10x12 - American

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "RuPaul's Drag Race". Aired: February 2, 2009 – present.*
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RuPaul plays the role of host, mentor, and head judge for this series, as contestants are given different challenges each week.
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10x12 - American

Post by bunniefuu »

- Previously on
"RuPaul's Drag Race"...

It's time
to split...personalities.

Your evil twin.

A dark-sided bee-otch

that oozes negativity.

- We are literally personifying

the things we hate most
about ourselves.

- Kameron Michaels.

- It just seems
a little costumey.

- I would have loved
to have seen more yin and yang.

- Miz cr*cker.

- This look didn't quite match
your good twin.

This felt a little
Halloween store to me.

- Aquaria.

- Oh, my gosh, you look like

you're on the way to a sh**t
for "Vogue."

- And your acting
as the evil twin

was even stronger.

- Aquaria, con-drag-ulations.

You are the winner
of this week's challenge.

[cheers and applause]
- Oh, my gosh!

- Kameron Michaels,
Ashanti you stay.

Miz cr*cker, sashay away.

- Oh, my God!

- Oh, Miz cr*cker.

My other
New York City sister.

- Miz cr*cker is gone,

and I know that
she really wanted this,

but Kameron
slayed that lip sync.

Kam, you did it again.

You survived another lip sync,

Kameron has lip synced
three times,

and she's won three times.

So I think Kameron's a threat
to anyone at this point.

You might be
our lip sync assassin.

- I think
some of the other girls

are probably thinking
this bitch is a locust.

We can't get rid of her.
She's here again.

But I'm going to claw my way

all the way
up to the big old tiara.

- I'm haunted by the last words
that I said

about Miz cr*cker.

The person that I do not think
is a star in this lineup

is Miz cr*cker or Miz Crumbs.

Nobody in any type of show
business wants to hear that.

my opinion is that,

but it's a prime example

of knowing how much to say
and when to say it.

Maybe I didn't see
the star quality in her,

but Ru saw star quality in her.

I owe Miz cr*cker an apology.

- I definitely think Asia
was a little extra

and a little below the belt.

I feel like if you're saying

somebody's not a star
when they are,

there's got to be
a root of jealousy in there.

So I think there's some other
opinions in that head

that I would probably
hate to hear.

Aquaria, congratulations
for winning.

- Thank you so much.

This is my third win.

- So how many wins
have you had, Asia?

- Two. And you've had two,

- I've had two maxis.
- You've had one.

In my opinion, who should
make it to the top three

are Kameron, Aquaria and myself.

Eureka's biggest weakness

is she can be so loud
and so overbearing.

- Top four!
- Top four!

- I wanna win.

- People say Aquaria
is the I-wanna-win queen.

It's Eureka.

She wants to be
the first big girl to win.

She wants those bragging rights.

- Now bitch, Asia, I want you to
look in this mirror at my face

and tell me
it does not look amazing.

Look at this.

- I'd rather not.

- Asia, admit it.
- It's something.

- You just hurt me.

- If I hurt you, you fished
for that pain, sister.

- No, I fished for a compliment.

I'm like, it's not my fault

she's sitting over there
looking like the Babadook.


Actually, f*ck all these hos.

I wanna be
all their friends, honey,

but at the end of the day...

They have to lose
so that I can win.

- The winner
of "RuPaul's Drag Race"

receives a one-year supply

of Anastasia Beverly Hills

and a cash prize of $100.000.

- ♪ RuPaul's Drag Race ♪

- ♪ May the best woman ♪

- ♪ Best woman win ♪

- Bon jour, top four!

- Let there be four.

Look at all the room in here.

- Whoo-hoo!
We are the top four!

I feel so alive.

This has always been
a dream of mine,

and I've made it as far
as I possibly f*cking could.

And I'm so excited
to prove to RuPaul

that the crown
belonged on my head

the second I walked into
that work room.



- She already done had herses.

- My top queens,
slay the children.

Steal the focus.

Add your own hocus pocus.

Just make me gag,
boots the house down.

And that's the T
on snatching the crown.

[evil laugh]

- Holy--

- I wish I'd known that
all season.

- I had no clue.
- Right.

- Hello, hello, hello.

[cheers and applause]

- And then there were four.

Ladies, now, I once said

every time I bat
my false eyelashes,

I'm making
a political statement.

Now, this week, I want you

to combine your charisma,
uniqueness, nerve, and talent

for mother and country.

For your final maxi challenge,

you'll perform the song

a new anthem I wrote

to help unite this
beautiful country of ours.

First, you'll each write
and record your own solo verse.

Then, you'll meet with
the incredible Todrick Hall,

who will challenge you

with the most difficult
choreography of the season.

- The most difficult?
- Uh-huh.

- We're talking Martha Graham
here, kids.

[all laugh]

- Fosse, Fosse, Fosse.

And tomorrow, as a super group,

you'll make America gay again

with the world debut
of "American, the Rumix."

You'll also exercise
your first amendment rights

as guests on my podcast

"RuPaul's What the Tee?
With Michelle Visage."


Ladies, this is your chance
to show the world

that you deserve to be

the next drag superstar
of America.


So in the words
of the great Abraham Lincoln...

Don't f*ck it up.

[all laugh]

Gentlemen, start your engines,

and may the best American win.


- Oh, oh, oh, oh, yeah.

- I've always wanted
to write a verse

for one of RuPaul's songs
and perform it for him.

I can't even explain
how excited I am.

- I'm thinking
I'm gonna rap mine.

Just because like I don't know

if people will expect me to like
be able to rap or whatever.

This country bitch is gonna rap,

because I'm here to shock
and surprise the world.

Or I'm going to make
a f*cking fool of myself.

Asia, you don't sing at all,
do you?

- Yes, girl, we got auto tune.
There's a computer.

- This challenge
is a chance to redeem myself

in a singing and dancing


But I don't sing,
I'm not a trained dancer,

and so I'm not feeling
super confident.

- I've never heard you even
try to sing I don't think.

Because for the Cher one,
yours was very spoken.

- Yeah. I'm gonna musically
find out how I can make it work

and if I need to add more words
to make it rappy,

or subtract some words
so I can sing some of it.

- I mean, the beat
is actually fairly simple,

so you can take it
in either direction.

- Yeah.

- At this point,
we have absolutely no idea

if they're going to keep
all four of us,

or if they're gonna
knock a girl out

and make a top three.

If they're gonna make a top two.

We all have strengths
that each other lacks,

so it's anyone's game now.

I think I'm gonna go record.

- k*ll it, Quar-Quar.

- Don't miss me too much.

- Hi.

Aquaria, meet Ru's producers
for "American," Kummerspeck.

- Hi.
- Hello.

- I wanna hear what you have,

so let's just get started
and jump right in.

Bring it.
I wanna hear Aquaria.

- Okey-dokey.
- Let's do it.

- ♪ Curtain's up with
the lights flashing bright ♪

♪ Serving face
and dressed to the nines ♪

♪ Come on,
give me my encore, baby ♪

♪ It's showtime ♪

- Okay.

You sound a little butchy, okay.

- Bon jour.
- Yeah.

Let's go there.
- Okay.

♪ Curtain's up with
the lights flashing bright ♪

- Wait. That's the same key
you just sang it in.

You need to be up
♪ curtain's up ♪

♪ With the lights
flashing bright ♪

That's where you need to be.
- Right there? Okay.

♪ Curtain's up with the-- ♪
- Stop.

- f*ck me. Sorry.

- ♪ Curtain's up with
the lights flashing bright ♪

♪ That is your key ♪

Five, six, seven, eight.

- ♪ Curtain's up with
the lights flashing bright ♪

♪ The number one
show-stopping diva ♪

♪ Here for your delight ♪

Work. At the end
of the recording session,

Todrick loves my track.

I am so happy with it.

It is definitely going to be
the most memorable of the four.

- That was some sketchy vocals.

- It's time to do the podcast

with Ru and Michelle
for "What's the Tee?"

- Well, Michelle,
here comes our first guest.

- I see.
- Oh.

- Eureka. Welcome to podcast.

- Oh, my goodness.

This is so exciting.

- And here you are
at the final four.

Are you surprised by that,

- Okay, there's a part of me
that, yes, is surprised,

and there's a part of me
that's not.

- Point to the part of you
that says yes.

- This titty is surprised.

This is titty
is not surprised.

- [laughs]

- Do you think
being on Season 9

gave you any kind
of an advantage?

- You know, there might be
an advantage,

but last year might
have been easier for me.

- Why?
- Because when I injured myself,

I went home, and I was out
of commission for a few months,

you know, and I'd never been
so low on myself before.

Like my body gave out on me.

And I think because I went
through that dark adventure,

coming into this season there's
some moments in this competition

that I thought
I was going to break,

and that I wasn't sure if I
would be able to push through.

- Well, a lot of times
the dark night of the soul

is the passageway
to the other side.

You have to walk through
the fire, baby.

You know, I've been doing this
for 300 years.

Michelle's been doing it
for like over 400 years.

- Thank you. Yes,I have.

- And the way you survive

is you have to sustain yourself,
and certain things,

you just cut out
the things that don't matter

and you focus on
the things that do.

What does matter to you?

- My mom matters more
than anything.

- Aw.

- My mother was diagnosed
with throat cancer

when Season 9 started airing.

- Oh, jeez.
- Before I left...

She actually wasn't talking

because she was so swollen,
the voice valve wouldn't work.

And while I was here,
that's been the hardest thing,

because she taught me
how to work hard.

You know what I mean?

You know, I wish I could be
as strong as her,

and be able to be there.
- Yeah.

- It took a long time
for me to believe

that I could come back
and make it to the top,

but my mama said that I could,

and I'm going to, you know.

So that she remembers the
strength that she gave me

so that she can be strong.

You know what I mean?

- Well, well, well, here she is.
- Hi.

- Asia O'Hara.

These are Ru's producers
for "American," Kummerspeck.

- I have never been in front of
an actual music producer before,

so it is very intimidating
to stand here

and try
and do Ru's song justice.

♪ Keep the star and stripes
flying high ♪

♪ Red, white, and blue,
she is me and you ♪

♪ She's American
through and through ♪

- Okay, your foot
is tapping to the rhythm,

and your voice
is not on the rhythm

that your feet are making.

And that is a read.

You, as a black woman,
cannot be off beat.

- Yes.
- I'm not gonna have it, okay?

- ♪ Her name
was etched in sorrow ♪

♪ But now it's blasted
in lights ♪

- It seems like
a little bit robotic.

♪ Her name
was etched in sor-row ♪

You're singing about something

that you should be
so passionate about.

I think it needs to be
not so like

♪ Somebody told me to sing this
and I'm trying to win ♪

- It's in the emotion.
It needs connection.

- Yeah. Who's your favorite
icon diva?

- Whitney Houston.

- Whitney Houston would never--

She would never be like...

♪ Her name
was etched in sor-row ♪

No. Find your inner Whitney.

- Okay.

- Let's go.

- ♪ Her name
was etched in sorrow ♪

- Err, stop the press.
- Sorry.

- Don't ever do
that shit again.

- No, sir.
- Let's find it.

♪ Her name was ♪

- ♪ Her name was ♪

- ♪ Don't do
that shit again ♪

- ♪ Her name
was etched in sorrow ♪

♪ But now it's blasted
in lights ♪

♪ What beauty that can blossom
out of dark of night ♪

- That was so much better.

You didn't get
all the way there,

but you put the gas in the car
and you started driving,

so we're in the right lane.

- I'm just so happy
to be getting this feedback.

The fact that he's like, okay,
we need to change this

and adjust this so it's better,
it makes me really feel like

I'm getting somewhere
with this song.

- Michelle Visage,
I want to introduce you

to the stylings of Giovanni.

- Hi.
- Hi. Giovanni.

- Giovanni.
- How's it going? Bon jour.

- People call you Giovanni?
- Yes.

- Can I call you Joey?

- You can call me
whatever you want,

as long as you make
the check out to Giovanni.

- Yeah. How old were you

when you became aware
of "Drag Race?"

- I think I was in seventh grade
or something,

and I wanted to know
how the heck I could get on.

- Did you know you were a
drag queen in the seventh grade?

- No, but I did know that I had
a lot of artistic inclinations.

- Is that code for gay?

- [laughs]

- You're from Philly, right?
- Yes, the suburbs.

- Ah. When did you move
to New York?

- I moved to New York
straight out of high school.

I went to pursue
women's wear design

at the Fashion Institute
of Technology.

- And did you actually
go to FIT?

- I went for a year and a week.

- [laughs]
Then you met Susanne Bartsch.

- Pretty much.
- The story of our lives.

- So what have you learned about
yourself in this competition?

- I've learned,
you know, so much

about needing to take care
of Giovanni as well as Aquaria.

The confidence in what I say

is really what I feel has grown
during this experience.

- Sure.
- Being in this competition,

I've learned to communicate
more with people,

and warm up to people,
and let them warm up to me.

I think it's important because
I'm not Aquaria all the time,

and sometimes I forget that.

- What are you going to do

to take home this golden
Tweeterhead statuette?

- I'm gonna knock you both out
and just grab it right now.

- Try me, bitch.

- I came here prepared.

I came here determined.

And I'm going to leave here

with that m*therf*cking
Tweeterhead trophy.

[all laugh]

I am one step away

from winning the title of
America's next drag superstar.

And I have thought
my entire life

that I was America's
next drag superstar,

so y'all ain't even ready.

- Hello.
- Hi, Kameron.

- Michelle, get ready
to have your ear chewed off

by the talkative Kameron.

- [laughs]
- So loud all the time.

- Oh, my God,
you talk so much, Kameron.

- I talk so much.
You can't shut me up.

- I want to talk about that.

Your description of yourself
is that you're shy,

but some birdies told me

that when the camera
is off of you,

you can't shut you up.

- I mean, I definitely
am a little more reserved

if I know
I'm in front of the camera,

except when I'm on stage.

- Yeah.
- Then I'm selling it.

- Then what is it you're
afraid of people knowing?

- [sighs] I don't know.

My dad was a very strong person.

He didn't speak his emotions.

Maybe that's my problem
is I like to just do it

rather than talk about it,

and maybe talking about it
scares me.

- And by the way, that's what
the challenge was for last week,

was show us
that part of yourself

that you don't want to be seen.
- Yeah.

- But you didn't really show it.

- Maybe, you know, even though
I am my own worst critic,

just hearing me talk about
myself out loud, it's scary.

- But those are the places

that allow us
to fall in love with you.

- Yeah.
- That's what we want to do.

And so the audience at home
will fall in love with you.

- Because
we still don't know you.

- Is your father still with us?

- He's not. My father passed
away about five years ago.

- Were you close?
- Yeah, I was very close.

My parents both loved me
very much.

They came to see my shows.
They supported me 100%.

- Your father
went to see the shows?

- Yeah. My dad, I think,

may have been a little offset
in the beginning,

but I remember he said to me,

I don't have a problem
with you being gay,

but he goes, just don't
dress up as a woman.

And lo and behold, here I am.

And, you know,
he came to the show,

he understood it,
and he supported it in the end.

- What do you think
your father would say

about your performance
in this competition?

- You know, before he passed,

I think I was struggling
to find my place in life,

and I didn't really know
my direction

or what I wanted to do
with my life.

And his biggest thing with me
was don't ever say can't.

Can't is not a word.
You can and you will.

You know, just find
your inner strength and do.

And I think me finally
finding something

that I am good at
and that I enjoy,

I think he'd be very proud of me
finding the direction

and sticking to it
and just going for it.

- All right,
let's just play the music,

and I want to hear what you got.
- Okay.

- I want you to be committed
from the beginning.

- I'm so ready for it.

- k*ll it, bitch.

- ♪ You can be a stripe
and get in line ♪

♪ Or be a star
and not be defined ♪

- He's losing the beat
like on the second half.

So just stay on the beat
on the second half.

- It needs to be
right in the pocket

if you're going to be rapping.

- Okay. ♪ You can be a stripe
and get in line ♪

♪ Or be a star
and not be defined. Ha-ha ♪

- That was great.
I loved that.

- When you're in it and your
hands start moving and stuff,

I can tell that you're--

- Feeling the personality.
- Yes.

It's like the Holy Ghost
has crept into Eureka.

- Oh, my God.

I have normally been terrified
of singing in front of people.

Bitch, I feel great today.

♪ Come on, y'all,
let's live free ♪

♪ I'm an elephant queen,
what are you gonna be? ♪

- I just think you should

just make an elephant noise
at the end.

Whatever you want.

- How do you make
an elephant noise?

- Do a blblblbl.
[all laugh]

- Bblblblbl.

- Like scream inside
and do that at the same time.


- Blblblbl. Is that right?

- Up. Go up,
like you're screaming.

- Blblblbl.

- Blblblbl.
- Blblblbl.

It's so bad.
What is that?

I can't even do it.


[all laugh]

- I'm like, girl,
I ain't never heard

an elephant sound like that.

- Hi.

- Asia is here
from Dallas, Texas.

- Hello. How are you?
- Hi, Asia.

You're finally on the podcast.

- I am.
I have waited my entire life.

- Well, you're 35.
- 35, yes.

- You look much younger
than that.

- Thank you so much.

- You really do.
- Thank you.

- So I know that
in your personal life

you've had some real adversity.

I know that your parents
are no longer with us.

How were you able to overcome
that in your personal life?

- You know, there's
something that happens

when you lose your parents
at an early age.

- How old were you?
- I was 27.

- Both.
- Both, yes.

- At the same time.
- Same year.

My mother passed in January
and my father passed in July.

Being forced into that situation
so early in life,

it provides for you a situation

where mentally, spiritually,
emotionally, financially,

you have to depend on yourself
because that's all you have.

But I think the beauty
that came out of that for me

was I became hyper-sensitive
to family connection

with people
that I'm not related to.

- So you're creating family
outside of your blood family.

- Yes.

- At what point did you have
this breakthrough moment

in this competition?

- Actually it was when you were
doing a walkthrough with me,

and you looked me
squarely in the face,

and you said,
remember who you are.

And I don't have any tattoos
or piercings,

but that was the first phrase

that I ever ran across
in my life

that I felt like

I could look at this on my body
for the rest of my life.

And, you know, in that moment,
you looked at me,

and it was more about
the silence after you said it

where I felt like
you were speaking to me

in so many different layers
and levels,

and you knew
everything about me,

both in and out of drag.

And now every decision I make,

both in my personal life
and in drag since that moment

revolves around the statement
remember who you are.

And that has opened up doors
for me

to do what I do best
and do it very well.

- ♪ Hey, you there,
now pay attention to me ♪

♪ We fought for our rights
to love and be who we be ♪

- Okay. Okay. You need to be
up an octave.

I think you're singing
way too low.

I think you'll notice.

♪ Hey, you there,
now pay attention to me ♪

- ♪ Hey, hey ♪

- ♪ Hey ♪

- ♪ Hey, you there ♪

- Can you repeat after me?

♪ Hey, you there,
now pay attention to me ♪

Right there.
- ♪ Hey, you there ♪

♪ Now pay attention to me ♪

- That's where you need to be.

- [sighs]

I won the last
singing challenge,

and of course the bar
is set very high for me.

Todrick is not going to take

anything less than amazing
for this,

and I have to give it to him.

- ♪ Hey, you there,
now pay attention to me ♪

♪ We fought for our right
to love and be who we be ♪

♪ We will not be silenced,
and I won't sit down ♪

♪ I'm gay and proud,
might not be loud ♪

♪ But I've found my sound ♪

- That was so much better.

- Other than my crack,
yeah, it was good.

- f*ck the crack.
- Yeah, okay.

- We can fix the crack later,

You can't fix emotion.

That's what you can't fix.

If you learn anything from this,

it's to really trust
and like believe in yourself,

because sometimes
I don't feel that.

- Thank you, guys.

- She's back.
- Yes. How'd it go?

- Really, really, really good.

- Good.

- I mean, that's how I feel.

- Well, tell us more about it.
Sing a little bit for me.

I want to know.
I'm so excited.

- Oh, no, I just sang it
like seven times.

I don't want to sing it anymore.

- We'll do ours for you.
- This is Eureka.

She's not going to take no
for an answer.

- Please.

- Why don't you buy the track
on iTunes when it goes--

- Hello.
- So how does it go?

I'm just curious.

- Eureka is hounding Kameron
to sing this part for her.

Leave this woman alone.

- I feel like as much as
she's fighting to get it,

I'm going to fight
not to give it now.

I feel like it's just--
- Okay, girl, that's fine.

I ain't got no time
for none of y'all right now.

- Kameron
has clearly made it clear

that she does not want
to sing her part for you.

- I also know Kameron,

and sometimes he just needs
a little encouragement.

- Oh, I didn't realize that
you were the Kameron Whisperer.

- Of course,
because I know Kameron,

I'm trying to be
her cheerleader,

and next thing you know,
Asia's like, oh, here's Eureka

going and forcing Kameron to do
something she don't want to do.

And I'm like, girl, shut up.

Okay, so sing me
a little bit of this.

- So just go on and sing it.

- Why? Cause I feel like I'm
really good at being silent.

- Oh, my God.

Girl, y'all
wear me the hell out.

- What? We're just minding
our own business,

and you're the one
forcing people

to do shit
they don't wanna do.

How are we wearing you out?

- Because you gotta be

You're always trying to make
a mountain out of a molehill.

- No, the thing is, Eureka,

you do not understand
that it is a mountain

just because
it's a molehill to you.

- Girl, bye, Felicia.
- [laughs]

- I know Asia
likes to be very motherly,

but sometimes I'm like, mama,
let the kids play.

Sit down
and tease your hair, bitch.

- Hey.

- Here we go,
here we go again.

- So for the maxi challenge,

we have to learn choreography

and perform it live
in front of the judges.

My favorite time of day.


- We've got to bring it

because this performance
is sponsored by Today Tix.

Y'all familiar with that?

- Yes.
- You know what it is.

- I got your tickets today.

- For those of you
who don't know,

these Tennesseans over here,

that's how you get the tickets
to see the good Broadway shows

for a more affordable price.

Y'all ready to get started?

- Yes, sir.
- Absolutely.

- Let's do it.
I have to just be honest.

This this
the most difficult dance

that I have ever given
to people,

and that's because
you all have raised the bar,

so I have to raise the bar
from my end.

I'm just gonna work
with just Aquaria for right now.

- Let's do it.

- You guys can take a seat
over there.

Is there a move that
is like your signature thing

that you would like to do?

- I love turning.

- Are you a left turner?

- I can turn either way.

- Oh, come on, bitch.

- Turning looks
and turning period.

- Okay.

- Of course, Aquaria is
turning it right from the gate.

- Turning looks.

Then you're going to go
like this.

Stunning, pretty.

Can we try all that
from the top?

- ♪ Turning looks,
stunning, pretty ♪

♪ I'm the bitch
from New York City ♪

- Oh, Mylanta.

- k*lling it. Great job.

- Thank you.

- You're such a fast learner.
- Great choreo.

- Oh, thank you.

Don't be flirting
with me, okay?

[all laugh]
I'm a judge on this show.

All right, Asia,
you are up next.

- It's very surreal being
in rehearsal for this right now.

I'm like losing it right now.

I'm already starting to imagine
the finished product,

and I'm getting really gagged
and choked up.

- What's going on?
- I'm sorry. I'm really excited.

- Is that why you're crying?
- Yeah.

I'm just very excited

and like really grateful
to be here.

- What are you thinking
right now?

- About how f*cking cool
this is.

- [laughs]
- I'm not joking. I'm sorry.

- Well, I love that.

- Thank you.
- Okay, as you were.

Asia O'Hara, bring it.

- The last time Todrick
taught the choreography to me,

it was terrible.

And I'm looking forward
to my second chance

to prove that I'm a star
in front of him.

- Okay, one, da-da-da.

Twist, twist.
Around, six, seven.

Hip, hip, and out
two, three, and four,

and five, six, up.

Oh, she came to fight today.

Point that finger like you're
ready to take a bitch down.

I see you, competition,
and I'm coming for that ass.

- Yes.

- I think Asia
is probably the one

that might be
my biggest competition

because she is so confident

and she knows what it takes
to win a crown.

- Kameron Michaels.

So you say,
we will not be silent

and I won't sit down.

Very fast.
Can I see you try to do that?

- Blah.

- Five, six, seven, eight.

We will not be silent
and I won't sit down.

- Oh, f*ck.

- Can you handle this?
- I can.

It's just going to
take me a while to get it.

- For my top three,
as far as statistics go,

it would be me, Asia,
and Aquaria.

But this last challenge is gonna
determine where Kameron stands.

- And one, two, three, four,

five, six, seven, eight.

Just try to make it look swaggy.

That's all I can say.
- Yeah.

- When you get it,
it can't be like...

People should be like, oh,
she's coming for these hos.

You got a lot of work to do.

- Yep.

- The dancers
are gonna be like k*lling it,

and if you are not,

it will obviously be like
a make or break deal.

Eureka, are you ready?

- Never more.

- Let's make it happen.

Watch me smile
and watch me slay.

'Cause I'm living
for my true self.

So you're gonna go here,
cross, down.

- I'm living my own.
- Hip.

- Oh, living for my true self.

Living for my true self.

Is that right?
- Yeah, just go up, down.

Don't overthink it.

But if we come together
we can rise.

I came from nothing.

Made we wanna scream.

But I fought for my piece
of the American dream.

Just make sure
that you bring it to life,

because last time you knew
some of the choreography,

but without your face
and without your personality,

Eureka is not Eureka.

- Yeah. Oh, Mylanta.

Like, come on, come on, girl.
Clock in.

- With this number,
the most important thing

is that if you make a mistake,

it's gonna be
very, very noticeable,

because this
is all about precision.

Your arms are gonna go one, two,

you're gonna put your hand on
your heart and then a salute.


And one, two, three, four,

and five, six, step out, eight.

So on seven, you're gonna
step out with your right leg.

- Okay.
- Eight. Cool?

- Here, here.

- But you're gonna step out
and then together.

- And Todrick is like

just do this right here
and step here.

And I'm like...

Okay. I thought I did.

- And one and two, three, four,

and five and six
and seven and eight.

Let's do this again.
- What's the foot--

the kick part one more time,
if you don't mind?

- Literally act like
you're going like this,

boom, boom, down.

Boom, boom, down.
- Boom, boom, boom.

And it's gotta be fast.

And one and two,
three and four,

and five, six, seven, eight.

- Literally, I'm in between
Aquaria and Asia,

and they're getting it

And I'm sitting here
looking like a crazy trollop

dancing around like

- Right, left, turn and pose.

Great. It seems like
the two of you

really know what's going on.

Eureka, are there any questions
on this part so far?

- Choreography is a weakness,

but I promise
I'm going to be strong

and I'm going
to fight through it.

- Okay.

- I want everybody
to look great,

so whatever you need to do--
- I know you do.

- If I were you,
don't sleep tonight.

Rehearse this.
Rehearse it, rehearse it.

- I can do this.

I can do this.
I can do this.

I can do this.

Big bitch gonna have to rehearse
her fat ass off and learn this.

Because I'm not going nowhere.

- Aah!
- Yay.

All: Top four.


- This is the last time

we will be entering the workroom
in Season 10,

and it's so emotional.

I can taste the crown.

It's metal-ly.

- Ooh, what is going on?

- But did I see cocktails?

There is always time
for a cocktail.

Oh, my gosh.

Thank you,
Micky's West Hollywood.

- Yeah.
- Hi, Micky's.

- I love Micky's.

- Cheers
to being in the top four

and making it this far.

- Top four
big, slutty whores.

- Bon jour.
- Mmm.

- Girl, we should have started
every day with a toast.

Maybe some of the people
would have still been here.

Let's do America proud.

Let's get ready
for the last runway.

- I think I'm gonna
finally move my stuff.

- [gasps]

- Are you guys
gonna be so offended

if I get ready with you today?

I'm used to
getting ready alone,

but it is the final day

that we will be getting ready
together in the workroom.

- Welcome, Kameron.

- Hi, girl.

- All it took was
for her to get to the top four

to be social with us.

- It is hot over here.

If I start sweating,
I can't do this.

Okay, so I came over here
to be nice.

I did not come over here
for this heat.

My makeup is melting off.

No matter how much
I love these girls,

it is a competition
and this is the final day

and I refuse
to look like shit.

- And...Kameron's gone.

- So I think my best memory
in this competition

was probably winning
Snatch Game,

like what an iconic
challenge to win.

- I know.
I was so jealous.

I really, really wanted
to win Snatch Game, too.

My least favorite moment

was when I thought
that I f*cked up

on the choreography
for PharmaRusical.

And it turned out
that I was so in my head

that I missed my words.

And I was like, f*ck.

- I guess my worst memory

is when Tisha Campbell
was a judge,

and I did so bad, and just
having to hear her tell me

you f*cking blew it.

- I mean, I regret
that in the moments

that I know that I shouldn't say
what I'm going to say,

I still say it.

I regret not having a filter.

I'm so sensitive right now
with it being the end,

and I'm already
so terrified of this.

- ♪ I am terrified ♪

- You know, I've got some things
I'm shaking off,

but I know
I have to turn this out.

Nothing else matters.

Today is the day.

- Y'all can't take it.

I don't mean to be that girl,
but can y'all believe

that one of us
in this workroom right now

is going to be the winner
of Season 10?

- Yes. Oh, my gosh.

- I mean, I can believe

because you know
I'm crazy and I think it's me.

- Well, I think
you've done a lovely job

for a first alternate.

And you'll be a lovely
second alternate.

- Damn!

- And you'll be a lovely
third alternate.

- So Eureka has ranked us.

- I don't care what order y'all
are in, I'm just trying to win.

- To be quite honest with you,
I think it should be me,

but, I mean, I also do,
you know, kind of feel like

the odds may be stacked
against me.

- I'm paranoid that the odds
are stacked against me, too,

but are you all feeling
the same way?

- I mean, the odds are not
technically stacked against me,

but the fact that the odds
aren't stacked against me

stacks the odds against me,
you know what I'm saying?

- What about you, Kameron?

- Um...maybe I've never
wanted to say it

because I feel like
I don't want to be disappointed,

but I've worked really hard,

and I could see myself
with the crown.

- But you know who, above all

really should be the winner
of this contest?


- Not Vanjie, bitch.
- Yes, honey, Vanjie.

Vanessa "Vanjie" Mateo.

This is really the last chance
to impress the judges.

More than ever,
there is no room for error.

Not one misstep.

Not one hair out of place.
Not one missed word.

We're this much closer to being
America's next drag superstar,

and there is no room
for f*ck-ups.

[RuPaul laughs]

- ♪ Cover girl, put the bass
in your walk ♪

♪ Head to toe,
let your whole body talk ♪


- My fellow Americans,

welcome to the main stage
of "RuPaul's Drag Race."

Tonight it's just family,

so I feel free to ask this
very important question.

Who all is registered to vote
for the midterm elections?

- Oh, I am.

- Todrick, are you sure?

- Racism.

Absolutely I'm sure.

[all laugh]

- Good, because
so much is at stake.

Now, if you aren't registered,
go to usa.gov/register-to-vote.

And don't f*ck it up.

Now, this week,
we challenged our queens

to let their freak flags fly

in a Season 10 Ru-mix
of my song "American,"

presented by Today Tix,

the theater app for better
seats, service, and prices.

Gentlemen, start your engines,

and may the best woman win.

- ♪ I am American, American ♪

♪ My, my, my, my country
'tis of thee ♪

♪ These are all my friends,
we are a family ♪

- Bon jour.

♪ Curtain's up with the lights
flashing bright ♪

♪ The number one
show stopping diva here ♪

♪ For your delight ♪

♪ Life, liberty, and me ♪

♪ Serving face
and dressed to the nines ♪

♪ Come on, give me my encore ♪

♪ Baby, it's showtime ♪

♪ Turning looks,
stunning, pretty ♪

♪ I'm the bitch
from New York City ♪

♪ Playing at the parties
and I know that I am carrying ♪

♪ I might be Aquarian ♪

- ♪ But I am American,
American, American ♪

♪ I am American, American,
red, white, and blue ♪

♪ Am-Am-Am-Am-Am-American,
American, American ♪

♪ I am American, American,
just like you, too ♪

- ♪ Her name
was etched in sorrow ♪

♪ But now
it's blasted in lights ♪

♪ With beauty that can blossom ♪

♪ Out of dark cold nights ♪

♪ Her quest to find a brightness
through her darkest day ♪

♪ American dreams
are built on words ♪

♪ We dare not say ♪

♪ She's you and them,
she is me and him ♪

♪ She's the stars and stripes
flying high ♪

♪ Red, white and blue,
she is me and you ♪

♪ She's America
through and through ♪

- ♪ I am American,
American, American ♪

♪ I am American, American,
red, white, and blue ♪

♪ Am-Am-Am-Am-Am-American,
American, American ♪

♪ I am American, American,
just like you, too ♪

- ♪ Eureka, you found it ♪

♪ Watch this smile
and watch these legs ♪

♪ I'm living for my true self
every day ♪

♪ It's not about your color,
gender or size ♪

♪ But if we come together,
we can rise ♪

♪ I came from nothing,
made me want to scream ♪

♪ But I fought for my piece
of the American dream ♪

♪ You can be a stride
and get in line ♪

♪ Or be a star
and not be defined ♪

♪ Come on, y'all, live free ♪

♪ I'm the elephant queen ♪

♪ What are you gonna be? ♪

- ♪ I am American,
American, American ♪

♪ I am American, American,
red, white, and blue ♪

♪ Am-Am-Am-Am-Am-American,
American, American ♪

♪ I am American, American,
just like you, too ♪

- ♪ Little boy from Tennessee ♪

♪ Meant for more, top four ♪

♪ Hey, you there,
now pay attention to me ♪

♪ We fought for our right
to love and be who we be ♪

♪ We will not be silenced
and I won't sit down ♪

♪ I'm gay and proud,
might not be loud ♪

♪ But I found my sound ♪

♪ Kids called me names
and tried to tear me down ♪

♪ But I had big old dreams
bigger than my small town ♪

♪ Now here I am with Mama Ru ♪

♪ American, just like you ♪

- ♪ I'm American ♪

♪ I am American ♪

♪ American, American ♪

♪ I am American ♪

♪ Just like you, too ♪

- Wow.

- Oh, my goodness.

- Whoo!

- ♪ I want you to remember me ♪

- Category is Final Four
Eleganza Extravaganza.

- ♪ Snap shot ♪

- First up, Aquaria.

- Ooh.
- Ooh.

- X marks the spot.

- X marks the G spot.

- I want the judges
to remember me,

and so I am giving them
my interpretation

of a traditional evening gown

with my own Aquarian flair
to it.

And I'm taking my time casually
stomping down this runway.

This look represents me because
all throughout this competition,

I've been saying
Aquaria is a superstar,

and I've got stars in my eyes.


- I can see her whole galaxy.

Except not Uranus.

- I wonder how old she was
when she got her eyes pierced.

[all laugh]

Up next, Asia O'Hara.

- Ooh.

- It's the Goddess Nefer-titty.

[all laugh]

- You know, I've never noticed,

but she has the same chin
as Jewel.

- For this runway,

I have chosen a beautiful
Tiffany blue and gold

very Erte structured gown.

I am giving Queen Tut reborn.

I am strong.
I am regal.

I can hold my head high
and rule with grace and power,

as I have done before, as I will
do now, and as I will do again.

- The dress that launched
a thousand hips.

- Ta'qual.

[all laugh]

Kameron Michaels.

- Mm.

- Lavender? Hardly know her.

[all laugh]

- Guys, I'm worried.

She's clearly on crystal.

[all laugh]

- Well, I just thought
she was stoned again.

- I feel amazing
walking down the runway.

I am wearing a nude illusion
lavender AB Stone gown.

It is I think
the most glamorous thing

that I've worn
the entire competition.

And I feel sexy,
I feel beautiful,

and it feels great.

- Don't be fooled by the rocks
that she's got.

- Uh-huh.

- Still just Kameron
from Tennessee.

- Yes.


- What's on her head?

[all laugh]

- This really is Eureka's
defining moment.

- Ooh, I am going to read her.

[all laugh]

- When Thomas Edison
discovered the light bulb,

he said, eureka!

So that's what eureka means.

I'm trying to show
the judges right now

that I'm fierce
and I'm glamorous,

but I'm also campy and fun,

full of love and energy
and excitement.

I'm feeling a little
light headed I look so fierce.

- How many queens does it take
to screw in a dictionary?

[all laugh]

- Eureka, get to the point.

[all laugh]

- Back to the library.

- Welcome, ladies.

It's time for
your final four critiques.

First up, Aquaria.

- You look so phenomenal.

it's a classic silhouette,

but you do it this Aquaria way,

with the cutout,
with the jewelry on the face.

It's just like
the next level of gorg.

- I think all
of your fashion looks,

the Hat's Incredible look
was amazing.

The denim and diamonds,

the Alaskan and Miami winter
and summer realness,

every week you brought
amazing looks to the runway,

and this one is no exception.

- In "American,"
there were some lyrics

that made me laugh because
they were very pure queenie.

It was really fun
to see you be you,

and your choreography
was perfect.

- It was so awesome

to work with such a young queen
who is so humble.

You've clearly done your work

to become this polished
at this young of an age.

- Ru and I often say

you couldn't tell us nothing
at 21 years old.

And I want to congratulate you

on being able to take criticism
and critique

and handle it well

and try to use it
to better yourself.

And that's something
that's going to come in handy

for the rest of your life.

- Up next, Asia O'Hara.

- This is like
such an eye-gasm for me.

I'm looking at you,
and it doesn't even feel real.

No one can rock a diamond beard
if they're not a true star.

- The dance routine tonight,
you were so happy doing it.

And I think
that's a big part of dance,

being expressive
and being joyful

and having a good time doing it.

- What you wrote is poetry.

It's beautiful.

You really showed us
even more about who you are

while making
a political statement,

and that's a real artist.
- Thank you.

- Overall, you've had
some great moments.

Probably one of my favorite
looks of the entire competition

was the Tweety Bird dress.

- And you were the ugly girl
in the Buttrface commercial.

- I mean, when you were
like on the beach

with your Baywatch body
and your hurricane face.

[all laugh]

- You literally
were the funniest thing

out of all of them.

And even the times that you
may not have won the challenge,

trust me, this has been such
a tight season so many times,

and you were so close
many times.

And you should be
really proud of yourself.

- I am. Thank you.

- All right, up next, Eureka.

- Hey, girl.

- You really light up a stage.

[all laugh]
- I try.

- Now could I read you
for just a minute?

- Please.

- I love this look tonight.

I think it is so fun.

When you left, I was like,
can she please come back?

You're like a fun
like carnival ride

that you go on over
and over and over again.

- I've heard that before.
- [laughs]

- You have this spark
and this energy

that it's impossible for
the people who are watching you

not to be infected.

That sounded really--
- Really horrible.

Now, tonight
in the dance performance,

you chose the skinniest heels
of all heels to dance in,

which was the dumbest idea,
but you turned it.

You've had an amazing run here,
but you've worked at it.

My personal favorite moment
was Big Baby.

- Big Baby.
- [laughs]

- You're standing up there

because you found the Eureka
that we all fell in love with

and you brought her
to a whole 'nother level.

- Thank you very much.

- Up next, Kameron Michaels.

My goodness, what a knockout.

- Thank you.

- Tonight, you looked stunning
on the runway.

This is different to anything
you've really done.

- It's like something that,
I don't know,

like J-Lo would wear this
in a Vegas show.

- And the choreography.

That was some rhythm-nation
shit right there.

[all laugh]
- More than the choreography,

and more than getting
to watch you come out on stage

and shine like this tonight,

my favorite moment was being
in the studio with you on stage,

and watching you sing
and watching your face

when you realized that
you had the gift to sing.

- Your line in your song,
"kids called me names

"and tried to tear me down,

"but I had big old dreams,
bigger than my small town.

Now I'm here with Mama Ru,
Americans just like you."

You speak for so many of us.

I got so emotional listening
to you sing those words,

thinking about
the people at home

watching that in small towns,

knowing exactly what
you're talking about.

- And your ass almost went home,
what, three times?

- Three times.

- I did not think

you could lip sync the way
that you lip sync, bitch.

You can turn the party.

- You are a true survivor.

- Thank you so much.

- Welcome back, ladies.

I gotta say, you know,
whenever we do the final four,

I always get very emotional,

because I know,
I know the struggle.

I know what you all
had to do to get here,

not just in this competition,
but in your lives.

You should be very,
very proud of yourselves.

You really should.

Now, so many
of our younger viewers

watch this show
to find their tribe.

That's why I ask each of you

to take a moment
to look back and reflect.

Aquaria, what advice do you have
for three-year-old Giovanni?

- Aw. With a boa.

- Well, for starters,
I would say

get it the f*ck together

because those are
cheap feathers,

a really shitty tutu,

and we're going to need
a higher heel.

[all laugh]

You have so much opportunity
and privilege allotted to you,

and you have so many talents.

And don't hesitate
from exploring them

and really reaching
for the stars.

But also, when you're 21,

there's gonna be a really,
really strange man in a wig

calling you on the phone,
inviting you to come to L.A.

Say yes.

And from an early age,

you have the charisma,
uniqueness, nerve, and talent.

And if you thought
you were interested in drag

starting in the seventh grade,
you're wrong.

It started when you were three.

[all laugh]

- Thank you.
- Thank you.

- Asia O'Hara, what advice
do you have for little Antoine?

- I would say that beauty
is going to come into your life

so many different times
in so many different ways.

And quite often, the beauty
is going to come into your life

cloaked in darkness and despair,
but there is beauty there.

There's beauty in everything.

And there's going to be
a point in your life

when you're going to discover
something magical.

And, you know, they say magic
always comes with a price,

and you're going
to question that magic.

But please know that
the price is so worth it.

And just remember
that your only job

is improve the quality
of the people around you.

- Thank you.

- Thank you.

- Eureka, what advice do you
have for four-year-old David?

- It's nice to see you,
little guy.

You're not going to stay
that way very long.

It's gonna put you through
a lot of things.

People are gonna
torment you a lot.

But one of the things
that's gonna make you special

is that thing that you actually
hate the most about yourself.

And it's gonna bring so much
light and happiness to your life

when you realize that
it's okay to be a bigger person

and to be proud of it.

And when you do
finally realize it,

you're gonna be able to bring so
much happiness to your family

and to the people you're around

and to people all over the world
that are also lost.

And you know what
that feels like

and you get the opportunity
to give that back to them.

So you stay strong,

and don't throw scissors at
your sister when you're seven.

I love you.

Thank you.

- All right, Kameron Michaels,

what advice do you have
for three-year-old Dane?

- You're such a happy child,

and that's probably gonna change
in a couple years.

You're gonna feel very lost
and alone,

like you don't have a place
in the world.

Until you become the person
that you're meant to be,

and then you'll know
that different wasn't bad

and different is good.

You have two loving parents,

and one of them is not gonna
be here to see this moment.

So hug him and tell him
that you love him.

And don't hide around the corner

with the karaoke machine
and sing

because you don't want
anyone to watch you,

because you belong
in the spotlight

and you will find it one day.

- Thank you so much.

- Thank you.

- One final question
of national importance.

Why should you, and not
one of your fellow queens,

be named America's
next drag superstar?


- So I'm obviously up here
with three amazing girls

that it's been such
a pleasure connecting with

on a very deep level.

I think I've really shown
that I can rise to the occasion

and surpass
not only my own expectations,

but the expectations
of you all and everyone at home.

I think that I have such
a unique Aquarian take on drag

and somehow
all the pieces that I have

come together
to make something incredible.

And I really appreciate
the opportunity to show America

and the rest of the world that.

So I could not be more grateful.

- Thank you, Aquaria.

- Thank you.
- Asia.

- I humbly think that I could be
America's next drag superstar

because I want to be
an ambassador

and I want to do everything
that I possibly can

to make drag
a better place for everyone

and more accepted and more
loved and more widespread.

The main thing I've learned here

is that being America's
next drag superstar

is not a crown that you get

or a title that's placed
in front of your name.

It's a way of life, and it's
the way that you carry yourself.

So I give you my word

that I will be America's
next drag superstar

for as long as I live.

Not just until the next girl
comes through the ranks,

but for the rest of my life.

- Thank you.

- Thank you.

- Eureka, same question.

- Drag gave me a place where
I felt like I belonged finally,

where being loud and animated

and all these things that I am
and weigh too much can be good.

Because all of that makes me
this giant ball of beautiful joy

and I love everything about it.

As America's
next drag superstar,

I can teach the world
how to be

that same beautiful person
inside and out,

regardless of what
other people think.

And that's why I know

that I will be America's
next drag superstar.

- Thank you.
- Thank you.

- Kameron Michaels.
- [sighs]

You know, no matter
how many times I've faltered,

I've gotten back up,

and I think that's
a great theme for life.

And I want to be
a shining example

to everyone that has
ever faltered in their life

to know that you can get up
and keep going,

and when you do,
you will find confidence

that you never knew
you had in yourself,

and you will feel like the star
in whatever field that you are.

And that's what I plan to do.

- Thank you.

Thank you, ladies.
While you untuck backstage,

the judges and I
will deliberate.

All right, now, just
between us squirrel-friends,

final four, here we are.

What do you think?

Starting with Aquaria.

- What a gem
she has been to watch.

I mean, I knew of her from
Instagram before she started,

I knew that my expectations
were going to be high

with her looks and her makeup,
and I feel like she delivered.

- Sometimes
with younger contestants,

they don't get
all the fashion references.

She got all of them.
A couple times I was like

are you just schooling me
on your hat right now?

- In the history
of this competition,

she goes down
as one of the top five girls

who has brought the looks

- I would agree.

- I'd like the list
of the other four.

- Raja, Detox.

- Violet Chachki.
- And Miss Vanjie.

- And Miss Vanjie.
Of course.

I've got to tell you,
during that dance challenge,

I could not
keep my eyes off of her.

I was getting Madonna.

- She can sing, she can dance,
and she owns the runway.

Check, check, check,
check, check.

- And she's won
the most challenges

and she's never been
in the bottom the whole season.

- Mm-hmm. I think she's played
an incredible game,

and I think she's a force
to be reckoned with.

- Asia O'Hara,
our Texas pageant girl.

Asia is quite the competitor.

When she came
into this competition,

she was ready to get to work.

- Asia is just
a seasoned performer,

and she has nailed
so many challenges.

Whether she won or not,
she was always close.

- Like good twin/bad twin.

I thought she was very close
to winning that.

- Oh, yeah.

- And she's so darn likable.

- Every single note I gave her,
she was so willing to take.

- She knows the responsibility
that comes with the crown,

and she's ready for it.

- She is one of those people

that without those people
in our community, we'd crumble.

And that's so important
to the work that we do,

not only in here, but out there.

And I think Asia would be
an incredible representative.

- Let's move on to Eureka.

Does she have to spell it out?
[all laugh]

- Eureka is what this
competition is all about.

She came from nothing,
she is more than something,

always has been, but now,
going through the breakdown here

and rising from the ashes
like the Phoenix,

she now believes it.

- Yeah, we know, girl.

- She gives us glamorous looks
with a sense of humor.

- Her outfit on the runway
was my favorite of the night.

Only Eureka could pull off
a dress like that.

- 'Cause it said "Eureka."
- [laughs]

- In the choreography,
my eyes didn't leave Eureka.

She was so incredibly dynamic.

- I just love the fact
that this bitch

is bigger than the dude
from "Green Mile,"

and dancing
in a Polly Pocket ass heel,

and she's slaying it.
I loved it.

- The competition forces you
to really die a thousand deaths.

And then if you really have
what it takes,

you are reborn into something
bigger and badder and better.

And that's exactly
what she's done here.

Let's move on
to Kameron Michaels.

- Kameron Michaels
isn't somebody

I thought would be standing here
in the final four.

- Yeah.
- She has been down a few times,

but at the end of the day,
she worked really hard.

- And I just loved that fight,

that even when it's this close
to the finish line,

and you have a personality
like Eureka,

and you have somebody
twirling around

like they're at
a "Cats" audition,

like Aquaria is over here,

and Asia's doing floor work,
and she's like, no, bitch.

I'm gonna fight until
the very, very last moment.

And I love that so much.

- She's given us
some fabulous looks

throughout the competition.

- From Alaska Miami Realness

to Silver Foxy,
they're all good.

- How great
did she look tonight?

- Oh, the best
she's ever looked.

- That was spectacular.
- Yeah, great.

- I think her song lyrics
did wonders

in opening those doors
to see where she came from

and who she is
and what she has to say.

I fell in love with her because
of what she sang tonight.

- Another person emerges
when she's on stage.

Confident person.
A sexy person.

And I think that's where her
personality really comes out.

- And he's fine.
- [laughs]

- Well, as usual, none of you
were helpful at all.

[all laugh]

- Silence.

I'll make my own damn decisions.

Bring back my girls.

- I think that should be
your next song.

♪ Bring back my girls ♪

♪ Bring back my girls ♪

- ♪ Bring back my girls ♪
- ♪ Bring back my girls ♪

- ♪ Bring back my girls ♪

♪ Bring back my girls ♪

- I just recorded it.
Let me download it.

- Oh, good. How's it doing
on the charts?

- It's number one already.
[all laugh]

- Welcome back, ladies.

All season long,
you've each fought fiercely

to earn your spot
on this stage tonight.

So before I make
my final decision,

I need to see you all lip sync
one more time.

Four fabulous queens
stand before me.

Ladies, this is your last chance
to impress me

and save yourself
from elimination.

- The time has come...

for you to lip sync...

[echoing] for your life!

Good luck,
and don't f*ck it up.

- ♪ Guess who's back
in the house ♪

♪ Heels click-clackin' about ♪

♪ Fine, fresh, feminine,
styled to eleven ♪

♪ I'm divine, so heavenly,
gentlemen sweatin' ♪

♪ It's dimes across the board,
no doubt ♪

♪ Body like wow ♪

♪ p*ssy 'bout
to end this drought ♪

♪ Titties so plentiful... ♪

- Drag for me was a hobby,

and it's slowly progressing
into a profession.

People tell you your dreams
are just that, they're dreams.

They're not.
They can become reality

if you choose to make them that.

I am America's
next drag superstar

because I have worked my ass off
in this competition.

- [echoing] ♪ Call... ♪

♪ Me... ♪

♪ Mother... ♪

- America's next drag superstar

has to be willing to devote
their life for the sake of drag.

I've sacrificed relationships

and jobs
and opportunities for drag.

What I'm going to do
is going to supersede

anything that the other girls
in this competition will do.

- ♪ Ow ♪

- ♪ Oh, da-da ♪

- This journey
has been since Season 9,

and I've been through a lot
to get here.

I've always known
I was different,

that I was unique
and overly loud.

And now I'm at
the end of the line

saying Eureka is enough.

So put me into the three
so I can prove it to the world.

- ♪ None of these b*tches
is f*cking with Ru ♪

- I am America's
next drag superstar.

- [laughs]

- ♪ When I step in,
they know well what it do ♪

- America's next drag superstar

has to push the boundaries
and be daring,

and nothing I've done
has been safe.

There is not one girl
in the world like me.

I am unique.

I'm charismatic,
and, bitch, I've got nerve

and I have sure as hell shown
you all that I have talent.

America's next drag superstar
is the future of drag,

and that's me.

- ♪ Na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na ♪

♪ Brat-tat-tat ♪

♪ Na-na-na-na-not now ♪

♪ Giggity-giggity hop ♪

♪ Barack get back,
Bap butta ba ba pow ♪

♪ I'm a cunny hunny,
a cunny hunny ♪

♪ A honey bun
but I count my money ♪

♪ I count my money
with a brap-brap ♪

♪ Knick to da knick
da knick-knack ♪

♪ I'm back with the freaky money
click-clack, ow ♪

[all laugh]

[cheers and applause]

- Ladies, I've made my decision.


I've decided to eliminate...

No one.

All four of you
are moving forward

to the grand finale
of "RuPaul's Drag Race."

My top four queens,

But the race ain't over yet.

I want to hear from you,
the fans.

Who do you think
deserves the crown?

Are you Team Aquaria?

Team Asia?

Team Eureka?

Or Team Kameron?

Let your voice be heard.

Tune in next week
when all the queens come back

for the Season 10 reunion.

And then in two weeks

is the grand finale of
"RuPaul's Drag Race Season 10,"

where I'll be crowning
a winner, baby.

Now, remember,
if you can't love yourself,

how in the hell you gonna
love somebody else?

Can I get an amen up in here?

- Amen!
- Amen!

- Now let the music play.

- ♪ To-to-to to the moon ♪

♪ To the moon ♪

♪ To the moon ♪

♪ Come on and take me away ♪

♪ To-to-to to the moon ♪
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