01x05 - Drag School of Charm

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "RuPaul's Drag Race". Aired: February 2, 2009 – present.*
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RuPaul plays the role of host, mentor, and head judge for this series, as contestants are given different challenges each week.
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01x05 - Drag School of Charm

Post by bunniefuu »

- Previously on

"Rupaul's drag race..."

- There is no connection

Between me and the girls.

- If one of you has to go,

Who should it be?

- I would have to say shannel.

- Ok.

- Educate, donate,

And celebrate.

Because life is a celebration!

- Ongina, you're the winner

Of this challenge.

The time has come for you

To lip sync for your life.

[Music playing]

- Rebecca, shante, you stay.

Jade, sashay. Away.

And tonight...

[Yelling and cheering]

- Do it.

- Ow! No!

- I have to excuse myself.

This decision is too difficult.

The winner of

"Rupaul's drag race"

Will receive a feature photo

Spread in "paper" magazine,

A portrait taken by renowned

Photographer greg gorman

For the la eyeworks legendary

Designer eyewear campaign,

A headline spot on the absolut

Pride tour across the usa,

Plus a cash prize of $20,000

Courtesy of absolut vodka

And mac cosmetics.

And may the best woman win.

- ♪ "Rupaul's drag race,"

Start your engines ♪

- ♪ Drag race ♪

- ♪ May the best woman win ♪

- ♪ "Rupaul's drag race" ♪

- ♪ Start your engines ♪

- ♪ "Rupaul's drag race" ♪

- ♪ May the best woman win ♪

- ♪ Best woman win ♪

- Morning.

- Morning.

- Oh, hi.

- Hey. Look at the room.

- Our tables are, like,

Pushed back.

- Yeah.

- What do we need

All this space for?

Break dance?

- No. Don't say that.

- It feels so weird

Without jade, doesn't it?

- Yeah.

- Oh, god.

- Rebecca deserved to go home.


Jade embodies an all around 110%

Beautiful person inside and out.

Rebecca is not.

- I honestly think that most of

The girls were rooting for jade.

And I'm sorry, but hey,

I don't wanna go.

I really came here to win.

[Revving engine]

- Hello, racers.

A great drag queen once said,

"To whom much is given,

Much is expected."

You have a special gift

That keeps on giving, lady.

Drag is...

Is part of a sisterhood,

And starting today,

Sisters are doing it for whom?


Ha ha!

Hello, hello, hello!


- Hi.

- Hello.

- Oh, oh, oh no!


- Ha ha!

- Surprise! I'm rollin' with

A new pit crew today.

- Ru comes into the room

With these fierce girls.

Not fierce like...

Like drag fierce.

Like, fierce like they...

They looked threatening.

- [Laughs]

My little sisterhood of

The traveling panty girdles.

Now, I want you all to meet a

Talented group of girl fighters.

- My name is jarrett.

I teach krav maga.

It's an israeli hand-to-hand

Combat and self-defense system.

- My name is sweepee,

And I'm a cage fighter.

- I'm michelle.

I teach kempo karate, and I'm

A brazilian capoeirista.

- My name is mia.

I'm boxer.

- My name is tempele,

And I'm a boxer.

- Mama said, knock you out.


- My god, what are they

About to put us through?

- The next drag superstar

Needs to keep in shape.

So today for your


These girl fighters are gonna

Give you a full force workout.

In the end, the last queen

Standing will be the winner.

- Here's the first strike that

You're gonna be learning.

Sweepee's gonna help me

Demonstrate it.

It looks like this. Go!


The next strike

That we're gonna do,

This is called

"Ground and pound,"

And this is her specialty.

- Sort of straddling.

Yeah, I think these girls

Know how to straddle.

- Ready?

- Mm-hmm.

- [Grunting]

All right.

- Any questions?

All right. Let's go.

See what you got.

Start nice and easy.

- Ok.

- Right to the pad.

- Ok.

- Cool? Good.

- Ok.

- Keep goin'.

- Ok.

- Stay...stay at it this time.

- Ok.

Hang on, hang on, hang on.

- What are you doing?!

- Oh! Ok, I'm doing it!

- [Laughter]

- With all the work

That we've been doing,

There was a little bit

Of tension.

- Harder punches! Harder elbows!

- It...it help release

All that tension.

- Ha ha!

- Aah!

- Stop it!

Come on, come on, come on!

Until I tell you to stop!


- Whoa!

- Man!

- I am scared a you queens.

- Kick that bitch's ass! Come


- Let's go!

- Be aggressive! Be aggressive!

- I was like, ugh. Ok.

I'm ready to pass out.

- What we demo is gonna be

Straight punches.

Any time I say down,

Get down into this position.

So down.

Hands go down, feet go out,

Jump back up and continue

Punching right away.

- So any questions?

You guys got that.

- It's that fast?

- Yes.

- It's the last man standing.

- Non-stop punches.

- I'm nauseous.

- You're nauseous?

- I honestly, I feel...

- For real?

- Yeah.


Honestly, I'm dizzy.

My heart is racing really bad,

And I'm just shaking.

I was so winded,

And so literally feeling

Like I'm gonna vomit.

Can I lay down on the couch?

- Yes,

You may lay down on the couch.

Here's a towel if you'd like.

- Now stand

In your fighting stance.

You're sending nonstop punches

As hard and as fast as you can.

- After sitting down and kind

Of gathering my thoughts

For a minute,

I realized, well, why not?

I have a lot of integrity,

And I am a fighter.

Not physically,

But mentally.

So I thought, well,

I'm gonna give it my best shot,

And I hope I don't throw up.

- Now, this is the final stage

Of this challenge.

And the last queen standing

Wins this challenge.

Shannel, are you ready?

- I'm gonna do

What I'm gonna do.

- Dolls, are you ready?

- Yes.

- Yes.

- All right.

Go for it.

- Go.

Go, go, go, go, go, go.

Harder, harder, harder!


- Come on, drop!

Get back up!




- Go, go, go!

Get up! Come on! Come on!

- Down!

- I'm dead.

- Come on, get after it!


- I'm just ready to give up.

I'm out of breath.

You can tell that my punches

Are weak.

- Down!

- And I was like, oh, shit.

This is no joke.

I mean, I was sweatin' like

Some sort of pig in heat.

- Go! Let's go! Come on!

Keep goin'! Let's go!

- I don't care if I'm ready

To have a heart attack.

I'm gonna keep

On punching those things

Because I wanna win.

- [Yelling]

- Come on!

- Come on, let's go! Let's go!

- You get it.

You get it.

- Aw...

- Oh!

- Yeah!

- All right!

I've got a champion.

Last queen standing! Champion!

All right!

- That's my queen!

- All right!

- [Laughter]

- Congratulations, bitch.

- My self-esteem, you know,

Has been goin' down.

I needed something

To give me that jolt

So I can go back

And get in the race.

- Today, these ladies have given

You one tough workout.

Now it's your turn to give back.

For this week's challenge,

Your mission is to make over

Your girl fighter partner

Into a real life female version

Of yourself...

- Yes!

- Of your drag persona.

- Woo!

- [Laughter]

- This is your chance to reveal

The secrets of drag,

Something every real woman

Should know.

So you should make use

Of your mac makeup kits,

Supplies from

Michael levine fabrics,

And shoes from kitson l.a.

Now, rebecca, you won

The workout challenge.

As your reward, you get to

Choose your makeover partner.

Who do you choose?

- Tempele.

- Tempele.

As a further reward,

You also get to pair up

All the other teams.

- Rebecca is here for the game.

I see many different sides

Of rebecca,

And some are

A little underhanded.

- Ooh! Wow.

- I definitely think that at

This point of the competition

Getting so close to the end,

That there is

Definite strategy

On who she picked,

And she found the strengths

And weaknesses with each

So that she can

Have an advantage.

- Ooh, matchmaker.

- Mia is going to...

Nina flowers,

Which means sweepee

Goes to miss shannel.

- I think that rebecca doesn't

Want us to believe

That she was tryin'

To handicap us.

- I'm not a bitch.

I'm just tryin' to get 'em

All riled up.

- At tomorrow's presentation

On the main stage,

No one has immunity.

So make this challenge count.

Gentlemen, start your engines.

And may the best woman win.

- All right, here.

Try these on.

Right now, we're gonna

Have to turn the girls

From tough boxing,

Ass-kicking chicks,

To models on the runway

With grace and beauty.

So it's gonna be

Very, very hard.

- Ok, we don't really have much

To work with here.

- Step into it and put

Your hands on those hips

And show them strength

And power.

- Ok.

- But still having...

- Poise.

- Elegance and beauty.

- Ok.

I see what you're...

- So it's very...whaa!

- So it's very...

In the muscular? Ok.

- Yeah.

- I see what you're saying.

- There's a lot of work to do.

Tensions are running high.

And I'm lookin' around the room.

Some people are freaking out.

- I want that fabric.

- I'm looking at it, so...

- Ok, then I want

The black sequins.

You only get one or the other.

- First come, first serve.

- Fine.

- Do you want this, baby?

- No. It's fine.

- Ongina, she's funny,

But at the same time, she always

Has this diva-ness to her.

I think that's

How he comes across.

- I need that, sweetheart.

- First come, first served,


Isn't that what you guys said?

- I wanna, like,

Straighten your hair.

Is that ok?

- Yeah.

- So it's just, like,

Jet straight and pretty?

Or no?

- Or big and awesome?

- Do you want big and awesome?

I'm learning that you

Can't really judge a book

By its cover.

Because, like, jarrett,

She has a lot of feminine side

Of her.

You just need to, like,

Slap her around a little bit.

So, we can do, like, that,

And then, like, we can do

A ponytail,

And that ponytail will look like

Your headpiece.

Like this airplane.

It goes onto my head.

- Ha ha!

- So that's, like,

Part of my look.

My biggest fear is that

I will be in the bottom two

And have to lip sync

For my life.

I won last week's challenge,

And today, rupaul said

That there is no immunity.

I just won this big,

Fabulous prize...

Which is fine.

I'll take it.

I love it.

But I wish I had immunity

At the same time.

Are you scared?

- Yes.

- Don't be scared.

- Ok. Ha!

- I want you to hold this.

Hold it right there.

I ended up with mia,

And as soon as I saw her,

I said, I definitely have to

Work on an outfit for her

Because none of my clothes

Is gonna fit on her.

It's a great challenge.

You're really transforming

Them into...into what we are.

It's hard, because these girls,

They never wear dresses.

They never wear makeup.

- I gotta record this.

Um, let me write this down.

First time I put on makeup.

- I am partnered with sweepee,

Who's probably the most

Masculine, definitely,

Of the entire group.

- Ok. Wait, wait.

Ha ha!

- Is this really that weird?

- Yes. Ok, ok. Go.

- You're sure?

- Yeah. Go.

- All right.

- I think it was very apparent

To me today

That rebecca's strategy

Was to pair the girls up

With who she didn't think

Would suit them.

- You are gonna end up having

A lot of makeup on.

I guarantee you.

- You're really good

With makeup?

- Oh, girl.

- Are you gonna put a lot on?

- Yeah.

- Oh. Because this is not

My territory.

- I think we should...

You will do what

I want you to do.

I knew right away

What I was going to put her in

And what I was going

To put myself in.

I can represent africa,

And you should represent

The middle east

With the...

- With the shimmy...

- With the shimmy shimmies

And the wrap and...

- This is training for me

In a different way.

- It is. I know. It is.

- This is a totally

Different training.

- You have to take your mind

Away from being the butch woman.

Let's just say

You wanna mesmerize people.

- Ok.

- Try these on.

Walk in 'em.

- I'm gonna fall.

- You are?

Hold me.

- No.

- Squeeze it in.

There you go.

- You gotta be kidding me.

- Nope.

- These girls,

They never wear heels

So they don't know

How to walk in heels.

- But you're gonna do this.

Straighten out on your knees.


- Ooh.

- Ha ha! Ooh!

- Just keep in mind that when

You doing that, don't do this.

Don't walk like a man.

- Ok.

- Stand there and do this

A little bit.

Just relax a little more.

Feel it.

And then just...

Ooh! Just walk it.


- It is challenging to teach

The way I walk the runway

To another person.


- Like that?

- Kind of walk around. Yep.

Heels always, um, toes first.

- Do I look stupid?

- Manly, but I'll fix it.

- Think of sexy.

Think of somebody out there

That you want them to see you,

And you just wanna be so sexy

So that they can really know

That you're the hottest things,


The hottest thing in the house.

- Ok.

- The runway walk for me

Would not be about catwalk.

It would be about seducing.

When you're tryin' to walk with

Your friends and you're looking

Cute, how do you walk?

- I...i'm...i don't.

I just be myself.

- Ok. So. Let me see your...

Let me see you be yourself.

- That was myself. Ha!

- That was yourself?

- Yeah.

- It's not easy.

So, I mean, that's frustrating

When you have

This perfect vision,

And you don't have what you need

For that vision.

- Work!

♪ Dunh dunh dunh dunh

Dunh dunh dunh dunh ♪

I had a lot of tension because

I was gonna be judged

By her performance,

And she...

She was a little bit stiff,

A little bit...

A little bit rough.

- When I'm here...

- Uh-huh?

- I just step...

- No.

When you're here,

Ok, you bring the one...

The one that is in the back,

You bring it up front,

And then you turn.

- Oh.

- ♪ Dunh dunh dunh dunh ♪

I was worried she might not get

What I was trying to tell her.

- And go!

- These are high.

- No, no, no, no.

Quicker, and, like, quicker.

- Oh. Ok.

- You gotta walk

As fast as I do.

- Oh.

- 'Cause we gotta look together.

You get what I'm saying?

- Well, I need to take

These damn heels off.

- You're gonna be in heels

Tomorrow, though.

- Not these high.

- No, no, no, no, no.

I'm gonna grab my...

I'm gonna grab my heels.

Stay right here.

- Oh!

- I'm a little worried.

Her feet hurt.

She was crying.

She was whiney.

- Gah!

- No. Get close!

- I didn't know

It was that hard bein' a girl

Because I don't walk in heels

Every day, so...

- If they hurt,

Then walk faster.

- Ugh! I almost...

I'd rather be in a ring

And movin' around

In boxin' shoes,

Than movin' around

In high heels.

I feel like such a wuss.

- Do it by yourself right now.

- Again?

- Up and down.

I'm givin' her tough love.

- Ugh!

- Do it.

Just back and forth.

- Ow! No!

- Do it!

I'm not sure she's

Gonna learn her walk,

So I can't cut her any slack

Right now.

- Ugh.

My dogs is barkin'.

- Come on.

And all I'm thinkin' is

She can't f*ck this up.

- Damn!

- Hey, dolls!

Hey, ladies.

- Hi.

- Wow. Look at h...

Look at y'all!

Hey, shannel,

What are you doin'?

- I've embellished a bra

And belt.

- Now, that, uh,

That cup size

Seems a little small

For, uh, sweepee.

- Nope. She put it on.

- First time

I ever put a bra on.

- Your first time?

- Ha! Yeah.

- Really.

- I was always a little tomboy,

And I thought it was...

I was always runnin' around

With the boys, jumpin' fence,

And I thought it was

A little too feminine

'Cause they're not, like,

That's how I wanted to dress,

Act like them.

- Well, see,

This is the problem.

See, you should've been hanging

Out with boys who wore bras.

- Ha!

- And then...

- Yeah.

- It would've been

A different story.

But now you are.

- Yeah.

My plan is to be as feminine

As I possibly can,

And not just be feminine,

But become shannel and represent

What shannel stands for.

- Thank you.

- Thank you.

- Hey, michelle.

Hey, bebe.

- Hi!

- Hi mama.

- How you doin'?

- Good.

- Good. Really good.

- What have you learned

From bebe so far, michelle?

- Learned how to do

A half smile,

Which I'm really, really bad at.

- A sexy smile.

- He's like, smile. Like...

He's like, "no, no, no, no.


- Show me the half smile.

- I'm like...

This is my half smile.

- Ha ha!

- I'm really tryin'.

It's really hard.

- Bebe, tell me exactly,

Why is a woman supposed

To do a half smile?

- Because our look tomorrow

Will not be, "hey! I'm here."

You know,

Our look will be more...

- Yes.

- Bebe has so much experience

In being sexy.

I'm like...all right.

And it looks fake to me.

I don't know how to do this.

- Well, good luck

To both of you.

- Thanks, ru.

- The first thing I did when...

When...when they

Assigned me to her

Was that we need to work

On that catwalk.

- Uh-huh.

- What did nina teach you

About the runway?

What tips?

- Oh! I don't know.

Like, uh...

I...i didn't...i...i don't...

- Show me.

- Exactly remember,

But I can show you.

- Yes.

- Uh-huh.

- Yes. Yes.

- Yeah.

- Very good.

I am really looking forward

To seeing miss...

- Awesome.

- Nina and miss mia

On that runway tomorrow.

- Thank you very much.

- You know, I wish...

I wish I had a drag daughter.

I mean, you guys

Are all my daughters,

But I don't really

Get to dress you up.

- That's right.

- You know?

Tell me about what...

What you're doing.

- I want her to look,

Uh, more youthful

And me a little bit more

Like a mom,

Sexy but mom.

- A sexy mom.

A milf.

- Yes.

- Exactly.

- No.

- Good luck.

- Thank you.

- All right.

- Hey, jarrett.

Hey ongina.

- Hi!

- Look at you!

- Oh, she scares me.

- She scares you, ongina?

- When she first

Walked in today,

I was like, "holy jesus,

Mother of christ."

- [Laughter]

She would beat an ass,

And it might be mine.

- What are you the most

Sort of nervous about

With this competition?

- Um, just her really getting

The persona of who I am.

And I want the entire ongina

To be this tomorrow.

- Mm-hmm.

- So I'm gonna shave her hair


- [Laughter]

- Gather around, girls.

Gather 'round.

Listen up.

There's one more twist

To this challenge.

As part of your presentation

On the main stage,

Your girl fighters are going

To lip sync a song for us.

- [Laughter]

- And you're gonna

Teach them how.

- I was kind of caught

Off guard

'Cause I thought it was enough

Work just to put on a dress,

Put on freakin' high heels,

And walk.

- Now, the song I've chosen for

Them to perform is...

Drum roll.

- [Imitating drum roll]

- "Freakum dress" by beyonce.

- That's not the easiest song.

I can't even perform that song

Let alone these butch girls,

Who probably have never even

Heard the song before.

- Woo!

- Now, make me proud, ladies.

And remember, don't f*ck it up.

- [Laughter]

- All right.

- So you learn the lyrics,

And I'll take care of this.

- Ok.

- Ok.

Finish dress.

Freakum dress!

- You heard that part where

It was, like, "hey, whoa."

You should do that one line.

My biggest fear is

That my fighting bulldog,

She won't be able

To pull through and she'll suck.

- Hard parts this time.

- How is it?

- Difficult.

- Ha ha!

- I know.

- She's very into it, you know?

She really wants to do it,

And she's so excited,

And that makes it really good

To work with her.

- It is truly

About the lip sync.

- I'm a outgoing person.

I love to put myself

To the test.

But this is...ha ha!

I didn't know what I was

Walkin' into.

- What they're looking at is,

Did you know the words?

Make sure that as you're

Learning those words

That you feel it here.

- Ok. I will...

- Hold up.

Bring the beat back.

- Oh, I see what you're saying.

- You know what I mean?

I'm using my hands as well.

Um, "stop!"

- Ok.

- I ain't ready yet.

- Ok.

- Throw a little attitude

In there.

Throw some shoulder.

Throw some eyes.

Shannel is about representing

Eyes and glamour

And diva and strength and body.

I said, so if you're

Going out there as my sister,

And I'm putting you together,

I want you to embody that.

That's what's really

Gonna be able to lock

In that lip sync and...

- Ok.

- For you.

- Gotcha.

- Girl, you need to keep going

Over that song, baby.

Over and over.

- Let my brain rest

For a moment.

- Michelle.

She's funny, and she's...

She's very goofy, which was

Very frustrating to me.

I'll be sitting over there.

And then when you're done,

Just come meet me over there.

- I gotta listen to it, like,

- No, that's fine.

- They are judging us on how

We make our other people...

You know, our babies look.

So I don't know.

We'll see.

- Muah!

- The other one.

- No, no, no, no, no.

Stand up. Stand up. Wait.

It's very hard

To face elimination day.

Especially now that it's...

It's getting very,

Very, very tight.

There's a lot to be done.

Keep in mind that we were having

The same time as always.

This time, we have to split

Those hours in in two persons.

- Bebe, can I ask you something?

- Uh, yeah.

- Um, has anybody actually ever

Mistaken you to be a full...

Like, a real woman?

- Yeah.

- For real?

- Yep. It happens

In clubs especially...

- Oh, yeah.

- All the time.

- Really?

- The fact is that i,

Bebe zahara benet,

I do not live my life

As a woman.

It's not my lifestyle.

- Like, when that happens,

What do you do?

Do you tell them?

Like, the truth?

- Yeah,

I tell them the truth.

I tell them that

It's an illusion.

I have just developed

A character,

And that's where people need

To find that fine line

So that when they look at us


They don't necessarily think

That, oh, they are dressed up

Like this

Because they want to live

Like this.

No. That is just

Such a misconception.

I don't go home like this.

I don't live my life like this.

- Unless you're cleaning

The house, bebe.

- Ok,

Unless I'm cleaning the house.

- Aw, loser.

- I don't wanna have to worry

About you, so I want you

To be ready.

- Chop chop.

- Rebecca took

A very "mommy dearest",

Joan crawford approach

To tempele.

- Wait a sec.

Look at me.

- Ow.

She's really tough.

Rebecca is tough.


- No pain, no gain, baby.

- I thought, wow!

There's one team here

That doesn't seem like

They're really cohesive

In their mindset.

At all.

- You look like

A whole different person.

- Mm, I feel like...ha...

A whole different person.

- It's totally nina,

But, like, 10 feet taller.

- I finished the makeover for my

Girl, but I was worrying

About me.

- Ha ha!

- ♪ Cover girl ♪

♪ Put the bass in your walk ♪

♪ Head to toe,

Let your whole body talk ♪

♪ Walk, now walk ♪

♪ Walk, now walk,

Walk ♪

- ♪ And what? ♪

- Good evening, and welcome

To the main stage of

"Rupaul's drag race."

As always, I'd like to say hello

To my fabulous judges.

Fashion journalist

And bestselling author

Merle ginsberg.

And hello to my pal,

The shamelessly

Outspoken designer santino!

Now, this week we have two extra

Special guest judges.

First up is the founder

Of the pussycat dolls,

Miss robin antin.

- [Cheering]

- Meow!

- And finally, someone

Who knows a thing or two

About being a tough woman.

Please welcome xena,

Warrior princess,

Miss lucy lawless.

- Now, judges, our queens

Were asked to make over

A group of fierce girl fighters

In their own drag image.

This is gonna be a lot of fun.

Gentlemen, start your engines!

And may the best woman win!

- I wasn't doing

Runway fashion per se.

I was doing my own way of

Looking at this challenge.

So it was more about culture.

It was more about

The body language and the eyes.

Where's the camel, girls?

- Yes, where is it?

There's no camel toe

In this one.

- [Laughter]

- Wow.

She has never been more sweet.

- Dynamite.

- As she's walking down

The runway, all I can

Think of is, wow.

You are amazing.

And in literally 24 hours,

I took you and I made you

The complete and total package.

- Wow.

That's her mommy.

- Yeah.

- "Mommy dearest."

- I was worried

'Cause I usually come through

On the runway very well.

And this time

She was doin' it for me.

So that was scary.

- It's a family portrait.

- [Laughter]

- Take it away, mama.

- Why is she lookin' at me

Like that?

Go away, you have no power here.

- Do not accept an apple

From this woman.

- No.

- She's a good witch.

- Ooh!

- It's natural for me

To walk the runway.

It's not natural for her to.

But because she got it so well,

I'm really proud of that.

- Wow.

Look at that beautiful face.

- Yeah.

Both of them.

- In case you missed it

The first time.

- [Laughter]

- I know we must look so cute

Right about now.

We're going down the runway,

And I think we're hitting

The same steps.

We're on the same pace.

And, uh, we're definitely giving

Mother-daughter vibes.

- Wow.

Not without my daughter.

- [Laughter]

- Hello, my drag warriors.

You were asked to prepare

Our girl fighters

For a lip sync performance

Of beyonce's "freakum dress."

- ♪ Now pass me my dress ♪

♪ Yo, I think I'm ready ♪

♪ Been locked up in the house

For way too long ♪

♪ It's time to get it ♪

♪ 'Cause once again

He's out doing wrong ♪

♪ And my girls are so real ♪

♪ Said it's been a minute

Since I had some ♪

♪ He's been acting up,

But he won't be the only one ♪

♪ 'Cause when he acts up,

That's when you put it on ♪

♪ Get him uptight,

This is your song ♪

♪ Hold out your back,

Time to impress ♪

♪ Pull out your freakum dress ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh,

Put your freakum dress on ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh,

Put your freakum dress on ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh,

Put your freakum dress on ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh,

Put your freakum dress on ♪

- Wow! Wow!

- Now, my dolls, my lovelies,

As drag mothers, I asked you to

Share your charisma, uniqueness,

Nerve, and talent

With real women.

And remember, girls,

No one has immunity

In tonight's elimination.

As the competition gets stiffer,

The stakes get higher.

And no one is safe.

Rebecca and tempele,

Come on down.

Let's see her before photo.

- Wow.

- Who's that girl?

- [Laughter]

- Tempele,

Are you amazed by that?

- Yes.

- Ha ha!

- And what beauty tips did you

Learn that you could apply to

Your everyday life?

- How to be a bad, mean...

- I yelled at her a lot.

- A lot.

- I was like, "whaa!"

- Pretty bitch.

- Ok!

- I think that she would've been

Able to dance more freely

And shown her stuff

If she wasn't worrying

About the dress coming up

And showing her cooch.

- And that's a bad thing?

- Well, uh, she seemed

Constrained by it.

- Clearly you guys are dressed

More down than other people.

You know, it's a simpler,

Cleaner, less costumey,

And one could argue that, like,

Well, they did, you know,

Less work.

But because you both look good

In that look, it works for me.

- Thank you both very much.

You may join the other girls.

- [Applause]

- Ongina and jarrett.

Come on down.

- You look like a prom date.

- Yes.

Because it was a

Masculine-feminine challenge...

- Mm-hmm.

- I wanted to be

The more masculine one.

- Not really

A feminine-masculine challenge.

It's more of

A your ultimate fighter

Out to your drag persona.

Let's take a look at what

Jarrett looked like before.

Oh, wow. See now, you're also

Just naturally beautiful.

- Yeah.

- Mm-hmm. Yeah.

- Yeah.

- Can you do that shoulder thing

That ongina does?


Oh, wow.

- Jarrett, can you lift up your

Dress a little bit and show us

Your legs?

Higher. Higher!

- There you go.

- I would've probably

Really shortened it,

Because I'm all about

Showing something.

- Ongina,

If you were gonna play with

The masculine-feminine,

I think you should've

Given jarrett your outfit

And you wear the dress.

And I would've had

Your hair down,

And just kicked up

The femininity of your

Look a little bit more.

- It was really difficult for

Jarrett to fully embody who

I am because she's so butch

And since I'm so girl.

It didn't work

Quite as I expected.

- Well, all right, you two.

Thank you very much.

Please step forward,

Mia and nina.

Let's see her before photo.

Ooh! Wow.

Now, uh, were you scared about

This challenge?

- No. Because there's some part

Of me that likes to be girly.

- Lucy lawless,

You can relate to mia here.

She looks like

A warrior princess.

- Well, she looks like

A fashion model actually.

I didn't know that you

Were the fighter.

I thought, wow!

- Thank you.

- I love that mia was totally

Baby nina, you know,

In the hair and the makeup.

But I actually thought she would

Look more attractive and

Feminine with simpler hair.

- Thank you very much.

You may join the other girls.

- Shannel and sweepee.

Shannela deville.

- [Laughter]

- Wow.

Now, let's see

Sweepee's before photo.

Wow! And look at her now.

You...you're like

A mother-daughter s&m team.

- [Laughter]

- Sweepee, what was your

Experience working with shannel?

- That...perfectionist.

And to work with somebody like

That, I had to admire that and...

- Did shannel tell you

To admire her?


- No, no, no, no.

Because it took a long time.

Where I can get a fight over

In 7 minutes, it took, like,

Two hours to do this.

So I have a whole new respect

For puttin' on makeup.

- Sweepee, you look beautiful.

- Thank you.

- Is it possible to take

The neckpiece off?

That we can see sweepee

Without that piece?

- [Gasps]

- [Laughter]

- It opens up this whole area,

And the proportion,

It changes her.

- Wow.

- Honey!

- I know.

- Thank you, shannel.

Thank you sweepee.

- [Applause]

- Bebe and michelle.

Let's see her before photo.



I don't know.

Maybe it's just me.

I think she's wearing

Too much makeup.

It feels like a mask.

Michelle, how do you feel

About your makeup?

- Um, I'm just not used

To wearing makeup in general,

But then this is a lot

Of makeup,

So I went from zero

To, like, 1,000.

- You know,

I thought in this case

That the apple did fall a little

Too far from the tree.

I just wish she looked more like

Her mommy.

- I would've taken the costume

And probably made it, um,

A mini skirt

Just because I would wanna make

Her a little bit sexier.

- I was hoping

For more compliments.

I was hoping for more

Good choice of wardrobe.

That wasn't the case.

- Well, thank you bebe.

Thank you michelle.

Now while you all wait in

The interior illusions lounge,

The judges and I

Will deliberate.

Thank you, ladies.

[Car engine]

- I have to be honest.

Um, bebe is a fierce competitor,

But I had the most trouble with

Her interpretation

Of this challenge.

- I felt like michelle was the

Only girl who actually looked

Less beautiful.

- Yes.

I would loved

To have seen michelle

With her hair snatched back

But a big piece

Just the way bebe had

On her hair.

- It was just all just kind of

Pulled to the back

And just kind of fell.

- It may have actually been

Even like a banana clip.

- Yeah.

- On my runway?!

A banana clip! A banana clip.

On my runway! Aah!

- No banana clips!

- Ever!

- Mia and nina.

- You know,

Mia looked like a drag queen.

- Yeah. Everybody else

Looked like a woman.

- Well, maybe nina's, uh,

Drag inspiration gets lost

In translation on a real woman,

You know?

Can we go to ongina now?

I think the total concept,

For me, didn't work.

- I did think ongina looked

A little more boyish than usual,


- Mm-hmm.

But a woman in a pantsuit

Is really great.

A drag queen in a pantsuit

Not tucking...

- Right.

- Is a man.

- And this point

In the competition,

I expect things to be a little

Bit more finished, too...

- Uh, exactly.

- Because the stakes are high.

Let's talk about rebecca.

Now, I was a big fan of this.

I, first of all, I have to say,

The girl that she chose,

I really didn't think she

Could turn it out like that.

I was so surprised.

- The transformation

Was the greatest.

- It was the greatest


In terms of the criteria

For this challenge,

Rebecca gave the girl her look.

Shannel and sweepee.

- Sha-nay-nay.

- They were the best.

I thought they were the best.

- Yeah. I...i agree.

- Did she look like shannel?

I mean, uh, obviously,

One's black and one's white.

But, uh...

- I think from the neck down.

- I think from the neck down.


One criticism

About their presentation

Is that they never share

The stage at the same time.

You know, I would love to have

Seen them together.

- Shannel definitely seems like,

You know, she feels so fabulous

And so, like, I look better.

- [Laughter]

- You know?

And I'm gonna...

I don't wanna stand with you,

Because I look amazing.

And if I stand with you,

I'm not gonna look as good.

- Well, thank you all very much.

This is gonna be a very

Difficult elimination.

- Mm-hmm.

This is a tough one.

- Welcome back.


I choose the final 4.

Rebecca, usually

I say more is more,

But with this challenge,

You kept it simple,

And it worked.

Your girl fighter

Looked pretty and real.

In other words,

The perfect translation

Of your drag persona.

You are the winner

Of this challenge.

- Whew.

- Thank you!

I wanna say that I'm surprised

That I won,

But I'm not.

I don't think

Any other contestant

Did as well as we did.

- When rupaul announced

That rebecca

Had won the challenge,

I was devastated.

I feel like I should have won

That challenge.

- You and tempele each win gift

Gift baskets from curlisto

Worth $1,000.


You're still in the race.

- Thank you.

- Shannel.

Your expertise with makeup

And your flair for the dramatic

Work to your advantage.

But to be the next drag

Superstar, you need to

Broaden your appeal.

You're still in the race.

- [Applause]

- Bebe,

Usually you are so flawless.

But with this challenge,

You underwhelmed us.

Not to mention that

You girl fighter's look

Didn't come close

To matching your own.

You're in the bottom two.

- Nina,

Your style is so bold

That it was difficult to

Translate to a real woman.

But you did pull it off.


You are safe this week.



This means you are

In the bottom two.

We were looking for


And you gave us father-daughter.

It's almost as if you

Misunderstood this challenge.

And you've been praised so much

In this competition.

I fear you may have become

Too complacent.

Bebe, same goes for you,

And your presentation this week

Did not measure up.

In a moment, one of you will be

Asked to sashay away.

I've consulted with the judges,

But the final decision

Is mine to make.

This is your last chance to

Impress me and save yourself

From elimination.

The time has come for you

To lip sync for your life.

Good luck, and don't f*ck it up.

- ♪ Oh, hey, yeah ♪

♪ Hush, just stop ♪

♪ There's nothing you can do

Or say ♪

♪ Baby, I've had enough ♪

♪ I'm not your property

As from today ♪

- I come from a family

With a lot of dignity,

And we've always learned how to

Grow and be able to be strong

And fight.

If I get eliminated today,

It shouldn't be because

I did not put my best out there.

- ♪ Stronger than yesterday ♪

♪ Now it's nothing buy my way ♪

♪ My loneliness

Ain't k*lling me no more ♪

♪ I am stronger ♪

♪ Come on, now ♪

♪ Oh, yeah, here I go,

On my own ♪

♪ I don't need nobody,

Better off alone ♪

♪ Here I go, on my own now ♪

- There's no need for me to go

Crazy and do cartwheels and

Tumbles all over the stage.

That's not who I am

As a performer.

- ♪ Here I go ♪

♪ Stronger than yesterday ♪

♪ And it's nothing but my way ♪

♪ My loneliness

Ain't k*lling me no more ♪

♪ No more ♪

♪ I am stronger ♪

- [Cheering]


- Yes!

- Woo!

- I...

Have to excuse myself


Because this decision

Is too difficult.

I need a moment alone.

Excuse me, ladies.

- It just caught me off guard.

I was like, wow.

I could not believe this.

- That totally, like, threw me

By surprise.

- I don't know what

My feelings are

Because I feel that rupaul

Made a really bad decision

By letting rebecca stay.

- [Sighs]


Are you ladies ready?

I've made my decision.

Bebe, you brought

To your performance tonight

A fire and a hunger

That I haven't seen before.

And you did something

I didn't think was possible.

You outshined ongina.

Shante, you stay.

- Good job.

You deserve it.

I love you, too.

You deserve it.

- Ongina,

The first time I saw you,

I thought you could walk away

With this competition.

You know why?

Because you are a winner, baby.

- Thank you.

- And I know you'll take that

With you wherever you go.

Though this breaks my heart

To say, sashay away.

- I'm disappointed with myself,

But at the same time, really

Happy with what has happened.

I made it to the final 5.

I didn't make it to the final 4,

But ongina is gonna keep going.

- Laughter through tears,

My dears.

This contest will make us



I'll see you all next week.

And remember,

If you can't love yourself,

How in the hell are you

Gonna love somebody else?

Can I get a amen in here?

- Amen!

- All right.

Let the music play.

- ♪ Cover girl ♪

♪ Put the bass in your walk ♪

♪ Head to toe,

Let your whole body talk ♪

♪ Cover girl,

Put the bass in your walk ♪

- [Laughter]
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