybe she'll struggle
with his makeup.

- Anthony I'm gonna give
to Kameron.

- Hey, how are you?
- I'm good.

- Just 'cause I feel like
I would watch that video.

[all laugh]

- Who gets Raymond Braun?

- I'm gonna give him to Asia.

- Come on over.
- Asia. How are you?

- How are you?

- That means Frankie
goes to Eureka.

- Oh. Yay.

And I choose Frankie Grande.

She looks like she has too much
energy for her own good,

and I say clearly
that is my partner.

We can do lips, we can--

- I know. We can.

- Mayday, mayday, man down.

Eureka O'Hara, bad choice, girl.

Frankie is a big personality.
Frankie's very loud.

Frankie is like bouncing
all over the room.

I feel like it's just
a recipe for disaster.

- Now, you can use materials
from the Mood fabric wall,

Fierce! drag jewels,
and of course, your own drag.

Just make sure there's a strong
drag family resemblance.

Gentlemen, start your engines,

and may the best woman win.

[cheers and applause]

- I am beyond excited
to be your sister.

- Oh, my God.
- We're gonna make this happen.

I'm here to do
whatever you want.

- Makeovers are not my favorite.
I'm not going to lie.

However, I am
a great pageant coach.

So the first thing we do
is open up some dialogue,

see where we're at.

What do you know about drag?

- I've seen every episode
of "Drag Race."

- Great.
- Some of them a couple times.

- Great.
- "Untucked."

It's like walking
into a dream right now.

- So who are some of your
favorite past "Drag Race" stars?

So I kind of get an idea.

- I think that my ultimate
favorite is Latrice Royale.

- Done. We're good.

- For me, it's about the heart,
and I think that drag queens

are like saints
in our community.

- Absolutely.
- They give us hope,

they make us feel happy,
they make us feel inspired,

and it's about the way
that you make people feel

while you're in drag.

- It's a match made in heaven.

It's a match made in heaven.

Hope the other b*tches
hear that.

a perfect partner for me.

Our energy instantaneously
is connected.

I like body suits.

I like things that are stretchy,
that form to the body.

- I feel like I should
put something on right now

that reflects you.

- I feel like
you definitely should.

- Ooh, I love this.

- So Raymond sees this sequined
jacket, and his eyes light up.

- [gaps] Oh, my gosh.

I see you, Eureka.
I see you looking.


You nervous?
- Uh-huh.

- You should be.

- He is shining in this garment,

and I want him to be in
what he wants to wear.

So I'm going to have
to make our coat.

Not where I was going with this,

but that's where
we're gonna go now.

- I'm so happy that you're here.
- Thank you.

- I'm happy that
I get to make you over

into a fabulous drag queen.

- Like, this is legitimate
bucket list shit.

- [laughs] I'm like really
happy that I get Tyler Oakley.

He's very like free spirited.
He's like down for anything.

So I need to know.
Have you ever done drag before?

- I have never performed,

but I've gotten
like my face done.

- Have you ever walked in heels?

[both laugh]

So you know my name
is Monet X Change.

You're Tyler Oakley,
you're short.

And what do you think of--
I'm just throwing this out.

I just thought about it,
Short Change.

- Short Change?
[both laugh]

I love it, I love it,
I love it.

- I'm the only X Change
that exists in the world.

My tubes have been tied
up until this point,

so he should feel very lucky
and privileged

that he's part of
the awesome X Change, darling.

- I love it.
- Do you?

- Yes.
[both laugh]

- Monet and Tyler
are doing a lot of laughing,

a lot of giggling,
but I'm not sure

Monet is going to be able
to pull this one off.

Let me tell you, girl,
Monet is a hoot, but--

- You're going to tell me
exactly what's happening.

- Monet's drag,

it's a little peculiar
from time to time.

- This is when
we just take our cup of tea

and we say I can't wait to see
how this turns out.

- Yes, yes.

- How do you feel about drag?

- I haven't seen
a lot of the show.

I know of the show.

- Right.

- My ex-girlfriend loved it,

and it was always on
in the background.

- Oh, so you're a heterosexual.

- Oh, yeah.
- Don't worry about it.

This is an accepting

I accept your lifestyle.

Do you love drag?

Do you want to find out
more about it?

- Oh, yeah, well,
that's why I'm so excited.

Because you're gonna
teach me everything.

- Okay. All right.
- I assume, right?

- Are you familiar with tucking?

- I mean, I think the word
is sort of--

- Yeah.

- I think I get it, yeah.

- Well, just to put it in
the baldest terms,

so what I do
is I just take duct tape

and I pull everything back...
- Oh, wow.

- Between my legs
so I look like a lady.

- Okay.

- I feel like I have a bigger
challenge than everyone else.

Chester looks like
he should not do drag.

Chester is straight,
he has a beard,

and on top of it,
he seems super shy.

For me, I'm a lady that likes
big hair and making jokes,

but most of all, I like
making people happy with drag.

But I think if there's anyone
that can be an ambassador

for what makes drag wonderful,
it's me.

- What can you already do?

You've walked in heels.

- Yeah, well, I've--
definitely heels.

I played a woman in a show
called "Pageant the Musical."

- Tell me a little bit
more about that.

- Okay.
- About you, too.

Like, let's hear about you.
- Okay, perfect.

I love talking about myself.

[both laugh]

I started on Broadway.

I was in "Mamma Mia"
on Broadway.

Then I moved out to LA
to pursue the dream,

and the dream was not coming,

so I decided to start
a YouTube channel.

Two and a half years
I posted two videos a week,

and then eventually
I got "Big Brother."

- Frankie is known
for being on "Big Brother."

He's actually
Arianna Grande's big brother,

and his sister has even
been a judge on the show.

- This is the best day
of my life.

I'm not lying.

- What does she think
about you doing this?

- She's ecstatic.

She knows like
it's been a dream of mine.

Listen, I watch the show a lot.
I'm like a huge fan.

Like I've always wanted
to compete on the show,

but I don't--
I can't do anything myself.

I can't sew.
I can't do my face.

So now I get to compete
on the show and not do anything,

'cause you have to do it for me.

[both laugh]

- I love that.

- So you are famous on...

- On YouTube.
- Do you watch the show?

- I have watched it

My girlfriend is a huge fan.

So, yeah, I watch it
over her shoulder.

- Cool.
- Yeah.

- I'm really apprehensive
around straight men,

just because when I was younger,
I was made fun of and bullied,

and a lot of that
was by straight men.

So it should be interesting.

My drag is like hyper feminine.

- What's hyper feminine mean?

- I want something
kind of sparkly and flowy.

- Right. Yeah.
- Yeah.

- I just see Kameron and Anthony
just, yeah, bro, oh.

- Well, we have our work
cut out for us, I think.

- Yeah.
- Yeah.

- Cool.
- Yeah.

- So I think that is not going
to fare well on the runway,

because it's going to be
very transparent

that they have no chemistry

- Yeah.

- Today's maxi challenge

is to do drag makeovers
on social media influencers.

I want to get
a little bit to know--

get to know you a little bit.

I'm also horrible
at speaking, so...

- It's okay.
I am from Missouri.

I started making videos

because I couldn't find
anyone around me

that cared about like
Britney and Madonna

and like pop culture
and award shows.

And it was like the internet
was just this place

to find people
that have similar interests.

And I just built
this career out of it.

- Kingsley is a YouTube star,

and he has like
a bajillion YouTube followers

and almost as many
Twitter followers,

and he makes lots of videos.

- I've never been
put in drag before.

- Have you really?
- No, like, never.

- I definitely have
a good eye for makeup.

- Do you have my shade?
Like are you nervous?

Is this going to work out?

- Oh, I'm very comfortable

with putting other people
in drag.

And it's like the least
of my worries.

I think Eureka
was trying to be strategic

by pairing me
with a person of color,

but I've done makeup
on people of color before,

so this is not something
that scares me whatsoever.

- Would you be into trying on
a pair of heels right now?

- Yeah. Are they
supposed to hurt this way?

- Yeah. Oh, absolutely.
- Ow!

- The first thing we tackled
is walking in heels.

Raymond's not too bad.

- Oh, f*ck.
- He can use a little work,

but he's not as bad
as some of the other guys.

- I wanna see this walk.
Let me see what--

- No. You can't make me do that.

- Oh, no, oh, we're taking you

all the way out
of your comfort zone.

Tyler has never really
worn heels before,

and he is trying his best.

I believe in you, Short Change.

Careful. You are walking
down Fifth Avenue.

I think actually, hello.

All right, Miss Short Change.

For the most part, he has it
somewhat together.

You're gliding, oh.
- [laughs]

- Girl. Whew...

- [laughs]

- Any guy who starts walking
in heels for the first time,

they always do
like the fierce face.

They do like...

And you try to do that
in the heels,

and I'm like, no, girl,
do not do all that.

Being sexy on the runway
and having fun

is what's really going
to give the essence

of the X Change family secret.

- Hi-ee.

- Hi!
- Hello.

- How are my internet
sweeties doing?

- Good.
- Great.

- Well, hello, cr*cker.
- Hello, Ru.

- Chester See, when you
walked in the workroom,

my first thought was,

well, that one right there
won't need no padding.

- [laughs]
- Oh, I know.

She's shapely.

- Are you talking about
down here?

- Oh, yeah.

- I'll take it.

- Why do you think the universe
or Eureka--same thing--

paired you two together?

- I think Eureka was only
thinking about herself,

and she chose the one
that was already in drag.

- [laughs]

So what is your biggest fear
in this challenge?

- This is actually my fear
right here.

I've never walked in heels,

so I don't know how
to walk in those,

and that's a big part of this.
- No, no, no.

You need to go over there
and try some shoes on.

And try some ones on
that make you want to go, hey.

I'm a woman, baby.


You know, because you are
a little bit reserved.

Where does that come from?

- This is all
a new experience for me.

So it's a lot of excitement.

There's just like
a lot going on.

- You're looking at a person
that has a reserve to them,

and a little trouble opening up.

- I know you do,
but what about him?

- [laughs]

I think that there's--
we have a similar vibe.

I'm the same way.

- Why do you think that is?

- I want to do everything

and the wheels
are always turning.

- I think that you are on the
outside looking at yourself,

making sure
that people see you

the way that you're comfortable
with them seeing you.

- Right.
- And you've got to let that go.

I saw "Dear Evan Hansen"
on Broadway

and Ben Platt, who plays Dear,
he gave everything.

You could see spit coming out,
and he was--

there were tears,
and he gave everything he had.

Drag allows you to be that free.

You'll learn who you are.

You'll see
the other side of Chester.

Oh, that's your book title.

- The other side of Chester?
- Pay me later.

- I like it.
- The back cover is your butt.

- Yeah. No, the front cover
is that ass.

All right, so you b*tches
put on some heels,

and go snap some
m*therf*cking trophies.

"Dear Evan Hansen" in the
m*therf*cking house, bitch.

- I'm gonna spit on your face,
you're gonna spit on my face.

- All right, I'll see y'all
asses out there.

- Thank you, Ru.
- See you.

- Well, hello there.

- Hey, Ru.
- Hi, Ru.

- Monet and Tyler.

- Yes.
- Hi.

- So, Tyler, what makes
a great social media star?

- I think a lot of what makes
a good social media star

makes a good drag queen,

because you have to play
a lot of different roles,

and you have to connect
with people.

I think it's always
about connection.

- Tyler, you have a fat ass,
don't you?

- Ma'am!

- No, you're with two black men.

That's a good thing.
- Thank you.

I will say
I have no complaints so far.

- Yeah, because
that will actually

help you in this challenge.

You're turning beet red now.

- I feel my face.

- Ru, you keep on
calling him Tyler.

He has a name.

- Oh, oh,
what is Tyler's drag name?

- Short Change.

- I love that.

Now remember, when you say
Short Change, do not use the T.

- Shor Change.
- Shor Change.

[all laugh]

- Now, I asked for
a strong family resemblance.

So what do you have in common?

- I think that
we are both New Yorkers.

- I'm from LA.

- But I'm saying--

[all laugh]

- Okay, more will be revealed.

Well, you're both Americans.
- Yeah, we're both American.

- Now, you've come under fire
about your esthetic.

- That's why we've got
some big hair today.

We gonna get some
big hair up in this gig, Ru.

- No pussycat wigs.

- No pussycat wigs.
- Uh-uh.

You save that for Sunday
and Sunday service.

- [laughs]

What is with Ru
and my pussycat wig?

I don't get it.

He gonna get it
when I come out

with my own line
of sponge pussycat wigs.

Available on iTunes.

- All right,
I'll see you out there.

- Thank you, Ru.
- Thank you, Ru.

- Shor Change.
- Shor Change.

[both laugh]

- Kameron Michaels.
- Hello.

- You've got quite a challenge
on your hands, don't you?

- I do.
I have a straight man.

- You certainly do.
- Am I challenging?

I'm excited, though.
- You are excited.

- Yeah.

- You've never done drag before.
- Never done drag.

- Have you walked Anthony
through what drag is all about?

- I think we talked about,
you know,

what it takes to do drag,
and it's not--

- You think you talked--
Bitch, are you in a coma?

[all laugh]

- We definitely had,
you know, a conversation

about everything that goes into
drag, and it's not easy.

- Okay. What do you two
have in common?

- Well, he's very attractive.

I wouldn't call myself

- Imma slap you, bitch.

- You're attractive.
Come on.

He was prancing around
without a shirt on over there.

He knows he's attractive.

- Yeah.

- Well, we're both
a little reserved.

We're kind of like
the same personality type.

- I want you to be prepared

for what's gonna happen
once you get into drag.

- Okay.
- It is so liberating.

You get to do all the things
you ever wanted to do

with none of the repercussions.

Except maybe some STDs.

[all laugh]

Those are easily rectified.

God, did I just say rectified?

When men into drag,
it's like getting boozed up.

You never know if you're gonna
be a fun drunk, a mean drunk.

Sometimes they become coy,
or sometimes they become, hey!

Now, have you chosen
a drag name for Anthony?

- You know, we were trying
to think of a K or a C name,

and I was having trouble.

- Do you have any ideas
for a drag name?

- Kelly, because it also starts
with a K, and it's androgynous.

- Kelly Michaels.
- I like that.

She's the kind of girl in high
school you'd absolutely hate.

- Yeah.
- Key that bitch's car.

- She sounds like a bitch.

- Are you going to the dance,
Kelly Michaels?

- That's an impression of me
as my drag.

[all laugh]

- I'm gonna say that.
I'm gonna say that.

- Being paired with Anthony,

I was a little apprehensive
at first.

But I'm learning that
even though he is straight,

he's very sweet and very open

and I can already tell
that we're getting along great.

- All right,
I'll see you out there.

Bye, Kelly.

- Bye.
- Bye.

[both laugh]

- Yeah, girl.

- Hey, Asia.
- Hi.

- Practicing your drag
on your friend?

- Yes, ma'am.
- [laughs]

Now, you are
a social media expert.

What do you guys have in common?

- We had that instant connection

of wanting to do
so much more with drag

than just get on stage and walk
the runway in something sparkly.

- When people think
about social media,

they often think just
me, me, me, what's my viewpoint?

I really like to talk about
messages of empowerment

on social media.

I like to encourage people
to get involved politically,

to speak out about issues
that they care about,

and to just really try to foster
community among LGBTQ people.

- That's lovely.
That's wonderful.

Now, I'm seeing
a lot of closed toes

up here on the way.

Now, you know there's certain
tricks for first timers.

You know, it's always smart to
wear a vinyl shoe that expands.

- We call them acrylic shoes,

and you used to heat them up
with a blow dryer

before you put your foot in it

because it would expand
and hug your shoe.

I know exactly
what you're talking about.

- If it's expandable--
trust me,

if you're standing up
for a long time,

you will thank me later.

And I hope these other b*tches
are listening.

- Are listening to that.
- Mm-hmm.

- And for the camera people,

when you go home
and prance around the apartment,

get shoes with expandable--

Bitch, you better turn it out.

- Bitch, I'm ready
to turn it out.

- Because this one here,
she's a fierce ass queen.

- I want to make
the O'Hara family proud, Ru.

- Good. All right. Well,
I'll see y'all out there.

- Thank you.
- Thanks, Ru.

- Thank you.
- Bye.

- Hi, Eureka.
Where's--oh, my goodness.

My, how you've grown.

- I'm so excited.

This is the most excited
I've ever been in my life.

I've always dreamt
of being here.

I can't believe
this is happening. Anyway...

- Oh, I love it.

Eureka is a big girl.

How are you gonna have a strong
family resemblance with Frankie?

- I'm gonna have her bodied and
proportionized out of her mind.

- Oh, I love that.

- And she's gonna have on
a little baby loaf.

She is going to be
a little tiny twin Eureka.

- All right.

What are you most afraid of
with this challenge?

- Ooh, expectations.

- Because a lot of people around
the world know who you are,

and they're looking for you
to excel at this.

- Right. And I want to,

but, you know,
it's a lot of pressure.

- Yeah. Now tell me this.

What was your strategy
for pairing up the girls?

- I paired them up with who
I assumed would be their demise.

[all laugh]

- That's the answer
I wanted to hear, bitch.

You know what I'm saying?

- Well, okay, I just can't
come close to that bottom again.

I don't want to be there.
- No.

- I'm here to win.
- Oker.

- So I hope you enjoy
your partners, ladies.

- [laughs]

- 'Cause I am loving mine.

[all laugh]

I'm not trying to be shady.
I'm trying to win.

- Well, I can't wait
to see y'all out there.

Make it happen.

- All right.
- We will.

- All right.
- Just say make it work.

- I'll say you better work.


- I love you, you crazy psycho.

- I'm so excited.

- Well, hello, there.

Now, I know Aquaria,
bitch, you're fierce.

You know how to put
some shit together.

- Yes, ma'am,
this is very up my alley.

I'm comfortable
doing makeup on others.

- You're versatile.

- The only verse I am
is Versace,

but besides that,
I think I am capable.

- Have you done drag before?
- I have not.

- I'm surprised you haven't
been tempted to do it before.

- No, I've been tempted.
I guess maybe fear is the word.

- What's the fear?

- I guess looking dumb.
- Dumb.

- Looking like not
exuding the confidence.

Like drag queens
are some of the most confident

and just fearless figures.

It's a lot to live up to.

- You know, in our culture,
men have this thing

about being feminine,
and there's little hang-ups.

And it's in all of us.

Actually even
when I started drag,

I had to go through it
with myself,

to go, oh, my God,
am I going too far?

Let me tell you something.

Life is a banquet,

and most poor suckers
are starving to death.

Get in there
and put some heels on.

Put some false eyelashes on.

- I know, I know, I know.
I need help.

- Listen, bitch, this is
your opportunity to work it.

I am it. Hello.

Imma serve
all of this right here.

Show these b*tches.
All right?

- Thank you, Ru. See you.
- All right.

All right, ladies.

Now, remember,
the judges will be looking

for a strong
drag family resemblance.

Oh, one more thing.

Almost slipped my mind.

Each pair needs to make
a homemade video

of my song, "Charisma,
Uniqueness, Nerve, and Talent."

Mm-hmm. Yes.

All right, gentleman-ses,
start your engines-ses,

and may the best woman-ses

See you later.

- Oh.

- So you try this on,
and just put it on backwards,

and it'll just kind of
hold your stuff down.

Instead of the p*ssy
in the front,

you put the butt in the front.

And then it kind of like
shapes your cannolas and stuff.

Oh, God,
your balls are enormous.

I was like, girl,
you got elephantitis?

What is happening?

Girl, why do you have
two bowling balls

in that bag right there?

Pull it all the way up.

Aah! Girl's got more nuts
than face.

Okay, that's perf.

So we're just gonna
pull those suckers back,

and pull her acorn back,
honey, and be good.

I love that you have big balls.

I think that's a beautiful thing
to tell the world.

- It's my last name,
you know. Yeah.

Frankie Grande.

- Frankie Grande
Big Balls For Days.

- Big Balls For Days.

- Okay, here we go.

Are you ready?

[scat singing]

- Would everyone
mind your damn business?

- Reveal, reveal, reveal.

- Yay!

- Raymond, yes, Raymond.

[scat singing]

Category is...

- Turn around and give it
to them one more time.

Let it simmer.
You ain't go the--there you go.

- Out. Aah!

- Watch out for Posh Spice.
- Oh, here we go.

- Watch out for Posh.
- Here we go.

- Give it one more.

- God, these shoes are high.

- Whoo!

[all talking at once]

- Oh, my God,
thighs across the board.

Thighs across
the board.

[laughing and shouting]

- I feel like everyone
is screaming

and running around
with their partners.

There's a lot of excitement,

but is there real connection?

I'm having fun with Chester,

but for people
like Chester and I,

fun is pretty subdued,

so we're both trying to break
out of it as much as we can.

- Is that
what we should be doing?

- Let's just enjoy ourselves,
and go.

Bam, bam, bam, bam.

- Oh, I almost fell out.

- There you go.

That's my daughter.
She did such a good job.

My partner and I
really get each other.

If we can show that
on the runway,

then we could win,

and I deserve a g*dd*mn win.

- The time has come.

Yes, yes!

- Honey, it is time to turn all
these mens into women-seses.

- You're gonna be a lovely lady.

- Everyone is scrambling,

running around like chickens
with their heads cut off

trying to get these men's
eyebrows tweezed, shaved.

It's a lot.

- Beep-beep, y'all.
Pink box--

Aah, my big pink box
is getting caught everywhere.

- Aquaria
and that f*cking cart.

- She's like damn
flight attendant.

[all laugh]

- Do you feel kind of secluded

being over here away
from everyone else?

- I get ready at home by myself.

I don't get ready at the bar
with like the other people.

- Right.

- So this just feels
comfortable to me.

I mean, I love talking
to other girls and stuff,

and I'll talk to them
when they walk by,

but like I just like
painting by myself.

It's like a ritual of mine.
It's comfortable.

- I was gonna say
they're having so much fun,

but you need to focus
on being diligent.

- Yeah.

- What is like your biggest fear
going into this?

Do you have one?

- I just have always kind of
like feared body stuff,

and like showing body.

Like, that was my biggest fear
on "Amazing Race."

- I didn't know
you did the "Amazing Race."

- Yeah. I was like petrified

that they were gonna
make us do something

like in just our underwear
or something.

Like that on TV
feels stressful.

But coming in, I was like,
this will for sure be my fear,

and it's not, because I saw
what you did to my body,

and I'm like, work.
- [laughs]

- I'm like I'm excited for it.

- Coming here to do this,

it was a very big fear
for me going in, too.

I was like, uh, some troll
online is gonna be like

did y'all see Monet and blah,
blah, bloobity, bipity bop.

[both laugh]

- I'm starting to get scared.

Like I know people from home
are going to watch this

and what they're gonna think.

- They're gonna think, bitch,
Aquaria did such a good job.

Thank God--
thank goodness they won.

- What was your strategy
with the assignments, Eureka?

- To lead anyone I could
possibly lead to their demise.

- Including yourself.

- Aah!

[laughter and cheering]

- Yeah!

- Oh, Monet,
don't even try it, bitch.

- Yeah, I love it.

- It worked.

I'm having a good time.

I almost forgot
that my reputation as a queen

is on the line today.

I could not be happier
with Cookie's makeup.

I sensed that
there was a queen in there.

I found out there was a woman.

Miz Cookie.
- Miz cr*cker.

- I'm so excited
to introduce you.

- Oh!

Oh, my God.

Mother, I am beautiful.

- You are gorgeous.

- Honey, Miz Cookie is literally
giving you Alyssa Edwards.



I like Miz Cookie!

- Oh, my God.

[RuPaul laughs]

- ♪ Cover girl,
put the bass in your walk ♪

♪ Head to toe,
let your whole body talk ♪

- Whoo!


- Welcome to the main stage
of "RuPaul's Drag Race."

Michelle Visage,
what are you doing here?

I thought I blocked you.

- No, bitch, you muted me.

- [laughs]
- But I'm still here.

- The hilarious Ross Mathews.

Have you poked anybody lately?

- Like, like, like, like, like,
like, like, like, like.

[all laugh]

- From "13 Reasons Why,"
Miles Heizer.

Hi, Miles.

- Hi, Ru.
I'm so excited to be here.

- And one of my favorite
new recording artists,

Lizzo is here.

Girl, how you feeling?

- ♪ Feeling good as hell ♪

[all laugh]

- This week,
we challenged our queens

to transform social media kings

into members
of their own drag family.

And working as pairs,
they've put together a DIY video

of my song, "Charisma,
Uniqueness, Nerve, and Talent."

Gentlemen... [laughs]

- Don't do it, Miss Vanjie.

Don't do it.

Don't do it.
- [laughs]

Okay, all right.

Gentlemen, start your engines,

and may the best woman win.


[all laugh]

- ♪ I want you to remember me ♪

- Category is
Drag Family Values.

- ♪ Snap shot ♪

- First up, Asia O'Hara
and America O'Hara.

- Whoo.

- Finally a jacket
that goes with anything.

[all laugh]
- Yes!

- Birds of a feather
flock together.

- I have instructed America,
bitch, your goal is to outdo me.

So she's flipping her hair
side to side,

she's waving at the judges.

Every time I look over at her,
she is having a blast,

and that's what I want.

I am just loving the fact

that this bitch is being
the star that she is.

- It's my coat of many colors.

- Yes.
[all laugh]

- Up next, Eureka and Eufreaka.

- Oh!
- Aah!

- Peek-a-boo.

- Looks like the Judds
have a brand new look.

[all laugh]

- This is an homage
to nineties pageantry,

and we're telling a story.

We are sisters,
I am the uppity glamorous one

trying to teach my sister
how to act right.

And Eufreaka is feeling her
honey bunches of oats, bitch.

And that's what Eureka does
on the runway,

so Eufreaka
is doing Eureka proud.

- I thought it was that twin
that never developed.

- Oh, yes, yes, yes, yes.

She started out as a thumb.

- Yeah.

- Up next,
Aquaria and Capricia Corn.

- The red queens.

- She bought that
in the Rust Belt.

- Yes, she did. Yes.

- Capricia Corn and I

are slathered up in some
beautiful red regal couture.

What is more regal
than a little faux ermine?

I'm a queen and Capricia Corn
is my beautiful princess,

and we are serving it up
for our royal subjects.

I'm feeling so proud
of Capricia Corn.

Her runway walk was what
she was most nervous about,

but she is strutting down

like she is
the only Naomi Campbell.

- Same cycle.

[all laugh]

- Miz cr*cker and Miz Cookie.

- Oh, nature's glory hole.

- Ahh. Come on,
Courtney Stodden.

[all laugh]

- We're giving
House of Miz today,

which means pink,
blonde, and slutty.

Our shtick is proud mother,
dirty daughter,

and Cookie
is behaving her worst.

I'm so proud of her.

Cookie is twerking,
she's twirling.

She opened
the oatmeal container,

pulled out all of the oats
individually, and felt them all.

She can't get enough of herself.

- You have to pick it up.

- Oh, yeah. Oh!
- Oh!

- Oh, they're butterflies.

- Metamorpho-yes!

[all laugh]

- Metamorpho-sissy.

- Up next, Monet X Change
and Short Change.

- Ooh.

- Break it up, break it up.

- That's right.
Dollah bills, y'all.

- I always forget.

Which one's Tia,
which one's Tamara?

[all laugh]

- Big hair don't care, girl.
It is a Friday night.

We just got paid.

We don't even go home
and shower.

I'm taking her out.

It's Miss Short Change's

We've both got our glasses on,

'cause we've gotta see
the ugly dudes at the club.

And she's so excited.

Yeah, Short Change
is delivering, girl.

She is feeling it,
and at the end of the day,

that is all that matters period.

- They got their
reading glasses on.

- Time to go back
to the library.

- Kameron Michaels
and Kelly Michaels.

- Disco queens.
- Yes, sir, I can boogie.

- Girls trip to Reno.

[all laugh]

- Kelly and Kameron
are the sisters

that just want to go out
and dress up,

have some drinks,
and twirl a little bit.

Our hair is short
and sassy and fun,

and our outfits
are very shiny and metallic.

I feel like a proud sister.

- Kelly and Dannii Minogue.

[all laugh]

I think one of them
has been drinking.

- I think you're right.

- Welcome, ladies.

Let's take a look
at your DIY video.

- ♪ Charisma, uniqueness ♪

♪ Nerve and talent ♪

♪ Trust in the virtues,
the rhythm within you ♪

♪ Let your body tell the truth ♪

♪ Uh-uh ♪

♪ Cha-ris-ma ♪

♪ Cha-ris-ma ♪

♪ Cha-ris-ma ♪

♪ Cha... ♪

♪ Charisma, uniqueness ♪

♪ Nerve and talent ♪

♪ Trust in the virtues,
the rhythm within you ♪

♪ Let your body tell the truth ♪

♪ Let your body
tell the truth ♪

♪ Your body ♪

♪ Your-your body ♪

♪ Your body ♪

♪ Body, body, body ♪

- Give me that truth
one more time.

- ♪ Charisma, uniqueness ♪

♪ Nerve and talent ♪

♪ Let your body tell the truth ♪

[applause and laughter]

- All right. You b*tches
are bringing it this season.

So let's get right to it.

Time for the judges' critiques.

- Welcome, ladies.

Time for the judges' critiques.

First up, Asia O'Hara
and America O'Hara.

- First off,
the video of you guys,

I love everything about it.

I didn't know who was
the contestant on the show

and who was the influencer.

- So did you make these?

- I came with this one,

and she saw this one hanging,
so I made her one.

- Could you whip up a third,
darling, just real quick?

- Yes.
[all laugh]

- It's stunning. And you know,
with the family resemblance,

it's transcendent above color.

It's capturing the essence
of the family member.

- Thank you so much.
- Thank you.

- Up next, Eureka and Eufreaka.

- You're both really
dominating personalities

that some could call extra.

So I was concerned that
it would be all over the place.

What you did was fantastic.

- Thank you.
- Yay.

- The look is just great.
You look like family.

You told a story up there.

- And with the video
and on the runway,

it seems like you guys
have been working together

for a very long time.

- That was amazing.

Y'all f*cking--oops.

[all laugh]

- Y'all freaking worked--
Eufreaka worked it out.

[all laugh]
- Boom! Hashtag.

- Up next, Aquaria
and Capricia Corn.

Oh, my God, that tiny waist.

- This is my favorite makeup
up here.

I'm here
for the ruby slipper lip.

- And Capricia Corn
looks beautiful.

But the storylines are telling
me something totally different,

because you're coming out
like the Queen of Hearts,

and Capricia Corn is
Little House On The Prairie

on indigenous day.

- I just wanted to, you know,

embody all the regality
and royal--

I think the word is royalty
of a queen and a princess.

- When you guys came out,
I didn't quite get that.

- Honestly, transferring
a little bit more confidence

over to your partner
would have made us forget

that you look like a fabulous
Little House On The Prairie.

- Up next,
Miz cr*cker and Miz Cookie.

- How is your headpiece?

- So many complaints.

[all laugh]

- Well, none from me.

It was just fun
and there was a story there

and I got it.

- And cr*cker,
you did such a great job

on the hair and the makeup.

The family line is there.

- And the detail is ridiculous.

- You look like Marilyn Mon-ho.

- [imitating Marilyn Monroe]
♪ Happy birthday... ♪

- You better not.
- ♪ Mr. President ♪

[all laugh]

- I just wanna clarify

that she's a straight male
out of drag.

- In drag, she's
a straight female whore.

[all laugh]
- So...

- Would you date you?
- Oh, yeah.

I would date me,
because I am so beautiful.

- Would you f*ck yourself
on the first date?

- Yes.

I don't know why
I hesitated. Yes.

[all laugh]

- Thank you so much.
- Thank you.

- Up next, Monet X Change
and Short Change.

- Short Change,
you look thick as f*ck.

- Thank you.
Down with the thickness.

[all laugh]

- I do want to take this moment

to tell you, Monet,

how stunningly beautiful
you look tonight.

Why would you ever go back
to your pussycat wig?

- Pussycat wigs.
Jesus Christ.

- And I really adored
seeing Tyler,

because he was having
a good time.

- I had the most fun.

- But it doesn't mean

the job that you were
supposed to do was done,

because there is
no family resemblance

apart from a pair of glasses.

I felt like you were
taking like your coworker,

who never gets out,
and you dressed her up,

and you're like, come on, Stacy,

we're gonna go out
to the local gay bar,

go see a drag show.

- I was thinking like you just
met working the same car show.

[all laugh]
And you're like, oh, my God,

we both look great
in the uniform.

Let's go spend
some of our money.

- Her makeup's not the best,
either, Monet,

like, her brows
are a little crazy from here.

- I feel beautiful.

- I'm glad you do, darling.

- God bless.

- I mean,
zero family resemblance.

- Up next, Kameron Michaels
and Kelly Michaels.

- Are you straight?
- Yes.

- You like big girls?
[all laugh]

- Come here,
let's see what you got.

- Oh, grrrrr.

[all laugh]

- The family resemblance thing,

I know not every sibling
has the same color hair,

but when you take it so far

on the opposite end
of the color spectrum,

and then with the hair, too,

and then you've got
these giant white earrings

and her black earrings fade in,

that it takes us further away.

- I would say the rest
of these looks on stage

are giving me so much storyline,
so much extraness,

and y'all are a little muted.

- Yeah. This is really
too simple

for this far in the game for me.

- Ladies, I think
we've heard enough.

And to our social media queens,

thank you for sharing with us
the miracle of drag.


- Yay!

- You're all a bunch of whores.

[all laugh]

You may leave the stage.

Now just between
us squirrel-friends,

what do you think?

Asia O'Hara and America O'Hara.

- What I loved the most
about the two of them

is you could tell
there was a family look,

but there was a family
relationship going on there

between the two of them.

- It really was so impressive

that Asia whipped together
that coat.

That was kind of crazy
in the time allotted.

- If I could critique anything,
I think Asia's original jacket

is better than the one
she whipped up for her sister.

And I think Asia's makeup
was better

than the makeup
she whipped up for her sister.

- But I do that for my sister
all the time.

I make myself look better, so...

That's a family relationship
if I ever seen one.

- Eureka and Eufreaka.

- Two big bold flavors
don't always mix.

- Correct.
- Like you can't mix

a bleu cheese and a Thai peanut.

- Yeah.
- Right?

But a hot wing sauce
and a ranch is heaven.

And these two bold flavors
mixed perfectly tonight.

- They were performing and
they didn't even say anything

and I could hear dialogue.

- They really were
a complete package.

- You mean a total package?
The TP?

- Uh-huh, exactly.

- Aquaria and Capricia Corn.

- The makeup was stunning
on both of them.

Everything else
just didn't tell a story.

- I don't know
that there was a story.

The princess queen thing,
I didn't buy it.

- I didn't mind the outfits.

Capricia Corn looked gorgeous,
you know.

I just felt that it was more
of the personalities.

But with Kingsley,

it was less of that sort of
internal transformation,

and maybe that would have
sold the relationship more.

Let's go to Miz cr*cker
and Miz Cookie.

- cr*cker has been
through it lately,

but tonight, she showed up.

cr*cker needed a Cookie
to get out of her head.

- Their partnership
worked flawlessly.

Their looks were great.

You could definitely see
the family resemblance.

- Miz Cookie fully transformed.

She was fully in character.

And we were all
putty in her hands.

- Yeah, that bitch
was feeling the fish.

- But you know
who got her there? cr*cker.

- Monet X Change
and Short Change.

- They were enjoying themselves
and having fun

in a way that made me like them.

- But at the end of the day,

it was like Beyoncé
and a Vegas show girl.

- You know, their outfits
were both green.

- The end.
[all laugh]

- I also had a little issue
with the reveal.

It was just itty bitty.

If you're going to do a reveal,

you've got to kind of wow me.

It's like telling everyone,
oh, my God, I've got a secret.

I'm a h*m*.
- [laughs]

- Right? Like nobody's jaw
is on the floor.

- Monet, however,

looked the most beautiful
I've ever seen her.

- Kameron and Kelly Michaels.

- Whereas Monet and Short Change
were work friends,

Kameron and Kelly
were best friends.

- But Kameron has this
very specific taste level.

It's very much lady.

What she did is she brought
her sister into her family

by giving her that look.

- I am going to have
to disagree with Ross here.

I'm sorry.

Ultimately, I feel like
it didn't go together.

I definitely wasn't getting
much of a family resemblance.

- Even though I believe
that they were sisters,

I didn't really believe
anything else.

And it felt like
a small transformation

compared to
all the other queens.

- I can't explain it further
than they sold to me,

and I bought a ticket.

- You'll be the only one
at the show.

[all laugh]
- Ooh.

- Well, that means
I've got a good seat.

- Silence.

I've made my decision.

Bring back my girls.

- Welcome back, ladies.

I've made some decisions.

Asia O'Hara, thanks to you,

America's got Charisma,
Uniqueness, Nerve, and Talent.

You're safe.

- Thank you.

- Congratulations, Asia.

- Eureka, you and Eufreaka
were on fleeka.

- [laughs]
- Oh!

- You're safe.

- Thank you.

- Safe.

- Miz cr*cker.

You served up one smart cookie.

And we ate it up.


You are the winner
of this week's challenge.

- Yay!


- You've won a $2.000 gift card
from Jane Doe Latex,

and Chester has won
a $2.000 gift card

from Klein, Epstein & Parker,
suits made to measure.

- Oh!
- Wow.

- But Chester,
if you want to swap prizes,

talk to Miz cr*cker.

[all laugh]

You may join the other girls.

Kameron Michaels.

Your disco queens
did not scream we are family.

I'm sorry, my dear, but you
are up for elimination.

- This is hard.
- Yeah.

- Aquaria.

When it came to
your Capricia Corn makeover,

the stars did not align.

Monet X Change, when it came to
creating a family resemblance,

the judges felt short changed.


You're safe.

- Whoa.

You may join the other girls.

- That ain't right.

- Monet, I'm sorry, my dear,
but you are up for elimination.

- I feel so, so bad

that I am here
for the third time.

But I am not a give-up gal.

I am a fierce performer
and a fierce entertainer,

and I'm not giving up.

- Two queens stand before me.

Prior to tonight,
you were asked

to prepare
a lip sync performance

of "Good as Hell," by Lizzo.

Ladies, this is your last chance
to impress me

and save yourself
from elimination.

- The time has come...

for you to lip sync...

[echoing] for your life!

- Performing is my passion.

This is my time to shine
and do what I do best.

- Good luck,
and don't f*ck it up.

- ♪ I do my hair toss ♪

♪ Check my nails ♪

♪ Baby, how you feelin'? ♪

- ♪ Feeling good as hell ♪

- ♪ Hair toss,
check my nails ♪

♪ Baby, how you feelin'? ♪

- ♪ Feeling good as hell ♪

- ♪ Whoo, child,
tired of the bullshit ♪

♪ Go on, dust your shoulders
off, keep it moving ♪

♪ Yes, Lord, tryin'
to get some new shit ♪

♪ In there, swimwear,
going to the pool shit ♪

♪ Come now, come dry your eyes ♪

♪ You know you a star,
you can touch the sky ♪

♪ I know that it's hard,
but you have to try ♪

♪ If you need advice,
let me simplify ♪

♪ If he don't love you anymore ♪

♪ Just walk your fine ass
out the door ♪

♪ I do my hair toss ♪

♪ Check my nails ♪

♪ Baby, how you feelin'? ♪

- ♪ Feeling good as hell ♪

- ♪ Hair toss,
check my nails ♪

♪ Baby, how you feelin'? ♪

- ♪ Feeling good as hell ♪

- ♪ Whoo, girl, need
to kick off your shoes ♪

♪ Got to take a deep breath,
time to focus on you ♪

♪ All the big fights, long
nights that you been through ♪

♪ I got a bottle of Tequila
I been saving for you ♪

♪ Boss up and change your life ♪

♪ You can have it all,
no sacrifice ♪

♪ I know he did you wrong,
we can make it right ♪

♪ So go and let it
all hang out tonight ♪

♪ 'Cause he don't love you
anymore ♪

♪ So walk your fine ass
out the door ♪

♪ And do your hair toss ♪

♪ Check my nails ♪

♪ Baby, how you feelin'? ♪

- ♪ Feeling good as hell ♪

- ♪ Hair toss,
check my nails ♪

♪ Baby, how you feelin'? ♪

- ♪ Feeling good as hell ♪

♪ Hair toss,
check my nails ♪

♪ Baby, how you feelin'? ♪

- ♪ Feeling good as hell ♪

♪ Hair toss,
check my nails ♪

♪ Baby, how you feelin'? ♪

- ♪ Feeling good as hell ♪

♪ Feeling good as hell ♪

- ♪ Baby, how you feelin'? ♪

- ♪ Feeling good as hell ♪

[cheers and applause]

- Ladies, I've made my decision.

- Oh, my God.

- Kameron Michaels,
shantay you stay.

- Thank you.

- Monet X Change, freaky money
don't make no money.

But Monet Money sure do.

Now sashay away.

- Thank you.


- Cha-ching, m*therf*cker,

[all laugh]


Today was just not my day.

And even though I'm leaving,
my story's not done.

I'll be on
to chapter three, girl.


- Oh, God,
this f*cking sponge.

This sponge is hard.

My love drag daughter.

You're the only one.
I've been barren ever since.

This is the immaculate
conception, girl.

- Fertile for a half a second.

- [laughs]
- That's life.

- Con-drag-ulations, ladies.

Final five.

Now remember,
if you can't love yourself,

how in the hell
you gonna love somebody else?

Can I get an amen up in here?

- Amen.
- That's the truth, honey.

Now let the music play.

- ♪ To-to-to to the moon ♪

♪ To the moon ♪

♪ To the moon ♪

♪ Come on and take me away ♪

♪ To-to-to to the moon ♪
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